The Herald, 1902-11-14, Page 7. I , I I 11 .. . il.. .1. ... i %� riffl? i, , " x , .. � , I I king of cre&tures, qx�edllX destroy In Woman all title trace.;i, of those good qualities. with which, in deference to , tile post&, we will concede her to 11a,ve been originally endowed." "I know nottang a4clat that," said I bluntly, ,"but If Ba)piolo Eilmer has been anything short (Af a perfectly true-Ilearted wl4p I w4l stake my solemin oath tllcf,�t she has been h4rnessed to a, dnatiled bad bug- band.11 I Was 0010 and wet with overmas- tertlig indt nation, or I should not have warted., out my opinion tie coarsely. Fabian was on, fire direct- ly . +, I 1. 11 All play Ilim aomething," and lie pifolled her off a,n(I left the room. She ta,riled to we with a smiling , I . Slirlig of the shoulders, . and said play�- 1`1111Y, "See What It Is to be a down- trodden w1fe," Vien, leading the Way into the drawing -room, and Seating herself at the piano, she dashed Into a llvely*waltz air, But It suddenly occurred to me that she , was Possessed with some strange fear of being alone with me, and this idea broke the spell of her brilliant manner, and reduced me to shy and stupid silence. - I -.w====Oo--,%**=C==C===O0000c!�==#--000wlmofto" I . I I I I HOG GHOLERA—ITS PREVENTION - .. I I . a . AND CUM c�*00="**"**GCKMW40060000=000000-.Ow"coco*co�,�p$o-w , Department: of Agriculture, Ot- The disposal of manure from" In!" t4Wa. Oct. 80. -It is regrettable feeted bog pens is, a. f.reqjileat a0urQQ[ that hog cholera Is prevalent, again of infection. The bacilli of h019 .1 In isome, of the locations In whiell ohoteral will live In -water from tWOs' it bad, previously existed to thle West- to four morortbe, and in manure tll!�Tj era peninsula of Ontario, especially will live for an Indefinite perlts� in tile coointy or Kent, . varying according to the ac,as0u� Rag cholera is a disease thfat can During the prevalence of thla disea0a, 1%. A-A4 ­+.A -A 44- 4 + A 4-t &I, -I,- 1.17 I, r- It col-, I 1,.�, . .0 ILL ag WLLILA ILLS an , CHAPTP311 XlX I I - . .V .4 — � .. l, manure, - � ­­ 17 I glaring with ills eyes, In 1110 old Ion- prevented, if Interested parties lected from the piggeries and ,at on;00 - . 4-i-4- , PUISIVe style. I had sat dow,% in a low'chair near would but carry out the means sug- mi -sed with newly dacked lime, and 7 "Do you meaki to accuse me of tell- the Piano, and I remained looking at gasted tit, the bulletins and regula. removed Ill water -tight wagoa boX00 tio; You lies? Do you mea.al to in- M, rug under my feet as my I . iostess tiove Issued by the Dominion De. to an inalozed yard, to which. none Or sinuate that I have not treated your Went On Playing one bright piec�e af- paxtwent of Agriculture for their the animals on. the fa,rm have acce,11fo ' . Ward as a gentleman should treat ter another 'with scarcely. a paUse benef it, There is no athler disemee- This is the more neco6sary On. me- - - - Ills Wife, especially when she Is the between. scy extremely nontagioma and In- count of the Imposalbi)tty of disintect.' ,� - ____ � I adopted daughter of his best friend? "I know very well," she said at fectloua; 'and it call be conveyed to Ing the ba�n-yard or manure pile DO You think I should doxe to look 1 , healthly swine In an endless number during ]lot weather, or so loiig 'aa , ast "that Yolh ilon't care forany of of ways, both, by dircet contact and frost lasts. Whea used It should be V40 C:�IV You In tile faice it I had failed in MY this mulsic a bit, b1lall call It rub- Intermediary agent,9, buildings, rail- Ploughed in -not spread as a top dreas- 11,40 duty towards her ?11 bisb', and affect to despise it, JU-st as C�ICD ' you- were one of the loo wnys, platforms, wagons, crat,L,�g, Ing. Avoid the careless custom, of + — '4* r a"blbf I a innioln they do high -heeled boots, daln Y I of humanity, you despise so t clothing, bootri of attendants, and t lrowing it into a common Pile, Int r . millinery, and Jots of other pretty tile like. the barn -yard over which all classes much I Should tell you you had frivolouB tllllxgs.Iv . loe". ii_ failed In your duty very much. As The farmer .lzyouia beware of quack of stock root and trample it downi..,� 7 You belong ,to a Zlique, -,vilich con- "I don't despise it, I assure you. It medlolneo, whith- are worse, If posel- I for this Is one of the means by willobi 4�(* sidera itself above such rules, I tell Is yery inspiriting, at least -it would Me, than tile dii,ease, and frequrantly thet divease is I I ,t L U'L V E 9 S' E X I L RL' 0 40 You frankly that art wouldn't sur- chime in well with one's feelings if lead him to commit the , gro4;aost Perpetuated and Extended. - - 'r a. Jolt If you did neglect her, One were In high Spirits." .4 U breach pos.f.dble of quarantine regu- Mo aLaclIll adhere to the hair 4- )Ko� I . J while this poor child does; andthat great Moral deterioration. But lie- lations in failing to report to thel the legs or tile horses and cattleo � --u �4, 40 .& C14 .6. S:�; -&- 4.. �t. 'tr. t14 qgp, 0,TP 4'. V.,) 'if you were to act like Garripk, tell--" Government tile existenrie of conta- I a.nd by them, are conveyed ter thek �X write like Shakespeare, and paint Silo broke off in a, gavotte she was gious disease in ilia Stock, allowing! streams or rivers, at v�loicbs tbeyJ �+ VV 1"kko like Raphael, it wouldn't excuse piay"'K and Sang "Auld Robin Urey" tli:� disease to attalok his entire :, drink, rendering the water 113feQ4. A keen sensation of Something, pale, sad -looking lady suddenly at- You for the change between your so that' cvery note seemed to strik;- herd, and by dizpo�Aag of only par- tive to Ogs miles distant. . which I regret to say wasi not wholly tracted my attention. I raised my wife on her wedding day, and your on my heart. In the old time among tially r(novetea pigs to lieighbor.-3, Sick pigs if allowed to rora;m, in-thO disappointment, Shot through me as glasses again in consternation ; for, wire to-niglit." tile bills Bablole used to sing it to epreading the disease and causing barnyard. and to root into stackR I perceived that, so far from having changed as ,uhe was, with all her "You are very severe,' said Fab- me, In & wild, Sweet, bird -like voice , Serious Loss to Others. Of hay or itraw, render complete& acquired any touch, of the comfortable pretty color faded, the bright light ian, who was shaknip; 'with excite- that thrilled and charmed me, anu In hog cholera, "prevention is bet- disinfection Impossible. . and commonplace which is tile out- gone [ruin her eyes, the soft outlines ment and passion. -IT youl are made me call her my little tame ter than cure.11 Piggerles should have Independenfil , I .Ward and visible sign of an Inward of her little face altered and sharp- really so lost to a man's common nightingale; but the song I beard Evc.ry breeder or feeder of pigs Yards, which Should be large, with domestic tranquility, Fabian was Oned, there was now no possibility of sense as to take it for granted al- now was not Ille same, Lbere was'a Ought to arrange his premises No a single slope and exposure, and leaner, more )laggard than ever. He mistaking the melancholy and listless ready that the fault is all oil one new ring in tile pathos; a plaintive that he can dii iue them irito prrleztly they §hould be plac,�d at some dis. had grown more petulant and irrita- lady who Was atilt absorbing the at- side, You must pardoo me If I set cry that seemed to reach my very Isolated piggeries, so that 11 disease tance from the barn -yard. ble, too, as I gathered from hit, tentiOn of the clever-lookIng man be- your remarks down to the ravings soul ; and I listened holding my be Introcluced to one lot the others I Orchards or small sized fields annoyance with a )arge and lively side her for any other than my old or Infatuation." breatb� I # . I should be ,Q may be preserved through isolation. I Rouglisd after being party 3f very well-dressed people PuPll- I . There was a pause. This thrust 11"llelt the last note was touched on Breeders and owners would grea I fr,eely c6vered with lime. I . .who sax In one of the boxes nearest Through the remaining two acts of told, for indeed a great wave of tile Piallo, I raised my head With an eerre their own interest lla� I Clean AlI Lanes. tue stage, and who, without trans- the piece I scarcely dared to look at bitter and passionate regret at the effort aaLl looked Il;t her, al- ing it. separate pen as a quarantine Lanes and fences should be clean- gressing such lax bon(ja of good her; everything 'seemed to Indicate loss beyond recall of illy pretty most ONpecting, I believe, to pen for probationary detention of till ed in the same manner as the Yard, breeding as usually control tile occu- the total failure of the match I had witch. of the hills was drowning my see tile tea-rs In her eyes. She new purclutfre�-;', lit wbl.ili they -would' and the ground rails of the fencest pants of stalls and Wxos, evidently made. I wanted to escape for that calmer reason and maklnv. me was looking at me curiously, with be kept for Ll, few weeks to Make re I Should be burned. * I tound more entertainment In each night a,nW furtligr Indictment than my. rude and savage bL-YoIld en- a very still race of grave Inquiry, As that they are free from diaeusll!u Tile clothing of ail persons who other than in the people on the fears brought against me, buV, I was' durance. We Ilad just sell- she met my gaze title luuked down When the di.oase baig been lwtr,o-I have been attending to or engaged I stage. Scarcely outside the thi-aire after the control enough to remain at-Ithe keys, and began another waltz. duce,t) and (Woovered In a herd lm- I In killing and burosing the hogs should� performance When ii, hand was laid ,gilent for tile remaining re MIXL- Don't play any more," I saki, mediate uot:ce eliould be given to tile a be LoLed, and their buots tliorougl,13�, I glanced up at tile box, following upo, nix shoulder In tile, crowd, and Irtes Of the drive, both quakiwng with tly. who will I cleaved and soaked in a olu o of Instinctively the dirlveti,ni of rub- "b"1111 lan's eye!" and saw all ugly but, cle- Fabian, who had hurried round to rage, and both- i4l,liam,N1, I or lily eX- Sit" StOPI)CA and Seeming for a mn- Xinititer of Agriculture, E ti n ver -looking meet me, let] me back lutu the build- ment cause ail Investigation to be made, v cart;,olte aeld iii thc� proportion of one J�Ylo-, and, if tile disease be found to be � Part Of carbulic aCid to Ildroty partel U lions IitN, I hope, of tile lanteacas rather embarrakase(l, began to , young man very much oe- Ing amd presented me to his wife. The Its turn over the- leave's (it a pile of I,O,W Icupled WWI a pale, ead-faced lady; .young ftellow- had heen so devoted in explanatious. 'Elio hansom . , cliolern. quaran'd-io wIll be estab. � of watur. The lj;�ruls buldiliges rences, two very young nwa and two other the CtOl)ped at the mansions, uu, the third ­13hic an a chair besidt� IltIr. Itshed, the actually dloeast,,d p.,gs IM_ ant) othf.r perain'tAclit struatures ,.Vltlf� bux was with tier still tog 'ther floor of ono of which, Mr. itud Mrs. * You have learn L to sing, I sup- media.tely slaughtured anti the car- which dhiLohea fugh have cOme In, ladles, both with the dead -white com- with one ol the la.dies In biack.erab- po.;p", I sak.I quILAIT. 1IyuU klloNv I C= lexluns and black dreazes, which 8cott lived. I Jumped out first. ca,80's burned, or d buried witlilcontact thould, -when possiirle� be been of late Ex. popular with the ia.nlcT manner t) me was as emphati- ralseti my but, atul. excutsing inviell am .1 GOth in mubdeal matters, but J line ; all contact lwg`s�111`7111 also be till- thorouglily (touched with steam orl a a as ever, ant) showed no coldly and formally, Was hur�ylng call till Itl4at.11 medlately Slaughtered; if, on po,it- boiling watcr, terabbeil with a rough lrxlr world allil Its Imi.atora, formed C�,!'.".t2,'))'J'a' grIevance against me; alvay', When Fabian, regard "Alid, of Lourse, ing -to , the r"t el the wcupa-lts. leas of the morteno. examination, the careasea i brush, and then given a coating 'of . .1 t but MblolWa was utterly elialiged. cablimin, who thought it wa.i a4dodg(,, tell tile that my dresh 1111tuturett vrice itro found froo fr(klu (lig2ingle, thi-y � Iline wa4i, to evi-iry fire gallons of Befure tile ond cof the first Econe She wz" talkint; to her companion f(Illowe ;k*X which Ile Was ellsaxed Fablan had an:1 114111001,41 'I, . 0 a 0 a When silo eaught sight, ol Tue. all I afWr bim. ,lie ga'I'l, Sweeter milt -le th,,til ally hinging i�ny be w-ithl for pirk. otheruise tbeyl ! Which a Pound I Coo racreial carb 11 recogwilz(A MCI, and In tile IsauRe be- I at M run, put Ilia arito through labilvo '1itill. I know you are atierlbing alro Wilt be buriiod. Indrianity being � .1.eld line Won added, By aid of a I pas.;N14 througli the swinging doors my elginge, of t:1-ite, III lunslk� to In, pald for thogo a ' 1 eprayltig pump, cracks antl cornera Uvetlu tho actu a it,,Ao Trt,l him waa with. tier buiblind, a..u%l olvado my way txn4 draggod one IN-ItIlt: agaill. etually 1110mased to broul;ILL to alo by oII4.% (it tile c4tten- I I "Van't. quarrel witit ,ion, Ilarry," lie Ma8ter could prodtivs-." sho Luald, with 1�o, extent of ont-tbird, of their value : =-'Y be reaclic,d better than by the . toward her amour, tho footmen and tit asontidle lJVt,ljn4-R8, da-uts at4dtq; mo to "go and spoalc I pluell-colveloped I,ultea. Tito wt�rqls title loatil afft,ptlonatolv. ­.4ny it'a all Tlo��111,:1!11. I am nol. Ytlir Anging beforo tlivy bic-mi, 01peaged, and for � t*rusll. Tb Up effictivk, It reglutrea to to rktblo.le, aild to colut, bome to bill)- lily fault If you Ida-, but bear both anima.19 In contart threo-quarterst of; bo Ono most thoroughly. Aftert Nran uttering suddonly, frozo t&n 1wr t utIt only strur.h. me as lls,-Ing their valuo, Cle3ut-1119 and disinfectlail exposo - Pt%r with 11wril.11 filsso and tile Inot vostigo of color left hideR first. Como Ill, t�,)Illo In I tell =1111y I.ItItter t1tall I*. Used to ill. EvI,ry ift on the farm � I ho prt-lillsos to c,u,..1Jgjlt and rdor free- L:poak to Itablolo! Why. then, elle hor lxtle, face as it nt, &mlo uighu at 2voll." Must lt�, R;IUNI anXtho preloilres. mu4 be in t1w the,a,tre! 1 g.bt up fri-no a lauz�it-l.%lllfl pollit of vl�kjv, blit I ly for abont, tlwv#� montbe before and lx�erod awtit with my glasses; least its horriblo as unoxpleted. Be- A11.1 havla,,�, plivii vent to Illia feel- It e.%jtriV,1L41 tile ISMIL-Moillit III ill- Thortsti-ghly Isish-treoted. ' Ill. eing I�Igs Ill thk mh again. Mile I reachod her ehe had recovered lng�; In a ItI34-y (if oikillils'llt Ubu3e, tolr I I W1.11 & %ijqdllo,.�� tll.tt ,�ausk!d before, all WC-1)(TtOr call IE;�Me an In- �, VIAtIng bliniZI bv eurta iled as much but th�)u:;Io I ekouhl seo v-�Zll into ev- lite,raolf, howpv�Ir. lutA was helding loul; to th4l Alt�utiug cahnialL. 110 t0s"(41 noe ooe;lto Pain." dealuity, certildeate. which muct be � Its ' try Isaxt. 4_1 t1lo hexa,je, I could dlK- Ise, hand, not Indoed with the vid - ­. - I pot.60*.p whab the &seftse exists — I kad rlipit, Irma my Sent, Mold tiecompallit-1 I)y corthleatt'.1 Of PAt-' and until t1w elilaning has WOU COM- . ank plmsur(,� but With a very gra- —­—­­ ,VVa4 standing ll�v tho losank.a. I65110 1-f.to*.t)l,.V,di.l�Att(,-tlo,-I-. therearter thfI f 11otpd, bp.cmum, the alsease can, be ,etsver too one in tb-� lowa like uV jr. �__ littip w1tv-11 ef thI�k hilli. After tL 4e,J�,1?,U,'4 04411%Tntlunal wielcoluo. 3XISEMAMAU' NUGHTS ,,;h4 -t top ."t nis. #Oita 04 ItI-r 041 looko. 'Muister may ordor thol removal Of er%rriell oil tho- hw)ts. llorscs op dogoit careftil htsI)k-otb,qI, I til�ej.11,J that "Fave.y. nly 410'.1r." b4ill 1:'at'lan. — a elailTs 4.11.v nlipeal fer Indult, %he quaral'Allio. ` from n0ghboring farnis may Sh" ollust ll�� one t*f till- taret! or ftqur ..tho vill,lin ,telle(;i- , carrT IIA1+4 b-011 lot thO 4-01134trX. NVIIMI to 1)() Wilon 114%1)y 11, Fr4L tful and "lou list,se I.-arilt a grent dual slilee Th" 11,10ri'49- -11111�111119 and ba It . Indio's who were Ilidde-n. by the our- two whole dn""4 ulth.)ut thinkintr �',f h S(*'� luttv 'oil to otlut r farnr�,, artl should; Was Ist 111I. hj%o-3 In 11,11,C11 they bat. .Sleeple,�,N'. I gaw you la,st ; 3uu have bLeome th- tardl) of the, fs-�,n bh�,uld 1ho r(mio svol j, th,, rcrori�, h, fsr"hibitol from c,Intt-ring calling upon utu. T11c,,o suvalthin wa3,'s ateomitholivIl. fasvitiating, woman I., and any loas.,i laards with Which U10 �lho prembive. T�ac�re Is im otll.pr Vol'. 10 thiv bAlef I hat% rf-.,um44 my seat talust be jbUIOAl,-tg ulum thp tqrut, 1I.10 It I,; wrour, to tak,,� up a %val."tu, wals 31)Ut anoishi'lli to int'. I have, hogo, Ilavo 1!1.111- 1:1 emitaet burneltl.! t.1glont; ills;f-liti., of wj()rzo ,�,,�, I , otvtwala Milli JXhi'll 1114 tht!! b(NiV011. Wilf"ll, JUNt I isrimmineo thomforp tilat ho hi! hu- lutj�y frol" tho eratillh 4nd tval% it -Inver met any,osno- More ninw,fti�r," 71to curf%ee, v,iKh or vcra�ol of tho tb.�t rr�q,,qr#,.,'.3 fin.- �Z,.j k, -i-' �_�til,;X 6a nt; tho curtain w,.,? rs�-iw", upcm tho 1ut,4Ltf'Iy evitell alal earried ofi to uls, and down tio- fitiur till nti,-ht. It "t, tile t, 41-1. Niou'l.". ; "I IlAve tu;- 1)"%o alifl ,nitl,�I,�, Atty'lld Dr. rormote'l i;�eh 1) nAistent ,.j*o­opPr"`�,1Lqfin Z*- nv%t net. unil I rjunt!4-tl ills 4;,tgaln at � w,piwil." dvftu��alillpa tho Infant all'i 'maslaves filadell��t." to M, dqqstl; of oh hit-ho.4, frohly cov. ; tw,f?L�,t tlaf, #I ,. �41&j t!�e ��o Mo I"-lol-le 1who 11.0 v%eiti-4 I*ablair's antistUoll. I Luppo'No." Fstr PrVVI uWa fall-w1v !-Iael.�.J U1110., .8111 , nfh�,,Jft V4,tt I;J:,tT4 - � Vq,r (I. 57rath. ko, looti. a tit 41 I tilent of the I lircst4vto.1 thut I was tim Vrol to I til". lenmt.,. llaby dw!; not IN.V top a rew lillisalitlIN Mw. retalained 1411ti.y . f 'rin.ir,V Ot�t�p,p­rj,l IL 14 rk #it) all,%tillng but hill avIn-Ln. t ;03 11111 tit tho tlllll,�N it t-1.10,; II!,vall"'w ,with t1irl, leavvs of Uw inw.lo, while I r4P(!- �votrvtl v. i t It roAt varth und o sA,�,tagt,I, ,tjlst Vml.mtt "ad m",!st not bix - 1INVvil. .f,gsd e:1411 fall UsIviv at our .!"oln ffravvl. 111irlt'I tvAll. ____� ___ it it; not will -P ,rady ll�vatiso its still w.AC-JlIQ 11,r. aall mAleed lio%v' rbco JuHt a-3 woll n-; at ",_!Urs All's I �'tmanullo h; hucal. 5�s lukon, bznvs 6 tile 14"11110., 110, altio.,l�, r4,01 hantli of the, . lftl,-, *; t'l f : �1� I 'a 4 a 0 t , 41, . . � I I a , I j R -� An , a —sl +h. I - ­ . - . - ­ ­ ­ - --1 ­­ . 1-1 __ .- ­ ­ I I - .__ __ __­ ­-, 11 ; C01fl-VSt1hA 10'a uWfl IHA �Aft I fPW"iNt, — - # 4 4 Wl,ath jillo a � .1 4 1 I AM4 P ,- . . - .. .1 U OL�11 M I'Ll � - - 6 4 I . I tur Ove2t there. %ve"%c ln,I.nt.�", ti", rU4 in, ,'�, RrM�Vfit It A�� r,1,ll.!4 I,f th'o 4' , A if 1 P12 It I 11 ff b".1 ULM "' " In al,,l it *"'ill .4 --lo ,911 nlr,ht. sleadvr i0i L4. Aun '4140D %ve aml beigil the b ��v rv)r ..I ur,( rver,v llh��Ut nlos%lyl�l !41�511!�, 'a- On plo- D.U41Z... Then g�lj-') lvanvt fQ-r%lri1rq1 TINVIr — thalqw�*.** 1, lort'"ol. ju�t It1at I1,""..1V0,8_; oaord i� 110 . 'AM. . .4 zs V 11, 1, . l.n I a 4a, A enrt�,,TIA� .11,' I­Tlauoutt,i, It"ll awAill., kinal o`f ..cv'l.�� I-ld ht .l. 1pttzi- from 'Xi,4, N� .1 Avllt�l (111, .t.s,u fil.g. bt-t the littittil 'N'r- J0!;QP11 Ro�_ht!tte Rc'le2scd Fei,tt','hat I cos.,4Xt d4.1 Cu � L I h"ki, o � vland(. r4i Mic, n bug-twong. t�.hl %. ,%­. Rz,ll) &-ay-,. wild gOri uh;n-va llt�n ml, I ts lv­eb. er 11 Froin klleu-11.16-imn l4i'mAnMilout at-,* I'll vatalaot &a.4, 410 l'unei'. na ta%or eq, the tice"Vinpaim-'40.1 sll oila% ,.1.92 � nwww"i � I ?%, _-.- , V" tit 41 .44-1 *1 vl,%i, U-tk- Z-;%,UT4 It Baby o ot� u *0�441,ts� . .Vvpu 71, — - I Ic 4 150v 1!'Ii�'1�11: all. A Dlr,,& exen%-lm wa,li- wi%�,ldlir,n vldiu.v V1 9DO k. � a I L- �4 lr-.`Haz ral V'r, "I Dirv. thf-aa It *1 Do, iin f v g, t. r.� a k15 . - . LJ 0 �"toj',�P'�t I f n' 'V.'j,J%-." I� J'A141 0!,t i",JtL�t%[.� 1 4 t 11 butrevird %tueh Agoasi. tlg,�l AlgluAllit. h1QCruJ1nNQV. o. _', -�.­ ou I �vor,% ita, bl,�' Who IA-za-4 V(TY V- �,Vll­s I I t _ .n " - ' I - - . V4�N 11. andllicisn c-ngth L.I.11 Him ruzusu 3 Moltit0lillpt. V, ­a 4u�.iD clic,ep Ilaby's Own 'TaNets, Oor�_,,!a 1pron,;,M fac"_l, I,AD'. ­T,�. iei i,:-1 tht�. �Vrlth MvTe Ilou AL -11e. hat �.t�,,u otilt-A Ebult, qmttl?t siv-P a" .D. ,I rost. I -n"l,-, ?i nvver , now flaol, it Ploard t,y� ty"416w, iLA Uno % -11,91w lbot, biadlarNoffi-rejr_-�. u."In %�t'. f ?,e V.."Ahout .m lox tivl'Al" I have, a 1 I love- thil, m" D1r,vZ,- V. U` tlic, Eh".D�l � ­TW,g +011 brileu. Mr. 2%ltrulle wAl"', ball -.v." 1; o b.vN ol., p T z 00r,�,4 esm- a4l LIK whop uf,ud tv�q �-iz Ilkj� w�', e4LO.907. * etd.y tjlt,';l�e� T440 Dtnv�? 6urlered .VW,.a In -1 Tjlill.!4t 2& th, ug. lubieu,,:, �-wbo I ro�,nua. .Xml to'.., vot h, tto rta, A. ntku ,anke one, qD_,htli nsv.-Au .4 W-py 1% frcylm tfto,", J4�!`�,'.'- q4fTE1jI--iu.J�QtISLfl1 %--now .. U,,)V, �F.I­Aut_44 M tll;r are guarautv'e� t1,,D contam uc op', q.tt, Baas 'OTIT0. uhljo tu,ag a .1 - Ds,- -.ca b.7 tja� _",rnr-_, uAth '%`�t �1'1 10Jt1V1b%D"n. *,far 'V�-. �, �pl is 4-4ZI.,ug iiltz� Co. rwmraltul olfrto;!�. leilui, v arc F'"Id �-'nr_w li,stened t, 3 rae� ,.,, h lote. I Mo I do , homv tUueh agon,v tho,, su6lerev Dins � With =r.11 at _115 r_('mU; a b,il Illy aa �1­alelta. -nle lmv un nol =_Az�,�,,Iz a"lanzaft i 42 tula: �- to ��Ivllurv. T�k,, symptowqs� - 1740ik�4'4. wt�o h,t�j iv,,a unf,y or ,vo,i van rzet uunu by tn:rg- atoiA 9"RvIno: alaEq I Etave ., p;.,,, V und admi 011'ehl v;n".. but ara�,9,1;: thena %t.;,JI 1, c", 01A -y A vit to Mrs. q."apel. �, I'a-P, by %rAting* ,direet lo Uo. Dr- "lon fqc_�r tile priu'twv, Iaoty ivhotL ' � 'bi� roz=4 aeate. pa.'ra, On t1w alu- �i th- kidy Ll Uaek "01�1"'T.ed atmqvv-45, bm MUNID;,�' NI, �1,-Inu- Vo.. I1.r43vk%BIIq% ,-�Jent to -115!40 '1,.r th:.� G`r�-t Unig". elc.s :Luad ,�isalts, Ut.". latter rsolwy-, kad to nrllul­,�,;�d? In thus,? larralt�..'*41- 010t., or ,,- to l"'getauly. 7%. Y. -1 Ulne,o lnu, Do .4%lillea. At thaes tiag. � lai;Iat" , , . Ad17nim,,Iq9ri:* .&�­ rc-peated s� we 1;aw tvol ku"b's Into tbip wcrd In or, 1�,%r Vo.�.eio rathel? 6ro patient is urmlyle to dye's hllns�.qf, brougho-on, rab:all gavf� a epurt gocd- - . , � . - � ­ .. . fully, tQ.0q3A0.2g 1,110 kolys 4, f the pi and th- 45,_-Irtest Jarring, -.�oulldag- lafght to the cicv�r-loohlnq .young Pint h2a taro anA ICA 1,0ni, iatol the UiJgl;tly, an D hy�,king nt ni,,� Witl gravaies the ptlia. Lha5noemts and Mari, anti tken %ve jul-ped Into a jLjor"&e. onreary ,qnT-i Then Oslo, tarned Outward appliva-tiow. caullot pas- han_,om and drove, towara Da.w9va- Cur;oust.y enough. thc vnsot�qin gicad away. trit not. ,qa1v&9.yv enou * SIbhy euvc i�lq-unr,-th,rn; it must be ter. Whteh setmed to cla,"ke nr� -.is , t R-10 ner es7fks were frola Ine that , � trealled I'lilvough the blood, and I eonroiqs I wIWNn1 Tilyself ;&t tile EA0011 01-3t- `iJ9 W't'X tcar�'-. Other end of the world. v�a E­� , monated the "alr.i .anti tor tha" p"ll-puse there is 130 M-'�dl- - s , "Illy as 81de the dr -yr of r,aW1oI6'-; horm-, ffls- A grcal thr'19 o�', i4tv nud tond I W-gan to th'_nk tLat, wifflo no.v 'th Olne %'vt ,(&C-0Vc-'ri--,1 ewn p4nal Dr- ,-losimss trrtl�;`Ily wa4, Iv * appcar4d V--ldirt4y w, Ryon as the 2211= for .lr F�,.rlclrzi caul thun 6 ' It '"""Ous " V revealed d-eiv me nt�arer vninvi),.- vink nm;. wben oven a or my sw. .;. - r 4P I ' .� ty. my Nv�t lvas chiefly floor tras op:lncil t" a,�hnit ti F0 ' fair trial these plils never , fail to i Ictuate - t'� i"er. and I.sald, leaning towards, - . ,d 1.1 Ms obstillate ho,s�Aaj� there, s,tawling in the little entrance - cure even thz! most stubborit case-, - hall. at the olwn door of the draw- IlAtlf-, belldhig figrlre. fty by the d�,Are to show tiont he . lot rbeamati>7rio. Mr. Jos. lloebette, � bon 11�� ingrooni was tile Atilt lkik' lady WWI r -did not mean to Pala yon, B : hare insl ro mah're. Von,. w 'd �,-;�Ap. you le.annot think that. ea a wela-L-Ric,tw1i raskleut of &L Jer- cong-tatulatc-A ine on bp�ug �Allj a fleasant ectivcutiowd n3anur-rs. aIr Lerview ,.V�th a ln.,,jgID14_N1_ I tile pretf,�- little invanho :#t4r you as? I uspA 'to do, as Ill 2vou *Me, (.�uo., I:,% till On' I beeMor, It was hi sarla .1 gless h1ugh reporter of VAvk�nlr da Niord. offers: wous tone tk,at I foand nvoysl,Df ror,eed Of a d .4'Ll. to plpase. We foDtVWerA tve,fmn My q)Nvll Cldjj, I lin-ve lo% -t' 'Williarn;4 Pink P -3d, In Cases of "this �� to e.-x-pres's r% hopp U.nt Doe 1, Ir 'ror zm,u poly - s, ir-a ,It 11'r into tiva room. which was elmrra- .rorog; vrltmf "T tile value of Dr. Teeling . , vuvy� me My frf�elbrint� ing4v rvrnls,,,.�ed. lighted by eo"OrvQl (To be Contlnueil.� ,kind. 11r. Ro�.laette -�ays. "For near- l, . t9 No, 14 4 it ?,.-,% *I- � �R t *1 r 1. r D", It "or Ott hww in an It,,* Arater , It U�tb- At V ­w end of tiant, tim,�'draift , gln4 W�Z-�., IDx"m dvv. I-c)r tho filling: vinl� MO % & C-L"DIJIL21 'tit finviv.ehopped J1 claw%en, a EpaspoonVID ;f minced IS' P.,lrsbloy. 0, V,a�a�otq3ful ot onson, �1, Stole'". on't ll',"; milk. ­ � , istiar 191 tt�" ,L;Il�4��_._'q,:Q�Ont_fl_-i of foojr, Ige Df9t it V�JU;� to a VAD a'nol t,ttr m ` . Urni � Me tG,,,L,o4 tnt tEdre-"I eggt�. ra.-Movo , - nigi, from d'a"? ft�,c mir""I Tell OLD the StUrtr �,,��o, kente-n z1b,jt,r­. Pour -Mo W"'uture �Dr, i Into the s�keZDF. ituvv,r vith Uattertd eru=b�. al-,,& Zmko uniUa Ibir,3v;m and .1;;-, .. t4alo�zk­��, Y. Trxllur�?. �oftl : b I . 1,1 — I �'.t � I Zllwwte 1 ��.nlr,s.-r"�'l tt,�M qwtq- pq.*� tal.v of re,R�l,h 'urat �Utd be re. J QUWC`D- C-4-1r2giU4 t10 %,vat#,r oneo rl V 1,, I 'i 0", j, that It insly not bla tots salt. IVII116 " �, the fiAl Is hot, plek ."". very flatels so titat It will ba roathery. It can. not be done finf,- c,nnag�j wr,11 ris J rt, ?ork, nnd r-�ieu.'�I bp plek-ed by I -�� ban�!. At tLp same time havc* hot ; flo I 1olled potatees rea6y, ma*:111 theift Vm, 11[o1O7009Du1y* and make thetnereanly, w1ifl. IBM antl a gcod�Azt-a lamp i of battcv. To three eupfuls of' lctu 1, =a!FhC1 J�atatael; take one at& of �, ond-ba2f, Cupfuls of flah , tile fith tud I t�llouv,:l not bo Packed down. Beat �ta 9 one -ega lightly --r,d stir into tha, IozhPir . Ingrediptits. ana season to tas.te. Beat the on`mture well to- t,.o-L , ge"her and rintil Ught. them mold , II b,, "Ing at- � nto smil alls. bandl � Fght- 12-_ attl EpTorp frz4ng roll thit! ball* 15on � , ,,U- , In I'mur. Fry "I'Lera In sraolfta� hot I a �� t�t untSl a goDd color. I I mast 1.01 S. -!,.y ,LL'.A1 I V,.M SaIL-11 INN ,�, 4- engral ngq u - u . �1 ly th?ce .ve�irs I ivas a great ssuf- � - ___ - _� ftuv,. 5--11-,�U-.1l­--.,;­.-,-7r-4,l!r 11 � =ff 01 lomfia, . ferel. Trona rivum-Mism. Tiw plMii,wIth mare wagam.,am'.A.v thara ever- niihAtess IT the hon.se Was ver.� Clong Aner thl. 1,01's"IcAlt, rik"s and Sall. coo.lr_� for -10 WIL-�4_ . - i� seemed, ait umes to affect every I "Sttll, I*, is but fraak, tQ4 u'v'rn V:at prw.,4. It"Ap was so livq.ly and bright. Vhte,-400 Nev'p. , No llow About n Itow. . parsonal expr-rleaei! v.11 marrhag-a ha-, vr:Uelsod Vie plr�ce lit v.-ble*h her hl -is- Th"eken wilth a ticz­Paon m ,4* J. ,� 1. . , . - __ int, and -,h,, vgonv I endured was' "Sdy� Carholl. 4o, yon remi�mb�T,r i 1, P, :.!2e�D�1!_Zme;�. J0 I cornstn-.eii vret its a. Utt:e lrh�­ , , 4 . -- eeolvieziori:F In. band was lslla,�in- ,4) n-mmerclTuNgy. 47 1, ti- 'I couid, i�caree. i *�onf[Tnoed iny prev4au, , - , "T.'r--t Z,20 row-;, ls�.,n VU8 proft3t terrible. ;Sz.�m. mes stead of revirr-Ing til.,Prn. Un ,q�Lc,rt. to and saM sa inany vvitty ani ininsIng; ' -iring our engagi-naent, I uaed tol wa*,(r. k5jrve o4a toast. �' q'IrO. ly move abaut, and W41,14 unfitted , V0,41i I -vviuk a V,aoiol so -Nellies little i I it I afleatt-d ony " put it piainly. I foarld z.-)jq-i aftvp In.,; thong dqarjug ��qqsver. that I fcwg * --- "Satt It WOZ213 vithZr ro-, . ,f� , at IV sald for work. 'fit,? tronlik all man ill 'my JuCJI4'�iaaj I"ab- , ill 11r.,. &,.ott. all oniy 1,ardo vv(XIN. rign over live ?, 11 Appetite ft�al In tilis way ray wealc- - M.=rlage, as Ui '01.6 .�J .,Vjrj;; "Mit'vo I ,00:, 't To --yve cz4`i!k,,,­a �souffte In -,,��, 'o'P. ner or latr-r V ,1, I hziA to reeallr�d, to a, remembranea of her "Weil, r.c-,nr tNtt wo a" marrhN3 1 etisrs. rpurwe a slit. * must sov, . 0 fro.La - �., - -%Tin. (Ion't 1if 1119 h�lve a row"', � and Illy condition 1 ehoose TW.4,X,n-e;I belu" I"'y w4r#'*`1 �' Plltit.v kv an,clecas.,lonal c#--.;V;Vl 0- , stow r,gll (of it,"Oo p'-pper; (..,"!'��-a ll I -Ti -o hav,-, a rov� c,%ppase vve ro,w 1-c-caine wol-e doplorab!�-. I tr;ed .&' .d , I reel like a 1�4ana." I . a, red kind will do " to-cAlraer. =-,,m we can both ratt otturabPr of remvdle,z, but n�ihlng 1 Ideal of a good :,ZIA)and ar iny q�wn a -,021P 1C t spen � Of Qfl vo; !114, grc-pn e, ' ' - e. If I hadl.�la "In what way ?" 11. c, I e : Ideal of` a ��,)jd arth;i. I found timt her in thle ther,_trL- flr�A I mi -lit ,­Zlo till �' . 1,5 row." bflpf,cl r�-"? witil 1 U-1-4 advised to ! I 1, ,.-,00,) ou', the se,, -d-; amd m-ve th � in lzave ro, 1� a good wow -un Is tw-h�a ab vxactiug ave, thol. I- wiro. - _mnp; me. — - t�-.k(,. Dr. v;;Itiarn -1 Mak P31s, and: . Ii. zgbt She was a, Implil: . .1 . ... .. ... - - - ­ I". ' ". a divi.io axt ; for vviffloI art only ,1,4. if I ijad not , - -- then relief eaniv. firada'ally the � romelubp.rild tlii;- ------- ­ ---------,------------ " - � einuaiids -d,e full and frvf- exereh,e , . 0"", t EYS '--' pains V`� ln,?�, .11.y app.. -the Improv-' roand rosy cheeks, and spnrklhip� � r— g,,zh n717A 1 4 &"* K I 0-1 I of ,your worki;,.-,, fa,ouitios in her Pyles ot the little maid of I ' 1::;"lr L_ ' ' ed and 1 Dec., m-- grea,d.v Strength- I is -1 thf. a;)- Cratg,en- _ - ser-.I,L�e, .1 'wollizu'i Insist-, darrocli. I Might have adwlmd � the ly- ened. R fire3 I had taken a. doz�n '� divided em-pirt- of your very boxes MY heald' -"d vi --Or was' thoughts; i�be nrast have a fn',Ltrue pl-qzlant delleacy eq tl�e sal,ill wi2ite S I r.uvll tril;tt I fult bctter than I didl and- partlenlar acewan" eT .vclur facc bpfore me. In v0dell the grey YOU C14N T L I before thil trouble began. I have' eyes look(d abnorujilly !arge aud — ' dreams; yon. mitist not rull, Jamil. ,act sjjje�,. 11-t,d -,tn ache or paln, .and i sneeze or cough but III ber bonor.t. dark. I feel convinced th-it Dr. Will ' iams' ' "And you chooso the art, I Imp- After enjoyin- niy;�Mf gre,ttly, Anew 1Fjy1d ot�t joy Yourself Wl,tether ior Not You are Becomin,, a Victim of Painful, Fatal , , ... III. though not (wite, unm ervf. dly, I had -lie in pope," I sald, trying not to spea - best mcdic� I Kidney D1sea80.A)r. Chase's Kidney Liver Pills. the vorld for rheurn;-Alsonull Coldly. rb,,en to tarre leave, whcmn FaMan irad- Dr. Wiffivni,e 111,21, P1118 are sold i. denly remembering tbat he tul�zome It is not ni,cessary fOr YOU to "I's"It a speziallst on kieney dlseaga to fluel out if ,.vou arer a victimor In every CIVID'e.d h.tild, and thl?lr I Ify dear boy, t really hnil no prcof,9 to send off, wilsell -,Vf,ro al- this dreadful di, -, -at Y(rar k�llne,v:; at home and satisfy yourself o- VA,s paint. ,- Ichoice. Niblole .and I vach wanted ,r_ngellicut. You call te enormous sale Is due entirely to ready overdne at a pubihsht,rIv, asked Allow sorrw� nrhw, to stand in a glass 1*r iv,�enty-Toar hours, anti it at the ,-,-,I of t1hat tirae �%I*u fincl­ their great merit as a, medicMe. i a slave; but while I dt-manded -t - a ­ � n Itom Of tbP vcs-'tel you -can bt� s--n,i, th, t your kidneys ar,% disiNasal. --It , fell w-*slavc in tht- labors or mv, If I kould ml. I walt Ung whilwi he sediniont in tile bo, The . Lo mv I' I tied correcting them. It wouldn't p,ainq in tile SmEzil of t1ho ba,ek and Suotartin!z whti� urinat6g, frequent &zAre to urimatt-, espmIally at � ,v cure such troubles as i Inis Job _� . life, this pretty little lady on] are otker'-wark-od f:ymptoms wh" !II3"ete, kidnc,y dlsnarders. Mak., thill- rheumatism. sciatica, lommotorz tak a -mintite. He had No hand n1glit, lo.�;s of flesh and streng,thl ataxia, partial paralysis, nervous wished full a human footi;too� for IZOON 191lLier wheher YOU kave any of tl'�ISO PYMIM.Oms, and if you conelude that .your kid- - n tlik-Cloor whl,Ai le,l from tile. din- test for yours -If. Cai � ' � her Pretty little feet." atoncetit) usa Dr. Masels ,Y� - Pill s. -y - lieadaell-, kidney allmOnts, neural- Ing -room in the llttl(,� den he, ealleil noyo are, (nit of order. begin, , Kidile Llvc, Is T14I will briag prompt reliet I . gia and the weaknesses that afflict "But I cannot nuderstand. Bab!- hi,q studr wli-n his wife, in almost and will thorouirlily etlt,P 11*011. 1dr - , a %p many ,women. Do not let any olo was al -way.; as subinissivp as a terror-stir'nch entreaty, rushed to- on v.Cz!oUnt of Opir di�m,t action On the k' .v,v_q Dr. Chage's Kleney Liver Pill., cure,- , llm�%nts of the kldL. - dealer persuftdc you to try Some- dog, anything you like that is gen- ward,n him and begged him to leave ners vv,h--n ord:nary khIpPY medicl-it" fail. They lhave provpn their affi(,-wv in Many titlousant-13 of cases, and : ' thing eh�e whiell he M.%Y say is tie and doelle." It till next day. � are c-mioi;ed by more pe;ple Vitan aUY othor kidney medleme extant. ,,I" -t as good.,, 9,�e that the full "My- dear Mande., at the time "I can't, Bab; they ninst go by the Mr. fi. F. 11,11.0p.,". Bolton Ireq,tre, QUe., ga�s -. '­Myr kithinys and back w:ern so bad I was vitalMe, to work ­ - or Eleep. V; -Ndtclgetup four or five timpst during th.0 -., name, "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for You sl)eak of She Was Uri = port, and 'Voit know very Well I , y urino 11g,g findiment like bwlck ,diurt. I W.uq Plamp,11,L , pale pe,cple," is on til,e Wrapper Wedded. Now Jast as tile It be Up In tinte to �10 blorn:1 oileglit. I savir Dr. C b,tsij-s Kidney -Liver Pills advf,rtIsr.A. and ,-oneludnd to give, thern it trial. On 0 &�x llaA, , , ' around e% c,*N* box. If in doubt, send botse, In lihilf:pIr 'It noble "I'll do them foZ. you", ie;ha saiti, eftmted a coninlite cure. I can 'no,,wsaww,r%xlor (10 all v Idiodor work. ,%tv kidiioysq,do not bntn,orma� 103,n noW,_. - . direct to The Dr. Williams 110ffl-fanimal, ,corrupts and (IRpraves c,very eag-orly. enjoy 41 Z00,1 '�lf�-,,). .Ind consider Dr. Chases Kidnny Dver Pills a great. boon. I was a gre-at sufferer wIth- clole Co., 'BvockviiIa. Ont.s and tTzo I ma'n 'with whoin lip comog In con -I CINT doll't t�,J.qp,­ fl,lid lipr kidn,ey dj.,;pa,,,�:� for 19 Years." ! � o, no. — Pills will b,2 no,tiled post paid, at i tact, from tho groom to the Jockey, hUsibftild, authoritatiNcly, "tak;- Mr. Dr. ,rlj�ft�i %, - � -C , 1ziw.1,1vy-1'IIlls, onetAlil a cUw�._, ,,.,�� eentg a box. at all dealorps or Ediannson, Bat*s & Co., IV*- - Wo. per box, or six boxasr Tor $2.50. 1 so does lnter­oars.� with man, the V'MIdO Into tho dr-iWag-roonor find romto,. . � , .. . , . . I I I � . k I _,_ , . � i _; I . .