HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-11-14, Page 63 I -_ �___ - -_1 - ­ 11 ---."---- I ;. MINERS PRESENT CASE 4�( T A "O THE COMMISSION, a Demands Made by M`efl afid Rea - 11 C . , ' SoflS forr Makiflg Them S-11-ated f Increase of _-0 Per Cent. In Wages and Decrease Of 20 Per Cent. in Hours on Day Workers— Categorical Statements of the Arguments for the Changes—The Question of Weighing Coal—Arguments Against the . . Exceissive Weight of tilned Ton Now In Vogue—A Long Document for the Consideration of the Arbitrators, Who Will Doubtless Call Wit- � messes to Substantiate the Statements. I � Eazelton, Pa., No�v- 10. -The, state- thraelte coal companies of the =ent of ,the anthracite mine work- wageLi which shall be paid and 1he ors' case, which was filed with the I conditions of employment which otrike commission on Sunday night, shall obtain, together with satis- mras made public to -day. Copies of f factory methods for the adjust- ltbe statement have been furnished . ment of grievances which may Ito the operatlpre, who, will reply arise from time To time, to the . Irk three or four days. The miners' end that strikes and lockouts may tstatement in full, follows: be unnecessary. 1110 the anthracite coal strike 11, support of t1fis demand, we �owmlssloa: submit the following reasons: : 9:be mine workers roomte or the I. The anthracite mine workers loperators the following "Amands, SlIoultl not be compelled to make i1rhich were formillated by the SIM- or sign Individual agreements, but ,inokin convention, held March 18th fillould have the right to form such Ito 24th. and for the enforcement organization and choose such .or which the strike was Inaugur- ' agentz and officers as they desire ated,; " to act collectively, instead of In - Higher WAges AsIred. divIdually, nhen they deem that I Tirst, an increase of 2010 per cent. their best Interests are Gubserval thereby. 0 qipon the prices paid during the 2. Agreemants between employers Lyear 1901 to employees p--Nrlorm- � and ciiiploye", through working - ling contract or pleca work. This Men*& organizations, are the or, ideriland Is made a account of the following reasons. diriary method of regulating pro - duction and wages In the bitumln- P. a. The preseat rate of wages is , Ous coal fields and tu ciljter larger . Inuell lower than the rate or irages ivilustrIes, and are benefte'al, title- " I viold, Ill the loltum�110128 cOal fields cesalful and In keeping Zth. the for substantially similar work. spirit of tile time,.. 2. TIRLA present rate of wages 113 .3. M:I�nlo of .vorklagmen tend to lower tilan is paid in otlier occupa- tj,A� bc-ttpr (Ij,jcl:gInf.,6,,T t1o, Invol anol Ions requiring equal aRX and training. to tho improveni,.,,azz 44 thOr physl- . cal. =�)ral ani noo,aital candition. and, 3. Tile average annual earnings � 'to the , -,,)n of friondly rela- prezi,�rvatt ,In ,the anthr.icite coall fie'.d are tl,-mo 11C,tvo�-en tile cinployer arol em. � less than the average aunlial , 1#110ne. ruelt a!rulngs In thf� biturw,: 10tis et -Ml ,J. J,.%pprIr,;oc0 F%ov-8 that the flialds rer i9abriUantially ,ti000�litr tr.140 .-Fm-mf,,oat 1-2 Jhp al -kat e:fee- '1vork. W ti%o w, M*A k�,T wDotob it Is lem-ible . r, , 4. 111io, average cnnaal ParlilloigG *�, to rvi,uliotp qtl(., AVY ing holtween � ,tci rm In -the anthrame ca.L1 lielt-54 nrp tho t .1020'0­oi�6 zz.,l onaplk�,rvler� in large 1U,uiL,J% lest3 than the avvrat;o atanud 0 I to.ln tri, v: and ttmt 4 trwio- agreo. .1 maraings for oeeupatiwns re'ldiv.11�0, I 101'pt I � this *rdilly 14'r;�;J'.ljf� N1,4V ..to mltlal fW11 ond tm-willow. til s,� Zd1,5-14 *­ r441to,pq be , � . two Pa 0, t. Rv �� 5. 11114o rate OT %vago,,s in O'C* RD- fthraeUw flet(ti, I�i � I's.%*% pq, , , , " a'A V�- rv.,)�-�V- V.,Q�71.r..ro in th". � eaal Lat,JTHeA,-"nt �!!;.2314,.A cciltimtco(f �� fi, tvl) 4*n n InA avill iv,-r - ,Ito C'nArr"Onc,ate 114" mbno wor6er,.�. i"a-li � tm, fw4 far an Iil4,sAb1" I I Iii Th.w. of tko dmn­,er�ouq ChLarav-164�;av_'� . V. W1 4� �Iolv e3pl lills fo.. th(,� : %C -r of th,� c*N_`D,P-�',003 �3 7(1tAk­.,1 &.-(��-lo-rjL,,.`4 . 01P L,�;op) litiffienlObt4 nq � go acelde=,4. tra� 44,&g %V VC) L -Ti. V1 , ,,­L� ; ,�,.40 .% el (M,i�, ..,,�,i )V,'j-a(, Ito I I . : rms Cal, vwnnlnom tkbk,al�_', Ualq(�vn)FaLi -�Ii,0 i�a,.�, .I b­ta U"4101 in tol t:r"a doitul rate Vfl4 Mo ',;tall?% 11 �, ttlic%*, I I 1, � avoragre lato looAdItuat to Q s o m- R-�,� ltj�41* , '116 liq , �z r �1 .%,; v �bmAcA I . rAw.--tionct. i� I, -10,"11� 1.13 �, Ij "I 6, I# , T o .+ _j�tp;lflv A (DI tl!j;71 I . @I 'ZIP0 �="1'1111 ear wn-.�x)T *o,rnMe AaMM., K, � U n 4 %,mL".one. i I I 0.-kvra Arc!� il-S�X�al'_"wl to natn- � I raln � I � ' ,- I Coo mat­rk,.an ��inr'Zav,a �01 Do;- . i I'm " T, Ir,ilou�e'N"�,".��t�,34",�c,*.C*Ta,,r,,6,1,�,,oti,i,I MRS. BONN 11 JAIL I : 'nie.sillt,.fdrl.$;-�,-,�Li'�r,,�t�061,100t"l�aif;,i4i2 � � w=e5rel Q.4 Wk� np,d Cjr�) bi!,'A W ____ - .­ � rvevmnt V.-_tJ&J, tatl 7,�_kq ui% onty p%:11__ : Vet"Od t�,#_A OltMD WJA!,f,T,0 Tra, f -t- � . Has Spent Four Yem Await- c:irh,,v: iin-nV b,,!n_T�t fvi�% iovl�r�!_z_:'011 P"4:",urillt�t,-, t -a', �:ra,4 g�cl*,,j3 ttl,�_Ar ttot- ing End 0045.!-, V "1"'A' U0, _,CL-5_�st: O`J� 9, of C"alse, I � T-_2 V,_�'-4.�) t4T 15vll,� aniftram-11to __ I � 'lie Ar 6tir",�', %-"Ak�­.. ? .,-Cl c;,* tj�-v lt� %L 'Vv_ IL i �1"11-_`:"'q r")"L C!b'12,�l,�_,��A aro tp,�,! � I ft ""i I 'n- % ttt% iy.,L1v_1L-c"-g at'd rjt��g hst&ll OT M 'I MUNN$ YET MOIRE TMAk. I t b�ltt,gp VAP,,,,�-��,,'r_.,_!,! 4,-o'll r_,_�1-_r-,1)r_+#1_1(', tr�.,.��'l 0, i I" , I " , i I 11,:_�­In 111N`a;�­�'T.tat_ Nt,,V. tu.-2t?'�F. Mt� ir.�1ra'.1n,4-:t ", V.,:t'�It* P"Imlot'-.1. .11 to, wi�g�r) Qrt:4 t­m_�X-% tli,-,t� taL. At C�,_2_�­_,Lt, r,3"ILL2� C11,fi��_,!, P-LIZIrd"Eter 01 f ,ow -191- t—ni'tilingnp C�T ft�,r_b tr,lckimm lin t[ - I - CIS 1 !�,4TE� Olrqe�= V, 1-�,.nL-tig rtg rervt- E:klt-r, lzc=�ttr,. � MfZI V�,%=t'R, f9 W r"ov" - C� new, tr�lat. L_LL�;-,#er Uri , I �'. T'ji ts-&-_- 1 9--cy-A .,% rt-4=1�t1,9:2 (!1 0� DMI t.,�-Uo­ iillaeo rZAT7.V to-t Z-AL,3.-� na�=,�7EAU(3 1-t UY-.11a of Ilt!14't. wg":;��04, "Ov ri!�- !32,4�� 14,!k_,n nvc�. c7 trso Mmte�n e_t:�A�,U*Jl e, tztn�uga i;� an 'I -,,ii,z"a:�a .. � 'tat='Ar tj-u',`_'. 11in v, ,,� q:.J,��k_N,G 61 11�4= PA -2 by trno t.zy�l?., dift-.1". 02, t#,��tk. rmn,t:,-i_­-L"0, jzst Q r_,-�._ Las llr�,VCA gar ; ". . . IT�lj�Lm,*Z-V-3�j�)IC-5,:�--�ILtp."--�T�,,,�'T W Q9 I 1,_V��, tn�51, roz�!I- ,�, t": _ is , . , '] , # It, Ate::l , 'ti.,sl.ant!Lr-,ta,.L=C,��z�=r.L . '? ziel=��. 6"nec a �,Ie�v Tet- Itrix, toimdy zLlic 01 V-_-.,,-,�� of t�jkv? ­ C. - e.", ,3 tlli,-� vcv(�fnt 4r)r L'13-�],,tv at-doudge ,t�.o:�L-s,tc cn-�p�.,io..­edl by C�e :,av"r. d_;�_-, � Caft"ON (',r_ -i_ E��nntlic�­-cc,l Ler to H�e !M- o., wce;rl Z=d --il tllluo te�ltyx:g nr.�,,11,,, _LC �_.r. S'n. ,g !X�ae pre-&�eu,"em vv;as ;�, 0 - �. "' , leble too Vile 19L-51 1&ftt_1V1 SVC _M�kc,d tjz�!_-Czed Li 1,1%c LnFt trL-1 63, Jo�% to W- iao?"MA lt,� t!".'(1i E��_=5 *A!,! re- V%4,11tion. In vTqu 4 -tan t9i,�C-.-at& vs -e 1"Mlz=-_r� L'a 1�l o�'yl ;i_ -S, -_-i -t: trtv Tcc�owzng- L-svvIs Czra::g�on rLas ftrko,a RiEs U5".aee � 1% TJ_-te:.-'1w-,=- c"7V fit Tl*t-Amc-rje.� ait; v,L9 kavec'a�,�tgee: tl�e ca,�e F-mA r-.111 to Vne 4l��iotlql._ lJ;. sa'fety 05.1 ., W�__,�zwicg *T 11_�t- t3�ne t;�azkeko. I t tLm,�. * A�.'�,-­-d L�n*t 4�_:,..y or.;W f,T.,0r.7-,t.-.­ . . I I!. 1_4_%&�-ter �.,.nr_it-g ,�t�.-.O.�.Jve the r-., Q�'- ,- .� g-41 I - ,qt jlyi-lg,o-�. I -A relv�11_w 0J U.,f? J %1_,A, rnentcl nt:4 M-J&ag eDn3K!0SJ9 . ff;ZZLo, 'r evf4e'_C�j i,,� f­.��g.h to rq.,J,-.t­CZ. � '�, ot tl�v �. _11Z._.'3� tli.i� C, . victaLr:,. 1,e.i.t;­1Lvj,n. cm� of I% 12 bLorter 1_�lr,,��e.,4 Le�,,-�tsa tbt It, - VvLrt-�-Its,:& ��-1 (L-.; -1. bnt ,0,,+L-Ct%V1,�.n* ti 'e tacsll,r Crnl Lrt,T,Ltenct c1 1lL'WU,-. C_-�Se 0: zl�"p t.:,a,5c��,.atOzl ,akli "L tLe �, � 1 07�a t-L-_­_�r-Z2�y c,l n,�A'-,Innt ani em V"v ns t. �.Ttr­ .� 1 -'.,-,,,. 1�0-k, :� E-1- f-:.=",kTS hxT" r"�Ilar_ I �. W��ato g!w.,��Vnr_-_�:Jt OT ,r,:,;Z ��,�,4*1 tr,%�,Ie . �,) _ r..�_1.11_1. MclsrF. !"7-.1 _,_-uu & lft,�.­_­,ln-ty, _-nrl Co- p-c�_,Z-,:r_­L,n g�L'al��3y L7 ilo- , ____ - - �e V,Rlh b�,-v v_,� '! V-,,)�i:v %7,r. T.e fl-�,L4, �a_e,� � *ar a. EL_r,c.+,::7 Ea-ts-7. . ;,a 112-4ve, tL�, ��=,: C-VL2!�.E�,�L- a_- t,�:- i I-"-- A W,��;Iun- ea�r 0� �::g.�' E.n�lt ' I - 0 I T . -_� C , Q=�J me-,_tz? :Ia�3r, ; ss "k-1 MT. nc-i�p- � 1-�t ,S,,_1TT1'2"­�nt�:, 1. ,-4 ra:- , e E"Sl't On- *-,-_.�!.", .,_ A, , P - � �Z tl,2�, - I V. C ,"'�'f.', �r '�n- , %-A", , � , �. a .�,nct-�18 0Z* i,1,c�� ,�-,,:�,.-;=- ,men =4 0, r-eZS__q 'Lnc,la I C'.1-_:.,--,_,, �.. I`C��. one. ULC -re I �*,Lq C�a==-_��41,-% I 1Z P. *Jj;.,y,.e_2 n. ,:;: ','.,-) V� -... , t�! 6.,;�_V "L� . �;,;, - ! AT"mot 1T.C.;g1j'Ang C�aal. . 1", I � I ,­­� wf,=��:o k�: i r_,,)-_ ,,._,.- o: crs.zn.'e�:L. � lr'Ar-'�-'ri.e cc*,nitft:� 0.1 a _,-,Y,,�!, �n " 1 1* - - pqfcan:,:�g. rc-_-V,�, � b'.�,pT._;? 1.'�[Jy, a - t117 T--,M,c,:., c -l'-3 S -nal b, tvc-�;;tn.D an;J, , - �11 ��n% n pf'.-S�;b".1a "'..7 �,_ atnat vz'v fa.r- . � , Tor b -;'-Z'-t ,"-"E.��-, ip�&C- 11 r F V� _ ," I- lt�n:? L =�nd-,A 3=ry %V,��. i eanti__Z 1I- Z.t , , , !�-- W 1�a ,,�, t � e =.-:�I.0 ;= tl.,,-�14.,-�! rps�. tm�l ­ tvo=m." Z C-,�n Is Zo r t� :c- zal ton G! 2 - t) Z11a O'D ' 1 - 'I C. -r 1: .%::_7. ,--v,2: v&: It., V,cl 1C.'s" rl=c " - 249 ,prv=t:s; -,2,i� ir_17j�-a-ent�a.q UDW oo tv, ­­ , , r-`,,*`�. T- -.62 � : '. I _.nd to., -_-.r1.. x - tils, _-t ,.,-. D VZ:r_"&U.q M-rizS to b_ Llin * . at& , � � , , ',y%VL' br_,rc-,V;�.V_­4� Wltre,saswo'.I �- rvlintaln�& -­ �-Vt.&-#,- �,, , - broug- �.', fre-na i, � . I I . V -at"'. T.i,� Z�z:_�mv) fs =�,,,,j,� on ac_,-ount , e -11Z-. ,70%n P. 1,Z-.-�-,.'�-��g, hus-tani 0'� r: tT..,e T��Aox[­._- r;���ana. . '11��,_i�"Irame-.11 the =­,=&r�,d ,.,.o..: , T, a;,01 fi.�st ame.- ens�,,-r of �Irf;. 12��, t;IN rw� %�-rrf� 1. bv ,,-'-e le!xal 4,rj,r I � li,-,'�;,*�ra7er pmct:rn,-�Wa is tt4 016�y Z-,',�.. I ,o---,--- ninrem. t;an r�,i,nci"ao w -M Cgodo, I � tonneat anj Lwst -_-F,S,_,;M O,T =�_-,26L!r . Mg , t-;? the stn,g I,- _� i . o Of a �,Ip, r-- lr,-�"�� ._�_. tka egr='=�_q of M -0a warkor,& -. �i `V 1 r$r!_-r-k1, My 1! r. -r' -r,- stA�o� .�Jrc,_. - . - a L rol;_;z, t-"ifl-. ftti� �­.A%e,p I 1EC'�t�,T - '1116 18 , 'A.=1n-_p0:1t corag L, 1'�; and the, Timsis of�, "' a �. to F -P to ra ei-I matiar. -.Eo I,nq y P_ zlegal ton oT 2,243 1.o-an,L5. 2 I never known c,� my rznlriow. I %vi,;b , a. ?�.-.& a%ee-�s V'. to'-� ,;vaq oe�,"o,stl_7 tlaexe wer4� 8t, -n1,? way to go iuor� nte 1 te t:,�e C13-,!ra_ '. ay -', I nzzz to e5rnP..-T1_m, qa.:ek"y t*lt,- I . na 1.�y rn'Wl , , tor Tor t".a V,-r;_!��,A 04 ti-.-- sma,li s's'-i ; I 1bT ec,ag. wh-c-�� Wen.!, tr��n cl.if-.1rd"'d_,�, T KREE MiiiN ",�,flff DFAD. .:� t'dt V.11!6:�' --,%� LOW UtUM � QrLi '-O:-,I, 1 ' d 03 - it, na pres:.,nt � !r-,O�--sslty for t"he V.Se o" any otiler,: - " A Texas Town vlu- Sot'ne Of tbe Vmn tile leg,al ton. I Tlra-,edy- 4. The raeo,ptlon of tlAs GS7str in � Oran��,,e,, T*xa% %.#.-,v. '10.-ThriLm ra-n voted raiioo�ve, ana ln�-*nt�vl:�. bO'Lh to; ' --re de. --d as r, r(wnit of a ,�hantin�; the oparator VnJ t'�,� ;;�rker� fO, affrav here,. Th --y aro Jeff (Ilenault, 'Mar,b-al � 10MVvg and dl�".103'., i�y. -in I WOUM , tLlla,v ' ti,,-� 7n:nfsrs ani, Vity Jordau and Ton r z1- ,!ajoaky a-�n,pj_ I r0V611t unjast d-wrimination and lavorltiew. .� jci�ie-_ Rad M�nod has Pxist*,d folr' some time b,*Aweelk Cbenault aid ! � 4 Will Harris, a well-known young � 5. The em-n;ze of the pres�ent tyg- TaIM. � tern, to tho one a_<,recl for w()Zild : TO-daY the two met, .-Ind aftnr .. prove a strom- f6etor In tAlaying f some words HarrI4 s:�nurpd adonlyle � , L I aisooAtent Amorig the � ftqp�olort And I iarrelled f,lootgun and killed Vlvon- I shIne w6rk6rg. anit Ifirr'lls, ran to escape thtfire I TO Prevent Strikes. or �Ibenault's brothor, but w"ar- I � : .T"burty, The, Ifteorporatio-A in an, restm li�r City Mart"hal J6rd&li, , . a I "Iftr"'al � .. 6t, eat between, tb�a, 11nito-d Mine I Wzg C1680 at fiand. WhI16 tbe offl- 'AarrIs 'IV a Ike g ,of A-Mefles ttbd fifer arl- cer *a* candozetIng young to jail lie was allot and killed and ilia prisover eiNuaped. It Is 'lot knowll who Iitlle(l Jordan, although there were a ,large number of people oil the street at the time of thetrag. say. Will 114rrls was later arrested and placed In jail. At this jurocLu're a b,alf-brother, James Harris, started for a nearby store, deelar� In; ble would procure a wes"10111 and take part In the affali. it Is claimed that 'Tony Xones handed - Harris a gun, after which the for- mer jumped Into a, buggy. As he, was driving away Offleers appeared on the scene and opened fire on Jones, inflicting wounds from wbilch lie died a few minutes later. The town was thrown Into a state of intense excitement, and further trouble was feared, but Sheriff Roberts ordered that all saloons must close until We gave them permission to open, and an- olounced that he would restore oT_ der at any cost. - __ FF times, the foreheads touching the dust with e&clb salutation, the other � doing likewise. This concluded tPi4le"itry mid-da7 devotions. . __ % 8a,Itcoatq, N'. W. 'Z, Nov. 10 --The Immigration Department'a determi- nation .to convey to their former homes the women and children of the Doukhobor V�Igrlms who were do- talned at Yorkton was successfully carried out this morning. Not the least difficulty was cparrienced. The ld-ndllnil,ss and humanity with which the wanderers bad been treated by the offiocials and citizens convinced them fully that tbe�r best interests would ba served hy returning to tbeIr homes, The traln that left 'York -ton 1 had 393 womon and 133 children be- tween the ages of five and twelve years. The women seemed rather lileased with the change In the sit- uation, and one or two of them ex- . pressed tile hope that tile "lords &n d Ina at oral' w ould soon return. The women and children are being con- veyed by spcdal train on the 0. P. R. from Torkton to Gladstone, where a transfer will be made to the Cana- dian Northern for .Swan River, .. . . . � I 11, K R_J ELECDON H"'E"WORKS I '971Y 511 . '41 I LL 12", INXTE 74t, . - Jo,&/ Turned to Woe by Deadhr 7 7 . . a � Dynamilte Bombs. Criminal Carelessness Charged and the rlen Who Managed the Fireworks, Placed Under Arrest—Malcer of Deadly Bombs Wanted—The Wounded—Sad Scenes at the Hospitals and rlorgue—Others Wh%, are Expected to Die of Injuries Sustained. - - __ --------- __ ______,_ III IV ��K�j 4NIAV. .&W.— IV X�" � I.U. V. _. ­ -E,- A_­_­_,� ­ ­.- i�;O­ ma -lo pilgrims continued their ble crush after the explosion In, wareb through Plush and anow III 12 persons killed and 7,1 injured be- Madison &Iuare were bey6nd des - I the vicinity of Shoal Lake to -day. fore him, Coroner Soboler has In- cription. It is estimated that WO. - IN S119WISTORM!" They expeot to reach Winnipeg in augurated an Investigation of tile 000 persons were ill tile squarea;tl I about ten days. � e'xplosion of fLreworks in Madison the time. Probably 2,000 were , At Shoal Lake. Square last evening. Dight men al- massed around the point where tile , -e, Ma, ready have been looked up, charged occurred, and they were P ,,,coal L:il. ol., Nov. 10.-Tba explosion Doukhobors have reached hero. The scrambling to reach places of safe - Pitiable Condition of the oor advance guard caute in at I o'clock with, criminal oleglect, and the cor- ty, knocking one another ddwu th-Is afternoon, and tim others fol- oner has issued a warrant for the and falling over park benches, 8,� lowed by twos and thirees in close arrest of John Dimundia, of Coney 000 others were cheering from, the People on the Prairie, succession, until 3.30, whenthe main Island, who Is alleged to have been opposite side of the park, where body or about four or five hundred they were viewing the election re - In a compact sQuare about twenty in I oliarge of the fireworks. turns, w�hich were thrown upon the abreast, slowly marched ill, chanting 'It Is a case of absolute criminal screen before the new sky scraper a 11youn, They were received in the neglect," said the coroner, ,,One of know,li as the "Flat Iron Building." middle of tne town by the towns- the mortarg was set off, and it was The persons In this portion of ilia OATMEAL AND HOSEBUDS. people, who nearly all turned out pointed at a row of other mortars park apparently were elated over to see them. The pilgrlwe stopped . the returns, suppokillig the explo- and one of the loaders, who could III line. The other mortars were set sicin& which rent the air with th-an- rq,eak fairly good Ellglisli, turned -to off by the fire ball thrown toward der were on the programme, and ' at ivere totally unable to hear of the Meal Given by Settlers 1�aten rrom some wags. who werr.4 poking run tllcm�ll , , . )31ankets Spread on the GrOund-1 them, and. address!ng everybody, tragedy so,near at hand, uutil a I raid:' "Brothers and sisters, we, are Arrests Made. detachment of police forced their 1XheLr Davotions-On the Blarch- I travelling for Jesus. Jesus dled for District Attorney Jerome, who way through to make room for the Their Sad Condtdooi-Wbat Will . es all. Plpwze aceept Jesus. Our mis- was at ilia Cialon Club, In rilfth aYe- passage of men bearing the man - t 6ior Is peam-,." � gled remains of their comrade, , line, not rar fronx the mene of the wx- Become of Tbent ? � A village Trag was blaspbeining plosion, hurried to tile Loene, and PxLtrolman ','-he&. ' Oirlstinooitv. aud ueveral of tho lilt- ufrer an Investigatlool ordered ilia Instantly a Terrible Calm I-)Q,rt Warren, Man., 'Nov. IO -A neW - grims noticing 1,10 N -741H 1,111OXiII9 4 arrest of ilia mon ill charge of the . swept over the ��,rowd aad all interest h nto ,the Dou,U­ gki(-4 eigar. told ium that "Jecials 110 firau orLs. lie ba(I Ine prit- oncra t"',ell In the returim Immediately d.ed outc � t�mokp. Jvqlv; no driuk IvIiiislwy, Jesus to police headquarters, together with lxftr probVin. Natare. whEch A;Ince, Ali ilia Long line of patrol wagoiw, � 114) k3l. ilu Ftpal.­ the, unexplodea loreworkti. Inspector 111,�. ('0:11men -ellimit. of tile PlIgE Im-age , ml , qn-eNtIons 1-ut 'to tile, Pilgrims Brooks, of the pod%�e department, ainbulancee and other vehicles, car- 1UW 6=111LA on th,� fallativs. hals now; rying dead and Injurpt), Illed through : were .-inailarly aw-wered. Tke 01- also ordered the arrest of tile mautt` "Ali rptrerA for Bellevui% HimpItal, Vh,,ng..,:,1 lt�i D.Q,),,I. .Nkally t-rur!s the o grInis ar� ril fairl.y -01 clad, and f-acturer of the boxubq, but he has Zitousarids of persons lined the walk sear�-Iv�rs for, lh,.� Mon of Giri have; ,,,,, of 114-m luove rubbt-rs. They likit yet been fuautL and gazed awe-s.trit-kea at the con - W M. M 41,1�,;,.,..' P.MkIrolilly disposed, into- The Distrlei. Attorney s�titl:, "Dyna- -bilitc,l thAt J11'.. woald give them' ll� , "noy c,bi.�s un wr ,tyli.4,14 to ,travel � lrstia;g iv* onr-. gaud aro vivil And Inite bombs shou4t not be allowed in vo.yttrc�­51- Five bulidred pi�rsons n. th- durizigr th-ir clao-t. 'Zitcre would be . errd W�tstde Lf -tile uyn-gao, and other rv* wintcr, tit,.% ,vai 1. wltlaw tha.y were! vourteour. 1.1 thi-Ir dernpanor. .41ter sq,pVll a pnb�10 lllnc#'� I llavO 110 doubt hnvdrc�Lq camo and went; duillit; the ton tivi mir.-h. Tba C,,1,.1v%rb wea- � taf-ir anivid thov movotl to IL vacant th,4t, a pirlult hall bevil issued for tile ni,g,ht, 6e, kiag, among tho U.-Weint 1,!d : l,'L­vo- of lan-1 vatir tat, olmting rJult vx1abItion, Out ;I rigid IllwisUgmt1oll doa(l, relattv I tki and frli,ads whont Alt,�r t)f thi- p�at two niontlm. dur-, ,.ht the Ntst elod'of the town. where wJ3 In,,k ni.4do. Stelj,,i will bo tak Ill,,, %,,hi h tho pri."iminary vl,�Wi were, col to they had Wit during the- Wrrible lwt'44 ftoni cnp� I"(;;- A Aballt3 P Q114PR.Lik til0k M ilt-ALV�Zr Pkip- ,,r,,,,,nL an.y1blul; Mw tlll(; Coeurring erii;h tot.lowlam tho v.Vph*Irm.* Thon. a"h�iVor ronlm,t- , ior tot 1;rmol. 4-atlamth apli'es and I lit the future." I 11 randa 'Of PtTv�,Ills gatitorod at tho 1.14 to vl4oth.r. .glli por th�, patA, V-v,-k.-11,�L. .,110POT"*ft to'VINII of 1110 I'll- .� " , -11 " Tile Death Itoll. 1. ho'-pital ratefs, 1111141lig thi-on tolany WvAlh. em,m'T 'wh'�( thoy 1mvevom- I �Prwt.i l,fwnr,A luuva;iry. Ito twIfIshnilus - -velik's .11N)III-0 Dr-lievuo . no-'rt"er'Il. th�l., llt�e-lonjr, Journey. hafo� ' -r atwv 4')f tlj�qn %V,a,l 11 wd ad 01- , .voinell. Tho v .� tDot 1�4. t i L 0. A revit, lint or til" Ile, vviV.holy i? emoi,4 th* lv-z4r trit tiv�ir " r,4U4111y Outring what 10%vd: Patrolman Dmmis $.1V*,% of were, t1le m,)-4 omAtIng lit tho b6tory, ! ;�.c,;00,, haell tX tho inGtitutIolu I)r,,,AA!tuk#n. Lmut ni_,itt naturo ('%O -L t:- kad w��,ko foo,4 i-vI,-Th1lPr. Durizq� ill;, DrooRlyn l,'ritl,o,e.':,Iu�til*.�Vil'tl-ttn At tho loi,�pitoi,IH tli#� ln,�ur*4 wero %G*,41 .1 %0ltk-fCjV#.. . After a li,n1pet, ;1".10-1011V tiv- t-rq-,:e,.k1l iral I.. J,flojl(�,v, It., yi,�tj-t, of z1ge, nephew wort - In't h4ats, elials IF,tat"o4 ill), 41 eiatm* W. InUitirt, or Val ' rely)rUd Parky to-ktay no bit-cl III a , MO�.o 1 or W. It. 111letz. Of lhaN PIQV, ri'mit th�, vr'zt. 7,114'. win I prew hour- ,� -ton %(�� I Harold U6141#11'. L,s ., ears of age, i;oa fair way tt4wam) recovor.y. with thai l.v rwr�_, thtor aul kj-'m nn't b:v 5 wva ZIA C114rool from YoIL ta'Nefloti'm or .�V#rtiwer i6tler, wh* wel&.", %-.,.t# -4 Wv*L,16­,, lloitll,�,.k�Aqr..! -v�%au Na�tvr. 51r. V. W. Sr�­,rs anol of Milton rw-�41��p, IoN411rictor orth! bveaiw� mx,sn el owi alter ill(, amp,x- .- , �,'V'.�Pa, mlflehdb� .tf,1-4o,%,_,auo1-d by III- D'.4rd,01-di 1101tit -V4th3nlA W*414- tation of (ine t f Job Iq-r,F4. rand 1, not A litth. U) 1"re G Z L -Or. Knan tv lall. lk.y, 1�-. yekirti of age; Josilplt Arli-ri, U'l 14 6,10-1: tla,� C4:vk9o, 11,4 wbite w.- tr� .-I rqtpt�i. ranip vff tjoe 1111413 Und . yeoo,1�44 of age; live uslivientif.ed (,spimbrA to rve,%er, airili Franta L U* ` " ht.�q f*T &nmv. It 11; tnt- 1�.r.­d to lolr��tmd,4 die pfll;rhaa t 11 21 I (10'r tioro V toa, otkd�) of tho 111oll Ungar In or pIl in Lvt- I v.,"'Eft.. _t. li-eav t,X,-%V lorgan to tail, -wthite Izien, anti two utoldentif.ed it-. rtor�- lop�a%ig,%- tUrzt; ever m; I w6F�W I�Lgt tiop Wo4aillvi-p I,rLj.%p­ettj. t1le all. eolort�d ul(,n. ting, o,*f the fir4-r;o:.h!:,. I,ddt�:t4,)#*,- rl,%ht 114) ohnIA,h, ;wa g4vus every 111,�_ad- Lea wag Idown ort, his oil,- a wat " � �1 �UZ4N .m�,l %Var:46n;��', of Mr. t�pp.rla Whe Se,mc'. Vollowing illo INliftJoll. load%v mangle"I, and hli)&ath lq,, lorob. tion 01 emnImAbno" aill 101aht. 1�`,,,.' , �, C�11_18�n VtxUtV_*,,,ImZmn of vill t %, If', �Pl kA,11�o,P,4 havl no effeet. lrbpy cald Ifilit iseeneo at the bo. -.14%.11 anj able. 4 1"t"', we-ro btwA to 4,0,1quer the .1 .... ... ... 1, 1-11 1-11.1 - , -- P", I 1'�Jj jo.�d) �;)io 0 Ili � ftaj* t�J�Leofjjfftt ' �, � — ­ -__-_1__..___...__--_._. . wv,ld Nor je,to', tiv I.-actlo.11 wezhoda. ___ — JVLJ't%,L jjj�. jqjoaa'+5�_ tn', ' - o`l' I ' ­­­ _ . . _14t I - -1 L, "b"l-j- Tjx', 4,v,*,a*�,lr.zti',,�4ui"�l'tivi!d,4 trztt, an-l.y 0@, 'Witi'tt r,��-4,jaa aml p�ml��"v it !tlmll- I and r, lv.ad. arw argeL 'AR--cated a[ 0,19[g[RS M[[' 1OLDIERS AT A %AIDDINGs IvIvo A�A -,I o Att-t4rlJs11.0 vrt,i. al"d *Teron)�4 ,Q,q,:a Vic the folly I - - C'undition to Mlrove pay� � '' , HOR, I 0 Guard a Xoll-t�oiroro 31an and 11tv 11 ol �7�qm? Mia,14-4,94vIn. %vilalleiv '%Vms unre iih-o P;"%,0r4-_," "" n4la"Aum" 11�4'krn un- �' t1d I[JV�'_,g ldll4n-[�JfIV %'itol ZDQlt fkl�J�raat+- . at chureh. . uride VILO-11 fr0truvf - vla tsne r%;,Mly V=St@d on- : ilra %4 4L,�trr - � , �.. b"It vU wa!�i of Ina avail. I , A tl,etaio of roldiv"ra trnall Viel Ifth* 1 � -"l ", 0 4alo E,�q ft"e".-M-4 vs� OT a Nc - I t.il',sre 1.3igril,oz4 are ealogv:�d A�, the I W--mt-rr C`116�-111 On �f.mnt1rl-. 'r.6 3t,� , (Inst r-ort'd IYT tu,;e lown. an -1 %VHI con- Arrangements for a Winter tepnth 11e,7,11ment cGoeirle".1 Jw'*P*4 Pa. mm'V) Ith" ri,ily 0V Z""'-10 =��ft OtQ,�,�,,,._ ,� tlnr.e� V',.*:l1r rmte,n ra�-Lttvaqd w-liler- 'y Z.04 AlinAllo &InnoellRer to CIO . 4 tonk 9!-ITIV,011. Vae ntaln txxly. IL�mc 4�%q) � ro"t'. Show in February. r-011-:1 catholic, Unwell thA martfliag" ­ iz�',�,"-"!Dg.r-'.Tq.)r,-",�#!-D,,-,Alo�i,i, V�;�n"­,��,A��I�A#� Imnn., ,kt � $X%Ica�- 44t Vim, b3l"t"'Dni Ln't ,S��_,):�'.-v cr, -,e,- !�,32�.,- ,S'�,�Cma�, "L-, `7`1�140 w-ttro thoy were marrIeJ by ratllAer I)t1rc t5,.,r_,1 Jilt I to " Wtarltk We, ratoftky 1flax lblea .th"!VA. i le C,1�-,-�fs M,".-, vdak*L"�,,,�t_­,,rs, 0 !11 "1--l-P r-��Ioftv tRbhl ­ - -- 1 =Ural;4, nftr-z� r-A-iLrol; bro �.-.40w;A by 7 0"', UN-,_� ocey gtet.e'a C:_n Us— i7_�t-1i't rctrj carg,' 'tit (�#_B uir'.v� wiu-er,o cmstviraa-d. COMMITIFES CHOSEN TO ACT- ir_n-arra�,Told at SIDenanloah eil�v e"I iery ttmtmr�ar'D e.ft,9Vl­_,- tL't'rm ft -1,1_m , .in-.? ! ". -4;1, , . rt-y,Ut!;1t,y,., et_�il�_,Tjz.�'ac ol UT,_A, =,�_ltv�-I�u­ 1, 'IrLt'zoe w-L,e c'F:.,!�,�,� 2%T"Ic'em desemml?7EJ TbkoroLfm N49T. 11_-L-Jh�t P-Ttiftlag ne, dutDng the SuDkN -"r-A :��tprdl!ly. or - X L? - -,�; "W Wilt d,lirLr,,ct*rS of tt.c C�13t,,,iad�an, llrcr-6e � anargilng lie rettarnel t* town to @LnLa T-,qw,*ir Tgs�.g vr,�:"!"",C� fron; , ., ilb,_ � Itirma I'll, ra_lla _ V,-- �!Z&*­ M ft" ,O � - 1, MO r-t:,D--p Axl,.,ty 11��Lv V,47g 1,'_'.i'.T,-'.t!,Z,� i Luld to �,,I,ay D:��"�'! ­vt V,!L1,t"agh ElltrAM1,11is. r Zd jr . I.sTn�Za"'te.B. With tolp'e- 4 el mom haa twilet'. ., r'!�oE"_- qr"T� ) 11114m,r 'w�,ff,�* _-31 kr-�-�,DTnTL�abll.v houst-d .'re C 6 - L 4t t -vi t,,r-,*J,-A1 t�, P R"5n,,-:'BLN.',V�,�,ij " r"T, ,!�'Idte DeTore tho OrIke 1V logil 11*L'a A. �, C" '� �. k"'a"'.�:­-,gZ U'�,Cb tO�I!F%l ii"y t�v;�, V.Atents of seqAative�4 ftam Ck­� naekju � . �11 ot th�l v,v_.,Ote� V_'Ii,� v7._iJL`Un:- ,VT , at the I'lloo 0� tho� girra ri " ,.�i VAP v0ago. T�:,(� nut4n pcill'aun CT I QLd el�v&�,,,late AN'Zurt"Iations. trin- 1kVtrq'3Cr " , t1v nbn:�M. One!, qrlln trflrl P�,ANMJ�t 4"A i, Vmm SEW ate 111�w in ,�-nvh, er"Iti, Arda I %VnCA nt, the Vhtmpt 11cuEe. or. AM-,�� t4l"'ho'k, 0�1 J*.tVLV 4r,t". J;tre�',""' ata 1�3 0-ClAftilcIg L-=�m* Or,* V�e onig *Vu - tr' - � .J4�. "' I C,,te:u pl�rqr-�--,qy ,,�,��-,Aeei wit'lig U"'et, dW,n_,.,; � ll.ft oreul-1,d the chair, Wkea It iva:9 Rearn*1 that Die haol re�- ,ft,,atxZnbc.afJ. f,3r.I?E;7�u,�,�1.1--�.�,vtfbt��4l�'Di; J.'rv"grei's t!ce:" aa-- t��':,,M,!qlj. ailrath- 1)1-. ;�; ,Z _121q,tj. oil eaffing the weeting � turnelt there llabt Mg it a crow I aa- mt truo ean�;:,*,Ieuefo to Vie 6even V--lait *VQS r!:%4_C7LQQ1 ­1*'P_­N- C11111, t210 to order, atati.d tlaat a, number Of !,! ccollbled 0-boul. Ilia h0=10 and %velto h-u2rclye"I W,�=,tn an"I eha;qk,en zvi­ Ln,lLx ,n� 'r- �; tviillD &pe..4 trj�e rIght at ii� miWet waimxjly eh,�,Ke�,el in V4.,RR -1 �, -1 - . .OrE.0 OwIlers, rarcloularly tho heavy 111�_4jjiing dc-monstrdtlons. Colonel 1�1 U'tp J" ' Newdilale. iljor,4�e o;vners, tiLlou'-fit, it dz:&IrAWe 1*c'go sent a icqaad of so:dlcra to flr PsV-o.zt111 to 'Um cv_-=,7� ril;*at�a as -"7e i ' __ to iraves a Show earry an the w1vtor, dicv�,rzo t1gem, tLifter 'Whic'.1 a guata b,lkn,gr en,lure 9 i;,y tz'j�:`. ffuthoro, bul;- 11 114hnn"P�,;: Cr l'uItch.-IlL.- C. 1,�:peqw, in tt" njulath r"I J'ebruat�v, and this W�L,s Otationpa gpor'luz] .1;;.6 jDat.18-m b -d" nmll bro-hcr.m I- q1,aJotttt,-.ti1v,n agent. tv�io kas lbeen =ec�tjng vies called for tile pnrpoz.,e 111ldo r000raing five 0arrI_qgC%S artly. &_'.5_1 0 -IT tbo rz;�..At J(;.�",nteQi.yt 0 s�."Y!��- � lf� emnge O" the (;,_,7 "'ruraeut 47- 0i ig;viug tfuls t=tter tirm-It consid. "4 &I, the �ml;�_e� to eanve�,, the br-1111 tce�'r--%4 Ito 16:� cyo-,,2 Itlow- Kle !fto 0" fj T'at-gC,Dnen't to? tl:.t e:�Uc' r'T "'Re We- JL�rfttio'% pzfty to the eNureil, lr,ut thn calb- - P ZM,i�0^11 10 thti t:V,24�4 coo thp P.1)12A�t3!1� Q W..P.-. anA e,'-411.-�-n c-' L'i � loa,nkt,Wbars� � 11- , � - op p-10#10til of r.m.utri: 1411M. Reeon a,t It Ch 7_-,1_,P- I wa,te:ial tr�l­�l , - �, .1 _ . l�tll vribre Nvarne--d th. - ey pTt- M.�T ttw­ tco,,�. I luas ako-Wed In trw. r4i!y. to tnnet 'Mr. P r�ff �bN- IV. r,. JVC-lji,,. , , , - .0 .gtojl, it ,.va4 rc­ lifitted the pirty to r!"10. a bl,v- th,*11L- =V,lany ng�_-Ilat Dlln:r-­%rtl� FrEhr-1 , 1"r-cL, 1"'Edler. wn as ab�q) reached � ..,Jlv � CnPtJDTkfrA -,'Imin Vankpltzl . M ;c- c' .al h, � .1 ed. "Tirmt u s�"Lvw for tile IjE.avy v,ytt V,ould W V.ai"�,l on thmoo. �Nvd and spronel I t -u - ity froni ottz),wa. Mr. ,1-)PT_.Z!r8 br( ,P,d-,-, of loorses be held 1.11 t the early threat .,Wiu.; effective and t1le teaws thorno a�n t%,- go-4yan'l O -D tbr�p e,*o,..-.1tlt-t-_ �' 6;m- Lc wo*nc-oi safely on i I".art of relnuary." wo,rs arivea away. patontcv ap- . �v tl V,wikhcb-�z ,r�l::7 atd P-!radlle: N", ­o. pr�,-,q it", L- �, tt�e wety 1r^k1":? 11 T,- tra�Q, and no'.7 1, Tr,�- Moved, w�eondf-d - �' t.j-_k1n!s n vetz ' .0 -'in -9 (;r_�Jmvn cers; OT the, guakil If 1,4"'I e, &� V,J to -4L'�, r !.m, ;%oll vlierr ol a near 1 t��, ltub:�rt g4�ItEl, ti,W� tj,tr, .. P-.�nled to the offil, tkv 112x, T7Trd,.t�_,1g-t7,J -J , . 2V canatuan - pvolettivi. _,00l" v,itroundel bY �,I�`�-Z�7 VV:T,e g;vi��n 4,"� C�­,m-.-,-�! rr.n"n �; R �1,1,,jp.,L. nr�f thc, ro - [ li,et'..q�_ 1%-er,-,dt'r�j" AE;sae�n� oa gavc* a to. 6 - - - a alr-,53 , , ,-aq r�mrla 1,�,at lias tzeAem 11��',Idl -- gr,nr,t a*, $1.03J to th� Z��Jiillg stal� eoliilera tbe V 3-ty W. . to thii t,v qH"Ar&-ate. 1T;,!.e W'�­�-"- C,ancenrxi,, llag� ­tnoin nzvc:e�,it",r, h,_-"_-..,(v-a-�f�Z21 .=J of C',�-e DwAl.,oz9ar�. r�;� ii:30%7. carr!e,l. egan.eb. The WfAding T-03thitlel nro , ill , V',Z�%r,,d vvM"P .,!� n,-a"-il�7�- wn'y T'�C;,!�;­,!a 1, ,V.",=t"�mv 6, trL� v !9,-A ­_1s1` S;ALI 1,1r. 11 leizoinas Grafttmm M"011, see.014c'-d Li P:;.4��;res�!; Jet the hwlae of the briab ,� �t,:-C� :lr- l,F-%9,­,.-d C`le -wl�=,1-2 ont �. te-niglit. WbIle & ,.r,�rlad 01 961111MIS "" - � al. 11 i- `0 ' by J. .V� Gnr�::.-eus,,� tim"t this werAl- .�te, a S�nct C...­nl o --Zn* - _ tL - - " 7a."M 'h"e� ­�. � - P 5Z app_,aire-d VIR ,� !-,,,g ryotl3ld Suggest tbat 'Ma show he "UnN11 the lhonsa *n the Or.1tsRJ0_--" er'nig �.A­ Fr,�t - tr6lili, an"li Or a t�M . Ca - it! , *,.� - ­ ,� ,*7a zl%-�, tx-"r�-."4'tn. ?,�-�� � WC, -z'2:-2 t!"Urn tnbjw� cmd �, C01. 'ed . rrj�.'& SJlC.M- nZ'1,'a.ab ipa.) C�31'_ '%'�,VV V,ork & . =---,*I� V,�._-u"-1 T_,7it �.=,V:�, 1keyn'n,_C--1 V�e 1 LIT t;;C�,y CM g'..'s. T-,,'I�r r,ezaen Tin I to stallziems Gro:.V. . canimit. ,,� " V , � ,x 2�z� it Tkv 110THOwing 01.'Sez�r, ',;�'d "t- , ,nw t,�:_,!!�! to V _,'ir V!, .3 - , - '7w,". � - - I . -1 � .-.5,1- �T on oz,'�,;zc.,nn. D;%�, , ,I -nt yoj:kton i2:t e .-'z I I anxic'us to go -te z s, were then ar4olntt'd to emrr.y on . S v7z"'I V;,- cit:jp'.,-� au.q,�ee OT ,�:,,�-,'T. I Z"anelil to lr",�,e"- l-Ic'm-, .,Ird it I I t� t7awy P-, n-,'!tl %-:7 Un-- att,4�,-.,,I.Int -_Z��- I 4 g� zt�_ 10;td�tjz, ill �n-_-3 ec-mvinczal, Tor the�r 'i I . C,�.a�­­ n-Dit. ,1-1UqZ--r,�qV am , ,_­�r­ �n �"�, t";. 1�,-­P-, 'ab,.). 14, .T,T�n- �OjA i - : ­ " -a X, lit c L ` � U- -,.�, wIll rot � t�, 43017-. 111h., "50- �i F 10's, RICCONRINE jt�_,c huqlqa�ldts 1 ror4to. _qlz�e�r�;,C,Z to brhig th�Ar I lv­jt C,a 1111��, Wan%-_t�3 V=t S,,�rw-1 � back to a pro!*,31Z Way 0! 4, - . ­217.kln�-* " I-Irst vice-crr,airman -W. P, W,Cffl. .1-1 ,­-,�Z�>C', S, IS1% n:sf), gilv­j b,F1 I 4 to ington, Irbronto. ,Lv,E�. aelft rvrx,",.4�n Instructlons 11 , ,7,JT- C.X`Z�n:*. V -vis �,wp-.Ink,"c�! 01 t'Oe; i:_�,7e tbn� gr,-.atest care ta,)0_1 05 the � ,- �. � -'er-01'. 'd VJce_Pr,�sDden1'_C0J. D. 2.10. hp�rv, Or fjat=­�nl. wl I 1."IP wlgr�ms i':Sgailasd p.'�Op:�'. ard the �,ijplad of � crae 0U. -Ill'.. St. Catharines Firm Mentioned "n,"L 1�d 1.%&=.se1vt-s Cierc-frona. -,(.,!O7,2tt..ed P�511,ce vVI'VI sec. tr=t no harm , ae�,Yii�s.-Henry Wade, Td - rat 1.'O�;ml�.­Zla:­ comes to t1i_JCm-y'* routo. in Now Trust. 'k it � 2 Lew cam" -3 11'-L_1� 6o�-n � of th,n Committees alipointed to eArry on gw? of 1,ar.Al`.e.NCL,tFJS. V;.h�ch th-,y IE�NMIF E ; .111UST M IOU I V, I s"*0T'7' " 1,'rom Morse Brpt�dere Assoct%tlon i -ad f Hed -,,r',iiie c-3 ra-,itp r. -Ah rn�a'.- I , , T — r,.-63 ,.�L'ell.S. T:,�'Wlt Werle 1r_1__C,r A Dr. Andrew iSmllh Uorbart D-Ath, CAPITAL WILL BE $30,0000OG axound rtak:'n 07 by 01. T.�#,- G�T.11. Ceil'� T.^,T�c Th<,121 7rI1O '31aine � TVililairo 11endrie, jan., �fohro Miacdoro- ta-&A fleted allroa,.� &,1 �AMe arfd t , re rf'.t0T<*-0j.g&kaN1y- 'r' aa and ir-Jomas urallany lvevr York, 4NOT. :i6-1 com. sollf-Tatlon _-mount 01" Oatrq�al Va"I to lia tw'c , From K�tre 11orse Asso�latlon_-W. I a q . - . 4, 1 WaF,Lin:.-;,,an 'Xn,vX')­An Intnr*sU ,q ' Of leadlag =ane.at,turers In thO ,1-c�','!'­I:z",�-d b,F �Jlk- 14#-M:�:o�--I_y Oi _X. eutv (3-1 i E. Welllng -.I and J. 11. Gardhouse. : BIL,eirtil ln�.,,Ich;tnt-� 1711'rn h,uma­ dccu.M � to Ll. i-iV4.1ving a total � . I From clly�tesd _- Horse AssocLation cat-litry Of axe.s, and cerf-xin lines - , `:, A b -on snt'.4�-_-d thab w�,O�e ,C-��I; � $18a)�036, hn,.; t'.'on, ro-Lzlcred by tile is in prospect, ac- - � .-L 4 . � t- -1 to ItL"e b,ek �- Tica,.ury D:xpartm,Int in the casn o7$ -Col. D. XcCrae, Doter C7,vristle, Ro- of edge too1% yn , oz=lra VIP,- -� 'r is elr� - 11 ler, d . 'Zinith. Vc.- �, lg�one, W;ljeh , bert 1111 an Wra " toraag to the Journal of commerce. �I rorc,gl , It," OT tile z�stllencex and U�e 1�'�rq, '� ,it ,r . I were kulpt b -,I -.,y co�l fqft,�-r'n M" jjl�� Gtar.�J 1�i`.-�i.-�k P%47r.my Cumnanry i �kt t':9 conclus'" O'� this meetliog A micllrg of th., varloa% parties is ivw,q;� v.-J_�hvj to usa t,rw.p.nrarl:,y Irl Mat'ne. ,', tbe Myd,'�_sd'ile d--reetors; met, and the qu-ne*halg, tha tl-11:%-�t O' til) thoang"I � Ion of the Interest has basil, hAd In this CitY, Half a r ­le oa,t 0, V,nsearth i�t, 3--,xtrAoresnary si.'%-,ments ,W W ,tile - PresUnit re.r.,orted t1le act ,� �,�1,1'&ep V�jl.,y ai�rd too, grcat a strain on, tbelt ; 11017-'�e` nrepdersl Asqoalation In vot- bu�,, nothing o,tfL,IaI w" given out. ,�-Ilver Cre-1-1, a V,�j 1, I ing a1housand dollars towardt ear- � Ile nc.w company prob,xbly will, �, - 11;,�` trc-nchin-,, Oronilk ttil p2n1r;e. It 1: r gu:ar engine.z. and an appeal W-ts , rying on the show tInd In a,rpOIntIn_- one Or t1le m0si br,��'iutlal spots in I rande to the Troak,ury Delx,trt-inprit. * be known as the International 1" t1jtN provin.c,,,, .*tn.1 4.,._ v,- �t 4-- IP dellboratlon it was I ,officers ,and a pommittee to ar- . ,,��r 0; t1j_ ,t� er, c PA1!-rab li,WtLy c,��mry,jny i range ,details, tend on motion of & 'Tool Company, and will b,%Yo & advancIng liast , win -ling Its s'o,.,� v.q. d _V aeetleJ t1lat the ra I :0"-;-T1 stq sl.ctr-ro trne-ewl �d I . V."ald have to pay t1n., rega'ar duty. Ptter Christie. seconded by Itobert giozk capital of about -$1.0,000.�)03. i � . .8 w"j,; P,eitb, $71DO was a.r.prepriAted from C,mpa.,,,�O, in the I - cities a Ppmtaclo worth 1�0:11,11 T" rvoAtion talR",n by the Treamr,y the funds of the Ms,desdale Assftla- 1114,ly to be Inclul oliowing - are ! 1, far to S_�,�. (-, .1J&xw was it*.iat, while eagines r ed inr i -fie cor4bina, � %t tt-,ir- �'ttic. F-tr:'Ini, Via p1l..'-pir"ag . tion, towards the show, tbe funds " I, fraeo;, Ti.e MrZjit mol I. tt'j d t�rO'!' g Ilto, the country to a eta- t1oft. New York, Alexand-rift, Pub, h Itfd M�n7b� 11 to be under the dirbetio,11 of the L -irk. ,,q. y., t1i o party Mvi -VA lt,mrI f ;-.v t tv a n sq' ti -in am,,ossr the border, It %Waa not . Warren, Pa., Rilgeway. I I lr_ 11 Clydesdale, r0preSePtativ,pson' the -r,, Gas 01t7w .V, c Q U'. _Lb3 _ 1��Is. to intr-Tprot the tariff laws - Pa., Cattaravgm% N. .11 poj�t'*, .]s, C ­ '�;Oq 'It f.11't0_, . �, . _ n fl,et board. Carriad. I I part. Onl­nf Vi­.ro .,Aartetl a p,;.,jj;. in ;j� wa-y that would petwit foreign i Ind.. V11IIadj,I1;61a, Pa., `Pitt�,burg# . lialted. liaryb,ith�!dtl)Pirf.t4*,e,4.Tbctn built englues to run between St;a-� I PA., viree"Ing; W. Va., CO3V-.,_-s; X. V., -qnoth,6r Aeppr-d romard and tions wj?"hin the 'unitod States. In offer of $1500D 'per ileter wwg! Cleivel&Ad, Ohio, Winsted, Conn., Lads- com- , mefteed the chantinT of a creed Or refuftdby MackeftAle & Mann on'gst- ­*-Vle, Ky., Uuntavilic, A] I., O'LkI.Ind. abotme *ersti from �;crjpture,, All, as lrgTlpp6rto.d picked t`hreie VnaneTS . utday for threelaotes of I&hd in WId,­ Mo A.Uburro, N. Y., Jonceboto, D14- bt-foro, rppeating tilera xvIth the i e at h rAp,0_* lying ebsd 'of '90tie 4tk6ft 10,10 tV4 _j ,very oa�­ la week. Exer -see sue 0 . Za;vIlle, Ind., ,and St. Ca;tU.V leadet� illh6ft otj,- Partr bovo,td three, it;Ar, - e , tri>nttur on the, Itod luvet. 11111co, ,00* - I