HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-11-14, Page 4I . .1 11 __ . I I . I - , , 7 ' �'
- I 1 7 .
11 I- I .
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i totin, 'a buteber. I I .
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� 4 eather
D 1, i A private letter from Mr. AV. A., ers. and the. le,, rued by I ' For this wet w
_,j - T.,�) _ , Agricultural Shows in Bri
I , 1� � I ,The Smithfield judges are breea- � PERRY is NOW ANUSED -
. E �
� , LD
vT HI Ef _ " I ssons lea,
I is PUBLDKIED 1 �N-la.el,Cillnen, Chief of tile Allit, farmers from the jadgment have I nOED : . �
� Division, Dominiou Dept. of Agri- ': to, be. poeite(i up without the bene- .,. ALAIT G, MASON DXSOI�EA
� I
4 ME= TIMSDAY EVIFINIXG- -1 culture. ,,vllo j.,k llo,w in (4rcat! fit of any t,,xplauution of the reason j FrvoX CUSTODY. You Ivill need a ,Crootl sh-ong, pall, (d 81 I I o (Is. We,
� p,ritain, c(Intaill-g sollie interes.ting from the jimlge-A, Farmers are 4111)'I . I
BY X. ZLLLFP, . ; ____ .1
- �
TEr.�)iSOFSUBSC'RIPTIt)'-\':-$I.t)OPe,r'.Ilt)te'-'UntliL�LleN-elk)l)uielitkif Agri-'po,,edto learnfroul. the show that'110 Evidence to Show :EEe Xilled� have what You m-I'llit.
y�arpo,i.dstrietiviit-.iilv��ll�-ee- Whenthe C"Itural 811L)ws in that country. vertaintypes of aninials can be.� Clara A. Xorton-Perry Charged ,
.continued, tonic Of hi,k eritici,111,4 given here- , inade, to 'put on ilesh at a. certain' I �
' ' With the Xurder.
;it -will be sent until such order is given -,Nrith are (10 b',%', rate., weight for agre. i 'Men's H
paper is not ord�wred to be dis -\vell,Nvorthy of noti eavy Shoe,a
4 and arreata-gespait'. $I"50 to Ire chargcd'tho,;e intere),iNtea in A.'riculturall Thcwrei�s also a $lalij,"llter, OldSs, --- . ..; M I
,when not paid in advunee. Educatioll in C-antiola. twhich the ju(lge,-, -view and runk , Cainbrid,ae, Mass., Nov, U. -The . dis- . I - I �
. I . � I 0 ams
ADVERTISINTI R.VrES.-Tramsiont � One:�trikill,tr fCattllv Of the re- I alive and afterwards when killed., , Dafld�, only. . . 0
. � o-harge of .�Ian G. Mason, the Boston
Advertisement,s, 5 cents per Brevier lini:'eent Royal show at Carlisl(-�, Bug., 1� The secretary says that the average � a J
I I A i clubman, accused of the murder of Clara +3-+4+3-43* I
for -first insertion and 3 eents per line for '14s thal all but two or three of the j result is that the same auima - are 1 -C-0 _& _& _& _& $1 43_1 I
each subsequent insertion. Sawnil Adys. . buildinzA -were simply frames COT -1 ranked first both alive and .(lead. � A. Mort -on at Waverley, a week ago .137.& 0 Ir A
�. Saturday night. was ordered by 'in 'Sunime Goods
, - ,
such as"Lost" ."Estrav" m "Srolen wl�l. er words t bolt there are, exceptions an(I some last � A fe W
be charged 150 cents firstinsortion and 265 ered -with canvas. in oth i ce. In iud.ge Charles _Almy of the Third Dis- Juarganis
peut% for each subsequent l-Asertion. the show took place under a series, � dis%atisfactinn in con,zequen E�; �
. .,,, one judge is -L,,AuallT a tr;vt Court of Ea -stern Middlesex yester- -0
�Copy for change of advertisement mu;zt of long tents The advantage of this cla, I I C,111 aild Be(- theni 1)(401 t1I(?I.)' 90.
be handed in not laterthir. Tuesday night I Thi,_ system is that the frame 'work farmer and the other a, b-afeber; day. The Government lawyer announe-N.
n down, and the tents , these llave similiar ideas for the ed that investigation did not discloso �13- 433- *3- + 3�-
of each week to insure change in jollow_: can. be Take . I 0 -t+-&.eC-�E*-EwV43- I
iug issue. �� I ship,, -.wed from point to point. and, block test. Heffers must be hilled evidence su,&,cjent to hold the accused ,
7pe, tli�ed.111!1115- time:, in The sea,son. if they take a pri�e, this bein- it - '0=k" B I I = = BLAKE.
Local notices in ordinary reading t., so makes it . man, aud the court lit once announced - t-1 . L,
es 'for e,hul'eh et, - Tilts arrangement al. � R. G, NK�
5 cents per line. Ntstie r , meat ,,how, and not a general or. tile failure to liud probable cause and
tartainments; or other benavolent in,ritat- pos-sible tN) use -rounds for an ex-'aaricollturttl show. urdered the disvliaTge of Mason. _________�. ,-----
�. ... . � ....
' - � - , . " � .
G", luired during Raticatioual meetings are till but injoi I . . . . . . . .
tionat special rates. hil,tition which tire re( A st janneiliateiv after, in the same .. -
Contract,- for column. halq--ooinnin ,ind The rest Of thO 'year for another unku,)wil. At Carlisle there were court, Lleorge L. 0. Perry. the young . 29��alg 1.
quarter -column rate.-: forspeeilled periud, purpose. demonstrations of daiU.in,_- pro- 1,ogru %ow- was I.eld zo�, a -Witne*�7 ...
will be cheerfully given, AIldre-s all The tents are arrungilk]. in a Com- cesses. but n,i -wortl of ex0anatiou ,,�!�illst .�las,nl, wa, eikarged with � a -
� I In n I
communication!, to in such seemed to be criven. Guelph leads tile murder of .Nli,s Marton. lie plead- '
11!Wt and s:�stelolutic order 0 ! !; P
I go in one them till for active., energetic. in- � e,l not guilty and Nvas remandett without :i F Or R U_ 00 I F -A L 121' N
=1_�_G =;�f,:.�ajd , away that vi..;;tk r.; ean :n - - Ni.vcluber is. M. Wha
a bail tor a hearin, ;
%I-reiL�tiktll and return in all0thel'. Tellitrenteolneation, forin Brit in I
zjj,,alwav�, liew oxhillim The the farmer seems to be considered Alti.ough ll,erry !� accused oi inurder, ,
E. ZELLER EmToP, ZrItWEI, P.O. let."i I I .
. .
�rran- d in blocks. not � highly honored in being allow4d to t'lt- poliee itel VkInaht that lie I -ad all l Tt-)pl��;�ervc-(-)i-i-(4--,to"(�it,tll('rt.'i,q 110 better
I I ____.._.. , __ (-Ints,ies are e . at-Oolllplivo. Taoy IwAleve t1tv'ry is an -
s. exhibit. and they let him. pick up ' involved whw�e preseriptioll for illon, wollit'll all(I chiblivil thall
N-0VEM ' ni lontr line, Agri- ,oilla crumbs of information if he otber a.,ol ciller ne-two
FRID-AX, BER 14. 1110'�. There tire f )nr k-las,se-; of Ilauke and bi,ttkr%, thel, have, Tiley be-
- . Ripaiis Tabules. They ary NIISY to takil. T110Y
__ ___ _________.,____ , � �__ --- - _�,2 � c-altural show.� in Great Britain:- van. lievo, w.lt thi, 'Illan 'u,ed 11%�rry btere- I
RIGHT OR WRONG, WHICH? -'I, The largv shows tlevotozOd to - F. W. Hodson, I:r as a io,.'. A tfvniallal order f,-aA bren art, made of a voillbiliatioll ()f III(Iffleilles approved
breekling, types and implements. Live Sktoek- Conimissioner. Bout out to arit-st !�4- man, an(I useki ii,y (.,-(.-,,N- phy-siviaii. Riptuis Tabilles
. .
tlho.�e are kwlk�n t) the kingdom. = - - . are widelv ii.ted b -V all sorts of Iwople-but to t1w
Is the liquor tra4le rizht * yt�A- 2, Looal siww: for tile berefit Of '..4,-.N11Ly I,�VIPPHL,,4. REPORTS. - I
if it hurts nobody, untl ;, i -How many serious, family quar- plaill, everv-tlav tolks thev al.(� a VeritablL. frielld
.- ", rea, en,ant farn,ers anil. breewlers in the - . .
n-,.;h1rkOr!w,L)t1: there ulay be eer- i . r -The Live Stock
benefit to society. rels. marriages ou Grain is Hir-,Ile . Ripams T I 1)(1t,f)"Ilt, their.,Ztan-
i i..11-; It - e,, t of spite and Trade Impivving- ill liet'd , abilles havt
Itiz.,rightto sell :--%-.,.,r_ 40 thtI T4411 ";!`n "'llill"'t t in t ' alteration, tif -,v;lls might have
T�- ,O, -4- ,t�.-.j ,,I.t, awl1t.n.,6n tq ,c,eti.in, for I,,, preveitted by a ,_,%�ntle dosv alf uil.,�. -\,-I. . .
seller iff�rs yam , III tlzirdfainily reint-dy. Thev ,ayt- a (IQW1Id!1I)ItwN
L a ri,�i' �t. .zt* .N. . - -en . 1'ae- �,%; Li e - I
- - -hil -1 Ioll,r all(I _,,,Io.t.(-.;4.,fjII r(-voril,
" , 'Is 'With -rhe liv.rr antl kidne.p- - .
j it� rti,:t=t-� ..1e4�U,i,t1`a%.1. .,p,irr*A. 1l,-r.t?sr ronedv, ,N - -
eoulTandlity and y.*n _,,Vt T' I f!1", .I o , - IlL . Tora;-.to St. La�..r;-nce 31ar'_et,
4, I .N. " 4liggish. und vwpid dige.,tion i, to 4
worth of yonr tn.-�-.m�y. 1� -', v � -?'�- I.,..-na!� :� Fat ,�Nvoel, ,111'tl inib.".,tiowil. dy.,q1t.p.A.l. hallitual all(I stilb-
. * ' I I - - ,u,n ,_ . - .
" � * , . 21'.- � " ,,,, ,,� �, ttv - �.: t, .,.. -Z tj.0 . . 4
- . .
right to 1�ave E jr.,"'. 4 ,.,.. �.,�N 4,O.., ,.%t, er.vonru,,ement uqf �� -retj awl temper ruined. But ;,. - ;.,,..�-�. I 4.,41v,Vr�, 4 4.4. :�_Fau I It slil.-til 4allk #lz
I't -it'-r- � 1�. ill I �"- .- - , 11'.4-h- imp.a - ., ,!I.- ,�, - , ,,, % Tuv. �. ,.% - .I, . , ,."P";.- I ii iril. i I 461.11.Avl j)rtw,,-Itjl, Ilearthurn,
y our town if tht�y no-. er �t..Aun., -,:-.t? t%` 7, I. - -1 z; � in I It lti-�hwla-N,; 1W Dr. cha.-Ne's Kian,ey-Liv,or Pills by .;,� -, u, , , * , -4`
' , ' !".�.�� , C,--3--,. .": Q' .'" I " -4 -i, ,.,. pallsit.-.6'.1) is' flit- hv,art, .,;It ,j)1(,L:SI! k 1.1r; -
� " * , , -ire lw�kd invign-ratinz the *;w*h-n. of these -, -7 t e o,%., ;..% !�,-' ;..,..12A-
inorals,of tho yonu�,- n -.,en. "�,nr ,,,, ei, ,� nt�.4r. T`h� villef isni.., . .'. , dizzill('. I
way..; lie] vt lna,kN� -,:,.,.,-.-, nqil. at Denntri-rhant. Lve%1s. an -I Nor. - .;.... 4."�.,"; -1 � I %�e. ., * , .� � �,.::
,'�,r I , * om-14t.11.4 tIll"Urt, 90knI tli-I'V.-tion and ** I" ^ , 11illso-flar 1-11V--Ilinafi.-�In. .,,,Ili, z;rWhat'll, low,wel and
P 1i - ,i,,I� 4� '-Vt % ', Z%kI :, 4� . ", ,:_''! % �-.,:. : � ,I:.'- - -. ot
and bette in-%; ,,;* TOO sjloak whilre ,,ound livalth. 0ne pi' .1 a dos -4?. Z) . .A ... � �N � '. , _--,-4. 1
, : .-
r. The k� ,)r ,r. - ' 4: 4.,. " "ry 3'.- ., �... IiVvrt1lIT1:th&-t. Th1-X,tr,-11-Z1It'Il Weak stoill-
" ' %'I fNarmer ,,,I t,.t jp�,x
as-mrmlly r;z'�It if i1.O..,a-...1::�1- ,*�i - * n.V- tfan? , . �-, " - tj� *.A
, ".e -..,trzti, r, ill � . � . . W...""t 7 � I. i , . " "'. %j. - , " "%,
..n , * av'�.,. bilibi -ajornll- .11 ,A*,*.,tti1jjI,.. re.jOrt,
, - I" 'it -';, , , 7- . �. ,,, ...N,., �. .1 5 22. .11- . " puro
'jj�,� Uk-e t I. .. ,I# tv, .
Women all s over ehe eauntr:,- u-�'vvr- �,Mj%-',rO t. I 4. , Ut t' ,it -re- rr_ = � 7� � . %! _. I,%.; I: - , 3I.; - i;.N.'se u.,.:....�',, ,I . A. ,
.7�.W . 4. :4%,ae�nt*w ; IV14.111d, llatural Aoki ).
,�- sv�. . .
fully testifl.l that �heir 1-.-', :tnZ-; Is" --Z" t *-1 IL"I'-'-', I . I I lla4 w4 41 I
. THE FELLOW WHO FIOPTS 4VL ",." to I %; '.,.V-, "'. ;,;:" - tj .1. A-ro 3614.4 tilplit,titv !�ltkl
are all the 1dinderbnAlan-1- ';,r �r ,%,�;--,4- - rl.3-nrO� IwONI f .r tihtO hl!Uo- ALONE. ...'. "
. . - . E N't-1-0 wod V wlrivi I, 1-I.I.-AtUtt 1-0-114it fi-om a rt-oll -
? Or .n re Itart-wular NO,. ..-� _L', , �w ��', O, I, I I , 'a". .). � ... . Y
� .* ..' -_t. , ,. .. :.' � , .i'.� 4� * OF
,. , k �
It the �rvlgvs w0j. n1'._.�1.r..1- 1 - -1 lar u.;o� t.f Ilipan.s. Talsllh:,:�. 1)1411 III -11., ist .'t,41s
� ,,- .q * I! ,,, s, ..", ." 74 " . "
evk,�r.v,%vltt,r,.,-,.Ie�l,ii,tb r7at %!-' � .�,.�..:,t-.., .%�tr; .;;Ittar,V,. .,%.-h tt,� ,
.0 4 - _., I . " Tht, ft -U -n'. wh.l fl�,.Ilits t,ut- 14 -flit 1 4 , - ;., " , .." I Ili - I . , J3
, , � . X" ` ,� !-�., st Ivk, at -� i-,11oll"ll fowl' - It
(,* - -. frnit-�. ji,tultry. horNes. Y I , ,%� .
4-�.rvin. I t ��. I I- I ,,� Tht-lpl. Tb- t, - -t, lit p. -ktIT i. Ir-
. 0,1,11 -;',' ,,� , �'- A,:"."! 4 � * -
are 7wought np 1,:-1 ,ro :',,:�, a, . 1.00*110. � , .4, I , �
O -to" A �Zll , tvlo� Ott this v!a,ss t*1 " ".." . , ; ..,
oriminuCls. it f-4 n,�. ot LILF r.:4**:', ��',% - ; . -,,;I it, ttw Ag,r!t-al. With I,. -v4:Or No wOvrtl -f eliver. �. - � liallill.".11,V 1'0-Oq-t,.1l1. Thk- Fnlifflv B'still'- 60 1-0&-,
- �,, . 14 1%, �.� �, . ': S I '�' � t.: ".
- ; �W'�. t%,tt WL % . ,,, t , ,,, ;1', w,�. - W - �0 ,,, �.:. N�j , I .
t1rinking, k-1aI-.,. if 1 -t --o �-T,,-Xa% -0 . �" NVith rovver a frit,ml his hell, V s '� I I,A % ,, , ," I .. L�I 1" .. I-061", , ., %'t iv 4 - -I- a V "Ill.
, . K " _A lfidl. L,man. t1vitl thITO lent'g. � . - � 0 ".V ,,# .1*�MV - �411411 . i . V.
emnyl, I
ame't .01 to..! !.."tO *,-.at thq- .�O �JTN-v,% %'Tt", ji, -,� " VO. 1. 1. .1
I � I I ,,.z *.*I,,r si%,�.Aal #, : %:% . � , 1?_ 1! � � r -;o NO "!!p�,!t I
- � I I I t - I I
I'll'NIZ thwy Mw 10, ".r.-Ol?'01 M I.T , I '1.`It�, zv� f�4*Ww�% :-*,%t With nevor a eNw-mratle uvar . I .: -14, "13
Teadilv �, al.n.a.vIN t'to ,O -en -;,O%- ,�, .11_o, 'Tv, Kt,,- has neeA #4 u �.hthvart "' ;* �11", ,; I 1* I , . , , , � � I � - .. - ; �!, ':,N � ., 4", U% I ,
. , �, , , ' u,,,NN I 2n,l wev%JluvT%11%-y--� -. - � , , � ,
. if the rat!hva;�* I t`ri.11'Jt',"t- . - -,n 1 ., �,,, , -i .". � N, :_ .�. . . .
O A all Owther gnvat ,� �-rp.vr.avn, 0
� riri - I - � , .t%,',?t.,.q�t�,j.-jb%, 0ne-of t lVeI't , . � � ., �, , :,� , . , T!, N%;; ":",� Q. �"* , �,.� ,�
tl 'Ir. _�-,.', ,oviI. t1tOOr.a*tL*10,)r4,1 lmntcr., lmrul. I . �
,1j,,jtj .i heart. iwt gAve,lt-onwan. I!w � t.) t,,* t j, 0 � . `,I#;D "": tj �11 31 1
he , * , 7 �
I I I rl. I . D -� , , `�: .,11 )
- eintiltw :wm. � -, , - ,
who I 1V *, LI -4,1-111, i. . I�* _: t'� - sve*"'tio N�.,O4,.V,* 4-L, that lwld Ile ,; trzu_mlv� f -or I-;,;.- antl niry ,.,. �� � � . � _� � I � ;e ; , "I.", . al � �
, .I SO *- ,,,, . � I I
`,.� �b.111', �I -i�ire. a %Zrk,ut than lito. ' ."11 - � I. ��,:I at, . � - '! , ��.- ,,I ,,P�,j I , " 2 i a 1 �6 1 a
ik%pun art, qn,�te O%4:re� A *�'Nat q'rir.,^nn,_- "ria 9 fi
-14y iar thw, : -T *,3, tit .%,,h14--. I lx,ohv, ;� , , 2
inert art ni! _'. .Ykr-�1&,,r%z-kv11'ter. �*'-Vltatl Lsw.al , Tlz%, fel',O*w w1w A,;,111tI; al -110 I % _� - , , -v V . � a4. .,� ,,�; :. ") 3 . �; A
ana reliuble 'k -ant'. wi3O., tb.4t tzlql�,., I %. �P� ,,, .,% , !'. '! ,; � I L L;� ': 1; "I I I
ean fintl. *�v_ 4, ko,j, eDn,hni1n.,I. fink., gra!mks.vl %1atq-"-'tV O' The fe'liow who lt-,-ht, ths wvrlul '. . I I �. I
- .1 uj.',tO�q t1.it,1r:11%- . . , %I �_ .,:I�, 'I � " '._, Z � I �, .
. �. �,wx,q. VN -7 have L thrve nwan klivi- - - . � . 1. -
in- �()f 141144r. lont.inz nntl �0'.' ttlumo. Tcv!.%*.3 Lliv-,� Vt�;:%. __ �_
C n, ". , pra a .______
- a, . I ,."UN 00i ij,j-,�,.h�!,w%v - 44ne fOir gou 'Mth ut-ver A filtLW.'*�- ,-L.' .!t�. � .
I . .
I.Sr a rq�ht anki ;.,&r,��41 thin,,_,, !, "-% .n � , � I ,'111� ,-j 4� tr,�a -- - - ... � ,�
V.','a�.,�N�"!N. '.1 � fO�Ze.I,I iort,�!_ loy tt,nant With never a im.311%ter's %inilly ,,, " `j.", - 0 J�%�,� *n - t 'I'lul. �,�,l tz, 4. t. - 11_U�� I
, _�_ aim= Xx3Wbta%KVrjWL1r%"M
If the V*4'r-minwill �of N41 0attreLki- far "k,r.-. 4%,, lf,s3l% tr,Ml .-Itallient- .�, : L_ .;.. ., I O ,,�� � � , , ," ,I.j L;' %
'� ylta t. - t(4114, o . �, : .1 . Q�., -, , -1, , �A .. " IN
win ee,rfifv it 1 -at t1w) N Tv jt_,,,a !, �..�`,.,,; "t'i","',�,
.,m:vl1 to lee'll Tmv�-awl'?'%, Ili--% III ! mns".. ful h . on 'r -N ZV) gnr..�O. ,� . ,� ,.- % , 1�; _)IL'i I 0'.0 Lj�
.- , - ..."o ,b �;,�-
of a drin'long- nt,ml%TvF-1htt4 't?'10" n , rt,jtnXe -.114m is that, I . " V` � 6, J;, '.
' A otiler I'Vil',O�*sili�.t�.ot-,tr4.V.'It the (h."ni .1 "", 0.
�, � ,; " . . " , , "I - e, �:A -
J .� '. ,,,�, � - A ."�;*� It ..
havi,� in tbotr 4, lanrehe% tL,v j;wtVe)r- ,�,IMVA tLe Vart H�: rstb Rx.141t. hela V4 "by. t-.% I, ,g �: , I � "? 111_� , , 2,��'.. 4� V.p
hetr m, .. - ,�i5� � r� �, 1I., -.;&. ' V1AW;X%2
M orre 4Ztt,11v ana n1v:Tt,V %'-wittl t i;; A'.".'m-1 --m. wht�v rrml'% are 4iven An111Datt1e,Ntt!1h1,,*!A t,% *,'.-�U,11� t- % 1.-,t�'.." ,l" .� -
' , , A . .r , , it. I., V� ,-,�.. L-1 � ,,, I ,� �;. � , , .11 .,;, .1 MOMM."
N12A u'04147 - -,,,,I I ,.Inn,��. uir. tln,.� ' ;; - ".. , , ". � , ,,,,, I,�j "-e �A
Aturebt- alwaVs artt� I 151�!.t - - t W!' - 11 1� - �
� .%&tt-tiwo1,1s t�o strom.*. �'., �E, N � �
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., tvr%�111: 14'T,Iw� - F _1R_ E -Rw,,�
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Over btsdus-t we r,y--,t .- L"-'ens.c-A t'- ..:ne- LL -,11 sh-�,�V'-'q roo the etee""maute- The funte Q4 hi!- *Y��t i� T�� --.-r � �� ,�, �, .
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Pa r vk,�- a ve�" t � 'y t!� e ,F- �:�% n'; . _- ra t � � %� rz. " f .,��'_ km4z,�, $4�Zo'i ;, .' eLv't. 19 b��, '.. , ',
ten -ant fatinc-T:�. ut,li�r loeal L, -". , �
-, '1�--_Z-_L;t*q * ,�,.-4,�,,`L, .W`11;c�,-41, ,�-'.,.�n _.C..
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I',-_ �7 kl.' . r , -,, U, �
V - .j �i I' rs, (71&ief alnona thei4e - 0 S., .� 41� .,,� 3 i�.t- *��.,�Vtt_.",,= wi�L:,�,O�_ � 17.e zvv,0,�f V�,4 t --r V-� "r -.J�.,�,!,e " V tho juZub-
n .� I I Q�,,_ � ::j I
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.7L'jj (�j I tl_e t�,Ir-'_"B Vl".'".*�'2 III"�,"i-n- he!"I b,7 the Pzlke of Portland. � - __ � _j *,;5,.�.; -z.� , - -�! .��'_'�' ,n',.,*Z ., 1;,_ � �t VL2�_jd'i. L111A tt�, :�. "oneir ", � .; ,,l.-,�,-�,�:e,lt I'L." t.:"L t' V"IM ' Z "
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kl_netlo Atia o�iti�ft,,-tft._t �._0- -1" ktj.,-,1v;n a,, the voWalbeelk Te � . �.`N, g . �., _�;, '. :,
. , 41.�W_. 1 11 "
I natt TaE Mp.ty-Tu t�_-o ne-w s,nI�ser-', - ,� 1,_�.__,O`..___1 - -
' . - 1- C._.� _0 �:�V-� T'j"'I.-, Lzft
aftd Ifty t �:p b�: -_*t a -_z'_,-,t? t �q ;t. t'4e _ I V _ T_7 g_5" -T'..4.
: Farmers* Sh�vctr. $1.0`i.8 t3 etid of tlent year- *,:::t I'_C-v �u ��_-!, _ , I.- -, -
, tc*wnspeaple ivtr_�=11 gri-tv :t�b;,=at-',' oa--,r'�, �, :I q_o a". ;�I- I- *,,'I�j Sr�"*' T1- -,q
* Tup "ey-retary t,f th,e 11,3yal Aar5- Z,- _ TO OUR PRESENT RTIADE-RS.
It Ata sayO: %Ve -.nU_n,-v, "4Sfen t:9 - t'ar-1 C. -o -e 1.�I.Z, !,r:_._,.-,_ , iL -_� � a n i; � , I 1, I- e I
, vd:nnral ""55-s"n.ety stato- " rl.n.L �. ... - ,
- ,s th&t the The tni,%muntunt vreeti-,l L�t T, �! -_i_ , - -, " ,., $!t" � O S;�,l ,
-4: �:Pn � I L� � - . .
yor. 20461kq. -,p�-n ate ��wr -ft . . v ��, _'�Zte thwe whov fell �12 III;*! t� :-; " 4. -,i t Wts P t�, -
- - ` ,-. - -i � -_ ��, � �F_,'--T,r ,--�Lq,_74�31,-t�. 1_-.";,�_V��v. I U 1 -11 �
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the buV4r.ess C�f tl, ,_, __" -e:" - - ME "I , .1 .
" L "* I�G_ Lid r--; q_'A S�1.,, --
� �4 , Eign-�,_Kanral slk,-�wws m Great Wit. intbedefen"'e"11i 1"Zamau,a. V,��" -1, T�et� �,,_Alr. ��:_ $I
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Il ��r� - _; - , . .
ow-ly alnutin. SLI tL .!" -n--m . , nttwvei'�el "Satntlay. '. r. -_ --,. � '11"ILM'." re�Qrs. am,l �
enzie. natn't V,�!-; lit -,w --,q,-, %4-,t1t Z2, �� t�, 7 ',I�",�,r Fmt� ".z, 4-�,� 2 ". e �,f 1"tI4- V,I-ar 1,v 1waying- no ar
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1:;�tt:,�n"Lar en�,,Jnitrllels, a!vyut tlle fe"�1i=01AS tza the zr,�4�'l C4 'L -, ta, ��v -,- -:11 N�,,Z�-r-�-, tr-* . -,.- �_'! -,,:.'_�q 'v , _ , ,
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" e , � , , , , . ,B r . .
I �t,- :4, , , �: ! $1, 7.-f.
*'-;,U v) ML !, ear ft-.,_'; -_'d IL'. -4L, 'L, ",_; be thvlted, t.j,seml n�prq�-�etal,anv,_w-Q, 1-___k;� �, ! f ���, ��_E�, ts :1-, Z .0 P . I
� I t_at�'�S, al,Ilpt4t an juAgtta sla�-&- 'Ii"- :- I '" .1 _1 . . . -
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�� '. .S.e slt,wu,,.;I f�-.4.*Ze,I to fliett a Thieve I, n,�� ttrmt:t In 1.1e %,. - . . Entt 2tEala CA'tt" .e Xa:"�:,it- 14 � ,,� �'-.-�,,.�." -er,,)�,t-:n�!"L-4.. i
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isqullteaalsnr.]� Y*!,��:*�, -, ,_-�_.
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tbat the -Vi'T '=_�-,_ t., , - - ,-.,;. ,-r-"U!-=T.I.lt,L"-Obk-tLpestanlial�a. Toronto:l. An. �Ufffi,�-.M2 6�n-_ , - r *1 THE lar"�IAU% .". ��.,,w-,.2. V�N�. I
- ='�'!w T, - 7. ,% 1 , 1.t� -
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. ;.,!. t.; !,,� � ,. .j* ;7��', - - attemlion -wwq �rlaoii . , "I 01-hickgo Live stoz!L ��
, 7%- .f, ;-.T. 1_ .. �.; I L' .0 I I
eheat:nz - ,__, ._�, �____ __'e,_7�_� ft ARE . I. I - , I L-', -
-�1,=n�',r-�,:.- -.---,,:�?tc-,Vu�:atiet,rkarl.V,71iu , ...,
-Awa-;F-wit I .___ - ____ I—— From Backache Vbl--",�-". _N�-v �'t(,�' 1.��.�'. !.:!.- * � I " � I �.
Weli themn, -.V".I�n -�:%�_� anl� -- __ �� ... . _ . :". � - 4- ';. .1-iII`... I I - ,- . .
� , � V.
. - :%,-.�_ -.',-;;n.;-7.-� at 'arge. L r-.-:'.,r.e _�*O-z'�. S05--'5 v, ,'M- 1,04", : L-_ ; :---.J",-,4 I i �,-% - I.. � I
. W. Gilroy. gentr2l =erclmnt. Vat. _-.Ia to ,T*' Q,r,-kE.1,l �. 1, fc�,:,:,. ,It 4 1, I I % -J. , .
A .
'7".�'..t.; -e Mr. ,9,11. - n..z. ;'AJ1V 7".%,�E!'..'�,I%V: "'., , i. I HE A 0
- resnit � - , �? I ��, / -,,,,
- _t, :.:7� �.r t1e ea,!i i - to t1t . L��.I: 1. � -
I * N, �
cast -Vormr 7�-.,te ,,:n I � �_ � ,,g-,tr-s =41 prize liqts 1:6. v $4.ZV,4: L,�,-L,,q. 1, - _ y 0 U 1�1 . 4 . . '. �,?, ", .
, - - Z_ _�E- - _ti:7. . $41 t;,- ,.,O�. $I. -Ps _. i � I?
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-,7 � , - - .-,::- , _,._�_�_., - - , , , -tey � ' - Z ; . � . . *_ - I , r..,
Hq1M& tral_,"�', -,. , . =,,0nf_stat0_%!� 14"Mrv,��,�.Vtnth*u�i-
.. I � -be in- gostic in t-nd praise o! Dr. Ckaae!s RE . --.-v. i-Qrun --4. ,tl - ��y tc, N�"-' :- 21-z�- '-' rit . N_ - L -
-I- , I . -� "' . �-' -_ ar�-%arnea nf;t - I P 'A -9 I I ... I ,,-
-1 - _� - � ��z to ' � 1.1,�
, . ,. I .
* . t-- -__� ___ - � _, � :Sj�
,laen. ,,-,r -c7-_'_t -. 4 e t g ai � $�_, - : I ,
I ��;y -,L�- market -value of LiverPM'r.tn' b ','. vtlhava a, 715,atzft �-.i,f,:".,Ilt,,$4:-&-�-Z,LL,:--,--i�. 7, - i , F ; . I'll ,_- �
� I
-- -t'-`-; �� -- -----di-. -`n_�e!r- ardc '%- -tat lkg.�-I...Pqz�R, Z%v. "'t-, Vtv.. 1,_� . I .
I kwvw tLe :!,_,an " _r- -- - - !!:zn _-��, .''. _,,'� E ?. I ; , . . ,.�?% -Y NOISE 11
'. . -z- _.. .- -_ _ik. -h tzw, .4. and to, be. For several ytars I AS a S. . r � � I I
. �. .. j, I - 'Q -". LI,Y ,�, __ .
yet I wir- Volb� f_ . y"_1 ln.�. ,- �, -.� -, = sultfertt frata kiezey di5e_ue, ac& Lai w :N�� :�-IN;,?4,; 4:"L,�St�', it,'.
-_.-_._,.4;a: �;.,mdted t1hat, in his , �, ,t!%J�,� � ;pl,.4�': ��,_: �', ,.'r' '
_:� , �t, �_�, I . 1,,'� -_ �.
bec&-nSe-,_,:-C-ren1-=--r.� _. . . ins in, my back 2:tnost cons"12--ttv. 1 " ,� � � _1_ - A_LL CASES 01-;'
"_::* n r',-, 1,4ttl,�, atteritton wa-z F1 - t,.4LVV: $4. ---IV �o ,VI* -�r -a i '_',. 1,� ",70 1
- , 1'!_,._44�. 1_" � . " i"It.oft - .1 , .
, , �4 1;. , I I-
1.9 r;eT,Pn:!;e s= 4.17 uni .we --�-.:nan� t : ��, lormcl agreat =any ra=e�'ks, but did =_`- '4'.!% %g'lt. , ; t-0 ��w`..::,�' 'L:.'1C -1, - _"."�,,. ]ft. 'A,
:,";, ' I t -� t'l --� ei�, m -m-e value 0A the ., � I, "..'4. ,*.O.V, .. 1W LR
! - 1. - I tb= S-.��_tt -o st-..--.5. -z-,.--- M-1 �
that revc - Ir succee'a irl cbTai:_*Z& =are . .on.�.-. " ,;�-,,t,,� E, AFN ESS OR H , 'A D 1`1 EMU N C
-nae * .t- SIPP41v: '.ar_,�- g-�,y .C. �.":,-'.6 1. . I - I �
��- %-4. nn, ,,5. ,4
�. , .2 at fal-,ner-, are tt_=;Vor=7 retleL -"4 , "
W, h et tiae h,�.ur f�,v v, -I _"!�w - . .� .-.,-�s. r�..-'Iv to $4: runr t;3 :1V1.` -.e =is.: I. $�:.".#
" L y f."�:�, �5-- -t` _,,-�e:� in; e4l b7 award-, s,o_ as - � to *�;.:��i,..-�,;It;ve""-.=-,,,�. �&�_"'_q t'N $7,�.,-ni. ARE Now CURABLE
,e IF-.- n,o� !"..; .! Itl V4:x 1
Nvill you sa,7 -- I vn*," -r.,--" I flidilil 'of nird stalvisel Tne 0 f by var ntwinventivn onty liin,��, *�oni (lea.- "r^t ,,-,,nratz't�,�
-, , t. -Y �_!, -Nrl!-��,-_- awn. artleie tmit , b -, I -neat .'Xai,keta. � �
:, � : . . Is not st's Xidney-lAvtr P.,11s. tni I d LtAdins V
hibition " and drive t"a�e :..:'Iz,�z r. Cba � 1. I I I � I - . . �
tra � � rel!�'�,.M;_�rat� 1,7�. so, With great satisfattlen. I h;id not (:�.�S;,.,gpri,V44�1',*41'. C.,.-,:._-., lw.day. Ilk I � 't ff
it:11 - It I began to feel , � Drt.. Ui N I E
Me out ol the- co-antry. ,-; ,7. .V;z rezard t,j, the t4mithfield taktft h4f t bax befor _X -,V, Dz�". -N,,,V. HEA' O'SES, C' ASE IMMEDIATE YX
. pi-e_s.�i Superintendent �Zll(�O-�-: tiey ha-ve begtm to make � betterwand now realize That I baveentirely 3, cwvz�_*-) ..., .. . . 7i " .. -._��i F. A. WE14MAN, OF BALTIMORE, SAYS:
I often wpn4'er mov %h3r ,.k,j,,v Y,,k .. ... .. -.."> I
- recovered. � #11;11
- - Z: 1 = -- , ! , ` 11. P%,, -Tntorr. "T"l. V,aTz" v% =':.
lon 0 -
impr*j�vem-_nts in the dire'A f I - eW_f2_-gjedre�_edjesvihea T#OeSiv .. .. .... 76 -n�, .;:., 77-, GeorCem-2,-t.--Mt',rxgent*re',,. eure�lc-f exe,tf4e.�-. V-1111ts to -�,Nttr tteatn,erwt. . %Vvl-. .1"W give you
, -
7 th X_ , ple g - 3"1"T-*-a;�"'v - I' I � = __1:1� , . .
ve arramod Ina-,rkr-t CLeMand.,; - 4 at is to be e ,tV 7f �-�,., t rut! histo -v of r2V,;Ze.,10 Le n.4ed -,*I Y�wnr �E�Orenon.
The W. C. T. 1L . ba , e oeetej� as t1e o��wjer_-t,cwf the show is ana proven m6dicine is so eaf, D,t-.T.T. 2 re -1 .. ;4% ".1 t It !�,, # S-4 _43-ont Eve Veirs, ago, -nvr.*g*.Itt.,rz�er,t,�anto,i,i-�, ana tin's Lett an tetain-. worse. tn1ti*1*aSt
to have a parlor meeting at th obtained, a-:1 sty termin to cure-" D J . . . . .
r. SfLwaukc-e. 2, nbr ,-*-'- 72� , =y litow--int.r: this C,artrwt�nv;,�a. -
� _r+
" on Wed- to en , e the production, of ,C,.,,e, X;anty-Liver M have! anertcr- N*t. I'lam 42., ".:-, ts , -_4trvr4nt a trextnient �� ..'_� I -..e��e���!�,c,*.ii,,,."tt,lg%lttnt-
hottleolf M,r-,. S. Raneie cr.rxag �, . .. .... It: ..;1. io!r t1troe 1wl'outlis. WhIlout 1.1v S
- T Hycurete - : I ulnzb, I hlrd L .. 744% .. berc - p:hys.c.'ans, avlong ctl;er�. %1=:- -,N -t ClUiM-111I e.wr,%1NC,,%.a'i-.t,0f 1h-.S,ntN-. %61,1 toldrat tlz�;I'r
th,. at ,i, 4ratcher's ineat. Formerl, ,
n sday-evenin- �Nov. I'j" y prizeq =*as sale �eaLust they v%dical Ti ) I .W 'an,6pe--ation c_,u:,a "a . IS %V3n`,
e _ 'I I eln !!.C. .;.A. ev�n tll:at oI."V telllratat.Ky, *!,.at t1ti 11;?ad tlais
- British Markets. thib ontst. but ts.& 1�tztringj!; Otft afrec.ej e,'... %V,�jj�,'; 1'f:,,)$t J,�Tevt�
0 Wock -zharp. A progran,Me will were giver. f0vwr aninials four years, twus and thrailic distast,'0111. p- I a dose, 25 . .
tett$, a, box. All deailerswt Or Bdmanson,, 1`�,
IRr .N "W
� I ]�� 11 I I 1141 S
11 R , , f )
, I "hen saw yo=- aa%,Cr,;Senun1t nzc.-,Ient.�uv %,,.., xe,v v,iru T,aper, nna tnze- vl votar treat -
2 -nesa--e .
be given by -which Rev. Dr. MeaVit old. but late','7 tlivs ha,s been clat. , 1pd,�n. Nc,v. 11.Wkeat, .Vri ' la%� .IN, e'eased. �rt,l
' -taus & Co.,Tcrobta. 0ojj,;;:S;jV UL,rl' neur- Afttrn%ad wsed it zo-vaitw I .t2__Nli1l%%ANV"14-. �14*e�.wnl.4. lbt,noises
,of Aensall will give an address. down to three -Sears and, under. attd,, 'MigCd. V0111, om passage i
rl;: i;nf nt�t .�.-;N , to-d:Lv.a--te.-fvcweck.-,�-,V,*Ca.iu�c..!!�.1,1 ,"�iqe.i,,t�i�a-�.,.,�'.4%1)retteliti't;�%:kstt�.*e..,., jlltauky';�lx
-1 ..,. Wla-nt--Engtash u�)u Ls- . -t-- - 'MITIN
Li- ,.
ftienolifl niusic is b6ng fitrnislied. no pr -4710s are given for eaws. The. .. I L1;jy tiukt: Lut bto.,sdy. he rti,y and btg to reir _i .� .t11% X ..
silver restelt is that they get fewer of the, .. $ erefteh ki--ndy- iF. .... N.Vnia.m.kv. "zo s. mr,c-14Nvay, ftltiawre. '.%Td.
also a inal#. qutirtette. A . - - C. h - - I , ftr�N, Xov. 11--1 * _0U). tj`&jjjjZejtf tj'OPS 7t6l jjtf'j"jIff`j'f Jj'jtjjL your its nal'ovellpatiost.
ri. -U L3P. 1.101"r ,
tall, w '* animals -which used to - lists N*hest �_teady: 'Noveraber
collection -will be taken after which -- .0 � -lit ,7;3c, Marr% - V=a=Enition VwI - , ntu,novnival
e4 - -_ . Pi C. , , " arvil na'! June advi't trte. e6st.
light rofreshments will be -served. 'be t�een. there. Set they still giv ' - , tetalIv, November 302f Z5r. Sr YOU ''CAN CURE YOURSELF At AME
A hearty in I U-sy-Liver gist tryi. INVERNATIONAL AURAL CLINIC* 696 1.4, SAUE WEI, CHICA60-1 IL6, ,:
vitation is extended to awards, in 901:118 Cases to 'Anitnals � I ; Aamer _Xar� 1I. -Na. 2::td v!2t".j3-^.ir.
all. L which wo-ald not. be: so-a,ght for by * X, I d, ,I's - __.Z_____.____. -t__