HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-11-14, Page 3— I -�- ". . I , , ", ,­ ...... . � 7� - - . ,� I . i I I I I . . ! . I . I . I I .� L . . I . I . . I . I � ''. , : .� I I � �..'L. I ''I . ,? 11 I 11 �, : � � " I I . L I I . L I L I � I I I , . I L - �----­--- - L - - . - - r 41% + %wo Mn4 S6 . rJ all sm the Ing t don 1; gla4d the I far o ablaz naerr� chUdr Viet ur long of th short Lt is watcl and bi beguil ,dog 0 NCR] from and I paste veto I ipietin and t great back 11the r M ay. 'Were 1went, on el earell coat Inost ,tile 1, Over vreac Prix 3acki thoug 4,*�V"4�C"',�c,-�,�-.DC4-.4c,,-%.�Dc-..5c--".Dc--k,�)C-�..ag--�.2q-.,.xc-�.o r000..2c-fto. . PV-,0r-.JC-�C-,o>VJ ,� — - ir,4 rr ^, I a a Z 19 M PARIS FASHIONS IN MDOC I WER0 ? I What Chanteclair Sees in the French Capital— ,, A General Melange for Lady P,eaders, Which the 7. Masculine Portion of Creation Will Not Overlook. ­­­lllllll­­ll­­­­l­ � #,). I I ­ 7107 are bOOOMIng to 4 slender fig- ure, and the skixis are manipulated with such exquisite skill that there are the mos , t c4arming effects of '=and shades; you . see stripes, and all manner of quaint de- viees, 'b ll s soft a,,nd harmoxal- Ous; 9813eral)y 9. few antique silver or pa,nGulGaterip buttons flasten them in front, with the addition or a belt of MethL. or tooled leather, The fur motor garments of both genders. are a perfect show at tile best shOPs, it, is Jndeed bard to des- cern wbere '. ' 11.2. Forsook the Lord-Uey <11.1 not say there was r,o God, bwL wh`exx they took up tha worship of false gods, tbey forsook Jehuvab. They colpid not for&aka lih; worship, without for- salling lilm. T%`ough thoy had been . Joined to tile Lord in povenant, tlioy Itip.11C, forsook 10m., and inn ,4 L Unto theinselves many go.18. Brought them I om-God had been. gracloua to tblem, and with, a =Ighty hand had dollwared thom from Egypt and given, them tho land of Canalin, and yet tgey do not hesita.te to forsake him and hia worsbap, and pr&voked the Lord-1111iis Was passion or vin, . 1 -7--l- " , + — L 11 I "I LLL .. ITHE MARKETS, .. , 5,oronto street Mali*e4a I ,,,, NOV. 10,-Itleeeipto of x�4 ,, . tb street on Saturday Iwlere fair. .h Sirm, 200 bushels rof wbite N lit " I , 71 Ji -2o, loo bushels of r � n., or I - I 71 1-2c, and 100 busbels Ot V0060,1 RAIL RAIL 660. Barley iiq un,Qhaa.g(.d, with RAIL * . of 1,200 bushet 0 '04ts, lire weaker, �W02 ­­­­ll­­lll­l­­­�­_­���� -l---- . �'�eft%ft'Veft-�'3eft%jeft%%J�C2 is despatch : Our lovely city Is Brul-vell0s, as the street an eacUl knows how to lntrbduoo us, for we -01 I Nature Falls and ,&rt Step, in, so marvellous are tbe colors, com- ,not dictiveness, but a feeling QfL Intense Indignation against sin,! Id, ing at 35 1-2 too 11:ye" 00014, ,51 1-2c a, bw3tiel, for Ono load. - .1 ?, �Or,� iles and graciousness this week, Shia it was roped off, and none all have two names, and we all do I blyt big "Intim:C.'s- passed tb'rougb. I binations and arrangements arrived at by his * .18, Asht-arotlf-This Is the plu, ral I wes Hay is ui.changcd,'NvIt,b I tilao 70ather warm, and balmy, mak- tbingell, sbo is vor y, bright and Every care was taken to avoi-d hos- a master furrier, to effect ead. You axe form of AslitorcAh', the female divin- ity lotails at $11. to $16 a ton,'for � thy, to for miL_xG graceful and Is the wife of a F rene�h- he fashionable butterflies again tile or party demoastration. Asl� man. Another or the tea-Varty wa,,j I not only shown new animials, bat old Noah's Ark frie-nds of the Zidonlane, and consort of Baal. Hok worship was very an- and at $6 $.to 034'M7 sold aft $.13 to $13-510; a too heir lovely summer creations to' w,,%Ikcd along the Gran(Is Boulevards Urs. rsTa Brodlique, Summers.(Ohicago on our o,7es and cheat us into early on 'the Sunday morning they Rmord-Flerald), who is & bright, 1 ilz entirely new guises, so smartened UP that their gra,ndfatbers would clont and abominable, I 14, 15. Greatly distressed -All of for two loajcls� . . � ( 1, , Poultry, in goad demand at Armot were' making the wondodui wreathl.9 olief that grim wlAter is yet -00010ones-outside tile great flor-1 amusing woman wity a now of con- , hardly daro to own them. Pony -skin is Considered very chle for Motor tbe.Re tillugs came upon them as a for thleir deeds. They liricea. Butter ,axid eggs are fl±mero the latter 61eilliag at SO- to, 350 A f. The Tailleriev gardens are I vereation and a very genial mail- ists. Many were largely compo8edor, ' ner. Micro. several "I'4te'nt, c0ats. It aa3peare.d. last year under pilvishmont evil were "sold," thst is, absolutely dozen for new laid, and vegreta!bIL-01 e with flowers of vivid hue, and fenubi and artificial roses, witY were the real flowers outside, where they and musicians tber% but I could n the name of "Poulalla,'" and I believe as M rule it bails from Russia. Velvet given, tbp into t 0 h Uands of their ene- . � ruled stea4y. I , Dressed 'unchanged, $7,56 with voloes of the Parisian quite catq1l all the names, as every ell who play there, with their showed most. Mmy'bad partymot- "From one talked In different Is 901119 to be extensively worn, and mbvs., 116.. Rniged up judges-ThougIV Is- hog& at to $8. -� . .1, toos, the League of the Faith- at once and es,quely capped nurses, the live fill Brothuril'ood," was, on- one; many Amerle" accents. velveteen of fine quality, Or "English V1 BI'vet," as they will persist in call- rael brought their own distress u-0- on thom, God r,libwed and com- 0 wit is, the range or qaota- F 110- 9 I . , tions: . i � lay. I never can resist the wiles had expressions of admiration for Ills * * * * 0 ilig It. Ernst, the smart Indies' tai- pity, passion. He dl4d not send angels. Wheat,c,whlte, bush., 71' I -Z6; �i6d, e old bird tamor as I take a moral oovrage and endurance, and Bat in Paris just nom the topic of the tributeo came from allparts. one greatest moment is, you will easily lor, has been making some lovely go-.vn,s of it for walking, the skirts or any foreign power, bnt raised up men among thf,m.w.lves, and qualified 71 1-2c; sprLug, 67 1-2c to 68c'; goose, 66o; onts, bush. Or, 1-2 to s IOv`eIY wreath, with, a ,scarlet rlb- realize, I i Just touchillig all round. Some are in thom: for the place. Tb a japiges 37c , barley, busih., 4:6 i_q= to 490; always a new faseillatiOn to. boll, had a tribute.from ,so , me pa Princes,s allaM, with bands or stoles had no Oower to make law,% God rYe, bus., 51 1-2o; hay, tidnotily, per litical isoalaty at, Buda Posth. -1 The New -%Vlntex� F.-Shion's, I him with the blrdllxxg�, large 4w, all, whom he.has educated axid funeral was to leave the house at 11 most of the, big .Vaiaons having their of fine passementerle going over tile shoulders and falling balf way gave tlie.m. . 17. WMil not harkpla-so perverse ton, �14 to $16; mixed, p -,.r ton, $0 to .$,10; straw, per to -n, $13 to 618.- 1 o'clock for tho Montmartre Ceme- I I ed to be as tame as a house tery. We ftsurrelytitiously hurried, early models ready to be "interview- (10,vll tile Skirt, tile big Pago(U Slee'ves and the front of the bodies and stub))orn were they. They were bent oil their own mia and would 26; seeds, per bufft, a.1sike, choice, No. I., $6.75 to $7.50; No'. 2" $5,75 r cat, and quite as sagacious. thr,cou.-Ill our dejourier for an old' ecl." Purs were never more magni- lixtitened with biscuit colored em- not listen to the Judge who bad to$6-50; red clolver, 05.50,to sftibul. er cuald I refrain yesterday Iriiilt Abb;-, whb in English confessor ficent, or more extensively to be broidered filet lace. I qa.w one In de'].Tered them. Bovrel 'themselves- othy, $1.25 to $1.75; a,r,ples, buying the dozen of post -cards- -at tilo Madeloine, and who sat next . worn, It would aeom, and already ow lairaculously those bits or to me at table, had been iso soath- clive green velvet, flecked with tiny white spots, another in modore They prostratel t1lemselves, proba- bly touching tile forehead to the .Per. barrel, $1 to 01.50; dressed bogas 1 57.50 to' $9; eggs, dcz?n, 80,e tof board accumulate W on.Ws tra- Ing in his rcanarks ancnt the author, for( driving in the Uois our elegante-S bro%vil, wTLh a line hair line in u ground in their bmthen worship. 35c; butter, cloiry, :L6c to :31a; crea- ,%vith the series of scenes del and tlio�m Who woulti follow him to are donning the loveliest of fur paler shade–ror these fancy velvets 18. The Lord was with the Judge I mery 2oa too 25c ; chickens, pox, Pa 4'o ,� .g tho repertoire of the birds his resting place, illat ire felt we scarves and stoles. M-iny are wide, heir self-conatituted master. A should be forever under has ban are even more modiTh timm the plain grounds. '11he same idela. Is carried on -Nothing of Importance was acElom- PlIelred bu�,by� God's help. The same 50c to 75o; ducks, per pair, 65C tot S; -)c; turkeys, lb., to 120', many I with ends reaching nearly to tile >arlsians liavo hastent.il should. 40 guess our atternoon's pro- ill �Ilky z1belines and k3coich tweeds, is true to Y It ropented the Lord p:�r 11c, geese, per 1b., 7e to 7 1-2c; pots. - from their summer rambles for gramme. ! hem of the gown. Tbe favorite fur which have thick, IrreguVar knots- -Wben God savr their suffering anf) toes, per bag, 90r, to $1.10; oxilono# awe, which have gone off with We took our stand in the "Place ,or themat , thl,;momeat is tile llp,�tjt say of white, bl.&ck and spinach beard, their crics, He dpilvered them par bag� 70a to 75c; carrots, Per ated verve; the first feNv days de Clichy," w1alch was lined with not lucky as far as weather the mounted Gardo Republ"ine, i grIsP or little grey squirrel, the da,rk green mixed together an an iron grey ground. They xuake such smart from their enpnilpq. Strietly .spv,ak- Ing Gott does not repant. He is un- bag, 45C to Goo; parsulps, per bag, 450 t,(> turnips. bag; U00 and tali.* smart ladles, who wen t Every window and b,xleony was. fur of the back being arranged for ort and not fashions intent, filled with gay crowds and men , the outside, with thO P'tler sll%de as country frockb, piped with velvet or face clo,Lll, in a shado to match ellangelible. But as we change UP motps out lah,ssings or .50c; per to 35c . cabbage, per dozen, 20c to, to ;1)0-d themselves in eombre hued Were sitting *oil thih tops of the high- � A lining; ermine, and miniver run It plain the datill of color Ili the tweed. The punishment accortlin", to Ills unchangeable law- 215c; caulinower, V2r dozen, d0o 75c; celery, per dozen, 25e to 400., and sell'-IbIt." chapeaux for the eat ellimlley I�Otq smol.1n.- and dang- - very clo.3e,. amd are occakdonallY ar� part. Thero was r ling their 1,,g,-. We thought in Our ' 90clatc,A). with it; yon stle ermitle tallf) Ill . � ra-lier"'iLl Is light and loosely wown, yet Va In ,a _.. I r �nd vvry durable. For 19. Iflion tho Juli-­ was dead - Thus we sf�o the, powerful influence Toxvato Live StooU M4arketl. Clan Frallcals," as JeJACIng 'ut t Is vad-�d, happy innoel, .0,that vro might keep - *X the end of a, greX Pearf, or re.qt- � 1�1c,-'�' goWnS tatio, Skirt May be onr, man can havo In Church or , $110 to 45 (A EX t cattle. choice. per cwt, '�dffixiediuiu 4 40 tile victory of tho faxa.,�us our carriage as a rvitiug place, but Ing on thet Paste of a. ISAIL grbi vottae. StMe. .................. 3 75 to do co�ris Z 03 W 360 11 "gve" Camargo la the Urania no vehicleH Were pu-naltWit to (to Thek 4,;M�trtr.4t or the stitles, howover. A,Q Short ;vi Toll 1111enEv. T;!Cour,ht.,�-Joshua lived a grxllN- ................... i ButcherrCox.jort ............... 4 W to 475 do Automne, evIlMally as the 2"Ore th,111 (IfT.0slit thr" 0MUPMnt% 60 aret lott opla .it the ell -lo wherp the,%, J. Volatile. Is also Freach, we' con, id only stand 1),orflously near 41,rck 11114-1 In wR*b lining In Pariti I tiae %bent just to the ankle Ilhg�­d. 1A,ar wor;ding -.smtr, with m life baLrori% tile P!,�,Qop - -1 I St . , IP . U.1 11 influ. i-nv;% was a for whpn ,1(�%col__. A *:5 to A 50 vutcher4* catt I.e. r Batcher.' ca'L Ic. ebtAcc ........ 30A to i 00 I �v. .% gathtiro,d 11001's pawi-r good. Butchem'cnttlo, fair ............ 30 W 3 GO h well knol6vit, ill kwglaaj. ' :240 of thgo, G,tr'lo's horses, and and flw.incf� of filmy lac" or chiffon, 1,nmrt 1"Otie Frvigeh cuM. 'Light at� M-oKi* in auttority wn la goo -1 (-v_ I (10 001111itan ........... ... . .125 to 276 , t: -u, -,t to rv��%p�ln­ m cra-Illug. Every-' The Kin- of Portugat I - the fastoning Mug anotther tils-, " one was rlo.t.�ant A134 gool tem- 11 tinct feature, and com...'"itlit-g of . I I`X� IW!". Wad sfit,daly b oused In, fr"Ut W Qcef)41P�--AY them. amitlo it Is a grrcat enconra- mvbnt 'v to tll.n Qowlnon Twople to live rlp,bt- BuIX export. Leavy ............ a 144 to A 25 1:0 1--ght ........ .............. 3 59 to 3,1 I I fear luach of sa.v YaNtilon news couti llvsq. 74- L,)r4 will never for- Go ReMiUr ................... Z io L" 0 Was a w0emu�� v6itor lately; bc, I -i ri,rhld. I icannot Pa.r tihfli-t or rev-, handt-,romp lowst-mvivi,rip coruaim-ntsi I 4 do ht04 .................... .. I 75 tA 2 � . I P alware IM'.4 by tb�-, loaris world for erk)'It-th-.14 w-ts Mot tO 1)� Mpveted vAth a sh%pupr aoT clialma anq I).LIB_.j, nnt,t Ntanal over till lie%t thus, for # &'tRfil Utt WWI wrl fivst fomak,� Illm,- �, Felkmc, kwlt.koap .... ...... 4 45 to A , L'U �4�ftllholnw awj jr,�;:Riasat.v, t�lwaungr Many Ivor., rw4ptti,,i� of rot ribbon wl�s 4, � uant oi� �Ij,te,,. 1.� k,r.v Ilay I twe l but It wo rpurn III,: nff*-rp of' ale're do raodwin .................. 3 175 two 4 , Freach a,.,P taL-by .is k.gBpgIbsU. ,s,;KAnlmtj. O!, 11vr.I.tnVna,1' ImUmoR olpos, tlBe 1� 'It. tor ta,s ID%4'ung from Vio-ru.1 '111.1 tur eo 4!S;14�. .. , � :1 1.15 to 37 cAboru Ig;tV4) elazipi or bpantatul fr4"'44 alol uvw 1plf�.,,s W this Ies%!�.Iv, i . 'n Our afff.;.Vronq tc ­­­­ " - %er, a" well as blac% ;sordforeil post-. .. . I ,-N­L�vb O.QYC . ............... ,_1 75 to 31 I acvalau. It'Okka 4411-1 6vll Itu,,;Iall. I �� VeNP tittxrc-o. C0,111noll .." ....... ,,n art" wx-Lnutn;r'.oip Thol I'"I'"' tot ourt�. �Ik�- gvm1lij. nt�,)jlplt� f,nonot-. wo arp epittain to rc ' I 110M11C. ... 2.5 to 2 , ,� I'Voo-M.-t;4 Vtt.a J.�kftDu t1i . V 6LOI;4111%. � J,tst ImnNIPInen', for onr ,1-41 h4leheows.,vo'ch , I... ..., ..... ala told. 11t. 1�, vV41.4t, th, '. Call "liml MrJt�, with ?ohl"I Jan'traiz. wero� 'I wu I , 2114t-�!V. vtvio�.. ptg- evit Zz� W1 to, 41*2 ... a I crcoi -*4 i:� t,vvr reatuy tj�) 11,,t.,11 toitt lit the strekt,,. M(ts,A I�Poplo ap-' ltl-`tratr�,a 11;xo-:,P.11-%­J ,wltr W I - aro ft'l %it, ,-�()Iltal,I',�,41 owfs(� toll htTMI. M.WTI(IM S17.1YRY, .... ... �, to " , t v,.,*, .1 � , r - � t ;4rvt raLhor fral, , I I'ada. p't, t % i.. I ... � � ...... �_.. . �'a to 2 25� j,. 1,14'arksl 'to Igavoo tionto, too n, al-(* tri:41 woorn. Ira �� * lalloortuultV4 tot" evo.lt th- ,!t:lkl, ,, ho" tivir %gn�er tbibi-r.t. altil 0110 i TA, . :111N 'ort , 'ri.irl"; 4,11� loarLimil affortnigon *11,1pow." an't rolts ruir Moo 1V,t�V;-T:=.I-,Ia,v won -11. thp.1" � r"- hiltu.tq wert, I V, for a Vnip ;1116, f.ad.­ � . ..... . ........ I., ol to 30 , , tv �ttl." tlIkVr% 1. W� ro thall which tot .4, ;01916a� Mto too thro- lr0rh of 0 ' � i&wb*.1,,Pr ewt, .., __ ... .1 ;3 to 360 �. lvl� pvl- p%p..t,P,1i.t,,.oy loe e�nin�x, ?��l owk�vpr. � , $to Vannan to& "Isrosic, Vwm. whi,tlwr I t'alrez. por x2&d ... � ......... . UQ to IU 00' gthtd ual uro,, It t,4 i uw t.,) ilk,,. cati. g,o U(-Yl0T,v7:4IZ61 fic, t1rA. *Ynlytaln v) � .16 1, to t,-0 ,�&Ik t44lt �s g,om.!" 03. 130 M toter : A C,01 41ttl dr.41HR 1% ho, hl Di'�04'1* lo,,­nhaplf�� t", . rvorm With 10116,3 * - 1) A'10D.y tn ol'o-vil.% w1ft'll.o. witut 11 �1' . 1"0.1 1. �, Vwr %V 11 rtouiv O.". way �;T the Pl. to 0 Go, , a,wlu iv ttw t4i�4kllc,. .wod in t6, (��', Lt)lq ; vvqf f.b0x1e'J�!rC1Vt,_.­.11: �; IM4 11,� 11 Vikdk,'%�: dl'.XU�N�Al k1Qk*UM0l, "'It I nlry l3voin;kno. W, it th - vokttl,nv� Va t Irtoff to ToIMV'�- I L"11 � too �.:tl% tlwr��­'V* Tv 4 1.4);A 15.441 pro. ,' Nf,�;* 11::4C. L�Qvq�at , ". ._­ 5 V'f to 0 Oct � 1 ,wrsw bovit, AL4 a btwo,bl 0,0214h. t . No.-,ogn�.I�er,-ro _ . ....... . p Ti to 060 � �, I.., . "fitt, , Ov 1: kll�n-;').C. P", , lately, %V-Dwll two �Vixmfg t;idjonitri 4a�'l ap1war it ,.%a,-; eltrrhm;t to) thti. lonfro iar4l 1�jv,1�4 la,r hk r't--o' in 7a - 1, I ich *1Ti%,- t t4. M ftql�r 1! - R, . el,.t_ ... I .... 0 as to 0 00 . ' � kDooa, vtvl vi -I Lor'; ,,t��,tntttiit l4a I " , I—- IT,v �vd Aintloy, h 4 htll N a 11, toll It " Vll,�1�4 mkor�* wll��tl a 4vtonitta,,41 jee- tjPvwP,J i.' U mot or taa , 4 � vy. Vill i* � I t t 10 w )d thvi ,-!v'*t,J,I 111olal..it -0 0 oo ,, I i%, - ul � 41. 0 ,to �A *r�,­.$,Ll t! - M VA.% d�..!I'. �V'i 1P.0- * Inu qfb,,o%'.3.L�ak1%­. � 4 .3 � to 6 "w- f4o,44r�h qu, 'Zidou. avrm,wiv4 etov- apad fantf.%- . 4411 % lot at. riv',ft tw %wl , 4, 'I., t �tk, hm V- k." it.'s t vb - h., 410 r4AJ;,�� t�I�S' t, T, 4 ­:: *. � . . ., �a to ON qua V,� It 4 t �% (,,r I �* ttu" tot R,oto�­,l gottl 0, , E, , L4 ,4" 414 mu, lchv�i�'#,4U fo�ov .%to�lvv �4 .� ;ortit)DI - � 441 t1w 4,voint'.1�1 ;.111's'At�4 to A. wilt-ul Urattstre.-ta; oil 1'rath'. 1W to ill,, 4aUtlotrChip "i lqtlab Vn. 4 ro 41 V�Itlh Iela4l-z; w� I , ,rT, ,­,., airl With , "woh.. %­ %- 16"", W.7b ti V61.-:-,% , f du V3 .IQ..� 4,'v, ��,,,,. rA. ul", I : ni ". I vu -t fiu- . I dl.,:,. 11* U1 th'n tail ,� od,td hupin driver:4 4m4 Gh ot4w 't o'4, �, tift'k i in t4ot= J�.,,q 14-2,�(,Oopq-�� *VT L*rk.�- 16� .01 WL& t- A;.J. #W1 1� 4, iii � o". t"Mow. .,4",).g Ili thol "vVrogo, 01111ot Orl." voq) ,Avl�,t-4 a At pi�a 1,4.4n. � � , r WI�Auti­,�.A­ trado at 110'. L M31 this . � t�mt ., rbvM C411, *14,1,�Vlis ,­o-,4IE.-t on cx­ ,Vy, , - , 114 91no-H U, .,Dod' (-tu-ub 'I tt#- ,, , ,, �q7o"0,44.11',. - c,t��,�?�*. $ -4 L­tl lv,ot ,� ?,,�rrl, - w;�Yo at �,!� % � .. 0 0 rp,'h �.- �t� P 1'"I"i , V4.4 , o'A J�, �10,041­;), m�A UK") -lo Ir.41" , - -ol r CA4�4 d"_A cning N. � h " ,iwwu a fair atuount of lvf,)r V, "aft, " ('�I,vot tot L,4aV1,,,!% i lit vrvr� ,mblla 3 , M4 %h�r ,A5,1,4 .* Wk, qu�wrvo vt#dt'l � t* '110tIP'l �, � ,,, I 4 -.,�oc.�$*,Men,)l i'�* it.- ilty. tttoq�lo 14 I e !" to on - te"'i, %M= n , ,'I 1, 0:� 1, -, 1'?�a,OUQ 0 '. 1. 'i't11 't�'Z'4' ( � ta�kty� T."p rvtllilu"r;' are seaMric 4��*'Tava �T� or�� 1.04vol V, %Cwn I e,tr'4 w%v r VlMh 04. 411a 1�4 � RV V �:' " , V", k. ILIgnitblor" V - tw��. 1p'�i ',­cvw-.461.'j�*r, , -1 ., V �.r.,V. v� n.. 47 t 1hat 4d,U201". 4a'a"I 0 o'A Its � 5 .'?' , �0 , mjllo .o"A�s t,0142ay..�, col.,;,�rd norr wk6wig. . J . 1. . I 0114 toe C"ttICA ti'� 41 4� 0. la�lpva. lnplol,rd mrmA%oru 1. t-vatil flowev . � .. ft Vi t"""', Vt.,m 047 o"ll Ito a Is4th. 6,9ota. Iol�IkMAIU!g�, w.1.3 ftnk:44t , Lato X,P'fta�,.Cl 04T Var"i-, 4 V.,*11,i3 two, ­A a.0. . o' : U44111(no. tt %.4n not. pw, _10lo to lgva?:� ,� V t 14 � A ,%."" �o �, '� t I Z;ln al�ivank- oh� "'al 1%` 711 -'tR t��.a tl;� Z� nj,._- ,14j1:.t1,,, fovvrarti to , ;,-,L"-ww"bIf1- IiW -0.'!-, W`�; of V,04a* 52;tzrwi. � I In Liao %V00L,:, a% %430111!a�,-. 41td 4,t,k,1We.%.-La' 111k,�e Vat. hl V`V-4.-n, .a.-AII-4 lkqio r�'. *IV 1'..,ar' _',oih­�'. f(or hf� It aq 1. ,'��,,, ft,,� . 11vol pa��4d, doulz4Uds of t�e��Ty �',,Mvliq. togo floncral oraVo"W'Z 440, f"01 4110, V , ; rMw "4 4 to huWl V's P;)*0�0W Or e � 0a.41"; M ICA,"wl Z %V�otj nb,*% �,.,uatl. lr�ik �v roo'46T. %_�,� ',!�ft far nb,!V,��a V4, ml I � 11�') ': t: c _tV ot� t1afl tL . , ff_,V Mt,ll.. ,,ora� . , I Laru- VO..,t� �,.,. �§'Aaoalho,� bu,q .. 1i tCll.(1�114f� .14,q,'. M, va. J k%waltk,�,l t oach 1i 1� ,''to * ... 11 �4 all, .3 t,ro il 49 b, ,,�11'4 c,zwnl L��­� - In , � � - , ii: 0,-.it�Q.'. �Mta al� rm (AlInt, - nt,E I t t:o o", mz ,l .�1 for 1�­,-a vv- mt, _,; �, � -opert'- itutil ,Mle 110 rv-n* b:z_:,b a lwgLa M lr;eh� %-.W ,M 113-118).�, , a(­.,ta`ut,� v.,A41Dr crO ewfi-, 1i F_��-,t *Ia,.,ot'dh,o� 1,v,.!� Of VAoiLa%3 TtW , - ratur-!1 lfwv. b'L't I thl:,ap0lat 44 tiqoontlifits 4114,01 1*11MAnno. W ovwl ono , ji":�"l j,'�";,o. �-, I or V toplat oxm to 0 ,to fh%D�. Man 'It . ci q Is 4.), - � ,no -ft, I 1�;fq 111is ! 4 T ho .*M-VW`oWA.---K*`ft."** -.1-1 ­­_ ­ I ob� , 41 "'t - U�o , Tvol,q�,Owon,% i � , - v Z,_,�,Ia­ %�.oald 11" '144' raft'* , I f;, a - 31.Lt�&oaq,i,#.,�to!j--,�, oa I!,.,441""M;�wR, C'. ;1 �, o"-4 - , L1111 too.311+1 �N qaitcl 46. %­�(­v,- V,o ; � t*0 94k, I ,1#7 ., ,� W4,0", , , , . r, - . , ;1. T��o, !, 1, 1, j t .2 , t, j4 #, �2�..11,,V�L to t �� " i 0�74 11 �, t I � ; �j,� f 1. T��,-­ fin�N we,n,nvv �,�T g�,qall" ,(,_) , 4�0,,DtV), -_­ - ­ L I'll - ­ ... ­__ __ 44_�61', 0! 8 Zqo,>-L L, t*,� 'R, AU10 r1Wk _ flt,f �J ton _ � ll ffl�,St , e 11AMD W M."o t"I'LAg I 0, ; ` , , t M, if pw on lr).'wr; lug U, . 9 Voliv, bt,vq .1 vovo,a- ,�n ldlo�",-%&,.41*,�� ii f".0 tqo,I9e, _ %'J"al iji', t,';�(LI,t*'JUJ�. Oil ladV tj!rJL,ft# a,�4t,q .. � � - i, I! h 05'. al p"I'M 01 -of ­'*'? f, 4 at ce-a"a- 0161il., kartc) U-it�,,l weii'l Ito' fgo,sw 06 .3 , � 16114 a �.Qftl, jkath"Xi,! vslol ;q4-� 4GO111 1% LJ ('�j 10 #I ' WELL ."ABRITED GROWTH. 4,uAtf"I.AuAfil ff-ln,� frilo u:,vAJ.�..-1. V�, q - -��,,, .", - ,�q vi I 1� l�wj , ,,J a ac,.,) IOU slollt On thRloo I -t it) t1vh 4AO41�1-0 -1v OF 010IRPJU� - I , �, "L� L tld-.�tll�, T , 1" � �Iq J"-4 g vlgltol q. . , vi� , ., , 1, " 1, - a - - I -� �, - ,LV4,A ,vt t*lt .44 - up quu,onq, TiraAe S 1.11�'.,L� � 11" Will , , , ,_ . :M.� 14 1O.A..t 4 MIrm � h,6804 th"! %:fqm. � . a � 14 karo . ,� , It � i "A. 11 , Ififi'll tao� ft,� j�tV 4 J_�'Jljj,fC�44 , � �_ ` .1 % 11,* %,,�1.40, a -'a , aoa war - ,Z.* ;'1iq:-,q , �­ ,J &,�.- .1 04, MG, A di-- ri 11` 1 u V '15 ', C � JQto"fl Qf i� t , 0J.3 fl �,A f .1 M1 4�'�. C441t5MAL�, A4 �IV#LiVO, "J.JJO 11, all) Voallcnt Ck.�Catt,t1d:rLic O' � - �, I %, cl: -,J�, tk��""J"t.,�,:, 4AL-J'�,-t. A4'1 �'qgqltl- , t E,i" - I . . I x -,,.,,, L Zt�,�� 0 a I'd &M-11, V, Vral Old* -4 U.,it t�lrat, �, "'f " '. ift 1` t"1'0 1! V- 0 *""# T '17 d -A" itL' *J`14- 1, � . - L,:4� AA il P. t qat�14 Ca .106-1ag. of .*.03 R '31-1, '. I 40T"I ha"I 1, it I to 9�e.g, 14 11 9 %. IN ub v ," , 01.0, a ldtkotv �A� 1�,C,q 0�0 Y Amonz 011" V�.,!K!Laujn.. J�M'.,V�0 11,314CM-3t 1:4 Vlb'% Pat tht b.'JulAc"I kl! 11 MAtt'a tal pr,­M�Angtuun 1 � lhviult 41 *0*121,� $11' 11t4L!4h4; to o�n *14­-oa_lgl��,, %�hcsl; tAi , we,:,:i �,13 t'�,71� ,k,--��,, lt,,,,,`,,1,",J!!",� ,�_, , ­."lagn, c vivq;r� ;I U ,�, , ,-i&a'9vA­,, (,4 ("4-sa�q flai t�,:.4 llhlallellt:r Vgr. - � A -i tv,agi� !.,!J. Vvi M�.ivud_,� wol !I w4a,j narnto.,ogir-4 r" -.,I a,q8,W. qw Ql�,�-I&m- . . ,, %, 1�, . - - t, my v� o W(;,��) �!,R v� a!! U! � , "A' h t"9T -rnr�*1,v1Ma %­�,vn 6-10V.Itf�rg to 111*tpn�.f, AlVa" eMalu'll no�*_,8�'afxjr, k��o $'Ai C , , � - ­� ­gtal 1. . ��J _W'im , L "TV %�'r 01,L'atia. --:ol) v, ., ,_V- - - wa,4 OjL,��. W tea t I 1� att*�n. ai,. Y ­ , - Lll.�).o � ". t!! - _� . . P.�� 'I c�-to; , 1!ully Uia -, e C. --on is i"gre iP,or� utl,v '. t_00,v- uqUilvout cmuA.� . u;�ft*o� tLian a A�fa-A_a,-* 1,',z2,L.1 L1,,%,1 ii.1V *11--', ? I. -Ly " wp � -'] t!la iiM jt­�� ,�""M,y 4, It") � n -L, � , , foa, Tvrm� no t1i,mmirits - tqo�­­ Awlih �,!*#n t"5� EA ay *,.."w� . �- ,_­ D HP &,�'.",. -1,40 P - I <tj U 114. 'I uts 1; . AVC% r-n2nrV.n1m't 11-nmp'-4-1 tl,r rato"- bL,=,,q, il�j 'Vat -V E-..,j.v 1111;Jat a r,�k.,,#n- MRA-Atac 9,0", 12�=_t , _-,C24 ia -J'�vjt�. -1luti'l � VO'Aaj�. ;M4. D"L, " "";�q ­npg, ol", th�v,l E�'J',�q ",0­2,­�-4 vv th-L, U19- �,Inou tai_, � an, f,o r�qyl "'wrt,- .,� ,_1,;L- Vq�l­ � I Ift -1-11 I 1,�rt'. '0 Va -L -I, !3 tho ,:" Lfl � _ IL ­ �, - � .�L� A � � , ft4it J',Jjj�r,�!, b.f.,gl #Y�T_ .� 6&fta'! q)T ali ��V , V.,4,. . t ' - t , - � , ,� t M. e r � 4:"1_0_� .Llit Vitar el,a..�ttvn %-w . , qb,.d , �_D��aoa MM_111 L,f,)V),"11al3 e� .in 4 .L) 1, 01, �T� �­ '. ­ � ' `1,�: t "11 I at D�.Z, va- Um _ �yo? r- rvvr timy lor ipv,ttv fiod - ."', ,4 -,all ou,m)-a tii.!�, ��, 0 -It Toj9 ,,, S.oz,ll �'[�'!". bt:,.,�r Iketal, V,� Ulug aNb'�,�'Nt. Th'- gvv7az : 91'.11 nt"'..'W" la�lo aulo,po.:,ucl 4 all ths. gatxvm 1% uW4 1_,�,t�Ln.4110r� 0 Mle 14��b- � 01 t. zg L r"t t�� g4l, J,.4 V,,g ; � - p t�i4 a_;Jr-4 r,94 � . t""", '.V,, ,,�., - � QI A. V411.1 tuat 'Z a, � ),.,r�- 19'ar-K-W No tik�ft� ;av,,11. ", 1,'� 1 Q tr 111;.��, 9 ,, J��-Z, I . __ - n veg7 VAr. - . -� I 1;�� I I t� �,J!! , � 11 I , , ` W! $36 b'�' tile -L '%� 4_ fl . - .111_ - il�,,��!,!') ,:J -1 t, w. ltrogvdy 04 uh�� L,�r�t fcrlb!...,U� ; , C,* u -1 Ll V 0 � e-la,vi.. aai, I V_,�ftt Dij`-) u,30�, aUg v,zq 0 4AUs5tv I V0,11vo- �i�� �Ir 1_l;��,_C'l ve, 14 �� - � gat%!Ifte. I � t_ -k n ��qv�-�.'J� b,Otolr�,o tI,:­ 040jh"(c tt-fqt�� , , , � I Vae brath low 64A i! Uka tt'na, sc-_arzo OT ilu4 Ba.,e us t4tfo. 24 ;� 1."r6 4 t tup [3, ov,i ? tNil�,�tp ;11 I 04070- �, 1,. nv Vatm_�trnta .I.M4 WAHOv t 1, 3"a - - M.2 IAf'V1JnM T, ,, n _ , rfp, t 0 - , t,,;;� i 11� ",p D�,�.*j tL,L'1q tv�, Wfli ?Y� r1n (��'�' , , . - - U�,,�� . 9 . tg-A','�2f , 'I t'1 "18 12 N � .�f I .i. La to ff'"u��,A�_ Tiuo-!.. F,J,1­3 I i ."J -A � -, t ,;C,k ln!�'CL'Udtr-4 f,k,-p tt, -,v tvi.-P, 1-0 _q -, A�Z� M EU _4WWD 100,11 M, UJ _4= � 10 - � � 41 C.,.J ____ ,-.. __.._...._1_11_1 ,��fto '%,_�,­ - L,iq, 6',-,.;,n a kz,e,�i3 i '-�'­=)na- for _ ,�,�%�' ti, I __ Ew,� 13 Tw:ur tiQ � 1)"ve-� 4� . .k,. LU -Ar�,,P u� - "'! �, ;4�,,� u ,�<,!,M t,u r vfv. , vaapy Lod ona inagi na'at it n§ V]UL7 I � � It. nl�otaq 2Q. rl�LI.4� :1 . OT 4-Gilr�;,:', a fmc- , � 9"'at Imp ru#-V.�':v gva C'�-,owutfLUILI��4 %�eNl'! 'naf1l "Le V�tg,....t,!K:L,tAq vjf thle, �nn ,1" , � P�V-cr-,,IIA to r�ft�'�­41 ".aCan"';,,� ca FaMS-L.,,2 VIA!atud Un rn'_tt 9,�Lgr_1:4111­3 tat. -I t9 r�lv n,�J,,nteAole roln­ry Vram V�1:? ;OAM�1-.M. v, � � U -_ -%w:t']' "F"�'? 'Ittl-n%'�v al�jlvyca V�­g� :,.a�_,"',_ I- , M��r; , --A f­mu_q�at�an, V,2ftd ULW.. bm=d I 'L,! 1*10A t. I . - Ill1_141 I .�t � I j 1*q,o2r-atr!-;1' o124 c-,,rp tVbCO't;tj�, L:.La'. ' J� .t - 1. - ,gt3 L l. - - - - i . mrnto rl*zc. tou'r qu Rc� l[11*g1% � - I t,,n)_* . CVLL ,? t _ I . .(, V. "141 � a tr-o Z, f`n I (3-21" oi lt,4Qt mg tt-ty jr,liao, ,jr,,.�.,;�, ^ ,Z.�,�i__ I t�i, _ � I mtto�,,2� ' I IM, �� a --11U11,]: a twIlTE11. .. . - L -, d,L, -, ,� . .�,.t F.7L�nt , k,�n,,: h1,,4L!ut tt.4 M,�� ql'o- vU L �­ �7s:�-,j,u T;�._'Jl�e aa ­- - - -, vo 6 J� A, J q4r� D"g �;V,qwo "I ;V:I�lt vo..-%(�2* to rf,L U', "I � t,tj,_,� I , M1103Y kArA cpstd t.-,At,7�r tbin'­; r44 E -� i t fif 'L E&_=�" an vjtm � ,�t r U c 1;- y E`m"A�.a�i�,7,.:',' - - ,IN �'8 1�tj a �%,),A ,, . _'Laq� J"��, _ " t_ . , t'�. IF ,et��,ntp ,A �� � tv.w, lbv�� V�'T'�I,,C,Ilu tq� � au �, 1, onap ac) *11) E 1,1 a a Lieattlz Z, I , 'to UP,. ;� .� ;.,�v %! .C. 1, s"To makvi,v I. ra, - C-�!t,�,�it4��btt"-��,,�t,�z;,-�!�kl;,�- %t=1"m. ttl �,,�4 � . of ["-! ,�Zt.:,.It_v _441 r . jnl,.L� ,LtJZjt,b1 1�i'a - , , orn A"! -, , "U'. - t '" ­ I "M VIL ! - � R 'u;J yvv-lve froln tlLe =_ not"tc-tur'i'm _; L - , U,;� AM, 6 1, tttziu ,;­� I 0tE,,,C-CnV!F­ -t��,,� atT?V�tsqne �T ti 9�* ,M:�,=� '5�a� la aQ1,=-f, INIMN'AMWAL 1.1, S, N N N 1�,� �:, . *bl il_,M� Ll�".: nv,�--.' I at�,;-_.,v�il *T ' � , �! � . . - "� vua::u:i lva-,,ul-) 45�,:r,u_,�dz 9 tP4�. to i;0 " - - " ,,�;Ilj 'Wiltr rp�22)'V� .,AL0n_1 ed, M,.: 6�.,,,�4' 1 6 t&� 7 , Mv:,tnl'�Tnt� t1r, co;,�nt­r r e ,,n , W.9 lavf* ,-- - , , ,, Au ,, a- (o i�, AT�:�.l r11P--.)�,l,-o11 ti, -0.t NKM*_,�11113,111; 16. I 00" �L �'j' "�'� I ?`_­�T t1,tN,q1,A!�;4 V"V"'? , rl, .�� C F�, i � V,p� vattlet or 45 I; , alc jaMx - i , , ., I , , iio aw�- luvl; T'A ; it k,'vll tz)l b�,r-n tr --,, � � ur-­ ;­�_" ' jrgj'� ­ i ­ I C. . ��;, � ,��r . "a ftuv avlsrn,�1.0 * - - I vlu,� -%-��,��dt M_Ilp";�, 41,�Jmab t­v� t! �� V;,V,� 43 �&�',ft M Us 99'.'1a�,?61 qv-aaa 'CovN* 13 I I !, �,*, v,;,,- � � - 1! " - "A . g'�t � L,Lot",2,� .'Wit[I , �� v . -'s, ,1 "tn�! , ,;V. , irl Z�'a t, TU Ua�",(M "j'�j � rL i , ., n, -;4 kr �� - I r �,,,T�-�l '�! ,.,& �zn vq 11tao rp,t Xw4�o Q-- . _&:a " - A - _u Q j;A_,_up­-4 s �,; I t t,_� a , . 'on � � Cat, JL ,,'� � I L' 'I 161; . S!,a;9.15 %rim W`� . _- , D ­,�- I , y�, . ­_ �z I � ,� _ ,� _ , f t, C11kx0X�a%,,9 tx=-a, Us I L� 13, Lue ce no- oft &� m) anlv q!4 .-, 4 t�, r, V - .- 11' :V�"-el:�it,"-e,�;�.!�';�Z�--JL2 -4 " '. 44 % 11 F, ,, I tr, *na %,,�,jt oft tl�k� t �, 41, ,,�)!�p � ."'a07 � t "T L,J, 7 '. _4 4!aft. JVCZ`t�gL'�C' 0t_,UJj�",1'�J6.LR,, UJ*,Jkf'.­'Jtu, -t - . _4g" �. l , l.- �I.,,,;U, T'L'�,�� o�ql_�Z,wk tor, b,tA. ., _ 1, _ _ '�, , - - , . ... il , �,,_; C, 4 : eqou�­.-4 low 4VC..-�w U-,, qkn-, ba M ii cst��',,M,,.,, ,,, r ,; , _­ t 0 to , " P, � ,.� 1: `�� - O�V:l �,�?­ 11 n,osq lov tl`r�04 1-,-.,,!,,,��Lttrr,7� tti, tb2� 'vear . vi,m�.'_�!Y 14=6-i'l�r�,11gL`L '4'�',D ""S �t r1_P1C-MQ 1-,�A.L,MAU 'b,%r v,,.kf�tt-t c�1,nt';,11'a n- 0 V4., zomv�� 1, ,n,�, .- 111'A�,�,6,� �-._ aftou-,� . "i '� ".a , ., - _.______._1 _ .- I 11.1 I ­­­ __ _. .., . .. ___ . 1: Dflsl,� 0";fr4 to.f."I - �"ju,'�A - 1 14 1, T,!,L�_% :,V , �, '31.J . - JQ �,�,, 11�,.V-T, - 4- tu,-, 1!�Ii,-Ll In Lmnleng V�,, tvnd",�-Ial; la ik�Dsablo* Vilun" Uu,-j'�. U,6* C­-­n1MMr1rqt K, � , 90,' L I , - I , ., " -L�s ,t -,,,,f tc,ad�?[N P . �,C�_ , , "... '_',V,�k tr-1211&,,6,�J a V-,pA�ut � ,r"IT,,F3 vv­,ih5�� C-2 ITG�,� ;1 UL ; p,rin n F'1z!":;,;,. [,e'p� uww-j t­� Y,In,12 1� t D'� k, .-.,- tms tlx'k-2�n C".kr,z,�ip�r%<Agrj�t VAS I'll, WIAIge Mv�, ,al'Mlg�,iIV54 ��)_e , i� ,., l � _� I (A te"1r".on lr,w ,rrc,,-,;a e.-A-ru.11 Tot, one k"WaCY, I ., , , , - -_ &�.�:Iaups !� 1� nd. v �,� � L* a gCO3 , X-t� tol 1�0 t, lleavy �� 1. - , " 1 v - ,�L I_ZgeL flaau:��g t2v- "L�n­ V.�Ym - _!4m= ad*_(,,4:- V,;do, 1- i`0TTf'.XFA!. a - gla, , - _ � . - I �� I nromm't DM, to Vip 9,�'A.' ,Z D Tc,",!IC-4211n�'m , thal C 1-4 rallee ML� 02;t4mar,v ,alftn� _�J I , 'T ­ i'll '=,: "Do -P nkU In'twr�. O�,-., sl�.A lama 19 Owing to tl�­- ovaZxLT."Mity of , A 1: 11�yrq,� M is tv-l�,��t r.,.- �-_,it4z4,t�& PL -1 & b,YQAV0:Q L4 b�um�[-Tgj,Q CTOL�,, Ilts �-�;.- 10 ZbU13, cj�,,Uzlt t:�,�,*,�C- ? L,UuAro� -1 Z;ealrs- � W, � � I . - , - .1 , - , t�­T lh.-� ort tm-r_­-n4,o-;�. Thso pn'-na��'s k,t-.v,.r eX-M--n,Aq On V.I. ' - vtall irM@ , vrozfld 1ave C,:�rssl�.n Xli.ry kr�.An 'rz-oligo? Z2-1,22-50 w&L.,-4 vr,:�, CIAZ"I au�� trad WAKS orh��re - , " .Ca : I , " . I , wCre ;1, te7-w_l-� et�mv,.-n­ wh: , . � I r� Sr[n -- 0.1 I.52,a-1 Uvrenra - a-4 V,,o- .9 bia '"vo,'m oT V�vo conntv�� in V-,.�,:!� te-ar rntdre;l I 1� �,:: '2�,L�g�� S"fN- �"g �P,� �t I . I W. � I", ,-,D,._ , Ir , * * 4 * 4 - .01 .2 I, -1 on � ". :,, ll�T�'ftotTD �d I 1� � � KR Z r-GtIE-Z30 "Ill" 1 tlb, Te �� 1- , � - -,y vvq- - --',r0* f -P _ t'�L_q _�* .1 1 I 11 lruq--�is`; a k--.n1M �,,_m � a,,1e-.--,e_f41,1rg ac- ,_ %7� .1 ; - * �, , 1'��' Ire, .*, a ­6..�_ Lo V", '0 � �r Ith.-ro 1; vxp'�7'01a..p P.,tr*,�Aiav",Y S'lee't- � , ' � i� vvtNn 1U.'I'_ I - -,t � '� " � d'! _; o: tr�.-Cj",�, $!e11V,- : o .��,Zq jryv);4-�, f­vt! _-L- 'ir 'r-rT�,­:e-g . - ta,;4��. 0 E�CZM:� of -,1F"",;- w2rl.�U�l CUT -18 , -, - ,, - _ U 01' a 0,�glv- wom-na 9*1 I�: not Infroi- . , 4, tin-,gigo1w,'g Go Pt �[,,tr-t'o-,.,"'r%!�s ns,nf, ily tuLe Zt.1A q, ��p� ... �s 'Q un, '"'Cir ,V; - t P- ,.I 1! , ", 1; 4,4 ; to ft� _ - a '"' ,, ,.i"= .. �'.� � _:4�_�,,�, . ol f;40j"�'jty�V. , I . - I C"lu-nf"y wono!4-- rc J `if lmayZvwly W'dl 'r I . MAR ba�,t� L""n "-_-,m,,,Mv-,,­- I Z1, I . -1 I .; � , "�� !I 1Z _U�-i_�%,v6 ;;;4*�.�2.­,� ,_L__;_2,,_ �,7&_.v, 4­��.1,,. 1, t 1. ,,; J*-�Q ,-,',I� 11"V -ry ca�m- ,.,rtr-�, t"'..P �vvr�r rcov�� hf?!�l­ %171.tla a w"901 It � I , __ "i' r-g*L'�!"P!_M��'nt qD30 - 1J:* " dig X1,ML L" PKI4 am�� C"C,?a 111'3t*,!z- j , ­ 7. 4 ' ""'I J! It " 1i Vr t # - , 10�n, , a '""Up IF4�6:'a fq�r 1�� . �, 'I F_ _ " , , L, 4L,iZ, - t, Ivu %�*Acr m __.Zt. !J. --v . n �-.,,t r,.,-_,."fn�T,1 rpr-t 'T..04�f* -was, ;-t ,L, "'t...- ,V),�­­A.,W6. .. � �?�r�.Z�.B 6..,E.!�,;j, , 2-,� u l �V,4 �, . W� � 11 L 't, � �_ � � V _1 __ - , . . . - ­ . Z 't- fp)-= 1 -. [�� ctl_,r ;:�--.J to 11-'Mo.�de: 9 ahtl , 11, x? r', *n%. _,�J�q� oatj: �', �� I . -T� , rm ­Zwr�. �,! � I �V <�, " V�:V,41 TaMsft, � a 14M -+ - - - "IT. . ,�,.� .,� Lu.. if � tt( � , _ ' I f - , iM 0 = f; I kr"n�,,��:S!-4 .Lbf,vo 0 W .+ ,��,49rl 1 . � 'tg'rl�"J �!'�'L�1'�'aotq Au i III' JZZ IA, bi- r,� Erni&,;��, T, 'gr,� VL.1:4; if 2"] ,?F- ­ ­ -1 - � - - . . , �, ,7. *n t .1. 111 'm '.!tq ,:, 1- I -, I , ) U.Wt v"I'Ll"'o V�.��!� k,g�,t 5,2 9-.�s 0"x,ta I .",fl vir-3�,,�� "� tt" -,o r�D.­ TLI a TP 1-4 r-, A ,-an trD- I . :, I 1 arul `f-1V)%F,--J.m.x� rts." ! V,4vnl_�? ate wwnlc� W!'.3 cxe ip�o",e 4.-,,� rfve;-Eezr�k t'�,Lf: �.­ ; 1111114110111,1,1111 I i 1 *^—,-A 10��Wr- forwarit to t t, , V� vv_cr� dnztut ste'e"a rz-­4� ln,g, *-L 4 er'T �-�"�,�Z­r On ,lb-". V,n,tl� tEp-,,-At is ;=-YV_,4_ — * IV _,Tll�" to <,4�­ in -e i- tl­-�­r nvp�-�­;!'nm Ng� i-tlu,_­41 tiapv , , t=wy b- e _U -, Z, � �:,,� - eg �11 I .--� ee'm!11n_at;0-b th:r, _� ' wil: �, 7. SN?v� J '4��z� 1r,3,. -,'-D=L -- the Me- Bronchitis .91 ­TL�' tj]a'! 4�_W.�k ou, -,,t ttr­.,; v,A: 4�1- �tkm� i4l J*%,'�'.u_�. a��J uA -.74:;.3. N��J, IT,-! " . I .A th � , n I-- it.. r.'r-':7 �­ �' .. �ooraco a n 0 Ja1et" t.7's S�-ntls-. wit . 'VI-) Uri wtt!1 pB', - . . ,..., � . VTO")nr,1Af,r,Y ME _3 � ILe. e -a --vu,"? M� il : V,�L,:"Cz- h- t�7 ,i��J, 1, .�ae'� 1.�al' ,-- g,wl 1"P`-� � ,�, -! r�,ov -1 TEP,n to In ew�-_q t-,�--��,re Z,;tone-`�Ms hat b&. � I � 'Vie Disine 1,1�arafl OT ih,�Ar Ur -n? ta &mgg ­ It` h,� Lj�,,� , � t')X -V.V q'�' "" ' - 7-'n - � L ­ , I I - - vr ,-, , L r_ I" __9 J JrC_,J��J.'.��,Jtj� , ,_ ' , - r� ',' ' C.1 V " "2'4�,i--T­Vl ,fy! fr­'�', 5�,:-T!, -5-.-_-.4 Ile t n-1 -� - T t�ro;g�t�t, . I L � , _ .) Co� 0��_It�. Z., , ;� �, f . .. 1� � - ..-- . 1. - � . , I C-,�in� C�Lr, -il_" o'r,om W_11, 0. . ., I ­' . %�F_.�­. _,�T- - -, - � - v ", -_ , _sz-7 11 � I 1� I . , �, na'a 11ca"I _V -?=2 21"� tl�,.��- t.­�'e vel:�sv. It , -11 �. s .. n I tr-*n jj"Z� It.!. ­Z"."m ..... . . - - .2­,�..L. ,to 'j"u ,� I _�,V,,. ,, -I ,Za� U 'i;;t4 . ­ - I I I t?c�ntw-o'.­'t fm *,-,,�o ea!�"K�ne _cnl ngest, ' , 6h'-�r� �-�'.�J V,��jo �s �tl .IDA rc-zr 14��s 6,,�t�-gn: "_ tc�:,. I 0, 0.5-4, �,­­2 [',­_,�'.Y_'it."1 Mo � z.' - I " 4r, , .1 . 11. I " WAR11Z less irB'.t�_%'CrSf_;�E.4� ECtS_� �1 PC i ,-,,J,%�l-,- fie .� �4� � - - I q C4P,UC,,ZZR IL'aL 4L1_ .- _', j. ' , .. �X. gv� _y ; �-r-.�7­11 "r-ra rn._.11!�Gr�,�� ..41 erl*v- if t"40--v..,� ;tj r_..�"_�n:x Ezn# 9."i I �-s Dr. aug- . . MA -4 �Ilq 6.1 =,;�IZ7 _ht�,&,11. 7 ( - : � . tx,�tLk.g.7 U, 7..".J� �_'m, 1-:'t. .- ,_E- TLI;�.4 !2"'- , , :: � 0 Ir . ,,­­ ; . 7AM�,M.�c-d " , i V]4 -"E-. F -v, :-,.1 ';."53 %-��- S -V rlwow �,.- p Ir n-. � lr".enl .,rl, ,�'? 1� �:Z� ,I-- -.�n ls, knT trj_rl" I �n�­ -,,,�,,­':;-,q �Jzj.,n�-��ar­ R;Je,ast *r4�� _�, . - -, 1, 0-. -,tt_,,1. <-'r ,.,. A 13 ,I-: L � - � - '. ". . , ­ , - ;_ , - I , :t,,t�­ - I' 1,1�­ �, , � L - ­- � 9,1, !, l[nQV,-A_#,:tU el &1'1��, -_J._.�11.: L M U,n_, � l .� - � . ! � I U., � , 1. 1.9n,"I _�r j, C7'-­� -, ""T. * - : 'V; 1-1 C, c �:_;! 4. 2. ,,, '.' �- " nn.42�4 1 f L"� L ' ,��:n � ;:, n. tr.- VQ 4`11 1,_�'_,o Sk" ��. �-� x '* i L�-.'"'O-.-���f--."-,�:,*,i,'r�j V�k': %-`-_10,� 1,; str,an"z- I i .- -1 4 ck-. 1, ll r, L, .- L t - � - . Q - ­ .- r U,Zv, vru,,�] to t! JU ,Vu__ -Z. 9,2,.__,­J_e �L: n ;.;, tramt t -.au n 1-z �=-_- 2 - t�) by "'Lu" 9�', .'t " !,�] -�',-,%,, I ta�4-1. 'Jf�.a_,L I- T- fr,�7 'r, 7*1A ',' �' � ." P4 � ,r -,,!J- -c",:`4 ,� l '1-- - . 'A I - . 16 -, S -;; =4"t't. + .1 I ., 6 , , I vvai� o'! ro&!!, , ;� ,,�, Z_q�-Vt,­. I t�10, ,_s�- 07 St. ,2r�wjbG 6A -, �,�"na 61 � _�a--T-b !, "a �, cd -bnm!�.' - - : ;� -o-, t-ovip "T'lq ,_Lg1Lv to z: _,I� t, L -n7a�":,-,;q-�] ,�­�.l­ -, �. 11 'y . T - � ,ruy .,F. n 2 IF-, 41-- n -l", ,,,,.- o�'i�:;V,��Tf,:� �:;,�s , Mrs. Tcp-mu-ni, a ptx � 'I at I 111 la�- Fret, ��' LIA1*0. Mo;,L,_,,� �i� 4_1�CWN'1.19 tknl a�t&a '.,-,k:o= 51's v4Lr-,nir, M�, a tr 2.�, r,7, , Q.y v,w llw-­j�', VC, -� a , r Zlq�;r"' - C�-�t `,�,�' R R , 7 qv��. �; -1 - I �- ri ,�_,I- .:Z_ u'v�:­._-'i nvyleol,-­,�n atan_- ,Qlae io - y-t7e , ,�Tns dlai� i , - - 1_ - ,�q Ir'n -:�.: - w,�-.,. . , , L _�4L�� I - , � . .. -- 01 rc-&-I-ianea to VIL) 1,T_n",t%F i_­n_;Q �"�i 0 " � . - r,, - �� - 4 T�'O�ZD.t 041 tl­, U,_e4t`­1- T_0'�O e_'0 ---L% !t'p faj,y ef Piz "tem" V.,%,, a. ,,,, nemt 1, -­I��d V,Lf- -elrt�,-A�..�! 'E,�,= �11,-_.-�Lr-:,6 I '41o�-, : I t�.L­0��,atE�l ea oY0,:-b:2 -I -_rc ZC-,nJ1 OM!, -.,"�­-:',�- 1�i �'el� � lt.0 . ",_- , �! It ,W ImMeo D'De,T.g _M=a-..-._-_- Z's a VllmZ.',',f- n�" ,'" �`! ,- C"�L-]n 1, 0. W,;K� Ll';YMO M toy V.,to s1firereir v!!" ',81-&11��, i dFow", sa 11�u-]l .�.,�.I,n�,- -, isy,_e_!:.,:;� � .0 tLLe , , Is'. .1:7,��:;a ......... Q�l 'S -n �- C".,n­,*104V- �- �� T,- IV C"T 1r, -11"o 4�-4 �j­,Tn�:;. I . . _. I Ed vVeraIM-S M9 M -S, ro,e'a'r, , Tal e'*51�=e-:� ol "f.,_�w nn c-nle7pT��* V,'..'! _� � ' J ,t� P "'T t`.V, C7 kmxt , Unp Ono r e=_L".127 'Y at_a e�& � S:1�� u�,L,tll J ba ;a a *Iras a,"r�.Z�t ,!a=9,­,�Ss_ 1. 11 --as a �1 - - . �. ______ ________ _­_ zz 6 , -7 _t� tel.'s Low she was cured. _Pr_,�.�eil .3raLLWI. a-�_, ��:!,v 4.'al� epmt thls lrtvu:�L-"l when at Is Mxn-Z-1, on, M�r� �1 == ol st­,:)a,_� �,�uzf-n. 12. n -, V,t.. S v-, .--v ;i - -' 117AS PLAYER, I ra. �5:t�g 0: ";? c?" ,�!t. nt,] t's onten�'i�A, 2- 1 C .2 I !1 t*�.!,g W,N_,�-k I'm 05mvk, _ A-V th& cL-eitati_,�M *I 11),49:a's .!.7=�m . _ �� .-4 geo'�J ­ -."is 'I 7,*, KNOWLEMNE - 'ate =xaason. oe;"* I v,mm�-r S;qUdLw-_-_ �ta�".4 L'D V, 'coraverit - � , "� � S. U " U,�­ �'l � , -, -, -, � %-,4_­.s.-,n­X'!.: V,ne1r.nh,g rove.- 07 at. "'For --c-e vmars I snl!ere,� -wk,h -S. - V9F - - -6n% --Ui�3�`T'S - , J I , 't -1-L-m'.-, k..Y a,�-1 lo P,-,,foce U., 1 -11. ; ht #14D.71M h t1l, _� to ll�L!-_ I M - ,C;-as� ,eAt!�1�,I.. 4-i, H., W.;"s ,'-,,-z '�,'�--J­ In �!,rg 1-11 . . I - " - , ba'6�,:ae'21e. _,Zvt�i�a 18*t1T"Mnr--42,&V,-= r_ -1--c. ,� . Z_o ,Q" , , -l',too Ms tb . ,4 S " " - .L_ , � , 11 - - Ito k .a a %=-,In .,,� Ds _ ;� ,n,11Z-,14,p D4 I I _, ��. I,= I � I I ,et�l + �@ _ , �1. f &.,�, :,��.,_ Z': .�* r . nll 'E=vV V'­�!. aml tv a � � Uop_� ZI:D Q�pe 0j tt-­St. H , Ecd Z:�e q: nnnlfflnT5^�v U'Rb trle Claim '72, 1 . ,�f, m le;!:­orrzi��a, ---,,'-a fn'�1'.",=_i-;_C'1f tvhe�v�=2,',,. 11 � �', 4 l_�. "al �--,"_,:��:�-S's On 1 -0th X-1,6cey ptla vltenva,f,& E;_..V,nn ,Fr_-__�"._� �- C,Z�tZV' E:_4_.�,:,'J�^'ID, -��­ '0 '4*L-- I -r,ia __-v MtAslp a 'Wo-nan a IC ; a, - ­,,�,-, OT folv,r-ltm tnaltdr VV,�,"elf __ .o" t� � I - - , , - , � .J t L Tri -I 2,�_Jaaxn I P -go, their -mr-ne* Pl:-'(�� On - I - I -. . �� " I,.- �..�".A �'-' a�,� *L, . .L I tekall rnamm rcme,2-"�est I)_ ! : " , np _�_ P" 1P ,Z ., �- �, - f�uaww;s. 1 3 1 14_-.-_Q Z��2+ 'Lk-��I,�Idn,,, i,,:bo.� -ISA W�:LO_I,w ie5 nt4TX;Mg_ . EAU3.5 '61 Vvk alcrn.h.g-ol�S.:­ T�2a "Nou.- , � " - I. . " %; ,..�� I - - I 0 gave any Positive ra"Uef ket In lb-.01to, after ,V*qTg E�X-r. � �n I � ��,,�, of ': Z� 1�r_LZZ�___' _.OM� * 4P -'s an CL�tlo��Vc- p7d- . tf'e: :Z r'.. "­ o-WiS 9 --at".' Wa'�� a "�r�,�e ' , t . , ZJ Af,j r,l_*.-�%.; ;!4ra"It'hing amova, =4 tac,rt- 'll" � veau lcirqad" h:L n�s - _ � � �ej _ ._n � _ _� ,- -1 ckqM=tanced falk5ftg lEdyffin E. I �, the Invest, atzc,2! of R,0; --7-r , .--aga * -- � � .� I gr"Zams- 0.2', a,.,:, -d -me vr,,�n� �i'i_, I le -2 �as ,:9 - * to Z.nt- 71,I: -i as t.t."L-lests W, ls-­ap. , ron,atf',�� in.-,� I � s at was�, "a';zLon 5s t L�!F, fi,�g',t� Ag ,V,�.:Ise tu�_t�slion-x bt,-oana .Vint-�ltanesVege�uabl6Coii�Vound eve;j1-- g b.V tha r,;C.l_d e�r,_'I_.4.�g le I tmd Itsu VI -0 had Rej, t, -v tlu�Z. daizov- 9. 7`g=r-.nti:L:­", .ger -Z-Th,�. !�Illu . , , : vozlntl:�Z% MAT�IAZ�.Ir�'te.? c-,__,ss:n,,,. t, e 1� .'41M,-19 V�--Jd CMIMTged. St. Taeolaid in Jrme, 1�1 1A. Wh= I kk:��d t4kca -_,. La I _L1 � _ttg ,O,j M -y. 1�hv-y- had fthdr: Own way to , . T. !�," , 4 -1 . rarst 1-alf i"Atle, I lc�lt a V-asct lmnrave- I Ede'..'e, C'!Mordl, '��,ie A=­Zlealw onc- Make. ard t1hey =ade lit. A5 or -e ?_-Q:L1 4 t UZ pka.,2 i's =C- -.t_ -t'7. J",�v1-:i2 sz�a*��f_ : - I CM eWN!�`z-R S-2ch GC­eslons to break leg �-er, V413 raus zu..�,, S._�O�-ed ,a . M., !1121rO­M12,tLi:,a�-,1 n4v,� of IV -0 M�Is3i` �, M J; ged rl: o_ ,!%,�,� ,,:� ' � . � zvoty. r,:_,�k-:Eg, exp,8tor�rat'lon ees�*.Gr �J­.�CZ� "�.'�_,Jt jj�te M;&eSj - =eat, a. -rd have nzxw ta.kon t_= 'C&I.t'.i7a el, Woman wasi ben-c-Atod by tL-Lhm T�e . AMb-_Z-_-&�.0'"r V.-7, s a COZ:M- LS, , - hag�. IEUeL�e,za zz� tcga Lor:, -ion lilrpa- . F,:�txth al sleeoFm. 410 _ �; 2n :� iffiat. I feel like a rev,- �7zrqome. t.ilt. :-�- =_�V, - aw. lo�-ea -- r eg !�I=r! I -as .z�1-31 r,..o­,, rrz.,e, rtr. .A."'l-ga'st xoawv�la with t"aa r�,sullt Th R�'nd � Or F-�Re` t`o"If 8DtothPr. Til 20. Anxt,a:7 -_ .,r-rat�:m ...... ........... I � h�T 07;L 1,-�,­ I .'.1 4 � vro=-_,m ViLen I cen=r_-need ft;dnLy of ,yours, io�-�are !�e efirl'i to IM111". our � epr,�'.ad M ff e0vo-ra Ono eont..aent � : � �4�, rlot by 1;ew� ity, 't -'a � MM 1-7--Z B-, riazt Toos. ,drank eLo,w%,r � ,Z;41c�In t�7.e­v 7_,-.! _�!� � .,�f. , ,� e%s e�p , , rn,l! "F � by. sp"C I P . � tl�e 'qeg,&ta1)l.'- C(4'7,Zr,0.,2n& I fC'�'� eki � - ,� 'I . rae,� 4�25 t,.:�., C=?. a-..:, n, :`� V�_-r,,; !,�. l soe,.�Ie3 .-�,a 1 74,�&gp ttt& - � eyes wIth 1,:.,q- M-Zr, ell"llus P�-rfor =- i: &0d IWO Made tft�'Idey Efutd) live*- V49 t, a�_-U-:g aaj t.alu--Ine- w.-4,1el'a t"Le a C -Lr ­ .;, CtVrLfted CVJ'A7.V in tl,l., 'Waro4, =!l , _,0U.; ��o..v a,; ,,0*J of t.,.,- 1_mn- P. -: ,z � , , o� fortIng an.1 q-,flc-ttgg worn *=t i�nl wZ1% t-ast, cro-pren-c-Zling- ar.cear, so I w1l n8t w4:Lste t:rZ-_, In I 'r, -t,p , _z C,7,1 - 91, I nny h�us _-� 3. '? . � c,,� ,Qwzt_-�Z lqlncl Il'l .nev- g�-.-.�:rnlzl-a Itnqu roeelvc.-,i I -M � r,.Ll- !-,D V.-�-.a,�� � ." , -,V,0.-1L 11', t -, , - eusmplete nervoras,CeL, awe_ I xvtn��%t-�,] �i vchv rc,ryatltlan. . T�le D,�de'ap M,4,1,4-0 C,n_) ­ , , _ J�L ��,_,�'.P.'� t'; r"Nev" the . - vVIZI I . -n C�-­�;.n In..--dE�,stat�.- 1", -a -,'..k-: , or only SS 1pnaas. "Nov; 1 =G: , V_-�Til I grawn Into ona 43C the int-,acs,t 'On. � tioeir d-louirted 16�wh,7�r,-4 zl'_�y $"a 1 �,%v k� I q ,.,VE, -.-I ,,O�, - '. LIS =.-enraer Oix trt'at. , . . �;�h - I I* * * * * . - 1: kn�n - --n - -. �- ,,, 17: er LM 0 C. * �, -1 -ra. IMP_ -,)v- -=,-r every luar. � . cerns '01 1tv UnA. an,i vv- = �Z%t Z,V,U , ver�v llitl,-� r,,Vaze,._�.- -,:�7 t:.e r�AV,�ti a - fu. vo.1 r rn- w t 'L' H ni _- , i_ _z, , z , . . , I nO . ,,., tp 'n, Ot�,j r t 0 � . =,us aM1 _4. M One t�rtevnccn ttill wc,k 'i had tea zzy one 01, th!" la�,_r St. t I U ,=e-1 ffbr I t1hpy -so Mde.12 f,:J'yf,4. T.-auq It �­_; 1, P.T...,,.'. .O.�� to��*O,.,. t.�,p, j"�Vo.�- tfi0r_ : rc�Z_111��'�,_"; tr�"_,& *M W-,Vk tt%getl�er si* ; glaaiy test!1�7 ta lr",e fnmc- ie- � wltb Misa NIL ,; ,, snid t!"v%V &-.-.-'a �-_,,Z t'nn U -�,*',,,. b'. �,.. T_ - � 1, r4 1- � z 's i.qtc��tlu*�­o-r ,�v4,_s � fz',:,�,. '" ,%!�, " r a Estal r.."ok. tb�,- e�.V�r- . A-,.." �; ��;� _�l re':,'Z"v1,-9 1.".,4e �Xrleujj good ea tlLao AM­rlea-1 ,e�v',Z.:M-,nZ- a I (*ivc,d.il-'.Nins.R.C.Tri�,&rA,.\7,4*-'.'Nvc-,.z.'- 0 rz In- F.,41tor 01 V-0 11,4 --i". IV,nwrll' at ! all t'r&g 1==as!�� ct;uctur,, ilas vl��a I M "'! � ,tfvZ_ . . 1 . 7i� , , -S U;,` gpnee.M -P I .� at - � I , W_ _N,­�,Y� ��,o., 'j,%J 'e-a'I V"C"4 � *j ,X-�._ �­�T�,-_ ! J�.�. na%�,, .V.�t4!:,f� an,o -,I�e irg"I � 0 " - , , _ - - . " M ta, ?-a A. I I kh= 1, Va. -8Eo.:,!p-r,1L,;'!i;r �, , , ---- ciab 1,n t E- P-t'-�' '4�lint- , b,r,t by tl�o- b.u!d:z oi - ,Aa' il is , -J .a s -, - - .Z�_�.,,�e­:nl-.Z <O -.'f. ! t_ ,�� F,4r*le Vmtx, all. J;J0S,Zo:- Oil reach-, *a, , h.zrral.. ., tE��:,,, wrl = lcon.p" � n -_CL,_. -t tk-ul� .1 . , _ , -, Ill _,ani. - , ,11 pvu �,�, , , I , ,_ .7 s % , I I f4 *1,.-;,-2-r1e,fC1�;,V0 1.t14rr-?4L�"11,,,F=' l, ' , � 46r= carAf.`it 11 Roch. Tao ToOtla'; VIM 11'.,Nt!'17 Pot up, I '.1 ,2z,� A ,D,, - �A .1 . � , . . 2 .." �� I' S� ,M � ,A.,' ,?',;,� r,wq . 1. I 04rclaze.t- 4. , -, -ea frc,m balone �iO3 za, !L,�!­W,-L. ,Zz� ,%VL.re r"o, vn,.�,!� " _�- .ar ,I -- , .­- OF tbv� .�-.zl.'ieslon, ajlj�: dd"q r.c!dney pCis hav� val� " &S shn ,says �,II,L; tvant (I th. - alt,VOYS, , . .. . � b0_4_q 0� Cie nqss a!!a su-M-ring E,ie'l z 1�, b--giln- ll� tii-- ,-:gin o' the Loni i ,Lp,olil�.�, �,V . --o-, Z.Tv'XT;­'.a nd f_��; D ri; 9,' 1 As�­,Q'1_ Dr. August Xo,�.-,-gljR 11,,%nx� thor h 'a' , � � -in thi� Vrf.sen�-a co� .,]IN eommami_! L� � When a medielno hasbeen, suc- to look btwht ard *MM: g'" 61) ,'Is to I one told o" .9. ,V,aat Is ti L searel � . t.. . crt_f ,1-.':, C. -Il", ZO 1 (.ieacL*V.Z."k.. � lo:zrg Rr.%*,i��t T,��,.i in ejs�,xring tijeln�,� cessful ill raore than & MIM03 gave, a friendl ! m - ' to tll� e Amer- 'i Of It all. , y vvcl� 1. 4 rw,nts, an,t lit ,;!.,%v ol Ills works Tas Com -A's n.st-0� v;?�O rlal vv -kc -3 � th,�n biv,". reweaja�t ,ac,� in Una , I , CaSel f to :-�,Z,n -t�sitor�r ;Vho Coal, fo I'lleni as a , ' � . .40, A .;, 1.1; it JUStICC t4D -_V011rrkl 'i U t."n � of V ox !�v.,,=_,IgN 9"i'll . Bat it ,is not thp lxxt­�MVZOD hero � of goLxdnes�-3 an I his p ,at punl�-htia(nt , up sold. .1 a - ' ',is %b, SOLT Pt trvint- it', III do 'not little baven in -.I strange land, where 1 te, go Into, tl,., �07 e1n. 1h.h. act.� w�rc- treison � b-N-Iling- and 0;)ring. T, ->ve, rb- . . withol! . ;� th.e.*r1e.v On which the ". to- � ,,, -.1 j,�*,f,, �;!­ Urt,ne.'n vnd 'he allair markc- npref.v with equal force Isr would Itelp nle? " th y =i.y arranlre to me, t thf-1- t-om- 4 D,od,d-g Rc,m�,&,,� 9 wort, '�ei B.-Mal-DAzIllm Is - wa,4 ari.a, _-X 4 t-) th� alti-srazI.1 -Pa 0­�' b@lere it nor to mere I ward GO -3. S, r 1, ePC-'t%,4 col"nstlalloa, crfrllv� W]1001�51ng, 81jr,ily you eannot wish to re- paltrl�.)ts, read th(-%. lmn,.­r.-;� wrlte� 'or �! the- pluri.l ty' Da -1 .,:n.1 -sign][3-st I),), I . .1 11. T'�� �,'­'­,. 1, g. �,­;y­s Lion any Off the womdorful euresr tkey ,­ � .� .. 1. . � -_ ­ 5 � main wcatk and Sick. I bespent: tho, vervV,es <-f a brlg�ht girl .. ,h&,ve, acao-mVU.slavd. Tracy are now � "lords." Nothing could have bonn, � lwf�­,*od beur w�tn p.­e��Gat% the Czavlkr C01;4- 0-11-�Mld tonviLv and all b�on_ � . 1, . "'� � � endal a ffpe-� 10-1r, L - ,* I -k,,,�, ,� worse th,m till i. "'The worship of GOV,,r�"iM,.� t M. -I 't J,Jtt . of tl_ "er- 1 . Ji.Irs. ]PInIchain, whose, addreSg � wel" ttp 1-1 P.-�,ri-1 wa.p, _- 6 El WlseAngj almost temmon kavwledgi-, f6r, 1, .3 .� .P I , Every ravmtl�r I ,� . , C, 11 ill, � 11 � i I I1� I , �il, 1� i . , 11 1i 1; 11 il , � � i , !,� � I I � JJ � ,� ,-hon"41 tavot st. Jn.c-a�bo &1" O'll'a I*. "'C- 'a 1v pni a 1(�.vv hours and ]),0,d,6 -s, ATM.!-aftc, D'addlff J<IdRey Plilg 1, e PL r, .,prvi an') w�.ea th 2�rq wo, s ,, Lynn,,.-jv_Tt1s.%., will answercheer- ,who wllf glvv� t1l Baal wa,s a grozssly linentloas wor- - gulde them about the shop,:,�, pleture ', and Doddlig V AMP, tatal to th, als of all wbo a ,Q 'tlorn ,9 eo,p� - O� ,V�-Ars n" of I "I W�t KO�11)19'0 Hc,luburg� Dreatt faHy and witbout costall letters .41- othcr Inter.e.-;tIrg local- i .found reppP.Sla T&blets, have � , mor. , U', ,f! , ;rllag fllwa,vig lift tlib 110'a��qe, 11, 6r,d" addressed to, her by sick Women- 1p,ilerles an . their vray i6to every colk- � took part In.1t, and tIvirefors rlgh't- t tb- ,ionn �, V�kiv,.4 P-"--Alt�nee at W�19�n-'.' L perhaps sIle haSr piSt the knowl. � Itir,,,, I met, --illorgst oltbt,rg, -Mj'�s � Munlity aud into alankok every home. ri', IY an abOlatuatfOu In th-� eyes Of tb-e.' tn;*',t;m wl��ero tbp. Count, w9,s ti,pn4 that tbev may be Vro�mptly t1ped 11V se Fee, U16 American violl4st, who t 1,�,, intontlog ill to ,le . owa�' a RM Never , 4edge that will helP Y 1. ,Mply WeIOOTAQ � J � ,-C M.. was tho-e! )Lyah.1,w,*%e<)r. tl,t* VYar blulself con- I the first ot%gesi. often fh1§ t%&1t,_ n_9 Its & "marri,d lady" when she; T_�e I found�.d her rIvaIq by making 1,er ,dloa develop hi , Dodd's Almanac for 19W smd to cow- � 8111011 folly anAl iY191a titudO. 'With Wonderful raold, try her to -day- It -c0stogunrocta ' ! - I is -Aoit all Artiste] she wtively re- mend It to th* ooAAAfta:tIon at the People deIlbear&telY ignored Ood and, I a Countes& This was something like i Ity, &nd coaiiVUca.tIo6@ t&jzs, *p1#,tj(X, 0 If C I rao-tked "Mim zistabrook never I Dublac, Zer,erajtT_ br6ke hisl la,w. rapad -promotion for the ia,(Ly. *ith, equal vadcle&AW& - I . � - .