HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-11-14, Page 2E. WAS GIVEN UP ctors 11eld Out No tiopa to Mrs. [luffinan, of Napance. AWonderIVICaseand0ne, -which Govs to Show 'the Woudert'al Advance- ment 3eceotly Atade in the Science Ormeateine. Nupanv% Ont., Oct. 27.—(Special.)— TDIS EOW11 nau lurnished a case whioh. has caus,d consiierable talk In L110 Airs, Xohn, C. Huffman had boon troubled for over six years wltli female weakness and kidney trouble.' T�ie paia was so great that she could not Dear it, and her kidneys Wave her so mach. Dotber thax she could not entertain any company in her home or tt�ke any social . pleasures what- ever. Rer urine wais very much die- Qolored anU gave her great trouble in pasa�ng. In addli.ldn to thesek symptoms she had all the pains, beaduches and .waakness,of Female Trouble. Mrs. Huffman tried physicians' treatment and many other medicines, but instead of getting better she was gradually growing worse and was yery much discouraged. . Many of heir friends thought she would never'get better, but one day fifte, picked np a newspaper and read an advertisement wh1ch sald that Dodd's KJdney Pills would care rl— a r0roubla CHUMS INDEED. Chains from * boyhood, workIng Lo- gether as inea, rooming together then going together to the Marriage altar, Berton 11, Huff and William P. Nelsoul, of Marlon, Ind., will next do their double turn. in the courts of Urant county, Ind., as applicants for divorce. The defendants are sisters. The cases are attracting much at- tention, and the courts will bq crowded with friands of the "two couplesjl , I Both the complalats are the saine, bo-th filed ou the same day and tile same legal counsel was engaged, but It" remains to be seen whether tile law will take up the endless oballi of double Incidents and grant � couple of divorces on the same day to Bert Huff and Will Nelson. Their brides were the Misses Flor- once and Catherine Dleedinglilser, well known, in Alhrion. They are of aja excellent family. T(he young wo- men are very attractive brunettes. They have two sisters, who are &I- so prowleent, in Marlon society, it is said that Messre. Nelson and Huff and the Misses Bleedingiliser met at the same hoar, an. the same day, early In 1809, and the most lm- portanti; features In the diary of their lives since. that time are these: April Ith, 1809—Double wedding. July 7th, 19020—Both couples sep- arate. July 15th, 1902—Both husbands ap- TV Salt pork is a famous old- fashioned remedy for con- sumption. 11E,,it plenty of pork," was the advice to the consumptive So and ioo years ago. Salt pork is good if a man can stomach it. The idea behind it is that fat is the food the consumptive needs most. Scott'sEmulsionis the mod- ern method of feedincr fat to the consumptive. Pork is too rough for sensitive stomachs. Scott's Emulsion is the most refined of fats, especially prepared for easy digestion. SOME MARRIAGE CUSTOMS, Superstitions of6t_kker Lands Adopted by Us. 'AIany. and curious are the customs rcgaxoIng brideNS. 'In Switzerland the bride on tier wed(linW day will permit 110 one, not eyan lier parents, to kws her upon tile UPS1. In parts of rural England tile cook pours hot wAter ov,er tile threshold after the bridal coup,,e haye, gone, Ili order to keep ilt warm for anothor bride, reports the London Globe. Tile pretty custom of throwing the. slipper or ' Lginated in France. An old woman soLing the car- rh,�Wo of her young king—Louis X111. —paBsing oil his way from the chureli, waere, he bad just been married, took off her shoe, and6 flinging It at his coach, cried outt, 11 ITIs all I have6 your Majesty, but may the blessing of God, go with It." There is ary old superstition In Germany against mar- ria,ges In May. A favvorite, wedding day In. Scotland is Dec. 31, so that the young couple can loa.ve their old life ivith the old year and begin their married life with the new one. The Italians permit no wedding gifts that are sharp or pointed, connected with which practleo is 9= superstition that the gift of a knife severs friend- ship. one beautiful marriage custom is that -of the bride, Immediately afLer the ceremony, flinging her bouquet among her maiden friends, She who catehes it is destined to be the next bride. Eve Tempted Adam. And Adam has been tempting Eve ever since, Imagine a man selling a woman rancid butter while keep - Ing her attention fixed on a 11 prize " givell with the rancid butter! A wo- man way be tempted by 11 prizes 11 to buy common soaps, that she may not know will soon ruin her clothes and hands. But she soon finds out the difference between common soaps and Sunlight Soap. She finds Sunlight Soap—Octagon Bar—a prize Ili itself. Her clothes last longer, and her hands are saved from eczema. Cruelty No Name for it. Brooklyn Life Clara—Don't you think it's crue,l to wear birds on hats? Maude—Worso than tbat—it's un- fashionable. ISSUE NO. 46, 1190"!* BUTTER AND EGGS 11OULWAY, 111hito Beans bouglit Outrigl1t, obeese, Comb and Extracted H—CY GOO(Ifacilitief4101-Ilt,tneillng. Consignments solicitefl. CorrespondeneeinVited and prompt- ly atteiided to. Beeswnx and Buckwheat Roneywanted. -vylll pay 1.15 centsperlb, for beeswax. j0UN T. FE A, 02 Front St. Batt, Tor—onto Mrs. WinSIOW's Soothing hould 'tiug. It always be used for Children �ject soot) so the child, softens the amL4, cures wind ..liciand is the beib remedy for Diarrhoma. InPERIAL MAPLE SYRUP. The quality standard from Ocean to ocean. Your money back tf not satisfactory ROSE & LAFLAME, Agents, Montreal, FARM FOR SALE That most desirable property known as - -1 -lose to Bur� the Zimmerman I arm, 8 ua Lever's Y -Z (Wise Head)Disinfectant Soap lingtOn Juncticn, containing 37 acres; be t sandy loam I abundance of fruit; two hous:8 Powder is better than other soap powders, t and outbuilAings. Sold in whole or 10 acre lots. Easy terms. Apply as it also acts as a disinfectant. 24 miss ZIMMERMAN 58 Wellington st.. south. Haiullton, Out. Woonales opinion of Man. New York Weekly. Practical Father—Has that young HEAVY GOLD PLATED man who wants to marry you any beautifully engraved poney ? WATCHAmorican lover, ellor; Romantic ]�Uss-31oney ? HO gave. win(] andlon-ruu heavy bereler me a, cluster diamond ring studded tal, stem wind, st�'m set, regular Y111j 8 e, fully guaranteed a genuine ood 'with pearls. Imeplece. -at bargikiji. rr- t, _ A gr( _ (9r d e r Practical Father—YeSS, 1 IM—Y Feeding him fat in this Millard' g Liniment the best Hall! Re- he any money left ? way, which is often the only storer. '. � 1:k.- - Minard's Liniment IF; the best, As she had tried so many other pily for divorce. way, is half the battle, DUt What Kept Him. things without being able to get any help, she was very doubtful, but con - eluded to try this I-emedy. She w.ed six boxes and was com- pletely cared. She is to -day sound and well, without a single symptom of her did trouble left. She was cared licarly five years ago, and is to -day as sound and well, ii, woman as there Is in Napanee. She says: I can oonfidently recominf-Ind Doddrs Kidney P;lls 'to evc-1-y woman In Canada, for tllt,y cured me com- pleteI7, and mine was OL very bad aas(N Both ;roung wiTes will vigorously oppose the action of their husbands. The young women have returned to the home of their parents, and Messrs. Nelson and Huff have gone back together in bachelor quarters. A psychological study Is suggest- eja La. the love of the men for, each other and their devotion In order that they be together. It only re- mains for the two men to die to- gether in the same day and be buried in one graTe to round out their long comradeship through school, trades ard in love affairs and now up for tilt dtrorce, court. I C, ocott's Emulsion does more jamie, w -as the faithful henchman Reasoning it out. of a certain squire. He was not Washington Star. than that. There is some- particularly intelligent in appear- Bobby—Mamma, am I a lad ? thing about the combination ance, but the villagers malutailled that Jamie "was no, sich a fon' as Manima—Yes, Bobby. 33obby—Aild is my nevr papa my of cod liver oil and hypophos- he looked.," Ono of his duties was to exercise his master's dogs. Un- sjtep.�f&tller? IMamona—Yes. in Scott's Emulsion known to the squire there was a Jamie Bobloy—Then, am Ibis fftep-ladder? phites deadly feud existing between that puts new life into the and Ben—a fine Scoteb collie. Jamie bad been bitten and had sworn to he turned For Internal and "iternal application we have found Ilerry Davis' Painkiller of ret-ommund it for, weak parts and has a special action on the diseased lungs. be revenged. One morning Up at th� hall minus one of big charges. "Where's Den ?" demanded great value, end we can colds, rheumatism, or fresh wounds and bruises.—Christian Bra. Avoid substitutes. sample vAll be the squire. 141 dinna. ken," respoad- ed Jamie- "HO wud stop An$ cooat THE WALPOLE GIRLS- "The.T are certainly a great modl- the otases at the bottom 0' the i a UU0111U04 wullubut AVIVII&V4 vsfg clue. and I Will always rivontinvild New York Ventral and Hudson sent free upon request. river, Sao I left him." .4counting the i Secret Marriage of 0ne ofTheul to the W. 11. Shaw. PrIA0111,11. them to women who may bp bulfkring ItIver Itallroad. Ile sure timt this picture in btonpa I ANTIlat (to you mean ?" "Why, Duke of GlouvesteM aM, I was with Fumale, Wealcnt a -i au;l the forra cl a label is on the sir6 I flung a stmno I11tQ CIO ura- 4 The above name, Is a bousebolil word and :. It he Isna "In a drawing -room. of OnD Of the Xidney Trouble." the, iap4-rlor e.weliewe ed tbe road should be 'Ira MCI r1crY b0ttIN Of ter and Ben follered 'it . coontin, the staneq, what keepsl stittilpsL manfi.,ons of Fall-MI'll, a sutbe�,.Zt to Utral't M0.4 People. but now s"', an Adage. IlMt the MW 911 t?jo tqjddle to New York and SCOTT & him? for I hae na Seen Ulm s: L*� r - ynp." 'I an early hour of tile overfair, 011 CiePt. jo;ints eatit as by ottwr lines no further re- **Do you mean to say bele drowntxl?" 6. 1706, a young aud lovuly Woman "I can n(,ver nl-trry you," FaLl tile 1: Fgi , ; commondatlou 1&pAnI-1 he bought. Lvery. VI BOWN137 jazale, wasn't suro on the point, but waa atting aloz.e, The hpus;-.11 writts bediatiful, lolxide. bully wtal tellyou It is The lwsl� Al ad ua coom up yet-" It wdl.8 Mr. A. W. Jarl" JA thu 1'311 ML D a Den 1114 'Tal", I)l ahle I the Wealthy 444 man, CH= ISTS, only when tho lood'y was recovered Jiju, g4tzIne, "was tile town rer4deuce "won't you =,�ke iny 1fo� ImPIT for I 41111,tAt'g- A.dstowh 1. Toronto, Ontario. r I of U�4rja, Cou0t4vs:s_j.1uwager of Wal- iamend thp aht.)A yv trs I %vi'l I- horP " X that tho equire, found out the whol troubled with a we��k and fah$t 11 $0 lauuh h.w I�vt n Said aliout the - zir. Wwl *4`1. Z11 druni5t-% trutil. Jamie, *,filing a stano Into' det-,rave. Zoo tolitary twenp.Lat of tile Beff rut)m wati tilt- Lou, ngL%V' We 4LLry goo.ur, tu bluld ton 't, watteel rip:ht Pnough. and atf!!�a toile (of tilt, f ollolved-but III. I thot bmrt." klar fUrni lit tho ctl&N of tulva that by coin-PIPWon. Isla tille Brooches'. "In th%t ettsp I afeept -you." A Smart Little noy. is con And ypt thoy Pay frdl�t ll�,art novpf. 1, we feel an is %luo ttj thty nvotW to t1jo ostauel* Uy a waa the aaqtjjvr of three childrVil. 7 runiury. In the Ilrbt ji�iteo Lt 16 1, Cej,;ooj lnsp�-etor was e=3111DIDS r5loco of ropm C)�!jd hfLd Ijek-to �j %VlIoW for 31101tt won fair lout to cuot. %,t.,0.U00 or baif that a, ChVid in Q C011fitry tickLOOl' threo vearv.m,.%4 stIll In tho ROMW '9, "baul. It iti not trw_. th"t wo sat%l wo W an antlimetle lost Ile put the and fmAlfleso Of thO 91ritell beauty W(TO �60i!16 �41 1"No the fulcbt heutle following quebtlou to one of the th.A splell or 0-If"In yearri Ioufore 12.1,1 Ou tke zs�uktt�. 111ko fact'd are thetwvz Qhw�,08. won for ho r t:bo We U-k��d %_Yar %sliftw olle day it td�o "If I Vad a U11-fice pie mnd giould Aesgrte. 0. V. Weli.ards & Coa. rWk olnd pouerfuI carl. Ln, muty 'give two-tweirtfit; to jol= two. Oroutlenten.-T.1woulore Doral% 9L PUB-, monjenti; gj.,d 4 - a wuc-rown C*tta,11,0 two-twelfthe to tomrr of ralne. was conqalwts ly enred tweItthe to Igme tjuglat f6gare adld� pla�bte�rbuj; om the z4nil p,�Otgol tLtLp 0 rive ycaro or R Igtif of the of rIwu=�)ALe,,,,n nTtr conit.I$ Liiea entltI44 10M to Ite de- htri�tt trout hah, on1frring. Isy t Ito, Ind clons toa,� Of J .4a P. baud'soule tos" enterC4 Awrway 'en 'RM5 q� tb- vw­m gr, 'jt� � r;f, If, xv,jt�l% 6voutl there bt, r%ing grat-el,vily lk-4,(o left,21, 'jo% luet can lo4 verIlueil 14. t 1,,lv. lrild.n g, .01tv mt,iiq o'kto t Irotpro, %.qq a vrolcouwl at*%T W110115' T, ow Vukr rvognty A% %kowoslfr. larotowr kol the relj�-U- j! loat fbu� 7 ono lad 1104 *41) tt-riting t�4� tel tjdk� jj.%rgVi1 41 WAW I'm nt.,; 06 rm'-wtu, a. b4!1. FACH ONE of dl* nine r anyor Dan So Sovt ro Wgia� T_-uo� o t% 0 voune' . Vto, Wkere tlle roulql *.V, vppak up lozid so cad Cori 0 T, for 111;411, Ltuu% Udq, Diana Tds in lh�- Rreech, 11 � -1yell. my t X. COTM Icv hud U tL'�3 tu"?�Du%z w4twat VIC nclgl�-,j Shown b re is a huldess caQ tho fe a " i , I i'll a, � I r I � 17 r, C I -.T) I � I , t � , a - - that all may Oro, tow" W_ 6ema- I'v'v. Wc 4n, �A,17 tern. I t 43% t6l, L,r, tACUT111" LAW th.�t 1;�'iehariv tum wen mai% I r%onter] the hope if r t4ji Y Wr4jj� d. T Tbis, In car No. 4704, "K 6*il. L&I tt'�,ro 1q,ul to�L�n CO laln. tho Nov wbkh wt _-ztla for $1 it)�--Wt vla� Z inattci� 'I tbe qU21ity. Ire aot with After Man4b a enlll 0"PtO. tlmll u0j, b ht, L"'d Wk. WV� A -I gtj)to V -56t V. 0 L M Av,� -I 11 40 xT.'Tao the uffrev to �e ti =I Vh Wo 100' f!f e�:f cw� ttv?Ans an tn,loitta toil,ar 0 Z .0- 145 T -V A T(104 jnaml� vniple "blin"i Vol's ivvil wav a vr� bn! ;I otlp] 'c0in AuPW4 �q a"An't r_,b-j5 t,�,:e e;-. -#1q to 1 9111 a g�rl t�� !1 rIt -n.-ar'n thop nb: chlae. Tjb;L4 tytdo wiltj at no nre VILTV tr�nv)me� E,:ftVWjN,t agunft 4rom gov'u-, tin qlcbt tbr�ivrAe Alat-co. thing df,)z't aatc& 9910'j, M, 113 Vg q -_-, 0 -Av4io nritu v',a?� T-dir. ra tiTh! Lf re Ur r4,. f vi t, ipc 11 tVat'2U Iv, %fvvt, 1� Ryrie Bros., ID . �, At. U, V Vve'.9 f -A" Lt ar:A un�� t1rie ;,nt tor nitc-'am1faru 4. t. %L V_ ro�tirvq tl*a Mtjc. U1 llt"jq, V0 rajtq-�., t -,f c) -A �1,1 V-41 11 S1 -it le.191 V"I'V L, '0 K C-1-l"A Vvry uv�wg fie WHY THLY 00 uN T AAMM Toronto. i atur lavor oods - 1� sz--,L� V.at Vcnll fcr Ngo ca �_ I n, Nr., CrHIIJ]P',�'% %VL'L1E9 Lrfthtc- 4 WA& 'n rew c -art - Jr "rt�gm -i LU_a�tll �s!;? tauc,� "p", Vtq fmq,- t��%3 :rdf'jt rate? .1l r1in, arl - , Ti"__�IA cu,4�i�t t-,�') TIM),. d SeWW's 6109 66j-, qi�-e va.-Fy tbk, see I n, V VA r-0 D. 1% t U U. M. d 4 D on, t t 1, k I tk vir".3 a-0,di-Aly J, P44 big.:�Iil_f,7. A13 hati 'theolf K-404PPA Gonotal I V. TC�1*T0t119UftL 14 1 vzo�ld 'L�ko �Vora, W t2Afl- -�A Tor m R ,, lizng oftaN 111, ft 01�P_'C;stml Oct tr9#;rdCLS walk-, TT141 X"'S. n- qj� g�_rtvon W xt" 0 xt� CC rlmctL w,,!t C!� Q,:Lva DIV*- 1111AIZO BIT ALL COt"M4. td,= trnoad ta 0"It Mir th'i Mag 4 g'st utgp It k 6� i r_� ri 'Wr"o 01c_tv ter '8P,2f1N-.q, t3fta Tki% iLall "11bal. Itaq Oetuphrd the V 5zd* =a sici,62,ti em S,%wt i Atunion oi 11any Jvdrv-,--. i", uv, rd VQ!'1jNnttj 4�6 6.trlot In -Vora 3g vavr 5b- tl�a Vulte- A SUA"-s r3:A=1',9n COVO IE -*C -t IM-0*n, rot b"St ;w2, Wn�w a!'v-1 e�.V,53 Common, dra"'g" co�om Tor Uo time, not =a_ko no al' fnat- ..... s -At V��mt riaa,., T�ntn.-,,Is ta- tlAgeabI6 ttem. *Zw vcey t2tut* 6� b.? VC -In t1le-li7o ago n young rout "T Bred, C ow e..*-v�, of -the 02 the P bV-A men tion an;] e "StMU :Von i.,avJ &aring Lei* tvo�tking: VC1119 El.sp_i P= 1: V#ATf,1 Me, v. amaeveft flef, OT offfari as �bot as am ovion 2 hotte. -flet tw&'K.Intr: I IS AC I fier uitl sive tg w"'retn I =akv.- cay Q:alllZ �"ra almosit hj= f �1 Ral"4'03-43 _-n&, bna ` rioei blinq NO '81La'qs of wofueb 0 -�Vft enll�lec­tq­-I�`.q A cl flen re �� :,:rLa t� t,!yn vv;� ace, PtOL& tt�e et 1b; cm*,y � Of gaal hts- T1!!-Xj'ih'c-1 vl'­,!;�v�q 17as not Pd& ana VntAIVS 11011t XV1'T,110tT thth =0 VV- *arilen WEmy tbolk# b7ougbt silt for them �n, the vniate tudir hv�rg wittu their mea,51e§. V.Iciy jdfs,�Ycotvgivea �V-11 St. tdn�-flo or tr�o ftmee. 701n4tv"dc"o t.affc�t� ato asdalDy miwles', rellrC-3 tul gap- r jktn!. tl 17-19 t� �e-M SU f IZZ, fr*p"'�":'"' "Poal 0'* H, 4j,en :,jv3grAaaot faq- z�SL03_ or-ei tmst.5=,�v��t to *10, on re. I inegt1e. Iney go riot bunt nw- '14JAM, -,-I 'd etp � 11 re -.'-de C��n,-,P=jg to6k an appeal to the ck, . 2 Pit 0! n7�� CS ttest jM,;tr,:. Atinf. P=1 ' go :461 C1 C_ '16t b�-Ing ipo wn-nditmort ORIJr- meats *Stb lits'nu"Con wgwt 'Xin re, b=4& atla. but was as cn ClUbWom rfottt the of ffien, bt,�Sb:Sf1Z9t T_=.-Ze 7 el su -Z &M C'realt enart of tFlp eity, =e=t1-1e]?1r_16Z_8 U =117 tive _-g��ala ft C.,�rjrjelj *��4e 1;=n?qtes6"3 r*tant5t e __ El wolt# llsl I T3110_11" �31 ycu azl,,"t el t=m aki n-1 Ctt- :�t* � d6 topt rlsnzAv htnt tfh+,�,r i;�tany of rn!ln Irit fe :Z�a oy= V: J te MeO GM ftj* 103�cd 61 d* nat _a zZ rn Im Co., no Tzaecyc= 1AY-tti'vnt S Ot -the lt:,Vr�r eeirt'm v fin the eons - the C_Wntan�'ion o' fl..,ny ltat trle- ot M- Ssum.-a La] cong nlenci��4 Sulgicll Cast-. mc,00gn'-.n.�i tm-.e 'r.c"s OT MOM PUIRIVInk &A:61 Itly L 'I tfa varials e_'Ur4�jg 04� C statc--, It T7,"s rl, Q,)T t",,e f,6W &alrg acpa:a 4&<�q jDaat�B Vtr.�S et Articles, ttc. *M *=58t-rf�dlly 5=reast ktZY"-ed S T -�, V 1! 7�Cja�-. 1 -It the P-�R"t'a rz-.rjd for a i _ TIAH '�7 few I to 17­4�,d SiZL' 4C, 1i'. 'j��tj&j -I, -� -0 nt to tbl; GIVZ�Z= nds a ;I ea..e.eniee ktr-eps =-gal clgez!ea a b, eatw", IL tZ�rar.R;,- e"i.:,.,. nt. _"To- p�-=,npe t;c;ar 11 a �a nvon for dr;Pand, INS. smrA' of 1rhe daug:Aez, ��jq SaX. of -1=F, S-18 ZITT aga5�A tiv� ran -1. Alm QmteTtaker. loux M'511 , ma=,� W�0. 65. surgeon"s ikh,battt stiekt. ATter t%e ez_,5:,�t �Mj beau on t1lo I ---jag 7 t1josle'n tO P--Zf0=% tt'�'o "t TE 0 C T A L0 C� 11 r onit'5 terg � LU w,%.; Dyc,-Dr. Frnae�; Haeks-�. Dye- zre�ar a. Fc-o'2'".�_'n wms Lan�!CA &>Wra -,F a Co., Agailtso ro., 015ing b,�Sft_ I whet3 thaoryamtnan vvas over Ingg e,z,:4 5n 4,;!Ir 7,1 jc"C� G'. LIfIrwAttig t1re r.re;�Icxrs of C'.e llbr- �0 Cqantv --tu St: Eooa-Ea was P� I In enarge of fV70 ef Int::e- r;:10 Tlay tLe &�.L-n -1 ON! , � HVNDRED F)OL. 1i 7­lkpi� for eulz, Z�U;l pmszy ease 01 __J t_ra�o, rp-�t tn i)y t;.F� convpanv .1 �� at Cannot ?,P, eur� I PIrne Is the dny naxse; 11:8s d by'tLe uii� 01 H.&LL's I --on tngt! !M V72 1 c,.,.r S---dr- r. I a to, t", (-,� F.1,12 by the AMM CZEE. Grone, Is the n!gbt nurse. '4kr,;,",2 21,e-�,, tqk= aur r6r ":-.e p;n�ntf If. For. am !I FrANX IT. CH=17. I Tae patient Is VCOW-Plmlt� ;ja t4v f Or -it gu_*4-ant�*­A br us. thae Cie easef C lm -fora tl-io -yworn to =4 snns�,r:Tall Er r -,v �, v7e or 1�0 miss Death -.71DI good -]$.re to Dr. Dye,, MISS P-ayne to �g.A5-n;�t C,e a-fizj M153 'Gron"*. d stva "Mortayl o-,:v*:i� yi.,�A`on fbz a Tv " 'r;n-, �n the Notary pawlr�% fi - Buy friom thb Alaraufacturaraft Mato Wz1g, �i�"a" ?, bat Mail's tatnrrb Clzr,- N tei,'�n Eatern-A!v v. =a Trapped. an , : . ap.-,Aeatl�n 4,,3, J, .�Vcc D­Werr to have the eeeti.�i,11 ty tile urilt- cap_='T & 0 re you fond of bkds V srLe netred SS7- V-Crze c:mrt was ararit� ona.1 time aw;Afing rz 1,j ,zlem-tiord. T'-115 eve he 'I�6141 br all elyt-1 st00d at I a e�"G it hV nu'7 !,Ior th�� ag th !s ova thete-k-t. FA-,vnts Have Butles to Perforra. With, r jac�*Wof stlsl�lclon- Y1 Aid W. ze ffist 3 YM2 n.- Ui-3- ' 'a _ replied SE t, ol � V AMBRO I 0'r0r;%Sj 'i ,warl 1aVrycr. aril it Las bt-nn the _Vill. Ti.,_, T -no. ue ran Jjf-r slender finger LlmlvtO _n e� making of him. Am- 110 has won in 1 %1& proper plane, for religious 1-1, ovet tl,,e 1,-eys and lipgan to 51ngs I *,Very cootent' , the costs havo S_ ae, hom-3 and in the Would I Were a Di'rd."v MAW jo to 9 In the wildsif ha structic.13 is in t' vuEL ERS thus far v-elll crat ov�le $.,.or el nrchev. Few parents who iovo tb_!a1r ik now nest will be built JEW110 ISO Have $814,0--cMeago Chronicle. cilildren would wish to surm-nder the spring. rnivrpa iT-atv of instillinLr rellelon into T jl'tj: 1 %47 0 V C. their little hearts to, a comparative U 10" A,r To rnpv�& to, Dr. -ram" tran, ger who, might te-ach fliena aixy rk 'Ch.0�8 Ointment Is iaeafaift E L P1 0 3 y y `,2!,- - for e-abb, R I CH MID N n I� jnctlonablr� Oreal or doctrine. W"r r1nd, 'btZluto' 4=0 esi.,Evlx,� W.-WIZUT-7 ob., sr 'no, Re n 6111EX, tadarzedby goaUcur"alst school teadheT8 already have. to* a 'very, fortu offt TORON rjuell to da without addlag to their b1leedin pze% gandPTOWUCLI" av"a For all'thrmd"a _6211" T11011 blivien. the m&rrafactaters 11' Tiles, Lurh iii�� next thing we -now timonjais in the daily presa ina ask your it'.1 U latrs, Felfaros, 3 992.: g"q entilliSlAart Will TISS Up and b0rswb&ttbsFta1aX0T2&r XGU Abstes$OS, Old Sor6s., I get, We a box 11 m Disaases�, EcaoMa, Piripoes, stiff j6!n4, jo=raon0yj-AckjfnotcuTe . a dr�MandL that ther teaChera In. Gana- Rhaumatisra, tumbar.O, S rains, Brulse,% pilot, ftft, torn rreat, Pleuri3y, &�n schools be, or& -red: to wash and Sold 'by Drugl&lsts, 25c. Try It 6#20a, dress th4Ar pupliEr. ch, asd's ointmellt J.