HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-11-14, Page 1Of The OffieiaI Orgali of Z111-i'!1I 9111(.11 lky 'j,owil.s.1111) ZURICH, ONT, FRIDA Y, NOV. 1902, ►1. Ij E I t X E A 11. VOL, TIT., NO. 16. -57-5-5, ez" 151POP 1;2�0 CHUROWES. Sovereign Bank( IT H AND VIGIN IV �­­OF CANADA-�:�— zu 16 T, BONIPACE, Catholic. 10 F ut L L 0 Order of service for the Itumme". Authorized Capiittal $2 000,000 Sundays High Mass lzit.R,10 a. in. - ap Sri ; Cato $1300,000,001 chisin and Instruction at 10.30 o'clock: subscribed C al Air, Neelands, of Hell -mill, W11-9 ill Exeter XUnicipal 01011,10il, 1'4: Vespers FOR— V= and Benediction of the Most tovni this -week on businoss, A% B Sacrament, a# 7 P. III, EXETER BRANCH, . 1 'il 11:10t PlIVS11til-Itto tidj011i'll- I irned front C01111( 040 Holy I)Ilys; High D�Jasg at 9 o'clock; Rov. 117. J. Yaver:reti inset at Town 11101, Novoinber nth. MILLINERY9 DRESSCOODS, FURS. Rodney on Tuesdtvy evening. P Vespers and Benediction tit 730. P. in. f- kll iw(:.�4vnt. Minutes of rreviOUS•, ALL KINDS—THE 'VERY LATEST Week Days: Bias a every Inoriiing at 7.90 Sa-vings Department. Mr. and ISIrs. J. J. Iferner, 11 1,P Dttsh-%vooll, -svere in toNvn ­ rvwl antl confArmod o'clock'; First Fridays, lffikss with uVer bull-! Mel Exposition at 8 o'clock; The Iloly everyone hos been showing lot -t ty to the t(ing Lad now is the time in the Blessed SacrAmet every Sat- to *".7o', Alf. Ong a Savings Bank account it, tailoring tit IvY.T.f. I-1offnitin's tailor Hour, or one 110111- h visit to onr Lord choir loyalty to yourself, 113, 01)ell- Iiis,, Ernina Thiel is learning jn1X avoolint., 1)0 p,1.,s('t1 Illitl crdtor.,; dravni on trfm,.4iinn, foi- saine,.— JJ'001102. 137177?.kets, .41e7j.'s Z7/zdei,7vea7-, front 7 to 8. Lho l Alf. 1�� P I ilrdl, evening or i Baptism 01) Slinday-at 2 o'clock. Sovereign`� Bank at Exeter t 41101). Tavlf:r, tl,i, ,­ Ztl; Thos. Flynn I Ladies' j1u1,e7.--zveai,, J ch. Flm?72678, Clinton,m-here the highest runes The C0111111111liOn Sundays before .11ass; at Bttl(l)vin spent it fcNv (111TS, 0 (',,i - W lve.-�tvott, (14), - r-;, Interest tstre paid on deposits of 81. 11 U 1r'; - f 6 QA 8 o'clock, ; at If 021N ing 1 �-Viil 'Atki' Ready-10-We(Il' 3ttifs, Mallei; Itev. Father Valentine, Parish Priest upwards. till just -week, visit nson, (1o, $1.50 -, F, Glil- �4 till frimls. lespi'v, do, 2.4'. ; 1. Smith, rep. Special attention given to Farmers' I Aand Cattle men's business. : Slir. Chillies Eilber and wife, of!Igtisolinoongrine, �$2.64; H. t4-)twL-1 . 01-1,1-voals and T,'Isfery, 'Tr nipperette" EVANGELICAL, German and English generall Banking MhHS ttaflSaCteStephen, visitell Mr. R. Njerner oninail,nail,;Ptv5.00: The Cana- TT 1te77)1'00)C 0 U t So un(lay. ditinFirt, Eigrino Co.. "to.1111 I 'Ur, t -00 .0ak's 'T"Ye. Sunday services:- F. E. KARN anil. . s. B(I. PL1,111in of Dliqll-: •w$19.2) -, Mnnieipal WOrlt,1. Stlltiffll-' til. T'ettetpj f Tuesday eVelljjjg; innior Alliantle, a 6b ot,rulan, at 10.45 o'clock a. in. English, rz. w. GLADMAN, tire'. I - Manaj!er. woo(I visited tit 11r. S. Ralillit)"; 01, � :,,4 .02 - INT. J. Bissett, Oiaritv I 7 o'clock P. Ill., Still. school at 12 1). In. Solicitor. iti) 3- T t 7, Tuesday evening I rill of the Newest Designs Senior'AMillico, at 8, 11 oir l3raetive at J. 11r. Slim Bro%vn, of Crediton itnd Nvestoott, vollstalflt- fm-, ��l , 50 - C. : Wednescl, GTISTE R. vverl., inLnl?Fdo, --Rl..)o -, C. D. I.-noll, oi(W.! ay avenin;; Gavinaii prayer SALE' RE s4i0wrt, of Plattsville, triv !,ght to _Nfly. 1.,t, meeting, at 7.10. Thursday ovelling; 'weanesday. English Prayer Ineetiotig at 76.310. friday ------- toNvi, oil rit'd. at 8. Alls,; INIttry Jilltrall Ivill. return to! Mnir—Dtlyhq—that tilt% Roevo, 1.4 rum% e L.venji1g; TLehera' -nuetill'" t:C,rj0.N S..MX OF FARM STOUR M unie her : liev. W. J.. yreger, Pastor. anti Iniplenjullts. oil lot 23, Conces. i Tilbury shortly to M" and 0illilvillor, Ilardille, Ile it tlev_ LJ FAUST s -ion 5, Township of 112". oil iator-'(Juties I,; dro.,, utzktion to wait oil 'Mr. V. B. S11141 day, Xov. ,;, 1902, at 1). Ill left Friatil'INVith ag"reellivilt rt 110. St. Petri Virdn'l' Ileelt Will. Viehard. A. -I zuridn-j vntario. W eutidle cv. los.m-nberry, Auetio rrit ( . inormi st,for \Voo(jstottk,, where i jiltillge :i1tijil - 1 1 1,son, lit- Ilas svviiirod it situtition. Dorm. 11alb kk k;.1tAI.T 1111b abellbs 7 UcTION SALL 01' FAIUM STOVK, hllt$t� ._,tjjr0 tel Iptirn Ir. i vorni alill linplenletitt;, on ].ill. .4. tion': u F j, at A pply lo I>. HE.M.R. it . % atimbs um bulb?— r -CM)filre, pastor. : Nov. 14, 1902, at 1 1). Lew Is. of ilp). t.in:;erieb. iltts lilt-, prot-lailittflons, OANADIAN NEWS. fl—dog Proprietor. 111) for tilt- I-0111ill.- T Avt vote. BL "a Ity L Notary ptijilitt, Fire and 1A fe Ill FARM ot% I i'. 0 , takill,-, l'o' ": taid will Imt 6. slattil., 111. at 1. C to 1, eitllk-V by. A' fratIll MiS., W, sitralive Ageni. M0104Y j,1.)utkdmry,t;taktIt!%', oil Frikl;4), Xim-. lIIlISIt - fitilds ur Wall to itild It-.tvv, ,q, Xij_t­.j1m im Pri%Ltv itlotiolkeo*r; \Vill. Lontloll :11141 wet.Lly trips tilt- vity. I�yle, Proprietor. vtoa lar -n - J. D. COOKE$ A. Cl. 11%.I�Ity thi. Lillend 0%. . 1; t FAIVNI Sort),% ill North (irov lost his :•t --at in the 111, -1 lit Ul 0 ),*Do 1 *4 -11. 1 Sio!"'.! art%% t.,l ill 'I,;%- - with 11.1ki ruiv & 11rondfool) Dart is- will on I.ot" trial \0-111 (Lot Tht. Notuly it, 11:1V, till Nlo)lltl.k�w X0V. 1 -till, .1iolit-hor, 4 -milt• till at !)well 184)II.Ild thiN X%klt'k..Al, -all'uhl as.;;, - I 90"o it I 'N't-lok.h. Is, lit. 1141-1-t-11111.1 t.%, r. I if Prk..,t; on. ftsra ltwd I'ma fr; ns E.'ON, Dw,n malls. 111irvint-ed MrS. IIAM Rh .1 It's. -I-, tarm 4*11 tit%. ii' OI fool. .11 leki,c m. tooth. ILV1.,.Itjj1.V. PROUDFOOT & HAYS' m.1 will 01t. will Ill— I'VID I-V IV%- a'Mro..•w.1 I&V : Fillt :�AIX. Il."ll 1"ll. .1-11n Itill.e* awl I t J -1L 1"que-telo, $04 ilms Ptilolit. . - I lit-ki: 14 �\l r.. ;S1I<tjjk1A thlif I N%Ottli In I Mr, Alt 1).ver tof Exeter, Isle%o6r, hey 11 I.:> Qku., 04'. 4,01. 'F111154t, all% 14 OtAt-'i."10, that. .14W de. ,iI4 Shoes Mulm - 1*11 011. co,t-, Ina. i4dasa citta 1,1� Thosinas vistled 21", 6-31 t4o. V. .-I ti 90 tv * .114,16,011.1 inroof Boots M t 299 Fl. G� HAYS .11141 W. Paout)rooy X. C . 11 a D� t Our Waterp 1"I a2s. Iota Sivat;ay. lm% to�olle.t tin ��rdter two 4sla-11 -n to Or till will at -so "Istlick tO YGU, E z 1, AI1V%I )11 "'Waranteeu 11.1, V 1kiiA.-wil. '44. N_z Clerk 1001 DIV. F cinu ,.Ito t of Sf ac t I I top taIjilgo, Afhd_�NWi-' 'Very Pai V"Nal"Itt'j, alit. flu-. 1111A*q,�. C#41414;-�44 C4 Vin flat, 114gehall'Ill 1,11 glwr , , jg',4 Vim Uw R'4.14 LO CoQuas.4 -i.nu wol Hie Wit WittSt 1' 110" tomill and . "'Wil ruff Vt �lout%44 Ge"'A �g"L'A Main %8414 o-9t"ltv YNOWID Old. W1111ant Toot Vallitol"a oil �q an a- . - I '. I T Z ISE *131.1 4 von Satnrdtl%, W411110ilkv co" H A I. ly. OLI-Af-al -ago lit FT 4, 1,41,01 1)'k. Hill 'Hill 4 Ul­ ha, 1211� ''L 4 - luo, INV— tual,'. q* '.� Jol Iola. Pazoe tt,,� j�qu, *rHE SHOEMAN Do A"­ up"Iv top Uo z U R 1 (0` 14, 4 4 wVe'. - � 0 N T A P 10 Bing. t4,,-4 's allAol iq U� Ila ?I 'OUA tH it tP4' %-h gutter and Eggs taken in exchange. r Notice' to Creditors. A MPLIORAME2 ACCMCNT� I L­L1­"kC-. ov� A'. M Matt. 101"' �� 7'umo, svon,4� to oculj'� on Id"e. -L.. 'J �Ai. :tel"`, e. SaftKM, twsk-, UAIL,, Ili,', .- FALL"- 0*4� L Utl. uo"L N "-o o" It lv.re ita tho- Mr. plviaip Mu� a'a �7. _J* at, vm Vie L�qtnfv [1-5 ovacV, In DIFUrU.1 qunot nml. tke in lb. v -z.jnt . =,q- th-ml z4 SELLERY9 t"' 1�"" tz' a!)' G 0. -.-n, . Llto �;Jr no IRF -a_ tore �11 zo­:, on A. it. 114qe,",�;tkjt Ltol n ­v,4 llromq Pentag �,.grgeovs, YOD•suit VLltl air 1:ilb- 05,4v A N,,M'naM tnf 'Mr et .4. • t, . Vet-.44jjV. lltilntes-4 t-.%tW01qYil �v ;"nal ,,.a "Vo.? V 'J IDr howm- W 11 1�- ey teeth. Nate speekasily. tlfl'V�Ads are on Cao in �avlb�q" Joit 110ase, zuriell, everyIu vrq�Ab­ 14 �Mk- d-1, v�;as D llat-t Off Box-ClothS Lad ies— V+�jj, - At Storiday. of t1f..40. mt, vDA 141�� 11,1, --fJol. 11"' qr� vo, . qlatufeui the ISf."MD 1: C, , . N_1 -p ­­zt 'A' - -at 4%Q. Db ­!D'0, ta"ken homDe z Cloth Zibafines M c T. I wfll I�p ➢kvtd lona -4I1v;IVA`­n tv tv­zMAt 14 j 0. STANSURY9 Rb Aoo kL ADA 1140� flill q'-V1z1'V mi'mVII -aFk 30.vu to 1�*L . �c , t i ;ill. 11V . A -M �, __ � ; _, �.;, -L, -,* 0 ao 4,41MAN, she la�l is-. 'o em ,A'' ent 4"i not'in-vive. a - 04 1 Doe Aft., .1. 1). 34orner �tvfll rtive !1�er -4 - , . . -, p -u ,"A VV vp q•, Vt, mitt 1'a'' .t W qfi�zql:�"rute !ho: '50TARY '. alu. zDw Vntttie- e, IWOA pro"rinchal . - — - tee q4 :rEal % I` t org ztvvnr��. 11ort "fr. Murr&�- �,­as to Lo-t Iola vilh�ge -OX-14-lov. Lwhoa 10--a4 V,at-': T,V I'm- vtafto- v V �-. 1, . . - gat' die in T­r,mla All -.are 4--z"'I C"Jiveyanc Of Ita- �,Z�j 1­!ke #1:0.zu !�"Veft limm-n in this -4.04,41. hav"M_ V1 OlUt tt.:C,st. "ec-Urn, IL , . und FaTm At. DDY B0:4' �IW 41:4 tz _01� 1; lev�m, Bow'. w;-, �,NIL 01if nnIl lzivlh, ne 6u;at U, XI 'V:9rB,1*a. , A v4oA &ny pat. theu.�14 t4v "nt, jjajVv*-:A t1w. lim- V iii ala 3hlit iIIIT coiURT ATTENDED • .1 ... fists"' �14, trh�. d"le t.4 Nzz(04 qk,�nilo, ffima 18 to DO 1,*1,n.%,V41)1nqq1 np the frz.,v�u:- �ni T?`R1z.-­ Beeiolent. t1not IDO tB�e ld£'t.4°. t o9jee zvervxears Baulk. t, xeaer- Exco-rAg"T dia'. utzht I%v tn%in4- 'Ca", vv'aq Brnee" lea. haviva�. 144.2 n tm, klon—V naid tuhin,_q- fluena uo,1U'. nVCw3-Pj1 Prof. lAt'r- �hero'. vml VU02 ID114.1m: the 1, tjlv o,t" Nmrrav- 3P.aVq,_ ;a wffi� .1n.11 tLrV,1, lan"VA-tte BinnIX-ets, 60 Cents a pair Ki]nt "n 71 tl­v 0-11er I V-11VIlro'n. to me�iznen Ta!, -0 L tit Notice To Creditors. Yon tonA. The ftnt,rtal t0,,D7S 10af.e "�%jzjfl Tw­flay- vd t:uis %vei�k tinA wzz, i. A,,.L EARLY AS! YlICY ARE 1410VIN.u. XT FAST. -;A Tm.- F -i ;) I o1fq-rftn,_­ the Choice of tu , VDIV, vmmq­ 'ntvure h4- reh Block 763 ell; OTIC"T" Is 1jL7R;:lw I.IVEN, Cleir S41h:-q-r4P1m-.;. .9 ff V, VIter, Zurich Ont ,r4s Stri(..jIIv vip-to-dale in modern ing � * tw I)i1filIg Toonos is pnr�tliilst to Chapter 1,29 R. S. 0. e;in sire either of thes-� lle-01s. linvintz anelthe Mail nml Uni;ww to, co it 01 at -Ai _1* plied NX "I the very best. or 0 th, yt�ttr foe 61DI 0 a,rahlst the Etate 0�f t1ke "441 t g. - - iiied ton Cr zi-ILMt tit" 1-y oreoring direct froml TT- 1.1 M 0 e riqi9ret � i- - Ry L qtI: day of 'Fept d Kl� D L I .ir conain; Qh ice liquoirs aigd or n e16 or !'� AN �nr A. A 1114):L 41 1 had a tereffile co al Ald ccul z 2 1 (1, , HS). 'Mr. Slward RuIVIT wg.-� Fs'neenent S:Ample nocrol's to senil on or befalre I Le l,t It tv hardty jNreathe. I then tried Ayer's W63, 1,V poqz prep -id to, •Jo,eplv llt•r(, $.n %,�1algillp, (.'1erry P"t0701 ans- i! gave V.A- irn- r4 'fralol of ll.e *A4, -�kie, fit l_W;*T11VTi I.W.11 .. - 11 -1 Depnly Sheriff Wil URNITURE HOUZZ Dashwand 1�. 0 .,Illtbti� relief." mo� 'Ot raelilte U .-1 11 . . I I . - ­ . I I 1 '4 Unp ) is C_ Upton, S. -1w fv­f .1 V 4� e-,,Iate, their natne--z, - 114 w -dell, ill. rs u-14 VL?4, Ith LOWS FOSTE1q, "t . C* . AW -Ir Ap"'ItIkk .el,. Statement of wheir ftx�ecm--ro at,4 1�,e 1,14ttel.- ml pretenses. from .1 merAi:411" all;.ltm. IL. -x ot, !4•`• •• 01��4 of the •�,eeaaritiel,; 4ifmw� hez-1 IV , oh How will your cough, oil Wind-,qir, in Drown 4 iY. the I-Ast yflentiorm4l 4z:te viae !�--Ad afhlaillhz- •"t"t The t1ti-puty sho,riff 371 botortight? Vorge,prob- 11ije ..t�setliis prisomer loft Yv-,t(.ri1-tY trator will Israr+ed to 1;i.QtrilwU1e is y, For it's first a cold, 44, of, the said deceased mi.t."u"t Vie 11101111ir".111fl if the'e'llarge is proov- �htand Heavy Harness; Trunks, cnfitled thereto linvilig to the 1 tpqjl Rupp Nvill likely bive to worl: then a cough, then bron- Lill of ulliell notiec -J%.tll bililf, bet f,)j- IT11C.1t. )J_,ijjjfvr l. while, chitis or pneumonia, and B; Lgs and Purses, for ladies and gents At= 4'.11, and the said given iv; ab,)ve rt-quir at last consumption. '5 1=11 b. noil:i6trator Oiall not b" li"I'll f"r I" --W. "ITlyl-plil-T-11111 U- vvn '.saida,oiets nor U1116, Ott* 0A.letif to wly Irity. ON vit.11-L Coughs always tend 11T Equir,Retl With iffl modern n ,person or peistm. of fAUIM4 Ilt1th t- s',O (17' WIf I ttl`0 tll(u 11111'4 1 First-eks-, '', downward. Stop this Chairs,Sitle-BOE-1.1-dS, -it the JUtO itchizig evzoma tlInt­ P, been gi%;ei1 of '1)nrning co"Vellience.q. z�ljalj not hjtvf, arl().t. nev"0111ino, datimi to V0111111er- such distribation. V*Wfllll,� froq1tently ilesf-rilie illeir' downward tendency by A F.,Ill(.v Rattan Rovkers,, Baby Ctirriages, Ex- eiajtr�xvpilprs. Dmnudtlin- J. $T.1.NTXr-Y, 011' taking Ayer's Cherry Pec- i 64- P Solicitor for the Adndw4r,,t0r-,' 11 oli fire. 'I.Iiesting-hu-1, M0119 pre", Nvag,011,�, aml se-whig '11"lehilles. rocilil fdwtv�s oodthislotlidt.vid \nv- 1*41, 1 - i Ing 'Dated at Da-Awfirer t ht. -,I IIV tl)(w toral. Ivitil tile besti)btailutble. um' of Dr, Ointment. lie .11it fAr x1v ardfin" zo­., Organs and Pianos. I The Gritliby. Q., S1110 -for Vow- 1 first fo\v UPPli('101MIli IIIILY "�O!joak� Itiott nglit for Tonyonnot. hoitrvi. High 'Grad ,.,..d - I slinres 'wilfli, 1, verz: Ewa" toi&. et& . St. 11,00 fealbotweal j Ind cure is stir!' tt I�lr turo--te casee arst to Ueetall twaud. p., piny, litts, disposetl of Aowoi6ir -kill is Ileale.1 'It MY or, of it, tlpltill stock; ti) American, re.-ti.lit aud tile v, ith - J. E AYIS 9.J. SbMad s j� '�i ble ZURICH capitalic-ts 4t 94 a share. 0 -cit c, -Ar or mi�sh. 0