HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-10-31, Page 6... . I I., .1 I I
1. I I . . �� I . . .1 Z I I 11 � - , �,'_ � .... � ... .
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_.__ I - I I -
Much Dissat's Men Burned to Death in a From Hamilton District to the
i faction Felt With Terms of Chicago Fire. United States. President Roosevelt's Letter of Instruc-
1 I I Re -Employment, — tion Read to Them.
, . 1wilke0barre, Pa., Oct. 20 -I. -There to Lykon's Valley. The company his HAD NO TIME 10 ESCAPE THEY AMOUNTED TO $627,354. 11rashington, Oct, 24-inie mem- tj)raotte region, and the causes, eut
. k
� I a alight improyement ill the coal iseued an order to the eff Chicago, Oct, 27.-A fire broke out . During the last fiscal .Year Px- bers of the strike arbitration com- of which the controversy arose. 3y
U31ning Eltuation In the jyyOming and Only a limited nualiber ol men will be at midnigilt In tho plant uj tile Glu- Parts from Hamilton district, NIrIfIch TiAsslon, the action you recounnend, wh3ch 4 ,
re Employed, and that it will not appointed by President oparties, in interest havio Ili advancet
t I i "'�l 1, e men who have taken - 'llated at "L'ay-, includes Galt, Paris and Brantrord, ROO-sevGlt, m t at 'the White Mouse consented to abide by, you will an -
Lackawanna regions this morning, .I rp;o t 1. eor-o,sll,tr Rounery, s1t.
0.r Tr -et 0
1 but in i'110 Schuylkill and Lehigh re- the places or the strikers. and the Chicago Itiv(,�r, to the United States, amounted to shortly after .10 o'clock this morn- d avor to ast-ablish tile relations.
00110 there has been little change destroying tile factory and causing $627,iSU, not including
I Vote to Stair 0)) Strike. the I any ship- !ag, and went into conference with between tb,4 employers and the
Oss, it is bollevi-Na, of ton or meats Of less th'all $101) in value, . , �v-orkors ill the anthracite field In a
61"o Ye$terdilY. A gen�cral resump- Hazelton, Pa., Oct. 24 -The em.- twelve, lives, Tho exact number of TIfe statement is as follows .. tile President. jiist and permanent basis, and asFar
tion Is not looked for until �joljd,ly. ployeas of the G. B. Markle & Coon- dead has not boen established 3,ot, - Aniline dye ...... .1 ..... ... ... $ 915.88 he mem- as possible to do a.way with any
With tho mines Ili operati rally's colliery and tile mien working but it is kjjo>Nvn t1lat a Brass scrap
on tile out- I , number o� 3, 13 2 - 5) 8 bera of tile commissiol,ii, cordially., eal3ftS for the recurreame of such
VIVt Of GOSI must bo somewhat "t 1110 D-rlft011 Mine of Coxe Bros. men lvere in tilt% building, on ti,, 1311le grass sew'.." .... I " I '.'." 0Z,5,03,37
eur. ,1 �&. Comi-iany. vofte,d lns!t UiTIlt to con- fs-CN-c,atl1 floor. ,.Cho flanij,-s Bran ......... ......... '..': The illiterview Nyaa brief. The work difficulties as those which you have
tailed, 'because tile mines . sPread so - ... 11,086.07 been called In to settle. I subill1b
cannot bt!� I lillue oil strike until the condition.9 rapidly tilat a mail who Iva$ work- Bolles ...__ .... � .... ........ * .I.... _>,593." o commliosion was you herewith the published state -
worked to theIr full capacit-_v � A,r, under which they are to be taken iug On. tile third iloor had baroly time Broken bells ......... ............ 1,-L9,-3.80 inrormally discussed. "ie President ment of tile operators, following
� OrAO mine, ,superintendent exprmpd it I hack by tbese firms are changed. to esc,lpo -ovith his liCe, alla it is not Calfskins ......... ......... � .. ... 9,10.26
; One of the officials or coxe Bro, thought by Ill(,, Arcillen that tile C-otton rags ...... ... ... ... 7,584.52
to -day, .;. & iMPressed upon' the 60mmisslon ill.L) 'vvIllch I nainod 'you as the members
I . "AVL, are only feeling our Co., said to -day: ,,)Ve insist that all men ia thox upper stories could have Cattle tails ......... ... ......... importance of expedition and In- of the conliniosiGn, .Nfr. Wright being
way. it w das be- i 336.35 named as recorder; also the letter
I I The men formerly eni,ployed at oul, cecap(xj. Sion after midnight tivo CattIG ......... ...... _ - .... 2,28-(.00 1 formed thein that he had decided to from Mr. Iditalle-11 ; I %laipoloted Mr.
�.t' rOr anything Ilka the normal outpat 1' 1131nes, WbO- went on strike, shall a.p- bodies were takun from the rujils, Canned tomatoes ... ... ... 71161-00 I appoint, two aesistants to the re- Alosely and Mr. Neill as assistants
. Will be obtaine,ti.11 ply to, the respective foremen as In. but tile fire, was buriling so fiercely Coffee ...... ...... ...... ......... 12,110,W3 corder to facilitate the Work Me, to the recorder. (Signied) Theodore
111"Iduals, if they Arlsh to return. If tljat it was impassible to make ful- ciover seed. ...... ...... ... ... 01110-81 . 3loosevelt.1),
A .11any out of Jobs. l We have room for thenf, and they I ther 9,�areh. I Cotton vrasto ......... ......... , then presented to them their instrue- With the instructions were the,
I ! committed no acts of -violence dur- I c The plant of th- Iterining Compair, � Cotton duck ......... ......... ...
I Marrisburg, Pa., 0,�t. 24 -It Is 582.80 tions as follows: statements of the opera,tors.
. ; ing tile strike, tilpy will be takellf, .onsistval of throo buildings. The fire 1,",mlgrants' effects ... ... 721,842.010 a., The members of the commissollit
: , �
! stfl,teol here -that not ZSO per cent, of', 1)41('k with tile underplanding that: i startcQ Ili tim, drying lio.uNe and was FIgs � ...... � . ......... ......... ...... 3.,5.07.45 "IN-Ilkto Houhre, Waslilngtan, D. withdrew in a body. When tbeyleft,
the xlr-n who Went Ou.t in the Lvke,as,, 1 -he lion -union 1AINI must not b- mol- caused by all (,,xl)Iosj3n. The flames Fruit trees . ........ ......... ... 3,,:.190.32 Oct. 23, 1002. the Nlrliite House they declined tco
. '$'allOy region, VVI1013 tile coal ;trilc(A � eslo,d. Every man ivilo struck is con- .-pread ivitil groat rapidity, and with. I Fertilizer, tankage ...... ... 5,196.65 "To tbe A.11thracite Coal Strike Com- comment upon tbeii interview. They
wao doeltared, will get their placW, hdilDred by 6 as having left our em- I 11i, a feir minutra the building was a 1 Gas liquor ......... ...... ...... 1,132.86 mis'sion: wenit direct to tile office of Comfmig-
back-, and that onlv a small numbor; play. and. Illat is wily Nve will not re- blaze from foiilldatl.�n to roof. It * Glue stock ......... ...... ......
: hers will be ' sun;p opera',lo 4,33-45 "Qe1ltiemen,-_A-t thlo request, both I sioner of Labor Wright, to organize,
,ns l' -y riermitting tile, W-Ist impoekdblo for th.0 fireilion to Hogs' hair ......... ......... ...... 1,213.5 and the miners, 11 and prepare To,r their work. '
� given emplovinent, but the coal coin- I -well to return to wdrk in At boay.11, nInke any effective fight against illo Horses ......... .... � ... : ... .... - 4,2155.00 have appo-inted you a commission to I The conimi6sion went Into execu-
DMIlY has ri,-fused to diselitarge illose', At Sll,erbrook eolilery, Operated by ilames, and In a short tim�) all tbo Hides, cattle ...... ...... ... G9.107.70 enquire bilto, consider and pass upon I tive session at Cbl. Wright's offices
. who took th,- putees, or men who I J. ��,. 1%yPrts & Courpally. the meit Iralls Worc, ulc,iva. The fire was under Hides, horse ......... ......... ... 1,�i7G.25 the question Ill controversy in con- at 11 o'clock. Judge Gray 'was, chosen
i Etruck. Th%,- m1nors Aire invensed Alt I InUsL also make ai'lilleations as in- control at I o�elovk. According to 11098 ......... ......... ......... 3.0,795.60 liectioll ivlth tile etxike Ili the an- I chairman, . . I
! -LIA9 action b.1- -tIv, eompail.r. antl I dividuals before oj�eralloils are re- statenjelit8 of 1`4'cmen and police, tile 11ockey sticks ......... ......... 128.00 — --- -
I there is a feellu- or unrest in the snulLd.
1� loss Of lift.) would r.r.-ach tell or twelve Ivory aitts ....... � . ......... ... 187.00 -
� __ ___ I W__ _ men at Ivast. S-WOral of the men. - Lumber ... � .... � ......... ........ 1,349.03
! __ Who onada UR I" O,wcal)- from the! Leather scrap ...... ... ...... n, 9 8 &i a A MAWFICENT GIFT.
I lo-wer part of tho builaing said that Lemons ......... I ...... � . .... I., ..... 1,470.00 . -_
I BEER THE TROI]BLE. t thero werf,., abont ton melt oil jilif London, Oct-. 27-31r. John Morley'
I � i .Xf-achinery ...... ...... _ ... ... 5 808 5)7 GEOWNY ININS
a FIVE 0190 - top floor, and they ivere hemimed in oat hulls ...... � .. ......... ...... 15.-p4,60 litte offered tile famo,,is Acton library
5 1 rkoNv at 'Xiagara (;A7( -r its Sale at 11 ' (n) all i4iJes: by tile f1,111lea, making Pena � ........ ............ . � .... ......... 6.073 00 'to (!alllbrIagc
: Church Dooth. I PSTAIM Impossible. Tli(, men on tj � University, where
. 1 "� "Ota'oep ... ...... ... ... ... . " 15,61-I-) 80 L,rd .
There i,lWyelith floor had no chance 1711 -It- Plehl.'s In Rrliw... ... ... .. � ... .11,0-,611 �Ito_q wag formerly profestwr NOR USED
I rvc-r for tbrir lives. S.!veral or tho?111 pich-I.N1 Sjlpepskjjls� .. ... ... ... !
,� to be a colit,liderablo ?;cA.-jt1,_ Itift til"
S C 0 H I M ISSI N G4!',s;,,,e,nDgAvr-t '-�a-,-; dcs,it�,-11 s,ly�i: , .%vjjj,d,>Wg and _,,02j8:-,, of' IsIstory, This library was frar-
crawled alolig Rubbvr a -rap, ...... .11- ...... I .... I 23-712 47 i chaffed some time ago by .*Ur. A ndrew __
melit aniong Contain iucnil-rrs of tit(, rA3r, Ili an effort to reach a placo 1*4-turnm! AnIQli,'an g'O(KIS 42,3,17 81) � Cat'llegle from Lord A&on, who irau
— — ZZ011'.1. Lutheran !hnrch, of tl;l, C4 saff4Y. bllt, With th- e.voteptioll ,tkf Rattan reetig ... ... ...... ......... 4,*2ttoo allowed to retain It until hig death.
. ('�t-v- -19 to thP loannor in whiell 11-wo men, all thos, i0it) attemptc,d Raw far ,shins ...... ...... ... ... 18-1 80 � lip"M Iliv dreease Afr. Carnegie givve King Osear Decides Against,
Ibe f.�ir.%%jjjeIl ,j%,Aj�-. 'pent'd to-ok1glis. to reach irarc,t.,r in this way livil,ip $horthorn eat,tic .... ... ...... 48,225 00 i tile library unckonditionally to Ur.
Disastrous Fire in a ChlCaglD in ('(4*ti Ifni)- I,- 't4tk be eonllzeu�d. ,.
' � - R____ I John Af,)rley. IL coni;lsts of' 70,000
t Tim -re arp mo-10-prs of the eva- . Volumes Ill many languagos. devoted
grkgat�qll-; u Ip � art, opp(t!441 to � to tile 111"tory or elvilizod (jovern- Britain and U. S.
Manufactory. ! fairs Ili gv)jv'-'-1i 71� U InVans of rais- 4 1 1 1111111��
i ''I 111011tV. In 111.1; letter offering tile
Ing nwilt,v flir 1124, ,*;Illiptirt ( ''I 111"1111,11 1� � � —
� . ir tile I --"\ Collection to Call)WIdge, )rr. Xorley
ielmich. T�'w priuviloal g4bjj�eji(jil .j*. I rl��O) Pays the library was collected by
"'� Kk�"Iit lilll" r,Ph'Rl-z to 1�o t4;i,r � 1- .
� Illp Turt that at else of , , )� ) EA I li Ln�rd Aeton to furrilah tile mat-rial, PARTICULARS NOT GIVEN.
I ODA, fair tte-nig;tt ,;;: for a h6tory of lib�lrt-,, and the.
C ' ttT "'it' 1-f. pjj8vy,j t4;; v.,,j.,*�. 1,1%r �_ . ,
MANY MAY BE IN RUINS.!' 110'r 1 wjlj-"� -at �� i , xe" I 1, ! 1`111C111011) 11,10,11'�A COl%:.QIPnek% rrom pow- i
t � thl� I"Is"ll �# 'Pr -11 #,I th- prolvii... � , .1 . . I . er and the gradual milistituilmi of I
. i treeklom for rorco In tile goveroinient.'
� 9-n nigni"I'vi- tit Up. Pw,4AN%r-11.�. , ... �__ � or lilen.
�L V/ �
� Lai,v rt11v-fA 110 WN�U�-t %va?i tige. ," I � I 4 � Report oV tilp ,g,ttt(qljpt oil pro�sjtivjxt
# � rair m wk.t w.1% %Q�,Jtoitpq, a-I'l C1. . 11 I * Tile Dill -.-t, or Devonfikire, ws Chan -
I RIALOW11 Dead Were .111 1011W Tr.xing i. .� rk I�t 1,4;gr.j ft�b j,g�,.,_ Ig.j.Q jj,,.ji , .� \�.. . `.r�l i I'll . I — - .1 eellor of tho 1'jlIypj%.It,r of C,1111- I Lolkbol*$ LIA, Greatly kNaggerated
, , f, , I ,
I fojAjjjjj) 111to tilt. 1.1ji. N -�.��6,1, 11,f,- %llol de%urf- :w� I ��.k 11 114 Ilaqw.-Ilto"ll Ila Iseet'jitallolo (�rl
. 1.104 � 4'Iti. � VI'li I . - . r Urld- ". - Dalithlo Land"'thing Itelluises by
I . I,,. i Z, R.' ; %4*41oj ,�-'rj &'ale" (�v. "I ".to . I I % ,11 .... � o ';' - , � (ho offor anfol thanking '�%jr. 2,jorloy I *t)t(, to.
I Q'I't9t) Plasterers Go 0%tt t00% .sjl,j1.o* i,lj t,)j.,o J,jI1'1-1-rA.,. � %.� , .�� i . for Ili,; rart, not of gv,�aortmlljy. Tie'%
I J: I i . st,11 ,*,Vt.st jjjjjjt,,4 t4A, the
I �
, - - -_ . I , 1, . . Cliftea staws.
t fox, $5 a xhl.v and tile .1-4.1retioas or, i� . I i .... I rrrr I � ,
. �, � 7 ,,,
t � I , ,
Their 0%,� at 1-14irt-lospiI. I . - � �- - - 14 ,t I
A'j. i 'i � -1 �_____�:, � 11, i " " % I I SW Tork. 0.,t. 2,11I. -Ring 0!!Vur, of
'[,',I I 'i"A'— " . . 'I.' I ....... ;- -- WHERE THE MOD HOLES $Wcdetl alld Norway ling; dct-ided the
2 Chteago. fN-t, :!7,_1-'g,.1- Z�,#141,04 ITO:, 011 It MR INTON W�* it 'e, 5
th") =0;%v.,�. 'a v_%vp or 4,�Injolo.w.�-4�. I �11 I % I . I -stillioall cositraverW in flivor of Ovr-
- :Ay�, � h L-%
VIN'Slr"�,. vmae @fT lr�,,lv�)n qra�e U,m:ht I I �.�, _. IZZ �, �j W n1jOys PUY" a IltbI)atell front lrush-
.9 �i . _ � to � I�S \ .
,� - �- 1; #,�w
I IV � IN ,,, � 'gto", D
. � I 11 _* I P�i Axas Negroes Taken From " - c-
� � , ,
� . . " V Tt
11I 10 bZ) a�td In tk,_� vAlao. f'ovk"a br, i . � li�l k_1 "
-t A Hitch About Goijig tovv , �
N . \ - Tills ract becillay. Itnown 01) klil! rt-
moro tnSir#41. anal �% pr,qo,,rt,.�- W� � 0. P A 1, 1,
' I -41Z,;r , ffi,-P-, I ��
'. "'., , 1 112 �r " I - . 71� '- ,rilt, tIjk%,NIjj&.ter of,,,V(.
Ir tZtl3).,--At*_tJ at '54tva Ou. i!4 tit.; 110,4,0.1-41 g � i I I I — 11 .� I 'c". I Jail and Hanged, turg of.Njr. (j, .S �
of 1*�tAt egglat*v hr,- in tzo.6 11141A. 140k at Same Mines. ` rIT, � ,� Xor%%%q, rrtpm �,t I"j)g t1vit,
! U0 VZON 11T`03�,�t.; k C4231&ilo�;. %Vcbt - I ... ��� .. .� 1� A " - d0n and .
Ir __ , I '��,,.-��_ : I' . � "I , jW 1, , to I& hujne� Mr. U119p cliallud at tile
� _... 111. L11 i I . `
U'vi"It CAI*,ut 119I tk�� CIA'aut15:: 1, '.. . 1, � I 'I k
- t � Slatt I'AllmraidellIq bat ad tot* of
Lv�tr. T� *��.* o ", I I
" . - V . I-- I t ONE WHIPPED, I HEN HANGED,,, 4ft,tour,4iL,, vjv.,'�,1034 thp df ej�;Iob of jj4!g
� ,� � . -J, !'' -- �tl' I 1�;O,J,hr,
Itav til,"-,4r1V mi� t,�*.�; oT " t I" � Vi!..0.,_-_._ .1� � , : - .!A ,
EA - , �,t,. ,Q�, m WIES OF THE COAL ,S17'UA_9e W,. 11, �t": : .. � I It, "' � " 'y' V
�� 4 714,� - + 7 � "I , , , .
�,; 7
rq�� &� V,�L6,11,uoi twiFUT.Ac%v. . ,, , - ii �' , rg- VF-, �,, , I covUreign, whtell Must be forilmid$,
I-Zi,lne I g�', ! 11 I - I
, .. / ,,��, t. A�,, � i , 1 Davlavl. Tema% Oct., 27. -The mob 111'eacutt,4 UW0ltW9tVU5I.%' t* tjltLb t0dre4
, , � " ,
C!,".07b,", � - , �. tit , " v "y
'1.4 r n. Va.. 4_-�_ t 1_,&-AAL4l4 tt,u�%� I r, �-,' .. I - -, f ,R,; " . ,,
olwAt .�;,��,Wj_�":!,-;" � , :; f, ., ,
OT th � f1to ua�,01 k_Al t",_A. asr 5 - ,IQ , �� " 4.4 ,. t % % 0.1 2�w�.�,;_
- - eX - I - I � � At livnipstead .ve.,40%rday dfttar 'Ist'Wers (V,19k:v:TyA,d. TWe Coal A itivuro
r'llt"TV .oL4 66tl% Utlk?, S V,; a �,_, blHo 11"�;rtcvB �, _MLAI�a !�:,, , lt.�<%!,',"�7�:,4�f"-,-1 A tr # ,,*.,;_, y
, J� & no -ill
�i � .�414� ti"N("d i,v U'de I ��- � �. " , - 4XII � I, � " ,, WaN remlivo,- to t1up p#i1il. haludillg of
90"i, . , P 4 . I .
in tb';� 111,11Z4 of ch,�� ad% stovP:,- %n2,!,,0p(,,,!�- ,,&; J�,1,g4@,!1!"p,4 rt�,,41 t� 'A -N, A mi; I I 1WHI41 tuarhava at Ald-IL in
1, I
t,"., � I Ki�r -�,;_4, - , �,�,,� ,,, - 1, " � �, (� �; � k, �, 7, zp I
tt�,,�.%V* afkj, 1'"'n _j �;,M! 1)"'.1 Ii lost lintielo" With the judge AVIl"', t, !4 n,t,-,,I
,� �,,'
, I - Uv C, 1� I", -11, " �r. -#W , -,i/jj;) zeoFged, � I 11, I; romineted the It -gat totmalitles at: 18M) to fa.-Aaln the Werce ug UX
0, itm,V4. AH t! � (,? Un,r�ll .Z_,_1'f1._. -1 ",:, �� �'T � -I 1F1-,j1e';,1S,i-,*, - ?� !�
i tc tl:,�'c s1mt. t4-nvae tN" Urt, (" g,�?,v V%'.,". �M-,"�.�,te,f� VJ�j Raj, � % 0", 41W !�,,,
I t 1 ,I, t- -, - - 4 v- 14 11 __ - r2slin'll'iq%�4- - �. ...- I
. _� , ts-�4_. 11--' — 1 v- .. 11 ., IRL the trials of JIM Ave_%Iv;� and I'led-, 1,44xis"an sur-prif�sive culopt alud paud the
at��t %� at ilvcq 1 V, to U� %Z3M_ -11 - ,- " 1� , k,#r�,
, , " — -,!r, - �ft. A V I I
I n -'a attp�mtq a`4r "'ni P, v,!,oz�vqn ��;., g',as m*'an. �. ,F4 -, - ILI,
,_; - -f , 1, � , AN - "" '"" i Tim Im.-I ertpfv�- or iDjo jrgrD�,at.raj dir.erare,
.Lw�" !W'?" Z L11 1*1'_,Icno,t� �-_!',a _%ap6n Ptc"��61 (� . <0-;f,r-r�, �'A70� , F, �W� lk� W�--kwje," rec*,,ed to 11111 V.%qnuft andw wtolr&V, of %ft�,g ()..Car LsT hot S -VA d1l.Wg
ft,014 -Vbe npp;l V, &t "Ttir 11 Mto , - " . V.�-�. " �-71 i i dick Barto% like fttgroes � rvwojt.jtj9,D.
lvev(,*� lm�_O.Mt r'L -1 U b: - * '�-ye L'JL'Tt�'r� �-,�,,�, jft t. 1,t�V�Ll;j,t.tr fr, f t t�j,, � .1 ._-Im I pp ,..�-, I- old
ltl�ill�__1111,t�4 UL_I�t * , , ,j 0 �
LN44 - , � .
I. Zwb Orr -0 Pre, I.' I �Jo 6 ___ I _f _*d, 40
f:�.-,�C, C .11, il W-!**
.tp I 0" . V.t� 0 -
opr:X . � M� ��,' -WIN. and tat 4.40 jo. in. I! the u%tent to ,Wjpt*ag at t_&41�rig llue
.. U0. V-�,_Dr-; t'� 0 a.. tif:�Z,,�)Ll�� '0 5 - Q :. I ot Mrs. Lie
tm 1,�r , , 4 1 t.
OW -T 11� - Tal v, -to,k��;,t D�,,n�tL-iffrc.,rfA ,,;, V9uU-L-0 L� T_L 04oio V�Seiv..,�.,,'.- " , �
-Z tt 7�� o V4,:fi,n�,,. 6'.�u 9 tt'� 4' V�! zi r" ��,-�: f"', , .., , - � � y , - _% - 111 �, - 71�` N& - hDVU&d she W43er UOnlit,y JUR k% tl"EIII-1 tot' dDIHM9C4 1011LIql by the talk -
I -,'Q11r P, 'j'U'j I' ' kMV. -��, e DE1. � - - �T,A� Y t -i,- ,'!�. .0 gott U� .jn � TI 1W 11_�_�;�_A - -,. � , hufadrc&, overpowere I the ofrlej,�,r�. 2,11us of 61.4 -'at 1.,91taln. 1111a. rnttwd
'M - I .
4 , , !� 3 11 1. vz 1�,_,D , ,� r�" pm - ("y , p , & .... ,.��. it -
1.,'��, t &L ..n.0 11,,-=��n u-er-4 -A�g
I V � �Lll Z� CIE ,� q I'll ,."'QuArs avag GqrUagby and 1wratea
11,1� I toort lth��. negrors 0 .
� " �� -0 � a "t Is n 1". 0, D c - " V.,", K �t . tot Ill
lli�� 1`1'�`��011111' L �L.;,� cv�a,�,�,Vn,A,44 Ini?. tt , t,�',"..? jfjo.,y E'r-'r"D V� 't,u � "t, Mod at 5 mlar 21 � km9w% tilt S�,Vs,ran &lvE.
6?"- I ." � -1 . ILI �� r. � , Welork I.%ntr,-1vi thel" toir Innoggang. WZLtp el "to,,g, wjijhr�j �*,w_r ,�Itiv lly
19 t7,.,;�11�gUo CIV� ,0`%,�, V.T, �-ri, t11,,�(F,L lo,o ru'�, are C , � 0 -e ltoriv ti
=L��j) vr-n�_ I" 16L- 5=;-A-- ,� �N I I " �� . �_Iir-
%Vt te rnTm V�-�i-ep�,.14 d�,fwn V,.e vn".I�-f1 Up 110 NY 6eP_q6. tu,p 111�.�q'sls 1, \�D � I I'll - , T]w intewotion to barn, Iresie-yatli' the jor!ft�- muse for iarl�,Etr&tloti, lure
._g ,n.e fino, aDal %nno', � -il , � ,� 11%rton n4vv IvaN nbaudoosed slud', 4 1rUr-,*n"t,&M1l. v-,omlarcol wath tbo
wtter-plyo d'afl! � _,11 �_p)t L`_,k,�-!r�j V,�;-z.0,1' - j U. - Z & .
WCO 6r:X%a Vy r,=D:'o VZf!';) tFr�r rlvc�t. It , jj� :; � r �"!!,. ,�, [i 1_0___,� Ik
I . �`a - Ce". :��,1-0! CVLI;�- ,_` , , Mullylo e*'Pealloll by rolle 11411"XIled. P vallf"StIon of livatDoolaD holgor, on lvvuieh
� 19 sul',;"];,_�iql i1c -,,- %11 GH t,kl r"nul C'f,.'],' ,,�D:D&.q Ift t � -�� ��i;;11,41,-�-<�-u "J"��Rlt:t ji a., 41 - I 'I Inw. twoo fflegrolfm hail wavkt , lhq,.V dulvi't&j. ng4d %VllIQ,jv� if Itlue fouv-
I � - � __ - ,� ,d 149 � - ,�
IF T;Eve �uvjk �L� '. � v Iogal right% lit the case--; agdlopit - Ulfflon ot thp. 17bBitled �S;Ialt,�y aml
At Vir-h, 14nv". - I �
4. '" '&Ial', , :_V: ont-1-1 lfe,zl�� A 0,,-&%gt&,U-; 1,G -*4 rd "e )
� &VI 0��to Tranp. Eltrar,11 &�!n'kge- i ,,,�0�7. �' B_ jj'qi.&N & (`11,nq-,jr.V'-_-T M�-n It . �� � I I '.., - - - I W,ho. ,and e_Vj1re.N5;Pd a willingue-55 �, fiPP-tt Utilain load bt ell sustilinea by
, -
11',rao cirgos-S r�nlaln Zl"2r*-r-,tn'%T-3. 'I �, I I . 11 � .1 _ , I ro, S
11 e. "y 4 I arbiter, ,svolfar'd liave fallen
- V.* v _.p'oyr,-e46 0! clog-te hr,ls . & 1 . � , � ". �� , to be Vectored by tile la.,v officersl the
, , - -, ot,�, I ,r',, , . !!;�! . .,
Pf"I'Llk P-ot!v,n7mrg. t1e foremn,,T ," ,� - 06.1 1 19 . � I -.it on,ee. Tbe trial jadge consid-i-I t6 tile gro=%
. � � 111. � , I
- p, CO. *t Vaue e,r;,.,kC-z-,-", r�,.,us-! tWrc- , ,� 40 - , , ��._ I
41 ,
�- I �,;
� ) ! ed. that tile eco"Victed Mull ,,
' - _
th9 bjant� 's�Eva wa,w V-n,�,tted itc; 4 tu% tor'. r.,(,yDk h, -_r, -4,.,2S;- ot V.: . . - . �� sho;id 11 Ass gtaggtrated lltepokt.
, "
40--"" le La��-EA. I.ia-'a i -L -t "I'"'P b�AM",ng i , Lef; s. r-Ct4Fg-,Zg-�TjP1 It �'-.w VV D4,- nmige - 'j,,l lit- given Usc benefit of tile ,30 days �
Tonqt b4fore th- - �� . - . Tilt., 11.1 V MULWIff. . lwovided Ito the roxistitutton, � fts,19t Oit. 21�-Tlre rolfee voinsillj#.
firp- *Irft�r- ' f r -A . tLir-r %val - �0 4,ibi 21�, i . iiy � Vnp f2ol 1 - - - . 1! After the tivo negrops hall been Erar"V attAsobcd to tile li*.Uygee Palace
OZ. 1�_'T'n';Eie b�tc;_Ang r, 3D b ,- tm' U,.,p r. of tr, P .�ky7trag CV�'�r,Wssvull). r. , I n
t6��,; �� I
rAA_1[-,�r'.9K5�:%,qI vc, <416-1),1�63, fu!91- tov-�Ii At 1"Ottsivilof, 7:j, p�-�- ,e�-Uyt� rx, CAu � It Ito over "-Ot .It look at . .varror it is no wonler �0.4 land. I taken to ihO C091stv J-111 UP- 1110b &*13's the W-POPt Imbilshcol In the 1-'tg-
i� �,;ied Lhy lr,��atanee. I Lnnen ap go."F"'.'a wilt g. -t wo:*� - � __- __ I 'Was not slolv- to rj�V)kaslze Itspro- UrO tl& blutrifing of the alleged at -
14 . — -_ __ �_---- � teat by I'llym?Ual fore" awl l"I&V touipt of a dang,�rons anarelfist to
- 10--a--t 1:1 P,r e�,:A- #.P! V�.* m.mq�s - up their tolar.d.-I that it vraq P.- rtaln . �, - 9 31 #3 v short worl. of tile 4u*jg,L* L'y"ell Rlt-k an Opport"nity to 8�,ffayslnate
4 1 f? _%� -_� re . tF.t.-l-lin- 01%ev tetitv _ ... t 0
; r - r - wL,L rz�kl t,,, .�bBQ, ,ep 0r.q"N an'd Nv,vnt back into the burn- ,�Allvs ... ... ..... � ...... ... ... ... ... - 19. 1111 I I �� Plitt ot tile progralume. 11fe-Mdent Loubet is juach t__Z.,?gg#
1,,! rr-anue Wf,wk for sc,ven�,.t ivi-o,;�4. 'a' ' - _q,_
t 1� tp� * -'4 it', tmilding -;% , I,Ftccl S, -rap ...... . . ... ... ...... 2*50? 0 - arle"a tjutt ttled lvpsle,lrand "Att'd Ithe f -I %E; are livat a inall of
I ,,r� 2 �� g. triliv, tvvo Ill % h4w� TI v j. e
A BYSSIN�19 TO A10 NITA' N �, I'D 1r4'rjW;"t�i`!'ev%ro_"- arc, &tDR fi�:*,V' !I !
�n - - L
I tr.n T.00,r6 ki), thg3 1.--,iL;iX*� & : 111F-ap. avA, eliwbinq up qrl CL'.! wh"79W �' f5lu-cisnp 1 lalub;t ...... ... ... f.. 224943 00 Thm-e d"Iretl tilat ne vonvicte evening I.r;ed to e3naly Alge railing lit
11 I 'E'De S. �� , -, I- do terratrie'd to takf- the elvalkees VVT 40). "itc-el ralls ........ � _.. ... ... 147 '82) �' tar 0*1 Contained stv fwgro"eaeb. 11101)Whowed 'Mind hite oil WontB�,j;r
- I Wt"IRC-1-1orro fA*na Vnn-,P-rify. wol;,'"ii . �Jge, the"r r-praug out Lot" tW- a1r. � SllinjaL,v ......... ... ........ . ....... o d bout of one of tile gate -9
Ik lr-v.� P"ro.ve- 6f,"'i 4,746001" Well be tulm egro of the
Taik of Combined Campaign il - - I - , M'j- %t'� u' -v' U;�- r-t��'-' tO T�dP.q Uvre vrusho,41 to &mtlth ODD tia, 4, Fatsag.� casingg . . .. ... ... ... - li'yjtlo. populatiou and peravit ljja*� ,E.IL.- 1-.1y"Pe, bogde a se"Ity Iso.y. T2W
, eq.-�rt up &7.r two, �11."%Clg. jmvr-mc�nt. Fcruz- ol�ht r gn,,_jv �Tznatgvoj 1j, Inisooffizv &Zed .. . .. ... ..... . ..... I 6:-, I 0 ,,, sur -111 to covifillet all DivalufAlatu sejllt*�v otolered hilovs, alva-y. The Inan
11 rir"�e 14,.-P -.1na Cm f-�%wwe*:,, '.,", C-14rip , Trc�ma tL,�� wtu.Jpv"s ma th-, V.- �, q-triAry ........ ... ... .. � ... ... ... ="-42. 413 hang �
Against Mad PuHah. # * ,lf.Aga -10,,:,.�z V�,1-- IR -s-, wo�,-,k. : it 2orth u Ir, I , ing. Unt live wldto efti2ens taBIV41 kC0h(-tentl,y. aud nually 11u.411
,, pw , i� � rktr,?. *M2 T's.- nion wit-ro, iptrtbly In- onint'no Ifin9p ...... ... ... ... ... 3,16170 e0asiderea It their 0wo Province to to be rewooveAl. No revolver for rfol,*�-
— � �,+�, I," tT.1,t1- 4'�%,M.,!I.,�eit,T� LIF-aE!.fou fy-or , P -r "nV-1, tm,l pr,�,aw.-e V;711*4 q..-. Tin p"Zit . ...... ... � ..... ... ... ... jrj.0.*!8,9,,9 . do 1h.,!. hanging. reatVa Iva% tound oil hilt.,
1, .1- OT ti.�� ua,�M .;�-n:, an 4 10 �14,t,.,V�v. , .
, " , - it � Tf-a....'. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... - 12,:1-3s 03, � A tot ht�r ver'A".ord or the atkit Says.
, rq P -,"-a' IL -t tn .,- fft,.w fi��,'>- �� � Avililvived Vif-st. Thell Shot. ,
I �S, " 'it - if 11'rhe Incident occurtsl Zit 1 tu�,Claek
1: E� . "�`c' -
WHESE THE NIAD MULLAH 7,1�1,-,:1, M��' RAZILWAV CA ULTIES. To ... ........ ... . ** ...... ...... ... 1�08 t ');' . '
;! . L �- m1i*_i-:,:-' W-kri, to.*ok n P�n- 0 wis.-at ...... ... .. � ... ... ... __ 4,96(' ) 8i fi New Orli_,�:xn_% Ls_ 0,�t. 1,,7_�-krAl Ion- �f Sfalala.v mornang. Wi3en ln dl�;regard
P.6=a. Oet. ;27'Nego"ItaCong .. I - .
M. inir rr� r# ,V -t 2n 1: ,�- tvk':� w"!- r."'t 4 Wiliqk; T ... ... ... ... ... ..... � ... 31.651 00 .. known nogror was 11 nehed at L -a-4- U 07 li.p .,rerArles' v�zonliv,j�vvg to tile mA%vi
-qre, givcn u.'.1r"K. 11�,'41- r",*7�j.;�;T-j*a on,j,, Tcrvible List of Aceldents on Vnittd ,Wgi V'
pl'ftei�,j_g %vi'Ll'i VLC! e��f C;l 09 ob�_, �!.- , � - �9- , �0% F ... ... . .. ... ... ... ... 1 59*1 013 7 ;r,bat-ch'e, Mit.."s., .Ne"terday, after tO 90 -'W-%v, tvir,3 9:'n1!ftr1Ue,j 111tached
ijtarw eo�up4.4rat�mn - - .. ,�.
U9 ADy.-sj�J.�:j _ - ' -9�;'s -�! P.rn-1.1--!a are- '*�;Ru th,4r . slad(.-k Lilies. 'wall;] ... ... ... ...... ... .. � ... . w. �,�-, i6 , to Col.- Elyte velted 111111% bnt lie fe-
^ 1� n;!-�.:�51;0,.14 an -i ire 'f:.,�-- tqv ;jv#,b t�lf...-.v -.7p Washington. oct� 27.-T!Df� number woa,l patt��rlss ... ... ... ... 250 00 I Wit-riOus rnisadvellture,�4. lle attenipt- 1� -
, . I
'. 1n:on-
Im S&Liia: � ana �-k.j�'_ r '10 tr'Lat- of 11 60, -- � - 11 7,0 ir�� P, .'s W'R.-I'l in tr"�a see-.1"sits 1-4,%I, Dwsz,hilvg and ktckmg We
" '" � zn- V�.nT-n T."11"M '" " :
, . " .. .%-n L -J-12. — t ,rd to brea` Rato tha I�ousa at a geadarmea an,l ellectiug role anatelly.
whea RLIS XA�1�1,,I";ac �xniaded "'nall , , , I- 11
t,-ro n"'T'ra rev+��rte! to Mae;orM�. STABSED HEART SMN UR 0! wh'U- W,olmaov on the OntRkIft% ot Wils'n 110 W.iu ordetej away 'by tilt.
,�arasznlleoj ogai�df�Nl. T ,i,-. e �, -.- g 4p - s - , "" ' ' j 4:,uring t1f."P nlr,lltll�i' OZ �*.oy.-!'. _X.Ly Qn-1 It . t
'� , 1. - .. ,�ibou'd: . , , t tit. town, witil tile intontl0% it 9 -entry Ile wwq In tile act. of trying
tion is that ti� lb -0, ials , lill I, r,114 rmp'o�veo�; are rark_ I,P� t- ,
_ .
Lr,.=, in. tj;r_ X.,!d -? w -# 11�e, hnf1vll-v'�,l ;,!�Pnlr - Jurte last, Ats slt.f>wvs by .% b-al".-Atin — ! is Supposed, 0 -
- _11UNUL�'& fG.-,Veg jro.,�x- : ,c ,:t� � . sit?]V'�-V f e0rdmitting an -is- to t-Hrab, tile railing. lie., w.v,g _,qpz!;�&
tLe SOUt1nV,.4r,J1, vv�110 the Drlti:�_-A a't-; th-IG WE' ffi tiv� largt� eon_P,1vD1e,.1 ! PtFued by ibe I:jto.r ep.-Itri-rce I -New y1orIc. Oet * 27 -Tho rari-st Op-
; j 4,ault, but was bitten and driven fly o-vPrp-)we
taek t��I"Jli fr.Fag ",.0 Z,Ok'th. 4 1 j eration know e sew- . ed � k th
-k anC tq �evs to , q
� , C,rl"Ml--�-5NM tO-f?--F, gh-Ing U.., re- Ing up or a evered ,r Cie 0 1 off ,by a dog. Ic,ek-up. wilere, lie gave the osi-%me
Tile 11.16L! 2&;R1111'1,d Is r,_),UWkl1g !u ti at . kv the raflraaA 03' 5 ver� 1 , r Mi The womary gave notic f or Le Pj.;oonet. Wilou a,:,kej,&h-jt
, 'Z THE WORMS W,11EAT CROP. �7 1'e)"!�'�`W"ts'110 an"I tho lljjzre�l I -SIO I isight at Bellevue- Vospital. Thc� pa- I att'r-suPt Of tile ivegfo- A POS90 he ft"tesidel to do, at tile Elyzq he,
par', of .15()a-j�,,.2:_111,1 aj nurtkwast . -i -!21,11�- � human heart -wag p,erfornied last'
rkz. rolmjiz� a i,oru",�r land tetxve,�vo I , � Aeeh!(-nt9 11"I Otaer ,,Z�Ihng pp'ied- " I vwag Waiting for the
' �1� � — - jo-jsv-4�s� jn;�* started after him and captutednim
Abyssln"� awi Z�L�. krft"S'.1 protoecor- t, rS15WWf'9 in. Londgon Thai it 'Will! ilt�v-�.w_',,.r:� ,; ti�nt -was Annie Kingoley, a ,vonlar, i in the wood,; nearby. in view of tile r I - -
7t:[�Ir �
, , �, .r,,j kv rqf,�Vf-Yf'f"4 veAPOP .� wiln had been brozight to the hosj.z I Prosi,levot in the g.v.rdens, to stkiko
E -f, (;Ulf Of Aden- � � at work� aud I " � fac 1 him 'Cowift. I am the enemy of all
ate On the eOL!t of th Total 3.73.6o(%fl000 (,�;1at,te,rg. ; I yy p�t__,�,lt,,;,r-1 9�!Wrgg i tal late laGt niWat, staWiy.,�tj to �.Ile , -L that hb,4 Offence was onl�r hy-
For ovr�r a ,vf-ar the elff;irs--dations of L � on or Off ear.-. f-te., �,;r.r,,-11 " q � tention, he was seVerely whipped
tha X�ad Z�l-�.Rz.l!v,-P--u�"�l,�o".Iw,;$Iy Called � London. 0"t. 217-R, I oi-,,-; p-jjtI,,S'hT4 , 11 t-oie ag- I licari. by her Imebaud. daring a quar- V In ' tyrasvt_-.:- Tjl,j� maWu Mind is fevj-
I r a mob rred foosp. deran'"'_& Ile Only lrer-ently
: , "!';A va � but a second mob, ,not ,satistled with
1, - o ll('! a:i-1 9.3D) in- i rel on the street. ' and. then tu
11-cil Mlo, , " - hi rf. es� L11a, 4,p 1 Irs .Vf- ' i 1111"ItIv
' zv�l,� q;d !:in, Abdu:Aalk , 1 4r 8 %'vl-c-at r -OP ', jared, or a total Of 19,136 ca.iiial- I %She was dying. The blood was pour- I , left Ai ho�!Jlltnl atU-r having attcqslpt�
X11111" I.Aleed la co.,L�nvon the var,wis i 'Or the %% or.d at thrf.e hu-ndired At!;�d � ' lle-4�. Tive to�Llaj njj-jj*��r ,�T C�),,I, started out aftel- i p.11
isphcre..7 of hZ�,1r;Z.,of" ex,erc�awd *.v,' fifty-three nu Uarr vov�rto_-rs. The ve4t_ ,!' ' . 1,),ns i ing 11'rem a long 'wound In the left ' the punishment, I to cOull"It 4RUIVIde at Z'St. Lazar
I .
Great Dr.tat. lta:y a-ue, France. I re.�ulreiu.ats ,31 tile " �*,n'l &MUMPUzi; vorw; 2,01%. of W.1lej, ',. ventr.cle, . ' the riegro. He was again taptur
- -is M"',�E'�l �1111` , whIch supplips the body, . ed 1 Railroad station.
". , - 'Z I �' UY14 w;,rs-. e�>115,.io!j�.- 'Ij d 1111s tlmp�, 1111VII-Ated witIl death, I
well .is "he f_�t�.Uin of Menel.k. tna vario-,as ,countrits '. Or t;
-C givini as to,- I ,es � -,7 with blood, vAille thei r1glit pumpll� all
Lmpl"�Iror 0; .� bys'l-Aa. A 4pint vxpetli- " lows- ral",-io-q aill 1f)l dr-rallments at . the : h1b bo(ty being riddled wr.th blulleti,
; ' - to tIve lunge. The nurgeonts knew j
, ut work all � (,�;nrtc,rs. '� ;:s('�'-'1(`r traiwq, The flow must be elmck�ltl at cfi,icr� it tile � 'COUGH LED TO DEATH.
tion aga,ns-t lj;311 War ' '&� ;,
t�-ck A ,
"4. to ,e,qro. Orginns, stipposod
last year. lie u"a.- p-.r.�Asnyl to his mo,.;t ; ("'reat D11"abi ......... _ Uflwinfj if!Mtlago rr'�IL1011g, womall Was to bO Paved. Tile opt'r- i jw,�!ji�i T.alllint* who, was —
, Au8tria ...- .... ......... ...... Zy"-fi-mo'.0. , -110 roall"ray loy tjlf_",�e act,j 1)4�% ,,,g_ thtion wais decided upon. The hroatt 1 to b3 dea,l and buried, the bry,ly .1i r- Colling-wood wonlikil Well at 21V*011.
distant rr.lreAit.o. II;s btailquartc?rs 11 flP 4 a
Were burned, IIN ca -mels earried oft, 1, Italy ......... ......... ......... ,1,'-_,'0!),0o0 gregated $1. 813,8:,la. T'i" _^Tcraga Was laid bar,e, and the surgeons saw I Ing 1yeen identified 'by Ills *Ite, and P4tA;se's)k,.VAy,PZt 2 V.xn-
I.IL,4 ! Holland ......... ......... ...... 2, 1 5 (y, r,l ();) lo,za by eae2) collision W..js .1 ,ro,v
ardhlqrf�ljzjrer,s� 1jrf,k;m up. I I P., ,1_ that the wound was ".ry sevete. It i friends, Ila$ tur"d UP alivOl at Ot- C0111119Wbod ,669patch.: The t6wa
foree Ls a conce;Ar., t1ou of wandering I 15witz;,mind ......... ......... 14;01%mo ,, mately sa�_Ij, an,,j b.v (-aC,i derall- - would requite &.c stitches. Iii the bl- t a w't.
bands uriz!�-I- tfW,),5.1'r,irIly under a DrIgium ......... ......... ... 4.�!.-,0,(j0fj 1 ment $90,5L tervals between the beats of the was abocked to -day on learning ot
France ......... ......... ...... 3j, -2,-,,(3().L) ' The total 'e'"r'..""es heart the neodle was inserted six Inie sub-tommittee appointed to the sadden de,mth Of'SLIUS Mary Ram -
leader of re7t,lazloa Yke the ,11ifflab. ' du�lnfg tile fist -,a] .vear enl'Prl June
andta�jjy e,;E;,fPrsj..jg 111to its orignal Spain ......... ......... ......... _200,604 1430 last. Including thr,� Atb,,,),v,e figure. times and the flow of blood was stop- �,cl uc late Prof *
conlponftntv. ',�-acli armieg, if they can ' G�rmany ......... ... 1. .... ... 4'3410,()()i) were 2.81.0 killed and ,11 s, ped. Ij,-,iliday Dougta% of Knox C61lege, 11ton, 61dolift daughter of 1%.r. W. A.
_),800 1y,j,jrp
be�tal:,-,T by .si U�,�iilfied a trrra, are G ,rpec* ......... .... I .... ...... :�011,0`00 7kio nuinbor of r,nly,0.!j-t 'd. �Slowly the untlevt rallied. Then h.ave agreed upon a name N,vii-jell: Mamilton, city piastreaste.r. r1%, d. -
not rplael'y beate!i permanently. Con- Tlle�Azo fl, -e.; Mlled .sjlt)v,+s motequickly, Tile ,f,urgo
"iref; ar .011s wo, 'in good
- ,r6 As I
i I
! I
,X- a, diminution or O's P'�.i . � I the S.'dnOA6 and the board health, wit,h the ex-colytion, of a ,cold
' a .Probably In r _ will be millmitted .at the jointilleet- ee-aved young lady was
- .18 the t
linual vi- .ate,� and a standing force ce-as of ,wliat will be required, . "" eent:' �"ce` tounded. Thie wom-Ln with the sewed Ing 'Or
'r � 18f -X3. Wbeft the P-afety ,
-in, . ,P
. le. Rus"'Mis 'WAsr pssserl, ant] this tl, up heart Was showing remarkable ti- 'Of t1i
are needed to maintain peac Tile Ibingarl; Pretrob and Rltance act , ,,e college. That WeetIng lias up to, nooyl, *hetj ,-*Ile ,Went do*�
UnIlail, after a few mrynthe of art-�� harvests are on,ceptlonal,ly good. �crclllsa has ()I'-- tality. been ,called for, ,-Nov. lltb�. town to ma)cet a row.prarellageo. Rb-
curre(I 110tWith'Aandin- jj,6 inu,. '
. I
pa,rent (julet, resumtnd ,operatiouv aik — �h, Sheltept on Improvingsteadily,'aild If the Vellettl0IM! Goverumbnt turnlflg, she complained of fe,eling
larger number orinen, 'ensploye4. at midnight Prol. Stewart ,s.10d: "I -Ck1l011*FF the rev'OlutIO'll there WIll prb- unwell, and was tolzed with a -
boldly as; ever la,st s,,)rIng, and the Right Hon. Lord Currie-, of Hawley, — flb
lwuslieo' .umn, iund,r Colonel Swa$ne, British Ambassador to -Italy, will A *Allrdlctdry I� AV astalligbed at her sttength. She bably be moTe trouble With Gpeilt'[ of coughing, whip -11 sup--Andue o'
sital-ted out covorn, months agb to rp-1 r(Aire ftmn'the ,diplons,
.t,tic gr,"Iee In ,a, (,ttdr from Ill. Is -doing remarkably well. 1, maj* I - ttitair, Venezuela; alleging that Ile&tt failuio,, and, at 9� dejoh,,k. o116
. _6 *a,a read &t . #at-
, at the purUhmentof last Y 30-3. 1 Ing at ri7e, elay m66t.- that tliero Is a very fair cb&nce!,1oyr -toluelonisits were Sheltered at 1 , eNoired. betote, meal" aid could be
I the 'CAirly part of Ir the P - to -
ear. Upper CanadAt "Colleg'e. , b6r 101timate recovory.'� I I && , , . , , , f I � � I : samAkohest 11 , � . . t .