HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-10-31, Page 5THE ZURICH HE'RkLD
enpa.•Y rvv aw„r,u
...... ..{y{y , n "10;
AGA,yt'i :'iIL 1°b .itI3 39,Ii(i (1 1''.p'PX $AII) 7.`O
AT IIAVE S1H7GU114D CONTROL., ?fir iYuRSf t' i " mQ t
ncXeg 1►lunlrX, nic sON z ilLLirD i'I0i ORI:AT r;r,001) •
_- .% tap
$'X', liA'I'X#Al'iXNI;$. I'VRIV]loll AND tat
S 4"Cr1[ Pl f;- mion
1'l,eir Purpo±«e to xtevid the L1rRe to i`T,ATOP mora.
will cure the f D aggro,- lacy
• #3nl;ula to Secure A S11are aY. vntcd form of 7Dttir^eh,,ia
AND DOI.\'G BUSINESS .- I'Resident and Indrptattuu. it willvor•
WILLIAM CARROLL'S ATTFuMPT TO Tiarou0i 1'retag#it root "Il±et l+till !reeling
Alit THE OLD STAND... . After l atilt.•" Nervous
liendadip'I'<1I%la ITIS LIFE. I#cu#il Does l bt tins* it.
ti PREPARED Wid Flatul ee. ' Strnnacb o
At1I 13:G'PTF ' a:ndi+Ietuleure. \VhysuFfer You
THAN EVER, TO DO ALL r1hen a Chile L"1 guarlultced: ; out in
Windsor, Oct.Uct 2q. -President P. H 200 DAYS' TREATMENT $1,00, ndha
ROCIC BURLED ACROSS NIAGARA j}'aiker of file Lake Detroit 12iv ;;,; jaax flACG, Dashwood
ICILLS A DIAN. er ltailat;ay made the announcement yes- says: "I was unable to gei
terday that the Pere Marquette !tail- ani] ,,relief
on ach ,rronbie quit
a aaa asi.)+a aat,aotata at way had purchased some of the stock of'` using our -Native Herbs," ♦ sy
Family Groups his road, and that it would necessarily {O D Mb l l be .9
y p St. Catharines, Oct. 9.-A terrible entail nnany changes in the Canadian J litae s
-4 Copying and shooting accident occurred here abouts e° le "; "'"tD M%id AGENT.
railway. 1'he Pere \latuette p
Geo. Trott
o'clock this evening, wlien a young lady, hale been negotiating for months to se- tiV
,lfiss .Muriel Benson, s ed about twenty, cute control of the Canadian Toad, aruf p '- '
A Specialty have finaily secured sullicient interest to 0 THE ALONZO 0, BLISS CO. Th
was accidentally shot through the !lead have a say ill the future nitsuagenient. p p
sole Proprietors, ` pain
_ by her young brother Carl, who is only
It is the intention of the new share 'r f MONTRi .tL, CAN. gua
® r+ about fuurteen }cars of age. • 'file boy holders to secure an outlet as soon as fJ 1% guar
was examining a shall Stevens rifle at possible via ]3utralo, and with this end
their house of Academy street, tvllell it ill vieav tile), have already sent engineers
H EN S A LL. wits discharged, the bullet entering the to make a survey of the line between ar -
back of his sister's head, She expired in tit lll"c a , the present te-ininus, and
a few ntnrutes, Alis Benson was highly the NiagaDa floater, As soon as the }j-offmA 's ° szDpe
connected in the city, and ha; many work of the engineers is coulpleted weld S The
friends in 'Toronto. the pians acts ted by the Canadian (lov
Thorndale, Oct 299 1'1'illiam Carron, crnnleut, .\-ork on the extension will be Jubilee pro
1 i )
all. old Mali living near Belly's siding, uonuuenccd and pushed to canrpletioll. Tre
flet li 1•l' to 1lIN Valise atl Tu(ti(lay,allld then At pl'CRellt Lite Pete \Ia!'gllette 1(ailwa), DD
stabbed ldniself. lie avas tarouding over is only operated in the State of Alichi- I i sun +y i
TO CURE r the loss of Lis wife, wito dirt] about a gun, alld has to depend ill lural ttu liu 4 Lr +
they Medical Firm iu the world has the establlshed regi titian for curing
sari FWaaumotatllat lira. ?, & lf, en'ayr 'Dheir PIosv Xi eiclnud Tlrostfc-
ailseovercd and parfocted by th¢se rainent Specialists, has bcougitt joy,
ess and comfort C. thousandswith 3o years esperienee iu Cha
eat of these dlseases they can iniDian taric oars! ot5tricture, rRf,ri ct,
Scrvriws l)elrbllty, b'l#
t aDrFairsp, inni otcncy, a5ar_ua# raud Arta-atal '6'ealcpYwae, ESid
arQ ! 1&ldater tuaaYama. Theiliguarantecu are backed by Bank l3otlds,
Ica Vft
F 9 Linga
may have a secret drain throughtheu r kid spa ache,s the you reason y dosou eel tired
the morning. troll are not rests y
ve no ambition, Don't let your r4 fe Stood be drained away. Drs, .tit S.
utee to Cure or no Pay.
L 0 0 r 0 N
h scourge of mankind. It may not be a crime to have it, for it may
hit] is the
ertted, but it is a crime to allow it to remain in the system. Liire.father--
on. Bewara of Mercury and Potasb treatment. Drs, K, & K. positively enr3
orst cases or no Pay.
The Now method •rreat-c-t cures these dlseases safely and surely lqo
-nosufrerinar-nodetentionfrombusiness, Don't risk operation and ruin your
al organs. The stricture tissue 15 2bsorbed and can never return- Drs. K• &, di.
anteo Curs. cl clam r
1. n sBla
tilt neglect your kidneys. Ton aching back tells the tale. Don't let Doctors
rimenton you. Drs. X. & X. can care you if you are not beyond human aid.
y guarantee to Cure or No Pay.
URES GUARAlN'TEED• NO CUR" No 'PAT' Constipation
C. Hoolco gent Free, (sealed.) Write for QtYiation $lu±pl[ for iiom•a
atimunt. lEvorythimYr Confidoxxtiul-
, I (at ani Pl entirely. : u openutg with the cap las 1
A, \i \Wood -i ha lened to be
in long been 'oui;llt ill order to ,cetlt r angle +
( dricia'" lst Carroll's hone, and sow
wC use lip CI#eIlllCaYs
the lire. \4heu he broke into the hau e of the r:crying tryule from cost to westr
interior avas ern file, aitd (lar- versa, and the object will be,
to destroy OY injure
( . bG -
the whole ;tltd vice
rill' was stubbing 1linlself with :w oi.l attained by the deal now completed will,
your Clothing, and we
j '
pair oflt(' ep ,hears. Carroll was res- the L. F. d. D. It. it.
`I to %1(40ria Hospital, l.ou- _ f
Gu 1 1!tee our Work.
_ __ ....,-. _• _
1'xrrx lirarx l.rA+,
( c
i ',
cued and sant
dun. yesterday, in charge of Con- An Assoeiated Press despatch frim
1 atrtble Stanyer. Ile will proL«ably re- i)ptrult lly4 :-1'resldell Heald of ihu
Make. Out., says: ' l or
curer. Pere \Iat Agttette iaYy t that. he «roes ,
three •ears I base one_
• « Y «,
i «
•. 0 1 ]lila;. _ r 1( 11DrelD t Erie
(t _, of he l oke
. . 1 .. ..(« t
\D1 !]frit Mat of tl
fi !,D 1
feral faith ti sector case
,fkhcuutattsnt,1'.. iss
ativeIl rbsltns.dA
T1Ku ]labulY"i•s eltlployeal ill the ` tllt( R`e !silt$, :inti ti4api nit believe t11at it has.
s 1•ervlitl«Itl u!t (iutt lal:tnd. inUDaell 1,1ua1:.• heed ntatle,
i 1pS 1 11t D 1r
W. H. O RpR
t r 1 ta fF gA 9t4
OTA,RRELL + :A+ a'•+x ° p * "'° ` Y «
it from lily systeltt.""
? lc1 and Kelly. as pri, Prushed b\ a DLI),• T
front tilt- canld^lnit aide of the
a ,Iy W
, + + / t pro
0 -
Write for Our !Nun•
1 RSJ 3, ►
river, Where 'R Dinaltlll l' of Dtapit are ell• CUBS RDEJEGTS T
c 4J 4Y D A./rl rL
Crated Almnanc.
!! g
arlr.pd. in blasting rurl. fill tb(a
tlDlt" :+1nLRklaH'« 11'Ai'
l y
Solicitor$ofArrleelo anAlldForelgtal 8ter1tS,Deailgns;TraRtiemarks,CA?: .
qii D 6 pi'G e
Y ,Y6 k ,l,r , l
I, l«caller t'ltaplg,:aDly. Y,M
Was spvMred heli,,. alit! the atlas°r aalD«Derr
Ratti-rwardi. I".►I.1IS Se11S `LA I•I.R XL[IS '.t"Xll,
ri Ihtsr Will a"ctaD•n tee if Patent is not secured. Send %n•
the Isnelr, 11p diet! •11.Irtly
!]till), 11aa1 several rills bra wis alalt can•
inweaitor`sGldide,orHoawtrYi"iaetax1 iat#ep+-•
WMenti(an 'ESNs Paper and secure spe cia.l Czttes"
ind rpei►er. --^ -T "-
Qtlp., flet. •:.l)°=^1.ait *,pr1i j. Returaie It to '1vuKlI►inn;tont 'With Siti 1
#.ottarr "alis a Counter
_ ._,--:-,-
r1 ,«T(1H p CO-Italbervlai,
« litAlai Ilatilfd fromry «l'•am i ellrl 'I•"'[DolasFriton,
• " 1 ° 1 l`'rotn tilt. (Lo'4oru-
..w ,_ ', •• ". ,•
««del roprietor,
ttritight to 1►alvl• barn «lritrDte«I° ;Yp;ntAzll Ilik•IRt niC frit,].
'Clil t'tliti;rFt,«l, r+;7'l E.l ;; iI.F.
a P° a i ° :,. 1 <> s. ar" gin. •»l , n• .Are«r. ka. A' aeiF° ;iCr•'aa l . C r °t « iinl rata nt
x _ u
u Li. ]laude ata«I flat, liver drLa;aged,
gym:+- :
ii«I LRlLiil. M.:t+it Maio«city ttvi t'hrtalYRrti ,
TO titre l'lW.NI# IN til i
•°^" i airl.tatit.
it ill.= -`lhp Y@pYo",Ctat.ati!«y
lett their 1oule to flet trap; an the I.141Va•Dtl:a° tt€tr
I It sit two! Dlail4ri Iru«tlla tali ie ilea- if flap 1•Y.ieiuted llYeh• hN'. It-
° G ,ae
°` "«('tin. »... ad',"a !D a" d,e•°r anfilb. u en.,,BJ•W?, - :Ti.S..iMi)iY.
NN400t°«, Llan n t, - Ahlaa+ -
,rw,■ w ,■7tF STONE
IGYIILap 'tla4" ' . i YlaDntlU t@n° @i gad; of La IIGlriaa fr0D4a tntlivaniat hittll'a'Y•n4 tlaLat tltYr IDrYJ° „an t+l rf«!Ll4° Iaa° .t alx
V ■ '4a,/ ■ i '"•": ' " " ° 'N @a:aa0"pYaaa!a IYY«aaa It tv.. 1lie 8a41titn`Yt , .
r a .` state-i,N , Y d ,. tLlt
niviY tr9t@6a'r. °4t°@ «Y 1a6aa➢aYrUtb44t 4B4@flitaatlpet,r is«dint ai as 3 t44a, riturated tis t salna6 tdYat I)ari!L tura°lo%. °
1`il LfrOa:+'. o tit•ians tllptiaY«iavC. 1@aR dRlasuin:Ya „t -atleaill.nit atnrdu ° 1l°ill/the taAtut OVitt,I illy !.satins ailasl !lift
La" 'tbacrt°° aaG tittta . Yr°retie=t taI ra9aaY'ila! ,
Oaluil«r tnialtau,ratry l6lw nor J9 tiaaa,tl°:4. Oaad- iI4N"N`IfaDtii`Dat rof t'ull.tDtit tbatd0l ths. V niter tuntd+. tl«IY''rj daldrl c'"tdr.la;t
l -t tl.:tillt'i 4 Itill ii'Iivb 4r+1 tl Lat«"ial^h4
a t "«tleu4atll'g Y
I, iLlar ilitlaatla4i Mr. 18111iunl llouhtlun. L1 lint `' tLatt». 't'@uR> elutaarr of tlni•. ILa t i dn4at t,4„fa°i.t a „iY,mtin,Unl a* `. ltibtt"Lal a
$aaraGdpr tit talaYrtlt tStl raroDry. Ininl+ Ilt'e'1`+ 1aaa4UCtaJ+ tout it i 6aaitln'r4t4««nui t$attt\at t$.iadaaa dat r Latia
r}t ' *j fI '\a 'j{ 'fir"°' r"•' \« '\a i1CnaI(r Lia. a@Yii40 Ea`rI tleant 11,11111.a iatl al 1 •toll vR'aat %1114 th" .
i 'l,i/ 11 A'M ilw r„7 7N iw E ASSES louo °'r t i°±t of lat^ri%
/«raltYeta tai+ t4tl+aria naRultk. li Lti« Ladael nEi tri+gt4 l;w thLtt tfutb Llue Dt°aak vv Yod tialQ
w r Y Lala' -At rod% tain1441s aYy eLlnca±«1. yDta,lPae§atdeuii laDj_ Inc tsar tnit4d °1k1ta45 ` y'l*It`il AN13 t`'3.ttt°ivy lot, •
l~attelL 1DIt a it tttrtiY l I'tirt.ilflL r L1 la1L x, 'Of. .°l tae+ "verA j44,V sould Isle raananu,aaw tel t"anlDav LR+I at mould INCA« ;Ltd` f tlltit
«Istat i%Ia flit* t`sID lltn+taDta s2etiou of the riasult itis a Urge rnaln Akoll lnf tela* ta
4% PCIA. !i$OAlIi YAC'+ 'L, t , lit, ilba t`aivDat 4 .it`d 1a:11D@D+PIttF1't @t.4'sC lI. 'tow, PrAt'Ianaa° tY'd tint'" a4i,LaG«t F .» E
A tt-aniaa t at flea), I1_tta v Ieairr wletiltiga tlDI%r y W. L•
9 dwi_11 111fia a6=L«s leg 1'ueiGut Tapper. `'aholmll
jewelry, Li al , i_tL tlitita atavl Ll 'A4lulawr crook rj!u ! t THE f}w i, !"ir at4 ► 'a .l {i gsf{g i $ I
Ia1 ie$ I,iJ Lit fall P r•l .%g a fV411lt Rutae ri a tt 1p +
•" A aU;$Bt7Y i 4`uatnmlAl(Ca=1a' a@l'rlanui@o llu!c+'I. . G;
Ii $I;a•utGa. r a'9aaee°I"a alt IuoR r"cr r•Ie eR tea rug•'
Walesa a ';1EbI Irl aria►i4lar mai flit+lttrtl
ag. .,
ar:uri4'•I° titin' --:al a I@ llaaiiwk ata alrlelwA. e'r-tnt-0,. _._..,
Ii ° wtf()(TIONSO
i; t„Irt 't"i`tiGe
' ; iaennnn•a. ... _,. __ , . lily " 'Er"kti'a
'( ' l: a'r:4nIt«iVa'lt"t faiitYtl'• trin'R'iliaart'Y) t'ai .lit1*y
Slyevil tlalllunj(Jlld telRJS48 dI 5tktlYlrrr 46t lilt'
gran r°rtl•r ; , ;
illi I:tilld ave Ii1 j(1an11fi iilli; 1lllyiYt*" i'aat'uln1YYwinia qrt ]ala aeiYti it
_ i
tlkvla 1IE rl`t.lk" t $t :'alltlffbi°i) it,al.
r!kttL'E 1q*t ?v'1S tits! d(-al't IEa'<11ita Di ,;
a« raY ` +Soo an 1 ,g u=Gnl'::n tDa Ilrn itdn uui;. Ill ro Il l a a 4 tA'ar i
II C SaY lmOsy OST. . # tRiNNtir° . 1tiaYifwaraY wi "riYt iYd6 tis to 1141CVin Lnl.r;v '0LasullAc-t Ilux4 o4lkv'uT like li'oAL
Lit1IIIY)3: D5 cit" .
Vow tw«riintYrl aYxwRi "1t•tnYnta ts WN" Item illJna t(luCk"ir I@n rne m,$ 1uiliuzneat anttt il ArJrau 5«a w'aa ta" , n
w, JtiMi+rswnnYetaAprY Ila j IWMI± \J
, -__ ---°- fMYanitn Y,Yrr lyrn.Itr+J ,. >1,41»Jntt2.11ay a1 It\r~lua',esotntt dl.er4 JCi $• tl - J1L` tr.• c, .o> i ar .,vY•1,. . 4, aro
L 7'xu-:2 ± itt -" tnC t .ate ' •» u e.
Streit*! 11111111effi`it=iA/PdiFdlor
jr+ y para i:c>an]n1LI=w--4+9CU S'linGr N tI`i1c' Iuc4`atdi4LC i'at-
they jp iJ ; !,1,»My, t+,/ ,,yYL, ' •ar»t sa•'an& tn'1 t a, 1l ir,4l: Ilt`Jillie, Ei kc
ICSt WaW .Y; :9 3- la•:v',!G ii.1'JG 4IF- Y. r.Sa N C'tll ,. , :N _
..... gr a9iY' ° it"':v-ilnaft lice a¢ i •. 'a"' -..... 'i
-yt9-Il .tilf'!. t. c. .•-llm•,±6 n1ry.. I-` Y•Vnannn9JD3 'rUJtd3
t iq.lL-iaamiont n«6 o•'qudu.YCvranmann l Y't16s[at7 1'.
r « ' rn>ug nen $ra>fe•an':- tiue 48 m, ant aa.,,•naa<vit. 1 '' Aw' um i
IY xaenLsn a air e" r 9C±+. n tsG . .
t2ce V esti+nnnall5st nine na fta a -vii tt;e I9anca-*y bYt it t w swat( ez c7 ea Y a 7st toa e . t rad the r•. umb
...- t * a t care > ., :•u.
. I'YnmYaanaaotn_ as n ar-:an` to 1'ed .'ar ca1•la"1ara're:'.I fniFdG Itt.a: rnClat'ier aniJE•aUi. a y¢itr as, ,2tGta n, a, . + -
• x $
L t { p .$ Coli. +
furivue•i g°e risamnnvanla$a" vaawglxeaam gL.anal iN O'L Lvlii3f ilxaf J f
iinng tine' fetuth of Iorldm t:rallennotla9. time our t&itivd lrlr- it Ila+tit. n thtcOY cva.r St. iV's,Yc 11 C_
yi 8,t.. v ballb-19 41r1vel ta'g ln iexdet' ills flint" !lava@ -e'. ItIons tlue Vlmit- '. ltvvt }pn'cm;; , Ark.. 'O'A. 2S. -Art 11:1pt)P t { p, @y ; ' I
a6.OItW7 liar iw/II'fv rag t.:ntEa. A l lr tl' laumtn'J11'n'l• of tVa iU 11r Iga?Wr 4i a`Y:=sort• uoat incic LC7iaCe''in iltJ iB il P. 1rJ°!itl
mnne'tvlrer l [ft 1m':anc0avan tall gte" olnue e tits x4m. as b1nn.k tear 119th 1neaYtaat i
1 ltd. 1 ]stir= rcnattananina did 3aoo } r not t•r .lC taannn. aYtia pi.Cim#-ye0 erolel 1?ev,w. 'I line 11,16
1 vt e lieIl:as I I a>InL
...... '...'. -.... 11a(° t •a-:l?ltxti'a'K• a•in: aaUi5%"m', gDnml tteranlle'nnte+al t'Y(a ,liDccpl^.'xa •y Mina: .aa_PI95:U.1; 1'6ittefv ttT:79 1T:xtalYa''l$ C1iiilL;"
1I p
Cm,nmti;Z,'es wit'Ll get'f'i 1 % %v-1n<X9G3te a" n"x Yimc v6 tali t e1. LAea$ °J ° as nl¢• tntiiD Sgti3a LiFuag ladE? ! a . ` 1X:. ¢gist!!( .V p. inn__
iXt ills ( 1lt • LLLta.°t . :tl 1EiiL➢Ldl lbs fly
I10141e dnJ SdoSa>; ion + tic ewi . _ :CII ilrn itl
°t r iar as ➢nasi), Ire cars anatt- ;, Lrrtalo Inas V ea1 him to i;ls lure tial t'faE as eLc tnlrXttnrll al i l(r llun s
•., Ir€° yCirl y y'ryjiai, Bt.DlI lbt ngamo lavaaa alas@ 11.(it lite rtaairrag elnced its haws roam i1be' ll al,'-?
and Ualt(I( lI $ za1 the C,nneo Yr,na oant Inaas t ,rue R the Ino-aY°• auluntuli'm -11%m roll uvl Yeast ar "yaa.In:
oipmalw vlaopped. esti I t-aY1_ 14ea I t Irene
lati(I. ,,I+ (•°'ti'iilligea: 1ya'a un 1a ft "e Yr Vy2r n4 it g'i"Mas'F' vitiaou v.lSrae aa:i1 Yki a~ffQi< !lie Loy, Ilam Ii:.+', ultra .. * 1 layer
' nnatuie_la;Etiadtr ' - "° ►!'1' .$vD I-:6'III. n J
U011ec' ] tratlnra oil gr l atilaal eond ant:a41. . ua . >€I. e B.. °` Y,i . _7lilnil
Mortgages, Real taia€u Notes and -- - . Ca ZC .11. air H ,. wu
I lies "tl'ei fll3tr v. tf Aiii E:I.Ytw it.i5w ciilta5rt SiiF ill.. It U1.ls Y.ft tnlsitC
oar "IFv`.e o•9w v ettaa,.aor,e* sent, a e7ei,:.l Qt,,u toY
fi I(DKIs(' atHnn l ! igt3Illltn l lf`Oil- fits I«lesaielatey'4 tYttrr P' tYrll rrtit ttaa$riYia Cut u "u Esti ra , u t ,7u$Lcn;.`• .. ` `y
+`ail nli, , '@lcefCoGia^1 to ant 1J .3- a$ ue • IllvEtP$B
` ila'i .i 7 `
erty dente!anil Rets Collllectc-(l ins- , , 7
tiAvorta. 11 9'..
,eft R-. o •" ^-
tlllnn R'ca$s(Dnlal>file "1Cm rnayny.. # y it. _%axxwelu, 11.1"_ fer 1Cu nardi. i in at7 fit-
•i'3i'3YY,.1%e'C Iun(II- - "'"Ca•,111 ta leC aa'nA 1 vq bk-e n garaefi- r,, ".y7•$CCG•'d-:Y :+$:1a aruiLY.nC:9tI GrSser ::::r jt'a"-k "i' Ems F4
YL LDl$C IIt a>.Cv ley ccr L oma. o- -e,^.J$
l am€ \ ELIt^al? (ill Real ±ea* mvean lip owe edits PlIv ictaytus. Dr. q , irt: l:lwl $arts. W :•:miedres irx-tWya Xu.' s Ii x•» llif*ded half an lumna tln:tan a tars
Idlar is on\1. Uasnae•.a tangy : l*w._.
ti" 43oaalsi,aauL g4 e; tlai9-., rue IiIIIE"tDl 4 .a5 3Cd<i Me1tn3.dS .
StO( e C. over froaen , g$ I. t s l;Y•rt a1 4b Yt t" ay eaa.Ze 8r t t D.S.tl7Pa'SfU/1(Yl1 a:
ave a vtry tmm avoraMe' 'blilrl- ' p DS1,~A ST
t rat- salsa nolo! Armsdt alit a vvGGI Ise ea a .e ..,II o :n
, ..••. ]all.
1 P aP isO E 696" 7119 '1Bi0701l 1E 1"I.OY7 Y71.. [:e trsn$f'er sof; tLa fiYc•tro. t
5h.:rt 1,irr taro tr.• 1. .6 Trunk was F, nn
. pp t>Y ItYelltt,ae Jrrre:*tce! t~t I:elt1&.v>tira F'arz t+ meal •`'a +'w' ' 4:rY:,
1'1 I)it+ tYrt~dXy (tlirar. Tine Trader•:" !]tilt".: Itas ere,`ted atm
Italy, Iltit. ? :- kta il2tliaza afrtrc iia'4X'oad,'taseT:. NvIdeh will be opt U-
g1na> ta, 1t cog for iyat,irtess treat "eeek.
' " r C kla1YC made <ar alln`E".nWIlls`
,., --- d riii - '° '"" •Y =s l:dna:ed Fra€ettii, seiner rttarrneal Irate fralma.
flair t Yai$i':'r;G «?'lit: Et tyYreSth«g ''I•T$'oral t`i33r:Pa` #4y 61rer the following 14)NV tajtebliinzg
Nzs tot4
cuspis-ions of !;,ring beets the glersotf ; Itereslord expressed the uT-40tota Ifint DWI- Itltes w;tIt Tlf1 r RV R RLD :
61SITAR10- , s of the
i1R1C►Ha Suis] placed .r 1 onalr lin Ilio s€ep tvitr ar:us emteYimr etponv a centanry ar a stew_
13isttip`s p=lilts ttta . antrctt_rr', with the re -f ;ray. >i'r1l;+r•Urltar, tiro rtno t p"Miltent . D'+1t1y 'rinllF'
alt halt it a£terw;krals exploded and`• oL CIC¢ t olomDrlttna revoirltionanrl fiad(r-. sur- tan ( 1;IallDff[c
j lailled an bo and wov)wled €rear ofxaer, trn;a`«rre"aT to ITie r(aovernttdent ;aro :tt`ter dr ,+ T a' y Y %rtttire •'a;e
a pt a3l1 a eft. ,. Iffi I L £rnllLrll tg .. a rY
Sold' by All Ni i' letsan . _.._ - , 2.t-
.6. .
._... .-ICteveaY t::oanCvhrs of tnnP Iirita ia !'For)] (' t',CYf'l'":11. 11
l: L3lIt p t11fi.1t IlatL
c+` eY1W.PEI'l' +i sucu- "tsI1: Foie IALT,'tN10t. ' n1rnY`w t'o+ntnlissYo:l to Awls inal4x.firitl nada nlinlly neraaiC@' + talt St• -`r'
t t'tY(>rXela Ctihtittrtii2ll 5Yt {
111tir las in fiat. ,'inter! States ;zncl Canada
TO FrUN."11.411 Till-,
^0f-'r`Vj9T1V, E $SKT-fih
rite oea#v Free_ C'onsaaminfp)tul'e flosgfltal In Amerloot
«Yalr,i.W.AlaWV,4iiU q ,n ,4 p g the r a i . n . ° ° • v k'!il ukl' R.%LL' ill ittUu' e the
(r9 a. N,1,R, lir=i :n,p p.a.a „,w ' a• ' tief .l, dr y Igg riDJ Jt II YIir` h
ITa C'"11 • Ir k ,fN •i tY .f-',ilr V:Y rl $rt444U 6l>i. Y+
P914 41kr Lr.ft L)Flt, 3\"/JLf iarJG
f', . A.q i °,• a.i- ,a ,.6/,•l'•r .11. , '. !}u..jl t.y. Ltr r
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Ile 2 a!uvlw'e tyl-i-
t+8 r! Iti,!i}% r •i ir+ t r rite i! .7 it J r ' r Ir. .:;F
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g `.. 'i' iq.i• , , vjn t ;-'rl le ±s. p:l_ l ± G's J«.•r a ,.'.
••." ., _war-t'" `--.''d +..
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wa a -.w Wr
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VTri I , i, , 'ffiA as .. + dj:;.,•• '
V r!'• 4'IJ: y i`i Lr J, :g \ r'•v
HOeaPG'ak'AL tG+C R 10CIN ti+§P'G DVF_'"S C'N i1AMeF400;at
_Ilili' k of tht S()xuva-' Idiuu
[•Jte•ive ,} tut'+sp'ta'ICI ' tTu'fl '•l ;l < vAkV ' Y 1u! pz •1•Ca, 31:/ry rv.i }lit'++r G t c.. ,.v 'v.'.{1 }
-Wig, you not J4%"r l+ail ¢ ella Y •„-'o V24% t8S.S3. y'• •" lF! •VC.1 '•`
'Dr nacre,, 16? V11-45 1+•'." Oat "pre'.sstntrg of all c:. 3I "ue s ?
-I1 tie ne€il:s of tl.e ti's llei<e )'h ;ue are af tmd a ` t-1° Caeadm.
, 4 :at
, If v
ei'r, Vii. fi: '< alr d'Itaclrnnasand 1i•:x.'r'eavda.. 1e.r'ana$o.
NWATI€ N.-Al.Tll lLwT Co.. I.itls9ttdq Tre asita^'1ase zty.
t / St} lYYthbiS c ai?(:T yor iaiteiarr. _ _ _ _ •. _ .. _
rtaertaa t6 dile 1*okt.
Lotidotr,'(Yct. `✓4 -Sir Atttllony patriela Ttr t*rtalrnurrr. C irfnri t .0 1 'astrrlr
of dy Ito., taern ~ralrterl pertnisuoa lr5 tyre tjedl ' 113C` tSa ' 9 1 1912n:
Iaedonell has been :appointed p'crnlanent I Ia,tilw ty 'Catrnurtttrr at (Steams to roastruct ' -
1 s
ce d
qx v
Under ecretafry lar Ireland, its satcees brranrir ltu(•s ill ltritisTd ("otanabiu. i /, Sold and r aamdtm n,bsa7lil
o e r- siollt to Zir X7:'aY°td IIarrCl, refired. The 011t:rrio GaFarliluent is tutroduchig + druggists;iu a3 s yp
sine aledfcine. disiovere3. .5tr
of Song Gtr improved aauise of tr rinlny Lur attend- cTtargac ajuurtrsrfetYT tar care till
i-MbAtInlp to all lovets , - len uYYi and, I , :jSvlaam:,. hong tiro lines Lot- tarmsofsetuil #i,kaess, all efrectso° a?sn5e
parntaK!k r. Tile artieulars tilt the g slaty in in .rn4
rind liuelo a► Vast `volume of New Chola i p ss-: ettttotts : „ nurses #n Ttospitnts. orYzoesa» 3lentnT Worry. zatssive. uaeoLTo
e' t' iYtCompositionPbythem stpop- ToYf1l'C+rey p-etltions :tad' ero p ,aCYcd an trtiain„ >;stag.OpiumorStimultnts, M,,'ledom'rtaelpt '
u PTn
uTiYrau ors. 6 .pat;cipL,P[ano MA«>sTc, At t`hicago tTle'Court sit Appeals derided oLpt3er.olst he agcST.sTz.Ss- t)rretcflilrN +i
3irilfVocoT,'haYflnstrnmentnl-aa CompTeie «err filet! yesterday nt tJseoo'de "All'
e=Oats tti Ston`°& for x5 ' y iell they Could ire re• tTtttt tt telrgrnpTa aomi+nn> TCAs it property till toaZtd+rie pYamphTtts tr$ tar Vd&or Ol'it.
Places for'Plan file Inst da tta vlt mho lYoad Goxrtly . . "
YeArTy il'uitaeriptfom, n.oa. ,ItY9 ceived_ The trityls in 'frotl4 'iinses urej '( ( may'
Chits . , .. Y naffiitand addressnf.,lflv:s I '(xlen rate aap'enitta; t'Tfiht ftr 't>Yc ueays it fi:tthrre, amrT Haat surTt I aa1141 Dl , `Y @' a ca runt Y ' n
at31T ae:D'td-us tore aright doles not titan' `w1len the neves fs pule- I Wood .% Phos] ho(lilie iS
performersaritheT'ianoororagn,+te tllsrrsae set for veil! t trer r xttyeit lt'F Dr.I ricllanIt i, prt6g t (€. i
youiaopYoLti181if$gi4sinefrie. :et t'otnl\ra11 at 4 pine., anti Nortlt {trey] !tailed on tTia° tTclaers o'L tae (•onlpany's tors',
J. W potItit,, 0,"blIsT+er*,, pt Owen 'Sound at 2' pill. eons.
:Itrrcl+ti+a i.ocnst:sts•. P hTisali=rnaYi,Iv'aW ,