HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-10-31, Page 4. 1. - I.I.- ­­­ 11 ­­ ­_ ­ I...., I . I I ­­­ --1 ... I-— ... � ­_ I I I - I , , . - I - , . I . I 1. . ­ I.I.- 1. I 1. 1. --.1. .-I.."r I ... - . . ....... 1.1.11-1-111 ... 1. . ,.. - _; . ....... . —, 1. - I ...'. '', , �.. b. ,., , . � I I .. , : 7 � j;PF!,, . 1. 1. �. _ . -.1::.:".'_.. 11:_.1. I � I � . : , . I I I .1 , , - I ., . , I . . � . I � .. . . . " . . . '. , I I I 11 " I I I 1- LA ,� ".., I .. ,; I , -:1 I . � 11 . I . 11 I I .. . . . I . I I I I � I I I � — � � .,.,., I . � . I . I . .1� . I . . , . . 4 ,rT-Tr--, zuRic,>i-i HERA.1-n. ­ 1— ___­,__.:,r_____zw=. 4' 4---- 1 11 =1= ­ - ­—.­­------ ____ ­­ ­­­ ­ 1, ____ ­ ­­­_ .�-.11.1-.�l-.-�..----.,,.--.-�'.. .....���..'�....".,---...-,��—,---.—.�-------- - — _____.___________�0 W.,L-�'----,�.�-,.-".---.-----.--,��� . , ;� 1 Some Opinions on the Shoddy I A RINARKABLt, STORY, N 0 ftft ' ., 71 I i R I a H It ,�, 9" I D, .0,uestiou. I R.A . - r , I I, -VAGES OF CHCLERA, t weathe I A Di,oOVGrA- Of tin Almost Cartain ' for tnis we I I IS IYUBLISTIED � 1 CtLrt,�f4)rRlietiliitttisliiantI Kind - I Mr. F, W J. Moore of Tasmania ,*ettso�;;- 'i'U"R1711,11; Rl"'CO111) Or, DEATHS : Vany MURSDAY LIVENMI'M �said that Mr. Mansell's paper - , reaDL., - discOvories � IN V.4,11LOVS PIdLOES. Yo-LI-Nvillliee,(I,ItgOO(I,Rt"()Il�,rl)','�il! Of SIIOQS- We (3011 : Among-st -tile gl'Ofttest . i B V X, MLLE11 I tained a groat deal Of information., I lln(l wouid, lie believkl, be read 1 (If the age for tho relief Of huillan . . I I have -whaf yoll Waut. TKUMS OF S'GB8CRlPT10N1-.--sl.00 per j with i-ery inue.1i iiiterest in allisufforin,r, porlillps 210110 falre so . ritarlue 114-vItill S -Viet, I)ell-till-it year paid strictly ill advalice. Wheat t1le parts, of tile globo, Ile hopod that, 11*'ll it place '.L,,, Dr. clarke"; Iditt'lo at Al'a,1411121,9011 I1QCeI`v0,S It. Detail- I . I The I paper is not ordered to be discoutinued I it wouia eirc late throngbolit the; Ro(I Pills form.11ILL front . ea nei,ort Froilt 11eltIth 0411cer at .. . it will be sent until suelk. order i,-, given king world, tIllti filat, which these pillk; tire inaae was the I Men's Heavy Sboe, a . and arreitrages paiLl. I inglish speall . '11glitIM. ( $1.50 to be charged , I 'I actioij would be taken result of nuillY YMM; Stud,V "I'd I when not pkiid in advance. I some ( eel( etl ry tbat ,jNr, experiment. It is with ille greLLtGSt � T-% ADVERT ISINIG ,11ATE8.-Trar. s i ki it t I upoll it'. He ivas so" I ijandy, only. I I I �$� 1,4130 ad'vertisements, 5 cents per Brevier Iiiatt I Mansell ha(I not given thein lli,,4 confidence, thered ore, t bat the pro- WAsilinoton, Oc�t, 29.-x1tecording to ' � 10 Cal 0 which liadlpri,,torspluce these pills on the � I for first insertion and 3 cents per ]!lie for W011", as to tl I Is "" d so satisfied tire they mail advit!M r0eelVOd under date of -E+'-&-E+-&-cE+.',,,+>+3-+�7*43*-eI 1pti to t.11e , pro.9ent, adulteration. I inarket. till each subRequent ins;ertion. Small Advs. � adultera tion i that tbev Will Prove a blessing to Sel)t- 11) V tile M.uina Ro,,pital .Service a such as"Loat" "Estray" ov ".1irolea w1a - He thought that file , ' tillcilt front Ulici Quarantine Qtli- -niner ' ,- . �tha A few B.-argains in Sui Goods 1. about tbrough the dear- � suffering humanitT t they make 11111111,1� tb be ohargod 50 cents JarRt ins,ortion and 25 ' haLl come Ill, CrI.N. at Manila, t1le estinlat (I . owing offer: To an*.v one , cents for each subsequent insertion, :nessof woOl� kind through whatithefoll �Ita,ie$ of k 110jera ill the 1111ilippillei front I . Copy for change of adveitisement must � might. be called the curse of cheap- I who is a ,-,;ubjeet of rhonmati&zn (no Uareb 21) at11:_14re�c1At0d 75.000, witil. a m -.Ir- , Call and see them before they go, I ;s, Those seemed to be two Vei � . . y ut 75*1wr eent. ill Japa-zi for tite be blanded in not later than Tuesday night ne,. IV I matter how Ion tv standing) or an-), ti,lit I , ' of each week to insure change in follow- Opposite ideas, and perhaps qolne 1 blood disease, tu, on-amerated below ,;-aiue ]xdud Opro were 4,320 ea.;(-., told �&.E+.E+.&�E+,,'e-43�43-+3-4-3�+3;1- , r ing issue. I owers ,would not agree ivith I and will gi-ve Dr. Clarke's ivonder- I ljj)o ,tt�atjjs ; in tile vI(ik,.s of .\wi king I wool --r I ' ,iiiiia, ,Ill Ll ; I ful Little Red Pills a fair and im.- alid ��liuu Yall,ollasiol, ( = = BLAKE. I Local notices in ordinary, reading type, hiln, Some tWO',Vears ago lie show- of 40,000 iteatlis and about _--I ICHOL i -Notlees for Churell. en -',(I to It -iyoolien manufacturer in I partial tritil. and do not find it per- "'I", R. G, N I i 5 cents per I ine. VEWQ�� :i 'lay res1wi-tively; ill lion" Kong � tertalumenta or other benevolent lnstitn-'� � feet cure.we will rofulid the inoney . I . - " -- ia . . .." - ,­ ­ . I - __-__-_1__1_ ­­­.... . Ta,mift'llill. S011le '11VOilnell"I Of 7 " j 4511 ,,,,,(­ told 30U doatlis. Ili l-'g's'lit. .'I 1 ------,--I ----- - - ­ ; tion at special rates. i NvIliell lie liati, Pick,eLl 111) ill E11,7- � paid for the pills. If no 'substan- tjlt� :,18,52o (-a-,;e� remistered bvtwe .. 11 July IMMIZEAM Contracts for column, half-coluntit. and E einent is observed, ire 11 and .iL%1I.St 15,':��J,IJS-1 WQV,e ft' : rMNA2M I � liln(l.ana theivoollen inannfacturer I tittl illlPr0-v j ttill. , , 11 ; qi!arter-column rates for specified periods � . his opinion tillit. althou.gh will, in addition, pay $10 in cash - ` will be cheerfully given. Addre,s all:. g"`e it cotton '. on satisfactory evidence being sup- %.,inck- fliese advii-P, t0egrapliie dos- 9 It La ! communications to : I . I I � . ! plied iis to this off ect, pntellv.� llilvit reported lal"Ve dot-reases lit ;. )lion Ilittnufacturer in tile. t to ],-now of it single tile nuni1wr uf eaies 111. 'all the piaLes """ 0 00 H! E A L T H the ytirnA ivere made of � I &A ivo-ul(I at. first sight suppoc'e , We havc, ye =3:.-9 =s=aid, i iv lo'r I 'd " M - I e whero these ,wonderful pills awalikWed, I F 0 R b � � they were of worsted. The manu : ed', _ E. ZELLER EDLTO11, ZrP.1011, P�0, �fat-iiirt,r-,LLI(I(,(Itlitttheco-Lil(I iVOr,k­llaV(1 not, been almostentirely ,,itc- � - .- - _, � - - 11 _­ I ,)()s,,, or, I eo,;,1,f`jjl in affc(-tjll_W ft Cure. CA4NA- Irillu, J1MtKXTl1 RE111ORTS. To pyes�lrv(' or ,Tstore it, t1lt`V0 i,'; lit) better I , salch yarns into it cloth, and � FRIDAY, Oi:�TOBER 31, 1902. , (ItIfy till-011)(Ir Mlt till -t with a - !or jjl(,j . , � DA CHEMUCAL (,!O.Peterborongh, - pj.0sej�iptjojj J . 1, i,vollien alid clifldren tliail : * expel Wileat is lllgher-­The Livo Stocl; . . m , illiert)"Vol)p jj tietect that t1wre wit., Ont. Trade. . !zrr­_­_ -11 ---.-. - - I . - 1. � .1 I Ripaiis, Tabules. Tlw�j- aj%, (qjsil?, to take. Thev . . unv cotton in tilt, vioth. The 81111le I I Tuesday 1%,"�111114 oet. 48. 0 10(li , V e d ! al.10 111,11(le of a eolllbilia�iioll I 31' eines appro FORECASTS F f � , � I OR NOVEMBER. .1 I liat the practice o th�ir great olnt,vivas t.) vAnctite the Toronto So. I'll-VI-elit.c. 31arlix.t. antl jjst_�(j Ily (,very pinSlician. Ripawc; Tabilles : -;. . p0r,,on sai(I t . BY IRL R. 111CM kiting -with cotton arose! ill - - I adultor : pil nic it.,; to tho valno of 'woullen , .ri,, .1-11'et t 111alliet. was 4110vt atilti Kviltly I from the high prives of wool pre -,,,)Ods. .Ur. Moore lintl alluded to to-tia,y. %ijui iviv viwil,io,; lit vnt-,,.�. 'pw 11TO Widbly lised bj- all '...,ort". of poopIki—blit to tho I I I 1, I I'll , "� The first storm Illovenients for venting manufacturers froill pro. ` .r not tulall"t"I't" of 7-1alli wt -to Ilmyler, , ;_ 4,'StAk bu,uvls. plaill, ey .,--(I. - jo­)jj<,- t1lev are a vellitablV frie-Ild I - the fact that the llapo ditl �1. ai; ,� . : I t 't rl,vt mis .,�t-,ttly tit Ill-lut-l", .200 I . this month will Ile cOntral on the alneing, woollen good, I t I, ufficlent- expreis any opinion as to what had 1 ltl'\�%"1�11�1.`tt'. Mlil tbeir stan - On I I k. - '011le i 3rd and 4th. kind iniblie. le,Ll to tile 1)rc��vlkt ,,titte of adul(era- i 1)"'"'" "t 11 "ll` :1 it `$') 'l"Ili,`-".l,,�,,1l !""-�j I ill iieed. Rilnius Tabllltt,� llavk'lllot idable, . ttiuc-111119 Iv It iw lirieo to Ineet tilt' ., k�uid I'liellam.ed lit ktj!-I-� to 'Atit . - - are 1, -\ 1 1 these days it rise in tevi-qwratuie� tienianak. Then unother causo of tion. Air. Mansell ivas adraid that li-t-1, -f - --,v A—- flig�lt ir tit (;.,It. tti 03t, ". darkI finiffly reme(ly. Ulm , I dQP( � , ' - l..I­M2a7..tq .j',7tj,,, zillil 11rill,.r.. *-i"Mil . falliug, baronieter. eloudiiik!��Ik 11,1141 flie adulteration in America, likul. - tile whole trend of voillulereittl life 1,,',,.,�wh� sa.,l I— lljgltv.� of 31h. til 3111t,'*. I 11ollest lvil,edv, IN -it!) a ]oil 'aild '4111 � . - I 9 .vvs,4111 revord, � rain will past, oustivardly fl -fill, lietql flio high tarifN whiell 11:141 \Vitt, in tilt,, direetlon of 1141111tern- � 1jL.,t,., i - �k-.. ..", ;,;lit ;It -,Iyv. _-..jIk,jj 'C.jj.,Ijt-j.3 , I , ittial , lid stilb- �; to tho Atlantic. I ' . So �i I - I-, "t -v ftl-vht r :a 14,- 141 4"I.-L"i".1fli, � . ­(qk -.4pq sia. ]I'll) , a wem4ern extreniet 111-tivailt4l in t1)alt e"llilt"..- """"It' titin. .11-inufat-tur(ws ivishool to � - - , to ('11re indi tioll, (IN ) i- � ttz�i P.-i'v., "t to'll't L1r.,.,'.k, Wk-li, � ­ -)ffVll� . 111), heartbill,l), The western anal northern .,iales 0f vil-in, It-tt) the Ta,manian prodll(44'.4 Inaltv illicit prtilits. When wool i 1`11-1 M .­A,IItg I.It0lWI;.v1I .It $14 to 1, li ,;.�I- I born eonsti )afioll. ( SiVe LITZ' ,� this and. till storin areas at titi- jl,o4 t�i ljivvt� a vory lar-ge t111101111t � NV , tit.;. il-j 0.1st'j, j-�, jal"i'll .1.1111.411'..0 lit *d, . a,glittif at vrown it poillid tllere;� to.m., I - e 4-111. 1)0IVk.I,j�'h AN:t-It. ---.'k Itj;&tl,. ; (lizzilie.,.q. pillpitatioll of t1w lit'art, Atteple--iness, -)n. will ni,ist lilzely turn 'ati..)n at, 414� it , poulpt,tition in the 'I , at lci,;�' llj 1wr $flit. mm seas� tit of American wIt.; not its much 11dultt . ., j " (240 WWI of ,11%i -3f MkId Zue IONVVI? � ter I 31i � k snow. and us the hh-Ill barOule volonhil wool, skilt, romir; throu-1111- t1lerio iv.ts now, Nyllon wool. vas, Me. -i -j )IS -g- slln:tly oull liarlizalged at; 11,.,�.Illar I-11('11111.1fisill. s , $W111ach, bowel alid L Pushes in frOul tit" n0rtl1we.',t Ili'- out.�Mi,trailitk. At outi tinile lit'arly only till. or t�tl. lit, would M e to' �" t-;.-4.1:,. Ill. r ev"I. I wtlak stoill- oz I fiver compla"Ant.s. Thtly strillil-I'llit", -, I .1 hina tile .vtoruls. 11i0l. voltl WWA1. all the Ta-.111allian wowl was ..;%)Ill as thnnk '11r, Peer f. or the valuable i i3stoi-too. llaruetn. l , -systvins. rest"We P111Y I , - - arber will w.t after niany of informittiou which lit, litill. br011'-flit! V;14.'.141031 -rd, Ot.t. *_k�,,, .tt titi. I oft0it" 1111ild 111) rall-dowti and freezin . clearing ive. slipti %voill, Init Vall4ik- , ,eed. The ,sevond ,storm pilriiQ tlte j)ro,k,Lja,*r,; 11,1d ­011tz to bilil"Id ChAv4w loloill-41 ItAllay, 1.110 vlaw,e! blood, ,,,(),)(I ,.jj)j)tqjtp .111(l .gj)llj)jj, , 1j.-ttlirttl .,41(lel). succ - gre'it frnii tho 'X.ttional Live Sttivk � "I L - ; - lisathills, bot) at �. . .J, � 11 . -1:1-4. .�.Ilq, I ,\ . a rt gli - . I! 4 lbi. I for Novembor will Ill, 4-tontral on pxl,ojjsv% in providina atiod *';Iltlt%ll At,soviation, of ,tknierlea. Ilk, iyoultl � "' " " B - tiry 1) odv tIvi-h-V.,; volwtallt livilt. fit frtall , . . tho q.th extentlin'l, fr,1111 tho 'tit to, waslit'N. thtiv had to ilk) with')"t likc� to proposal tbat it reRilution be - Toronto Ltve bttivl.. i lar li.,e id' 10pal tile I -00t. As. ', onlotor well intO thpIll jlt.eI4jj;Ji tilt \- 1q)"t tile till. I is Tablibl.,,- Yolil' 111111"46 -St $01-", NVO . ., ,�knit*111. forwardild tit tha, Colonial Premiers itn-wo,� At.o jq i�,) I�svaa� 11;1-:. al , It . tilis; pL,riotl it nuartwol tolutin-W t%s,e,jjj l.,sjjljD,*tjtioji.' and tho rtim- On who wory now VW611-1 t1li-4 vatin. i '11-, 'a" t Litt". Axilialt", L" 113,i" MI.105.,;lt I t lioin. The 11va—t-li,ut ilaekt-t i-sa t-11ollgli for , 11 wti,rinev will inbsire out tif weNWrit w4p, tbitt witler Ott, tarriff in tile, tl.V *Zlg tjj(kljj tjj - t1two, lita� A Wil wittatiol 1..r '0114 .11"V%. � _ I ItSk, ekinsider tile I aw , et vltwv. Tite ejug,t-tit-tt lot %,k ,.kit hism,t- � (IT(Iluary oveasion. T11e FalmlY Btstflt', 60 ('01ts, . ll,trt.,, fidling baromit-tor will f"IhOw r1litva Stato.z. (Inly unwa,41ed woltil . �I .li%lt 11104 .01 #�,Iwplh A.1k, ilWl * I M kJ164,4tion to whit -11 tho palltor roferr. � D'-D41%--­,j.,aa,,.t, allaulavalk.1104. it) calq% al%a$ ! 001 k . and vride arQw; of ,.Itlt gnizial rain wrv�.jitltmtttVtLfrtv. Lqtttsr till. 1111dor I � ' itaille, ta st'llply ror a war. will 211ove ";I--twalrd frolm . kt%l. tintl to dold with it ill it ilitknilill, %I,,, luen., ii,v outsitio r sit vatw- jwtv ot ow. , allikut tilt' tit.- Din ­lc -v Tariff Bill highor a.. like IM1116311" 434 the hul.hih�� las-it. � - I Ith Thest, sv�rnr�4 will %1"t�4"'� Wkork�'JoJL'Ikeed on grea- sindhor to tha t wbit-li Illilly projlo�,- I" 'U'4'�' �w dsllt. hIlj1I.-%v19wI.l 14 1114. .t.lte ot , ­ I *T,M,A '#a . #ft I , 1. %. , I I .1th to tlit, 1*. - -V w4lolil fill to) uNk tho XhAstor of A-mie-al. I �, ...; ,."Xit-In ilp,�oi m��kgwr��' kivllo, ukit. ! ! . . Moll tho millilinatilla t%tage g0olut 4% 1*1 14.1 41-Z 1ln%V&1%l1edV140l. tkild lvz it '" I O- I � D[IIC ij.Ul.j�, 4,4� jjkt- 4�o,k4l&. J,k-jaA 0'J611t 1� Is I R " � I i a Is ,, 11 ture to Itilt,I)t. 1; W MW t96:6tI4tA.21O'� 11041- %%4-It'dUlI, H. Ivird. :, R� 11�5 1 tht) Ilth Witil jb`h"'lolto lt::llfllill�'* 1�".ljltL tl#l.11lt�ffltfl�)n 11ki.;L t"'kill 'Air. (Iloodehild mdtl flitit lit, WOUld i 1�.. h ... *I'll .1 ditle Ill-t4t. ,IatlloJlg� 14,vt* , � I t" ','I*.. lltk-,Stl� allot injoll oflh, 1611 It :: , Ipeond 'Mr. 'Maust-11%; Iwo- .%�,,­;� uvw .1sati... _o� . 2 atud thunder .�omtlaward. all foll,Wv- jillve. It wa-.�not quito rialit to) ljj,e t,) % 4,11m. � LR&LD". %%1*41. � %:i44 mod � t ed frout tile isoarthwv�t I#-, vllalaat� I'lanill. lintish 1111twifiteturers fill- pit,sad. It WWA of 11") use fill' thpin 4" 0o 11 Wool IILOA� %it -vs- w4uh;JI'Lzool� 'Itik. J,I; , a s ra �F, IN - a I 0 - W , 1. 11 � to snow. ri-Lim-r 185tr4mas-tur awl k -41M. Ilaljt*4tpj%%t ill--- their wwils. if. when I t � A�114 %6�'Ift 43 ttjjo.,�. lago,towo 0: W.Itth, . I . � to Inept itt rouftoroneawA and expresq , _' M - 0. �-hq P.I. WId 1011lao'. A I S.11w,� .4ud .01t; k-11 �k I . elearing ,.mL%.1fln,r thev rallati, int,,1 thiii olit-11 llulrlwt.;,� upinion.. 1111less ther dioll h, .� 1, � - I I ev bull to emlillotto , D_,�40'al cattte V.lf,,Ie� fts.J�O L.44,18411 ,III, zr� , �� I . . I . � �, �, . . wamawAgmaj The auti-st-vran evindlition-. fo,lhnv� of iiii, %w,ria. th . =11hu: pritetival and itt the ,,, :,, � at W1 vue eluaiOtag L414.1 the sa-lamal an i ing tho preveffiu4- 1wriotil wdl ldva% ,avitil 41oddy. In n1uny parts, 4 lit dut � Tile V + oniul Pretnim's � - ­ 'Ifto, $4r,D1166% O��flvlblvnv Was.. .0ad ___ ____ (1411va iltiti,lut tilt, V'qh tinpl Wth. tIlp %vql,rj(l it jl.�tj_k Ittb(tott at mlirt of ' t W I'allilds. ,­�lqv loa�l, &,14414 0411tot.. Mill - � iyould lie bi Lvvndtirk for tho W-4�' 4'�'," ..alwt lo 14b't Sit 't J,­:dth�u 114 LBt,�..Jll � I whieh are ri�M-6cirutry -,tornh &-tys. r4q�re,,.whto 0to 'BrifiAt 1114MUM01- -.vot,l%i)rtwt).untlitl.vt)ltltI Ili- Nvell "... " A�'.or tit,- IQ1141 tDUMoj0;j.o!4 ayu�l�, I*T !; 1 <-'1541-4 3Ioo'1%jjIILj%,14 jilt'tP Jq jjP0 4�%Dl:. III$ 1, - , ail is full Tin tltv� N41 arld at t"lor that lie Nvas V01111041 to 11N if aentlilluell NAto were promintillt ly, Lao talittl1i4itiona 4�f 4tqOQ [i in LI dV4Is6rPqI4I4 .� I I "==M"=M% A , I , . aWWWzzaM%0a1LMa%zMWA= It Irliek 21101 .4 1ft=1M== I ber Iv-rigoe *ill tilt) twith. ailsto tit Lor 1111,11, It �t, ujj�j %vl#ulql ,,,It t,t;%vAkLV,,q Ijjjl,7,s_%, j)1p1II1h-n4 of the ("'4011110 I.4,110411). ,. uaolcr lit the hituatI4410, lit Mo. Iiiij,"W tq,� ;: V M4141 U4,11. .J11 j,jft�'qqja$jq 44C �A1.411itt'j%a %-,Jt� I Itightist pi-41it uortlawaril -n tilt' Nl� whilt lItI'lillo wanted. but the 1. bretiding As�,,aeiu tit ins woultl Write %­. 41 ,ufivat 181.1hy O"r %ililDs Do twI a-u AD# FOP rN. ! on the I '4th. Theref"n, olla all;l nr�tjAj Inanl4fitettiror 11,111 to, inamiluall.vtotheir pritne 31ttds� A01",- Ths"y wvav Ana vollo, god rl"', %40. la,,%'� , tonolling flap J.*�tjt allvi I eith 1,vw hvir- 4,jjt,r�r 10�% tp tjktr 40 %t-9-. oeol %%*-H U41144agg 11w.ul 6,v 11'alakiot 11 a, agawl!"M ii ., j#rAptt(,f. in r t �1 vaWr-sm, 1111111- fers anti tonforee the n1solution'.1114 %­d4gJ%1lI�zArI. LIU to 0.� aw 414-,,14�­. ION 6--d . , 4 400" 40: 41-va., DMI, "�,Y'U�o #-�Mgvvlilb "... X�Vgu 0414w o otnetor. rd! -Jing botallverat3re. '1214 lieffs with tother eountries- For try to br�wt. abont �%olne talv!ilee ,%3 jWu* 9-ul. ,ALEv ttt.�M- rl "o ,vo �tqw.r, �tua : * wideareaspqCreneux.-A ranU. t4l*n- S',mle7par'saftep flunnt-tem's first jtb.,jjjt. CoAtIq 1;st cml, c4q tkj,40. %UvMDO�UD,�, Oza�D.�Oq. Aug. ast=== WA%AM10M ina to sumv aolwra'�lv V11 lu')Irthwharn, vaInp too AUSta-aha. la,w)-ole flullm-flit audivia4, UA"on qv�!- �&ua UltJot Uqg,*IIV4� kjo�v � F R,� E F_-,ta I wo.,4 ganil %v � ere Atalsifer%ta-01 of tke Invetint: ., t", 99d.i at ,V;L'* to *4.;.:,q, � will llass fastwar,11V fnmn th,12 Gdr flavr wtiro tuade,4 di -aft a 11111tjt�'Dp-g-. 4%,Jtj�., Aga'.,!., 1% ,U ,�%.,Jjy do. l� I it volnunitive uj1iA"nt0q1 to) A to,: o"04al, &,&� I",a- vqeA la_ -4v. V044 Ove7 tbwl V'Auntl�F- HV "M flak"' una"Ware thal thPize wa. Inro %VO4 in reblDhIfilon on the sahjvet. solonnw�, '41'o,", � oud � se ,�VM ow�'tyflll% rl t- ?4 va L� , .� N01, wafeh� first for vvotwvr. plow-anat tDgf,gpg� Tht- wIvAlen IngintafaetotTePs ir-,,j the billowhig as it m-,staft 4 tla,,r EJLI[.� ju#, in &4,4f, C_ 1.1121,k_.'�, jth;�j q,U` .�.­.,�..�$.. 'is UI 40� lit Y, 1_ g�f2t a V IDJO�v La v �vq �0. ac.- C', too 11"o. U, Q09 O.,�y VMA DUD I UP . . I .y 'er. ther. f�,4? t­1�,-wqlnIgO-�zN ,jqlol " _ � 4 - �s ' re e f Fam * I "Veath t�,f Tkasnmnaht br-e thm,e of N-etv V!�'Vn%ttlhdiiaft�— �: LU.01* U " 31 kt*�Vov�i, clo, .1"Duumma Canadea N-;; a - , ,�wr,., -H,140,...4 I'Mu. tht�n Env. slatt't (4 tq.-8aUP,eTJM111�" ,74vAmm4 made t1heiir wnaalton fiabrio- -That thi% (_'onfC-r,LMIIO�Q* is of t�,�. u1bov, 4 . A'V,V� � �10 , alta wifta witit W-Iv11%,TM then f(,tr lahah ,,I 17,gaj�Q. -,Vo);�,_�t - I %PjamEa ,iu6.��3,�ll,�aill!'�L,-,�.�v,Liv,. jyt�.,qi,� ;S U.,j�Jugoj!&. havinapter.stiiff n,,�,r�ttLc�L,rl�,-,4.at���4.ttt��t Injit � j4qt lap tho,tuglit tlle'T olpintion th,at 11w hvvrP.a%JinLq,' mlti'_�'i' Wto nitM, va.w...t. 249�tl- t4 j 4k�,w hu"UI-flb.q., �-, I -4%t,: 11!Uiltt thm,t ft .�Vqi,tfl�,j q:,q,.t tjtjqn ,Vao' , � y Fracl, . at t4oration q7Df W0411041 4dT'(Vj& and th,_ Uid% %'L�11 a t5. 11 Me�, IIII&B,V-31! tw'DUN. E"n%y nt.d Uj�'tuD. 6,jat, I elo-al. zt.telarbaa. -,Tq",atkC-,n—n"Dt Lall knt a an"at 40-val to hiltrip1tWe tAtolt " Pap� er Abs,ols, u" te!i VW.; '_ ufi.semtllgfltlon.�� ,sttIh%tftn*m V14 tvu� i' -VS- , DO I<'u 0­�,:','�'L�d VIS 11L�M' TaO0�',1jgM&'-1L- - z""U.1- '�' J'� a �' 0 .,�,,,O,1� D""'DAMO", Often �,�n vcm? V_atok. lbrat vanAg tin 44 , tres� That was ft,ri,jr �jjate,r� . W, 9 j t"'r ffn, V.:4 V, '. D.,J_ I � tvl mak" ad.-kIn 9 -WN in the ntalaufketvv,� gareL: 11" .,,_ _', ­A"��%:�,_Ja b�,J�aMj, L�t,�, ,qL,.�U ,� ,jb,L i,U a., OAS I _,* � - - 2*guluri,rft,t�oh� #�Iwod,therwagori-� tlro'4&aNT"nnq.on1 the ritasl tvl,��, of sn-valUnt woorwh ,aol;144%. dmnalAl ll,mvk A.. r_k,l .,o tuth4l';�� , ia,xl­11� 0 f.,-,Kfi-_..LMt N .� ulty vU8.�,Pgo."'U"i ,V I t TU O'ho.; .kt�-*%,� a," Or, Wa, huavk'. �111.&dv, , Vn.v,Dn"_1a-gBQ,h#- tv-u'th V1,.,- IlInUh.-het... 114 the A sotorna ji;�evl.,,�s of flkii.- tgu,'40h fdt',N ,kcsftota,44ah 'Vot. ULD119 grqTQ17'11!1 ""I'lle tit ttge intlere%ts 14 Ivath * ,W, r-OD"O aiv� 1, M,t W,ra � -�t'.'V MW 0091- DUODO' Dq I .. , ! - A? tho, o#trao t V4 a Xet'�omm�y J,�,a , "Imm q4her jVtMv,,r-%. the q?-utu- - *1 "U" I I'Danafly llerutql 44SA llvvtet;�T .-Inv q4", ,%0,-,.UUVLv;U'.' 11ov, whitAll we q'altn aftal ue� -iv than thk��Sqo � '. , in . ?, . sullap'r ontil the Iiinnollftem. imnutiIii-Olt.', f"'Ito-z�& 14 VvVDL:§ VW. Qlo- UaftlLo UM;jjl�' ofv�,,,Q- � , , . � j*riQuil. ThOs Vnteafm jtv-l-&�,!l v-v�vers tjV.jr,1U 'L�3T_J:-41 1. gQ'J%101,�.IOV�U "Ill, t,:JLjkL tjo�,., L4,,%� vvv�w.r QW ',-M,1;-PT'41jtjo1U I—, 11A ��Q,Aq­t atnk,l ��,q­, oy .flg 1��Anlfl.r H4. thanaht thsr(�� wonla tv no diffi- 11 as a I , R I 0 1. a k, �. . M, the 11fith to Vie ,�4trql. 13-P Priquiv,-4 ,.tal t I . , . uwl SIM V -T,4 U,j V'01 �ro, � �;Iswin 1-�-­­ on, zw 0 tw I lit eople_"� f0f thi-4 t'41sohlitt "'ta " I NN't-Ailti- fqM!� Va. 1.­.�,tq1Oq,q- V4 ;1..,o,:1 y ba gtetting u11*941 uetion Ilaft 44�-Sr Mc. joule�ts WMV-Da Ujink, U,4e-zu I�t.Nv, mlll . at thi44 hbne for,,tlt Ott- Pr0ZMC-��SiVc' f ,,� jLan-t of the V41"11110hWealtlu of Dotq,_ W eqJ1 fryn I ;, �Vcujv toaet, er with voph­q of .Nlr� M400- , J�, "J"I's-11tM. s�ahv- �'.-�t,,tm I'll ZqMg,.�,-q t.� " , 4 1 NhellMnenu 0 �t W47 tn0ive '41'rnD Au�,ftaha and the y f m§11's pajl�r be forwaraled to thq.,, Stt�f_T_ tj. -4 LY FRIJ! ., _4 ljo r­njo�. ;4D,I T1 1#41101D4 r.0, 11O11, I A �jo_ r . , 1i ABSOLUTL AV Petiod. 10jw WarOM04'r W-141 V*Ur- Zealunnol. in laawking till anv ii .., I'M, hu),.v� 4 irit �,,tu VEad, Nj*-..;41 MN lwi' - Pro- Right-Hoovirable. the 11hiNter I � 1. mop will erkl ift aenoral rniftas. raiih,;l p,,�,Djj tt,tait juight lie J)r4),jjCfit for - : lum# gm -.14V f q. S40'De I -,%q 1.6 L lJoil q�v%.a'. I I Will lead t4v -�nw.v aud slw.fM . A!-Irieultill-e anA tho (IlDloniat , kon. O'Ll, on!"2". VU!-s4V:,D-­,. *4;-,-t:l ro­N�1-4. T . - 00f, �', I if evl-ry jlersMl 1myinal .", e rvr 41 sn!4­4-2 * "I f') flit- vuriell Jt-#,�� -.,�,#u ,tv*t ,lo -.4", -,�t .,;I A,V ,44.31) 1, -, p! �,V. , , t-1,��,,Dls ward for requirt"g 'T ., go -6- I -twit. ,%I,,O�lval..,a'i�-,,-9'�t�i,,,'-.,�,- '011n.4 f -dr- 7- tadl. ,, that falllrle-1 pic,jl1ler,,; now usseallyled Ill eanfo - �� , � - I . . I '16 11 ", I 11 I I for sleet -and snow Mind -leet w511 ,;�jpq4jol 1��_ 1^11pUM14 nallied. jlro�v_ 613ce ift L n1daft. * * �; By wo-H 11 $:-. 7,3 M ,q D.v.ijl'�­ N"i�t arg. '00 zilly I flmzma, ft"r tgw italmlo-e qvF lv,M,�2. u -i- wffl have IN- '1�0 -�, Herald i , be attende-11 gind 1�yll,wwvzl IDV, a , . in q;§.j1pV I-V .,:`,.7-_V' -U�jdl J�J­y Vjq4jI;jjDVJj flo'e, ` 411141 W'I'd-My Star Inufled direel fr,,)m 1hat qDMet- fqvt the ,saine, I lvaMr flgere wws 214 a gentlelliallft in , The ab lVe resolidlon was jDro,!. " 'o-spi'll ciad!' , U,w; u�-v Q-.T.o,l oyn, VQV, uu.,,-givt jvp . r L-litt,ugeanDf"-.11*,It,illl��.*I"Iiq e,OM UiavQ' tj , " 141 withont 0141ra*4'. �Jfu rotay.-n whn. hernre the lialier g99 -JI. -V 19 ' L'-. NU.tlU It 0� UPLO"'.' lh:411 PLV&U- , ru . � posed bV Mr. luwlselL �,ec%,Vftflc(l hy , f-, � 11 "i;s mw no .� - Thk, is withmat IloDubt IlDf� ,nvale.-t offer evv�r imadle to) the lnib- This ve-OC41 will eonue tiv its trin , . 11 . f *-D,q lu We Ito. u.v tow, a.#T�zj1VqBw_ T.wm ,Mo- -, "a'tl- 11,"'al the 's'LigItte"t "olt�a 'I�f MiJieaj,V a nd carrwd unallit 0 S�.�. . , jftz fbelt ki-4 vattge lo tilt, liva-v tno�.t 411e.� , s : igtt�,Mdvn MI;1$1. Mlivi(Wo.. Ile loy Canada. .110 fig, 's4T.,�yner it I.; aveqyto,41 the aglople".Vant ,0,et. about the 1221hil ata(I 2;`�vl. "fie, �­%tenf to wfiiel� aditilte-ration ,� F. W 11owl'in, " , ro,� ut� " O:ft and tonehinat the 201n and j)rt,V&fletj Stqlrkl-t�-1 1'. lliy *%n, i 10,*W .,.t I , . 'Live 11itork (",m"tUNA0yBf-.-� I tvp .jfeer.��, aull swje OtT t M. d1,jro-;, wv.lro 21th, flie elouslyxn�.ettle4l wPa�Vtler. Tile elwdrinan� ' Mr. Auws. stated __ �_, ., - I lynt 44 the luua-r,vt ullr�05t,r. I'VI'Ve. V­I�e I TO 0 U R P R 9 9 ENT P P. A 1) r; R S. I tesulting frenn the M,1,fc',1tV1 'Pliml- that 1!,e thought wh 1115-19 VOINA--jeat DO. -f -114s wtnri� 'mry ok,r,t 1, tit the�v had to - L un,41-om-rd. . 21OX,Wfli grow WVI de�+If,ll anhunn- 0.1,,v -w�,,, 0 Zar-room& most close 6ja Doe. 4. qr..q ,,h.- ogewwviol L,.� '...ro. ��. irs ys.ls -.�.:� "73ii"! I .� to f,,g�j(,,..jte f1t.t. jyenpj,_ V.q t I NOU. 14RE'v.r. -lbs. v_,�uI04 ;-D jo7'Iq-.-!4 t';M­5Ug Any-1-To,sent s-%tt.�o--r,',1,lt.;- %-Avvl�-p stluhs4-ripfioin fft tlie 2.,url0l *I sto-ruas of rain. wftnd avl sn,,nv. tBtf� voij,je oe-�vfyyjlell gomlg. awl. he �o;a t44 4-1 Voll, riUvu. rL5 $Xs" waq ITA.- Mgoi- . In all ra�vthierb ,-cr:flC1I`g'q 196", ff,4r j�E-jit'ved tjj,�Jt file Tefout'l. Oet. 24.—Makv inquir" Zze� -t' lk � une'tJ104-al prafeg- li�t h5gut-0- Itagla 12"laoy. I'mor 4."tts aa.� S.'ow 11ne-tt.11 is ing ;Q1T41al*S fliou hay. the randky IferaUl -.1114 Wceklir he&'qV gCtet� HiLih nortlaW,&14fC-r�r ,!,.,n a4vlmld a,sist in enlightetailig haVC "at"fied the license bran( -11 M.'r *.�-274,gQ U4q.r#-. ortell VL�,& vt,- *..-t "-4�ijuvod.,l --1 '-'ar rre4.� for the 1.11nim.d. I'S . _ , ` wus . U " a. fhe year I v- jDaying-- tit) zurrears. and t . 24,0,41i' tez tmy'GI V 'a- I-awlIt'.,� In a I - thiv-e Ig -At in nrrears can lutv�e fi, ' 1:,itn ` ' ,j �, jpt,tf U . w-Ho1q. 0, -t anaze t�,-q quite 0-1,41,11 ',�"41'� the r,­,,OV1le Npiln that jvvint. Cotton , Mily 11q,rald und Weet-ly Wi!t& OL.nd ela tile Ontario f"Welverhallel; as f follow thes,A st�,3:rtns. A,.q flie numt:a , 1"t1get Int-rolnu-4 Innst 14P elm-tA r -h.-OU6 m9l 4-:�eO­ vlm-q�u ,b". q.lo,.�Vlv -,m4ll Stay for file �Ialnnq.o of flile sq,ztr l*;- nayiln'­ Lext year's sullyserip- I " anA,11, - wev- painloil ori on the %Vl qb fin't. �vLgggz lragbe;� XV ­"� .',I 'z" -,:..!-I va'k4.1,�'Jwv 9 - . , gg,nei;; out. a stko-tm pf-rl,ld %V05 b;f, Jilt glft,l,��ec� jt,i,f.j!jn5e fl2gly J%w,e�.r,& 11avvet jn on Dee. 4th. the Aur ot the 'vote n : ,vxt' 1.�=V�s Zoe Vr;l'.U, ,,,-%%--L". zauvq VUV.441!�. fii)n dnring i*sqqeDa',,qq,. I _. � it-� firsit stagpe.�4 : it w. flu The tZ41.11fll!g'_, ; �j+ the Uquor Act. The vlflef insj,X-e� tbo'-: ;4t,�- 3.-�,- too :.,:w,o:11­ D, --" a;.1.*_ ­V t�v 14*.'Loo . rfif,p. "r;e thQ�zjt�zjut th. M. -f thkr 11cen Ilw� rzt, 11M,,t4 ti, ,_� ILI_." UvTo. 2eft ucj- I Zi�n tOt 0f -es quid t V-da.r fluit IYV -_Zo-d, AQ,.C,a-q,­.- I �;r evczl Da warmer in the W,C�Ft. Wfth fa%ftir � t to thi, G-nve-Minent ,and a,4ked . I .Vg m,_j­..�.d ,4 :4.�, t.;o baromete'r auft ofiger ind&r,� atiero, of fit!��:Jt tf., ta,t�,Vr, a0ion. the Govern. a elau�,e hi tke Prohl bit, ion Act. C%e , 4'_�_5vV-M;--*'f4_�.1v nu, A , �! � - 144 varg�. T[Aq 2*1 t� ;I m".'j, �­Fq.41 ,1,=.4I.q9 T�.T Till' , HERALD. Zvnm w, 0--i ir. ap-proaching Storms. fjIll provisions of the general eleefic.11 ;-holo-i. N*.!:". � nzt�nt invowild a,sk whether I .1 . �! n vqog.�---Rtm V­;,w� ��:L ,n., _� 41 . . Tit -re 1112 n4,1) truth in flae ,;tay5nz DAvunfaure had 1yeen fakeii of tht, law respe4A!ng, closing of 1,,�ays. ror- , , I*-.,q1V. V".59112 D,�,",_� 1-i" I .1 �� '40 .J;.'.4. 44 ... N ut t Ily to Me U -Wt t"r ,-(-_a..V,-S �,t,.4 V,�,;.-* 14-�: !;p . ­.­ 1_1---1._ . ..... �,.".�.-.--,-".,..,-,.��",..� ..... � I—, ­ r , ... I I that a wolgagn eaza na, ake'�a f #)al of u AtIrflterZflon A0. He was not PuPti011- etO­ V ) I I I 14 r�2ts� Z�_,, zl,�*ta . �&ffl_%-,-,-��_W�MM� . � 0 L "k=;,_ , I- " " Q 1� I", 1 ... lil,,,Ii,l"""Ir"l"""-,-"-""', , vitan. Natare. has alvrays gotten sure whether tliat Act wonid apply cOlning v0to- " _4"��_�_�­--__­�_ ­ , I , -� rickit Illuestato vAttle kDlt*1.Ik-*1. --,-.,--,. . .- the start of her" I to wr�nlklen giiwl,�. bill.- if it (lid. they. . . . ­ � �� Vwq 1DV,,y;1:-o.. OA4. =-,.-1".1;l11I,­Vtf,q,f1;4-_ -, - - no . . I A1fy,g1N1.­&Pfl1af tile C-)untr Conn- ", - "�, - I :�Ity ilead � fitlit.t. askh.x ,I ­ally -pi4C4..-. ,­ -S .. . . - � I . " I �_­._­­ ... 1-1-1 11. --1_.--._ ....... . __­­ ......... .. ... __._­_,. _ . , - ,�., , , . y 9-S - ­- tt� P�, , - t� I- I ­ � fucturers starled makin- bref tea .� � Ftewl. falv;V, nrll;.. .�.ol Kh�.,".- loul�*; i's.04" g " � - �"_.'14� '01 , . , t 'L 11, svv� -, _;:� !��q­ A 't I Av""116 _V tn . . . - ;.I:!'.� " �.. �_.;_ � 9 _ I . r-6" ­ , V - A , , '�n - C . front horuze fle.l;h. tile 'authoritie. ' , it " a $0 fl. -y lot *-`.7.0-1; om. l"ad rmn-r, It ­ V ) kili _& , '41"J10'. Yll"'IN 17". ";4; 01 to. .., - I . I.. 'r. , , . - F , ' L ou -lim-4. M-111 Ill , - . . " � - 1, - , Ap"Is gh Fr ... 0 0 zah-- ; I- 'i� '. 1. , _ n.. A, E , ;_ " I ,_—__-_-%-,e7- . �_t#-tlqly; t04,S. *N.-25 1.), S1,., -0l; t-4. ' � .,�A �., - " I `V; A' ". � A 6, bky,!, �,,. , I 0' put the Act in force. It main sunSINSIr -41,41 SP'.. -Or 11, Pa. jlt.g, I....4.1 "t"" -,a R . ,D,� , - uld soon I)p down on them. and,,, - ',M.55. gol'.-c'. :Sf;..-,7I; . , I i . -L.% _� 11, 11 � wo ,ht ilk), SILZAT Div Z�:� -, f! � ,4, qj; jiv, 11, 7,1 "� " A 7 .. . A..Fad S - , , ,-.-y t­1z5.'j.`O. ,.,­ A/ il would -not -wait for the public to, 1. . %'.ouggo.s, D�(V_L'5 to, -'6-0, t'l-Ag.. ..' YO :�-� . . . . . . -- I . - q L1114 .1 I - " " I � , A - 11 -, - I PA 1. W. Giltojr. 90b6fal mer6haiff, Ble.- , —1 . . . r I ­.. -1- ­ --1 - jillil" cowillilain. , IrtiTh. IDW.,0MA1.16t.:­1 I'Amilathettitthust- " , * T", I ""'"-l", "'i "" ; .... ... *" 0 11 , � 4� -.111 H, E" A 0", ' ' .& . , �` � ".1 �` I ,., ., : 1. - .. - - - - I . Mr. Mansell in reply said that hk_'� astic itz the prake of Dr. Chasels� Ridney- , �"`-"-_ "I'll "lill ""', ��_ 11-1-1 I " - -V �; ,_ � , - - -k i __ - - .. - I ily! . .71% - , ,.. I ... � � 1. I 1. %Ik- . .3 � . , , I -pokt -ith, _ -T-____ It I— Q4-1.1 L I A � '. '. , .." , I �. _'. - I relief WRI., fIXtrenvely gratifted at the kind Liver Pills, And believel have good reason �A ll_��Y&,rlsow&v 1: : .4 which had been -, -n Nx to bt_ Fot seve-ftl years I wai tt. great " * NO SEP -1 bid 4, bad cough lot m* . . -,-,I- _1__-_-;_`f1;V._4` -1.1 131— �­l l. 1-._�?- 7 I I I� '.11-1. �i .. 1� --..V,r A�:` word _ � ­ - __ -1, I '. ",.,.,�".:.:,.�it",.",-,."�,�,.,;�,,�ii,�l,-Iil��ll",-.�lI lt1',._�;i1`_._o._`11;; DEAF It ------ - Y --i , 6 bOtt. : regetrf.l. LIU 1XIN rjlUI-t,ZS tqI pitf. tilt' 11 -------- ----- ­i.--�, � W. a I ptdilt in my bat Almost tonsfa;�l . . 'Chicag." lyel. =6,--VaItte-Ite(-ell�t�4. "'Ite4; AT -L CASES OF I ()"�!'�"40ufth of tT . tried11 great 1haby ietmedie% but did vlot ; lim-ludIng M91 Tl-x;l �' ,11 iiliki,46�$ 11 'i ' " -r ­ , I , , . curtd rn� onestion before the Confivence., nn I d 3,M41 WO * H11 1� M , � ­ W ,.,. IARINC � L. Hatrn, XWngt6h, Oftf. 1 He belicsNvd that the question 'e, I ady� pood to j.rhnv.ktk1C-r1`t 314111"i. �,,,�K",*4` -91'' , ,- A, '_ _ I A Rk 0 I " ' ,wa* 'Succe4d in Obtainial; mord tha* slight , i'lli, I'T' 'z',* -.-.,-42y1 'D AFNES HI E i"" "' - of realty far more interest to the' temporary rtr,tf, I ,,z*�_46, 1.vor to wedlum. S-75 I s,ioc-6n, al.0 it-r4wrp:. s:!-'!:', to ,';1-'S--) ' ­­­. -1 I..., . ,4. � 01W _ . e .. , .1. , , * - , , - - , ,%j It 'L 11 I I 40k , , . . � I nation at large than to sbeep breed. � I, AL 1-ijefict ct m '01. " * ­ ,tallllk ft ir . , U AS L' 3EE I , i dv. .Pdk I IFe f 1 S1.4a ty .,z4.. - helft.r... *_ to $5. .4�;, . Neglected coldslgl q I Tie a d md q ty . �1.40 %ii N2 -.-WI; bull�- S--� to *M --l", lr;llv�'�'- , er - action whieh tbc�v � br. Chase's Xidney-Livat Pills, alitl 1,aid ,.5.j.7.5 to *7.Xw;, Tvxas fvd -,Teers. �M. to by Out neW filventiort. Oniv tjhosst bont eleaf are incureb�.e. , I - anil in tiny I lead to softlethingserioU8. � took they Aionl(l ptit the fact: so . It ' L, ,-0.111, -1 , I , fattion. I had not ,.,,j..Vj, x�.,t,stprlv �Jvers, :.k-.7.5. Tij Mf.. -X1. I 9s: 41� ! � r real galls _ 1.1 & .* - " I V 8- - , ' ' I b- ' _- � , , , pronflnentlir fotwurtl. Mr. Mansell i ,aie'n'� . : --lal-4,111t., tf.-day, '_1Ii;(XR). Z -w to Itir T,)%VV;, HKA, -0, IN , ta, " Lou AT - ' i to ,chronic balra box befor& I bega,t to feet They run in , t-11,111 .,illms".1y: 11"se. InIxed and I'lite"t.r.".. COMO% IWO"AA ELI* : then read it colleetion of editorial � baf ter.;&nd tiow realize that t haveentirely '. , ­ to M."o.- gowl to f-littlet, 11('41vy. "pi.lic, #. A. WE�ZMAW, F i3ALflM6i?jk ��AY9. .;,t;.. bronchitis, pneumonia,y opinions, gathered from different I recovered, I often woriler now -,,.,by : I 1.7 0 11 �n � people go after new-fanAed remedies ' In $6.7.% rmitt,li beavy. jtV.15 to $ID.43: llult-., P %-.�Tzw"!.7% 'ifil.. 'Llare? �:*, mol. wten $(j.'_10 tty $(;.--,3*, Ttullz ef ,.ql(..,; .,it '14!;.."'.5 To , G'e1X,rV1eP:.­ neizt,- evtirezv eLred or tieafile,4 thailks to your t:cItnite"t, 1 w"Inow gwe YOU gSthIna, or Congugiption. ; journals, on the Shoddy questi( � - 'P.Wlt), �Tlf­r � a full hi�ko­-of U%v ca�,e. zo he !.��edaz �-oni- fli,cr�.1,11. � I � this tried at, no Is so easily $0 -M ST -T - It'-# ipt�, � . . I ,id, proven iWiedici I steatly . hival,; -1 rt�!kg � � gnn4l , to 01wit-f About 3�ye vears ago :Tn-­­!ghtcarbegquxuti-tg, audMis, 1.�eptou gettiugworse�'llldl 1'.0st I Don't wait, but take ' and went oil to say that the jx)int i obtained, and so certain to cure," 'Dr. , ,v,,tl1vr,z. -�.I.nln , 1, Vill fair to '11,11t.t. uax- I rly heariltg in ill.!; ear entitjiv. I � wh, ich Nvool prodneer i shorild talke � 'Ch,st's Ridney-Liver pillshave an tnor- ! .,,ty. �,2.;;o top t�_ZA); TljLtjvj� laml.,, .$3_-ilY to I undle-went -a treat-nent f�)r CM. - ,� ­Ar� 'tree llton:.,h� xvithout.'Ur MICCeSs. Col1S1T*ted a num r9l i ap wits that of urgifig that, lilb'ed � mous; sale because they radically cutt set!- berof DhV";d:1ur:. antortz C, . 11, for t: � A ee's Cherry PectO , . I $a.zo. -'-s, t'- 111-t emittent e4.r ,jjt:Cja'.v't <3f lylit; citi.. ,%Vito Told jj%C t1U." y or adulterated, fabrics should liet out and chronic disease, one pill a dose, 2:5 " L(qtalygg whollit '31it*10.ts. = aft �6%ieratiqty cott'J, !I(: -1,111C. a., � . i ..�. e%.e. .S,%Vr i I Cells it th'it oll"y iempora -�ily that tll� llead livisf. 'Ttl� . e�bllttllehea.-ilmri lv�_ffm�tc" . .. just 19 800ft 9-q YOU"OUgh' � sold for what thev were, atn(I not j 'cents DIL box. . All dealers, at Edmanson, � I the -a saw vour q(Tve-E-.,el11.,.1, . � . f�ar wouM , i c' .ast lorever. . vosing lireviouA ilay. (1o. -Ing to -clay. .t Z'Cultill;MN. in IT .N;exr York paper. ;ind ordertil your treat- thou_ht I Bakes &,Co., Toronto, ,(yet. 'j,') j( .. lyt.t. J)p(� hitlit. AfteT- -, lia,j jj�tcl 4t W.11 ... begins. A few dogeS will �� for anvthing cl.�e. Ile I . � v q few klxv�.Ic��'­Hll.. to volir ilirt%�tion�. *ti..T. %16"e" cia,etl .11A, � I 1 CIlleago . to -day. After five weel". Inv hc�rlm_- ,,-% t. . ; they should approach, not only i .... �-.)fv -,-IT I I_ 'Ii��. I . ... .. e_- .. -t � ­ �i.set7i�,�Lt-f.,.,I)etztentireiy:e�torte. Xtltanl"3�­ * . ., . -1 , . 1. . THAt 7�vl' ' heanili, alid bQ&' to relita;T2 Very tri Chggel% I xeiv -�Zork ...'. - , � �. cure you then. 1 their nwn 31inister 6f A,-ricultulte I . . , , I Iroli-ty. .... .... -,.-�.j I , 71�'- i6 7-: T1, K1.'11111irim­.%IA*X. :�,,68. 73rowlway, 21altiriore, Nod. - � I I ... � --1 , ! i , 4 'I� .1 - ­- _ _____ NO � ,,, a art � �Ilrineanollg __ . - _ , .. 7."', Olt), t)"eabyzent''doe.q ?lot infert'ere,rrith '! loqua I 10cettlyatiort. Thirell sixes: % ,tholl or ail U% 771'., V,Xatllifta , .I , I I I ki t 6 -ne I , 0911110f. In I I I ... � 1. , t 1, #1-60 , . 0*11 on d.. t that t few. 'A ­ ill. - � � P 0 � NII ,(V.y -1 -, .18ME -it, 06,�. 4614.14t,J130 , nulze 7.-J, ta -,3ti , IL itallidlifil ; , ceiree, - YOURSELF AT no" TiAtd&614 '. h�y should urize tht (" 2 nor U aav, tin" "t'" YOU, GAN CURE ' but ttl;i the Colonial Provilier, ' ' " T("` '�` , ", volo� - . : frorn dr c­� , 1W. � I a national 110int of V1 , e t. .T.im14 ...... Mi (M-4 . . i , for �0-10 0*11' , - I - 74 . M 'IOP ,� It "� I Kidne - L - 1-S t I)t t ruir' - .. 74) .. 7-1`i� .. - � .... 11.1p. ,- I— I-, ".... 11 .111, 11111,111 _1 ..... Y-6 ,til, I bard . 1-41T 11 NAT Mi ABUL OLINIO�,U6 LA MLE AVL, CHICAGO, It -L. I ."... 11-1" I ­ - i agreed with 31r'. AmOSI Views that f .