HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-10-31, Page 3119.099
jea,a.,aceeeoreessaoreseseceeeeeare ing court to Mee linariet Grove, a
as pretty cousin, and she was so
alarmea at his heterodoxies that
she sent bine very decidedly about
Chanteclair's Chatty Description of the World -famed
Resort -Gossip of the Places, People and Fashions -
The United States Invasion.
his business.,
1 • 'When Meriden, following the ex-
ample of many other amorous
young men, fell over bead and ears
in love with. Miss Lanley, the beau-
tiful singer, "she only laughed at
his ardour, and made faces at him
behind his and
; and yet he used
that subtle and eloquent tongue of
his to such purpose that he actu-
ally ran away with her to a French
nunnery, and marriea her after
transit over the polished parquet eeee, but in a more imposing genre
see%; il'
yith his riv-
floors; but if you care to nee the -fuller, with wider sleeves and re-
little silver key, it is efficacious in vers, and in a mixture of fur ee with When Burke, the great polttician
unlocking the doors, and you get a rich passementerie ornamentation and orator, was a student at TrIn-
man to go through the roomThe seaaian tty College, Dublin, he is Raid tos with and fanciful buttons. have bad more than one love dies
you, "in compartments,'" as Lord coat in ite native aimplicity is also
Dundreary would say, and that is considered good style, but must be appointment. His first Infatuation
the way to take it all in, and really brought up to date with pagoa waS for the daughter of a small pub -
Mean, whose dark eyes fired the
enjoy its beauty. Everything is eleevee and, if possible., a band of
beautifully kept up. I could not help sable brought round the neck and
alter blood ocit
elefoteht, jgithh
g thatremarkinalthough there was hanging over • each front, finished long tame she jilted him in a most
at least one wonderful historic clock, with tails. Perteen lamb is dressed. to
mounted in scores, buhl, ormolu, etc, be as soft as silk, and makes very heartlees fashion. His success, too,
in each room, they were all going smart coats and mantelets bedeeked With his beautiful country woman,
correctly. with hanging m.otives of black passe-
aargaret Wellington, was no great-
Tbe gardens are as lovely in their mer, although he remained her loyalenterie. 'Petit-gris" is greatly in
way as the palace, and marvellously clemaed, but rather aK an adjunct lover to the last.
extensive. Fontainebleau is a gar- than for the entire compoation of a When Abraham Lincoln, as a
rison town, with a large military garment. For motoring the winter youth of 18, was "Saving in a men
college, and this gives a bright air coats will be in rough, sbort-hairlog cabin in Spencer County, Inda
to it, while at this season the forest fur lined evath vicuna., which makana, and inckin.g up the rudimentses of education in the intervals of ran-
ts full of elmeseurs. A. sad feature them warm and substantial. They
is the prevalence pf shooting acei- will be accompaniedsplittinand ploughing," he fell in
by a fur toque. love with the daughter of a • poor
dents; to begin with, almost any- Some ellegantes have their auto coats
n .
one can have, a gun if lie hardly faced with panther skin, very classIrl. settler i"*Aeeigliboring log
'e cabin, and, after many elumeY fail -
knows one end of et from the other, and lovely in color, but rather too
For 25 cents you can turea to declare his love to her inake out a much savoring of a bacchante, one person, penned Nt4.-tlt difficulty one of
license for a Sunday, the day par mud admit, to become at all uni-
excellence for la ebasee, and so on vermhis first letters. etekinp,-. her to eilcome las wife. He never reeeived an
he -
that day esepecially there is a large I do not as. yet see any senate
s . e
preponderance of ignorant sports- tional changes in the way of skirt answer to hiclums,y effaseeeahe
men. This was brought home to mo novelties, though the flat has gone afterwards caan d t ; but when next
he met Bridget eelie tossed her head
on Sunday last with forcible effect, forth, "more stuff." The fact and looked another way." "She was
for as I was walkin•g along the edge the graceful, slender, "eternally- much too good." she :s saki to bave
of the river I met two ead-eyed men feminine" figure has become se
A. Forest of Fontaineblean report:
Again I havo the good luck to
write of halcyon dam real .warm
teutiny weather, epent in perfect sur-
roundings of forest and river scen-
ery, with ,skies as blue as Canadian
skies overhead. Tine leaves are
turning fast, but have scarcely be-
gan to fall, and the gardens of the
eha.teaux and humbler devellinags are
yet gay with flowers. 'Yesterday
we drove to visit ani interesting old
lath century church with m.ost curi-
ous and weird carvings and the re -
mettle of 'tandems brasses. ' 'Mon-
sieur le Cure who took us dyer point-
ed out ite antiquities with great
pride, he did not rerer to the green
mould on the walls and the general
air of dampaeas and gloom pervad-
ing it, Ho had ench a good, inter-
esting race awl genial manner.' I
could not help picturing what his
life must be during the winter
moaths in that tiny isolated village,
with only "simple" ra.milles for par-
ishioners. Ho was very communicative
and rold ue that in tho season many
'Americans visited Ores. "I think," he
remarked naively, "it muet be be-
cause of the river. Americans are
liken the canard(ducks) if they can-
not be near tine railway they like
to be near tine water so that they
can take a boat and Eat! home!" He
Is distressed because they have no
seueleal Instrument to speak or in
the church, and cannot afford an
American organ bee:untie of the enor-
moue duty, 'Vest un petit pays," ha
remarked pathetically, so I pre -
to rank my Paris friends if they
bare any or them a teecond-hand onto
to dlepese or.
Teen we drove to newer% most
picturesque, with its winding river
niti eanale with quaint old bilges to be pitied than any one else.
ramming both. Victor lingo was or /tenor twealents toed not speak
devoted to Nentoure WO has writ- fee th. y seem equnfly prevnlent
your sitte of the water. There its
mien a aletOrous inekeett k•pt juet
now, howt•vor, to d••te•t. UL t•etni tweed
awl 1.0 on that one howl* that real-
ly aellghtfta forin or toromOtion may
htn in b., uttanbsi by fewer dangere.
I have iseen griett many ladies
carrying a pale little ten -year-old part and parcel of the "nouveau
boy who bad east been slecie" (new century) woman that
Shot by a Chasseur ' if there is to be any modification
of the close clinging style
In a way it was an accident, but Itound tine Waist and Hips
the man bad no business to be shoot-
ing close to a public road; the little the change will have to be very
boy died in a couple of hours; three subtle. and cautiously insinuated.
doctors, hastily summoned. saw that or it will be rejected at once. ea)
no Inman skill could avail, and the far+ the difference bas chiefly
poor little child, who was spending shown itselr in coats and outer
Ilia holidays here with his grand- garments generally, which are all
mother, had a pathetie little village the time growing in their proper -
funeral, and Is tam In eie, man cern- tions tiny fgm
es are almost ex-
etery, which le hemmed in with pine tinguisited by them, and what a
trees, a perfect spot, tizousth lonely transformation it Is when the
perhaps, for (.10nre „acre. The elan wrap is slipped off and the wear -
who shot him seent8 quite heart- er's sweite anti slender silhouette
broken, and truly Is far more is een. It It; almost worth while
ten veresttically or its beauty and
a 'ttecrulners and of the comfort to
be found ine the old lioateiry at
which we ptu.ael for coffee and
ernenin eaktee ltobert lenntle Steve:1-
8um haa :tans lead unmet to See' or
titavlivtr...114 whiot I have timaglit
Weaning ,
it beneS to deteerano now what diffusely
so, It Long Illonand Isali•tole
alio, Ileliatene Artists for niutonnolillings eut (quite simply,
wildo consenter teeth the Imp of fieel- guiterally sealed into l,nate thlek are hhown tit eboth of "Inver, tin re-
test plata:side quartera, With eine- 41111U1 Unlit* 111111 worn V, Ith
vt W•tite ballot, end little t. en-
reesseee., intim :ALreeeeasseie. iente.e. filbitiOned In I'Wi0. e
..!ri119511. With
wil.I1 p romp 10,4e. 515150im i money, in whit, taco vr,.. rittierntth 19 one til:rtiottutgetIon:.vilul.yvItahrei;bil_riattlitterfklialt,1
than' 411M4 A. 1 halal Ili" a &.0Id 1°.r 90 PILP°
rP. 11/11 "1101'1' °dmtiny pestle "bonnie" or. bale o
make inatiato ion re-Freniell awlii
n- ee 1 tvtrittaun...aseintititil:tgothwttit)itill,00mitse.nbil" in. uttei the toe. A. upw wee Is gulpurc
il!.•••.. ;s' I! A 9 ti. .. .tt 9D •• 10,v. '." • .0 , • et • k‘. 4 .. .t99!..,..11, . 9V 4•014 4 • • ..: •...
es ea
l 1 14441In
eaten.ant* .,tcrusted on m.1, the tatter or le a.shew tS. ru
tite p 51101.5oa1g0ntheigh I e111aP`15I11IY!ttv011rl12Y i„11_„,47‘°IleT,tkier.ttgl„a1*7ae 49 9 tii el.£9ii t, ri. , e 2ol3,o3313tzlv40..A3,ancrde-
loo3301.337.t4ctgo v4,fvi.t1;,n,4Liii.111317e1,o1411055 1ft,tofotot:oo,og,%;1°th, 1. lY.,11 11439 14435.10?or a
9151E01 1154111tu 551OnuBc4 alal thin toauc-0 ulu ' Ito. bootee fin, 99,41 were in spas,. 11111W,0 garniture le Amite of !erste 1,, To ie tow 3 ogo, .2,, 3„, .:3,,t .1,,, .„ .... It:, - - to t '. - v. ii"! 11''ui .4 FQ. . T.'1;driv'.., .., a 3104111 dee
watr,11 it go l -‘11.-4 m bs Ig -s -o gii-o- ,i: frimom.. ..t.a,,,i,...0. are now4:08, tro'lleiiiM(91 Irwin the hung* -As toson oth, I.*, 16 0; , 4, ',0 . 0 4- =.,!.!4sn%1 *1; " 1'1. 41 1 •" '''ii 4i," I " '.! i, i 1 • ii` .,iiii. ii 9- . 4, .4, ; 54,9T i' .,9-. t-L‘o, ., . 'ti Oil ILO close OE
11545 51.44111 214t.113'i11.t..1. MAI owe 1 1(.4? lame% 01 th„.04 imii 1,0i.so for s,ummer W01104451 heat's. racit 91!. ,,i V99 1 ea . 5. ;ISI o, th 2. -.3,3.„ vo.o, 9, 3 3L,7 B tuL.9 40 'to 0 574 4" • ...,„ 9 ..5'„43, -" to 4,•451'.1 Not too,. ',too t4fo05.44Iff CX.
'walk 2-11930 ? 16. ;2190 5.4!" 4'165 Us 4' ,', too mtyin, 5.1 44 lir 4! 50'-,' ref see arejece. see oat the liberty blintle, out t4I:et.1 ! I.A.4r41 Ilan -to to ,t ,-,, oa, „3,,,,,,,,3 - 11"1.9:509f 4...,-..., !1...11, or r, %.7.i.It 4. 11:- ii.'n 4,.., -1; a Z " .U.;;.. !•1." 111g44 440e...-.4.. tea nig
lar•11"4•9 '1'."7:4 5"455.41 141444'. 5.1"" 11.' ."'''" , sei nil heti 04.1. a c 'Ali" An505l04ti5 In,1,11 855sorts of slraties„ a ennenewilent 1 eorrY oit thi, ito,75,7..9. , id ,A1:, , ::'.., ,14;7. , " ,,, 4'° it' ''-'7.-. 6 ' 1' '''"°' ° ‘' , ' 3 V 3.",+ 1 '0'1: 111, ut 5' 5'5 v95" 05, on Peat./ oni*u
Mai tho Bo. ntull• di4 tip y toolfrc : ii toa.it„ ,„e6,,,4 3,5„3to 0 .i,„,. To , gov334..3. Inearre Heat but then Panetta -I,' and , lical 114 gt 09 : ;9., 'ilovc.:, 711., . At „. . .4 , ' = ' Aont • li o u rou t - uli t o o , t . S .'i,- " 000to toot .32 L Dol';O: w tin tOtertir
tliollttlscivu:s. tioof Oro the 445.or44. lutogulo -9 no 1 nc3s•:14,11". us tho y• ul",tetts her to „ natraVititanee are the klal,nlites. of 1 ra;;g.,, foe tile' ..17 9, -3. to ;7,3 3.. 3,47 D . - a 15' u•T 5, ' 5.''.9 .4 i LI- *t.,,- t , - t, 1.1.,, a too 4 7-;4 tug Eth.t!(!iii.
111vh'4rlu'r 4IA'12g1'7.. Als1he, is mrcWhte,who all!: 001515 55 beastmz41lr45'Le.4444 is, , o.1o•,,., *. ..a.944
"r •. 7••4t .t. ..' ,.3.
Vis7.94 en Cason
k.44onte4'4174%-44o1Ah1tseel35o.0otm„thtrate erau.' and th14555o. wo go; 1oo ug terop.
140311."4 Bill'il° 95.3g. 15.5.V3 In gllea?..!-•• 1.4I0II.414," :, 55.1.055". 1,4 0, ot to, oo4451333 sel,e,1.4.0. by tont nmteriai le eintaneedi null workel ,e. aleeaneleeeelia 44! ;!”! D. fr ....0 -Pt or 111, 7, l 1--o ur.'"IP. t 9.! OL -7 i' . ,,B`... ',.0. ' '''' 'illf. V." ..' • "-. 7, ...' i.i". :u- ok et"
aka Co* tint . slot lir Othouol 11,41.941:5- -,, o .e, vy. Voijk r.:.,:kv,,,, ft: ut,,. ,ii) t•N1491t., cent hip land transmogrified till 9,4s , to th
tBEgai.LlllSir,'4l,9i, .ttigr..toiag o 3oBi..,s1,1: oo111.0.3u:O3't7
1,,41o1' ''%'I''' -''Z'''-'' °:, *4 '. "‘.. A l''',.'t-' i.k 'illi 13 ..2, t':."
955 l in5i'luu5luou0no 113Iaucop4or ta t MOther would 100111WI5Veiesst ir6 t:"' 1 0 11'14 9"t5.2. .' S.Cjlq
5g5954,tua.24g.,i 54415.153„.3,,,loo3.4wan at na mnt14 be in aretern o2;tyto oo , t:1 ,t 45.41 ut49* 5.444
1.44 44 5" gurc tI pitvIniltn5g55eorg va:;45tonto the pean 5555.55555.5'.5445.5.'9, SgAS111Wtl hieEt sll r 11 : ', "-r`4"-J'."4 'j'11')1):0
l 5544 55. notirTdif1 or Thorieettuolees 15y, taa, (t) rtr itto E Lo5 B rU • *oilot3, 5.g3 oo 21E1.
OS 5.itta-46--11.10 911',t1rat 05 moll: nio," u sIot into:matt.? to e7.1•01 tip 9, strolik or tO 44 3'4595.4505.55 et-Ent:Olio-AY- !ions 0.. totwor.--9 on 3 ,•.3,9. 14 L.:Bo-In:9A 11 35.il`-': 52-7,1o'' c..' 15.r 5'"' "•oll'''',5,55"'"tr '''' ....‘ '''." L'' '''- L''' 'Th' 11. "' 11 ''''
. . T " I .- It I.,* 1 ft ''' I. :I 1,.. di rA44
11"2" 1161143 tELICiir ral rk 4121jd ntr' 3)511 • 14:A4 nmak5. he:, ft al Trays Co, idea i Verrone: At a pretty cluatcan lunch- I Bo, tey .Liqtrbii,i, al go- tzi25.L, .a.,!_ .. ,,,h.:„ to_ 1•90:Bo .Oe'40-4 ,,:. 11 , 31. 7: ..1.' -'. !:',V ''''1t1. ' ' ,r' - .6. :- * ,,, .r.*.*
tile luEgila' t'Ir -•1°:-%!'''S':'• it ''-'-"Pell'''''-' "al; is tO wren a Mae a. VC' nate 0 in th.ou ' eon I saw' ehortning picture guost a tg Lt. M 1,y gi9 u. 4 ILL t, ei0 11-4°7 ,- ,,:, 3Bu- 6t1r•Jt'.."-•!. !...!'-' i': III :'0 t Ht 11-u a,-;:tc c• m, ;.“ -t . u .- 1E14 ,45ol ; b • l', '-', ask24,. .....
eit Worth a Vont !Mot ono , ito 1343hor wag gu . or.3571.„29. og tooter the B n4a111O 11I1 the odulltoss side, tine list ez btu.' Was to...3u 3, 114 ,,,kt. 1-1:11%''''-Ql!,•!'"' s:qt:Ln': tttff':';'':1:-a".!•-114129:‘•'..V•;C).:•"';::'-''''i-t7S'' . 4. -''''' ' """' 7"I'L.;'.' °4 '-''' l''''''''k119 Par
.. . ,
being smothered up for the sake or
the contrast. Buttons are in inn sleevelet Cheese Markets,
to marry tt, conteurin wee' 0." "Want te.t apetrt for ute aR Savieur fonn
force, and ^tvill be an impertitett /1(4. rt'illvt•ona afar" tats r V9'414 P33. %VW= nn the . etrente Oist.
wben the deep' reel te Iva e the 'oat hern ri tio, prong...444 lead eel a tat e to,t1 cutler+ eller ae Wore
factor. Seel% beauties one Mee in
_Powerful Kerr Vera:Lett n•f at atlas*. on the of entrain. offered. 97;ates; ilont„Toont 575, Alex-.
all manner or pasitementerie effeets.
to be ermine:NI Or dotted about ‘7.1 5"% '» And Nere "04 e ett hlitit'e Vs ria 1,44,,ter 5`oO, at 11 1 -le t Watkins 330.,
tees 15. a: tooletro Montan, u•lo! ete.e. eater :133 at 11 1.ee,
a,roupe or shorty, with remain! belle
0- a ad lee Varlet. ' etel tine eleven,- t lee „tete tea. OZ. -Offered 1.so*
and enda depending trent them.
Plain Mull& rovereol with vets el Siiiiet 3y S t000t shun 'too 04 1910 .t'.00011 in tot en, ttn newt a.. 1,134 tube bat tors
or faille, In the style of the mei. ' ;anis sh •111 h• v:414.5 • tenet at 11 1-2e batter 113e
declared. "to marry a gawky farm
laborer."' Then it 117: that Lineeln
left the paternal cabin and voy-
aged, as 'area hana. on a flat-bont,
int( that greater woad wlech be-
fore lenge was to rata teeth the name
of the gawky lariat boy. Wien. 13
yeare or sa tater. Atattliant L neoln
becantt PrPVI,In•nt tar t;TP I" nite•1
Statea Bride:et NVO.t4 still thine: "the
slattern)) wile or a farm laborer
in a log mien.' 8111 etill preserved
the all -penned letter watch might. if
site bad betel w.ere neole flier tine
"first lady ea the ittoolo*
It was welt known teat deort Moo ,
Vete Bernarkotte. when ho was a,
private of marine% seCZIP 151' 5.
refusell by a girl of very battier rank
who theught heree f ' wee in toe ol
Miss Gannon, Sec'y Detroit
Amateur Art Association, tells
young women what to do to
avoid pain and suffering caused
by female troubles.
"I can conscientiously recommend
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound to those of my sisters
suffering with female weakness and
the troubles which so often befall
women. I suffered for months with
general weakness and felt so weary
that I had hard work to keep up. I
had shooting pains and was utterly
miserable. In my distress I was ad-
vised to use Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound, and it was
a red letter day to me when I took the
first dose, for at that time my restora-
tion began. In six weeks I was a
changed woman, perfectly well in
every respect. I felt so elated and
happy that I want all women who
suffer to get well as I did." -Mas
Gm& GAxeress, 350 Jones St., Detroit.
Cotresponding Sec'y Mich. Amateur
Art Association- -.MOO forfeit if or:olartl of
above letter proving genuineness cannot be produced,
It is eleariv shown in this
Toung lady's letter that Lydia E.
Vinkliam's Vegetable Compound
will surely cure the sufferings of
Icemen; and -when one considers
that Miss Gannen's letter is only
one of hundreds wbieh we have. the
great virtue of airs. Pinithem's medi-
cine must be admitted by all.
LPN-It/44a TIr' teethes were on 1014
etadd tie seen ;nor on.
as We 1.44; for the enemparison,
AV,.•• Vt'tt+ J6141'4'53.; tfill• ola. (-Ea+ ;0111,4.
tbe protection of those wino evera
innocent of wrong intention, not
our refuge is -designed for those 0*
dos' sentenee of death. The avenger'
of blood is on out* track lind
,us sooner or lat.:9r unless w -o take
advaa.tage of oar refuge, The •glori-
aus fact In conneetion witis our flees
lag .to Christ is, that no matter bowl
guilty we may have been, 00111ITIZ
God's way we shall be saved from
our guilt, and ehall he as innocent
013 though we bad never sinned.
Toronto Fruit Nlarkets.
The local fruit market is quiet and
prizes steady. Grapes, iniagarati,
large basket, 430 to 40o; do. Oone
cords, large beeket, 25 to 30e. Feara
banket, 25 to 80e. Oranges, Calirer"
$2.50 to $3.50. Apples, booket, 15 to ,
do. ,Tamaica,
bn2:auTn' 0' c; in:ia‘ :I 1 git1:0 I:: a ' $
ibl5rateol,$$11.755a $1.25. Ba,name.e,
210 to C0c. Sw-eet .
kbVi $4,9?
box, $3.50 to $4. LernOns, bieSSina0
potatoes, ills., $2.75. Peppers, bas- •,
betidiug NVIiekut, .1t.11 Kew.
Following are the closing quota- le
ttioo-dnasytt:t important wheat centres ,
. .
New York ............$--Cat $01)773.1-9 .
TChiolceadgool...7...: ....... ...... 0-7-5 1-2 00 7779 1-2
Duluth, Sao. 1 nor. 072 1-5 0.60 7-9
Toronto I•tre -8li13-4 %I•te't,It.
Zxport cattle, choice, por cwt. $3 23 4o $4 SO
do medium it 3744 to 41153 50 3 5025
do core.
Butchers' export
Butchera' tattle, picked
Butcher:4:111.1e, choice
Istnehere' cattle, fair.
do eonut•on
Bulls. export. heavn • • • ...... • •
do light
do feeding.
do :•to.lilt
Feedere, short -keep ...
do toodnent
do light ...... ..
stockers choice
Stockers, CO111111011 ......
Ill eh cowl', 04055" ..... ••• • .•
Sheens ewea, per ow.
tilteep.InteltN per ewt
Colo,. each ..........
Letub. per 4941.
(*ahem, per head.. . •
Hui- choice, per cwt....,
lino. hien. pre ewt ....
lite.r...far. per
do vow,. tier ettt. ..... • •
950 ooto.„ 599 r eat '
•• .9go tor era .....
450 to 480
4(0 to 440
3 tle to 4044)
3013 to 360
es to 275
3 75 to 4.
31* to 3744
73 to 3 50
75 to 250
3 00 to 30
3745. to 44013
:423 to 375
275 to 3245.
227 to 273
44 )3 to 54 OD,
325 to 310
2 50 to 2755
2.1* to :458);
3440 to 385
390 to 10 00.
to to 0 05'
3.; 50 o OD,
1,3 to 000
75 to 9 05
4 35 to 0 00
200 to 3013
ish pastilles, are 11:411.
...J. r,.. Ito t44'4.4'44 ,2 4; -I, thy, ,N.1...; eae.„
MT/este:Xi:11)Na'. gee...sole mt. .t.,,t.,14"4: kot 11,1e, IL Pri'•-•--- se I`t11.4-......,. •roie :a Est Oh*. Ugto,.. ((Pot '.13. -At the
--I am wam,r jottirm down Item; ni Nov IrmnEtt .c. Itttt::,. ', I :. 11,,;_ 9,4 *Ir",!.4, elg', .? W4 .11.11`.11ist lir:I.:. , gO„,„,..ra Tow57,0•,,.. 3, 515. of Tratlit
,. ot BOO mild. 1.9•44, 4 i: , e. otre of ulo" ;.,:•. 1;s,'4450'5. '33 ollortoi 41;1 boXos Of,
I.:rotting' Shoes.,
their order from my note Ittuto14- .--_ !, pool:, ,,..1 1,44,40. to to of .19.1.-9;tio. II"' " ' et.ii'99,:, ` a,4 17 els •11•1err". tacred 914,,,,
t :too 94 Lt. 5.494 .. •'311,." .111., ?foto 1'I 44 uo'."•,, ti .* ' f al esele 11* eft 4 n1' . 1%!.!!. of totiOur. l'i[..00l, tall ottid au
Comm, taary -Tie- tr,b;0 +4 tool letel.'.!..,' 41'''.",!!''`' t 5 '1 '1'. I '`. 'at' t" 404 .„"''' s%.5"" -; 11 1. 1tI4, 1.1 *II .I"Ith• • bitter at :M..
- -oilN.,51411 .104 1. ,01 ou. to too- most not : u o. . •9 V 9
lidiliOtinii Mit VS: lob iii t VW,: 5,-.111911 134 IA.." 3 ,i,, ,...4 L,5 ,,,LA:s, '.44,304 4444 a 11 5.,,,,..,053 ,rli,1,,.. v"..N• .%1 ....%-' •
0 VTitA,114 s'os C5‘0 ill Ot01-5,l' 4 igs.,,t , :. itontu 4 4n t',' too:Moon port of 1115156 or Illamitton Netive,
Vitt 17% Tata* won' 44 ,5.o 4'44'101.., ..ti...= '1*fil 7 t4:6"11 '..Y t! ,, Vit' O''':,: r'' :It 0010,A151... ;P,i 1ttnri CI 5441 5.45113110 C. ;744reL9 were trio,
" - -• • -, ' - -'' - . t lo.rila
'ClIqt4-.41/11-'11 wall vet -Y 51m5-olfroto gavel preeineto et -Doerr! 1 . aarde used net =eines. Tine raiirst out...r of the ,T944 1, Do 3 oo", el 2,, .7.4 1o4,49,
ilafattituut 44335144 44 550555 1" pelt latict9 1551 51 an •:5•40. ors, who, of dishes un lite 4135'445.5t,1'333 5114 iltire 1.4994,913ze. •„ 3t•,L a - to„ (."' 6' !"'-`" """'•
53 1-3 ritta. walla eater* for tine a31111," I". S. girls. the 545.4410t5.4544 415441 shooting 8-05 58.544l moutue1 tr.; t•9:5493t-Otil'a 3..91 z•V:!!'.1
.55.44 nualusitoto, owl interesting 53"L541110(5. 91n3 5.5.4444515.evottere 1555.5.44351 mongrel the fforest of Foritaiteeblean were.' tacreas1144 taLtr.:91rs icotoull of goo ••• ''••••
05 Mir *8)44,5)155055tile toe* sit 'RUC' rrtaep.
2Ic115n5 14,04flot,F,, taidi Most oppo.ne a scs
ropriate ui 8.1 ‚.I5'-15. va944tiorg thro
y . A to9.4,7g r,,9• 3.43 he tit '''In'""'"
07.1atkqA in the At ettelose ohne for tine lelitor to Iheatetelin tia•h-e rov • " • ,
Fonteinebicate it. is ty poi
bear hie oat.) But the lde.a ninny not alere etiminesie eee et es": . •PW.*'
%tittle a High Toned Alta.ir. 7
3l933aattri,„, g,,„„d•U
,.. r
On 1 1110 11 t tioonselie? LOreneothug that Wass o ertile and abed. :t astaeeso 11544449144 ton, i:1•4 ,
1theeloofthelatierenowaentbenewtoyou,inyour landwhere5.5(5.41L11')0t4molesam3 l.r •
'" - • ` •
5.1 Frenh llowelern h'y cone the trotoorleial notional- eatailheel SANE• 441+0 8- loNa.
.1.10., amps s:cdi 3,13.721. rr.etelt taste, ne hininerent. not sae- week, tram pargo, hope g,a tog 1 coul I to. moltoted :Oa tBorit ly pre-
nastats Dere t1533
mese] ani tient 41517'3' all tine eery- of mans- oeto 5o3„5,ilmr.7, vrioe.23 aee •
,0.o oast
15. ,9.i...s.„.....5.0:445,..,o
get03tv,m,1„1„gaas ra
1311•• n1111 teat 15.15'- finly tht (5110seesthem
tcs;ood go,t1oth
for shirl waistsnod co forth. 4t"ne'niolY4.kothe
444431.1 3)0 Cht lo. ., Oleos
-eOg.tyu3e a..o. .mmu..TI„acL
nto-r93eoLnkod7 taev,tf.idfitaoi-crht,,.a/ 4r4ioeta1nc33t4
arf' rt„
ehi'l-tgeei'ry t.e.rh"ia'rLwn
i"I" lld'1„w,
t1 neirnwt
tsio p•ipu1nt4linto' i•t1tirtt1
ttllrlki1.5&aOt!_oh't, ueo1-11LiFta.VXu..N...9ei*9.377z.,99.9u.1 i1tturir
etot,,tNte-e1:-tr;_o• s,o73o t ,9•; ,Ls, - . 45. . ..•11.o. - 6-. 39::l-io:tttBtb.
ot. o..•''0 '',9;-.s1..;,oc.2t1afo-1r'
Or 44 .t1 5.5. 44' 11t30aOal
t hs itswindiit51 wMckIV.tr %5o5.4l y9 45.414
13+ Klterced bel:0 "212ly 14 bo iAO-.Siwi „970lcae-t0
O liatuor wipagrerSO 111:11 4
.1t"111"'e 10nnatnme -r-r:oo• .
vyrdyetre littlo "nch" in ansa" al P.°'GTtiAITE4at.
3111"1. 4,39„94
lLoottereveees o1xps
• e . .
1w,ere i7:ete4 et,135.'f'-5.
9.0 ,11 .`.." ..,7-
I may 'b 1/47" 11•' rurrl'rwrf he .jIL
• rootlk, 1att ert»44543touchBi
440 545.35448 tor Tritish1-115"44 uts 447ol hove
thesliolat4sttilionut 04 their reception
by the lltahltantsotinoresa:
esit Or raorooereson ..i4f1e
• .
5105.58,445 reoll out 34134110. It is going
Itu7 o9lclk
11••: :.i.
44 cr3ouaton 501 tr.rler:tAftr10 , _ -J _ ' -445..
trine to troop,. too" unwnrs. ta.II truly
faitral,AuV 110%!V Sty" -O, 5544peitries
4..,:447 ton souloctive to he
Not otay is the variety to: skins so
,, oo 4,.: it. O. Sor,u. trst I,. :TOW - s".• -e r% :.:......:::r., ...::,- ;,,:i.,!..,1 a... ...,10 tt .., ...0 1:t, 1. r.I .z. .2,-..,a,--- ,t':•,9
tith” r" i ett'd 1'3'1-'1' to r'cl211.*1214*e".. " "'7- 5. tion tor th." r.:11, Pt-tr.r..1,1s ton: il z:. n „Ayr., . ,.:..9r, "ou le L. : to, 7 itee,4-4 :1
nianY 01. -Ule g'reatts5 linen /n 115:-.'111 (-On Nare.u4,11 he- woo t74 1,9e -.9 lii" 4 4,1 roL6•,,,,.,, f_. „ .....!•,; vu • ...-:•.1:7 - :4-: On-uot. for
o -L.:4,o, i., 3_ i- 19is 1... ;1.i 'i, iiii14,..d?..! ' 444.5.5..
11:11.ile I '7.14Z IlagC9':ii, 1;S: L5 . It.!it ft.:2;111:1On; 4.9.%'"?;:aL bLit ll'e ttin'111:°''' °I. ImaklIrl'4 u NIEV 4 trite &one ordeal to :Sind mar- 5. If the avenger 'of loloe,l, otir-94 • ...-Ls, ."....3.. t; 4_ 4 Z.zz.i ., fre,,,,Lt 71!: - $TS -
(-.3 ..* WO* s-• - - -• 1..-- - - , 61;1'.... 11- * 0;an up almost ball'I.PR .1 ,+ . 1 3 • .,, .. „ ., _1 ete, _oo,130.17: 03300 34;3. 23.4.79,-.4., _7,4 on•-• .4,f ., .o.. -Lo of to:, s. eT r, .:,o.099.4 a :,len 9.oroil
. . . V' ... ; ..,N-clii Bortet, tlio.. mast lite:retinal * Ille9'.o lentos. 11:,-'11 11.*711CP.i, t'lin479 4 ''..t -11i.L.t.E.:: 44-!....ZLITL•11E.1.,1,t th:.• it'^ -5S: titi '5.•'•
have, suffered equal 0.44.gs and sato' to tile atienger of 11Ocol.
un•a Iluargtinis PItts""t 14 Boring the past few Vents" for-or:aft 1"1/1"111' '
` n4)11 J127,0l51t:.,"; 3 itas inado such rapid strides- teowards ate anted of men, grail mope than 3„Is of intended raineder. luso :o:4" t." ; LAT :17; :07 13,2; pap„:-.
teal deate. reasite aria 'angel; pnrf*tction that One IR rain 1.0 ciasstfy
came are tell In 44-5.51515 1* anion the motif n arts. cut. staite of terusa:s, and ono of thum otherwise woold 5.44 r,1'. 5'.2=-'•'•95 e: lic.1.--sgt
• tos,'• intereseld In rat ereapee"5.5.55,4445
rsn-liineeet- fie a fat heel Was 511515. Wtni.-..TS 10 p•945 hint to teleatl'2, ot toe too 3,r,:to ;L. to 123, efoo..ao
.,g .d teen to pose , • „ ..C13..er,31 g'c, "to on e le whic5.,. left a stioe- to Ws Bast day.' where the orarder took pl9"ce, nom; otrz. Tool Ileluron la the FooLLIL.
. e nis 9 ,
titeir way, anti 1.47 Yon ouirslr's rar,ks most higiny. le a hen he fell en idly in love with elioniel. by his (Iwo rooito, 4.0 t e4ts,. of J4nolatu were seer. taut-
:Oiss Chotworth, of Ann. sky-, a yonog" the city and be found Inv the eveae- " no, to,O, Oniv two and one -
eyes t to olioe "
woo only- a atTrt0Tir revvorbil:- or entii'd nOt touch Nan. urolrs-; t posozon
esputcially ir ctilaa Iltkalzi to (.411r."; good houses selnete etet of ske
tha baby a "see44 C" an its fat fiat, teeev i• Parisians are lietoted to Furs heiress of son', beauty itlto was
are your doge' 511 -main rat litc: Tim' They are chilly rnortele at all timee two years under than hinrale But
eltildren esrtabtly have very pretty '; et.eaaing a .
"courant detir" as a till Chaworth treated ad the boy's
•- ' - • L,
er. alio might then take ille• 494144 trate •were itotated east of tiEe
The eity -was a plaee oreope.. to ,44.r.Ots. hot as toeir territory PX-
alitie a :man remain, 91 witit...-1 its 134.4,;930o rouar31,- es ear oesoo aria sootgl
W9)015, .."‘" ti•at V`e uxes. W4.00 5-133-
3934 color59ng, fair has' and bugg.".L.. snot,: : does water, and loxi-- to muffle. ' ' ' ' - 1., " -
hoored laces. Tirty get ly.mtz; e, -'123t- thkonselvos up ity rcay 0,1,7d eoplettiA2 tempt. 0.0 altleengh he anis "'sulfur -II 6. ishan dwell in tbat eity--f7:: ti n.1 tvitit the sat54 . oniony 503r cities
ond 'eggs ana nrastY "loll- , but no . fur g arments. t•zo rrenen terriers i' . f 1 .„•"'" f I e etonerated front milli:1 mitioloo• It' of refuae, so toot tit.•,y mignit be
.1.11.1 Ser;015:4:7. WAS Vaft., bet onoh* :So :Ong' r4s h ' reaolly iteeetoli4e to, all a -1,,o sutould
ranch eis°9 i=h1503". Tile „hea,s0„s, s,r„e ktiott- 'Mutt ts 5'14O i5 an./ expeeted ''''sk•'--"0 refused to take I
Mit. the erowning biow cane, when, remained within the city eitd ..- need 1I.tort. It is oxf.re.,:sly stated up
an sPollessl.7 01.esn• 'sns accun"Y ; of them and are prepared to give 44
t t a sobtrbs or one thoosand Loiluit.„! -- Den- xix.. 3. tiott, ti.ty were to
gaS1lc. . l
3 re-
UPPY earingtePerl'et;rotthrdeihispierhigelswerthsaYtohetmod:AlfttC41I r4'44.1. at theaown -ten vote/ai-
vood the walls. No50. xxoc. g.ore wave to ‘9,e1u.
Oaxl pans, inostly- h.-irloomts with a Hats have rot escaptd the for fur5.ore. z•-sa tidak I enled esre onLirthinff foo Ile must. remain 111,re. awaY treco: tor.st ts 0•:r rufitgo-Toere
blig 1)"•tigt"' r11441. do .nate 1 and many are beiog ,A3,0„, eiti„„t, 3 that lome boo .?" °II:1st-m.4 spoecit,' MS /101nO and toshoess. till the . ore some respocts in ittitio.4 'lite an-
1.0.ais t he afterwards sail, °was like a sit 4t death of the high priest. I'iLt:* to, en eit eetiee oi 334 445.' weee soggei.-
eon sorry to say-, go in for m949Ie or trivortell in IL A pi etty-
the picturesque eostunies of =Ito :Kysha,pa at miniver Imo a drapery 1 through my heort. ..kithougia It was ' death, of the lifotit gole-o.-4: '091-' tote of tio- •.e.g.t.4.1...r.t pio.o1,-,. 3 for 33s
with i late and pitch dark. r darttd out. or !tom this Imprisoom,,nt co93'.1e.sto titionolt Jesus (1.1i -a. Those 341 44
Norman and Breton p asantry; And of eof t epineteb-green VeiN-01, the 3515111.0awl 'lever *topped ruottlug , only thiwough the 41'::tti Or 44 .454 were so OrrnI`uX••••1 44 51'. they were
after their firtnt '''`Paricasa.' Ints white &liras arranged under the Al
anohtled high priest. easily reach 9.1 froin all parts or
passe(' the wanner] are dee/I:telly brim; an ivory Iong-imireel ft it, versr 1 1355.111 I rrschr'd IC .wstead-" _
51014" '5.00 alm9out as nandsonie 7. And they - appointoLl - Pother. Israti. Cialit oar to f5.10 131913he ,
ho-mOly, and wrinkle very quickly., supple and silky, h::s a narrow brim- i
arapere of crgifted as Byron, knew from they .attetified.
F011tatnebleati taxer Is a fascinat- edge of sable, a. cream 11 set 9:tort for a fount 19y 3:11 who are in earnest to 1,
ing old town, clean and pietttresque, , 151300 55514344 a tuft of iolnienatrosvn ; more titan one eXperie1100 the "pangs Sacred purpose. Tho eittes of re- find him. Roads tvere carefully made
With Its forest entourage, and its orirysa.atimmoms "en eneimpeigne," 1 ar reicatlan-r* After he ha d been ex- fuge were intended to prez•errs, tho to these eities of reote:e. anti the
isite Gem or Palace and „vet 415:05.15.440 of the elm,' p„r„.3a,_ I pulled "'ram Oxfird land Went to • people and the Itigh land from blootl svay to Jesus. is always eloar, ar9.1
sient Isla Eilvery ciOnelillia. a Ith foirlstondon. with Iii -7 ft llow•ouIprit, Hogg, 1 guiltiness; hence the ntmointment the gat C.3 of aoep• 1 grace are ever
i Ills landIas datoghter, who Imre it the idea of solemn consecration.
ith rooms u on -
eat in itS Mast. It Is trtily ail en- or panne in a deeper shade, and a : o live, he, reit vatikntly in Owe With ' 1.0 so high a purpose carried with open. The cities of reing,e were for
chanted palace, w P cluster of yellow senate.% ers under
the brim. 1 the romantic name 01 Eliza Jen- -tam. Rib. Silt eitles were appoint -
rooms meet exoeisitely decorated,
with rt treasures wherever your
kins ; but Eliza, even though he ed for this purpose, three nn either
Mars Will be Iinge threatened tit.) 'commit suicide In side of the jordan, easY or 8•('"'"S
eye ehanees to rest. It takes many
merry 'visite to see it peopetly. A and rather square in tempt, and, nee his despair, ref -steed to have any- from ali parts of the land. 'None
guide Ncill rash yen through in an the boas and stoles-, will be much be- thing tl do with' him; and when but Levitical eities were ehosen,
hone tend leave yout mind In a state aceleed with paseementErse ornamente , a few eaonths Teter, having thetight and thus the refneees, during their
aching srter your rEqdd more! "The far blouse sem again be sought to console himself by pay- assistande and instruction of flee
of wondering bewilderment, with and tuts, bat stuffed Ilea& are nO I better er the suicidal threat, he stay, watdd have tine benefit of -.he
Mr. Goodman -I unererstand you
were et that prize fight last night.
I'm surprised to hear of 440011 at-
tending ateli a disgraceful affair.
Sportiboy-1t was disgraceful, sure
enough Why, neither of those big
dabs could .it hard enough to dent
.3 t 47:94,,OlOOIO,O at'orageo.
▪ 44131 Ono•ls 3.9.4-. acre.
5.143!.--,- for '..ufni'ito'Ion, altd
t eittetierr:,,*3iretiteteas heee:
read. Avee
51 eeent. 34.11„:-OLO,...4341
• o I.O.BOS„9114 „l1f4.42
rEcux •gui.O.7.9 t011":4,650 11114
Itrallstreets* on Trade.
tir,1....c; 01 1C .Y.Al'ea0
110: 4400. Toe Lhoto.'9utelt of
• tr.-other lot coos:Lig 94 good deu•
LIV-!,11.•"4 11!!tv 511 1144 for tioS
• u.i.tocur„,g1,43194. "I„Dore LI, vuol deo
inao.,1 four 1110,n.:'.1.- an 11 ratES reillahtt
00 34,8 been a ste•aLly :Llentaril
foo ' ' woo •- oto•F-9 at o• *to
tv7 k. T1499, toCos t:LiS inetotth
9.4 tar_ou Co:ere:Ise over ,,
11.012CS4i!) Or Stale*
sl,'4415; 4445.
fOoro '1,9 a. fe.494,3not
foi 73;:o.r000s tate
1-4141544445.44' 44's's4454:4.r .8
• ;
.• 47,14 Q 71114i itorIse.,,,,t
k,"!ZiLi‹,.:;:",1:C.,;' goo:S. and
treeee 57. wetaesesie net i retail eirelett
to,ot active L17.:ring the. post
▪ - f:vr traOre
continoe.: entirely satisitte..9
•.,..,,••• ...a• .,,,,,,
141-,ni.ore.,t-s. are busty Voling 0343
!or$.,-asoqulb*"..e goo le, which thdo,
5'" 44,5- wara tno assort stocks fate
tante winter trac:e tc-',;•teu. It is ex-
p. •9:•..• tv9.. orger Loo oecer t'oarr
to pi..' to..os „7. oars. uratio.,ers or-
rs are large atol tootteroos. and
uo,3... ger 344 iv? *-0,...ttio2 Or Light,-
ehios go:els tlian 179,-.0riton-ly. "Vaguest
94: 4.4.4.Lp7o• goi-o .94 ore, foolt.,9.--
4.9 e..•• f4'_e44 that 'in 7n11.11N: cased
tloy eort..: not 'be reph.col for the
sal..:1•1•r "alit ..4411iOrAnteti -MO
sortho; .15: 011311345 frorn Otlubing firma
Pacific Cestet Ottely. and
tr371,,-9 1.4 in a. inore .satisfaetory 0051-
35as been active at. Wintnipeg
w;o4t. Tire money u4realation
inere.asing, as a r.oril" of 'Vie. latiet,
transactions it, voltrat, arel old
scores. are being p•ild off at total/
t rIantleLoeneltitti.nr err.
tole is being favorably'
. oft...Le-Led by the Incre,49779. in the ..3.3raler,
' deliveries' at country markets.
1 In Otthwa, as reported to Brad -
street's this week., the volume a
trade is large comp:trod with pre -
time Ineansons at • this time.