HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-10-31, Page 2�_ ----_
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Oranton Man Is now Able to
I : 11ake this Answer.
, Xuirfulg 11riends did not Always Get
. :SuOIX a Cheery Reply because for
I :! Many 'Kears Mr. Fletcher Suffered
I" with Lumbago.
:�ranton, Out,, Oct. 18.-(Speclal)-
ji-, ,Tobn Fletcher, a -well-known
Irmer of this place, who suffered
br a -long time with lumbago , and
Rdney Trouble, her. at last found
1, cure.
� Now, whien his friends IncitilrO as
fo his health, he cheerily tells them
I that he is well, something which he
1tas not been able to do for a Iong*
time till quite recently.
Mr. Fletcher tells the story of his
Illness and how he was oured, as fol-
"I was troubled for a long time
with Lumbago and Kidney Trouble-
Ify arine ,was of a very red color.
I tried many medicines, but could
get nothing to help me.
"I consulted the best medical doc-
t. Ma.ry's, but
they could do nothing for me.
"At last ono day a druggist, in
oddts Kidney
Pills as a cut* for my Lumbago. I
purchased a box and began to take
thent right away. The first box
belped miN. wid I kept. on till at last
I was completely cured.
"I am now as well as over I was,
and have not anv traeo of Lumbago
about me. I am '�orfe,Lktly Found and
I thank Dodd,s Kidavy. pills for It.
"I recommend them to all lin
friendi, awl as for myst�lf I never Ili-
.ten,l that my houso shall boh without
them, for I liNieve them to bP the
greatest nimllolne In the world.1"
Mr. Fl-tcher 19 a man who lueans
every wor,d Ili- ttrys and N prepare,l
to subst.intlate, tilt- truth Of OYPI'T
Wtatement nrul- altorP�
There qk,enrN to 1w no etwp riT Lum-
bago, Uaeka(-!:4�. K;�!111`v TI-011blo- Or
RIZeunia-Li".M. t1tat Po,M'.; N1.1116, .V
1),iUs will no,. ('11r,",
it Did.
Lady Vi-vit"r ty,# TV-' -!Vo 'Vl�t"
bEvarni, os thn't O'.
_Uo uittrn ��w4 had
ucre kPlic " 'v'. -11
Utt;e , iarl-%��%�.. llra%an4% ,
Llarql ?
Lady V�,J.� .T-,%0 %Vn� t� 4lrj*t%1j0'i�j'.
I;jttit� t;W--%'
Lajj.y V�N:tk�,r-I.ovwt ?
Ll"le 9ii7%--%:
Latly Vt-W,rl*.4i-t�*'IVAV�
Uttlo 00r�-NI,`,'
Ls.4,V I i,.'Au-r Th�ln whAto-Ir 11P,
Canto te, ti 7
l'ittle 06w,At� J�V?w,,4! �ttA llnfol fA
03t, __.
Y'Ne.LISII!4p-.,%N)%L-t-Nt%ll'NT ru'�MVO
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AU har'l. fl,'�J� �.�L�` � r�'L"�",`�..,� P;']' 'L"gt �611& 9`?�, �
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�N�qbw Verik Ventral and ItUdIA0
M%rr Itaftread,
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I THE GREATEST 11 ,hluts 10J 11
+ + IOU, a OF L00��04;PVQ041W%_AP_Q4%P%A � a
SHIP CANALS. $ .¬her thing WLI .Must romember etc
+ I Every fari-ner knows that is that in Summer the hair becomes Ski
+ musty Smelling, if we are not care- do,
L .... k,++++o some plants grow bette� than
. . ful. brany giris eareles'sly pull down thsThe oldest and most unimportant others. Soil may be the same the hair -at night, ran the comb Un
ship c,anal Is that of Suez, begun in and seed may seem the same through it, and then braid It in a da
185�.6 and completed in 1869. It is tight braid or else pile Ltlui) on
100 miles In length, and cost $93,- but some plants are weak and top dai
000,000. It was at f1rst 51 metres of the head with severa hairpins. Ing
wide on top, 22 metres at the bot- others strong. Now, the hair should always be Tr
. braided at night, but never put up
tK*,n, and 8 metres deep, but In 1892 And that's the way With on the head i�itb hairpins, for these ne
$14D 000 000 were expended to in- Pr
cr��se &se dimen,stons to 77, 84% children. They are like Tioung break the hair, and It 'is bad enough
to have them in the hair all day. kn
and nearly 9 in-etres respectively, plants. Samefood,same jorne, But the hair must be ventilated Ar.
and ht -is now proposed to Increase ,light. if you wish to do It in the
the depth to 10 metres. Ships are Same care but some grow big best way for coolness of the scalp c4
allowed to pass through It at a and strong while others stay as well as ventilation for the hair, thl
speed of 5 85-100 ml!es per hour,so do it in this way: p Lrsrt, upon taking th
that Its whole length can be tra. Small and weak. the hair duwn, shake it lightly so
versed In 18% hours. Night naylga- Scott's Emulsion offers an through the fingers. Then use a stiff E;o
tion is made possible by electric brush vigorously for at least fifty I ,
11whts, which were IntnDduced In easy way out of the difficulty. strokes. This cleanses the hair Of ble
ISST. The tolls are $'-' per ton. In .
187-0, 486 ships passed th,o,gh the Child weakness often means a part of the dirt pollected durlilf by
the day. A.fter this braid the Ilair to
canal; In 1883, 2,026; In 1900, 8,441. starvation, not because of lack loosely in many little braids all over In
in, the year 1889. 2121,348 passen- of food but because the food the head, winding ,the ends with
gers were transported. I mnall pieces or hair colv�cteu fro 0
h r WIlliam Ca- does not feed. brush. Never with elastle bands, for
nal to conncct the North Sea with
the Baltic was began. and the ca- Scott's Emulsion reallyfeeds these break and out the ends. For
. those who want to keep the hair in
I med I- 1895 Its cost -1 : 4-U -1,; I A rn in +k 1,-,. 1. a
___ ,
rof. W. I-lodgson Hills, OfAcial I
alyst to the Dominion Govern-
ut, States that 11 Sunlight Soap has
thorough cleansing power, With- 11
ut danijer to the clothing or
n.00 Women who want washing
e thoroughly cannot 1138 better
n Sunlight Soap -octagon Bar.
like common soaps, there is no
nage to the clothing, and no
ger to the skin ; hence the Say- I
: Sunlight Soap reduces expense.
y Sunlight Soap -Octagon 13ar-
xt wash day, and you will see that
of. Bills is right. He should
I His Observationp
to do 00ule-
ng for your country ?" asked
e earnest citizen,
Young man," answered Senator
rghum, "I have read history, and
have observed that all the trOu-
s countries ever have are made
people who claim to be trying
do something for them."-Wash-
gton Star.
Monkey Brand Soap deans kitchen uten-
sils, steel, iron and tinware, knives and
forks, and all kinds of outlerv. ..
inn sy as _j, .
was $10 000,000. Its Iength Is 98
is 9 metres,
an r, ves �_ 5 ;5 ourl
in warm w - -
Powdered borax, I ounce;
k1lometres, its depth
,ngth, gum
arabio, 80 gralas; spirits or
and it is traversed in less than 12
Whatever the cause of weak- camphor,
6 drachms; warm water, 6
hours. Its rec,e'pts do not cover e\-
Still another canal cannect-
riess and failure to grow.— ounees—N.
Y. Press.
tig the .North Sea with thP Battle,
Scott's Emulsion seems to find
Ulnard!s LinIment Cures Burns, etc.
was opened in 1900. its length is 65
k1lometres, its depth only 3 motres,
it and set the matter right.
ano.1 its cost was $3,000,000. The
Send for free sample.
24oderittzed Form.
51anch�-ster ship canal, Is 87 kllo-
Scott & Bowne LiStS, Toronto, Ontario
,,;, Me=
soc. tx.00; all druggists.
Sunday School Superintendent -
metres long and ni-arly metres
ChUdren, what are we to tell sat -
, )�000,000.
deep anIrl Cost IA87'
Amstprtlani I,% connecLed with the
---------- - - - -- -- -
an when he tempts us to comnAt
Sea by a sillpeti.nal opened InI813,
Rotti,rdam L.; llkpwi�e conticeted
'I'lls, Ut,st Lifter
Hiram -That boy of yours what
sin ?* -00 lwwy
Children (with one voice) -
w1th doep water by a canal opr-ned
went to college could do Sow,' E� pow-
back and Sit down I -Chicago, Trl-
in 18(lo. St. Pptershurg also 11-118 a
,rful lifting With the clubs and
shipeanal 25 kll;bmetres long. Tile
Oulf or Corinth C,inal was rijilshF,d
dumb -bells."
,411as-Yes, but I always thought
ures Dandruff.
11 k110-
.n 1893. it is onlv 6 3-10
more of the other ona!a lifting VOw-
metrer. in len-Itil. and cost about
$4-A.000 000. Kowigsllerx has a ShIp-
33 LHO-
lIir.xm-Dld lie lift damb-bells and
Dasty Ithodes.-Dey sent up Lazy
van -0. voniplAe,l in 1800.
mitreq lollm that 00"I about $%-
the like?",
6711as-N70; he lifted, the mortgage.
Bones for tei) years' hard work.
(W,,�,�100- Thoro are two great Adl.s.
- . -, , ____
Weary Willle-Yes, bat lie got It
.,,an 1; in Anti r e -. c ks fl�- t�n � U'ikes
31luard's Untment rellove9l Neural-
commated to a death sentence.
jTjjr.vr. alDtl Supw'4)r. awl anoth-�r.
tb, - W. J!��U-I.ron etij= En - an I On-
tar,1M Tha eavals .'it -At UMdu-cltr-
judggarlit Day.
vi A 21.qI10001 t,,.11_j ill 1,lall. njot,o%
tieqn twfep titat of .9026-z for th"
Tjr� .qi,ottl�_Jj .%mPri(,,l,n U419 a story
31pssra. C. C. Rialiards & oz.
�-"nw y-ar.
of Z16 horse de.,h.r Ill a :iieotcli town
lt�wd. a horw to a sollettora Tjle
eirentipmen,-My daughter, 13 years
, .
lat*�r. vjtjj�,r 0trough bad a6age or
old. was thrown from a sleigh and In-
jared 1wr elboir so badly It re malued
,)I Stops the cough
Iond iWorks Oft the ('Old.
nola�fi% otntr Cause. kalipa the borse,
Mi. dt"Mov lrw�stej upo" pay-
ff. a
stiff and very painful for three year It
I I"
,ujent Ivy bill it it %werLa not convenient
eompletely curM her, and 6be llaS'nQt 11
% tw.la;, .1*oL.T4V,,..%4Aj,�q1 11rl,1f.15A,,4.Nt6.
to pa�'eash. T4o J�D,wyer had no ob.-
In,A, 14"t bald it
Upen troubled for two years. 0
J,ptiqL to grant 4i
,n,,,,t twt� at 4L 1pygg q,,,Ltp� Tile dealer
Yours truly, 2r
told fulat to th% U14 own timpi when
tjjo� Mtn t)f J�tw tIrmw tv proints6ory
at. jose'vil, V. Ca., Aug. Is, 1tw. I
Intere*tIng 01m.0%401tes Itikeent1l
J�,,�.J. nlokavr, It payaltIR on th(% day
Ahode its V%p1twIng, Uistilts.
*_4f, jgj,1l, I
�njo,,nt. .*tn 4�ptjqjj w.t" ralsM,
Zia,, (�vro-U Valhohe MOON. 10I,) are
I Y. hint t h -N tol.1,-Itor a vzk,�d UIP prehidiul;
� % jo*�,,: NNIon IoT vo, vv -10.1 jt'wtluw� o",
lot,*4.4 is �p,ktpljrk,�. are
1,14"k:o fo hwt� at th'.. t�U Ila%tuf donp
#�%a. ItJ14� SqpJ44s ro It Io I -. I TM3 J)jtj q per,
popt Lkws jublZee Tlam. t
� �L,� C1,,qtvu U"* tl"r
. L-A UU�Jln 4,� 1;,��tOD ,a hal-I't.4v tqqwr� 1 Ve
fv0l.w 1�wkv,l.awl .is tlat,As thi'dayot
I that p-to.
Of tit( ,-, taniny wagntltepnt ant) 0013tis. t
� A, %o,:ro, jn�.WNCO�l m3.% jjnretowz4_1 sew�-
t,ti, ri%o�tt. ,!I�-trkL4 TOU �tr
11,11 .4,
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" v,#. _,,1, ", t
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Intorrow %
On tho, ocenNion of tilt, t4lver 4
V0V,0,f_,' t�'�, .J,t-o, �01 kh%krma 1.11"'l,
of LIR 1"InAnksate Is %Ili* juldlofe
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vr., " $Ill% i ts r?
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1 WIU q, wva r-
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M ther volj:hs o,*,Cr two lw,ands.,
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�V J��,�q tn;,.,... V,,, k%r�,,�;, ,,I,
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I Z. , I " at
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a rk'�'.,Mvu IPTguad"I ""Aitr'a t 11 ��f ,_
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!, UVQ,iF-- V� I�, A, �,n 1,')n ,;..� ,!�!Jr t -i -I Zr,,:�_n One ! a few- v,'1IU�&,,,, A stl:17,nt., tm- � -
"I !I,';�t-.,J,T,1,1. ; ,-,
11 S-1,01 -�-J�. Vt�4:, , U�ir-"q`: ruo:_, - -
11 SdQ'abs Ofl-?�,.e '4*0�L,�Otlt,tlui 6!q. hq?
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I eaus tt-wt eu .-
lowl.-A b'y
rt,nnu p.lian, follow -1-1 bli�
� �
) I I - ,-gp TjJ!"',�V 'T,�"1'11V� 04 V01�-4"t n e,-�.a,zt'�,W* *m �
- tvl%�kp:tz'�U%V; .,.� .,1r,`.,,,- ... , , t, -J,Jvu�'t,..
11 t�`.Jr : � , �, V ttl n, -�9-�aw tow, ( , [,.ir- Iz
11 wela-ste r��,,n,,l
(% t'er=a�'Vraf eLrjT`-. DI[�! q1y9: -'a I"_aVB
�, - " - ,, .,-,*� --a-, ----t .
il "T IVIZ- Ioj�q�._L_ 1 M � � on� _-Ilrl ell,,.-L'PA), O,t �L 0 ng T.,U- I -In -.,J,!�
to -r -.-tan ,�* -4 t�� tv,,�� .'�'� _44n,4%�W,:,-A �.�-dv "be .1 11.,�e_t " -
� , *on V,Ilvtetit�,g Itom a V'r-Ty ba'a
i[ . .
L.r fo)t 'JU4 V� % Ugtosllghri
ii 2,_,,01�5_v allr- ��e t,'��Uy &,o�m a e'Las,�,!, w -
! KITeu T vkatkf-in a -A t,t��cjflt s' -JI g,�)5r_g t13 !A�
m�g ,�, I." . -
�. -� '" wiIt'�n a le r -1 =
to am
Le,j .C�p ,_ _ _6Zt-q
r -It" .�rlug ZoatIMM I L1.14 tten Ufto-pt I
t,t,'t',ir -Ae. oee-,..O_,M_,�� �
I C,L"r,-B. w� .,* v-1-ziner E�e t._��,q a lh�rry' t�tt I
��,�px-t�j %TrTvVn to , 1. go ..
4 v')'t1;-km, ocoazvmt Et n" In zf!_,,;� 44t��n-moanl DIV. - 7
. 0. � tE,._na�, P
the doetoes Cate twice, ata -ad Ust-9
- � alo kjn49 of oj�q. otdb'.50eelons cold
� ,
we&!!J%L.±�.�tl: .Ps-m,.�-,:,:��Vr-_tt,�. U�u��Stta 11, t�: Jr. t-.11tr- ol, Nk,& U !' �,4,I%M, 0 oc-TUS51- jk7, . tLs lj,:��t
I _ - - , 'e reg E-.* mt;e:r 5,6g. �"l 'b W ,� t I-, Water, b1noug'r-0. etc.. Vrl ,I I wag
;a L149 'tatt0n, In tL" Mal% It IQ �� rez,a#2li6er.-,A,,r-- I to It ty Yotir vAlunhIP
,�- -4. 1 O.'r1j. ITO, to 9.11!4. Tw',,eMl "111,
- i .�, C�� le, . ; I 15, , , , foy r�Fe_
Vey ejt:�t .,_*M4�t�t,.JL A A= - t - r 3
. o�,!*ajt at 1 tw,ocornrrnu-�� .f�,4'.'e5;', - -,�,-V ar.� ,�t.
' ."
fAhtfY*1Z.V,�t Rftk'-'_§Yz��tC�IAV�b I, I Sj�jj.r,. t�'_%t tC',U��. 'b J� 4er_rl,�,�,uu�vw�-s.jk,� ,1 0-1.1 �wja b*,�n &ilretang so MeBa
I' : . 7. r � 1;, t r. C'. V'L T,) I k t ,,, j I t 1� � n, ��?'Ilter as VE'e't P " .
� ..-.- - 0 tmo to kt-k
Nm-ltt-eiFgg-,,-,--,2,e4,.,?r�.:e,m�s D�_S:., =;m"�� - ,� V� ,_ a -ii,L-,V �'IL , ��,*4- to tU,c %h4- r that It Ttaa at=PnLgAble fm' -
� . r 1TV. I 1,
-�, N, , , im- two Rm,atil
� �yin, tmxvt�_VTT. T, ,,�S W�% 'IMP 4�,� -in
, - . eago� Qa 6.orn.,"�"107y lor worar-M sltud� �j& fxgt but after tty.-ig
LIBBY# MeNSILL & LIBBY �. "I t`.- Ur,.��._Mq 0, ci_ , 'Im- TLe te_ 1 P_ " ime
. n*�10. I,- ts al�o pvy,�SMV� *M.at t1D_ 1, botile; I ara v2easnd to say my r-
- -'s -ON -, , �Vo�-.I. Vbr�reTate. are � I b., " .. � , e, WE-* 1, i � ig r�ow a.
_7 1:_S L w oflsvn�w - . . 'b� , -01 q Imt-K--t arevi strong; as evc,fr.
- , � , =;I7 � r4k,e,
cmqoAmfo. U. a. & . t'-Lrw ra[n� co! t'E.g, Oro M:- oT thL�qonjet 'b-'- "
S mr "U , - �,_�q, . to tt I k,:� aciivalntativ�a WRb �' I 8�mtlld tnive wtitten tyoa li)o�ote.
*ties f6t C�21 t' -V1__ a_1 N�Ilvz tl!i MAFM �*.Zi�t �.27�f<jo�I�"7' '�41 f.L'�-at t1,2 tpre- , �'l � ' L '1.'0jtr
M�,�=o i. It � ,.- _.,. =an ri�,.tr,,,Out an Drjtzewm�ptton)- �, bat Wanted ,5 !,it IV4a It a t In&
i.�_^Zi. -�. r_.�. I sr..tvaltroj OT ti,,_�,� vv�r,y rintlpresan� :1 LDIPF P: -4p? ti!v' C.S3 rL�5 W�alk a ttzal. ,trj.,rl �_,=l jjtaa tt* areorra Von I
_... I r;,"_"'i!rl.�..; 5�_Pt'L_3 rjr',_Jp'�Y,;95��"jo� V,Invang- b8G -H ,
.r i � ;7=g .St. Jacobs eh I
.w,.I.N�-..-I"iii6iii6iiiwi.iiig;iI --- 1. . ,,* .-ntt� a: -A, r.-4 may jr�;rer to � tiat tince U1
,I 11",.4� ,�I.j ff(-`��,Nj,q W2Jk:0, r111:k1_ I
___ , ___.. - . � J1 v�lsls b��,wc�,n ,; w,alltr W.t:� a %1-,.gg�-r' ratho-r V,.an � vav,(2� aevet, felt an,3i'ker tvvinge of
,�, 1 t"p e,%nF-�-1s ,-_!.,03 R"Y.xan t,�-Ah�1Et_*s In , Vr, 1-th a ,N.nl; "'..r.4 wbo",�tk wa�kocg tal Ift1no1v .tit r,=nL,as"_='1.Pn who VItUgMU!
� .111, -11 rrr t, -. -��l - -U
11 , .1, ...1-111 11 , "I � 1� .,T�'.7��-,Qi,�,Lli��,-i.-L,iY-�-ti�:, '. lan 'T& : �� t _6 .-, L4 ab3--n' 'p4_yfk klr�aU"Ea.t e4c'er.0-ji in aft-tetrz eleteas:luv VeIU 1'ejotee toi
... , �; r�l,, oz* 10.)�_,�4. �W,tvl5t-,t�c;A h-lzyv�,?. � I-eA,& of C15 lr,�-Zawvn t�i*-Palrallqon,
I i, ;�, _iTl_ne__�i;�Iq* _u%42e. ;I ;..11 F�t!l,"�;.nt mn� b'�, a =,:I-k,��' (-,In !� W'.�r,ea a-.Ves Sway ",r5tr-I the Ni elfz.-Clto
� ;�
! . I � I '7.,*r,. " _�:a' `10_,t[l�-Ist.ilik- - -�-u') nn:rnjtr,)-..2te.m4,- ,1,�ze,!,�e��-,sw,"ztei%05&nta*�an%v--ysbo
j Z�.L IML '�n_ P. .79 `_ q..�,_V__,O��,,- rr-'20 � -
! I � : �� , �q n�,- io
I LSi - I , :i tnj - q�o " =;ie�,. � � -1 -b - , Z�� -Fj_)Tkv' �,V,F-ry ��,.;brl�
I 1:1 , I
i . � " , . � * t� Prevented
I ,e. . I -, L .4
1 , , �=,�an n ,wc,,.�Jf!ti - ,.I .11 �.�� work nnu emrj-��quntsr g,;�,-. __
L .�
'N � � - - on ,Tllk-�j ranll Is Im ,1%ZhU*%d ladl.kV rnddudg-
, �, 4 � -;n - T.,)I. Ll"D- Love .
! , rej
I ! I I I I j &: a " ,I u_ =4 n. a 4�;; a zz-�:ro in nj�. I
: I � . � � '" 1 lcl V 0 "_i I ,�taL,.g"�r C)f b�::�",.Mg %-u��t�,f-,:It,x , _-;
1-1. . I �1" 1 4 rn ,f,l =nn w'; '-I 's 2j, . �- �4.- .-
,, ,
�, ; �01� 0 . �,;,b 3,=�- � Tb"a t."IW1�4spo-'=-Vail of In ,4m Im
I I 1. Ew. "o�;q F.4T,n4,rvCtjw-. - P,m7fq�) 0. llwa:&N 1.'e =1-st �a
F � 'Un -
11 I �� Xtr--n n� wo�z�m cnn",., L" Up %44D.rg a m;"F-at,-,�r* io:-,� ro,q�.."L7Lf-1 tn� r,-- � =W"41 UI&A 10 or,f-, .V.nt of tw -
; . . - , 6 -�r
� kJ I f 's 0 � 1 :0,-4-z �-.!,v�a-- o: 21,!,U bwm I'Sat .& .VP_,AU0s vmvk) 1 rc-% Tafy,ze.4 vqc-r V,_k� En f oTa,la 11'30�ru, L�'t V10k give
1. 1- .rag' J,Z-.P;,0n.-,n�. If tte, or ten =:rl"ile.% tc` n ada two e 19,
: , to g"t _-3
r 'VV,1'J,-:-4 �awtD,:�ijuD ,.;0,VvVs lvnt" grM't � _P i; - �,
1. -te, e_�� of �In egg, one tea-
,iz ,i_ r ',0V-,-_- ,r,l &,-,I�Tat,nn. n,In,m :s ,,an le�'.e ja gonod stt:&-nt) Le butter ,
,-��' ,.� nk' -:I: prciacdWzyr ,"---,$, t-1 Y'. r�-10:2,at-'O.v Of spoonfut Of saft. two ta'bll,�
jwr-, 1--,Ve jr�e, 19=ZZI t lie,$ , - - a r,v_,� e.,,u% rij, up t. mg U - L yoar�fut4y of P,=.;�,17_ i"'Slf CIIDP ,of
gni htn_`S0n-e,kV itlus- I �L.I, tQ). �Sv.�,- rt - lt;.):�_r, ." 1,L4,-�--2T. �bi�:nc a lvv_�q- �a ;-hC,r.o=L,n_q1 i�tlx,v- 14
11 ,.,,�,,` I �1�21.'�s P,.,E), tv ,�;� - . :. st';�r- w;t, 't
",* ii spo,)n, afl,l iorna
r U*�-., ,I a W.-v�-..':,*�. vl�'�,,L�y � I __.. _S,�, xj��C. .J-,Onr�s- (stu-Tes) L,ar,6 mo ,Sse�
� I ft_jted catar�=-e, st 60:y of " .I les�son by - =ore r.v:..k halt enp at a Vmr-. Stir
I �._ . , ,��-�.n-t�,� :n t,L,; r,;,,* -1 0W L,. -";?_V m! -t. .1 n d
. - - "... , . , , 2 - we'l Une'd
� '�! %� L�-n _1 .",n 1, 77-i- t:�-," :5ra 18 a ; Lan _,tu 4�5-). . L.,
lwhl,cj�, W:,*.l "'t rne'tei to Zny a,-Ij t�arn in,o a ro"n I &�.
4' ,. 4,d(jress on request. r I 0-:,: ar.y -'ra't- S'ry EZ�R .2�, qa�. Is e=- - .. - Wjtb Isutter. . t ft bake two I.Oanl ':
I I . % �! 1. ,,,-, V n;�.,%, t , .% vnn..:k� 1mr-firs WENP Ut V,*J,.,2 :n th--f� ! Wjjen it ja dione. If to be emater, hW
I s _t a sm�*, I , -.. P - " - - . -07ee-. It ja XD��- p�l fpt,tly a U I
- Zt!"s, Iq 7!%5tMtT %', U4'.�,�7":Zqz ,;,�Q,hare '.CMj_ ,Sr,_ -r"-& at �
rmr-L=T 8 0-jr v�zilk 01 F�n* !ewe.-, 11.14,, n e�- ma,� 6' 1).:,E '441� ng,P li'&�!A to 11'.'-`��;"" T I _1� ; I "";j Perry nav, R, With a r.ttle er,�� T� 0_t
4 , 1�,.,,I:,�,n Rvl� we�. 41M 1,.Uln W6 can ba eaten a
.�i -nt S1 -J.-Ir bas'.'!�,Iss "s 5 tak. - r;tro-r,voeave y,9 w 01 1M.- .. ,::'.'�!er, ana voa wg'� Le askt4ir,%dz,m1 tapft2 '
gz,�� eL =_ _. t_1 - irh,,n ,t,o�.d. !L
I ,� --e�.-:r %`" 'C' , . .; - W�vinl,nro A zrn-,:� ""."'C' gt-A U-1; :.�>w qt;�4�k;,�all S�," -4 birl'iKel m bard satma When hot. v
ttir�s;iiwj by ta , . -M-A-4? .
sm:;Its. i I %V C'�. I . - 0.it !"a �� , L 11ttle ,cream Is preternbl��. T1
I 13SLI —
- la -C n �;�,tp Us, ;,Norts at '!'
� I I - . . .�F 0,_T�� " _3� A-.et1-.0 ,I Left In Doubt, . goo"I because, ,go eddry pre
� -IS* ,:ftr , T.":V-na'.-f�.-PIDA,�4" L;1i'l . .
� outstoakM terjtings�
. I � for tbEs stasoa is of special , . � — " 'Jot2n." Shp, lim-4 -I don't kuo%r� .
� 'WZI!ftt 0
- rner;t. In it there -are il- I Mots About ThOr 11ruqt0q. I I to J0.7,
l F 1WRat's the mritterV hp. a
nt=en&!��!�- g,"Irt pieces, IT,od- I ,t.,,. '
eTate in priCe, aTtistle in � A sp:,�.la'Ast i��3:� s 1 -hat ha:r brzvzlxe�,s ! W-� Sr. Njr.jj� B 4D,vn �-,&j�j to,day th;j 10n!5 " t"�07 cannot reat"h
. t brj Total I�P.Pl*eatl eat. Tht%Lft Is onlY
j shmt�;l lip washeel once a Week. awl j IIJ rca�_*Jje4 A . and � t �e dise"a", pottlonof tLe,
, t1le age of W,.gdom.
design, and ttibodying Use* . . _(1p.11nes,
_ q,And thAt Is by cop -
f . T , De,aflless Is dallf0d bV
, if -,..,��ed On 11a,r in WhLtll tllar�l is " I ,aon*t `knOw whStht'r to thank , a,r ! or's wAy to tnra
� t1tifttlonal reme4liej�.
fulness and durabilitr- � Inlieb rlandrrifi. ,Nvlep a week Is , or say sonleth:ng sp'tol"al about b or. 1 tt,lt inAamed,conflitiolloy At- mucous l;nlng6I
- . W
4. ,- � not too The- brushes should " Tizat's an an-ftfly uneertm.n age�. '. TubL%. . h6n this tiftbe Ig Ill -
I you ! t1ler,ast,%&.1an
. lijz� NV.1541le i In ce"d. not 110t, vrater, I I
z know;, but It's nice to he considered flawed You have a, rumbling sound or Imper-
. fect Leafing, and *lien, It is entirely clostil
I �i to wjjlcl�� vlowly ammonla, has, been wise.1, �snit, and linless the Inflam-
L ' Deafness Is thO rf out and this taberentdr-
Ryne Bros., v mided In thp proportion or a scant mationcalibetaLtell 1IL'AtIng IVIII be
I � table,smoonful to a Quart of Watar. As She, Thinks She .a to Its'normal Condition, .
: I . - - -ell Looks. eVstroy .
Jewelers; I I I Care sboalt'l be tal, not to wet I .ed tarever; nine eaf4es Vat O' ten are
i r.,�N a wo- can
I jrozzt an& Met';de Stm% I � rilshea, anti IT) the niMprinium. or,cou sed by Cq,tarril, whicit Is nothing but an
Med condition of the mycous surfaeeir.
I , jL When Washed ard rinse5-a goo,l man will be only as she thinks she' Intiv, will gIve one Hunared Dollars for SLY*
- � e
i oxontO. � to rins�i thpw properly 15 10 . IOOkS;--T0-5rn Top!c.q. cA7geeof Diuldr,e" (caiv4t,d by dtdagh
� .1 rl StIl W
I Way I cannot be eured by HaWs CXftTtb ell
% .. I � lv;p a shower spray on thrm-theY I ' A -COLD IN . ON -8 DA'V for elfelilars, free-
, . .. ro I should be Put on tilge Ill the air 7. IT. CTIFNVE & -610., Toledo, 0
. I ... L I a 6 1, I TO CURh
I *.... � LL . - I .- L' Mng combs, to4, ;hOU d xativt Bromo, Ontaftle Tablets. ALU r
I , 1. . 11 .. , to dry. Dres. _ I Take Lic Sold. by DruggiRtlf, 75c.
, . ,------- - - — I ii,� frequently cleaned. a como,j d gUltfinfaAd the nione7ifItraAstoo-ttro. I Hail,s parollyl-ils,tre the best.
eleaner bring used for th:� purposp rurl#.Grove#sbfgtaturLI18oxto,Ae�4bo,r, 26e�
Wonderful Value.
Ln -y person who thinks he Is not
tLing a dollar's worth 'With the
mily Herall and We.kly Star, of
)ntreal, this season, would be
rd to satisfy. Their two pictures,
urity" and "Alone," are gains.
to which will prove the most
pular it would be difficult to de -
tie. "Purity" will certainly bave a
rge support from ion artistic point
view, and it deserves It. It is a
yie of art most popular In Europe
d America to -day. But the othor
ture, "Alone," is one that will
14 the attention of all observers.
casing and sad tit the same time,
le cannot rorg;3t it. A record-
�eakdng business is predlated [or the
a,mily Herall this Season. *
LSSIJE NO. 44, 190;i%
, "'' L -
VOULVItTt Wilite Bouns bought outright -
Cheese, Comb and Xxtracted Honey
Good facillties for bandling, Consignments
goltelted. Correspondence Inylted and prompt-
jy attended to, Beeswax find -j9ucl(wh(§at
ftloneywanted. W111 Pay 25 cents perlb. for
,TOHN J. FEE, 62 Front St. X.Jast, Toronto
Mrs, WilislOw's Soothing Sim
seg should
=,ays be used for Children set Ing. It
es the ohild, softens the ump, onres wind
oolic and is the be -it remedv Vor Diarrhoea.
—.—.---- '. � ___ . . -
, uplikealculte, for examining. fine work
or the small things of creation; is invaluable
to students, engineers, mecl, allics, tailors, for
testing cloth, etc,; sent to any address for
25% 5 for $1.00 - R,90l1t0 wanted- )Van%Or
L. p and Mfg. bo., Hamilton, Ont-
__ . L. . .... .
The ggity standard from Ocean to
Ocean. . our money back 11notsatlefactorY
Agents, Montreal.
— __
That most dealrable property known aA
the Zimmerman IF arm, situated close to Bur.
g;on Junctien, containing 87 acres; best
"agtol Ju'
.-ndy It.= - abundance of fruit; two houses
d oil _
an ..11AIngs. Sold In whole or 3.0 acre
lots. r0asy terms. Apply
r)s Wellington St. Routh, Hamilton, Out.
tell Cillcl in it j4 -1y, llut tinie au(lAlIelk*S
�111-1XIIIIIIIINAtIll 1,7111 overcome the cold tind
aw off et'swumptlon. Vough will cease and
ug" be SOU,Iql ag 11, new dollar.
e Man Below tc�,s tht, 3111liollaires
V;k(tt-u aud Ho ThIliks-
multi-ndillonalrisill. IS also probably
n6werawe in part for the Present;
rouble. The worUlligultall hears of a
Iti-mililonalro jitqlIng out for Uireo
andred mitliong, ttiter dravNlug All
uormous Ineoule for a spries of
Car$, 41.11d lil� naturagly thiUktr tuat
6 Is not Setting 111K share, and to
et It Must go 'oil atriW. Ile dot's
Q't spo t1lat the pile of a multl-ndt-
lonalrp 18 excepU411-th and largely
ltc* prokluet of protee,tionist MOTU,
'or -00h he was very likelY Ithu-s"If
, .
Won dcluded anough 'to VOW. Tilt. 121,
- �Jfflp- ej�.ss;, tbik farnitbri
,Ome,"4 of thtt till ,
ho profe�stonal nia2h, UW StOre'
,00pm. tfi�* ClOrk, '11"'t-' 'tot Itet'" Ill-
reltgpd 14kp tl4u,t ot & mantor of it
trunt. rtw ean OvY OffOrd tO VV
nrtell ywro 10r 0041r' V%�t Oft" tit`y
Brave Well 450jjdv:� Many ot UIC111, in
fact, arc* 01. 1,1�,� 141.01910 on 'whoin
tho ftserttw CAU be reasonubty put.-
001dwIn 4P"�Ih�
U�i ngrav# 1.11jinient for onto ever,Y-
buy*4 XVIwn Afflwije,�,fg Uot it tilght
Froto SAVO, Va'As.
laq I LM 13 AL
5 cent Cigar
Guaranteed Clear Havana Filled
Are You Satisfied
! =: I
WIth your preoent position? IVE CAN
rl.l,,,. .,-A.. YOU A,r Voun Rohlip
ifora better and more lyk)(Itable one.
Learn PEN ANI) INX 11AAMNG for
1wactleal purpo4e& 1,arge salarles.
1-tsy terms. Stuld0lits delighted, Com-
�Jete couree inn4tered during TAtre
our$1 wi-,. uiTF, ALSU F LL
(,,()t*It.,;Es1ll all eonitnercial subJeCts.
telograpIty anti yhyflical culture. I
IAVrIteforligin, s0ine catollog giving
lull particul1krs. Addreas
Correspondence Depaftellt WWI
Business College, Toronto, Canada
W. 11. Sliaw, 11rInelp-0. — I
, xmlmm�
1vt'ar-01 C-!h�AqnU1,jg fir9t b"V�Attul thsh�
IL"�.anbjle �a rm4gat-A d.,aing aho rptgal ,
i9l Qnttta U'Andtrela tt waq fvta�bvnl-
ary rb? tImtZp w1a" va,4t-1 tho Wor,o to
b-avo I% M-4 t9n1a �', to0r "T toNae'M
#kT9vC0_ It ho Ivirte a g�flhanl of Mo
tr-ouff6t Uq,F.�� Uru,rp toj%Ap kroT ,,,Iqt-vr� V
M ��Lj&vtr.41011B tuu,Vf,hatd. UT ftogg. llrut
of M Vk")t&!,aUqUu,4V,. "I IL-�Iiim' '4 P a t 0 a we� N�-
T,or,lv W,;tre a njru-�-,5�j,,ajQV IUVXI&Mt
to the smdqk�;Lff,_ matil-lbotg W01M ruw�
kg?;n)WU0. unt tffi�.� urflv, Q%�aUUIU!e Urot
nn tbe dn�Ufinp wol�g Qe Vatuar, reg �
1.1pDrn tht,_ tv-atlh. Vadu ttw 11"Ilke;? �
fl. gmlauu gll,-e�- of g.,Vvv�'ftug onitqo,i� was I
Ntok-1 ofT. wMett WAU the totn,�,4w; V,V�Vg 11
vlop'llod to Mf� rtpii�,Az; Vil"argel 416pr,-
1112M��Irvlts of 111�r-sp tongs 4ab'o to he
torlo,"-1 In 11UP C4014elMonq ol to,,- antl-
quarlanza- I'loyst 01'!� ffi,�m ntv ,Outr;y
0b,r!V_.b#. b3t a few ato so gtaeelv'ut
In vatHne awl atUsUe 11V vvork-Waft-
S19P that they seeml to 60 "T French
chl MeML,h rather than Engusla
Irilo's'- tongs Vott, tir-VIVIFA On a
� sLygalo. sciaY& smAr- tv, 'Edy pp�ltg acm
when tive�� Vrefre ir-nlpla:�el tot 110DA-
10- ,ft-tirt,ev. Tfv- Ogarettv tenft
.� , r �g
* ,,�e Z;;E
.17CI two 11V toile Inclies In
nengtb. eanw�rtr-J at the np:mf, end
by a srwart sp,tang. WhIcra kopt the I
endq to,±'ath'it. when it a jin-'4ition of
rt' ---t. When r.s,r-41 the amqy.�'t avened -
tbr-ib anA Vauglit the eig
,tatette h�?-
,W,I�en thn* lftis- etose ap to the Month
I e It. 13. TIv- eAmflv�,WtvLt rnab-lt-3 the
Ili Umit to %:�rn the elgatpttp �,.110-wn to I
0 -be UIS1. WaIgT an"I P-_'Aiv.,ti;�1, tbe tan- t
ge, 151� I
�vg rjratn iimi� eiq ol,,or'n v,itportlkat ii
, -
PTOAacc�s lbe brown st.�Lv UP,3n tbp 1
Irerci �,jr,,j jg�mrili. �5%,+,r-ts. Th,? nmv -
tongs-.11--wn r,ovcr,%-!,,Iypad,#-sat.,IltL,Vvrj,j.l"I
latgef; .wl;] nt-:� Iftt�-,n.,ZA to ho"I'l ,�
c1g.eil-s .jq W�r2n as titi reaek a eau", �
trow t1hp flrr-plaee to a J)*$Ve. Inley �'
I are nade- of ito_-� stali an-] gan lnf-i- I
ril, anA vllail.v of tIV, Tmtter A --O sa'M �'
to br- =qn.viliacturej rronj war-Q%qz. �
MnnLon .111.4 olth ..- trop&I-Vol' t'76,alatp
, . .
War With :�PIIDF. .
I .
- . �
I - , , - . .1. I. � 11 I I I - - ,
� , & 0, *-
rv"19 i
I " KELOP"10"N "' """t" I
I 1V11V_."1W1.1
?, t*,i6tt6,ff,h-*biii-,-E,ai;uif,ffifSdii:iTI6;hi,ftbfk. 1,
I&&00116atis Mirlsh soldler-stiftelith jifirdt. i
t,bi,;kll'thtoat*fo,ltYiii-OTc-6ijbI f ia' i
A C ikii la 61.6 Vi'f; . r, . ant" in �
UVA621;bt t'020*93 ft le I I a ?At ,
whikillibaRoit, I.Vivit'll ISL , .. i i
- �, __,,.. -I 96. .. lims: sbs� i
i I* "Cafts,!Sa�N rbse*f",ta
S " 6 ffs
'$,old by briUin;TsX*. t5a� rV It 16ftl6p.
. I I.- __ - I
I 'a , �
-Not So Very Dr -auk. I
.& Shrewish S400VI'l Woman once
tried -top wean her husband front the
, drama shopr by employing her brotliek
� to act the jr-rt Of a ghost and
frighien Sohn on his way home* -`*Who
SX6 you ?" asiced the farmer, jX, the
apparition rose before Illm- froin be-
hind a bush. "'I'm Auld Nick," was tbo
reply. "Af6. you, really 2" exclaimed
the old reptobat e ,wldi mucli satlsfae-
tion, lbstead of tprror. "'Aron, come
aw&Y� 'ales & Sh',jk41 O' YOU __ -
, - - ;ir
&�n Iftarried to a dster 0 yowt.
0tjj,a Illustrated
, ...�
btrj,j.%I ptaetts, brldts-
twa as fA,v a r $ " =�14_1 a
dnrs, vehxvc.1001 - t Pitt
iaXICN1.1centit at th"t =d
Live dolj,ul. F"d ptrl-
� &nts fr4til te'n dollars
� UPW&%,jt. VW. ing-Itings,
0 j8,t%rAZ01j,fiV4 Uven
� and %lat dia".
.tg%t" tt,lilfh, As!
!is WAseA, ,jel 1%,11401 A
,i56Y0NGEV. I
OX Zv# : It
The NOW ,of Nwilk
,�111 be Increastud.
A WMys,116611the
� tflmiMt if kttplps
, , , cows iiad g6t arity-
I (i - ." 1..� ral','&at Lsatt Ne mirk
, .1 I pto.
I � i . 't ,- I lbeythosts
� .
, duie.
ow dy 8
putifi, -at
%u-d±0gf1hd,hA the 0,51gdSlIbil daid itirl.
gotabb§ the *U6% qtteyft &O thAt
the U11hilt6fit i§ fill &M":r the
fand- it uvtr.4 ju*-.Ihet�iii-euta-
bid 16 Cate fdr a ,Ebw Wh&I she
giva three q0"M pq *Uefl Ae
gives;k patit DICV9 blood lhlfll�tf
'ant pay taek ft§ tott Vktu lbod
inteiest in a few *telkt.
to een(& A pgOlAr-
Lotieffiffis* Affe-4 & exi"if AVAU,
" �. .
I -
It( .00%&.
jr It
ka, Y K '" 1 1
9%.A __ 1_%' "I&
PhOto PUP11 *
pdiptg tt flight by e4ly V61ht
SarapI6 dote-, 415, Vratli Pat`k6g,-
o! De"IoVet tr,d pl�oto, rapa:&d for
2.5c. Sold by
V" .. % � � .....� -19 ,Qclfv�v st W
O'. "VIS -31-E a - -M,1,
canadfan Jkgeft
Dldw,t 1work.
nkrk-1 ,Vw-10-411 I had .111 the money
tllv-te� Is In the world.
Hatry-U-1-At 40 you %V-wnt to k
llulge In six0v nansimse as t -hat Cott
It you are gohng to wigh, wish f6t
Soluetht'hg vOUL at,e, likely to ge't.
Dink-I guess ,you'te tall-bg sensm
L�,.nd we a AMIAt-
Harry-I ,said sn%metliIng ,v-ou Atd
likely !o, get.-Bostoft Transcript.
. , - . I -11
- _____ _ ----.1- - -
I'll., .� .
I W 1. " - 'to prore to .kott iliab tw.
� iftiot, chases'Oln traeut, is a cetalt
. � and absolute etre, for to,14'
i land ,every fW-Ift Idt Itchlinkv
I I bleeffingandprotrudTift e%
't',heyda,nvftLauTdi�s'h'&V'O-"04%*�fttee!ait� t'.4,16!y-
I tIM6,hitl!51-athe,at,il-r-prtsgancI tu,k Yburlid'At
!borilwBattheythillk-efit 'roatan-aseltsfid
I jgl ' I,ddjLjerScrEbUAj�t961,r,DA. TkS,& CO.,ToriiiA6�
. -
'L. Ifth.- .., -Y,_ 016i't _A�
� - Z
'Dr. C ase s, .104"