HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-10-31, Page 1TF1
The Official Organ of Zurich and Hay Township. •
VOL. III., NO.14.
$1. PER -YEAR.
QT. BONIFACE, Oath°lie.
1••,7 Order of service for the summer.
Sundays: High Masa at 9.30 a. m..; Cate-
chism and instruction at 10.30 o'clock;
Vespers and Benediction of the Most
Blessed Sacrament at 7 p. m.
Holy Days: High Mass at 9 o'clock;
Vespers and Benediction at 730. p. m,
Week Days: Mass every morning at 7.30
o'clock; First Fridays, Mass with
Exposition at 8 o'clock; The Holy
Hour, or one hour s visit to our Lord
in the Blessed Saeramet every Sat•
urdy evening from 7 to 8.
Bwptisn on SCIICIftyfi at 2 o'cloek.
The Communion Sundays before Mass at
8 o'clock.
Rev. Father Valentine, Parish Priest
EVANGELICAL, German and English
Sunday services: -
0-ornian, at 10.45 o'clock a. in. English,
o'cloek p. m., Sun. school at 2 p. m.
Tuesday evening; Junior Allianee, At 7,
Senior Alliance, at 8, h oir practice at 9.
Wednesday evening; German prayer
meeting, at 7.30. Thursday evening;
English prayer meeting at 7.30. Friday
evening; Teachers' rneeting at 8.
Bev. W. .1. YReger, Pastor,
Sovereign Bank
OF CANADA. --=----
Authorized Capital 02,000,000.00
Subscribed Capital - 81,300,000.00
Savings Department.
Everyone has been showing loyal.
ty to the King and now is the time
to show loyalty to yourself, by open-
ing. a Savings Bank aCCOIlllt in the
Sovereign Bank at Exeter or
Clinton, where the highest rates of
Interest are paid on deposits of Si.
and upwards.
Special attention given to Farmers'
and Cattle -men's business.
A general Banking business transacted
Solicitor. Manager.
Mr. E. Bossenberry took a trip to
Stratford on Friday last.
Mr. Win, Becker returned from
Manitoba, on Wednesday morning.
Mrs. J. D. Merner is attending
the W. C. T. U. Convention at.
Toronto this week.
Misses Melville Koehler and
Laura Hartleib returned from their
visit to Sebringville.
Misses Ethel Williams and Lydia
Koehler returned on 'Monthly frqui
a visit with friends in Quebec.
Mrs. Riekbeil returned. from St.
Joseph's Hospital this week and is
some whet improved in health.
The first snow storm of the sea-
son occurred. this week, The rain
however we have always with us.
Messrs. C. Fritz, P. Sipple, C. L.
Shoeinacher and R. S. Richardson
were visitors at Grand Bend the
AUCTION SALE OF VAltli STOCK. past week.
Implements and Furniture, on Lot Litt of Sebringville visited.
15, Concession 12, Township of Hay, her daughter. Mrs. (Rev.) Yaeger,
on Thursday Nov. 0 1902 at one o'clock,
geuildle lutD. St. Petri ifirclx. p. m. E. P,':issenheri%y, A:uctioneer; this. week. She was accompanie4.1
kk ;Mt:Comic:le Proprietress. - by ber son.
6 Ottee,bienit norm. liar()
Mr. Samuel Dietz moved to his
father's farm at the Bronson line.
. Dr. and Mrs. Campbell visited
Hensall friends on Tues.lay even-
Mrs. Goorge Baldwin of Seaforth
is here visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. D. Steinbach for a few
Prof. Little, veterinary dentist,
who has been at Hensall for a
while, left on Wednesday morning
for Liiean,
Monday's output of coal at five
of the leading mines at Scranton,
was 65,050 tons. The normal out-
put before the strike wass 88,000
Wedded at Brampton.
A wedding, in which two of our
former residents were the princi-
pals, took lilac at the home of Mr.
Fred Kibler, at Brampton, formerly
of Zurich, on Tuesda7e, Oct. 29th,
wheu Mr. Kibler's eldest daughter,
Mrs. P. Sipple left for Detroit on Laura,. was united in marriage to
intb abenbs 7 ithr. Santita,zfefiule , eCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK Monday, to visit her daughter, Mr, Alfred Moritz, son Of Mrs. P.
norm. ko 1714r.Cthrerueriontmlunk.3 and Implements, on Lot 25, Cows- Clara, who is still unable to leave Hauch of this town, and now a
2.1tithrocl) abenbs tun halb8. &eta' 5, Township of flay. on Hater- the hospital. resident of the City of Montreal,
e _scum., paftor. day, Nov. 8, 1902, at 1 o'clock, p. m. E. mr. J. F. Riekbeil has, a rose where Mr. Moritz has an important
: Bossenherry, Auctioneer; Wm. Itiehard-
bash in his garden, in fall bloom. larsition in a large manufacturing
son, Proprietor.
I v. BACHAND, St. Joseph.
1.-‘• Notary Public, Fire and Lifeht-
surance .Agent, NlauttY to Loan, either by
private funds or loan companies.
The cold weather seems not to have establishment. Both are natives e
ARM FOR SALE affected it so far. of Zurich and are highly esteemed 11-vdog Quality
If you have any loose gates or e for then.- many good qualities. ,
Ii'. Sneattna Sippel is olrering theirTheir many friends join in wishing
Farm, South half of Lot m the, other truck lying around yon might
Tenth Concession of Hay, for Sale. For s well loek •then up, as it may them It long and happy married ,
• a
4 FOR l
gTT bollen Blankets, ,Ven's nuleTweap, *a
Ladies' Underwear, _French Kunnas, g.4
4.. Men's- Ready-to-wear Snits, Tralleino ve
% a
I .11 of the Newest Designs 0
E 0
6S• • • FAUST
S f e
2 Zurich,
= Ontario. 0
*v.--.....-f:;_,,,g;4-; •,..-&--,..-s,..,--z:t.-.seggte-..
,....,,,,.......,....:•,...,:..,,,.. ..•:„...,,:..-„,..,,,.„:,.„..w•:::,.s.....::
x..rei'MaiS and 17sterN, TT' rappereites,
g Cloaking, A.M1'8 Trateippoof Coats.,
_Ladhw If "atelppoof Cloaks Etc.
, further piirticulats Import. on the prem. save yon a hunt on Saturday. J. D. COOKE,
ises. This farm mi11 be i.old ou CUSS
(Late with GarPfterms.
row roudoot)Barris-
ter, Solicitor, Notary Piddle.
lienstill, Ontario. IFARM 1'()1" S.U.E.
life. Mr. and Mrs. Moritz will
Chieken thieves are operating in
town at present. It seems "mons" .
are not the only beings that have a Sudden Death Near Dashwood.
weitknesq for appropriating fowl
by night.
140 Amts. The hotly of Mr.:Ion:alien Ritter,
mts. rompo.ett of latt 20. itt the The petitions against1,'ightV141 Your old son of Mr.
pROUDFOOT & HAYS 1....)...e !load Rust. Contlessiiiii of Om Town• (,7ittnerOn (Lih) itt West Huron end
alai, of Hay. teed sizeti 11:0111 WItil MOM` ty. Either "n) in south linton and Mrs. Videntine It.itter. of Dash-
wood. was wand. tat, Tuesday even.
Barristers, Solieitors, Notaries! Public :1441)1quit littdelnottlo 1.:Ftnne Dv•ellieg ;eel "
etc ete. e'er. SqUIlYQ Ulla North Street, , other matitotdilittigs.., litisv fitarllittsts ::.!!!...3,1^ i, ,stituratr.)10.4.
•-• I were both dismissed at Toronto on ing in it field on the feria of 'Mr.
John Ellers. near Dasawiaill and
Uoderiele Ontario ' .7..,111:11T4 `t),7 si!LN:it,'-,e41,111.11 tim-110,,,, Itailirt
lir. 1..vtosevell O'Brien reeen N
El , from appearanee the young man'
W. PROUDFOOT K. C. R. C. HAYS terms to suit iltIrebILAW. brought at red tiMitgrodil tit Charlie
" hail been dead sinee. notm. His
1'w' itat neulant, apple to
!!Fritz,znettsuting 40 invites in lenient team with I21 12 he was ploughing
Cantin purchased it and sent it to shortly after dinner by some pas.;
Clerk leith Div. Court, Huron " • Tor Fall will also "stick to you
atvENT trusnd Montreal. • !sers.be and when the parties re -
MUT 18 lir PFBY
' onnitheoener tor taking Affidavits.*
g and 'weighing 27 Pounds. ifr. Wag notieest standing in the field
They'll stick to you
Our Waterproof Boots St Shoes
Coptaeyenver elle. Valuator tor the lin- The •
) )
e tho rsps' and "Satisfaction Guaranteed"
tal meetins in the with 21,, Nigns
tha Ity-311.W %;1.0. 111, Ore'
rota mod Erie lAttoit mtd timings Co. rimed tuf the Tiownslirip of 111)tis----------------.------------tY enyone being near. On making r •
071 Mice— ;Keller Block. Zurich OM. ;. 'ray, ,m the Gth day tof October, A. Sunday. eontineted by Rev. DIM goes NN ith Every
P *
an inistiptiitm the young num
E B',
•tenseil Auetiuncer Int` Mar- 11.tu mos trttisteoid in the teeistre onsets
PRO. poweling fat the issue of debentures ' Ir, were largely attended. Mr. Watt fonlltd huhillot the plow. lying
CHAS. F 7". 7
, the amount ot S197.43. for thainage hillput is a ePlelidid sPeaker +Ind fare downwards in a Thud of water.
SSENBERRI, 11: tOtirp)4.1.1, olrolviet Dhow and that waeln 12.,y-l!always bus it large attdienee here. dead. The medial:11 matt. Wi40 was .
tee Couttlee reetwelthdle' sWilcits the Piet- of lite Venni). fittrono, on tiot7'itin`day 11"' returned to Kansas ealled. saki it wits a ease liAt ;art
tehalte et wh„ woad kivam: stau. i00,9103., Ham any *wake, this wta.k. She lit here on Mon- failure, The saddest part of this
Satistaetinti tinationteed. ii,tot„„h „I. ,kt 3.4,18 the .„ame,, tie ant Intti ,iittty for k11111111 /301121. to mil 011 110r ' distres...2214 ttrutlit, was tilt. fact that
pinta) SIPPLE
tit tIgite"ft litnk idtla thnee month. brother. Mr. Harry Bossenherry1 the yttung man 4 mother was down
I from the date of tegedtattion, and ;..anuncal MO 021 Tuesday started from ratrk- Enst id nip time attendingthe P
I for. made thetcafter. ll hill on her long homeward journey. funenal Of one of her dm
a:liters b.4.• Butter art d Eggs taken in exchange.
Alio 'bunco- tor the die&
Valiantly of lintan. 1 UM111,11 tUtitat14 Dated the Oil): ilia;,1et tletala.r190:1„ 111 3 A ;$* 92t1t til nameett 11341. ttivont 1 tot 11111 11I"Ph112-41.• \U1 12
ionotug 9,alles lot eon ton me. No Vents of age and living a few 1193. re,,! prt,:vh%„,zat.mi mrs-
l'feo-ans tuadt.i.tate; szatislaution imatan- e;o4 tionsall. was to,oitit.ttt.. ,4" „a
z11 414n1la0140* 71117
teed, Vont pattEonage
Notice to Creditors. bshIt' while tottt intattng„ the lat-
ter Itart ior last Atireek. The t4121rat, SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS.
F. A. SELLERY, Is Tun 3teetee. ter Too; 11:eterre., tor lodged in Itts leg and hie. Ishal
COPNIZIDO Mal". LAT% aii:MIL T.n'. death hefiure assistantw ;Nadel he The 6,1hosrimt. Cho (list gi,f
S71011.:011,11111., COSINtli 1111-iai,.. • praezitried,.
Fonnut., DE, nansr.D.
COssfull pupils at the 1,1,1pat Proano.
Deutt,t, tettelieatc of the Revd cone& -vent% tatAmoy 1;,11Vr,'S 1! There is a notorious Neareity litT Examination of 1,„ s.
et !pen,ge
ult Iltznaons, Toronto, tilDsa honor ": putsuauut to (.11,,,,vlet, 0.2, itt. s. 0. ,, thveNatags in toWtti itt iiresent. ,A tsr• HI to Jr- 11‘ —Murk."' requttr-
gradnnate of Department of Denttstry. ,, - uhon, . number, who wontld like to ineeotne ea to Iriss. 4"3-1)114"4-3 Prant;". :Y:V:::
Toronto 1: oivetoity. l'ainkss extrin?tiOn ll 1897. that all misons having
of teeth. Plate %seal a qtreviality. ' against the INtste of the -.aid 17..,,elet1 residents, are unable to do :to. A - Gertrude Ilartleib. :i3-11: Irvine
Lippluirdt, 31'44; tuella. Weseloh.
At Domirivon vieutv zutieb, „every 11111er, who deed on or alma the 3ist day • 110/A41 01• tWo eg.)11iroPtithie 110USPN ,
(A August, A. D. Pitt; are required to send wottld filid ceentinnto at good tamt. 'i2' ; Freda Haberer. 499 ; 1)101 %a
On or hefore the 13th day of lioiember It also appears there tare no rest. Wesebdn„ 02.
Jr. 11I to Kr.11.I.-194arks required
- 1902, by ;lost g.repaid to BM E. Miller,' denees for sale.
j G. ST)4. NBURY,
sairie:viOle„ Illinois,exectiti.r of the said
their names, addresses and oceup- The Merettant" s Bank has open- to leiss. 315 Melinda. Fuss. ;
492 '
Al; Weseltyln, 455 ; Joseph Ran
1.4YLLISS6' ,Ationn', with 11.,:irticeziats of their claims and led it bratueln at Credit -on. 'Wlirti den. .1o1 ; Altn.PLi
a Statement of their aceounta and the Will softie chartered. hank see tut% tO dr. III --Marks reqtaired
BAR111STE1 1,1c1T01c, NOTARY, nature of the securities ato,;•t 661 kr- wisdom of opening a brunt+ !, ;,!,r. 315 --Elmore Weida. 3;6 ;
Coiliveyaileer, llohey to Loa; o12 Village . I •
r i, 7 a Wil-
terest. Documents in original tietwah the vast mentioned date the too Exeetitor 9maetlirt this de
iretioll.iitteblaid ; Ann-yldVurtn31: Ev
td yam property at lowest rates of ha- And twti„ is hemby gi„„ that, after' 1°‘111. 'S('`'et8 I'L‘e becth Arno Brenner. 327; Lanra Seined..
read and advised upon. '' will proceed t4loilis.firibute the asiet9 of the: it marlt tau likely that we Will Danis. 310 Hate flowald, 313 ;
[said deocasam
ed ong the parties el2tit,
Ced inLVlll
e a earterea bank before many :st,h.iti smith. 315.
ZURICH COURT ATTENDED theveto. haring regard only to the claims :'11100118 -
II to Se. i1.—Marks required to
-;thielt notice shall have been given as rr
Ogee over O'Neirs Batik. Exeter. , aliave reviloh ead the sew mettator Ph weekly Mill and Empire is: pass. 315—Pearl Johnsten. Nea;
shall not RAI, for the stda mon no,' offering.' the choice of two hand- glenere liartletb. :NO; Henry Fuss.
• o o4 ato3rt thered smy versett „;. :,sontr-• artoatavure pietures 'inc 362 ; /Harold Appel. 342 : Valor
'„ of wliuse claim make .1.11 not Lave tr000 DfletOr" ante 'Content'iient to Deichert. 339. a th..1.173, t
e eTH Liven at the date of szich sttbtio. their subscribers. Our subscribers Jr. II to Sr. IL—Marks required te.t •
riannelette Blankets, 60 cents a pair
iccir jui.tt vopu.toi up IL: lice%
Horne-spuns Box -cloths Ladies -
Cloth Zibalines Meitons
:auga A iminiiI:of 17,110.,y RE.4,1. We uuni.la 1.,}0i2 io
1.4d 40q1.7q.: Lie L:avrth e,.;..?ea:!.i.a...nalri, sOOiy
VALUES 3i!!2 Call!! sale
;Atka ,,ift.,ii•5t-4. a ca. -eq.! Mill ,y; Fialok,tlette.. 1114
lalLit.'0:77:, lint
!, COWEN% HOTEL t, E E. linumi. Executor. eau seeirere either of these pictures to pis'. 315—Irvin Orel). 425 : Rov
Niaoaeiso1le 121 and the Mail and Empire to the Faust, 351 : Lee Hoffmann, 32:i;
0 0 0 ovum" * *. Dated this 3(ttio day of October HMI 14.3 end of next year for only 75 cents, Edward Shoerimeher, 321 ; Clayton
11 bv ordering direct from us. Zimmermann, 3111 ; tileorge HeSS.
Strieny up-to-dz1te 1u modern e , ----. .
T!l1:V ARE MOVING perr FAisT
H tO H.—Marks required to Greb Block
pass. VT—Theodore Weseloh. 294 : -
Zurich Oat.
0, Two Yount!, lads from Goderich '
provements. Diningrooms is snp- named -rey and 'Todd. ran away
Theodore liaberer. 257; Vlayton
plied with only the very best. last -week taking a horse and rig The regular meeting of the W. C.
Rossenle2try. 254 Gideon Koehler, Bat contains ehoiee liquors and with them, The rig was found in T U. was. held in the church Mon-
• eigars. et London Township Hifi.; week. The day eve/ling. ()et. 20th. 250; Alvin Wnrin. 247 • Snlindit
,4) ExCellent Sttrnple Hoorns ' The --------------execid Randell. 231 ; yiertrmie Mar.,,e1, 225 ;
IES tor commercial Men.
eslbovs have not• yet been located.
the members taking part by ?pal IlellrY Price, 21g ; Almith B"nner.
A reeetrr To JUDGE. by Miss Addie Witwer, severe
q07 • Willnir Rminnell 902.
43. Persons who have used Dr Jrt
. , Chase's Ointment have the hest
Andrews, conducted the business. required to pass, lag—Lillie 'Weber. FURNITURE
ho next meeting , • • • •
int.- in prayer. Tile president, Mis$ . . to 8r. Pt. II.—Marks
4 LO U I t PO tit ei k PR • right to judge of its; merits end !T •
- Esther Zettel 9'04" Peter Ran -
there is no preparation on the mar- Monday, 'Nov. 4th. All are special- de11,27e; Elton Sehnell, 275 ; Harry
Fiqeher. 269 ; Leonard Haist, 2414:
ly invited to attend as the delegate,
ket to -day- -which is backed by such
a mass of unsolicited testiniony.
Bquipped with all modern
conveniences. First-class
accommodation to commer-
cial travellers. Bar and din-
ing room always suppled
with the best obtainable.
Shoomachery Prop.
It cures eczema. salt rhe -inn and ]
piles so promptly and thoroughly
that people feel it a pleasure to
1 recommend it to other sufferers.
Nee testimonials in the newspapers.
She met him at the kitchen door
with a rolling pin in her hand, and
she brandished it menacingly. ;
"Madairi--" he began. -Well,
what do you want?" she demanded,
aggressively. 'SViiat are you
snoopin' round here for?" "Ma -
!dam.," he explained, backing away,
•1"I called to see if I could piece an
•'•accident insurance policy on your
husband, but, after seeing you, I I
ani 'satitsfied he is too great a tisk."
Mrs. J. Mettler, will give ber- re_ Lillian Johnston. 2N; John Thiel,
port of the Toronto I% t. T. . -• - •
r ‘"%) • Jacob Deichert-
944- Milton
conventim. The educational half Dietz. 229 ; Alex- Foster- 157.
;jr. to Jr, Pt. II —Luella WO -
hour wais taken by 3411.'. rteati lee
Steinbach, who gave her report of peut;,ykiTtaitTierzi Dora $
ner,yntliostsLie Weber,
the Wingham convention of which L
she acted as delegate. The morn. The following are the highest
ing andafternoon sessions Were percent obtained in each istlbject.
reported, after which, Miss Ellie SeniorIIL —Arttlunkie —Irene
Ramie sang it much appreciated. Lipphardt, 84; Gramther—Frieda
solo. Miss Steinbach then con- Haberer, 82 ; 14eog,rraphv — Oleva
tinned her address, which proved Prang, 63 ; Composition—Gertrude
to be not only interesting but very Hartleib, 87; Dictation— Luella
‘Veseloh, 80; Reading — Olieva I
Weseioh, 60.
Junior III —Ant h"j--Melinda
instructive. The pastor, Mr. Yee -
ger, then made a few remarks,
after which The Temperance Dox-
ology was sung, and the meeting
Light and Heavy Harness: Trunks,
Bags and Purses, for ladies and gents
i\TM17C7- 1-1-0-1ZaTiert_TIR,
Parlor Suites, Fancy Dining Chairs,.Side-Boards.
Fancy Rattan Rockers, Baby Carriages, Ex-
press -Wagons and Sewing Machines.
High Grade Organs and Pianos.
Fuss. 78; 'Gratinner—AInut Fisher,
78 Dietation—AlVado Weseloh, 93, i 'Mt; lir"\Veh