The Herald, 1902-10-24, Page 6.„4 POACH -CLIMBERS AT TORONTO. Stole $1,000 Worth of Jewel- lery at Drynan's House BOTH BURGLARS CET AWAY After a Tussle With a Policeman, Whom They Threatened to Shoot— Escaped in a Buggy—Similar Rob- bery at Buffalo. Toronto, Oct. ,18.—Ono thoussend donateworth of jewelry Was car- ried off la,st night from the residence tion had beee received here regard- ing the operations or the two men umier driller circumstances in Buf- falo Thankegiving night. The police here and in Buffalo 'lave excellent descriptions of the men, and every effort will be made to run, them down. ! Similar Deed in Buffalo. 'ID was 10 o'clock on Thursday night that they attempted to get into the home of Julius L. Saper- ton, at 355 Linwood avenue,. Buf- falo. The family were at dinner, and the thieves were detected in the act of entering the house. They drove up to the dwelling in a buggy. One of them etood guard widle the other crawled up the porch, and was open - dog a window when Patrolman Ken- nedy came along. The man on the roof of the 'verandah sa.w the con- stable. He opened a window and climbed into the hoase. Kennedy ran up to the door and opened it. Ken- nedy hurriedly explainea matters, and then set about to look for the of John Drynan, of the W. A. Murray Co.. at 73 Queen's Park, by two of the most daring "porch -climbers" who ever operneel In this city. The robbers took a baggy with tham when they went to enter the home( and the outfit materially aided the men In eseaping from the house. One or the elinbers carried a loaded re- volver, awl threatened to use It when his pal was caught by a pollee - men, after a hard ehasc. The con - tab. not being armed, was forced Meier the circumetancee to release hi9 hold on his men and both pOrek- elbubete got surely away. The rob- bery eats covainitted after inform:la Ws man cone coWn states, and made a dart for the opcit window ou the eolith side or the ho•tee and estiaped. The thief ran acioss vacaut nots with. the onetable LL hurt distauce behind. Tire thief vaulted a barb. Wire knee, aid when the police - Men came up to it he fell Ores It. The thief then die - appeared from view. The offleer then went back near the none whieli the tbieves attempted to rob and found the horse nnd rig. which Inal been hired front a liveryman. Toronto Ponce Warned. The Buffalo peace yenterday re- ceived Information that the "porch climbere" had left. for Toronto and word Was sent here to keep a look - cat for tam. In ehe evening. a tle befere 7 O'eloek, while the Dry - man intatly Wene at dinner, 'Sire. Bryn= heard nottes in the front Of the 'house. She got ep from !ler place at the table, and, going to the front door, was surpriteU to a pang luau stele down olue he terandet ovate and intake off throagh The fret gale, where he Was .leined by his pal. The polleO at No. 5 lovitatin Weee arimeadately notified aliel Constables Brisbane .-ahd thalipe COLO. who happened to Xre Inlet getting relieved from day duty, u•ere stet to the Daynan home on bicycles. The &filters had L talk With Mts. Drooate Who tuna Melted theta with a descriptioen the potcle climbers, after welch they deeided to our the park. An retching thitte. thillIps went arortfid the east renal Brisbane the west ende, intend- ing to meet agaib la front of the Parliameat bubdiegs. On his \Vey Phillips 'passed an empty baggy at trahe effener of St. Alibates street. Failing to iineet his comtatie he itheelled back and came upon to Men iti the rig whinit he inent:cea but a few minutes before. The menu hotted1 the polleeraneta tinned east Gtosvetor street arid started the inotse at a dead gallop. Police - lean Phillips was atter them. Taney turned Suttey-elace to Grenville r..nd across Yonge street to 'Wool street. WLen they lied nearly teethed ainurein street tee taneer caught up to them, and at great tisk to his own life, se:zed the ;terse thy the bridle. 'I'he horse was polled around so saddenly that it fell over on its side and the occupants or the velvicle were thrown out and the policemen also went sprawling �'n the pavement. Phillips quickly regained his reet. and seized hold of the man nearest to him, the other running away. The thief fought desperately, and geatly got away whea he piled the sleeve oat of his overcoat. The PO -- licensee was jest about getting the better or the men when the second thief came up, :seta after going through the motions of loading his t evolver and pointing it at the eoristable, demanded that leis pi be j•eleased. Officer. Itelateed Hold. The officer parleyed a little, and, finding that tha eh:et really meant to lase the t evolver, he released his and both men went off together, after warning the constable not to follow- them. They eicaped through a ime,rby lane. The constable then drove the outfit to the police statima here It wee e aim su semen y by James Ewing, et 331 Yonge stteet. It Was hired at 4 o'clock by two men, who gave flotitious names and ad - deems. A gpod desoription or the teen Was Tntnished by Mr. Elting. Stole 81,000 in Jewere. beteetives Caddy, Black and traria- tot and Acting Detective Wallitee are at work on tbe (mete Last night after the robbery they visited the Drynaa home, and secured a list of the ar- ticles stolesppareetly the thief was satisfied with what be got, for he left when he found Mrs. Drynan'e jewel bat containing jewelry worth upwards of $1,000, just one room in the house was ransacked, and the thief was fortunate in getting at the valuables without any great amount of trouble. The articles stolen include one diamond bracelet, two gold brooches, oee miniature gold brooch, one seal ring, one snake ring, one goldstick pin, one gun metal pencil, one gold bracelet, one diamond ring, one diamond brooch, one gold purse, one gold chain, one diamond butterfly brooch, one gold peecil, one creseent brooch. The artieles were carried off in a red leather jewel case. Five dol- lars in stioney was also taken, MACHINE TO FLY LIKE BIRD L'Iloste Has Airship With Wings That Rise and Fall. Paris, Ost. 2�—Among numerous types of flying machines now under construction in Prance that of M. Frederick L'Hoste is now attracting much attention. His airship is com- pleted, and moves with huge winge, very bircIliks, and is ntaae entirely of aluminum. It is of torpedo form, and seven metree long. The first expsriment will take place over the water. The meta works by means of a piston. There are five brace of wiags, three metres long and fifty centimetres broad, which rise and fall alternately. The machine dif- fers from anything hitherto used. Its total weight is 460 kilogrammes. It is to be on view at the St. Louis Ex- labition, The latest comedy on the automo- bile stage is the refusal of a permit to the Auto-Velo for hill-clhnbing at Galilee last Sunday. The Auto-Velo charges that a rival paper, the 'Veto, had Deen influencing the Prefect of the Eure to withhold a permit. The result has been lively war in print. A permit has since been granted, but In the name of M. Strpollet, and other constructors. The race is to be beld to -morrow. A surprise in cycling was the easy victory on Sunday of Bald over Zun- merman and Jacquelin. The star of the once great **Zinn" Inas been 50m0 - what dimmed in the last fortnight. STRIKE STOPPED WEDDINGS. Threat of Coal Faillitte Cools Toung Peoptea, Ardor. Saw Haven. Conn., Ost. 20.—Th s ex- planation advauci d this afterneen wbe the total number or marriage license- issued tor Ssettember 111111:s city hail fallen ler below that of last emir pna the ;ear tonere was that coal is to high to mur:Age rnn ti lawny. This en nir there were S3 Incenees. last 102, mil it 1000, 11S. It was seated that c.c.:- eral Ineenses mere returnted ti. - • of the high pre of mil. tine eoung .1,e(opie tlet'Oting not to wed until thttrike %t -et eettlea. In Battelt chapel this morning tine Reit. Alit•011 1la.lp Stokes, lane seta retaoy to the Yale Corpora:Hon. made a prayer 'before 1.000 4tail- ents, or more Hutt the etnil strike be eettled etion. Ile Lime eel that the Preeident or the United States nati the Governor of Pentrativainitt may be moved to net with justice alai on the side ter right to twinge; apteelo close to the pre!.ent 'onnl Etna -lion, that tine suffering of tin? people be Alleviated, and that the Mutual dist met and hatred be eh:newel to tootle:nay love and tar- reetiOn. WIRELESS MESSAIIE SENT Prom a Past Moting Train Between' Toe:vote) and :vreentireal. Montreal. alea—Two hanelred membere of the Annerleart tssctia- tion General reserenger Tiettet nte arrieed here tonight by Grand Trunk steeled, on their wey to Portland, Me., to attend tine an- imal eonvention wale]; 'win be !lipid itt that. eity. Every oronninent ral:- way iin the tanned slates was repre- sented in tine party. Dating tine jea.rney. between Tf- runt° and Montreal, a remarkable feat watt pertogennad In•tvirele.ssti arolfaY. A number of interestinug ck- terimetit were shown by Ine lantiner- ford. F. Ile S. C.. Dr. }toward T. Wit - S011, F. IL C.. of the aleleveahll Pe,yeleal 1.abotatoey of e.and Piot. niaaeod. also of Mc- Gill. They eueeeraled In estabileinine- wirelese communaleation betweein the train. ulnlein Was runeing at the rate of On eines an hour, and Sz. Vetilu- lek Station. Tallig is the titst time, it Is tinat witelese telegtapay has ever been attempted item a fast moviag train, abd tine exp.rinient was a coni - tete ereess. tommeraleatEon was re- eeived eight milen before reaching, the station. and was teneti0ue.1 foro the 'same dietanee Ineyeand. Dr. ilenti.-• etfottl. tvino had einarge of 'the fee- tatimenta has cliteeted attention to witeleee telegtapity for many years. and eubtintted a teeatise an It to the Royal Satiety of Great Britain and tine American Aseoeiation for the Advancenserit of Sulence. • KITCHENEll GOES TO 111,0111 Where He Will Assume Com- mand of the* Forces. REBEL CHIEF CAPTURED, And Turks Now in Control of the Sit- uation in Albania—A Sensation Exploded—Austro-Hungarian For- eign 0111ce Issues Denial of Russo- Turkish Alliance Story. London, Oct. 17.—Lord Kitchener started to -day for India, to assume command of the British forces there. He goes by way of Paris, and will visit Khartoum. Absolute secrecy was maintained regarding all the arrangements for Ids departure, so he got away unnoticed. Turks in Control. Constantinople, Oat. 17.—Military authorities in Mitrovitza, Aibani, have gained complete euntrol of the situa- tion. They- hare captured Chief Issa 13oljetinaz, who, with his followers, recently tore up the railroad between Mitrovitza and Vulatro and an- nounced his determination not to allow the eiewly appoiate9. Russian consul to take up hie duties at the former place. The chief has been taken under escort. The Albanians at MItrovitza and in. its neighborhood lia.ve been disarmed, and the Russian consul will oceupy Ids office shortie'. .A. Seneation Exploded. • Vienn.a, Oct. 17.—Tho Austro-Hun- garlan Foreign Office entirely dis- credits the report, telegraphed from Bucharest, Rounnenlas to the London Daily Mall and publiehed to -day, that Russia has proposed to Turkey a re- vival of the UnIdar-Skelesst treaty of 1833, which established a Russian allianea under the terms of which the Government of Turkey under- took, at Russia's request, to exclude ia thee or war all foreign warships from the Blew!: Set, while Russia undertook, at Turkey's request, to furnish her aid by Inuit and sea if taeceseary. SIR JOHN BOURINOT DEAD Death of the Clerk of the House of Commons, .0•11••••••••••• CHAMPION OF CONFEDERATION. Ottawa, Oct. 111.--$.1e John Book - net, Clerk of tino Heave of Commonee died to-tolght. For eoma yenrs he had been a Ifetlin of kidtore trouble, and the tibiae Of the 1a3t leaden of Oar- tratett lois malady .nesented au age ravated form, which forced hire to tO his bed. Ills andally ecaltisted DREYFUS' FOE IS OUSTED. Army Official Who P- reateuted Cases Now Relieved of Duties. Lemans. Franee, Oct. meschevid Gov e, nen ant commis - : no ee tei 1:11,:?.. 03Ln o: war or the • Fourth Army Ce.ses, Imo been re- ' I.evcd of bie duties. He was prose- - outing touneel at the first tonrt martini ot eat tam Dreyfus. He also leo:Ousted the 1)Jc:2sec...titian lig:Line. a I " r Vo sin setesal saes ngo, who was charged with murder- ing and robbing a woman at Cher- bourg. Voisin was condemned to penal servitale for life, and was trans:ported to Cayenres. The real murderer of the woman, for kiTng Whore 'Voisin was sentenced, tontese- ed recently and Nolen etas brought bads to France and' pardoned. He dernalided a revision of the court Martial proceedings, lieweVet, and eeeeted aetlaittal- .onr.n"...a.aeaet to gtow trots', aid be Woe ptactie tally leina:II.yito tcki az.y nourainment. fie .as noaler the nk Mei tare or Dr. It. W. Powell, bat it was. ittown or eozne time that he t oned not possilly recover'. Teanight be passed away, in the pteseuee of his wife and femily. See John tourietet was et Ituguccot des.cent, bang a son of the late Hon. Eoetieot, a native ttl Jersey, in the Channel Isiee, and a inembet of the CanaOian Senate. He was beta at 5ydney- ij. Z. on Oct. 24. 1837. His mother was a traughtet of Ju ge Mara shall, of Nova Scotia, a well-known lempetance advocate and wtiter on saloon's tepica In 1854 he matricu- lated at Trinity College, where his ntelle.etual gifts soon won tecog,ni- tion. In 1858 be entered. the office of tha TOkonto teethe then lit its palm -5' - days. rot fifteen years he wrote lot the press, daring a large part of which he was editotoliathief tor the Halifax eporter, or wraith be was the founder. He was oleo official re- porter to the Nova Scotia Aeskreely. Confedetation had in Mr. 13ourinot vigorous 'champion_ In 1863 he moved from Haafax to Ottawa and beeame chotthand tv-titer to the Senate. Thus began tbat offienal 'connection, with the home centre of Canadiatr govetnment which has had so long end honorable a continuance,. In 3873 he was appointed second Clerk Assistant to tine Boese of Venn/tons. In 1879 he became first Clerk Assist- ant, and on tine lOth of Deeember 1880, was nam.ed Chief Clerk. 15 thie posItion he has been for Canada what the into Sir Thoeme Etetine Mn (wile for years held the correspond- ing °Hide In the trapetial Commons) eve.s Gteat Britain. The peblication , 'The. Obteatio Gevetritielit votes of lartiatnenta.ry Prattite and Po - $o 000 to continue COliseisatiorc toad cedete gained fot him Werkl-alehle toalitteittion in Tetireritleg. - -refintittlita sitt one tiracnig the always restricted circle of constitutional writers of the fleet class, Lied it and role:eying work a were faxorably criti- cized and wisely quoted by 'Sir Ers- kine Mays Mr. Justin McCarthy, M. and Other' politeciai aistorlaue. . In the richt of general literature and especially of bistorleal researele Sir John woe a tireless worker; .aolue - of his 'better known works are "Canada," in the History of the Nations Series, "Intellectual Dee velopment of Canada and Canada urder Rule," "Oki Frenca Forte of Acedia," "Gentlemen Ad- venturers in Aoadia," and others dealing with the land of Evange- line, whIele are. as instriontive as they like entertaining. "Canadian Historic Names" opened up a, line of researeh, and "The Ottawa Val- ley; Its 1 -Xis tory and Resourees," awl "From the Great Lakes of the San," were' the fruits of Ma early residence Ontario. At short le- tervals appeared his "Description and Historical Account of the Is- land of Cape Breton,' "The House of C'enamons Session," and "Our Intellectual Stoength and Weak- ness." Stir Sohn had been a prominent member bf the Royal Society of Canada from its foundation in 1889 by the Marquis of Lorne, holding, among -other offices, those of Pre- sident and Honorary Secretary. Few Cfanadians have been more honored by institutions of learn- ing. By Trinity University, his alma meter, in 1889 the degree of P. C. L. was conferred upon him, the venerable King's. College (Windsor, N. S.) conferring the same degree on the occasion Of its centenalal celebration, followed some years later by a similar hailer front. Lett- iioxvIlle. Queen's followed the exam- ple of King's by notk-ing bine LL. D., and, lastly, in 1893, Laval made him Docteures Lettres, exceptional distinction ie the case of a Pro- testant English -Canadian. In 1883 Dr. Bourinot was made one of three honorary members of the Ameri- can Antiquariaal Society, the other two being the Duke of Veragua, de- scendant of C.olumbus, and M. H. Harrisse, the historian and Biblio- grapher. In .1802 Dr. Bourinot re- emved a. Companionship of the Or- der of St. Michael and St. George, tall, fine-looking man, very well and his services to Canada and the dressed and apparently well edu- Empire were recognized and re- rated. He wan six feet in height, and warded in ism when he was made Ian black hair WaS sprinkled with a Knight Cominander of the same gray, eepecially at the back. a small order. bald npet WAS conspicuous at the Lady BourInot, who survives, Wag back of lila head. Ms monstacne was the daeghter of Mr, John Cameron, black and heavy. He appealed to Toronto. , have plenty of money and smoked thr best Mears. Ottawa, Oet. Within a 'eraek alter he appeared funeral of the late Sir Alt1 irtzt,trilwommatedossonwlmtliolarleAPIIIi VICTIMIZED LONE 1111100IN, Advertised for a Wife and She Caught on. NOW SHE iS OUT $8,000. H is Gone and She Has Been Lett Penniless—She Tells Her Mad Story—Suspeots the Fraud. is a Canadian. Burial°, 04. 20.—Mrs. Charles John Anderson, of No. 342 Pennsylvania street, who was Mrs. Adele Wager until Sspt. 2'3'th, is another woman wbo has been made the victim of a respectable -appearing but unscrupu- lout' villain. Relying upen his gentle. manly exterior and suave ways, arra Wager married bim and within two weeks he left her, robbing her of about $8,000. Tbe villain came to Castle Inn on Niagara Square on Friday, Sept. 1.2th. Ile registered as C. J. Anderson, Chicago. He was accompenied by a woman who resembled him, and who was registered as Miss E. Anderson, .Ceicago. Be introduced her as his sister, and the statement was borne out: by the resemblance. They were assigned to room 211 and 220, re- epselively. They dia not mingle with. elm other guests. Anderson was a aeon oeorge p at Caatle Inn this advertisement ap- 1onrine. took place tide afternoon ; 1"ared tut " twal Pal)" tO Beecinweoni CI marry, and was at- t (JENTLENIAN enateed in the betel tended by a large number of eminent ge. business blithest osisitIna good morals. litter' tkoliVrtilgitrgigil,414114%Ile% public mPII and citizens. 11107,,, I : Meeetigee of eondoleince and eympa- acteateseer. Aniareen Moen. thy with Lady Pourinnet and the fame Among thoee who answered the Ily were received. Among these was advertIser.ent was Mts. Wagar. She a, cable from Sir Gilbert Parket, oleo liaci receittlY e2ine to Buffitle from telegratme from ear (harks Tapper, Illehigen anti had opnied a be.s.rilIng, Hon. L. P. Brodeur, IL L. Borden. ), oozier, on Pennsylvania street near leader of the Opposition, T: I). Mint. she Circle. Ma Antleraon. the author M. P., Senator Casgrain, Dr. Louin of the advert!. inteni., calla, up in her Preeltette, Of d;:ueliec; arelitishop mai sormeil Ingir..4*.0,1 With live up - O'Brien, rialifaX. Tho funeral terratigtments were Of II oil,Tieirlien;;:s Sal::1;in)t''' '818 is:.'it:ter*stIlIrtalillhlini the !nest ample eltieracti•r. Tise Itt-1 her brown Iwo , holatooloo meek. tettlion was to lia.ve a private fun- . wee mutual. Mrs: Wager conbecsid 1111. but thr" awl of th,, trottoo or elte was timbal 1119 to be at the head romittOns aSkell, through Speaker er 1.gotel. Ur. Anderven Batted that Brodeur, that It be mede public co he was logetiotrat4. to oui The los that they Could attand. i it t Hetet Tonnevande. pp Tete etatement was a fact. The ac- PEARY UNDER THE KNIFE. quilintanee ripens.' Into esteem on the part 01 Mtas Wagar, and when marriage wan prePieal She excepted Operation Itirty lie Pernsmined Upon atm the kOsplareeti Feet. ado% nskal hint owe whether he Ploilanielpitia. Poe Oet„ LO.--Itoinert lyltattel her or her meney, 105 he ariest that •,.litt had a few 1,11011• E. Peary, tine Arctic explorer, will h, r come to thin eity toonotrow to un- own moue, Keying day.* ,L how le it that 101111 a geol lonking dery treatnneut for hie feet. which helm. ;.,0,4 canto. fr„to sew york were inoaired Int the far :north. I. may to nacrake for a wire hi nerahvi, be Sleeves:dry to hates an operation performed. Dr. W. NV. Keen will at- 'I he ,w,antrd • nd Wm, and deo explorer will have onlyAnih„r niti woard not take her larEgillerg 112 Pe. kr'ell'" rithat° fungneY. 'ant that atie preseliee iti Ammo the ettent of .Afr. peolleo I! Buffalo Wt19 riWirtf. *0 his ItersOtia- for the ihternatienal Rotel in itgliPP,:elrgettpkinttrutleioilriesetaratigg, :11TnUaorjrn7Jtvatitia. This eatiefted Wa- base freten fonr year ago, soon 11 merriege wait performed bes nfttr he gt"eled ttltott lelPh"t repro Rev. NV. P. Itellinge, at 1210 tion. It weal then neteesary to am- u.„4a rtiv,„ areet, see ;nth of palette toes. Tise operation sep.toriber,, n' -°- u A. bridal 'trip 1:04:trolt follenWeel. I wan oerformed by the. sargeo n"ninstanled the Pe'll7p..PanY' They stayed nit tine 'Cadillac House. then Peary Iota saglereo krobi 00000000000000,0000 00000030000000000000 I: HERE AND THERE Russell Sage will curtail his work owing to Meese, At ltaancheater Istethier Balfour de- liveted addrees on the education hill. Edward is said to be taking an active interest in tbe education bill. Toronto employers form a protec- tive association to deal with labor disputes. Tee French Government oroposes to create new taxation amoenting to $41,400,000. Earl Spencer opened the library at alarwarden, built as a national me- merial to Mr Gladstone. President Castro, of Venezuela, is reperted to have won a signal vic- tory over the reyolutionlets. Two Toronto labor unions have voted $500 and $100 towards the fund for the striking eclat miners. The eigarmakers' strike at Mont- real has been declared off, the men being beaten. About 750 men were out, The Earl and Countess of Minto have returned to Ottawa from their ptreiple.to the duck grounds at Qu'Aes The Haytian provieional govern- ment's gunboat Nouvelle Voldrogue has been sunk by the fort at St. Marc. Additional Turkish troops have been deepatched to deal with the raiding Bulgarian and Macedonian bands. J. Smyth, aged 18, a German, was instantly killed at Silver Creek thliatroguugne. the accidental discharge of Emparor William of Germany. awn the Ming of Portugal will visit King Ehward on the latteee birthday, November 9. The Government has decided that the free carriage of coal on the In- t ercolonlal for munlcip tittles shall continue until November 15. Negotiations are reported pending for the purchitse• of the Northey COM - patty, Lunieed, T•sro»to, by the Can- ada Foundry Company, Limited. The Montreal tette eoinirany Is sell- ing gee at 00 cents per 1.000 cuble feet in order to enable bouseholders to use It for heating and cooking. Tice Hague trIbunalta decision In tine ploua fund arbitration betweea M ',elect; and the Unite) Statee orders the former to par the latter $43,- 150 ,yearly. The Boer tienerals Botha, DeNVet and Delaricy Wer1N Welkhntli'd at Paris and were pres.enied with $1.1000 col - by the Seeletes for the Ald or lloer Children. Lent tit retheinia and Sir Pred.sricit Barley, Governor or New South Walt, have ken appointed to the eenituisedent or inquiry Into the con- duct or the South African wer. A despatch to the London Tele- graph from Parisi sap; it is nieserted that tine CP man (lover:Mona ban toetelved let obtain. pesseselint Of al/ the plane of the dSreiteli eublitarbits For the great celebration which the Cons/Mated Lek) Superior Power Co. intetado to give en Oct. 23th upon the opening for carvice of he great canal, the company has appreprktted $25,000. Tino Boer Generale have been csblig- ed to shorten their Berlin visit owing p bielnese weliell sniumens them to tendon, unwire they are eepeetett ott Sweeny. Tinere is amilk of atiother seentrerellee With Mr. eleandeirlain wet Week. frost 'bite. Mod twee iii9 return home. ',.sit,rt:i.AlliPriEl" distvsefi °I. E°nte "(I' be wag Informed by his eurgeoir that , ii-A,..1.,;ieti she owned tint far trOM it for alma $3.000. She ens n or'er4ilon sllionld b6 Peernhnea trastel tiele tO Anderson, Who was Another N'etilee Building Theeett-a hlek I, Berate, whore go ro,01.4 rlieri, — 11. deaotrel bridegroom. Oen day 1 demon hed to paWli a eilla to get 1 a Fb:! if•ttei not seen him sliiee. Mtg. At - II:* 1+41 her deetitute in Detroit and THE DOGES PALACE that Antelersoen had rip:teed tett the Va tit. Cat. e0.—The eesteen pore box in the eefeta nepoett alone ion t,..xt tine Doges; Palace ani part selo•re eke Isao oseogo and be teem, f the galleries fa:thin; the Grand , The keys of Um box were gone, too. anal, WII.-re th4.: b0.14, Of the gireat , one tt oaa to ea baleen epees Tee iterate- are etorel, were ellosced to. pollee have been botified to look for the pulaie yeeterday on the groand i Anlirt411t. toile rrpeire are urgently required. tire. Unger Was askent: 'di -0 you • Lord Stratiocenum and Sir rrederlek I mall, Liaterant-elovernnor or Aew 5 seta Waits?, have been appellitted additiannai aleannlo-re or the royal com- ini,:gmi impairong into the %Annetta ef the 5 +mat African War. TIne$ Will represenit colonial inatereett, It Le Rote proposed to run a linen of eable from Honolulu to ranniug Island, at it oust of a nalliono. By a uerking agem meet betwetn the Bate ban ooterniment and the Patine Collie merelal Cable Cempany, nth a cone nection would be of benetit to each HMO hi tam) of an ateldetit disabling either A reWeed of eta hundred dollare ii offered for the eapture of Noah Haase of 8.ault Ste. Matie. The ithpreglion that Hale has suieltied or died front exposure, ere this is gaining ground, no a Mann his age and clothed as ha wars When he lett toned not with.- staind the told frosts of the eighte and the beeessatily wet coraditIon Of the woods., It le Inn Ileven tient the walls leteleg ;know tropes lee weer senses _ the pri•on hive beer' foetel to be un- afro sell be entree rtcnn lark, _ slat a real that tonnediate etrengthe leion 1eoret think at 1 thask Ineeatite His miNll A flloked kK Oiling nfeeSSary. frota 1'4111:Ida. e oarid toted Wien thm booke were being eel:cloyed „ like a Canatilan." it w.ss Solari that the walls aetually ; *.Oteee yoll bbs picture?' e:wayed. A gang of men were sent eato; 1 wantet bon to alee hbi to ahem th. ra up, meet to btlek up photograph taken after we Wete iteanher or winlows whielt were oagging'. Uovrienrient ofilsials who exatinined the piece the years ago, teeournerel- ' ext the immetilete eennovat of the 11 - library fresri the Doge.% Palane. it Wag enneennered that the recommendation had been (-emptied with, but it has 5 now been tonna that tine books and papets trete not removed. Tine Carnpannle, the historle bell tower of St. eanrk's &mate, 'Venice, cine jely /4 last, ant einem then there has been fear for the safety of Many notablo buildings in the cite-. One Architect declared that the Whole city was seeking. Pre- onuiloas% have beeti ordered to be ) taken hi a fierninet. of Instances *tete btaidiegs ate. In a serious condition. I3LAME CARMEN or ilia Petal Coilisione With Preei. denOs Carriage. Pittsfield, Mtge., Ot, 2a --The find- ing hi tile Inquest following the ac- cident in which President Roose- velt's bodyguard, Wm. Craig, was killed hete lett September, Tiled to- tlaY, ettee that the "urnixerfur a.ets of Jitneee T. Kelly, conductor., and jcli Madien, reertortnan, 01 tbe electrid Oat erbiCh ran into the Pro- ticiencee eagtiage," contributed to the death of Mt- Oteig. 'The Tirediag ittikbr Speolal Justioe Chas. 1.1. Bibs hard. . . • • • _Le° alif YinIrriNI, Nit he Mane Serfle eeennee. Otte day it paperhanger working hero tool( a snail shot of me and a OA staying with me. :We wanted Mi Anidete.on to be snapped, too, but he etiosei Ifinneelf. Be had seine good rterson for not letting Weenie. tate get into cireelation. No A PUBLIC HOLIDAY. ktrtg's /111,thfl&y To be talseared hray laetteeteroclainationn. Ottawa, Oet. aOE—Thete will be Oa pablic holiday on November Oth tide year. The Government decided to- day to lesue t tOclarotction fitcing May- 24th as the day open Which Hie Malesty's birthday shall bij ob- served. It the Interptetation Att it Is provided that the 'expression "holi- day" ineintice among otbet days hu the year, "the Inttliday or the day fixed by proclamation for the cele- bration of the birthday of the reign- ing sovereign." It leen the strength of thie provision and the action of the King in selecting Vey this yeat for the 'celebration. of hIS 'natal day -that tine Govetnenent proposes to net as indicated. t, • taint soft teal ian etove canted tirPlosloh, :doh* t250.datiettge nint E Pnai fitteet, Tothette , Wife Met Dootor-Husband at Hospital Door. RE DISAPPEARED ON AUG. 30, New York, Oct. 18.—Dr. Wilbtntt Bdtos a wen -known New 'York prase siela,n, who disappeared on August: 'akin last, leaving no trace, haa- beea found in 'London, says it de- spoteh from that eta nis wife, who had instituted it world-wide search, met the doctor as ho emerged Troia Charing Cross Hospital. Irt estgarcttic>ri or his remarkable diaeappearanee, Dr. Bates, who had been •engaged in a tennis toe/teen meat at New/inert, and bad return- ed to Ida office here to attend Ca sonic, Matter.% said his wife, that he had been ealtel to perform opeta- tiona and left hie office carryinghle Instruments Ire went to a ship an- chored in the Eest River, where he performed an operation an it man enTfering from abscess of the, brain. Nor nuete could be obtained, nad he temained With the pitient all night. From that time, tie mind, he sant. bag 'beee praetleallY nElarik. When found in London, he had re- giategedf at the Charing Croat/ Boatel- tal fort tne teat ooze of taking a poet Wade:tate Course. , • t