HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-10-24, Page 4. — I I- �; , !�c:, 1, ,, ::-, �- - :''� , 1 ,�j . _ 7 - I - __ ".. I.. , .. . I 1 - .111, , i I,.. � 111., , .I , �-.­­ .�­,� " 11 , , , .� . �. I . : I � I I . , - - ` - , - '._ , __ T _ � __ � I . I I I —7., . 1. � � � 1. --11-:1. � . , ,.. . , " �' , r � ., . I . , , , , . , - 7 . j , ., - I.. I - � I . � I - , 11FIlt I . � I .. �, � I '. , . � - � ..... . �. , , , . � ,, I ". � � � , ,.,2 ,;� , ! ,.., .7, - , , , . , , , �, , , 1�.6,� '! � , - , - ""r - , , I .11 I , . I , m� � ., , . ., . , � . . , . , � � L� - # , - ", , .- .. 1 'i.. . � . . � � " �L,r.� ,�, ,�, 11. 1. ..' . ,. , �, �, , - . � ,� � .. 4 - , . ,. ,,, � .1. � �� � - . , I I . . I . . I I I . . . '. 1 I . ­, ., , .. - �" ­ I I .1- A �, - . ­ - - I 11 - 11 I � , � I 01� . � '. . , i�� ...... ,L­�;­­ . , V � , , 1 M .. - I , _771A.'', 1 1 11; 11, ­�_ -117- .11111 ,,.��,�1,14.,.4��,',,�.,�.i��;li��,.��,,.''�'..�; I I ­ . ! 1". I � . . � � ,!! , , , . I � : - 1, :'' ,, : . I I I . , . l. I . . I . . , .: .1. 1. 1 1� . I . I � . I . . I . . . . ­ . .. . � . . . � I . I—— �' � , "'" , , . . I I. . 4 . 11 H V!11 z tj A i C A 1,.-b � . I I 11 , ., 14 H t-11 N , � I . ,,,, I �, . . .� � . . . I .1, � .I I I i ,, , . I.- .J­.�­4�_ 1 1 . - . - ­ .4�..14_.--4`04A�-��W�_n� __._________a�­__­.____1_. _­­ ­­___ .. j - " ,- __.. _.__,._.____. _ _. I I I . —_ _____ _. . _.____._,___ -, ___ -_ - I " (, L '-- Sonle Opinions oil the Shoddy Ques- I ,& REMARKABLE STORY, . I I . 1, 9. ", - A LESSON TO PIRAT.]S, � , TH,i,, H R,*,. 19 1�54 9�,_V, 10 I tion. . — , I I ' � is PUBLISY l -ED . .1 "Sujr)� i A Discoverr of tin Ablaost Certain , . 1 for this wet weather The valuable paper nu sti� I Caro for Rheumatism al)(I 'Kina. ; I ' � : E77,Z)r TnURSDAY EVE11ING, tutes for )Nool" r6ail, by Mr. Alfr�,d! 3XILI Di6ORS08. ITALIAN GVXBOATS 11011))ALlID11913 I A Tylitrosell before the Internatim ! BY H, ZELLIQ ( ill I Amongst thogreafes't discoveries T11111111, 11CAMILTARTIA'as. . -ill need a good Stroll. (F pair of Shoes. We - I You w In 0onferenoe of Sheep Breeders at I Of th.0 age Tor the relief of hiiiiian — : . TERMS OF STJBSCRIPTION'-$1,00 Per C&rliS10, EnglUnd, and which has sufferin-, perlizips none take so mmilitna poL, j,rt)njjai R". ! have What you want. 0 parix0on, 1 - year paid strictly ill advance. 1AFhen tile attracted it good deal of attention high it place as Dr, Clarke's 1,ittle J'ftililkw Which Oj1(11'jLij1nM ' " , paper is not ordered to be discontinued in this country, in4nood it general Red Pills The forni'Lilzi, froln Aguln.4t Me 11irittes Will be ILL-' I . it will be sent until sueli order !,,-, given discussionof the subject by (jole- which tbe';0 pills tire Inado -NN-t�s the atumud-The Stilton 4%.xkx1oiis. slid zarrearqges paio. , 'Men.'s Heavy Shoe, a $1,50 to be charged 11 when not paid in ndvance. e wool- result of L-nany years Study . gates from notarly all th , tilid I � ADVERTISING RATES.-Tron a 1 e n t groNving countries of the World. experiment. It is with I he greatest Constantinople, Oct. 22. -Rod Sea pi- i 7_11% I ' I � Dandy, onl- . . . . \ I lzt4^ advertisements, 5 cents per Brevier line . The Yiows of several of tilese confidence, thorefore, that the pro- Aes have been rotidintr the Islaud of I s, U for first insertion and 3 cents per line for I gentleinenwill be read with in- prietors place these pills Oil 1110 Dlialak, in the group bolongiwr to -Massu- I . ea,ch subretlaent insertion. Sinall Advs. terest by our legiqltttor�.;, farmers market, and so satisfied are they "'all (capital of the Italianocololiv of 1 -+�.49,.E+-&-E+!:�43�41r-,+3�-43-,G- such as"Lost" "E9tray" or "Stolen wi,1 1 and uinnufacturers;- I that they will prove a blessing I . to Eritrea) Two Italian .-unboats which I . be charged. 50 cents first insertion and 25 1 Mr. J, Treadwell of England said suffering humanitT,thfit they make ' " (tents for each subsequent insertion. vi,ent in pursuit of them cornered the 1 Jaganis in Surnmer Goods that they were all very much the followilic offer: To any one . Copy for change of Rolvertisement must I pir. T - t the Island of Mid.la., cir the 1' be handed in not later than Tuesday night 1 1 indebted to Mr. Mansell for the ,who is a subject of rheumatism. (no a, 0' 2 trouble he had taken in collecting matter how long standing) or any. f,ollehi (Yonien, Arabia) comit, whieft �: Call and see them before they go. . . the Italians briskly holubarded. Tbe gun- ; in follow- the facts. It seemed to him that blood disease, its enum - of each week. to insure change � ed belo * OW Ing issue. erat w boats afterivards proceeded to Hol0da, I - -E+-E;--E.+-E*-�+e;�+3-+3-4,1-*3-+3- � the Association should take it une, ! and -will give Dr. Clarke's wonder- the niost flourisliing seaport of Yemen, , Local notices in ordinary reading type from Mr. Man -;ell's paper, and 11 fal Little Red Pills it fair and im- and demanded reparation. The Porto J001% d--4� : St-% g 5 cents per line, Notices for Church en- - BLAKE. tertainments or other benevolent institu- impress upon the. President of the I partial trial and do not find it per- fias Promised the offleitils of the Italian , /R. k=9 , If (-..� r_7 %..# L. 0 �__ � tion ixt special rates. Board of Agriculture the necemity, fect cure,we will refund the money Eiubu�sy here to 1- ke niengureq to tit-. i -of introducing it bill, soinewhtit. oil I paid for the pill,,;. If no substan- rest the culprits. In tile Illeanwh0c the ! _.._._________ 6___ I Contruats for column, half -column and I nimandcr of the Ittdian gunboats I - - � .. � I'll. . .. - � ­­ .___.____.__ quarter-colitilln rates for specified periods the line,,, of the Food wid Drugs 1 tial improvement is observed we 1*0 �ZMBMWINROE_rml ffimemal will be cheerfully given. Address all dor-; of: will, in'tioldition, pa- " ' threatens, unless, prompt reparation is I the y Act, to require� ven , I , $10 in cash nevorded. that lie will bimielf take tile communications to fabrics to declare the. eomposition, 071 satisfactory eviolence being Sup- n eft .dEh kw of those articles, so that people, plied us to this effect. i action necessary to obtain It. M 11 " I inight know what they -were bu- 14 A - =3=9 =03:Mia, .,-- � We have yeb to know of a single � E, ZELLER EDITOR, ZURICH, P.O. ing. The .state of things which I case where these 'Nvonderful pills I 1,11 F 0 n U U, 00 E 2 E ' L T H 11 ! Mr. Mansell described in his paper 1 have not been abliost entirely sue. I ]AACEDONIANIS " IGHT WELL . - ___ -'- _____ __ �,\N,as a -reat grievance, and if tlle:.v I ce-1ril in affecting it oure. CIANA_ I To proserve oi, ro.4ore it, fliere i-, 110 better I 1� , , l FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1902. brought it before Mr. Hanbury por- DA CHEMUCAL CO.Peterborough, innncic co.x p,,,(,.,1` wj,j,Ij tpul-ics IN I I help � Ont � proseripti oil fol. ilivii, Nvolliell all(I ('11ildren flum - —.-.---- .1-1. I . . hap,; the gentleman -Nvould - ICTUMNAL VAU'lly. . I � I I ' lioi aro vasN to tako. They CANADIAN NEWS. I them. Niotwithstandin- the athil- I I J�ipans Tabith-.4. .P Y t , I I teratioll of so ealled- -woollenitolihuthattlie time had alliost S .voral 11iiiadred '.11,Ljk 1-Zlileal jind 1 are 11111do ot� a voillhilial ioll of 111t1o.1 i villos avp 1-0 ved L . 0 S I Woundott-OrWil it Jzjk t [oil The Toronto City Council liasigoo(lz-.",tliosetirt,i(�los(liLI not ,'t:('011leWIlOn'%VOt)],;LllttC(�,)Ulj,tofI its Of tho 'i aud itsed by every pliy8iviaii. )Zipalis Tabules I -voted down the proposal todenitaid Iniuch cheaper. Hediol. not know � low price, might Ile used to adrol" Mll cedoll In It 1,1evolullolliNts is , . . n I . &$501icem-e fee from. litundri". � who got the talvantage, I terate other 111ftterials, . 1 lilmlalzqr Ilailild lientlivaly. i are widely 11,'�itd by al I .sort -.A of people—but to the M I ! The proposal ivas aimed at tlle;� Mr. (3r. R. Rieliards of 'Natal solid' Mr, Ki(INVell Of Cu,pC C01011.11 Sili(l; : plaiii, evory-tlay folk.q fliov aro a. veritablo friend I Chinese laundries. j tha t the paper had initile M ill r0el , that the wt tives of tile cuun ii. -V he i Voll.,talithiople, 00. -_)2­-The Tnrlc�sh j ill nood. Mpalis Tabuh-, have bevolne theirstall- Francis Mitchell, it member of! quite imeasy. He litto.1 beell "voll- representeol. Y�ere lint witnufactur- 1 foree.iart, enenwitering strung ,)lip,).jitjtnj . thegaing now in jail. at London, olerhi_­ how'many of their ztrinents, ers but constinters, S011le f I dard hniffly remedy, TlwN aro a depolidable, tt _to"tj ,ow years : in thOr operations. N tho Rrk�,Illt Val-, . - - �wftiting senrence for cattle �, - had beon 211anurtietured olit of tho M , tl-rk) .In fttt011Ipt NVUS in. holiest reliledv, with %'I 10111-1, 41tild -,iiovv.,4-zfii1 revord, I , Ide to) ,start i I . � St Off continental rags. whieh the it iaetol,�N, for the manufacture of I � ing, has been committed for trial I 0a' - It -y. A larm. Bulgarian barat! in on. , , . I - I i to ('111v indi"o.,44ildl, dysjlepsiat� babillial aild Still) - on it second charge of ste'llin"'!Val)er so gruphiti-ay de.-eribod. wOollen goods in South Afriva, but � t1`1-o-lit"i li-tit ons ha.4 sikibborrily uppos- .., . . , seven head of tw*'6--year-old's in � Speaking, purely us it con.miner lie it wtnit to thL� wall oil aet-Olint of! eJ the furtlit-s- advalwo, of tho trthlpq. , boril vonstipaiiiii. ofi'viwivt, breat1j. hearthurij, Jnly *from. Mary and Lionel J. thought the paper shoul(I do it: thp E.1 eapness of good,,; of other' .N4varding to ollivial iliftirillat � .1 lon I lie diz..".ii)(N.s, pulphatioll (if -1114, Illiart, Slevp1(­,.,lI1.Ss, Chute of Carudoe, . great den]. of good. But speaking kind.; exported to South Africa t Tarks ha�-e surronlitiod tile Isuig;1riall I and - In it dense fog at sh, o'clovic 'as " producer of wool livill'_' in tbilt, Ile knew froin pernolud experiene; - ,troughold and the surrender of we re- � billst,111,11. 1.1'.vullialk-111, soln, .*111111:101, bowel C, --distres,dul e1nintry," 8outh that it great deal of shoddy -wits "'Intionisli or their dkpvrt;.a1 ii mlwet- I liver vonlpl..-ti lits. 'J'Jjp\-8tl-,-ij.wjjlt-,.-j wt,Itic s-loill- i 8foinday morning, a, freight train (1:111%.. I followin,-- another ran into the Africa,hebelievell that anytill))z consunwil in Cajx� Colony. The ! r" 41"lis, buil!] ill) run -tbdii .,tysti-iii.q. rost ire Inire preceding train on the 1, olde at that Could bt- done t,) raist, the ' Sk. ll�vtvrsburg, Oet.22). --A dp�patva, Io - r Dutch tratle in South Africa re- Tile Novise Vivinya from Ctan,tatitinolk'o blood. "'ol)(1 anilk-fite tald .,�,Jillltl. ilatural stletip. short distance west of -Now Haiti. price it balf penny ill- it I S 11 � I � 9 � )`1171-N' or quireol. obvitp goocls. Nu inatter, ­tvi thi, .%r tuti are orgaiiiAng in a.mu-'r'- IM 11`aVvl,A.bil11v derivvs milli'lant lit-livilt fi-41111 a rog"ll- burg station. Engine Driver I'L. i'3vt�n it farthing It pound would what g000l.-; were ol*;vrol fOr .,;tile O'distriet-i of .)j;jt-,.tjt)ljigt illitl t-;)j�jirjj .; I . , Moore, of Sarnia, julliped from his have tho hearty supp*srt of Ys thl, I)LItt.11 lwopit. owitys itsizeal ow report tinit diore ba, boin, iolUoIll , i hir u* ".4f ' , 84, 0f ffipalw Tablilt's. y(.111. drilta'"ist ..44.1h; eliggine, and received injuries whil-ilJOlow pro Inver.s. But the ques. 0 4.jIjjvk,. j.t I Kara Sit Ither. I . )I nothing elipaper F� I i j�Ljjjjj0l.;jj(tjl tklj�jj'., tili. I t Ilialik . Tht, fivt—voil pat-leet IS vilotigh fol, ..ill proved fatal. tionwasim internitti-mal one. If,Unf,)rtutiatt(41,vtlit,fat'riiier.giriSouiili%xlot�i-t- rwivral hundred Ilion lntvt� huen I . T111, F.1111H 1111tile, 60 I-t-lit.s. Oe Abolabollill"tif `11"'ItIv , . Ulled or N%oatnidml. : 011dillaillt, 4)(INts,1011. V Montreal. -t. 19th,Rwittral I "$)till" _%vit'; Afriva 11IL(I not bot'll pro-ressive'. � . I � "Illy to) boa earrivil on' by Eagflitntl and their wool lind gront, to" at vem, � , ; volitah1*14* It supply rtar a yvar. Rooth. founder and eonunandvr of vnA ,wo �, diNns,gartlod in tbo ( lonfln. z. jt)w pbl). It Nwits lit, unden,tood il�e-' Irtte MARRA-1.111 HIPHOORTSo the Stilvation Ariny, aeconip.tniotj i -lit and in Ainerien, it mig,lit pos. 1: 1,)W,,�,t - by his daughter. Coinnitintlant E It Wool in tho 11.1arket. and ICT, . k% It -W , " M P 11 ", JN, , ]tooth, re-aelled Montreal on ,.941ttl � -4111V orvilitlivo Butt-lish protluvers, tjjt�.r %y(tro, 11j)w talking, of produe. � - laay.,or 11,riveat vor wisont anit jj%* . � �� V11 and li't trittItOr.; of other natiolliz buterm-Nbrei-tis und ignioring the , sttkek­�rjkv I'Stil-M t.kno tilt kaskOft. I 11 . R TUP-01A� l-.'%a-Ijjj;,1. Uet. 411. 1, .1 i . , , dity. anil was dt lorwo driven to th" --nmep in'* antl rk-ap fliti bent -lits.., \Vo,ol trade knitinkliv. &I X 'Windsur Hotel. 0n 18nittlity lit ,r;,,. iiigtttt�r.,�ii-)tiltll)Lbtitl,o�it up 1) . delivered three a4dre."" upon fliv %%,,,,,I .v 'M r. It. N'. Walev of Xew zealand Ol'oronto St- Lawrelwe 11arm-to Nvork of the Army. growers thron-Olout tbe sititltli:tttt!;rpl)i-f,-.�t-ittiii,,, the Coln- rava.% of ga'.1111 %%I-ro 41:411.,� 105 ilj,- �.Vo­t N Ing I "I a if � ;a � , world. Mr. ' Man-wil di -served " terbury Agrieultnrid alld 1%storial w,rik �srro wday, spaq i4t. D­%*�jo�, lw-W R * '?*, d1c, 014[41119'; atutiMullng to AsIwelul election vourt Nva-� to) thants for drawhur attpnt t t Association of New Zealand lie. 4--mv lou%iie & I itil 1) IIIrly hem ­m)tj(- Hall. thebognisartlelps used in hubsti. I " 11 I � .1 r I , . �� � .,O have bivil, held at ()%_, . ei)iil;t-ver.\-fxtlt,r.stil)l),)rtWr. �Ilan- � 'U9 IOU%" ff� -M . Wlp"tlt�_' $'a" %Olth- 90:11 1r;g". JaCj;'�44`�V' a Toronto. Oiaturday, to fix the dati, tutes for wool and lit, tru%ted th-It at 691. to 's0%R'. &_ss b00%la of rpol 14� Mal 19-A.. �.- sell's exin-e.-,sions. It scorned 'to" ogber 8, ut ijog.�,v tus vk,. utaaB atp!# pipp,,B '00f I � __ — of trial for those election ease -4 that tholutper-woultIbe the bPl�dnlking litin that lwarly ovory votintry pro- 9`11"I" �,ge to li�gv Wgtwr nt fUlt"p. to Meo. 4 . - 1, 01143-- 1.010 Cush ,�,V'j 12V 46 le 101aher Y t — are yet standing. So many of file 'of an atetive ernsade. again.4 t1w t1u('e., thij Itboinillable adulterated -n-'e to adaiv. . 4i , ,rA I 5X1r==%S0W&V=zX=3MVMM""S=A% Judges Iwo outt f tllu% eiir. how- "spurious artiel4,. ' Mr. Pet -r ok tilt- labries,which lind beon descrilied, � t lt3r.eF=:..9W Ittwoll S14d le ldghkx .11 Ild Mal R ever. that it %vas found ln;possible Vnited Slates m -till that ho bronght 11 XtI4 41k. : _a th011ght it bad bet -it rest-rvefl vlla,�­PrhP4 wore. nods-14jugcd, . to hold the court. and it was all. tt) th(,, ronforeni-tt t1w eoniplitilplits rtjr .Xtsw Zlial tw SORIty ta $11; Ila Sid, 41-9- t44!8. aud 4," , an,, ulllawov " tobe One of Clallt' ill$-# j4j$!J� 1ja.4 %-a,jrj*,q ,jV%rj.6. 0,T � , U. in. . %�'QIV '*A amwizhrm _r"111� journe(I till next Saturilay tit lifo':"" I'll(' be"t wi%'11" 1)f tbc -kZRti"nal few platies,whork, ther I j 00ro"I �. tolve Sto0t; Afs%oviation ot Anwrit-a. L.lOth t1t. t � proanced is �, SUMV Me ttnil tit Aaraf ,U�Qj m4,(&4j;,l.l " I R I Was 110t . I r I 11 =Aram � ; , � ­%.*Ao� adnIteratt-A.' At $12 1W 19tu. 14 Al 0, - lI4$i.!,.%,Vl ltqag*_ -AtekoLl f � 1-4 1110041t. 7adaa � I I e" elautle Clare. 14 veans of n't. tile Tile. menilsers taf fliat A-�!�glt.httioll y4c, J."'),11tj ,-tate froul llesonal ex- Prjr�.% utol-botagop) ut $,% 1.1 W2:V I4;_h,16%V1. � rmv:d I * .. YOU1JgC_St Son of,�W. und 11r..... ('h -.t% %vel't, doing all thov voluld tf) nod � =3=2= . . , ke 1wrienvo that lKew V,valand elc�fll 1� Torunt"'Llve st"Qu. I I ftftf &I= ChkrO. Of Pl!ftl:011, -*Vllfltt� IfIllying Den a0f 1:10, . FR, ' � 1. Lwu�d A, ,, tall 11011PSt I# e 1114111t1filctIll't"t's woulifl, wear far longer than a i I Sundity inorning with .%wnt- other "f %vool- but it was. a prelty IIV I Twolq. Da aide I'mwouvo 4-jilgo, Mot?k'I 't�", I * 114111 %Ilits Ill- had Well ablis t,,) Wt in vlar,i4h,vu-ini tay. toolviovio-unonj .&v, r U -2%l tv " 6'. boys i� IL flat car oil tlilp prc.sto�jj ta,4k. AoUttl't ,ral*�tl 9`9;1% wt -11' U"%v Loulon: If tile xew 7waland ell,th " 11104 trbrV vamalhouco. 1.401011 DJIIUI�94 aup �_AAI, The I&IAng, UG.". Nluvgv. Lrau�j Mkov. U1. 'I , 1/� " 4 , anct Berlin litew eleetri" rorad in t hat , sit M111111101a ill Allifuriea that it 'Wd*` had ully fault tt was that tile %vir. fiaftft beavy &j*aDL10vg Opf gL",V,,I %-,.'j�q!!0 '.�Ira, I it C: , , 1117 11FIM, fattV Uto�aijjo�rj tt�.J% UU.4t.atir 0 rr i , %00 A � , I town, triva to volup!v it with tin- 1hal val.alld lot- jud,344 f _jt� �,*V�,i,:V,.W. a-11- G rlt ,O- 171 I I I y . c' -lie had %ven that tDic 1`0,11 er of tilt- vloth" 1111itle of it got 0199,11- S _ other ear andwa% ru%,hvil Itetweell tvilat _ ' U 'Ujj�p r tjr,,jI f0f jjjW 64roul OSQLO'.�;-v tva,I qr"Otiv� 'tar ri��UuLtvau, .4 gorant%t. vsi; ft pjj4njrtkj-jt_j D�ta. el uL,.peV.,,btj v�g_ _t jDefortt. tLq�V %#�zAu - jg &'et IPIM AjbW, na , aft,Q!L alWi eto.. IV, them. He wa-4 at onm varrwil tqv erMelsin Illiaht 1ye allphefl. t" were worn out. Mind wonVen . n1,oA;1 9!. L,-,wd the offlee of Dr. 'X. .1fillory. alsvott liftillufa"turer"; in Eftplitlafl. But �n Vj,)tjjS %,,ill lbrotgo'm urmtr46--4 Dou 04E�00-tt,4 uo'ap r,.tj. Lj,,�bj ill I lk I - weat Intleh lvmger tlln., M11UP'Mat lngn Vap 90400 NAU'.0�LAC.,%. z'IL"! �0 130 vards "Iff, lint dielf sht'Irtly s1ke Oftf tbe had 4--va oleset Ity the, tjoe Ft, pape,A4 JA, b'snolult-ew-11.7 f' - 010y �% VO -W 5nJA Ll D�Z-�`V.EOJI*04 0"Ir Mo 64;�,11. t.�, r ree . sho"ItIv thin" sold lv� 10loth. !I SL,V,Q-�J'. Ijnjl!�� L,�U'j V-j.,`t,o�. JtV g"" I,U- ,4'jj'ft'­,j .,if ter. I N ,.I,, L" " I' � _�- - , tDl`ft4lTaV,t4lT4-b:r.` OIf the .11fted ShAtt'-1- The vvvloitirs wt -.re perhaps ftlote j Atod iau�gq kv,,-t"t. ro'K,�oV, "Ttbw UULU tv - ovou AvshootingaecidvInt ommrred at all f11011" 'If -%"'�VriM­40141 IN' interesited in this sitt9jt,tet tjh-�aj ii Vaivao. untr"umonz, Imn a.,,iit , v. D.%'V'V It <,�,,:.p ! I L &,w Vu !"o Oln"V:z- Was siftre her inight ineltade thp ft , aad kIME.I. z vaute-z �Jnoo 0151 rw'&..�_ WIV &,-dvo- tbungle mvahn. '0UN tw-�IL 1�1,�, vrf lrl,�e , Mkl"att nlftte-_rou""�,­ D4,1.411'q t, �",,n* 4A. ,V %V'qj,i,, Fishing River. 3o Infles n4urth of ar. Endland. Rov thought the .410),941,vt I! 11�unljflyl liqVitattl �41A 'VVQ,uC,-Mv%,'&& o�T '.%I,, lav-ej,�.,I�, 1) , DD tz�,- vian r D.111phift" on Friday eveftiftg+ hast, . Mers of EngUlld awl of thp oTL-plV UM 1A. pusheil It, . � I . s ffir I . .1% lw�Awa, , Mituag atool rvavy nlro�C'.'4*�, 6tj �[-­ 1��','qj t4l�'�04-V � *. 1:� .. . � , 41, No ,..3nL',I ro-Its. 5� w",3§_ 'T nq% k'Iffer a S7UbS,,-tV�D'j','..'4a t,v iNul --rl,"Ao�1 &,�hql N', & �,�._,_Au ra,mfly bv, whieh it Galican- woman jullned, e0l1fftr10s-'-Vere honest hit'll. A I1121hot (0111y put lyefore t1l" milli�': fir �'11&*,r`nV4 ar . jaejrf,1bk1%f,.0 n5,0, via Ma r2p �.%Dvzd,,e, wW-.'J,U!V , I �Vq_lt.jjjjjql.�4 fklltr tjj�y, � j;11t,qt4jLq. V.,f rj'�'��.:! gieft,,;lie�n was shot in the head awl tweat deal of work tind at vet%* ter:)f Agri�-ultura,- Ill Hnvgiana but �1 gmptragovl fol., ant, — In,- 90pavy. V,MV,r.�,,Aj,. .I "I I , V INI ;. Qb Ut�qr"tg"W gjL0&-% 2V.J* ��F,g��g; L'fa�jaj,�'. Vk�jj�t_ V1 ' kilIM with a rille ball in mistake .'"Offg P01114inati011 N 01dil, 1,e- als, before tile Colonial Pkenfler%. fr-w W-hogoo six.,rit 4 -Al %Ou hv-ry lit qUdJftv4 i for a devrby John U. Iliehard'son. red to 944 thr watter %Iealf with: " - 1; If the lilnffi�r was j;r,.jj,,erlr repre_` wh.'m :ry jwe 4 wt. 1431 *,.P.1,3 'Wl3-� J�AA 6,­..L,�y� I " lltl(*.� 21", atrif-battgo-01. gxq'4�14 roy 0--try,ft j & afttion Mail. The Unfortunate 11).1VIZ-fislation in Amerieu and lie � . h sl�rs they; lefy*sq. Wfaid-h 01W :oWV.r nd 't"L25 to $4. senteil to (,()jq)njjLj Xj i � , woulaft leaves a fafflitv of children. Prest�'lle`l th"t Py"fics Iver"'m thc oviaht be able to (to a great deal to:' Hutvl*t,4� Caitri-Vatn, V� vao 4*11a:jqgi, It, I 1,I) everylu'l-i-pin lAuvivi- nke f,,vr ;u SnIo4g.81-plion la flue Zur;vla A eorouer's itifoluest was held and s4lilt* the worhl over. A hill Iht- sH4.241on, -.laid lAw-Z ai-V tbie 'nAnge og i, - . � 150 Of I. .'it 'Me v Dovqe jar Inst ,wo+k. AH tlaq- via ��iee ,i �­ Welfardson ati-quitteil, the.,.; h,3ofing the Sub,ject of 8vo011ell 'kil On help. A.4hadlyeenstliftrdar I 11 nux m � T4 'r t lw ItIdUan".4V or I",, V2. vv - W M have I Dw A al-aity Ilevald t1l"Ifac­ even One farthinga, pounil. in 'tile W01,4 uIv bi emnud Imid ;;;rp ,qjuv. t.0 und alld Weekly "Mar Imifloe'l jjjrj-q.i� I - &�('qv t,P 9. !*Jbg fOUnd UCCRIMfttal. turers Ilad been introilneed into jjrjc,, of Nvool ivoiild be it ver� great dyAivge1r-% tVut "Oram" (" _"vd �"tf! �L3'% , 111-r-wil V01bukat ehar�,+.I�. fronu flual V�,!,,-,t- i.l. the ,,;,nne -, 111 the house of rejyre,,,,cvntatjveN in advantnae. , .� wintlipeav Man- (.1ct. L'I tjPeedovs land 6I&#-kvt,�-T#"dv 1� tamy at.- , Ve. X111fJoUltIf ,,44abVIV or jt,g*. jiVV.V.,k..q t_g, 'i i- *renfl,4 lvrq,v�r %­�I-r nrldl. to ths �,-Til" America with the i)bjeet of reqwr- . jjr. H - Se jr#Te. " Thi, s Xvithout 1114),zillt the -, . In& `Wy of all uIlknown Ilion. ",Mlat -* ijl�z 111rit ItIl �';" - RPM Of Tw,maj! #MtZbg IV #,, 11� of Canada, atill th, _,Vw'ft1 � u .W ja tkrSt. 'I't1p C -4 i, yl�itfs of age. Was found in the (-alleA tvOoflen - .1 ,qwid it . 'J�W�,_:YW J�; 4,.,Vr. 1. q. , ­1.veph.�l V��L'- n4,)4-I,'.V01! gl-L F appeared to him that 111.1nolfaetnr 1"t to a Apse tind tho, dt:wana k aot :,,y V arficles. hot 11111de Of lAlre NVO111 - Leon, GoVid V-,uv�­.t atto �,4pfabrp vol. VvVw- , - ers Ill-dst Pteduee what the public evert pfid 11yu- v�41ftll,vn,4 aie =0;01�g�A Vish4js Jto;ir Petubvite School. F"ff ,;hotild be plainly ill r -ld in . 11 'r. -A , , a kf %tic - - -13SC 'US. Rotige, unhitoba. bft N1010ky. Tile a Way its to show the artir wanted. 'Phe fill -Lin thin& ivi'th Sheep and Ultarm-14hi-op arpo.-a4- TO OUR, PIK NT RHADU ,les of ralral" 040sej tosy. Insd pnw4petls for Mc, ,Znt. , blaft is of fair pol"Jiletion and tvith -whitt4i tha fabries "were eonjlj.,)�;t,(j, Which the pr(xjrtjeerg of'_ -wool.s tilt luf0me to gta%-Pr jy2ft-4-4. IrUetre L,:; B4a 1 Nvottl(l have to voncern f ation'. Moustache. The bmlv- was found, and flat' kelative Prroportioll of elle 1101+9--A deg-Iftle Of I. -W jl��-t VlVt #014. �Ilftr-,- Aift,v jwo,sent .ste,5.,c_v.p,,(%V %Tjjv%,.1k%� ,-jjr,�tl�j.j,1p0!qm to the X-jrjj.+ ,h heniselv" 011IM-1, in atuol, ., . b,v 38en Weedlatk. a well-kno was 0 securc that the lftr­%V_�� iq in aerean� q.all have nv- Vanlilzr 31,.-T40311 aud Weekly '" in-Imlien'. He +,Vaq . � dS Urct- zind �4-levt.-; at U6 to Lnwo pAjjua,j,: jul,2c.tjLj 1, � .4 % . thfomed that afteell were properly t+00 It ato riev'r �,,C,Hnn, .0 tf;.95' . Inilkififth. Decease"l-wasfir�-'t seen tj- , inarkea hv �,.,t� 4,al. , I t tl- tsftlls and feit;4 stop ot .-*.�*. s:joz,r_.-; ,it S.-.. v,4 , �Ztar Pre'. fo�y flat, �Pujj.,Jju,r.p 4#1 fl�,. a vi'ar isy 3'avnjE.�'qll,t.p ,Aj'jP,otdj..z. �jjgjj -, Jill tL - (�' le, vt $4. 14) to $5 wn- 1 ,7-ap4 at ,k:! tVp ,VX. . � F� , te Sallie plarre hv sow$; . . . y '*b last Thui%dx le measure Ivaq beilig s.tron V the waftlifio,turers, so tha, I �� $ th!o*w -IVV wbuflv lit 1. oppas d bV the N'lltio)ual As�scvdft- , I I in arrears van lu4,vo- frin �D-�"M .1301, U%-eldv 1 i � U101, of 4�N-�Oj IL " Ma? f1w Mra.wtedlftiklf who thought the .- ' qhUfaetUretg, W110 colIguttier would kno - . the 1021114q-q� VOT flo'L- - ear Day pzkviu' - I iv extietly , 161**t Wiltato Cattle lithl,ket. � I I.r .� . _R,-1'lD§-Xf ve.tr,-s $!� - , * WitUt was sleeping. An inque.4t iviil were extensive users *),a ,.4jjoj,jjr. what lie was buyine, Cast Iluetild. Oa. 21­11*.Arr�#_R.C�4,"TAS thpla darhu'- SP;j,j4,.2RD4j__;.. . ab.-icrijy- be held. A - ­_ - !-�rd b% -td; lv:�reur ��u-ljosx. df-m':�m,l 944-L'i 6 �, They wereoppat).sitig j,,�, hot ojlen�r� rile I . � trial oil the Fouth O.Vf0rij **a% .stead�r; top'. *$T.V, to ss.. j­rjAd*j.,.,j VV I � Ofiarles, Olivek� aged 23 Years. bta6s.eeretly. be�pame tL,(* gooa� Z4 to %'j.;ag�. jj�,, XIM --.-4 V,r ea'� '4�Z_J, .h,j_� _..i[f,p) .V dated election protest has; b "in adjouthed, j4t,nd. t�_ � , $7_ _jPj,. . . In a at Who lived at 2,-4 Carlton . �.,,treet. not ,conle fopwarol to Submit to to Dee 1, at. ,W,oz)d, . ea%.v .10 t,r, $;.,11. MIXiA, 1,07.�$y to 1! - 11 . .;toej_L, and tile It's -30. york�-&, $_7.07T - to .1%7.101 'Wil %ly, THE HUL ULU,!). Zz nara. ( ��N,r. I $100.90 to $7.10. j.1g,:. $0*,147 . v J,i S'j, 'jqj-1:Zi�ti .,, - VA.e; killed all Mondav Inornbli,v by i cross-etaim nut ion before the ,emn- Elst Mid-liesex ease, adjOtIrned to io, 00 to $0.sa, -44#-4. ,,:.-,..-,A) to '10111.1; --as- � . _ it steeet-Etit on 01r1ton str"'et J:qnt . jj-�._jtOL(-f'jjjj ';z jjk� �­ , �­�� � - 1fe:'4`11tt0'0`�Vhi`cl1 Was (1*--R1ift:-!5 'With 'tile Os�gioode Hall for arguniellf, all the -,qe*t 4�0.70 to $7,, d.­j,rf-,. $1 41� $1.2a. 9L ��11 'I * 1, _ ,�. % . !b,l ' . I I -11- I"' - - 0 ., _01- -, ___ .. ..... .. - ...... . -.1... "' " , .Jfj*j fj4.;*,,,j. ,f...jdV. �o - WAS wheeling vasit, anil when in bill. 'evidence lvein,* taL-p' *nlp . %ammifto I L I . : o , - , f3tobt of 185 c,atiton Street, �4.,i I t� _40. 4,11 �0 t�, _� 111. � %tte-fig. top lawlys, $3. to 1�55,4;7; i -n!!;:, !* ,�!@Mnl waif, . . "X;� ty lizzianu ,con- — "" . tW._,Q _ _66Q� geod. $4 to ��-i.Llm %,-#ar:lm­4. ,*4 to .%.:,­,; - ��!W�! "" --, ----­�___ _� , _ L I I 1. ­ L ­­­' - waffteil to look out. a-, a large tree siderea it a very happy t1joll I t t - 'L I 1. elw#.,� t4.25 to $3.73. %kj.fn�p. top ymxi-�I. "%;.-P � -_ -_ L - -- `_' . to *3.i5, i-ralP, to gaod. M.751 to $3.44). . ­ I - . ___Z�, l_��,�C-L,i'* turned hiS Wheel, On1v` to get in i: before a wieethog in -whieh : . I 41�rileago I'vet, st6tia. ' ' " !, 61f Z&1_1111��_ � I ., , - -,�, �, V� � r I , W" h" o t . W,asL . gl oL A " IL, � '' being fell,L,d there. Oliver, btifigasubjec't'Of this fin-portauee . 'h ` P 0 , ft,�,-,J, � �,, �t .7 �jy -zagli , %; - ,,,at, , front of a tuar going,east. Ile was Sheep breeder�4 jjad the, a -0, net. 2j._e*1t"Q-Re".-!P1tq, I , - I., � , N . - I i cbleo, I :1 � , - I .6; ,� , P ? I. 1. I ,. *U* L .1, it ft Ineladhig 4ARY vri,st�,vuq*, - . ­� ., _ iA V 11 1. 11 ., , I , 'M -- f. In A a _r; '! honor and' I "im m. " ( ):,�_ ., 4-N ,; - f , � ,� . hftoekea down, run over ffi, .,;ToV6­_ 41 to; ARE 4- V11 ,0N,jj-. ,01�? mediateIr 1. and iul- PICAS,Ure Of being associated With' n." �,rlme stetVrs nonfln-11 $7.2-1 to *S.*_1-7; volvir ,. ,0 !�!.. - '11z&_ - - A I a � It 70 , c =A-..' -I :L,��j�,A I i, H. I - , .4han. $3.75 to '41.fio, ,,tAer.or., aud ! .- - 1. 1AM6. 1 4 �� .. , - d1led. Hiqbrotlier was tbeirforeii-guand coloni 1 r ien,ds. av ­ :0 InL 0 -'.,., - - a r ,z V ocierg 'evVdet, ,�­ ,�, - _� on a carcomirl -east, and identified Adulterat,fonseemed to be order of � U ! . .;, $2.27Y to $4.75- i-ow.4, $1.461 to S4.4-Ak. I �_ $1 , , � t -,,x __ - . " ?4_1 - . . " 71elfeto. $21%,Z to !01- t.0tianers, "I.40 to X12'.. -VO: :. 4) " I " , I . �:'� � . the:texnalhs. theil-ty. anil he, a re:ed. with Mr. � "giLy that Dt. 01tkee-g Syrup -of Utissei�4 '4; 1 M I , U - ',t ___. . , . , . 1 2,upls,. -,�_2.25 to -$',.'4 -All-, ,,, '. 15 I?v $!_�,rn ... I . � "... : 4 . e .. I wn-cl TurveratinL% artot.js I ­� EA' I., ,_ I I �.. ­ I 'The body of a young man of I& Treadwell. in the,o�p�llflon that flier' ' wondertully I fle±qs-fed sfoeks, I to $4_2--n wt -stern sti+m, , ' . ' . - . , I',' . VromDt rellef tot vollphs aild Cold§. ;L.'4.T.j to $0W. r - I.. I R ,,(�( to . -n-Mv I 1 I __r _I _11ay , - Dverybody has cOnfidence Ill Dt.,Chatti� M,� 6peoW love to 15e towet.. eloie. n -e to . , 4 .. " I 5'...Iv. I , . fts a sonof a Mr. Wannamaker, ,of culture and ask hini whetbetc'ot In his great retire book- atta ft,-l-noug ?5e lowet Aftiv Nlomler. TiAxed and Mitell- a .1.1 Ill sequently iden�tjfied L s I kAmIly remedies. To r Pts -!I,- I � * rL � V *6E, 0 or 20 jeats, sub 41ould - Minister of A-ri- � , � go to the h I I L � . Clarke LtOW ` -nil, $6.T0 to ,17.20� g;od to v1ojee LIN�vy. , DEAFO . '. N "�� 166 S''I iishily, -was found ajoilw- not he could - not deal with the' tLX;)e'rjeyjtj. 7hey have leArrcd by '� A.% to $7-;�Z!4* ti;i1911 TIC-Avy, $0.4f� to side the G. T. R. track, About thtez"i, nirktter and try to Stop it. A inat ' . that It'PAys to lnAst ory hav- � �&!8t,; lygwt� $n,J�fy to *10'.10-. Tizill. Of naTt­ .­ . ­ . ALT- CAS8S C),Jv 'A ,. - - "' ... " 11 L" , ." 11 - - ' I ter 1119 Dr. Clia-se's ',*vrurf of Line,ee-1 and L ka, 7,-, to $T.tmy. '.S?1(.rp--T1.e(*iPf�. 2_-V.11W)_1. ... S , ,,, 'A. lia& n1ile's west of Pbrt Hope, on 'Allich 'Mr. Hanbuty had spoke *eatl - - t 0% It N , Vit, r , varlv m: ttitpeftune iis -( of aceepting -tlh&! �i;;-h�v� Iambs. !?;ye to `;Oe Towt,r. gomi ttv A I ES " % J. A "' D HEJAK IN C � 0 E'' , " guftdky niotning. The cotone'r pethaps more plainly tball ally: Variou's ubsl�ientfflle "nllv-ups" whIch Aale� wetter.q. ,M.zo to t.1_11n; TMV to , =*& Fik*, , 'r jn� -- �6� , . torne druggi.-ft orre-?*1 'Just as good � L 'jjofj'e TL �Ok- , - ­_ , , nj.V&d. �M.�o to ,'-3--)1j; native Iambs, *� I I was notified, and lie brought the, Other --vas the &ot fliat Agrielil- ' Dr. Chate's 1-yrup .i Llra!�,,ed a�d ,,i.w u o -w_ ; Aittut 'now 'LIOURABLE body- to t,ovvn;on it hand-carZ It Jis ttitists Nveke suffering from, adal- 'tutpi�ntine containji -maby of the, At, . bY our newfilventiolt. '0111V t%10,:e 13= 'd . 'rab, Ome tim Tho bvitisdi .)I1t*lk-r-t*, -�j ­­ I ILIL - 4.1 de, . 'Ire incL it'. I supposp-d that s 0 during teration,and lie had show -n himself *iLlukbie and mott ,eftopiNte remeaw !� 'r,�oftdojjL. O'e�. al. ' , ­'01'$'E�L S - i. 11 fa*- 1, EM 19 I i �. I , � �'i V � V!` a, rid� a,n(_j'fa_lI off or � help. willing to; I& � _Wyle"If. (;,h la. quiet , ; - . � CIA& IVI L I MTELli .1, .4q. - gAtutcl&yyif-htthe,voutx&ina�nw��,� ..,It'. , I , s by his previous acti 961A9 kot threat itoil lung troubles , � � e . onS that seltneb has u7scovered. It acts' quil-t .111if .4te,10, Voris. oft passit;rt.. HEAD �N . � E 1, ithet Stealing Mr. Kidner did .not. Share I go 0 e y tild stpail.r. WheAt. Engl!..41? ('01 11trr war- , K A. WEkMA,N,, oo BALtIM6 I I .1, ,tj and Promptly, a,i to be of' 1,ptg of VP.qtPrdoy quiek, but L P. E, SAYS,. was in the actof boardin.& a M;V-, the opinion expressed bv Mr. � incalcula.ble worth in all ewres or croup, [ * t sfend3r. Steady; i�'reueri � R��:.T-Nfo!a_ 'md., 'March le. %car. . nd whooping eouj�. it is I Oet M­V'lle.,it .,teatly. 'm-thlyt-r. I A fUll hiStory of =%- Ca,e..to 1,e -1,se.(I atvon- t*H,,�rc-tion. 0 your z: ttav W g.ve 510T9 hig train -when he was' struck. � Ricliards,that if diffetent c(;�ntries. bkonel-.Itlz a "I i G,,oi4*eyneft. ,­nelng ongre,,v cIrreli of ejeafjjj!!�* - � ' �, to f r -r emn in 4�1i""�t;_--___T .1smilary anfl, Apfil. 21r .-it.. pjonr � - .. tliang, t nent. �- Will -.16 pos &a. 't Its e!' tects as to � About five ye.,rs ago nly righT earlh,_­271 to -`129, and this ke'rit on gettin.-uror.qe. untu I ' .ost t . , _ f' -Iolytfr, 3(ft :Mie, 'TannarY 4111d r ia�v heariv,- in fliis car emtiriiv Tlie,coroner has decided an inqxcst i acted singly that tbey inight ,.It vy,-_.- . -on thr- t1gliti'st chest ,-C)Uqb auff I xpji: Svl 56. . , ot -= ; T003 tf-atlr- - � ; unnecrossary. . sibIv be injuring their own "lanti- pre the Cold at long ttanding. 200 aj %jtXVj.f'P�o`(.f. 21 i - catarril. for laree niontim wiploutanv�-Xicze";, consn'ted a,111111- � OL' 'L � ... I _N,(L,. �refj NVJ t r, I.- I unde-went a trt-atme-nt io� , 11, �� .1 no; faeflikers. En'tfland wils a large, i � n P )J�t. : . ' � � bottle , f-trnily ,.q;zt-. three tirnes tl*! y wiwt,kaineti%av r-, I IL . ­ -ting Country,nn(l it the 1) Op4le T! tnucl-t, 06c. at All deal,3ps', or E-Imalfi_ I t_0 = A. W. CHASE%, ' ai 0'XI)OI killilgIvIleat 1l**lC.,H*. V ilt-ati uoi!�Cs vrent".^ * .� won, natcs & Co., Toronto. ! . , I , WON O It if §11 25 'offorei"41 V,ountries clio'e, to 0 cali- I 'D r .. 'Closibg lirtsvI411", IT.-T.Y. Closing t.)-tTa,V. �C - " '­ .. _­­ "' " S Syr"�­­ o-iiere,z vour tr.,af- L � r ason _ , _ , i 't. TYL C. 67t. Dee. i & no;se��C�a,-J. 'Ina Utint,61rett 10 11fe (Ifte"da 7� Shoddy grood.;, there" 'Wit.% no , e7v 1; .1 ,h I O( � a A I 16*efr. � , (1-111ceIL'a _'.. ... 71-5i - ,._v�.,t I AorW I tlianla, you. " ­ I . ... .. - tarts'by,fho 1mpro*ea J3 t 'whS' 'exporters Should hot ,.L.-,tjjI .,:0jloj ; is , xkv 'Yon,� ...., - - ,*",r ­ . I 1- I HaOs the tilcerk. Clears thoi ile . I.." ­ .- * 19 i j6 71i% f � , i flu;sa goods to them. Ile had no; , ' ', rolklo .... .... 761-i - � , rziennore, 31d. 11'', I J�tllnglihtlfk . , 0- 0. d , 11inneof,alig . _ - . .. 17" 1 .31110 11 ell 1'el(!itll,,?1011)"41.S,tt(el,o(-c�tj�atiolt. , I . . ,_" , j)ka:5a&S, mps,(Tfo , _11�1 I � I - ,�� I - � , I I I I � . . tlLrost and x*tmxnantly =rat wish to haniper nj,anjjfiL(-.tnrf,,l.g in it � of Lin � ai'l", -I _� I "I'll, LLLLLLL �� "I I Dairr 4 red .. _ 11), . . . I . . L ,. . I , ,it, - ­ 75% I � ! 'P,ratainatia"! an, I - , 'L 1, , : Citarrh and 14a a 10 w ? T AN - , at ML 116111illill . '. . yFever. illavi;ir ,­ , t I. ­ .0# e, 2 nor TSyh 773 r3, -, fr­e. YOU0 ORE. OURSELFAT LHOME eost. I . I " ' If aeal6m.,cre Dr. A. W 'Chnite v I - ; lucrative fra(le so Ion- I i 12, 1 a'wke , &M� A I - Ile the. rp'n 'n Buivili, I li!;�a­ !Nu :: 7;�� 1 XtXr1beVa,, Toronto -stid Phiffocit I wete Acaling, bollcstly� 'It searnea I and Tu" " 1 h%ftnm"'i"! M4 jNT:eRtj,ATj0L 1 14 . , I , 14AL AURAL tLINIt.t, b'06 LA'SALIE AVE,% 'Cjjj6A00,j 'I'L'I. ._.; ar