HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-10-24, Page 3I ., _ - . � � ...­ .-I ­ -1 ­ , �_ I 11 I I I � � . 11 � , -- , - - - - I , , 7. t �:'11,7""',­ � �1�1­ , : 1.1 , I I - ­ _--,."'V ,­.­T-.­7,,"�4,­, -,� ,�71111977�_ I 1. ,. �,O, r_" � 4 . I !�.,. . � , , . , " " 1 �, � I , � 17. - � I I I . I .1 . � I . . ­ , . . I - I .. . .1 ,. I I 1. - I . . 7 "'. , , , , ,,, � -1 ... ­­­ ,. IF, I _1 : �7":��,l , 7 '. , .11 I I .1 ,,,, , :� -i,_ ,: _ . I . . . .� I � . � , .. . . I'll. -.1, I �, � ; -1 -I ��`M �-­ .' , , � 7,, ,� 7 1 1". 1, � I .. 11�� 1".. I . . , , - : : - . -T , � " I I I . . . .. . '. . . � . I , , I. . I. I . I . , I 1. I I . .. ` I., 11 ­ W- I., I . , � . WUA-" MAN`4105') WORK` AND - WAYS " A ME LANGE OF SPECIAL IN FEMINE INTEREST -TALK TO OCTOBER BRIDES -FASHION HINTS- CONFESSIONS OF A DISENGAGED GIRL So rarnall, lleense in Individual taste known il�mes among tier clientele. the dressmaker upon tbel.r smart I to allowed brides ,nowadays that The coat seemed especially novel, autumn gowns, Encouragement is 'to evcrywhere one is greeted wltivthal and made tile tall young woman who be given to those who profess this tried It on a veritable goddess. In art by the old gulld Or "WOrghll)­ Information that tho'y may we�ir material a soft Scotell wool In gray ful Company of Bro3orers," "who are 0"L101111111 -g." I and black check, it was lined goltng to ho!d an exh;bltloll of work "Bride textures," say the dress- I throughout and trimmed with what �n London, at which Prizes Of tho I . . I seemed silver fox fur. aggregate value of some hundreds makers -the ones who,ie op,nions i "But it's only dyed Canada fox," of' pounds wIll be given, with the comlefor anything-l'why,any white said madame; which, of course,iaddlirtional advantage of the exhibl- I material may be worn by it youlng!, mealis an enormous difference in tor being at liberty to o girl, and the list Inoluldes every- price. work for sale, 11f Rhe EO desires. Some 'thing from th-0 most eNoensive tothe The model at the coat, which was of file classes w1ill be On,IY suitable most inexpensive Stuff," I out long enoagh to traln, Nvas a sort for professional workers; for the Lyona satin, we are told,, Is still Of 'Empire shapa, a wide stitched PlUel., fOr large figures, with the. the prime favorite with brides who I band, suggesting the short waist of faces and hands worked 11,n embro'd- contemplate ismart church weddings, -, such garmonts. The, front was in cry, and other p1pow, prob�i,bly only and .Who can afrord tile haudsiume 'three d1stinct panols heavily stite,h� will -,vish to .d j trained embraidererr, laces this rich nanterial involves. The! at the Peams; it -was double breasted. compato. But there its a 0!ass for On the coat tho braid was put on I .1 embroidery applied to any a old-fashioned grogs-grained P111.8 i I ,rti- come next, then ,soft finished taffeta., in a border, edging tile tails, the I cle 01- oniament or utility," and pblin and embroidered chiffon, Brus- double cuffs of tho flaring sleeves and thlis Includes trimmings for dresses. Selll net and ljoint 6'esprit. All all- � the embraidera rovers. These turned I Queen 10zabeth, who patronized am - 'over lace we�lding gown in considered back fr6ra a vest of whito mousseline, I broddery be lavishly on tier own very splen,lid allZI sly -',h 00st'll'Ics fivished at iho throat with a fluffy costurnes, gava the Worizh�pful Com - are us�ually 1 Princess stYI0 with , cravat. Last, but not least, for this I pany of Dorderers their charter. back lachign. They are worn over veculed a fetolitig detail -the coat, Modern embro4ory owes UP �enals- several pettivortts or chiffon or net, i sance, mainly to 'the English Prin- which in tilril cover a .silk skirt. The : belt -ed snugly into the waist with a cess Christian , who has given her ,blnck satin girdle. . . I care, and has alga ob- bolive hqs also thUT gauzy intevlin- , Such a gown %vill, of cour`!�e, not own special Ing, whit.h: proz,hices a more delicate. permit the regulation coat, so . tained the constant patronage, of effect than if the lace came directly, the late and present sovereigns to against the silk. A ShoWder CaPe of Blikelc Clot), tho Royal School of Art Needlework. [had be -n deeig-ned for It. This when Recent IrIJUStrations show the lease Wedding Trains I adjusted seemed 'a bodice in itself, a coats willich will'be chosen by come are still extremely long-fouryarkle back and front piece, attached to It women for autumn wear. They are. In soino swagger cabeti-and pve- . ribbDn belt covering tile figure en- made in light .Tancy tweed and ferably out round at the bottom. A, itrely. Three, r-hort capes covered trimmed with fancy cord ornaments, light interlining of cotton batting is. tile shoulders, the last one 1�-ln,­ over while some are further adorned with ased to gIN a the pI iiii slll,- atid satin the gawn sleeves like, a oars' Odd as bands of Japanese embroidery and ones a tool," of solidity; and With, suvilf all this sounds, it was really delight- others with strappings of a smooth trains a very elaborate dust ruffle; Jul, the unique little garment, sug- cloth. of chiffon or moussoline Is tile Only 1 gesting the pelerines worn by our - I t trimming. Trains III more air .y tex-'gralidmother. tiles, Inay be trimined to tile 1,19111--st � Brides Of modpst fortunn will find + + + notell, air arrangonient in flounces, I a petticoat ill pale, silk, wlLh lace + + . + FOR MILADY'S running up a -V tho back like an apron ' trimmings, a charming funritlation * .6 over.4;irt, licnig one ell-III'llillig! for a bedroom ni.-g'.I.gec. Accompaided ... metho,I med with a point d*esprit ' by a sultable inatin-ro, nr,thlng colild _+ TOILET TABLE '** lroz,k. be more, eh,gant tban. the.,e pretty ; ob As tot, the b(Mice, It Is high and rkIrts, vrbleft may be bought ready .,,+++-., ....... + ......... r++++,%, long slet-ved as usual, with an nil- - nindo In th,ru very best styles. A pale In Dlana's dreselng room nothing llnetl lace Aito,:!k m-neralb, finkli'mg blue one at $1.1 Wanted a tlpt,p cir- t1w throat. If the st0k Is (Il -,pr -lis- � cular flounce, barred at the top With is dallitler or more mysterious to tile ed with, tlf4, iteek ig only cu,t out ' waffron yellow lac-. This a, clever uninitiated than the appointments of slightly, say an Inelf or two 'below; girl bought with tile Intputioll or top- the toLlet. table's suggesting as 1,11UN' , the s%o*,k Unp. Any doerim- dc'evIe- j plug It with a belti'd matinee of do mystic rites, Occult. ceremonies Milds tage, I& only allowed bridori who " jull:1. Ill the vpjIuNr or the trimming. sceret ordinailctm. hivrp- takili the Interestinic jl(iap be- For the livit," site sald, "I shall Uany of the preparations are high - Ilse poinpadonr Killian Nvtth long sash, Priced, and lit their crystal. and 'zil- fore-1vidow-briat's, ill short, I " I O,nob�,r and Novembor are grent ! endii-InIck blue and vi-floir flowern." ver rcc.1ptatiles serve liat ornamental months tot- rllslforlabh� 1Vvk1dIllgt4..yOII i Apro,jws or thl,; fitnt. ptimpadour Purpose and are for only (jecasiona'. know", wild Uldam". A11%] 41,111,4111j; rligion�,, t,-xqul81t4,h tr*,ni umv brietil. use- Tbe, really jimeomtry artivivs loyth Ujo flojvtr cif tilt! rlt�ch-L.i-onrt Ill-gert-v. So don'� forg(vt tljjm%VjIf,,n may cilho, be kept in respleadent und satin .in I point &AI. n .oil-, ho ca Ron] � you go for your trouslimn. costly boxes, UuUIL-s alitt jar,,'* but a Pair of I'lami's high III tile, IlIgh I theli-'orl6rin is Iivmtjc* and thdr prict, World. not -worth mentioning. Tho distinpilt4sing tva.turp of FASUION mu.%�r.s. Salt, for exti,inple, Lj It paitacca for I 11th 314491kith-QUI I&I.Wil I - ttriy 111R. A Ilttl.- dl�s,)Ivthl Ill warin w Svitte CharitOo- Jowas Stlt�tk &it AIX- nil i I- water will curo thp tlWiguring lit - Was Illo way Ill willell It1w onev. Uldak � es-Datils. Jl�tmjjja,t Lori of eyclills rvddened by a pul, oil. T�%u robt-.'iko Utaw4thr.. pach - loar, drive lit ,tile ,%% Inj or it balf-thil,v wuveri lit a Ighee, %vellt Own 0111 In.- llere are a fow of 1,111P a 90MM bly-nt Oil tile gulf 11.lkq. Ilre frout awl the klaek 44 tilt- gou 11, I no--! at, a rezent, coneurt ..t .Ux- It used for :I. gargle, It allaya aif.y ulth Ito lI.rt-.,,k at tho wausL hill - 10, � les -111.411r;: �t 0.4111tal blat-1. dre-4,4 Aight irritation of tlip throalt; Und a l4w-t, Ulp kffrei. ,.Va#,4 ta-wth.cdy it lvk- I 'was In it 'wry opom greuwalue Or '.1ttle 8 .I. 1311OUIA 4 Cle.!8101111111Y be Us"d cvl�s one, though a narrow tattlu kjolt eallvas 111w,lid ci�tor avoiw Njitc; In the, water In wgiltyll onplatevth arp- I � filloWed at tile two 844t,j, Tao 1114h was tdIzi,i], roattl %vitil rol+j bruphird, as ft lielps to harden thel chort apron, 14 -co %videh ctivmcd Use i of luanve ell1foll, zr� 'Itinled wlth;et, gump. frunt was twks.d to ultiatil s,t,nw. ubleh form,,d a nurra-m fringis Spirits of comphor and tlucilurl� or soven Illetle" of the buttoln. tile fli'll jil.onild tb,! skirt ths-re wo, a rowl myrrij rtre homply, bait Ubitut, I matelitigg thl- floulgves lololv� A 111gh Of b4.4ej% , Invo apphopit, innuortAdi-retil rv,ijul�ltee. Camp4mr. It Hot " 11111%- ,_1. undned attivIc lane�hes the throat of with nivine t�iiik and hild ovor I for a thousuild and oile U4;. 19 a r(Au'r 1hL4 gou-11. �,offlLl t�taluji�jt(! wIl4tt, frwLuj tire. Inatne, to givils sust a uluch of Ill Ul1IU:r M410*. Weak kyus. troull.14-'a .. I of the i,Un and a vOl arri lietictited vkoskor. Ullown by tac, otuees With thu ligh-'r- Thi'll rallip a Jill � i W-and-Arill -C lis. It. A few drqll)g of t5ittiturt- 411 antion tilat they aro liiqn­�ot for %% rd- "Idt foov rov�� of In- I ni.yrrh In tile wutur for hm-4hing tile dlug purpjo!�Pr. lit tho-s- tioc,re Is ta"rP " tuttla foulard. . wknlon eArrIed round thq* %ldrt be- 'tc!""I LR%vi Otelig tlll' Vr"tlu. teope for faijey than iis lot vmAtv-1 la I (,jyCPrIIlP IS ILID Uhl 10#41,3. 1110d, V-0111- jhj4vZkj jill.tol.e to ords-r, pod%hitv liduk--ru 0 i0w n, 11aultitude tit dowim,tv-i tafts; i it Wall ?I bmhee roring'.1 votif rl". ,)f Word With one-thirA Itp 11tilantAty of 01 aigy lorettlArt Rau Watto r uhat Ulk-,v I . jkly. brioug gi%eft to NtQf r V�,AUV4119- tuvks rolhol'o-d witil pirnt.,v; Air J,Ijep. roAt"WIttirr, l.; Invaluable for ww ell , . Mads! .. if a few drOP3 of avoille tional NOU0128 on 1VUd bilvg '011004%,4. A U,IUQ--Aftd­VhAtv L�J&'-Ulj gau,.Co the 11. Vhvcr 1:mbroldeorlo.g. Oil the lwou&t 4elu ' I M"Ins, 19M.tt lol.adv whil a nnultlLude neld tg ndsled ibi uo�ohllnpss as a LLWII - the fei�t; %vlAtener Is much Inervas(A. 61%-Cer- Cate tracerkil, ago-ek sehl? tot lllbts,.�, tor x-m'Al foollnet-v aroullol Ine ttnd CMttd�,.Ln ht&.10 ItUto a - raq.Vant &ttiry fi�sl�c- Ll� � n a- h u ork -4hou - it lu'al a Wall bf4t of Ividge-bhoe tat- u-ItIl ros:ewater voreAflUito an �b,4,tel hog 001 &.9u.3-ehufulbs Innel iltaga.,oL, &,, � '11 a tneked 11"vAttre embroi- fate lotion to rtmove tun alga 6zin- _k ft -t. U101 . aulek. With Orms to I[Cnpu nells iitl� dt'ved ill uAlite; the Vo.%t lim"de tile 0 Wou" r. -a4 of pale-bou""kaffiets barn. det, 0 , eflmr L,ev P12 vwd, twi.h A8 ri ntth. ahl- ., .I" .,� q� IqUalislL bar"ters of lii�,IoDto so , eilifilcs d-4 afrea Was tritaluo,4 With efAuei sevoated tviith rose, jv,vrTur4q,, ft lt�stl..rqlons, Thv. a -, Ito Ulm Ulustanev, 11 i siray it. witt Imfgart a deDIAUATTII f r#.Ao n,,,,,4,,S1 j..VjV[g IU"��i UZ .-'Jl 0%-qLr n IV ,� straluptnig's f ellehe rilibun Lgolag . ,rU- _ �_kCIS lit"' 0 and d"Ok-acr to th" 1�'khus the ptoplr- trdek, the lamps for,ming a 'j,"Intedil 6tratglit Utown tile FZ-Irt, the I�ro- tj , Ow bcIlLIC rotor "31mus Of Lghvo�thoe overdregg DID the �ajm, unj #jvuhg,j#vg v.il%�g oul.D,r br-Ing numov" ana OL,4 to onto gaglon 01 Avat,�%r. Por a*' qlo-lgh . -�� or cold, n tntolosllo.rml4ll of gEr��r- lit to, br"Nola of pr�adaftt tabs on me was torli-s-'eromed from th- waist tvaa u-�re � to the knee w0th DIneg of 'i fluffy bodlee. Tile 1"ev me veri 11DO ill a Cup of llot aft'ak g,vo- ".imue- bro4vg Uoltn ;�re�,90%v, t1he bgjjUile N.drj� j narrojv,est pale blup, velvet rDloboll; diate relloef. Tw,�; MNI; 0� +�:f--T- --u-Nq @Ues In 0019 Waii-Ift Unt Ighoxving OW the eorsage was SIMU'atrl.v treatrol mid one patt of jl.lwdored '-warn"�V . - � deightfully iviltul (lead white. and was flnl%hud with a VV3,Y ,01de diarevial Is algo a help, in ea,�T.� of Very g;o;d, F-Uggestione, for ecovotayl , eollar of Irish ero!%et 9.1U41 Over sc.v"re eaug1j. tairl be got from the shop gownsi Ono q rdanve, a large bow of powlyAdOtIr �& little, jo,)%V*it,rejj alurn thrown Into . (Al. W11L-10 wao tile, swectcat thing in ribbon closing It on the tosow�; tilt* wat, . *,r in which tile nanil-s avo plain tuAtf-d net. Not a,veek of �acqs tile little 'Ve3t above this _'vas Or baihC4 WO po,vent ppr,;zp1ration. This 0�,owed on thals au� 101fre, WhIch r,ftlls- i white chiffon. W Worth while to tviripturber ly-�iore 9011 dill not lo the lewA detract froin A dress in V,.1ek-ftHd-',Vh;',P Pekin putting on gltsVe:4 for a rf-eeptli,vn or I ttlyes out to rda roand the fla- - its mn,atoo. , a ball, With sueh AL0wft8 -Afid all othle;g'Ut lu're had d narrow front btea4th Tollet ,e_"entlals tot thr� care it,' th�� � a lacy nataft, & of uliltv m%thl. hiceil aevr.�4.�; from haff JI]tIfide F, botti, Of sfinvn�w­lhj� Talle vellig I sidn to wile Avitil b4zek ve",vct ltb- Powder, thado by initln,-� togetl�fxt . &lone thould be vrorn. ofoive ic-quired gi bon. This was arranged jorincess- ten graln.q of cam.phor dissolvc-41 in leirgth tor tilt -go is fout yards square, , fhvidon from throat to !,em_ It one oun"'Or bav- knni, 031p-lualf lnw�e two ends liring alwayr. rounded, an -1 q w09 Worn �V'Rh a W��'ck c"Ddtfoh 'hat P,aehiorerwder�d batax and sal sAA ' ,Tg witil at rtubens shape. deeotated witha a,,.,a ,,r d nuary thr, g,a�je vei:s 00mL top�o oil ,of rosk - A �.y 10% , do h�'rftmed borders outlined with &' multitude Of SfivAll white astrich battle Of h.qjr jonle, 1,�4 als'o nri!o't- aingie 8e,k thrc-ad. Tbe Sjuare is dl�^ feathers. 'rills tout PgM�cfflb�ll Was, sairy -, a goMt one is made 61 One pint 11 -attest of f le I a o.e v1ded "Iu2� a L 1. lo ounct_% of swept 010, �jjy Ito t1ge linjddje� Ka tjt�jt' perhals% after nil, the ,,,zm, 0 a t1te, eudgi ingy tall ,1�!venLv ;U is then - nisn,�, sinart 'gowitiv. One drachin of Urgetury of ennthat-Hes b-,,�jeluejl and %vurn back of a sanott. Prig�ift red legoth lual WC111 Ullcell & and tr-n &pp.,§ a" oil of vieti-alm-ot. � � ;,:�- I t 1 & v - t.o�,Orbpt of or.snge biosso=s. shaprd good deal at the VW�nch P..ft , agg;-'3 it I - b,ottgeinT.tioe�le-,Ils--lv7ao-,-Si:�tv.,I,te"I li'ke The CIninind eotogi�-t-, IOT the thr.v- Ig "p-claHy veernrissiwe navler these,on the tcl',vt Labile: a KIWI- dl.'Uzed � 'tilt, net velts e4ged w1dis 11011ot r_t�- eBrel.nis#aLcjs� blit it is Dlke'�v to be j with Water ternzilms dardruff. kl�jque ate U-0,191 fn %hp &ftwle WAY- worn al.,�j in patis rzlsr the watumn. I No toillet tabl, Lv m.,mp"Iete yftlh- .t'U 'a 'me ,I oUgIl j Ile �_ � I Tido co,loz bmorveg less ontrusive ,I out V�mfo bags for the, bath. T.,,';, .jtapL� of '1�0,&c, U SC,ft 0 long ov,--I, innk,!s the fall g0meVv1[:At wllen R IV --irappeil With black awl , may lie mado 6f ehoneve tooth� at. -joff�prent. ,T�jtee ,*atols - . kv t to i� 01 �, and a InalT Iq woI In with a Mack orravat. or WileA '1�ftt-ef' IsAill, - Attcl 0 e cb�t -' A jjl�� jength oil the nef. vi4ls, W'.At'h Sell bQk- Velvet 19 introd,ltiNd into the,'$��Ott tattol', ilke Utat Used for L'n't- !rorg ,qa5 tip. 'the hemmed tu'le s it it but be I I tqckv. sh tlotlls. - design, even n the form , . ,I 11 atle MaCh ,cileaVar, the best states of & Waist .belt and e,,Alar-balld- and ! Ning jVhc.ujd iy�% Made of & tbatgIng only $11 ,for them, and Ieso- , a ohou slotnewhero upan the bcodke. ,, auart of bran, a tablespoonful of fat noripinnied veil leng,111E, Linen trimmings ate rather a feAt-! treshly pl�,W,Sc.ted '"rig froot, the sami Only the ta;%v 'edged 'Eullo veils are ukes on cloth gowns. ,Sometimes they � of a!mord moal, 11nd 'half an r, -_:1V - ever worn Over the face. But cince r aty call-ce. of whltt� ca'stile sartfs, shavc�l t, -,hat I ate used as straj)pings, x),s modest rashlon is now somev but gc"ba� hsto thin strips. Alix, these tiler- obarolete, the weddliii`� veil of the lin- I tITA6# tho linen is de,co-api, and laid ouglily. Inediate future will Probably be, worn I on flatly, or set a1ghtly full 43 - Or IE a bath bag is not always At I alilly at the back of the Ii;n_d_ s flounces. I' , it rather to be sprok-en 1,aad, some bran thrown lnt� the The banquet the bride carries. nc- 0, of as a nwrplt�r than wS a offesIM1118 bath Israfer makipkv the skin smo,Oth &6pted tagtt.g agree, should be of nd-, 1 reatiftine, to adupt, far there I.*; Sam-— and 'de tuftl flowers, bride, roses at lilies - thing Incongruous licat,m, -Anq is very goad rde �, - about tile Mix- i the compl-i-xion. The frietion of the � R � I')ed 0 say. ,of the valley 4-Itli a border of in.ji- � tnre. But ".snythin for a cl M1190 � loogo bran calls tb,, b , t tho, - ijen halk. "nikee OP mOrO loose, long, InIght be the motto of the mOdlst% " face and twisn-s a healthy glow: or * ,gtp . " tot, every change gives Tier profit. 'a Ilandrul Of ro6k sa�jt thrown tilto, mjueA rages are, als* somedines ; ; _%trle Si 'd, ,E,at tile fjl�t bouqnat Is aI- � Invete aro luntimerable na-t eel- - the warin water for the bath toneg I - ways more obtfecti've. j lak,4 Prepared for the coming SeagOn. i Up both flesh Ard Inusele. The hillbek World SO'cre-es the wed- � It seems to, bo admitted that no mat - ding h7ndketchicT in, any etinveni- ,4 � I �er how "serious" the color and the . 1-1 ..., . 1, ... � ­_­­ ­ _­ 11 . .- , I.- tnft nook, And not �adge ftOm the U- j mitft�rlal ,61' the dre:�j =.v be, a 'I §�, - I ______dS4~ , - 1. f, .1. A ro OF -, I I . I 1, Ingtrationg .given at Soule 'Of f TIO i tollar mtjy be vrokn with it th' at Is 1, W 11113H INIODES '1111re elluteh weddings in front ot the ever E0 Smatt. 1. light-gtay tweed LAR04 , RA , r�_i;k�_ 11;�,_R;kal igain � - - . 11 boalce 19 one very h4ndy Place- A mixture igo*n, made by on -o or the , L'. 10i one sees' the daintY. token appeM, best Dublin dresmunkers, had a wide : There is a 't-;remt deal ,of red in from the belt, the 914evd, Or the back I collar Of Ikis4ll lace -*T'Irkling all of the prayerbook; some of which over with jo ade seen in the pet- 'welp derlei. An -1 'd embro�j I the darkest sh- are provided With a Itttle` ,th, rom the sante house was i taslilons. � Instead r .,,d,,gg r ; als o -f a dahlia among the new pocket for the P,jrPO9e- The alta in paste-b1no tweed, strapped with _ inenclicir is always lace trimmed. Itself, and it liad a collar covered Next in Importance to the wedding with embroidarlea 6f gold thread and Useful ta,ble coveTs In houses where cards ate played agr6atile&j. � o1rega, Are jet beads. � 'Of ,010th or felt, made with a -1,116 99,6011.9 AV01,Y7, Clothes, Etribro-dony luig beed t6 iduct, Mr 0 the smart IttAvalling 90*if 'If' d Used lat�iy upom drtO,968 that- ft- Is � shirr string, WhIcil is piilled tlglltl�? 6qu&lly -ainartboat, A dashltig model 110 won,jer that many women are,! after 'the cover has been, adjasced ilk a"j, garment wAg dispiliLyed by making their favorite fancy ,w4 "Irk at thS top af the table. . Maker Who 'supplies tII6 Mflfi- take the form of tolla.rs or band1fla,ve �� I I & dress w,ell F or tritiornitig which can be utilized 16-V T6ft1btI&n, ,&-id-tini,shed. and satin. 461tabIt world, laeluding some � '', , , , .._­ . _ 1, ":7:'r, ,�.­.­ �1. I - : "��";"",P,I,o�,-,�",.7--,�,,�.�ll,�-11�..'�r , . I � ,1 '. . , I �, _'! - .�...�jl:­, 11 _ I , : - , 40. I , '4-.. ­­�Itl�',�`4 , ­ �. '.., '11 �. . . � , �: -4 �� � , . .1 � - - " - ­ ,,, , ,. � .�. .� . ­ ­ .. I - : , , � � I , � I , . I %: � I � . I . I . � I- � � � I : . I . . , I � . I � I . � . I I I . I I .. I I . . I . I I I I I I : I I I I . . I I __ BACKACHE. Stipday S000101 . I I XNTERNI&I'XIOX&L LESSON No. rv, ITHE MARKETS � . OCWOBER20,1002. I - I I Joshun'lind rtlZ:�Tosb. 14: 546. Torouto Farmers' Narksoot- Oct, '20. ­�Recelfits of grain Oil *0 .. C0*11MENTARN, -EXPLITLatoiy. The, street on Saturday . were 'nAOder- . period of conquest from the t*akIn,g ,ate, with �rices steady, -wheat IM I . 1 JoJ"`__1 1 1 of J'eriebo until the time of our pre- unchanged, wIth gales of 206 bush- , oil- ... I I seirt lesson, winn cbe people were els of w1hite at 69 to 700, 1010busil- , 1) , - als of red wAnter at 69c, and WO .. I I ,gatbiered at . Gilgal to divide the busbels of goose at 64i,% to 660o I "'p -t . tun,:], was about Rix yeays. The qTl,e8- Barley is unchanged, wlAtil salesof __ tion is often urgetO. On what prin- 800, 1buslialfs at 42 to 44%c- OaOf I � ciple can 1. the rIgh.teousneas or aod are firm 8001 bushels selifirig at 84 i .i.�., - 1. .1 I In exterminatIng thio (J'anaanites be to 35c. 11ye sold at 503 for twO - ::�:, ­ -1 4 vindicated? They were destroyed loads. gelling at . - ­ Hay is dull, 15. loads i �, - - for their excessive, wilful, lia- I I �� � na, I /---* - bittial and Incurable wluekdnem $12 to $" a ton for timothih a (____�__, - .. ,�_,_ Uo,,,j tle.ttinetIt 0, th.,se c.,ime.1 Ivan tilt $6 to $9 for clover. srtra,w. III -�:-- - , .. ,�e Impgirtial. !rhe Jew-, -tile ebosenand nominal at $:L0 to ;$'11 a too. . - .1 .. . I favo�-ea p(.0111o, are tot.] that for ,I ke Vegetables and dairy produce In , ... - ,-- I slas tile land sliall vouilt -you Out good suPPIY, with prlce� -3teady. 11 aho, If trie destruction be just it Dressed hogs unchanged at $8 to ` ? .. I � .. � , matters but httl.,;� whi-ither th'-yare $8.25 for small lots. Poultry easier< Backache is a fercrunner and des�trvypd by eartialluike, pestilence Following are the range ofquo- or ftunilic, which slare mither age tations: . I . one of the most commoxt symp- nor sex, Or by tile harid Of tileiv ene- Wheat, whita, bashel, 69 to 700's toms of kidney trouble and mles. In all national punishments re,d, new, 69 to 69 I -2o ; spring, 67 to tile innocent are at necessity cun- (37 1-4o ; goose) 64 1-2 to 650 ; O&t0. womb displacement. founded witil tile guilty. I bashel, 3-1 to 35c; barley, bushel, 42 * The cause of the defeat at At, and to 44 1-21c ; rye, bushel, 49 to 500 -0 READ MISS BOLLMAN'S EXPERIENCE. tile -terrible riullishmelit meted OuT buckwheat, bushel, 52 to 530; hAY9 " Some time ago I was in a very upon .ichan for. his sin, should be timathy, per �on, $12 to $14; ha,Y, wealc condition, my work made me dweit upon. The defeat taught I he mixed, per ton� $6 to $0; straws Per, nervous and my bach ached frightfull IFTaelltes the ntoessity of strict ubc- toll, $10 to. $11. Seedsi per buHhel, all the time, and I had terrible hea - dience To God. After the taking or AlAkes choice, NO, 1, $6.75 to $7; No. aches. At �omcs the story of the Gibeonites, o $5.75 -to $6.50; red clover, $5.50 to " My mother got a bottle of Ly(Ua which is followed by the conquest of $�; timothy, $1.25 to $1.75. ApPIM � � R Pinkham's Vegetable Com- eouthern Palestine. per barrel, 700 1:6 $1.50; dressed h0glis pound for me, and it seemed to - 5. A& the I.ord commanded 3Sfot;cs-- k8 to $8.25; eggs, dozarI6 20 to 22a; strengthen my back and help ine, at God had given JJoLes sp(clai alreu- tvitter, da,i,y, :[:-,. to 20o; creamerYx once, and I did not get so tired as ticnis? cGlicernIng Vue manner In 19 to 23c; chickenp, per pair, 60 to before. I continued to take it, and it which land war, to be divided amoijg Boo ; ducks, per pair, 60 to 9cie ', tu- brought health and strength to me, tile different Tribes. Divided the land keys, per lb., 12 to 13c; geese, per III-. and I want to thank you for the -They agreed u,,3on the portion 'to 7 To se; totatoviss per bag, 90c to $1, good it has done me.,,-Ifiss RA,r-. be gh ell each tribe. r-irufkta i,iva .,)&,,00'jr .Ilarkoot� BmLmAN, 142nd St, & Wales Ave., 6. Children of Judah-Judab wag tile E -Port cattle, choice. per owt. $480 to 25 fourth non a Itgal-This do New York City. - s5000 forfeit iforloinal ,f r Jacob. In U modlum .................. 425 to f 8S aboue letter proving �onuinoness cannot ba produced. was the firet place whcre the Isrw-l- do covra .................... 3 60 to A 25 itee camped after crossing the Jar- Butchers' export ............... 4 75 to 600 Lydia E. Pinkham's'Vergetable dan Into Canatin. Tliou. knowevt, Me Butchers' cattle, picked ....... 4 25 to 470 ' Butchcr.'eat,le. choice ........ 375 to 4 25 Compound cures because it is -"C.ileb was of the Tribe of Judah, liutcherW catt!e, (sar ............ 325 to 76 the greatest known remedy Iror and was npriointed to assist In mak- do coolluon ......... _ ..... 250 to 300 Ing the divisiou of tlli� I -1,11d. All Ill(- 33111111, export. heavyj ........... 400 to 460 kidney and womb troubles. 1`119N. congent ,hat do Ight ...................... � S50 to '00 do feeding ................... 275 to 50 *Bvery woman who is puzzled flebron Was the IalA intended ' �(;r do stouk: ................. I .... 175 to S50 evOeb." C,mepriling la,� and thee- Feedq!re,. short-koop ............ A 25 to 4 75 about be,. condition shouldwrite jo,,�llua wgIs tht. olli ,11 - 1), do light ..................... 350 to 400 V_ 0, el -spy it: t do medium .................. A 00 to It 25 to Mrs. Pinkliam .it Lynn, Mass., was falthful and beiinving, and 1,vtII Rcckers choice. ................ 8 410 to 350 were p.-irmlited to enter Canaan." IbLockers. cominoll ............. 275 to 300 and tell her all. 7. Forty years a*d, wau 1 --'Tho 1611 -ch cow$, cAch ....... ........ 33 ao to 51 00 - whole elreumstanct, Nvaf; so eloarly Sheep, ewe.i. per eivr ...... I ... 325 to 3 10 .illeej blocks. pur cwt_ 250 to 2 75 fixed In ills nihid that Calpb reinplu- (-ujj�llc,tch ............... ::::::, ,�> OD to 300 ficeil cloths, clieviot and f1tir 1 -am- jitat '_�ZL4.'Cll. butcuers'. eaclo, .......... %513 to Z" 75 el's hair are to, Ile iv,etl for antunito Iwrs Ills age, and till, place, so 'Lallo;a, gowas for 0iopji1aii_% prolu- lip ean rpfreAj Joshtia*s me .. _ .. - 350 to 365 . up, ry. I,Ktabo,. pu ewt. . - ... .. 3 oo to 10 OD - I " *** 1- .... * w va r. * '" i'� ......... (; 25 to 0 00 t They were tilt, two Modest melt, In 19- 0"�_ ' t "'Te", i � d ng "o, 0 ". " ' �_- (; 0j to 0 OD . ravi at this t lm,-� A ri calloctlon of 04 Chi, puf t . ........... I r - . per "�'. �... __ timos woul(I chetr Itlivin. esprvl,l.v ......... U oil to 000 o":." V., . fl, I't-E.1".1111 'i "'t ...... I ... 6 W to 000 .. Croebetesl or knittitl nr­,,,Ivs� ranv "'of th"'t thp lior mlQpkz "little to t1l"la dtWN0%VN.j1VrCWt ­.::--..' 4 so to ow .,. Pre reach I o Ir- ful'i I �v!:* NlOst-1;. PlO. do i.wc,. perewt .... 1. . 314 to 000 lilk elvallsell lly i-print.11111'. ih.-M wittl - C.11ph M. , .11111ts-tis) grsn,t ree-ri-et for loirouto Fruit Market. % and -t t it);,' ' k flour. nipitt or t�wreh . It ,Nlopsi-P. Xjj Ill- elaraett-r 'Mc4ps Y""rr Tilt, Itleal frult illarket closed for ' thp powilt-ret) btjlu,in,nqP rc-nwin oil ,.tho mlan of Cv O." Ill hirz oernpati,.on . for it while. when it iii &1.;4ktL,U till 11 ..0 0 srrvant or tile LorO." 1;! rainp, t"e Frutson to-olwy, attor tour Tile dirt will disappear almo. lainrt-H- ,fit--ki- Ilk 11rols-4 ophtivill 1.1ontinj or nruvi, trading. Tbo day's I I sifilmient,sr werk, light. amounting to 1Zr__ .III 11to inatte,r 64 whlill 1w Nvav Hollit a),Out ,�%.jjjjo j,a*.,kag(?st, and every- 5tko� srnrell ont. H- wtm Ittit Inrl.l- Lnm yf�ar jiurpl.,- was hlir-11,% --�-m. i'�, th!.,rog t,oht readily. (lVallseR and - bwt.h, ui'44 Is,- luar tor fa vitro It -it t�p lhl- Ultv 11�-aoollo,s Were tht, 'prine p,kl ComIllo- in Illillitio.r.y. bat a lln�', eikl.il trilth aht, that t1nj-,-. [)A�- -N 114+1 gt(10y- Agallo. 4110 lookw partlealarl'or r.,Mll S .0 - lir-11r; !�.��%V-trlz tit ton I-r- " htleN 0,1 &tle. and I and Ininolmsuo, %*Ith t4a�gt-.V 1w.lNer. -uo,% for la,,:t0l exrt�,&'­. 11oart ...... _. Thcrp, k -e Irk Omngrp, Ill 4111OULU01110. � . Nrp. quote: Al-jolee. ppr li-rrO, $1 to Eloft gr�t.v t,:r or bablu. 1 1�,4- R-1rho otlwr to I., t,11;s. lo,- Ill- 181 N!_*A. lip., jvtsk� It 1) to _16r, P-nk,elles, R - a # .% E. ri 1) srt I)',' I%Anann. i.,A!11144P� ol % hill conoluoll Vve, vlgoieik 213 to 130(14 iju­ro'*- to relipl arvilmfl-t 9 ­lac.' Ill liv jo,.w4i. li,,,r lot�ko*t `11,1) to 35e, per Alwa, I l.""...'q tl,t- la -A 8 # tlo.t Tear r vi, ­d " . _vs wa-01 Awo-Illn-b .(.I arau I.V from Z�i�ttolm %VjAl lot oulto. wavin 1%.,%rj�pl .42!*;50 t,* i,j. (-�tuli�,10�vor% per . � till I- cmirror. - to fall. n.�ql Ulitz virlit I I Z t1t,! Id ct t,ab',esjav4.p��tuj of hzirav ,,�,,,,i,, i; *watt.lpr lit %It,- %vV#Ik%rn­-­ 0,1Z D. 'Hp*to I 4-e " camnilli-r," Ptir hwit- t 4 , h-t Ilik.., ;;jBvoj,.'1jjq. jo.-r b.,*L-Pt, 40 t �tj� at Y,,;, It V.zll ut dorat", rnb mmp Isvlaolla.. fonlltnvu I th.. I'Ai,741=110 h.tol . . .P 1pto the w;itrr-nut oil khe wct(+�,I,oao 11, doity and V�IwAalltj.v rg4o%,RI v_i,,Qk,. grajQ,:. t'utteor,7* jv�r lallge � , . lij k,,t. -I,.-# %to .11,�-. D.4twamsi, W.r , turs-awl rim -ti lin Mrs fjoul[43 latit ,at 110p Wwon* f,)N, 0*,t,,oj, - 9 "i .- , varnl& . %r,jjprt4. Iron before stry. .disol tloo,�- 0, W�st'.4'�n,-:4r=31 wes d-dar4A Bl" 9-- loai-!�V,t. 71.0 its ZW; Ning U-19 lool. hke igew 111RUI w(ki Ij Cat. I I I l"Irgo. llzlr�k­t, 33 to "Me. town.- 4.,vilhosrlt- frnnj 4'fr,l tjaj� %":I* �j$L4jj.1',,Il"t 'r 11W. ballana#0 __ , ow:s. li�ipkskt. L%j k" - , lit. %, �WnMkO. _N�,Jnl %1V , 2l.. D -lit. a. P'23% $ J."111 to .S_11 .% julo*,V% ,. ut1njjgpVo 4TIL- .1 prott.y neir fmi in Wn"IM9 1�1­ Ifl. Xqe 122- allw-Vab-b 11.0 reut 1,,,-4t�,gj, ;-,I,, IgirroD. $1.:'40 ta $7. per 4 f ': It, I la . , gvlot,t IV rd bj,%. Tor a %v* dolhu", Z W. Z.. N I - 0,-,1-31 tilquin, LIA t1i­n4lt tUb ., ,� �Onfc latelly, given Wn.66, of W 0011 Iritu- 40T 'Illoti ;511*i�T,R.*��. bnt loo hm`l liV'.*:o lvpN -�­�r . . - .a tt� ,,�tl; tgg I hint. 2S to - 4910 v,i­.v,% j%�_,,o%.atqv P� p -br bareel+ DO.VA In 'WIRip unallif.-I. a� U Atig � jir;,.Qorvo�4 fn ­a it, nth lra tto�p urar i'r , . SAI - M. Url-nAlLnill $121.50 .L. -d tv�ateb I.M.. lltpldiun 1.4 lvert; (01 i,,eood.�. I �L�*vltlt,14!6L to.-IlWo nr %-varti itDOLv ';Vlv�csl A-1.73 t)) - r r o"A.uaddong. The tjAru*jg -%�as ajN,4,UU,r'11WqI tuoni,,vm-vl�t,fr;l.-*It-�ire,�', to zi�lt-,` trar� loteFL4 knots of u nAt- -atitd it 1i * � r-*# t il--� t-,b,,;'I­,:;t. I %iewora. chfk~ Itar,40t4k. ribowit. The 4ork. etanits W,dl tr"Ge',o 1i I I vt' I .11'a ,�!V,Vug­ T.h,-,nah 1�01'. zffoll, 0 A. 2s.-14. vrn haildred � I , j_,,,;t ,_. Wra vfllr�? "14 tv. to It wk a"', B.", aa� taArty tows of-re"j; tin Kim watials Were of bt.Urr. 1, 1� - Z . - ( to, ent- r &6 p,,�s�,Q,v, I v.%9 thal rt ... %I Iiv,el; Wo zaN �- tSf I 1144. On Street 4;!,�'Ivi. 'law as. w0a it the, prolm-41- wa,, ut 11 I -S - Ivs, 11 1 -4e - The prieture, hat P; P1113 fi­��a�tno- " 918',14 mado. (iod W�"­Iigbl IvA 4494P-Ut ,-pz4 _ ol I blo -IR� C,ret.j t8 --A% th� re -g- - nee a- r'Ing id, da.--Lii t'.,11,w Vn-fAfta_1 02 t�w�,Utn Fia.-hthklegqp� .tV.1c, but ill, mu%t be 'Wer" tv�.Ulu t, r I= to a V,. _-11 lir", - ard . Bgment, 'Dte harge gpra,-4ol 11figoes , aial thrro q'Pral.a­ &-tan'4­ of lul.4 ag(to. I-ovr'D J_'�a� vill�tt.40 tre�lul bo ody I�ITI . the pteture lll�4t� vvltla Ais lvvtp �'� 121 Give M- "d,4 T.tkoq�irjt,4Dtt�'TLIaLNr,i�*�,D 12 U' _4%1'1�1 =11 DUAIT VoIvro& Tirleb blAMI and swcocutng _ 1� It .r. �Uoo tj r r,�, a ,V)tj tum a t -d. t 1%,Q' to.- b, All . Wilb , NG000L, C-zn vwa,_4 xirimd7i, M%4 hy J*.-anfi Revell j,jr%10Pt,rl.V Ile Wor'n I---- ­­ �u7om'd r�sqlp�a �hp AU'11.44tj.,V�u 'Urd CU.- *,A !. 14 t �L� -on.tv.v ot 'tirts4una. o ul vul%" it P"4D.,4MP. O,t. ts---ji,t ttle (ille'Lise vauthp. vilher maseuame or C­mn �_kc- (i W�� - � �1� .d mr,'nl0-,.-. Th vatth it tvw,* 1:0�rii t,,,,.d,,�.� _,:103, ww�e .104 300 VC,rc in st�vlc*. lu,"'m I � � ne him -t AWTV,ult io ov, re"irjej "an4`�' %[eq'or"41 %`V�'IV- �Wjtr�"Ueg. "4" 1*100 ho' -,%aV I,w, Y,A Ul" was. qtlr'ot;!� E'a 4�.t 12 -_8 .. r,�U-o 'ilf 11 3_16,� ; r e-,4 I'mife ,slul1*01. � inl1h, ns� wd! ka�; 0-rotg P"gh�vt4enllv. vtqoll. 0 "I've bern t1wo Weeks UI.VMC, to , 14. Josluirift ble'sneA hilnt-lf!�' not 11r.-.dPtf*,mS* orin 'Trado. i coat niv yausband to ghe Me "N;Z0 . Mftl wIfflhilrd tho .O.,4?t3. be. In a Uncines,4 at Montreal thla vvtek to buy'a new dress;4' eowi;�allgt-d j j,t:bRc anvi Parner;1. manher, praw-d blvt rinc�,tf,;Qlbxth�e#ri,4%"%+�t'ving Urq, (va2=01 to 'Urs. willws. for lite d`vftge bl:�g4mt to as -l -A ti,e WAV loe , � e� v 0 , 1. effetts of Caleb In dr5ving out 11he i.qj5d,ly, ,jvi.,Izi a t , c -A th e t' 0 V, Of en C iv A A 1 -What. go ven do ?*' J� Idolatrous oveaj�anto� tnt'll.e.is for %age trav"llors On the "I brive iol.� np,v lite- 0 ma 1. l4i .- z.:"7 to 'V...� ra"d Ito of the .9 (_tv�j-ggf,g. Tenel,-Ince�r�Ve Fbozild kattl t be �. , (`s� - and leave M,� Ion,41sand to I"'Phl, Ot F lftbj"', to J'rnj�ptjy t ,�-:t"'UIrel n'l- we,k or4l-rs for J,ar,,�.Nlss of geasofl- Out W1,111 &, c61jf--ctcr."-I1.. � ri-ol r's , tl'Olftlt, ClitijIN: frToniE."g-'are 6341p. able p - , . xybdo rcor sourting Nzeeks werc ft ft -a t. tive.vi mnnot -rial tlws- Who Loavq- 001, I.Ien'ifilo, V,'hek-vale 1r;4AP at To- - ,I uptqn tt.ein. In onor4�,r Ito VeAve tim ronto conthmov to V�mw A talk ;;Inheenattlo'e ot thq- Lor,l vv., ninv4t U1124t oi activitv for thiss L�easojl. "Get Up, vubly'r.'", icat�t-d h19 '�'0_0 be tlEaql;� 110 V- .11 �Bt th'. Lo-orol"R batm�#. The rzortb. 'g traaz luts Wet larg4§ flo,-r, from tilt., i"...tow fit the ,.t4nit. � , ,7 ­Vozi know the eaAY bird gets tilt, u PIZACTICAL SUPIVEY. lth�`s Wee lo worm:* � We ii�.-tve two r�-,-willo� e:iaraetpry r�re- caused by t7ie hoilday. Gerr.efal bus, - "is thnt aU .Von ge. fer hteat- � Lt�-­sce� la &',,I�_i leq,an. 07kjto.ji"V,r gLl�ad j!Cee,'.q at, Qnf�,I��'Z �jUrjtCg li4e, PuSt Week rasa ?" replied Pubble &lr*tZiy� as -1 mem doltiabtiv��!;. bat tt.��,tl;­V5:= 1JU510 lui�4 bz-f-h ae,iw-. I;radsttit-et's repottli , . - ie Z.nons.,r �nevne. "i d'iifer�,nt 61.111110r� In aj�";�.'Twqv ,nD%,n F.Li(q�v *,jv,at t.,�,�.-,- lta�7 b. ­::,n a steadp - __PL -10 !�,_Qte journaD. !I ma"r te rAualwy aq�aitev,,jl ,r-4 Vcd.nnd deve2of.w-ut aln tk­ 0,107-mla tot veti.- li yot or.ip jms�-­­ q1uZ4Q[,1-'9 that fits vo.-AW,e go,u!s .at 11at-Utou, Orders ___ 1. Ve � , B.a to v,_,en-,y a ;421ne�? ,I �e et'n---v Tor L- r�A­g, ,',O.�9Q E:-vio W-Vn vil 11 . I�ath,�w &UM16�.tN-TOJ -Say .V4rJ tCAP.. ��;;ld cc-1-cir T.ae�_,. .14 �,�.­.�t N,;�-:.,. !.,,,.--:I f-.iLo?,U1"VN1U1a..1_1. ancl eow,lnued adtft� jyour vvffe; then W10y doU,$ ,%:Q -a Jae DeattE�r ,r,. � .n ani�, ;,V- -n 1111�.4­,, Uef-. t, y in - , �Q.E�. ZZOL ��!5Te-110-j is looked tot , p. atrv.�r- a4l, I'De trib,s; �4 z:.&,� iront" w work and support her? _ ,I 1�-oprn �-. - -1.1 ani cmrilng Novembat. - f,j_.,,' ",". I U,Lred g ._�JL - J.V j fpq* - ,;,,or,e Trorn o-ounlu,,v limde ice I P.,Arielk Vllriea-Thllt's Jr,'St ­=' - Israel. ,%va ­ ,�. fint , m4��n Re troaf3le. yoUr re'Vert-;lce. I love lict 9 to frpec�c.d ��...j aq .%,_jj,a-r nua coon- ar4? 01.eC­,-.-.-,r.��k.-1-L, T-o pros-pecte for 'so mueh I cvn"t b�at to zeave lic-T I i � nurm&-r '10 01*- 1'_�oplje.'! jvre!�a',Ze� Oil �'Tatge scale by, thso � long enough, to -get a job. I When tbp rivbl,�o Of tIle, two men re�au,o�rs ho t"le u.��Ir he'ure Are Pk6& are me'e"itoned to;V400t. a were in rj�s�jtr;,4;. Tt,e candlAinm 01, geltak&V '11'_%-ell*g: just crazy ever Shakes -I, wittel'. Cavil aeted a like rntt prp- t-kade ate I'Lea'altby. in I'Vinntpeg weti. preat%',, � vents, usp5l_ Ahdq tool-, e7ace long be- titer ,r­c!-.4?;jIO,*js recently tave rav- "so hes; her latest, Is lie 7 $d fore ,Ioshua, wa,; calh'a to the 2f -ad- ored ivatv,rwt werk. and slole where F . of general -,,raA1 as I111=11 t6 �Ii,.� mc�:,, h'M?­-I,;.�la&o111h:a rtal- i ,Pr,i-1.!jp. Ttey vv,pro ebcwen urith ten � &t if C�aa oil letia. � crOiers as le.allprs. a,�d representa- E�kadstreet'v. . , Phe ic at r� I ta ­ I tives, of their varinni,4 trlbc�S. to SPY -,­,eire is -1 fair "Ov,211a,�nt in saa� jMr. H(lrnV,1kP­-VOU kUOW It i'_1 6,'1IL1 OZ'* the land of 01na'an. fronable 'Eues. and the aaflook toe , The final req -,71,,,. spoken of M QP bitsiness is nq,', et all alseo-ara p.'ng, that the female mosquito, is tile one ) , fol -m ,.% Iogmmate vecpiO. to Ito I,ondon theres Imfy been a bitbir ' tbat does the biting. How ('a you ac- r ?P -"son count lot that I I � the ens,p. of -111 that great oroal- inquiry for beavy gmdo- In OttaN*At , � lyidl* Q'It 11.11d ronl,-, to , TiTvnhQ11d*-s 's,4e�,t,EjV J�ro�,rre_ � I-cav rhameuditc-A -Mrs. Uornsplki-Zorae man 6ald 114 " ven.", only theqp two survived to trade . tlie past -Wee-k 11D the mootemea* -Zlic-ago, Tribune. ' , , ne - - - I q6 go ill 'to jvos&c�,:.; ill . n l,ind, anil,. - of 6ra,srut-ab"m goods. Tile demnndii - . , cording to the wo.4 a-' the T­wrd. fro,ra the eozi:ntry tndlcatte the exp6d. ­Whe. ! back again?" Piclahned - valeb ree.eived 11,�bron, th-,,� very tation of & rone.derable increase In the housekeeper, `Why, I 93VO YOU "I portion h,- bail -t Ms root UP -all thm seavron's uIrn-over itbIg year. . soup only ycsterdlay." , many years previowd.v. njy-.,2e­r,,,s are beginning to Improvep ­yegt, jady," resWnded the polite , Th-ce mm itnti ,be eon,.;ch)1Iq.,es4 ,(. s irs 1got. . M �q Of bv--d ' .14 tv,sq an 4 a matk� - t tramp. "an' One good tureen deservt:s , all The time that they were right ed inri,rovement In this direction 14.' � anodik."' : . and that tilt, Otbe-S were wrong,, jo*k-etl ror ne-,t nlonth. Nloney to In, 1. __ i and 141- mij--,t have taken stime gra-ce good demand. I . i Katharine-Pirsa, I*ra going to do f even after they Irld daile all tht-v%. 'ber . somethilig to lielp cut down your Could, to ha.ve del' AtelY made Nt­tly Folded. heavy family ev.enses- up their minill- to ',arrif-ctl for the ,, Whage, Harr�y agired me to be bla Papa -What Is it, dauglitter ? time being 'their own 9�ofl far the rlght." X-atbarine-Papa, I'm going to welfare of the =Iltltud�'- But this wrie Inat marry our doetar,�-Braok!yn Lifia� was Ilbe spirit of the .Alf,lst0r, and - 01i, I'm -,,o dpilghted!" replied hot t.j]py. i�ven In that remate Urne, frivii-1. "Raw did it ljapp��?,, . 11 . M " Well, you see, he, just ag,keva m% Sane's nose Isn't a bit Ilke eltbef vvere in posse -1011 Of It- a ily t b I r, gn and I said 1Yp,ci,' and then he stood ,div her fatheFfs or bet inotber's. How do I (,xod never forg(-t-- V, a,ld nd 6 ad his a s." you suppose it happens to be -so ye,j r, ., g bad now passf-d 11TVa. . a f Id rin tirp jujiltitilde barl probably forgot- *1 Well, I never! Was be not jftoj* swri'll V , Ui,terested than. that ? WhAta-Ver ,did "Th'? 'I -smevs that the day Itl *its ten all sbout the eirclImstallce, aw- *odeled tile supply of clay had 91-vau but (,ad fl-I(I it j.,j III-mory all the you do at sudi treat ,ntV I � -out and there wasn't tiny putt.V' tat White. lie will rertainly. aveno �'Miat could Ida? You eaey twat, is o", elpr, ,, . _I,t crj day and In Ills arms when. he folded the,tft�o_: I fall back on.11� - Veveland Pl0h 11 . � ' 'AnOweft. fyealeis � I 1, night unto IBM. I