HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-10-24, Page 2tr='
This Wonderful Case Borders on
the Miraculous.
Nothing Like it Ras Ever been heard
of -In Newfoundland, where the
Storey comes from it has Created a
Profound Sensation.
Middle Age is the Time to it
* Acquire Wisdom:.
(By Ells Wheeler Wilcox.)
Every day I her middle-aged peo-
ple bemoaning the fact that they
were not given advantages or did
jotters Cove, New Bay, Newfound -
not seize the opportunities for an edu-
tend, Oct. 6.-(Specia1.)-This part of cation in early youth.
ithe island has been thoroughly They believe that their livewould
aroused by the most miraculous cure be happier better and mare useful
pt a man named Joseph Boon.
, For eight years this man had been
ailing and for seven years of this
alme he was unable to work. He had important an upportimity is being
13 Ma: Ache and E:idney Complaint; in passet or Lt-nored day by day for the
fact, he was all pains and aches. He atoring up of valuable knowledge
Led been treated from time to time which will be of great importaame in
by several doctots, and although he rends:lamg oil age enduraole.
always carefully attended to their
iseveral prescripilous, exactly as or-
idered by them, he got no relief, but
fras slowly growing worse.
Finally he went to the hospital
where he remained for seven mouths,
only to be sent home as an incur-
able ease.
Hetes triad every remedy he could
bear or, electric belts, liniments, oils
"and other medicines, but all or no
avail. No one ever thought he could
terer be well again.
• However, one day he picked up a
newspaper centaining an aceouut of
bow Mr. Phbard Quirk, of Fortune
flarbor, had bren cured of Lumbago
by Dodd's laitiner Pills. After read-
.aw.. tale Mr. Boon made ,in his miad
had an education been obtained.
Scarcely one of these people real-
izes that middle life is the school -
.me for ld tee.autt tnat just as
'Youth. Is "the season to acquire
knowledge -middle ide ie. the time to
acquire wisicm.
Ohl age is the season to enjoy both
-but wisdom, is far thei more import-
ant of the two.
By wisdom I mean the philosophy
which enables as to control our tem-
Psrs, curb our tendency to severe cri-
ticism and cultivate our sympathles.
maamIty oi people after tbIrty-
five consider themselves privileged to
br cross, irritable, critical anti severai
bealuse they have lived longer than
the young-, bvcause they have had
more trials and disapreintraents, and
beca.use they believe they understand
the world better.
Those are excellent reasons why
tO try thia• remedy, and at once they should be patient, kind, broad
and sympathetic. tiegan a treatment.
ge used altogether twenty-one Tle longer we live the more we
boxes before he was able to go to should realize the folly and vulgarity
,work agal.a, but now he is able to of ill -temper, the cruelty of severe ,
criticism and the necessity for a
[attend to daily duties as strong
broad-minded view. of life, manners. ,
snJ vigerouts as any man along the
yeast. marals and customs.
Mr. Boon is a flrherroan and is at tw
aless e adapt ourselves to the I
preeeet engag..1 at lobster :telling ehluging habi.s ar the world. unless
we adopt soznc_s. of the new ideas that
:With ne tbougat whatever of Ids old
gine Doak are constantly ecomng TO the 'rent,
Mlle a:el other paine.
we tv.11 find ours -Ives carping, dis-
The prtalle here regatai tate cure
oaarceable and lonely oll people as
as Itttle eitort of miraculous. the years go by.
The world will not stand still for .
Immune. as. Society will not wear the =me
Dog El -eh -Why didn't you give clothes. or fellow the seme pleas- •
abat fellow a elteek when he stcpped urea. or thati: the same thoughts
An you? whet; we are eighty that are pre- "
Electr:c E. 1 -It well I be a waste valet when we are thirty. We must
Af energy. 1! tlese b-Iiittc keep moving with the world. or stand
0011`t Shock him theeett no use in eta: ctell eiolitar$.
My trying. • ttl'ter thirty we :nest elite every .
Nothing to Equal it.
Everyone lois heard of St. Jacobs
Olt for rheumatism, strains, bruises,
lama pack, and all muscular aches
and pains, but few know tbat there
is nothing to equal It for relieving
mating feet, troublesome corns, and
for softening the harsh, callous skin
which frequently forms on the soles
of the feet. Anyone suffering from.
sensitive spots on the toes, sides of
the feet, or between the toes, should
rub a Iittle St. Jacob011 on the
sore spot every night. The imme-
diate relief obtained is simply won-
No household should be without
St. Jacobs 011, It will be wanted
after cricket, after tennis, after a
day's boating; in fact, it is the
athlete's friepd. All chemists sell
St, Jacobs 011 and a 50 cent bottle
is sufficient to prove beyond a doubt
the above statements.
- — icour an.I ale:tate ourselves to grow i
blinard'e Ltriment aurrs Dan:ruff Leto aoretable ola age ;
It respires at least twenty years
to beeome well e luttated le betk and
A Vlelous !labia rellege lore. If we began to etude' I
.1e,,,Staer°,te Ile_or Li at eeven. we are rarely through with ,
Wigwag -That mita ovtr there 'has all our contra en seheols. seminaries. I
been marrit I four tanee. algit seatotele al etalegee have to of- . LataelvenromoteulatneTabteeteuroacold sell what I never had for snore than
Oldbach-We I I aenstse there ore fer. meter a yore of years. In oar day. No cure, Ne pay Prima 25 cente. It ere _, e -au .. ....
imen with an almost:la: crating for Tee alneattoa for old age needs
Otherwise tfingaged.
Madge -DO you theak the minister
offended any of his congregation by
what he said about Sunday got!?
Marjorie -Of course not. Nobody
who plays golf was there.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund the money if it fails to cure.
E.W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25e.
The Worst Stage.
Mrs. Parvenu -And then the whole
awful story got 'into the papers.
Mrs. Beenthere-Oh, well, matters
might be Still worn. It might have
been dra.nlatized. Minard's Liniment for sale every-
Didn't Want License to Black Boots
With a Chair.
Soaking wet, and tesembling a eat
that had been thrown into the
river and then pulled out, a sad -
faced Italian visited the Clay Hall
yesterday and asked to see the
Mayor. When told that the Mayor
did not come to his office on Sue -
day, the Italian explained that he
wanted to see the Mayor to have
bOotb10.0k license straightened
"Poota hear ten men maka fun
on data llama'," he said. "Data li-
cen' read like damn fool. Data licen'
say for blacka boots with one -a
chair. I not blacks., boots with a
chair, What's ze mat' with data
Mayor? He wanta make fun me ?"
The watchman in the City Hall
glanced at the license paper. It
was worded as follows:
Know ye that I do hereby li-
cense Salvatore Chiaffitella for the
blacking of boots with one chair.
This license is for one year, un-
less suspended or revoked.
peth Low, Mayor.
Salvatore explained that he had
a bootblack stand in Brooklyn and
had posted his license .paper over
it. Then his customers began to
guy him about blacking boots with
a chair, and told him that his li-
cense did not authorize him to use
a brush. He was told to come and
see the Mayor on a week day. -
N. Y. Sun.
New York Central and Hudson
River Railroad.
IlInt For Loup Year.
The above name is a household word and
the superior excellence of the road should be They at the hammock, he and
sufficient to attract most people, but now she, swinging the hours away in a
that the rate is the saute to New York and happy manner pecullar to lovers.
points east as by other lines no further re- Finally he whispered in her shell-.
commendation should be sought. Every-
body will tell you it is the best.
A Pris.)er.
A litilo girl was spending the
summer at a fashionable watering face.
place, and one. morning as she "I -I'd rather be a pair," she an -
played upon the veranda of the soared tremulously.
hotel where her mother was stop- A long .lonce ensued. Then. late a
ping she hoard a lengthy convers beautiful dream the situation un-
satloa upon the fashions of the folded ttself to the young man, and
day and the absolute necessity of the cards are now out.
stylishness in dress .1r one hoped
to be a success In society. hatOtte lady
In washing woollens and flannels, Lever's
went so far as to say tstyl-
ishness was far more important Dry Soap (a powder) will bo found very
than beau.ty. satiafactery.
That night as the child said her
tteuel prayer, she added, with great Rule for SUCe6134.
earneerness, "ted3, O. dear Lord, .. Slat 19 your rule of business-.
do please make me stylish,"-latly your maxim ?' was asked of the Wall
LippincOrt. Ot Magazine. street baron.
Stops the Couga "Very simple," he answers. "I pay
for something tbat I can't get with
and Works Oft the Cold. !none • %het I haven't got and then
Lies ear.
"You are like a petiole"
The =Olen hung her head demure -
Ly for a few mistutes, while a warm
blush spread over her fair, blonde
frilly ns weeny yearee We neal to be- -
nia at Carty to be tolerant, patient.
ildiretraiat LI talent cure, ures. rte. serene. Srastatt, sympa.thetie 0.nd '
• liberal. Vele. at fifty. we nety hope '
-' to Late "gra leatel wet% toeere
1 he Very Save.,I treat lifts 81l of wItiect and to „
.N. Y.:Here:au il be preparei for arother yore or two "
-The p,..,Irt co ilt .....! TO, p .1 n ot .,t .' . r0! *es an1toy ,
L.vleset,i' h;d the leeterer. "Wino Elt.11t in the prattle's; tet tie ge qual-
lver o '.
.• itiaa in stels neon it et
eat that4.tt.."Wat a 41'6_,tor eetteed legated of wasting our time In be.
the room, ' , neeetittg the ittse of carat opoariuni-
_____ !
tiles VW obtaloing an etinteatten. let
, ine side eetetetives to ti4'.! otiativft-
NI it:ELp..0N yp tAtTA *lug tW,) off. %Vallee eiere tent le free to
1, • • sass - all wao pesseee 8,tilir-if.eLontr...4., Will
--,,,,,,,,..i.,,,,—........,; evwelm-1 ' 1,,.").W1,•. faith and oereeveretett
it It derrord by baatata, tail_stL.aestilettlitaUttlail. Ritgall tot:lay-at Lama Ito to.-tr*
-.-.4 1 ' . a. tea , tet„ f aii , .,p _.,' • ...e:,
roe sit Theost sett GUNS Doubles. Lumps, reerebere of yeour hoteeettel I ntNtraill
.104isteittel. ill/1 S*rts* thetas, reless. tele veer craleEeme eat tIse ceneteet eit
otata.tee. e'er:tat, Pimples. Stiff Jeleta aaea heleetatas
atestrestaa„ taressgo. Sweets, stutssa - -a . e ee -
?Ilea cete..Seee estiL Piiietio Telr ILO rit,aV27., ti!gh (..1.11$.4 Whin BM
- ,341,1 ke "timittiEttg• Mi. Ur it Onaill. ! aoese peeetet tette Osteet. gone trfCft4 ',DO
ear. attetk for terte admilrateati isa'attee
1,±)fril,ttli- Ott@ y--att bre,et. Sr,yreetathiee
lt Dots Very. teen tine trealll. ree ittereetee it pro-
O.O. te teletaa etrete-te attereetal ile tle yonneg.
1/,'Zg ai4 EL-Ilt ttiltv,:' ttif' tot n gole-eepinn eoette wan met.:t".ate eeee.a-
' 'mole, Vona ard de Feet anew. etatraelf tO
.- Were trtli aware ot ',Mat ; grow oill it trotenaltt oe feettleg.
tat tte'rete tao netentoatited kittet Vettotate teteettelf fter a eleaertleg
it =ekes' tae. 't•••61*:,1 go fiat. Oal age. Tlaem Le r:o title to test.
'Penner Sauce.
Itesnove the seats from -titre:. large ,
red :tat three large green pepper -e
and chop than LEP. 1. bp eine, alett. Messrs. C. C. Ittsharde & oe
a very emell heal of whete 4:ea4r:Age eSentlemetta-ely daughter. 13 years
and a largo onion, Mt all together. et 1. was -thrown from a sleigh and In -
cover with two tablespoonfuls ot !arta her elbow SO badly it remateed
Kelt and leave .ovo.- night, If in tatt ail and aero paintui for throe years:.
tue.rining the inlet:ire Le too seta" Pear bottlet of aliateltla'S LINIMENT r.id t mn.
rine& through a cottander with told': etreurately tared herand she has not
water,prelrg tlO :Auld. Out with been troubled for two years.
• a potato waiter, Ade a level tale- Tours truly.
mortal etch Of white mtiotard one •
COI/VI? Wei, latseelve, a half ettpant et •
Shylock was the man who
wanted a pound of human
flesh. There are many
Shylocks now, the convales-
cent, the consumptive, the
sickly child, the pale young
woman, all want human flesh
and they can get it—take
Scott's Emulsion.
Scott's Emulsion is flesh
and blood, bone and muscle.
It feeds the nerves, strengthens
the digestive organs and they
feed the whole body.
For nearly thirty years
Scott's Emulsion has been the
great giver of human flesh.
We will send you a couple of
ounces free.
SCOTT & SOWNE. Chemists,
Toronto, Ontarlo.
&sc. and ils.00; all druggists.
+++41. +++4..144 44 +4++ +444
"The most remarkable ease of klep-
tomo.nia that ever came to my no-
tice, and one that came very near
being my rulin," said. a detective the
other day, "occurred several years
ago. I was then employed in, a
large department store in Washing-
ton. One day during the winter hol-
iday seaeon a well-dressed woman
entered the store carrying a mutt
a.nd umbrella. As she passed by the
leoalter goods departn3owt I saw her
letripce a pocketbook from
a number tint were on display. She
placed the pocket -book in her rauff.
I followed her to the elevator and
on up to tito thirti floor. On. the way
up sae discovered that I was lol-
lowing her and when she left the
elevator tato managed, without tuy
seeing ter, to place the pocketbook
Oat ol:o tura stolen between two ,
boxes on the doll counter. This, how-
ever. I tailed to notice, o.nd "Slam)
to canto downatairs I told the pro-
prietor let her hearing that she had
stolen a pocketbook.
°Teo proprietor looked at me licr-1
ror-strieken. wialle the lady, tura."
log ahoot. tannateded to know, weat I earseseesessemessaameasemeet
had mad. I eas se certain of my
ground tat I repeated the ac-
cusation, to:team/en: 'the proprietor
ISSUE NO. 43, 1902,
1'0ULTiY, 1) lie Deans bought outright,
Cheese, Comb &rid Extracted nouey
Good facilities for handling. Consignments
solicited, COrrespondence invited and prompt-
ly- attended to. Beeswax and Buckwheat
Honey wanted. Will pay 25 cents per lb. for
.7011N 3. FEE, 62 Front St, East, Toronto
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should ,
always be used for Children Teething. lb
soothes the child, softens the gums, cures wind
colic and is the bait remedy for Merritt:ea.
X sugar beet land in Bay County, both
wild and cleared, in good farming commun-
ity. Apply to 1. Bently, Glover, Mich.
VY who can earn at least fifteen dollars
weekly; several of our representatives make
over five dollars in a day ; no delivering nor
collectinT. The Century Christian Co., Ltd.,
Toronto', Ont.
up like a knife, for examining fine work
or the sniall things or ereatIOn ; is Invaluable
to Htudents, engineers, mechanics, tailors, for
testing cloth, ete.; sent to any address for
25e, 5 for $1.00; agents wanted, Wanzer
Lanip and Mfg. Co., Hamilton, Ont.
The quality standard from Ocean to
Ocean. Your money back if notsatisfactory
Agents, Montreal.
That most desirable property. known as
the Zimmerman Farm, situated close to Bur-
lington Junetien, containing 67 acres; best
sandy loam; abundance of fruit; two houses
and outbuildinga. tiold in whole or 10 acre
lots. Easy terms. Apply
58 Wellington sc. south, Hamilton, Ont.
Horse Health
is one of the most important
things for every farmer to
Blood Purifier
will build up a run down horse.
It tones up the system, rids
stomach of bots} ever= and
other parasites which under-
mine an, animal's health.
so cts. a package.
eugar In one arta ono -half eta
upIls 8t. sph, r• Aog. MO.
tee beet deer oareeter aree tura tn
over the pleleo Seel Lit emelt tars.
A ItOree 70 1101OtErarteasette a otte t!
.:JS,ttilt riAfir.,nPtlit c entetntee eon3t.,,t A laatistelest City }eun at Last.
II tam. Ore,Lcare t Th• gto 0! thlts log !Hahn etty,
te =one:et:Tag tee teree::y. as a ana wine maac,eaaets ,e,,,hieh wag le:metal as
MS/I—N.—A pr........Jeet-e... i'n PP , *90,:i peel fei -1 • .: ' ',,..- • - - ,„ . ., ,.
ti,5rers el 12,2,i.e I.,,..J.it re., e..n:, e_.,,,:l etttsp.tln:.3 havieg lava:el lehateltatte tin 11.417.4
tt:tatte, eepLurs, nt4t, steate, !ease tat has beret Jeterealeeed be the Eabot61
iptefts ttEc It,,, aantl.rei. of Theme§ rithero, of Portage., Wive
le/weal:Leo eta, „ row eatateetti over natty attire, It
Satl by ail eteaseette etteass the Vargest elte EU all ketan
' hisiora. ea tar as rtttna StatES
:dieters ex a Six Irlegerett framilly.
titeate In tat tistoto of freak* le
tee see fit-gen:ea fe&liy of Dot seatet edta matelasetteaaa :salaam Itaf.,,t, att, od ti.,at elle arta eeetell tint vied-
XI'S, Gask?,l1 anal tee einastren. Tee
e a tem of Ler hatale in her teetf Nev.
ante. TefeteFtly mtesi:
eet nstat •tgam te, have listen aeepoee,
„ 9 trat %.5tee. and tOat she trat also
DEAFNESS CANNOT BECtRED , toiat.,e3 int,t urebteala liteadreg ea:erase
the eoenter, otaa thinking. that site
it t 1 7t, tt trl e i5t t eet,r,i tri-gia. hove elippei the pocketbeek "
so eta itp;.. ea, e.,,ta no, op
ttP•odisE-ase,5 -pz:reon 41.1 t't eat Ther.is orAt• 4.1°W2 13`...° the 'a Itef'., 11* Ivrittinut: u
6E5 way te eure ,lenit_pe.astrl thet is by ir•i.,,ti- sazt tr2g a t-tot,E., tene-,:ad over. picket:
"11-1.51t5o.t11..,,S6'.R• kVr,„Fg,e4 ealls'-3 9.07„ " tlp tite unabeeila, an 2 tat TV7.-1 it -rm.,.
at uteeme '..1 e%,37.1"33,t34,t 03 'LIP meltOutt Znilnanol , ,-, ,, adtvn, T:.„, ,r,,gmtro.,0,k. „Itd , ,,,,t
Piti, Etietar-IV.:an Tub.. Wt,Aft thr,s tub. E9 in. `-s- - - -- ." - -' - - " -
on Leto a tumbrtitg Faata et 1=u.,??.. 0 drop eat as 1 tai elp,teted. hut,
beta:esti:4. eel trIT.e8 it /a ebtltely ,e.1.1., il what was better still, eight pairs
DeatteSrs Is tr:..4 neetant. one IntreEg nett:don:P. t or kti gleves,. trete w., !rethe tags
mseloa earl bet -area ceit ander:as tunetasaier- , 1,..t, . ,
kL5 to Ite er-effial eon tte
l'ee. testa wea tre r! .A.,,-. Level' e'Pl tetn
aDtel. toed oot
eestroyea tereeert rano crises Ont oi teb ate i, epee tite floI-ur. Thee nE•Vc. sot ltet'.
efulati frt Cata.EN t;Mch c: totEfr.istbat. ars ,, on taste het dt_I they bceona: toozie
leffemegeona:ttionettherareiertesUrtat'Fg. El s.et.es hat grow the tags i-
We *211 givt. One Humtro4 Donat* for.,.any ' • , t „ . ‘ _ .,
" US, no, :you're inistaRen. Title
lady and her hi:tatted ars frienele
of mine, uhota I onutertatu fre-
tiu"citiVn:s fetiatg awfal eanky, but
belrg 69 cuekture that get had the
pocketbook I ifat 03 a aoti !rest
tied stuck to my latest btateMICIA.
- Tee Ilway orate terrale indigeeet ettel
tae proprletor hal a reg. ai,ir ens ,
of treesinies., Wtal Iivias Mnkung:
allnif opote.„_tice.. Nati reette
Peg The ri itet to me. in
ni tidat 1 `tter4ilii ler tins
ly i" gate orilere toti,,e2 floor tradie.
kr to teletaoee for lose tensizen
aad insnettd On iceung sieerLed.
" Testae were B,.,..vking pretty.
mom to telcoe.rtt a. tiod the srip- Sorral.ify for et,. wten ath kty,--
ttoto z.„e„,„Itm, t1.2t the lpm-eil eltleged the e,..mIlleselori
Itto kee-Teetehhth eeeteeto oresta. J of et etas tato. ttenials. Motto
phEa211321,17 beeorgs to .he Islets
lare. taaettill'e enme ttefi
Olive Cottper. 'See dees wet ktow
A 8ct !it IN A afeCitittet StOat, where she W•as born. bat the family Is
prebablY Of New York ort;g1t. Sae re,
/tit / bete it te-me tatted nytelt • the lar -d51, the alett155. itt itietr,bes triesle tkat a:se was a seat,.
to telt you tall: you het* abeettatelY eteatatieg the Mee. &Stooge that' wet. stereo setae tee leaver faalue at an
todEied a I:air of blifiketa en ine. theaortgaly Woe -en teaougheet„ tad It I early riga atA tine the Coopers weee
hate teas only by dstriebilig the flee tbrel J basket Makers and `svelter:5; tkey
tea, sir, y.,,t1 have from ieNtil ether that yea Idettatied the gypv ttveg, tind ereissel the ewe
Ettly yeo Sae tettea 6bfe. I fel/ s5 the daft:* taaeat Neat yas.,T, to, 6ah
alte iret ftittakerd. heat kozthdl hauslat tad& 1 teak a bit of ttleekat ' ease, seeeeal teeee,
iittle gift a fete daye Rgo &col lead put 11 lit it Veste.1 WEtla Cd5fk, *ad In tee e.0,0p,ea itaaals- theta eeeta
in.tofig sap to *rata oet setae teeva Railed It thete, end tate Oulekle the s tett ei.M3Itten ; fife of nem had ele
fangero atel Cite had boa Tree gteat-
est peculiarity Is that erety.'
thing& fr. All ihacceace i tized tunas i -,-0,1 got ektett afgar by the soak, led
tett aaitt ".t. tutd• the eategt• te that r.1.7 i, there Wait left healed the cotters iie a
hiatkete ere ;art the S'ke:etcn et WLat r kinci et eke.ifetota tett ef glicet-tif • tate ehoe, In Dealt et ,age„ has the
thiri tree. 'net are ouleed. ear, an I the seateeet, teaeeet et of which It (settee. ficeeee sad tilOise. W -ho ate not : Soillt+j-t fIrrigzfst*.IrL"r.
art year fautt 1 I Vat tiketi. I teent-inft Ilia Merely' ti sit fingetiell ate Wessel trit'n an et* ii 11°1'8 Fa'n'a•V P° -:s 61re tte
teti tat 1 tett %tat I =Malty ten:: 1., ihaejoate he yeti the pt,itiuzgag teem truffle, ar.,1 ttose who tare sl't
kr !nth eases. 10! tesitg ceuetie itheetettala Watch, tatae webs between- theari toes, Tee • itenuttee.
, Whet $ott 'fatal:a° tttat xo tvc-t- 'r: -.,1e. enit inyel ettont bY ths-e_se"A-411. exti.n. Linger g at'24 toeS Etave wen .ffe- i lanai -a -a gat ti, [at te t1-01,-,615 /Av. Dade' l=a4 Ibsen to l'dt stem" Nat
ger ),Itti. littetsoa. mat r.ell'Z'htcr, ,I.`31:::- t: t4ezt traoilen eiti2ies En thit teat. and velloped le:ails. ,i4o me&h. for tte C.;opet.- reter .,..,.1 Weeeteatoe."
' trate tat Mt ctotate essarttg (tete 1 `10-1131, even When hz11. tety itseng, tamely. Exactly tea same coati- "'What Catiges t.-......,- , tfi..mal, sa e broke &wee rztPE began 4.1
1.1r.t sie In:AO 4.0 itaral,.4.SF-. At tEtr.:A
4 You aellanIr send her tle! sa=e, S'Z'111. 1 VIM fteatt nlaitlY,,, tzzt With equal tret- tio:Las ate tound En tl.e 15-as-sal,11 Tarz,Ely.. etas potemoe le d . a- ere end desatIng tot (twin mn.ttrs
Itit4 tr.acam, I always hire my ces- ,teatta, tsta to deatroy the wooliat Mrs. Gas'kir. was r..7.att4 -.1 t1.-3. ZaCte—s e- .. ...ver am :no wa- .- --- ,, t
:Oa neoend, 1 made a Learad trip TIpl
tones,* vliet ti:,cy aslt fr...r. flee atet ; attev, Ga._ S'a Ts USVS, and eyjitrhIng re• -iter? I solos'? that's ,..1-111?"11.1-34‘' tz)431I'd °vet tle
47.-,11 ti -two
bathed I twitted:at itte..m:1 ef soap you! cow 1 tettht to ten 3-31i nit liyi Las tes'...led En Dtes*a-te:1 sinee then. the testae' sit te-te -etettataseset-en sater-er &as tootat"ez f•tunl,„ th" Pothetbath
i s „
Weald Late exte V- 1 t4Aghtbrt ,hteve hal a talk oast tha bc_te is tne tno..let 02. na.r.e e.:2Ldrett, get tt..4--`11,-W.L.n i 1' an Deater. $.111.! :ad stf:l?..t. ati i b,roa:;,7ii. it ba 1.
Itiin ..,I, to kr.,a,re anything of treads 1 lont orotbag =1 handg Ttermed In twit , ger and ;tom', ti,',.e extta toe. tri tre,;M:;,:r.
altotted a eartieetat breed!! HoVo=attett, eta we ate 'tot geeteg to tata Cont.' ot them havittg the extra mi-
na i hitote Letter now, and I know j var. govotra ot out telghhorg teen q it'hi-e is tap Suet 'Shims eL5 a litt'=TAAS Nc.,0 g ..0, weach...„ mi,„.,,,„, a,,t evatd hrtve
" i7. tnan.el ottt tint Tier 1ms-tenet ,
*tat ite..e.ti my btaakets-aad my 1 eta -a, have ptoved to na that Washing i (loves to . ougb. "tile trontLe p•ses fr,;n1!-K.:i.9 to worse....._.. ,, „...- ___ _ ..... _____....bta_g. she
Isanda are in a nire leaL4::2t, t3* : 'a...lest c-T..f-cked. it.ileo's Lnng BeLeatu enpee . 1) -,TT lt,Ese,1 c r laus. amYt,
1 42481 "Tare 7C:1' plaIlttr'2' titat it 15 '',". s'e.P s'iss*"-fr3" are ''11' 511,11.;°tIt Is to drop' tirree or four whole .rilores ' the ice'1.8t 'If e'lltly. It l'I*1.61 .:12'1'.1-"--It."14:°:54 -crar'es:.,rezsi:.1zeL.!i , :7nh-l: tbin7tk.ste.:::rteglit.1 'en; lotr4r*te:11:t.' ;
. ;;
1 '"%ta.S reta'h clgar.'11*' '5t Llfe, ttrtd e tew idea tat a five O'cioi-7- tAa ' d ' ,t.t t",, ...a'" pit,wt"1.4 .". olre-ed that sl:.e was a. klepto-1
net my eeelre to sat anything tua;'. ' to elothes and hands. "Fret alkali " Ir.t., meik eno kr...t br-fore plurin," En
1, v12-- tsmatatkia to talc., tate-,s. Ilet ;
Ileali he Mad to 'know hoW yoa prove ' care not ke.p, catiatle sacta in a tin .. be eatroatael t.a„, tea mas- . -.. !I
y a senea . A Joke Eltlitei Way.
. tatauaraa, wao was VI.P..idttf-T, ±: Twu to ;
W•11 at: leteatioas e, a. r, ---t ,n sent is practieeily the caustic seta thr. !tat t:a, leaving there ttere'll'or i .
.,, or, Ks 4511e lg iSmartttet.)
matter. eat. tee, PE, 0. payang for
ot eletaing ot =3" customer% er..d 1 :ti -_at bares tile eIst'hes. WhY, Yell a moment that thr, essential Oa roav '
Uat What 1 soad etre fatatted Ywas ;' -- te-- a eet be in -t saeree "ets " e-itee tire tlav.s• 1/1 14' "4" - ^ nevet be able to eeli It.
,ta.is ., / =....4. .4 - . . 3 , 4 sr - Priend-Yott call that a joke? You'll P.51."..,!":5 111„f" °_,I..a. s -i" 15.455. b!aek-
Vit%. gloves n'eil poekettr,ek and of
tremble, ar.d she lent =a a little cut- f seep
'Well, 1 was telling terse reefil =5" il nos kr you to provide ot With tut* '11 ono cUp may be poured into another* 1 WU).
_ „ „,
.1 seb:e;_a__Jaire,,0110 iedroot:Or 0,
in ttlat ca_ It --- - .
freezing trigs up 'with the two
%Watts and your hands. 1cr it velai even CUrr0.6,0 the Cu! Net, fristilous about it7 appeatav•cr• tIT MIXO3t1g1*---Well,
tag. arid here It is; you can teed it : IlriLnd It, eltewhere.
without free arkied, ot We Mast i thedugh the silver strainet and tia• 7
- elovest remota& 8:Ited lemon Is to . be- 8' -ili'eg'n0tIntl':ve03 d'4•71/4' se." lt ill v ::::::el
'' VC- 7, t" r 1 Ilpfl f a i Ipectlo rteor ref. 4tItknegagffsdt It.
"Di-. Steventeu Macadam, Lectere.r t Madam, yoa enlighten Mel Se g be teed with this tem. ansi. the min- ;. . ... _ • ledy ketteg ray jtb woaid have been
.ott chtaastm, surgeon,* Ear, Earl- _b.ftl, oon,o td.6, itairettlgea ii,t Vat* r, glieg of _the, H.:It:ors. in all...eaves. "Xel .1.'5 -'t Carraot 8e8 '.813Y... 0:3 tVlIng.* the 'llebtest or all the woes that
'burgh, deseseoes the dootrathre kao- 4 thet 1 tealle took little heed to any
Vetty or Mae tillon Wool. "cell" .grePal- :diterence bet:teem the CANNED PEA,M.
Vela .
I 1 bard' one, hoWelret, teat at Med. Peel, balve ad drop in eted watea
t'" Alter Mentioning letra strong alkali In-ai eseteteases 0a ao froodont troth 1 Plebe in peesetving kettle. allowing
Watt aa pottsh and soda, dinestronsIY/tree aItall It is guaranteed Dute; three tablespoonfuls of Su' ar"t ' h
I rneke tykup. Heat slowly to ab il '
=es. or un ender, and , - __oe. hood teacher was instruetine,-; stolen re.ther than tele,. the totr:e- '
an the event he undertook to appre-
afeet ectton, Neva, and wool2 ho i and the Makets offer $5,000 reward te. I quart el Irtrit, with enough Irater to , It .it woull
property of .oda la a useful waY. i the purchase Money to any.otie find-
. 'Ott One toccesioa 1 euiPloYeti tideland further, I Sin =Merited to teturn '
e 0 a elites Or infants', and u-s.t letting ' texenees ti , tertainlY 10110W
to i ttend the genteel 'kleptomania -We who
stealing. -NI ashington Post.
iitya t i
, any one who can rove It IS not pure.
I "'The Lloi had eyes," imseeidi.sateniac,e..s.
t cart.
6614 five minute
4114 - ' :thalt'Cbsttikirreetnhnnythughndberesrtoo
rouldret-v* but do tare-
eilAks ciateoel catereb. nizel Liens as be „etaato la go.
tehnot tur...11Vsilatre CatatrEa Cure. tien tothet .es tabitsitreent datit
terciretretts. !we- in glares next eteoe.
F. .1. CsMNEY 470.. 0. '" I was beginning by this time tO
catch or.J. and wit.".:Asztt I sing any
tam-. / went for the prootieter of
the stote Nt enln in, I !et&
tb. g“).1s, stated t::at
=erciy by adverts.nz. Many 1...1
advertlsed. Onty one, Ferry Davis' Palr.kil/er. werail have „ii17 rainee *town upen
'Sae stood tte test, ot sixty years. To-dayit me. There Is a great deal more of
it more popuiee tban ever. 25 and .,5ecerirs. this tita.rs One and a la part -
1 merit store deteetIve frequeraV has
tit What alit Weeteri. I to sta.td by in silence and see things
neat stag a. large quamaty or new ling tense for complaint. i '--- -t
Itlenkets sent to one of our hospitali, I Let Me esti it! *hat. Stilliglit !.
*bielt, 'when given, out. Were skid by 'Soap! ICS a beautiful cleat', fresh -
tins patients to be not ite Wired at the- looking toile and this 'Octegott. 'stage la.
ld blankets Were, a.nd ant led to alt Very shittelt, OWE, me lite here. .1 es Chase's 'OlutteettieseerMia , *
. ,, - and abs,oluie etre for each
arid -every form ot xtchmg, r, ,
,ce p 0 Ve' , 0 IAA's, /4 tr. oni, of these Instill
.(1' Ptinr:o:gele:.itli lb:1.a::
firrestigatiot. as to whether the •
blanaeta were palatine et aot They _lay* tbe le"6tr--1*-11114016 rAil'iladrYiked lir the manufaebnerr hilaviellettgallradrteedtrtliat. -Setiltee.* i .; -Itettehael,1..a.eiPti ebeuot oh tiftilltian't-a4$
Incited well, and Weighed pteperie, tialts::thratalttt'stitt ta,' tote ttatteetaara eijailAiribi- —titbit:4116.7g Valle, dallr Press atoi ask Yearnefith. e. 71----1;-a r17--n--6Se`-7-1311---tiitt e- O. Idn't tv In 'tuber these instrurnents • - l'1:1T1 I re -
y stars 7io`Or tor tisitosit -suteee,. 'wet Whatthey think of it. Yeti can 'use ft alit ; . ..s - I I I: -1 - - - - ' .t C .4 -.- ' 1
" - " ' id -th c1as " ..1.e. hall ear.% but: it eouldift-t" ,: ovrerrolleiticritoprio.ireeltozniroauee. ,our tonr la ,
Zeeinia.et:ewin9LIbi;I:twilltitialitto'rIchltilisuristiblino:oPal*ttr::‘6011:drktriel:clni .1:::-. '
mita b6r tit soles
Alta i got a blanket 'Sent to ret tor tits, ot iota seesst :mealiest ea lotkeietualisi tea tam. motet beak if riot caret 64ea bot,itt t -`1vipe it,' 'gloated I:116 little one -0,1 fi,y
liatilleatiOtt Alta atinbtilL We found! and the teacher had to tdatiSe lit her f ;t-l'In.;•-i‘n1V-on-iiics"171"'e"
' ''41.!‘"3" -o.,1‘ -''''.:"''' Arcade. Toro
that theta sit cotton *tied *ith rti,..6.1..' .
ilt pzporsttr,ritia,,,,;„,..tactitt .,bii,.,.._464044:fiett. . aupariii.60±SAE:_nr;:ri,rtokit.Sa , :t5tCo,T. O. rob*
UK ' a e in-merix
l' leolkitnIS In order to recover liet CO- Boyatat nee lo Toronto'an°I Intrwillet1611•
I tsatintie. , to, Oat.
fif - 'le prove to yet that ta , "See," tried the alilidren. WHAT'S 1103111 WITTIOCT MUSIC"?
Photo Paper
Prints at night by any light
Fit3, velth peeloge
ant ptuote. =anti Inc
S VISE '1".1?:',V7L".
e'atIA,10ct lorint
bill IfC ='•tif
to,n r-rve. el, gorrm,lit tqt: 4pt1ttlit It.
irOt" 11)1tAW toott ittaxstrAo
n1 1 Incense-
,ne tti $.1581. 1, vett elate:a effete&
re* tie2Ottal. t'oftgelet4 oeatre•tia.e-
,--.;Atutey teeteet nt honte alutirm Ortgatti
15 01"Vt re117 tutees to all teteatettitti
etegestaittettarest esegtapte da31nty-.
cultur,,,, eattialete.
We guaratiake theta. l'oparea esatelalla
Inc 13int8 ettiav. write lot' elesztlititli*
tatalogae end imot11,49. Aldtv.ss
Correspondence Department Central
Business Colley, Tonto, Cando
TIM is one Of the 'Eyrie*
Spteleis in Ditmond
Pities, No. 960. Our price
for it is $75.
W. personally "gtmeattee
the quality.
we dente Ws tstei* tb ety
tiddress, And' retintd the hill price it
you at* not pettotatsstisSuct
teat or nut met, lattstaad ea-
Ryrie Bros.,
ToSse tad mett1a6 Streets,
Diffieult One.
One night at slipper my little bro-
ther was eating an apple. Saidenly
he, lilted in ht g eyes and soil:
4.1t a. giant ate a little boy, hoW
Mon would lie coma to lira eorer
taliteadet Liniment relieves' Neural-