HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-10-24, Page 1, > k 51T z4iali, 10PIF New Business X0 U� �� � • H HERALD D. 0 AVO is yours if 1giY ,ulaertlse til � �+.' �Q� To New Sabncllhei:s to I:nd 7 "THE, ;FiE131[.ntY/%iA + Q,Oo of The Year for 2a Cents. ff'0 ©©"TH '. he Official Organ of Zurich. �Ilel Hay Township, VOL M., NO. 13. ZUR ICI, ONT., li RI DAY, OCT. 24--,190. $1. PER YEAR. -------- CHURCHES. Sovereign Bankriwr®a rwlruwosu m7auarre u x��rv, _ems e c c>e�s• - c c>c �e �•c�o coo c� . ei n . o G''�" E'G� •�^lJ•r7•�7•rJ'G'•G�• % tJ'•P•G-•O•l!•O�'© v� ==�=OF CANADA.=----- - r QT. BO der of s , Catholic. - � ALL �i-�' Order of retries for ho sutnmer. tttho�+ted C11 ital x'2,000,400,00 + +* ' Sundaes: Sigh Mass at N I N G 3.30 a. m. ;Cate- p. - 1 UO� NiQ Q ehism and Instruction at 10,;30 o'eloelc p altll3clltied Ca1l1t(11 - �w1,300 000.00 I G Vespers and Benediction of the Most q 1tlr. and Mrs. 0. R. Wagner mov-' Campbell; Bantams, s, Campbell, 1st and �; O R Q 0 tld; Plymouth Rocks, J. Howrie Geo. 0 Blessed Sacrament at 7 p. m, EXETER T ER BR�t NA 014, I ed to town this week. Bates; 'White Plymouth J. Horvrie, John O Holy Days: High Mass tit 9 o'clock; ..�.w _± Mr. Abe'! Schilbe ptirchased Mr. 'Cough; Brown Leghorns, C• Campbell, MILLINERY, RE CR000! f °URS. 000 Vespers and Benediction at 7:30, p, m. Sant Dietz' residence ill town' for 1st and 2nd; M norms T Iiowrie Yellin if Week Days: Af.ass every morning at 7.30 .�. c'ivindS DP�lral"tiBlGlit. �1300.U0. KI\TDS—'1']1 + VERY LATEST 0D o'clock; First Fridays, Mass with f Ducky, Snowden Bros., S, Cleave; Rouen O ALL Exposition at 8 o'clock Tho IIoly Everyone has been showiu,r loyal• I Ducks, Snowden Bros,; collection fowl, p , y 11'p are in(lebte(1 to the editor of _ ns Bour, ov one flours visit to our Lord ty to the Icing nand now is the tiuio flit•' Clinton Kows-Roeord for the 1 0 }Cowrie, 1, Campbell; ToolWbite se Geese, ku the Blessed Saeramet every Kat- to shuw loyalty to yourself, by open- ,, Snowden Campbell, i. Horr•rie; Toulouse Ueese, urdy evening from 7 to S. ing a Sayings 13•ank ac',ount in the of t1tcY b:LriiNlcl fair prize list. I Swden lirot.; Iiamburgs, C. Campbell, It is re )ortoa that the Bell Tele- fat and:.n(l: Turkeys, Snowden Bros., S, '1 1T 'r�tillelz- 1:ZrclzTt'clS, a'`It'12'.S Z'1LrlL?1 7r'G'C1.7', fi Baptism on Sundays nt `r o'elook, Sovereign bank alt Exeter or ! 1 3 • V, 40 `.Che Communion Sundays before Alass at Clinton, whoro the hag -best rare, of 1 phone Co. intend to extend their a Cleave. 3 d'cloek, Interest ure paid nn delaostts of yl, j line to St. Joseph, this fall. r.Al)1Fs«'ORli, lJ}4 lrrrlre,s 1'urlt:rutrrt, l'rrize,r !'1rr127z('ls, Rev. Father Valentine, P;tlisit Priest and upwards. I lilt CT. Roti✓mann, i1lrs. 0. Pillow shains, NIr•t. ,T. Howrie,J. Tough; �!I,� �1('7r' 1'r'rrcZr/-frJ-rf"P(r/' d�'rr]t,�, TT'Ir%li'[77 �Rp speeitil attention given to 7!armer , . Crazy work, Nlt,s. (leo. \Tott A1rs. E Q�11� 1 Tr' l t OVO n ' • ! b ichor and Mi rs, Ben. SLlrerlls left y ' 07 -1 -woo f,1" (Intl rl l7,VL r 1-8, a i� 1 Yl eel -r't les. and Cetttle•meu's busiuos. Campbell; Crochet table mats, Mrs. J. ,j J l nn �MTANGELICAL, German and I.n,.hhlr. tr p n oil Sntumlay for Mielligan, to visit [Rorvrie; M. Brethour: Toilet nults, 31. ,,� l �1 a6iiCf'8� @�il$�Ilb AIISI(1„SS tiail5�ClEti �zolntives, for a l'(srw �weelcs• � lirethour, M1r.I C. Campbell; Tar,blo centre 1% t �l w4— lr�". .'�f+';r •. 111 ltflo'fll'ooj, ( oW" , SO Sunday servicos:- l } DTin:sv,. P. Lttinont, E. Bossen- piacea, 91x,.,1. Iiettrial)r, Sulith; llilntle Gi,r•nlan, tit 10,43 o'clock a. m. English, F. W. GLADMAIV F. E. KARN l' '+ hrtiu1tl �1'ellitt,rtoll Tee, nu•ohu�- I [L•aiae, i1lra. 1.. ;Lott, John i'orest; Sofa . �rrlrlt',� �a(rlr llll'rlf j' (%rlrrli'.� far-, 7 o'olock P. m,, Still. school tit 'l p. Ill. Solicitor. Manager. r t'tl 11ttI'.;o-, at the i-ovent lsttltr of ; pillory, Nil-;. l;. Nott, S. Wise; Crochet Tuesday ovening; Junior Allianie, at ,, f iwork in otttou. Dr. limith, _llrs. C, Cantil c�k.� �j O� the ie�vrresk �2SiC.Jii'aa �( Senior Alliance, it al, 11 oir pritetieoat 1). 1 , r rt nvil. horses, 111 a at Iiensetll, hell; Grorhet work in trout,. ,llrs, Parsons, i' Wednesday evening; German • prayed SALE REGISTER. t N. C 1(' tarots ont first (lais:+ Mrs. C. C.aulpbell; Embruidery on hilk, Gzi a r faceting, at 7.130. Thursday evening; ' photo,. He tti ill be with t oft until Satin or velvet, Mrs. G. Nott, Mrs. C ��`� English prayer' meethlg at 7.30. Friday 1 ' Nov. Ist.. Prio'r's the saint•. I)o (,!anipbeli: Hetnatitehimr, Alt:q. Parsons, , evening; Teachers' nuetiul; at ii. I A tic;TI()\T tidLh. (11' 1'.1111I S1 Ul'!C not nlis. it, i�hoenutcher's hall, j Mrs. L. (':11,6e11: fanev %%16k haltler, Airs. flay. �� . J. lxeger, 1 actor. i'�,Ind implements, cin lot ;, Con. 13, , r i["h. i C. C+t.n ph -.11, John Forest: fasncy pin ; I' f=A FCuy, an Tueaciay, Octolter "3;th, 190 r>. ; a cushion MI. Brethour Mivi, J. Iiuu'vie � .�' Mir (;elarre DietST l'iala, erupt{etUr: 1s. liU5�Ct1- A tllltnder st( Tin, lastiIlF;' nearly' ' ? /'+ r (� knitting in Ivaxd 11rs C. ('amllbell I.. B r QYr� eutfC��e CLT. Intl). �t. �%etl't �ilr(fle. ; bet't'y, atletioneer, # t'w["Ive lU)l1I';1 i : a riLl•t' thing, even a a • Elliott-, Il` nituu [f pY:11t laep. M1t:K, lar o w in l'unil11er till►(°, britt tllilt 13 1w hitt t Solis, Mrs a', ( tinpboll: tatting;, 11ta. G i Vii'.* Zurich ) V 3 i C a i l o w 0 (50itesbiettft norm. 11alb tt ?ll)r this sec•tiim o.xperiunvvd, on Wetln- N.-ott, M V. t`alaphtil Arra•,ene -work 6 untt, aberias a 2111r• 5ctlitstd,3jetlltlr' , 1CC3I FOR SAI.E t)stltlr. Infill ft'Il 101110st eontin- Mrs. (+r. \,a:t- Mri. t'« C'11Y1phetl: test otY. .; MI1;, Susm lla tai , lei is utiurill" then' t' r + • It • {,1 r+• , t tr tr t 3I. 1i1'et}e tL'a Miran. t;, ;\a,tt: tray clatl6, ; 9,.- `* •ate IloCtlt. (o Zlltr.1hr�LtrL�atttlttliltt3 South halt of l.ut ?3 m the tt )rsly, d.trin„ tllr' prtatros: of t12( \ t,� . ,,, a „;�,„�;�,;.•�,� .�,�.�,� Farm, Mrs. J. llaalr'etS!. Mrs. li. :Mutt: Aplahtl•tt•'t a . 21'tittntac l tibeub:b um balb8• 'Tenth Cullee.:Jua of i'lav for Salta. For `tell".11. , , .�r*.�• � , � �•` a** � �`+v:'+�Yr � �., +� °�.•�a• � �•`�S'• ? wont on i°Yau-b, a,tin r.r d:luth, :11t••, (:. b !�d)filfe, Pt'lftor. further paitit!uhirs intiuire oil the pre -111- ZFr..1. I'. ititkheil rv::ti ill L1Dndeln Intl JC ll:,•:lJaar: taldca+ovex enflat'„ai=Iex•' .- isey. This fartu tYill be uld tilt cat•y `' this week. visiting- his twit"e tiwh() t,(l, lira $Iidilll. Air . V. t'aant,lcwll, taettrlti z terms, is lultlel•tPttill:; tr(':ttnlellt let St. (ioileys, iamb„In'Cra4a rt►, Jig , C. t',LBulabell:” l $D L V. BACINotary .1\1) St" Jose Ill. cl I 1 1 , „': B U I � . Lr + l Joy Ii IIt>' lital. Frit also s Dt alt eteldna w o m tt2 r+i:1 :tCa�..T, Iia.-cariety • i�okary 1'ulllie, Fire after Lifeln` 1F101 Ftjl. S1LE, It short limb twith Fatitt'r Valentin, MC, 1317009 •rautbtltau-l`nl!d1t •1aAtt, 1D. riteriu►ea Agent, !fancy to Doan, either by; � will) is under trvaa'I.nio 1t. loth ary Br: thOur, 0df»p: III,AIn 11;001 16 pxivute funds or lua ll etunpatiles. l 1•16 Avres. ('1110 jo,ed tit I.c,t -'tl, ill the r , h.” t'• Dr. Smltl, u1t'," I'irsatu+, Utelaa•la zaptou. ; l 111'tt+„tt +112. ..al't/ttllDll'. 7\1 k's. l'ranG' a.. .h.1sil ruo'c'tI t•r•xvlaAt or, t , riliiliof0 1 al{tAltliit�Lugtll�icealtlitrlt tritkllt of I he �rty tn• 'flit, (tient°Tal DiStMill°.; VO- 0lIIlit• kltit rlIpl+l», .1. Wi>°'. J. K. Witipa kf�� I' as Nwitit -It pit lilatl of 1$1111tl filth, lilts latlnrlrw laaar Nh-..i, Iiaaealae. \I. lhotime!r:' +~a„� °t HO J. D COOKE rtltalin••tuiderueauh: i�riunel2we.lin•r tall 1 + a ,} w ” other outhililiing;s. Tbi. farul is ilita,ly:hee•n rraet'11'tlt'ttarttlell for tri:tillinl;"laiuniketu"hi•f aurlar'ta OCI,. U. \a11t, it,'; i°,k° •: `r 1 (Late with Ourrow SC Prouiltoot) ilarrl:l. ; hituttitJ oil tarrl.nittsti gravel fn;ul, witlliat'; spirits fraatn the In ,1Droilliet of 'tht° C31•etLaln: 1At.trta4 tt,aal., 111«. .t, livaaiA•, ;�t r ie F+A4 Illive ° ,r as a• ,r 'MIN. C. t'„n,'I swlh Itatulot4- hilt an 4.41►lr)n, � ter, Solicitor, :�(Itnry I ubin , pt, ! _,m ill :it. .)n'at!latA. 1 arra fort uud . lit e t :+21r,tlr fart°tall'it AorY hitill.., Y tlplAt+ttli, Nlltltrfoa ttmw- sit -lilt pllrvlla,er. tA1se11ptI till. -VII -014111t Vatllittla. trio' S. iri"t h 1:. 1:lhaeala lr:alalca';1 a141a1Q 116 Sr � y, Wl:;; 'l'f`,�iiPi'I' a 1•141, U IuimIN-°Baro '4IBp I. t':u16a IiaAi1'e - , S+ ',,° 1`'ua' p-Bltlllil;u't, appl► to * tal4.4na•Iiawattol art' ('N4ttnlarrlla►lel tl,'' I " xa� '�] '� a'.a f'�('�+��+ HAYS li, G`I;l.Ir1.1a, ,dlt't .• 1 t '1' a 1►t r a„la tit” all' ° taleattt ti a, , •, 1 a « t l -r t.!lacl alunalt,.,"� _ 11, �:L7.O 1J D 1t V' V l vG Ht"'1t l r.7 '. � ,•* tlA 'al t/ tb IA Yea a at EaKa .. :.+a".4.a ,R �Ir-a t' t f loll, 1i 41Y4 as 11+'dnrtan3: 1nI; Ill It nllat•►•r`111e, 0nl . Imiltblig 1lnt, lot,Lo i, %14 Ir ?Y +l, lf. Ur' llibnal o llttrxltter. euliclttDrltn Xuturiea lhtbli4r tD'I'1t'k: IS »111:1tCs1i1" r:11`iSX tD11na"iytiarlt� 1►aawr�:tlrr wiw 14d•S•1lt 1.4naeQp r.n°M latula a> 1.,11 I+r tt� a�:, lasaap =1oa4e. ,p. , Ops > 111011 r tl 4nY 1tr1S1$1 1 ty t101j ittill , til Nil.. J. }I %rrreA..fiaslJa 'C ,.crilu: l . t t lilk". you 1'.•tt•, Y•tr°. Cur. $tluare and Not'tlt St M-0 tilalt tt Illy-la\w rr.1• 11.1-1,31 lir' the• 1 , . °" , a . ” 4!0. * u: r v, � ' �' , �„ �` - 1 itla.,al.t a 111a1a► ab' ,1 a^t"t`r tlastille ➢;r 1'1➢ 11Brn VJY 1lal.+•+' Mr a+a 4 I. 11 ir3:E a?a 9it rxaallriCh Ultltl►'itl ;illlltla%1r:41 ('naall0e'il tet 0.1x4° itYrr64•lui;/ tot t, '1114. a * I a41'otllttta, 1 l➢ta itllal9�tt ➢° 1` tlak algal- 1 t a'9attlt 1: i1au110A8n JG4 < fall :u, d1C. S Iiae`, Yen elft• beth slaty orf tlt4olet'a', A. Il, a W. Paa(atJDPOOTK. C.. R. 0. WAY'S'' ltlal'm, l8atvltloana•'tua`t1:ly uweBllaNa 410will tiall'y it Ill -%v Vilna lit Vaaltttlatr allill �°Utt'.tr t1r7 1.a@K )10�. mlt a: LOW.., 8awhi � w � _ -tri tho marl.lit tot w-tiC.4.5. fn dranniat. NOUN it!.t*:tltlell rhailt•ltt SAO,. t"1 tilt* '"lt, dlaW t i lattBlai'7:Ui a' Moon ia4tua y�"�`t�rg goo ¢� --- rrVBal<. a1t6a .J 1" ;.Zct, 1x1. hu th,olta $ Waterproof .'k ''t:l►'' 1 �ld � �w a ntr'raavr`°r `.1.11"+^ell Ilratiw antl thilt wti-41 Ih- hot-t-tta2:.11a 3lidn'Ktl . a tat 111V” !fatal➢ll= - ^'t • ,. _ V1 :FELE.. ' I, 1� a 1 ftat•tta t . , l ° r I"° u�L1'S AN1» t• a.a1WI-31$. or all wit CI 1 �:a I�: �: O OI»I t atv rater Itl g,d t rag i an tlna /a ,;a»ia�r a+. Bra° ,, ' ell' tr'liiN la It $ld Stt Seo t1t t 0 t:terl. loth ,0Iv. C aurt, 111araala of 11414 Valnllt% Sat' 1leaxualAa gal tlth ;