HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-10-17, Page 6JOHN ROSES
Tragedy or Comedy in the
oollingwood Case?
Did Brown Confess That a Crime
Was Premeditated ?-1tose Look-
ed on the Plot to Murder Mrs.
Brown as a Huge Joke -A Bar-
rister Tells What Be KnOWS.
CoRingwood fdespatcb : On.e of the
etrangest stories ever told in a Cana-
dian court was related here to -day
by John. Rose, an aged insurance
agent, at the preliminary investi-
gation into the charge against W.
H. Brown, of conspiracy to murder
his mother. Tile etory in brief, was
that Brown, who is a fireman, in
the waterwork.s and electric light
etation, approached him with a pro-
posal to remove Brown's aged moth-
er and divide $1,5.00 insurance on
iler life between them. Rose immedi-
ately- detected to assume the part of
a detective, save the old lady's life
and make the would-be murderer pay
him $200 for his troable. As -thecae
shear or the unnatural son's discom-
fiture Rose Deranged to taket the,
-old -lady to Toronto, jest that her
son might be persuaded to go to
the depot and kiss her good-bye for
the last time that be would see her
In this life. Brown refused to go;
he put up only ine0 or the $200, and
$11 of that Bose spent on old Mrs.
Bletvn, neat tbe. whole plan proved
abortive. Bose told the eourt he
thought he kliouLl be commende.1 for
eis share In the affair.
The hearing was before Magistrate
Neetleton. County Crown Attorney
Cotton, of Barrie. represente.i the
Crown, and Mr. Julio Beenie, K. C.,
appeare1 for the prisoner Brown.
Mr. MeBraille, ol Toronto. wale pre -
Keit to guard the nitereette of Itoee.
The tOurtreOni wile co -reeled to the
cheer& „
fe Mr. Antires,• lifeid's Story.
Mr. AUerey Toni. a eating barristi r.
works. Be hail not men Brown for
years, but be went clown that af-
ternoon. The prisoner, when be saw
him, said be bad backed out of what
he had wanted to tell him, bat Rose
was curious and wanted to lower,
and after considerable pressure the
prisoner said; "You know there is a
policy on the old woman's life, and
It will ran mit soon," Tim witness
had told him it bad lapsed over a
year ago. 13e had been inquiring
about it at the office in Toronto
anti had been told that he bad paid
only two years, and green his note
for the third year, and had not paid
It. Brown had said he had paid three
year' preminme and given his note
for the fourth. The witness told him
if that were so the policy did not ex-
pire till December .2nd. I said "What
do you want to do about it ?" con-
tinued the witness.
He said: "Can't we get her out of
the road before that ?"!
I sold: "I don't know what yore
mean; you don't mean to kill her ?"
and he sale "Yes,, I mean to kill her;
sho has $1,500 on her life. I'll packet
$1,000 and you'll pocket $500."
I thought that by saving her life
It would be worth a coneiderable
amount of money, and I made up my
mind I would get $200 out or Brown.
I made sure he was in earnest. The
witneesi went on and told how, when
he aeked Drown how be proposed to
dispose of his mother, tho prisoner
said it we.eld cost only a dollar to
drive her -to the Nottnevasaga River,
get her lo go out on a. log to look
at the fiele and push Me in. Tbe
witness suggested poison Instead,
and said it would have to be pur-
chased in Detroit.
Brown Loa's the alones.
Then, to Fee if Brown was In earn-
est, he said he wonid want $50 for
expenses. BTOWD said he hadn't it.
and the witnees gradually lowered
the amount, $40, $30, $20. and the
prisoner said lie would give $10. The.
wItnees said it did not seem peosible
that a man couid piot to kill Ids
own mother, but when the prisoner
proposed to pita $10 he icueir. Ime
meaat it. Ho told Brown. that
would be just a starter, that be
would rico] at ]eat $200. The
pricsoner told 11101 to go to the post -
office the next 'lay at half -pest 11,
and he went awl got an envelope
with $10 in it. Anothir time he gave
bine $10 In lin envy:epee The wit -
mete sale an arreingernente had been
made for Om removal of the old wo-
man by a tiarti per** in Toronto.
and told elm the thing was going on
an right eerie. Bose toed of various
inaneeceeful atteeepte to get more
money Out er Brown, and el' the cid
lade's, trip to Toro:leo. when ishe
staved Me tire:: eight at tite wer
IIoe Ittwe Sakti i.o registere•I us
man and wife. hievorsi that tees the
orly way lie cealii get a gee I rorm
feo' her. It beteg Lietabition tinie
Where she came bieek he went to ece
wasealliett, and telt the , tory OE hie lier, ace die eompeiluel that lee lea.
tolineetion with the eciee. Ile Fa1,1 not give n Ler flange ettention.
that one day last week Ch ei nI P0- teal tea owe taken her for a elr.v.e.
Pee Mei :en and the preeetier eilizie He loin leer lie vielei not tele, late
to b ut at his Ileaol tloe Clad fte. t rite lucre, beeneire s,Se was
eel not threaten Drown or inekehini ett hiteee ie. era tvo,141 tou,11 Loa j,
ones proraaee but they reptesented ntried thitt he bad ever
to h m [bit they -were Ids Mettle, eitteeee tee vegetal peown tted
eat wanted to help lem In les trots- • hint thet he 0 61: ifirai raether lied not
bk. ltrowu toll them he held genie : for over it, tear. eteeersseg
'Into a eeletne with floe to get the itto Lk:413Lp, with D:414 ,opo
t511 "10" 41/m11.V* b -Lt . atata writhig of tee leiter. itoso ettiefe
J.' t' k"!di a4Y '''Illtc"- that toren. tine OettO woe; wratteni It was deolifel to nave Mr, r ullibr-
AMU. . 3AVAlit'r.
l'iml cd t'113'e"r4 l'imaY wIth Ilit'r" he asesetattiel the, whoa!! matte, tied ton prepnre et lieeitsw providing for
Dreera geld Itose told him that the .--", I .„*. ft 1 .1* -„ 1 .. . 'Whin to sal Strike kielil• the penitent of the irtiellith air twig
pronneo ...tete eta. want io gee tea. -- .
eciteee would hoot; ran out, and hail . ot r - twirl le Mee le, l''''.'ll''''ll 14"- "°' -"'- . the (entire' rOolltrY and .til4 lilave., hundred elgaro. without dietinetion
se- we.
°41h`r“ l'''c4'1" 1."'' lu"l'it 11°6t4.' ait"r ' leg the fuel. lt wax Mee deeded to wily words or eralee for hint. Sow- . a tut,. to sttttt tt Immo& mot op
Me idea of la joke. tiefee of oeir o Id itatttiAS Willowt'oreettl watt. tion the Otittitio tloyerlinttlni ever. they feel Met terser tem ie lag . eigarettee fetstat lirl,7,.* per tint -ward
Striker Was Loitering Near
Scene of Dynamiting,
Tamaqua., Pa., Oct. 11. -,Tae. Burn-
ham, a striker, was shot au a tnslant-
ly killed by a soldier on gua.rd duty
at Brownsville, near here, early this
morning. The Nape is the scene of
several dynamiting outrages, and
Burnham Is said to have been loiter-
ing in the vicinity of a noneunionistni
house, which was partly destroyed by
en explosion last weak. The soldier
celled upon 33urnliam to halt, and
this order is said to have been disre-
garded. Thereupon the sentry fired,
and Burnham fell dead in his tracks,
with a bullet through his heart.
What 511a:hell Counts on.
Mr. Mitchell, of the United Mine
Workers, holds that the suppression
of violence and intimidation in the
neigliborhood of the mines. will inake
little or no difference; that there
are few qualified miners, union or
non-union, who wish to go to work.
In this opinion they aro in flat op-
position to the operators. It it were
not for the State law requiring every
miner to hold a license shotving that
he had served two years' appreetice-
ellip a ad passed an examination, there
would be no question of the opera-
tor& ability to resume work under
protection. As things stand there Is
a question. Meanwhile the public can
only wait and hope for a speedy set-
tlement of some bind that will let
coal come to empty bins.
Great Rush foe fill Stoves.
New York, Oct. 11. -There has been
such a dcinand for oil stoves for
cooking end heating within the last
few days that the manufacturers are
livable to fill orders that hare come
to them.
" A representative or John Wana-
maker eame, here to-ilay from Pidia-
delphia," eaid Ma Goldstein, "and of -
to march:lee for spat mete all
a the oil stoves we have on halal
wee ail we can turn out for the mat
four =ogees. We did not accept the
until June' 80111, next yea,r. There
wits nothing in this °mitre& About
°the strike in the anthraeite coal
fields in Pennsylvania, which had
already begun when the contract
Was executed. There was also no
reference to collections to be made
by the company from the miners
for any purpose except the expenses
of the miners' representatives. Yet
the union wanted the company to
compel its men to pay strike as-
sessments by deducting them weak-
ly from wages, and paying them
over to the union.
• The company did agree to make
such deduction where the miners In
writing authorized it, and even
furnished the union with blank or-
ders for the men's signatures:
Some of the miners refused to sign
and the union practically said,
"'Make them pay or we'll strike,"
and did so.
A Good Deal of Fent is Now in Sight
Toronto, Oct. 11. -The committee
appointed by the City Council to visit
Ald. Foster's bush land at Zephyr re-
turned home last night and reported
that they were successful in con-
tracting for 1,000 cords of mixed
hardwood delivered on the tracks at
Toronto for $8.75 a cord, In addi-
tion they have made arrangements in
11R1G. GEN. Sento' L,
Acting In Coat Strike Mehl.
the neighborhood for various sup-
plies of fuel.
Aid. Shepperti said he had on Ids
own requite -BA it)' ordered nbout 00
eords of dry hardwood now on the
cars at Craigville Station at $6.10
per cord. iso that tlie wood will mei,
t:8 per enrd in Toronto. The commit-
tee deel led to purchase the wood. An-
other offer whieh the Alderman had
wee for 1,090 cords of fi'abs at $1.00
to $1.73 per cord on ears. which
would enel./e the eommittee to Illy
the wood down in Toronto at front
Sii•S3 io $3 per core. It wan divided
to authorize .1.01. Sheppard to pur-
chew tho whole of tide wood.
The Alderman next aenomieed that
lie bad an offer of all the Fort coal,
run of mine. he required, dtdtered In
Toronto for Snela per ton.
The emnonitter 1,1111B01129,11
SUpPard to buy t.44)00 tone, to be W-
avered at the waterweike yard.
The s kine gintleman offered Aid,
eb pperd AO leer& of goo 1 d. inked
moil for ,S.3 per cord, free on ears
n TertInt0.
To Get Legal Powers,
strike as Inevitable, and are pre.
parieg, for it even now. The Welch
union sent £1,000 to President Mit-
chell in August, just as bread upon
the waters, which they expect will
return to them when they decide to
go out."
Lehigh Compane Sends Out at Train
ot Coal.
Tamaqua, Pa., Oat. 11. -The Seco.nel
Regiment, $tate eational Gaard, nr-
rivect iiere Oita mornieg from Phila-
delphia and enoamped. Tee Sixth
Regiment, from lemster and vicinity,
will arrive this afternoon. leo threaus
are maces agatasi the guardsmen, and
little trollied is expected. In general
tile reelIng is One or apathy. Isumiiiess
Is at e .standstie, and white a major-
ity or the oteizene would like to see
the miners eau, they want the
struggle coded.
Reports from this region indicate
that the operators made a slight gala
in their working force to -clay.
two trolley cars which . convey the
men to the different collieries were
weIt filled, while many walked to
work, _Despite, this, there was uo de -
0110[11ED TO QUIT
General Strike in Sympathy
With London.
Transvaal Tariff as Provisionally Ar-
ranged Frees Machinery, Build-.
lug Material and Metals -May U1 -
Ornately Join the Customs Union.
Lt;ndon, Oet. 13.-A despatch to a
monearation of ariy Wad. The few news agency from Geneva, Switzer -
strikers wetreets of Lansford and leummit Hill land, this morning, atopancles that
who had congregated on the
watched the men with tndilierence. n lee 'Workmen's Moo! 1maim' .tee •
has deemed a general strike through -
More t...oul Mined, out Switzerland, in sympathy with
It is claimed that more 0013,i was
dumped from the No. 4 mine of the
Lehigh Coal in Navigation Company
yesterday tlia,n at, any time tame the
strike began. A train of coal was
lapped from the Potts colliery, near
Asina.nd, diving the night. Tile train
contained about. 40J tons, and repre-
sents two ditye' work. Tuis is the
largest shipment from this colliery
for a similar period of time since the
beginnino of the strike.
The operators of Greenwood col-
liery claim to have a large number
of certificated miners at work, but
they will not SO,W' whether they have
started to out coal.
tbe strike of tae street car employe
cue here. Troops are held in real-
ness to deal with any disorder.
Tretisietei teeters.
Pretoria, Oct. 11. -An extraordi-
nary issue of the Gazette says. The
amended tariffs are only provis-
ional, the Government desiring ul-
timately* to enter the =stones uillen,
on a, basis which will uot sacrifice
vital ititereete of the Transvaal. The
nigotiatione thus far have been un-
availing because the Transvaal dime
not feel justified in increasing the
dutlee on certain footietuffs 1.0 the
cent ante* the coast colonies
An Operator's VlOw. eoneider niceseary for the prOtee-
A mine operator says: It Governor tion of their produets.
Stone's order "that all men who lu the meantime the conditions In.
desire to work for their families shall the Transvaal preclude further de -
have ample military proteetion," Is • lay Ir. adjusting unjustifiably
literally carried out by Maier -Gen. high eueles, mid the duttee erdinarily.
Miller, instead a mobilizing the „ reaeoliabie but exceseive hi a cowl -
troops at certain enoints, then the try wimieb preetically bee1 be re -
commutes will b. able to make good
progress to op nine up the mines.
" If the troupe are Lept all eon-
The duties therefore are abel-
Wed on maehinery, bantling water-
munities where endeitee and intimi- late, metals afel agrieulturatl bu-
d:M.8i Le lir:lensed," he said, etliere ph nu ute. The large saerifice of
will 00 48) trouble. The difficulty
row is that a man (VIPS 10 1.111 i111,01Vel cola:Were I pre-
ferable to neve:using taxation, elie
one flee* under the tarot' eti sn or the. meet of renewing the iteleetrial cup -
soldiers, and the next dee, alter the ltiel of the eolOnee.
litighlearlieoil Jute 1)C11.111 W1 I 1411 110W01 AS it )81 Inieerative. how -
the troops are tient away, and 1116' • ever. to replace a portion
lAiiiit.t; Workman 14 again at the ot the tone. Ow thank% on wine*
'Rene.* of the lawless. element. Men and selrlte are ineveitsed. trim exlet.
witl not riek going to wort; toohie tug day on dynamite le left until -
a hese they are not sure levet they ' tercel, owing to queetione hearing on
‘11111171 fit:rr 1V11144:e1 iniaortatIon int0 tbe Tranavital
ienditione of Re litanuraeturet
their abesnee." ' trues nesier illeenssiOn but the dots,
Will IT eeearatelly dealt with gtEt
A Video View.
ample tie possible. The duty of tar
Au offfieer of the Monet now in the tetat, moo ee room. two eentti, a
eity. who sloes not 0054, 10 'OP I1401111 foutiatt4 teeseurte nem, ene eentg
in the tibeenee of President Nittchell trui.d ,a0 wad, and tu come a
as being °metal, eeld to the corree- .Uren till le. admitted free. ilea
for fear that. it would ht. construed petite: ee *toffee, were tet eattseute,
eondent of the Aestietattel Pre0e1 i! toe ete.a tes tetoettett woo or Itteatly,
"The arititraelite titleeteorliere Of teemed 'es ttip roomed ofthdecks
Pennsylvania astireelate the efforts 00 eteseet ere latteeete,
being wade by Preeltient litittserelt nue alteration of the delis, 00ci.
to end 'the etrtilie In the Interest of gar, 1104 terart,ttee from $eat; per
milted him why he did net give Me
On! wenesei a slug. Ile said the pre.
teener came again to $ee him, anti
was aline that eilitte. Ile told the
witettis that when Hose made the
rroposition to him Ise had gone Un
on the tteinerne and hail tusen in ear-
liest 811111 he had been that rlOte
Wts •bleeditig hien. That had hienThat wee the elude stio-me rutgost.
'whet nose had ENked hlirra for tlue
seecad $11t. Then he had tittle up
We relied theit Et was a inset game,
and had deethileil to drop Lt.
In trose.exartenation fey Mr. ree. to. When Lee! tea- Pre•Wn Uuitt somata t tieerest the oreer hteatitte. tee
ree, Mr. nowt tors tee elev., et Vase the ele tteresen rieurtted Oue Len tareot get the emittliegee"
eeming to him and settling tem to she wee teitues WiraeLuE steer Atwitter Vfoleted enteilreel.
teetewrite a letter. itOse told lain ! Meson th ft.:1" rhteuriatists tereette rt, rttraztt•wettbug se too dttrette
et the thee he %auto be wee iieee tee, witness Lee. teed Eerie teet ke eilts er toe siestoraeocoe tom, Tres Lee
ter nt. Tee witness seta sone ki:u15-sY Fitla e'en' 3Infetna 11,;:f4t,. heellseatt t•onewatey erateetellay.at
Otte earae to when tine Letter 'wee via 1.fue ,„q-xle.7" L;,„ cLtit vrimit*' wet& the Demirel diselesseel the sem!
futisAned and Vett wenit eat, anti txt tefittel 4.`011 :11 venA 2.A.11:61." t.fatitkiw4 l'14' 4111 upen tiles ptt-
earee knelt he tin hour' rind to 11 renn'nellein 4.41t 11 "5C-1:2. '..„1'° lereest eteeek "le 110I1 tk. ti rofton
the eterv elterit Mite t efaienne En'h,01,1'4 Ilbnt t".9 "43 made statereistit tesardteg the
SuttilMe and tier set's attempt to , Ilneemeer Ineei7Se enee leese oteng tLos ete,ke 'Mot kog been etevrared
nceke attay with ker. That Was; U.-TIMM COL"' AF fetrasr Attatt-Ftill its propert5re. lintroTtlIng, all but the:
sette days before the prisoner had :t:t!lcv 111-5-1e 14111' 11/14"4"3 6.4-42'd minets ite se/al itlihere
tome to bine. Ile seen Inc thee:gat
Lose was trying, a hoax on Life ot
Was erety, bet the sleet day a
Itieled, Mt. joseph iltown, a tele -
teen of the orisoner. said itose had druggiet et turZr Laa sod Leh ere. to break cecteennent Of it
'repeated the story to MM. They 1°1111tg tr"te e•Onsinaere it taw:sheet to 40 on. tie-
thouglef. That if anything happree.1 etrs. lirown (be Steed. centely tenther oil the eaten soft
the eitt women tete- etnigest ise 5/„.„ Loewe. ttotte Lt. ,ore all tett.? theiles,701137itteen efiewetrizes
serious predieaftent, and 1.0 went or.n.....ce- tort detg ,ue .
egad, 4S -t -0 t
tend told tine etory to the :Aegis- emit ee ee-f eee :Ise; esment 044 tee volt toll SI1A% r
ttate. Mr. tond said Rose had not I -°e•-• n h•ere for tee eupport ed the ffeattOttleinisylvOittu"sNattotiallOttittd
menzety. Iztl• *an tu.-ial preme - '
tOesulted hint as leis solicitor. Steil rotting fee tine Einsurinr.ee of itte• "J'aette Etr'kc4e. V"'e °ther •
The Letter He %INA*. life. and ettetwards that Oe 1.___lee.;.gied 4. 1°4 tho tqt.,* 1.t6g oordo hPf-ell add
he lettet he wrote for rose, peoinfeed het ea(1,3 of the iseierenee ef,..edne 111:0 v"..,„9 roce,12sr!'enelltelheen temple tees gtowling on land meat
Weevils, purporteci to come fteste a on her decease : Lusbritere Tele sae tee' 2t22‘-`41-"" 1,111C'' l'eFartSCIrat itleskoka. The
Toronto e'oetor, was riddeestist to
itt'4sc. 04:(1? 1'; oomot of ti.no „rotohth trip was 06 ii406 eito
- .
yen were to be in etelingwood first been oltetudY totrit4j04.
5... 411rdertti tu collect netake Pay.
ef week-. 1 wont to ternial
AS to Um, triotrth fee the aseeteeto sates. otat,, rd,„„t, teat, we soid mad 'Atte Whithiey to nth'. their elip- eVerythatett for the Met five niontite. regarette0 to sr rf,tronli, eve,..
ree iktuse title 51 teamed "pelt the eel, hetet 10'41t!'80 ettOnlen Thil8 i'svar port tti tile tette:eery legtelatioti ill- at le itanfair for anyone to attic titein ol0000tt toptetteopo,
elioat see %Ilse Lege, Jets? to hare Loewe we> Leto oreiera for Ite-we that nem- areeepeteeepr the esounell ir its :teflon to return 10 ivtolt "411''')ut 4 gnt110 Tee up elell ittelee on elms titel eon.
go to the etntieu einJ lalle reether 1-44. 4. 5141 0111,1 too uttitlite 1,1'e flit te. Tonne sipped The Pri Mier re. reneseelen, espeeittil‘y when %IT ftlri. rovID,Inil,. pee tutoircA 14.33,104
gOod-tee Ltd la:r for thi, liset elells-re fur 00:: mere. If we haft silty vette the oepittotieo mom toeinos„ Igoe ektoter tidgooigt Inked., wihil tiv rgliiltio,4 to tainero 4,00,10 tycr
flalullol duty of
wtr Ihrits tiams thy Minyore of One
toting tier Teronto. 111 1, eisphete, tete tine raw> in Nitre tele after- eto licamitt„.„, tondon and toms I tette. 'SU t A.1 grat,l,r atoll 110°
ef ttnet Lao:toll Put Mee u fle.tetl of one kin] if tee eoliel gat; u Mr_ j_ a4; toothot, o meteor eater AltbOtigato•b14 114, clratw-hQs#,1
time lie weie.d eie her Me retrial ketk'1011'.9 g'1814 Wtr' IC '3" 6gg 1111". nd the ,Mineor wee ritithorised tef
11`OeFt,. tai be the se:eatery etfue Wei Vein that ho Newell tnlies err ott.0.,,t„ 7. anti be re.teeett
Lot tern up. tllinegh had era tio en telf Mtn ircur Wo Worker, teed Isle wife tenter free to t
.rowrit eaer r. eatec mabatta.
et' '4 a lariat, etbeiltd peiste. wet Tut!, ,tt,..ttko tdeome eoetos.e tweet
tall the lePett 41 `t-'71002114 trattora of ties realeness of lititelten's
tten Pelson •'•'!e'll d''11 4- A togereseeton. tee istlEtee likes Woak-
alleged text Ilarese ins:Otani 11.0.1? tVe7,1. tity ot course. have to vitt
. ' • e • "a " ""11'11 1 Cetr- tratispoti ttry tvoStil. hat* Vriitla
ardl these adelen. "the wood corilei be
siowea Tote:tees lot aboet
;or cord.
t ... ..
that what sem etoreresed to seed letoetweend Mir. Berrie eskaa ter tree Tee ereaden taken ley tee enti•eete
bats vet eonte yet. anti eo make a s'
tesenatee ef lee prior:ma, C.1. fliie 01 .7'..k.,:e (1 'V with Its ereeteeyees AtelvInes by Vessel.
bong story eeett, 11 it ootet com,e ground that tlareton .3 set Zrf. 0 roe- Sties tee Papeete, of tem rani V eerd of the first arrival of soft- coal by
'ete ,saiterseay or Monday at tree epliraey of one Mr. Cotter w -anter 3 to enereetors. Tee 4)1 11110 tiow on et the vorseel this week was reereaded set
:atest., I will peace the matter In c.Inexal the inaztIntnt. t4ut IL: Magee. mines of tale eolivany as root fontgd- toe tooter Laeolteg Walter -1s orrice
tfie iDaDtIS of a lawyee; so, then. ttate woune tea permit it. ine re- -ea ition any elliferetasos tee to wages ecsterday, When the schooner Sef-
ieek out Tor yoarself, tor 1 Mean erleved jafigetatit tal thief reers..tegt or cone:along ol 43"0$"') 04. teat is, fell tame into rott with entif tons
bastneee, and exeeet to he treated The peieoree Blown Wr..S gtantsd ban doe entireiy to differencee witnin the of tort teal itotie Er c, Me 1,ast.
no jf 1 wo•re worth; It, 1 got $1z00 for $1,60(1, witi. two o± dos far renters uteon. and 4) 041)11 lie of short week a fleet of coal-cattiers left
for the /est two cases and no kick $,ElOG each. , c-es,;•11-1114i,°11• ,S°',,e, of the nutrghr-qte/ or N here for different ooints on the
yoit are obeeetieg to pay a couple - - _ Se a week for Ille mrpott of thee) merchants. 'The officers of the
• `de Mar."b tratrn are wining to Pixel south shote to eseao coal for local
was made by the pn.ttles, and here 1
- - / - I - - , err:king anthracite 111 (‚1111 and mine; :anffell repotted that Mee vessels
of hundred. What do yon mean by '
treeting use he this manner e For • It ! i i Are net. The &Mond wue made upon i are loading coal at Erne tot this
two etraws I would squeal right t f.e CrIfieers or the conneety that It) harbor, and dee to arrive In a
tow, bet as things have gone as - seculd collect the strike assessmeat few days. 'The schooner Reuben
they aaee. 1 sem eve !tee tee rome A Cenir.averod dr.:Toy:ea: elegle- frern there 'who were unwilling to Dowd is 'expected in t'he morning,.
yO41 leave naked. ts/Y 00w: it is up to trate Nettleton tins morning eis- tn.!" 04. d'...eilaige- them. Tete the
:Noe to make good in this matter missed ehe case against W. IE. Brown. cote:party declined to do and this
or look out for mee, charged with coeeetracy to murder se.rietteereientrleie If:,.etsialet;73 3.603 ar.d 4._ •Wielisel MINERS NEXT?
Te -
John Rose, the inearance agent, Runiot 1 hat They • Will Go oa 'Stiike
Joan Itoses statement. bis mother.
1,....c..,,,..„,.to sato. el.:teeing COse minee-s affected, arid 0:2r output
carefully cm:rifle:oil the case and re- has teen cat down to about ee per we eats. 1.
New York, Get. 11.-Attoehet dark
loud in the horizon is a possebie
st±ik49 in Wales, on the 1st or Jan-
ary. William C. .e.twater, the agent
or a nurabet Of mines or the Poca-
bontas region, who has just re-
turned from Wales, declared to -clay
thet all the British mine owners
with whom he lead epokers on the
subject were onambriously of the
opinion that 100,000 men would tso
out on that day. "The agreement
under which the minersr are getting
out coal in Welles," seed he, "will
terminate •on Zan_ lst, and they
ICIlo IC" II° ('1.°1•711'8 &Ariel' Wrft.c'es* I viewed tie. evelse...se. I eanriot see tent. of les eatall total. Two or our
WAS tlen veiled. He lea white -b..4 oty way eta, to semi the egendarit millets I-et-eel:1 in operation and so do
IMrA of 16"/'• elvi,dvstr"gglIng°11,In wl.?iel for trial on tee statement of ROFP... oar lereley furnatee and seieel plant.
kers' 1.1.°se 'old or wtiVillr, t'In rchle-7 it would have been different ir thf-y coal f_or them le nunPlied lier cone,
vices. The conviets worn.- under an
on tbe I.:rim:tern; mother and of tbe bac', both been on trial. but as It is
inearance on Brown's -stepfa.ther. of It is nit cpielon tha.t Brown haebeen seetem by which they are graded aca
wideli the prisoner got only a por- the vs-eitk tool for Rose. and unapt cording to, their physical condition,
tiori, because of Forne mistake regard- _ those in each grade having to mite
) the circumetancee I am not inclin
ing the age of deceased. In order to ed to accept all Itoees statements, a certain amount of coal. The com-
secure his rnothenee consent to be in- , eany pays the State for that
and tbtrefore dismiss the case.'"
eared in hie favor, the r.risc.ner had ' amount and all that the convict min -
protaieed to give her $:300 or her lies- The .c31,:,00 -Rat Kwantioett. coweeg er tan mine above -that amount be
ba.nd's ineurance when' lie got it. Then , permnally receives pay for.
eection of tbe North China Psailroail
the witnees got Into time story of the
alleged attempt to 'tie away with ese,ee.o.,
Is now entirely in Inc Lando of the Contract F111112-, 50 Tlity Winds.
; President Bacon stated that 141-
-4) Brown, anfl of les saving ber '-'"'"eee • m Dakota c striking the miners had broken it
from the murderer:a denigne of lier Threshing outfits from ,
see. Brown. he saw, sent for hlwy tompletely manned, are coming to !contract which thole association ' leave already made known tiler in -
*boat the end or Aust stating he the relief or the fa,riners le south- .execated on july Ilth, this year, tetitheh a deffialuding more liberal
Wanted to see him at 'the Water- era Manitoba. arid 'Which was to remain in force teethe. The operators cottsidet the
• • ehia vilstiv ten cooi Ye? el tie ritotqlOgiAA.
4114)4.112 tosIl
' 4T,t; 4.41 VIA) Oluattace t.o bo wane Delta@
Ou egitattel for etaret topteeiailly
regal er tea e. ut- gent e
es -tinny talien '$1 per groel for tee,
liesetliit of the ettEeputuy teventeg the
kolitt-sgen. TOSS, tee WEB btu newt :es
(breed to 30 trIA0 per geom.
NO =Pettiest 1.4 entsie tlete tweet;
dintires %Igen Were eraeseeteisell 11,Z.4
Wing to the egEtatiorn here, bet
which the govertureett itiseerved th6
;agent !feeintpaso. Thee reitimiti
serreendeet, fret it eileiected tney
be repealed,
itE t " -e to
Two Innocent Mn Punished p
for Another's Crime.
Wilkesharre, Pa., Ost. 1:3.--"1 eta
gelity of the mime for whin yoa
were eenteiteed twenty year@ ago.41
etelainned a 'granger. to Thomae
Bailey., of Pthigle Hill, tine aftet-
mon. Tho two gatA at each other
for mine time. "It's along time yeett
tOok to tell aboat an! &aid ttnitleYo
"My Raffle la EL Tonety, ot
Serauttene'" eald tine stranger. -My!!
eotecienee tale brevet wattling me lei%
'yeate. 1 did not La.ve the tentage
to coulees before. Will you fotglee
tee t! tot/ can de anything yoe like
with me. ought to be satung op
tri hell, I klowe Now, what are you
going to eleit""
They welit to the atstleee otfiee to
ptepare an hithlart. of tem remark-
able eonftesioo, 5,astlee tecom-
mended Vette to Disttisit Attotney „
Beejannin anities and to that otlicial
'rovers, told lealo story.
Harney and Luke Beate weee ktitAB-
victed in 1.4eS2. on citcadistaratlai evi-
dence or the emoting arid tabling of
man named Itoemerantz. They de -
elated =Melt Innocence, but elecenue-,,
stereos were agaiest them. Juilge C.11
E. Mee gate them elne year's eaenei
Hanley eet-red Five yeats and was
patdoned. Berke eerved seven. He
now hi tutto„ .1Iont.
eeeillekee Geotalti Sheffer In the fete
peelatenle by De. Lebittereire.
Lostedon, Oct. lefeetetteite
Helegirefote tietitetsity, hes been tee
eetiMentleg ois the effeet ot bElea,
ttleal diseitettge oat the growth et
Dante. Foar seeds of barley, wheat,
and tye Weft town 1113 rote, the soil
tete* eonmeetedeleettneally %titre ILO
ground. Abele the rote wete ease
tended aml losukitesInietwottt of ware
photogtardied With Studeneth Where
They Plas-od Drunk.
New Haven, Get. 13.-A jeke weeds 11
the tab tatfente payed on Mee. Care
rte Nation during her sotiaurn
Tale has just tome 10 Iteht. A ra.rty
of Yale seifore innueed Mrs. Nation
sit with them for her photograph..
..titet Mach perecia.sorm she ceinsent-
eel to hold alort en her right hand a
glass of water. Teo students enas-
teren round her, each holding oo;
ease or water.
'The eights la
with a natteher of Imitate of a Holt
Matinee. Ott toteeceed that in eome'
pots eleetret cutrent ea- seed
from the metal work to the mirth,
vsetile in otheee it pas.efed it; the re-
vetse direction.
rot eive hours daily eneetricity wee
teemed to pass thtotagis the coil,
which wee kept darnp. Aftet elgiet
weeks the height of !the plants ate
feeted by the eleettle tattent -waif
found to be 40 per went. greater titan
time* to Which tuttent had teen
Expertimente with°thee planter
slefew the 401110results, bat in elf..
ferent ptoportiona
Werte tornedow for
flash and ,!In the darkitees the .'stu-I
dents produciel 'cigarettes and ate- ,
ranged thetaselvee in a variety of
horeereas positions', !portraying
ferent stageS ,or intoxication.
Meanwnite, .Mre. :gaton, saspsetingi
no wrong-, had. her eyes glued on
the lens or the camera, which was,
Inanlvalrateciby student pito-
tographer. ThePliatur-e, repreeente,
Umor a. bateliNatlemtiteirtan ,seene. the stu-1
. . as the eentral figure
dente •are tiow busy Suppreseing the!
Stock alarviog Theitearols in Anse
Metheurce, Oct. 13. -The Seetteue
bet talns Vittoria were cheap -
pointing. Violent north wends nide
lofted the benefits that miglit pos-
sibly have beet derived from the
tains. The 'Stock, 'Width is starving,
is being transferrea in thousands
ter Gippslarid. Many beasts. are vie
emaciated that they cannot stn
the railway journey. Hundred% are
dying in the cars daily. Only a
miracle can 81440 tl.e wheat crop.
The losses in Nev South Wales ape
equally severe. The estimated de-
crease lo 4411004.4 since January 1st
is levee eight million, The lambing
, averaged only neil pet tent. Most
I of the 'Iambs died or Were killed
to Save their Motheria , , , •