HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-10-17, Page 341.013100011.9101C¢..141•611.114.60.....944" GLORIES OF FONTAINEBLEAL , • F'411 FOREST CHANTECLAIR DESCRIBES HER EXPERIENCES IN THE HISTORIC FRENCH RESORT -THE SHAH A VISITOR -LITTLE HINTS OF STYLES SEEN AMONG THE HOLIDAYERS ..tt gal raesee Chen, raw., Caentere...., ;tease Caentnlateeel Veen, Caen" O`a.eaireena itaa....1 reeet4 Ceeeeleseeearagat tree." eteeeet 4.2 Montigny, rarest of Fontainebleau, see represented often on the stage. ions of the trees and shrubs wiecla As I foretold in my last letter I Stalls and booths, with all manner fringe its banks. I think the "var- write to you from the glorione old , gn;l4eraiellogs-ce 1 gotti the prefti fleet .1tety" oil the forest, or its nt.ost , a a, absolutely unique and unlike the mare imaginable than describable. At sunflower, marguerite, eansy and other, as are the daenty little Tit- tles season of the year, with the sTeharlet nappee for two cents each. lages, the cleartugs of the Forest, trees turning, and the ,soft Indian ev eel! Thenthe Ptohses lb 1 g 1 IClgeerilc3:,e LlIcdev eel;k7rsr e n Colni owwliiiitittilatoleidaulaii etnreloolitesmiaLeititinetsOeir Stemmer haze over everything, it Is dolls, and plates with the quaint- ,At Afariotte, for example, both est mottoes. There were dozens of the 'Inealaitants and visitors were beoi,utitul beyond words, and 1 long to sen you paintings instead, thaugh setztaolils, with" the same articles in absolutely different from those I one, quantities of sham jew- ansongewhom we now end oursmves. they fall short in their representae elry, WhiCh NVCS being eagerly The hotels were muerte.- filled with tion. Tills particular little apot,_ bought up by the gaily attired well-to-do Pars tradespeople, who Forest, which I confess is more, far ; with a 'green oiler apPeaig" quality, each section is pwresednena get d which I reached a few days ago, young men and maidens. The gal- !lock "en famille;" the jolly look - after a delicious week at Marlette- cheese," and got up in marvelous shoosteng- ieggery all day, lila vvoinenkind join•ne with kindred 1 sperite in eitting a.bout the woods and garden% with their in- evitable embroidery, and black cof- fee, :the little Ninettee, and Pauls and Jaques, buzzing round and chat - teeing and amusing themselves with nothing as French kiddies can. The chief excitement though is to herd together for a co-operative excur- sion, tilling a hooded wagonette or break to repletion, "the more 'the merrier,"' you pay just the same, and the poor horses are the last individuale to receive consideration In this sunny land of France. They go off in wild spirits, the last thing you hear as they depart, and the lira on their return, a enema:ions chorus of "Tolima "oh-la-la."I The prices in such places are fair- ly high, the Frenchman who "fait le commerce," is ready to pay for see in the mind's eye. his summer outing, and as far as There is an immense deal of motor- food goes in all these small "pa.ys" Ing in the Forest, and no wonder, for be gets the worth of hie money in the roads are most immaculately that quarter. But the bedroome-or kept, the autos are of all isorts and rather the way they are tended - loping horses were in huge fae-or neog bourgeois paterfamilias for "la and were of a particularly high- toned order, with the gayest of trappings, and With varied move- ments. There was rarely an empty saddle, . and the orchestra played quite up.to-date and souninspliaug strains. Again 1 thought, as often before, there is No Crowd so Goodnatured, so genial, so easily amused as a French one, all ages, from the grandpere to the vveeist to -to fra is a •verltable,painters' paradise, and they realize their blewIngs too, those who tia,ve had the luck to come to it, for there are many here, 'working as hard as they can, all gay and happy-go-lucky as it seems to me Parisian painters generally are, at any -rate on the surface; they doe't care how they dress, -dress, do I sa,g, why, they simply .clothe them- voling a•nd gamboling •' the happy selves ; hours away, till the grand finale came -a "Bar en a bIg hot tent, For Decency, and No 1ore. I with a grassy floor. I did not see I tried to study the weird neck ar- one tipsy man nor hear one crying. rangetnent of one who sat near me child, and 1 thought, as we ell at dinner, but words fail me, it was drove home in the cool evening, a kind of a long knitted garter, through the lovely foreet roads, listening occasionally to the ever - such as his grandmother may liave ready babble of our "moiler," with bequeathed to lam, wound round and his 'whip incessani.la "crack:the' that round and round; it is strange and it was a picture one would always rather pathetic that when a man le so keenly alive to the world's beauty, animate and inanimate, he is content to be such a grotesque blot on the laedsvapet But they are not all like that, and the American artists here make up for the sartor- ial defIcienciee of their Freon)). bro- thers or the brush. The emblem, coat -of -arms? of Montigny, is the "cock that crowed in the morn," this lovely little vine -covered inn, with ite terrace and balconies overhang- ing the river Laing, is the "Hotel du Coq" and the favorite deteigns on the beautiful faience or porcelain, Manufacture.) In the village, aro picture*/ of the important locating chanticleer, the "pere de famine.' With his old hen and plumey little one% When I asked the "sviteree fere" of the ubiquitode bird, both the mender petter and the innkeeper Pail Was leceoltiaie It was the emblem or country life. and when eieitors Va1110 Vey,- fine and silky, to be Ins:timing,* from 1ar14 and 611C11 big ploseee they They have a sort of tiparilhli flavor liked to LB earroundeil by eoun- about thrm. and look 41(34;1(111y eine try soeneS-and take them aw t.)" on the dark -eyed French women. in their trunke, for the little Nearly everyone hero is wearing tea sets end flower bowls, et"., are ! blouses with short "trottenr" skirts conditions, some only large enough 011 what a falling off was there for "Monsieur et eladame," others the beds themselves are generally - . regular family caravans. We have comfortable enough, here deseribed hed a white Ronda,- 10. Y-----------------"ilont-T.Iir, pre- load so much rain tills season that the roads are not over dusty, and In alit Never a Ouster lien 'Seine and the erraimentni part el sea.r. Tres mode in thee) aniltFolemn sett • amell maile vi to 19e ; earlier wind, therefore the people do not dis- a broom -after the first day- and exactly the pink (gran( M 'Alien " 44'.:4!;4411t 440441111:100:1R 4111'1.;;(1)48%4Ilt.(1)(Pat'n'ly I .11:1.114:04b:S.;:111,10t,IP i':•Ze ; '1`41rF• tubs and the sheltered Forest NVC get little gees nigh the furniture, eery seldom . Wag f4 eh tirretp pink. e-liteh matelled W.:mice. evizet:ly ns Jos. .„ . ,.. figure themselves with hideous mask's ver3r little water trickles iuto the ' i'.iTV illid Tlit wreaths tone eleee, , kite. I: teams a. stranger era 'mil. ' e"" 1 ii. • cemnum, 11 Ini to 1,2e ; pound. 1 1:le :. in »Hum, 12 1-2 to or goggles, and I have seen some fots- climinuitive jug: Here. however. at • gat tlit iving in n mistry atm- with fer ls.ttle. ••:io Ineetnt w te ra.1.00.1. reale, 15 to 11le : medienu. 13 to 15e. itiontigne. aro 1 vaid before, things' ri tale brut in :Ate teeth tit t1+0 ' uo swor4 ariiwn. ne to ill plant,..1. , 1. "V,. sti.„0.., mei prteou 011 - dilating looking women In long, putty -covered driving coats, upset are entirely differmot, no tourists 10 reeeele. Lift the Ui.g and stnivt`ZP the • tao "genre re 11110144rmining. /. w.is cuing") at 11 tele tor Ltrgo. and. speak of, hut lots of niee looking :ping go.nuF nue; a 1 volie 11 il,nw ,` t..v te, dila= teert.r to their feiainate . 11 1-2e for tv..ins, ./A., toto. over dresses of rii tussor silk, and people in the ch,m.aux and Villae [rem ter NH,. /bail Ilgotly in the • the: Jirliaa. gees te. le, 1,01.8 nu!' 4 wiSp of white goatee round them, nr riages with Iget te" girl's skis/lug ; tot di sired with es -vete Ike ft et. el,K. !, Tv.i, ;,:* V.e:t.r.t Wit. i:.1 ern*. Ikl: p..rtert ,t1re st•-ioly iti. 12 to Vie.. :Lad eliiPei ,eare-• tatil thin at 17 t., 1Ket. $ oonde Erg --St r,vt I. .r.,.,. p,;..1 hi red are wearing nimart little round hotte with all round, charming little pony-enr- right hand ore! d •.-rilti. tht culla" vice:wee V a:it the 0 le 1 11.1 3 on- , to lace veil. of the large patterned thernselvt.e. as well aN very smart : resi t- t r the tirzr Vials whiell ten' tee ,einee. 10. 4 °,1,1,,,,,, p414111 wi. r'1 111 •-•4';4: w. re. to Isl. :,1'.r.q.". an! :tf.i it to ti e IsottiteD s=rine age ‘P:i the tretele aro. nee henget at 11 1.* 12e. variety which are amen all the rage this 6011800, and will. presently be turnouts. It Is moist reasonable, too. h ; lei relent ef a eligat ape etoo, mi n being a place for [sinners, for 't he lin 1.i.g. is., net VVI r e rrainse ut , 111 eleneli fa' 11.4* trImp tts. tr,.10,11 the:, her.. tire st ea 1-.. at 73i V* 7rie per bag* eeen as lunch in black ; the latter latter always keep down the ;gime le to wael. 1" leinae area 1, te,4 as i,eru... ,,,,,i. .,,,, 1,, ,,,r,;: op 1.„1k. . a -,1 „14,„1 )„,tat„,..e ., e „.- etete are en, their lodgment. be they ever Ft- I Mrs. Anderson, a prominent society woman of Jacksonville, Fla., daughter of Recorder of Deeds, West, says: "There are but few wives and mothers who have not at times en- dured agonies and such pain as only women know of. I wish sueb women knew the value of Lydia, E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound. It is a renanelcable medicine, different in action irom any other I ever -knew and thoroughly reliable. "I have seen eases where women doctored for years without permanent benefit who were cured in less than three months after taking your Vege- table Compound, while others who were chronic and incurable came out cured, happy, and in perfect health after a thorough treatment with this medicine. I have never used it myself without gaining great benefit. A few doses restores my strength and appetite, and tones up the entire system. Your medicine has been tried and found true, hence I fully endorse - Miss. R. A, ANDERSON, 225 Wash- ington St., Jacksonville, Fla. e5000 forfeit If ortotnal of above testimonial Freeing genu. lineages cannot be produced. The experience and testimony a someof themost noted women of America go to prove, beyond. qnestion, that Lydia E Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound. will correct all sueli trouble at once by removing the cause, and re- storing the organs to a healthy and normal condition. Sapday Selgool. IN1ERNATIONAls LESSON Nen 111 OCTO BE e 19, 1802. The Fall of Jericho. -Josh. 0: 840. Commentary-Exptanatory, 1, Inetie tutions revived. „ea soon as the lerael- ftee bad croesed the S melon, two of ellieir religious inetitutioes were re- newed: Tile siege of circumeision, welch seems to bave been suepended durlog moo. of the time of the forty years ii; the wadarne. s, was again re- vived. "It was the. visiole token that they were God's children and the in- heritors of the promieses," The Pass- over was a,lso reiiewed. Than kept in memory their deliverance or= Egypt. They thus began life in the new land to which they had come by properly honoring Dna obeying tied. 8. What' Ooseutt had spoken -When he had 'given liens dIrectious as tiod had commanded lam, es to how they ahould preeeeil to take the city of Jericho. The eecape of the spies, whom joshes]. had sent to learn the condition of the city, had aroused the King of Jericho so that he took e-xtra care TO !save the gates of the city well secured against any further In- trusion from the Isra.elitts. The seven trumpets -These instrumente were probably made of horn, or of silver, and were the same as used on the jubilee. Before the Lord -Before the ark, called the ark of the covenant, for it contained the tables on wideb ;the covenant was inscribed. Blew - Instead of the &medial. trumpet of war, they sounded the trumpet of joy, as already conquerors, acting faith .in the promise of God. The ark followed tie ni-"This was a r; ym- bol of God's presence, and showed that all the vie,tories of Israel were from IIim. By this token the faith and patience of the people were increasae U. The armed men went before - The stealers took the lead to clear •Lloc. way of obstruetiona. The rear- ward -The whole complay of Lorael Toreered in the line of march. The (gave of the proceesioa seems to bane been, el.) The goldiers. .2..) The 14441-11 priNiTS, 1110Willg C011tillUally on large hOrr (3.1 The to rk. Cartons° t `aunt k'radnee. 'The main body of lame). The par- e. FSiOn r1r0100.11:S liejlt OA a safe ills- Butter -Choice dairy poUnd rolls 'More from the walla ao that no are etre einem*, aori are iirm eale. weapene fir miseles eeelal reeve them Ittrtgeir'rissea,olititi,..riLdric Jezitiumaport,.,1., lanoldstepa,adeyk,d Cream. ry prints, I9 bat to 20 1-2c no success only as there Is perfeet oberlienee. The xacotlree for obedi- ence ehould not •be merely• becanao of rear ot the consequenees (Of obedience, or even beceuse is right to obey, but out of pure love to God. Israel's faith. Evere step regale - ed faith. From a human stand- point nothing whatever 009.111 bO gained by marching around the wuJls alt the,y wore dit'ected to do. But they believed God. A. greet victory. 1. Great becauee God gave It. There could be no doubting lee fact that the, victory NV11.9. from Jehovah, and not from any hunritt power. 2. Great becauee a, great enmity WSJ' CO1111.110telY over- thrown. MARKETS1 raraato learxnett,' Market. Wt. 18. -The grain recenote to-da were moderate, with little change let pries. Wheat id ste.ady, :e00 buishels of v. hite knelling at 68 to 6e% aoa boatels. of red winter at 680, 200 imeheis of goose at 63 to 64e, and a load of spring at Gee. Bagley firm. 700 ler-theta selling at 4,2 4414.0,, Cate are easier, with sales of 800 bulehele at 3•2 to .32taj. ad'y in limited supply, with sales of 15 loads at $1.2 to $15.50 a toni for timothy and at ;80 to $9 for mixed. straw sold at $11 a ton for burelled, and at $7 for loose, there being receipts of four loans... egetableneettrket is active and' etcaely, with no ceange pricete Potatoes are selling at 600 to 700 per beehel and 90e to $1. per baga Dressed Hogs - Market steaely, with p.ices unchanged tot $8.50 teel $9 per ewe. Wheat, white, 67 to 6830; red, 68c; goose. (Ile; spring, 040. Oats, 32n to 33e. Barley, 42 to 44)em Rite, to'Oc. Hay, $12 to $15.50; clov- er or mixed, $G to $e. Straw. &heat. $11; loose, $7. Butter, lb rolls, ,../soc,. Epegs, new laid, 20 'to 220a, held etoek, 15 to 17e. 1111.1ht be et toad OP'S e4111110t tts a rule pay Hulett for idol as a Lt tic groet t la IsVi.11//,‘ igph! 1.e:ery. tio,‘y p.. ieteora 11."' Leedlne 1t!wail %.",,,trketos will/Mr. anti they have tin lonato • aversion to being fleeced. I fear this eau hardly tie called a fashion letter, but if mrs anues will forgive me for once. see.ag Ilat Very faa-inating w.ta the Woe ieteuy and smart high hootti. For it painted eltiekabitil(s on twit, thin divided skirts are in the majority. cycliog seeis the most "cliffiAlo" time for ing the new evolutions of 'Wad - *LW or green eo:orel b.;ekgrourals. and hideous they are. In Paris all toe note1 node.1 ivornhoto do Inerm' Any 0110 from Canada. especially elite wear ehort. tem Platte, and the aris ono on piloting tient, who has other gammons tore looked on 118 de - tint.% to bun" on his neut viv.it 0tJcidy ''btod form." Tow hart Wagk- tto P.1r.s, will. I promise him. nit re- Ing skots are nearly always 11000111- gret a night or two event tinierpat:led by one of 1111, leeae, pule- elonelnor rsof 4 tide tots to mateh, with open belt eieeves. is POI P. pale bee* end ale petroa" They aro NO Va8"7 811.1 'comfy" for doLs not give tone a voinmiselon, bat slipping on an Off when we rare taking truly th. le Is nearly oar tutede "al !mecca" or eitting out after dinner on our "Terrasso" lit 1i.00rYtht141 to rheimi'e the Si"' with Japanese lanteroat. 1 saw a of num in this Ntet SpOt lfl 111t1 For. smart liuh coettnue In brown nand tetra outekon-te, wince* the ale Is green talleeel Onto. wheel' owae temehed doesallaes Leo+ teeter:AI ng than in the up With Ilinesiran embrololery &user parte. Tine aeteelooe Hoar - Dont 00 tontNse.. g4o.se," :As they enla It.. is 01entifal, an I went men In red, greelso and yellow. A pretty ontge one wtont on a heaeley adopt': greet kit Tyrelean hat with metiellie Leta et late t net vegetable% laue eoelre 111108 01101 mete:tone. Lien ter Cone in "ree4UP4" deirlenes Waea, tendon ia Wept wRio it. and lonoog bonlit the "Oneentles Lux Hiles herbesa are; deeeleao gloves -genet the get-up for tire:ewe oar the meat 1 Wan ; teetering in the Annution-lietal retest. drew 41 V.'n11.,, kg it ne-tratle to ten ; Tato Shah fo,eaored ns the other day but you Berm eleekens. Iona ; 1,1111a liens aoanat elotantaterwairivieg oat int aew the ena.ei:te einehesene ; ;rem Panne Willi a II431ge. (al 3.1 huh, r,gattrIliges. trutd '10210/Witlig." He ettletipluously ante lemeined &guinea, aa ite 'W181349! eotene cerne or the 3311133080138!bottle. aatBie 0.s17 ineeneeen berigenae a then epenot a hong thee th the Pinnate gardene, Watchneg and revile/1g live veteran reel tarp, which, they ray, have lited (the etorine onesfor huon- daeds of 'ears in tine, orooementrall leke: Thee eremelte tame. :and look With enema -1i red seine, wiete wiee. beer. vet' Is Be US eon eare to dtgok. Oar daeaebt ma en% ate taken. uttder a emeopy tbe terrace, gar (an- tler at reeven In a gallant room, half taloa, luta; aeale a* towage/lee fraeintiete and sociable. If they ctltrkl i113!..3013wlth -t‘ome erne teconne toriveren.tionel, like La le 1b geob. come very nee.h the re, Forotolnees fabulous ationais. Isloat in- Bradstreets" 'Verse, intorly I Laney taken by toed- tares:leg tale's nrIal Ceandals they lninele.sele trade at alootreal ha natural. old 11. Thion trom limt" eould tel of time: de ale-looter:Me awl esseareate iratto11!,rsY in er penete.n Liar Linda. Siatite Ahtoitiettee ed eaid vital er IN iqs ti;0 tOerd mete toe•inve cans weee. Large_ teitleen. After el•talet We it 1 eit rine hanoieon, and other wortioles I ogralt, with Tak Fieee cr ZE;Lp.: T. eerge- 'rite big man illeteas ai ‚133 *0 • eine14ereeree, een,_ ape 3111z.10.1tEeS of 13'1_4;4E11 are bnaig istuoko oh the terrece and Hetet) to I 'the ;Shish nfterward took a tongue. He le alarmed at the- anitl- eil weee: se:geese, the acialeogThewriesh1,o, f at.hte tteaillstrettohn b70eoagtifideesleotef atnhde hroavdoTtall vot".innet*al eholuett e l e e 4 3 e s o e t * for tiieir benefit in lad Ire, erp gong when / shall eturie 111 for ininit, Fas, itile8 autumn nintioeuvreti. and eleell be able to tell lor -tout et, ire hiy for the first cold tepee. One little Item 1 IleaVe gleaned 19 !gat already the great moonset -a teo, showing eiseelitutina Vett 14015 in felt ne reoft and euppato Cu: sa!ln. whielt are made In slit:p.:4: flutiLt-o. they fail low over the 131111. tat 'LA, back. wed nre llovild up in frt. LI le eteiste toed Clima% of 1451.:0015 Thee- eenne bn te.aril grey, lolet .1. aelte alone tied *etre like, too „or sloneleet One was trnontd ts-Zt‘ a wreatio of Ininitnling tires' wire temaidet feats oof teiee lean winch VilT9 the ehatte ofCIA! felt. u revoirt OW TO MAE LITTLE MEN A • , , r 3.4,1341, 14411-1, 14"ti1$410 T1144,c1,ow: q o . e " Iot W O a M r n N e n . t1 - n " : * . 7 . l wo r :1.. 111 oJiaig tire 0.1tit oop S waot centre tdaa ry y wi: ' 1.4n1 131:11. th11(1.1.11,1 relght tao.AND ALL . .11 ele oluee=-Tde,naitagee* „.. .. 111 thly eredrrnairrVle3hne 1Toe11 "8:1 110r l • 71 1 e 70 1-44 Neet ionie yea N.v.the teemstate * ° aeL7." P: 1111.1 Ik'4Nt No.r 7+eGt ity '11311013 a til e8^1110404,: 41+4 Tf a e i 'C ent g ty a4 t ut " a agut , .: ')r . sla1E- ,e ,• ; .1 K ! o.1. , L' ; . '-v ;11 t 0 y "4e 4 , tr; ,, 3 r 11=s:Z*l. nose ('1.13:3 a erela. ettontit 1'441.141 044 Wo., UKaroLtmll1144(16la 1 14 tr:_Tiw i, Denteet atillue ay lee arwetog + P -"VA41t41131,4 i"tadVt*ai4arynthbt'"ki; 3i3 n het ldes. tag teeare iJ311lb7eLy eon 1fi. '1.4 tee ee. d) eetenth 1.164 3aekAu53133.133113t0 1i vetvvcolfE- 30 fTartl.ne41 wentan de* aluitale ig t3740 131.4 wr 41fa 114T4113gn2*VLEarkig31 4' 3 93 004.rt:439 tie 41.4 33, ktteneennee 14 wave eed 38. ' gI i 16 33 t 1-043‘4 3 6 4 4 53 to , iittle roartnerttrea% 11331t r134„ ,v113„13.'t o 4 l u : e,e' e e n afrile131 • etete Taket. lee oet. 3l-l:t eattle view nil lex pltepe, 1e rt,. ee Leo/ refrigrator beer, :33.3.e1 VI* w. PL; Eleep et 11 14 11g pg lb. T o amn e t tu * .e gc i iaee t r tRn e emge eitele r t e l n e t eaol - s e e ee I %T- n , i tlG . w ,"eo. o e a= hlerea ugh Lnner. te mar*, 16 41 ttit3 itI 133(41t 1::1t'8. td 4J3 neegee eine 'eeneei etteteeue aeaees L1D,w_ktum kltat triee he the reaeewDe ine wen eo,ente '113- 04113 get tee tctean el es nen''i t? 43 Leteeee gme 5118. aanu. 813334413130010 deee ea gtrtt, oalet. ete. Teeeta1een" Ventelanteen.oar nee 33013 - : 4 4 z . 4 e ; ' , , . , ,..' , [f..r.e,:. v -_.. r : l I ! . 4 " ' 3311331 3*41363E44.E-0 to ttaloztle .La. A 1!::4..1311361 tp ,tu344n.131413300 1eM11rgLa(ean0twrd493t 11 team1tZ t'H a 041:. -ran Llege veten le e: (20 1.3,A51 at4 4111)4 24.eteain obeiyulrFrp oopllel.etonweettloinesessartgeeit./epettt.,a:etail.lCe Vrite eeianeeem-.t..setstteaeeaeesee1 lgt'el.ee eepg. tgh- a T he en ei ,i . 4 " "n4 ' e g a e - bn 7 ...e1a2. f• 1 1 n lrwere-ae n e a o e t t m DM. ag elware 3113131k3-31 tee i11134t 33- 13413 5:3.1113 to 3U041u nee , 0134-0 17. Vee ev tn le devotee rte asot Fit cr emaree Len13V-7":16WaVvil n se nakieg of a 1338.1111104arttui tey wcoarn to 3_e tee- twe te13 4. reel eore n*r cake le easy ir ene has a ka(13r#oe3 Wag saroa, and thfroJgAF NIZo 11114 ; to eat oil. leing and how t33 24.0 a INtry and tube. Faye eatIluseket; The cake dseribed bew was tld a neither for a clears party. ted Ito decettene mane it or the Tee retatstiee *sae a eake mixture owing it ess tr. walte of eggs'take lier t3y lee Deena.nlosale re: te 11t were ea:e:onmoiedTate Ebte;gateLer 14%31,:+.:ne mre eeleel gredaallyvac, p r e o n o .n l e,:e l r BRr liDAVCAKESeentae 4.4 ea Te4 arin e t e t itr e e,e a i e l ' . t .- l t . e e;.. e e ,t . ' He dads erne zrae& of thlate treCe. 10 w1.1raw frqu:n ani better tieeagin. Ian anal „ nrA 01 and eeer1 teetrengLeron wate% Sne lee. 111334 4-- neet eltety Shekeepeate lase ietora. - neeeneIt rb,,t 'T4eoF..eetci.t •a•:c..,e,t'c:c. oenc,t'.;L,Ce:--: iao3nl1!1eel0t,. .,'4e--e1.g1st'.71;I;:;N m*it,6Zre3i:s,C1Ie-.4=N.1:Vi.*n4..egl..ir •-13,. - , ..:..... e^......2n.. -.:. ........;..... ...,.e.5.r...o.. a I1iperIV 1 34:2te a.0ouS1o 0O-55e,.iea 13l0'113 (313 C't''1„2410 4 23 0le301. oc.em],,,!1„o L13 mrmn . eee e eneeteenetaava..........t 41* to 451 ID to u)-t-:-l31a;T3 1 1'5 o ern4;1etlo1:!.„.......9to41io03..::.10O4 -------------104t: a. 10314. b P. 1.4-5'01 . .3 rita134)0) •RtV.VeVat te .‘C:;Z1146.3t:e41.........::5: :6 '^FA:':C.'........a0.o::;: 1.IteettLaTii4.66,.........VNi10 e. 3ev't. . 303 ecter,oteam sco62:tn Drt, e11.ee.34P1t*EO 0 4(g^i43et31 : 11 03* OA 1'i:7;f.1'l7'6sucro C59 O 110) 4 &I 83011 eeet cct o I1•., , i , 'i m i n .elrenTee y c:s . w h e I : h sor. f i n s h : e t c „, L C ,e 5 te 0j'. !_ • ; 1 a 0 , 1 a,5gtn:ci the ai-34,,pilag tras.trzess ai:et-, t!pt,a,a,ot'a,c,pn,r.taterhinye,tt, b -a' ertt, e,t,a4.t."ae.-n1„1kt:.e.r.. ..i-,„a•,,,n",1`1„-a-' ne.„':;na,,agr",tn-eu- ; a3 "Jera,l. tri ; iI'I tLtaekint-nhst gteer t: tuet tioe 'Atetie nieete isiamiusaie-da•els., ,_, e .; . ster.'.;-t, ar,,,ooneelesrvoe.r.ree oiscroratigr peato bat they say (Ie. eno oms oeumart, 01 UM etreereend aml rater Bikes itTat era v: _,540 13' 13, 4(p33(I314€' as Italwaas e laag Oeteede. come 012 ningag 11:VerAin401he(Ilraa.e8ereateylit tegether tirte e, the Palateecrecr ee attic reee5.3nc.F, LVa:tacs el enneetist b. '111 13130 (4 12 toeete o 13 111210 "ati:Ord (113)44 et faureteeee, -- o 1.613110 t1' r 3tee l tvneeat: 13 311 Yaltenens 13e331- a to4111n•nllwhafIV(4'1C M"Te vr oa Tm'i In 'g pewtiereua 13 4.13134 e'1'331t del tliewghae Cr4:E143 u,a 1wenl I 1 e%e110e3' J• reesm adataen Pian-rteale-sltAdeialf 1303113 1131' I. ie We eurv'g nZaa nt peslIng tall lamT20-re ora %aaeie".a141e1 batter ad egrregrego Iy-a oleaegeiegi4.Er:31.1011A rtn,_N,u,z3si.;.71,,..rosa40ad tzla'atZ etbla T„00 4. 633323 lnmgEz8 ntce a,m.es aea rank eateeeatelyputtug ne elieeee fatotd est e.I'14 J1' tteneeoee;e ,eeene:e ,LLun113.133104. are thenit le en Ioeacup el 11 te lat Geier atis lhe Ideal of te ltls1esee„,„e.„a,,att1.41,1L ti , ofLutter,*43l114*43l114110 Qar.,orot alma goetutesgoieIr,v oe teapoen of vanals a: za 3-..1* in - attn.-eras a tegel ererrineee„ a te enla ea enne .,.a,a te le:67.teae z nz; ,r 11::,,,,seiell a 11 21 7.01,,,..-,:2',10 tres t( 3. tal.ste Laik ..0 vr.wt:12 tt, ,n43-00-01111013134 Ntra...40:_sr.. Isalg-7.7z27:rt°0."-Z...,:t rililr'18:,crze.a:ts:'ColitlirS3/7_ne the winites er reuu• 1-g;is ter•atee: to. a 1 Lauteur, lpaeirnear.,turee -ietenn lelae-1 etne. ninve Ole sy'e edoing tine lsen ion the ravfrlet nd Roteseeand mannother dry tretBake in mre. gTee e eL,ate, e`wen a 38. 3133 ier ll1a0oll iton ag wocalrn eebewih worker 1110,oaeatompan wel battred eed floareels Wart 1‘Ibmra.ex 4grC1.01% inter sMetreveersrdsaaeennrrde aasatteattesenee the same‚13141 pnaootllicake ie a ratch moderte tVere,10010 ar :one in a er( gernte: IeawellmleeMeers 1 eeaelteit wita teem out of bottesyou /noe en ny '18.t and tand stely *V 31333 meek riEat' . 7*?3 S lap ae co 36r3 3. '3 161 ait q.c....31 s„,..,s, Le „eatatantee ne he eefairoctiono of the (Leroy's strong- ore on qrlite a liharail aeale. Ali Is well that Poets well, and they get rehiciee in tele vet 13063303100 -Turn It. with tee utncest eata ,t,ea. ' ro it Itoms ;exclzeistittly. 1.1,12ute and by tsuests, vloes for, two &mars slonally se that it weer be gene:lg. i Tee 3.4 -014 of traele at Queltee When coal cover wit' n a plain fre.etleg, , tatia hetet meat In. take heel here. t '•;•'D-. Fa:il f7."-nelf rat:--Saeeeal ecanae during the east es -eek has been just showed. Ler tee tvaseue .:,.I.C. ".;',..,:: It:1;V. tr'" '-j:P. Wcil agot up," in iSprite of the primi- ..- and A "pourbolre" in proportion- made frord the white of one peg; Tlen We raasz Trts'th 12621ce• 14 11.4- 31.8 beet. Zews ana Christiaom ass lerge CS tine preeetneg Week. i tiee pro.oees. yea get a, Vitetorla for the, whole i'llf;a :eve S;;,1 vn5tel teat tee 131'0 "41 nrateril ha Hamilton the moveneent Jai beeten stern two teaspoons er Eeea I and pall. area When It lb:relic: tee Last Sunday -do not be shoetree. afternoon, and aro automobilecoste nye:tat:on of wails opened. and seaeonaene lines ie very satisraaa water and three-fourths of a etop or n me Wao hat* the tag.ger p.rt a•T it ray ftlends of strict, Sabbatarlan you the gime. while for Sel you teat, ..i.e 7ulGs Pai:k.k.."a3L0 7.i3E4 ettaten. tory, and the general proseects roan may delve from morn Ca de -vs -c ete aeareatitlher.0 Pugar 101160 ''.1"--(1'111' 4117123 "lace 1120 C.r. her lvtsh CrntlItle.12. so yea: t:.ere remained nothing lout t business for tine balance of the Yeat-, persuasior.-eve drove to a fete at Morel., about six miles off, a very in a. constortnble landau with a. good Add half o. teaspoon of vanilla. Bl'at 'N "El3t I et.r.'t knew wiallt -to w.s12 ran,L gremee Tor tee Israelitee to! are prom:singe e; d ' thoroughly' spread it on tte eeke 1 tor " toi e -"--•otestee , eases ion many ee . wane ever. Prebebly tlee wall Fen' partonents of whosesale trade arti. picturesgrie little town, with a peek of gees. After all though. 'it 'tit a brodel-bladed -spatula. wetting e t'Oh. you can tleitk or eereethingla fine old •grotewae of the 14th cert- is- the peelestrain-on good traoniong ,w4 ., .. . clever, nate/ its foundations in everel ahead of last eear, vied by tale end; ture a splesiditine taieved and angle ---svlorr has the Lest of 'it in the t e Knue 43e-enslono32; la E'El°1 `Ct.er he Vain- part.. , ,. id meake the icing- spree" d well. 'Weep ;...; allo. I; carata' she rep:led-9 ezas't .. . ee nee reeentre tine inerease in thet this has hardened put ore the erne...! think ot atrthin I went verv -... . . P.ra_i.VTICAb si:RNEY_ , satee for this year simuld sleow nee ent -church a.nd a nunnery famous heart of the forest; none otbereae (sucre doge) made and sold by the weele enongh to .--wa'.k -inclia-ro. fite. mentaLkeirg- Beat. the wlateee cr 'two II much." . g . ' . ranee itt•e witeonn wed ateente et ;• present. Prices of staple goods.are tor some renowned barley sugar daac.. rlbe the exau0s1te bethe fest eta, „eseee before us greatIly rtag_ ,. evea greater expanskon tTaan at -. . egge 1112 very stet' and add 1-Vro 1 e •• e * oene e- - ex- ' ' • - • " religieuses." Alas! the maid poor „ which meateeer up be„ amen erect tjan.ea,12, ,,,,s f 0 . . . 14c,- 1 il Nr.. 1°37 e" - ne " Z•01.4i,h. To.e natienst Win'', TO set -4 ; aera• nranlY held. not only on an., •14'ea.rt no°rd and eltell•e1;6etomelgarga 5'1'1; :'.7gAgr; i 4332333( 10 really ?" she aeked. mote one cup has been uscd Watile ; ee-eena in some cases, but begauee ont the. Mins have just been turned out. with through rieb. lueurlart undergrowth, • :lett 6:.s name was above evert, • 001:338 of nee presteit teuileney of, the irshabitants of weeny another , with seat, springy moss or a ear- ot'aer canoe. rind that no Partlily 031 14'. to work to a higher lever 3..fuwer end:11 stele] before the God Menvent ion Frame, as pee proton. , ape. mar.-wtth . Ital,rkbelle: Alpir • putting in the sugar add icidanilv I et- • - taly kinowe tor hot confothileg to mks and heather, pan and wall e. Governonent relies afleet the teeeb- i Bermes ere le ProltISIOrt Ing of children. At letariotte, and to teed the latratiange and mate in 'other villages elOse by, they gave ; i greeet vealety , fer thca dear little •111 gracefully, ancl so they rest Un- ; red squirrel% with which the trees Molested. It has caused a vast • :are peopled. Every now ana tben amount of bitter teeiing, as 'you come to wonderful plots -of soft The Sistere aro So Lovtd 1 whate vend. just like the sea shore; by Many; indeed, Most of the In- I then you go through v.alleys of babitarits, for their deeds of mercy ' rocks, enormous bouaters, covered and Mang a 'Wow has literally beets]. With laSuriant verdure, and next laruck in their defence by their ,70u wonder to find yourself on the tevn sex, as well as the "strong ledge of a limpid lake, tmite a large I One, where, the water is eight or Oteg.o ' - - -- . • le this' • • l It Was Witted a ' nine feet deep The "Fairy' Lake 004,- oad pretty sight, a teal tee ; le aeatnp"y 'egnenhite. "bulIta on rocks la Affair' 'Mock as you akine, and full of the lovely reflex - 621 pleaT Franc tWO tEIICTKionS a'a : g• f,,,.,„. j Well, tbero. there's- mo nse anther- or tine liebrewe. coloring is desired in the lemon juice. I apart, and to one large head add f nem VD shnPle. ai .:..ir.i.:: I iaaaculty in seeuraig prompt dee thine alldin sog°0.'Inb37 rric-83 Jtaee' s'-'"' ' hoc With the old w' '1 - n - n" - ' ' I- t is till - 1:-A mac-. 1.2+0 be ; the 3 .an c,f attack. The plan was I vere on repeat orelers. Tizere is the frosting is so thick that witen ' 1, terrupted, with a g.eil emo,e, 30.1 give:. ..osima by the Lord Honeo14f. a goo& demaml for tan and winteel You lift a, spoonful and cut it with a i 3-11 ha" ale 1"-AM'werS' Ilift wn,",t's are alwaYt4 peeuliar. iilis gOOts from jobbers at London. • knife it will remain parted. . ; Theo:gigs are not our thoughts net- Besiness at Pacific Coast point*, To Color the ornamental part die. I PICKLED CAULIF LOWER. i , r. teer are our ways HIS ways. Isa. as 1 po ted to Bradstreet's, is dulLi Folve a seetll particle of whatever i To pickle cauliflower, break it an. -.• •S, er. The directions were, M f.x- 1 ei weather conditions lei Maine (31 pos•tive, (41 Reba the past ten dttys have helpel1 . ee Coloring pastes come In frutt red, 1 eupful of two small red peppers. Dissolve a lialf- , completeWhen man leans to his the farmers with their crop opet , , damask pink (which is a vivid cerise)l . salt in water enough to ; 03' understanding he fails, but 11130128, and the moveraent of grai leaf green violetgolden yellow mulorerer the vegetable and leave it for w na. hen God orders the battle sue- is lae•ger. Labor is scarce, and thie , , 1 orange. It is almost impossible to i see Otr eight hours'. Then drain good I cess is assured. is, to tonne extentiuterfering wit' Joshua's obedience. IIe listened in- traae in various departments. I get too little coloring into Icing. but ' turn it into a quart of vinetZar, with I 1 it is very possible to use too much. eteberia two tablespoonfels of mustard ! iertlly to the Instruction., given by Business at Ottawa has been gaol teen Or twenty minutes unte a fork' or e i os : v 5 . an 0 ey for sorting parcels or seasonable The quantity that can be lifted on the point of a tootImick Is sufficient to give a beautiful tint. The cake have prevaonely been boiled. Boil ilia the "Captain of the host of the this week. There is a good demantal Vial readily pierce the cauliflower. In every particular. There can be goods.