HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-10-03, Page 7. � a arelinge, s4fe but'.111 tho 04=0 it is parwy ang to, %eg,a itlew 46 models , for from cama.te, and ptei�e(i t'neir Wives I I � S; at, F11 cargoes �oj I atch I)e g .10� 1 4, S0001 -W. �+� ` - _11.1r ,r___.i1 I- 1, I I 1;1,0 '', J slotted by Uoseo in a so elcui PU -0 Th#F ile�rt . _,rd, .. ­. I MeAsoh'-'111611gh 1heir coolponeot sent � I I over by'th6 uiispgak4ble Coun- ,S40ay — . Ile se,r - , �ice� Num., xxvil, 32 .1. - people Also gave him ln�r�.I)IAA tbl'", . �� ,1� to O -a veliet snv6er df'v4ur , Pit _r I X f6it'an It to joo, earl to say to w,hat for of Seventeen I m nisterdam ,jo , A Nothing more pu curious 6 . I ' ' 1141�n!XtKAT101441A 1JES50N No. "t. 11 I d , eu ,ut-they gave blin, as goo k 44ropine � 14 I . . y � , gn,rleg way 'I Ad than Dame par-hion's va e � . ,rpooe. ever oc, this trangaction, � IMS . . ' I . I coc-rolur, it 5, 100g. � a commission as ever was Inade, I wrItJDg 0,43d, by repeated And forma, ujEr; . . 11n, coy as silv III. , : . curred unceritk . I I i: kind, As. for APurs,' I � ' , ' ' ' t ,y of man. W the hill. 01 It 10',o, thoueabd pItIeStliat no 'Preserved \ Joshua, Encouraged -Josh, 1; 1-11, I I k his beart. uraged . � just, 'e- � for God's great i,,,O;,k 1,Ylor- P - . . I Old I . ' birele'lil4t; we arel told, in the Inner. , k. the, .Flemish artist 'hag , -e Amsterdam' Coon- goao.e of tit . . Commentary -I., � . XOW-This indi- I . , f9r,0 him,, J oph, 1, '�.,',YL 18, 3� i, 4111.. : . , atu­ - , � Joshlia� `lila.s A' I iv!Xl . I larfre Togue, 00 til ermine, Ivill haTei 4 I . I I 11 I Monsieur A . a , 'nd 1110' W, . citizens, eyp 1w Chain er for lzs�_the se'voliteen . b 91tting rigid and llsh�,eycd ' ontes a close connection with wilat precedes. it Is quite probable that tile 0111tin; -Whether � .fx, x.�I�,, 2�!-M,. , I ointed with lioly oil (r, He certAlul do know. I -xd - 1411. , . I � I . silver. black - and. white, Tbe stole$, formal . (I �, ar6und"Alle 'board,' - tbeir stiff a,n babiliments' ' bursting wfth book o-f'Joshita, originally began 'with or not, wo not . 17 "" tile gpirlt of God with 111* . - I , , flh:t, double, andf�about eight Joclle$ purit�, and the loot of' the world,- t116 �s,,Rt; qbn�.Ptek Of PellteronOmy, ..1j. aoid4olliba, to a 11001arkablell Thi ttolli . wide, will be worn, and'for. between � avaeOris -there I are some ruebes 'Of' Nel, debatlog- r4jly,upon 0, scheme whereby, filllltitl� fiillowp me)3." ;� -shool ­ 'After -the death - 41 -ter the, thirty days? mourning were degree� . as well as tile logical result Of t1101 , 1. , relt, made Vat,and. frill;y like, our tulle I I S. ir ccir� �; baired,alid half savage oil ihe 'dIs- I � over. Tile stsrvant or ,Lne Lord-Tbls � ,ireparatlon, � h r his 1, . Courage of itsell is a Might , e,SP' 'Y 'M wus? IvIta 1,110 EUXA11 ULM " 01 n),;] V mnt African .sea-boarq, migat lie was the official title oL Mose,is, as It- oil in any warfare� but whe,n it' '109 I I London, Eng. -Again we find okir- knew lie had An "ame eits � �0, match, slung ��t�e 'X - induced to breed 'fOr' thq 6dYsIltagla YeSted Wftll R, "PLO . 30�am to wbom tt always , , round , � ,rileL 141 mission to Make 11 .1 ' ''L . ', �., I ivelves, grumbling at the clerk of tile d, elite," his qomewhat'modesL, re- Ivitb �-4 ,,,nouveau io,rt-,cli.aiv. , . ,I, . I Of the. directorate, '- What- -in" the known the will of Uod. and conferred given by God� tile � . . � . is so given -0ecomlEsirre 11)1 � tiring nature, and leas assured so- At Pirls Ili London -Earls Court- le,%fe',- 110', could, be . 1pest , spnre.�l autborlty,-J-, r'. & � gjst e With , - wewther, not only In England, where , fro . . great 4ionor and such backing as that no . entloned in elal fl"ition, gave him a somewhat tItere,are. n1%ry,oLs,pd,loveI.ine",P l =i�ny 'and ii. The Lord spake-The Lord did [lot the seasons Are ever variable and Ir . _ _qjlig ilit, , I lasof the 4i,tlu this lesigox),L J'osbu.a was bi � , - shy nu(j distant malliter ; that has gLven Away!-* 411 tm- � tao-'N" 9 tall sons, But',6)n wliallaTefought speak witil Jobbua face to face, as lie , responsible, but on the continent Also now. all vanished, he has a flow of frocks and frills iftl6hL' 11-�ve ',1501) With all ihe laws df! Europe, and (,I,.i wita Moses, but probably through mighty power of God. There: WaK 91,6 ' I I Is, one condition-OUX0 - you bear the one thbille, growls. And bright lamusing conversation, tells shown during. the -,seasoh ill glass 'with most of., those of Nature, as tile high pries -L. -.\um.- XXVU. 18. there always i m2cianis over expeditions and visits quaint Anecdotes or royalties with- cases are being sold off, with U9111- had these weedlugs of , Europe's JoShtla-­RIS IMIlle was Originally mllst be abso ute Integrity andobcd- mpolled, Journeys And fetes postponett, out 1% tinge or snobishness, much iting rapidity, as the +ropr-WQTs� do shops, tbi ea.l;Jiest Cape col. lloE�hea, Salvation, or Hell). 1,�'-on of ience- � � . . less disloyalty, And is a charming not,olcourse, wistito darL 1,11M 'XADk' "I'll, - do net . . I -o"I clotlies donek for, all on I 12t's, , beget ,d6elllty, Ixow- Xull,­N(ithiag IS known 01 Xon A)niy -_ . , account of figure in society. Hi's eldest girl has IXN their native place when the ml)Oiiv _klrer ilieek�-eyed the motherhood. that he was of the -tribe of Epbraiml, � the wicked w-eatherl September a . very happy life as governess to 000061'�'aol Boon 14 l31U9t-!It �S a rood Tbe second generation of Boers Ubses' minister -It Wai customary , , ougAt to be a charming month, ihe Princess Ena, of Battenberg, she is C11111ce for. the country cousins Who looked out upon tile world .Nylth the for great prophets to be tlius attend - Lire no Westipinster Abbey -ce . axk4,, ed by milawters or s.�rvants. Thus- had dread of win,ter is yet afar off, in made quite one of the inner circle, ir "doing", . ffaiqe fiet TAUtinous gaize as ITHE MARKETS in Jshoal$,"Sor in ,s0m(), . Of L'13914n"'s tliplr*'Ores, 'dissptisfl�d Nvith e�ery- cen trained in 'for It is not voluntary, but obliga- I ; Xosbau b the best pos- , relItison we may expect bright-, sunny tor� that site takes all tier meals. rural dikilate tiliall ParliFlan g1kr- thilig, even �vlth the ricil. land they Rible school, + I . days with blue skies over our heads and spendig the evenings with PrIn- ments ivill, be In fasilion for,loug agl'§ tilieLl and planted assiduously. 12. This Jordan -Cal -ed the "descend- Toronto Farmartil Mar)Ketf I , - A they'iird Con- ThL, ' r0oforcements of wastrels, rapid deseen-t of a and All nature clotliml In lovely varle- cess: Henry. Lately she has been one 'to come , unless Indeed er" because of its gated tints. It is -tile I'moon" of of a jolly yachting party, of which Aidere(A too darin.gAnd in advance Of who drifted yearly from Rolland thousand feet between the Sea of Snprt. '29.-Recelpto of grain onthst eyorts, too, so there is any amount some very Interesting ppople-Lord the t1mes to be worn vvi t1i safety I JNIY lound Table Bay rt haven of some- Galilee And the Dead ,Sea, It is s�treet to -day ,'amounted to 4,600 ,, . next letter will, I - I ,100 bu lelff Kitchener, for instance I- have been eXPect, 90 �O` )'ou what familiar unret;t, and ally j)hll- one of tile most peculiar rivers In Imshels, as ,against 2 ON 90109 on, hunting, shooting, regattais, members, As she naively renia,rks in Iro2u t.he porese Or ront,kint-leau, the oboisher' amongst thema tuur�t. oave the world. All this pc.ople-Accord- y-csterday. Prices were. easier. Sales croquab and tennis tournaments, lots a less elevated sphere she would pro- d1q,trict loved to distraction by Afil- had many tboughtsianent the ex- iDg to the second census (-Num, rr-Illorted were: *'hite -wheat, -SW of vacation crickct engagementa, and bably be treated with far less con- let, C�orot, J)aubigny, and 00 -'.0,411Y ileriment ,of eialitying .the sediment xxvi, M) "the warriors, men ovr,�r bi,,A.As tit 60 to 70-,; goose Wbest-1 i . , ' painters of'note. Alas! It has chAngett Of ,,, c1,11h,d 1. bontLnent on to a twenty .Tear& of age, numbered 601r 500 '1111whPlu, Olt 63 to 640; red little rree-and-eaEry dancea, really sideration. its aspect A Is at 09o; barll,'Yt i * * 11 I A * 46 gooft deal of late years, corner- of - ,an uncivilized. But 730, oesides 2.1.),OUO LeviLes. This wWmt, 1,200 buslYr oats, . more enjoyable -than the big winter Anotber Intereisthig tlwltor outhe thanks to, "Cooix's Toura," (,I(ctrLlc on, day a cargo .of something n estimate of not less than ,1,0.!O� hiichc�ls at 42 to 440 It But tile lovel, ,, I v J_ qlace _ %eso,Lpersons altneether, o,:.'00 bu.,11olt; at 33 to 31Y,c,'hn,yw balls, periiaps! 1`:YcrYO`l)6 fe(Is SO- Batteliberg's yacht has been ille, trama, etc, I better than sediment, arrivedi in ivo 0 1 clably Inelhied and ready for frolic; Empress Eugenie, now ,lib.),sicallY with Its host of art treasures and tho Wiape of 300 Fren,jh Protescaytts S. Toor foot shalt 'Cread-Tlie t?ll- :!Z� 10',14to at $12 to $17 for timothy, tIte big ejuntrx houses are filled with rra.11 And worn, but bright and up- beautiful grounds, Is there� and the fieving fop the'saks of Uo A from th.�� tire land was, before them, and it $7 to $9 for mixed; Fitraw, 12 leads � I people reauy -to frivol and rtst, after to -date in her Ideas. '--',he is food or glorious trees and ire'll-kept roads devil who ci�:cupled the throne of depended upoll -their courage and at $Il, orv�srd liogs are quoted at Ir . � *o very* proloilgW .Looldon season. young soiclei.ir And ls devoted to And hostelries, Theltill of the year Is Yurtilie. No king.,aqed.no r,,epl- we- faith boir much or it they possessed. V%50 to P. Its best seasan, too, aud it .Should be , ,, lt has been surovesed that the wor,ls kbilowing Ito the range of qUOta-4 1Jo0tC&JUJ-wl10 are ah -Lite time per- ]ter God -daughter, Princess Emit, man c..v,(-r cont,igned .I more nwon- . personality %nd full of beaut,r, natural and otlicTirific' this verse were intended to ex- I I(tyllig: fecong,tisent,selves Ili -,.lie execution of ArhOse unique , tidercd or more portentoue blilpment 111 . t. wly.te. Go to 702; wbeati � tjlejr cluilc,s, it seLLma to , ),tie -are clever speeches delight tile �)ld lady. So =.toy smart Farlwigins run up and to Itillarlty than itid Louis XIV. and press the ease'uRlo ivbich they were Avima vileat, C-pringlo I i,houghtlullj. plotting iortlicir gaMS' * * .* 46 * down to It on 'their motors and, de, lla";ntenon when -they chased t1ii-se to conquer tile whote land, an In- rud, new, 63 to 69,�; v ) 6 to ; 0a t ea welfare And amuseluelit, while all- This Is tile long -looked -for ,lay, c-oach" at tills time, and its hotels .' p,jla,� Fnm.-bmen, stance of which occurs in tile ink- 6,;c; wileat, goose� 63 v ,ire so full of visitors from .111 lux -rte, " 11 131, ��w. bil.,�hel, 3,1 to 3.11;�z. Rye. batih'.. I pearing outwaTuly to Lie trio to meet the Col- � ea It -I do I 11. ' d leavitig fok, the Boer . WITIS Of them, nearly all 1319 Or ,Terlc)lO- *,hem to do as they l.ke and feel per, onlal Secretary anti Lord 11'.Itchen- that I sball be dis,Npriollit o;k4ful Ili voine art or Pratt, vrere 4, Front the wiMr-rness -The bouti- g9,;4.-. Hay, old, Sl:.,, to $17; O., � fectiS at hemo. Timm to me is 'true er, and great is the Speculation ndt glean for yonj-many Item$ of In- lecomed by tile amorphous little darles or the I.%nd are here defined. ii.w. pell toil. $16' tu $Lt. Straw. i it ' -Ab TeVOIT, "' Tile "wildernehP," or 4)Psprt of At- p. I, ton, $10 to $11. 1 hospitality, loot to Nvorry or I-ebivy" 'afloai regarding the results terest and aninarinvolt. $0 I , umontm:q farming alod floating tinder lf� fds, per bushel: . :F -itorL Itg1sla-LD for their clia. , racteristic obsitina law Allooles 1 . 1ht. Van tier t.ztvlh-, intermarrfid with tibia Petrea. Ivas the southi-ru boull- i your vj4 z, mot, to I I tl,wy. This Lebavoill-A douMe rango 41t4ke, ellf.im-, No. I. $7 to, $7.10' JUeIr e.yery hour, tier mAp oulL eauh to.calt It by a, less li'4rulf lerat. it, goxo It stability anti respeetabil- of olountuln 'tile 'o. 2. $I' - - -ilaiotl . $l. - I m*went, nut to provjde a , * ----------- k�* it . . , au -I filially. apparently, disap- s wi4eli formed do., N. x to $6.7.1 , ty Zid .1 Tenacity of I"Urposo � � northern boondor,v, fmpbratt,s -The, tio $2.210: appl", p�r ItUl... 75c to I pur#,4; liXto its b5pth, laniguage and ,oge, sp�.-,o to sq; I Variety or Iolvaisnot Uccupsition thpT n-1,i.bea to eoutmence opera.- 41, l.ke a glah" or FrEn-1i, w1ilepmr- Parztern Pounit-ry. This lyai3 tile $1.25: dreiw,,,d It amongst %vlliqli they ma�, choose, or tiolip. b-%- a tilsonkii,loll of lite terne; WOMEN W110 I � . Jorgptit, Ilip lolllsivi;t nijd tbp mcst butter. dairy. it to J -j.-., 41u.. erQam- I * - 141 lato ;L Vat (if VIUM141 ale. But . grra,ngit delicious little menus for 0 S. umio�r lv�h,; liquoif laort. surely�,aail arit of t��g;; ,rter*., tot Asla. 1* tr.-, 14 to 2"le. chiek-rR. per Itair, f rqtrr�oder, Ulut as the -y are nour Intiort. irrotruvubly ."daAorrd" than tile , ;Igr;ed anti spaled, U'r. (liamberialn TIRE OF DRES ;v L400r, miles Ito ieNgth. 55 to ,00c: dlaekso. pur li%ir, We to Uungry country lull.ttis, to see that F ANLAW � Ifile talges are IaAlea with lovaps of ,,did not gee It,%*, it is the future. I fzu�nl_-- t4affivithlo, tile vat. lro.41ay ,5. Not Anr rkmn i-te-WI'at a Terri- '411 '. ('1914T. 1Kr 4YOU'll. 14 Ut lee. there are not ibe past . that le, tile crux. !-SJ-- 'I` lt�w fimfi%; but 111ve Frein+ PI(K)tl;U 10ZHO IS thiW H(4 %V4&g t" 11aVe VlQt(i:*v Toronto 14,ve Stoek AtArlcet. bwlm And papars, jimt 1, I'll - conrtiet. nnt 1:10P tlivlll�e E% t cattle, cholm. star C'NL $$ 00, to $:'JON . .N, clever army surgeon belonging ,. tbv'r'%-0rsF, and men with Frout-11 P1 PIT lionovers exer .V4tVltere, amls lastly. 10 ell, "Surpr*.slug as It ,ma',y Fe * � ,d,%, w(ditim � _ , " - 4 4� to 300 ace that Ili one �reoui ,it least, it, I )go to '011". neigIl'borlitiml loos been It lainiva 4,011knianding thcra In aetion, Wonil';P iwp,ip,�- it P--kn4ition- ";-p VF, olti,liall for Cholce, Ilti r(% W A CUZ� Ing Ing Ills experletwes. Ile liae be4ni I sald a vronta it vrbo bas Just ret r - 1%,qa Will; U,.sta. s4rabo Mar Ivag 1.1ol_ 7L.9�. I WJjI )te,%V tJj %J,�eJ_1o.1Ju.-o nf(441_ do Alowh .._ . �. . 3 Z to 400 � ' I Ito othstr .j;I_ - �tp Ilinelicr"'o4part, , , �, . - f �Q to 425 11ro,every 1.,fte,rogell to ecmfurt vat, Out oN er three Nears. 1101119 prow- ed from Newport, *,the women, WI Iturl � Yd�ouu ivas Villiane. Boo,lior was fq� ii . 0, 1,,;. . appilp,l I'luteberWeattle. phzked , _ 423 to U63 ovcr one's vult, of tea, eslitelally if isal his wife 6 be bael:- Ili Nix Are bi-st dpckised aie llot tile IN - li#.tti-Vi,t�t.,Ilit�n.,nrwzt�-Viv..Itltt,;,�)01- UIPIRI. IMIPt It1Y(b1I1.%e!A. ,% eriplis Vall llutchel.'cioute, 410�ft.'_ __ 0 "M to I 'JU . , - 4 , K . lie, r(lQuorle I Without 11IR wea I NI't ro;,�Ue, ,11. X-tillere. Vi'llivig'a trrivO i4n Vat Iriodov.v It! tht, nation Butcht'WeAtue. rkir . . .. .1 ,.1Z to 373 Airy teagolvils, I0Y11Y tO 10101d but molithR. a Ito Are pu6t tont�p cuous I a ko- �2 *. 5 to .1 25 ­ttraugh,t$ll ,to the %,0%,.-.-trrr, ure don- bobt. tile Boer! Ito hag iipver bps,ft � li�tri I.% Fre" -01 �" ztoio n't they w.,vt gntl lie I'llew Oat 'Yellwalt alolw do coaloloon . � , I . I 7% at til"P. Met"'. onc% fimlt; better dveesinglis �Uj �44*1'a94% And irlif-rg.v In �Zittiv. , vor.1.1 lorzIor. thfni �41'�ttt ttleir prlolloi�'(� I DrUlt.. "V�crt' Ua%�y� ­ ..... r, 41.1.1 to ac-tt A% tilis witelliag litti, Nod uto one (lor oft lwv Ili Ail tit, . �,� 60 11f;:a ...... _'. __ 3 �1.0 to &:5 *,gralkt Pine,, go %0 lo.tNe s�vA,ral or and Ilot, tippro As havt itervice An lilae(w that, are not So Nery k4uhrt 111A.pi,wetul. ..)JI'Pritafter" Fetiltair. ahortktej� _ .. - f 'a 10 4 T-5 � _ T 11 --yeaking about kK,!^ 6- 11.1, t-twov. ote-lh,tt do medium . � ..... I., .. ; to to 4 I ,Gwi tovor g,.rmk nth?. 101'ell 1.1 coull. 6111011r. llprhalw. .All�v Lbon lit .Newljort,. nnkl thc,� -_ PP. ,lor dol�whl __._ , � I . ,,I W to 4 flo iry llousys'arp koe.ltg �vopll right UIP (�0111)tr.v AN A futurp liame for Noll is not diffteult t(OdIECO%er. . I I-tionuanotanin." h6n*tPQkk�14ligth QwAilr, the.,je , _.­ ... ... 1 "I to 350 %lavugh tilt,! evetang, ll� %Ili�re are Ito 11rith-h and eotoolat Iftell. kNito XvIll "a 00ft,00OW0000000coo"Ocio I eI hulaI .-Utt avon to Inv Ftel I 44 an I �;,�Ckel*. cmalvac'm ... . ....... .1 M to 3 10 "out.mkie" gaests. '. sooll (hick out w po PL. thcor for. W010(n At .N;cW'V',0Vt are't0v =36I 8 It rlolaba nvyur Ing u 0!1,�VF %,IJ�4S $:4a,;p �. �1�. 'ttj Ij b,;L�JN �'jj;J)l ' - _ , ... �. ;" (4 to tt L,O VIV MUO - lollintet), tures. lop s.*tljI tilere wag tile great- kle- U THE MAIDEN, Of I in J *u1r-lnI14,x,,,q Ln V,e ku C ­q QUtt altiLl.,­' Petill.vt bulta � , ''. � 2143 to 3 00 ,, o��etop.ed ttoltb o0wr things to 14 I , Ilia b cbwo.. each � � . , " .:,�, . . ,� It" K) to �3 4) .14lip. flo,tvire.1 oil 0 �, to timintalln lit 40; 14"Volkl4n 41ACA41INt W.blell lutve suell J v.*s 1,i)r our bumifiell 1 10st Itt"t of lo-k0ed artic-�lnv. car' vole, to tile Aluebt,olm or dret's tilt, 0* K"ft'r.eWfo.T,0:C%s& _. . �� ,,I li�i to 3 0) � , nor I rol".0. 16v * -1 " I " (' Ac.-Igowtwo are zo%%? lot�ii�g matle ottr pentvro-, ivere on, btr4ce lalel,y. be- Awount or talle, 11feul!har'y to excei X II Ul'e atAlwk 44 '%I*r_J�%lkJ4Zb % fJL,,b,xk-,pr,r cut -, _ ',� �M to 2 7 5 Ulftetajg t#* q,to ilaty for the %I'untipr, cause thpy ivere not getting more fjL it . 0 LN I � 4w�:lvv W- tit 11P ri �4*'Q 4 t, mpttw�ic shtt'r'. bZAlCU*rJs�.#,@LtIJ .......... V "IJ to 2,5 it, Ilig of hea%jli r Wnttruilis. Tney Are than, ',Q- a 44,v! Dtft 110 taljor4brs -I *Iullo:t aff %V"411 VXA.V" a rour ttines In tIrw -L oz,�1141-r. �.ajpj 1. I IAMLIO. rM., Mt , '' ­ -11 j 1. I too *,o 343 eght here , V, Ao W 113 L" I 00000Q000*CKK)C4`0CK=C 139 yiiiVIAT 0. QUID1 �,Jn­l TO Clo con vsho6ota- ..- � r 40 to k� 0) I 1d fGAICIOWN, URI' 't 0, " Irprv,xv. S'EA: V,103 4;1;',Af­,fV i , 4" "* �4`, "�""' , , " ­­,", Q, k*'Ll v plillaot ta,,,tt work t m the reat leaders of Wv,_et,Y 1% 110 t a froth of frisIN alt i � II(q, I gtft'. rtior t1lp. i "'Hy Waring Lebus ov W rtht IR, Alle it -jib 1114p KnIfir*. It N vo*ll,t�%t ea,Rte IlSr6 t�njlvtautly to dit .(yes or the TUrr.M., waux. =.**Turkols nnt,!O�.Lt, Z �0:4.=� ­ ­ - _ . f� 1,:� to , "#$ 1 th�. whose 5r.4rta Are tio (VUSIrIl Avi thUt , , L'o- lroftbua that 11 ` n -11 -It"', i, .... ". u 15 to 041 _ at i Avith I Und thev woulit not be n1towed to. Irlig, � are not UN noean$ k, r.. Y. Tl (, �-A %tto%vp, , � SUIUCR-Elf"I'Latei 1w - .- ,� .1 C.'Al, "L, 0 0% SIC -even fildshed . lie, leillow ,& G O,t,., .30.m,n,�,t7 , "t _ gnicalat ­,omtklite 01 1-tiet'. �! I h; klurtid of "S"1104 ArOVA* ititst deenfild I'loRva, OtLers wu,ji 4wl ly-ot-iW-1 ly e-OWt ret Ut io%k W!1th 'T" IR taile L%sit Unk Un thv vbil C" V,Z)iop., pZ.r 0% t� - - 41-1 to el tA �% nitoro 411're**.V St.tlP If' in WhIte lIQL _.,4r%I fop oslz�e am %.;i�%s Ig, �.Igrct,4 KVt 60 11=11 11101AT tO *tUdit b4, *X,N0V`t'- AIWI Uic btr"Illgo twug "-,* WMA44 InUtfs plv-)pw P , , ov,�v 4�ta,l 44 luttil. co � Vi; -1, ; 1, 7 �_ U 11 ... � I I . . 4 "t �O ,a �_'11 W J.r I - 1116t. IA*l%%,AlJSt"4I:3Iao; toloo ri,ut. luf a) Intipt.", th'at 1'.4'A t �P'ptvv'Lmg 1wepi. Lvitlding 14khtkat'llarkets. ' ,orkW _ � .Vitig A b,.1%# Iro,tttitfit I - Krugurl iN tile A * ulue to ,actotc todr*m - _ n with 311. IVII& if %�ith move t. LJOIJI'A Onl.� *611 114 love nVI thk al� 1,41t. IWLINP, 1% g�,$ 1) Uailft 4-4 4_9f 8.1J4 t_aJ411411 �'Iiflrt- 64461D I ig ulother of ilvarl t0ldilgM, big foonvers ib'Ll 11rit"J.11 olltt thpl-4,1 flia.'? Ito ffilmh More ;n neeord with . A -gutall it"tot uul U41011at'k-", roll"nOrg are tm,-, ,V­-t4_,g Q3!4ht- - . , "d vlov-Diko Iva -Viet', the tilibrOlid(TY give I.Ia Ugit, Spill Aft6ekt AVOUtil thte' 8149cpUllds of %lrct.@�rgg in tile Abe tniiw�ri:4 awain furul tit litir It tit ou � 11 ltvir . �. . �n Ir It 'No�"t ,,t-utr,�* whleb Ung a vlost exilaildw effect by be t1jV b1ttvari- (#I tilp I;Mplr#. it btat setwe. 4 aiett 4,%oltIR IWO a(kwaub4l. I'll" N -4o to 17. 1011 ta - v faft—AU I'M %bV4t. U14PQ t I 4 1140,1 It - . . mlglit 11 grdt� '44a "Dn" flecd 'aWy, to ii;o to 1L@-J%Vrsq, I ft, V.11cm 112at ghu has u," 1%q*Uv_-4,% U ecrtmup:'al CTIA fotol:,t�vnl Turrr-144 -',.r__P-q�,, ; � ,Vht 11,.t,sr.,;L tln,)*1 black bithy Vef- in a '11 VtVU"tr,t'* alftl '�fajld lUC IW,I% t4 -A -,;., 4 .�,A,_ De�. ' ' '' - .caj '04 in. to r'PALW'b 01-"' ThU btS"ALL"A" fetlaug Icr tim, �l tttllffl 4�14,'! J#%jall to ' ,�,Jl 1� jf,'�-a 40T " -4, vit.t .oat lining it evcr.%w1d#rt0* lilt',rc IS it torjv Ufa�tby olot. 14N vk ... . � ... ... --- TO ". a "t t�lutjrbldertA Bet e.r.jUve �1 stottlefi. thr1re U -11M not be th@ r1chr-lit Ron- It it noteit can uxv]cAv� Td:llo� i 1%ftoPrkQ.­ `-1V*lM- N l-hicon't'N'd Iltnt �Ntr. �gv yt��IQ ,k grojeeful lm,Kbf � a i * A *1 * or tho ,toott e6r1SI'je"0J@ gbAallr� AM eurlWaoj Is 14��i tot Ijrw. .SpAo f6a Vie Daw n3"-'st bp X_t�,�Vttv at)4 ravor- p�jj'�..ng:Q* -4 ... ... .. . ­ ��- f1l) 9.9 atid titio, wa,v 44cevvg I= , lattice kw 61Youleat Wilooge t:Mt, �ig trkim Ulo TO k rA*lv S 1%­Uat lltaV "',Iy pi relisn 0411c, tta"L*y k9bsPff'TCqd1 11 16:p efilat ttkrnk #,o�) 06144W,o ... . - - - "'. 002 2-4 -XiLl I -A , 6'roriwaro. Ituoulazint- To ritro to untito-4 retololote .0 L 11 lit? -, ft�J�A 03 T.g. work of ruuti 1,2W1tiZ 'n offirlig. �Ioi tv jAri4vt ivat itut 11s,rr,,112.% I-ot vro� J UP bne. 1�"n VW4,,Y4 was to top tll'!��11��I-.,. �S: " I 01 TtIj , W 00) a d"P roge to -Wt taffirta, 14110 # %%rC.#U4.fdJJ'4r jd�tf�J'Wt�ja'�I:.(d W, -a-aa 1, have rtten vgftuir igtollmv of the IV, L%Vvirstting el@@ covile tto a1equa-4, Ugatt 0 1 .1 . , U4 V v Totento ,Stred MarkO. Whieb Zb0%V,q , � Sh# '�' L ap tlIft Lr .iJ%rUr.y ellainuiller neir hutilliftm inalrl,li% for$ ftTlY U voilitt;W "'or e'otbrr. Thing trowrr, '01 t4 r%'L,JJ �'DOQV 45',15% '�V4�,,'�!- Ll 1�0 41'IZ_J;.'V tout L1,19 Vv"R'11C,'LQ_U9;s . . ' _ ' ' - of the luutil1q, of licarD. Yet .,taollivr - 1A . U" (k . I I V 6 ;:av� � Lis t.."gl)"d ...". ,. "if'!"L �r, gLq�,'Jbr,� for rj'�', LLf' ;,@ W InIL I thottgh It tv. IV# lAt" IMC1140119 fOr mugt Ito etA139W *0 whin.v linict§ 4., Are -at ��O, wolicrtut J0 *"hv. ;�'Cdr�drl�, U?rlrt- ­41cm -- -.�r,�Ijt . -ii , , , " 1� a arfo Ut'o,"tucel- - clittrujibg 11f.*-g,0Wh wg000 I #'&w the tile i , +-gDIV 'tV45" btr, Kvie" furs are ktay tilat %lolutift ftcquA* a ctinttfbvt , - , Lit, d ty�tc at 1 th At Idle ofttlil rongthts to W'Irry 11AIr 46t�_ - _,10t-211r-,U9irk,t �4,r_,_,P_V,e,f-P ;,'ly Vr . . I ,41,,,Q. t olbrr right Was ientire... bl'"'el- Fluc- bollig lokkown and, 44taLkleta.. htt 1161 Aw lhc�ffi. t Icos-#r 1 ke 10 -.ii,vt- vvWF,!rtf-ta in g�,�tk lorvewtittAO by a --tow�pUA 9�tt,. 0,0P n. yo �0 ,SKLA' P!�v &_'*'%t� rk.b. Olt* '� "I tA %_ m0v- K,64;. Vairt-V Eear; t4mrg a triElk ly vx-attd, wwooelble de ca*� whul IL t1lelb, lat@r on. 41oue tonph-faeled *-Var %h@ wwo rtainift tbt- wolre-., 19&,1 alafwGglil ML; kaftilv IE-Ioir-t t0k4`- WUV�` " 9;'V C' ell 04ukf C a U� , , A I � to IY "A lot cr S J­ffl Tu�tg et ro', <_,110,:#_.-r ata ,, of 'the @Jftgo fire tdjLt,�*L sh-01 tift-A!,- I -whil, - ,to .- t etfl f -At pN_tp�y�� .�,J'rr ,#, ' -V- U ��,,Tto_ . %,,- - , - nanint fittge W"Mto forhoW of twill 4trAcv ivfll be Welt ftown Nir 'PhOrt S ta hi it, !* 6111wtiam for, -4 't 6 30 r# t.0"BL . � uimlv vX.,,-T,,t�,',,f:r 0",r1"-5tt'0 (r�f - Vp- 114 �td, W-0ZHPIE4 Qt'2,'l PTE0: orifige of eat )et bLA"Ns'" the tonqy uselo tolUetw!#, Thq gcolk I'P* ed. Vrothed are Uw llii t :� IbUfl. i - 4� 1.g r..-m1a# ftaw 11 Loto,OT ootor the (g,1tot-1 �r,pl mar,klmrlav �1' 1p"t1y, workeLl Witta tbe 9,.,#-W, rl", of tMd(*, i Tv roet. s&t ar"tr9cs DJ�Ll to F,3t Lit 0 fr*� 4,1111V-J_f-t�-Ir- tv a:1 04 t,�-t��,*g k, rjr,- "V3,30 to $5.73 TK -t b-,llS,;J(,1 'Mzvvlftbr� g t1utm, ImCk 1� thi�r emarse twd t0M,;t­U6ok0"9 tffl�� -SAW) eftlmrdt Wt -AV# Ari.V cb'� I *hd tio tltt' tftetL1*_4_�U.Jt L�ooQtt`,V___r q!�f D'.110 � war�,MoVtR, tiq &,4'1.`1d UrLA ur,eWng�r A c4tl *151105 to y0wW vt,,�Vet (ustelmom , � t- S. VX011 0 V -P t�lxt-Ur,sz�@ trat'? nt. $;�, P'! r t : ter k'L, _tLrCa�j" I - � - , Z U��, ,Z�tl,4,�tT Ogg r�,@ �t ,.*loot#, *.I-%- I VW&rt@wf*, q .-T, 6 —C tied frolat., 1� broldtrr doro� to %VWA. and worn tv-,ug, *0 ,, � �Cr&j �, , I 7f�1,4� .,y Wt�A 'tte_ �j tt�r P.tit. nr,4t tr.ro`.V r .�,,C,�'. . Idbirely Y�Jhlblrt T+**4WD% with W kid or rAteft reAtkeP kelt Whefi It as UtWM�ary, t6r Mr tm ,SV4Mt.vffiT,* tke WWY,4rfp Is lair"o I . w1m.-v fim C�11W-ufls ot-t".:Ify ft :�ItZ lr,-TA�- _ , gh one bf the 1�haocls usckl , dj,ea up. Mmg,&�,& 13'Utt, % tif,,autc� 00-fii it 00 vbl?t, wil tNq w�mltvjt. rolp 11 - , .- Ir"for 310 Ft"ll *JA,,h*J*. . kto ha%do ot ­ettpe tnot3re which . �tatllkaqq, Upull'i 'A. rjt�3 tPf-�lt "'Af" WIN -0 _ , traga-# - the Dittle Utisguill Woust R146 P. Wdifferiot gUA tarrZto btr tootlemp, ki-AW4 ift WOO t-hOW,S lbt,t tUit I L - 'Ve.r-'d rAw.4,v$3,._.'A 'Q� A81 *202E. tfL��f'20"S JMt tZ';V!' '�C�'�jj' 12arke'% 1 '1v t -'*. GV. -t" . , , _ U oveft ftht,r, slofter, mtt,lirc - -ir , r , Uo IMmO .� k? N for d&8'9 ttbr. 1*0 the btagt. Wk;,) E6Vt, rora' ,104� .t. to hirt AV-024`�- i to vp gov ere," lag eqbive� 'I'low"e of � to-c.q.-4 *f,tc, "%out teMk') uaelkage�% I I tht thifth Ith gLat 140,AtA RUM i1vito a uAlot jihf5 wat lltft the tilftt towrl� obe .m- I invill. a, 40L,Q. rltw ;a.t- ir-rc4+0 !,Uj�o m"FC-t-r" 0. i. � - �, lard , ade Uvs tc-tter t�'t,m; it u -'at 11 altUNI Indla'd embrillderie" hjd%, � ,I' 9- *91,� v G68 .!q WAO! tb1tfr-'-AAV li5p 'It. ,t_l. _kt e �Vtd With ft- & a Mt ot t%p#ft­�4 hZr *ftl. ftt h,t C-11 i!Q le V de�l t � ... I I Ilit, bet '111111 1-411-voke 51!� It - t to I g a e 'k I . '_i f4r,W � _ t.1 r ., I a0cf!'PIA0 -talcror �5s s,t�ay.­,AW,�el 1�t, tix- �,.ep�j 1,Or come da.Vs. App-(.-. t,,Clr 13at- Li . I up - :gdolf motn' rgowtv I 1610cal 18a, W6rkekl by vorflil,r OfLa(v en't2on for the ack bw, Jj*fJft&r# . r -ye, vit, liii-,A V.al;4U'-1h1. go a vilvU �-V.17_ tc-7L At to $1.10, Pet, task,A 10 to L � _11tar 2911stt IF � our Qutefl ivete trobio on pim to tile U-nist, lhat P the, F, I. ve ydade, for h6l. here. - - .1 -Imtton of u'14r, 1-,-*-irr_,r.P Tof lbmtru 1pws flow, flo, at each .Alde !A lit, Ack. Theil ofor "&talilde _kdalts' '�tj_o el't-ti�__15 'W@"'J - �n " - fic-0- �F 0 g*�A�Z&F-#, ::O to co,,,� pu"ts. :_`0 to 930i, � al. It 1;5 inavve JA,13**Ild Pftfdd. , __", , ia!; M to � gets ISO, delicate C601a �e iound to do Ith'Ofmc Wig and Wtftnaoft wrant ot,ongll oil the Stage ftht-lb tro6v!U, ,� safegagi4 n"go ps" twovrnr", "I Qltrd 1,114 toatt're; ,12�W to $1. PC ': i Tile garat. �Narh.lan =01119"otpoi ate� -d­_4?OUrv,J94-fLf-nt , ;�.!,c� taU,1A4Jt"?tr,Q, jw�r t_4oZf,9,,. 75 to � . --- e diffir-,% ta,4vtoa be fairy stitelact, el-Opt-eh"992 in 9,Wd thtre ate the "A Mist of "'rluetneu afid drtygo Is r qftuftd, 1j; tn4jst in . Ognt tilk, btal,u in five 'WAtUL's roppill $, ,, Pa. OITCe-ets 01 ��S� 4f-c.p'4­Tt;r-1k t"r .. Tw,uW%;r1r,s, 10 to :W"�, :. 4tg god 01v�',r tjgtPad, Wifth isl 11011t' too ls�Atbl CIOUA 111 10-01-1 tsillit ShIbAf-S, out to her arPPtA%ftftt bt;&tarillv �.r ,bllib' ,cloth ,go*t. var.virg IrOhl Itit, ftm e Itt. Df-avir- q 44 ,� �tp zlizrli"V %1LOSC if;,�.J.rjf� . ,'V , 'TC . ,,,,, r , . . . - _ F � fgWkZ,DW40. r_e!t llb.# : tafg lropl� -beigp.w ­mo6re."' and ell ig atti_,C4*� f lmri to tho thro-irflA 'ItUtha, ,'� .-,­,,�4 ,o-,' - -, 01m;LTYlion I 14 S. Of ffltLniralatlion, and the i � -bark private W0. Ahbie Ituct- b e JtLb - - otfitft-- krm-bt;i��­O,l� vifat4 al'ov.-C. It !;J6r,tr,-JS cq4fz�v L� to 'T" . , �� - lookg as it a bteattv Would WOW it brotVj,, * jrAh4, A trllle n"%#%jtv 11 flie 1614 b6gt drttged of aby I tlu li­ Th&C., Olk hTLAIN are thouttor '.119.6 ,-i-if­ a jf�atl 4rif !Ib��Ir U lhozkl�A. uabr-4_11 I ,vn U r4`19tiat, 010th '14*10d,0-7�-d with 111..�_y '�,PJU in �Odf atteek-e-ge of the ;ttgv. r, 4�ffis: q6 Calve Q - ',to I a-Z�c: 1w., E'ti,4 g �,, Tillet# luag 'be Iftore ffirlilble Onh the nl,;F��qvpbriaid@. r .1,0 QQ-t Z1,4 ��. F TaBfl5z. ar�d to pre- 0 ��r�y 2� to . 0,�, U,aWP3 ',I�p 13 t0:3DC* � den mrq- ahbthc�r color. ettv fi-Aldyttope oft, r0al "Abba, Held tn fit#, koks Almost PI'.0_jZi,_1fGg a, In"re taplje.4te orff,P�Ztt tF'an itotlk c(1 ,�n. ,,. por lfal,ge La,kf.t, tO :�0* t-odewle of gui Liesf Ili the - rate tbp It.Xpq 'f -r . .Lk Ivv2awgale, L 111te '011 hellio, the 'Wifficil W fail av the on'"sp.enous- L - '3 countey-vide Ito wifleh I - find mY� or thf.�stnrlt brOW119 U I ­ thd lattcro anJ lillp.or pl,'-RW-W� tM4- 11. ptfr,care yf.�-r �t�et�..-dN - TN? ojt� -. .S�Ijgz�rn,<a. pt,r iatgf, iaSkpl� !1 U1 - , t ftlt and *Kth the 110ty of a hlotor- ftopt�, paltu bloe inh dafk gtpel. vt.m rtft 'Ot her drest C'nev. and Ul 0 U1111 sorts 1 ohl'. �0 LUA- -,f r �-- 'Eket. 00o . Itilm Ul"in to be torme'l 7JUt I ,-P)ts cio shovveted about ltte.gnlatly� ud,#0_1 Villa df�-,-Re g *Or4 d;--"�i�lf­ tf,fr'­ i w C_ I t L, _;i .1.0!-� .. ta�p�k��,t'.Orip. P" I a . ras"CiFFI ?,,,7 �,4-�Lk�-', 20 to polf-p-aft it it, not SlIch �%. buslibegs , ii wv rtAtelrr, ,qr ftluey XVrnaW_-,i,rAs-'O'-W- gK<Irs". , cUt,,47-,�:I!l -,6e tr.�,.-- to ��,-x- : t(I ­ ! _g k[liq' � 0-OUSISts, of I ��g ��,,stt. rm', ,% ,,aneCa to and the ftiftfiiijili �qoiiio@ of off tile etAge,, Is rera0y. quate ast'TA- blivio.) jh�edtbiabv.- NA11 *Otb -Ml -4 '117-9 r4vt c4r-.��Fp s�,:-dtff �-r­vtr-al IrW R I.'-, ��2 4 bati- . , .t0,W_a_(lsi, � :*--. watrlrxa�F'10-�,s. Vi Z 11 _Vg 10 go Ion tilie to,vtTy no,w Vd5t�--M0ntfrI­5. igthtt WgIr Attayed. She afft,ctv qulv� I V. . * ,it-efoqllvet"-fte WIN' ett, t1tt6&t P('L_lf�f!t1V,L Arr6 lj'��lg ti3l'ofoti - lg,­ Ofly "go vell to, thadel§ It her t!,Otheg aud 743'es; rcll- I rAtf-r 1111 -LEL �"-,, lt,;e fz��4orr.,.Ottr,-.,A .-,tr�"A!F. -1) tom ;$:' 'a V�n'­-1 � 11[�ramg-S% �,onlep Im one shad�!- of the two W1 aliA f..tlidg, IiU�411)cd VF41111 rwervp� Alto! - pro,I%A-lt lf4wtc-.� t-) �,If-erf-�O&Q .U,t-aofea. PC I durable foilbi lot VULt "'t'at;, jgaftft�UrJtS fire tefV10011ttasts bift uw I-atr allit eutt- L I r �.qzltl*,Llt $f3_,,0 "Iri $7, 9,;.-_,11 -Ibc-r. TIJ'(-_-'__J-L 1&,Zt,i5l, , - '2.N.) to "SZ: -f I ge r . erorrita:.-:� nqpaw-r of P-,At*-1rII,4 it:111tv gref-tri �". _,TV. ;)Vt* aDs UndEr ,le .: Eve's and flova *?t(etive and IWA'.U. VIIAW-18 PUW'Oft. ,tiftt. as a irale. 11,P U -c- - , I .-aLvi .4r, ,, L,.­11�wn` snT.;o2r �Lw'-Ti%'!se&, 9,0'.�,. IS I I thady frer's Wfolie * 11 � 42L.i tiiptie Tan -4 tli.V-WT� WIA bel , " 'urvKV. i ,j:c;te0-,,. I tv IZ� ia,o 4C v S, - -g,g zj�:a.n.jt. L ,f�*, ; atiug a, - cc, Lc�i u"lu, 0�f-o­' 14 T.-, a t�, .f - --s �%Tc too 01- vn.o, *0 1av,e had, Irloere ate 10*e!Y � blen lot 't ,0 tuage t!jrat ;an n rmt-z A--hr1:0'lr*4II.V' ;3s,t.d �fo� vr.20,31,; trim- I !-I AIL i swc-pl Z_,,�r'#$� . XC -1787':1_# , ! The dree�r mq��4-� W.as ,.:,rn�Aj. T.-cra N*-Zl'o in 1101, � t!qlf.,At�xs. rwr hiveleddlut do,fic-r-s r,jr,d Inatives done gn Mllkv , 6ft-1-* As fttbMg x0re 14 101111*49�. el-0--m-t A-Ur's Ir'D tstaTs*3,511 1 ry-, -, tballting t1jis stgamt.r. and of in-Jeh JL6 ther tr4ft. if -.,-01-�;l lliall,, v;O." 1 a . e. '&. 7M to :$,:L ld'Aild ar-6 gatiraq. w5th a t1tei*ef ,O;t Y I UxD rfr-OwQRUIF,13 q0 - --- Itt-d Make ;Itt , � aloir � --So at Ig With ot -werberl ryl Lto- if hit? lb"u-IR ased, bwtag vate'a-031 sir -s-0 I `- r Uradtar,�et*1- on 11"de. doicato lsv,Ms and comill5e. . le ta.gl� Y '(15 porLl 1,,t�w �r.cckweoir v,U,w;? eS-,_t- lftj�t-,11 0,,.s loc&_: 4 1.�,i " ". - �,,IrA Q I R :'em- � .von beg�n tO VVOW:er wt"lere da,�v- � ar tlas$ r. J# in 11 4 U ch-Ang rforb ftirib. vla�Eise nt�- vst4 U rlo§ts� wko go ht .*Or it Ct all -,i,:g- , ''" , mlg gowns ble- I , 0:2pb a Amov'�-t,�-31 �lse -"C4.,X.:r�*�4"", tt r.. ,tj 1 I., � wi,.:, ��.­ *�, tug- i 10wDt.g to 1L,e 3n,-gi- -,-�leltens�� In diremrZa roll and evet�' to go ratros'lg the frobt. �VarxLl pet,haps I tewk1TeP_-r. Tho have to id.-.MgF, tl1w 0" "Lri C711- ,, "eq He luaq3 7.qA �� �,' lr-­*4-,��#-dlient CLT,4 i � , 4 hp� arA are rtpeatied on thc_jr gowils s3 =ary tmae_4. to wtail Ting It! tront. AL 'f"Aly 'Vaek ttf­i g, � .1 !,tit v.,an_m' n7i sla . ti � .�-,e 42�?.=a* Pl* giv. 18oe tk0c I t,-t7k. 610-.-k iTuav it;t Is kile-.IQ *lth rf-t-&-',­7,b3S J4-1_.i,).'f-. __ " the torsrage .%nd eevve�-i. ior gown's ­ 'Zi- . __,��?_ AS *tavoto thft "��,_ - _ Ifte, M-SIZOP of TtnWf4 ll,ov4gy little go U_tatv diftereht lailds ,rLl_, _ _ ,�JZ Ov'ra in i we.�;Irmt* W_4 tw=-w4 t� , 'L �.,J ,V tp _UVV da.ughtel-in-law, Who W�gr g Miss i tu'a a AtId t-61*0 ;61 whitit AW the Ubffi5 ot Itho . . L 1,; 004ts; �Wffl ftt-wiq.-� 1�e t�gmtAC4 t4 irtke to Taan,;. P L. tj� .�at , , Z t,_t.. � ,i:,j,. ,?B*j��lir moarlang I -a! a*rd I . .ge !. � r, eauclekk. alwavq Alvsarq On ttalig- _at.eflex, ehange6` ��Or ey �,� Ub ate brought thtongil a W ftvi " i w'. 1,�, 8 Q1.41 �Iacllalr­Zesi ;Lz '3114-.:�,nr t with thtson� k, �; pgs� was .a .,r,kJf­,',' m�;�,_Zt- ol ,Ln I-tvin'S fae. g,Tnr-ta5lly are T,PrZr tasi;Y ,,illf I *It 4ntetlest I en1bg that thq-tolp ' 3'. - patent, anti gei,eraUy oven-tecked it dresg -for As owo elroelleted rileg, Icstead of Wrigtfed In tte . - , wMeh #13 alsoiAppp,ar on tige, hafta- , salk-01. Ab'd lwhemyl that bi-ppebg tb(-Y In ls� bo1w.'_:YT1b=e. I gt:ef ar'd t,f-tr.*r.*-e- 111E; ,.,.V.d %over Old orde-.15 for the ;�:,Gv,-r Ar'd vpxt bodice% VIth n fo* -.lie ot, uIa.rA- vome b,att,or,s, lsow�wLat 1.1 thest.-Ae I t( -et tdUly- nI_pTF.Zi91U,Z% iAd teen . n4by t,. are v& going: to be fLe Wnst-dreas- — I vpr�ng% 'A'16"Ke 1-1 lfol?mpr yfmre, wv% bout bon f,, ,Olt bet sltonldera� o,f -the c,t,ocheted giftd netted buttong �, *- - cit"sitilk I ht.5r Atokitit. " ;1�(-47uent,� 1�&g,cete�!., STA sotr_­ ,'�Jrlt eapaelty. it 'afir an 685�y giiing T,rz; , but ready for such an emergene,v " - WO used tO 'see, F�at velvet butto.,tti I td, WbWOY -1 1,- . I. . � . 1%htie 1A ho ril(7- to ttt fbiblo. 01, � t%16p... al'"t-ell vlm4 insv:atall. HI'S � matter to vapply tUie TUMO dc-3041and at d0v1L* liome, in tl;e cool eventide; ,if wrl also be vt-r.-F mueli -'eft elide e" , ; ,��;Dat,resi,4, r1ow4E,vFr. towered abol-e -11� . ne . A il*Ap some got'j'N to ti��C- !ar cast. I . _ I all. , � - f urers are to,= taxed to e not so ,,like ,Into a flower", la every size. Zieta is A good deAgoi IP ++*++*'41++A,4.+*"—+4*+*,44-+ ti'Mi'101111ftv- �FOMP "F tile 1I`teS_`l'3�eaS:l 14, lil " aru act fill a *,ek -enteldattment of enpr54r,'.Ot:.s or. '-Now that this ' and bet clot'fief; ,L were not 90 eharm- I RUJ,tJJfJaJJL F,vo6roldeis CIES­ ­ ­ ­ �' L' + toi. tuv,- te ynerd� A Lrw Load _'11,14:_,� I't"Ist. to smr,0"'y Ille ;low& l . , y ­ + bip,ugvt c,erAinly posssess ti ard waq dc -'ad. to whow - TO, - Alta T, e, . � I , I mtgla:� M. arkets, a,.d Dritl:�h il;U�,X,Tts 93a , .0 , % , Ingly, dalittv, onevroald feel T>eth* aliqut. alm,l t . Shall Tyag left Ula I sam 11.8 STOR' + It_v; uifier.,-Z�, it Ifin �!,a_,i Ibc-3. iook t" Ie ZT--e;X �, lut 1 a 0, I * 116 lencer N ltveen lr,creas,�J to provice an. ad-* . Inclined .,W critielze a, Sturie Whi'01 . t,r;lll In tile shapa ot Persian trir � 1. .. .. - t, revse6i Im C;Niealated to 'Li I Tke tilme 41-iM tol 1"P*w !11VTl11;c%i1-_11 oquatf. vapply ir, g6t* hrotz. tettainly does not AMeaf' to the lininge# whieh are kca' lly flikettv with 11 Ivp 1jiM iYar'E Ud J fa, a (.!.I - �Z;V�g Tilklie6t "tici-6de."; b�ftt to tire Tvir � ;Eboli' sort carfi-0 Onts, espf-t-illy for X BURED ON WK. T. - v*D&,6r ,vhl"�iix on I �f_. Tile *qVjij*,f-rnesS te- � At 14-amlltfon -�s reported fol- " ' :, -the, *dVe 101 '�Pcr,sO1I'*-VF ' Is geol`-` jjvd� the rhe - � I r1i . . ho r U-116kc, jli.-.�� forward ;I Bra�Zptrept-p. .,�14ere, 1�.s -en Ma special1v if pretty U evcnlr�g C eket;. '"lete I 11 . , a 1, tr Serve .tJI IS forgiven, e,C� oatsr, or tea, ,�a W, , ssibl. pe I q 14 fnanneta are an accent an�ing grace i ig a gtiE-at rancy tot these bitarteAnd �L4444++*+ 46++*.t4,#,*4,6#,+' tvally xiffromautia and uutftagtrtit- �` movc, 1zlie new and lafs Y ri -, revival o" activitY in, .1obbing eir- * * 411. p ; 4 I often i0fird ljokInj tritaimM98: thtv the Beek riatlon Avas bro�oght '" Man.. v eozaktr,y, IL*e Certain *%ars with � zles. TiLe CZ0UtMry rPtar.'DeCS aTe nOVV I & en he, however. is, baklng klwl' � 0�ls , �nntried cq�em, ,,;, a�j corstituted a if gl,j g =a.,,. e C . V vorzmg er6r,rq tot- tller " I bave, had pleaviltlb 14 rellpwing demi-stt's*n. E-tglIsh WOM-Y! are'901ng , forth lit dleotder. .Atd varkled bft te- to tl,, latest "Unporitalt;on" Ift , ic,rivls- in the�T' all.-.11TS Which it,eem- t; far irgee and I-V.yilig V.��I,t t1arg"Ir 1. . . taS,, acquaintallee With all old frlpa4- In largely fov Nreating A% big. chOal M ' e, Ileen" A ed 1,t,o ,Ie"%t,d ,j .Aloses for their , I artt�r or tilelk bodkc�s Instead Or. A btlakat't. I volt. Gotetliblient WaV ito titst M- ftbe&k AOCIOrdirig UY 0 "Q J j*,.,�,� r. out t;ojT,,L; ways are lhfther � cOr tI,,e winIver. Ti,.p ,IfImpnids from �§Ik 1vaittt Phrfatt� "the, U , 9,, Sig tb6 alt 1, the I,Iama�_, � . t' . tilay be inthIna'S51k, MOUSS--l-ne de em: S: , In- It is called the "IyoAY V,RVdC-r:' A, &e i tile wf-st ari� very sair,�Taetory. 0" '(00, is teeru't- ..V,reeh is p1n,ced at or.e on,,J (ir the I 11,,,ti vian's Nva.v-­ alftel lop f,aeh A - tberp Thms been ! the Jung's wilsict ;'9,j alld� like tile latter, it-rouglit I . I In London tlha; w�Pyk I �SOI(�,L ,or -pA nr,4.�. .*.s a, rlile the belt f rant al'I nflipt-ture -at th", gte�jit pmergency In ninn%s rif;air*�. -1 good elem.ltnd for Cie rail. vot-tInig ; - I I I iii-& after really AfduMs nut' res it, a1S_:YL tile t1bl)on vmi I �st fd r I ball-roorft witli. I - , � ; . -1, from the I It*. Ahe ladiels at one side, alA the 1, Go& Itas His man ready and fully 1, is- I ' " 0 ,V "a"me"t - a Ord, �vlt" . , t " "y ron" t"", , , '�' ba, OrOl,rs, being nunverous and wt,41 d . Vonsible coro'nItIOU '&Ities- He I's .)w ec , qrasol. Th'- flat hats or worAb, ,611 , I 'L - the hat aild p. lieh -on the -otfier. Theladle$ asion. , -�� , iot ibe ,gensible niortitle Whef thol, -A $I -e bg ,Obtici prepared for just that ocet tributed. Budtts-% I--' llamitob.% has wo,mt�* so much L)� thr- tarly summer time, Sig 106tant " §� the b b t t W�,(lk in pro:��ssi,.>n 1;ehind theEcreen, la -'el -v by �uvfavot- , L whicb, were the I been ologlily ander-StAllds the 'Way to ilayg Ilave wm�!�%Vllat chanied tbelt tlit llevr alld4ettstablo medium wae ,I; �. 5 of the conditions retarded -, TA,kC- A Iteni 11611day ' 11, aspect, and are now much turned up the very 08sohda of life. Its -earliest "I ug. just a trifle or tfieIr basfg of trga courage, the -re inay be able harveet weather. Tile eemand wag Ill soil for'constitu- P:Ilptltll�* atokles. The gentlemen mentioned: 1. rreparation. Ile load 11 for fail and winter gecdo* 11P mora change when Fortune gives b1m at tbP back -or the Bl.le, wUh the str8tuI0 kh _ 11 go j� t1f ,,Slle t-ifoo-,e the . and LF n I! ho * Or for some time been intimately asso- the eTlance. and mn,nagOg tO enjo,v I trintial.ng ma-ssed on tbat part and tionaligm. The first Boers wtrt� tall- . � active, and The -biggest movement in tbe,eimpfest, most rural of pleasures falling loir on the hair. Th,- frillsiot ere at(d �:sbldlefis, eVeift tile Most -un- part1cm1ar PAU, 01 ankles they Wlgb� elated WIth Moses Ill all his relations the history of the Pr(;v?nce ;& looked gl-log OVer, t-6 daribt. *itfi; thikk 'the -screen IR to God, to the people and to their for tj� next Zirree months, DUS1111§80 .is one or ills ,h used ban g6utila,ble of men a's they ate the le ., and occapations. me 1 lape atrx still onne 1,c.tdoved, ihe band 6triRes- up. and sn,iglog. a e y activity, however, will be deii_yed to lmowt porallat pprOns, at Windso wattrfalf fasbi", �V,J.th most governed; -Wlors, llbiiggars'of their partnell& Uostg, at an Independent geoleral, to I (WItIl tile Old .1 bright e0loreil pal)ne ros,ittO Or 'Ail tbt-teal' With `OtbLc'r flotsam And 016 fentlemely 'olabl mme extent tilt thie,cropr moftm6vt J-t)n$%P,U ttelkt fAlrorlto ill . I"d the wa.,ptiort In tbelt battles, �~N_ - - �__ - - I - - I I I O� �'��'_ - - __ - - __ ME" ' L" TIRE F DRESS -- I =:$==Lj�z::� , ,�+ eul 11 a I lo 11 I 1 19�1 1 .., I R 0 , � I I I 11 I �i � � I 1, I I I � I ; �1 � ��,J �1 I , ,ii I I . Queen, wilo apiortti-tted hisr tact and antique kWe.led orftment ,catching jo-tMin ,�f the Dutch Eo.at India Com- �1lbbdc , 901' . begIng. Labor, it, sN-%rce in almoot L : 1, . lany, 'tht6wn ottrboa-kd * rroya,ttbe q 1. I L . L and ha -d defeated the tntmv- ,loslitia, ,SV4,Iry depmrtmellt. � �, "bonloomiell as well lLs, his inlislc,M ti-ew togPt1hv,r at eath side. Uttle I I ­ r ellosen t6 be with tun ftcl witite I greit, rich, corrupt gallot, to Milk J*' rt; ,11, , _I refer e$ptclaJiSr to the X'Vii. J.'J' He waO A Vbelt lie i talent, ble Place. is ec � �7- 6stilibli.ih- ti,leorne, Itats in black ai ,;All- I tj ti -wh n lie: ; gl�;6, Princess . tlylle, wit -it black velvet &Ad. �O'k 'dwilh. aff they might. Tbess r,AAe1L_,V `R,egister. B681desl It 'PA& (Of'at 1"'St Tic"'& 111') �*AOE4� e I... . � *d itoder the 'hew TE t"Iff ,who 110fisit ft* b0A. 06 i - etk&' ''Irot, , -ft6-'blrt,hs, doAtbt And Nvttt ' -the bW,3nt to teeeIv6- the I muvio has thatins to soothe thei, : -Athers, tre viiac I 1 6ft t bti #avaga breast. but the g1rl ii,&Xt . . ise,:11 boild 'be- st�rillt Watt and w to tostum.l.,, JUr*LL *;is * �Wqfttoges, ire 4ire, three Pi . yr is ptrllava Ills -sta,nnehel;t . Te , I I itge's ter. tables of $tone. Joehola, wav in ChAstIA I worh djefit'*AVA ,Lho 0 -*et lived, i�___ ally, mil-siv being 4� � ough ,O11g Dow 00 toodflal. ,1100trof the, ne1w hj�ts the 1WIlklY *festled with the . 0611 )dltd ftt , � ­ . . � tegtiia.v wcceFr,lou for the leader- door doeeb't plaz that k1lid, : . . ,� . t*064 ,them. At ()xtairdj th . I .. � . I L . I . ­ I I . I I � - P I L . . 4 I . I "I '' . . L� . I I - ....... . . ------ I I . L � . . -1-1-11111.11Z I . L .... � ..... ..... _-_--r_-._-_'1 ------ -_...-.1.---1 .. . ...... ........ . __-__...1 . ........ . ­­­­­ ....... � .... . ... H-'----- I".'L--l""I'��-11.�.�.'�..Il�'ll�.