HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-10-03, Page 6, I . I I----- I � -,--- . � 1.11,11.1 .
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I � . I � .,- . - - —, . . WArsh,
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. � 0 1 _- � - _-. �-i, . WISE THINGS 6Y 1: Is . * HOW AUNT DINAH if
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I I - 0 � .
11 0 I . � W , I
71 +
: ) ... .,4 SCHOOL PUPILS. 4
1 1 . - , I GK INTO TROUBLE "
I �11 �1' + 4
- ,
I . -
I � 11 11 ,+
trf 1. + I
I � I 'ef , y I Eight cents a Pound is , t
1. I I .... 1�7 ... 1. I � . I (INorld's Workj. . � 1 ,I
� I -iat a - a girl hao come to stay
� , I .11 � "Apherbility," site reads, "is t lie wl , young woman paid for , The pajam,
. ! .0 ,- Shel is not of the order of ephemera
� � . 7P . state oil being an apherible." twelve'pounds of flesh. 1,
i. 11 � ej " of being I I . the Tleeting fads of the day, willol
, . I Afferbility is the state -ire g
. � .one ere one can say they are
i I I insane on one subject only." She,was thin and weak and
. . At least, that is what all the pajamr
I i , . , 0 "Serenade, greeness as of grasy" paid one dollar for a bottle of girls are declaxing. Pajamas are th(
� I I � I .
I . . le, . "Reverberation is when It is made
. � 4 ' Scott's Emulsion, and by tak- most heaveilly tiAngs, th
- I I
. ::_- � 1. , J agala Into a verb." ,at ever wert
I I 11 � . , *'The equator .is a menagerie -lion ing regular doses had gained invented for the delectation or mai�
� � I . I — . and cotiverted into a blessing I'm
: . - .. I - --6�_ __ � running around between the north twelve pounds in weight,before woumn, Snowy eambrics and. IRCE
I � - � . . I I and South, pole." frills no longer hold their dominion
. � - . "They climbed Vesuvius to see the tile bottle was finished. '�� 1 ' over 'tile fair bile who has electef]
I creator smoking -11 . to beoome a pajam.a. afti, Bays thE
. LIBBY Luncheons `VYe celebrate "the Fourth of July Eight cents a p:)und is Brooklyn EagIN Tile moot seductivc
.. We seat the product in key-olDening coma., Turn because Jesus bids us." ' maza oX ribbon amd. lace trimmed lin-
.: e keiVad You And the xce exactly a, it left 'Wenigeance, Def'n, a mean desire cheap 'for such valuable ma -
u , gorle tit the way Qf a.'bight robe IE
0. oput them upla thl"away to pay back. Illus'n, 'Vengeance is li�issed by with cold Indifference. "No
Potted Hant Beet and Tongtie. mine; I will repay, saith the Lord!" terial. Some pay. more, some more nIgIttgowns for me," confided an
. Ox ronfrue Nhole), real Loaf. "Ligetiious, a stupid person, froul , ardent member of the pajama ulster -
Deviled Hons Brisket beef. " , ,
, Sliced S..k;d beet. In, not, and genlous, a smart per- less,. some. & nothing for hood. "I simply adore my pajamas,
e All Natural Flavor toeds. Palot"Is mad sly.n.01 Felt. & bit queer tit them. at first, don'l
wkelesom% Your grocer should have them. Discretion, a difference of sex be-, their money. You get your you knoly, and kept lookIng a,t mysell
Libby. MCNeIR st Libby. Chicago tween animals),
..'How To XAxz GooD TUMGa To JUT" wUl .money's worth when you,buy in t4er mirror to eael If I was really
be sent free it you ask us. �]� "The early Britoin, wore a skin, ha myself or the other fellow. It wasn't
tied It at the waist. Ife wore legioli.q Scott's Emulsion. long, though Wore I succumbed to
04&�iP40"40"*04**4�" an his legs. Ile had eyes of a blue I . the delk-lous comfort of filem. Now
� shade which plainly showed his seml- We will send you ,a little I'm busy convortIng all ray friends,
— eiTilizatlon, He wore ou his feet mo- and the very Ones who at first held
A RECIPE FOR SUCCESS. cassions or scandalu." f ree. up their handa !it horror and iIhrirked,
� "Grand opera. The only grand '01i, bow shocking! Now mannish !1
Rules the Late Lord RUsself. Prepar. opera known is Wang." . are Just the most enthusiastic over
ed for His son. "The Te Deum, to a Grand Opera!' SCOTT & BOWNE, CiLEMISTS, pajamas now. Confess, now, aren't
"The British museum Is tile prin- 'they Jolly little atfairR?" They cer-
Is there any recipe for successO c1pal building in Paris." Toronto, Ontario. tainly were decidedly piquant. on theli
men have been asking each other for "Arigtides was a god; lie -was -the ' � pretty owner. They were made ol
centuries. female g� of Phoenicla.11 Soc. and Sr.00 ; all druggists, blue and white stripe mercerized
ion is belng "Hannibal was an early Greek ex� - linen, with bands and frogs of plain
plorer, who wrote a book called Her- .- - � wldta and a little pocket on the left
tut more Pagerly than. it has ever oditus.r
een put before. 4. . Glnzer Apples. - side. Samotlutes they are of! soft silk
Vtrgh 'was a vestal Tirgim" Fare and quarter as matly %pples In dello4t-to huea. The feminine order
Plainly -tile only 4.nswer obtain- " W
� I roamed In, the deep woods I of polamahood to naturally a secret
. able is such as may be vouchsafea s&w a hPrd or greyhounds. hunting as desired. Weigh ;�Qo use as Many One, and It to Only a; girl's intimate
I by men themselves suwea.gful. Per- for prey�*' Pounds of sugar as of fruit, Nake a. friends and dearest enemies who even
� II&PS the wisest thing to be t1one, If "Jullus Caesar was the mother of syrup &I half the sugar, using a suspect Umt she Is a, member.
7ou are somewhat vaguely starting the GracchlY . cup (of vmter; pour a.yrup over the
mA on a career and do not know apples and let stand twenty-fonr "A Lli Lie colti, you xuow." will lievoine a
how to Makt. tile most of it, is to The Truth is bo4axetimes 40rust. hours. .Now add the remainder of the xr-at danger it! t, bo allowed to reaeli down
atudy sonle such set of rnle,� as those, trout the t1troat to tha Itfugs. Nip the peril
Which thp late Lord Russell wrote (Washingtoa poit.) augar. Peet a lentan., boil, the rind In the bud with Alletz's LnuW Baleam, a sure
down for tile guidance or Ills son - en. it oa0wit ta a, little water, aboxxt halt a tea. rL'ukedy containing no 0111144 , i,
� & younger member of tile Bar, says flat to bo" told Is often tile 111p4tt- cupful of water to one rind, and to
Household Words. I est: thifftR a every two, pounds of fruit add this Is- Very Absent Minded.
news,paper or a perrion Mon water aW the juice or 06 W11018,
L Begin eacla day's work with a I can do. it is e;flill.y possible for a, 'I A Wafit 11holadelphia te;Lcher of
memoof what is to be done. In order truth to 4.10 more haria than A lie. lemo-T, attpo One ounce or ginger to =USIQ le absent-minded far beyond
OT urgency. We believe the worst habit of the everY two pounds or fruit. T%a gln- *ho or4inary, and rrq4,uent)y gives
2. W ollp thinw only at a. time. Worst newspapi-rs is hunting up and Ver may be tied In a mudin bal: it exhibitions of Ilia weakness that
8. In all-.- basinpi;9 intervipwsuole a a e a �; n0t desired put In wltlt the fruit.
printing trul1r, th, t . r ot all- transpar- alumets and astonish thwe who know
Alary or in Your entr'oa ed for' bs, -M.V PoibliC laterest.and eat. Thia reelpe inakes de 111M Not long ago, ho boarded a
In YoUr , Olok until the appli-s are
tile substtuwe of what jake,9 111.,ice t1li. pffei,t of wht)se pubili.atiou is 11clous pre- car near his home, graciously greet-
-for corroboration In any filtilre to bring iihamv- a-31 sometimes ruill serves. mud will answer equally, well —
idiffloulty. upol4 111,11vifitl far ppars. Tegetubtfi UlMrrolro. squash XftnarXe Llulment for sale every -
4. Arrange any eatie. w1attlier for aud nonfen '%;e or rckm'-1109, MeA and c9tron. the tatter should be boll- where.
hare beptl giriven to
40 NY haVIM9 thit,_11 early nilsf. _Cjltc%6�0 zferat%l, I
brief or for yotir own ja-Ig-ment. in � silivi 0d La clear water first until tender.
Of- order of tlmo�. ��, t3k(ls 01, matirorttlue,1, sjorve�l up in — Otte of the Wide.
� Z. Be t SIVIIIIIIIIII)RI-1.7 Mlel, dOwn to NWIII�Utlon,llt :JPwh,p;Iperi*- for Ito — _-- 1 & pedlar, with a. Very beavy vallsp,
tbP SM tIll'St Iti'lli I4 nk0lWV' TURt- I otiter puritopw ,ill.kn , to :1111*0 ra,,�y F! -A 4TAw4tub
tors, ete. In vour arvollat 4 tilpal. readlug. F�4111(1 Of 'tile M00A it". "KELP10 " oustifvol a. refNT"t4bJ0.190kluX.1kouga,
6 ft earon-h ,to . — owmik %Y4110d COU11dently up to thes door 6i
,,�,ePlll .I;UtLr p,ip� te?jtPI sofouili 111.,,*ts. rf,rfs or oil& lvht) �
It �
'r p 8 Rotors** or. bostallillsh one 44119writats., , "W1 I Mimi Um JoAly 40 'tite
ere In notit all t .V rz%461611. P51111V 00MRODves; oil their love stf In.411-
7. Therp IR no uf-041 to C-onrv-44 tr�ji h. � $,Yppllott�niitks,hxls4dtoratokumt,'%A(ri4o*o ,' ,don ?" ho InquirW, pl,fiteijy.
Bv,twoerl tht. inan or Wo. � .
tt*ra�ltvt*ros,�4k"d�oloo,fl,r�r,ou.bto*. Lift a, InK it �yo u1not bliald,11 ,tile, w1)=k%n
to elii,nt. bnt nilvor lip 'i, jr,,tn 1,rljow IvIIgl tegi ,f, lyllite hoto Absevsmes.0tii $or#* vtt*rs roit*��,. Si a angwerede "Wl"t 410� Z701L Want 21,
�tfleovlleolalea�el%r roi- Ad%imv frolu thu)%O�, alliot�l anothor and th _ 1� it
I . e on(! will). ill ols0*14s cagafts Fift0.Q7SkNJ44ftt4# "014 rivilly, are .vou tho =Atrj�ssf ?'*
W)MITt41911 i(W &P It in ,tify nlej,t- � 84N1,901) U1111 tPit of to 0, I "
, eftgoll, tiligigt.) A)MUMM1111". Lufflita:;, straill
-1ter of tjotlbq. Ll:pl �wvpr uff"QA '� tha . �, fro "..1. 4, mrWile I,
V114ja CUILA. . *, , "Woll, WU%t dblyls take nie fer ? l3d
sem 110*140 itme-ft I
I I am I .
tol 001 tobhug trioth. tile wholo I $64 by arvigo"fi. 1, 0. a "Iry It *44*0 yo thift 01 w4tv tbo fee -bon, or tL
I UNIgIrStO11*1 %004 ,viin sift tiot 44a. trnth nia I 4zW1.%s1"g pltkt tlkj,� trpfttA,,**,
dog Lsul, A I'Povifri - 0'vy . -, - � - - - - - I—_ horj*# or tlip ULan llfrNxt door 21' the r& --
I Q 41s V *,r% "'_ . g R i OV#' I 4,0911MOU I tps to to" foruit"r. , - ,; Wl,s - a ., - � p1lodo, ertmoly
, j:�'
'BI �#' Jrsv at. 4 M Of IS94khtil- 44
" — _,�
rtur i6t,ns.et W �,fgot=4 % e0a, Low ,� A num"itosts �)f a olonvitivol ehi:d 1, L dAn't WZ44tv. arin). Tint I ttong%ht
irmllest-nn't #19 eag-h ldpee Of 1! porkills 'Nou tftoghl. be the, yourgest
work, as or ��wlworp it ,,,,,,,,,,, "Just a Little" �'wl;ltoe, d,tw'tlt*ov ,ol,-,,tas ladt I i, &UaIder."
thof�;ght =* uttlo, tW'4y*oAr ai to
tur!!9106- Wit a bost Ramide of tit p,,41,1 III(�;:1(,tv.!r.1L MjV ilnughtpr wjjt�d %,R,foy tit"'
, iDr,Lp We 1, M-at"a tram." Aul It Iva* r�
,d. 1� � ,
0 _1.,,,a etip*bje Lltllsltaod I ,tlee,d '%ht%t th
. 0 p�plllz. 11L,rt W*
uIartateleNvp Z1.7 wph.vtz he wVshe4 1-0 RhOoMkiLoin or tio,it, &IR ,tt_k M
'bQAr JI&ISepl, - t a iittjt�,, WltVer@ Us 06 ar,ar bp ahu.m,h, but
I , - M�*00 MY 41-04!e L=�A%0� Jd1it'l witart""LliA17 �rtl ArrqV6EI at ti,,d -uw& 1141 httr vahs;f.
� - I W, 1�m Im conleat w1th IlNaq & litc:0 Spp.!va w)M*N1Vrr-R 1113-Akfll M 191J,31, D'A Ill' tiv* last boll b##,&ft tal —
, ,
Mlrfl.r Mi foot1wrt m,v#Lfv of toro I tll tripp.# jspit a UAO� W'Milft may do 1; riii.t., I t, W;,,A # : 0,_* I a a - 4 1.tAfsh, as
I "t' d0t3ll� h 11 @1rtVo" tti b1s 3, LAW- ii d lift Of 4ant,4R.-t 3karqt a ltttlA!, Ili" avoIlrekaos bel 14, ft*j ote � CU41.4
Y,fir, I � Mada'Aalf, Way tog, it4ft forprantler of *11riolul-ld With torpar 'And COW not
10, AlvrLA!�or bo xtra�glw,forwtlrdll Nearagoh. &I"! _�t CMP 8t. jd(�@$; U5 '&*.W -#d to *kOU-31, ttAft d�or� Z, mpsotrs. L C� 111:!D�2.tr,ll A O.:
64M ticv- n10, 0al. &VPJ.JP Gea1J1Ph1tgJ,—Xfy q1JLUr,-htft-. I.z*, yftafff
,,Lt 19 WCO takltk bakk a kltirj ttMia attqio _
� t,iffil,44 CL�.te
.� __.- � _J . �4' #rdflftPtI:r I - 1 ,4 M wn trum a *:?b24,a an -A in-
, and 1*"rJM-:%nl,81I-V ttlj�-q aa�j lial"'], t-110 1"1111 how ,eda,s&t r�aginc, with 611' -
I j Wag mamits Ir
1 0� %r ei"ujw w3 ha,my It romal wd
� � 'Tatt a to-vto v,v."A,1'0*r,. Plost 'It UU10- 1, th" vlbv� mwft. Ati-A 4t d hL
'11 walift in tm
I 111109% y6ars 01 Dq,�w@ ark- ,� -,ast Y,tiLro I N16re .00 WVX, 1. , tf,,A,r,err.V%11Aaq for threo ,years.
I .,
4 1. , ,4:y w;v - #4 "All ' L1+
� 1 of Pat" � wmitt Ao stall t,'AIPA "tt�j, i,�hdreb WIt 2'bltt�et of MIN W'S N VNIENT
: — hinum, Do*sat tb,v pm%* tito t1ji.i COM101'eloly if -aro -1 hv,r� Atil slie ��as not
- - ,
; I � mg ;� i-o"Ato ai �,irbamaw cutta; 4� ;!! b"i tr4t1b , &I top UV6 yolra
ItUdslaX NO HUk. i� '43711 A wift fittlo girt of tbt,ael , Tairg trcor,
I I ft 11 � ,
I 11`oat%� �A,l ?"x)q, T'vokell .Tesr4 '014,1 ta#w mt3thti wd#rtaktv a J. L Ll-!� Est�U, U.
; the e�Uan'44a-., ,�_an.g L?"""ig a'ang t� 22. 11 -ept�,fm -1
I . - at. :*SOP,!I. k1t. i4, At4r6 IN', 11�#W�
� - �, ,I � I RAL", IT h 10 ", Mift tAak� tfijtL@!r� y*0
UNA`011'11 601,011H i r 40 G"e" t`�; ` MJW aves tio tU4�,- �-�,�01&§149jftj�g J!JA
0 " MONA r -tit t-Ld.." 90NMOd Ar.l�m �! h2clA,& ro qw1m, *-wrllt w6ld, wqt%6�
. Alke, ,"a'at ornt ouc.4o wo jj,,et ta,L.tj� ,
, 310d. h -A Wott Ez'%k-, - - ro��,*?. @&- 114t IMIL$ d9`1 @.'%-V IOU WdY K"I - - .1
S r �' I,," [rN,, 0 �S no t'_'L'_ttat'�I� It '�'�'?'_'d"�o Li'�M t�rdo_ ' 1�0,'ft, C11lttNNft0."` _Xt I.W# 0AUt
H10 , EN " H I � i bt tkd LTtAng1-.,,-oig o L% sif@<Ang ;YJ IWOrlote dsa"Wy sim�x@s am "y*0
'I- Ll"AU,P2, 0. vo)lx Met,? gf 0,1t�ft
. �a valau or Itt-KIIIN *ad weallub.
I ''"
1 two MS& Or M,Okt. M.*mo��M 113,0,1
� sits'arX8 Mnlmobt edr@* fttax Oat. &M 31titt"It"Ode Can b'i§ T@tj
. ,
. T&o* rt'L�nv,to�vv ;,r%to��&,dl inA��?_tt,*O- M#r kPI&AA -�V.11-1 A ft,d2r& -� � hapipt In thas wox-t vkdtu �40,Awt
t*t#-zW , ;, N.no��
I it ftja!�e "Lqn- , LV,�,VO'1�, 14r 'Ifl!7�
_J!5 # 01. �', P
, _ - I .
ffrnat M -4 tKir*11.7 *b.p'a Ito fi;ftl�l 'Oveaf t��J ,��Wlgrftsq.'s DeAdIbtAt-T�4ou ;eVq Tye titZ16
llat,Iv q5 L� t � ,4t _ %I&I nm, *as & d'jP*6,%,tt "a WdMy
WM A to K 0 �,,v-* , Ftav*rbrlta.
rAft&ftf2, dlrl,ama��,g;�'] F,*�y ozit 0*6 "- XJ� d 14'kos; lilt �,p To!lt mo,-.,* li&,0 & Tttf.s e4l'tot ,J? t&t yq�11,3* 011MI ,604, I ItA,*0 tble Nealitta anA ZrozB
VDIA'T or cos-ii.q 10 '102N, � "rin1t tv.`162 tolth'. VD1 Mjv 'rus. � hAV6 tht Mobey .,
A e4t6!1i F-� -'g... a,Wm 'J'n Bato A,tl e2941161 5e, t . .j *�'ftt JJ-Ylllft.
. -1, . rAJLgtUJ*,C't; WatL_'S'41 VVVO& Cora." _1-__1..1____.
, __ ___ , MIL �IpAlltm#��tltj fot, pr4Q.*
ell�-.?d"J;&,bllva,""�,V$2.1,9*0019:11mt,att,�e*ou", VN h % de
teo Pay tr�.e to-gov-DrIg m6j4: &I UAW
U ' __ ' il 0Y 0*ft�*' 9,"' tie �jd.d, "Atli staot t1ko edogh
L uWalital 2:tAt'imet-la ?Ow -0. vurJact ...... V.05.6 NOW VOtk 4116fittal abd fltid§a,u yet I&O 411*# otlefll�ofted Me gf*At0_8* Avid w4tkil on 00 Cdld.
JbJf1&t10f2 &O , 3,94) fUtte Hiiittied&d. I - r 97
. _. UV��,�'Y r .... � . ......... �
I. nrbftsutia-_Z�l v 1?ft",&,J6? f�# .. ......... � ... '613faca ,dT art. W6, tell veoplg, hovt, I IAL*iatt-40aemof,mititt�b,rA�o,,,*5*f,u#,Ad6e,l",I
It-" 1 I'tt'a --XrV6*L_t1tN0, C04 's, 6--oqo.20,11 *,yK1 aa,;% to 'Cook dftd, %0* to makoi dttftf�§ 6" 44t. x,JfttiA,?.4dV1%f. V64i:t�rimii
Ttoml ("3-Nt ong -Ztbrge�lr-d. � ........ � i the lslvet-.',�I& �.;i4"I"'I'v of 6'. . L�U I&W Afl, '"W td b01-h&*@f to **IAT adi
-, 2,YAI *Zw� I t,
trip, t'ro.."Ji, .&F,=11 Vov -,. , Mod � *tzlu�,I,etlt to atit'V1 Most rf,",Iip'--�6 ,,)tit V,10* �6* to 4J&4�� Th, batkitgg, Afta 1how Ite Ml*,,a&d#e*1.d64..
-k. 1 ft r, &L � neat thetate C-3 tt q,V!A0o q,#'_%ie* yjtk aft.1 i -
SMSIBLP, "aaft @mt 84 by cw,�fv jic,,�,v f,j4); vzftlxf!� i*_ Ed ftAkla� tttiffit� t,'ilp-pY 4MI h*w w i Wht,, ft
,��Oxvn%oMatqa:j a,.V)z1zJ Tye q-)Iu c�0115,6n ii6,1 1�d* td - r V 1� fat I-Nid tU483a his
At A -ft 0! V 14. f,yt oj�� yeaip� O!, #2100gj 6k b4dy W- r,J te-1 "zd -�t 11 el,�,- � ,
� - VA",vt A" rfttlng and 0_61A%� dd-vil hatd dtl
W��TO&4; --__1_.__ -_..___..__ Uft"r ptact,X4111y. all 00 blo cir- tlk# fall
12 ftoldb"'y a sk;�P,;a�,3012-,�* 'At, I cata!�tabd,-#. W" ar,4 tto g"t4et iL'1_ the conductur k:toped ftot!
1 *1.10)_.#13.9_- - Had HU b6ilb"o, ran-hx"o tdpntor. We fl,tiot. t1to car.
� 4,4U&ft4MFJy &:W41 Qt _;5 e�-n-,§ .-�.t mak-e- a
I qtaftell_... _...._ ...... �� ............ � ....... :, rtl hmro to takor Y012t name And
_04P vatft sobev, t1qL* G,-�Otgft rt*;*autit, 'i"" "* .
I MWIM"'Lit. But" Wde� alagAv§o' ?a*d e'd 11 4-vt'i'tt *El- &ddr#§k trie" he, said.
letal<�,-I'�t.9to:l.?y4t�K,,..,.....,.#ILi�4.1114zl.I hizte* 'r;%ams OT #Vot.e vokt. AltIT&J& * Of 10*4 ai.&' . bg, ani EN epa ' iffistkt -0odd h ,
A FEM7 SA_M,Lr.ng gF p_%TE, I SO=e IMISISIt he it ti, 9,3CA 14ftl 6T A -At"A iMAt Wd I -
L �;� s!�xfd Lfimsalt At the cl4y§o ,If W.Ig I n#e1V1 rAt thay. ,Ao y6a thlak t hutt zvo,lr
. . ,*%Vfo aro tanatantgr gitilhit gi,jfrit. '� If
IL Ama-= , 11 1 OT ?As, weetlag-V in lsulaakR toziltr I � W,, ,I 40t Of *a,V ?`--,T'Wt*agd; Post.
at .Oters,, R.,ta-
,)."nq,�z- n'-,nno* _11=L'�Ilr ; Itetently Vl4 P'teAT,n1Lne steopba dn��ttj � �Vlr d,;&, 94�tm a a- " , -
, 111i�'. -
A" "4 � "" " At �, i1 abeie4LIat;w I
` , � - Tr,=. tn3 pnlivitf. tollp-1 h1§ ��tandg " *
±1�±It I Is - t,��Pn 40& twofttv *4Q&4 iftnAtw,j Uni-ai-nit cati�* Dav*tef.
, _ 40.swo 410,2r� sa.:-.Si P�op-o clvory S-ziAy Eqa* f-4 can- -
aefoqli US bt,lLast, an"I I*Aht- sl& , .
A: ............. 1.f�A!o �:X_u A* � tvlzt thp4v tow'. Atradrw
. I.K.::_ .1 - S,� U eq, � .2:15 .,�INLI I emnly over U11 A-milt-cr,04 %ail - 'i "i hk tor 15��aj pliuss.tc stdtie* -
': ... ... I I ., 1.�,01F� 1. I - . '!_
, ',
.0 - i'M .e3! warit 621 lVgwi tff!T�j tn ft5-; Szjd.i*d,-p odid 'at th-S oxb6es.
fl.!"&:::::.'-- I ' 1%.46-4 e1C1",1tM4-d iv,p oeditior, -Thatwit flle-
, ,- , 1,3,9 .275 A4 , vv�ro har e n A v3ki�u a baftb Won! tr*4."a,atined atil nit At sLJ1 lao 669 dsJr w4eb Vlv,,� thatifer 011AW-earo I
4 5 .A1141 .
n1,:::::::::::.. , _ U9 -r) :�'. or 11titborm, wl uny.511 tbo,lqght to- -to-aiLte'.
5 .7o � WtAt we, fke_*1 tq A jc,�051 of 16te thlldfth hAd WorkLaql ver�v bArj, .,si,o!
I %V&rd t1j,r_If' & a; _
I "b1ftd4 Tor a raLontll to ft1k1t.
I I .t f0f, JnJt_t?!6 &
rn� -; -Pnfy--�,I-;_5��. stat'd ap. tfe�-�,f '4ft. 4tagt +!fls d6n � 4�� Md to the younost ('Wwy *as,walm -
jVoj gAtb6t' tokfto '.
� Tbe sio,-10,tv �--Qa _tJQT 4ra-,.t,1:AV 0,-,,,,- Ole old V-whaTiI, applri�atvy Ott 1"Ie t4M or Ifteen 11,eLt' .le!. FrAti,k) %
lirs't'.5M, a-jl* :ja'y 2�1�'AV �tlt;'tr'"_J �*bat"Vee - , 160kftlk gjr25, '_F�I-Afik, 1 JtL�b 1, UNA A gli'l to d,�)
� Ch 1. 'O" .
*1 IttlY A �t, � �'.!,j Q -,�11�f p,� 1T,k e, p:�W,-*4 eoldy elde of 43"'). st -)kx n,% tay 'Work.10
, .. - _ . I I(IM aLdv`-'rt15* M PMPOS'Al Setool tot. .
L In
If jore,t.,O, W �
*Ia�,eftoorjvf:�;'Z.1��n �";,.tyA- alo 1"o vj,ag ,"Coft,� forw�*trld A'a,l give Was ywar ,111y1dont 16p doa�btt , t j?ftink Wald: w1thy da6't yoxi trad6
be,-�tawwe"E'1�4� l�",-�iaL,.*�t',���t��.*Ovr:ag.. - rmandt' S131-4 th:w pv,m�b,-r_ thost MP21 flp.;FA :S pva�,'t.c I'A no of ni'- boyq Off for a glatl ? Dzill
a, dirl 'We'a a
,ig'A"�."DPECJM1. Tht, wow,ra d! .I 3.3', tV-'u-r,,,,VPyfJ 'To-ple!_4 give It to mew. J-O§t gtar,t it ,;�'j luot tie.:"
I Mid:
7"r. , N 0. 0!
1-1987 ............. � ... ___ � ... _ ........... 175
299,9 .......... � ..... . ... .............. �'147
1889 .................... . _ __ � ... ........... I.w-'-Z
1890 ...................... _ ...... � ..... � ......... . .. 1"gar,
IS91.1— .............. . ... P,.24z�
1892 ............. � ............... :::::::7::::::::,.*:: rN9321P
IL893 ............. ____... - lq�vrlp
1894 ........ ....................... :: ................ ire,' 11),
1895 .............. � ........... � ,:.:..::.::::::::::::: 17:714i
is. ........... � ........... � .... __ .................. 12�61M
1897 .............. � ............. -1 ................. - 15,0--7
1898 ................................................... 16,43,D ,
0 �
1899 ................. � .................... . .......... 18.2"n
1100 1
190, .............................. :.-::::: . ....... .. 2Q,197 ;
......................... � .... ........... - 2t,5T41
'I -, I
Ultl,906 ............... .... ...................... . . z- �
it'r 1901 ............... . �
i"i -m.
1411ar 1902 toy -ku,ttlat'iriwi::::::::::::::"*.** 2;tclo I
_Tbe sotifty Is fa first t1ol, OndheviLl Con- �
44tiot, having b�_*n rft,an qfi-��d in A ve �
UY eco- �
Aoinleal 1hanner, ws evIdendej by tht jao.t �
tbAt tbecost,of managment has bt"I, ,tjt-:
o"dIngly lo,w lor rhatw yeaf#. �
J. hesodetyb.m eo=pl1td *lththLi6 Itt.*01;
-Pyoffnee, RAd 110ftlIT anthorlzm t (TO
111haftemi throtrgh6ut the botsibion ore &noada� !i
there Is still rooln 16r a f6,W wore goad at. ,
fugme ;I
11 - Nmv trata ,troma.l drid'i Ept vaig
-1 .
- nai.�nce 9�-P, tris- vap_��t looLan� wo-
man In tivisr *5wrtranity."
After ,&e toWk ft -r go -it the reviv,W-
Ist gildia". ��J trae men.
'N4'my lwa,at 419 tlw� Wert la, thlv
-MudlPfleeP N'vh-t have,, not spoken A.
r,arah word or hatboted an unkind
thonght toward lbeir vvireg, for a
month p:�A to staltd Up,-
Tlivvehtr�sever, gteat big, nitttliping
fieflows holved to theft, fteet.
"Come r0r%V&r,1 and glrw mei yoar
I hanud% my bo".- I
� 4oneq� gaver 4-4t,yj on6 & vlgot&ds�
�,shftlre attet wit , ich h6 i-Anged them
I ,
, all',61da bY- 91de,la trontof tTie pulpit
� Abd ttwiftt the a-adienoe. Ile 4looked
� thilha all over cat-,efully And ooleQIljT.*,
� — —
I Only rbritt stoo#.
; qftek.?
( rArdier Stackpole - ljovv- �ffatly
, stops has that leroi ,drgan ye bought
� f6l,' '�,our dazighter got ?,
: FAtiber llatvbuck (grfml.t),rTht.e4:
� -4te#.kfAat, dinfxei. And suppff.t.
: It -it 'ci;,_16--� the da*`lNj*&j�_
., viftc,& .
&f book. .
VVL-43 this Hne in rpil ink�: .
.TV o'll lco;e and PrOp0,gftg lidt OLTSIX 81*AV3& wNrymmT 1perAoves
Q� te'll ti�;Pm -'th&t U01 t1r,1v is,U haML, oolt, oz taRonrge3 Lumpm and Mrb.o- I
Are here and they'ftft Praaft,Ce! ,0. lsh�ft reaft Inorsev, Blood Soavia, Carbs, -
di. tho, get 'it 1 -aft tight, fi*V%5� 9PE&tg,11fAjrE0Ae'8,W&fq,� stldeo,-Si�ralns,
at -All tilm" t"c"16 breveNt !6f P&MMis &dr)N a2d 9woJim t�hroat, Cvdgfig, et�. Save I
tt9gessti'd-fts And hiatus. &hd the 16- #S6 b -t *i* 61 O'ne frottre�. 'WArtartwt. t116
solrAV.,on ,at remin�rfe, b44t[t -T- ITOWv w&A *ok4e:M Brewls'&Carb ever khavror.
ther'e.g A Oeneme tfiat,s inod,ern ,SOW by 8U drInggIstii.
And vr6111 Wat-6 a great Ut ,wl '
ft.wl 111k, 0
1-1. _-----1--11_ ...... "'.- I ichlfitw "1*1i *t1d OfAtid titmtllieg.
at r L. AA accident ot A, tdost Petuftt
L , I I
DEAPMESS, CANNOT , jjftl) natcwe took elace y6stekday� Iv
V).* arfftl fttolkmtlons as tbt� e4klitift *0,(-N J&ataootre�6t, wh,eA a ChItatbau In-
. I
Ilib cuse"od 1yo I . I
oM *,Iy- to en reted-o&*Tzoite$t*hi§*,t*L&dti�,h,4&rftltlig"bUt %Wo,t ,dilt1t6d I n, -& blever ,extilbitlall 'of , g,ym-
.. " �
A11V.1%;Dtk&li*ftAedf;s. j�;dfij;A is, baliftdbJr himiticii by ridlitg1kom tf� wjindow in
.tji 'Mocl,con(Aftloteat thI�tiV--ot1dQnRtkgal the tbita story ot a, house, pleldIng
the'Etoftehfal"TAbLu- Whfttftllstab�lsla
ff'ft',A0,d _*on hr&V# & raj��blln& j5611,lda�r I 7 himifeltupAnd walldng &Y'ria'Y' Aff it
"lk dolkffij, &6thlbg uttowardr bad hSl)pe1lefd. He
feet heaffrig, anil Vrhen It U eittftt4L mver-
Deaflest Is the iftuft. a*d itn1des tite Infl,&t"
ja S'll on t#.n be taki"ji ont n_6 a +.J,J� #_4t� _ , he occurrence as ptotof h1s;
____. ; a,We#tedt
11197 trdg [All IrOM a Ile'19MV 811111CIellt
to, fttlsf.y�' &by Ordinary 1*'reofl, And
,t& hold him fok A, whIle 'bt-66ding
tpub the tat,oMabbeb bt tb6 Iftol-
&.nits this, chinama-a �rent MrAy wItb
Uttj* i:not,6 tha-ft A, bruised thigh to
'Sold bj� bft - - - - "' ---.-, sa. Ma. M ,VL "As reADL t;. jae. Was &
, feSts, 750 &ift%&t. No, WoAder that hIS U&.
laEall't rhftl't PlIlk &V�'tlfi-5 Ust. tld1WA1,,d6lr%I11s;t6 the F&f 1�&ft. .
: Worn thin ? ISS -LTE N0, 40, 190,42. .
: .
L —
. No I Washed thin I That's so - .
111418 Tastes IRA lieftuty. �
: when common soap is used. lo have passed thel,
I I Maidens wl _r�
: r .80th year, sayo "Health," may now
claim that they represent the most
. perlect and ,advanced type or M -al"
I denhood, and look down upon girls I
k 5 U-11—LIGIRT who ma before 25 as very much
a rry ,
So L inore kin to savages, for It Is a,
'n well-known fact that the age of
I NLXDUCIKS marriage advances with e , Ivilizaton
. '
! Everywhere the mo mature wo-
� XXPXNSX man to to tile fore.
I L I The tastes of men in this regard .
� Ask fair the oetagolm mar. x3s . seem o b
I t Ave undergone. a complete
I — . revolution, and instead of flutter -
An F-C-41tor-'s Stiff,alif.p - I Ing about the inexperienced girl,
� (Orluisby Independant.) I talking pretty qothlngs, they are I
matching their experiences, broad.
� You're always doing something, ening their horizon, sharpening their �
� This time Editor Reld, of the Went- witg In clever conversation with . i
, -worth Light, Ila& slipped a cog. some brilliant and beautiful woman. I
He went to Ottawa to shoot at the I
Dominion Rifle matches. . - --7--' 1
Being fau editors hig muscle .Was
not veri stiff, and so .he slipped a
piece of wire up hila coat sleeve , to
steady his arm.
Tin'We where he made a rniutake!! Our Watches
ID ho find taken a "horn of whiskey"
or a "thimbleful of brandy" itwilald � May be habded from father
have .-Alfrened Ills arni(just the same
and he wouldn't have been foand I toson-hdrlooms-theyare
out. I as ineadir petfect as possibler
But he wne a "local preacb:er" and yet not expentive, hun-
Tery religious, and couldn't touch
tile liquor, so liq used tile wire. or dreds are now in use bY
course the Bible don't say anything those who are particular
about mlipping a wire up the coat about a. -curate timr- Let
%;Ieeve, iso he tilbught it was no —
L harra. I VAS send you our cataloc!e
Tho walking boos came along and showing the many styles at
110tIC1119 tile "rigidity" of his arm, solid gold, fine gold filled,
gave it a tap, with h19 cane, to test $11ver and gun metal.
tile muscles.
And lo and behold! A sound came Watches in both ladlee and
forth like a tinkling cymbal! gentlemelessIzeso . - -
The arm wive stripped and by tile .
divildewit there lay a coil of wire, -1 .- I
long enough to build a telephone AMBROSE KENT00 S
line. 'p"Alce. L
The Jig was up ! Tlfe newapaper HAMOROURIAPi WgiAlk Air k1s.
J& , sareftsm"
profession was dishonored. thechurch YONGE S.
wa.,9 scandalized, and Dandas got It 1 156 ....... 5&mcffmotia S-WES
In tile fleck. 1001011TO.
And ,what wait the cause of all
thig'.11 The same old thing. A lu,tu
trying ,to get "EonfIethIng for noth-
Inw. to I That -Was 011terent. -
Levees Y-Zffise Hesod)DISinfeetamt Sftp R
Powder is a boon to auy hotra. It disin. iChleago Postj
focts and clean% at the samo ti=. 19 he. extravagant ?11 tiley askeLL
3P 1 -,.,Not at all," SIM replied.
44aut he Spends all lie makes", they
What Is a Lobster? urged.
Suit for daimages Is now peuding "True," abe adiall.ted, 114at lie
lathe Chicago courts, which le based FP&nds It on me."
*a, an unuimall plea -the defendant __
oalled tile plainliff I'm lobster." Ull. g .Nfillartra LEulutent relieves Neural -
der a receat law coneerning libel. f gh.
the person sned for in-Ittling horrid' ,
names tntu go, Ire(,% It Ito can prove 11
th(tt, the alleged "libel" Is true. I Her ( lover Rejeotton.
If that should eater Into thbi eas,j,! "WhAt 01 $011 E10 when that hor-
SOM'% light upoit tile Putel nature and � rl'I Mr. 37,axi%in prolmmed' to you Ill
habits of tile 9(*1bPn11 lobs' Zer hainallusi i "110 propowt-1 If.%, 1ptter. ,and I mut.
afight be thrown. If tit#*- 41pre;tdalli J! ply wtluriwl t1to praposqi after %yrit-
Aer038 tile fk%�O Ot tho allYptape: :
ivere to undertake to prove the 11 !nJJVJ I
truth of Ills aKsc*rtlons, how woul"'I 11 Pned by mInUkke., and then dZued
he go about at,., 1 my linafe'to It.* � (1, �
This opprobrIonst fplthet has bt,fool A ' L -
ertst about aulol?g 000PIP of all
grath'" 02, 041WMK�4 f;)r opvoval y4ortV4. il �Dr. Clso tason's Tonic
When it surtwu i761 Istaa-k too thoi right,
I'mr1loa. exeg'.0i'my ew".'s U�f% Fitnt-ei of Stomach andConStipation Bitters
ihtb ItItle, U,it WhAt, wxaolly. tire the �, Ma"Ielmal 00e0-MntPL0tftnr*u*'"11t
i,,43ln e1jaraetprigtitws t4 tt4k� 1,19bs. if' caftnollan, Ph ,,",r.,:,,.,,h, h.....4 06
ter.#2 � prowelotloft n tilsi Iwr,v,%'*Llor ajaimny
1*014, IWO r. loby4or :" ojinDaZ trini �, yo�lg-* WIlta most vagl-41(fictory ri,tulw,
the rosged Cnp�sl`s lf,ow tfitilitio of i, A Purely VeRetabtes Ta"Ic and Stood
D§tt.%, NM1010. 34 #10 %VattS behinal " Purifier. PtIC0 30 Cents ptr W,ittes.
tgle,K_10�Cg WItUl 1_411�tar a,Jg"1s_1,Pd, r@ad, ,
- IN V . 1-wifilloyan fail 014% IN* P10 M_
9to, lead tiae hinto of 1,841454r�rs brave 1, 11 t1oa 01,-ronr U0.14 dftJggZ*tLJ , fil T"i
, 4 1 ,t
impang that MAe geuttist"ati aill'or dloi�w oldriftot 05ta!"I If In your willthiaji.
CQ.44114a N 1rn*,!Pp1-lQQ" to tbe rat 19,�* "n avir"Pupt 401 Price �tslc tltr "t.
gillit 11 54,0. we WMR 00NA all# ou, ffliite bau
kl!td W, afatljraliml�m w�iIt4*1 rVrrtjr,,,.g 11 tr-,; t'lln-ago Imp'"J, !
l� Wrdm &A, 0safn bzol'tovs ftwn � U-44 E",?� I
,� i;�Irliie_L §-@*t rRVIP,rdh SOPUM16111.
ketb,jotk. �", '! THE, 6 . MSOX IMSDIGINE COMPANY
"TeH tup�, w&lxlt �14 a i1q'Nitim, � waii
MOP qnr,r.1y frgtl t"l, a romi tvh4 9raA �i
JUISP - ' --'L--- ___ ��__
� Qft)P,pJprJ8 ty -
'L�Jp #Jf1P2]W
��_JWP , I'l
� WdM a
tt$je rist#_e_.�ttRt't,Cr 1gAL3f'#s O*T If@ ,%�L�JL,3 . . Ill
r0i .�%D�4_ " n
flattft tvu�_Q* 0.4110 z1fillaval at 1?21 trie ,, G
1"SsAge-,%,d.%r� it "fuTrAlft'r eftrMIA
11 14%V0110. a 964_4R,V,V, bo &,--�,e lnuvsl I to'" XND ry-111.12-11ft"Llb MONXV
401pifti 914% I Ito"foo a kat! I ('!�-Jr ang. Ji 4641 ftf MMIAI &T!QJA&,W6 . -
,I. f'I"§',tJJM#Wft
r4il trAai N 4104-rit's ten ovotstyMy's w)7,1904� 9'4"V+,t"*f1.Ak��&*ft# telAillpt4loviIi,
WAV-��-JLI Ut 015LEP-. You kn�0*�" Ar.A ;� tY,%Uft!"�#J tc,' -,VIj;.% rJOY t1JftA,Y 6',A041L,
Ue '6ftiIUI111n,,,1tA up wfttu QKio g�(** of ` to rd,66t 'Wf*�t Muk
MOD Wl-�d tn�iis d0_,no-,np:5%2ur,_,fl 09nLt n�qst JOHN A PEE 101111STW
dvilt,zah P!f�*_,;P,qs Lit trwufg;� t, a 44do- 1i - —.---- _�
'II 4
.l I@ -,P. a C'JI&P tro-at ftleq " 10 HVIA809 11110-0*01111�&2*1 I
Iflam- "T'61,
to WU In Mtra atonuor feludw*& 91H 11 ii��*iw�t,w.�.,**.,t"**L"t,oiwxoat , 11 .
-tr,"e otl"Pt felluoxv CA!1114 DAM a 101bg- M��,,�, ig;4kiw trad'ato
I t-'4�-*,*N,rA�"vcga�t.i"il�y.18L�uliqu &11 �� ..
ter�*,1,&?' 4Wa�1*i"_x11I"6;1*1M.rt1 , " , I I
. !&"r#J r
SE* that"s a ouln's Alpa"t"4111*a. anx, I Zia-, .. ... 4 1 - r
I ftftrdal 41se*6,ArmWa&- I I
hovv Abazit Vv� vI;,oraan,'V.P lv.g[�IE4%1141?6vtvjli*-Clk-�iiii , '.It, .
.. E,!i6t kn��VB of a vian dT 'T -6n LMMI 11 *1'agrio, i'AmesiTilifi- ---' .. �- - ,I&*_4V6,& r
a 6litter ?'* Irm. bftNt Youn-4, woman J _______—,-. _ ,__
tvho WAS d91 -P4 the questilon, rw�deted -, . .... ... . ..... Ll'.�_��,�,.-,_,..�.�-,.,,.._,_,L,"_".�.�-� .... . .. I
A, di62110GIt. VuPllf 111all,11 fe]MY5�y: "A � - - __
b6te. Res; Mw;vys dpriv- .and, 8*,nV",d. v ' PEN AND MK
, I
. .kpqd thpte 'ton have me t*d ver- � ORAWINO
e.01vq. gat lmw eathe all thocFatiev'a- �, I t Fa1,fte,,s--vzAm1f6&V,Vi I
61to quatwoef to ho tot.4tuM upwl , - .-.. -.1", 16pi
.41.1, RUANrhv�4 -WiranAw.r afliIi
thAt laftocen'.. 611eemlplst. RtAtiet_ *11q,.,0VV4UNV ikyr,tNt. by w2f, oftidl,#AL
Wdek citeature. the erahleat o? J,711 -v. � r _�r I
vl ztn4sf. .f,E-oLtP;,?qV-xU.
*14diglat good felilowtblit U11 I�S-�_!! kftt I .6Cft,& by t"All *V�-irdergiiwil.
16f R the gad &F,A vigates I &, k191?'V J'r'4*_JLVV :, q1
----- - r sug bv-,t,§ otufiaivot
po=.W .1, i
At M� fit -A Ots 61 W-PIMb eir .wor -J,�5tt �, '.
.:I ta"
.1# J'ettr7 L_ _ " XT.Alkltf
. 0 ba, 4.0,.J, palt'j. t.,� ir L .'*�, 8
UT2 _ht & . Z, lnorav,e y*zXt9PAAk RoCkgAt *4:Kr
to flog *a,fosn-, aw.�#'t-a.*4, &J.'d va I flat'. t�dx4t.
V46-1 tbel XM,nft*. Tait�- tol -hot 'mp IKVai 3Ir141dX-_N-*bt!*.*0"*1ud,*. U-timtot.
V.M�r,t-F*rt�r lba-aEw I rd"I ItlottiI.4i"Ort,
-950 fttid 514-� 1 1 5,31AVetAlviat
11 I ,I � 141111704�4
-If,116 VVIVOW4, lhf*k d t"afflaft stfit-061,6F 111afamt4A
310&ste-Har .Ven took Olet, t6b . U.0011, tAx yoht- Ise'] oi-ttael �1
ft-- .... ... L'. - !
le* rasalowi Pl;&t,*s I S�m_,l yoj 11 - .
. - -
LAdy-Ves, v*-ts tateTav,gj�.
;,And vat yo,Ij dPt'odrA-?,.v
�1 ., � .''... . ___.—
q'YENTS 'WANTPO-WP, JrAg!fi yoq
1 tia*e� rifulp A COMP014tt, V`soto-
.M 1*1W,1vV difto"wtds, 10 ook*�ft; '*".halt
� peofl t s1r0*14; %-e pa�* daft bl, kAdhi*6'1t*&
wap.t� of theta 3% av,][ IT tvts'
.t �,Oa
. 904,191. 44ri't Oeleilvt f,M1,40yed-4ft iifdfl.tej�.
tof rhake wy dreugg gook Ast Mao:, like
It 93 possible:1
Oqlr�q�alalu,W-eaw,illa,'Ml�'ttet. A41diftt
Vlill"Aofl Dlat2obl Co., 405 t"Ititati, ,gft&eft#�o
-N. Y.
tO Cticl-, A 1COLD IS 10 -Vol DAV
' ' '
'S't-ANt.'I,l�-'4P,799A!r,kftllrriaT i"390ftfN
'VV whotaw-waro At Ie"t JSrt,**t[ do-11*Q
'1�6 I�X,61111"` 1111� All
Iraym -I...S.igv.l�0-1161-*-,-w-qvt.,;I
d tuft
Vvklekly; 40VIet'.110t�Dtit'l�ePZ4�-ttifAtito.*&rtLkiI
�97o-r ul.e. dollay.'o ill & dify; tj�'V drC1J*e,"dttJ&r
eelfeeffmg. Th,bVeatnrvChri,,1
2 5' ,
, M. ,
Toronto, Ont. "
orien1*1 Logic.
A' =�n bought thltPe P011ndS Of meat,
and brought U ho�us to Ilig wg,e to
X ilk# a kyxffi�,, ratexurabIftgr 1Fn6 *bit
or the V*ftll thilaig-q at, etimftoh -iq rtivaluA616
to,atutilen "zi[WrOrA. bbtft-h,*,;,Wx'Ql1,s;fg, iN
,Nyok Adt dfidu ,
-r� ahcl th-n wemit Ift
fe , _ft
stfirgrr A ,ret(_.; !�t_
t fffttto JL�j ftadr�Wa['fdi,
way floo big PI -tee Or bwlness fi� the
bataarz. The w6ev vra,y hungry
26C.5rdf*1.00; dlgerR8 Wkftt,*.d y"AntiNe
T *aafv &*a 3lfg-f,q.,:HnMUt0ft" jit.
aie the meat. I
L _ —
In the everf"DT tbe =&u came, Ilowe
Anit'. 46ked tot WS dinver.
1,760ke, I
Thee6'WITI Vw0old oft th r,f-�hLm�*b�-V,fti�UD
affl.,Uott on W6Aae9d#,k r dt'o'b#
�t "e 'I
Ise to me.'at 'y s�ajd, 11-'e w;fe"
tot the eat 4ts , it 11
fit, _*t 2
0�elot'k, Z %AEIRMAN Alam gLf,A*,gli*t,6 I
"Aftft th&cmtV1"s41d the tdau, -and
A, fjA1r,dtstA1W1'
ISUrlingtou Road; 8 7 acret§; bost;AAtLdjr
, taiLih,
ali-dtaaae,o at fftit; t*6 honw.&S Ath *fit�
`W therevat�" oAl tile, bx,ab�. the
bulldiii**; Wald 4it **hoU or 10 *_dw Idw
3-46 I)N�ttttLt.Atri�t,bT,ilauibL%IhLtii*
-eat weighed three pontdq.
okeidst t6fts,
"If this' " tbe"00 " SA14% tilef lWarn"
"*h&48, I& the me '
at � .J..,J ritr tbi, is
___ .
FOR ,0ALLr_-S,o%dr, -op THt *IN"it
u*ar beet, J&.4 1. B,,,, �06ant.
the xdt�mt, where Is -the cat v -Til d
Drawt&� lKaxpees Magazine for july.
*114 =4 eltattid I , d
I "' 10"-
lierLr a 14 h
Ity. Apply to r. Ay., (A.Ze""Al"t'"
, 6 " 1,
P - 10 -1, To prove ,w 7ft -tut fo.�
ChUb*&'Qfhtfttnt ft' , t,,Ll
W. mi 'It
I S,
r _ ' -
Mi.s., WfM6Jo**g 800thitiff S _11., lwiirA
gl*Aj's b,& _tr -611 V.",'ZQA -L �
40A for C ah T I
466th0a fhkobnd. it 2!0011&� =
. a-bil ab@i6tab cft*
awl avotl '"Ok
. _ 'JIM
colio- and If/ the be4t titmitir dt D1&&&b6g.
I I hv ,o. M I i 1. 5 i 1 7 1 1IMP � z � 11 I
The -V641(ty standara froin ,0,06iji, %
,6&&i. owiihonetbaek it ftots&uItfjMtd0
IX'40BF. & L&I'L&MR,
A.kefiftl m6hti"