HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-10-03, Page 3• it'of Wiehemx, .4„, „fr. drvy jt LOVE'S EXILE. 43. 41444•44.444•444444 "Well, and haven't I heard cer- tain people taikitra about the in- tereeting things that go on in the world, and 'anted that Ballater was a slow aud tiresome old place, where nothing ever happened worth mentioning?" She blushed and hung her head a moment, and then began ber de- fence In a very melt. voice. "I don't think I'vereally ever spoken so ungratefully as that about dear old Leillater. It's quite true shauld like to see a. little more of the big world outekle some day, but I think I could be content to hear what you care te tell me about it for a year or two tenger first. The fact 19, mr. utta.ie,„ nne went wee utterly surprised. I wee afraid tooking up at me with an altogether " of a hasty refusal, and now screwed Irreeistible sontle of affectioe and up in the pitch of daring I hurried on hesitation. sympathy, "I make up my Julietwithout further to leave the lii114, but I can't make "You know, Babiole, I am not asking up mwind o leave you." you to marry me now, or at y t Wiest an opening: I began to sill- I any future time. That must be for a liandeomer, more Joshing fellow ver uad quake, tend tu give eigne or ewe erwastakieate nerewitness that than 1. But I want you to under- Babioie evIdentle thought i was get stand that I am your guardiau up to Lug ta be taken vvith a fit of some the time when the dashing young fellow turns up; and till then we will eura Sito looked heipteesly around. and I gave a lunge loke aRamon:90Y be Jena as we have always been. You wise cenaeo too early to hie first ball. underetand, ehlld, this t there Is to ei-u. not ut, it,04.4414 hate solute be no binding 'tie Ou you at U. thing tet tray to nothing. new eecept the Understand - Upon title elle became) nearla eel fug that tun answerable to your mach 41101400a! as Is and the rea', father for your mirky and happl- telt hereentative faee„ me elle tatt 1/esai. 1NOW, are you willing to have mutely down ait elle tree trunk twain me?" to Omar me. t. ried to put the queetion as a I don't want you go away - Joke, but 1 wive llamas moved. "3-to- either-Bablale," I ;jerked out slowly She put her hand Into mine with - and think Zi•PA can afford to wait 1 were full of team before I had ended. "We can't complain or your father for thinking so mucle of you. And there is a very simple way of satis- fying him, if you really do care to stay any longer at the old cottage. Remember, your father could easily persuade your mother to go away with hive If he were bent on baying you; and then the old life for her would begin again." The girl rose to her feet in great excitement. "What is the simple way ?" "'You can become engaged to me." I had not prepared her in the least, after all. She did not start or speak, but I could see by her face that she erataattita ...awl art, very yoning. out at [wet answering, but her era before steing the wOrla-if you are •• 1 will flu whatever yell what. now :jot tered ot toil& mid thi, people and always, Mr. Mande," she sold rot In It. Everyberly E re akes you, I may ...wiretly, rat bottle. that at onet$ eto eey tovei, ewe ; awl. at any rate. if began to realize the peril to onyeelf of the Pfe le not vera Peening. 11 lutia nit "Oat had done. a areal eeeereaele greet care& Bet eaur ,fatheta Who e 1'01 me tor d a.v Ih° II (I. I r tot o rhea atet know Pai ere wee' as you Iu altio lity Oritis, and tell her what a releetant ar leave net, here mull. ji poor chimer) it was' that she Winild ut eume here efee-of gueratel aver lend anemia the fair-re:tufted tee foe your reefety." Babette looked jj teline of men elave go doelle rot Up est me front Claw to tune tin howa1- . would be for kora the right to eller. leerag eeteete awe .$1 entne111105 new loer, aurl aveful. 1 wielt I had. now. eater et3 p eat tee n ttuaitue.T.,1 Thrn. 110WPri.r• 1 Oltb'sl.i."Tha 1.`ci wiener. riglot." In a sArattgled solee; and we aat.1 take neuet eat... a .„.t ;4, 13 /111 to go down the mot tolottip.r. tsiels„ what th 9e- grow to b allon'a le lest 1 gdfiseovered that this expel - rietaaut, :sots letarw. 11.9w oid aro t • . s. • , am. welica wax to im it . eeen tet swats 4fl19 and Mullet! a thing. had alreitelle M genii setteee Jalev" ;tie he tlItl ettengI to Ere tour:led, tu.te. "It htitel4flullne" ilati5)5° await 3,03 set, In a tow .1,ears 7002 tiaarinaea E.-tune's:legate the little- mtturnauzi tonions 101,‘"' hie her haute to help her tiown. _ _ „ _ tetariothe sat freele- and sample- ao, she Itad often •tun'r. done before; boil 11 !seemed Le nor now hitt it Was the hatual of A fair ril1s":01 14,04 tr,avinc4 eaButor. Wontati. instead of the betel reno.,..cuon, tatat leas twee. el a child. it was!om eioange iu nifitrinnam eh, tatattaa ae a the girl herself. and tiot tn me. 1 wateat, a emetei11 vete ag kastifity Telt sere, for 1 hail be'ett Tully cen- t/ate literar welien one le ateenstollievi eeiens oT tive coWN tw,c, an4 mytyritly CtDrAlkfler nilettele bat it wile ItYlttlg4tIgA ever eihee. tint My retell% Is:avid at the tiltere lad that alP Trent Norwae. I had foetal tier Patented to Me se tatietly. I tiltoagtot still -With tie? sweet Cower -fame, it veesual hate leelpeel Me Mate g Wie bet With tite torm awl pies owed had ehied at ttee. tribe:Act. 8,1 toMIPAL .! manatee (4 a betide% woman, 1 tOn- ittne Little ehoW of emotion of one eidered ties itittelomee eoas we Vied er another Wonlet have *totted Cfrossetil the vvii 1 bare slope beneath tee oe to make a betthe er bueineee or tfiretreee, and as we fouttd out eae atellet Vette. than t %vat delege evav tette gh the rowing,- tette Oder eyes. breezed of being raised 11 nee., (or the INItk-It1atIC4IP1, with the (tom enno to time Intieerhigey to mine. ells et water phinong before us in the erete hoW fixed out the last taint I ,rietanee, aril the best gathering 000 01ms3htt1 ‘e'lloltd the Wile; about us es we went tl wn There but he said teething. and I Nael ter l. eras ta, tenth of attuteto about her .. fee 00.: il wanner wherein; 1 vouiri take eour- - He le Szli Itvnf iin Et. ha feet,: • age, bat a vere- pteita geaarty flu he &eye That. Young as you are- , et-Idelt seethed tli akniote that eve. he WM only let Yee eelliabi hate t earit a or tiring as a temporary lopiger on one condition." ! attel make-believe engagement to Sheookeel na etatektee with a i niarra demanded that one shozold pat ciatonge of eeibreegell which I teak 3 away e1ard3sle thinge and talk:Liao:et , IC 2 A* •!..tat or Vague appreiterislon. lite affairs of the nation. ' What condition e" __, 1 We both eneoyeti that walk ;reek "leoa Must be elogilgeki-3,,Mainte":' to toile:an 1,ery litroeh ; she beetle -Re ta: soilleorle fie aelleeves oa beim* ne CII tiltr• delicious new eense of imeott- j leaves son." , aneo whieit sett eet-tele' retlerstande ; ery and appropriation of. wane wble- key in his whe's cepboare. told him teat his daughter bad- eon - seeded to become engaged to me, and assured him thMt 1 Would do my .beet to make her happy. greee a little 'ntaialtin over the hardelop 01 parting wiefir an Only daugater, vela/eh, though rattier far-fel:Oiled, WaS to ,be expected; but he wag gen- ninety glad that she wag Well • pro- vided for, and 'took care to point out to me with some shrewaness that his pride in las daughter Was Pet: - featly disinterested, as lie had been. so iang it waif end stray upon trio world that the world was consider- ed by his relations as bond to Hap - port aim, even if he had eat been, as he was, too proud to accept front any man more thee a moutit when lee was footsore, or a. drink When he was thirety. I began -to feel quite starry free the poor beggar, and the feeling was in- creased later, in spite of his causing me to pass a neest uncomfortable evening. They all came In to see me after dinner. Mr. Blamer 'watched Babiole about with great pride, tried her voice at -the piano, on which he performed with some taste, and de- clared that it was good enough for valid opera. On the other band he inieeed no opportunity of snubbing his wife with ferocity, begged her not to Skip, and advised her to leave her Juvenile ways to lier daughter. Poor Babiole spent the erealna in torture. At each word of extravagant praise to herself she blushed 'uncomfortably; at every unkind speech to ber mother the tears came to her eyes. In the climax or her misery I bore a most unwilling satire. I was bidding them all good -night. on the door -step, and was sheeting hands with Balaole, when Mr. Mi- nter, who had several times during tlie evening disconcerted ue both by tactlese reference to the supposed ex- cited state or our feelings, said joeu- HE WAS PARLYZED Unable to Walk or RalSo1-11 Hands to His Head, A More Unfortunate ('ase Could Scarcely be Intamlaied rhea a Husband and rather la this Wretched condBloo- Oshawa, Ont., Sept. 25.-ISPeelal). -The experience or "Air. Joseph. Brown. an employee of the Ofiliawa Malleable Iron Work& should be lesson 1.0 every sit* person. Some five yeare ago. Mr. BrOwn, who ie hard working', bitheitriOus, and miter man. began to feel a stiff - twee and literPotess In the calves of hie lege. Tide; gradually litereamed till he had logl. all power In hie limbs and artuti. ile Nutlet not have raised, his arms to Itie head to save life and for over roar moutite he eould not stand or walk alone a eingle 8100. All the olneoors tr09atest hint and gave Win up., 'rhea he eonsitited Dowttionvilte latetor wlito toil lain lie COnlil 110 twilit:10 for lean and adverted Mut 10 go to the hospital In TOron- to, where they Itioget be able 10 help him a little. To the liOnallal he sTelit artiou- ary. 1498. and remained tinder treat-. meat for ever roue wen& Twelve eletetors ttild total he eOnld het re- ettver and tloott nothing euelleli be dune for loan. tto Wag getting worse evvey day and %violin returned to lot* home in Oshawa ante Me te baby nimble tO move, nag rathipe-InAivx. Mr. Juan .thun. had !ware Olt Dial"41 hellutey Pillet ringgesleil that Mr elown lrylitteel Ile IIIJ auori tetyce "I used eittreeteer tweeee of Darate hIldeey Pelle al by op,et; tire./ of 1 vale able to Feat't1 41,11)rI4 htr.4,31h11 to t DPP glItIA ELAC3 tileVPIP 1111.10t11 ark, or ref work a iiee Nitre. Oun state 1 owe my ILTe. eerie -It arid tetteutath to that great learaas Rainey eye. In the meantime, Babiole was wild, eity aud unapproachable by 0/11ier her father or me. Tide state of affaire beieg untenable, and his wlre'nex'si: ;Walt irnealet I.f.r°Ellsmi°eur °fin wide - key to Goitres of' the afternoon took a dis- pirited farewell or us, armed with a note to the station -wester at Aberdeen, vviiich I explained would obtain him a free railway -pass to London. Ile thanked me for my cour- tesy, but was by no means disarmed by it. In the midst of a sentimental leave-taking, he suddenly flashed up into ferocity as I reminded him that his wife and daughter were well and eafe with each other, whleh must be some comfort in the prolonged ab - wince frem them which the claims of art forced upon him. face eWell and safe 3" he repeated, his resuming the brutal, lowering look which had, under the amenities of social intercourse, sunk into a placid animal contentment. "Yes. I should hope so. For I can tell you it vrould be a bad time for those who had anything to tlo with it when my- little glrl was anything else but well and safe." The man was in earnest -genuine brutal earliest. Without again of- feritig nee las hand, and with merele- a nod by the way of last ealatation, he left me in the study, where we Itad been holding this last inter- view, with impulsive e.bruptness. I sal down and looked at the fire, glad the man was gone, and think- ing no more of him, but or his fair little daughter, and of the best means of effaciag the uncomfort- able Impression made by thls violent and unwelcome irruption into our old barmouious intereourse. 1 had been ocCupled thus about ten minutes, disturbed by no sound but the dashing or the rain or a sharp April shower against the win- dows, when the hall door was tough- ed open again, and the hoarse gruff voice I had hoped to hear no more broke upon my unwilling ears again. "Come, no zionseuee, aren't you ears., Main your own father 1" I heard Mr. Earlier say angrily, to the ac- eomptintment. of plaintive pleadings and proeeete from babiole, witont, the next neomeat, lie dragged In before Me. He had not waitea for her 1.0 put on her hat, but had IlinoWn over her head her motheree mackintOsh, whieti he now putted off, leaving her pretty brown hair tumbling In 'De- twiler attain lier eyee. alie was pit:L- indy fiby and unhappe. poor child, and elio shrunk batik with Criti16011 Lteelt,/,- as her -father Orew her arm fireoly throng% ids, and brought iter tease tv lo me as I ettael, in great auger dnd pertitrhat ant, Oa tile iteartiortige "Ma Mande," Ito salsa "eon will et- (1tI0 11 Ile tont been tualeage itp that open - Mg; ao Ile Paine along I felt sittre. , from the pompone Klett whit which produced It. Ile raked Ids hand as 1 wale bundling" into ne angry prot tat, anel voatintorel- i elaitt have oblaintel riatightetae staisPat and itte kerne-tett herootting arliameel hotteetal too, Wale a studied ;Maltese, broaalik nut 1, with peilialdie oleo %Mt. „ taitilereditieling' I leave LOT Mel her motater title loarailloor: meal with vottfulenere anti I eado won yon eweare-- Belt here Liablik, broke away from 1 ;JIM and retreating tatielay to tate Other nide of alio WON oat torrearla I „ l':‘,4) !emelt paternal arnt. .110 t°11'1•11 Wee. 11.1101 tlit,••1;.1 WWI lactionte bite eees. "Para. eiel are lesellting Mr. Matelle„ and 1 l'.1114 e Ile eal heel/ the beet frlend %1V0 eater lottea Melee:1y knows Loa- genell lle„ ;tote new for orea. yen uttae!..1 OA thecae trinlereter Mon an- -Mete aet hes beeto to ere -to VIM 01 LI: yvINI alas- trasittl lam. as 11 tee toneetreetee Iletteetelt. 01 Is too tetra' Wel ll,an'L bear it! Mar eatt ese stay tier - after How. we do aday hem. elate we Beek Nue tbie ta.:?e? Ile es tee hest Iltlittlb11 MA the World. and the leintleet null The etleserAst. and te,u1, etit uneelat eave itt•Itt.•:.012 MILI. and tura bit'Qu",,411.! 1150 CIQUILUP teere tee:" Acid tee ewer eleeil ere uievil 6,04tip tern the eearest eiteele, atel trona -et awily her bead to Mee het leateng tear& Her lather astelied to Vale ontinerst With memos ed pomp:am Ftiviallity: but &es' she sank down, ite Cooked Item her to Ine wilt a leered aud eat:stied gintiee, as mesa; ate to say, "Po you erbeterve my ellaugheetea etriaisae sett- sIbillty 1 This ig one ot the resoGts or a patent tioso.ion Ar,.. -Mr. Minter t:eet 'hie walk aown tea *Wee wielo eoace entail 1 initrially, Tate rameinoted awl tietveless at the elgat or the perr'et eistress. **aura,- ly, we ran arrange eeeryeinoug to 30eit isatistaeCcat by oarseivese' 'There 1 etifiet from aald her doggeellea etridiing raeranta de- teemitael to earvy tiiiarottatir to the earl leie owe] mare dialer -retie Van 01 eettiement. .1 ain a ratter. lie - Manama aril a ratber's sense 0: his duly to hie ceild must be respeeted ,lefilaittulfjzt.c.ansensible that eon nave to far skrovera ;allure:oar quite tee Brelnale, eo to speak. e Meal up 31 Oita, 'And thetefote loave permittee th!* ollittgetivett. But I mast bale it plaia that I /told yoa reepansible for ma giere eanteraiees. and talt 11 anything go..s wrong With it yin -o, 311a elaede-atioo will to answer for ft to nee" (Tor he Contonntea.) tarty that teat war; 11111 the a in V‘L'Illelli swei tluearts ported ween he teas yonotg. 11:e:tee to er. Isfy hilla, hat artallil to oltter..,,l or ftightett Igabiele, 1 latigleel awkerarcil:.- and hest ;att ;2, while 1 tit ;venlig gel blushed. atel triet.1 l'i r the fitst tithe ilaY WA:a IraW !tee hat', 1 from wine, -'121intet be afeectiee, Bab,- seal 5: al 1 rettote to ogler . 1 ivelltid leive let her gr, ire, et rthe :grater wools e5..9 :4!:1;%Pred, nee P111 IV het-- fere. Witit a sob of sreneJ- live tettot ter mine. 1 stooped aqui lit;Leed her. anal 11 sli. sartarih froaa the" ton -ti of me trembling Net. or file rentact ni tily ledeozte faee wel . her fait cheek, at least elle felt noz„... it of the leitaing bit I ernese wire- J 0 warned to town mv vett- apart 1-1 'tail, and the earege, of *nu arangzy ' lees ttito a stele. lett lite teitIPM- - / brenee of aloe last hale glee I load klaseel. of tee innate' 1 bade-Teter:ea which Iliad It 112 11144 cola tot onv levee,- Boeb-oe tleVal Papa log gave her ; leeince.e there Wee Sliest krtow tiett that Is !Mitt:dons. 1 t ow a utak ivewevel. rtail totween ant oa, a Pee'. ° tts, arid breause I was already deep ease aboat. Pies:dee. old PE141,11gii., lianzz,4;A Id. the ifolto to fee that Mamma sea-% ataa with bet 11 I; thete Wag but a maimed prior lake." ture lut tinv plaee vvicem Fete wls out of my eight. It was dark when tire ' got into thp drove and Mr. and Mts. HELP FOR MOTHERS. so ' i a What Yoe Need When lettto 'Disco are CroStry, rrettal ate Steeple**. if a °hied is cross, fretful and 5leeps 'bailey the mother may fee/ , abeolutely certain that some de- ra.ngetrient of tea- stoms.clo or bow - 019 Is the, cause. Ani she can be just ae certain that Bebeee (71,Vra Tablets,' will pet her little one right. These Tablete cure all the minor ailments of tittle ones. sueli as indigestiote e.rnstipation. simple revere, di- agrimea, worries aloe teething troia i 1 Liles. They are gaara.eteed to -con- tain no opiate, and eau be given write absolute safety to the young- est and moat reeten child. Every , 'Mother Who has used theta speaks' 01 these tablets' in the warmest blame Nita E. Bancroft, Deetwool, Man- gays: "I have used Babyle Own Tablete for stomach and bowel troubles, for temple revers and teething, and I think them the best medicine in the worea. They alwayg strengtben eldalren matemi of weak- ening them, as enoet other medicines clOe' You Call get Baby's Owtt Tablets at any drug etore, or by Mail post paid at 13-5 otents a .box by writing 'Area to the, Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.. Broekviae, Ont.. or Schatiectady, kt, T. r.ihner 'Were botin aleant, peeting leto basitere and eall1ng their yogi et lo a futile was'. rather to 4 eta t fel no the titre. when their tete-a- tete pane I. than bet -erica they teally expeeted to find Iier vendee a thereto - d' or a lanret. "I told you she was all tiabt." said the lady. sharply, as we crime rip. "Aha I Where ba VP eon been e" asked her lattratatal. With tioliderons rognety. "On etargendarroeir. papa." a n ewer - nal Babiole. simpar. letting bet atm temairr in mine, title b$iner, Lite sttaightfortvaril Way 1 had chos-en of makirte- knowri the resell of oat meeting. efre Pelmet was eager ttr break up the patty. and.inaisted that Babiole's boota eiust be wet. and that she ought to borne and ehange them Bat the artist lead something to say 11st. • "She -Won't eateli cold. She's been too yrell employed. haven't ..,von. Plater he asked, seizing her by the arm. with a litegit that set her levelling. haetetied to put a stop to this inquiet lon. "She win tee ;von all about it pre- sently. I think tate had better go vrith, her mother now, %thee Ispeel to yon, Mr. Elliter." He let bet g o. being bit high Veal humor, consequent upon the discov- , teen, rushed into tuy twain atte gave ; added venom to tate second and more) ;severe roisfortnae. Site threw away ; Trona me -witit a new tintelitv„ imal . ran Alowit steps atter het wether. vvio le Mr. lialener !oast cigar wit% me la tile 1. garden, I p ' 1 ' to condole %cite lent. in live tlistnebed state of tiemee r. aelf feeling was in was teade enough to do. Pett when he pitiluiyi tiflated the lite her aele-tempereei. wife. lia,1 him, tia the coldness ' with e Tech she had always repelled ij instead of encourage -I biog. on thee inartet-late sire with wheels. she Ittel ttlIS OltPtle- attflilpt te reform, , , f felt thet I was. ready wititY : the most worthless men riving: against the most worthy aroulalle and' listeited :sympatheticalty : and whele 4 1 he pointrei to the elootifutey subduear . reett which Shone in his daugatetes teeet, In art:towel' to -rite gaze or Itisl owro affeation, 1 asiened in slime. to his cynical eoiklusion : "Women. they make y-oti Pay ha the: rose eallee 'wee. sir. If they're 'not , honest. they take it out of your I pocket ; if they're honest, tbey take ; it out or yourheart. But rob you, one i way tie another, they allalit tu tile/ end.' Arta he went leer to the cottage in / meek anti maudlin meneet, which' Mode Ids subseenent cantinct It Most bewildering stirptiste. For ofi the fol- lowing morning efrs. 1:11atter was not to be seen nroi, on her next appear - attire In nu ale start evenitrae rater, it wee evident feet her husband bad Mede a 'forcible appeal to her iriethOrY of tds1 tittlea by giving her a bleak 0000000000000000000000000000009000000000900000**0 8 • IF go CANAADAND THE SOUTH AFRICAN TRADE, ra §00000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000 Department of Agrionettere, Ot- tawa, Sept. 2e. -The pacifieation of South Afeicte, and the establishment Of a. direct line or steamer, have naturally paused the Canadian manuracturers and shippers to ex- amine the oonditious which true. - round the new field of trade and commerce. The Conadian Depart - Ment of Agriculture has received many inquiries as to What %oath Africa requires and hovv it may best acquire 11: In the first place; South Africa, reauires everything that Canada has to offer; and It requires it in two grades -the best that can be supplied in open competition at market price; anel the beet that can be supplied irrespective of price. Naturally, tite first must receive primary consideration, especially when the fact is recalled that in the very year that war was proclaim- ed the South African market turn- over to the United States of Amer- ica wee $18;000,000. This was not the result of spasmodic effort, but the outcome of direct personal commercial representation for a series or years on the spot. To quote Mr. • W. W. Moore, of the Dominion Department of Agricul- ture, who was sent by the Bon. Sydney Fisher to ascertain all the details of South African trade re- lations and practices, "the magni- tude and value of the South African market has been recognized by the business houses of the United States for years past, ani by persietent being so pleased with. tio9 qualitY. abet they deepatehed repeat order' in Mr. Mooreat preseeee, here i$ _. staple commodity for which ar etablO demand exists. Tilley require a hard awing wheat flour, and Canadian Produots, Will get the pr der emus Natal conseumes $100,360 woreh over those of other countries. , e Imported cheese, Canadian oheddaret meeting a ready eale. Mae 70-paund 'clieefee wilt do for Durban town trade, but the country trade can ouly be eanunanded vrh.en ea.ch chew° doea not exceed. 20 pounda in weight. woeili of Witter per annum. The 5%- llhe same colony requires $495,71-0 pound box will do for the local tradet se Durban, but the interior trade will only toucit tinned butter pap up is one, two, or five -pound tins respect- ively. There is an import duty or a cente per pound ou both.' cbeese and butter. -On bacon and hamst the import duty: is a cents per pound, and $145,510 worth are required annually. awl- erto Canadian meats bave been pure eilrene eb ecedin to the Colony.Liv rriool 0.3101 t Moore was informed by several gro- cers that , Canadian Bacon Was Xfie Beet on the Durbao market, a,nd it le pre- ferred over all other kinds. Cape Colony, of which Cape Town, East London, and Port Elizabeth ara the distributing centres, the latter for the Orange River Colony, the: Transvaal, and the northern part oe efforts a'utl good business tactics Cape Colon,y, requires at least 04,- they d, y thraavee.t,liere built up, a substan- 185,070 vvorta of wheat a year, the duty on wheat being 50 centre per Business Ca.nuot be Done hundredwelglit, the extra. Impost be- at aouth Afrere by proxy any more be- ing to encourage wheat milling in than it can in India. Cataeoguest, t$131e68C6o9lciony, ifor they only require soliciting bueinese without a per- ao.rthtwoerivfleou:12.01ilmtpoharted Ins circulars. paindeea bplIleeeteis • l - the .courswe solute cauras5 Ana fair-sized earu- CI d On c mese an butterrt the rape plea are userese ab mustard wAlnut duty la six cents per pound. Olathe meat. To do anetieng there a arm former the Colony requires $353.e. must know the teneattotie of trade 200 n-orth a. year, and or the latter and the :acid manner of oanduetna 8318.855 per annuan. While our 70 business; and :oeal tradere mart pound cheeses may be suitable for know the $1.Afl.uiu. ansi hue.ness Cape Town all other places demand methods or any firm before they will I email cheeses, not in any ease ex - do bueinees with totem. Onee get in ceeding 20 pounds each. Box buttert the thin edge of the wedge and the 1 may eell in Cape Town. bat no - entre factory may reelow ; but get- where else. the demand being" for Vim; the start in 6 !ADP difficulty. one, two, and five pound thee. The tatted ateten. New Zealand 1 Itt bacon and haute the wants are and aaistotiza are all doing well In elmilar to those hi Natal. eOutli %atm tit n s hy 911auld Can- A rew of the many other food pro. :ado. he teds surre,krol? Now 1110 tide ducts required *which Canada earl 15 at tite rood; it only remains for supply are pea:sloe& driest and, dated her commereekl matt to aet well (ruit& canned rueatg, frozen and their part. and --tenth Arramn pat- chilled meats, rolled ):.t.ts,, condensed ;rootage will not rail to appreciate -milk, split penii and bean& tinned 1 the bold and patmotio part the vegetable& British Colinubia tinned sons or Catia•la have taken in the salmon, and junta, and In Industrial war to uphold Cie rktlit in the products all kinds of manufactured rTratissaal 0.n.1 •ti peace to supple' artielee. the rioineetie wante of her populace• So 32111,41 for the art Se lea that noust tat Dors South Melee. Require encounter comprtitivit priteg, la the that tratia.lt can surip'y by atm Wait "ptieea rather than "quitlitro newy.organ .t41 &wet steant-ilalp litt9 rated In Stuth Africabut this Lue? :nusinly applied to tho up-coitottrZ Tee ro:ony se Natzsi. or which liar- • tradre treatise its 11111 towns th.te welie ton is tho ehlet Cita and port. re -Ito -do class want and meet heats mikes annually $1,123.1:13 worth or, good, artiele, prics being a secondary Boar, wheel is at-aut ted free -01 duty; 'consideration, But th% Nitare: of and as the trs, t0.110. etenth Afreaa trade will, no tipubt. team flour was lauded le•toino INA inkintlarnaat ao the inter - Mr areetireal %te,P, and prettied sails. tor beeaniel more tear Lee Settled and Legere fin oveiey reeve°, tele donators Ile. Inhabitants more progperaue. e aitefealletele+11044.44494.4i 44+44444 rj whale nal le eonolatnee felted f!Olte s• meg en tie" wart:lee 123 tIer qt4a MOO • etolle. neat' wiierro these anti - • mat eroises. ita Et aft. ottea !Send (100D AND TRUE FISH STORY z *44+44 44,4 ++++4414.4-14 4,4 Mv.90.6 11111a $11/40,1)dd 19 treat Vied, -..."tenee rattle a Neve Biel:Tore creel- !! now ti14-.-.1taii4 tru re.tiGer9-0 Geo tease tram true seterta •wira199,bto "Beet, tee tee.tee was oho, of tee meat eteetemuree Q., -at -a44 -a1 loi May tteeen. It eas test tee,. tuinety bargees! il vedelit gave 1-vlit1lu0.n 1tiq extr.t,.• t0.1tr„ for ehlit was stela for arnallehm like Satiate bat wittiiito the everialrea tagt treeetent theft Was teemed to solid pateo of' attettergtie wragleing tera ponteria Tire; was the latgest • single piece or ;outtibergrie ever round, aua cording to the rotuls, and that la cattle front tone loae whale made the thla discovery the more Dater- , esting It, the stanitiere wooed_ Thee 'Mil paintrat piece of ambergiele ISOM lieletatike et all merket OI thf% Telt Zee-reit:la gterlinge :Arai : it laid •tae toitudatiou td vv-ealtio for .ttalost craw•.' VICla taiteirested isa the witolina ettp•ediletrwiteelo otigeoateri In -114.15.VT Zr011anti. t- Capt. teltrf9 eame re ia E8:7. on the wealug sleet letropa as a enbin r troy, ide atteer teea being the that mate. Ife 'elate went ai ent ter 'ew Zee- • latel to aria tea whaler Spierariel. • 5,iti.-0 Iv, fitted was, obtateleig titere- be a henntle of eltreCee lees- XevtZealauub feevetenneat for the iies wha1r Pitted oe1 Totr se-rvice. II- went oz e se...seell Mate and rose ea locomotion eveta bareonne master oad nart wItcner. IT WAS;in Or.tober. reef!, flee/ ltu, leilil, weile .eruise lug allure tee tee-ites-n rdards east 01" F*3:11' epee the sperm v hiole Whielt W4114 044:ges1 berm/it:a of the 'wee on rteitr.i. Newer barrel's of eV -sere frem it .ina s1-1,010 delltee. •01...51, I.! • ‘T.A.'etis) Intge piece of ftnf.c rk4,r1s. was Atalber74-rr„s 1s a toecreVott farmed - only in the :walla:tee of tire epetai it- a VI imbeillied the horny ateake .of the: slirds08 whada the eihalle reciq.. It W09 •fornaenty musel ta Medicine. hue i!fis now distelittel let aleelsol atel, tteed leas a base 1_") petlittatee. rentleritt* t. theta Mut* restore'. It taCtroalg elbaut hei pee ceetof a weettliete rattle' stud t;eteeetalletet staistatre vaned tiait- brirelivel' voyage or the eye -eel -11 In thtet Seasoa was a fortitteate one In every ! irespvt. Tor see eatne Into tettret011i ; poet. New atatared. walla the btVeda of atriaberates worth 1te WO:ghlt goat. atd Leda aartetele of tepeettn OIL aWben We arretted In pert,' said ljCapt. Eatle yesterday, tele. graphed to the agent 14 tae ifitteaset: Whaleng Uoeipany to tome up. led came, the ainbergels Was tektie !Osizeite. tela.eled Eatv a tate WWII Wei teektte and the key slowed away 1.8 the agent'S pocket. curd lie stooci. guastel theta, toe. until tlie &Inn` wsts1 reafely plated_ Tao rrst year that 1 had brought tele arnbergree itatd " pert, tv-e got len a emend Ter at poinels. bolt when ties big eeetelt 'came in tie, news so astoaisbed @lee ;: erybritly that cablegrame wete gerlitf all °Vet- the world. atel the resell was that the pr:ee dropped. Sere* weat to torelon. bat as foe thy own Shard 1 time, It in bulk ate tette . reed it benne wtth ere I traseet In inurty to self 11. bat thought by wait" ,; 'leg the reatket foe wet:141 riee. t 9 get $18 an :ozar,ce for tee grae- Odd ▪ $ .0r the whee tn ;.eindors. tt lead only arougat ate.' arel $t. The oast or my Share was sold 1.70 11S91. t rewaranee witra tees compares' untli when 13 went home. I hale" taken more than a thotreatti *petal : tvbatee-canoe theu And tattere never found In ani- or taem a piece oe 3 anebetgres.-Pari(' Contmeneel dele vertiser. Tel win an argament cleeser Ittee. eessarily prove that yee are tilt& Six Months He id VIM of tiervbta CbiltiloSe-- Weak, 1.461113•11468141 by be. 'Ohates fletv:a -rbibd 'That Die tqtages Nerte Food pos- Wessex unusual control o! -et' the nerves and tekindlee terrous energy when all other means fall, is well illustrated in the erse-e described be- low. Mr. Brown was forced to give up his ministerial Work. end eves eer far exitameted that for a time he ware positively IIPTpless. Doctors wet*, consulted, awl many remedies: Were regerted to. In vaia. Every effort to braid hp the eastern seem- ed vain. Mai It la little es onder thas the atifferet was losieg hope al recovery, When he began to uge De. Chas -tett Netve Food. Rea. Browa, MethOdiet aniniStet I 01 Oreemee. ate] late ot Bethany. Ont., writes: -A year ago Istet Notember I was overtaken with tier - 'roue exhaustion. For six mentbe I did no work, and during that time 1 had to be waited on, not beingabie to bele myself. Nervons collapse I was complete. and though I was in the physiciatee hands for months, I did not seent to Improve. At any k little exertion my strength Would teriere rae, And 1 would 'tremble with I nerecasness. 1 "From the -first I need a greet I many nerve remedies, bat they neem - 1 ed to bate Tro effect in my -cage. ; had Mame loat hope Of ree0i-ery ork -An Extraordinary Cute ' when I heard 01 ler. Chat:gee Nerve Food, And began to urte it. As eke system became stronger I began tie do a little w-ork. and have gradualty increated In nerve force and *lett until noyr I am about in my normal condition again. I consider De f Chase's Nerve Food the best illedI-• 4 rine r over need. Not only bas tit I proven lig woralerhil restoratiase powers In my own cast, but ale° its several others where I have reeteat- mended It." 1. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. 53 teat* , dealer*. Or Etionanaon. Bates & ea* 1 a box.bemire . sex beme for $250. . At AU Temente.