HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-10-03, Page 2I � I I I I V, I . � . I . � . . . . I f I I . � I � 1. 1. I I I.. ... ­ .I I... I . I I - —_ __ , . ., I I I ­­11--_­­� 11 . 1. I I I I . . I . __ . I q�,, . ! , I " I � I . I I I I I 11 , I � � q1ty,, but it seems t be . r 11 K, . I � � t lose who 11Te ,.� , . . -1 . ..: ". 'ti , 1-t1lier than,, in ATTA I .',� - I ,n,4, . es of International or- ' 1 ' " " ""�` ill t' 'ill CKED By S. tiL � t�4:�; . I ))Per'. , I�l 411 vlxdonvo� app�r- ril * 'rac", .."i ?.,,iol,,�� �,,cl.�t,i,,-111 I . ellmy to evusli out the 1, I . - t ­ I ' " . I I I .1 . Q %t,� r,!,(,,�L'. ,es not realize the , , ,;., . . L110 OF HIS, MON011 , D YIN - vle�leil,'e � OIX& dl.", I I,, -� I ,,, . �I . I . .1� I . kirgailiza,ticlos a 1i"01At1i'Q,x!, I ,,, i - ,! I a . �� � ,BE it MAU, , , , � , .8 rmc�h or one koufi STRIKE 6 , vt ,C '3 . ­, . �, ­ I I -­-­­"� �, thom, to Identify tbomselverit vr1th I . . 1. � � 1. . . " � of tht4 V,alikvda of , oukel . I . . . . I � , �. , 11 1'. :; �, . � . b- I :�,� . the International orgallIzations. , the� Atlantic to 11 .i . illo I tile � P lkni;ii lie has been at, Buffalo Zo'o Keeper Terribly I I John "Brown Relates How , He Mail), of tile a(ly0eiltes of ; - , le;�.Jkt as fai, ir Nor lian'to oontend that the 'Clause of l., . .� I 0 , es�t as'Wtunipeg. 14110 collatitutioll exclailIlIg the I IN MU RK' ROUS VOTING* ,bw64l'coln,tee�x'att�l�('e�,�laeeartliodnela of.tbe Immense Mangled by it, � I , Lost ,a' Roll of Bills " ,. . . I � I I , bodles. from the congress also ap- . ' .1 I � T . � *beat fields until lie actuall,y sees I � I . I . : � I I,__ pliell to the 4ocal Trados and Labor I � . . � ; - . them, as some of tlie farms. cover :1 . (101111alls, it this contention be up- � . z , I I - I � hundreds of acres. FA-rining land is I I I bola 'by tile co,ullells it will ill al- I . . . . I � more saleable now than eTer before, RESCOED BY ANOTHER, K,EEPER. I : . � WHILE IN A BARBER'S CHAIR. wost'oyory olty and toir,n result In I . ftlld et)10 ptrices are going tip. The l3urfalo, Sept. ,"19. -Reno, the big- L ' � I ,tile exilluslaa of Organizations � qro� thle'year iq one of the best and gest of the elk at the Park Zoo,- . I . Toronto, jDeotxt,toh-4lfr0A Inch, A w.hich have bitherto been recogalz- Strikers Defy All Law and ChaiDs , in the wheat fields Gf Southern nearly killed a keeper, James' Doig., t I � It9kirber, IL4 stan:�Jln,g trin.l. In tile Gail. e(I as members. � . . Manitoba you see vast quantities - I . , . I I ilrul seiiisioue w) a, owirgo,or being X,n Toronto tilt., J.ongo,-,Uoremen's IlIlil .0. . I or whon't and , oats stacked ye�terday afternoon. Doll; had ell I I 'tra- . .iip waiting to .be tbreffhed,' Jbut tered the paddlift to -feed the elk. I rom John UnlGa ma,), be taUen as all Illus I I 19"Se� - 1� t1lere, are not' enough machines, or' Tile animals are not consideredun- I : 1410110a�tod In a thert r tioll, Owing to looal collattlons this �Kel ' � I ArQW0j A� farmer, whose 110=0 to In union colitonds It ea,nnot with a& . 11 . I I 1. I men: to man them to,take immediate usually vicious, but cautlon, is al- . , 1013tlotl Voialt,y. �EAAio.coxltpIli,bl&at lki y4ntllg(� affilitIte witil tile Inter- . . . �, .. I I . . care of the great quantity .or grain. ways �xercised by the keep�rs ,at . . llational LongRhork-mell's Union or I As the rarmers have hardly ., any this tige of the year. Reno watch- i Sk 11140 or $1, aild shl" his youth, with, tile Froliht I'lankIlers' organ� , � I . � .1 � tarnw they thresh the graln in cb. He threw t I 1. ". ed tile keeper approa � ell t is I 111AVIR SpNit b1s 11ro, on tho farm. Vor it,,ji,tloll in lite west. A Moroni kets Hold UP and nurde*jrously .Beat the open Ptelds and then take the 1,11 his head and tossed his liorlis. , , mt.kn Year�; he va,rriod ,tile madle Ill oil toot to exellide. this union from Outrages Numerous and an Army ofRic I Y � . grain to the elevators at the sta- e and turned to " . 11, I ysu,1011:0 11140ea 1,11 llalit'93 Clouut,v, tile Tore4M,i r.rradtlr, Council, to- or Stab rion Who Go to Work—Bridges Fired and Railway Trains Vons, a@ nearly ore.ry station - has make rot- the gate. it) an Instant , ' )laving Wou oligaged In that work gt�tller with other locarl, organizq_ Wrecked—Carroll D. Wright Sees In the Violence of the 5 � trikers an at leastuone elevator, They burn . . . . � 11 tile I oet It Is the elk cliarged.% e I ))(IfOTO the eroNvaing of Qiieea YIL- ticlus coming unkler the ban of the � � p of the straw, as I Wg jumped nimbly to one Wide � P 't*rla� Oil Uo.y, 2�) last Ila i�,aine to congress. Early End of the Trouble, . only ,In the way, ,,Tile soll is veriT .and tile big brute crashed by. The . tole, otty to h,011 11, lwa.Q of 11vo $took, I . rich, being mohiy� `A; v'e�-y black elk- checked himself as s000.as pos- I � ;Xntl be, L)rmigh't $8�.100 In ble wit- c"'Ilkesbarre, Ila, Sept. 21-Go,er- other 19ront intlu,,,trial corporatlonst loaul, and they ;ay' requires on ly sible and Doll; found bis retreat 1� f 'the eomitry In their endeavor to ous plough,Ing'berure putting In A I ohel,, Ivilloll 110 klnjlotdtvk�i ill tile 1xink. nor Stone this morning ordered out 0 . to the gate out nfr, The elk charg- break the bauk of the Miller%' or- - crop. The plouTh-lan-W I# mostly done . � 06 41100 114a $,w -'a which be% received BOUKHOMS 9LL RIGH1 the Thirteenth regiment, of Scran- gall;zailon. , ,,,., .-� .. by gang p.ougha deliwn by several ged again and this time Doig -as ! I �, -k, �r vlaitbig � . -, for the horns of the , for IM lly.e, stix NAL nott so lucky %a toll'o� ho �sald that lie litul wandor- Ion, to suppress %lie, lawlessness of 1. I Strikers' Tactics. horses at a -1-Ime. Farm llands* are infuriated animal ,grazed the left - . *4 Into thO liarber shop, thinklug it the coil strikers in Llickaw&IIIIIA required thlk y6ar to otet in the side of his face, almost ripping the Ifabaney City, Sept. :19 -Weird Ill Pope, .and they coiji�and h*11 I � ,was a grocery store. Me, wns Ito- its workbig and e4fective In its ex- c eye but. I coulpaillod bv a, rrItNild. 11,110 Prison- Statement by Immigration county. ,uij(,,Il is tile wages. As the we�atber has been fa- Doig, was dazed by the wound, and Ills action is the res'alt or all Up- "f , 1jew plan adopted by Torable, a. large part of the crops Ity avolded the furlous cm induo,od hini ,ti�� romalu for a hair tile striking miners to checkmate the � with diffieu cut and havt'.- bls� whiskers trimmed. Commissioner Smith, poal last night from "Sheriff Selladt, has been already secured. attempts of the operators to resume It -is a youag% man'R coulitry, and elitirges err 'the olk, maddened by � "I tried to p��rstladk.% hiliX -that I did who eoclarQd that lie was POwe-rless work in the North M,alllill(�,Y and St* for bint it should prove one of the the gmell. of blood. The keeper was !aot 11 M.i it," vaid lirt'lwn. "Inch, Jill- -to stein the, title, or mob violencew N'tcholas colleries. in brief, the idea best in the world. The Province IF, edging to -ward the fonce and had miedla,tely vominioneed the rogulax du- ` � hour. ii the sliiiILting out of noll-itilion work- fast filffing tip -,%lid will soon lialre about rea6bed it wbext the elk Ilesi or a barbrx� b,r li�zielug , a towel THEY ARE NOT DESTITUTE# wmch was rising limir b.y men from the nt$nes by a living -wall � very Lar . ge populitlon. caught him sn P. savage onslau.-blt. .aruund iny xi(x-k." .Just; at . that iuu- 'N'VInlllpegI Sept. -_19.-The reports of The trtxill,; will reach here shortlY of strilrers. . - � Doig was throwa with great force moilt bich. turned -groultd. and lifted destitution nalong tile Dalluboliors after daybreak, and serlaus trouble Sa conlpivtf, is the blockade made to tile ground, fortunately Calling . , I - 1w the Arhlsl�ers a inan who, nas tit, .Ire hbsolutvl,� fah,zel accordIng to the is looked for orl their arrival. , by thousands Of pickets that Ito one rER under one of the iron . bar; rull it In the,, last forty, hours. braces of Ilia fence, That ssavedhIs � . 14tip, in the next ell -Or. Brown in, -ill t r BITING OUT SWINDLERS part way , Ilia . t he voilld, not stand seeing the Statk111I of Mr- J- Mod Smith, Wbeu Sheriff �Miadt first asked for Deputies with read:� Wineliesters and life, for the elk could not get at xamn treated in that. way, sm bcv 11- Immigration commissioner, who sayR, 'troops Gd*ernor Stone told illin to, firgers; that are eal_�er for the trig- him Tery well there. ' I all " Tile 1)011kh0bQr$ 4r%N not dest It lit(-, % from tliiI citizens, gore idghtly olinfe �irt the iurAde, of � Frank Jacket, another koeper, had I . 0 41-t him, and thell it. ,voting, O)Lua organize a pat�zst 11 of � an,atelled Ills pkvla,t-book and ran and will not no-t,ki help this winter. ��cll.ldt roplie.,J that lie e-juld not and , tile plekf,t circle, while the Ilion - heard I)oig's cries, and ran to Ills � � th.1t IlLi must have, the troops. � the S.,cond Troop of Philadelphia City Matrimonial Agencies Visited assi.t.nee. He broke a stout r,lub : . I 4w 11 V. Brown dMared 'tll'lt the They neve� 4inve, otAttlaiO any toed The, call for troopa foilowed U day I Cavalry gallop restlersly along itr, over The elk's head before lie suc- I I . jirls;ner held hinx In the chair when tlIC4 (,,.%v.E�rl.iuel�t. They never c.r wIld C_\cltemo.at_a da,y or run- I outer e4le. ceeded In driving It away from the I , Let Atteiupted to, tolloir tile Inallwho.1 rrom . by Detectives. ; lix-k Ills alotte,v. 'Pliek poliee fouli'l 1;.Ivt,- got any SI'mial privileges or nilIg riglltv,, of bloodshed, of sieges Death Is In tbe� Mr. fallen man. . I jacket then asL-it.tva img emt. . out tho� "aluo (it tilek Man who, stole ilssistarice 'Arom t1wx Governineut. 10 lltiut;cs where women and little I When tho real work of the pivicets; I I , � ohildrea cowered In corners. whklo -, The unfortunate mail was covtrVid ltbo� mtfllv,y� but hallo been unawle as ,nl..%t A few of thw-rn In certain vil- i Ill the- darkfst hours of the night be� with blood. Ills Olothing NvAs in I ; yot to loeate billit. ll;�111. whoee onl.y tiffence was that , gins; the, L,itiuition bcvotiI tense. TURF SCHEMERS ALSO TAKEN.! I, 1;�gos have, turned Imlso their 'cattle tkl(,,N wanted to varn 14,ead for their .., " ,shreds .and Ills left arm )lung ItO�-lp- "Meract, of wolindlug and death is In ! legs. He was taken Immediately to under tho inTluelwo of a failatl', starl lug Ones. sto,od their ground In i ihe air at thp banils: of Intlis-tIreet Chicago, Ill.. Scr#t. 29. -Five Mat- preaelior is quit- true. as it Is alsk,w the shadvW by tII(N windows. witit 11 *1 the Sisters' Hospital. He was 6:iand t4rikers: for tho vos.-urdoulst who, at- rh ilial LIS.-ne'Cs and two *'tUrr C002,1 to be brulsed ITOM head to root true ,that nono, tlE theni vat meat, lt,gi,ie.! )111;ehet�ters at their shout- I, tpmI to pnisst ,,1.1I tilt, lines, V1, 0:018 GINMLS, APPEILI inj+loW, orri�-cs have been I.Isiteiby' and Ills arra wab brokc�n- The left bat thoy bri,vo, a perflect right to, Ito t.;t,rs. 1eath Tor the, strikers when x1olence � ' side of Ills face was badly torn. , nrians it tho.� with. attki also to , tMes and sallres to the resc-up. It derail of dvte�.- im. l.'h,#If , I twt� t orirgs- tives fr, quit m -lug beasts or burklen. That Strikers Karaged. Poth commiss:on bnr-', Reno Is the big elk. K-eured front I I i'l IlRet If, r.".xid tnxvugh to sustain .kll dai� Iclng an.1 Into the 111glit, Non-l"Oorsists Ileld Up. eau.� were lo;)tej of their conteat, I Pror. Barnes' dlIving-el.k: show ar. . I � �, 3' E:;I: k: it 9a Manifesto Issut-d to the. Givilr* tt'heill, in thiv lwrdo�t work Is shown tal, rage oll tno in5nk-rs Ll irst. now ' .4, Ilight t0U1.a1I.,EXtIZ bra-gis t*agki�thliNr an,! I,hri,e Mon were placW 1, er .nj tile Ptin-Arneriean 0 Itlo -t by tlw tavt that th,, � tire ii ell 41403 I itert,, now there. la de,.tu %,f thit pi,keti: rpare6t to arm -fit. year. I I �. as labort�rs. Iworbhi�x tho Iong hours I irl,.twent mell were rel"Til. Cititers I ,,lip 1,z,.,% lit tit 4if,-virham�.,# T.'I,? oth-' Thr;,(, ollwr men nad Line woman.' . lied World. rtquireJ .14 8cvt"­iu,1n wAl"l0t brilt-t-l', w,-rp Deft for ,lemd tit the street& I %IQ are tv 1 wt il 4-fiwil,gilied to leaN e for whom Ow polv-v had warra,oltr, " � I ; . ll,sctl lip Ily it. M., liw-e vaelt Iltnir Wori.Ituen ,%);or0 attacLQt,l. houtires ttt*,,r llv.,A,�. A xxvill eari,xirg abag. e%adcd arrest, R. '%Vooldr1ilge, who- M19T TRUST -01, OM ri,quet4s from farxvwr-�; tO CMId tit(" t.Itt*ttA:,d .Intl ckul;,p.jti� vffteers I�old All), 91`1'lr"*- an I sm­v:0 lins be(n earght . 1i(qr,ottve t:. , t, %i j; ; o) akh%-1,or& to then't UP tit" .; lit il.esliqI all.or lakx*,ring tirco I.% L'up to QLp ,ftn �., It Ott- title. ii,tz,�4 In vhnrg;� t4 tile rail. liel:o-ezz N, MISSION, ti��ltt"ta"QI Near. vritk8p %tIr.N %illaiz+tIt- XT.0mghl -,11% Ia.% to q'It 1� tilt, listurb- , "'Mlkl * larI,. ,IiII L.t_t X%,Il "V. tL -r� lit a 11-ttr.mollial alITI ganlb- ", I fro,m wh'At Illoy,bilvo dri;vetl vk1tilt" -glj:ev. I t :,��111., .%t ­r 1`,,;,'M.tv. I 'Int ling "trwV ecntrkdt�A by the samil *1, I. .!Wl *-!A`Irlrf WhI-3VI A tIrMt 111- * bram t4k, 'l41t7LJ§_r ,C%T'. -1-.,ii wril operatilig in, I �Aulgtvrdmw. *opt. 'UNk- 'The ri,ol,r art atI%L*2,. V,k4,14ig alVu t -to LitrLXlers to Zt, :�, "I'M �.�. N.-, �llv 't)r%1n'I`- Pronioterss Fears That Tariff . - t-tal.ding t).-.%-�p flonr n%41,4 thts 1%,encrAls. r-'Wila. llexvet nild llehlrey. .Ard ,,4i, Ia-v, 1r,Iju Jx,i1tg in w1ant 1 4 as -rbe ar-I ilr I cLcrke ort'%,Ir. �o,a to,11 ni� t,�ek wu,) .%'.*a dre and re .,.T.301. -turik"ift awlars. In .Zollie .1 xpe " lut've, two Itvarw t;iullt4st­rk,%� I _P L,�jt Is k�,,� tit.,i. thI xg L., re." I v4lr-,� o,,rpt%­.,.tt- bLines llays� turn as- � t bavo li;slietl 1W ltim,I.�,-Sto Al the Stu i 11�t'111.1�* 141or ar 4,11.,.r this- 1% als CM00 e. Ilut "I I � %%*:l,.t%u, allA tlw'. litt'ratfire i -m-1 t nlwad or th,-Ia. It A -Z sent-atil.1.141 r4. , ­ Mo 41v vx%i� jl,,�k. Me Ito wa!��" , Might be Repealed I ..% %J�ox t,1t3,V tngv %%%i1.lV,*1"S; %VTr(?, rc. le �r!.tIj��j tr�._L JXJ',X J!� t -:r er $In appeal to %,It(, .i%1.iVd ,iNorhl. lx%rti ulti.,h art% .1 : ,,�e tl, % tut -t !�Ornl . Ila . ,�Jt ["4� ! l P-tat's that thp,),� IICIUI,Crx,�s flVe �n-'h' � t%* t�,!%t. n, 01) I ljrh�s 4� .I4% JV,%tJbI(" , ttirt-Lng I1e'=k'*, In twuon b"A and bL . I ; .rl�ulu�,L,rq riI Lk%w ;ifter 0o r.li.,, are alo rk,4�,t �, v*�011,telz last :%;M.. tLo, r,ot Var%t MI. it,LZ contIln'to %xanvilN. It V -e k v -p. t'. In. trd. 11 lorrit,ip strugglo �n ,,'-%,h%,.1th .Xfrwa t1ult, I it Ivft -1 wit*v tl�.J,l .1ri- Ixtilng ou q1-00tiv � I :11 ­Ll 1440%FII t.* V, vn%y .1 ,emal tIVU- Tis � `t xf ve,mnv*�k Ili" ("t t,448 rall-, , . fort *-lit ar *Q y 11 INx,,ra woro c.�rupe,',,%�J. to ,),,cept 10to t�ome!�.*11��g .1L a1g, �a r�zgud =ore fivzL -v. Pat .5 Isent Lvvrle wal'i a Nr'IVz',`I1%;.: ,-,t1,%vt-rt, -,1.o,:,V t,k, HAVE BEEN THE CAUSE. ;-d tithng mto thl, "I , , _ tho _jjw�-,tl�ong-11.1.d- SAID TO - , mal� to� flor@** I to go k6_1: 4,c It& %111010,1 4111=p 1� 1% 41l .%NVIlinliv ar I tk­ I, I wovs 40, Pwo lw�vple� k1i t 1�,at is I% n�,_� ill Workers wery F ;%tit, "�4 lk,nglass-l'.Ily �, ,V1 1b',,.,,,m IQ "t.4r lr,�ty lu;l%k� L�CC4�'L -,p*.1111 n�,.Il- *,;, e�,+iiok tr; ttle lnormag� Il'un.1111%%. 7"� Inatu2n .lml Ing -on Ive ! Uritllsh terar-o, ot 1�,-a.,tn Ow gerera!s ,�,%%. �, stO, Al�,'* %IA11'110a, . VhLeaget. Sepyt. :.,.'A -111'e ee.vhTift- i;k,# Iter"�4ItIt%"% 11 't * '11.(% nfrItIl " ,'I* 114. tv-1111 t -at he itAeudell 'til, %4 11 �%., wt�rq� t%p reu .1L%;V#,rtt.I', '0 �xwk . t.k% ,V I � �.. , pill%, . � tv;Acv. If tL �' Nitre vinnuLl&slovkv. ;k% rroeknm 1, s, =ob attok4tlkl�l *.J& J*,ayineml col- 4. 41. _�g tl,o:i C grl[Mt I Mg to 1,ffIt ,. rrClanki ar"I a,",J,,C;1t to 41:e rfli, ,'m%- '.A'* t4gt� a lit'law." t4? 'U'Vi"ta nn.v tc-p I't , vverL, �;a, *.;,,v w.1.-;l,c:,%. tit, i,p rw--o-1 Ags-r-ly M C-_ %VfAllft� thhatt C. 1;�"�O: tl,t�"�,.ntr�r. lvl,0� tas b"On �,O- I , i ; tv I . -.- 1, -.�ttr.v arAl I;Na,-Itt-r.%. rtV11i;? ,60twIrl tbt. to A'.Np "I �,.:,o r�,',n-zx�on fmp, Ir �.' Ir 11 t ) ,* ,, 11AP t1 I t. 1""A Vz­ I,� t gt,ttarg t'�%vr 11 OS - W. I ,y rIt1b"'I Lxf, Vfjmjv.11y� ,� I - . crtment tk .ATI,�q 1. Istre,.8 U D11, 0� i, 4%"N 11 ',' I � stmLadw ard lirt,ko Itie . � 1 wratol. arl 'D rrw�e,.,; e4r ; i - straixt J!4W -1 cpr, vmll�_l � 0 is 0�16i%� � wpz4t aml �1,x....i %V_i, 1,nalr. 11� Li'* rV, Lve,-tq�w jt�jqj.14ln-ir q.14v,tjI).%nv an, ,. � . 13 ei,vatRtat;r; C.;,e eo�orws, amt In J .m. tr..Iji ift wotktiaeu Vi.tl,r. tUxon frow"! t:, .rtt ttor, P"*,��s z,.t� I rFt11WC$r k 0 tcn. � M",n� 7&l, ij%,p,,V.jt�:10 I eq, %,v,l,? �xetur.l k1ripatlon To L , , . I , 1 __x�..­=.­ - - ��1% . , r a �, # last * 3: 1ho 0%ort k�: 00-, # � orf, P.nve 14% amotttl r %x;As W ('A ,�r,-L�l, Vi � , A ,XV i's *V t, r, 1""afrA t1wh 1,rr..k�r. tow Vtjtku�T,v- are .0", . iml­ur� ,,, mtvths. tals bcon almn"I.110. at . .. to ttli, V4%4�t'llfl -. � - T1101USAXD,S. -, %xilth rA4%o,%cr1S 4"u."', "%*Vh:l(;;t 1L.Ar terw:kt,.It�a;�rs'l Nvo.� *t ­ C.1!4 I I vilval! - Out th" l.tacrN f��_ml .n thc vari-ne ftn- tbp prog,rnt. olk Io .;1 I IN SIGHTor II,1 V IA vcmo vt tll.c mc-rie v1]%;3!�.k:a*ot, I i , � a . o� %** 1�7 k ts lv�`l %wit ttw"i, emk. IPA It 6 Aid:;Lib%, vonarX,luoril, I — .1toet"t we'll, tl;t�,,x% on tho $.1:V1M.K_ .- The- wrerIAs sa.v *.1,41; tavll:r- "W3,A6, " Mee"aut valls From Ills Balloon to % B!!(% ovj,. I, = t I � mv,a Lt a W_ 6 1 � ,tA a I!. t4 Ive r �� it J * I "Vl- "! 'r.'f (% a 1 40�!A'!(4 lt� n I +' . *,*� ,lArfUJ4It*.4� tt!e yL,,,.1rS zi,t�,:g viv mram 1r,,.J,e19 I 0+ 'Ic�;­v In iva,41ry 1�� Il's nt,04 4!',�1'18- 41.1t, 614 to gUiZ9, tt a t,(,rNM#0V iadt�'06'� 41, , to d�,p iin ti, farg6 dog�vo I * " - . 11� 1p*r" Oreat rv4laln *w g-.-inz fi4;. ; a verribso Death. 1� ,%%rro tv�owr, %* twh� (;,vamitate I't%-�iv�ilL.,I�*..,iz,.tt,iLr,i: "Ix Qo�;%�"4ry of 'j. -nallbs i�l Lift " nbinavoll . �19 1% rNI, AMIJ tpa, V�hwt�, r_,Ilog rq�, , to iho nttitwade, QA tte taumna! m - A* r&.ettriz. & *. ornn deu= 'i, "'�c V4 t'r, .:v447. --19 %�,(Vcr . + Its. 401 ftts.stanzo, Z; 4mit.A, Torani"s lor I : i �� �, ;CL . - �e'4'V-0.*n ,1 lt,,!�V!11(41 W24 L��N_`!�J'tVC'1.8 aJ4'X'4a'. ' El JAIIlt l,nt Von. tqJVftIJ20 ta�;l�tg ft, 1119. I *,,V. tkj t!,.e T41�,�, . _T�Lrl; �: 1104 Zt1*11 'h 11.tp *..-.t al R to -116r, C. -S � a , .jqa,&�ki.j _ _i��, N!npp , ...,t,;, 1�*, '.3 t, tLVIA 10 441"!rCss . � . I .. �. � .1 , " 1z I " .�� ,tlt4e�4,% " V - "people d T L , ."2k,bb tat'i rC1.tTt,%.A 1.1,4, IL -e, rv.no r2arl] I _k: L g-4_ 'It 't , 41ng It .) wfte ., _x , ;n _.t - �rl� tq% � pl, 1� .t,t,r,0,%fJt 'n * _ � . f1l , I � -`.­r.%J1kx avd Alnwti 14, VAI�,&I!' I je�S!n'% W.*V` -"-'-WM'1e_5 tt(7 , 'w.., that E,e en % ,W I L I, 'Z 11 t I Nrl; iov �.� , 0 %* at -4 w st % It .- ty �­ i, _. - " I cy �J ... ;v n, Lt.o. L�CV'f`4t-t 1;PrR'iA#. trRi 10 %Lpt P lqe"" I la -Z , ol v� J, a J I tto XhArllcstv. *,anv t*%tr &-riet cui, . *� - . i - I 4.:3t -.y v_w, In vs,o pttint t1l a ,&VA011- I 1i - . larrk Z:%�nlril. #.lt 11 r.0 $4V C.lv 10".411 n-t`­C-�Z!4w ,tv &�-' It. . . V " WINNER ITH I NVOULD: CKOAN ENPLORER, " 11414 on vorgre'" M 9�,t D 1pmnli�,, L9,11. � ­Iratt* wr I,.I%1�­:' gk rt%*,.O,� e, -m'.4 �,l;T'LV,i1,:- cii+. \ear Irm,_­1--�n�g JILgr'.0 I'M. III as �1 11 - L COUN Jhr*j� It rtet %4"'t ;IU �'46 "_ '- . N, 0 e ws sn-t rat:Z't Oeatc,V' U mr-If on catt!v. I pt�. . . .., - .*� ". — � , — I It W ". tfarniva ttslt V,�g?-A toost a ', ivb, 'I V 'L. vt,,t, tt,j,,.4*�,4�,, II) t'Ll,e ,�C�jtc ,e;�.r4: L- ocs,�,w . Iterl!'l; QZr Itt opte .ire ,t�lrr', , - . � I Arm . - , I I ,�o* L,% �,�% ';.tL.:1.:,'�, "01 � 0! ,� � il .Ir t"i @=--, t 0 �, 12to taZ ua.k�.,J w6cr ft,�m C�*'ffl­'-?, L � mzrtxl� U 1,��. 'A It'l. 6 11 .1%)%�VLAsX,-'e. t", , , " I pabith . . -Mai.eit to Pitt Abruixf an *,i� ! I ,,� n 1, I -4 t f, t 11, n g U f t 0- f- �: V a e. it e, t h 6 . 11� "., , .t,ot,4 , ­ ! �1 *. ,,;,,--� 1* ,*.,:%*- I ,,� , r � � �, W t�.'&�'� Z'P,�t 0, .4o'n," i; I, � =1!" �e 11 I *&Ikuk a q4trp,rae �,,;­fl_t .-Y., I,z;l at ; U " * Q,t, It 1� � - I , -tr I, - PnL*,L,Il.* , t!'..�, I� k _­ !,�, '.., -Q. 'J,.,.,,4 t," k � t"-' - 9 i thrent, Anarta_4 Madt",d. I, M -'s ktatvt h* t1l'o R�p Yom - . 'k �,V I" ttl_ , , �,'r.14',*,010W T'*1 im & L-',' 1%4 r fa!��; I - . 1� I ­'. ._ T&L#- I S. F. Lazler*s InquesWn �f � 1. - , o Train Wrooklux. .; MR -t.11 &v. ,_*a._�-Tr-at -%elte­ lfon"410 "t 1,1'&zago t.4zv� J," -n �.C,1� at .'. 1%1._�. .-t_f *-%��? LI! � t ', -�o iL� � .�- n -1 w Lift " -a ":131 �rort' - au" ;i *Tn�rI5 4t iw.%@ nierce.., tv t -td ft'l �'C-146. cal"11 %,Z�`Sgcs 'Atre t*n-f-el, er �"c I , . 4'. PlItipl.t3n t..v fo�'_-1;-1. .1 " . - I ' '� ��)L -,61 " 1*k,0:1 �,,,Iv ": t 4!i-,4 _�",_Mf - , - � �V, p�,j,­.e,! 1%,.% ot,v t�-. �, ..-t,,, 1�i­een . . it Lten t�az_ .vik*.4rd ,0V tre 1'ru�� . ,�'..:�It!'A t�'e " � ,I ,-r �.r,(�b .�% 1, _'ML�Jr;� Maw.,toba. MCU � � 1, C , M kl.,:,� ,6. rC=�!,T#, ftj __ ", 't ", a.* - (A I -,�t`,Dr§ Gt ft. tp, 11 -t . t twvo 1- '. _,n t' .A,! '=��C-'­blft !�[Z4�,�:. fc�,e� it .'', � �,., � f ctl . !,_t!t�0r_tL k: � vt so, r#. v%'6 � V, -1; ; g %.. � � Q ., - S 11 T"A li�, ". � 14 t'� '5 - t ,3 . I (.,t r� t1 ­d&4 IM5 tl,�V Ul�_-k tAi,; VkI -- ' 'i T:, At *I�p r4ft,1iA'41Wf,! ti, non oMe- t!o. 'II'l - , , . ,� , � - ­C�,m�tvo� ml."n.) tl�f­ .: 9 I ft � kt- I 'otTat & t tip. (% eouttty -ortt's,lpt�,Lv 11"I_� wl,2�t,6r _-g: MI:.S vk_� v r. I;, -:� IM 1:t,� I ,!. g %I 'a �1 v� "A k. �� �.-I:p o*r,a!:1z:%g 0 � "I - . M Is t_ �i ��%tw W I Z ,�,A% eT �t -. � L's ti:. ,,., *_ . ' -. "_ M trl�p 41-frLIV,P tIL'.'t, '" or ,�, :,_-_�'! I!C� m. V ,t �' t*�Jt "q, 11C TV,:�S 6L� ,',LTW6 -i ' L "L��t tV#' "'rb�' * 1" '*-'P"*F9 St'WS"� � 01:1k. ,*,% Ql�,I� k'�',_,�:`� ,��,, CA!tk � VL'�' 111 :' r.�­. t IV-' I q�- i c�r­c - r�tf ;".e�,:*,'aLL1--,'._9 t -t- Riat-0i" ' a- �q; MC- - . I - IOU% -, 'r N4' - " " THE GROWITH, OF WONNIFEG. I i,;�i�"VT _-1A!=r1 ;:L ,�,�,-,­U� L%1 - - . *SM,�Am� ;Ar,J t -,,v, , lt%�nL - , "I '. I ?". L,�"xll" s`tkt ,.* �,* .) �,I, , '* I ':kt - 1 L - k to, ,_,!,L� r15%Ft',t,'W%- er p2lti�..&!Iv � lar.,�4 4 t",Wt,!,t1t,�� ; -1 I - - ,"t . ,a kr.* In IL 'Attuft I ! - 6, , " -..4, , - Z,% -i - "'I , , _ � 'I . I 'It, 'o ,-.-v na . , Q lIL, ­� a ! � ,,W _. U �J. .5 ftt*t ,�', , .�r twr"& R!*,l v�,r t"ll-, , -Q 'a., V%, '��%, g ': g"t � '_11,kv, Vzo,412c�. x::' 1"Lu'wt ,a ,;!I�ja-_Ak, lttlrv�ne. . ,�'R e ,"�k. 'MIL � V�4�' IT#_+fJ - - , ?��e,*. I -,al. ., lt!.*�r WAV * ­'07"_E:1'y.ii I ko 86 Ito . J,$�_J_Cj, I 1, qNt, , 4I . a ,,, , .10 _, ,; ­ �'L _ ""o *t.hr�!orr:,, iG-�*-.", ,�i;"I�JA,:,!-g to. - , � .�'.Z 11 E., k '. 'I I k. , �. v 0 "e,�-:4ktn tt4,i,# dr ' _x . ,. Ll Ll,,, L� I - ,- , - . �; , � '�­ , e L.: ' v� ! _t. ,�,� r, " ,LT,� - -1 ", ,k%. U.r_ _ *4 ,�n .n��.M�.Lo. I - - r Seic , , ­cZ, I . 1��.,;L%t,;7 t,�.r e_,�!:, �i t.�� V,y TP � �� , Jnl.5 Lwtartvtl rov t ��'f, t J114 4�*.% OT t shu- Itf, k- ,&.k�r ��* - * - -t- U.�6v "', ,,,, .,�', ! � .%s- t1ra 4M, -t __ %. 0�!­k �� li" , * et01-­,­_ tvoat% Z,,,�!�-� 4t, %-,I,.%- . �� at -k' r,- * Lt siils�!v-% !Itv'. , ;-.,K, It Z:, ,�-r , - te, - - -tv ti t-opol't kmo V�e I T.;,ilr.t�.,U fti!5*� _ 4, .e".*A US ntsl`:51 � 'Cv:�k!'A sl,z ��w� _. _ , 'qAt_-�_, I an moo. . &Nr ,;k�� ,!r: , . -.,h-, 1� = I '@� 4"n * ": 6,1, .- * i, . - ­ .tl L , : mt.. , . Uw�r. z��-_l rL,.P'.:�, _n V',.F, ie�'�,. *a- 111v*:I tt M'-Tf:A4 W 4, V,,% -*l ,". . . "'.. I � .; , i" , I , - �?-Z !. ,.1L3 ts ,.!:e tts?J ,_,-%-.t 1�'! .-,L* Io.-, &..V� ft.,N "U'A' 14 I ��.. lr�.:�5 ��4,_4_-,,.v,. -n': a ­-r-ore .:Ilkl�w tl-�:,Q t,;.. vL'A ,�-.,�ILC­Lan 11a - �14U 1 . f! QL- A�n 01 'Utp vg�ft"t*atv we"ten, te..;* CAM, 0 tLe i�t,�.%'T'V"'­ 'ZP�'L_L' Ki­_*-"ta** W- i a I I.*'- tv--� t�,� IV ry � T .* t-lt4^,%�,,�, t " , I - -Z .st,ttV� X6- _a,� ��, , . �. 'IF ; ': *. a v t Vh* - �'r I' _tAta�', oG !" v '(%�J� " t�! ::: t!-.L� :%,-*� xu$ %I t g*v "I � _� IL a - i ap Zi t,ag�* 41 thc- al"I 'tj_ - '1k ­.ri �'o ,�, r� tL' mk-diveii� " �! ,,,,, C, . :K,t# , 'C"�% �e t!*e ­� " I kvt_�q­od t ;,,�. , Ip� :; I&*. It"I, " " ­ - - _. n(r.at .-V avf? hl�tift t18*3 , � "'I'law - li, a&vn ta1r, Vt(;n.r41E, pan L'! *.--�e . Z S2 11-1 t t C -@, tiow,�It,. . I ,�_Ik __ ,a:%e% nr.�, mf� � n " - N, -1 Wt W. � I, !.@ ItAr- Vv:� 9- ` C� L8, -4 - N - -, n -t V "- - . -- ",* .Z' " L wi?L *'<C*�'4 01C - M -L',ttt- L5A- . on ,61 gi: res in tt., % -tt-Q� , %,IQ T (`,'I" %A_1* .4 * L ;,_ ,,� - ,,�;J rL _. ."­'Ot Cc' -z�:. liat evri Wt& 0 tz-�e lxvz *o v'! �' dlr-,�*�%'- . i . .� -- - Ltf�_, . . AV, L I ,V lrtlft 0A-L',I`. ;S,�_'ILL� t4V F02-- ivi_. , &V!�tl§ alv;Atl tt`�o, t - ­ -_11, wol"3 L4 ro" k�t:�41"';e,,'. a- J,:!V LI!Vt- t,;:.I-�v�-_;*s ,,�,*_,Att �10 0 Z _c4n -*,, v,:-� ,L.i% oll�eetto - *Lk,1 a -'r, ha=. E� �' tItI.s. V.*#1.VWLerz, --0 ,tgq,�f* Lx' 1§ tl.�v � N I , -TrIcrt e 1� I , - I - . I - I - $4x..", t. k,,*.� 1"L" , . , , ,�au I,2�SLV ,_,V� �1 r.'-'-;5 " tt, - � TO LESSEN 316 HEAD. , r . "_ -A; . I , ­ , k. .S. - , , _� . t !_� � 4 '* 4. ikt Mittle.- tl'.e *,V,A i�. E, tc_%�: zv.a a tl.�atcl at V.V�, r-e;i-tte.-L lVaTl Qt�*t6f, t,",� '� Ar,3 Ctb,o,4t,J�1,-1, I I � t4wft *re S�.,vnt -4 . 4 ,I ., -, W,e.- lt.­. V,o 7,t, ­e'_�I­- , t­�, - ­ = --I 41: L�L,v * � I. . P , hi I., - - 1�__ C I :, 1� I, ,�.11�"= a r__��Ilv ntd taI.1 ,V 'x;:k �, - � i � ift"b smc,4t t.1 -;;v " ,�J*: 9 �,fl t r . a _��. 'geo. U- Mla�r_� li. w- cettotgttatron*. 121.*- tiel a n _-4 -.�,,,e �_�txst.� t. i I :1� o,tt,tk­9,m t` aft *'_n rv�*L% to� p2tttt.t , x.*. . . . CL ot , t!�f� 45votc .1 "Ittargeto 0 tfal't — i f t t . f is -—ma- . 4 _�n. 7 .�­l ltwll�?,_ 21, �t ftSgt%rtr--1 t- a, . .. I # oft a ,%b 0 V to - I I q ... m. wav::'It- �­,- , � ".'1Cr­,".L1v` %��;P-f a�­3 8: ltn.,,;� %�-mugu cbs to �. a gz�&I-,4 to UtAt'd ��tv,t*& trttl. *,-,I@ ttmv- gl.lt-�l V� - , . ,&-- retw'.0,I-C � ,*- " k:.,.:15r!:C! e -ie Pnkt to4tg. tent Idio*y. I I ,CANADIAN-ALDERSHOI ` - - � nod ttc,?�'T.. 0,t -tra,i%.Z�Lg at t1',q',* ,.�t�- ,L%! W�t,t,!. .r,n I..�si &,r, �"Jt'� lite AL.1g:f.1n ��'t.atjlgh I ; FOR j. . _ . � T a nt,to. *!�i�rts in � ,i ,,im,_ - . , � . . I I , I -ew,tvm V. .'t - SPI t ln-,�_Ivr_ -�,@O- . . � . *� 'm . - . JL 1, 'IT INUBOH CIRCUS. � tL Ut � . %%a@ *kt**'M:ke1 Q-3 :--r-'. T '. - Z .& �- -.- ;V9 1,-,� ..,*.e at *' t, C, e=, , ,�& tv tto wa� I- - -,;V4 --'atilt'. t do-ri�� koto-it-r,t. 0:% ?.�#,Z �,-q, jo ,r.,,* f4t- . lt`ltlavok tt'-vo-�":.­ 4;�,s",_4,! -Zt �9 14.1 to vtf�_ , " . , ,_ __ L,x14J_r4Ft*. ,N44 .,o S;:, -i1,. Zr - . , ,;k, er, !I::7 F��­­ VL !,_-� - � f tM .. , - ,� I "t�,,M__"_!;* - J�r * -q,=-, ft�_:a 14s -e. - t!ajg-M,�!! $4 rer�.-ttt�� 1-f:�re tz_lt !Jq:,t_�, Z�.�_,�"%:L::­ .. , 11 I _ ­�, ra'. � � , 0 Hirl.r.T I -Ll- Lj. j6 k;tlIt 'rL .: ,_ Z!T..�.tt,,; .� 1.in 4 Le ,'ty 40!; I - - f, - @V+�*;Z1,, , �n �,i.'� ��,� ­_tt,�.. 9, - V'OLENTEER LAND GIZAN117S. ing m 1E.P I', -all. ... " OI,_ .a.,-_ r, -�T,t� at*�,,4.,k, e, `tvicr." !�_s- n ­Vi.at �iFss __ C, ­sl� 4(4 Xy .":T ' � , ` - , . . ` 11 . .1% ­ I a'a �L� j'e' !Z:�'�%:� �" -L*!� k�e' eTZ=_��­' 1 '�t 4 V'%� �_ �bk - ­ .':...t-1',,- -e )o;"�_,0,,%tk&; t!�at tLo --tv ,v! gam:�- r r. to be Itislitid by Sow6vu- ; FQ--,'* tal 0 th --e ar IL V.�T.*�r_v tta-­ tg.-s st & * , , - ­ ill C'M Cates tr&4. Vy Tceu-@ e r,- , Eifort to Crash Out Canatnan I %­_-,:::ol�­�g �- 'a -ii, ,�rcw,t ("!, ,.=�,, -1 . L ,�t b.x:. 11. ,V-ilI alpi�,_­, I'Ma. to, , IT ay tt b e�:--o:.'t U !" lcz�_, ! , b'61. 1. i, IA'., h. Ald to Isrever't %.J_ <-. � t,:e s��:L,;tk ns " "!" tit ptci�t ttLtzz� Ski-,:al-Ae ftLL4E& L ut , � At b5tth ale L�r-.:�vi V-,! ne --L,;,d � � "� t�.L 9 . . - n�iP V7 _"'t ':'-,%V0t7tN - - ­ - - " Lo L Z � .� r­:,t�� lf,oncnto e*.t9p&tv:_;A,:,n. &.t,� 11,2*T I� 0rza.n�-xLaPi,uk1nv_& a 1�.All tt'��. Int A�."­�f-!t'��. S: t"At t�_ - ­ We _- �91 fr_r4,j,�r..1V,5 :'I* 4 1-4 t�-_ %tg� IL)r. Xom� vskil , -lo-co %� - ,?L irk'l�;r"-1 tv 4",-� -i�._:��'z,�.g -1r. - .1. _ , %,: �1_­,17-sn%�* cl-_? �_ I= ct, ­ -_ - -_ . 1T11_ -.11_g: C'! � -:- - 11. 1�_ , Z!tr t!­"�t _A ­ . - I _ t-_­�j-,i�Lo-_,Q E-.tkk-,. 1: ,�.z S 'Esp:F-, :3'sy a; 1111i.4"e-2 'D,* �Ltzwn, L_t-_­� &d 0 .Nesat:�- birp.in Ivalnnp.tt �. - =-.srs- 01 =-OtAl _ . - . � - ' , � �, � , __ - ge -&'�a '! ­,_�3, tl-e� ,_,Z=@e Z* ',%1._ "::-n 11�:z *t`" q�: V __�'�_2r:Zt'k I .�La% Un - at -1 �� nr.1 sl* lar 1�wtl �r,,tevm-,;� 3 �tl a,e,:tt t,- V-%' -__­�,a ': - a --'! 1. __ I 1- .1�r �skt �! e t, .1 r, �&S�tltl*l Z to ;Zj," I �J' r *ar- !.__:�- r,f' &'tk it- - ., �! <! 'I - ' L ,, t�� I - __1 � I - '] b�- IGISJU�,3 -,-- " S, =. T% --,:, ,-MIT z r,C:`, -,-- . - � 1,_E, 1!_. 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JkJr.,.J ft(j= JSt�4(1'rt 't,j - , fi tshll I ti,z�,V'n� tv� F. 1� J,V---�, -�%�,�,,­- - �_7 -�, ,� `t :,., -. - 1. �V� r, - �,, . . - 4,�-�ij�_ -,� :,es:�E _'.- -.,'E' Z.ty. ,,--,L- � .n 4 , I, I_1.1_� 1�* --.:.I ,� -'=_.�Z a-_-_,_­_-_-_�L �7�_',L��.' g:IL� " - __ - _-­ � nb�-�Za-t at�o­=Pl, ,.,L% ,�k�_­&,-i t`_0 tr,vt m I ,kt,�;--_,-;-. �.,.,� IL I_ - 'St t., . " , ­�-. -1" , _ , ­., � xUaw, Toeovit-A a -lI - - * -v�a'�,�� - -, S- X` -�,� �,. - `Zt.� - .1 k --, � -. ,- : � ! -. _I. 1- - _,!,t� .-" _- � _­= 'r � sks ,Z-: =- ekl�tkqtci=i�__t�v S4V,�='. I 1,"*, � = E ,-- t -- ,, =-,V_Nn wt��h ti�e �"=.r A;-&`Wli�xj tror'l I tile -t'ana tt.�- ,;:�:�_'-.;,� W .,e-- , a: ., � -, i =. �. _- . _;Z - ZA 41� 1 � -, -_ ,­",r_;;!A,t ��,� , ,I , , ' *­ - - --% T:--- e ­� - k ovfttioll xrom tbt, 1hr " etrbL rtvoen-�� �- .,.-.,: _�, - . , , *I..,,- ��7�.-,:,!,_%,i,� !�_%�.,!-,-_-_� -, - ,:,-- �_�- �,�­,jz,f, ,,�- �i.)L t'_ -Z_- _: W -, -'- �1. F�- .Sv@ �Wjh;�, g'a" tt &V :_­�!�'.l ftsvill K=.*, � - n - . _­ ­ - . _* 7 , ra , " * --- '. - . I *.:, t-:_*��,k ="is V;- '_S�Z� ,- �­_*is. _,�4,= I:c- M3 two I tiat, ot JINV, Vroao.l thoro� L I Ti�t ,1-0,t" 1�' -, *�-,i,"r,tn 'L,v tte rs fe-.tr. Il Rsi'-s wet* r%ttt�k4voa k.n �ti-,p ,,%��If,�Z, �.­g A - 'I-- x:z e � � r-,, = It �,.�� "V�*,I,-. -- -t -, ,I "% ,�k'v�,_­. "C ." ,.�L:,e- �: 7,:�d - . - - - t*llettvl� �_±t� - ­ -_,­!:-_­_�. A, -_ -�n" Vqtimetky was� .uft4lor tilt&. ,,�-.Mmand *0 !,AtVr ,,'.­­_.-.,,,:-, 0,* Acat�t!-%,, 17�-.t,. t�-�I o:"., *_, - 7a 1 -ti.. ,Z�I;ae= t'��"._,_-=!. -__-Ii .-.:-:--.--.I-- ­ - �xr I �- - 1, - 1I.- " Tb-ri�, to a g=c_�tt &-;,7.". '3� bal, --g-i :1riz-tet- t ­M, W-'­�,cb *.PN, Ct.tr vtl�gljt l' it'. I - '_ � _. V,- I 11 - '. , jet. ava I- t -.., -- ':: ,�- r r - c �`,:_�.-,�� t .� ! - 3 , - -1, -of Llvtlt�ww. IN. J euv!lt-�'kit ,:A� t", "t ­­­*�� ­- -tsk-vt�--3 I 2��V,:V,%­r. t­,-�_- .-..,:,z z -- _�i==,!& � � a :.. _r _. � ­ It- ,­__ 7, E, �Z, - t a --,v el . in, ote� =St,l tkv,� thkl 104ot \ -41 0 � c kuti.; �. .-t ­ , gm!W ,Z,n tl -­, _ty �,Zr -.--e tk-ISL .:d�V ­�"".", ­;- ­ .11: - 'I �­l . 0,,_r,Nj.,,. Z:t ihk% paradp gt�%tt% sho.-i'lIt'd as"q er ;ell Ito, %V_'_'�*t".,�,_N', �-_%v_�.��­_Z Z41).rS11. t:. IS: -��*� 7, - z, S -­i� ! _- - & _­. Z _� , , -!�Sz,- m'-.1-ki;:� ,�: v-z:,�: - _- -_ - .- - ,�, -,.* ,,�-_" �­:�*_"--_-_­.-- z v ,y,�,Sr. ! d tl'� 114tu Oltter %lie , _. . - , -1 -4 ,k*ok , W - _ i, -: was* WrN,kt*!_ raitkv prevont, in �c-,Z,bz�oa to Elio . ,_.!!I��iz N'_'_ ­_x ,0�'�:�tle:�,x! b7y , .�,.nk�. vl.��.-nt �,-.-,:,t-s C�:".=,,ik! tZ t�-:' Aiz­s`��I.z�_ Z:�, :1-: 7c�-_,'�*.- .�-__­�,�,�- .=t 11�m,�,�At t'-� _�7: I .- . -_ t, " ,W asr ovet t*,:� 1�tf ,L;;_�=S CIT 1&01':at�S St -0 � I 'two bnud,,� br,asts *%til buete. ba ewt,4� ��. t1,,0, -',.,t "', W, -iz� � Z.. .--- Z�Z�� Q. - ,­_ ."-, -_ � _*_ L=IF wa-p =- _z aaks "Ze- _a . r��V rZ4'A. . r-,aie.* I I t,iw 1 7?_ -0 ela� ri'atze-dr ,Z�t, rk­,vr,s'W,%ur�t , , sku*e& 00i, rolwtn �,Jkv A,V;r"1;'­or, the reg- - , - '."`­-_-1�'1:1i.% ,:V_.�.- 7_�:. kt�-_, � - - S�� tz, :, �'.4 I , - -iii? i I -a- 1�,V, Vt�- ,-_;-_k:,z ��, .11-Z! !. - _­ - ,�` -xTrx- �, .1W.. ttol I�T_4t e,=!�,,, =xattlhs ;Z� .1 1�worxv,Ll to thv terry - _-� _.- _-!,T_ -"&,-.,-.- �_.,F itzve�t-_-.: ',�, �-��`_,"Zl- .1 -9. _ __ � _-�n!!;tr U — illfit'lit Was k" - -I _es,t� !.­t,e'��N $11, --�­ - S% 'r, - t i;,q� tvt"_ ,,%* V,-�"":� ,n'.' . ::- � ,:��,,� - vel-�- T'r tz�l: *!��,-.-Ze �Z W�=Z!-_ - , �­_ _i� — �Zg M. WZY I 1�. _4Z _ . 1� =I -- ,-,-,,-, ;:�, t:.��:, ,K!�,�,t,,:���r.�:-.-�.,-,:,:--�--��% � �.�,-.­ ,, ­­.. ,��te,`, %�,Z�:ntzr�l'?,��_, ". Cc- Itit'velIt 0 111t% NIi0h,-V:aT-I _Nqt`�Gnar _'. .%,� � I ­_­_ ­ _ _ " --�_ *4:�N-t-IL .� in I mt*�_ t t(��:, � 1!�'e ecl- TW6 ti,trutan vrn"kz�r"4 Art, P):r0l,Lq_ _* - -- e�NZI-1. !?1* 't,:��,4,_!I, r ,*1`1---4!;.- ".*-*"I, .1 tI.F. N.W11- ,:.7�-. zn*,� lt�;,-T. �4� gft,ve. ��!!� tt:t6 1,tLr-;;t gxqac Uft, -u A;lut'rd. vl 110 $10'00 NI; hllt VIVC".t "", th& ,�­� 4,An �� ,tv: ct,� " ttt� k4t,r..' ba L A �Of tk-:,1e Tv! It 6a et P*r'. AQ Xlt1IL* I I k 4.1 t, v Z st "'W! I - %, _�-­'�*.�,=, ,%* ��:�­�,=N ,.I C7-1-4. t,% t�_,;-� ,n4 � �,Z_*:.,,-� "-I. &47% ssh,&__ - - ", ILIV ay.- *eh, W 'It'- Ttt 1141-uthor I I,,, Mt 44 tbo 1(I,&i1riVP p4sted. Be- �A-` ��'_- C-N=Z �Z.'Z W -2Z � alt* rt!,,-zTtk� Z: !V-�k 46 Vk1te�'iJZJ&. VU I �', Ti,�_,��t 1 WC11 take wxr,e tix,e t*1.`1-rit 'att'l will us"s % �Ikh,lv IcM*,_,_:at..:�­�!�, exirt ,%,Nvt,eI,��-%,�-.14c,!-�� � 10k, , " *Oall lit"te-- 11 , r �;�� _e, fore dirmlskilig tbj� rol�o. V,o-.­.t.-1_tL ,1 1� 1� �� U;,:,� ­, , "t*,�!e, itt r-,. Q,*,�!g ttv,�:.,",*6 �,= t,?Av rAtt *06 --I At a7 I -irst 1,*'�i,ye. 1, . , ato -t,neh ,an -ttut- -,Dr_-tL.V=r W, tk>ro In 100k,tn,wat %-tv,k­1tT,L',,k.-A , � ".. . It , �'. �,C�. ., I il4o for. _'.1 e,vz--_t*� kli*v . t'�r.�-." Q,-- XW-tlot Abillita"'I oem 110"', � -_ , *�!ta Lt_e,,%_. � 4.t1, -.-C I!, a 11 "' =811' P_roltest�di A,"Itvl� -b , & be- ,Zb�- a N **Vit III* C_oc�ft,� ,C.-.r&_-U,A0ftk� -= "A rz,��164 =,�I-.=�Szt% �,C!,,Te�!.n 416.'s 1 1 " 5:s,-,-te!�. 3--t 1-4 _ A0 1* timi, lifw* tir %�ft t 400hw p� tov, Vitt, 's I � _p1m)(1i'a ,-,howins MA'd, i i � . � ' r , I I , r 4 . . I � . L ; I � i , , � � I ; � I I I I I I I I I � 0 1 4 I S . I � let %L 4ku , , I _1 % It Y3 4. �: � Z . I I I` I � , I i - , I I .� i 1-0tta States vftrlr�e'* . .Pttd4&*tttA lm�,t V�, g*A-ti �,! " � ­ I Tott, tliblf Almorklan io�takadtx 10 : ft-lakIliv-, TtL's -.4�4�,v ,W4* *&11 tit. 4 tvt ,I -';v�-Vr p6r-. ttlt Vs,-tL-�ry-�t t1k y***_* ** tt, 61 U ,b , , i'�Aee,- ,M"%*,tet�'-Z. qlt,'4�1 t�. eijilite. jmtl, *-�* -w-kid, I*'r t* t6 eliftie, OT tmarve, le iw:der W,kft�.*, I I I ,. � lwftc I I 1. I., � I �t t)kt *&I, "ro"A *1 r-. I I . I .. 1 17 I I . I . . - . . 11 . � I � . . " I I . I I � . I I . L . � , - - -- -­ � I..... ­ I ... .... I '­­­ L ­ . 1-1-1...'-_- ""-'-I-I-ILII.���'�,-'-.",.-�".,.-�".,�,� . .... . ....... . - � . I . . . I ----.111 .... ....... .. � . . .... ­ . . .. ........... ... ­.­.� .... . .. -,�,.,�..�-111,111.�'..�.,.��..,-��", _­....._­ . . ........ -, -1111-1-1- . ......... . . .. ---11. �171 � .1_11�­, :� ''I I I � � . I , - ­­­­ ��:,­ .... ;. ,,­­ 1, 1. ,, 1__ , , ­� - . , I � , 0, , ,,� �,� � :" - �_, � I I I 11� I �. 1. I I . I .. , I . I I—. .P .�; ""i I , I 1. : � � , I I " , � P�111. � I I , . I � - __ , __ , .1 � � I I � . I 1, � 1 . I I � . �. I � . .: . I I � I . . ; .. � . . I I . ,. I ; � � . I . � I . . . . I � I I I I V, I . � . I . � . . . . I f I I . � I � 1. 1. I I I.. ... ­ .I I... I . I I - —_ __ , . ., I I I ­­11--_­­� 11 . 1. I I I I . . I . __ . I q�,, . ! , I " I � I . I I I I I 11 , I � � q1ty,, but it seems t be . r 11 K, . I � � t lose who 11Te ,.� , . . -1 . ..: ". 'ti , 1-t1lier than,, in ATTA I .',� - I ,n,4, . es of International or- ' 1 ' " " ""�` ill t' 'ill CKED By S. tiL � t�4:�; . I ))Per'. , I�l 411 vlxdonvo� app�r- ril * 'rac", .."i ?.,,iol,,�� �,,cl.�t,i,,-111 I . ellmy to evusli out the 1, I . - t ­ I ' " . I I I .1 . Q %t,� r,!,(,,�L'. ,es not realize the , , ,;., . . L110 OF HIS, MON011 , D YIN - vle�leil,'e � OIX& dl.", I I,, -� I ,,, . �I . I . .1� I . kirgailiza,ticlos a 1i"01At1i'Q,x!, I ,,, i - ,! I a . �� � ,BE it MAU, , , , � , .8 rmc�h or one koufi STRIKE 6 , vt ,C '3 . ­, . �, ­ I I -­-­­"� �, thom, to Identify tbomselverit vr1th I . . 1. � � 1. . . " � of tht4 V,alikvda of , oukel . I . . . . I � , �. , 11 1'. :; �, . � . b- I :�,� . the International orgallIzations. , the� Atlantic to 11 .i . illo I tile � P lkni;ii lie has been at, Buffalo Zo'o Keeper Terribly I I John "Brown Relates How , He Mail), of tile a(ly0eiltes of ; - , le;�.Jkt as fai, ir Nor lian'to oontend that the 'Clause of l., . .� I 0 , es�t as'Wtunipeg. 14110 collatitutioll exclailIlIg the I IN MU RK' ROUS VOTING* ,bw64l'coln,tee�x'att�l�('e�,�laeeartliodnela of.tbe Immense Mangled by it, � I , Lost ,a' Roll of Bills " ,. . . I � I I , bodles. from the congress also ap- . ' .1 I � T . � *beat fields until lie actuall,y sees I � I . I . : � I I,__ pliell to the 4ocal Trados and Labor I � . . � ; - . them, as some of tlie farms. cover :1 . (101111alls, it this contention be up- � . z , I I - I � hundreds of acres. FA-rining land is I I I bola 'by tile co,ullells it will ill al- I . . . . I � more saleable now than eTer before, RESCOED BY ANOTHER, K,EEPER. I : . � WHILE IN A BARBER'S CHAIR. wost'oyory olty and toir,n result In I . ftlld et)10 ptrices are going tip. The l3urfalo, Sept. ,"19. -Reno, the big- L ' � I ,tile exilluslaa of Organizations � qro� thle'year iq one of the best and gest of the elk at the Park Zoo,- . I . Toronto, jDeotxt,toh-4lfr0A Inch, A w.hich have bitherto been recogalz- Strikers Defy All Law and ChaiDs , in the wheat fields Gf Southern nearly killed a keeper, James' Doig., t I � It9kirber, IL4 stan:�Jln,g trin.l. In tile Gail. e(I as members. � . . Manitoba you see vast quantities - I . , . I I ilrul seiiisioue w) a, owirgo,or being X,n Toronto tilt., J.ongo,-,Uoremen's IlIlil .0. . I or whon't and , oats stacked ye�terday afternoon. Doll; had ell I I 'tra- . .iip waiting to .be tbreffhed,' Jbut tered the paddlift to -feed the elk. I rom John UnlGa ma,), be taUen as all Illus I I 19"Se� - 1� t1lere, are not' enough machines, or' Tile animals are not consideredun- I : 1410110a�tod In a thert r tioll, Owing to looal collattlons this �Kel ' � I ArQW0j A� farmer, whose 110=0 to In union colitonds It ea,nnot with a& . 11 . I I 1. I men: to man them to,take immediate usually vicious, but cautlon, is al- . , 1013tlotl Voialt,y. �EAAio.coxltpIli,bl&at lki y4ntllg(� affilitIte witil tile Inter- . . . �, .. I I . . care of the great quantity .or grain. ways �xercised by the keep�rs ,at . . llational LongRhork-mell's Union or I As the rarmers have hardly ., any this tige of the year. Reno watch- i Sk 11140 or $1, aild shl" his youth, with, tile Froliht I'lankIlers' organ� , � I . � .1 � tarnw they thresh the graln in cb. He threw t I 1. ". ed tile keeper approa � ell t is I 111AVIR SpNit b1s 11ro, on tho farm. Vor it,,ji,tloll in lite west. A Moroni kets Hold UP and nurde*jrously .Beat the open Ptelds and then take the 1,11 his head and tossed his liorlis. , , mt.kn Year�; he va,rriod ,tile madle Ill oil toot to exellide. this union from Outrages Numerous and an Army ofRic I Y � . grain to the elevators at the sta- e and turned to " . 11, I ysu,1011:0 11140ea 1,11 llalit'93 Clouut,v, tile Tore4M,i r.rradtlr, Council, to- or Stab rion Who Go to Work—Bridges Fired and Railway Trains Vons, a@ nearly ore.ry station - has make rot- the gate. it) an Instant , ' )laving Wou oligaged In that work gt�tller with other locarl, organizq_ Wrecked—Carroll D. Wright Sees In the Violence of the 5 � trikers an at leastuone elevator, They burn . . . . � 11 tile I oet It Is the elk cliarged.% e I ))(IfOTO the eroNvaing of Qiieea YIL- ticlus coming unkler the ban of the � � p of the straw, as I Wg jumped nimbly to one Wide � P 't*rla� Oil Uo.y, 2�) last Ila i�,aine to congress. Early End of the Trouble, . only ,In the way, ,,Tile soll is veriT .and tile big brute crashed by. The . tole, otty to h,011 11, lwa.Q of 11vo $took, I . rich, being mohiy� `A; v'e�-y black elk- checked himself as s000.as pos- I � ;Xntl be, L)rmigh't $8�.100 In ble wit- c"'Ilkesbarre, Ila, Sept. 21-Go,er- other 19ront intlu,,,trial corporatlonst loaul, and they ;ay' requires on ly sible and Doll; found bis retreat 1� f 'the eomitry In their endeavor to ous plough,Ing'berure putting In A I ohel,, Ivilloll 110 klnjlotdtvk�i ill tile 1xink. nor Stone this morning ordered out 0 . to the gate out nfr, The elk charg- break the bauk of the Miller%' or- - crop. The plouTh-lan-W I# mostly done . � 06 41100 114a $,w -'a which be% received BOUKHOMS 9LL RIGH1 the Thirteenth regiment, of Scran- gall;zailon. , ,,,., .-� .. by gang p.ougha deliwn by several ged again and this time Doig -as ! I �, -k, �r vlaitbig � . -, for the horns of the , for IM lly.e, stix NAL nott so lucky %a toll'o� ho �sald that lie litul wandor- Ion, to suppress %lie, lawlessness of 1. I Strikers' Tactics. horses at a -1-Ime. Farm llands* are infuriated animal ,grazed the left - . *4 Into thO liarber shop, thinklug it the coil strikers in Llickaw&IIIIIA required thlk y6ar to otet in the side of his face, almost ripping the Ifabaney City, Sept. :19 -Weird Ill Pope, .and they coiji�and h*11 I � ,was a grocery store. Me, wns Ito- its workbig and e4fective In its ex- c eye but. I coulpaillod bv a, rrItNild. 11,110 Prison- Statement by Immigration county. ,uij(,,Il is tile wages. As the we�atber has been fa- Doig, was dazed by the wound, and Ills action is the res'alt or all Up- "f , 1jew plan adopted by Torable, a. large part of the crops Ity avolded the furlous cm induo,od hini ,ti�� romalu for a hair tile striking miners to checkmate the � with diffieu cut and havt'.- bls� whiskers trimmed. Commissioner Smith, poal last night from "Sheriff Selladt, has been already secured. attempts of the operators to resume It -is a youag% man'R coulitry, and elitirges err 'the olk, maddened by � "I tried to p��rstladk.% hiliX -that I did who eoclarQd that lie was POwe-rless work in the North M,alllill(�,Y and St* for bint it should prove one of the the gmell. of blood. The keeper was !aot 11 M.i it," vaid lirt'lwn. "Inch, Jill- -to stein the, title, or mob violencew N'tcholas colleries. in brief, the idea best in the world. The Province IF, edging to -ward the fonce and had miedla,tely vominioneed the rogulax du- ` � hour. ii the sliiiILting out of noll-itilion work- fast filffing tip -,%lid will soon lialre about rea6bed it wbext the elk Ilesi or a barbrx� b,r li�zielug , a towel THEY ARE NOT DESTITUTE# wmch was rising limir b.y men from the nt$nes by a living -wall � very Lar . ge populitlon. caught him sn P. savage onslau.-blt. .aruund iny xi(x-k." .Just; at . that iuu- 'N'VInlllpegI Sept. -_19.-The reports of The trtxill,; will reach here shortlY of strilrers. . - � Doig was throwa with great force moilt bich. turned -groultd. and lifted destitution nalong tile Dalluboliors after daybreak, and serlaus trouble Sa conlpivtf, is the blockade made to tile ground, fortunately Calling . , I - 1w the Arhlsl�ers a inan who, nas tit, .Ire hbsolutvl,� fah,zel accordIng to the is looked for orl their arrival. , by thousands Of pickets that Ito one rER under one of the iron . bar; rull it In the,, last forty, hours. braces of Ilia fence, That ssavedhIs � . 14tip, in the next ell -Or. Brown in, -ill t r BITING OUT SWINDLERS part way , Ilia . t he voilld, not stand seeing the Statk111I of Mr- J- Mod Smith, Wbeu Sheriff �Miadt first asked for Deputies with read:� Wineliesters and life, for the elk could not get at xamn treated in that. way, sm bcv 11- Immigration commissioner, who sayR, 'troops Gd*ernor Stone told illin to, firgers; that are eal_�er for the trig- him Tery well there. ' I all " Tile 1)011kh0bQr$ 4r%N not dest It lit(-, % from tliiI citizens, gore idghtly olinfe �irt the iurAde, of � Frank Jacket, another koeper, had I . 0 41-t him, and thell it. ,voting, O)Lua organize a pat�zst 11 of � an,atelled Ills pkvla,t-book and ran and will not no-t,ki help this winter. ��cll.ldt roplie.,J that lie e-juld not and , tile plekf,t circle, while the Ilion - heard I)oig's cries, and ran to Ills � � th.1t IlLi must have, the troops. � the S.,cond Troop of Philadelphia City Matrimonial Agencies Visited assi.t.nee. He broke a stout r,lub : . I 4w 11 V. Brown dMared 'tll'lt the They neve� 4inve, otAttlaiO any toed The, call for troopa foilowed U day I Cavalry gallop restlersly along itr, over The elk's head before lie suc- I I . jirls;ner held hinx In the chair when tlIC4 (,,.%v.E�rl.iuel�t. They never c.r wIld C_\cltemo.at_a da,y or run- I outer e4le. ceeded In driving It away from the I , Let Atteiupted to, tolloir tile Inallwho.1 rrom . by Detectives. ; lix-k Ills alotte,v. 'Pliek poliee fouli'l 1;.Ivt,- got any SI'mial privileges or nilIg riglltv,, of bloodshed, of sieges Death Is In tbe� Mr. fallen man. . I jacket then asL-it.tva img emt. . out tho� "aluo (it tilek Man who, stole ilssistarice 'Arom t1wx Governineut. 10 lltiut;cs where women and little I When tho real work of the pivicets; I I , � ohildrea cowered In corners. whklo -, The unfortunate mail was covtrVid ltbo� mtfllv,y� but hallo been unawle as ,nl..%t A few of thw-rn In certain vil- i Ill the- darkfst hours of the night be� with blood. Ills Olothing NvAs in I ; yot to loeate billit. ll;�111. whoee onl.y tiffence was that , gins; the, L,itiuition bcvotiI tense. TURF SCHEMERS ALSO TAKEN.! I, 1;�gos have, turned Imlso their 'cattle tkl(,,N wanted to varn 14,ead for their .., " ,shreds .and Ills left arm )lung ItO�-lp- "Meract, of wolindlug and death is In ! legs. He was taken Immediately to under tho inTluelwo of a failatl', starl lug Ones. sto,od their ground In i ihe air at thp banils: of Intlis-tIreet Chicago, Ill.. Scr#t. 29. -Five Mat- preaelior is quit- true. as it Is alsk,w the shadvW by tII(N windows. witit 11 *1 the Sisters' Hospital. He was 6:iand t4rikers: for tho vos.-urdoulst who, at- rh ilial LIS.-ne'Cs and two *'tUrr C002,1 to be brulsed ITOM head to root true ,that nono, tlE theni vat meat, lt,gi,ie.! )111;ehet�ters at their shout- I, tpmI to pnisst ,,1.1I tilt, lines, V1, 0:018 GINMLS, APPEILI inj+loW, orri�-cs have been I.Isiteiby' and Ills arra wab brokc�n- The left bat thoy bri,vo, a perflect right to, Ito t.;t,rs. 1eath Tor the, strikers when x1olence � ' side of Ills face was badly torn. , nrians it tho.� with. attki also to , tMes and sallres to the resc-up. It derail of dvte�.- im. l.'h,#If , I twt� t orirgs- tives fr, quit m -lug beasts or burklen. That Strikers Karaged. Poth commiss:on bnr-', Reno Is the big elk. K-eured front I I i'l IlRet If, r.".xid tnxvugh to sustain .kll dai� Iclng an.1 Into the 111glit, Non-l"Oorsists Ileld Up. eau.� were lo;)tej of their conteat, I Pror. Barnes' dlIving-el.k: show ar. . I � �, 3' E:;I: k: it 9a Manifesto Issut-d to the. Givilr* tt'heill, in thiv lwrdo�t work Is shown tal, rage oll tno in5nk-rs Ll irst. now ' .4, Ilight t0U1.a1I.,EXtIZ bra-gis t*agki�thliNr an,! I,hri,e Mon were placW 1, er .nj tile Ptin-Arneriean 0 Itlo -t by tlw tavt that th,, � tire ii ell 41403 I itert,, now there. la de,.tu %,f thit pi,keti: rpare6t to arm -fit. year. I I �. as labort�rs. Iworbhi�x tho Iong hours I irl,.twent mell were rel"Til. Cititers I ,,lip 1,z,.,% lit tit 4if,-virham�.,# T.'I,? oth-' Thr;,(, ollwr men nad Line woman.' . lied World. rtquireJ .14 8cvt"­iu,1n wAl"l0t brilt-t-l', w,-rp Deft for ,lemd tit the street& I %IQ are tv 1 wt il 4-fiwil,gilied to leaN e for whom Ow polv-v had warra,oltr, " � I ; . ll,sctl lip Ily it. M., liw-e vaelt Iltnir Wori.Ituen ,%);or0 attacLQt,l. houtires ttt*,,r llv.,A,�. A xxvill eari,xirg abag. e%adcd arrest, R. '%Vooldr1ilge, who- M19T TRUST -01, OM ri,quet4s from farxvwr-�; tO CMId tit(" t.Itt*ttA:,d .Intl ckul;,p.jti� vffteers I�old All), 91`1'lr"*- an I sm­v:0 lins be(n earght . 1i(qr,ottve t:. , t, %i j; ; o) akh%-1,or& to then't UP tit" .; lit il.esliqI all.or lakx*,ring tirco I.% L'up to QLp ,ftn �., It Ott- title. ii,tz,�4 In vhnrg;� t4 tile rail. liel:o-ezz N, MISSION, ti��ltt"ta"QI Near. vritk8p %tIr.N %illaiz+tIt- XT.0mghl -,11% Ia.% to q'It 1� tilt, listurb- , "'Mlkl * larI,. ,IiII L.t_t X%,Il "V. tL -r� lit a 11-ttr.mollial alITI ganlb- ", I fro,m wh'At Illoy,bilvo dri;vetl vk1tilt" -glj:ev. I t :,��111., .%t ­r 1`,,;,'M.tv. I 'Int ling "trwV ecntrkdt�A by the samil *1, I. .!Wl *-!A`Irlrf WhI-3VI A tIrMt 111- * bram t4k, 'l41t7LJ§_r ,C%T'. -1-.,ii wril operatilig in, I �Aulgtvrdmw. *opt. 'UNk- 'The ri,ol,r art atI%L*2,. V,k4,14ig alVu t -to LitrLXlers to Zt, :�, "I'M �.�. N.-, �llv 't)r%1n'I`- Pronioterss Fears That Tariff . - t-tal.ding t).-.%-�p flonr n%41,4 thts 1%,encrAls. r-'Wila. llexvet nild llehlrey. .Ard ,,4i, Ia-v, 1r,Iju Jx,i1tg in w1ant 1 4 as -rbe ar-I ilr I cLcrke ort'%,Ir. �o,a to,11 ni� t,�ek wu,) .%'.*a dre and re .,.T.301. -turik"ift awlars. In .Zollie .1 xpe " lut've, two Itvarw t;iullt4st­rk,%� I _P L,�jt Is k�,,� tit.,i. thI xg L., re." I v4lr-,� o,,rpt%­.,.tt- bLines llays� turn as- � t bavo li;slietl 1W ltim,I.�,-Sto Al the Stu i 11�t'111.1�* 141or ar 4,11.,.r this- 1% als CM00 e. Ilut "I I � %%*:l,.t%u, allA tlw'. litt'ratfire i -m-1 t nlwad or th,-Ia. It A -Z sent-atil.1.141 r4. , ­ Mo 41v vx%i� jl,,�k. Me Ito wa!��" , Might be Repealed I ..% %J�ox t,1t3,V tngv %%%i1.lV,*1"S; %VTr(?, rc. le �r!.tIj��j tr�._L JXJ',X J!� t -:r er $In appeal to %,It(, .i%1.iVd ,iNorhl. lx%rti ulti.,h art% .1 : ,,�e tl, % tut -t !�Ornl . Ila . ,�Jt ["4� ! l P-tat's that thp,),� IICIUI,Crx,�s flVe �n-'h' � t%* t�,!%t. n, 01) I ljrh�s 4� .I4% JV,%tJbI(" , ttirt-Lng I1e'=k'*, In twuon b"A and bL . I ; .rl�ulu�,L,rq riI Lk%w ;ifter 0o r.li.,, are alo rk,4�,t �, v*�011,telz last :%;M.. tLo, r,ot Var%t MI. it,LZ contIln'to %xanvilN. It V -e k v -p. t'. In. trd. 11 lorrit,ip strugglo �n ,,'-%,h%,.1th .Xfrwa t1ult, I it Ivft -1 wit*v tl�.J,l .1ri- Ixtilng ou q1-00tiv � I :11 ­Ll 1440%FII t.* V, vn%y .1 ,emal tIVU- Tis � `t xf ve,mnv*�k Ili" ("t t,448 rall-, , . fort *-lit ar *Q y 11 INx,,ra woro c.�rupe,',,%�J. to ,),,cept 10to t�ome!�.*11��g .1L a1g, �a r�zgud =ore fivzL -v. Pat .5 Isent Lvvrle wal'i a Nr'IVz',`I1%;.: ,-,t1,%vt-rt, -,1.o,:,V t,k, HAVE BEEN THE CAUSE. ;-d tithng mto thl, "I , , _ tho _jjw�-,tl�ong-11.1.d- SAID TO - , mal� to� flor@** I to go k6_1: 4,c It& %111010,1 4111=p 1� 1% 41l .%NVIlinliv ar I tk­ I, I wovs 40, Pwo lw�vple� k1i t 1�,at is I% n�,_� ill Workers wery F ;%tit, "�4 lk,nglass-l'.Ily �, ,V1 1b',,.,,,m IQ "t.4r lr,�ty lu;l%k� L�CC4�'L -,p*.1111 n�,.Il- *,;, e�,+iiok tr; ttle lnormag� Il'un.1111%%. 7"� Inatu2n .lml Ing -on Ive ! Uritllsh terar-o, ot 1�,-a.,tn Ow gerera!s ,�,%%. �, stO, Al�,'* %IA11'110a, . VhLeaget. Sepyt. :.,.'A -111'e ee.vhTift- i;k,# Iter"�4ItIt%"% 11 't * '11.(% nfrItIl " ,'I* 114. tv-1111 t -at he itAeudell 'til, %4 11 �%., wt�rq� t%p reu .1L%;V#,rtt.I', '0 �xwk . t.k% ,V I � �.. , pill%, . � tv;Acv. If tL �' Nitre vinnuLl&slovkv. ;k% rroeknm 1, s, =ob attok4tlkl�l *.J& J*,ayineml col- 4. 41. _�g tl,o:i C grl[Mt I Mg to 1,ffIt ,. rrClanki ar"I a,",J,,C;1t to 41:e rfli, ,'m%- '.A'* t4gt� a lit'law." t4? 'U'Vi"ta nn.v tc-p I't , vverL, �;a, *.;,,v w.1.-;l,c:,%. tit, i,p rw--o-1 Ags-r-ly M C-_ %VfAllft� thhatt C. 1;�"�O: tl,t�"�,.ntr�r. lvl,0� tas b"On �,O- I , i ; tv I . -.- 1, -.�ttr.v arAl I;Na,-Itt-r.%. rtV11i;? ,60twIrl tbt. to A'.Np "I �,.:,o r�,',n-zx�on fmp, Ir �.' Ir 11 t ) ,* ,, 11AP t1 I t. 1""A Vz­ I,� t gt,ttarg t'�%vr 11 OS - W. I ,y rIt1b"'I Lxf, Vfjmjv.11y� ,� I - . crtment tk .ATI,�q 1. Istre,.8 U D11, 0� i, 4%"N 11 ',' I � stmLadw ard lirt,ko Itie . � 1 wratol. arl 'D rrw�e,.,; e4r ; i - straixt J!4W -1 cpr, vmll�_l � 0 is 0�16i%� � wpz4t aml �1,x....i %V_i, 1,nalr. 11� Li'* rV, Lve,-tq�w jt�jqj.14ln-ir q.14v,tjI).%nv an, ,. � . 13 ei,vatRtat;r; C.;,e eo�orws, amt In J .m. tr..Iji ift wotktiaeu Vi.tl,r. tUxon frow"! t:, .rtt ttor, P"*,��s z,.t� I rFt11WC$r k 0 tcn. � M",n� 7&l, ij%,p,,V.jt�:10 I eq, %,v,l,? �xetur.l k1ripatlon To L , , . I , 1 __x�..­=.­ - - ��1% . , r a �, # last * 3: 1ho 0%ort k�: 00-, # � orf, P.nve 14% amotttl r %x;As W ('A ,�r,-L�l, Vi � , A ,XV i's *V t, r, 1""afrA t1wh 1,rr..k�r. tow Vtjtku�T,v- are .0", . iml­ur� ,,, mtvths. tals bcon almn"I.110. at . .. to ttli, V4%4�t'llfl -. � - T1101USAXD,S. -, %xilth rA4%o,%cr1S 4"u."', "%*Vh:l(;;t 1L.Ar terw:kt,.It�a;�rs'l Nvo.� *t ­ C.1!4 I I vilval! - Out th" l.tacrN f��_ml .n thc vari-ne ftn- tbp prog,rnt. olk Io .;1 I IN SIGHTor II,1 V IA vcmo vt tll.c mc-rie v1]%;3!�.k:a*ot, I i , � a . o� %** 1�7 k ts lv�`l %wit ttw"i, emk. IPA It 6 Aid:;Lib%, vonarX,luoril, I — .1toet"t we'll, tl;t�,,x% on tho $.1:V1M.K_ .- The- wrerIAs sa.v *.1,41; tavll:r- "W3,A6, " Mee"aut valls From Ills Balloon to % B!!(% ovj,. I, = t I � mv,a Lt a W_ 6 1 � ,tA a I!. t4 Ive r �� it J * I "Vl- "! 'r.'f (% a 1 40�!A'!(4 lt� n I +' . *,*� ,lArfUJ4It*.4� tt!e yL,,,.1rS zi,t�,:g viv mram 1r,,.J,e19 I 0+ 'Ic�;­v In iva,41ry 1�� Il's nt,04 4!',�1'18- 41.1t, 614 to gUiZ9, tt a t,(,rNM#0V iadt�'06'� 41, , to d�,p iin ti, farg6 dog�vo I * " - . 11� 1p*r" Oreat rv4laln *w g-.-inz fi4;. ; a verribso Death. 1� ,%%rro tv�owr, %* twh� (;,vamitate I't%-�iv�ilL.,I�*..,iz,.tt,iLr,i: "Ix Qo�;%�"4ry of 'j. -nallbs i�l Lift " nbinavoll . �19 1% rNI, AMIJ tpa, V�hwt�, r_,Ilog rq�, , to iho nttitwade, QA tte taumna! m - A* r&.ettriz. & *. ornn deu= 'i, "'�c V4 t'r, .:v447. --19 %�,(Vcr . + Its. 401 ftts.stanzo, Z; 4mit.A, Torani"s lor I : i �� �, ;CL . - �e'4'V-0.*n ,1 lt,,!�V!11(41 W24 L��N_`!�J'tVC'1.8 aJ4'X'4a'. ' El JAIIlt l,nt Von. tqJVftIJ20 ta�;l�tg ft, 1119. I *,,V. tkj t!,.e T41�,�, . _T�Lrl; �: 1104 Zt1*11 'h 11.tp *..-.t al R to -116r, C. -S � a , .jqa,&�ki.j _ _i��, N!npp , ...,t,;, 1�*, '.3 t, tLVIA 10 441"!rCss . � . I .. �. � .1 , " 1z I " .�� ,tlt4e�4,% " V - "people d T L , ."2k,bb tat'i rC1.tTt,%.A 1.1,4, IL -e, rv.no r2arl] I _k: L g-4_ 'It 't , 41ng It .) wfte ., _x , ;n _.t - �rl� tq% � pl, 1� .t,t,r,0,%fJt 'n * _ � . f1l , I � -`.­r.%J1kx avd Alnwti 14, VAI�,&I!' I je�S!n'% W.*V` -"-'-WM'1e_5 tt(7 , 'w.., that E,e en % ,W I L I, 'Z 11 t I Nrl; iov �.� , 0 %* at -4 w st % It .- ty �­ i, _. - " I cy �J ... ;v n, Lt.o. L�CV'f`4t-t 1;PrR'iA#. trRi 10 %Lpt P lqe"" I la -Z , ol v� J, a J I tto XhArllcstv. *,anv t*%tr &-riet cui, . *� - . i - I 4.:3t -.y v_w, In vs,o pttint t1l a ,&VA011- I 1i - . larrk Z:%�nlril. #.lt 11 r.0 $4V C.lv 10".411 n-t`­C-�Z!4w ,tv &�-' It. . . V " WINNER ITH I NVOULD: CKOAN ENPLORER, " 11414 on vorgre'" M 9�,t D 1pmnli�,, L9,11. � ­Iratt* wr I,.I%1�­:' gk rt%*,.O,� e, -m'.4 �,l;T'LV,i1,:- cii+. \ear Irm,_­1--�n�g JILgr'.0 I'M. III as �1 11 - L COUN Jhr*j� It rtet %4"'t ;IU �'46 "_ '- . N, 0 e ws sn-t rat:Z't Oeatc,V' U mr-If on catt!v. I pt�. . . .., - .*� ". — � , — I It W ". tfarniva ttslt V,�g?-A toost a ', ivb, 'I V 'L. vt,,t, tt,j,,.4*�,4�,, II) t'Ll,e ,�C�jtc ,e;�.r4: L- ocs,�,w . Iterl!'l; QZr Itt opte .ire ,t�lrr', , - . � I Arm . - , I I ,�o* L,% �,�% ';.tL.:1.:,'�, "01 � 0! ,� � il .Ir t"i @=--, t 0 �, 12to taZ ua.k�.,J w6cr ft,�m C�*'ffl­'-?, L � mzrtxl� U 1,��. 'A It'l. 6 11 .1%)%�VLAsX,-'e. t", , , " I pabith . . -Mai.eit to Pitt Abruixf an *,i� ! I ,,� n 1, I -4 t f, t 11, n g U f t 0- f- �: V a e. it e, t h 6 . 11� "., , .t,ot,4 , ­ ! �1 *. ,,;,,--� 1* ,*.,:%*- I ,,� , r � � �, W t�.'&�'� Z'P,�t 0, .4o'n," i; I, � =1!" �e 11 I *&Ikuk a q4trp,rae �,,;­fl_t .-Y., I,z;l at ; U " * Q,t, It 1� � - I , -tr I, - PnL*,L,Il.* , t!'..�, I� k _­ !,�, '.., -Q. 'J,.,.,,4 t," k � t"-' - 9 i thrent, Anarta_4 Madt",d. I, M -'s ktatvt h* t1l'o R�p Yom - . 'k �,V I" ttl_ , , �,'r.14',*,010W T'*1 im & L-',' 1%4 r fa!��; I - . 1� I ­'. ._ T&L#- I S. F. Lazler*s InquesWn �f � 1. - , o Train Wrooklux. .; MR -t.11 &v. ,_*a._�-Tr-at -%elte­ lfon"410 "t 1,1'&zago t.4zv� J," -n �.C,1� at .'. 1%1._�. .-t_f *-%��? LI! � t ', -�o iL� � .�- n -1 w Lift " -a ":131 �rort' - au" ;i *Tn�rI5 4t iw.%@ nierce.., tv t -td ft'l �'C-146. cal"11 %,Z�`Sgcs 'Atre t*n-f-el, er �"c I , . 4'. PlItipl.t3n t..v fo�'_-1;-1. .1 " . - I ' '� ��)L -,61 " 1*k,0:1 �,,,Iv ": t 4!i-,4 _�",_Mf - , - � �V, p�,j,­.e,! 1%,.% ot,v t�-. �, ..-t,,, 1�i­een . . it Lten t�az_ .vik*.4rd ,0V tre 1'ru�� . ,�'..:�It!'A t�'e " � ,I ,-r �.r,(�b .�% 1, _'ML�Jr;� Maw.,toba. MCU � � 1, C , M kl.,:,� ,6. rC=�!,T#, ftj __ ", 't ", a.* - (A I -,�t`,Dr§ Gt ft. tp, 11 -t . t twvo 1- '. _,n t' .A,! '=��C-'­blft !�[Z4�,�:. fc�,e� it .'', � �,., � f ctl . !,_t!t�0r_tL k: � vt so, r#. v%'6 � V, -1; ; g %.. � � Q ., - S 11 T"A li�, ". � 14 t'� '5 - t ,3 . I (.,t r� t1 ­d&4 IM5 tl,�V Ul�_-k tAi,; VkI -- ' 'i T:, At *I�p r4ft,1iA'41Wf,! ti, non oMe- t!o. 'II'l - , , . ,� , � - ­C�,m�tvo� ml."n.) tl�f­ .: 9 I ft � kt- I 'otTat & t tip. (% eouttty -ortt's,lpt�,Lv 11"I_� wl,2�t,6r _-g: MI:.S vk_� v r. I;, -:� IM 1:t,� I ,!. g %I 'a �1 v� "A k. �� �.-I:p o*r,a!:1z:%g 0 � "I - . M Is t_ �i ��%tw W I Z ,�,A% eT �t -. � L's ti:. ,,., *_ . ' -. "_ M trl�p 41-frLIV,P tIL'.'t, '" or ,�, :,_-_�'! I!C� m. V ,t �' t*�Jt "q, 11C TV,:�S 6L� ,',LTW6 -i ' L "L��t tV#' "'rb�' * 1" '*-'P"*F9 St'WS"� � 01:1k. ,*,% Ql�,I� k'�',_,�:`� ,��,, CA!tk � VL'�' 111 :' r.�­. t IV-' I q�- i c�r­c - r�tf ;".e�,:*,'aLL1--,'._9 t -t- Riat-0i" ' a- �q; MC- - . I - IOU% -, 'r N4' - " " THE GROWITH, OF WONNIFEG. I i,;�i�"VT _-1A!=r1 ;:L ,�,�,-,­U� L%1 - - . *SM,�Am� ;Ar,J t -,,v, , lt%�nL - , "I '. I ?". L,�"xll" s`tkt ,.* �,* .) �,I, , '* I ':kt - 1 L - k to, ,_,!,L� r15%Ft',t,'W%- er p2lti�..&!Iv � lar.,�4 4 t",Wt,!,t1t,�� ; -1 I - - ,"t . ,a kr.* In IL 'Attuft I ! - 6, , " -..4, , - Z,% -i - "'I , , _ � 'I . I 'It, 'o ,-.-v na . , Q lIL, ­� a ! � ,,W _. U �J. .5 ftt*t ,�', , .�r twr"& R!*,l v�,r t"ll-, , -Q 'a., V%, '��%, g ': g"t � '_11,kv, Vzo,412c�. x::' 1"Lu'wt ,a ,;!I�ja-_Ak, lttlrv�ne. . ,�'R e ,"�k. 'MIL � V�4�' IT#_+fJ - - , ?��e,*. I -,al. ., lt!.*�r WAV * ­'07"_E:1'y.ii I ko 86 Ito . J,$�_J_Cj, I 1, qNt, , 4I . a ,,, , .10 _, ,; ­ �'L _ ""o *t.hr�!orr:,, iG-�*-.", ,�i;"I�JA,:,!-g to. - , � .�'.Z 11 E., k '. 'I I k. , �. v 0 "e,�-:4ktn tt4,i,# dr ' _x . ,. Ll Ll,,, L� I - ,- , - . �; , � '�­ , e L.: ' v� ! _t. ,�,� r, " ,LT,� - -1 ", ,k%. U.r_ _ *4 ,�n .n��.M�.Lo. I - - r Seic , , ­cZ, I . 1��.,;L%t,;7 t,�.r e_,�!:, �i t.�� V,y TP � �� , Jnl.5 Lwtartvtl rov t ��'f, t J114 4�*.% OT t shu- Itf, k- ,&.k�r ��* - * - -t- U.�6v "', ,,,, .,�', ! � .%s- t1ra 4M, -t __ %. 0�!­k �� li" , * et01-­,­_ tvoat% Z,,,�!�-� 4t, %-,I,.%- . �� at -k' r,- * Lt siils�!v-% !Itv'. , ;-.,K, It Z:, ,�-r , - te, - - -tv ti t-opol't kmo V�e I T.;,ilr.t�.,U fti!5*� _ 4, .e".*A US ntsl`:51 � 'Cv:�k!'A sl,z ��w� _. _ , 'qAt_-�_, I an moo. . &Nr ,;k�� ,!r: , . -.,h-, 1� = I '@� 4"n * ": 6,1, .- * i, . - ­ .tl L , : mt.. , . Uw�r. z��-_l rL,.P'.:�, _n V',.F, ie�'�,. *a- 111v*:I tt M'-Tf:A4 W 4, V,,% -*l ,". . . "'.. I � .; , i" , I , - �?-Z !. ,.1L3 ts ,.!:e tts?J ,_,-%-.t 1�'! .-,L* Io.-, &..V� ft.,N "U'A' 14 I ��.. lr�.:�5 ��4,_4_-,,.v,. -n': a ­-r-ore .:Ilkl�w tl-�:,Q t,;.. vL'A ,�-.,�ILC­Lan 11a - �14U 1 . f! 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CL ot , t!�f� 45votc .1 "Ittargeto 0 tfal't — i f t t . f is -—ma- . 4 _�n. 7 .�­l ltwll�?,_ 21, �t ftSgt%rtr--1 t- a, . .. I # oft a ,%b 0 V to - I I q ... m. wav::'It- �­,- , � ".'1Cr­,".L1v` %��;P-f a�­3 8: ltn.,,;� %�-mugu cbs to �. a gz�&I-,4 to UtAt'd ��tv,t*& trttl. *,-,I@ ttmv- gl.lt-�l V� - , . ,&-- retw'.0,I-C � ,*- " k:.,.:15r!:C! e -ie Pnkt to4tg. tent Idio*y. I I ,CANADIAN-ALDERSHOI ` - - � nod ttc,?�'T.. 0,t -tra,i%.Z�Lg at t1',q',* ,.�t�- ,L%! W�t,t,!. .r,n I..�si &,r, �"Jt'� lite AL.1g:f.1n ��'t.atjlgh I ; FOR j. . _ . � T a nt,to. *!�i�rts in � ,i ,,im,_ - . , � . . I I , I -ew,tvm V. .'t - SPI t ln-,�_Ivr_ -�,@O- . . � . *� 'm . - . JL 1, 'IT INUBOH CIRCUS. � tL Ut � . %%a@ *kt**'M:ke1 Q-3 :--r-'. T '. - Z .& �- -.- ;V9 1,-,� ..,*.e at *' t, C, e=, , ,�& tv tto wa� I- - -,;V4 --'atilt'. t do-ri�� koto-it-r,t. 0:% ?.�#,Z �,-q, jo ,r.,,* f4t- . lt`ltlavok tt'-vo-�":.­ 4;�,s",_4,! -Zt �9 14.1 to vtf�_ , " . , ,_ __ L,x14J_r4Ft*. ,N44 .,o S;:, -i1,. 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Ald to Isrever't %.J_ <-. � t,:e s��:L,;tk ns " "!" tit ptci�t ttLtzz� Ski-,:al-Ae ftLL4E& L ut , � At b5tth ale L�r-.:�vi V-,! ne --L,;,d � � "� t�.L 9 . . - n�iP V7 _"'t ':'-,%V0t7tN - - ­ - - " Lo L Z � .� r­:,t�� lf,oncnto e*.t9p&tv:_;A,:,n. &.t,� 11,2*T I� 0rza.n�-xLaPi,uk1nv_& a 1�.All tt'��. Int A�."­�f-!t'��. S: t"At t�_ - ­ We _- �91 fr_r4,j,�r..1V,5 :'I* 4 1-4 t�-_ %tg� IL)r. Xom� vskil , -lo-co %� - ,?L irk'l�;r"-1 tv 4",-� -i�._:��'z,�.g -1r. - .1. _ , %,: �1_­,17-sn%�* cl-_? �_ I= ct, ­ -_ - -_ . 1T11_ -.11_g: C'! � -:- - 11. 1�_ , Z!tr t!­"�t _A ­ . - I _ t-_­�j-,i�Lo-_,Q E-.tkk-,. 1: ,�.z S 'Esp:F-, :3'sy a; 1111i.4"e-2 'D,* �Ltzwn, L_t-_­� &d 0 .Nesat:�- birp.in Ivalnnp.tt �. - =-.srs- 01 =-OtAl _ . - . � - ' , � �, � , __ - ge -&'�a '! ­,_�3, tl-e� ,_,Z=@e Z* ',%1._ "::-n 11�:z *t`" q�: V __�'�_2r:Zt'k I .�La% Un - at -1 �� nr.1 sl* lar 1�wtl �r,,tevm-,;� 3 �tl a,e,:tt t,- V-%' -__­�,a ': - a --'! 1. __ I 1- .1�r �skt �! e t, .1 r, �&S�tltl*l Z to ;Zj," I �J' r *ar- !.__:�- r,f' &'tk it- - ., �! <! 'I - ' L ,, t�� I - __1 � I - '] b�- IGISJU�,3 -,-- " S, =. T% --,:, ,-MIT z r,C:`, -,-- . - � 1,_E, 1!_. 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Mtelihipt to RM 7 � lty ott*111bit �� TRrst 1t*­,ItlLVni;, t--,S,f,, K'V.,-',Z�'PT: � 1,1kL ..j,­L-,% ­ � 4 _i--49 - ,_,�­ .*."=7�57,, -�'. - att"ttld _ .1 t ,,, e Q: I I filk I - - . . 1: - _-__,:�, z_ , - - �__ - I , ,-I".Li Z._1_-Vwi. �.� ­�� -,:�:_�,�,�, ii'� ��-ZA-ft­tT ­ - --.- '. --- �r, �- �,,_.- ,!� � , *Z - , 7 ., ,I ., ­% Wq I - -, -��, � � -, - � - ,.�, =c"t r � " * �11Z�z �-:, �-,E n.-. -,% I* - L'7 - �'_ Z:3 �._5�_t'- 17�7=-X=C' S V-= ,--�P,Pt ;:f - , 1� A .1. -, cizs �1-, .. s ­­ ,� 111s; Trattro. � lit I tvWx t', , ,I It - ,_I t�. �,,--,� - , C." ,�- , "�NL Wftrilhv4t rast in X�tl:'Cftt. . �� �t ­ � .!_;�Rx 11.1 '.-_,4Nk* N*�',:��ol� .." -_V�­__-_��_=- _ t!�,:,.'�: L__� !: �_ ,_ -_��_-'L L - 4 � �_.-_'r'�_. �-, �: - _- 1�_- ,,�� I , - -, - _s-. _- --- t � et�, are _- ,;4srga �, . . ­ ­ k...,; -,x,- $�,__-( '. � - ,=;,. ,� "-- *�� _ :_��*L.4,cz ass,­ts :1�, 7 - --L-L , 11it, l�wort1,4 ol. tlt�N oM i,-.,-, czat the , ,4SVZ�,t4 ke.- - __Z�1_ "k� �'_: "': r ­ _: ,1kSZ ��';L _��. `-� , ftb"t- c' ,,tc7' ,C,c * __ . tW�,�A'3.xn ,%�:,g-��s�� ,!:� k � , .- . __ - .1 ;. __. I ,-�-k�en..'!Z�:Cy 3�_­'�,! 100-_T-L�:,_ Z,C,fl, -_',�%_ lid ,*,,, &4*&eh , ,,, , . � VINI"�Mt_�'it ,-_��%e I,-.: s, �_ - - , - _� �- - .=_, ,..:.2iII __"Z�t ;.V%�i, ��,:­:-,__:­�:, ,_Q �Z �L - el� t��. , � , , . �: �-- -, :�_­-,-� ­_,�:i:zt:,�T r.e--: tZ :,�-_-,_.�:�c Tw_­ - f,:7= V CI,g* 7'': -,i�rzn! ., u.-10= I Z, .1 e, �:, , " _., 11"4�1* -.��,-3 W� _� 't - , r k-,. _ . X- - Z t � e 'oe't, 7 k -jxm4- - ;,-)o1,4`th*.n ol ttto 3*enefa, sa�atte. Thp ', . - -- it V -'-. - -F- 'Mr ; �in , -,!Ps -,*�o t�'N"�� ,�`�, s, ,t- ,1� la, �-, I _ - �I!F - z7tiv,�rsity, ,r�-_-_-e �-. "-�-g,--, - -t:':0_r C! ` S�Z Z .C -:n 0, tti' Pai%y E L re$!@r Vt,,- o ,of MrIn'll wns� mlw,at tsax W 1'r -t , - il,�Isz ,,­.-�, ik,_-�.kZ.n. . -:­ - ,. I-� lw,=�en,�-� F=_:�7_= - . �41 Zoil ��t*h. JkJr.,.J ft(j= JSt�4(1'rt 't,j - , fi tshll I ti,z�,V'n� tv� F. 1� J,V---�, -�%�,�,,­- - �_7 -�, ,� `t :,., -. - 1. �V� r, - �,, . . - 4,�-�ij�_ -,� :,es:�E _'.- -.,'E' Z.ty. ,,--,L- � .n 4 , I, I_1.1_� 1�* --.:.I ,� -'=_.�Z a-_-_,_­_-_-_�L �7�_',L��.' g:IL� " - __ - _-­ � nb�-�Za-t at�o­=Pl, ,.,L% ,�k�_­&,-i t`_0 tr,vt m I ,kt,�;--_,-;-. �.,.,� IL I_ - 'St t., . " , ­�-. -1" , _ , ­., � xUaw, Toeovit-A a -lI - - * -v�a'�,�� - -, S- X` -�,� �,. - `Zt.� - .1 k --, � -. ,- : � ! -. _I. 1- - _,!,t� .-" _- � _­= 'r � sks ,Z-: =- ekl�tkqtci=i�__t�v S4V,�='. I 1,"*, � = E ,-- t -- ,, =-,V_Nn wt��h ti�e �"=.r A;-&`Wli�xj tror'l I tile -t'ana tt.�- ,;:�:�_'-.;,� W .,e-- , a: ., � -, i =. �. _- . _;Z - ZA 41� 1 � -, -_ ,­",r_;;!A,t ��,� , ,I , , ' *­ - - --% T:--- e ­� - k ovfttioll xrom tbt, 1hr " etrbL rtvoen-�� �- .,.-.,: _�, - . , , *I..,,- ��7�.-,:,!,_%,i,� !�_%�.,!-,-_-_� -, - ,:,-- �_�- �,�­,jz,f, ,,�- �i.)L t'_ -Z_- _: W -, -'- �1. F�- .Sv@ �Wjh;�, g'a" tt &V :_­�!�'.l ftsvill K=.*, � - n - . _­ ­ - . _* 7 , ra , " * --- '. - . I *.:, t-:_*��,k ="is V;- '_S�Z� ,- �­_*is. _,�4,= I:c- M3 two I tiat, ot JINV, Vroao.l thoro� L I Ti�t ,1-0,t" 1�' -, *�-,i,"r,tn 'L,v tte rs fe-.tr. Il Rsi'-s wet* r%ttt�k4voa k.n �ti-,p ,,%��If,�Z, �.­g A - 'I-- x:z e � � r-,, = It �,.�� "V�*,I,-. -- -t -, ,I "% ,�k'v�,_­. "C ." ,.�L:,e- �: 7,:�d - . - - - t*llettvl� �_±t� - ­ -_,­!:-_­_�. A, -_ -�n" Vqtimetky was� .uft4lor tilt&. ,,�-.Mmand *0 !,AtVr ,,'.­­_.-.,,,:-, 0,* Acat�t!-%,, 17�-.t,. t�-�I o:"., *_, - 7a 1 -ti.. ,Z�I;ae= t'��"._,_-=!. -__-Ii .-.:-:--.--.I-- ­ - �xr I �- - 1, - 1I.- " Tb-ri�, to a g=c_�tt &-;,7.". '3� bal, --g-i :1riz-tet- t ­M, W-'­�,cb *.PN, Ct.tr vtl�gljt l' it'. I - '_ � _. V,- I 11 - '. , jet. ava I- t -.., -- ':: ,�- r r - c �`,:_�.-,�� t .� ! - 3 , - -1, -of Llvtlt�ww. IN. J euv!lt-�'kit ,:A� t", "t ­­­*�� ­- -tsk-vt�--3 I 2��V,:V,%­r. t­,-�_- .-..,:,z z -- _�i==,!& � � a :.. _r _. � ­ It- ,­__ 7, E, �Z, - t a --,v el . in, ote� =St,l tkv,� thkl 104ot \ -41 0 � c kuti.; �. .-t ­ , gm!W ,Z,n tl -­, _ty �,Zr -.--e tk-ISL .:d�V ­�"".", ­;- ­ .11: - 'I �­l . 0,,_r,Nj.,,. Z:t ihk% paradp gt�%tt% sho.-i'lIt'd as"q er ;ell Ito, %V_'_'�*t".,�,_N', �-_%v_�.��­_Z Z41).rS11. t:. IS: -��*� 7, - z, S -­i� ! _- - & _­. Z _� , , -!�Sz,- m'-.1-ki;:� ,�: v-z:,�: - _- -_ - .- - ,�, -,.* ,,�-_" �­:�*_"--_-_­.-- z v ,y,�,Sr. ! d tl'� 114tu Oltter %lie , _. . - , -1 -4 ,k*ok , W - _ i, -: was* WrN,kt*!_ raitkv prevont, in �c-,Z,bz�oa to Elio . ,_.!!I��iz N'_'_ ­_x ,0�'�:�tle:�,x! b7y , .�,.nk�. vl.��.-nt �,-.-,:,t-s C�:".=,,ik! tZ t�-:' Aiz­s`��I.z�_ Z:�, :1-: 7c�-_,'�*.- .�-__­�,�,�- .=t 11�m,�,�At t'-� _�7: I .- . -_ t, " ,W asr ovet t*,:� 1�tf ,L;;_�=S CIT 1&01':at�S St -0 � I 'two bnud,,� br,asts *%til buete. ba ewt,4� ��. t1,,0, -',.,t "', W, -iz� � Z.. .--- Z�Z�� Q. - ,­_ ."-, -_ � _*_ L=IF wa-p =- _z aaks "Ze- _a . r��V rZ4'A. . r-,aie.* I I t,iw 1 7?_ -0 ela� ri'atze-dr ,Z�t, rk­,vr,s'W,%ur�t , , sku*e& 00i, rolwtn �,Jkv A,V;r"1;'­or, the reg- - , - '."`­-_-1�'1:1i.% ,:V_.�.- 7_�:. kt�-_, � - - S�� tz, :, �'.4 I , - -iii? i I -a- 1�,V, Vt�- ,-_;-_k:,z ��, .11-Z! !. - _­ - ,�` -xTrx- �, .1W.. ttol I�T_4t e,=!�,,, =xattlhs ;Z� .1 1�worxv,Ll to thv terry - _-� _.- _-!,T_ -"&,-.,-.- �_.,F itzve�t-_-.: ',�, �-��`_,"Zl- .1 -9. _ __ � _-�n!!;tr U — illfit'lit Was k" - -I _es,t� !.­t,e'��N $11, --�­ - S% 'r, - t i;,q� tvt"_ ,,%* V,-�"":� ,n'.' . ::- � ,:��,,� - vel-�- T'r tz�l: *!��,-.-Ze �Z W�=Z!-_ - , �­_ _i� — �Zg M. WZY I 1�. _4Z _ . 1� =I -- ,-,-,,-, ;:�, t:.��:, ,K!�,�,t,,:���r.�:-.-�.,-,:,:--�--��% � �.�,-.­ ,, ­­.. ,��te,`, %�,Z�:ntzr�l'?,��_, ". Cc- Itit'velIt 0 111t% NIi0h,-V:aT-I _Nqt`�Gnar _'. .%,� � I ­_­_ ­ _ _ " --�_ *4:�N-t-IL .� in I mt*�_ t t(��:, � 1!�'e ecl- TW6 ti,trutan vrn"kz�r"4 Art, P):r0l,Lq_ _* - -- e�NZI-1. !?1* 't,:��,4,_!I, r ,*1`1---4!;.- ".*-*"I, .1 tI.F. N.W11- ,:.7�-. zn*,� lt�;,-T. �4� gft,ve. ��!!� tt:t6 1,tLr-;;t gxqac Uft, -u A;lut'rd. vl 110 $10'00 NI; hllt VIVC".t "", th& ,�­� 4,An �� ,tv: ct,� " ttt� k4t,r..' ba L A �Of tk-:,1e Tv! It 6a et P*r'. AQ Xlt1IL* I I k 4.1 t, v Z st "'W! I - %, _�-­'�*.�,=, ,%* ��:�­�,=N ,.I C7-1-4. t,% t�_,;-� ,n4 � �,Z_*:.,,-� "-I. &47% ssh,&__ - - ", ILIV ay.- *eh, W 'It'- Ttt 1141-uthor I I,,, Mt 44 tbo 1(I,&i1riVP p4sted. Be- �A-` ��'_- C-N=Z �Z.'Z W -2Z � alt* rt!,,-zTtk� Z: !V-�k 46 Vk1te�'iJZJ&. VU I �', Ti,�_,��t 1 WC11 take wxr,e tix,e t*1.`1-rit 'att'l will us"s % �Ikh,lv IcM*,_,_:at..:�­�!�, exirt ,%,Nvt,eI,��-%,�-.14c,!-�� � 10k, , " *Oall lit"te-- 11 , r �;�� _e, fore dirmlskilig tbj� rol�o. V,o-.­.t.-1_tL ,1 1� 1� �� U;,:,� ­, , "t*,�!e, itt r-,. Q,*,�!g ttv,�:.,",*6 �,= t,?Av rAtt *06 --I At a7 I -irst 1,*'�i,ye. 1, . , ato -t,neh ,an -ttut- -,Dr_-tL.V=r W, tk>ro In 100k,tn,wat %-tv,k­1tT,L',,k.-A , � ".. . It , �'. �,C�. ., I il4o for. _'.1 e,vz--_t*� kli*v . t'�r.�-." Q,-- XW-tlot Abillita"'I oem 110"', � -_ , *�!ta Lt_e,,%_. � 4.t1, -.-C I!, a 11 "' =811' P_roltest�di A,"Itvl� -b , & be- ,Zb�- a N **Vit III* C_oc�ft,� ,C.-.r&_-U,A0ftk� -= "A rz,��164 =,�I-.=�Szt% �,C!,,Te�!.n 416.'s 1 1 " 5:s,-,-te!�. 3--t 1-4 _ A0 1* timi, lifw* tir %�ft t 400hw p� tov, Vitt, 's I � _p1m)(1i'a ,-,howins MA'd, i i � . � ' r , I I , r 4 . . I � . L ; I � i , , � � I ; � I I I I I I I I I � 0 1 4 I S . I � let %L 4ku , , I _1 % It Y3 4. �: � Z . I I I` I � , I i - , I I .� i 1-0tta States vftrlr�e'* . .Pttd4&*tttA lm�,t V�, g*A-ti �,! " � ­ I Tott, tliblf Almorklan io�takadtx 10 : ft-lakIliv-, TtL's -.4�4�,v ,W4* *&11 tit. 4 tvt ,I -';v�-Vr p6r-. ttlt Vs,-tL-�ry-�t t1k y***_* ** tt, 61 U ,b , , i'�Aee,- ,M"%*,tet�'-Z. qlt,'4�1 t�. eijilite. jmtl, *-�* -w-kid, I*'r t* t6 eliftie, OT tmarve, le iw:der W,kft�.*, I I I ,. � lwftc I I 1. I., � I �t t)kt *&I, "ro"A *1 r-. I I . I .. 1 17 I I . I . . - . . 11 . � I � . . " I I . I I � . I I . L . � , - - -- -­ � I..... ­ I ... .... I '­­­ L ­ . 1-1-1...'-_- ""-'-I-I-ILII.���'�,-'-.",.-�".,.-�".,�,� . .... . ....... . - � . I . . . I ----.111 .... ....... .. � . . .... ­ . . .. ........... ... ­.­.� .... . .. -,�,.,�..�-111,111.�'..�.,.��..,-��", _­....._­ . . ........ -, -1111-1-1- . ......... . . .. ---11.