HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-09-26, Page 8THE. ZURICkVHERALD The eo • THE.P T R UL WHY? re AGE We handle good goods Our pi4ces are low We carry a large stock Highest price for produce Obliging salesmen *A. J. 0. MERNER ZURICH #114,4400RigeoV!'•., Special to the 1/1111tetie, fcflffi Whitematt's ot1 C..010 Town line, Stanley received word on kohday that His sondied at Chicago appendicitis, Raspberries are getting ripe in the big swamp, and if the wegtther keeps warm there wili be a good second. crop, It is our painful duty- t4,10,0-eeek to relate the d,eath Of ',Mrs. Geo. Coleman. Mrs. Coleitlan'had been in the best of health until about at week ago, when she hes suddenly taken ill. The best of medietil aid was summoned but ofino avail and es Mrs. Colenehn grew worse it was deemed neeessary to have an opera. tion. On Wednesday evening last Drs. Gunn and Armstrong held a. consultatien and .decided that the only hope was an operation ont of which Mrs. Coleman never rallied. Mrs. Coleman's maiden name was Elizabeth Turner, daughter of James Turner. During her sick- ness, Mrs. Coleman bore the pain with the utmost patience and Christian faith. She was 'ae mem- ber of the Hills Green Methodist church and a loyal and •devoted christian. The. funeral tot* place on Saturday last, and the esteem to which Mrs..Coleman was held was dose, 25 cents at box. Beovv, Oopt Mtlal 011)1,08ot, The flomi, coauniettiotem WhO Well0 present were advised '0 the ',eon. i1 regarding gravelling the Cettre' Road. • , The folloWingeecounts were ordered to be printine, voter's lists,etc$40.75 ;HER- ALD, printing by-laws etc. rt.. Logan Drain, $8t00 ; 'Louis Wolper,' spikes ,anti cedar, $2.00; •1. K. Goetz, lum- ber and bridge, Z;1&00; Hy. T10111.. ner, rep. cul. eon. 10 and 11 1.5O;$ Casper Roehrig, rep. cals. con. 14 and C.' R., 2.50; 3, Ortwein, ditch side road, $1.00 D. Schnell, mil. side road, $5.00 ; A,. G.. Ehes. Blind line. 5 and 0. $2,50. . Council will meet again on Mone day, the Oth day of October.; at 2 o'clock p. F. HESS, SR., ,Clerk. FOR A CERTAINTY I AX CURED, Mr. James Treneinan, butcher, 5'36 Adelaide. Street, Londbn, Ont., writes that for two years•,,.:he was laid up with kidney disease and' urinary troubles. He became drop- sical and his legs 'would swell so that he could scarcely go round. He never used any medicine that did him so much good as Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills , and knows for a certainty that this treatment cared him. One pill a IVO•clearly shown by the large con - coarse of friends which- followed her remains to their last resting place. The sorrowing husband • ' and friends have the,. sincere spit - pithy of the entire community in their sad. bereevement. Messrs.Thos. Farquhar' and Thos. )4 RIO Smith left for the West Tuesday ONlast. Mr. ;lames Hagan and family - visited b'ettforth last woek and The Leading Blacksmith and Horse=Shoer. I make a Specialty of Shoeing Flatfoot- ed and Intedering Horses...... 1101•11•010•11••••• OENEBAL BLACKSMITHINi: J. II. film?, • Zurich Johnson's FURNITURE STOR L s the Place to .to mho; you require :LUV ter Me Artieljs: Side.boards, liedroom Suites. Extension Tables. Conches, Taney Rockers, Parlor Fur- nishings, Plante Framing A SPECIALTY The Woollen Mill Store t..an give you good value in Under Ctothing, nittukets, Hos- iery, rlannels, Tweeds ILt(t... & Mt JOHNSONI Zurichs Out, DASHWOOD whre there had a family group taken. Mr. Hugan's family are all home at wesent hence the oppor- Fu rniture and tunity for a family group. Mr, Hogurth took the bible study in the Methodist church Friday Undertaking evening and dealt with the lesson in a most acceptable 'manner. STORE 1 Mr. Geo. and Miss 0. A. Troyer visited at Mr. Hornor's of near Drysdale, Sabbath last. • Arne Stelek bad the treat of hav- havt' lkoW ing tame berries for dinner recent. lv, `1.11,1.00 anti m - ' .) Jarrott ht s been engaged as t)-41:tte Eitock • teaeher in Sharon public sehool for r the Mining year. 4" 1 "AlSt' Fur- Wm. Kyle's son of the Town line „ o v..he was severely hurt last week lilt Me " by falling front a horse. we are whieli we glad to say is improving. The Saerament of Lord's Supper t.tYyr At a Low Price.... win be dispensed with, in the Pres- byterian church next Sabbath- uNDERTAKING ° Mr. Albert Ail:ennead visited Rola. Stelek. Sunday. • teir sty al, is Large and up.to • quite a unmber from here took aztte, in tune in give us in the Western fair last aveek wed , at still groder number,the World's' • as Peir nt Zurich, this week. BUGHGLES.: PRICES RIGHT. R HNEART 8/VsE .4111!' •t GREAT RtonD PURIFIER. ANI) SYSTEM REG- VLATOR will cure the most aggra. viten form of Dysnensia and Indigestion. It wil 1 ear - reek "That Full reeling After tinting." Nervous Headache. Sour Stomach a n cl 1,1attilenee. Why suffer when :t cure is guaranteed? 200 PATS' TREATMENT SUM joim Hutt Dashw.aPd, say's: "I was unable to get any relief from Asthma and Stomach Trouble until ***lug Our Xatlee 2te JOHN DUMART., AGENT. ZURICH. ONT. THE ALONZO Q. Buss Co, solo Proprletnra. CM. Cook's, Cotton Boot Compotna. Ts senorita Mir tin fl monthly brow t 10,000Latiltm. Sac offectusl. Ladlog ask your drnaglIt fee Cas_ les Cotne awl OM. . Win no mitt r. Manuel, Oil attnt ttou it aro dangt Mink rel tos. bro. pr box Oro. s 10 deg rt4eStomnetraa ter box,e. 1 or :,,nutilkat riwIpt owire Ana o Loom t atantpx. The Cook C6141puty Wintlior.ttut, and 111101dand getout:n*04K by re4poaublentun1att is Quads. No. sind No. are seld in Zurich nt Dr. finehttliaies drug 'tore, ItEr 0 :0 1.s the place to 1.tht' oiti HAROVVXIIEr TINWARE, GRANITE, SILVER 'and GLASSWARE. ASBESToS .#'11..1.73 SAD' IRONS, Will 'retain lieat twice as.long as ordinary irons, • . and costs very iiittl� more. PAINTS, OIL, • PORTLAND CEMENT. ' RUGS, DUSTERS, DASH APRONS, • SWEAT PADS, - WHIPS. • / We have the best Cook Stoves ' mde, war- ranted Quick Baker, Superior Coolers Power- ful HeaterS, Agent for 'th'e lAidon Fence Machine, also agent for the Lamb Fence, best woven wire fence on the marke't, ail all kinds •of! fence :,wire on . Eavetroughing, Furnace Work and lidtal Radii a Specialty: CHAS. • GREB, Main Street UF?1014, ONTARIO. .11“1111.0,10.. FOR, SAW. !DAT OPPoIrrrNITV tiF,T -WELL'MAIM. r XPYr(14-riet r."00tVel °Itirsertelle lotendt: Lak Wee East etnnt,t5t4ion duc 'trip (111-4'8 146 Atm, f...`fumitek,r4 VA 10, lip the: !restorative. blood on builder that wla..1•T'acerr pre.' ;tathtetrieagattruiirddiiiii5„ ram tery 'SYSt P• • `,1 pared. The name et the disemoretro. sedthata ti..tsttri.,,„,41, wawa met deereatle rt livedhozg eth. 1Dr. A. IN. Chase. is era , etet nay. tempi eias zel eith DASHWOOD The i9o2 Hess BUGGIES are now finished.: See them before YOU BUY. MON QWNWIW•aWeg‘Mn•Ad••=.6 ONTARIO' ,I4tuirtnitve this. mid besIde.,„, you melee of St. .1keerede tenY (mot MARKETS 111k46.,•etl eve*. Thus:Rd* nitetracilift- Vnta,alt to 0:i Ilats . Is 2S Iluttey _ . _ 3% in l"a=us Fleur -natter. Ee•gs 34 1'5 ehielielt44 PO .. 4 3 Darks n Geeee .3 3' Pottle, eet. • .... • 5 40 IIENS'ALL MARKETS. 611 73 90 2 lin 13 14 63' to 6S Wheat Oats. Barley Peas • have the testimony tif scores and t*I4_161 hundeeils of enrol °nes , i'er atatitieLartr, altirov in tot, ety • liart ttif Canada and the Enitect • 13. zw.m. &law tt. tates. You. can it kIlloWittg ! that it is bound to do you goml SLASTOWN &mill Huron -Rueter. Tecswater-Sept Special to Tnt linnxto. Blansitard-Rirkton. °et. 14011---flt. T -N. yr. Itobt. ridd of our vil1age Ilriiss.e154-Oct. 2-3. has recently sold his plaee to Mr. Walkerton -Sept. 1;-.1.e. itipfer of tli.eie. Mr. Kidd we are' t_gersou_sept, 23-24. sorry to learn intends leaving this, "" Listowel-qept, 30, Oet, 1. vicinity atid will go to tvetet. ZU1216611 L•EADIN16 STOQIG BIG SHOE REDUCTION We are anxious to business with you. and will do everything in onr power lo make our dealings satis- raetory. We havo a Big Assortment or s isTa.ss./zzz ..S.4 M-X0',E1 9 that WV, Will alla DMA. n make room tor our Pall Ciootls-and will give you ¢rellt liaMaill8 Until tIiI1St of Oelober 14, .....1ftladlitAil*,1111114101 .611..,...010111.1•11.1•1M. Mailt Z1.1. Tight taken, in toi.ei4inge r44. (hinds. 1.111141eaknMa1116.1M....Y. ' A F? HEADQUARTERS POR Ply Nets, Dusters, Trunks, Valises, harness, 1"' Cuny-combs, !shes Binder twine, 'Machine oil, Pans green, harvest tools, hums, Washin machines, Till anti nraniteware, Paints and old. Harvest Mitts. Eave4roughing ", North Perth -Stratford, Sept. 20, Mrs. Jas. Wig,gins of legersoll, october arrived here Tuesday- to spend,, st. marys_sept. 30, ek.i. some time with her par MC'S Mr- I We'gt Zara- Urfa and Mrs. John Hey. Mr W' eame tip ;a atta Thanneefo t this time that she octobet, 8' let41118 I t. XiSSOtirri rd.- • might visit *.The World's Fair Phe G. 24. 1. 40 gshibition_wdetieb. 3,4 t o 10 / itnSter Irvin "Willert with Sister Tornberty-At Winghain. Sept. Flour 0.4 w ri Sept. ID. Oet. 1. I(r,g's °ice) per cwt.. 0 25 6 73 1 Clara, spent Sunday loth his inwle 23-2e. IIEi %ono, oiltariol Kalbfleisch's MILLS. ;starling and Saw Mill -All kinds of woodwork and saw- ing done to order. Estimates given for all kinds of buildings. A full stock of B. C. Red Cedar Shingles. All kinds of lumber al- ways on hand. BUSH FL5 John Decher. Ashfielit Wawanosh-Diffigan- John Hey had. the good fortune, /ton, Oct. 9-10. to have a feed of raspberries fetal Tucketsinith--bea• forth. Sept. Z.,. the bushes one day this week.' 26. This is a pretty good record for the Oxfora-Woodstock. Sept- 25 -24 - end of S'eptember. Great Northern -- Collingwood. Thos. Trevithick and wifeaceeee., Sept, 23-26. panied by M. Restle, all of Credi- North Brant -Paris Sept. 23-26%. ton, sieent Stinday at Gieorg,e North Grey -Owen Sound. Sept. of Wheat eleks• 10-18. Centre BraceerPaisley-, Sept. 23- ,, Among those who captured prizes!. 24. '1 Wanted et the Agricultural Fair in }Neter I from this vicinity Were John Dech- tap ff sn: er, John Hey, jr., and Jacob Rader. Ma my T THE --••"11100'--- • What tnight have prewed a set- . - ious accident happened to one of Hensali m had been plowing hi a drain and was in the act of lovaditto' his plow Id= ;Gobtt'a. -"14' 5511 t.0 in,F.peet or sitoFk Tite• demand for our Flour 1-- so our townsmen the other day. He an -d Backache and Steel Roofing. Hardware and 'Harue.,,q, Emporium, •ZURICH, ON.4. tho CX -1= UL • • RESSGOODS To see a Beautiful got , • the Leading Lines shown: before.. . .7" ‘vhen th.ough his intentions vete Beene:se Pori Hope,stat1:-"In my large that we have our Mill run- to put the plow on the hot it, hap- bia cuts dm. the constant jar of the - •business do a great deal of ,..rivitag over ning DAY and NIGHT, to n117 pend that the box went on the along with exposure to all sorts 02 weather , Following are some' 1'4' the leading int and prices: of Dressgoods, in all arid Shades, you want the like we have never cy. our orders. R. R. Johnston, plow. Although no one was hurt ...elver on kidney disea.se. Wa2 still if lie had been under. -the box miserable he-alth and suffered a. great deaT • %midi eun. supply you with ovitioths noinesimis OTIS BEST GR "1DE 'mu!' he 'DIVE lyeen. Besides this with sharp pains in my back. I heard of , the horse ran away bat as he had, Dr. Chases Kidney -Liver Pills and de - • not had it hitched nothing Wag tided to try them. Before had need all Choppindoie • g on ,overy Bring in your Wheat and ,Yet the 4smasbed. The only inconvenience ol the first hoe Telt better and three boxes hg,rre entirely turect tie I Oat 'et Tuesday and PrId•a" y. Hi•ghest Market Pt' NvaS the gettin& of the . Cheviot's: Zihalines ts horse Again. glad el an oppnitunity to, recommend B. ice 1Boys be ateful. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills for I bavis . °tit Geo. Broderick and wife and Field Gates, Water -1H. Cook & Soli Miss Annie Hey spent Sunda HENSALL ' - and Water Troughs. l . Tanks for 'Wind -mills: evening Crediton. -; Several wen outt, coon huntme in fa12 led. untried remedies when von know the new thing for this season proven their wonderful control over Yid- ney disease:" Ladies -Cloth at 65c has no ,equal seem8 Unwise to Waste money and tnn the risk of experimenting with new this vicinity oil Seturtlety evening that Dr. 'Chases Kidnev-Liver "Pills will Wc also wish to draw yonr attention to- our Embroidered Cash- - TO prove tO yott that bat they didDLI get lioree till 'Stine tart your. Ont. pill a 'dose,'box, t Metes a.nd Frerteh Flannels for waists. so would deem it a special favour 1 Belf ' 1 1:3 aif you would ask to see oar l'•enters end eonortre values, before pur- :;-;71;•; •;, ' 'chews-. ohuutentitteeettete 'c ay morning. , .(.41 -re u 'othe'el. dea es, or • niaoson, BattsCo., i ' P chasing elsewhere. ... . and absolute cure rot each fene.es. • bleeclittgandprotroding piles', Philip rossald visited. at John . the raamtradurers have goareneeedit, "seetitit- Itay's 011 Saturday evertieg. Teronto.- Mills 14th Con., Lot 25. And every foot or itelung, °Inas in the &db. prAss and aSk yortr.t.itdett t 3. 0 Kalbfleisoh , gety rit motet- back it not cured. BOCA-box, At i wbara fiat they think of it. You can 'use it Mad , en a/ere or EnStAlsa0M-u'ATES & CO Tormitth Halt Connell. Zurleh Ov " Dro•ChaSet°61)11401rielvt Council met at the call of the $ •'Dr. Chases' ' • . • .. , • ., tembacb, Zurich