HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-09-26, Page 7se+4444.4.4-lete4-144-e++44.444-4444444-4•44-644+4,44.4044********.
4444.4-1 114 441 4:1414t°44+44
"Ws an aetonishina. thing, then, r After tlie contumely with w Lich he
that a woman. should leave her hue- I bad treated me, the admission seemed
bend Just to comae and live like an, quite a cotupliment. I made no
old almshousewomanI
in a tumble- attempt to deny it, and this retic-
ence emboldened him.
Now, wily don't you marry her
yourself ?"
To have the .wish which has been
secretly gnawing at the foundatioue
of your heart brought rouddenty face
to face with you is a startling and
thee great talk of your being such a confounding experience. I theta: no
gentleman, I don't know whether coneicted ruffian can ever have looked
1 shouldn't feel it .tuy duty to eall you more guiltily ashamed of himself than
to Recount." • 1, as I felt tee hot, blood mount to
hoee to rey feet, mutate to sit my head, and my brain -swim with
still, but at on sat down again, the first full consciousness of a
afraid lest 1 might not be able to futile past:Ion. 01 comae, the man
resin the advantage a standing pus- before we put the worst construe-
ition afro:dee for taking tem by the tion upon my evident confusion
collar, aThi renteving lam to Lite flow- repeated in a louder and more blue-
er-heds outsele. tering tone:
"Yu are at liberty to eatiefy your •• Why tenet you nutrry her ?"
maertal anxlete be making :lay •• In the rhea 1n Lid I, quiet-
quarres you please,' said 1, and look- 1y, "elle is Seareele more than a child,
ed at the aver. Ida Muer."
.1tr'n't bi' afirl"It"1. 11 MIL notch •of a. fault, for
ehaffe' site! ine. '• I know ilies nee she woul improve as she loses it.
danghter earl le' after- 1 sItIV Iter Beeidee, von needn't marry her o.t
+meek out of here inet too I mute in
by tee bare way. 3S if asitental to •• In the seeotiol plaee, I am. quite
1teik her father in the fame" •eittre tate -vvotteitet hate me."
lea d---.1 +let up awl
get cat of ate !untie," I Wetted out,
te, a flash of estetintrollable rage.
Hi• got II/14 aal PV.41 tuade one blow
step towards the door , but he Intl
net go out. nor del he seem arrant
of nee He terned „deliberately waen
act was clove t I the sereen. and began
to ea log hie wallainastiek in the 111+1
wee I renteintemtel, regardlees of the
eolitequeniete et a mein eroottle 1 with
rerteture mai ornentents Tient he
feoliel into hie hat. affil ZDS
hand thougetreilly rowel the lining
f was still a• %vette heat of in-
gettoneloie bet 1., hie %talent hands
on this Medea' 331 tunes/sting Per-
ste+ 3-'0311.1 NAL.. 1, ".'n like football:
witlient the ftel.
"Leak lova - he add, weal we heel
fifeeel ail taeo -Ineetenethlt*IOry ninnuop
r.,or Nemo Luttingoaag. Het eyee were
five apen ea. lett homel welch hie
fledge leau,i •' 'l' with -hart! 'lien
are not tetteta tee Ito the eight
weer roe d i 1.1CD 1310. I v.ittl
eta.. Wale
Word to Ho Lao, 36•311'i Dr ant
otla,r gt ntlemet. Nee e'eeeirt Not
at . I 44 vet oolardet o5. In&nlike
atool 11 eto,, to --5 yo.oa loot 1
nion r. flow re y -ear and all
btl tatties4 roay oof r,40oeirogrn
oven fro .na,•iL1 Lori orny a'Ofe and
1or...0O:ot looter the gha-
t/ow Of pelt. cos Ot weee. !tom
tr OT.Trt tiri•emmil ;mai falhote."
Ifere itt 11ooke,11 elp tot VIIIR siVeways
Peak a gear teed. essiplaaeate the
litl ktnt t tairetehtta Whittle his
Manatee affettleti.
Petteeeletra etate ,w rattan in
hte 'koala Wel 4ivstWttsVD! 11133,P.?
gentene feel,,:ng uLots t000ntoroet. I said,
•• Wen e' ;tat leateel agahroO. tie
OE/toffee' WM! OulS eneautage-
inetne he steppe; etiek to the Eseartio-
teg again. awl white To -to half-
ettategled lo'nisoon tra toolie attempts
down cottage fifty miles farther
them no where
I said nothing; indeed I coula not
stare his astonishment.
Ile went on* with rising bluster,
and louder, huskier voice.
"And, look Itere, di I hadn't heard
" Why not ? She eetene to like
"She domi like me, as a. 'beau-
tiful girl may like it gramdfatiter,
buttered and nearred In war, or a
homelest+ cur which elle hatt Pickett
up alt whielt luta grown attached
tie her. To be frank with, r011, Mr.
Palmer. nothing but my ugly face
pre% elite nu* front Ine•outiug a suitor
fur your daughter; hut, flint oh -
Is one witiele aithout any
lupine heir -depreciation, I know to
be one white% makes happy marringe
impeesible foe me."
"I +lotet ettew," said Ale. Ellmi•t.
a a tone of genertme enenarage-
melt ; "goo 1 Woke dotal. relavoya
erre, It OD' With the women. Look
Lt toy write, now ; well, to be +sure.
eeie was pewit caough or getting
nit, bat, tit) eora think Lite feeling
lasted ?; :folo, I might have 'wee /-tin,
one -eyed laineleatca Kite before
we'd been Man. 'and wite elitee
Inon the ! Taere's no 'k'llOSVCIIK What
tiloke creaturee will like, let alone
the fact teat they never 'like the.
same thing more than a week to-
.emther—barrim, a, miracle,"
Mid Mr. Ellinet looked at me,
with. his bead a little Ori
one ride, art if expecting that tee
narration of his experience , woeld
conclustvely, affect my :Views 011 mat-
rimony. As I said nothing, nowever,
being, indeetie too niece involved. in
wairlpool of acitibte and longines
anti naserable certainties to haye
way neatly-terued phrases ready.with
weigh to onetey, on the convereation
he presently cleared hes throat end
went on again.
'Xon see,- he said with an odd
aesuniptIon of pa•ternal dignity winch
covered Sonia genuine feeling as well
as some genuine humbug, "it , isn't
often that I can spare the time to
take a journeyas long as this. There-
fore, when I tip, I like to see some-
thirig for my trouble. Well, and what
I mean to see this time is one of
two thiMgs, either' I leave with the
knowledge that nty daughter is en-
gaged to be marriecrto an honorable
gentleman who is able to .support
her, and. willing to be good to • ber,
or I leave with my daughter herself,
and I put her in the way of earning
her own living on the stage, whicli.
is a more honorable Position than
playing lodgekeeper to any gentle-
man in the land.
Are a Cry of the Nerves o
Better Blood.
•t..wen the glis,tealeg brew:heti of
thr. tyadding o'aketrees up to the
top. J. 430 09 (0.471.13C:t purpose in
oetuing et, fer, th.e faint bark
-of my own dog, witice reached raY
ears as .L wee ascending, Clio bare
mid reeky epa9e weevil separates the
Oak -grown lower slope from the fir-
ceowetral etextuat �f othie hill, caused me
to atop eucklexey in surprise and ex-
citement e ea sharp arid so roudden
that all the blood in Iny body teemed
to rush to my head, aid ruy heart to
continue its actiou by unwonted, ta-
tnnitileus leaps,
.1 palled myself together, not with-
out' someectineternation at the phen-
omenon, * '
"I cease th,e, hill tooraist," I said
to myself, and crept up' the slabs Gf
recite that now formed a wet and
Slippery footway among tile firs,
with a sensation pf horror at the
tbought of P.abiole's trueting her lit-
tle feet on i each treacberous path,
•iet the top, a little way beyond
the cairn, I came upum :her suddenly.
She was sitting on the trunk of a
fallmo tree, Malang out to the west -
ere hills, across tee slopes' of which
were lying dense, cloud -like mists,
against the blackness of the darken-
ing hill -sides. The last rays of the
sinking ball threw upon her face a
weird unnatural glow, ana caused
her moist eyes to glisten like
strange gems in the mun-lit marble
of her still features. The wild sweet
sadness of her expression., like that
of a gentle animal who has been
stricken, and does not !mow why
broug;hit a lump to my throat, and
caueed to Mat at some distance
from her with a feeling of shy re -
spec t.
Ta-tn. who sat by her side, with
sensitively-dilatlag nose on the
Yekleg girl's knee, saw me at once,
but merely wagged her tail as an
apologetic intimation that I meet
excuse her from attendance on me,
as she had weightier business oa
Imad than mere idle frisking about
my heels.
"And you woull take her mother
with her, of course ?"I said as eas-
ily as I could, with a sudden gloomy
misgiving- that Babiole, happy as she
lwas among the hale, woulti Replete at
.the chance of rtishing into the cell -
nicht of the- baster life in which .ehe
took such an ominous interest.
"Oh, she can do as she likes," an-
swered Mr. Miner, with a sudden
return, at mention of' his wife, to sul-
len and brutal ferocity of look and
tone. •
I was horror-struck at the peed -
Wily of my little fairy choosing -to
leave the shelter of the billside under
the protection of tale man, whose
caprice of paternal pride. and affec-
tion might, I thougble at atter nee
meta of drunken irritation or disap-
pointment, change to the eelflee cru-
elty with which he had treated his
hard-working wife.
"Wilt you give ate till toanotrotv
!stunting to think about. it. and, to
speak to Babette. Mr. Feltner ?"
defeat. after a few moments' rapid
, thought. "In the meantime we will
de. our best to make you emufert-
able, either here or at the eat tage. 01
course, 1 cennot prevent your saying
what you please to your daughter,
but I hope ,you will, In fairness to we,
let me plead my own cause unbiassed
by one word from you. The subject
is oite I knew she has never dreamed
of, aud it will eurprate, and may even
startle. her vere' emelt. So that 1
Indy ash so wait yon, and beg
you to rely On tuy discretion."
Mr, lellmer seemed elinteel wlth the
titireess of his dittlintutey, and he of-
fatraektie.me a fat, pine.. lazy hand to
atety no more, +dr ; between gentle.
men that le mete suffielent. And I
should like to ;3111, tar. that if every.
thing eloonad turn out as we both de,
sire, you nerd Vale no fear of beteg
put upon by ,your wife's relations., heather unit the lir-trees. . eatette eaUect•P4 ti) '4.) an. • to to obttilri them. IT he wale/ emberk
whatever Dithetees neither may say. "tem look like Helen Sfelfregor.* everetrang he may desire. le their !in eamtn,rmat no„huthant, the
poverty and need Ilot blutill tor it. 811"1111ted " "11'11' ea'nottn. Protector,. ado.iser ate! mon- I No wife Is a elirovi or his aria:too' is
Jelletalca the float. of the °beak Man --
Curious and Elaborate Scheme to
Frighten Away Ghosts, I
Every one of hite West India, is- —a siemal previously arranged--ehe
leads has been described, more or less tered and arrested Riellamas.
ards 11,0 it gun in his hand, which
accurately and sarcastically, as he was in the act of fl•eing over
paradise or scene sort. Hayti has Constable Claries b.eaxl a finish --
been christened as tee Eden of the big touch,
professional revolutionists, Cuba as "Accused was found guilty and
lam Eden of the hungry expatriot, sentenced to twelve months' impri-
Trinidad as the paradise of the Am- sonment with hard labor,"
erican "promoter" and Jamaica, the leot an Isolated Case.
fairylike, as the earthly; heaven of
This case should not be consider -
the obeali mate
isolated one by any meane.
According to the books the gov- an . • •
almost dady the Jamaican neWte.
cers of the British crown, bat as a papers eontain reports Tohfethgeencearp-al
ernment of Jemmies, is vested in offl-
tura of obeae. ment
matter of fact the meanest °Wall penitentiary at Kingston and the
man elm the Island is more respect- various dietrict prisone are full or
ed and feared than the most dig- them. And it must be remembered
tailed dignitary that ever exhibited that not more titan 5 per centeare
bis gold lace before the dusky popu- ever enmeshed by the, officere of
lation. Deeperately and vigoroasly the law. Their victims had rather'.
for 200 years the powers that be have jump before a moveng train thee
plotted and planned to • overthrow give 'evidence against them. This Its •
tho science of witchcraft, and yet why- the police find it necessary tot
to -day the obealt man is as mamma employ means such. as these dee-
ms and as povrerful as ho was be- milted above to cateh thexn. Whoa
fore the first Briton landed upon the they are captured the law deals
shores oi the islana. Laws have severely with them, but they are
been made to batter hie influence perfectly willing to take the risk.
to pieces and schools have been es- And et is no wonder that they are,
tablished to undermine it, but, for in this country of little money
though his clients are taught the where the wages of an ordinary;
'futility of hie art and he himself is laborer are from 25 to 5C; cents
sent to the stone pile, he continues a day, the obeali man may obtain
to, flourish like the green bay tree. t a fee of $25 for pronouncing a fewl
Prom the west coast of Africn. the) meaningless wortle over a slek
first obeah ma.n co.me with the first baby.
The British Governmeat has sta-
tioned district medical officers la
every parish tims island, but whea
the average black is ill he no more
thinke 01 consulting a regular physi-
cian than he would of taking advice
from a constable. If he finds that
his home remedies tee not cure him
—and very often. before he lute tried
them—he svelte out an obeah matt
and applies for treatmeat. leiret of
all the latter takee hitilling rem
Then he .delves- lot° lee stork of mis-
cellaneous rubbish and concoots a
vial of tota rnielling liquid. This he
earties to the sick Mall'd house and
meters its coetents over the walla.
Thou be repeats a few unintelligible
words rolls his eves, walks around
shipload of slaves brought to Jam -
But the movement in her compan- nice. by tom Spanish. pirates who
started up.
ton attrireted Babiole's attention •,' wrested the island from the Indians.
she turned lier head,. saw me, and In each ship thereafter one of his
TIIP spell was brokeu: she was Ina brethren was a passenger. To -day
moment, the sweet smiling Babiole of their descendants lord it over 714, -
every day. But I could not so soon 000 blaeke and blaek and tans. who
get over the elmek of the first siglt make up 99 per cent. or the isiantes
of Itt•r face; I hail seemed to read population. The laws against them
vague propheelee ht her wide sail avr,e00+01sewleistri.eassai juttlItile• aii•Ififotrots destroy tit.oltye
eyes. I mulled and held out my
th.• tionversation. their pewee by eitowette that It is not
hand, but I left it to tier to ova pewee at all are were than futile.
['BAXTER, XIII. Obeal. + tee Hoodoo Mau.
Except In Kingston and a few
"U's very Wee up here. Isn't it1 other larger toe tis tile °Weal luau
.s 41. greater persineige than the re -
Mr Mamie ?e• Baba& said, after II ts,
rev' bee011$1"earell. for att olleit- sident itelnanistro.ter. The la.ttet a i
ate melee three times and halm a
izot remark, • may sena o Wait CD 'Mewl anti may
, bottle containing a pebble and a bit
"Lett It's mui•it too lete for yon 'even order hint 1.0 1/0 flOgge.11, hal tie of cloth over the doer. Then he
peckete lite fee—widget is ns larg'e tte
the patient mat afloat and depart%
If the latter +lies it wile because
• "Lite spirits were too strona.. v. he
"Poor mamma. wanted to be meet. tee ..eteeeeto wan of .0out it in gete well—grent. indeed, la the obeats
and tied InO to sg.1 Oat ; St) 1 eatak, MarYlatal. OD 'WD..1‘,49' Illa,!1.1 Of malt :
here." itt"
and the "enalte dilator of Itt matters- of awe and busini•ss,
Sel . was winding ahunt it'Ir In" the baek woods of eilsetestppi. lie of- and religent and war the bla.ok
thiek plaid she always earried wlem /nets a „weer garb and USPS sleet,r entuatenn ri metes the advire of the
op weather was veld , awl thee : worde. In tile home-. are rilDS 14 .IPIPD ..doetor"' as he wonia the w•ortie Or,
to he out here ay yotirself. has no grasp mien itie immortal eon .
"Yes. I hail birgottett it wee eo The oliath man has -and he makes
Iota" she raid humbly, with a ant- use of it.
Shave bluelt at my mild reproof. me methods are the methods of
who at adjusted ilialtlattd fashion eerbe. em buttes toe b Le e
arrose the sitouhier. mash: her, broken glee -3 of mane tetiore. stmaps
Itt eonkaletioll with die Itte•t•' of gentle +term). ennead yelildes, egg
tell Tam oeetatiter Pap bh• ' hitk011ts. OA. I battered mous are hie*
wore. a moat Wane -Atte and all- tal stunti With titter aid he estot foree
Prellriate figure among tee dead nam..tostiri of Mug Feloavere Jean -
an inspired prophet. If be itas
Muirrel with a 11.11411h3T PnliStS
sertiees or the obealt man to
•p•it a spill' tin etteuta If HO
POWtS the romillo lot it +Wray belle it
W to the (Meek mati that he Wee
Tito votaries of art, sir, tiro +teed to • Mild I. eildllege ale, %lute mastet . teem heater. Ploy= weal, man inl:,t nt,t4 iidL it41. ir
Ilut, I SIARIld lir glad to tlitith that her hertd. tirelt AeettleVag t$* Weir en-nt4" ttr" I heindered or hie hem) do not lay or
tuy itovottou to it had brought otaty "I haven't i'Dtirifigl. enelogit Tkir 111;. i.t.tes „,f few. hte et mite Mee es toe t•ant Prop ie Melte% It Is tine
•elf, HorhiPs4 03 .44;14 te unslolre death seiptent4 Viet)" ''N'te440.4"' ,11011.oali 1113.11 Whomi lir, ts4 SPt
lbGdy2 t4.41' 13.1",.* '8314 tat11111. dAd'' VO;412144qtiltP" 1:1;j1fttallSek*
"Olaragfes 3 LII P.431 merit Tee rose oif a., ie 3/3^9 44 -Nato's :nier let tat -fee a e
8"e 11"1"1 T"011.`rtt" I's' 114' '61131 114,1 3t,DP..tr,C. lete. A smaili toe, ed„ reetaheeh,„,le not 4,4 to
ttaikee et,39 tM136. "0,„, PA covm, t t
bioir„7 feel mire •Y'"1 ' t"' g" -"It rt ortr.r,"..A1 ‘1,‘ td' 11",- I twin tloo Caoa Is he 0 3.notirs. for ten
dee „ tetitee telt 'a "f 14,111-N4 `11".1"1"11" LO.Nerg Vir'Pe V.,40 t tloo of the
She began Ie itiog0 oti 13°' .41•1'"he otLoo 0 of to-or0". 4 eot inns o p ooe .,V tr.,,En 1)11 eta ever
teetilty and not its penalties upon
„ daughter..
sleek hie+ hand heartily, Minuet
t melting. fee Ihe moment, eso +lee? Was
Ott'111 votive -thin, that them greits,t-
Die W .11 tame' Ptak Pills Make Richt
Red Blood end Delve Ihete reins
Peons thee Systeme --Read the Proof
.e high aiteaLal untionerlty hal do -
:had zattaligtial a% "a ctio, of tine
nerors foe better b114311§." Mal tO ert
feetaeitt dative it ftt9Ita 5:awry-stern the
blood mast be troadln. with. red and
pore. tor tins parpose there is no
other sueilileitio so prompt and smell,'
eatelt as Dr. Williams- Polk Polls.
to get at iLlf,o treasprs. he al:dressed ;11fskP tmr.w. uU4t, el1-9•1"-I
te.erie the eelleoreng eliscearse. with
theeforelreager v--.1 lee right bane tup-
rateed. Mel the 011trety petit of leis
tane plarite.1 deeple In a satin teasel-
ing witien letbiele had embroidered
for my reee,tite
-• took here," and for DaCe
ht e epee moe mete with the
'Straight -fotwereviese• 0..,f an honest
totalcittott For -growto women are
woOlo evorT., dose, oinol impart once.- aolle
ute1 Hew vigor to the person EtSit'agi
1.1101111. UV% JOhill Sielberanott, Bond
Head, Onto cp.lfere strong proof of the
o-eirtions resnouts o1itinine.1 from thetose
of lir. lealliente Park Pets ticase8
of liter kin]. 11 sayS: "A few
yeat•-+ ago while waking ago
piAtter he Butfalo I got WPt. I did
not tienk it worth while t.litingieg
fee deo. tehnther thezete geed ea ". joy elothee at the taste, bat I seem
eeesere Teat 11 TA0pv%.e. bad_vvpil. " began to smiler fee• negleet.
teem say n„ mane • (twat, teem ;t eist-okie next mineable; witherampeoate
they re good. ariet —tee lees sale aboat Plaine threteelhoet m hodeo 1 was
tapes goodness the better. Felt a tl Unable to go to wottk and called :ea,
yotteg girl. $tetaire seres learnt a ,; who len the SeeeP Inedietile. 1
'073'52111We trielks---ariot esneetally :: used faithfully for ElVir0 tone, bet
tbat's dittferent : !nod o'.ov geowatre- statelltie- worse awl ead be-
ret all she s'aows ionic- too omae".o ;:cour," rehteted gro fieS15 telt
torrecteen for her ruttier oroat tiL:at's weiggoird olaY Po'051119- As I wes
her mother's +teener. see's a little ete.7- If teat able to work I returned to me -
tate., and 1 -,, ",,road Enet. moil 5; II home rot Bent Head Here I placed
ans. taternai et.td of a hieseee_1, myself ealee the tette or it local doze -
Than was t,, 0, op t.., any toovoinse.4 wife! salt thi trozohle wa.t neural -
with her, awl n.711f•: aS to put Mel. evittett esti Utter/ a tfice-otiee
--hard on tier oretty little ettati hold upon tne -entire sYstem. Monroe-
-look here, Mr. What-d•ye-eale-'era, rare seemed to -follow me for titedo...-
0 tor's treatment +lel not help 'me end
I'd make a prep 1'4 him :"
with a eiereenets anel atelcal Into my believe? I was going to get better. I
face tvitit readution whiele, in spite bah. •olten tead -heard or Dr.-NI:d-
or thp. coat,a,..,.s v.:ye:4 has ofosfigo lianas" phit: rots arldi In this earn --
oral bis ovarme.I my eetiet g•eney I determined to try them. I
towards him. For Instead of 'the hed uot toed more- teen three Imees
eantemptible sedelee cet of a : beetre I felt .thet tee Ole were
taw minute.: at -,0, it was a 7 leg me- From fleet on I gained day .
than--legratial by les coarse of ; by day, and after I load teasi some.
but still a mato. with a spark - ten or twelve boxer,. I hail fully re -
the right tire in has heert--who revered my old time strength, and
stood lainkina steadily at me meth , have smite been able to work at ray
persisteuey which demanded an ,,, 'trade res- a earpenter withont any
antotter. „ troabie. I have no petite ot aches,
I freed my coat Trom his gtasp, And I now weigh 1515 poutuae
but without any show or ammy- think Dr. Willie -trate Pink Pins Attie-
. and answered him simple at valuable medicine and shall alo-aye
mice. have, a good word to say tor them."
"You Wen't have to make tt pulp teheit the nerveeareunsttertig,teltett
of anyboiv while your daughter the blood is poor and watery, when
eloe's yont oleo ,lie,sli ;Tool no.nal oc000t, te die root ilielp me. In foot 1 WA.;
Area sea mem r gonna' ant eeat think my no ighisore at least elei rot
mente. like tatutenteil Intisteall oil-
trot:meat. ettall rise mina fall to staeli
ittlimpeetrel iatereite ten .1 oleptlus—was
peaty tre4itiorel me a generale;
ate,' rotate! 5tt the eittft, att,111t"IP.'4 UV. Irla,rUv,.. off ba.:o., plan ietere ,,,IO.,vosooll est;"orttontia.tin
he gatatertil.
rrateloosi hte pondernois figure troakints Yet t k5torix-,- ' lo:-„o5oirroo fino,15-„J
eo-ottleseenosion foe ttellueit ought to
aosivanparetel Mut to tile 33tnt tritY 11014% stl ""411°1111'.3t1c43 • TLit s SA; S tl v- Q ti117 l'SOCV7v.'
its way to, the etuttage. neat the eit- wtlY, •1'11$$t °11„w„'•*he. te""I't1 411P*. ‘'-°14 P'Cv.diar.; au reg.t-es.-atinno I, 45anoblIng at Saratoga.
trainee or white& 1 antes his wire wait- teiteeett itr2"9"0411t ikunIT't uvvo liwc...24 ILIP.0,0'.3391 OU
hig roe mat ; male t weeeteed Te. t began toD 14.11.11°- Ilijotety. retnol,?, WILk, att flatet0:11t° 7.11tig3
Steretesti prelituvet and. t,151,„ mot epee ;lee toetehe hOlopt• tovitt,m moan ttac„ toAts,
Itt.ittg Doer lane ,na toile poola.,,:" no- inuto ono the oleetett ?oft„ „floologolaa
stick I etirrIos-1 goo twisted at reined • tolls v.ive wont,1 tounUti 1421,13 tot011
lives at Ballater, Mr. Muter. I have the sesteut is out of order, Dr. W11-
fratched her grow from a childinto , !lame Pink Pills is the medieine to
—Into what she le now, something I take. They cure all troubles arising
from these causes. and makeweak,
-aoto us- who love her—be w
fairy and an angel; and no father
could take deepee Interest in his
octet ohilti than do in
"Deepet interest," eepeaited Mr.
taltnete dubiously; 'no ; earesee for Pete People" let on the wra.pper
t But eacuse me, Mr-- 'Mar erornd every bor. Soldby meal.;
"Yea, Mr. Mande, tto offence to
Yoe, bot :you're a netri youtself,
you krovr."
despot:dent men and women bright,
active ane strotg. Ptotect yourself
egainet imitations by seeieg that the
fell tonne 'Dr. Williams' Plek Pills
to li
1" - I 11 t "er. *ri•F" att we'" aelte etetests t.r.070=P ine_2 winoton griASSen 119 tiOssiQtattion
atilt gile"n '-"x" "Alt'""g 1;nfortte.,-il teat ;Om
lot a few steps Po order to get a bet:.
ter Sieve- or his retreat. roul, taking
my litit„ went +loan the drive fot
walk oats ;east five., and the April
emu was shining Oat it gond-ulght
to the MIN arter a day of rain ; faint
tate of toile green were showing on
the date: roliage or the latellottees.
otial the dalsies In th- sort grese were
n'littgrIteetin ‘I"V" 14.'1"11 e • lead seta to i!1•.‘S.31til Z19',11t. „:„arzy „very wort,.
that I tvae wh". lomput,a be- htt,stt, very ba,m3i. and
tame ele. Bat len not tow. , toi.1 ioira to Ii*Z0.-... ire toe itntno taste,
"Ttlil Me 111A)". PJ" ;1'""*"' ti"1 ! .teel laitete a pee ter rem, a. voter.. ta..•
el:;111,,,,,e-e111;eeto,""jr,,a,1 l'h,,141:4- ,,,,b'1,,..,1141 141111''w•-••' -peas, a lard of calice. eine peieelee
reee" --`—`"e` "41'.4"-n '-''' *"..-ve . and 20 stealing% int iSOSCey. Ile re -
'Aar(' to /he"' 1104 1 an -"tie $t"wil ;41- ' tun eve! on tee tete hrliogiag these er-
a:el:ether." ., tales win, heat_ Ile met tticIttnele
begineing to take lueart at the deatit "What was that 2 . aleoat a tulle +eosin?. tee 1,eavn and
of whiter. 0151. come 1 think better iti I No ahsteet- IlLey proreed.-4 to Le9 0 nese togetiuer.
tile fresh spling-seente.1 air than I "Was it sontetiting y'' 10! 3'1' peeeeree retee Mprn, T.px laps from
-dee AI . ••• let% . W'Ifq. they
between teethe , or soles -MI books.
As for Unit, thotegh, My plats- of
attion Woe already vieeleed ea,
and eonterareiatien Of it, even
under the inspiratren of the! pet- .
fame ++11 the fms. amid tlie bebble of ii She ilintamted be a look v.enly: a ' trout of his +tone. acme irtit• to sleop
--• • ti st noes - look that vvas tinted mourned. it- „,, en t 411. bee „it neasise poweee
eine dealers or moiled post paid at
50a per box- or sir boxeS for he.50-
by writing ter the Dr. Willlioths' Medi -
eine Co., Prockvele, Ont.
looked iet wile a fieele of Oa- 40,4 to, to,:e 5.0ei5e lechatde
ulry in her eyes.
gave tem smote nitsks VIII:IP
**Was it tsaiaellauX alve'at 5",ir on 'Ale the toe: of his noose, a e
'lflu. te'l• tar ion o• met r, ono. 1.4V TOtr* Vr1
the attter onoi,er oe ,;
ti:e Dee lort too tm-1 feetionate. and ttuat load yet an- :I to, pot %neer ies, telle+w tor none
oven:tent ern my first idea. Thigi other eletneet for behinol all this fire. „i",so --foiogel lobo 51.3
CS PIO less tiesin to onake g formal teltdetiverts and iFoolluess. there. 5 ta`c, itt' 1111 4:4900•s• W.Sse4S.
4,spenSal ten Baloicie, whiten she roust datteed the restless year:zing of au 7 II:iv:tug frrof2ier-os.11 aa ay tho
: • 6 V ' 1 s" rie,e-oves asleo,1 for tay-
,., taseot. 441:4-1 03.1140-
j 105Z1P3i to, eatz"..,e1 gond.
•ly. arTang‘s-UF•111".
'11.1 0"1 btrsit
t11e, :2:
i; N...*;30 wore 'coo I"' di
tot. yonng atoy serious , o..as ti.1P•A 31Tv'Sti4A. 1LS
• - t 0. up.IS 'ettayt pa. how 110 tee aetronomere arde
' ^ts' -1 inunaly2,7
accept tea the clear uraderstatiainng eager eavieeg spirit.
that it wile t3 l't.1113 4:g0 tie n30! ter. era be Conlin. vied.)
hut 4:10.421 would sattsr, het father
and alloher to remain still; in tilos'
eatie simiter or this nook among ti3P
kills. The Vert was vete fifteen, mini)).
lateontation Open to .4:1 1.
ollehere Weh.,
1:4,404 Vvt -
i of *robeali:- itostromoats vt-ere found.
" -"At the orhel : .oustables 4544114:to-
yo'1 gni!" 1seo aoi Alen gac,P, t4C.11,De.,1° 1,1101
111'., sante 1 ftey ‘ver, ontsiole. and
• henioitot the
eree .
that inz, engagement to her-. w000ll o
witteir would reando its tiattoral
%ilea the tiatedanne teeing, prince!,
5111,811(1 break Ms Way through the;
enchanted( forest ere wake her tip+
witit the . Mee. Hope for .
myselt. I -can assuredly ,son'y, I had
very little: and, if tide melee's
seems; exceeelve in it matt in ehe
prime -of ore. wire, moreover, load el -
ready some sort 07 assured piaee 011
the •eeteem the gel be loteil. I earl '
only say that there was a balance
gainst me in the books of the see
which I was'paeing off to this one •
member or it, and, therefore, la
propottioa ate I lead felt Myself to be
too .gooti for the rest of those 1
had met. en I felt that Be.biole
met was. too good fot Me. Taa teat- O.
ter woo arranged in my own robed -
with vety little trouble, and I vvas
eager to unfold it to het. I itad
half expected to find iter in the•
toad through tite fir -forest, know-
ing that -fitter the detes rain the
little maid must. be thitating for •6.,
long draught of the fresh sweet
itit—but no; I passed through it eeiti
Out into the open tountry„ over the
stone bridge of :Week. slairted the
Dee ate -croesed It agate by Bitilater
Badge into the village, Withont
:glimpse -of her. •
-The sun was getting •IoVr. behind
the when I 'reached the West,
telit -foot of eraigenclattealie •attd
without it pauSei begat); to •Olireb: be-
llways know vvinee there
•io be an eclipse?"
"Why. you •stop'..11 lento.
pose. they read the papers.
is anybody etse?"
be metely Tft.s.nSt 10331 gnardianship
• ,
Lave ;levee toilette seea seere petellietty
and peoraiatiteutetese aa Viere Collies,
have nowhere else !known gambling
to begin *Nose toPODO breakfast and
be cartted on, itt vo.riel fielas of
eeneee. until after reilnigiot; have la
no other- pinee Memel young Maiden%
riew bridles and tardily domestieS risk-
ing bets side by sele with the head*
of families. Ana neer before or
eaawreeee e;lar+ 1 SPW-C, fathers and
mot:ilea; teaeiting the trig:9 olgarn%
Ing to eallow eitildren or fathers leek-.
Ivg with smiling faces at teak sone.
beside tee faro tables i•,) it eatubliteg
resiert.—eollen elettee
Sliced Minns.
Allettv pound for eound eagaie
one geltima To every three peunn or
segar aloe one wee teree-oemeter
caplet's CI! Cinegar and a teaspoon-
• 21 sn't M erove. nrzee. alspieJ wadi
oanton. Wasio anil dry tizo Pinms„
ttnl polek them. Illoke a -syrup of tboi
sugar arof vinegar and tont it. bons
',mg, win the Sp'.CPS. OVf.!;i" 1120 rt-ait.
fmt tii2em stand three days. Theo
:tee them out. boil down tr.i. syrtlp
until It is thick. mai polo. 21Itot
over the plums In 112...1:11r TX-c:;.;sPTP‘ they
aro to be, kept. t'ine,er ti:e fite tightly
b-ottot Wootod to
Sum the Skirt With a Red Hot bon—Fatient Was Cured by
Or. Chase's Ointment
Utv Alex. Metean. Tarbot Vale, lsi,. "Agate /deeldol to eonsult a doe- "My experience with I)r. CliassYsi
Z., writes: 'Vet t.'We' Years 1-'1'1311" tor. 1ids 010sorippod me. and said Ointment ie that the first appata-
- tbo ourv
s -oat he ve to be burned lion did me more good othau did the
as sectionmari :on the, 1)eminion Cost
CoMpany's Railroad between Sydney
aed Glace Bay, N. S., and during that with a reil hot iron. 1 slovered at two doctors, tend it .has made hie an
time vraS exposed to all, sorts
the flesh, and well and as free from piles as any
weather. Gradually my health failed. told him I coal.' :lot think of under- man. Sluee being cured I worked
the thought of burning
and I became a victim of protruding going urh ar, operation. so- he gave during the whiter in the lumber
piles: At itrst Idid not know what' Toe sona,-, anise, for witieb he chargod , woods and expvierae.mi naootretpuartnumcof
that Dr.
me two metera Iwo It did not do litiytoodidsttraroaugblew.uert I say
my aliment was, but consulted a '
dOetoto arid though he treated one rae artS' good.
e was 1„ d,„„Totate eolorooan eierse's Ointurnt was worth $100 a
I Wits forced to give up tvotk and altd hail given nyo, hope, or ever being 13021 to nalttei fol-rontititor,i,)ernriefeittio:fuosethemyriso„
feel It my duty to make knee%
for pile% they only- gtew worse.
retina to nee hoot e. My seffeting freed from the? data:ilea sniferian
could -neareel;e be •described. I could 'when it friend tola me about Die 0 -
great ointment."
not wall: 00 lie down. bet while the tetesies Detriment. He said he had title
rest of the lendie was steenIngt SOO so Teeny p3S1l4 that it had towed 1)r. Chase's Ointment, (1i) eeLtaigotto,
Would be groar.ing and aching trot) ,that, would pay for it himself if box, at all dealers, or Edva
1 Bates it Co., Toront
the ex:elm-eluting pains-. „It fatle1 tO it .