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The Herald, 1902-09-26, Page 5
.7 . : � . I I . I ,�, . �v I . I ,, I I .1� I .1 .. . I I I . I . . 1. . I . � . . I . I. . , . 11 : I I I .1 I I I .. . I I - 21,)"u1,.. 0 I . . I'dVil =81*11.4f"I T-1 A L t.� I , I I . I..","". . uv�-�,,P'".,�,.. .. ., ,,'.,,, �. 1-'. , " -, 1� , "'. . ,,, I t, ''. . - . -, , ,>,:"W,14,;.-;L.�,%,,,,,.,",-4..,�ww,t:,��,�k*t",4��,l�.�.Af4�,P,A-.-,t;iw,*,-,�;4,v�w�...;ow,�,,,�r,.�,�.vw.,4o- - �,�,,��.��A44va�.�,-"O.y,00,�..�,.�,�".!,;�-;-,i :��,, .� ,. , ��'.. , ;��,_.,~�,_._i _V�w X41 21A , � .W�rrItI4.17y�� * - "',, , I . A 044tv 4"0lt5�A_W&1r4V& . ..." 111� � , , � q', .. � I � 1, 11, .11. 1- I � � t� ., . . � � "I----�....�,,��,.",.�"",n-,.,,",.�-,-�'...�",.,�.'� . - , �( .. I"... _ " 1� :.-,..,- I, � .--, , , .I.". � ----.. _ . � I . I � I I I—— .1 -.1 � I . . I I I V"', . % I , p;-,a.;,WrJ - - � � - d , f. ".M� ? , - ,� _ ,, t,; I 'm azi . �, ,4 0 " 1'. �V - r - I , \� ,r,Afr.a-.r, � "I I 11. 4i' r, , - ` G 21t'hil-111 TUTOR TRAD I . I 1� lk:�t� 41 �c V # AIRY, ew ee -r�-Ir--"' Y, tv =�-;,� �i &-zi," ..fr , , I El I N d ... I . Mous or'.1 1 0 T I N U - J.� , . .1 ; � I , � , I I . . I -_ I � I I '41 .....". , I* &'41% I L ON ID t�,J N "; .. ,,, t! , .. . � .1ju�t1c.1.1.14 Co3S1?,v,y nr,AT,r,Vq IM30 . � I I E. JW ITANMICI � ru . (A. . It `11 . I - lWil iMits. *3'. AV I I , STRIKE DISTRICT$. . 1,011"' -� I . CURE A I.. CLOODSPED AND DISORDER I.,; TH , T 0 R EF, , S, " e " � ", !� .,.Wk1 I �, . ,�,-�t4.�.,.ii,l��,�,�,�l,,i.--�,,, 1712="211k.'i �', 40" . CONSTIPATION, DYSPEP- . 4444 I � 1 I . - . - I . , ,; . . I SIA, CATARRH, RHEUMA . . itnatioll I , - ,.: br� I .1:4,ketill" to I)l,sewss the S �;,.::_..�� �. . - . . . � .,:,- : , :. �'. �� .... :�_ . - I I . TISM, RAY FEVER, NEURAL- 'I' :a- "YMOND COLLIE11Y ATTACKED . 1'liftsto Arrive . I . .It a sojrttlolt- Will keep on liand Prof'. 'E.1,."(]'�,.-� 21. 114.a. P-,:lir'tij, I" !ii.i�. ii I v ;lli-0!iij,:: ;'�,;ifloop A,. -(*('11- ,1 GIA, KIDNEY AND LIVER AND DAMAG)DID. GiI-i.,tuall, ,r.cilicjt�f4 Sellti1g, .'HelosV , & f! , , ", , 1 , 1. o (), 1_1 I" is - r . DISEASES. I , It "ioll and Yul�.,-1,1111. lirftl�. I 1�', ;1�:.% ,-I It �-. I ,�.- k ` � � I �1;,4 I __ I I a supply of Flour , I- 111o, I .. I I . C*,ont of Prod-zletion. ill I-, �,(.I,.:�0ilql 11.Nt!,Q, 91,v !!jI-:1 1,��.-_ Ot ;1:,1_:.',f,1!1'1" 1%11-f�-- - I ZOODAYTTREATMENT $1.00 1 1 AND THE AEOD IN COL- - .. and Feed at ria 1, lj�,,I,iol Pcv1,�,I-.`�-1'F'. �:!,.,. "". 77�1 " 1.4"kv, lnlroll.�_N,1011(1- �'- DMPUTInS ght. Mifa , 0-,11C �--1111 1.1, - pvdko�;, 1i, •7J .`:,."114,), V.-iiii, I I- -,i_�, I� �; '1.i�,*'Iad '.'-- t , 'lie , . . 11 II I I 11 I LISION AT PRICEDURG. - Prices. I .: i I .'..Ft%,. 111r,1,4. 11 . NEMAN , ,rli-n, )'�ept. 114. -The German, M Bard Bro.. ."�(:rc.lbalX 'VN', -t ,.,l. (T;.`:44!, ,.,VL J( V.es. Curret Virftlollzo. '• For & atch . 1 Ill,., in Blake, Ont., ' For � I I I I 'I itt(�J�, ]:,_1_.(lT(,(�'1_ -'(..g ".111t! L�'.,:.- (:�" 'L , i .. 4 A � . 11. ".. . .1 . � I I saws: IN' agn, 1 er ,,, " � , I, � ' - ` , whicla about $8,750,- . � . , .J , . L- ,1-;-&--L1 t7,jtin Se.r- three years I have sitif- I I I 3 1, makin- Lul.nc6s, in � , I . cred it a severe cage � but tiis� - .J I '.1ce Over u1i line.,. . I , Native er aof .. VC71 Scranton, Pa., Sept. 24.-Xine com- 000 of capital are inevated, has been OU R CHOPPER HAS rEEN I E.--,hv1J`.-.�, fr,rtil�Ir ,01jo-'d t,:1:?l *r':�- t .� �. � i (I--,. (-'.-..,�,-.-,v1-,I •",J2,`i:L`01a-5.ty � ;, i. it. -It Regiment, ordereilt brought with;n nicasuo-able diitance of ' , .. from my syst Sem." I panics of the 13t I 6HUT DOWINT FOR THE ' " I . I - 717 fr. boautif'ul. Bafldin,� irr(--,!�i 0l1�,:.I!1, I!, ', ��. L Out last night, are in camp at Oliphant, -i uin by the output of the Anterican Dia- . L I I SE M'. ON I . . . � ..i.. - - I .. . - � :: - �� _:'.: . ..... L'--_-.:_,-.::-_,=_-= . : . write for Our ilius- near here. Lieut. -Col. Stilwell, in com niona _Matt�h Coin factories ..-.---... --L.--"-' . .. L I linly's new f I , I . traW Almanac. mana, sent detachments to the different near Mallhoilil. . Matches that sit' � vioe Msi, :.T 1),, _'-'r1l.V?,1.J"J1,_ ,.JL!tL � :It, �,I�,"J", I i' 1!1 :'ill` r:!,' ,It -11�!Wx I'l"I'llt . I � IT IS,:PRIaE I . i L I � 1. collieries in the vicinity shortly ks VP H �." L'r.J 01,� \,,'.M. ('_k!.":I()''?,.� ., _ .-:,..�,�,,E,�A, . . after months ago sold from the Germain 111,11., J 0 *I B"IN il- MSEX . I I JOHN OUMART, l. the regiments arrived yesterday, The at ,$20 a ease are nov.- .sofliilg at $10 a I !'., f -. 1 - 1.. `4,,-ori-tal,*N'- . AGENT', Hungarian shot in the attack upon De- case, or ',;I below tbe vos� of '"pro duct! oil I , , ,9- . _ . _. I ,.._._�--rtrIr---Irtr�. ZURICH,ONT. puty Ssieriff McAndrew and Superinten- b3- tile Uld-fitSM011ed proees.4. The Dja- I 7I1�-n-r!.--1-:._. --_r . I I =_`1r- __,�.== I .. niond C-cmlial)y w4e, machinery front the ; U , ,,�, � THE dent Burkliciser is dead. ' Charles . I . r- , - , , 0 , F-7r�,O,r,;�r---."-.,�:."-�"'�--,�-.-,P- -� ,5 MTT ., . , 15C , 't:t;41�1 I - F'-� ,.'-::'5.'�`�:�l,� ,-4 -.,. 1,---ao, . � - M, ,,,,,,�I, . , ! .II.�.L, , "'�? I- - , , rMSIRAY -I, 'L� � �3. I'llited Stott,. Th,Ift, -rouild braTIL111 - lg_ A� I . ALONZO 0. BLISS Co. and Bert London -wore WaLylaill li,� i been ill (;poriltit�ill Ilpor Jive 11101101s, ;; P'r' % I I P, !".I I_� Z) M 'PL` �'7 fr ) �I` , �_f q. � q - Sole Proprietors, i , 1, 1, ,,, ; , , - , I , "in I'; "', .,I I IV' " , A, M ; 0EMAynmm UMtMff15=dM% .� ,,.,� " M , � ,. -1 tip 1�_ , 1'�., - " , . � 0, aiNyllyi sill, at ,priee.i below, the ,., - I,_ I - ,P . �� .� "��, 4 f by a crowd near '1broop to -day and aili(l it � jells , � IrA,E , MONTREAL,CAN . 0 1 N11 11, ,Vf.�'v I .V, ;� it � .I- tavl� V, a I -.Y ��.:� -I.; wout:ded. The Londulis have been cin 's "IflidO by tilt' Old ( I- -ty I F, I I; Rs_ F� . T." - .��., ,.'. l �, � , "L " - ,:� . - 011'el 11pa"N 1"01 (,z � U �, �," � -, i Iting the. 14 9 ij i lop kas 0 , .,,,. ".", Z�: �'! 1LJ ,C�j 6, ,,,- d Z,z af, 1, ,,�,, I ,.-,-- in the Lackawanna collier in niateli wantifatlitrens, repmiien . I 11 10i I rn an s q i -No other 'Medical Vinn it% V� - %,�r: - *_ 11�1 .-�','.. ';-!z! r.r,-tI:-.'i(,u for caritiff entire matelt bidli,try of German}, )net . , I " .. . 'it. Oliphant. The strikurs firzt "stunea I ip ��� Men and T'70M."Ll thr_ ''. . ...'�: :,7, ,; z' 1'. ,,i .-.v _,jw ,u.,tb,cld Treat,- - here Sunday and .%Iml(lay of flik week - I � ' I � M 12agnt, diacavarzd au�, :.�.;i� .:-,e,1 w., t-_.- � - .�,,��,.a:4a:1.L4:,:i"-; brouffbt joy, tit, and aftentard began shouting. :111d debated tilt, sittoiiwi- �kltholt(llh 98 laa$t; Mud, Coz.00r* Va tl,'!,� 41 � , 1, , " � .. V- : _;...,r' exuvrine ca in the ' . Al '13, i I C e tttIf.' , _�. ..I .-I.;,_01, Bert -was .iliot in the t1ii.p and Charles it . 1� treatineut of the,;,: al-- - t-- , , , � - �.� . . . %,.>,1-a.y-F.M1S- J. C. S IT 01914E M, AL N t' I per ekint. (,.,f tile sii�ircs of fliti G winan I I * 0q,,:t... I. ; ,�, I , In the, right leg. 'I'lliey were brought to . I mlo:mb, Xteirvoo .:,�.' ... . ., -�': � !.�r.czurc, GAzet. . branch at the Diamond _�Iatvh Compt'.71Y . . occres- 11rztxffl�l, -.4.. . ,,, &;'. �z ta.Ll , 1�,;,. - � . �� �. , . - ... I—'. 10V,r�%`."cf,.m. .&Lid - the Laeka.wanna Hu5pital here. Both art, 110d bv �Itln�qlil-;111.4, the Ovrlukttl I I - play =Udl Uladtai__* lij�.,.:4�'. ',� .., � " .i�. 11 � �.. 1�1� ;1.i;;r_-_i .... zaalcl Buadt Graduat.- Optician . - � Laundry 0 . - 9 will mLov�r. Itn.arivh k ol'.4-torod by flel-111-111ilt, alid.f. if 1, .-� ..-�-,,�� . - . V;P4 it. 11l-4 11 .1 � �- �.'� �, �� ". , . 11 - 414k .; �y_.,,. ,I . �, � �,�� � I 1�,-� 14 "! . -� . zz�.l . . . � - _..��: . We use no chemicals "' IV, _�` - I " flarriliburg, Pit., ScIA. '-)4.--Tlle strike 'i)* stolliverek, t1lo vilovolato Inallufae- I 13 3 . , ;, A iltret-I 1� (,Jij;ij.l1,,ill of tile vi,nipitity. Mr. 1 M L�, " .J V HENSALL. iituation atotbe AmLxieau Iron & �,tt-vl ' I MM - I - z" 11 , � I - NNIorks at Lebalion La- bet clue su V.ill- I StlillwitIn-1, Mill -h -d' fill- :11111lis4illn to the to destroy or injure - - ! You Inavinv 1 a G,:�Irr,� ,1ql" V,f �11,,! '! , � , - `-v " *.- . " .A, y,,n feel tired , o*.It in tiv, imir-Ainz. ;w A� �. � �, , , , "., . �� �. 1. . :. ;-1 , �, (1"f,tlde,."t tical that troops itiar be ordered fliere I wtvii, iaawifavhtrer-; vonferv.ice. (Iii- i 11 - X. Governor Stony �vltbln 24 hour.;. ik 11' it your Clothing, and ,Are nd have w- arnbilitin. 1, I'. : � ,. I.!: � -�. , � - '_ 1' - - Ir'. -' - .D.',. - -' SPECTACLES AND EYEGLASSES c',oni't'nuittee of citizens of Lebartun Nvait- . bort Bart'itl!ointw, a diret-tor of Bryant! guarantefs to Curd'or t2, I & May. I'illlhe'l. 1110.11 lnaniifaeti.�rers,, Guarantee our Work. " zF', -., -,' - , , ,.,; ;. .! , � "A _�g N, -",q I , - ..tad varn. ' ., � � , 11 � 1 "I; , I - - ., ,� , ,A .,� a "am.1 ed � I , 11 . . d � i .1 " I - I'll""""" xvl") r'"""�',v "1111 'I - - t I!, I ."'. �. t " -! - - . ed u1jun the Governor to-dai v,u IL &`�- 4",:`��,-,, � --, Fitted on Scientific Princiltles. Rested that Ile fur�iish tit(- city ; ()' .. 't! . I .,., , 7 - L T - tilt' MAM1,11! I*,%H1pl0I`.-. .111ki tWd� TAILORING IN .-1 , � I �._l ,� -"I -, - c,lilt'[11, ,,,�',�_'illlitary vroteetion. T11w (Zovi-ra(ir , with B"', ;� -ii i, i otlivr rPp-rt,,,ltl,t.`% of tile Mantond' Szrphllh: its "In t'q -" - , '. , . . - _ ". .I I � �.I- : -I.lt. f'j.-:L ,l . - . � . -,.; - has tit(,, mat et- under advisonu,iA, and * CONNECTION ,� , " I . I � . I : hli"Ly - A FULL WROOIC OF unless tile -'ituatitin iunprove., troot i" ,t,.ill , ('0111l) -illy. .11,0 atto::.I.-I'l the vonferellee. bQlinher;1"l.T".t;, ..; ,- � , - � . . .. I 1. " I . .1. ., , "�t� . . .1 . " , I llke,ou: 11:,n-lr� .. , I . _ , , . _. '. . r;': . 71 . . I , . " .. - _% �,.I.j cure fly be sent t1lor" to illaintai.; orter , % ��. - . I like I , .%laltufavi lin r aftvv I'l.11, . liftlettirel. aiiert- I the vlor;tt ca,;Zls t,: . .., "! 111.� Jewelry and protect life and property. "I'lle (.1tv . tit Ilk glit)(1i I, .. _ - i (Ili that he wo. ,11 ) - Ir- , I, � Z, � -IA .ill Ili.,Ilt 1 1 'Mm% virrt. tku'l (.�kvb ..,woki-r attributed � � I -�'.*,',, e", `!'M-.1�7 � ��, I 1, � � 11 I - . wasill .1 �-tlttv of exeilf.1111'� * W. H. HOIRMAN I �"__ ":,j,0;7"� " ,� ,tl!, �, LtZ, TI Pre Nva. Tiring of pistoIN for hour, I the Ilt-.-t-.:,:. I " -it -III"14" tit IWI-r-protlue- � U t � , �� �� I � � I , �.. " . , ,� 1 J, . I _ I �� "I _ , I - I 1. - e.Z-,:,� I lv&�ar_-,,�,- �1� _ I, - - ,� � :, ..-, '.�_* , Watches and ne'ir tho .'Ittli.ric-an marl,% and the volor- ? til"I tilld ,1,A - -;w".6". i� "tit of til" Di,lillikud A4 The New !t%.1,!7_- �� � '. ', � -,, � : I I , "ta Ila 0.11111.1111'. * %==,-MM=MM=MMMM2W Intact norvrj. W.:,17 , , . " ill inell N%I.t) )l YS jli-;t arrivOlt"I 1-t I 1* .�. :v-.!,�vIl11.tt1%k-Qtif t1le, .L ' � . '. q ��r works were torri"Iefl. a4 wf-ro tilt, 00. , M."Wit."I V:.I. Iain.. -"M 00.0.1. -;*'I .r match b,2,=t3.1 , r;:a3.. `�'� . 1 71 � I . "�. . - 1. � . _1_ _4�'. Clocks -ditiglit William lli.lr� 1 111nh.I!f.ta.,l"W-',., ,.,;.I, =11:11 teo Lm N. 9"'. reh.,;. Abour Ili' .�! �t,',. '.11,111.i.1tip to ilk) - - 1� , -,71 inn . awd s-vcntP.vn, rra..4 glitit, lit, die'l I bli4ilik." 1�'#- t'wy f .111!01 11 way to ob- 19, "' I ' ' "lk in the hospital thin Illornil)"r. He Iva, .1 , 1:1h) a.- '. i-� ; ....., : I.- Owt ,st-1-111 lov I . -� , �'; tt7- ' 7 . ,, r[I I Special aftenti011 Ptlid to - - I 'r I. z S W CC,; I I SLLI.L��,L!_","',__ �'11'/ " , 1. .1 I 1 _.-.1.;:R1�14 niv:,stnper h! tilt, oftlett- tit tilt- etilt, -a-I lil'. : t.f.. P,;- Inbs.., I ,-11.- 1 -... . it vkibilit.� .� C. :! . � � � - - I . � - all kind", of Relmiring. and had atteloled Ila entertaillilu'. I !'I : Vf 1::.- I,:.III:. I I. 11 It I , _r11 .. III.- � I,- I 'k.!11"ll 04 tt-Ike,4 9 T)0::1tf`11**__*r "I"' tl�� ,� I I . I thilt, opt'rit 11oll'o, Oil Ilk w.IV 1.14: ... lit, , %y tI; 01!'. It. -11. I i1tt .�;.- o.1tr-.:,IthPq of e ".Ir`rg_,q11II0." , - . . I I _.". - 0 was gruek It%- a built -t 'llivil.l.. fliv , t ',p,i "I J e.-.-%. w lem I I ([A� ryl,r . t�y "IU.9.. I I)i lIti�.l ('"Illy " 11, 4114 IL,, to I . I aut hi surn;unded by � thrril".o.in,' � li-t it itb -.%k+� It! ,.?,.. � , . . .tR ,� " !� ., , �AN',,, . utiltbl 1po lit. 0124'� " , .,I, � ,.:�, � � , � � , � , I , ,"r,cc - . " 1.00 � J. C. Stoneman, 0 J 4% A VF I., . k4.- ,. kt: erowd. "I t'. I., .",", I— - ''t Ii, t of ;,I) 111k.h. Tlitl ('01MIUCT '.-4"r"t'1 r', il, 0.14. a � - i .�!� L � t it $3 I . . . IrrCuta,10-44. _:!%C�,V�',Irtk' _� C. " " 11 lIr_NS,,kI.l_ ONT. �Vllkvp-barre, 181 -pt. 'It.,-Iteltort, III-, � 11WOMPh '.W1. � ,' It. .ktt,i CTIM #if .Ill M) 1',V. I"01 -M) IS %IV 11,`i-',r1*.Aj e i , 1, i . 7 � . U, -%:!�- .., . indiv.-tte t ho i 07.4,r.' I. rq I t, ti " -1 ',�Ik_,�,_�' , ,, _� It velved lo.,4V - I'. "Vitt'l laiR ill -1.1114-01. it 1,.I;*;: 0 1 1-',.N,r. MUS. t"NXA,_'R�t;1" "t, " 4, ,,,, , � � I ,, � . I ; , 1� 1-1 I . I— . . � 11, e -%%Tre widol,prond t'..(,tt.-tl.1l%*1It the 4. -. 1,1141% In li.i��,, 04- * 4 A%! -?t 'r, .1 I* I I, It ft; 1114vint.: , . . ., . _�V'Ma. � . - _ - I I I I I 1, �,,! 1, . i triet la4t W ht. - , 11"M , ; It %T�7_;, , .. � , I , �� I 7 ., to wt.", im 6",. " "��, ;i- t . ik�tiv thol 017k xllll;�.�:�� _11'. L., 1i_ I - � _ , � .- - . , � � , :,: I'll, " k 11101) alt.kell"'d ;!w lhavnll�b.�,.l q 4 1�-10 ort , . 1'.�ttolu Ithim. 44f k �tl � 'At I,.,:.l,.l ll'.Dtlgitj�j 1"'s V lavht-.�.. tho, Ullb -t � k Div I . 111 ,.,. .- Geo. TR"OTTIliory antl %%.t,lit-1--%,.)-,,I--.'-*tl,j%ltI Cu ,-,Mlhi",.tIq"�-t'. 1�, .-rkT,:,..1ftt flt",_ v� ��,� � : - � _.___ ;;; ' , .1 Uti,rl�l *Mrit". . '.. .� - aud tmf�t, th-o -Ie.kai plion,;. 4,'It Pir t,;,�,, to #".,t '(t' - I ""'O"l- olvh- t,wilt-4 t nly I'Allt., ,,Owl )*,.,.I ; 1� 1; stoilmde - I traill of ultriallelk ho4mi laht'll I't bin MIA. I �jZ I �_�',.t` ""i I ."" " " ' ' . IRlIl1I,,Ibt!-,,I '• --ib"o -a t t,*4 4M-111 11,%-.. (�tftnttl will t-11,4*1w. k 4. "-, .1 � I * I, . 19 I 1, ly olographer, i ,%,;cc t. ...thtir .,%,,,, iii-ek, to,t 4. " 1.4 4, I 0.0 V .. A (I "Allf.tilv. . . Ph A .4 u it It ._ I, ,.� i,I,,,,,, it , 4 - -lot '. -t , , fill' blot $If With I revolveri atilt tillitil. .XMtek n iie .,,,o.p , .. � .,,. 11 , " , '. It 1T_ M.,t, , � . " -Al.df,r ". % - _ __._____b 11ntdP 1t lily n'-Aillik eallik-I'l-It LOV11 i , . it ,"n -Tv.. Je%%v)1k.h.%.. Nln,'wal M-Iltv'It, booli I. -, ,, - - , � 4%, P!,�A v4oz .1te tIENSALL. . the steaul piltvs 9.:.91 I bello 14"s a.oil ,11,qw'utit ", I I ha,4lrt21n4.11l-, arvt h1welo.. �f I �_ ", �. ,- ; , I ,_ I, tt�, 1 . t-1 tl__ 'f_ " " - " k '_ L - t '_� r'- -_ - ._3 Alvilaulite. M 1`d, '•6 .-Voll.11 V'RIlun- -*.-Kl Il,`,`Wk� .I � " I I . . I I I l.i I" [:,� (� I . - � . - -t , . 1. 1, � I .1 . I � �,� f�,Iz � ,� i 4- : " , � I �J;j ,�I\ - . - W11. I 11011 %t; % 71n" • _ 1* It 1* "WATIl-11 ANS -1) CM14"K U1,11"MN , , I . � I ,- I � 1, 71" � t - � ii . I., . _,lI'-'?' N4'0TMXG BU T T rig I tit* '"wri. Cri'll ItIlml V toil'. tDjt;12,�.. t #I "fi. t,n. I.W-1 11I. & � i t , , , , , : I � c� % �. � lik"I m� a 1110% ard ., t,atpvd I M. fit ... I uto I Ux. J ,'Ili I-, "bl-I, , . � I � * IN41. MY Il )1*11M -6 . � � 'T -, _ � ) : t-,' � � - �,;;Dl ,-, L� �_,��L�nt!:O a 14,p, , - It I !, � �11 tas "41 -4,%vWv hDi'llit,14 flual % " A ,P,-.\! E. 0 � hall V but, '(,nut t'nut it , .11, . ridl F-91 fr• � Z.t�,tl Milt. 7! telit r � �', . I I FIXIMS111 I'VORK TV F1 Do"U�'J"�;)., 1 I.. , , , .11 ,a, ar I1rt,t--4v4-r 91 - " V';- -_'� - I , __.A�,F,., i ) mittv die. Se. -, _* rr 4,vwn - II)e! - ' t It'. I eN 4 ;5 i J 1, . - , I � I � I ". 0115111 AT REASO IADLR�, tv"%%as found lllwfa-�.401-, i, 1. . -0, IN , III4 f" 1% I .. F. MIS HESS . � .. r.�'.. :I D, � 0. � , pj_q , b- 4 kft,# , I � " � �) ., � It froall a tot -04i, lq.4-1il:!!. 110. ��.'J : �-% I"I'm .��. �� � ". Vt,r Rro , ��19� �01t..1� * , 11 . �, I hill - P11 r, H 9�,,_,JJbj,, 9 I , - "a 142, I �� PRICES. uidlird tsivr fame I L " !.I. IM, I 11 .; lion t-t`.,�I$ , �4 414 ,11 - " ., k ..I., � 7'ME JEWCE LER i�11111111 A V0411.1-* %4('453"'10, "%q 1�-,- ,.!q, lruak�,:� - 11 l'!3 -s! � - � .. 11,11 f " I - ��_� 11116% W-vilid A 01,413 111-.0111 't "_ " , .11,1� kjlii� , Solici,.��f�pzic-,�'.1�v-,c�-j�.�', , , , . - " -1 . I . '. , ),� " , �-_;V,V. �Jpltjr'j .A.:'I U.It -?,:,,��Vv� I , - : - !% ., ,n�:,,�-�J,1�14 tot I I I ..t, - Oaks it) lvt�� I'lint lt� bit p�, ,,,-,--,, I , it. kt.", ", 11 q t, ,,, 4 , , t � . . - t'. d En The H1,1111 PRIOR& rivc,�,��_ %".OIIIIT�,�. I . -1 . _ I_ _. 1. -11 Family . r�n'!w,,tt- wa-4 . 11 -%-t %VL1rV,4tql- 110181 0 -1.14150iaw., z� ,B.% l. %,I", 4� 11 �t 0 ,� , !� 1 , , - '"a � t,,k,Au, #a - ;t1, ,� .-,, , , I . I reillo% ing b:; lyvontit "A �.--9,-J- ti's -..i b t I x, 11"c , � . -0"`-10 " 1: t 't �� it , � "4 0� .0. ,,'. fi3Op . zr *t'il,�,-,ta;,L,�;� -4." , %, I I., I I r_ CJr0L,JP5i1%VlI,B-V Ito haul t4,,#,.i,l;,1k vyau',_ -,!�,,)a ,"? •,I n �, . It J - ., �. � I �.."t",.yl 11,11I.- . 50 Y_;Mlrll - I tarhM, alni I—! Hut ,t%-.1IrqI;1"- %,, 111 Uit",:. .% 11 i �11..;, I I'll - 6 � ", , !1I% -dfl tj,,� � I EXPERIVXIM - _ . ...! 11" ' I out for tomp v &zql� rd 1pao 110. * ..-%.p, g ! �a't-.. .J� ,�, .At' - . I.�;�tl �t- ,I%',1d ::to l,e, I I . . , A Specialfv.*00 ;:0340,fligg lLklat %ti"Vi �,a4a,I+ D�w6-._,",_0. %I�,��t;�U.,J,� 11 . .1 � 0"'. -11 " ,1,7� - - . . . . 1 . -J"' - � �0.16_�Y_,;,J_ %. - . - - : � - �..''14. 6�j _p� I, a i;*,p - � "_ �__! .. I � I ", 1; ill Ifilitt attack. A *,! rll- �jt� . !!n`_ .. , - i t, � - I I I _&�11 - .- - - `0 . % 1, WIlIt'llif-1111111. , , L Ite'll 401 it" 'L"% t-0 "'I" `_"!U�tt' , ' � ; Litit.10 S'J L •� . 7 - � '. � kill . TT 04d f"ir tluv %0qr%. _Iko ,_M,lI"V-;-, - (I 7 "'. . - ,% � , � � * 1- 1�� - 11. .� . I- _r I � 4-- - I �, .1 _�, � . - . .. I . I . 11 ,,. .. -1 flkeyq 'itu tll,,�`�.4'- 4 t �Lw. I": ,-- .. 04 . �, I I '14 - 1� . , � 1,,� i 040 *111criltaitaint" ,'��4 �11 ,I . � � . -.1 M % ., I*- aIttt,qVk _ Geo. T'"OPTT : " ' ' X*-�,W�-- � - rt J P, " *,,.t ft, _. 1. i �11 . . I -j i.-' , ,,� wxuam 1soir,r4ifli ar.-I Ii�I- �� .!11. t `,, � :,,* 41-Leitt.. qpf 1=v:,U. .tli �;0T-J0.qr1tJIpnl..,. I . . 'r Tw4e. , -., 1�. - \� �___ __ - , � . - � - - .- I - ` ____ " _' ,,:��_ L_ I 0MUMV6 �., C 11 buolll-ullunth %VQV14.q-rQ. o4z�,-Il t,.1,r,r,,- tb�' '."I'Ll.15- � i " It.,I LU-.4.*� -"p . -,,. *,. :,.I '-'1MzI1,,�,.,,1 " I. 14 EN SALL. ,! . 11 1 C4 . I Ily wal vatir"akil. .I! 4. JIV-v I`,,,,_", e-* CCPvm*,"1.t ,`-t cz� - . . -.1-11 � J�,,!` %,rLC.,�-', ro. ii�, -*Vlt,'I�', �-,',',,!'"Lgftt�'.�t"*--)v�'���7'��z-'- ' itl . . . � I 1. 1 f,4 - - ...... --' M. 2t - , it Mor � , " t, � , - __ � It X;�,�, ,�,,,: f* � ti, I , , ," I,- ::�,-, , PA -11] .4t kt�k - � , _ . ."I , � V_ � :� . I � I - I 1111-1 ______ i - i ;! !!!!i �i �,ovvl§ Ul"Ilro. a' o &-to"Lu . - Q ... .- Il , ,,, '0,01V ,'-.z _ , Ir 1fCW_1: Vl:., �' -_ _! I �. - , - , L.1 '.4 i." kA ii Lf- L,,�� lt.,JL1, 0 ' I .. I -� lt,:.`�"'A'lj 1.1% It t, ��'�!ltL','�Iy , -� � " . I- . 14- 1, -,�,�- ,�: ,, I � ,� -_ " " - __ " , " - 6 the ortowtil felf,tl *,tl 44,� t,'tt�.- 1�v , T.Aqv , ,; �!L' 11.-1-4'.�Ilijdl 11 � � I . M.IU4 "'. ,.It. .--. tit',�,:* �it�'L,�t�v,,v��,t,.f.43tt�t-�., - ,� t* - , "��'x "', -_.t 11 -�,� __-�l - - -- ; , I. � .� -, '' q _'. �' It. !_ ".L_L%0�'� 't" it�. �:� KI R:lt. . I in cz - Irbe Utestorn"Ifteal mlV4,r 0,("�k 1,)A1_o--, lv!,;,��J X-1- ,t*�',","A- �1%. , �' ;&A. ",; 1]`1411 LNEN11,1_1 �: 4, �-la,�,:,_, 4 _�,,.�.,-. 0 1 � , , - - I " 16%P � I - uti. ag,l , b. t',,,47. -nom- %AV I witoll oil 'M11V,,,*2V- 1'-.�,, I ,-.!. � t --.-t, - ;il V-11. th 1'11;&q. lt�,I,�..,,Io E��n tl�l,u_,,,,) llut�l 't V, � qt�,!,�o , -1 ., .. * " g '' , _ I . 1;�q:"t:vj"�l&��,t�Llt![X"atic�;1-41�1.11�ltil.Lto 4. � 4 _ . � 1. , . . , � 4 " � * 11 �16 '1�� .� . it ,� � . .1 .1 *& .� on 1,11-iolet'. M.'.4"'. I—— ; , h;JT.1C.!.; .�Q,";,.,13.44,% .!.;,. � - Ta I ot �a 0 IV. S I 1 � .. .tlr:�5.v ;,�-1,ti".-el - I 111,11,':._!Z.� . I , . -- � - �. ., � � " � �, . � 11 -AL. ft"'! ISM 'I 0, r� U'U4. 1, 1,-.',�t !��=-_=�._:�� 61 I ;;U ., 'I -, ,,, . � . . - � � . ;: - I I � 1� , , , , ,'� 1. .- I -� W� , W - b"m , ,11,, , d � -, - ) , to1w, , ii. Affier , ata I i . ban C,-. 1-ast ,I,,,,. 'ZI'9�i;("-,",;,;;�.,..4,*6f%IL�.6", Iff 4 I- �0 th1polhaill, Q0 01t ItD. nvi,!14 14 .-I 1-nuift - Ak,ttz?-c-',klittsitL�Ir-,I,(�.,t-���it. l,t,,:;-i- <-a+ ;'.".7-c " AL 11 1. I -11, �, , � " � I . .. I � ` � `, - "....-11- 1. ft. � 0 - ,F"J,�itt�o.,916t*"Uvp���,�:O.tic.�,,'4.JTY..Yi. llli.-1.1-9.4,1f._� -1-1 ,_ •\�_ 1; - - -� k-- ,__, - �< .,. , . -LI, .__ ... I I.. .. wouLl 11.,tive tvroo!� ,A I I 11:�t' �.:1�1�: 1. � . OX in'll, �tz-15011 'Ott"it. VAIrk.0"IL"L SO'A 476119 ri;"`�-";.,::i-�t�. -1a . I .. tZ llv� IV,- - . 11 ti - - L:z. - � The brid!"(1 I'Vill I IVO still UP town v"l-vit �� '11--- �rz .%-_4_�- z�4-Lakv - foageg, N ., , " - . " ottid rttllih� I 1�5.,.Vt V_14-,4.;. t,� ,-. 9 111OHN & eawn � CW Yolk , ,%, ,� _,:` . ". � . ,&2Leb 0;!2e..,.Lo�"�'V-W*tl-�tlml,..-). D.C. V, , -tszv- billibdej 51rut ___ --- , -1:1 ,t-mN 12a e ti�en B. I Qj1Iab�,1,t5V_qk a' _. !�-:.., Q,,,jp,�. ,� � � - - I -tA 11.4`! -MMI;. T6? I :� I .1� . I 1,4 fbilbolly ,0 0111. . 911M `,4"�,.A_,., t :_�,Ute of I 'I Ifft, jp.3 - It - . . - � . ,t,_ Pa �1; , * . - - .1, I ear's 1_4�;Cy�t- ',.0 0,1k: -i Z,d,t, aftt,gIUq)Q,Mj-. ZURICH P. 0. I-- L, In , - ..-.-.. Thle Grand JFnry i'ormvhllnti; of 016 ", jjj-z".6 't",- Cot 1JtafJ'1m4q. , r _ t,4ti'llittil;.-�lvt.!,�;.t-,,vt sn'1111aysyr,im " " f , !'I -... i . L. is I' " J., 'Nsu, 0.1,ff.. st"-o"k- . - ,;I , . IV - I sttburbtlit, � tkal-bla, ,t,j�ept� 24__*.4 . , . 11 ,�,_, C_ Vill.,q,W-1 , 'It!., �J�_j,!,r�. "Vj��_ � Jf.V.J Zljj", "_ . - i, - -it, � � A,jiiiffi, city , - ;. I �",*.- .�!,.,:-! ..: �_'��tjkv foic T_t:ji �. ill.. M161 ,I! 1�. In_ Tm- ni,tafi� ;40 , . , . . .. . I I . ,�_), � . � , �,w � 1_�,` atiaG41r(lell 11ropefty, $01d, 130t1911 t tore crohr 3U.Ilee 1..*..'�-,M1V-EP 11u, �, ivi!l ,-, �J!.d : - i , , " .1-.11. "l;�-trilrult'd 41,4 t"llov'rs: - , 1:, 1. I . . , .1 . - � .� � � 'n , .1 �4� , . GrAnd Jury retuntoeg a tniv ITI 1 TLe �Tq . , i �` 14 lid. . . ., S.� V.I_ 0 U� :q,t a # 4. :.,., ,�.. i�5 1. 0 In t ha K:,Ue JuMic-0 Ho- "MM;il1LFq)aM:% . . - afta M-1611fted. 1. tt,l rl� .- _ � L..-.- . Ml�ata., 94 'J5 t'.411V .. .4 .1 .. I" -, 1. I. . I I Z. .1 W.d . . -2 -.'P.-it, jwnp -* .1 Ic I .1 . I - L Motley boafted On virSt 41:114:1 Secohd ,, c-a�te of the Rin- v. Gehlh .rgr 11:,��-:t. The � . ..".t , � I; ;'. - . , - . � � . . - . . .�; _ �%l ,4 ig��,:,. .. .. %r..TWI,�-.v-.vn. 14 1 5 .,� � :m. --- � . urafta Jur�v b."Ifideta in itl; vie�enllt�v-!A, t], . L;,u n ;.4iz Lz'-. "Iw -L", - , - 'r "�_-, : - , Mortgti't tc'.4 aud , �'.Z:,OIJ E.'_�4� b";!,-"��.,O�,R Ill " L. IL & H.. -- It',::: -"-u � - - I - , �,tty i�ld:"�11,�,_, 4. .. �* :*,C.q, nc.al 1�4tttie, No almil ill View 'o." the impertant opatlw-r,-3 , E40 1, 16� 0!_ m, _,rd vtliil',!� It' :--'-_. `�. � * c-oittallwd t"Leittin v0l.fflrg� to lae lt"O -11- . - , L, 11. &- B.. -, - - ,�Itl- , '411 , "T - , I z! tn'.-an " �;!,�. � .;. d '_ I. I ioth,of seettfifle, . U . 0. F�,qvn M.N�,.Im.. I_�_ 41ition of Ila. ,2;n1,f%- 1wiMilp'L4 -,IiQ I n1i'd- ' , ' -'t, vlmn%, ilexts;e_-, aw, Uw-hlesg proll-,; ship lurotlittli th,r; A,4 Le lvmz&�l re. G, t IU-iq-d'.�I! �.Ivr'hall fr,)- - "';:: � , � � - : I I � ' I , for , llu�, L I Q-: ", . - � , - I-., � .2 � � I, . Il . .- . : .I'- � T,�, . � . 11 . eor,,e(,�tea .-itnire thein to renu.t.ign in -Mltev�lLani;.. , , - -,J! &,�,u ,Lvu�., tj .. 4. 1`;r.Jt-!t,Fg-n. w- -nw?:-N-� Z.n,., ,�Zl I � . . I ,--- tietty Rentett tMI Renb_; ; another day. Vnt, II °r f-qPz,1-vin!§ ' !Y�Jil.". �- lim-.4.1 .-4 � I'vvi t C� M,,rt"?. � TIZ I � . , - - - , - . . " - L. 1 i . & R. � - - I �J :0 .4 �, ;� V; -V, I - Tom:,. I a rebrzk,e'�f 0* T_-:-;iv1lfa-n Courltv (`-mr-- - A�. , ".Z.-ir ,...� Z" a i,. , � � - �, , . . - . - . ylpoh lRiellsonable 'tu� J a� 4 V- awa V. Q a L. 11. & Dr. 4- ; -*.,,I- � M I "I, 4,1111, � nojiey investea fo-k ptivztte 111(11- 1 ml. for the 'd( -1 -4P1-.:-1!.,.,. �-;wxq�"Hiol; Of tk,a •: q'-:.*;-,_-. t: - ��,,V��. - I a!Tt " . 1.�11 mac', 6V&* fig" ;a.- � P . ', "'al ,, ie '��J, q�'..".Z.i.*.J kv.,Llle�nl az 91�35- 1,v_-*Zlvat!� Vim r.Vw,TV.v'11f1,.;. nnn"t -k, Z. I vidwals o -ft Mrst Mokt9k",-,,0 ,on ,ro,m,11SrU1Idlf-,g" T,t- T"'ett.?t U41- T, ' W 111ty Y-Aae. i�_--ulteel 4.,� a ;I-AZ161,it f6t , ta ,-. I ui, jvk�;tt,sl half un korar !&(-r- �n� C07 �*, j' . �J I , - , Iru , , - -, _.. , _ � , , ; �.,. .,`_� tr�, , 11st4ite. I'll; PlAintilt l; an10:l-;t o.- A"Em-Iny "b"r-ti 1, (;f.3*701 Dwvl. woo ;I,l at I�Ii'? 11;,�,.4,�e, 1, it(- finit. for *'I* Io'.411_ thil- 1N-,vfl,g-., , .. .1 _ � . � _ ,i I I rA : . I . - I I I ; . __ . �, '<��, �v � . ,�, I -- . .. tl - . I I _. , . at *,230. 'Tho to�_! 'M.t-,10r i:;'to ov- I., Tctti.v-" .z tvlegmm fmm .144tul.2 _%jit;�,z �w .� � - 4� - � � � - , - , •24fle %V , - . � i - �_, . � . . , . ,; "'. ... - .-I 11.-- � - -1 t al:Xt,�;.:-x7i.,g Ilie t;,,-d1*.1 "i "llis 1MT,,%,t-,:- D.S.FJIUST, Poiitnnastvr. -_tm �. lli� . - !, . �_ ,-. � _-, WhiliwWw"Ill� -1 ... , 1� .1.11 1.4hm, tilt- 4-rm,� --. , S!;,ratM Ile pai(l � ,__.� __� :�, -,- 11,� ; to plat!nflit itt bulk ( -M �rlttlihnettlts. t ,. HIE,,_,,. - ,- �� 6-9-16. .� ...--1 . ... ...... I � .... � . . I 4*12 .Q .1 .D. _ - - -.-------, - � .- I _1-1 -t;:2 L?4_ �� W.k. � Tr;'. -..-,.M:-rs at, q'i,,tw,f-rq foaliJ � - ' . . I - " , I I I ! �� '� �,- &�J, 1-,L . Li .. ;, - . My. •to; -- ,. IV rr t `, � ." I, - . , ,Z ,L � - I e _ __ � In XILIMMMS. I -'a , �J � � . - ..�; - 1, 4 , - .- .- �_ - � . - It. C.- .- LOST Af.lois :, 1;n4,1;.7I. 11ave tI(4:1,-d Tia -iv �Ltvikfa. lkn a fr* -%4,- - , - , � *T C.., . . � ne "', k... 1, u bb *1 n g r _-L Les. -,,;, tr__,.,�11' - _�11 _. -, I - , . , , " L:!Z, .11 11 - .. -w �,rllll- f -f In'--l"th-7, wu-,-_�xi _ ____ � I_ � - _,!�. - , �. , ,-- -�,_ , ,�, I .�'. - . "Itnit, , ; - - -m- - �.�, - __ - _ " - 1, - � . ... 9: A - 119.0dit& .6f I-It,t-inolt Tbvl*t.qt ithd 0-dido. wqt-," -�% .,�'L�-,11*f qj!. -i ,-;.6,t,� ,�?: 4" �'- - �� E * Z- It L L ' . - -�� ., �;:, � -,: � . �_ ,��,, ,r � , � ,:,! - I � n, r rs-:., -- - , .. C, �- ... R&C-Ovvkell. �; It im; Q, ..e that I'M -lif. ',*-;,ak -5 ,._--_,_L.-_�, 'K, C -W �_' - i� • . _ -,, : -, '-I � -1 Z z E: iiiii' IW� ! : .. I . ir la- livemira- - V!nl " - . - - . ." .- il _: 1_ � �,_, _1 . L-7.. wl . London. Sept. !M. 't ge44pat(Ili from , ,0,1 to �-.I�!.% M ic.Il lrav '-�L,;-N'Ve havit- nimle arrangenit%n's - . - .1, � � - .. � tz - m�,Xdit . . . � . L It I C, it ,:a *_� ,_,":�,"Me ,,,_,,y ,- , � ,I - t�_ -, . ��. I , � Interlaken says 'tile bodi,-tz of -It. Foxecin, 0,1 lt,vry 14" 4';� 'h;i-�,.i*.1t fy%qr of zhi. 7,51w.fil,J) 4 It vifeiiItr ' ie folloNvinill, low 0MbUt 7C�- t�4__ I % 6 V_ - ' ,tv lit t -,:e I *-.a.-v,,Ire(1 �_ I �_r A , .. . It .u-vr,, riZ-., ";I-T-�.n;, - ZURIM -I- C NTARIO,'oue of the I-'relich toarist-:, -.xud a , ' I ' . .-M 1'ufv.s witA Tnp lit-intLyl, - -;!, �_ - C e. . ') , CV vo;-.�,, �� t'- -o bv:�;,h it;-,,�rmninnt. � W � I I'. j�_ , . I!�_- ;_�� IJ -, 1-11 i� I.— . - , 1. . I .., I . ,,,, ", 'r, , _. '; -, tZ , -111de, ytilz Pohro.n. who A411 into 4 " _ - '_ , , - I . I � I _. � -_ " - I �.. D 4.1 --it 14t - . - _ I . , 1, - C:--.: Jury 1111-I I.C4,11-nei, salla. Faily Mobe "" . . 10 � _� I . L. . '_ , , 11� , , 1 .,- _:�1 111 i I ,;_, - L.. -�; . I . 1, ". , -, � C, �ieyleva�,-p *.-Silliday Nv�'I-'I Ittfi-niptill- to 1 .V I 'UZI; I tNc tnilfte ., � a � - �, -, '. . . - h4 111� 1*,�t.`Tvy antl 11ar � 1, -6, , Offilly _11,nillit Blane, 111%ve '60�11 _recov- 1 T'i'll- -.��__i.�,. I.; - 1. � . �. _. I fl� C t! 7�� C!7. 11 , ould b-1, 1,11 NM 1, XS, 1vrj,,d ill the ,apper ,emiloir •by (;otterltd , % 'IN' vi. iZn::!"-�en. fu'l, of 11he vtdr��f.ml wtckly (411&w, . . 1,1*,il 11�4_ , ea" I=- dea I � " :._, .. " -.1.:1...:I1 . 11�Tl . .... �. M_ ....... '. � , ;. I I : , I.:' ". " ,., , I � `"-� . .. 11 _ gobricn, it brather ttiv tho guidie. � lfvr.�.tos .-A'I' vn-p1,I,�;ci,., vL.ir_,,J Mail -&r tllvninIt 1 .71,11 -1 I . --.1- : I "t I PME K I : i . t . 1. I I .1,,".." tv, I I V.rj;'J _J.-'.;'." *l,,,., r .. � , , - . .1 f;J11t, Jk,,.\4I,. *1,11,1 *1 -1=111', , -,f) zz -, ,.., -� r-,� I:'. , , . tire 13erlilxv Jor,rnal (f3wl 1., I , I I ,, - , _... ... 111i�� .1 , . I ,� .W,, kp-"P- - I __. 4T.L. � f trirl,6 will �Iar; ivy -day. I 1. . I ir-MA41.4 r1ok RIL1rC1%10nAlnln)t 1.11whit, I * Fanliky 11t,ralil & Istar I . 7,-) . , , . I I 1! : � "I'llmri. !'.1,, I*.-Irn ,($-It(: delar ill valling yof; - ,,!�,�!),, � 'l , k, '! - i a'^• , '� " . � "I - �i_ I i ,,. E I! , � ; - §u . %i.."it " , �,I t z , , I it,Drontor, 1,4 -pt. 24 �Tb (1, Trot ill- I t1li. I:. ".. -f -ill("11 -mi t I i I -, , ;� , . � . I � . .tL�.t'_ _ t J'Je 1*'r()\ UI 17r. m.q -�L, -_ .. , [�'T . : I I , k of tilt, 16tv have, been I flul 4 ,.�A to !;�%Ne I:f Z ! , : ,.oepera I I .1 I� .(.!I helif ill Qtwheu , . , I ! Vie Uepn.�.;d ,victual, I � ., .. _z. 41-.' t al IV. ,,,% � 1. y : : . � . C4- . . 1 -t bv It"," I t1n-.-1.,.- 'Ov� •1;�wizt month, but arra,�._&,-- I J-�-�'*�% :__ I . -1 . t - 'likely - I A_#m twbo7'" n6 , *, ozw -,-a ,� I " 11,111 I . 0 to eontribute� I '. ,r Sri 9 -_ . . b . I . 11 e1v be � i : . .� � .. , . "O . : Assoelati n of Tnronto, yiwrl� `or ',! -- ,.it, Min- will likely be 1 .,�Vlt i., � - � ... . � I , tj :_ z ,./ . . r . - '. L I . , I - . I I Die G),Mt d3y,qzish Mwnly- zt -1 . 4 f. � : . � - .1. -I, , - �. I I . . - .! , -, , '�, ., _1� : .., I $100 (,Lela as t1leir contribution to,tivar(T.4 1, jnat7.- ki T! w, -.-war fillurr. * Sold tehil recoiiimended'& al' . _ � . ie - i � - 1�i , , " I,- 2 I � . . r �;,, . I � , file 'oxlovnsos of the referendum N1111- t L Yfl �4�` - I I L . '. � .- � 1 7% " ;t, - ; T�y vin.1.4 r.?nni-4 11'at the c1tv of Win- �1: :..._ � , 4. ,. . . " 2*_ I— -1 - i0i . i�t ere - &Z - ht - h - I to *-H I 0-* I -9 Pkii"pl. , P'EvinclIfs ,of tht, asses"'Illellt aT6 , -- ble , ed I ;t fll,-S4. ,*, "' ��z , , I I I I I I I I I I J � I - .1 I 1� �Ih�� I W Cholce - ,7 � ,,�,:Tt.jj II.\.yi1l,, ,t - ni i.: I _. . -11 l _ . lj(q,,�,��% tli- . 61S ,of ., _.Til�z, -r- I - 11 I . 'and Musle itvase, r6qu(.�(ed by (N!I(lber 5th, '11111 1111 -,Vb(y i I" � 03 � -.� mkiftla ,querran �L2- , . _ - I � i1q. - icz l - I . 6pyrn I �- , � ill, , , - '�i.l tra - forms(518exual Nvoiarne . ss. tal e ts 1. , , , 1 �-4�, -I I: . � ,iil.l " , ,:II , .1 1, it �4 ` I I 'tilts ,. It ht Ga , P6*1'f#6fii1 I tb,b , ino most VP eainuw� � - -, oll� r-, t1tt- N-N.'innippIr dir- ,, ; � I w (, v - * , "., <d:"It 4 ! L . I , * . I I L.1;0 rot Paid I)v tll,qt d"ito. will recoivc� OrOXOMS, Menftl Worr-y, F,x(..0,Siz - I ,s. 'cZ dis. 6 it *6 f iono Mt*i&Ej -ltr�t of T!1C (*-`llt_1I�.JL-r(-i;t1 TraviTersy Al�- badeq. Oplum or �Stittrajs;n ts. I al , . ., � ., � .. :,!��. '19I -! ...... zn. -- Mike AM: ' M&I - I ''t-0 lift lt5o. all(I anotber for rett mts. I al OW _ � L, - :,.;."""..��t, � ; I .. I 1. PC .,t .Ai -ht dr� f6r , - t-oril I.,. W11 I% t,,* i . � likli V&Al, bAlf Inst -*' C6M -_ ,tvc- ii.,it-,�:v,l tiie bead offiee in olvTlee,bbo, package, si � six. s- "is : 4 1 ''. 1�4 Pleces tot 'PlAiNd fit , � _ -_ �� � . the II-ne ,tyft6ktl1t Oil Xovviliber 15th. It '111'1�1 I I 6ta free to I I I rt_ cents. yea"y . - I 'k estimaic - -ecciWA bY 'Thb M " � - , I . Toronto ',liat lin liuvh IlINc izi eolitemplAt- '14'019",�- PVX2, l"C61,4pail N 4� . , 'I L'.. , 0i - , fl -4 tt).qt tht. stint I - '110 t'aat tlw nq-or-.�. originati,il in a, LA ", . . I, W1.11 send � , 1_1W *a Of.- e t oi ft oor I I III% tu.tignaluellf of license -holders ed. 7 kv, , . r,c,(-(,r,1, im-h-tvi- of thl'tt ,aity dealing with , IVOVW�q Pho.4phodfnel i,; scillai It g "A - ,H*e`4T;`fC42�, 45,K-22 q4U �,E, �_' 3,:,t! . you 6, �� q:, hi4i7fid 11 .. '011,611 � I, _11 , __. , I , ' i � -P �� , ,itF ,r-, , ,_ , ` , 1P, ,,, ,, ". " , 6 , a ghout. the Province will AM01111t, ttly Ins. I DD I - s I, - - 4 A A 4- F�"' a '�F"' , , �, I'L. , � . - � - � �; ., , I I � 11 1� ,� , ,-t,, '_� JI C . if - 6 - � Ziirieh by Dr.tnel,anan,'D � N V I. 1) 1.� " �, . ;, 111*1111th it - , . t IV if , T . 110164 1 V35, .1 ,----,.,----- . ___ peMz . ;:. ..,.,.-""�ll.,�,�ll-,---".�-,��, .. ......