HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-09-26, Page 2pp�_ 1� . I :,." . . I . :. I.'.. I I . 1. ,: :.111 � � . I . . I �, 1. . . . I I I . I ,� . I ; .� 1. . . . I .1 . � . . � , I . . . � . .1 : . � I . . � "I I I I , , I .. I . I. . ;; : 1� " : I .: l ,- � _. I I --- 11 Od. .'F , meno, .,31,1 , . 711$�� 1 Timbers of oak keep the old homestead standing thrbugh 1, I I I . I � " . I . I . I . . . � � I . I I 1, . 1. I I . . � , . I I .1 I . . 1. I . I I " ., �!�t . . . �� 11 .. � .: . . I 1. � � : � . , I _ � I . I I IV, . I I � . . , 1, I I .. I � . , I �� I I � . . , I . I , V � . . I . .1 . I . : � I 1 . * 0, . . . I . I . - I ­ . . 1. 0'..'m .-"- � I - 9 6ag , .11.9 9.. .6 9 . 1 . . �9 9 - I . 11 I ., ­ . 1. 6 . . I .f 1. . � I . WAS11 ftfinflin, I rQQTT"V 111M 6�411 I dl -P 11 I - am . - . I I I "��� I - I � I r.". HA V'E A � - �' : TO "AVF A I I I KAMM NECK. i66460" fi�� ­,�­ .. .. . I . I . j It'js said that It followed faithfully the d1rectiolivs giveni below for de- . Departme.al; o I r I Agriculture, Otta- worth' a, 4111p.19ad of catalogues or the years. It pay% to use' -the volbiping,the neek will enable the . -ma-10 vle.%Y of tile establishment unlimited advertisements. - The � . . I accoggloRt girl, to wearr a collarless of direct steamship service between agent should be equipped with Ram- riAt stuff. I . . Canada and South A.t"rica, the lit- plea catalogues (specialty adapted for 00 I . go,w4 wit'li-Iii, three moulths' time, The formation furnished In a. communi- tjjj,� trade), and, Instead of paying a 11 Men of oak" are men in sa;nle exer,olve will maike the unco-m- nation front Xr. W� W. Moore, 6f flying visit, lie Rhor,ld remala. inSouth - fortably tat tbroat of the p:udgy girl the Dominion Department of .kgrl- Africa, oo that .he can become fa- rugged health, men whose glint and ladyUke. culture, has paiticular interest at miliar with tile coantry and the de- � Cie present time,. l tails of Ito trade, Several firms, bodies are made of. the, sot;�d- I. Arms ,at* the sides. BrInig them' , . . � alowly forward fLnd upward. - As Late lit 19,00 Mr. Moore was sent WILOSO Interests do not clash' might est materials. � the arms come over 'the head, - fto South Africa by the Dominion combine and send out, or engages a .. I ril-so on, t4e toes and breathe In. Turn Department or Agriculture, in con- representative to handle their varl� Childhood is the time to, 1�y the handd toward the floor and push .n(,ctio,n wi.th the siliptneuts; of sup- ow lines. I � . them dowm at the tpideq, tatting tile plies for military purposes, atid A. Lojid of Samples and Brands. the foundati6n for a sturdy cb n- breath out slowly. A.t the same time while there he made a personal "In Soath Africa "Samples' . and Lower the heels. Do, this 10 thaes. study of the requirements of ilia 'Brands' play all important part in stitution that will last -for a,mo out siowiy miarkets from a ,Canadian stand- bu04: ness. lN sell a new article 4 to the sides, as In swimming, and - point. During his visit he had In- sample must first be submitted, and Scott's Emulsion is theright take a loug, deep breatli- as the arms . iterviews with the leading import- if tile sample be a good sized one a go out. Than bond the wrmfs )lack ers and business men of Durban, better Impression is created than if stuff. to position again, lettiug the breath East London, Port ElIzabeth, and It be a .mea.n, niggardly one. Care- t. Eight times. To fill out the liol- Qape Town, and Mr. Moore states' rat attention to those small matters Scott's Emulsion stimulates ' iows or the lower part 9j the neck. "Ili each of these centres of trade Is repald a hundred fold, while ne- the growing powers of children, e 111. Bond tile ar'in,R s� that the I was impressed wjth the cordial I glect or them may spoil a good basi- ,unibbelle reet oil the chest, the j and friendly feeling displayed by I neaff opportunity. It Is a capital help5 . them build a firn, ,,,Ib(>ws close at Clio aide. Extend the itlie people generally towards Can- i thing to m,ike 'up a tinalt consign- arvi3 quickly side%vays 10 times and a(la and Canadians. The existence , ment, representatlye of the liriesto foundation for a sturdy 4�onsti- then upward 10 times. . of this Bentiment makes the pre- beintro-dualed,andto shipthe lot to . IV. Arms hanging at the sides. Lift isent. a specially opportune 'Lime Fom-,N reputable firin, advising ,them tution, each shoulder as high as possible.' for tile introduction of C:anadlaji i that they are to take what sam- Eacli shoulder three time. Th6il buth products. Our participation iln tile plps they require and make returns Send for free sample. together sbc times. If this exercise war bas made Canada something for the, balame; I to done before a mirror one can see more than a name to British Soutb. i in food I SCOTT & BOWNE. Chaml.ts how tile mascies, or tile neck are ex- � "Every art'.cle, especially I .Africib. and.the interest thus awak-, stlirrs, should be sold under abrand. Toronto, Ontario. oralsed.-INew York Commereta;l Ad- etie.1 manifests itself In badness: If the prIce and quality be satis- Goo. and $t.00 I all druggri $-ts. vertiser. � . circles, in vi general desire for elos- i factory, and tile brand Judiciously I , er commercial relations with Can-! advertised, It will soon take a firm ==- Ask for Minard's, and take no ada. i hold on the market, because the ----'---'-- ther- "The magnitule and value of th�? people, will ask for it and will take cured and packed should meet *Ith 0 - Silah. Airican market; was reco,g-j Ito otll(-I-. . One This X and Another. nized b,T our neiglibors Ili tile Unit- , ,,Ili the past, 'pr!csl rather than lu Cape Colony. ed States some years ago. and, lY ! 'quaLity.' has ruled in South Africa. 4twil Equine bill1luer,y is smaller this peresi8tent effort and goud busluesti' This itill applies to a large pro- teat duty - 50 cents per hun- year. E2106, they Ii.ave built up a trade; portion of the up -country trade, dredweight: total imports in, 181)8. House plants have a sickly look , towns the well-to-do $1,185,070. The importation, of ,worth in 1891j about eighteen =it- but in tile . compared with at fresco magnill. lion doilara. A. fortnightly st,mm- I ela.96 want a gool artlele, pricelm- wheat for Willing In the colony, is cence. siny service has been Ili operat-oll' laig a RecOndarY 0041siderattOn. encouraged by the Imposition Of M Tile b -Ater the day the shorter ' duty of $1.12 per hundred 'weight Oil the temper. for several xears between .New , Ilrospeets tor the Futssre� flour. Compared with wheat the Im- W tit all the windows open a town .York and $uutb. 4trican ports. and 1 U'L I itrade haa increased rapidly. t;om- � 11 Tire restoration or vonfl,ii-m-e in portation OT flour is small, bet . house Is fait of (lust lit an hour. murcial travellers i tile 10-141eal future of :�outh Africri, , V-11UPki at $16S.G!N) 14 1898.. There A G'.b;"E>n man I -i the latest oil the colublued witit tl,�N world-NAride .1,1- � should be. a market here for our Gibson cushion covers. Sust his head nrpreheni in;-, I. nited State� Firms, s in profile. veriLseineut tile country� has re- liaral spring wheat, the United States artj 131ol-wighly Conversant With ei,L%ed froin the w.l.r. %vill %jukloublt-1 having at present a monopOlY In thi"', well -kept dolts havp regulaVon South Africalt. methols anti l."'11-11 PAIIY result tit a mut-hog"roatPr . r. Ulle goittrany alone with mill'i su�t?i, jup7t IMP tltplr youthrul mam. m,nia of business, are voutillually, vk_gment or Qal4;t:kl .*&I a hXT!g1';1 :1,itu Port Elizallipti* and CapetowV mas. solieLting or�ders. .A. flour.shing. !,RU%. of P)Pulatiow Canadians I Impart monthly froin 210.000 to 23,- A, cr1mR>a fmck Is not a pleasant bu8jilesig j4 ,ab�vi *Ione by New )�orx: w!lj have to bs� on ilip alt�rt if they I ON brisheli; of har-I sprIng wheat. RIght tk) sp-o after the mereury climbs atimanissiort honaeu. Tho;ir proceaure, wish to p:trtreipwul, in th" psill'i't- t Vlkepse. t4,-* high. is as roljo%,t,4. .& represeutativEN pl�l P% �, . painsbIn Of tIlp "'Jilth k 'An � n , jj,jr� Asphalt pavements give off a x(.,tir, out. to promote tile interesvi jjj:Alk�it, with a till-jq,t ?.;eVv.ej-; L,611�� "Datv 0*1 chppio Ge per Pound ' black dw-st as well as beat. ,j -, I 1, - of one of ,titksou firmi. tra%el,j, bn,Lnesi rvpro ontati e ; eutorpr s- - Imports lit IIS01- 8-353.21kill FOr tit n r�t until lit- IMS ing ShDpp�.r% wil.) will woi* for ru- i, tra.-Ii- of Port, H.1trabi-th and Easit Whan vrit0ting greany dishescrisotsand btleonAL% soulpivilat familiar with Olt- turo r�ttlter than prp,eivt 11110fits, I 1.0nilqu. s:uall sin-tj cheespa are re- col,%litioila, of trade and Ilm Wall- � .tni,j a tlptf,rnt�nat.twn to mltlt thO i qnirotol. and oar bu,� 74 poutlid allees, p,%n3, J,evees I)ry �-oj,p (a. powdeo wilL ntr of transactilig buslUtIss. lie spmt,.il roquirpruents of the lit" rkoll 1 14 utterl,v an-o4itahlo In U%j*'N%v.t, I realova t4o grawo Whit tho greate3t easte. 4% , Mims 11ML1413 mloj. town his h4,ajq,%ar- tjlprol� Is I.-OtintIltv to hinder thil de- liowtkwr. whero . t1wre Ill a fino retaU ttr.,, and, ill ­twh u, tho tsLltk,r oxa, wi-iptuplit or a tj,�Itje worthy of o.iri grovory Ira -Io. %till, largo Sizov Is (ildt" Heoplug a thklt I.Ight. lut. Ld rv1ktr,w avil �14at,v reb,d­rit . ppolljo .Anti" tilp I,P�o�jj%,�,s of our 6 a,ceolln-O)l'.� agg tat" wh.� HAI 11;4 0 gaullus,3ion, All k,ountrY - . Hutto. 9 �mtAhlng: to roamputher In ill*% sum- I - jW.1t ,4 Iliad.- lVe tit -14lh-- �-Hh-391'11th IR0 P UP. Nooris r1irthor htat�.Il tattt "lle- I . 041 hatter Upo dirty is 43 ePilts VO! -T itwr boardtng hou-i", whIl-h 19 tomally vo* ile le . woll, , 011.11,111-1 It ` - tfl,,� all ropro- lliga4 �%Itprpsto'l sjw�e�aqly :11 Nwlpro- I ,)ill of reach or gav, 19 ll,>Ilir to L xii,lative. bts, that :i�, vau OW6, au" .1larts. I pald paructilar attpu-j wmnd . Imliorts art vv!i "I'S.S53. Ti­,G� a dull fight It rokq�tired In caw% Of dtalings ,L1,it4i araw of jr� fzu.1n,,,t.ZI toed to %he noaoils rj,T tiDp ftjjj,L*��Z In. r4sularks cowerning eueeae apjil,�, ,,I� kije�,.s, Put Itito 1, p wdoreJ e I I't on suiriatlig. &v.,�,I a pruvAution t4 1pr-� th'i; lwaltelo or tist, tj,,t4jl,% alpl jjj.� witl.% equal force to butter. BOX but- a candlo tilt it re.1wheR the blaek part. IeK,,��.tatljq, 40-t',An-54 dail% 104%,1,j,-%% "s .1.1 I'llL. 0 i �1,,l tv. It und's t Ig - lsturoos Slip- . %0V wIll sp-11 lit (I.,tim lr�wn for Uu, of the wiek lit thug tva? a mdQI alld l,g,j:­&Qjt. - jl,.�;� 4,. ory tj�mile. bsit In Vr�(;%, ,:.-&j.I5" , 11(4,0�. ot �01 I- ��.�_14 atli QV , pro,q,.ja� wIlsill.igi, jj� tie ,�&` rotail M rtw , ", #14'a IlkA-V 4to 4wjwt tilrough tile Im ��_C il - I -1 1144 - ' -� - .44 P. I " ',vi , 2% .. 0# I .a - +1 - .ol- U WU,A#,wLsI4- 04"%r*111. whorl% tho largp�' M4%t %vith :t Small! phlo-�� W, eandlv,. I I tlal� Na".,?4 ,1111 "44P. 1 tialled WZ - , y6rU llq_#U,t-- V- 4ywl Zt, I CtImm . ,.Vft-nou 0!;y avi. trratod separato-ty. b�aau�e, quagg.Altsds =0 Importeil. of J, 11-:1, v,41 vl'th. or W,d4t­wev tile ao liogmt respAvt-1 the tiiq,te Or PM -11 tpr ts wapto, i bly the tra+T. - - ' ' ' ' ' ' " ­­ pros"Ing d3forpilt f$rWIrelif, in "In baeon agpj ll.alus tho reqAr,J Mlwirdls I.tulment 1,nuill6ralan's pa bi. InIv to* _ � rie, � " i� is! jL?,t*lAt 1A4,iAl,1%l1A1t1lqh 01 '.?Aql'�� 1IfM','.l9,X whr", t1w. 9101iort-0 I have Meats 01 tke traile, in mixt c6lq�,­, r 'Id. At ldll�o, blv 4,l lAll, vug*h tion all 01'riat ,IN,�'l tho L�A-Watiws for 18AS "'n Order (M41-loltlldo wlt?i tho.0--m tit �,*altftl. I _­__.____­_._ Adt"3 �40ud IZ4 -,A%At,7 tho i4owntl tri NOt 41.11 E104V T119k. I& tollult a,�t tift'. luto I � Of hVit-S Il'j.., b,,rorp tho "This ltdit ddoa 2�ot bY ally Ml fiwt I 4bl, tliqtrO i_�­,t4IA,tN!­4 52-141%0%, tk'ath'14 tvAl', 0XI'aust th" f(L**j prwillets, that ull­ I & nt��W ljf!j.jt4tr�V' pt"'4411 k%4'jjftVjt'Lall Wag IM4 oil. till %V'N�&' MwO4 1,34(% 1-;�104 ,�*x I der fav,mabli"! cind-11lonq, t!0L:,!v1A .;0p:h%t,Ry . , blour Prop Front Duty. I ,,a_ I r( gloptAAlto, I In a, vertain town JUL­,;� ft.'Ait1&,1e�,?.A'La I t _� li_us�a �1,hv, aN i- I TL'102­ N it pplo-nA I "m ar-k .1 M0411t sqlpp�y. vk",l p4tatops a#, 0 In Sc��,,,�_I m 1. Its? �vwt a Marl who tf,;--li Hutt '11',! w"41 lk-�,own- au -d soh Lot In 1,arl, � mol& a In%ary It) 1�-A,Puth ATKIL4A. Y,t * ftj,jga�rjto,,j �ljq utiflep. Oil puttv- 1tnV§,,4,: re 1,114d,% h I t��j Nqr rLovir, a,4 all o4 mu� kA tL,� % rew �1 Franee aul Lfog�atulj shap eftor�am,gs 9L'e�ltt� � t!�pqpa or iqr�,,,.,',,1,N a4mAt-I rr��O, OT11 qLiar,,ta�jeq to) t'v'�,k maTkts+. ev,ery vesl I ing One oT nlo coug on loil; firmt 11OU"d . , ,01_!14 cuoll It .. watts ani'leh 110topog. Dat-eva Representation. ., , T,1,�� ',Mjs,l2 3N tvi"l" V'a - - it , REUT'd vavrorq,la MA4 1.i'tl a big alla"i 'y t �0 1042,;-,�ar�, juqt*�'�,,Al'vflo N t�41;1 f,C1 ;s', i L - " S V. a 2 ,_-�Ii .. .6 � - , �U!� , ,0 ,3q! tr-­.qs,!-_,I thf_'A j#._,s:)1ner %V1,16 , 4*4 sjj "T tv lLn -q artmil ZA MI9 to.0 PO? WL d It sm-_­441.;5. t!.C,u 4 .gAf-*Q %ta,101.4 Tatalite mark-, Ion, - or"SIA and Vtvu,�ed' i WRIDfI1.00� ft: IF �j `., 0 a t r4tlu :,:, fiff'Lki" L'04t"L.fl t"q'j -mpjr�T'Iftcg 810 y- V I plu"t JZ14 AntAlr4l1d;I, TtUrAg � CaUtV'l UVA'44 flp'!K'N tE'2�'':14,3 "W0.1 I t., 1,16 , 0�1 k ov wl_Tvj� I om T* . I I " �4�4tj,�t!r'a tAt� 11'a.I - .4.tt - , . usn�N,U%,Itlt 0� ,, ar�� A -,�n .7y tk' t , _ 'Cjj� T�,l,, I 1?,��. tl�-.* - on S� tr� " rl�of -1 wo aw! VU- I 10-,�4tpi A1.14*11ff oto mob-a,t. aul t�* M''AL. $6 i : . " vm rtsvr I d"Luml earo.", %was tho U,a1,A4a1Zn 1�-ylt! avniviF 1 ,4. Ptarl, and � Mads � 0,�ol A itstva,halln frpj-�O,u and r4m.C'.01hunt lr�;-*Iv lfjv�A­Ittll pr,�O,_� t"4 tou,m1to. S �ali l Din tll I 27"I'; t1i Tv. an Z IN tow. -c-4 wil- 6 iciink,el taeats arc roal.-­11 "Vi'tm'eT0_r IL �� * " *-Ivev, I*m 1maw now r-ILLIP11itu.", 'LOV, fa[tla ,*,q 0 - 1 -,W-N6_A,_,­,,- iu� .A. tata- ts"r; ietory Ira r % � 4'y r4i�!Lo­�t T'Lo 0eJ I- �: ((,,O:& wtorage e7llst%, QrAW? 113t,to 4,;_16 `-,#3 r0 lVe"B, I I�Ae Izoarol W ;,J�;U,_-, � but ffa;l� ,_j)uIL--tu,�,lV11j #,)j oZ�rji%tu n rrq treale vev.t- M;A,,�La p�,Q,_itsAi %Lft Vow 1� b�-4t a6vekEr-P.I art[L,Z! h1t: ,44�rltzl� A.T- , X,s i0l tdsoay.,iali Lu,_ta ea tE, J jw_41raf, Qon- IS qrtut!�ty. ar".1 S,WL V-DWilia ovl(-!�a tor frtea.�, A as�,_S j��� Lr,very breark%ac- -i , nill, q �, - , luk �ILMI rvrLat d'd ��-On rjl� At'l v lvtuvawd 0 ., r-4 M.,�, t t) At - uima_-d alryle Q�9 i, lt�.� S,AMF4 btar, N T�4�s AtistrAIT'Ati! taT,Aip � vvt,�Ale &VLIti 0&1_:Aenv�& L: t&,,Ot,v�)� r�Z agptit tils SR 'Vr#� ae�v 49,v,4- ­ - _�.v& N,g tr'na,te!eItly WiAL+1V tho �,"vljurl 'l-vIN14 Motll� Vow Sol' wh�af,-tl Lol.N Sueb etaW�41q*tO SMaY tlAt tl'A bett" or tdy dignity. b. Iftc, ks'. t5t.,�,, .-Atallag,L,�, lis hir,artiv U, �,v2i1o.4 top 1-t,� twov, 1! w0a -, stgt)U�4 � makman rs wltcl,,11q,a%�y m"kni �1 . ,. , . 11,�Vll. `�111�� .4k,,,�'i I Etmia 11'_tt-tt the Etst tw& 1,1"QL'��O, tV L U A bWNEI Nklv al!A -,-t- � -,v, , -L , -o", �_n,�_-11T,­�,nt,',!S. ;� 1=1Wtati'loo of sr,.�At It"39 &n& W -Int t.&I , , ,,It � .� Z�0* We10 U1 VO 1.1iTtze"Aftit truolm lutrr4, trev,oiQt"64 1 C,001L,61A�tc ftaLl' imply qarL; IM11th eltptp� hzft 1'fl 43�1 tatrg�&l it ye'ul t liveoN. �s 1'.?7ftro �,e. b-af a ragr L"r- SOTC,�gtl livy-ts? WA,La W�jarll tuey _"L,ave " tta.� Iq clatal,"',md � latovvm Suima,l 7�a -j3t had Aw", deal , eLu�=2ea bai%v on r!-z,r-"r_s,- 4 T:O,Mjqq no�r Pl.; =_d Now yqtk, T,�,�,��,rt-,i veigetz,.*bles iftl a E4 it ecW; an #wgv =%vt-P to, 6 th6 , 0_11-0 a, tLozroana U to 03;�1,111:*41"ItElet K's Irev"r vottg �% tw�-j ,:��tis;fmfoj. 3-,2Pv,1v,1 v* rea4:,, ;Sal��. a'A ttnw-J, oritasll C41- ga&01 Wa, niq 06d�'i", - ­ ­ tako-It loat lol thf, vvl�� . . I ';I . salmfol.� �s In dpwand." _______. AWL,r. 1-,7ery firAzlo,wa. Vn4tfl�l K lgdtuw -6 9 11 r 5 ,ja�)O�a W,C�jt bl--ID, P9 K&3.jtii,, o',' CBro-alars anti ,eent.; Honatill ._,._, P4, cont.; sl0r­- Ift.. 31vyjre e,vrelttlb�-d by #AZ?.!tj4 c., ata I 0 g C t a S, . wif"ek forld t Tak-11, wav w -'O., . r C, 1,P ,). y 3.!,' ppr qli,Z,.� .%vistraNa 4.4 I;e . ,,V�uoje qpIpstt, -4 OT ;�,oz.ath - � Tn - _&!tj. M4�#ijr!y. V. C. RWDar,14 & 0&- ol 111ta tol VvZL910 w1ppi? b1lsket. J,pnl�. tasa,finu UuIdda-Vi f0r,111 gil!!Q�ari trovile �q a iiar'go. wa,r,,y s:.�Ie4 G0NtjqMpn,_jlj .3jgnok. ,68, I bad 'I'lItli mo�lj ,Pffp"t�4�0 age Z�y 0�tr eom- srn,01.1 p1rt or the bmvt"� tat�on from ", .4 H sii.T.4�.. and I luavp 41rt iwpprfecV�i 1�c- wjy hand and wtiot hllttt�l and V�,fltora pwispss Iq Vile wafe2t Re"Ap- t�ll rmit;,A fign-wl,ron. oup tarWo 11 ferrell to sAmp 13-T Its fiMtufeg, T.'-.6 badly mang-la-4 by 1 viego-41 h0rse. j� a to � I &UrTero'l jg;riea,t�v for Revoral ola.v,l ,(_tIt�_ttij(_,' one g#3nwI age -at wi,.V� gr�_lept voqep) jl�.Olt,.,��'y f.,in.140jan elvm,qe, jr. ,,0rfflaqr#'Lj I d,,�tvp er"10 jp-�.Selfl;es PI101-9Y. 111E11v'Vl, allitm,tiq sle'ploed Troin Los'lon sor"'L. � vor.,� high. , �avord Il caiiii refusla-d to heali "I'll, .1 'L .. ...... -1 .... -1-11111 ... I ... -11 ,-,--l'. ­­­­&""10610� 1, eauve,y. aUd tvtl srtggesu,ons 19�1v@ &J�d 4.b& tooth . I _ � I . ..., �, N. of Crile rjuallit"v. T,-'rp Puppalso. 01 0 ventrqr�!A to MaLm aie, �,Ovrevar, 'tho untia pour astat gavo M;# a bottlig .j FL I � ­ � ­ e6i�v�v+.,pmvnt = 11' "1242,=A- aUn-A UK' I feqnst of eilosa obsavvmtal an"I lc-,%�q- � i1st MIN.Shw,s, mN_Awvr. whi,ott c pr"Aita of ltqs, nli4u.,,maiv, �,OWCWV'A- ": V10 infll an*l arp, I bip�ieve, r&,Dt begita aslo'g. aild tho erffwt WaA HAD 'LITTLE F, A I TH,& ad.4 eong,,IjPtat'D'� t0 th" COst 1)tiee vv,.jj,tanteij tiy presant ells 3? ffadjt,�4ft&j. jtj tjvp 11til t1ta painlu.,ld 1[ands*1 Sir fvvril.�V. ,Pa�- i9A,? o , abjisat tralle In .150uV_1 Allrlea." tei%iwd, !Mud ill two weeks thl . ro 01 i . Vj�o-jfjd* hi-tj completely heAled 'Atid I .,-v pt�- poa-dS4 bq llqvt olialolp (.r ]low & Ooubtfut Matt WAS Coll- N)rt tr,le town tra-f-. h��alt it wn not do I iay hitrid witl &rtu vv#r4 as well ,t� , � E TO-. Any oltar-r. fll�!C, Datela lczaee,;;b�'., ,Amr�g r.AjP--W[1y d'tl .V,jZ J,13.��#i,! tiver. Vjfkc,dd',atkd ReAtOftd. ' �s is M,�,­k? Y&zrt truty, WC19�_Ag abmat tw�-Ivp 1W,1-.tLdq i'l Mr. Irpa: ,, .. T , A. t, ., Roy. ___ tr"Ie F-,�.t, Wnst &�tis'!.-defor'y Tor tt'P Up- il F1-.!q1v:t,Q-1 cAn't 11�r wl�4 wmaed i cArtilg4 MaUar. &t. Mitoltle. P`.Q. : M.- to tr4q SP111t cu�:Itql. a. stoty Ahat laustralos the Advante I ona-14'r'y tr�alale. : , I I ag,tottteadltsgwad Bettie giulded I&#lIl1Q;-. . I by New"Spap6e Advett'stinitnts. D aty 15 elr-ntq v-o,,r tvy5n L j-.U�,iV_l;rtq , Ito IctIRV, A toLo 04 'ON -19 I)AY Ituthidify. ln�* hl%%14 " - I-ONVer A1;,1-,,1---1Wr. N. M, :�,aklt� 1S.- "-id 1--k� $4**.710; �2,:�.')R-:*% i'06 fo`­"'11"" � Tak� 5-alativ,- 37am,ii Q-:a�n!­,;* Ta%_��-,#. An 411ftilt =1kev th'tt jatrl _, SL . '. tion 41, a�&ej trap nevr Ve�st on tlal ,k,Spee,aj9__,j %vant 1,0 ,�tay ,ii-.a�� U UTj`11P3 R"ng"law 4' plw "nt­ A�I;z-` ,3r,u,-;g:.Il�oo-,�PTU�g9tr,�L.M�,,�_,�7LIptral�st.zp,�:�[��. � , - � , , , rl,' trzan� 1�91 V'r v --at- C3.'),i 4,­�*7-3)n­ " E� W. #4vl#,Ve,g S1 o =�,!"- �S,�:� �.I�� 3.3�it. ;�at� seconA Voar lant. 6ikeve that Re 1�1,-q W,10,�y P114, n - , , - .;; 41 F 0. f - ed,ni . -_ K; ,4 pm I !ne vkgbt Mi*t.-�-,.mi, lfj,- "If4ey Trip'l- ­ . 1101i'lini 5.7 Y4_)'�? eL�nit.- � -it ts pral cq�iqad. lh.v thu V�,-?-tra,.,* '7 P -T e;),n1_. Un",�,"Pl."'"Oult.­ , othet i0ween.'rant's of the bnH.1hr"gal TLP 5AILIfy I 4 Ought to be SaIllsfied. bla.- � "' 1. T.­,�y S,ly ;,�., "Sj"r ", Z .W.11 TaiLq �9 v�t-_­ Jfe'AA!N't"ion 0: III. T L .'r lc�ur� t; *,4 3,; -t : ', trying 1.0 Open C.lioftr b:gteau dtaw a p ,._ _aPj - ­ f, B, yc _g, T" - , t ;,�.�,, plqep s_ntao7j, piteka ,, . V�p ql�ldlzl* tr,­Ile ! � , - '. Cata_ lett at tile Salte ttme. ev'HeA hto _ ,_, � _t %i.,Ir j!tf _ .. Zlp T )� , , -L �1* -, - -1 I -�a .ea 171, .&,,, [-,t--- is ab- � M, VE0,12 t�v mP!vt4,;: 50 I 'MI't S, Zjoe,._tb� go Ttibanp. - - r , D�:r�yan: bat tirm-0 bm . I "'VIny., .w A0 for a #I a 4 C -10 - was,th - �.'t C m, of o�` ,& very sr_,V,-r,l c1li�l Ol th'-s pa_nful _:Plxllu� 1-r,,y n,re;-t;5.-1ry Tor tste ,pnt"rior ll , , 5 *1 0". sl;,�,Mp :�,,,,.r):,: nP7,1- ar,,-_ satzs. , . . �%-o suiiwseuto! fr,r ­ The D. & L.11 19tantho Idi-cmaue. wra;,P. Mirb'..4ro �"Jaq CC9,1 ,3t,mltg�� ae- - fli ,?. P.4tate,_. ,t*;`�'JOUg% _10M" =3CrUPO"hOrgrt 'J�atl -i V,P cewspaper_�. c iqj�jaj,�Jatjnir; ri,n tfv� ra," .rowls, and � .. TILIt"L4 :19bt. .1"A it's 1",:11- Own L-rs W4 . - .111-. Helyt�:t r'.'a'd . " 1Vw1vt1b--tl!9. r.s,it,0M=etdPAb77d,w Ir U.,lw 114avi ,_1.4 P'Asiteii's, 0.14 6rl thf- lgrnr't�N ­ D r em% 1?� o' t , ap- '�-r Y, y ev Yr art I af tL .p.leo,tatry tovvn.4 e0l'j �, r",l It 1 u ,)��_, �)��c3zjqp, "P,l , . ,0- , , " " . .it. b7 h,,gp!t:j"-v. ?,.v tlu, d _- , b er ,0,. I Lniweat4 p it 1 a.H k'n IQ oi i It -r- -etora­ iq_ avk4ro,-.v-n. Til �, t5n1Dl,* I bnt- � i),73:5r. f�)r -z4Mn,,1.is. 1)"-eir,NY, ete. lif0tite-N ,L . __ . ,�b'.'p to bn-.r �,,Zl tfmt wil; ma;:e` j),s,"4VS,&1­1Wreao-00.. L*,I. AIM nPrai-Up.;t. as ,6t IlA ail do,�-*­n-* m t'�,.- t.:,jrjtP. t�jl;,rpl,�,r�r �. -Z Ty)-jr.-I tk�l - . '.19 t" ­la otw,r wo-m-in etivQ1y_--.l' tTP.,I,�.W:?ntj. W-�t-,., my Z�-,Dil rPs1.t.;;- �,P ,_-r ,w- ',n Mrit.- prn-);v1rt'w#:�4- . bo,;aggh rpaA.n-4 tl'­ tT-KtirdOnia�s Of " 13neois and Homts. I ' A va'atsiong Vice-llrlde. "[Y& �- "is X.1.2. y P. I-. Hi. �ays: .498 a S-Idbacker. j 1.T-.sL4 r�--12� - W.,�4 ,;4y ",:;4��!. "Itaty nrn bae.?a �4 r, I lalva 4. -1 e:��M4 �' praje_tzLe cr,jeD pri-je. denounced h ., . . W, � Y VVM-411- rv--? lb_ ZZ11P.-n-11 .Z i!.6 1-�Aq, 9143,5,i5y. ` A ZOU-bg MtM S;1�4 ( ,�� a Mfnfater tiia B�iW,e. the prile which de'Hghte� nj�__r ��_.j tor x'1n,-,v FM zb��i th-ftt aT- . . � I , 1C -lit K`ag 'sh yoz:M call a -d 1, t', _,,! " . r 19- , � p:;,, - I - - od ` - nol, Ion- ago: "I V7. - 4 to huniMate. the mol,rtai mOra- dis . ,i� .jq l`4.,)�Iqw,q. �r 3t_,_.J,��!nt �*.. � , 4 I t,o ; � ii; * Z , �;. .In KkI 'I. , � , _ ,4;:,na. 11M.R_ lv,r e -ZI _ Vx2t.,[ St'ItP5 6�,e U, _w. 0 �01 'I el Of the mightY-ls no* bat inI itl!wlo�,I t'Y -, Z -V t 4l,�.ne 1!yr .1 �,kort t:n"' ^ 6:3 ba� ngel to ebare-h , bit I wn,,,t �-.v.�j t ti.at E.�av:n,tg tr:i-I f-�,,v- p-r c,-rrr... Ai;9tr-1lt.t 9.4 011F e­ult. T wh+,tv we l"I've t tvg t1ge eoz.ntry, but 1 ! dom seen, Tile dying outof eartali qor r.,; -mV ti__,�_,% an i I'li"Pil tO Oi)MiU f%7f_1,,_P.tn tmt� -on an,I tani,.;. lik�- Cana- �� .� � 9UPS4 she's Or ­1 O� tElew there vvizat tOrraor or p 3wer, the Increase all ove , ­ttj e;L,,, f, -e. 11 - in t:j.". returns ,� ia legre I t -a-11 i"A �Atle, rqw� tliat d�, � �,, -�P,,irr - - you �tiall alldebaetu�rq. The cit,y's Earol - Of individual freedom, havl 'Ve , w I 'I n a 'a olty h., abl I.' 1001111.1i Kiln V J[113.; 0�- .'4ni71t'1:nX A *` c � 7,-- 1 i t eA t`l t" LT'll'$' KI 9d m' ., n 9- , rd an a tellz?rla religlion, ttia dcsi�itetalness of till ,,�XV,0,4 or %ro% I ClAp In- .5�,veril groci,r5 who -.mp-)rt diriatt, , an,way.` Ti&n. with gestures . 't In- Ittoucv, ,ill ,� olvini lii,i load a wl Ids right thumb, ,rake. tvvi-_,� common, form,j ol prl& . ovvc,verl I jIll no, uge tbem '�onX , and %viia, c%ter to ther b" Darban *,,ejoj�t� T follm I 0 It ti�ax t:,2 ­v werp jrqj>, p:jrcjja,gp Canadian bacon an -1 t hiel added, "You know holv 'tiol your- � at� ,CIA-ir;e-I for lianv-y In 'Llverp>al an,f L-)ndon. Ono Vitide or bitth and pride ,of Ifitelincl I ,*11 owl 0111n, tNln W : or theul told An-,� th&t 'Canadlan b1- i 'SelUl Yes. thoughtfully obs!erreo a,ad S,t,-e"110�W tile.y have been niodifle, %bern. , the editor of the Congregationalist. of, late. Surely. in the Present U ,I used t.3 ITave, vp_ry bad Spells. � con wag the W�st on the market, and 1 mo�,,t icity. ministers realize this i�rh,�V_jj of lato ,Vpftl*s bt-6iue so fr tile, former does Wote good tfl& P-' that Iii,j ajistomprs preferred it ta trath and tit thil season of -the vear , Thor 1� Z 'bar] qa�.nt an.,I 4,o ls:,vere, 0at I W9,9 a'-' any Other. L Tile bacon I& Pat up as we fanc_v that a few countr.v mials- M. pride which could in toolio" Ialj- up. � follow,s: It is wrapppd in moked ters have an oppl>rtunIty to seghow flict torture for presumption I -1 rM4VPd niate benetit froni I p�xpnr and then enirplovad in canvas I'mightly hard" the country to On some ,hardly conceiVablO UOW- 'Doit?s R"dtlm.- P_11% t1ittit from anv 'With tile brand and weight stencil- peoplelo religion, - Pride of Intelleet still lives, an �j otber nl,pd';�j�e I have ever nspd� led thereon. ,n. len it is packed with still divides man and man far mok � wild tbeY C,PK-,I'�nly rftmdk' a con#Plete dry 5;alt in a woodf%n ease, the gross New Itork (lentr&I and Ifudso' WIC161Y thain pride or birth. Ilat PrId pare� or PW ease. ,package being a of Intellectiff not 'Orlurs;ft it Was. Ag ill ('001 aft vroll as ever I ffid and I Weight of tile vvllole nlv6r staltroad. � no,stjoism In all ItA; forms Me deal I I .* . trace of tbe about 200 paull(TF1. AIL few packers 01' d Ita rearful b161W.-LoAdon Speetatoi r-xtr& fine English bacon 'place, a The 00ve na7W! 13 3 110110N614 Word an __m.� I'll, � r1upy. Troub[P, that bothered me tile st[PerlOr ex,eellent,P of the toAd should bib , - ; layell. of oat halh; between the paper suffictent to attract =oat VeopjLk, but jj6W �gor wi, lugay years." � Mr. BeITNI. � i not the first, skeptf-' and the Canvas, and some dealers tbjLt the rate is tho sAme to Xj* y6tk arid ,rda can't 0*ec-t a WbIan, Olt ILI] Po(nto bbAt As Other 1h,"'naftsttha� rre. � I , ftX o6at of 9, coach to roAllzb the ftj man that has: been cot V111leed by , 1perer to. b andle bacon put up In thig commendstfoll z1ould ba sortg1k,b. Bver,r- tjIla Will 1,60k, IlTce a posq4ftt frIgb . $Canadian Ifte-on has ood I lompgrtence Of the MeMclual ValUP, Of I man a ar. a g body Will tell,'�*u It Is ,*ht besL reputation 'here, &Ad, it PrOPerlY* white ohals 96,tttag d(Awfir, - . "dfo Widney 01110. I 6 � I r I � . I I - . . 1, , 1. 1 - I I I 1. I I-- - I I I . - .. 11 I.. I I . I I . I I 1. . I . � I - . I I I I .1 . . . . . . . . . " _­ ­�­ 11 I . . I Pgre flour And -pure yeast do not ,. 1. necessarily mean good 11 bread, It 0 ust may be spoiled In the making. J so,: material is not everything. Prof, W, Kodg§(?n * 191113, Official Gol Analyst to the Dominion Ova ment, after a number of -analyses, re - Ports that 11 Sunlight Soap is a pure and well -made soap." " Well roade ". 0 9 'IV I madeloloo's Firb �t Married I ,(',OtkPle, 4t tile 14,1delplue to�da,y 'Af. aind Al .;ae. Nicolas celebrated , tlielr (Ila- Illon.1 . . wcdding. Tho husband, who . has clivirge of the lampa at thek T:I,ote'A Cie "Ville, is 88 ye,tr% or age, means more than You think. Try and litis venerable spouse is 81.1four � Sunlight Soap -Octagon Bal. --next donerations of descendants­lu all , wish day, �and you will enjoy nea*rly a burldred-clustered round - the benefits - of a "well -made" theill, to -day to celebrate � tile alx�- � � soap, and will see that Prof. Ellis is tietli anniversary of their ruarriage. right, No one should know'better ,rjjey ,%,are the first couple to bt, . than he, I . � 214 married A� tllq U%delelile after tile - - , definite coils I e6&jlojj of the historic cl,al In 184`1 . Notwithsta�ndtxig i hong and Short Miles. I tneir advanced � ,age, both' the old English speaking Countries have rour differalft, mjles�the ordinary people are active And cheery. -Lon - mile of'5,280 feet and the geograph- dor, Dally Uall. lea,l mile (hr 6,085 feet, making, a dIf- I . rerence Of about one-seventh. bitwoen, P? GTAINLass 1001"m tale two; then there are tile 'ScOtch "' KELPION "INTMIINT.) mile a 5,928 feet and the Irish mile '3 olf 6,720 feet, four various miles, every Itudorsed by best English me icAjournals. I coal of which is still in use. Then a.1- Supplied to British soldiers In South Africa. moot e-;ery country has'Its own Stan- For all Throai7and -Gland Troubles, Lum & 2, Abscesses, Old Sores. Ulcers, Felons, S in dard =Ile, Vie R6maus had their I " Islas. Stiff, Joints, I Diseases Eczema NOR mile passumm, 1,000 Paces, which Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sprains, Bruises, idust have been about 31900 feet in piles, cuts, Sore, Feet. Pleurisy. lang,tal. The Gernian m116 tO-daY is Sold by DrUggi3t$. 25P. Try it once. 40 24,318 feelt. In. length, move than four - and a Alalf times as long as ours. Tile (2j,ulifications of Chlilesia ftecrulta. Datch, Danes' and Prussians' mile 19 (I,ondon Standard.) 18,449 feet, three and a lialf times as The following qualifications are long as ours, and the Swiss get more . exercise In walking one of their miles required or every soldler selected tha it we got in wa , Wrig live miles, for as a recruit. He must not be under their, mile,is 9,153 yards icnig.-Tit- 20 or ovel? 25 years old. He must Dits. . be strong dnough to lift a handrea- pound weight with both hands, to Sitrely as n1glit follows dfly, SICICTIP-83 fOl- a position level with )XIS chest. He Iowa the eatfug, of unripe frult or stale vege- must be 4 feet 8 inches In height, tables. houselteeper should keep For- rX Davj:VPe.ny.klller In tile hotise tit summer. and able tta, ran a courseit Or 7 mile9 It glyes instant relief and speedy eure. in aX hour. Re must also be of - good character, A Question or Number. Stops the Cough (Chteazo Cbronlclej I . A. recently Published pamphlet re- j and Works On the Cold. calls tile old dispoite or two friends � 1,axativeDrowo (4ultillse Tablets eurem.cold als to whether thc� word "nel was � bioneday. Nocure.Nopay,. Prlce'25ceats. singular ol, plural. They tel,191".1ph- k, ed to Mr. Greely the queStion: 'Ars 'I lCirst VISIL of the Kill-- tO 1111MR1. there any news'.1" and Ile promptly' ipall Alall 0a?,et �6,ij I flaelied back the auswi--r- .. .X,Jt " . .Nilt long agt) tllc- ,%jng Ili Man" new." , was tbe offleial tftjr-:� Of thf� Ear! -a : of Derby, all I all lovers or ,Q�.-,Ott ' Keep Uinard's UnIment In tho j will reiiewber the part; played b,V � all ill ­PPver,1 of tll�4 House. tile 1-:jng, in :,r. - ; pe.1k1l; Silt to­icty we have writtim There %!%ere Other-,. , tilt, P,xpre,,ision NvIth quite actotlipir � ' skWilificallep-thp lCuX has been la . in a certain 1"vnnS.VjVU1lj.L Vlklag;3 Mull. Ntst. for Pkght . epiltarle-ir h1vi where there bi, but one trollL,.y mr. 1gl". lCjji�,r of Einglan-.1 set toot in tho - ,au%j %Imt It, jl,).vj,jt,,y, Utp hand.ioluej 1.4ij.1 of tnjllpq-i r,tts, of Oppm,ster,i ,young cit.17ell whO is its condule-wr is an�l lCpys; and so. oil VIP vNit lr)t regardeA all 0,,millOn Pr0Per'-.F 117 Ilis � lZIi,g kAward VII. reepath-. tllf% ska. IrIenja the pisseuVrs. Hom, wf 'MQ%n tippil.1sIll watj ll;tturally amtupa6P. aild oblItIrpa are as neighbors to lant. � I ujj�l ,tjj�1.4 8,2uptjIjjo,N givi-s rise to .t, - ,- ptatures(pul, c.)jjfi�fjon or lwj pul,11'e .an I � 011 2 It* rrays ,to Ton that Dn, private fititclIMI.S. Aft Ch,%-Li,'4: 0Zntm(%11t';MPVrtA's% and"OrAoluto Carl) for fach He Is ztLked &r %lit, lfxLll of Mri,h ag � P1110b nr4l rVery total Ot lWhIt1g. often 40 ,t e,ouutr.v postmaster th. . b:prkHoRand,PW,rud plla�, ahked to advaner�� stamp.i. and az' " % thfjm^,nuwturer�%h3voi�r.u*rt%utt�olm Me+ ,tjil�ugll JIB in P%pgo4-te#1 to ran Ill%; e4gr " �jtstoajata In 0ke daRrvils'lu 11=4 Wk YcurfkOilclt b.V whedale, he, is also . 4.%ptettll,l to '. b�T.Wh.11ttb0S,tldukotj0 YamoanuliditarA lm� I I t nut euml. W, & box. st llo!(l it qultq tell or fiftes-a maltitlW!', 9ttS0urin*ft0,v' ' `9 on thoul, frantae "licaslulls whols al . doislqrs or SoMaNSOX.HATIM & C04.11~� : D 0 t.6 ': ^_ IlAlil Is b6111,111allil With 114-P toPlOt flbr'� Chases Ointment t aol.rep at low otbt�,r eml of t1iP WWII. . -­_--­­ ­ --:.- - I ­­ � �, - L ­­ . 11 .1. ..- . Teader 114failts brP I)Itt Into, 1014 arM10 q ­­­ __ " to I)e 41toliverisl at thl-ill 4b,XtIlDlat',03� 9 � ,klid 1rustfat - I Moli­4 1-1rot 1,414 %�", � LARGE � h7�t.*jo wj�ja r sj,v,cs to tob 140N �01, I 11 1, -0 re.glong WIkery no lt;?lv! k do,�48 ef e� t t,'�,t �� � SALARIES - I hUrVP,y4A� . � U&Vj1n1jrUsi�,_,mlP.,t0j-,� Bat tt w.js a ja4j.4 rl4ing witli, thr�,A' 7 1&`*$...%j=lrft^�r004M ; , I � I I 7", chil4rim vAto took hint thO MOA 114 - 'lV= Wo loar-It fteq V,4�1�.%*Jar 'I'll tor'l6p. lie flitA* fier conflIvIlets, R#'Co,1%1lI,(.0 fP4'11 rel.". pv*rol*-�000 NAU 1104 bfAft,.4t§ by hpr a dolfilir Is'll for f.jf"L�, a ,* Ito &&,.j " �,Mftilf,lli;!201 30 I %',tjv1V9Jt 4T t0ffi , - "Is VU14 tho )kfw� Hest .Vv tt 11avo ? I � LEARN AT YOUR 140109. "No"', L -ho r� plic 1. Wj*,t,I jj njw�jjp't a � , Wlot 1---dtjtf4,- Ny mal 0,4'y ,1,4� 1*44 " Aftflo. "I lt,%Vo, one $!it lnoiat,-4 ('41 at, 14il., I.,oll.t.t. 11��'.4e%;,o ,t�,�,Wr,*q I N" S�p -�%,%�q nr,ILM'!� ., : i� I.W.,41-S 114,)452w,44%vuw..��q I oUb�,40.__�,�,jt,W,f"knt,rl,l","�La"t 11jr I -1 , A 800N TO 1101tslr:.Mk.N�qm�! %3w,,,�% al �4tai�,�4r�,,��,ul,,,,�t,,.�,3q4q�,llt wore'etr V,L,I;Zi�!%:,i',S�1.4,vtfil.151f'APM��,-gvtnt�'.Iql�I.T.Pnlvv,:�lI : tl) " L _ ' IL C_dIfI5 fj?�Vra MV b,r"�.�*,.' I � I I ,jhl"r-l; tjq�.l"Dj'��-�§, ,A6�, p"p,4,'j" .,� t,,j , L �jat 6��,a ��,."dj V., . � . reNlimille'Aftl V,g romr-4T. CA Elt 1, 14 V!ra&� Canadian 80001 of MU'Atr(WOR nVateeoV4 JoTefflDotargol Cla-M10 Yn--�,Lnafe. *:�,§t'j ll I Inflobta. CA%. 't'­'�Q.;_ 'J4 0 ll"g""Fli'Ll I [�rof,�WA 011 U40�U,,"1,0,13� _: �Iz ', . . _t ('Vry �'2' 'r"dOW.�-"I rj,�')f.�4,1_1�'� " 2 ' ­ "' - - ------- ---11 1"Pl "�e�cutxo� ontzf*, ao­ny. strtti§ ad2 ; -, am-o"al!."'g. �, �__ - .' ' ' -'--- " - -- �� I , -4 111, qvil, 1114h1a t ftNL,'� (�iLolllo.l, 114i _;M, ratr=-'fl, , WOU. %,AL��.­sao_ nm,�!�otn. ":1L K al. �,? r9ft-t D 0 L, � D fiti Ebt O'dorit't, t, V!a E01,11 by tel JtU4.j70Q_ 11 �V� [& �j�j JfL,�t�tfr�, J� ftU' ��!t,,, -= t t ti �A , " , , _�".M V��",. L, : Q.Vta - ' . I - I.. �t! - ApVy to 9, 111�%Wly. lu,Q),Do�'., Nt�N, I4 __­_.__­__ c"rotlatioll "Slorsy. YOVLO-�".' V. Out � S,q.ot t�, t14 , . , lull)U VILP 09ammt:wo aqtv�:!fdatla � Oliva t1to" to" to u4ii. �� C" 8 l- ab,vat tho Mavop 01 a , zrn.,�tl wvlj�.t.,P�;.,) to) ll I f.3:? M5.1 Itil �,,� - "A I .Vui�pnls 'hit , ,Nw­:.�, �A " In= z3)11 tOwn t',tu �OuVo vn:.,. *, %%, �I V,,fflo V. 9V 1p,:,W�, Lind. This f0faWal eame t,�.v 0&- ot wjt,?� L)Mflt3r,,76,�� Chit) loftlron koteIg the 12 `zut 111*10A-e pv` enttly , CONSUN194V CLOTH COMPANY the e6ronation. Ita L,wi .14 pat,k-ed hl!! hag in a butrr.t. fm %VrAon 11 -t I ) r I V'S"r 0. 0 N t ,, he otafted. to put Ob luts robes 5n 11 - . .- I --.--- I! the "ffi6rulag- lie dir-"Vevel to hiq I W%- I P6 ift irft� I horivor 11unt he had ii -ft ost Ins, 't tong I)jarl. -,.,Hk stri%tLdngs. it was �1� BU,TT&K AND (lb b Ian awful 4unitYarY to 64- 13n. R t44- . 1110rLTUV 0tigi:�11--1 I; '-b E mz 151c'o be3, he 9"Muronok.1 the Lvil- : COMR AN JKTk_1WTX0 RON111t ,#A TOL � a�er alld tOt-1 hv'ta wbat UO Waflt,,l.,I� �� ,riool 1614MR! 'twulUf1k, C0610*bfflM�A :, 4V Iffivat'A -#nilp��4 _Rut I can't do an-t-thiina." re- slallatol cor.11#AVArAotw� .10iftavot p3e& Cut mnager� -1.1ge s,doo asre� N tGNoU WnIbuylioa-youft"ght, ­_ - , r At -;a- tlts% all 06.qed." �, JOHN A FEE " ROMWINI& -but," do�rared VW Itayar. "I - _... 11 ..-. -I--.-.-- ­­ ­-, I eawt wear [-)0,4�k � s: my repafat�oq, is � ROM d Hiftf Iti, . to* I wbuld be Allidned." ofistwxXxIlist*1 'L, : ,� . lie rullml alyomt the roant ai h1q, 9T1_-:liL,�S,*Lt* _ . ,!,t- k * L k�# ,4&j1a?jC!N1 'IL L L . N1-Iftf. fft,,#Astoi�tilolrcL� - 5 'v Inci-ioaved. Just tben a I *V_Vt* N1k,1s41&14*tl I . . � � . It � =22eb'teMnald Passed by *1��*.*-OA11--tev.;t"Ist, .1 . - . - - . I I fP-qt!_!t,_n�A"5rffk�. - #1. , Kt ' * r�lt�.i. . . ,� . 11 door. 'The Mayor &aw h0d- ata Ws stla ,1 11, . - ­�� , , , I Vxlfii 11�1& A _. le. - - Z�l � . e.yes gleame'l wit!'j a L'appy iispli�:_ I 1049V�6 '­ ' , ­ , ., jft*#jj�,14". t:ov. � :i u"*t6t. , L "Rate yon a Imlir 01 Vhek gtw�L-_ 0 I . f at'novi! 9 I . 21 he ImIntmd. tt," I� In ­ 'i THE RUM HASPS' EARM 94T , , She blaqigal. 'On, iv t�io-i;! I bave on, I I b,lve dm�4tel to 10%+, fty F-01 $�-_Vizg � r,%4Ttw;,r-,7 On Inae mftt-�Ot. ana as t.lat. %" I Ar", she SaM. j 14MN� "aMsI WN1 ".I', at srs V_- qlazcwn. e , -as"i � � I I "We'll", ovdero,ol trj".�e Rmor. -11-05,! With di-,Ipr. N,0,4St&r tA�.,#-Jft T�Y- to -45 tbs,m A b ; Z t ", _jL � h,;aj �% V70k-n .Pjat�tg. T tj,&jrft t"6At, it vt fb.s I auJ takvr- 'ttom ofT an . . , e Pt" . �a tou ��a-.H-ngs : ,"2_­­N,e.q*. The -­1*t,Qrg,qf,V,fr,.�. tt�e tat"k "A'al ra'At prwltu-flv�- TI&I 1.1w"j"freq, tht, W-Vil- � . ter them." ] rVa"max Loaulol orl'tic".�rypVt in V .40-. rMt41- TL-e Amid, wondpilvir. il-1-1 w4 ,anp 1i .'-,-i4-i.q�jaN1.v zml Vm,h,#,t5,­*,a#_vg. SPO 06- . ; W49 told. Thu.;; It wft�; titat a pro- -i 1�13'10 Y rr`t-gr.ov�`, 9*.�,mxlc 11.901.1 ,1�14tw 16, i 'Nept. 15 to _Xiw. 1 �-4 M0, bpAt fibut. to oiadt . 71mclal Xryor -.Vaq abli to; taka h.9 R. B. WHYTE. 47ftawa� Oftf� . placet In Westminster Atyypy Oril . ___._......_ - make a.q bmire a show as .Ixny or b's, Sim wifislows _­,dthitt� S sb!3�94 r 1 rellow Xlyors. le = be, used for ChItdtaa rC1*Lf1g. 16 i the ehild. softens the le reg wind __ � ar , twitandl is the baKt remear rllva.11. P� HOW'S THIS I t $12 Wtokly * Men aml vralftell tv 1� WPOII.�rl�rLPIT-t,t�lr.,41".I".Ir%,n,.,M-.�,3A��-�lgg# `01, . A# . Fj44.5gjs%Vy r,,pv,��emt us app'41 I ! .110v ea." tvi (%ttoirth t .0 tan v L, , ielgag,�ftm ZWW�t* '. , not be cu: -all 1�;�; �� � H;iU*s catarrrk Cure. .2 �:tr.tvel.ott�-,t--ta�tti-r'Li)i-atwdrt,' 11an'di"Or'Xil-16 q t . 11 , - F. .T. CHENEY & co.. Toues', o. .Onan(j Jrjarkla4to� t)lf �LfjjarV: TjeNj eMP10t,- 1 ment. new btKIN"t lfrwi.' Best ,)16LtI3, 0.1 - � We,, the, nqderaaZn*.,,R. 11mire kni,vrn r. a , tstabl'.glej rionse. I � Chent-y for utie ktst'15 yeant awl Tv-,jerf,- r1im , LINSCOTT PUgLISHING VO., �, I pe-trectry honorabl,l Its nN bnct&o tt.vaq- , Tor6AW . ActIong and fiftawlallyable tatarty oat an. L ? I obligatlow? inade 11y t;��Sr fitin- V � �, Wxsv .* Trmxx, Wholi�sdl!s Draggi,it%, T&- ', IMPEIZIAL MAMP, SYRUM lado., 0. 4 WALDINO', KUN-NAN & 11_%TtMNI. Wao-.�sqtdy Tilt- vVity AtAndattlZI Tram fyt�Atll t& �, Drugglats, Zolleda,,D. i0C,eati. *,Durraont,_*bae&llinotstti.4*Ae � I H41116 icatafth rure Is takt-If 1.%torrialls-,ftet- Rosig & 11ALVIIIINVD. 1, bitdireetly'aponthimbload ay Ag(mt0,'Ao1itrbAT- . face of th6 systeift. Tofitfirson I I., .. I P -_ r Price- 75C per bottle. SoldbyalldragrgIgt.s. I if Hall's Family PilTs are the best� rw% ni!l I - !, i - ... - A r LES 9 It Would Pay. 11.1 ­ 111. 0 1 , , I out _101ftlfail 1 , I I "I se* that a Mlychigau man and, 4i I MUD & I 1 9 Ids Wife have adopted twenty-two 0 little children." - We sollelt yonr consTgatoents to Xotift"L �- 11 Do You know their post -office gdil WrIte or WIre lair. lyrompr"s;ftles. � dreos T' - ­ _. __ I L, ­ NO. Why ?" " ItTlIt FAR'A VOR SALr­6Xk'0r TRAL .. Sta L't F linest Its, the NIX tire, Pefifintdik ia . .1. ,, rd like tolgo over there, and r Wilribba.161alle'sififts, k*WItdh6bt*b1�0& I ... 9 up a -dvug store., �­Chloago teoor& *i4k 120 a6fti fital " 35 & - Woh Is td Mftl I - 6 Heral(L . titawy peach&. A, i be igollfirdho pavea * It I I di*fdiditt6l!6U6fl5,,t�62OL'IIL6 _td,jdtL#*t_ - Alu ..... - Its, I � = �haisiii 11- c m 'Thiklit adecid" rip, t 311nard's tAnlmoilt is used by, Pfjty. Idikathatt 000"tar, P. 0, b6fr** 41clittle. . . IMW6 L . . I