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The Herald, 1902-09-26, Page 1
G H U R C N E 5 :. •. v"000 p V e ��✓ I n � a n K cooda`��vor��i`o �"�0.. ' O'F CANADA.---- X'1' �i �T 0 T. BOA IFACE Oa�h olio; , . ._.•�-_ q Is Order of service for the summer. � 0 { Authorized Capital - $2,000,000.OQ I �a� F A L ic 11 Snndays• Fligh I.1nss at 0,30 n, m ; Carte ! Snbscribccl Capital $1,300,000,001 E N I ellism a.ntl lllstiluh`o.n; at 10.;30 o'clock: F 1 , I �13l'espers.ancl Renedie nn oN-`tli5 'Upst I I lir. YuYlg'bloot of Hen5a11 spent :Clay Township Fall. Fair., Fra. 1R Q Holy Ua:T t; s. High 1z't 7 p m. a . } EXETER BRANCH, Sunday in Z rich, �QD QQ esse<I Sacnilnent tiass tit 0 o'..l o< Ic ; i J lair. Stunwel Geiger visited Czech- The thirty-eighth ti,nnnal fair of 0 � MILLINERY, � � � � �(� � q 0 Vespers and Benediction at 130 1) iii, ; - I ton orL.Sund ay last, the Ray Branch Agricultural �• �+ 8} Week Dnsrs: brass e�ieiy Mgt-Ding fit t.30' Savings, DC artment. '{1 Sdcietr has come and 'gone tind ALL IiI:'�DS-THE VERY LATEST 0� + O'C10C1{•' First 1'1'iYl'aFp, lain3s- Y1'ltl) �. I •n•. 1'tL11s{; 11aS a fine ;itOr:�i Of Exposition at S tseloo1c; The Holy EveryoraC lens ween shoeing loynt• rCttt`t)et5. Call null Gc>e tlleiil. although the -weather Rtts rather lionr, or one hour:, visit to onn Lord � g and now is the time i Mr. Levi �iil .ger of London, nisi- i ex bib.,tut, the attendance :lull QQp tq to the Ktii A Q in the Blessed Saeraniet raver}• sat- to show loyalty, to yourself, by is eu• 1 1 exhibits here ttbotit up to ti1P D�O P } tFd relatives, here clt;riu!_; the UUUU ) urd} e�-eVing fmi t r to 4. J iol; a Savings $anlc :uaeouat`in the ��,Cey attierttl;e. The indoor exhibit, D � j loolkn la1(/7 ,ic-ell.4. Baptism olt Snal(Tnys at O 01000C. l` Sovereign B,anlc at Exeter or especially in fruit and roots fts r 7 j I y Tl:e Communion Sundays before Mass at Clinton, where the highest races of I Mr. and Mrs. Au'llst Hill and larger titan usual and the shb* of O© ,I�(1(.11(v, U lalel'7t'eal.. .� 7,elICTA .l'lLl'.72.n IR. 8 o'clock. Interest, Lure gaits oil' deposits of $1. family Visited tit Mr. (`. Grob s on horses and rattle were, certainly nual upward,. batvldiy. 1 ,'�:TC?n,% fle(aC I 10-1real. 81tit . rr (d t4 est ; fine. The gate rel eints sho« a J i l77 . . Rey. father �'alenl:ilie, 1 nrislt . r, , Special attention riven -to Partners' 0 � O ----^- wnd Cattle•Yneu'a lausinoss. •Alis; Ethel kellerinan of Datil•}- slight falling off, but this was r E'�{ VANGULIC1AL, (;rermau and Englkh i tr wood, is isitillg hl;r cousin, Miss antici fatted its with each nleInberS' D O �Z'l'7''C()(/�.S (1170 r�.1tC'1'.4) l j 1'((�l�l('7`('tt('.i'. 4n„ , t A Sunni Bani(iag business transacted i l earl 11' ultz. ticket :an extra admission, was giv- pQ (Yj�(/Ji ill r,�, .v 7� i7trv'JllYl(1�' (b(tf.v. V(/ 5nnclay aierviees:- i } 13olt :-At Ztlriell, on the a3rC1 i eY1. ',The officials are to be eongrat- gQnn,Q�� Gt.rinan, at 10,45 o'elotdc a, m. l:nglisl,, >4. W. ULAI)N1AN, F. B. KARN, i Inst.rtho wife of Mr. Andrew Thiel, vlitted on the success of, the' Fair � � %(thee JI it t('f Il"nQ i X1(/(1%t',' E'le. QVY' / o'clock P. in., Sall, ac'hool attic, 0 a:tn, Solicitor.. 141anager. notnith tandino, the threatening' i •Tuesday evening; ,Jnuior �llil:tnte, at i, � -- -_-- �--- ---- -- -- i)1` tL dttlil,hlei. D n QQ� a � tt eatht •t'. w-'� :senior Alliance, -A ;3, it oir ptaetievat t3, t We etre obliged to omit sumo cor t QQ� •Rl l Of tile. Newest Designs Q t } ,, , Follutving is ai list of price win- \yEdnc stlny evetiil,r ; t,rruatuL pr•arc.r , � ret;pondenee, which clinic rather 1 witeling, tit ;.Su. Thursday ev liin;• -• � late in the week. ne15 -. �QU 0• Sty lisp, Drayer tilt rtiul; tt 7.3U. 1'ritlay ! The tindersignoa hitt: for } 1). 5. Foust h;is tt z e1;v large (: RDE YEGETABLF-B. evening; Teachers' •neeting at S. alta a gilauttity of I+ r.t' f a;;ortllYt:nt of l`atney Flower Yots, Pora"auES.-Rose, (deo. Scihroeder I Q. Rev. 11 , ,1, 1'('eger. I'a.iur• t°1t►;s '): trod inch Drain ^ , . 1 Hr. Rtiedet ; elephant, C:. G`olosk , f O G i all size, and prier ti p y 6%3F�A Tilo, whioli will 1:t.+ ak)Ill tit F'�11'. Rooter, John Decher; Coloraao I �,� DW � g' 11r. William Ducharine rented = etl$i�t „ • ry real (ion Sc�hrueder, P. Hartman, Q. le ti. tutl)t. Pztrr ,,Lira•#14•: �+ yy+��'yy[[ ] \II 'S. Rannie's fatrni near i t. ' , I • ` (50tt ._. L l_J , eltl� plc for it telrnl or dive y earti. 3 •F Dea'ilel , Michigan bide, Qeo. • t%1� zuriC _ �� �/��•��� iia##+* �tt*lljt riti. IlNttta it 11b / ;1tr. .lultn 1 t lurfa Visited lzi 3 ")�hroc"ai¢>r, J. Raberer, Sna�vtlen ! � I inial t1lY.oibs i �.•thr. ^kllllittl_; .i)ltl� PRICE C� � , 1Bio, ::lily variety, S4 , B. Battler, children at C Inathtun over Sundt: r vorni. Jo 111)r. 4;t*t1r�rUt'rjtilnllllllllag + , (:rt'tI. `+t'hroeder, Alegi. Ita1n21•t a • 1 t* l'I. n111 #)ttltl;i. at 1.t)t 1tJ'. t',Dn, IS Iitiy IIk` 1't>tlirnetl till Flit' ala,\' e� elzill0. wh aoillt, (Set), Schroeder. W. B. i >R"�++_�'� �; � � � ���,' �� �`�• �'�' 'l,"� �•`� te _ t`iliitfe, �a1#or. knu'tVn as Mr. Leon Lupo z to of the SilubIr� `Battles' : Lml)iY t>, Cleo. l hroetler. ' l line It on 11`t>dne,tlat fd)I" rise (ileo. S,rltovlli>_. W. B. T=attler; ('uI- a t •r 13e111>i i11e 1h+1lf ttlul Dumb Institute. Inan, Jacob Roeder: s letiail. John' V. I3;1t"11AND, St. Josrllle. �eyro�►ks Brick �%� � ite � E�rdsi :111•,!>, .Clot Well anti L.Vdia ranst r Beit. White beans, W. B. Battler, � Lo Nutal'y 11104it•, 11n. aunt I'M Ill- art- ath ndinl; the Y. P. A. eonti en• � T. Do-her , beams tiny' car.. A.0� E'arintk+�? ,1�t•nt, a1[n11t�S' to l.$)an» t•itllt•ir E,y 1 ltat`t" itt 3e) f't)z' tilt1N :i 111`2Yi f loll aT :\MlC '1i41tYlllil'k", tlti;t ti\ eek. p Kitert-lit. r. .1olin (it+il ei' ; Ttllloty private lnittisor lt)l11¢ t•t)rtll)altitrN. 1Yt t o rt adstvi-antl t1Y.tlla..lit Mr. t`+nin. (4tittvelitilic itlitl dinigh- i r'C32'lY, 11l.tSlth>tY Bro,� ..T'atob Roeder ; r l forst•a:• to :) -years t►1tl for' E �;�vt+et t••,rn. A. 1Clterelier. Chris., 1 rtn61 it till. got«1 11.tq•. tN•!". N)1'ttik+:ltr►t`tll• were here ltlr ata`, * t F, } tr �' { CO (ry�, Cvdar Rttih-a ' Posts tend fi-w tlartt rt m,litlr' visiting; rrollltives. j Srhttt 1! reel onions. C. "at hl•i�. , 4 . J. � � i.+ it V ?. P k»'`hlion " aritr as; yellow onions, .i . UALE-Ak etrrs-ed line 1,1111111er......... Mr. 3t)lin Mv." t*vin. of Kipped, {•bracts•. (Tari.;. .+t'hoeh : tlliteb E t:1.ntt+llttlttfuriDr►.�l'iatlYltrant)t::urt$; 111,�e;(lltltlw.t11u1ltus;t+le111C1ltitri+tett"st,.#tti.:i.:;.I,"atstsi"13tan.1'1ile: lCeltt 0,M ter, Kislieutor, Xtolllk 1 nt,$ir. Ft partielihm-t apply 'tel (ee► tltin ilk tit v hi tit 11k nsall art t t>ati°trill:, P. I+�cleltlltr. B. ::. 1'liili) a: Ilk-11Stt1I, C111tado. vis, ting in 'town. % 'r l' 1C• 4 a'atr roto Ii"t'11del +t init1t 5. �� k'. lit).,' �t.a t Y . t nitt 1 tti hats tt�11r of live Dan. :*tlrern:� ; wtrC+etlhlt t1u•nipw. ' - � V f:i" t11•NtoC'h :ile i a!!Il htYnC1 Ells` rile 1 P. flarpnian. Jam)) Brown; whit:" , H ZURICH ONTARIO first two wtbol:a~ ill (lt'ttilsr>r. :artt� q ririlt.., .lacclb Sitrttrlty" Erli�t t�ik>.w ; � . L':t1 ti�ar'rv» :tuliwilage°�. "uYStalba'a> Caa1$t$tt• 1" t '1 Q Yards for Tile. l►:artit•111t11RPA E ' 1111 f11a 1,al ;M. �r'11.11tt 'wloltta Illarigold-4. :tnttYl`!1C`�1 ° cit>a x^tt•. ("tYr. rpn;tlt: zllYti tit;rIlk ;�tltsrt, Mr. John t,ttlstt 1 itna family a Bro! „ 11. �"G k lt" lkrn„ is t1 1i11i1il,ktlkl A STRICT ltt'1.C. WITH I'S JS "1"d1 ,%1.'G!'d,"Ay t-L&%Tt;, t"�U41t 2'tu'$i, t1n1:1rlt)' rt•11Y1'lit>d1 t rtlYli ti' alliiC'N1111r ork !' w' S!i1r9't`L:tlu'Ya Bros_ A. Itiaer e�loi 1 ClD(tld'l.i:"'1° tf'C'I1°l�*, Tilesil,ar0 t>vt,nilig %t'n11 will nlil e i'naftlr+stN¢Fnt r. P.Kooliltr.It. �kvt•11: ()VT IA,t2I11�� A1,* 1 I,�i1�: C. 1i '6A14"DL;�':w IIV t"toi;T W. Ppou;urloo"t` K. C. R. #`." NA1f s 1 _ .. --= :, �._ - ° " , ° ri 1111"'lt a>>11111ta1»tit+" H. 1X11. Ll . ll. liar lI ltttitit 131 town ail n.l l start r t ilk i"„441 s1<`1 , .t il'd+'T NOW k 'd"s ii �tlwyi a`+a1➢1 i� ,Q;e G AS 1 'i; -:.4ItAl 1i'ltle s°11,1': " vao inttilat eltim tit mr. inul :� rs. Ott ttlE xY, liltit•1+. (+llllllltili radishes. . t� ¢' , cr 't lira.: Pa�tt1¢1t:n o�a1¢lvt'1 li�+a,tted'iaaA it+d!ir!' • " 'Vtt' l' t)' » t' l 1"t1Y . ' �'• �• l .111i1Y!er I • �tll.tYittll: '1i'111t"t' � . � " ». . a, . " e" . a .,, 7��,.�tLEItl ., ':! )� ' ► :. t a)inatal.� 11111a .y the 1 t t 1 , . i „ ., Y»I�,l.r .1 C 1.°.1"as.�st?r,ti TliAT x'411.1. �b fiml,rol.luwZ Till;... L:1nr1i 1(utfl lits . ('-dyYti try Itur " : w $°.'Sidi• . ,.cote 1¢«t1. Y.a 1..) �_. Iia 1,a list"t1 <yl'l l t"tialsa. , e.uca aiata rstltnt t:•lY> ','1°rld 4 ` Jitr Nt 1lIaltt AC"i , t aiditloNv i'. Is Both 11ui'« Pott' �:N$e 'Itgt' in, 11tweit't tilt" 111'theralt trt't1tC"tt'it „"J• (!oi'hr&alit•; plumpkills. t.ola¢lliG:�?•4i011C't for iiftkhog>�Yelt�1di11=U1S.i.�`'}'04t`al'..4°�lt0aa'ak'at1�t4489au1^.ttltt.' on tilt, plplY¢>: l �,�`. ,1;. Ilattli°r. :"�iit'1\4�don llrti,4.$' b (`t)ltit,FtluCt't ele. Vullwit)v for the Ilu- imt , "Midis 'i•:lalo udl 1,e oeAl u)01 ell- • otic : 1a11elta$ tittle+l'3lalit111, ft31lr1srt+tl 1);1W talc Mail Brie 11,?Jtl1l ulal b a'4 ibaz% ("d q. ><tt'aad?. Al.. , . a . tw 111a1111i1it1tla 11111upkill!'a. 11a1i1'tllall titl4 `dr,t'1ut'6 1n "30+13. iiaOVGt%lu t)r¢t« , ___ 1a*1ahv(ls alul t§a°at^11Yni a iat111itt El+rH11 ,'' 1 i�Cb^., i t°C"lei's" »T» Vot"tlealle. "1`lakYv it lr 1 .« l »JoltlYstt�in: +tt11t1w1a. u*1au►ii•dmi Bros_ >M' Di 'S. VaanNt has it 1illte lot of y1 a y. It. ivt'li:' ' •�-�i �t�, --,q,�� ��,,'Y ��,x � y�,�y: $ 1+�..� :.D'Le1 1U7J q�r.•a5L'l�anl°r, 1�. gv_'9•mrua9lxY a.U`ti v " �• 8i t111a1. 9)C°C. t!'(r b1 . Iy7alf tlC. l`" �*" �y� ,I 0SI31'd N 11 Eit1!L 3. i ' dd an 1@«19 1'➢9 "va¢+i.U`¢tlt-14371 1n11' .�. 11.¢a'aavt4:" � 0@!'t'0'dll'r and lr-w ,1',"•w-i 1`blr r�.0.=t°iM«,"I•i .i i'dDiAvil. lwet-;.W. . H af'tler.B" 1:8�a1hIls: THE S140EM.�'" N Atulasdtl �nitwthshi yr Lav$' Hug &dq rtd 11 100.' 11004he 0Du 1n„"a, Berra L.! G,. IL,, nu- Suits. Call til :"1➢al %910 tilt 1n. �ti;atterant>1ons. r ' # a i �_ . t tD101*:liv ; 1Y1t1".S1{- alai (°tytaIl➢1 'e da wlga'u ltlaCaUi` w �.uu ut l➢¢B Igtat «,ua¢ 13uU¢dr. 1*aaelale t'. 0 ea iwattue;!$.aa'" 190°l, •talo, e n . » w 19ae'le1YY +q (" t tI IDS' hy. 11. Well ; real ��' t r ONTARIO t i ova e.', PUN!. , A ➢=a'1Dvrt C,vw4 1'alyd`1llaatt it rl.r t ntl;i -, • ir""It atm i1 O ta¢rr:t>te of f lomm- CVho C1nwi-antll baac-ilw } 1 UN!. unit vac, pub 1e,wla 1u. t".. t&" wvdlQWA1¢;;: that i1T . 1roa'tolltlfivot. R. V.. of t tBlalt"= tnD11a'lttlt'!•. 1Yh11a)" .Johli atln. S'ntDt,od eu a atrs$a lidila athu�$ iaewe t!. 11b;1rlYi<$tsr 1 1Dl aUa' le t e: ➢? nnfsl: 1 a lea. a• a"tauaaa" 1a"• faD t1`a1 " 1 nl 1Sa"Sad- ; ;i 0low Willaatne.., Nllimteala°lt « !a� ' ". a ad l➢"➢t➢wa tail dl i 1 lass t • iexchange., by n s U'L'•9D".:.'r«v: t anl1C LaabLl'P .. x�\`!'? vx?CD° tlD0 - • _ 9!'ta'al '... 1.1'dr�. *lT. 1l. i�aattlt°1• "�'��' �tr1 ��y`� �C"I n '" g _ « la' baits: 1 flue'• taro 4 A- 0 xuun xrr 1�::441q ag a �Dat2 ' labat 1 ' ' r" , I11L1 �Xlr Atli!!° d i!t ia111 ilatl xrtu " 111 1 °�.tiq:d' •uu�¢1 �g ta. 3 De,t'".0 tM �BtFno« °.1 Ira' uaaalttucaull„1*aaW S�a1a 81aa11t11$�a111i t•tl'11> Un1t_ta ti AND a1.Il:aD�. y. Vag«5 tt y� g 9tp 1d. g .,,.... lu➢P'N aawt•ulE Ulu wta'➢6q•d'U' ab•+a` $Lil ti tI.:IVitkU4;,x, 0ueirk . t 'v1!Ttai➢ G=;.:uff: l�i 'ewtt'1� 1➢e`t'waP'!1n C•,NGHBO a➢ l"NUrontf) falalll. lD1at pay ya¢�ti4c» Miall $til'¢➢t°al.t" t3 tDlala �Pl"i47a"➢08n'° , $°d)tDtSawfr clic ilaali'YhUU« 1 C ti¢att1. !'e ua2aD':•a ,�1,,tY': '1 15l_,4fw3'. t Uni .ot"Se•T .- t DVl°:C3" 14x49'-VLnlul a %tl. SSSS" 1Dla':aat edl V1:-t'aafe he has no ; .1aat "Wh x elft°r , il.'ed ti�a11 -wheat. �i .NE-W �+!uxwn!ut l- -,:„: , ., �. a ,.II. ,"l)<ntttli'ii..t'a1a"aDf4 gip"1)2`1"« ;.lDa'ulanr;j�N1t.tfl4^SJItil lt.aVVv«xes• 1 41sI!�„ia-V !,.la .-DLSU uw .ti"'!" tSUlala'`a`➢1!«�i➢- Jl*tnna•� •e'ri'llll lt'e rDnd°aa.'VsaYat " n. " n rJ . e ! »'i L�,q,wruaeaa��a>s<u3v�u".au. r " 9 osiJ➢t°ttsnlalar131dr:°N.-rdDaLerl "u':arva 0 NA-411. '�tv,l'3"' :Ua$aV'f TIt t!9 $, nn.4 C:k,Nied l•vBw.u,. D "' µ . °' e x D 11. • •feu ;41w . I t'aDaadlieitlt "a Sana➢ll , levy jtar_ob �iV tut r .. 1D."aa-k maQ� A.t::v- 1ua1<7ti«. r fsD atI ronoal,:- B.1>L sows 4tWu spuJi, - 19aa1°uta i€a~ia ultl. nut Iiaa4dvil ([.ullaaYlf ilia 1wcdYil: �rlaltr• allit�. rat"a>wa a`. aw• dvinnC. Dn.rles. a) uihi awe ac:+t9n earn K.aj16w - RIES '"'� F. A. LLERZVy , � . e. > .Taav-)b ilat�l�n".�r�s.8 I uttlliur; w11a"lfr. ¢n)1d;aflnut0.• «-1t CIn 1'1➢nirsdllly I' eilill.„ whip - Pearl 't'�1 nrtr. Land RAW(. Either welt• +"tr te11 Bros.; rt'd elove1r. B. N, " I'( "'1il(1 1L1: du)E" F.L1<�i1 E+'t'fI °$ ul.nt oaarw wifll :n s11da�v tallltdai° in 11«. GO- phflil)�_(, '�$"'. Roeder. .1. 'i`ticaber: Ilel1lisw, gthavlDr ate0 o1r rile l Soy nl t oe1t e .w « t ' yX y ami 1111 ).etlnaelaw . 11r. Fm- l3uswc•1¢ (". 1E rifx lAaat 11. 1)<raai"l got, lYc-i" ria►let ; t-ua➢+illi yY � art. Alex. rl t� tviU.iitituSv- 'rN I.leDlltal.l arrt'rC0YPi5 loa'an1'io 'Iyeaft"1aab24�!r lgemy idyl re't.,ek'd�11 iDt�e1'¢dd�t i,'yUdat $1-.'lub pw �- ' v di `" y, den Bros.. 13. S. Philips. . �G'�4' lu'J4-•• x;r•y �, •.8x:_.ya: ." ,r ;!;,r �c 4'': ii�:.��'il ldic.' tvy.�al.•- 0»i .3kd t�$3r. Vow 1.7Cie?t ; .1'delnl:el' aq1' 1i1Q1).viliv�iFatL Oa• "1tY(tDtl,l wli'-y' - ' n haandl vaalludit ill lila ..,d'ail•1n.-« with : ltvro Cly Buiversiay. :airul� �'rstPt d'wit)Ia & m 1. 1'C de;. V u wee st 1i91u9' I aoy. 11/0•: jy. the, re-nit t';;alt the first finger %vats �rnf 1!ertll. - 1'Y:a1ai 'stall;. sI s Y'eslli:i5t , arola J�4i 1:�. `Ca)und*e:edeil i:t, 11a!,� t 11 1'r:d1 BC'« iit)1raYt"LII,tiC6'ta1•;. . �y Ladies- 10, 1 i 5" CiLS. 10, 16)tksy, at 1 tydlesr_rI 1v. Dat." 114 > fol- Ii a➢a'2a1'14. 1q.)r11 av;fl atilt$ $fir' 11aa11afl"otJ1a1 • �q'a Lkgk "t311Pd°fial#i. �9'Yn. Xi1t1191). r llll "�"; 111 t ii i L tit .3':w t lliplkliriilWrl House, aiwir 1rb every lotain 1)tv:prta€; :... It I)s � '1¢'ia ed �1uDcs.:r LWIS '4t l"� 1)airlly irY1a a1�t�c� y'I'rit t1d)e: ; B. (�iittw. e1'. �alllei�i : lllaaft" fall. Lll'111t11ai . I-�,,e1„4t1 45 � etivtsdol: t daDi6.o."•d 1h) B", ay yf-alteglw Dalt thx. *ronwr will wide ," tai R 2a t4gh 1 alsiitiur"- Xa .' s vq.• "s a'da1: 1 1-¢¢ars a leya•o a rin tvla?le" a' r i-in:_e` tha> t +view. A. 1�11e;�;tuxaerw ',.tidlettltali' r� t .- ..,. " a' , B,EdY.. l plate wallztlr« Snider l3a'a)s., . 0,41€«.erlia 1 1n�1.t rutins e6h: , 1.`dlttFw : 11l el, t411if 1 e#t tai 1; a . ti �w ,�•!�q �y� wn a t 11 t'Bl gilt aids ails tv$t ,VLJecI. tit"11i�t5eC1tb4" ; "t1tI11►lsiiYa:. :s!)d8 c.'.1 ?. 1• & a t De=d i a-.4+ c I.Le•".•. We w tall c.sri weal tel look �y,. LJaW> i 1,�: Ii. +( � s.I1Iu1t:�•?ee1 to 11e. he t'*' . I fact 116fer« .1 boilir. 'yi."lit" first thwet 1:Yatt1. td:f J.tY . ..;., ::? �D «• (':�,•• V ,6 b r .L,I:tiL,:> 1in4°aIlr"a�lat'" C: ; `,. _ •p .d•. - ¢: a1• i ( 1`'i111d>r, Will. ill. Iclo p . Snow. J. C. " w1u .ib!lh �,',l! - , _ 4 : „ . .. •�•.. a-,..;,�.,._... ., . �. <>F e11aII Da ai116' ru+00'l11' `w4=&.e3st r tl t t 1 tt aC'� ilial I .8t 1Je.l I 4 .18"e 1 entire' v relilii4 ell and it I:l 1Yt)"i111` X alblleisch. 1l. Pfile • spies, « ! a. •,*•t , teer,.tyea¢n earl: ► � > �a 1Iu a1I flli� others Iilati 1lerd)lY1Ca l �1 1: t r , e't 1r. e 1 t: '<)1.1L("l141U NOTARY, r 1 ) ab1s1041111b tJttit. I�(at11t°li, 1)ailr11wi11+t. i,1'. UAltp.1STv L, > y -- , °deb . 1 1d�lb diYdll: t <1eDEt.°. 1 9e:ir a. e1: a }+ a 1ra):ara Y 1a fb U$".3; e• w '- Y r. +a r' .m ty ' d a4 i3aCele ". \lilt"la "v1IU11att"`11,va $;1 felt 10,1v`l 1. John J ocher ?.Jifpt'1Y8nd''t. J. bI1!trE'E aitde,�ra dl'f0)tl¢a"„ a+f1a _ tYraai,,, r_.St6 t;a... 1a)IJ t a__nd .. 1.111"ax 1 . 1 db ' •�•�" $f' tai ltt' • at11:a,C�aDr is • 11 y r. _.. _.. ,�,� .... and :b°arlrr %lrogacl-wy tIw 1cb"acFs't rdCtcsYr»1' I$¢- ;'1'ra'wla, 1 at�tu�R glen. 1. 1&yaol..�au•ta. lgaab. f 1 Win.. 1E aafil« i t11 t� : �1, ebef,. Batt. Ranch : ''S'pitzen inirg. .. �""`EL i �:any(. illdti Catlie nni 3Ii t)r¢gllual d. elyd¢ua¢ I.' 13u 10 sLd 9"+1,?1 .Inrr:f- Cnitltq nr. t 01., eUltic. teat" l a` 3a11st libYllt�tl tliaaf tlaa" liailatl ttYiil r$Fa° . ALt•1Jlrtril«i*JJ(�i1d) 1 a» t°attaaitd�t ", t l 1 �¢ cleats[ :.antl ttilvised 1lguot¢. wr•a•, 1 �:,C16'lc'e , a hadurl 1"1t>D¢'_1a•. t (sv.la- not liar yea•m anon ly' disabled. rc,,I. Wendel 1:13➢with, S'. Sona 'aaa : _�..__„ .�151!JVl 1'llilanlSr 1!f;u'nw1G CetiD+!'r•'C.:La;«1'', I ,, ..b.. t" to till 1 .). « �` « a r 1) ....... .. .. , • �a . 'i'i• ilii«iwnl li 1 1Dli " tyf' t ne ..alai 1Di1a1sCaai, ,'�. '�Tittrei, Dail ,alt`d rinld : � nwa,re . .. , : t;��.:.. , . >; :..."._�e�wc?« (r„•aJ � wd) i1�a ItP`Fi tell PART ATTEMOP-0 Y+6 ¢Uat i'¢1 wiw..wvror 8 u$D.a'r i«taCEuc�UdeS« i.n.al4w, . ! r ntisetl Chris. `Y�llif h S. >'�a mares - - 1ni;.r. 1J:ira"dull. i11t1'VatlBe-w :1� Nt4C;:1f, Dlletatl'u4 bad:t6;, 'a'e31ad t w•+nd1�9, 1Ll➢tt', i� c$'1' ern;. 1 Pyl�u['i� e! dbtjl : t°in * 'fit �6 3t'«II �C3�. .. _ ... •-. i ":' •• ;:, •:•� tl: t• :a:`� b ..._a:..:, cJ'd`. :'i+6- tills leEi:`F." silt aD l>tv trvei IT' ebU"s J3ar¢la« i"s5ewfl. 1't x•1_:da a e ,tel. ll,,.=, v lliawler, •>n;a::_ :1 il!1owlny afternoon. cif' the age rby'i 1$ 1. " Snider Bros., Ilelnr y .Sower', tauaal-lvlter« t3 n.*i¢ •Dtrbil« pwat- a years. " " - � t3ai.r S, a :Z ro :l.• _ ali'S« TLS"e11tlt>C1111t3a, , d;i '111•. i :a1n1I111C'll tr't:� aDlid of : Ra fled e�Y" - s'S. n •• � a • a g 1 ntr Y' etaacrDra.�'d @.: wsr-;di-a1aa11r(a ;i�aibt; the d>aaa$r' tilt r. of that c>ttnogn : •r. itlpg� Wagner.;, alrtler Tnel .. tea i?l.�lnketS Citi cents a pair I Save. 111.-mek. Tvrn,n. of See: All .tact llar his Indw tri rand econoiny!'#4. Klopp; 11allllt. It. 'Rrietltr,Ja Jacob L 3cT%1#1�����C 4l Y �? ,� z. a t�liz b: 1 searos of S ).til3 :t1i+1 lautale•I rst?1s: tied r wlI tt llaitl 37¢>a'uai4ld' dant of tilt' 6iia'alltla� : llerotvdt$t$; SrlaiiiJi'lY s i11t1S1i, n. 1'n ild=. y'' , �i)2(bI1TlL I•!'relrallala= treils't. w ll U! giver." an , , i, W d'+ndel $inith; pi 'n, Cxeti.Stalat)el- •-''d'.tti,1, ,:.1:..`. 1'13:L ."s 2:� t1dbF'g� d, t$r�T FA,.T. at 111 {)t tilt tdalt lliyr. 111. �6e aaltln . 1 u :+ f4brS14 t'01E`+r •a v r"ent'•ti1 •1bt:!Yt 1gYtt•S. +Y liven .:r •a • 11 5 1Y r z�- Jaeai2<, t .,tlallatetl< all tlnta way f acirtl + t� tuftld1�1 sr v:- s dkennt off rr ta35e. d)s1 eretlat Bn;ourlas ::)(l,Yi try to *75.(11.:1. A inn?neer nf'. COiitrniled Oil })tlnwf' four.BlockGreh + z a« rs k d iYrti a1Zurich Ont. .'rra. lie bee nint- firm le aally "� t lntei t',tet1 ill :+t. 'Tris �llb,� lit. being � � tri exeterd� f� Strietly up-to-tis€e 'II modern I'll '. rile e 11ief backer tat YI. '("aatlttlY. 0 provellleflts. )Mill rookils i :stilt- Tit Nov, Ig r. Mr. She-wooAW;kI'kez.3_ wlin haas Tye eonie known tar ;Incl plied will, only i1Ye very best" ". `: fireman on the Canada Atlantic Railway, ' wide throngh hh1 vairiotl,.• E:=I hire � s V a r� .list w:ontsi� s r1z� cut Y1d1ut.Ir :xlaerl living at �laclain+:�as>a, t7rt.w wrote•-•' I t Intl d':C )1nit� in till. °•(`sty"'. It i.� .- :; .$;els .� rta� isle --ding piles. ' ,aid tliait flit" dt'4,*,l�d'tl had aIL3lll�'. - �t µ' � � s� ergal great sn£ferer from 6 `. 3 3Eleeell Ybt �a1x:I'1e Floortbs �, Sometimes the pro'tuding piles: cone itll lila. nioney invested in tilt« cc SADDLERY '" s' star CuYY�rsxerc r I tvreer. t; AN down, causing much misery and uneasi- � , For watt' years I slit`f0i't d 'test- cx " ` Hess, aa'ci at other banes I nn'1 subject to varlotm enteerprisi ti. Air_ (atillillell r`ibly from dyspbptiit, with great � w• tC - .. _. ... �° �.` «'^"" - bleedingpiles, and they bleed to such an leave t all need widow at,lcl severaal deptessiorty � rid tigi s alWatgs feehrtg l �' .,...... _.,� -�.,.. M.. extent a to 13Ia5 e,Irledluite tt'ea1a. ifDr. soifiz atnal tilaill ;htdar te) nidus n his po6tly. Y then tried Ayet's Sarsa- �: ���1� �'I��k+••,,�-��y 1,,:'�{�'p" r;'Clsases't7intmeiltwill!cn3rethis awful all- tld'Iili:�ty. lrafiillay •a1aYr1 iii'. otic bVee1[ i bVxs " ,. a, ,r Trent you will have Iuy eterlastiisg Scali= lY e� Iir irt,' Jbilti TdlclsanFld, kyr c� i :styiiw��r-c s3cc 5ut :S'i'' tttde'" Philadelphia, ' 0 ;,� Azm"P& On Mardi 1, 1002, he rwrote.-" �iccord• UCTIO.\ S�.J E Ok F RM STOCX 1 ing to ray' promise, t note take pleasure in Amid mid Implements. 'Ir. i . Bo-sen- - :. 1) writing to you. If n remember, nu berry has been Instiveteil b Jacob Don't 14't' �y �e } y } * t e.' o3'nf r_ ChaSe's'(7intmenylot 1(:elleranaii, to sell by Pu'blie, Auction, oil ' l: on t forget 'that WS ` � , G. a ni i l 110 t1 sen ah I3 bleeding piles snarre three months ado. Y lest I (�once�sion 15, 'itch Ilea oil Satur• u A y et f .8 )) ,5''diS"dp3tillti`! } Li1g� It aIl'Ci H�aV�7 Harness, SS; �T'r�xnks, - p ' _,., ..+...® used it faithfully, and call say that it :fay, Oct.iI, 1t111I,:it 1 ocI,)ek, I). in., the Lirser'S, for ladies andg "'Tits -- that will make you stiron � Bags and P •- .• p y ed `ft)11ew1iYg Jrrollert,); T :tla.ec, G yealrs old:; � i g . _ me of bleeding piles-- have, t has cur (.alt, rising 1 `( Colt ri?in;; +>; I �Sare« and ( . � t11. Don't waste �-�-• y-' y -; y w. '• I -would ace written sooner but I f 1:sln* 1l :ustl one l:Y; T HoYse rising ,i; Cit) ell fivptli at t# intsclern y C atr�: . Farrow Cows; * heifers, rising'' ; your time and money y 1 }� wanted to to tell you that it was ,) ' r " ) p5, 3€Y tt-d iatsw !. rermanent cure: This you can use ; ; 5tt er .rising 3; 4 Steers, rl-sng •�; _ t t)1YG81trP.11C . r y e •) ti �r t In �s'ome 'oth�el' kffi I. ' i + 5. , ' �?T'ilW �)I211I1t' to 1lrttel'- i benefit of other suffering people, Ther sprint Calves; 1 \1at558�•_JJnaias Milder, i Ps ll()1' x 1lltE �" t , iacconlll o(l.teloil to t 1 !tare several people here tvha have been I :lrntver, I Il.gv Rake, •3 Lumber Wagons, i ' + Bar d III_ p p ? , Use t lP� 'Olt j t Sthd tried)' �t' 1I�Ile Rattall l�,t.)t k,01`,S, 13,11)N' Carriages-, Ex- liayrac,l,? I i F=ob-sleigh*, 1 Diamond y; ' G'itL] ltd 4t1l1E15. 7�tLi trill : e*rere'cases of protruding p , _ cured of eery s .. ' rr :' om tLtleti '; Sll) )tell Iles by using; this great ointment. 6or j arrow, .). ():shawl 11411glis, I Seed-drill, and ti` e �.yor S SarStd'pa- )1'('k; � 'alt"r)'11S lilt[ 'St' iyl'11" ell'}1111£'S. rI3„ iC; l t { centsabox, at, all dealers, -or Hd=Ason. l lbslier, ):yang Yloug'll4 J Straw•elitter, i r F9 ct>yttY tate lYest t>i)tat•IIltL1)1tp. I 13ates Co.,oronto: ;,tibr4etU+ f1lidlrral.ra. ` " j l 1'nnnti)r-n)iU�l I°70tH-lb 1'laFlnrni ;scare, T'1lld. .' . 1 W;uwr�t!'bov,,. I ii'gsh Grade Organs !shill Pianos. quantity Y !, $." rYdi yaliltia elle ICtea vdl7e tblnki Al bo t"tai 3y0r'a � I Otil.ia. i;ht 41'atgn,v, to ilLntat of (,ta ei 1Jst Whit 1tlBsar.nd' t fr��''� ltitrl t)tlter at`tirlea tan t¢tinY(kiilti-'a ta+ men• . old�amltpin'rdicr>Sg. >+alYak iitaaaYlat+ana - i f 'hoc 1 1. p'r. ;..+ yil. i'tiall,-.. i t vra wnli98'C alo aii.'3C.'Y1 Pr' r - C U'stCFt Ointment ' Nn„a,t1)scr0 an G° 01lforca h. l I3eo TGa l)n SS[aIe � � 0 ri r cal rand under calsis tial cute l:t" _, _.