HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-09-05, Page 8THE ZURICH HERALD The iPea THE Store 4 Y? LACE We handle good goods Our prices are low We carry a large stock Highest price for produce Obliging salesmen - J. D. MERNER ZURICH-°•: 44, ALN ONTARIO The Leading Blacksmith and Florse=hoer. I make a Specialty of Shoeing Flatfoot- ed anis Jntelferilag Horses. -- GENERAL L BBLAc'i:SMITtflN( J. 11.11islin Xat13D'll Johnson's FURNITURE STOR! is the Piave to go. when you E'e+!,taire^ any t)f the fool uing Altie1fes: Side.hoards. Bedroom Suites, Extension Tablas. Cinches. rimy Rcckers. Parlor 1 t- >alishina s. Pit alit *."-gaiting A SPECIALTY The Woollen Mill Store, --- DAMON Furniture and Undertaking STORE We have now H/LL$, GREEN Special to the HtxcltaLv. Westward cl Ho ! • Mr.Thos, Far- quhar ±ar- quhar left:Monday Iuornime fol Dauphin, Man., Re will visit his brother there and see the country, i$'obt. Forest, also intends' leaving in the course of a week or so for Moosejaw. Rev. Malott delivered an excel- lent sermon Sabbath °v -'ening on Great Rosolves and 1zow to 1eop them, Mr. Malott is one of the best speakers in this district. Mr. Hoggarth spent Saturday and Sunday at his home near Exeter, Will Jatu•ott left Monday to at- tend the model schgol at Clinton, Don't forget the sooial on Friday evening. An excellent '1lrograntnie and lunch will be provided. Miss McAllister and Miss Fergu- son of Walton visited at Ur. Hill's Sunday. Emanuel Reichert is on the sick list this week. John Horner and Mrs. Horner of Drysdale passed through,. our Vil- lage on Tuesday- morning on there way to Toronto Exhibition. FELL EX/141TSTED AND UNCONSCIOUS. Mrs. R. W. Edwards, 33 McMur- ray St., Brantford, Ont., suffered TI2 it -Ie took $27000. A young. pian Wanted to be stn'e his loved ones would be .provided for, ii' be were to die. But he wanted a cash payl'11ent for himself if he lives 20 years. And he didn't want to fray a grinding premium for a fancy policy. He chose this plan: He pays $92.00 a year. If he dies we pay $2,000, to Lis family. If he lures 20 years his policy is estimated to be worth $2946 in cash. If he does not wish to withdraw tliis amount, his policy is paid rip for $3,980, pttyuble at his cleats... for five years with nervous exhaus• tion, headache and dyspepsia. "The pains in the head would al- most drive me crazy, I could not sleep nights but would walk the floor in agony until I fell e:cliattst- ed and unconscious. For the past nine months I have used Dr.(1iase's Nerve Food and from a mere skole- EVERYONE CAN HELP THE ton this medicine has built 1110 lap eNational Life ASSURANCE CO. OF CANADA CHARLES B. LATTA, to 1. LONDON. E. Z1 LLER, Local Agent. in flesh and ;weight until I am strong and well- It would be . The No, Free Consumptive Hospital scarcely possible to produce strong- '%V IIs Admit Consumptives Absolutely er evidence of the wonderful Hower 1\ ithout:Charge. of Dr. Chase's Nerve Fcuxi. The appeal being made on behalf of the new Free Consumptive Hospital, built HENSALL under the auspices of the National Dani- tarium Association—the first Free Con - Special to THE HERALD, suutptive Hospital in Canada—is one that touches closely the heart -strings of every Iamb arg packing 11F' household ion over. Where is the community, far good preparatory to moving lure. or near, without its sufferers from this Arr. Dttvias,on of Exeter is taking dread white plague? We aro all in - storing them to health, family, and t. sh and wife :r'One important stop in this direction ,,�� � e •r r,•., f r 1g ,RE Is tlieplace to buy your HARDWARE, TINWARE, GRANITE, SILVER and GLASSWARE. A.SPE TOS FILLED SAD IRONS, 'Val. retain heattwice as long as ordinary irons, • and costs very Rtl;le more. PAINTS, OIL, PORTLAND CEMENT. RUGS, DUSTERS, SWEAT PADS, DASH APRONS, We helve the best Cook Stoves made, war - 'ranted Quick Bakers, Superior Cookers Power- ful Heaters.,• Agent for te London Fence Machine, also agent for the Lamb Fence, best woven wire fence on the market, and all kinds of fence wire on hard. • Eavetronghing, Furnace Work and Metal Roofing a Specialty, CHAS, G!"!'EB, Main Street, — ONTARIO. Tl \R1 O. CONSUMPTIVE. Z U ti I1 111-. Brandt, (ac T. R. agent, man, woman, and child the bi gad Demin Mr. Bralult, place whist; he is itw.13, tt huge and up- Mr. Harr' Wel teleg sted in. bringinthese relief and re- active citizenship agam. to -date Stock 'titinestlur morning for Viet )ria has been taken in the erection of the new B. C. Mr. Welsh intends rennin- free Consumptive Hospital, duo to the a' l„ 't t 1 , a �e to beneficence f t • Toronto t d perhaps. tear retake his homes there'. which is now nearly completed. 1Vhen ; Ii©dl;ins tirav quietly that will be almost immediately, all that 4►t' House Fur- Yn r for at least few months1u1 the cence o two oron o citizens, an liit111't' a 11 (1 ; miss sat rt% i the workmen go out of the building, and alrlliSlli11e7� ti\•llell 1\ e married to Mr. A. P. Smith :If is wanted to make it ready' to receive the ;ti• e+ltt+i' At a Lav Price.... ellmreb The ceremony was po.„ ° beds and other furnishing appointments, Exeter 1 t Monday in St. Paul's consumptive is that it be supplied with LEAMING TO112I BIG SHOE REDUCTION We are anxious tri tilo business with you, and will do everything in our power to make our dealings Statis- iaeto ry. «e have tl Ilig Assortment of that Wt' Will gild 11111St sV11—to llital:t' roods for our Fall Czt►cels--and'vi11 give you tirtrat Bargains until the 1st of Svplelul}ear ' 3 :M1NT"" =may Main St. Z1.2.xich Eggs taken in l'tt•linitgae for Goods, formed by the groom's father, lntrv. ` no charge whatever being made for admittance. UNr S. L. Bailiff, Tht=tldtirtl, a*�i,trtl by admittance. The National Sanitarium Association' �.J i v L.# T .. i v' the Rector Rev. W. .i. loteirty. ,' are already carrying too heavy a debt to After the ceremony fro t11t* 1ozi1)1)Y 1 undertake the furnishing themselves)! Our :-tt+t^1.. is Large and tip•to t eulllt• took tratin front iiili.�s, t to. but the -way is opera for eaell otic to hasp two. in ficin of nom, give uK I Detroit Metere returning ti) 3''4rter. +I iu raisin,. the $i0,0oreneeded for 'this ! to (um Hiss Higgins Of London is visit. ` Purpose. "The sunt is not a largo one. PRICES %y T. l�C'r. C`.1•:. Mt:Donald sprat Saltily -$1.00 each out of a population of near 6,000,000 people would accomplish this Iwo her aunt, Mrs.. J. Davi:;. „ reit thousand individual contributions of P. Mcisaac day and Monday in Finest, end. Some, of course. Zt•ith their hearts George Reynolds and M. Brown by the sufferings of relatives, are taking lit':1'arroat^) fair. ° abundance do better than this. Fifty f riL+nds, or fellow -citizens. tv'i11• outut their ., Thi lie *school opened Tuesday. Iollarsrvill'furnishabel. Whatin needed 'elle only change: ire the town staff' is that the amount be raised richly. that •' � the d+seyrs of the OAS I-IWO0;l ON"i ARI ' hem Miss :Iharray' takes Mi -s Lit, thte many knucl.zu„ alt Totutall's roam. lratiniial sou Latium �1a_ociation may ................. Mist Ilotlgens DINO' trf trate; in find a place open ay! them. Contributions for this purpose, r1.08, town last Monday attending her or more, will be received 'by sir Win. eat) give a fort+" ao,!ry;;l� ry v wilaae��y nnn Cutl'iji'er+{(14112[14:I.' .,llN.l�� 1 [ii11Yl.wr(y+:'.. aN n'ti, 1rlotun;lr I-+.�` "��'O:C7 "4 3�.rte.. ' t t , M � Zurich; Ont iucci The Hess e are now . Seethem before " O BUY. '`. s ick glitariu K lbflem MILLS Pia -at -wand ng a11d Sakfv� dif f —All hinds of woodwork and saw- ing don to order. Estimates given for all kinds of buildings. A. full stock- of 13. C. Reel Cedar Shingles. Ail kinds of lumber al- Was on hand. C opp rig done every r+ Tuesdayand Friday. Field. Gates, Water - Tanks for Wind -mills' Troughs. and Water � iifffls 14th Con.,. Lot 25. C. alb eisc ist: ±iefiteTOtozP,r 51,1. thTAi3liil, l?6EatNtl- 148st WAv FEAR. NEVA- :M. FMLN." AND I.W ,,V,`IaliirrifitliNENT SM. rt:7T.0 I!'Et�.titt;Si3?:. nJ 31.E +pint.. SaY:�; "Fel •r ffCc t'Fars Ir -have eri)r•' f f.t with a c .v Ere case �{.G A eOLL.it L ➢. ent YiYic3. N.rtu,:e llieriis shasritiven it t al Lac system." Virile for Oat Wag, trateil lt'filahoc. tS t=R„EEt JOHN UUMMITT d'k9/Wl=�ye'� 1y`.{x,irLL 2Uf i:J•U ON 1 W li1.�G t9 iii Buss Co. Sole p'toprietots, MONTREAL., CAN, et➢usill's wedding. Meredith, Chief Justice.•i Lamport Ave, Mr. J. t Clanwt)n. Niirlte's. maker 1'orontir ; \t,'..i. rxaget l"sir, v l lion t sir "1'4r~st f'r�rnnty' ar '�ntioneil 'crust t"v `intends leaving' sh lr'tlr for at latni ll, rlreasinrer.Y'i2 Ring st *Kart, MARKETS Revised every Thursday afternoon. Wheat i ........ 66 to '68 'Oats - 28 2S Barley ..... Sz 40 Peas try:Y Flour -.. 1 90 2 00 Butter - . 13 14 n 14 acrq t iiekens lti...r-... 4 5 Ducks6 6 (Meese ...,..w.. 5 5 Potatoes.... 85 40 IIENSALL MARXETS. Wheat 68 to 68 Oats ..... 28 28 Barley 38 40 Peak , ........ Cry 75 Flour .. .. 2 00' 2 10 Hogs (live) percwt..6 25 6 75 month's trip to M'aaititobx. 'l"oneitni. Pith' dollars will furbish s Rev. Mr. Henderson and wife, lied, retarrtea last Thursday from their a holiday trip. i I.t)C's I.S. 'tact; POLiet.-nAN`s EVIDENcl . - Solite people have such a habit of policeman Petet<.Mortis, Toronto, `being in hard line:; that they ran says that for years he was troubled: get rid Of one disease only by 1 catching another.�-+ t .� a completed 'Ci though t3 spent itYlar~ money for medicine, was ably disul)poifltocl! contract at C. llarrleiu'i shouse and wick the results. He now roman -14 . feyw weeks inose will make+ it mends Dr. Chaase"s Iiidfiee= Lively 1e'atdr for ocetllxYflcr. Pills to his friends beeattse it, cured' A novelty ift the shape of four him. of his troublesome ailment, young ladies pr.ttading our streets, You can be cin -ed of 'constipation dressed in male attire and blacken- ' bar this treatment. Ofic pile a dose, I ed facies, was one of that sights one '?:r cents a box. ( everting this week. I "Nobody wants too much chin - , music where he goes home after aa; AE EADQUI RTE • S FOR 1. - Nets asters T"tk Valise. t harness, IYa)1"1y1,1; n1t1� ��se�� it 1~l\(tilrh' Whips, Curry -combs, Brus les n eT twine, Machine o' W Pars green, harvest tools, Churns, WWasin machines, Tin ainl «raallitessaare, Paints awl oil. Harvest itts. R with habitual constipation. alfic 1 � � - � ' �` +� 1 h hl f The masons oils h tvc mprlet d their t i ll SteelRoofing. p_ ' 1 T'o prove• to port that .bt. usChases Ointment is a certain and absolute nitre for each and every Corm of itchinK andprotrudin piles. the mannfaoturers have finaranteed it. See its- bleedingtimoniwla in the daffy+press and ask your neigh- bors*hatthey think bfit. Yon can use it and iet ba k f t d RO b "f J. Nest Winter. liar& d.avrs work"'. *toed ra Yat-- Wife=: "3nhn, will ic•oti ger downn ionth laborer when +chaart ed with and see t -y the furnace, I think it is assaulting his wife. going out1)r. Bruce Burt, dentist, of Hu.Sbaal—"All right. my tiexr.'y 1 Hamilton. visited his cousin, Mrs. (John is hit -Ica desperately l (Dr.) Buchaan:in rand other relative. shovelling this diamonds tuit1 pre- I here, over smutty; I Ce left for +sighs Neils i- tt) the fire. Ile' re- home Monday afternoon. 1 g� xonrinonos i e no once ca. oz, n a 1l dea1ers erEnataxsolr,lYa 4a Co Toronto; u rich P* 0* i ri, Chase s Ointment It Wife.--°WIla,ve we many diamondsleft, dean" f Husband—"Not enough to last us over next 'creek. There is half a bili of diamonds and a few buck- ets of rabies that ' e use for kind- ling, and that's all." 'rife.'4 suppose, Jetta, it Worth ' be useless for its to attempt to buy- coal." uycoaal." Husband...— onlatn, do you want to bankrupt ane? Our bill for fuel for the last three weeks has amounted to only $18,000,000, but if yoti think t will buy toad. you are mistaken. You should have married Pierpont Morgan'" Mr. J. J. Merner has purchased tho cider mill from Y�ottisV1iim and the mill will be run every day. hCook's 'Cotton -Root cotoponna Is snceegsinlly used monthly br bier 10,060 Ladies Sife effeettiai, l<,adios ZI5 ,s+oor druggist for'Cook'i Codon Root COSI- povit Take no other, as'sif Iiiitores,' ills and irnat&tions Are dang'erono..Qrie°, Nis. 1 $1 pet box` No.'e, i0 degrees stronger,s3 pet boz. No. 1 of 1t, *ailed on receipt of price and two.&eeut Siam ' . 'rho Cook Company Winddot 'Ont. og.1 and 2 Sold and reeonmraended bit all ie'aponeible Druggists in Canada. No. 1 and Na. 2 fisc sold in Zurich at Dr. Buchana:n's dtrti *tore. When the Bowels are Constipated It is a serious matter to neglect consti- pation. You may de so for a time, only to find that your health has been under- mined by bodily derangements of the most fatal Lind, You should have a movement of the bowels every day. To accomplish this, avoid concentrated foods, use 'eget ablesancl fruits freely, and take oneoEDt. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pill sbefore retiring„_ two or three 'times a week, or oftener if required. Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills are tot an 'ordinarycathartic, 'They have a specific and co'nrbined action on the laid - trey% liver and bowels, and consequently cure constipation and 'the accompanying derangements thoroughly and well, by removi:n.' the causes. For the information of those who tire: not yet familiar -with the peculiar merits 18c. each, this month of Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills, we might add that they are purely vegetable in composition, pleasant and natural is action, and remarkably prompt and far- �y reachingin effect, even in themost serious y,dnry i a; these are all 11e11' r,Ob(tS and it will pay you to and chrnic cases of constipation, kidney i come Cal and secure first l`"lIt7lee and liver diseases and stomach troubles. One pill -a close, z5 cents a box. Dr. C.as& r -_.. sae ��iver ��� •%lei c,. , ur ch iaardwa re and rtarness E11111)orlilin, LSALIIiI we AS this is the month Cl :'l�t`lwith to 'Move '1 � out ail summer goods, we are offering Spec=- hal. prices in SHIRTS and COLLARS ttrit•,_ mut $1.25, Special Value:. for....$1.00 $1.00. Special al Vale es, for.... .8O $ .75-, Special Values, for.... .65' THE ,REW 'COLLAR.: Sizes 15 to 161-2, regular prices for 25 Remember these prices are good for this mouth