HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-09-05, Page 74 � � 1. - - 11 - ­­­­­ ­_ _.____._-_----.1 - .1 I .1 - I ------------------ I �_ . - I . ,� . dtficounted by his total Ignorance of looking more tattered and dlsslpat� O0000000m00000cocc000w0000000ecoomoodd00000.~4, . the art of f4biging, tile Imperfect at,- ed than ever. Title gentleman had I , . I qualtitance with both the time and experienced great concern at tile , I !& e . the words of his songs, and tits be- total disappearance of his wife,had . O'E or HUMUS . Aer that the louder one shouted tile asked Fabian's advice as to thebest neans Of finding her, and bad lim. U .0,V7t,6 g , better one Sang. When at last, crim- r , I I . I t. San and panting, but proud of himself, ally let out his conviction thatshe I 11 r A O" .4 4X,2, ! & 0 . lie sat down amid tile astonished was "doing well for lierself,"An, a OCOWDOOOCOM)OOOOOCOOO000000000w0000000000000"0001.1 I , comments of the cortipaxty on the tone of bitter indignation. Fab- � I P strength of the roof, Maurice Browne late had said nothing of tb�s Department of Agilloulturep that shown by the extraction b7 a ' ' wa-116d forth lit a cracked voice a ineetIvIr 'to Mrs. Ellmer, being, be � th . Ottawa, Ang, 21, 1902, metbcA or analysis employing dtronc , � I . A 4 ftp4l A",f 4/407t& "4�& rollicking Irieli song to the ace6m- for her salw and for mine, anxious Too much importance cannot - be mineral acids. This vl�w cannot b9 � p1niment of "Auld Robin Oray;" Fft, not to touch those strings of senti- given to the value of humus in the unduly empbasized, for It ,explains in 40 blan followed with no voice at all, ment which, In the better kind of growth of crops and ,In the mainte- a large degree the value of. the clo- but no end of expression In a pa- women 90und so readily for the most nance of farbIlIty. It is the ver crop &E; a fertilizer, . . . thetla - love song of tits own good-for-nothing of husb.,tnds. natural storeh!>uEra and keeper The legumes, of which clover Is 'N A& ./?,#V& -I,& ft�/"V- - � 7 0 ­ � composition, during whioli every- Already Mrs. Ellater had begun to of nitrogen lt ominent membEir have a source body went to look for allude with Irritating frequency to element wblcb is the most ex- f or their nitrogen' other than and . some cigars be had In his the talents and noble qualities or her pensive of all plant foods when It additional to that present to ths overcoat pocket. I refused altogetb*- "poor husband,111 whom It was the becomes necessary to purchase it in soil. The careral res - earehes of 0011- I . er t o pressed fashion among us all to eQnsider as commere5al fertilizers. Humus fur- rtegel, Wilfarth, Und other ohem- me; but I had my revenge. When tile "victim of art,"' as if art had Wishes tile food upon which the soil Edgar, straug tip to do or die, asked ..been a chronic disease. This fiction irricro-organisms live, and which ists, and the experiments at the )D2* -q . I — Fabian to Accompany hira w-Ith "The had gone on expanding and develop- by thelir lire RLuctions convert Its perimental farm, at Ottawa, -.­--­----­.—_. ___­ _­_­�­­.. I - ' --- Death of Nelson," and rose with the Ing until the Illustrious artist, to orgairle nitrogen Into nitrates. It Ila" shown that the legumes modest better that he should astonish whom absence was so becoming, had possesses considerable amounts of Obtain the nitrogen of the air I eell&ed the entire Roytil Academy, the mineral food constituents. These, existing in the interstices between *_*** 2% them with a, very fine bass, the and had become to his wife a source 'in the further decomposition of the the soil particles through the agency *first n of legitimate pride which, if touching humus, a process continually going of certain micro-Drganiams present tha't broke down the last twig of our' by its 11111yete, was also wearisome on in summer, are liberated In forms in, the toll. These bacteria attach forbearance, and we all ro,3e as one b its excess. available to growing crops, and from I themselves to the roots of the grOyr- man and declared that we had had y Ing clover or other legume, and form n u eminiscences of her recent experiments and research by * music enough. Poor Ta-ta, who had husband and happy memories of her Prof. Shutt, chemist, of the Centmi thereon nodules or tubercles. These '�* LOVE'S EXILE9 * been turned out of the room at the late flirtations with �Nfr. Fussell and Experimental Farm, Ottawa, there nodules, swarming with their count - beginning of the concert for emulat- -_Nfr. Browne, Mrs. Ellmer was rather is reason to believe that the mineral leas inhabitants, are to be found In the first singe -T by a prolonged 51sposed to treat me and my modest liumates furnish a large proportion sizes varying from a plW9 head to a J4 h"'g"Y'l, was lot in agaln, and reller friendship its of small account. So the of tile potash, lima and so on used pea., axtd frequently scattered In having been given to everybody's worm turned at last, by which I by crops. Then humus serves �o In- vast numbers over the roots of the ;++"1V 161+ artistic yearnings, we ended the mean 'that I spent my days deer- crease the absorptive and retentive legume. When they axe absent the evening with arnoke and peace. stalking, grouse-shooting,and salmon -t power of soils for moisture. It clover, as regards its nitrogenous food, Is in, the same category see L And, having poured out this persua- lmdy and her daughter shelter for Next morning we were all early on fishing, and my evenings with To- Regulates aud Protectm other plants. The nitrogen elabor- alve little harangue with such volu- the winter in an unused cottage the moors, where we d1stinguished to. IA-ttt, and my books. This es� against extremes of soil tempera- ated by these microbes is passed Gib bility that not even an Irishman Only provoked another explosion, It ourselves In various ways, Fabian, trangement helped me to make up ture. It opens up and onellolwa heavy to the best plant and It Is there could get in a word edgeways, Fab- was understood that at these bache- who worked himself into a fearfal uYY mind to leave Larkhaii for Italy solls. It serves -to materially dimin- tali allowed himself to be enticed on ter meetings all rules of social de- built up Into the usual nitrogenous corunt. shoul state of excitement over the sport, before tile winter came on, and a ish the Loss of fortilain-g elements by compounds of to the platform, and began asking, lated. so thd be herapulously vlo- sharp frost In the last days of Oc- dra1na_,, a the tissues of the questions about myself with. ohildliL erc was nothing for It shot much and often, but brought tober sent tug off to Aberdeen to . nd thas permanently tin- roots, stem and leaves. These facts e home nothilig at all, and thanked proves light soils in the best iray. affection. Maurice Browne followed, but to join in the mirth with tile make enquiries about -my proposed represent the most Important disco- aomewhat refreshed by ttlils torrent or, Heaven, when calmness rat urned with journey. I would Install Mrs. Ell- Thus 'It is evident that humus shou,d ,cry lit agrieultura) science of thie abruee. since tile aim of Ills literary ,. You icnow 'who It Is," Isuld, halt the evening hours, for keeping his mer and her daughter at the Hall, be regardea as u soil component of Lineteenth century., The chief ambition Was rather to scandalize aside to Fabian, hoping to turn him fellow-creaturea out of range of his ir they cared to remain, no that at a very high order. thian. to convince. He was tall, thia, at least Into an ally, "It's poor wild gun. Maurice Browne made a good The relat,lon of humus content to Value of Green Itlanuring, any rate, they would be housed out nitrogen present in soils of similar I or tile system of ploughing under -a and uI&L-althy-looking. with apallid little Mrs. Ellmer, tile wife of that mixed bag of a hedge-hog� a pee- of barm's-that is, Mr, Elloner's- OIi..Iu unaer samilar meteorological growing crop of clover, Ilea In the ad - face and plak-rImmed eyes. And aa drunken painter." wit, and a keeper's leg, mud then way for the winter. cond. ance, altogetiter unfortunate But Fabian was flinty. Turning to- complained that shooting was mono- itiond is 10vactIcully cOus"a" It ditlon of nitrogen Gtherwise anob- � JaDet had particularly entreated has been not.�ced. too, that thf-' talitable. By the subsequent decay In all"'car . In tile propagator of a. new cult. I wards the rest, with tits expiring tonous work. Edgar worked hard me to be back early, as there 110,11 amount of buttrus present g.yes all believe Ite w", on the whole, louder Romeo expression, he walled: " Ole, and gravely, but wa.v no slitiv that been ghostly noises or late In the excellent thou,;h not a In the soil of the turned -under clover . a I fall.ble In - of me titan Fabiq,a was. My dl. -as- gentlemen, lie Is adding lubult to lu- for thei most part the grouse were region of tile drawIng-room , and titijeation of the amount .0 ,this nitrogen ls set free, and oon- f organic verted by altrifleation into avall- . addle, John, was nitrogen posaesacd by the suit. troue uzliness appealed to his dis- jury; lie Is loading vviEli abuse the Out or eight beforn he fired, Air Fus- though her braw 1. ta,ste for tho bereaved husband Of this lady to sell did better, and attributed every It Able food for future crops or gralm beautiful, and having ample protection afgainst bodilyin- has also beell obsprvwl that f , rult trees, roots, oxv) tile like. Ther once. as a completo stranger, very whom lie has given shelter for the failure to bring dowu hig bird to traders, yet, lei tile case of vvralths. as the humus t��appear,f dw growth and harvesting of the nitro - generously come to ley aid in. a dif- winter V* Ills "d --d glasses," upon which Fa- though I only rented tile place and reltrogen goow with it. Esposla:g the . gere consumers leave the sell poorer fieulty, lie felt ever after the nat- *1 Which winter ? Ilow muuh -%vin- blan bastened to ask himspir If lie therefore could have no fauill.N', In- substance of the 6oqI to the air, an b.%, ell; the growth of clover It r ural and kLaJI.v human liking for a ter?" asked tile Others. ine. ut the glasses of 'tire night be- fluence with tile spirits of departed our ortelloary mr,thwig of farmoug ainadniot-fthoeg legumeg, even when the fell(�w-craaturo who has, givea one Tile more they mw that I was get- rore. owners, I was likely, through my with the plough. Imtrrow airl hxv on, crop ban beem harvested wid the am opportunity of ponleol; as tile dtlio- ting really pained by their chaff the superior social standing. to get a teaft to d161slpf Jjik� tentless, alpl, I uty of God. These, two gen, worse It bet"ame, until Fablan stalk- However. everybody but tile keep,- better hearing from, tile phantoms asailaturalew.u.4lu w,e,to(Itertasp roots oady left, leaves the soil In- ilealen" Ing gravely up to Fergmson, who er. who was shot, deolared himself than the staunchest the pitrogon. Soto, growin7. grain ex- I varlably richer I& that constituent. wltb tbeIr atroug =1 agdrewlvel delighted with tile (lay's sport, but or gentlefolk I There are other advartagps, though o1;15:*n&, formed tho disturbing ele- stood oil the doorstep, pointed trag- on the following morning Fablan and rantri-servant could Iloilo to do. clasively t,vi-r,y yi,ur losi- moi -c nitro- 011 lesser Importative, accruing from leally In tile direetion of nowbere lit It Nvas past six, anti already dark, geto lky'this hurauh #Al,tMtIOU thall In ; mc-eit la our yparlx meeting, uud,� otrtletilar, anti sal,l it, a, gepsieltral Mattrice BrotraD seceded front the tiles method. liumus in large amountir, eat, It being al4ays at deadly feud I I � when I carup back and went Into the rentovkKl In the, erolo, and %him Jos!s Iti to foruted in tilt! soil front the or - voice: plirty unit annised tleptudelves, the study, altractfNi by sounds of 0. very greatest III those suilk, whielt aro ganic noaLter Of the Clover. In ad - with koutebody else. might be reck- .. You fire it, 1$zotehinale, so am 1. foriner by sketchIng, tile latter by elpiliontary perroinianeo oil the richest III nitrogs,it Eo,perimmits at dItIO,ji to tile Aluellorm of inaunrin *nix] Ore. to keep the rcu. alive. Both I .have been palupj�l by stories o � tafted to tile. anti me, alone., oil our . .f learning by heart. by tapalfR or chato piano. But thero waa lwrfeet allpticP tho Winupsot.a, V, S. A., 1:t.perituent with chwer there 'is the meehmuiftN %Vay to the honoe,. with Buell MY orgles. Oplinuelterips, and general With Olitlt,r$ Unit fillopkeeperit. 'tile na I entered and to) linman erea,turo Statlon phoirml th.t k for ,ovi,r.y :.1-w I as v ell as the ellelilleal ineproVemant hits at ome n,nqtIIer as their w t goings oil lei this neighborlitioil. ellronIttile Sertudalruse Of tile rlelgh- to LIP seen. lra-ta. bowover. was bov- pound.9 (it allrogo-ii .drsorb;q by 'tilt% OT tile 8411, tile additiori of rood in& - or thpIr nialice could auggetit. FA- 111pil M v, toll your word as borhood, In thp e,voilim,- be trInnipli- ering about apar tit(, plano. now Irk- crop. grain lowwing grain for a nueu- terials, mad the eneouragement of 41, fellow-countrynten. ean these alitly Infortapd meo that the oraIR of placed lei Its, original ionitlon III tt er of years, 146 pwim?o of wtrogmi � noleroble lito within tho soil. Then, biah raved aboat tko etfwts of do- gentlemen and tayself, as churelt tilp lowest hriul,lts In Parlswere tin- corner agalinst tile Wath I NUKII'TtOd were 144et. due to oiL;Jzttjon of orr.�wle too. considerable arnoutug Of potagh, wending suit on hipather and 11111P- wardeliq and swiday ii0lo"I teUtIlP atuoulate, compared to thoRe of toy the Ideality of ah" ftmsleM glaost" 311111 livitti1r. t rovirs-41 IfflIsy, Afattriee Droirnot be- quietly wwatfist tuyeelf by thp furpl4nef, �, IdIONJoborit- nehl, and hme are ab- lbre. (,later thio holial" Without simple Ifighl.lual Villaar'. X311larrata Thequk are, Ztete that arp c.: thos iv- i�qwbe*l and built ilp Into Ita ti8snew litnapW tlw awaoy povert.v of VALI " 10_48 of retipevttTl title stnrtling revelation had less er- to 80f� WhAt W4 , 011 th'tJOIN)II. Firtit. Ta- Moot ftuf*OrUlutletl� and Wortjt.4- "r i1eirong tho groivt% of etove'r. Tiles* C(AtMgea. and op"w4l WILt ',#bit- !11 11 1 dinna keel aboot tile SPIr- fiv ta ran etelt 01- bael�wards and for- , �t upon file, t�D.jim .I, lit,tle Incident �*Iwhly Isy Airluorslif (4,tioada* nottoti4.v li�jg I)AI UPP tl-lot.'1114114 1&1,Y�J% 41PIA10q Or Inter-tuarriagos biltw(`0111 rt-61iftllt. CP110040n. bUt If you I" -ino- aftol the oth&V 01P lit tho c0ilo r 11rovive,poi. lont aZ4�3 on 11 elaP twA wit lreao,lav I by tl4e rootu of ld.kolt ' day, Nrards Wivetbee ' tha, inhabiwatu lead redueed tile 't vonle In ye'll stawl the lo,§q wh1cle. I witumssed nt,xt or tllet,tbli�; th-n slight ieennotq :49 of thoge westcroa arvas %Irela are o%* -r - doll � b ,14 ,Ing% c #Nd I had been C00gratlkhttkI19 MYSelt ( ottiueg Varna 4'101"o th0rurvire the slt'no"Ly POV114ttg011 to 11110"i, 'Thell � Or a werra goo I dintor v r straltlo.4 errvlanv f4tet and hawls lutd, Isy phmeorks-nally flow M�111-p. 'i tr Vablan told aw how slimay Intinirls,,4 I�er',,,,uhOn. ivitap %vinile upota the fuct thal. thougit all MY W"r.e � -RW14-urol�,r 41,our caiglo can tm � a I..,ple4ol"Ing L %14tors vivxj wttlt tarla vUaer In at- 64h)tV448 1*� a MNAilig Qpl).Lr�- Dnr3njr, tho last 16irteil i."w'"efird 04 adding largdy V.0 laad Well matio about nio, bv 444 1 Ill hin eyp,�i. , Itlulis to X�.�. hillner, VVIO) lead tion of a rem.hao fitzare oft All WUrs t!rdtlut mnav Vatowflan io,t."M 044%, tip- I tt­ mln,�rw iw�p"A.v of the ii-JVL,rN_4ak a;rqUafftta,flrP4_. wal" F,till lv� tcl � I fif I ,,, .q am wo,tistip.l." Nald FaWall, between the ft�, ble and tht� &�reipll- �111 and V41*3vaV1.1. )rlvo bron P%am-' 1",Ou'od ,fomt% da,v retaril frolle thO Weeme. ull(Itir tyle� Intharave 0 this ,,,1tWM 3 In -vr� . ttqrj�,;, Of Onr U).�:�#O, , v Vw telpave etwelaRy entcring prtivilvitatilly. "What are %-49,3 runpallog away for 7" iewl Ill ttw � ­ _ %VD140. and 3fwtr9k?P Justantly VIM- paktidt-n ruste, ut adon�V�-rs, pyer a ad I a6ked -wor..'gonittv. twirlmolAM Varow. T'10 *AN thuq 10,%-!i %Vt3lth�l Of COW. tknaiail, III U143 C04- #'PrN: my S'.10,faetion Uv asging 1110 1� And tile rest followed without gidtiter 1141B ever, thtly luukeJ 1.110011 . I wraplo. � &�h.:(�;J(% W'aw ig.,.i illka0a Atartlool bY ,Vmlllv� litvo cvpn T4,prV941%tat,.j,.,4, ,1'llr-c1tm.1 '14 that ILN winoral 1tw6A is f Ilad 1141ard Mat i1no E'arO ;41 � Bablote, as her SwItIltor had loro* 1 t?ory offere 4 ag Wim, �. Cho uff* At dlwipr. to uty rttftof, thvy found ther Volop lhl�t nlot 1`0Kkl4J1Pa1!e-d i0TOA- ;arg-,A nre.o,4 *aia #�iorly 10ro%,0wo 14 1�ao uc.o to. .Na*,,wt,=dham was golnA t�* &vorco phtt�led# Illeruly a, a little girl lend . of ctvv�,Cding elrop_4 0 Much mors I& ude. 11`1h� eac-ptalill gave Ille a � 6111hor soloets Gi tilor tolism's to of no atcodift ifti. On Uie inorn � I � leg I untiirlbv. tin hur Alet, IN9 t�wtl. from M,Mlnloeg� Jusl4irst by Vl�, 61all!24'r-19 attiflablo thar bft2fro t�v vto%�Cv ,P , wa a of i, for maurtep Drowl2p, rcterroill to, I eatue upan Yubt-An and Whind tho lsvrotna� vrerplel ht ei4rwultwrlall Q,blat"4w QPJ0Vo*PYk%N1kA Rz; 61. Liao Vra4nGk_%JAIY. P " 05-oVerit L'h".�.,k, wit fsm firu'll on fteconnt �, 1904'r MINg AlUisfird long withany flio eh4d togpell'av: la lay "t bog .yj,ar P-ard,6E.. V�r. Ivaudo, an- n_MJV Molts 410 � 44va& p-jovel TUIN 01; " tw* la alr�,n,IL%, d.40sIM4. and Ip. or toe blow it dealt n't Ufa "14 1,190 . Wp�q* but fitprary llshop.11 bronght &M Vin vory lsorry.'� t4kav blogala. "I tilt'll lit Planit Vond 441.1 -_(0n%vflt1,1wADV fvAhronvd ila 11* the funt ot tile lo.�'L Ile wdl fasteft- dIJ1ft,t tA&,,L� i� il nrrefuro� rainc, 0,U.P 01 asaim-ft- il reatiNin up) agalla, wv] there onsued Zen w3im &� �11 a ") , as,m:, vig Vol W­L�ct rA-t:.,a Ew-0�14 40T any JUrt I t�or'a, To tlqu6,,% ar;.c.r-IRN otast w Wlfra,ry 0,4 tll�- R�< I OTO Of ftd�Vjlfe. 1, Inc otulne rogt�s Ift tlr"!� front of her iW be 001itt9ded4 � US bZ'.4t1go I LgIVAtV fre,J�fqa a Irktagalar bAtttp, Vor Olg�tr. bom. cott"n fr,&�,k. alad wileft lie had '44 Clio U01"14.1,P ila,C,vat;uly t%kf�g,* t%'1QQS!'a1f`de.J ta]gh g,J,11�1 IM01'L' Tr,,I" ' VU M _ . 11�4W dUq_ ,4 a — � *-. ;I � . , - A', uovet , jo-S trrf�, mack a r;,*JJ,'Yrt wrlit elaqg ton tl`�", b"w th'mt PA" 11-11 V'sle" tl'e done, Fsu, ataifl s,c,1qr1,j9 Imck 11 few 11 au 11atA1.W,J,­'L alu4a tt�IVA N . *3rt',�'Jt'4_("SJ JLoLlr. , Muf a 4,,�a , t#_tl" fte�*�. Jff�'. , ta , I , ,-on M; he . a�.*u- atut weIgl�a fOr erjek�t. had 1t.;Ae.% for $11w)OtOoo. rAoTtvio'. 419v, a tl�Li � unaOy "-. bl.t IV040c,w5 C,�?,' 6,00�'Ibjo n'�tA-,L'at,,14 a. , "Q�tr plo,�r q4d Eftar jKleft's to adwre ul'a 4 th CA, hn. thilfflu,'d "4'1 .�,% I was QuRr's rela-vod. on @0el,111,9 � growu dIstrissgugD,r In tealretuat. a k�ss as a ,vea.uni fcr luiv t"QIW� "IN -191-411i ..... . �I'Al 4U1%-!4.` fv�;,Nlr , �� - URI ')g3'--" P�rorvf,,q 6,-i� 'u�uo., I g12�r.A fc-�*l ',��Llro ol,gi� t"!BP le-muftma !, 0419 all urJent admI f S,vto wil't'i 8 1..VL,4,;-,a1,�Af( �� zd'�',' I , - � tkt.%dr1a@, tu necot my atuOivart trdocd "Zie ga%e at rIUM ,+,.,uvPy, ban giffility. �.11'a I �__ ­ - . ;19 to V111", itrr"ttg�,vq tq��C_L. 5'&jfl "T 1"12�1`1 i'IeLli'otl OT t�a;d 9-111f90 L PrIA AMPI'lleftn sphevu of ffet�on hit at@ Was e0h, a chijo UT t"Zirse* and In a Lool c�.)rdamvff, uv,., -a loxl A,Vdl�� tv anU tHNI­ ott'i !r Provat.r'.4 111',651v, ZT-0 I Szra�,V' tnv, �-ptring 04 t�iLl;lol L4�0c-m- ikftd Ms taftlat'BIJ curaopaffooM b,*"'k '46rP Whtvh fioth5og ever Impti0ag. uk&lan L -EA llttleiow;�.tthvart of �rvt seardagm VaT. otuor lalgalfil U'a.4 J,ut-ol's q- .."N' L­�P'., ,; il'"uin 6-MrIq oT L-vol"t tL! 'M ov. "rag"I il ft", � - iailv��Q fg,lt�jt. t�ol I to dow- tnotev over s-mar4 ,1,Pk­ wrdtrrii Lad � wh1ek 120b&&Y Is anythIlig in Pit- rtcd tjllt� b2ast taqpL.d Ituat"Ills artuvie, ro%a - vf� Nufll�t, viim afti'l rtr-ff'�Ifltty. e��,njau,jffla�t!­ tnVst gnsol ta�#',Y II Mira% alripti,i1v th!1d" iir 1'nl�seaa Jr,urtoto an 1� atealm? for long at a tome. He hutl� I I 11uhut rose Eli Iter C, � � - J uke td��. 01 lijo"Mig tug namy ovursit , When ehe LT-augUft atgr,tt of in" �Iras r4��:"U? t#ntl. fuc?y &A"I 10. -on ,!!`!Q, 1�il�,�7­�,� 9 �.tbtb VLoso "T "V" 4* f",&tltff0r;q, " 1ho petangtoba Value I �1 , Zot 4� N t4'�' J, Lli� 11 I 11 ,I i� , �i graot- d@vajrcd au ute woitk§ of that no &Wn tZ siE-lw"ns,,:aju4nr-#§, for her 1v1E,-""I AtA WEL-at a f,­v�& vlr,�j- a5rprIo�,nr,a am_-�t!lna t"'T tv:" 11 , Ot4t !auglu.Irag afr,W.0 A gu,"t�d vrtulat dei,4*1t4atT,ir vte'�-,Pr grhtV-R,l%t1 W111-0 V,fqfar C�J r , u - . --i Do ta I t"a ir-,U��­f- (raxo-.s t:�A b�en Vao4c­ . MVA ar v. wb,.Z,j D,+.51 Eli aa; � r4*31 C'1tLA_4ta-- .0 ac-t�* OT C­�,"E t, 0 �_ Jaup 7,rk," tt'" 1� 1w6bffixtalis ,d V.-Jt�ft', 4it tiuo f.Alfti,t�at 11111'1� 432 fa'ILID"alo'a ' t ,- 6,u'tulli r-_,Iiv.��Te�u,tft.,a lf'�.-tu,fd :06 -Ir up tn�jto. Nat Rv` 11113untaffli§ that " a. 1E-M*I1aU 'at V41-IoNSP OP t0ISAS8t@. AS .� N,.Y%W$ ,h"iw =m- ol IuQ ['If�!.,,� I'-- : �',,',At,,�.,rj to r'6 qlztw�[,� "t i,4�gnrl tue��W­, �, k­1.11� 0. �n !t � 'S�40 @61,3 411j . &'a - I W.Z11. t�,fL � ,,I�__ t rL '* , _ �r �� _ � e , ;1; t� .2b", '[�y _L1 I -ak a I . tL�a. a qUlrjt�L� tE,:�.4a %TJWJE 1 V4 ULL stalholfteg by it qubne 99 410 tamdeal;q tog--ut kkow th hu I , � � tvm f3Lt tft - _'. vtNI_11� 1$,Jt4a 1b.- rabl-11m, Lie *Irow hor t�afl& XhUtlagft � �Jw:ft lt�01.1�',ItA t*.M0&"4 rj,l,!�,- g- ; el bu'. W_ . autiiov,l., F�'%Uv-e,�-=- ebtq da , _%Tlr. rUS&t',U , tj�V * '. ,MV$� - % ') NtV4 1'1&_tT. Z NOL'fd duMV01 htdfU MM CU11- tat "th. and came �skagpzjg towards I I . aa, nwatvq I %!)�w m"itu"* p ,m,1i,,1,_,- �� g;-,%��­NA9 , � 19nay.-t b�'"kc­vlw-� $1 too, 13 � I �lt7l�!-;,��1921,�14ttl�irtil�g�alI �r# tluck 't, nPn,C1:e iL% Nat-fi,et-va-0 of touqu'lavat-d the Nike a eta,v Imalsalult. &=,,�w f fw,,r 8�-ntf rtw.Daq-at'�V, rf�ot,3 U,�tl.;ftatEtul tr,,'�,* r_'*,�Ii,�j lom,,_4 Z_tv�ng star-It"d Maack, V , I' Isdala ofa trar-, ­battte, =Mer. find 'Arlere A"i" to b? marri"J, -L ,NV -1 r* t v, to ttl�. �ra "'lir r, t � sofls�, C'13='!� t1r.-N,-, Z-,tr,alps ta,ater. Dn m5se Of , gablole I " -8,4MO V 1qt.k VJ, 7 a ='t.*4V_1 a �, a G ­4p -3 N . ; 8ftIlloun deftth" '6,4t,acal 'on thu, one NA113, ad - ­ -,IL�)'�5t ig v ,�oy o,"'.D 'T". -m.kT94 p.ir-an,11 fol lb-'-- th'Uir, tD�a[,,; t�v_�,t, t4vwe�l Dat N�_Irk "LIL? tht, W�,.MV14 V4"a'.'" Sat] I'db-, , .4 1560ii As %V^6 s.tirej, op 03W,J'u.�, for tusq, ata ,jc, F.6 ,��?J r'_'), tr .,n 14.tt"', � � ii awg 'afa the nwu quegealfuneS0 detgnd� d t a � � ;64 6,1MV9'. Wttl,j r � lat, bobney ftbagria,­ saki lae, (%_eonvi. 'Gont-A --ttul kld,5.*I'K�4 b... 2', -- -vi-o'-1. 1?4for3 t7t,X413 to, 0'�'1f.Q1;XST1NO,1V qu.dn, vvZ�r-mil ot 1ANOj- all oT pota,Ou, "n to lojajv In thO *�pvlzj,� �1%� t�"L'is rA"Jrq ilon the othpr. Not at all erw9h- Eren sag@. othr--ra JE�_'-�tutlla , ��", - - - - 4 firma .3.9 -Ma I - - '. - . &JtVa,** a :1 'I -'a tj x,- Tc6$.ullee.,19 51no a gc­0�5 , "11--'s Obl.v 4*0ttg dtp tv"-lua'A �,ed toy bUs w,ora. V bi u; fetorted by Afid the ehigd lauguneg. epDoghted I ;,eap-1 or glatd- , p_*�Inds OT elioi�J;ur-0k, 0i'LL �'4�nJK- . s4aa�­! of eler!�k- , looki!�", d"4 I woneler t-,6ey qlLln-t - with thig t1tra-t1igant pleAgadtry, ;E" UQ -,, �W �otc � 0* ILE, �-_as')fl, as it L 'L, .US of 460�I a'%�,�.-�-_Ig,A tejtu,'.`,�tV D-9 talg;tg the Amefl.�an Lseho6l the ,11v�,ed I Near ouat !I-111pir L _d I - , b,au , troaq eU,�_p I teatii. blut the Mdjly of liflnging 3 "ist-hoia or 1,0011'sig vramlevg*" Afid the B -at, thong -lo I Vaughed tod. I didn't qo�nk`.tt 61 wINY-ft-3 I t?aonk ol th3, �, �q,w f0,2-,uzJ mE 11 llbng cavaRets , inttle 1� Tro m 2-MY9 to �'?.0-90 6ia�lniq' 9TOWA tialmlot, aft -I, the grAl-�j It . , a I I k35D D.'.4�%TVT'l ,4 _Ing US StILJ. if t�W I ., _ K.ptC . �n'jf f rggM tElg Jqr4 jiftpe, r.undown. #ee any fati In it at alg,, for the re- ';10#1", C'. tvleire OT my eerw"Ir�y="N I ,1vt Lr"Ztrogf�n. r"na :P,.-.AP0 t , !W to rc-wl the -iud 1*4* - ,! mpll and I -4-vatch'"g the Cass' mpwbr;lteet�u.qttqlettuta,wozIldrotbc, U.h,tP_Weke U,5v g g g4.�Wer 1�1 R -Z-19- PY Os OT ttkA.L1Sr�,.,,, an"t 60-m ,-.�,�,qo -10 t for 91'-�14`a trad" V,a-,�g'hi &+ We lev 61 the .on� too," � 4a" : .If t. 1;,U, _01 'gt.'u, , " FAI'lau turluv 1 610wly tuan U to ate. 0. VL'or,en L9 d.lono kt-te M t[,�e mAorJ11; : bpo.�aff of tile genefal i-6ailpt. and when tifl_4 ugttle bnossma OT'Yonth aftd I ingto'.".. 'I . wlt�,� tt Took Of PltremL7' pa -In. aua osxya vo,lmaw; OT 6.',_,o_,,s.V1,.0tt� 'u -M. 59 a ,eq,c�gv 04 p,"Y.'1at,0,--.9 or Ititto t�rvfra �i p:vkS1vg thp &Oaraetff HUI tile vdt�099 lgaj�v5qjes's Slid all thing's fresh 111d "T'my 1114d x4joVei-; xvfflru w-r.y s'_,�Ytt WaINP the -se V19_�Rt 6�1o,.�E,s or pil-.In, ,:, sivouk his heal ona,irnTralay. I .0 I _4 to , M!mq�s aug Imealue "Initl#d Ikehools.*1 4weet lwouud b�-� pluck,od froato thl� , J,, -,,4r,,,, and the ditz bi,�&.I ,,,.,v rVP I Im, CTOWDD 1,1��IF- nf-.�qt S;�_.Isou th& 4.10h. wliltt a tahgopj Web 'Ole It tV"a VoUnt a divetalon Wd* ete- w_ I tjuiotta lolgf �! $103 nto tr[Ay pTc-pn"'. Lint 1-11 C1 [EA"Itf-t Is UdIt taUg ILE:e lro�':*Icriug Spr1irg'. lfltlsid@� Was Dot In the giYast dMil .14�tp th� d fp�r lk,Y `��9. ve�vv wulstl ft,f'olm-naLgi. OT t�.�5­.a �s tm- V�,Cav#.­ ko mmrsuntv'I sat"�VTU&17,� 9 air -A by a Opnirny tiew eaught lm�-, to me. -ind wlven thig yonng art� I my t.:iv lyngpr tit 1-r u;orkpi Vn� mxy, i? - ­kry lab&at t_'�­,- a�,�-�z4i oir -ttiAd std then ht_�gan t,y da-tect, t1up llfgh- ,�' 1�,194L%tf-Uy avanal'�,_'o ta Vantg. &M- Wei k Ud M ly, tru'! -c-lavew WTII NY El"111to , thtough thp door byn-'abLay. ot Adtif,t Ist totoo-odded to dpvote his fdothinp V-sv-tl�F 111d to bF. e%gy.-n4od. �i - E,­-avy an't furvtr-',� a targe a=oltnt Carrying dishes awdy to the kitip-befg. . oz�WI-4o S'ANS tii,"C?��..t salon W-rame ex- , - - - - lat.4-1 ftlng;. witel 1*3 rag tartakil-t-se, 4 - and. to makabg Sketches OT '"'he cloild", -10��e nomu uhwnr 1l1vr,;, ,mr-r*� ­�-ot-fl rl-austed by Vie Di--a;E�r'Ang OT tte 108.9 07 matir-7,31 for tuTnir�g UM1,7. 1 ' GVf-,r fata sjlo� �1 t al.,3ng t1te, Irme -, eat ag:- diumpu., %711�-n , ,e rc.ac" , I _J�Jer. W- heavod ML 6-gtl of relief, , .� � - - Ma, Litice btowne C-avre3y cact-04 " ,111" � witli uptutwid eyes. bteatawd gtlftt�y: 1 hotrght fits atleifttions *oaild be 10_QtIt1V"!rA.2 t4T'v*W Ir" 4 0 It =SYT� utg+-1 tr�at thc� b=,.7Ift& ' I V�: _ft��p q r -.-s liat. i rhaeb he1ter hestowpd od a gt&V�9- 1�%% f S3 i I -' I 't-,Z'-tv, �'r',, Z i L ��"�'.%_:.�3 0 aT!" Ir puUUel datrn 10--, euffg, battone,l 7, *1 wo2JA trust I�aui aluotluer wittfet." ­,0U*g do f1Z L-noLV Wrt�jt - of a ernp GT 'e"over, t* vr�,Jpl , TP &A I �Ja(�Zls 1?1 a liagno at Aber&nen. T;p prstoro. Out as 1ira. r:,qldlee A'sw V I'Ll '14 rL, - bip Mr; Coat. ama rP4ne9tIV.,* Edgar I ty; rnrwr-r�: wae riall, I V,�vn­j � Vj.,� L� - . to e_-ztrr:r has It I ­ 'rug KIP7 IT I Fneid' A whgvau evV`U,qTg,.,4 I d b:uy 4,0 tht- t4VI". Ono 4 tr I - Lo, ... - 1 -4 Q M=,IR�Ire mmv too tm,;."�ka trio _ 14 F � pread a rivart tilit mothing to e�,vs-ure in &19 thisleontJ �,J,p C-�_'4 ',?�!.114- &�T=F,r ims S-�?Tteuent sjlle�,J� tajra;f� '14-. *L�otgZ-$'P-'Ie� Is I d= el -A i .S. no or a DIVA- "' - 'Its# ", ki. t-azavd 'I �­4-,:Ii-�A �OT �-=, al". T,,:w. by :c-p"I"Ing It 1,11'elre 1* drivir. with, La,g �aa 6 Kull+- all truy gn � - 1'� hv' tLe rps� C" inu ,. - "U'ls an Zoas vickc pbdy. 1W ;';�j'4 net Interfere- It Sp`31ft WY ,Yd9tIY mi � 1111 24 - 1'e!a W41 t&*n­ oT mae! �._,Ps whalzl.�.r, " nut -sed t4,W-Ms4ies Foa Me I*W4 flr,�Ji holiday rot, me, tilmigh. ata abi wofte- ta:tEj %-ap. awl sliai L . . , v;7-9tr;b,g1V",m4 ,,,,&� " ,Q tO 't:z_113t,;M trj�'�' I tEli` Og;��,r�lrj-.D�ty ot Von ,-I i .-_ - I 7,�qq rg & ­ &sv4:r 16.� 1-,Mut.v-� -, , Ila CC Vae ,a-"vV,j_, qmattpl-te ["ad * tldpv II-Oug'I slmg� Tim atasttum-,nt load e0z2fuitnWe raslflva; alft,l VAUen &E t%e , .� im ""+_nvors'lon oT ,,r'11F_'VZ =,_-I�C-�'A�,�, ln-1�0 pilv,+ tllv� TLI,�_r'-d-ptZeeJ no:=al pr-,6�, glvo7n tgx- , *�nd, eT a rotto0g1cut My gav'sts *ent M-03 tpmorf�& Nq g4pin Twonn h:!5 P =��,e VnU :,4-,�r."17, f-,'.=,lp,r,.,-J"� I'Z'j �a"_ 1. ;L1:,e",f. __ '� - . �'�,V.r - . .11 I 'fn-5e�vpq .L�tv zt',� rft'A9lgaU-,t.V , W�) Placed in a ennapr of my stmly ljjj.-nt�.. sighir-A av lip tooka,f] az ,."As tl.`--*�� , � a . pt _�Ld " 1to 11E�p �,q,I 4 - - I - il ur,�,-LAy rE1TkF-1r1t�'1'1 Zo. lr�'_p P-�I' "�v ,v�, t-�,-I, C -P � nt. 02o tloe iet- - At im.y expvnsp. an"a nas. e�%jp2anat.-Uml .1 ag�tmst VIEP WaBo. put the PU-.lJ,Jq. AWA,.�r, to tegttel-g Vun6t I IrOlt �At th,r4t emply tin,ilp't, Pull and 1�f."41: -��,,-".�X-LI!2 O'�- 11 T"-�,ea_%;i.. -- tl.'�,*It I hwl mp� '17 el:vlm a P'lat " tinisw of tuAs so sl.'00.ed dopartute weta '": Ikeen as tty ttd;- I -, ,*q -M V, eal, mo`%r. wa�ZM -, -r--, ? 1,2 11 �i.;et a'n C�MQ.,,­= n�.­�­m,:-.- anA V­'-t� t�r 2�- , ­ I'�,,�..'�-�.1.111,�.-...".-"�.,--.�-- . P.. - .1 I - 1� 4 -*'9 c-:aM7­,1.-� 04 tE-,,r,, orep -.n Cho , 11 - I � sfat *).,-,4 11 i9l.ts N 10 n,"H 14<*� tl�.,."- Sto?e OT .fl - F*.�W�an t'cat lie lustgutuy idlut_&Cted its envoug annovant-P on S"Ing tumt b� ,. L, 'M�Iste 5�V61'_] , t 0-T q!�,� anEntzj AF_�',Ot_ . .1, otp Of tL.. tQ,t� 'r,aq-�uu�, 1.1 he nv�ddlo of t1a t,uom- Fablaii's farewell ktgs to Ifl-i NtV0 Wa�J% ,��Jt�U I* I .. & r. . lge '�,Dj_�atag gga.:�j��:F, ;Mur,r; IV't,�' ,_,�)=dl­ As n,;a,7"'Y 0�nf_:31 ad t t, '; r"fileval Itt' t � � U_ 3 .1valVable Pawner Fool. , " ,�, Ter. � .�, �, - e? . HABY'S OWN TABLE AS 1 n4l, nf-cessit,.tted 'a te-dispogql oTa Sweetheart left tile ClaZIA Eli ftlars. fti,jo- 1 took It drink I'A si,e =,-sYl�, I 'f, I t V "13, r sk'11' 2 �)' ,�, ,'.to & I S'D n. ': '� tKnz�ng va',­- oll C,tat gs an the .: wa,t 0'� H. -e futnitnte. The eenzte CHArVER Xr. v;,r,,r-nt.­t6vr Ikac-s 'Lik�tf R.' I Vh - ,rj Za n� I '; -1 - Ir .1 CA hs* tr.-_,!1L--,n ­5b's. ", *-,en Q,L�- OT'IPP, bi- [j=rVC-st__ ,o,u �6 � _ 1LcIn't ,V�V�,V_,rc-A W�A,'. 11 I ldrett's 1 tubL� ous W.1".1 4"Agh with Ivey litIvate . - If �t �'. .-Y.4 volly. tt,!ore is StIlD a . wlt Q Are '.N*tnit's unte foo� Chl 'i , .1 Isfle stammon=d Vjptob 4,0� t��S, .,4Ti'aty pror-gPn't In, at� h'jez�'07.35_e 1�i,aVge Qq�"J * , �:_�,.J 4 't *� 'r �'t - � � _,.Y . ta� 11,8 � , Jxujv�-rs. Fabil n look -PJ hast;v. With. I.he f1py-tarture of r.lv -,nniMer Jvork, wilt -n JIM ga,�p WS op:n;on. W"29 re- I o! I an �'tori§ Ailmtretg- = v . . b,��, .. rnt7 ti-�ra­glg fllese�, and� eb;etving� " I I's f- - 110"�Jlng h�.q aMP oud hsd�k Wit: '! t'%e In'-n%"I'srw,�U V 11 .3 .Mlp"i­ Z�", nt TONS. .-VIII ths . !n*"14 I,Iop�Ale S-4. , - 1, -- E at -a ,4anzl -"us C,��:�<dfe�.�"[�,Uy L;%=r:",Me_C_:J. Eo"._33 116fto a e.60 Mr ft'll upau ul afl a I �l I ,.,-;:;,. �J.,��,,:g V d�m,.cwni4trate -1 I MeLl.;�;neq tixntm if don't spe ftn:�thlng het,& we need lla*flboll- Mr -Q. El".=�t ralssE,d lr.�r ,ono, I-t,,wyrd, Ale,a r_N,tehI-,ig for hig s1,_Ov,F-1, � , �, viever sal ­s piroi-a-tl-v.-a�SS N:,�W.1'1 b:* =�­,t;- , . b,1, given to C' RAten-littlP or v admirers and grevv ppimlant ; Babi- � dN.Jq ND , . r, -d - � I I­PP.11 tumv�pd them all into the � fle ani; I W - aq;. Ole lead dismovered sow�, new R.Itnut, -1 .I� I hAd A berl,51yun da'lars 1*4 --a-1;; V7 . L--'� V-_� 19 .4. r�tl CMZth '' big. 'k*;Z.ez� 3�on , Baby -S OW12 Tab- ;*'� grate where the fire, Initi-4pensable - aro,0 li�y 1',:-,� ntmev;�As o" Ics -1 . � .3 tl T" I � in V_- . 'db� -Nnd was never to be folla"t; 10144� I fw,v toet to tile h,;nffies 01 fg�i Vbpse- , calg e4 a gmy,v vr�d,,��e Ir"- -_,v)r­ or ;(­ ,:� r5t�Zvpq V701 c9te �p� t*D 101,0 i�o;r, your lfttle or�es YOU I.a*t, as e -venin -'r drav"4 on in the Highlands. I al;�,e. r ­ t , ��. - felt the tvandprer's fever growing ,sitovi.' ,�r.' 0 att-",n- t'�,,&n b.F fl-I'Llt, ar-111111 (,)�! bc-rnmv-ss fu otr,4 r- 7popl"e. -�tivet guar .pp .,at they can- ' wa4 bzirn�rg. M:�chanleally, I saved _ ...... _-11 . I I ­­ 7' 1-1-- -1 , I'll a pc�s an - . _ t'. . , strong "Pori me again. FaMau Z.!,)tt I - 1. ­­­.- ...... - -------,- ------------ , . titlil reither qp�.%t� Dit)r harmfz:l Ar=� � %V�...Vt I Could. while Fab-an"g sub- 1ad rlFared tip the ll�lle mystery I .1 A . 1%, ". ..''. I r, ' t'4/ . ,. � ­ ' _' " vi-rAve oriprs 'were b Aing carriedout ' . OF "M " - A , of toy tenants'. it app�,atEKZ that Mr. ',f -511 , � ti�� .Twallest, wvpakess anf,qnt t,3, t!"E" � :Zar'j workt all nry L-trarlte. 0b;WtE; M91tuer, wfaife neglecting, aftd fll- I TAblets i vVero o . &&S t- ' ' L ml �, L11""Ef " �-!&J. Thf�lse .1 0 n concern.a.-- the hust-and arel fat!io�r � ' U U Z� N SE, Tt'el� a!* 90""tl fCi. at" r:�"t'ilr�r` froal ' r Z'�'!Lj l� After a rew trolnnt,�il weli grown ,N -it 0,* S!glht. 'Manticer M 0 ­ T ftjfi'­EA1'%' F 1 S , , wits reelining Comfortably in. my own s*lje VVAZ louder the ,Im!�, roof quickly, relieve ;�tn,] positively care . Browne Using Ills wife Without scruple, wlion I , &11 st;mach and bavre, tmllbles', sha- . w1th ..­­ I �...." - - .....­ 1-1" -­ '­­ ... ­­' � , parVenlar fetialt, aml most -of %he ll;M, was subjee:t to Stt(�ng tits or I - pie fevers, tro,abie5 while teething, ; ri�gt of the isvats having W�pn turn- comjtigal de-rotiolo, witoa two or th-ee 6'.c. They ,always do, good. and rall, ,I ont into theo II&JI as taking up mouths,of Ivard Ork. - , se -of ` ma of 30 'Y"ears7 Standing Cured by Dr, Chase!s For . w �vwav Aever dor tne adightest. haTill. � trom 1jur, A Chronic 0a, Hem tea Itinch room, I yJad t , ' V10'r,V' 441iftall InfalitS crraslt the Tabl'L�18 0 Sit uP011 9&vle MIA tes�-oor to think that she Oietment to a powd, . � To-te�Er kennel. tile eurtalres Vvere Would be ily pa,sqess',�on 'O,r a few eir. :&rrs. P. J. I'Sthard, '(Is& pillINI ,down In deference to W Pounds 'of raterfully gleaned ,qa*lhg,q, - ­-, I I r_h at. I I - , I , .j.m, Ont., slyg: -11y baby took � ­­­­ ... - ........... .. " ".., - �6&ted, -"�Wstl n Of Dro"67S that the,v In- while lle� her I' awful rind once ador- , .0 very igick. Ills toligue Was I tPrrered With tile MIT soand 61 the, ed husballd, ,did not T. -tow ivher�to write &JdAm,.3 ror 'Dr. Vlases; 0:14t, turgte, as to have TAO&A poison, nuol I 'on tv raef'. amil caused mef A gree" his bre&tb ,of fe risive and he ,could 'tat voice. but I '01alied they had been turn, 'for & glass of bear. Daring. t, it,, this (1pV,�10VC4_1 In oczenta, the luoi�t I dcal ,0� MIS4'ry at tlrftes� As toomas ;.retain food on his stontach. Xle also I I is: elootmous. it is duringi rive d&v.s. left up Whe'a the catetwamllug be- the W111tek before I found theat in men" . �h.r-a&al of Skin dispasf�s. I began using Dr. chasp's Ointment, , had diarrbofm for four or J 'the Itclalm-, and 90remes-g were re - N g1lM Aberdeen, some friends with whom vv.arni weathcr esppcially that Viere ,,I wa a sr* ba4 thalt I would, ge. up i arra grew Tery thin and Pale. ike I "fassell led oft with "T�ie Stir- -en t P�d, anJ n0PW I be' Ilove tbLat I aft , g&va him, medj�lfte, bat nothing help- T Mr. I, : both butother and child bad tak ig suc% great suffering from fewtiv, nt; night And scratch MvsP.1T until 11 fiev- . t rop,Cap." in dererence to hisr beingthe . retage, from bin drunken fury had s; jar ,Qj�.Iol djae�asps. That Dr. fle§a was raw and flamlng� Tiv, tor, I Mt1rf1Y euret AI a result :r cannot &I lilm -until we gave him Baby�* - I � and .m.I I i a, A. rel I r,-ntairthl Is .,zlinnist bp�;omd: de-' E'V641k too h;XhIF or Dr. ehasOs Th ,Uter g . 'ChaS6'S, Olnflftelftt IS :0, tbOrOU911 til t.11 ia iving him tbA e4deEtt or the party, and also, to pur- h -1 to Pay him' heavy ransom , ,wo -blets. eg&a to improve ,and i chase hisr non-intervention when thp : for their kindness, besides expasing ' I 191.lriptl-�Pn, -.ind now I cannot s -ay any- � Olnt=­1'n tirfst do,sa he b llsease� if; Lu three da.ya lie vvasr quite well. He other performerS should begir. It I the*Erelvea, to the inconvenience Wf cur6 for ,Vals'torturing I I taling too goo.1 for Dr. Cbasr.,si ODA- 11 FOW PINNPI'l realrZf'. tale gafferitit. r some tlm(- before lie got it fair I 1lavID9 tIlPIr house Mobbed aodthelt , Proven in bundr(-asr Vr 'cas men,,. it 11�ts� euri,tl Mr.-, and I rpeoru-! ,r,,auSe , f Ie 'd b,X ,E�czplu% an-] othtr 't III, began to gaini ,sit and is nOYr N ,Was I i I c ng am. more than i start. being rifflicted with 'hoatsenessi I windows broken whenever tile ten,_ to thc follo g. 'a 'rh j is tat, healtity boy. I . - win . I menit it, b-,iuliiisp: I know there is no- � ski I i ,.� , ,s. TIN is is in ex torple, Or pleased with tile. Tablets As -1 t1link' � -11-1ch lip Attributed to the HighlAnd der lluSbaud Wid father, having, - t'hing so good. for itobing t -kin." I I . . tx r- Or. 11, 'MeVonneil, engibeer In I what '[)r. fluise's 011rittrif-nt als de4 -, and the rest f hausted the tribute paid to k,eep M I 119 at"Imously to the le r ,. a, i aft , Oat-,, Mr. Fr.ink Naxl,ur-_ vlork In W � I -" ,t*hkv sa-ved iny bab,v's life:' V U , E; fbundty, Alakot, . -f in i-Ilt' 3r,0:7 Of rei!Pving Suffering �ghland wbl$kP 11M try the public house, beth-OUL"Ilt t ;: , Zabylii Own Tablets are sold by . It'_ _V. when at last lit, I I ED Atp ,I believe that Dr (Imse's 4 fttelmrV8 leftrAlw.1tre store. Ifeatora, i =_T11r1n& Many of tht% curev it kil druggi,gEq Or will be split by mail - warmed to Wirs, wotk� bowerti-, and I iniself in this new wa,v of call'in p"t paid A,t 25 caett.9, a box b� writ- ' Flaid complacently that be Was "tilt Attention to his wto gs. 0 Oln-tmmit is wcrth 'Its w;qght inl (Int., ,statts: "I wa.R troubled with, bringv aly,vat ari, iaor^ like rairacleg, ' I I told me tri n gold. 'For About 'ChIrty years 'E waSI eczi�mxs tot four or five yearK and F thail an:i-th!ng ej%:2!. 60F center & bod4 I r, they must bavre heard Nibistil at a few Weeker Uig dI , t, t�o tho Dr. AY11lialu-61 'Nfedi- 1 richt'. PDV . ttotibled W1,th, ftwulft. And (,ould, trie-1 A good nriry rt%medleg without ,' at all dealtlr-�r. Or 111inf.lMsom, I�Mte* ree ^_4� - m,Tiert- I blur at Aberdeen. He had a --dod barl. back lie bad been Accosted 1-4 the _­_ i _,�A._% T '4r� - +1- ! �'. - P11 ,clAe, Co., .I3ro0T,VLL1'U1 ., � � tone voice, the valne or 4WIch wAt StftUd by 31r� Elluter, whof was vot go Aft�� thIrt'j, E WA9 sa U i U '44, - '111- __ — 1 Qu S."', -.Vurollto. I I 66tadys Xt Y. I I . il I I T I . . � i, , I � L ,,, ' L"' I- I I I 1- I -.1 ­­­ ­. . , , , ,., ­ ��'­'_­--­­­ '­ � ­­­­ ­­'­ - ­ -