HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-09-05, Page 3jualluou oespaterg: Again we flnd people have appeared in, them, but OuTiselves on the eve or the Cor- they will soon be vary common; OnatIOXI, and full of hope that this they are too "Proinfounced" to be time all may -go off with eclat and anything but a mode of the mo - ment, though they axe becoming to JOY. If only the weather be kind, a well coa red head. so far It does not look too hopeful, Some Yachting Costumes and experts are shaking their heitds are belmg trimmed with rather loose, emInously and saying little about course looking embroidery, done in it; it does not do to prophesy till you wools; lit is dane on a wooden ga- are sure -especially concerning tit a loon, which edges the blouse, collar, pagoda, sleeves, etc. It makes a English climate, which does general- lY smart effect, but to my milod the what wan least expected or it- e. The saa- Oblaolao embroldery, done in dull blue son has been all abnormally pro- and salmon silks, on a white cloth ground, Is far prattler, especially If longed affair, which should be good for trade. Town Itself IS SOMAWIlat lightened by threads of gold. This deserted, 'tie true, but the country- latter Is much sought-after iniPar- is to go on frocks for the seaside Side houses and river residences and and country. It looks so well on clubs have been gaily and busilyeli- tile new little ,short loose coa,ts, tertaining Colonial and other vifil- tore. None of the society folkbave foTmtng long, narrow, turn - ed back lapels, collar and sleeve gone far off as Yet, preferring to keep within hfall of the Coronation. I borders -or cuffs -if the sleeves are the full shape beloir the elbow, was at a charmlax garden reception These coats are much newer than the a day. or two a4g�o, In a4country house, Russloun blouses and boleros, but where tU,e house party . you want a good French pattern to Included Several Canfotdians, have really the right thing. They Illes Baxter, Mrs. Bowlby, Miss Flor- are much wornk made In shaded taf- ehoe Hanson (Montreal), Mr. An- fetas or oatb% with pinked out ruch- plebe Adama, and others. Tfie es and banslong sleeves, having full ladles wore very pretty toilettes. mu8lhn or net undereleeTes, Just the Certainly the Canadlenne has, as a things our grandmothers wore, rule, the knack of "putting on" her with big Leghorn. hate or poke -bon - clothes better than the average nets, the Parialenne, looks charm - Englishwoman; she also has the Ing in them, and they are right thing for the right moment- wearing them with flounced frocks of great matter, you will agree- and lace or 11non, which adds to the old pays attention to small details so world effect, I see many of the big an to avoid an inharmonious note 1830 hats with the brim In front In the "ensemble." Bat, this Is .no filled in with puffings of chiffon, pale rews to you. I blue or Pink generally, and sprays I do not suppose entertaining has or flowers, a big ebou outside the eyer been done on ouch a colosal brim and long wide chiffon stream - and expensive scale as this past ore crossed and fastened loosely on weaeon; everyone has felt such a the chest, and a hair -wreath on the bmpltable glow of friendliness for crown completing tile picturesque those who have lauded on our shores headgear, ,which to certainly beeom- that no trouble has been spared to in to pretty, fresh, Young face. do the visitors honor and give them Lady Gmarva gh's pretty niece has pleasure. Mrs, Robinson, a rich been wearing one In colle 'O 0;ncdol Anglo South African, hostess. Wasl Straw, done, w1th pale blue a ,r:;d- content with no less than Sarah line and pink wild roses, which suits Sernhardt, Melba, Coquelln andPlan- her dark, aristocratic face, silo has eon for her concert, and the display of flowers In her lovely rooms could lateflY Come out as a verT attract - rot have been surpagslod in New Ive proteRsional singer. under tho ,snoln-de-thentre," or "MaIrs Wing.. Tork. The aingers and comedlentlen rawat barew been makIng a small har- field," her master, Dr. lie ry Wood� vest, for they have been %vatited Is vtrT proud or her, antinwIth her here. there and overvivIiere. There rich Voice Und pleadng p!rsona)ity 0 I$ little 01ette Dala�, who In 111len. Bile will probably be a, great ac- emall hurouting-birdo giving her quieltion. qualut, ruminating recitals. Talking of IlAts. Utuvlee Farkoa, W1106P moist there are wo,me quaint shapes em- folocinating "Lauglilng ,qOnC*o anating from Varle, for wearing on And "DIR 0111 AHIML0111110" have gkv,Pn motor earn or for tile country. In place to "Mrs. Uonry Ilawking" lit plakI straws*bretl and greon, dark FrellvIi-veey quaint, lint prettier bloe and red, rown and orallgq. etc,, tbrin In realb.-and a bost Rou"118111 the f4des are Inflated and i3tand out, � of other eilteAalnersf to give f-falaulce teridency to gout and liver troubles. Plums also are haid to be a cure for a tatte, of Iliquante, 'to tile I _ - I- _­ ­ -,--- Imugleal mcmul Cooll yongs are, In gr&at requost, too, k-sperially the real - -Z .1 IRWIT TO FARKIRS. gtmulne, article as 111ted by pretty tthtl Barrywore aud Mrs. rorbes on,lo bpr 'elits. th&lt will undoubtedly Mobluson. relmlt 'to farmers from the, recent I bellevs, the daylight dmarationo incorporation of tile lateruntlonal an Saturday�to-morrow­­Wfll be Rarvester Company which tool, oyor rothing like tm Imposing an those, MoJvaiNI b4core -, for one thing the IonAne.49 of the five leading bar- I'lill Routo to shorttrl, vcwter nianul'idet"wrl have probably the galoons May be prettily ibaped vKth & few bone, into the not teen eolmidered bj a large, por. ftbd the PrWe"10ii di"0- 90 thAt tion of tilt* farining community. thtrilo Im tot raeb wopo for dusplay. ,)Of buntint and goO&WB615 mottolly, Tile tz-,unginital nt,cessity of a eon - there wicl bo no blek, bit there will 6011LIA-tion or the Iftte'"t8 Of Iftand- rot be Che Ptolusioft Of flowers find thettireroy at -rd thopso of their farmpr grt,ewkry. At taight London should rook T40r. howevier. for no elfienso I "atolut" lnu'st b(' app""nt to nny :100 gpdred In 110"Minattag. The Batu . Onlo '0�'O Ur.derstan-Al? the present of Engtind Is couglul; o*lt'Rtrong With U 61tuAtl0n. It* w1jole rotade covereA with eut Thp Illert,ugotd and inettlasing to,vi i� e'ryttavit. REd outMed 'With COZOI`08 of Matorial, rannuffieturilig and #ell - r ata will be N't UP Aghte. Inge qt�st� hig-the Iattff�r ill fonP(.,quent!k% of t�j_ i by lb'd"Ing st. iv ligousand reet 'Of t. trc-11110 OtUd bitter toulloetition be - 940 An hoar - ere dro to be 9,0 Pon or trystniq standing up Abote the ,I t'Weelf Milinufacturors and their o6ow a e ,61 colored 1 106k' IIk9 r* eta] 901210og A§eftfls�-has made the ,� ionwhegg uupr6fitAbl6. t@ will me'talle- -46 Ike tivo Alternativto left for tho_� wreath@ coveting the,- froat. An onoil- m&burg# ,tui.prs wer46 either the in, M(Pug tfiulltk�;IWc-d Irtidesc"It cl'O'" I rels-11:19 of the J�otloes of machlito'g or get With WIM14 will OnflnOul9t thO C*nttftt@, with "go addIii0t of lotal the reduction of tile cost of jugull.. - fd,0tul`O and galw. The latter could zottoo@ Altd toval letters. , only be Accouip;lshed by coftecittrat,. I Lotd slid Lady Sttatho6niok � Ing tilt$ busillealt in Due e0tallany. �Ad nelr bett to !Lftnke P116PIP happy A9 can rcadily be snea, th,ef forM_ f the new c6ffio-tuy wd-§ im a izt thell, big gardevi part -y at k-ne1;__ worth, the haus-4� 16110 always asso�- alltlgol j.)bhIng Operation, but a ceff- tlatit.# Volth "Otren M_ redith" and ht@ tc-ring Of mutual filtetests. Theto It no Watered stoek; the capitalization Vacerill ttlige.j. tPhe weather was gogtj, oft tilt whole, though t1io tvind 1.1 Cone"tVativeo and Vpfesentied by b1w high and made than.7 W -014a lictutj and tangible a5vet-L Tliere Is, no stock ofrpred to tho pabllt!, it , P-rarof tim hoa�e 'With all its inter, estim treasures and cutios '0 th"- having all been subse0bed and pal,l trour�d% where -,Ile band �r tile and the b29P11*S dtSPOiltsib'd (01' bY the Manuf4etutera and their assoclatft. unntrg 19wer-t lffiftsic at blterV&W. BY t�le wa-71 the tpArmgem�-at of thill Intotila- tional Harvester 'Company 1!§ In tile Jh1tY CARI'di-4ils Mav 15ke to Posgp*g the tgo-ttf b1iiiiaphy '01 T�ootd sztath- hardi ,oT ,-lvell-knovvii, j�XFK_ , kleileed tona h.t Beekler Wflsan, which glvie,g 'pt too hIgh1v a er,ett, covelse and n1- mell. The! 611tiert it": Pre,f4d.,12t. cytoo - colored �CAotv ,F3! Lisf life, his ow.1-61 H. � va'otinlek; Chairman Excentive - Coullnitt0e, Charlea Deering; Cbalr- laq dani§ tallch for otber lite, tot, lie 6 , #,M-pIef In his; day, and willl probaMy man Finance e-omwittt�e, C,eorge IV. rdot be, les§ h6lPTUI In future to the Vlcc-llt�sldeftt,�, H.ttold r4. Ir-keklillim"Jck janits Deetlilz Wffl. A. ,_t_-ral stud Canada ill t4up1j,6 In It,." , lie Sias certainlyeAkned I 11 Jobes and John J. Glessnet; S:�cte- p6rilefular. our, thanks for having bee!' In- tary and 1*teasnrer, Rielird F. Howo. The membets of the Board of Dltft., otrumental In binding Canada ,more eloeely to tile Irotherlu,sid, A -ad Eng- tora ate ag'follows. Cytiffif Bentley, , I&td will noft 4uIckly forgot the Will,,,, ,Deering, Cha r1cw D-eeringe JrAnles Deering, Eldridge St. Foivlet� brave servicea dorne, for her E. H. Gary, John I- GIvanter, Richard Horge 1 '4'6 Pretty E�F�c wedding of last * F Howt, Abram X Hyatt, William H. �fonei�, Cyrul; 11. WC!oirmlek, Har- � ,maek was that of a granddaughter old F. McCormick, George W. 1-*,�Tkiaq, J ot tl,e Iste Sir Allan "311IC-Nxtb9 Of Oundurvy ­ Norinan R fienw, Laalj6, IN. Weird, I Paul D. cravath. I lady 1--lorer,ce J'eppel; Mr. Boyle, The International Harvester Com� � in ,Ile brldegroom, is a lieutenant lony owns fiv-*,- of tile largest hat. - tkty njgvy. Site was given away UY vaster Plants in exittenef% Tile Chaw- Lord Albiemaria, her brother, and P1011l Deet;ng, McCormick, Ililvv,aukee hitr yuoth,er, the Dowager Countess, And Plana-piantq that have been I , ne,e ,Sophie Mac'.Nab� received tile producing ncarl- or quite go p�m cent. , g0e,gtS it (�adogan Square. The Of tile harvesting maclilueaf Of the imall pages lookezl bonDie, dressed a* b,lue jackets, and che brides- world. It also owns, tImbet,&ud coal lauds, maids looked charminZ in cream, Ori- blast futnaceg and a steel plant; It ,Nntal satin, with French fur -corner- has a new factoty In the process of ad hate, trimmed with black And construction In Cimada. white feathers. The coronation baE4 It I.i beffevod tTlat tile cost of pro - somewhat upset tile calculations of ducing grain, gralm and corn harvost- the cowee, week, which ba -a beea ong machines will be so reduced that "ry 94Y, in spite of oceaslanal. the Present low prices can be, ton - rain" I 'hear the People are to tirited, ,and tbatponsrqu,Dntly the re� � &ip rush up to town� by a special 1. , suit# el W ,,� Itrinot boo'ther Is than bpilc� train on Friday night, 00 As to be ficial to thp fArmer. To maintain the It. their Places �u -giaturdAy- present prices or thete maebinea There In a ra.ge for Scarlet: T,am means to continue ind; Increase, tilt-, I *P Sh"ters at CoNves, quite an development of the agriculture Of] are they,, with white or 0 the world, for no ono cause I AS C A- I I' eplaemle dark blue vach�tbyg, frocks. Princess tributed or tan contribute More, to I Ai0sley", d Pleas, Mrg- Geo, T<eppel, .. ett, - this, development than the chr-apnewo of machineEr for harVesting grains. 0,W1 ,ever so many 'O all y . In - much tha Rhape, or alt. airship, and the trimming is a' simple acagf of I .1 � ­­______ I +�AM:Z�� ­ 1, � I + - "I . 1+ - T_ ool. What a sad cog,dition., yet "wbon God'o are abroad In the foulard or taffetas, It is a good . . , 11 THREEL QOOD� I judgments I earth men omelder," So here ',the. shape' for wearing with the otgr-, . m I RECIPES. . people came to Moses agd.sald, 'Wet hood of soft silk which fa'stdols rotlud �� IfiTZ.It?J,&TI0XAb IjF,SSQIR NW). OV., have slatted, 'r we have spoken It and, comes down to keeg the ,),fair . , , :� ;4���w�w AIVOUST W, 113102. agaipst the 1,'oordl .and against thee., . . and neck free from dust and smuts. An( I >ther freak in straw clispe.aux is � . Chili. Sauce. -Scald, skin, and cut up. -_ I . Pray unto the Lord,' " ate, CIon sojous of their of)va, unworthiness a fo one undation or groundwork in 50 ripe t0maitoes; chop and add � � IQ The 13rnzea Serpent,-Nnyo.,21. 1-0 they now value.and plead for Wean color with straw macaroons or roset- gxlee,13 peppers anti nine large white Comiumitary.- Connecting LInks. It to intercede in their behalf. Godane- tee of another .ill .over it' I sair a otilonAr with. halt a. pound of brown has now -'bee -a tbirt:,-ulne years and were them in a Singular way, "The brown straw with macaroons Of Sugar, four t 'ablespoonfuls of salt, Ox months, sines, the eltildrea of Israel Lord Said unto Moses, wake a iser- . . green, and a brown vell chiffon - twisted round it and encircling tile nine level teaspoonfuls each. of left Ligypt. It had been more than thirty-i-Aght years since 'they first Pent of bra,se, And put it On a Pole, alld It came to, PuO$ it a se'rPent had throat. It Is very Original but not ground cloves, allspice, and gluger and halt arrived at Kadesh. During these bitten any mail, when Ile behold tbck so preCty as tile deep Yellow Leg- horns which make such graceful hate a gallon of vinegar, Boil �MritlYt stirring -and crushing OIL to i,ears they have changed their local- Ity many times, and yet Kad.,,sli has Serpent o;f brass he lived." I The Torap-lites In this terrible co)q� with sprays of roses and narrow . & Paste, for at least an hour, and longer It it to 'thin at that timel, been their neadquarters, for in clulp- dition are the representativell'of sin- ful John W. 14. Goneider velvet sl�ings, black, green or pale turqaolse. A little later we shall see anti t)len hottleti-ghtly, covering the . ter xx. I wefind them still there. It Is impossible to follow them with men, ,c�,),fa the disease-tbe posion- of serpento tile Parisian creations absolutoly tops of tlje bottles with sealing wax -1-1-arper's Bazar; certainty In all their 1yanderings, be- Surging through them. So the virus laden with. reatbors, arranged often Fig Pickles.-TUese are unusual, oa,use of such a wide, gap in the his- tory Kurtz sugger that the seat- Of Sin Works In every sinner's life, Internally felt and externally shotwo, as Prince of Wales' plunies at ixter- val9 or in groups. It sounds iOm,- and especially delicious. Weigh pulled figs and take three-quarters of a ,-ts .(,re� t _ parties were successively vis- Ited by Moses and the tabernacle. and as the trend off the Poison couro- ing through the veins of the Israelitel what funereal, perhaps, but In black to wear with it light toilette It is 13011nd of sugar to every pound or fruit, 1,11ake, a syrup of the sugar auti I. King Arad-Artid was the name or a country, no', of a king.. See R V. foretold death, so with -every sinner ,who is also without human, means 0-1 elegant and pictaresque, and ra- calls the Paintings ot.Sir.Joshaa and a. cupful of water to each pound, ]>oil aind skim for live minutes, and . The spies-ThIs was the name or a Place cA,led ia R. V. 1tharlia. Tuok deliverance. C<msIder the remedy, God provided it. There was May! Latour. then drop the figs In and simmer till -will ............... prisonars-"A slight repulse the oine, remedy. it was lifted up, The Newest Belts a straw peneitrate them. Put ,them In, is often beneficial in Its effects. This This has Its parallel in, Christ it , "God for wearing with simple short dr . esa- ja;ra in layers with a few cloves, bits of whole cinnamon, taught Drael to look- to Jehovah for lielp, as we I lid !a !he next verse.,, I was the gift of God, gave his n, 90 on Son," No other namei o ly be tt as are or pat ant leather of various aind a very little mace between 2. Utterly destroy- Before this given. among men whereby men may, colors, shaped very narrow at tile them, aInd cover with syrup, but do time there had been no command to be saved. , I I sides so as to make the waist look not close the cane. For three morn- Lags pour off the syrup without MOT- . destroy the Canaanites, w1th the . . slender, though they may widen out bn,g the fruit, reheat it to the bolt- sword. But in the promise of .A.bra- lifim (GeD. xv. 16) we have an intima- The Fruit Cure. I at the back and d1p, down in front. Ing point, and put it back; the third ilon of the judgments that would fall The curative value of fruit to be- coming more and more insisted upon Very chic belts are in white am- bossed or stamped leather, like the morning measure it and allow One cup of vinegar to every three caps upon the Amorites when. their in- iquity should be full. by those who are making a study of pretty ,,tooled,, thlifligs you buy in of syrup, boll it up thoroughly, pour aft oince, over the figs, and the 3. Destroyed them -But this could tl!F�tetics. Grapes are recommended for the dyspeptic, the consumptive, Italy, touched up with gold. These are newer than tile tinsel ribbon close cans.-Harper's Bazar. not havp been till later. Dr. Clarke thinks this verse was infix-rted late 'r tile anemic, and for those with. a belts for wearfkng with light dresses, but some friends of mine have been L&Tender lotion to soften water. -Take 4 ounces of alcohol, I ounce by a copyist. 4. Mount Hor-Mount Hor was on teridency to gout and liver troubles. Plums also are haid to be a cure for mak:ng obarmliig be;ts for themselves with the Patterned gold and silver of ammonla and I dram of oil of laTender; mix. Add 1 teaWoaful- the border of Fdom, and was the Mountain o�n which Aaron died. It gouty And rheumatic tendencies. The acid fruits, especially lemons and or - galoons, working up the designs with Jewels and patillettes, little out ttir- 'I'D MGM -of tile lotion to two quarts of tepid water. Besides being bene- is the highest peak ln� tlipsandstone ridge of Mount Seir, which extends anges. !ire Particularly good for, stomach troubles and rheumatism. quolses or corals took charming on ficial to the Skin,, It will give you a along the eastern side of the Ara- It is not sufficient, say the advo- Late, of the fruit cure, to eat a Small 81ther Silver or gold, and so do crys- tals and capapangles. Being flexible Perfumed bath, -which is the joy and delight of woman-Idud. It is splen- ball, front near the Dead gea, to tile (,,ulf of Akabak. Way of the quantity at breakfast or Muller. One the galoons May be prettily ibaped vKth & few bone, into the did for an oily skin, as it softens the water and helps to cleanve the Red Sea -The Israelites ��ere now should eat from two to elghtpounds of grapes a day, or, if orangeef are narrow side places and d'p front. It is 8XIMost Pores of their secretionE.-Boston ready to enter the land. of promise. But from Mouat h the curative agency, the numberto easier, however, to fashion them Globe. . I into southern Canaan was imprae- en Ill a day may vary from three to six. wfith two rows of narrow galoon. In & shop such as Henrl7s, "a la. Penseell ticable on account of the mount- ains. Much discoura-ed-"They had A healthy condition of the body' You would give A great many francs for a belt you can make with galoon 00 1,0000000 0 0 I expected to enter V'anaan at once and their dlEappoiniment vexed depcnds upon a perfect balance of fcods taken. There are many other ii , Cetors and ;ewele from the Bon Marche -say CA YEN -DOLLAR th�tm-*' entering Into the questiollot a dollar and a half. , Ties Are This lientik 0 0 a 0 BRIDAL TROUSSEAU 6 - . 5. ,qpak(- against God -This w"s the new Israel raise-.,] up in th'P but this feature must not be forgot -1 ten. Few people there are %vile can � 0 keep h(althy without fruit. -The made of printed foulards In coloring to match tile embroidery on the Q . goo000OW0000000000-0000008 wilderness. Their difiolledif-irt fath - era have perished durin� the list ! Syraeuj,�e Clinic. . blouse, the black ones have almost gone out; they are fashioned in a . Slie w -to O,' the noble, army of ,tile thirt-y-eight years. Blit 11:0 np - IsraA Is strikingly likp tile ol(INI. + '+ sailor knot, and tile ends Are long, wide, and well spread out to dIsap- Yirglula Invabion of New York. Slat- , hTtles &%.y there are an many I'lirgin- faltering, murmuring, blamingtbf4r IP % ,ld('rs and slistrusttiar tiocl.- teele. This light bread TT j,"THE MARKETS1 Pear under the, belt. This may not lana In XF.%w Tork its lit Richmond. . -This vile, i be now, but ft to what Is most worn at the moment. Tile old farm --once a plaiitat;ou of worthless broad, fit tonir for ehild- I.t.11, jlot ha,vilig enoikqfi substance I I I have seen , lumu,y acres And part. o! At royal ifut- Sur men and fsoldif-rfs. t'orottto Warmers, metricat. boute Sinart Frocks ent--hattl yielded so niggardly it crop Of ready moni,T or late that honi(- 0 Sent fiery spriopnts-it Is not iffivilablP that %he, serpents were I . Augv� :2(o.-Thore w(,rp 300 bfieliele for the Moors -for tile 'coronation thing hk To be done. There were tht�l created for this purpose. but be- jor grain reolv.d oil the street Inar- wU1 not Interfere, with the sbooting season - made, with ohort� round Three little Fleters growing ulo and The widowed mother. it %vag eaMS0 of the obstinaer of the ljou- I tbo� Lord I kpt thig niarviCig. Priettswere higher. skirts with flat box -pleats mounted Plain Illat site must be tile -inan of tile pprmittZ'd thP rP))- tpllo�ol to glither III %lit- camp and Wheat was higher. two loads sell - to a yoko wMeh moulds the )lips. They should be -with f.kinily.0, So silo hud 1js..n* out A Iligilt I l afrilet tilt, Israelites. Thev had "ilk I lug att TR to 79 1--11P por bualiel. out a practised hand and then they are simply de- of eardo anpouneing tbut 311he Mary , concludif,d they must dio tho I 0a ta ivere firin-r, two loadoot new lightflit toil walking In. The kilted Queeelibary Sreeki- nbrough NVO41,11 fillop on commission I it .N(.fv York.a uf I %ilderut*R, autl tood tiiok them *.it ��91-111ng thisir wor,), So that did at 39I-1_*,l per bushel, part is much Shaped, so that the top pleats are narrow and oliallo,tv to WO11111 cslxlci�illy be of strVice 'co, lit- 'bridips. , naanv 4J*,!o.** t.tvl had wondt rfully pr4ilrved Hit; I' .ye Imn Mglwr. ollp lond selling tit' .I!o,, ppr Ilaq,pl. avoid a susplaton of bulkiness, but below tending And now her first arder bap.1 come; people from thilpe ss,rjlents. until they muronurv,ol. ThiN was a ilust � Ifar walic steady. 121 loads of now. PiAllois: lit $10.30 to $14 ton, and they flow out widely &rd grarefully. Sometimes tile pleats Jug,. bmt, it ,tras somt, thing o" a btaggerer. oil* c4 View neighbors, a. "pore ifunisilml,11Z for their unthankful- per tMe l0nd of tild, at $18 per toil. at the back- go up to the watat, tile xoke going roundtlie, Mdea and front, of 11okeberry H01101M, W-18 =Zzlei no,84j, 7. Vamit to Nfusils-T)to sowerp_ 1� ,i .14triAw WA14 V%t ai�t, t bruo loads Belt* ivg at $10.3(ff W $22 ponr ton, I MLW 0110 With the yOko and. Bolero bloaffie in &IL rk greon, anti tile g1t, marrIed,11 and had StIntl her a tell dollar note an , d a rc- Ildr,mvnt from Ond lint) made Owni � zviraro of their ilho; t till Ir �-ollscLklvzlko whrat. whit '. -W. ?S to 791-21c" 4' 1: r, d. 72C � mltocp. 71 2-121e .. Itow, 03 to pleat- ed okirt of dull dark blue and gret-,11 tartan, but they are really smarter 1 41 est for a %roumeall. Tile trouggeau was to 111cludo a 'widw wero a irouw,d. We 1,. .Jp1aed­Th4*%, avo F are rea& to njuku� vr,il;fvesJ,*IL It lVfig . G!l I-20: GaZIR. Md. 4-1e. 02tP. W%V, 419 1-2e l blirlov. 47 to 4,Q,-. rye-, 40cm ,, all III �One Matellial. .For ordilldr, V wedding dregs ol *41k, it ]lilt Irluluied wIth. roses, it ftnday go to a :. f,j,h 11, rj�ojgh, t ,� lwrvolgll, 43h �-Ionrlv stated. 'Thoir -,%w et4lnt-d. VAN'r J....V. tifflothl I _: 0d, $1A � bay, "timo. wbarwn Ineli off ,tile ground Is the correct length, but Prench plegalitea we(Aln' dregi. it ivIntoir drese, 4L Ixtir Of Rhow., llplkrr�,bol," Nin rif I vol�vletloias wo?re �-Iear. .%lid ugainst th.v, no.w. Aw"43 Ito $14, straw, ,r�� 1 (#,.-30 to in .-, ; amt, tor, piund rollff, tire PrOV'11"g tlietagelVe& With 6kirtg a throo pairs of 8t*ekilJg% a eo2ell It&udkoreldefs, nit TJaf_b0_**Jt is t.a,V&1r to t_;0Ijfc66 4qJ Ir laim n0lihibt Ood than it to maLw 1#1 tf) It '1',l � Ilatt , _F�t. , ra-141N. 14 to %CO-; to thb aukle to be, rpady tor *Is upart" an tile itr8t, Tile thooting in embr,Wdered � bureau cover slid a Im lid "411's ,N avIttoolviedguoptot of Wrong UP IfUln" �, eggo. new NO, 1.4 t� I,Ck�. . ViAbee AhVa.yo amuser, Inp. It seems tkttd toilet bath 80, Wigs MIC% P1 jyo� hev affiny lerover, I'd Pray ubto tile JAffral-Thp grr�:t il gonrep of laelp for the latsoner , hilading Wheat I'larkitto* such a much ado about nothling, avid thera 19 Buell & "fussibna'$ Rbt9ut link' Ialghtlo.r to hov, a pyar 01 w1hite kid glqvea� numbfir lieven efl* a IMM" .6 prap-r. They Jand �olafjqttj4tv tot 1,0210%.ang irp elosl:�g Q�Iotatlaflm At tm;artaut, u-M,at cluntrits to -day: ertrything ,conneeted with it. Willie stle"Ifile Of h0me-WOVk@d Wag Mimic, o -at down n fid lookod at 1*1 Slo;oW prayer' IVA 11mcg Of affill'ALl"'m Me ' ,a ItIra to*4mv- Dow- hogher thall CnLkla, DM, Vf�w TW.1. -- 7-0M-4 AtJeesgorle% I 1@hould have Mention- th# ten eo2ar tote. U611der if Ighe lhbk-m I am It ehiglat of 111111311 pf-r- mcnit-pht-R for .AR4:iF-t11n#T1- M04018 pratq�d_11�8 Prayer wa# answcr#201. ijt;�Je�v, _ ... _ - (' D,J t W4- 0 � .. ... ... ... .. ­- -, 671-8 1 bd tht pretty collar# People arb wearilig Over littIO t0&t19+ 156=6- 16rzer and ean atrunko a 2lirge. fat# whito rabblt olit of a tff_�aedrN or have bu,'r,of, tiLIg 1-p psp,.�,tlt�jj� (;n,j ft,glq 11 t 6 N 1 _ _ . ... ... __ 71 n-4 711-4 ItAklth. 'SO- I timim square vbftiltd. bat wo: a ,only to I�r(,Ajki a in pgg 10 e%olvc a, golfl, ot"I Way of eoing thol'irp.'. The D*�V,Pro ,_ , . ri I mt st he tafflnbt a Ir-slion �n_ talth. Vor % .. ­ ­ 705.8 631.4 Nortpwr�ll . often tho felroular shape, reaebling the thouldere, like the pluritaniv wA,tfeh and el�ajiolv, But th5d WAS OnOv for a 1116111ttt- A ne pt1Dp['V'-1%et0 k4 ff,wor,oph, 4n% : , i Moges for, Mwq Toronto Praft 31ark,ets. Wore. Whey are don& on tream ean- van or tfttnine, in Ot k embrottlery, rdtiul bmairm *I iiiw storz� at rat -w- berry,1101tow. arosp Itt'lore 11jr-r ;ftr4 Of,. record of prittlinc lf� I �fla pray,era are $:.,gg;­na1U,t for tL4th,,rig, iftad'y' porzq--ee to.�&,F. 1','c06P*v4 W4�rt !*,%V-�, ribbon work or thenille, mixed wbih ,the limitlegg rftsonre�-s lot $10 019 rt,, I or . ON He, Ivaig tlDe lxq�&U,t Of Jilp 4p;141 C - nant 08 Sr(-tm Is V. tl-_,,� new. Gat. anA there WaP W1 oxeelk,nt dtmalftd - gold tord. TMV are tAr 1ft*%V#r Aftriled by Pokebetr�y fork-, ar3d Vhe ill n. 19.-,VVBw,dog3l8 Irgy1n. for ft�� C!assesf 01 Truilt. wqn� quet" than 4thii� Vice ec4lar,#0 whith igave bt6difte Very i�ojmfttoli, Of CoureN Wftt to, Work, � Theo t1c dtp.irtmott woros were it"t 8. -1. fi*tY SPl`P"nt­8f0!ZPS W1 d0llht PlIptelic-0. '210 to M": P&Ars, 1-10 to 4&- * 1%ang'o. 23 to 1609; ikpplr.�;, I bdIOLct, IQ I h tbb eX600tioll 0 the 'rog" . f6r hek-110t eVell tile chedlltst- NO' r,%pjrdett,d tk-e sorioptotP to disappear aft tile Id.agacg -had in r4ypt. but "n- to wv: rauivnowtt� p, -.r domn, 715,tQ lado, Ones, which gtill bold their own sombtififfeg Gtand §t±d#t it maet be. ard vrobiibly vtpad of tid!g lie 1-; directed to pr,o- emenniberv. 19� to i.'�c -. ted t.upbbt- the canvas ha# spota of Wilt dolor ever it, or a tiny the isiddwAl,t, at that. Soon tilb grivit 4 thothage tied taken povaession of vide an antidote for tlto.oe who Were, bifltpt, Rig,fl t1ans thf. Lord TI.V9 Mo t1q 5 ries. wr lk-fts. 'a to ofeZ Lawton btr.4 ries. .3 Ito 1c; muskur-gona. per bd&- figute Wh&I embroldeked It lookg ix'M�l nd the tollara Olve a ea" '&;r,,k !I#!,,$ and fte patential batgalfilao huhttv 111'evdity Woman bad tonic to an, jlhcri,rument ill the relief -of tile Whon lie ftloketb ket, 30 to, :�(?V: 02Uc1d(4*r.r1effg8!'b.U- ket. $1.50 to .$I.,_`,��. it,torranto, Mr 6� ebet & simple little of A or linen. I hwvc, seen & flol- thao front. 116rdo to her Itemh&l rzc.count: pnzop,ar. ............ 'i shall 'hip -The bagt-�n Csraphtq- i,ugv to I!Yok � Ill-o-ket. S1 Ivi, 14�_- . '-w-nuatoft, bA@4 ' kf-t, 20 to 1,95e. 1=a d, too, with deep,collar andcuffe Wn. sarft wash tiik, at LZO. ... $2!0 rimply at gioxl'g rpmo&v-o�ot U to 1,illfi lud o- , thoso of tt4mb4 edirvAli, with, pinklill hoft@yguekle effibroid6rod on it, with .. ".. . 0 ��_' �­. --4- .­­ All &4; .*.." .. ......... ......... ......... ...... 15 , 4 filoobfill hbi�. int lu! ffia�-t m mg, oziii� I � on tile, 11razif,ti, isk,rivent. 11 lip rcfn�sed 1 .11dranto JAV(* litoek Siffilvk-6t. I knbtm, emtlt. OL*kk I*:- rf*t. t4 So $4 N S M trilt lovers' knots, th the palest bill&, winding I ill it. The collar was ottig ......... ......... ......... ......... ... It; Ribbon b6w . 1, is : or lirgleetel to Ito tbttt. thpilt, Was '66 niediarn_-_ __., a Z4 dco c0*6 ........ 364 to 4 M adged b* it gathere&np ........ ......... ........ .0w Toil yaVidd. 0=159, at 4e . ......... 49 nothing toy, hini bat death .. ho ,%Vam � shaj up to tile br.qzen 18,rpent. uqIllP1l vatehtft, cattle. Vxiea .'.'*** 41% t6 5 H111141httArtatile. choke........ 410 � !I W gattid tibbon, 'with a gold edge, .7- Tell SAr--ft- blatk ribbon ......... ... 4 . g - waq Goillaf 01claq1vo rf-mody. I,k P the gutthetsleht*110. t6if. - _ , _ am 16 L to and the corselet belt wtis of creani lallot-mado act,ge sitit ......... .. 2199 Shot* JL&� l sinner Is calved to Lek to Claflz;t. I � eb 1�61mmdlb. � ... ..... ..... sto t6 a M 40 btfll* .. .................. 250 W 324% pofflijadour elbbon, with blutted ­ t tAllk and pale yello%V6 flowrets prim - .. .,:� ­_." .......'l ......... .... ... . 1. pafaw-f .. . ..... ......... ......... ......... rot) three gtccfkingl�ol ve . q 11 9. mosys made a gr-tPent - 11PI , r -bowed DIN opt fi�,LA confideiiev In f5o.11"Lq I F,odle-*�, ilffit,±t-1keep ­ - .. I ... 475 W 525 CIO tblidn"UrN .. ..... __.. 154 , 4 M Stot!kttlb.4-Mto"lr'�lcatl$.... 1% " 16 3 tod oil It. it I@ marvollond Into what A U11ra . . . ...... - Ond doleh baUdkekelliefa ....... 40 phin. Awl It en'ttle to par'l-The , ..... *Ah�b t0*F4 CA01I..'.... ... � .... b2 M to ", *y thing ,of' beauty a humble material I - 14uto-ad #at . . ..... ......... i6j) ......... .- Bure&ll tat0k :31 follon of it"Od nevir-r falro. lie had I n1fl,ap it P 11 . _ 't . rplp fo- 'P�V(,ry �igfj4j�" , . , ,Jr�.45r � 'oJ _qhtt%**t-*.Ve:c%Vt ........ _ a 10 to 8 a S , i�ek-. VL�.'2 ­Ueip. b -'CV�'t.'.. _ _.. 2,4 t* 2 "S shtelp. blit6h"'. 240 Ito MA now bef fashioned. tven tb, beat a,lid jul,)At exclusive V al5ons . ....... ......... ........ One -pair glovolis . ....... .... .... ...." !�J t, , V:itoan -to Ve healle,11. No dir�,tan-r-e , , I *&cb .......... 0 31 BA=b�.eifeb ..... ... ... : ".... .4 to 110 4,% � *111 use, crash, coat -be lace, and Otang& �blat_[Jonks � ........ ......... _ 25:: ,.P 'a!'�-'I � 0 ftomt the s4t1rol�g",ft eon&*�' lci`djj�' 11 now eJ!0.2T*. ;*r leftt.... � ...... 7%5 W 1k, it *1 _ ...'... 7 0 to e Ito other modest Star& with imingunty I --- T-o-tal .,.... ..... . .. ......... . . ... $1000 INCIVINEL1116rewrl ill ilre. A look of InAth towaral thP f6'z- %� �i tonded serpent bronght reNp' Their HQ,.Nt, "r e*� � .............. 709 to 01 ft for their elegant confeetions, and . '.1,4fim-t Sow6 iof the things wime out of bilk- ' I desire .vot lite ,was deter flned by nrotm's I Cheest M4rko.tt. Tfie1v rJuak So kows� And the em!bkoldoked bareAt their Own ,actions. Ti:A.g & 19.,v�w Ont., A,v-,g. 2"il.-TO-4ay .1% thAt 90 bile winds Paying the price C'Ovee and Set were ot a hideousness I very per.reet tvpe of Our val,vatlon 4 raeOic`g boarded 1,053 boxes c,J asked, though It be far from zmod- . quite unap"Pioach4b)[0- *,.tilt It 'Will , Strike tile taS0 of Poke- by Jesus Christ. , elzeese; sales, 4S75 at !B�Z-Sc. 400 at eat. kuttbila ot the god&tvix tur- probably betty Hollowl,"' Ahef,conWedef-edheirself. P11-WACAL SAMVEY. 11 I t 3-80. ;�;tlfrllng. Ont_ A49. 2T ­!1'V -ds%*, quoltb Ak6 joeatly 1h ke"eat. f6fr these 31011ttud and linen bolerog, HPf Ichlef ttlurlphl fi0W6Ver'# *116 e0ft- sidefed the Ofallge blOssOme, gOtf en J%e ete4nta of wfitch th-S jes.;oii is a towardg Ze $051) boxes wore boarded. Wealliw and thay give A lovely note of col- ill unaft"'Ol"166 by her ptstatice, -of A pstt Occurred close o.* the wanderings ot Israel In tlffe� will- t (.-,08k, 1.10 at 9.,�_Scj 3agal,&th, 5& _ at Q_ 1_8c,.. okf5, thb belt buckle generally ac- 96vaV6 woftonly, "for who ever heard. of a btidei without orange blossoms �rl 11 deknegs, and suggest to us two lea:]- Ing thoughts. Ono, Pleton, Aug. 27. -To -day 16 faitpS, cotda w1th the buttons, and per- rione, teallit trag rapturous a-Pplauseo of onconrage- ment and ono� ot admonition. t I ories boarded Sl,;5 boxes,, bight6k bia ts-se; 545 boxes sold. haper a blender gold sautair chain has caboeboug the blue An undek6lood by Pokebetty Iffollow. Aild, ­Migg MandA?' felt PODdid-NeW bitfibulties Invariably cross the Woodstock, Aug. 217.-Mlghdat b1cl. or gveeu atouel Panama hats have been tak- I 'York, Htrill& .1 P101hfFaY Of t' h0S& WhO ate 10 the WaT of duty. TIM Israelites had a' ,tried 011 ChePiie 170ard t 4a <r- _V -Wag J.% lower than best price last -Week., ad up now by the Parisians a's : wAtibly air by the English dames� ... slittking tableoltithen. about .for' ty years before under divin.i guidance rot, the '1and or promif.tze,.11 The offerings were 11533 toil ored and ",, bat in France they ate rather more trimmed in the autumn showing of tAblo 0od had been their defpw" by ida.v Bidding opened And dohr,equently more be- coming, If not so durable. Tiloy L hapt-Iftif the liking for . Centre Mono,. � and by night and now. jai:;t as thpy , Were dbout to enter up tile i - S3 -8a was freely bid,; bl�&_heab prx,4 offeric-3 was t f-Ift vritich VVAS are twisted About coquettislily, scarfed with galize ot mousseline, grain or initial is empliashed, In maby of the most beautiful And 'eX- --m prom- ised Possess' lon, "King Arad the Cau- I t#w ftsed. Salesman asking- ef�:X_2el and even the, favoflta� blinth,otcher- vallsiv tves the medallion ovalok -or We. I analte, .... toaght Against Israpl an.1 , , . took some of thora pritmitere, W11'at lInsSell, '011t.. Aug, 27._To�n t Igh there, were 4.510 box,pa boa -rd, -.J. riesf i6ften tindil 4 little resting Place '90mewhete. 'They divideo tile ibleld ,ghfipe, IS Wrongilt Iru tile P&t� terto ditfttlY In UTO lcentf!0, Of the, a tea th,19 wa 9 to them. I % priee bld *1-4c; no sales. ,favors with the big ,capelino hat, napkin. in this the letter, crest ot The tecond general thought is that Grete, curr.nt x -,.P - with lacer falling all round over the Other -device Is embroidered. The of admonition. Shortly after their I Lotdon, Aug. 29. -The ,zIlecia) coN brim. The frilled babe hats of last l3apkIn 19 folded -crosswise in three victory over the Chnnanit,pe. the Ed- ., respondent of the Times at C�orinth year, and longer ago, are now left pretty much to "Harriet out for a folds, and Afterward under at each bide to leave this trained monogram comites refused them passage through their country. They'liad made their s�ai's that aceordtng to official r6. �Wrts of the Greek Go-verr-ment., vio- holiday,,- Ig the centray of the final squlre.� narPar'SL Bazar. way to the land Of Albab on the east of the Dead Sea and there I'the lent thunderstormg, accompanied by, heavy rains, amountin- in .ChaDfoolair. - telle--Sho doesn't -seem , I t- 21P Dow orT the people wag much discour- - Samo places to Inunda,tiOns, bAve Intlietea I ,ad that the, obgagelaqpt I, 911'%. She Says ther6 are just an good fish '�ttg: Gwassip�-Do, you think those , hew6ctiezes would be I*Ikely to join Our aged c"uae 01 thav way." The me- Useof past tictorlew nPI mor tiler (lid considerable dantage to tile aurraut� crop, eappel.ally In the vicinity ,of. 1n; the tea. 0 MAY -Blit they� doh't Always bite. Bilowlting'soolefty ? MrA. Sha -pe -oh. not tit till. nor could Afford thent the need d a kupport. Wbon new conflicts eon- . ."keginift Olymtfla, and PyrM &-ad In the Dlgtrlet of Ells. The! district I UrsL Gausalp-Why, What 16tt ,of front the soul there iffoust be aspirit in which Corinth Is situated practi- ­ Teabher�dan tell , peloplei are they I I , of ablding trust and confidence In to eally escaped. Tod me, Wbat -dAfknesg� 1, Tj%� &Arpe-Theylr6 tile sott of � : order continitf.,,dSPenrity. This was 'The. damage. tilough partial,, Will � causes Willie ? Wlllte�-thlb,ga:R -60M134nies. paol)16 who have- crayon portraltst Lbn Umel's lack. And. bc-camsp of their fell In the tenil to aggravate the exIs.rtIng bad easols in tile parlor. tarea*tei; wildernesir. tomd1tion 07 the currant trade, I . = I 1% I . - I . ^ . '' I I . I . � i L . , . . I I '4 1 . . I ­­­....­ .. . ........ �.".."���.1l....ILIII.,11..I,�LI .. ...... � ... ----.4-L .. .... ......... � ... ­­-­­­­­­­­­ ..... ..... ­ ......... _.­­­­�'. ­­­­­ 1 - - _ I ­_­___­­­­___­­ ..... ... :­� . ..... . ..... . ­.".­­', .-L.�l�..,.I��1.1��.�11.11�"�IIIIII...1111..I.�"�1.11 .... 1-1-11-1-1'-111-1 M