HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-09-05, Page 2� - ­­­ ­,__­�_1­­­­. ___._.___­,; I I . I_— 1-_11 -7— -7-1-1---l-I 1 . . I . . .. � . . I 1. . I .. " 0 1 � . ., I I , .1 : . I . . TWO LETTERS. . 11as Not Changed His Mind in This Correspondence Tells More. Ent - I pliaticalty Than Ilernaps Anything , Couldl the perfect Perinalgency of Cures alade by Dodd's Kidney Pills. Gelort, Out., Aug. 18--(SPedLa0_ h1r, Samuel Korna.harti of this place, G a wonderful example Of � What Moddli$ K-Idney Plils will do for sick knd suffering humanity. , 11mr, Kernahan had been very ill, !n- eed, so ill that the doctors had 41,ven him up as incurable. He4,had ent a grm.t deal of money tin try - g to obtain a cure, but all in vain, �p ,, ntdl at last a friend suggested Poddla Eldney Pills. The wonderful � Iremedy soon made him a well man, land although this was nearly seven ?ears ago, lie has scarcely known what Oluests has been since, and has s old trou- le. The followin., letters which he Es addresf;ed to the proprietors of Dodd's Xldne,r Pills, tell the story: Gelert, Ont., Oct. 12, 1895. 1 lit December, 1803, I was taken dLek and laid up, unable to work for .14 months, I was confined to my kbouse ani to my bed. I was attended at var.ous ilmes during these months by five different doctors. Three of them decided that my ailment was floating kidney and Incurable. The other two -AXtil that It was spinal ftiseaso, but all live of them pro- tiouneed my case absolutely and poA- t.vely Incurablo. My money was Inearly all 6-ous, for I was not a 02b man. Someone, advised me to try Dodd's K�dnpy Pills, and as a lUst Iwpiel I ch4l so. After I had taken three boxp); I was able to walk ubout.�but I continued the treatment unt�l I hal taken eighteen boxes. Vow I imin -var I am entirely cured * and able to 40 my work as ,well as e% er. &xaguel Kernaban. I Gi!�-vt, April 24, 19021. I .am a4 eArnit as I ever wag and have not ha -1 tho sUghtest return 01 my oll thmmhj,�, gjaco Dotid's Kjd_ nf,�y PaRN tmni-1 me away back in III 1-4 A. dainuel Kernahan. wddls X lu,�y Pills cure to stay oared. A LITTLE ERROR it Cost Him Eighteen Yestrs In Prison. I "I tell you what," said the long, lank man with the wandering eye, addressing the three men sitting near him on the upper deck of tha I Staten Island ferryboat, "this hyp- notiiang business is getting to be a great thing, Isn't it ?" "Not particularly," repilled the three men, who wAmteL% to be alone with their thoughts. . "Yes ' sir-ee, a great thing, for 96 fact," went on the long, lank, man, disregarding their Ia6k of encour- agement. "D'Je read about th�e queer case of that bank cashier out In Iowa V "Yep," answered the three In chorus, hoping thus to stop the long, lank man's flow of conversation. But he wasn't to be stopped. "it sure was odd, wasn't It?" he piroceeded. "But the papers got the details all mixed up. It happened in my home town out in lowa. The cashier of the bank said lie was hyp- notized, you know, amd robbed wiiiq he was that way." "Sure thing," said the other threat gloomily. "But he might have had a bun on, at that." - "Nope, he wasn't a drinking man at all," said tit(- long, lank man. ­rve known him for thirty years, and bet never was a drinking man. The way the thing hapix-ned, according to his way of telling It, was this: "He was standing at the paying teller's window at tits noon hour, while all the rest or the bank folks were out eatIng. A man with a long black beard- and a piercing black eye -tie particularly noticed the piercing I.I.-l- . I � -M-- M -ed in He "Id T oung Plants Every ,farmer knows. that some plants grow better than others. Soil may be the same and seed may seem the same but some plants are weak and others strong. And that's the way �ith children. They are like young plants. Same food, same home', same care but some grow big and strong while others stay small and weak. Scott's Emulsion offers an easy way out of the difficulty. Child weakness often 'means . starvation, not because of lack Of food, but because the food does not feed. � Scott's Emulsion reallyfeeds and gives the child growing strength. Whatever the cause of weak- ness and failure to grow— Scott's Emulsion seems to find it and set the matter right. Send for free sample. Scott & Ilowne, Chemist3, Toronto, Ontario. 5oc. and $z.00 ; all dmigigists. Novel Barber's bign. , Ir yon can't raise 10 cents raise whiskers," to a sign In a barber taftop ini a certain Indiarts town. Ask for Mnarilisi. and take no ot-her. . I — ___ I- 000 8 ,8 v QUESTION Of THE 0 " 0 'S ORIGIN OF SPECIES. 0 IV 8 T110, origin of opcolee is, placed in a. new 11911t by the recent remarkable woTk of Ilrof. Hugo do Vries, of Am- sit-erdam. 111�iis bottamist has been the first Investigator to watch the formation and development- of itow spi:zles, and in his 61--servations the forms produced have been a result Of Sudden change, anti never,of pro-' gressive vAi:Iation. The 11single varla- tions" among CalLivated plants sug- gested looking for the same plienom- enon in wild flowers. Or 100 species studied, the only one showing change was 0enothera Lamaroklana, one or. the Amer' an evening primroses, and a 50,50�cdescendadts of this plant produced in ten years about 800 have been so altered spontaneously that they are regarded As forming seven new spiceles. These species are mostly very constant, tile characteristics of the new parent teing reproduced In sucoessive generations. Allitard's Liniment Lumberman's Friend. - I Jollying ullete Saill. I officials of tile U. 4%. war depart- ment have read with Home aniuse- ment an editorial in the Aiatillm Am(nican, commenting upon tile -warlike condition prevailing in the United States." The paper says: *qt is time to call a limit. 'Cho civil commission or the strenuous President should got busy. Thelion- orable senator from Texas has tak- en tile honorable senator from In- diana by the throat and choked him. The exact details are lacking. Having been so long in this blessed and peaceful and well ruled part of the United States, we don't k,.iow what -has happened. Steps should be taken to ston these dis- "? , . . said that that man's eyes Seemed. graceful Insurrections In the Unit - to burn a hole clean. through. big ItIs 14.'rror. ed States Senate. The District of lif-ail to the back of IX113 skull, mail 11 tr4ld you to put our advertise. Columbia should return to military the Idea made lum, nf%rvous. miteit next to pure reading matte�al. rule." . , I *"IA)ok a-lare,' lie oald to thp =141 the great agent of the grei�t stranger, tit tits, sam�Iit time feeling mediclaft compariv. TO CC, KV, 44A COLD IN ONE D&Y arc,und w4th. his hand for tile gum "'Well, didn"t well" queried thebust- a 06 a e a I !rake Laxative lurouto QuI I T Ill t . Ali that lip kjje-.r was In tjjt� lKiyIng jar4s manager in surprise. drWgists refund the money It It falls to cure. teller's drawer. 'what do you. waut " .Nil,..% oil p.It It ue% v Conn -. . Grovels sigu:Xture Loom each box. 25c. here- anyhow T' eli rsIpil-rt.- ,. t to 0. rit, - Z ' -who. xiiI s.04 thr, nian wita - Curious Marriage Custom. ART OF BEOCIINU. the blark beara .,%all tho pit'reialz Lifebuny Suall-disinfectant-is strongly lit some, parts of Brittany a cur - 1 laek eye. I Wli.v, I in a pr*fos,�Wual - _ monoy aciliArer,' and Ito sualslonly rezonimended by tits medical profession ma louet guarringe custom prevails. On t3oltit-thiuc�*.t)ou�l;utlsitutx Car Sor ntuvk ld,.4 heall throiligh thill JKLOJIlk s,xAfe�gtiar-legainitiufs3t.tiouidiseu". 2;1 cortain fete days tho marriageable ;, we aud ,I'll)&. tiller's wIttidow an -I Ilegall tit make ppia r lit red petticoats, with Z!,1111-1tv or vellow borders round eirtatn qoio�hr pa,4pa­ with Idl; handli 11 41-tn'torit Weekly.) in front of tho cas!"or',.-; 4 --ye". N iw. Viiark Bi -fore '%wint. them. Tile liumber or borders de - The trol� JnqLj'1jt4jajng,JU'j �k4,1j"p), tit. y4yuI altjloT-%,%t% I-ol N0k, t*itt'v kltolvtj T'Lip- ovenitipc waa advaumd whom a notef, the portion, the father to '0k. Von. Itir'.1�.10'relu.0 Iltifinum ulnv�il. ,6tl for alwut iiiev,,n .-Woutes, ar,!� vomorablvii Ritkire of anciottat nalue willilig to give Ilia daugirter. E"% 13 19'a -1M19 t%V­1W%­Mt- citilAN mogtIrvadi; ,-.it pwa,wJ nath 'I'll.. pittrs,x- and llne.%go aroksti, to prttipA)se a toai5t. whiti% band denotea 100 franes per rij, %. to t�'% ., "%Ltt�Z,"j %.Of jtj t!jij6jgi, 1 6.1.140*11 li,i%#, I iItparwl oup InI Our,- a;;:um. pach, yellow band repro- '� 1,71i ti t,t!j!1.y tlt.,V. ,Viiin .ttl,* .th KL to Ig'-stillw t". t4"Ut cit�urft . , '1413.10-1401 tkl*k.,. TI , � I "foil H.. lwix.vlt mwj4%qtI.v- It IR smkts LOW frace-9 t% yexr� io. I 10:0. " _111,11"a nit .Au 01 tl`%, 90111*11 mynat"i, In D , � � al'&%�.ky'q XVAI too hli'��itt njoilostly. �-Il dutAors arp- tt !�,�.ar�f­.,.,*Iirkkwm, lktt. 309 I � LV,4�4 Dt"tD.J%. 1, o 2 LROOV.j ,%6WD .Lro .N�,*%* , ANA Ull VA -w 'Ml Milt fOr towir V-4, f..; , tolt 1goo'. �i�pb,t %-j", folot.�` q�,tLl t2oti, amil man. "Llpili for =,61.isa sP.%vXN LINIXE.41i removes AM d 01 d,o to , t % .�, a r. a s o #04 4n -,t I I - os , *Toh,v %.w* t�,v ,,,a%%Dt�r',v r4birVL '. pl-om 0-trintrt- V.q.11ro hkil myself to W,,*bnr,l.oitittore.itl4it,.*tit Lumpsand Stem - Up . , jimd�rjpm-U TA,- r. -a -ii wit,rc,ivt toa�.,,q� jD4!jt tp!ii ie.,�4% t1i'm" I'll -t fit'� M * -L 41JAInTilA jl,_1;1%� tjks% t1so 181,v,ji fmal bt)rmsx, Blood Spavin, Curbot, . ri- I 11111r,;Ioll�*%br.i� of -st AtolrAv*s. invill"l- S"'Imtol. Mag noup. Sweenz. stittes'spraltv, 111co corolka"j. h('#-V..V.-1r. ha�jojre,4 r4b- I ;L�#jujjprvi,j its� .."60' V'L'j"Jjj� J�'J'�Aaf)�J%L HP 0 'i 'I t jjt,�,,�tj��n, ,,4At , 44 .4 qq�ojstkr ittli thii- 111114 4! -i 11,1*11f)"O. %,trious learnoi,41 -,'�,,oan�l'.1-�wtiite,%'rtAro.%t, Coughs, ttc Savol 1� % . rJI.q t. "Ld4, jj',*rt,.rd, , I` �. .� q �� '4 r*1 % I- thloI tot east Warls *,,j) by uq,�, k,jf Oat% bijttZj*. Ivar 11 e the 'lao�R ��'o :�" "'%*' - I - -iritliq 001 th I'j fyl� iL r", L �, it li . z4k Z d get go gwa I'. cog wi - zv,Qtall� : Pto.4 11:(-o qr tA III-, �u �,i -,L 40 0- T -alt ' Om"vI. ,;wwo , K!06 pWq.ti. 'I ­'. *-I,011 ,qi A!r�jl% t4 1V , 60t�% :I itjp. 11, % tj 0--tta tj��.qr jlolu,vfq.",� it, ,*,, w4"40107ffil 8zdn%je'A 4"are, ever Lnowlt. 1�1 � ; ,,,,, . , 0 . I . �, . 14 , , It I ,Q 0 9�� Iciti-ho Iwm pro 14. 4 I a,, � �Jtl t, ,,� IS . 1, I I v' 'il �gVL't' '.U��af ' ��'I%.N , ,, - !� :� 0 b.V '4*41 dt,n!41­,'v4. . � .; it - 91 e W.wiai%-U4 1A 1V I �Vmz 4% tA go ., tI ap�o III g"42p. Eirfqatt 4.4 at. tko *I%tv. . wbo% � .!�o* 4 r ir'R T n 4 -roq ap i mi'l 4v)t;P — , tt�,91%,wrjj I%,,g%.j!,::v.,vn W-4- 4U 40r,141'. ,i %J14 ki,VAL a14- Ot 1994 ! 1001t WIPS' VIP � rortV V�;e O�V.J"" %'q- 'Ir It �#,4 ff tjjj.i�, A Ito 31other-la-law Ta4boned. Anothcr WA,� trlw.� I L-41 0, 10 iv�q tI* tl.'�_ It 14 r -P loave Oft Wo all kvOL' .,L,ft,jt,44 ,.q �,44�flttoa 4 , 4!j 1 14 " t.j4,I,IiL*jj jj,444, w,%,44 000iii,x - �r tdi'lt tip-mix-LLog �Ii-_l Utit-tt 14 ' �i lt�o?10-11.- tt'1111 t ,$* IM04 Invaut, j I tor,k!g.0r4lIftg; tO Prtu'PINMV Sald'wla , 36-03tl nfa,l:, Tiv v,o,ii:aw v,- -t, 6tirv-P$4qiiI ZLq It "I tI,j Dgm �%,� .o, �,­.,ncqn� r,�_tirznerl.v of Oxford* now of 1p IM WqVl) 'IlL4 , .: ,� A 44V UN4 ljo%l .j jjtv, spok .1 i, �,IcIIW�jrno Universluv, the blaekq of it�a: Ilt-09"n AL9 J01Kl19'6'qtn,t�t#4r*#1 tsini- nn I p�O-af,04 Si,eftn'O It la*�.-Irlq I t;,PUrlt11t;M %v 6 It I Ali �,b I - I a1g,-9 & ". -0�` Ulzk4,11.v� Wit U113.4 621,4h tl '�', t& 07 L �� r,- %%., reol ou - Nr,mr-4 ,qr wvr 14 I� t'; 14-W � 710. otn -4� h%G* 1varg 0! ,14 AV% are fr(v front out dIA cot 0"'stIm It'll V11,10 �. 4no"0411- ", � 0 %I MAI Ainstr _,. , I, k L--Ov-.-�' I � ;Idtea Man*# barilelu" 110 lim Wilt . ", 44 h,1Lqf` I N,�,­ A"nft-1 on " ­tol). VA � 40! 3tod �,j - 0"-1-9 " , W 0 � . �i,i�.JL,�,!j J!,4�I,q .1 - - - . , "I L%.1ti .J: "o If_ ��'t ii"4 � ', 11' h1a pr'�,'. 0 t%�% js-V7X4'­, I ;u A -01?��. to**, q G,iver.11 - itr-cltd tI� "vA do ­4 ii')�n,- t t�,- 1 rI .. o I , jvtAra maktihg, ethwlogltal 'p, I 01. - I 0. [It �w, V Or �1.1-.,� ,.�V.­4 31*10��, �,,-� Arulf:4 J� IUVr9tr1r:iAt long aulong them, and Ono , a- bitgqt 6r.­-,� 4" I- 0 tavo'#1*42�7 tsj 4, 1! ,,, ,t 1, " !,.., I tpqu.�J� ,.�,. 'il".1 - ,�04Z AL',-" ,% ��,]��jgli, ;4 Lost H is P,heurnatism, �� 01 lg* %%�.Covir,rav,; %VIA th"ut a %ilatlicIr- k �,,'J'a t T I � � � ,? :Itr:�`�t- �4 0'059114bLt ,*jj S,* tll�iiof- 'T.1,- 'A -Lita '.., . , � � _­ I -, ��4` 4 ir,V-4 ,"a r,,�%.411- q in-:itw ;�agt ftol allowed to icomn ivith.. I . . .1 , _,, � 1, D4 ,4)nW! '4 - �.I jru'.� - "� ; fjUalagy G4 4 ,'-I S, � � a�, V, I ,'I BY tht We Of A h0ttle j� WA ndlO 01 thili "MIM-2111ft" (but) Of -her , . X11.0 0�21'traA�­�,,z;;I-� ! ��I "" a � �. 'A'm W;14,3��­ - ­ %�-q Ir'. ,qt�,j R" ,�'t,.j iA�I, 4 1! tmarrar.A 4ataltthtor, 0 sho did to the 1, -& d o,­rl, c;.' �t ai:j 1,44"t,"o- ,%Vl� , %),�,��j �.­ �`, ,�� ��M,-a w -j- .lT 1,!,�I,- It of St. Jacales 10it oand wwv' auth,#r'Jileil by the tribal ,,v,,3tr,4, ant� .-4 t'jali '�J�j�.� �;4�tt�'Jr"4 a t�.L�'t'- 0 IZI, 0 L,*� U , d �1 It , �, I-O&I ��.4,��., Z,,JIT,Q 'l,'0�,fIl "Jj�'3'11_ ` il" rautl , Al .1 .0 ?�!n , WaQ vL,iix-u 9 � _oj �­, f,vjlt"�[.Ja �A at q 8tA!e4,'%%n,_, i1va'.1'Ala-VI Itilit """. of , " tw to uq'13 !w's eamb. A'U'd awnll;_tau: ,,t �U,g �,�;�Ii . L ID. ,A- 1.,J�n'm rr�'Aa. ui,Vr1qt%T11-11 t P_rtft ,��, a " -Z ti : �, �, �, �,,j ,�o� 0 It �,-j 4"A qj, ,;: iLt t, r? �., - � - v, - tk U a! It � -1 *;� t'ji. F,'t."�IIE'IaEt.l Vioti- � � -,,,; ,� ; , ,,�- - _� fI,l=_J;0 ftiltj C. -a " r - -1 , � � My ITRPra L `;,lr� t- - . . jo �li�t_y..�)IJLJ ��; a tfittq � 1'1� . oI7 .� I'LO J� ft �, �, g b " , - - I I ojf� � ,_ "J, ,jl. duttm t,or 1�01 a u.rL,�Ivtr. 9 *_;,�v' 1� 4; Fivem a gepat amrlltcm�r I' HOWS THIS ? , �Av!dw L, �� P., �V%y,zqg ,:;�. Ut,r4,, A t -do I, I! , " -,;,-I img b , � V-.,,,aZ-. atvi ro�,,�,�orv, U �U�et'!_p q%C4- r " , dc!"'Lar t�F -­ ,,:�,�-1 ,Z:.,6t!;� mmuor-,z &A;,T . ; VA? fi�­=Atoslln to tElrw hvi 104 1i w# cfrj,�r 4roft- Ran1tr I batil.ate Nward, fbi, - ,�t.d.z fvz;­i�:,�,)j v2'. 1�vllo,�n "'2'. t��l U.,' -.,k ��' I *!- olc�,'vvmu tt_,,o,te&taot t000ted bjt j� 9 t�j!��t t'j - U�'-_�j",)'D�,J)"�'; jj�JV _`Jv - MAt fozrtr rciLtro, dPnt- ip Illll* 041 - ,.i., -1 I I , , , 'ItAs ror tb Uo'� Au�,C,I a a ,`tot � 'a1EV3U1:10!- 9VL,1­1w,--41�_�"-1Q,1. a, so L . . I gng %-b�" lanto ta^ i034 .,=,P!,J,7eq1i1'I��1'I"- 4M,ffrl V I ' .: � 1,-;. V. 1111=, tke gt-ru�u! , 'al r��--aly -a V110y ��m4r- hZ �'r­'� �'P�, L k­� � t j �; I q, 0, 11�,� I & co'. TOA6. 0. ,#-Ll. III! rt:,ar,-4'�, V�a J� nanzi oadbrve,�at motl,��Ik o! troit. ` W* It- 'cnlanvg�gA, bact ka?5*b F. J. "['."j�rt'l ; , , ��,g q %;"L,� . ) . `122�%%V!A'N T, _.- .�'j &' #". �1,�' , IV4= ULI�l ' -, , - A :11�*_ � -, , ,�� -, ,tgge;� �_ = I " , IiU2 not P" reati Awl tM11#V* lkha , I rjC�C�t,tog tL it" 063kaT t,,40 �9�"nz!a a AL*,L-j tv. �"4,70r-g 11 a_g � in.- 9,:.V��it,r,A a9t vut, a!-,] a N�-Oaqla�-t 11 Mv "I". 4,2t. 0!!Vt��Unel sup rk-%,4tkza%t- � cz.ft"t r6r LW&aL@ Qt.1NN1L%!L;%D a'U5�'L`jt� '_'. t�2) t"'_ r -U- "!:,., 11'. I L 11 tr?%-I�Ir, and fo�- tt,,4 taq� t,.vtr-* �Ioars . T#tSP_- � '.01 rJon-mvib..'j. to 4u baki� timilw 0). - p ii"- zq;, � -% e 9 �7 41, I �ita U t b. .tz"I t��,Ljt .,ji , Aft", 5,t II 5tjat,,"�'jt,'C.2r II .44 to eafer 0; otit'if itzolAo'zi 01 it -.i_- ,4-D AII ft-". It 19 q�a_C�W_t - " - �I�J­ YQ*' 11 , ,,,t2p � " Q U �- t�tbj­. . 1� ,�­aq t -an erjqz&i,� ttri, troltk- WVrloat I qZ0U#,%*J*b4 MoLde 5* ftplt utm� � ,+.. ". C� �� �,, �,,. L A I 't;AS. , __1 - W - ilqto,v. cr ., ­P.t - � . k 1 _Uzu T"VM'Ll 'I "'I"' W"V �- t Wkst A YQI�IAII Wbo"q§wrt brox's � '4� ._",_ - ,,, I. - - 1.'anj sllmptlm,��Zy two Fit go PAJ, vt.. , P ii a� -11 W,,V�t; - � _U �� sytl� , it, T& iI ej f!"Tel tva,4 �u tg I�� - - - Mp�e 1p_t�- " w17.6,ol tO� �`OVWI,Au7. 11 ,`,'.� f'. "I - 0 es -41 U­�-;y I amoa gate,v rell:,� - � Te.11t; paatl 4-maostantlioik, ( Itla. 0. %.U%­:V.%,v & Ilinve,4, VW,txitvi 1: , , I WIL! L . ­­ � I iailt-04�41 IM!u So piroctoo a bLsttlo � ­W"O. taitiath rat �qlivn twt�­r!�Msr r­­�P1,R ,%,jIT,-'a� t ,,'. 0_'o;,ty stntuo. I D.*yj;kl#itq, Tots�,10. W9. , . K;r- cfNeilzri;Z10- a- ­njm-_�Jatla:�:�4, VA�,.I�, � - --�V#,�g, t'��, ,�-.a­,1,j,wv wawn,-t rbom ot i OT st- Jite,003,s ofl. V.,Weh he woplied � ItAnilicAtAftbf!.4m.�tttlat%jllfit*raslty"mt- P!ytttta� wa2g,,�-4 a I � .,!W3. 1� 'C _2�g'.' '!" &,,',�a #P�oe c.,PT ta-e. tL-reo to WMI the raqyst astonishir4 aNd I -fig dif&-Hr vp�in trjj� bj*6j aft;,j bIftedflit int- �_ "ovj.;, lulNit- na-In �tad 301- waarveiga.as erfr-ttts. 9,aTore he had ilrevAottle avott-fa. IfAtmonla" 1� wn, = ",�-e 's *Ant ft*k .- I ,� t5uhs,12ed ros"M4 tbo eonte,ntg of tha rfqt­-43�7 pet boutf?.. Sold by d1l dtafttitts. g,,�A rA,; Itm-, zL��a -on. Z-4;L�, ­�`-i I,, t, Ift-st b...1,11tid! be "Till waak re_AMV.�, Ifivrai ratwoy D,mq eaft the �ii-At. LL, * p��,, OT thpo- ;#,s �i .",r,jq�'iT. !�PAV@d ca -4�_v.. i �.J s,�I­Q, -IT', az'q U4 1� Vl- 1'att­r :�%'Tvk,�­� =P Mativr-ly lu)vel � .1 � -,. . J' ' . 9 wittri-'a.0, tho. I'd I of a sttte,k. antl vd- firsu", ttm­ I ­t� Vat-. li.�Ojt;:, vy, a. -- t,A'.' V,mt ez,t.� a: �g. .L"- . - __ - P;T- '. �1 - � 11 AFAtt; ,,,, i� --Tf"-j e"In 4�",141: I'Vet .wour 9M11 N40tg tf-V' 3 1pi'w n4VPUfV2,,ttLq.1s froin Itflo 11 sut,e lot Itispi-hialt Ttlisift All. 1. . ,11V�il 11 , g;L� ,. v� n- 'WaR Ei)�-!�.­ lh-.-� sa-.4 t�,Ion- wit-oad, f0tt'- Ile "mas fran ra"3m !� 1, ruTal Virgitu;a Preacher ftok dd- I - , � . I - �, I., .�'jqr _% jt�jh vvAitA,t;4 ra�, aw,l ro' .� .]_ it , o Z�4",Af.11'11 *,;& M,46.­r�­, ta. .1 ;V,ek;ir,�Cz, �w"UM a_,991 ha's beien ever sitne-4*. dni !'� valatagoi OT w4g�aborhfqdd hVillabaloll Out tr*Wn_�. 1&,;,LmV ta�i- - .. V, I � � "4Uz,a,y.zg:i 111F Z�eark! of 1-4 aud a :� ,0�iIeti ;5� J�,'w � 4!�I�C-Iwfl r�,MTF in mt "" dal�"4 to , T',14',11V1 '_ 37 , ,),-�,-j .. 16LI tn#r ta,;tn � th pj wool 1. , Toa S;, ,� .7 jZt!.Mer. �1�7. .e�j!j Walk ,1.1 Wof;i .; folio-.#jf1z,: Manner: "DeAr VrlefO� , ,�. ., .Zo __I,, �.t ;V�Jqp t �_;. �'? C,OQ�.,JL_,� _ - __________.___!ff t4r,s ti�m';_:_4 ,,� wgt.tont P'.Zp-AP,zt"mI4 ,%:23, 'P1212 OL. 0 jr- g� U I. �'""- �i 1, _k�w.r:0119k,.5 a ff�­v 1; -tt I P s abo It to take" To*) a 6114�dtldft fol 4� ta'�T."+,V. 'j,"'�'r,;lIn __ i Li �i�aek. aff I earol te . tl.IQ 'WjTL� <';Vp�,,a __ , dbit"e;!tty wi--atever." ta Impair A to t;B:-� zk,�­,:k 02'_-1,=, that 'une-a Loz;rl I �11. 5f ftir am any 11199er fiekit DralCarson-'s"'I"nc, 1-111D _,�', ­��".,�Jj,Lj4t,nj 'f"I Z 9`1-V 411, , , . , _� J,;o�� tf. , �,�,Pt t" Ruent, Wthefe fle %va's. i� .1, - I I - to -low Whm had A Tolle in lgt�# I "��1_411 E.." anl S',sT4,A,1 !U�,10, fl�!..z4a� � Itf rarmpr jones7 ehiolkeni 1 doafk' swita,di attid Caustip-Mian sitteits �. - I ,.- - .1 ill-,:', Tt%q.;�'A WAPOI wZzq In t[90� ecao�1;51v� I W - - -(,�� e�l Tw%r - ; "3 # t V,.,q dg,-ro=ft,��Xt�ovj% �1? - , , .!Ln' Ifim to P'It nuffily in do 111ftte., *e ��T&1�-j - -: - ! 1-m_-.!:,% o1,.,. ­:I r-,-,,-_ - " - I A tn�wl mraig ,::;, ,: JIML 11�11111 l�� 'L. - - 0120 Ay �J,, ,,,V�r. Ion �hc c&-t-d1fan ,,;!-I - -1:, --j'a, "77,"Fi Lli,:2 %,�p Z z,:.- 1 I .at UtAfL±!.Ir�-ot.I.'a T-41- tt�,,g It"47p"I �u CUE, - f 1. " - . �j 1-09 DI., V! -I �S,Zgftv lFvw� tattb,, eaj,,g�j �� wiyt, r619 ana 1peati,., f�l�!=Stlt Gto*nnci pio�ept: "n ,n3 r�j�l %.,-,,, ---t��, '�.3. rL",--- "?, � �i�ni=. ton= ' .1,2 ­� 11 .-Vi - - �.�-C�, q­',;�- . t-3 'L.LnaL ­K["T'?� .*'�b-'lng W'1!2- g_t OZIt" jr�,%It *ft% tl �A' !14':!'�?!'�,!� -'.7 ti�- - .1 .. ,u",v, 't`_�� ;r-'� �..at; - , - � z � - �. .;! `:u OZ . 'a' .., I'l, ,-r -r-, - , 1, 'Mm e'l-AmT.- . at��rpt-,M aP2-,L.n rnv�,*�_4-4 by ,0%r,e4doTf3# *1�0,e stoMe e"t,'�:,& ". � e a�,�L i j!, �; I ; !" � � t , ", -1 1�).T'j , I t I t 0 �,') ., - 0 f- _ I 4 tmte§ df� A Postely vtgetiible, Tdiftic and ftled'I i - ­­ -- � .7 " .. . 1 ,-u-= �,at :,n trl--� f:_:g&,r,, it's �41' Fil- ; tar.&I Gat %w , �3 ?i�, ..P. CrA #0 pajiffer. ptice So Cents Oct, Bottle. 1� .'OV74��±­P 0! Z!�l - laez. t" 0-:9d.., z1hat 0,.'P I . . " , 'Ut 113viis, PAIhm1:6t. rent ! I I- I', I.. t $ lin F., , P"-XI&O-A lit, 4 q '?, watu % vire�l Tato tbe = WI- � a 3! L a � L P lr=-�_ ;Kzc--z: ,­es;� dz--t�w_-tlte ,4, . "Atg iNlab =1 ±&W �_; - 11 1_�', �;�11111 'I..S I , " -, Z:St4tLr4:jL'j �� '_,4=.. 1�"4t'�J]n, ��.'j' ','I:I��',"­'J,.'�- 11 r. - 0 Z. luan.-LAVe tl�ron,,ta,. I ft=eXate. [I S .)I- V, 401-L :,nl. ",I: " U ,J�, D­1­­� i"j,U.n,-"_!J . to U, . . V6rj,�Tr,r,-.:tr ­o,,z0'­U,:r1,1iz-1Q% %Ljt�! ­­ S, -L, , .. � . � I— � - I I� I .. - ,i __ o=='t �-Ae �.�Z� Z� LI ,r,,,�_nl :�P_`g"�"l �,!t- � �"��, tn"Mrs �4 �!.'%-,-7,-,.,*I'-�� rl.34 4e�lrt'y. Z'. .-, __ , . ro-"l, V,� WK, sp-In I -,`-o -r ,Z",_4,;� :"W.'� ;I T .�r, 461f,etn�%:� #.' 1-c"i �, Amoriv-:,l �n W-1, k- ,, 1'-�_A,, 'MZ)qL-­Tq Lft,itm­,nt En Au,,�: Irbis is an 'Old Ogle. , C _'��q�= ZW .',-'#' "'01, -- ",',';,!� "' , '�' - - � ?-;, I , P � J - ror"N-(7,�_ " 0'- I -� A.;S; el:',�.-)�.�,. Z,9-� .�"vv,-.%� to, -_ tI lllo�v�. X Mn!L.j_-j_'8­j,P3S',ng a fellour Itto -n -- - Ci�, ('�Aqlt.`.rhg� ,_-z,.,n. tq_ - ,%.:�. fro�j - _�" 'jqq ,qr t,Bj,�, np,�t #�,J:V� — . ,;. " .C. �1 gemg to IeL;.10081;�, 0. Wife. eollbnel. hom raftPI61L.,it qo-.hti?tt.tlr,<Ih,Aproliratu,3n. �' - �` , r� C i 9 "S' g - 1 A 13,-ii.aitoneak, Ophdon. ,I 'I an��, tol wa";; -- ,I ,Z�,.�-.��_,:.t. t#v t . , . , q wo..g& v I .&i adv;s4 Elm to set aboul - -, . � r.D16141b C101AINISY � Irr*s &ozn- vni ." %-I ,* t�.,P- �,324 ir*:T!]r- I r:�--,j#,JL.j!,r--ffaVT, r;,m er,er 4�-Ivj of, ' _� : it I T4 () V" 0'�'4 If 0 gx-" %. 1�1- 417'&,�5: ­e*iint .-J-4 �, '..'e, I'n-w thp -1111ppy 14T -s Of f;r,:-;�e-1 . 10 - - -1 ­ . .L I __ - i - , The cow-nel I ad'vise, h1v ­ ", ­­ .... ... . ­­ I � � I . � -1 slould - L ''..­­-, 11 ­ - � tk� MOf,".F '=.-,I S " 0 -­- ,",4 47ti' ',f:=t`l­­ L�* "N. WaW., -Yes, Ma*.'Am. ____ - __ -1 _:,��_f, 1, I— " t 11 � ­J�= w�t i"-,,�-,­., --f�ar�w_ Hie's in vejeq"t a l"ttle One. 1. �, - p z in Tr-,v,-ft­t--�':_­- :;a;t teal n , -rl I I - - ,� . 0 le 85me- 0 1 ., ,� ,M? MuMn.s.-What forl ?!?� It ,ao Vlrlsr W,� :'r."I" Iry. I'd to. .; it:,,_ gp tn"I g til not ab .!-t ,,, � �ben 1. . � I . � I �! tvv � P1U*,.1r­"7'­" :V.,;-zn-,q ,�!.ee ,-��! 7.as Lizt1lo 's'V,a!,1,-y-TiaP,F are �b!,,eeg of � The C010nol-BeMUSay Vp N I I t,QeStEon of a CII01eO ,of oVird, it 11 . -a I j :i��-nt ­rici;- 7 Ir I park vntlr��L, Snr'.'r,�-nded by W-,tns " ( � __ ­ '�' best tO chOOsa the 18ast-�-P .I . �r ­T-"tF-Tf- zre� '.,z - = -,,�,^­;g mrm- � M. It! adel I �, strn 'Wampl"s Untment 'a usal by, pby- , �aq lq�E-'r 4��411!� z"o, !:.-.-X,.- - �t:zirlg 1i B 'let' ��, "I .. I I pl��Z` . ..... � .... al- . ... ..... ­­ L I.- L ­­­­­ ' ­­' ' 1.111, .� ii �1t,4:rV,�3.4'MP4 t,..lU,t�41Z.k . .M� 1I 'L1 --U'-4 s'-,c,;a­S , i � , , , , , 1� 11 "' L I I ,�r , 4 , - , � -,-. _____._.__ ­­­ ­_ - I Vz .1 lt�jr gtftj 4' - f,%it- Tt--.3 01 V1112L. , — L I I , _ 'rfl;�'7.Lj 't". I . _. 4 . - "' 4 " I . I tf�,zig. 1:4x.;, !r.�M ;1�, -E,- 44A up 'VIL 1 i. Pr0ij- 'We"ratv'st vtc'j. M Owl& � - . i � . -a , I W;Alkr--3 over rl�'.'� r to .M-,L,.Ir­ P ttp v-1 �t­r i! - . �,,F�v � T�v,,ra nf�-ver wAs a pret'. -w,7m,jn � nwa iuvr,��,S;t W�-_o 04:�EE,�'.._'. "VILji"", ., 7 A r vr L EZ'S � ., I - , . whc loaku,4 cahutly bz�!;Vjtc, I i t�,M,10 I �,Ulnpl`g rex,�;;r 10 I on� an .er .. I .Oth .I;Ztg wiaen , ., . L I 11 I � I L . . I . ".. - ­ r I I I . � I I I 1rvrn,,y-' 11 h;,r teet were t-ingiug an -.1 aching, Uh I __ ,� I . 4 I F.very Wght bathe the feet witlt . 0901 VIPUND & 01, 2011troa, . , 4 - tepid Water Witla a -.-4ggesUon ol -1 M a to Uo:fttreg I . , I Iler Pres%lng Need. isiada addell. TWItate of banzola l, Wesoueityaarvri. sign ,4 to .. ­ 1, . wflt4o-twimus- PromptitcCles. � .1 I , . I q ­1�7;ji%a Vt-7.An vvas PrP91dent of equally good. Have .your .6,hoes — ,,, 11 � I!k - IY 11 _� I e to order, it' 70itioan afford suell 2310111 . , I Mror. Witool6*1 S60mnlg 8M 11 4 .la? 173J!1�41 �;tatvp�;,­ 1,0 ifti'l, lliv� took land .1 44"t, a walk down Politnl­'IvAni., nvpnzip a Joilly luxury, and have severAlpairs, .—I. ly ____ --- -- -, itt. I I .1 '. .� � oo the feet can be rested often t6dthj�j, tthild,softed it mis dttrbg *iu� ... , , oae, cold winter e­,ulng. Daring 1115 . . a efdr W.Kilt, 1. I - gt�roji hF4 mot a ;y,)nr, forlorn woman, tkange your hosiery every day. A 0011c ad is fut b64 tomedy I- MOWS thinly vlad, s'Airerin4 with cold. When powder made of one-half pound of . I I I site 4aw the PrPsIdent shv�y ralstook pure 4borax and one-half ounce ,of ti. '16 jrsh.qjjL&CA I I � NATURAL I reet - B r1a I Illra foe Ij Mjr.lStp sad : . I . ' ,r, and, falling upon a Is comforting to jochigig f . . 'Ing st. Past,, 11AMIltall, Ont. I fLAVO 4 br-r kneeR. NvItis hands Uplifted, gP.L Chicago Aerald. 191 K � . I I R' �� hiq WA -ST RELIAWAS AGHNIrs, I I 1 4 � we,si,,c. s,,,!ng that slie, had N.evr York Central and Iludsolt niver to gen tAas4 coftees, baking powdarar, splee . 11 FOODS I three sma,di c.-.sifilrsn at home arr- 6ttrafti;SL ete to Consumers. Yon t&jLMnj I . In- and f'rpmlng to, 41Path. 81;s sAld: EtAllroad. mont6y- kof�!kfra,w,kuted. Ztetutni toorAtor Air* 17. & Governihent; fri. ,6jj, �ifr. '111-ilster, pray to tL-P Lord The abdiva Datmat Is a bousehold vaeant *40w- Pokr . speated. C&lr %0,ftCj,_edL I - I � , . GANNE0 F6010% and o6=6 to help Tue., word iLud thb sIsperlor exciallefteo Of 'L tq,k YAM Xror. SAIAL�-4NZ,or �ft ­ "LL . to Yft Frep4h. Dairitr 'ana ­Whpa qiiv� had finished President the ro&d Should be' alsf(joilbAt to .at. Rahedt in W K - , F* , W , 0 ' ** I dislidatialy9wrorad, paupin dcIn-r6-fti0I**iNiz", 6 1-grats I i"mil * ­ 9 one. Arik roargtocion It Adt fitirtbol., I L-11,,coln .,;aid-. -A.Iiiry good wiotaan, It"s tract incist; peop1q. but aoI thtt the 9101mli4, 10 thfift &M E s , t" Ift Inin. fteltatiatirri4mobt. Pre0aritidonl 7 minlstp�r that you need. Yozi, rate Is the xatmos, to gow York . � *bt@k b not a 6nd WL- 1 7,, L ' . Thi;4 -Wffue vol't ft 0- m- "" i need a, grioe�,r,, and the President poointo, east air 'or oth6t, 11 DBAY, MCAILL & LIBBY" CWCAGO RON no __ 7k,:, Worlif's 6rtafest Coterers. ?� Fvlad,Z riaw 16� of Is to 20 a ",_ 10 ,t and further recommenUtloh j&Guld be , ,- a &461dod U*ak , took ,n. card oat or 'his POAP 1*4114ri. Tb% ' Otirv&Wedt Caroonimt P. 0. bim im ,�Liw Of"'Havrr? -Amm aporittr*4m; gave� her an order -tot $25 worth of doiaght. lWorybody will toll 'ton it .Tolkat#"� , v 'to, ' Z" 0 a _a&a*Xjar' : bAdd[ fttL'jr"'Gjrt -1 . .... .. . ' provislons;, . ! t It, . to thd 1116ort , , , � ___ �....___ . .- m....___ I Wise Ways of Women. No 11 prizeB " offered with common soaps will long tempt the wise we - man to use common soaps. The I wise woman soon. sees she has to pay, dearly for "prizes " in the low quality of soap, In the damage com- I mon soaps do her clothes a:nd her 1 hands. The wise woman considers her health -so soon ruined, If she were to continue breathing the steam of adulterated common soaps, The "wise woman recognizes the dIfference between such soaps and Sunlight Soap -Octagon Bar. 212 ----,---7---- ",--.--,-- VoIcatio's Freak. During the recent volcanic erup- tjoin at Martinique a strange pheu- orme-non was noticed at certain min - oral springs near Prague. The water first turned brown anti then red, re- tiaiming this latter color for a rim hour, Scientists are unable to ac- couint for this sudden change in the water, but those who reside near the spria-gs are certain that it Was caused by the voleanto and do not fall to polat out that a similar phen- ontenon was observed Lu 17rZ on the day whem there wme a terrible earth. qn�ke Let Lisbon. __ ISSUE NO. 36, 1902" -,--- , ___ , ­ zD17014nox" "TRINITY" THE LEADING . Residential University OF CANADA Valuable Bursaries and Scholarships open to all STIJDLII�TTS ]IN ARTS without restrictions of sex or creed. TRINITY COLLEGE ................. Residence for MEN ST. HILDA'S COLLEGE ...... Residence for WOMEN For all Information addrpos- T. 0. STREET ATACKLni, M.A., LL.D. _41NdMVMw,dVVMMMWiMwMNW""� Z-1 !�_ *A % 0 11: . Educoation i Uessrs. 01. 0. Richards & Co.: I Geutitemen,-In June, '98, 1 b ad I f (3 r t- h e H o m . e oay hand and wrist bitten and ! I badly mangled by a vicious horse. I I suffered greatly for several da*ys I -0 I Lnd the tooth cuts refused to heal, I j; ;4 _ - . Lintil your agent gave me a bottle �_t 5;. D -f MINARD'S LINIMELNIT, which I t I To educate in thatruestsense began using, and the effect was . - for the home is, in a word, the magical. In five hours the pain had I distinctive [dent of Moulton Col- I - ,eased, and in two Weeks tlr� � wounds had completely healed and wc lege. my hand and arm were as well as t* ever. Yours truly, 1 �-2 This school for girls is fortunate I A. R. 'ROY. I I in Ito equipment. A large endow- ' Carriage maker, St. Antoine, P.Q. �j a.. ment accounts for lower charges 1i - -, — ; 1 than would otherwise be possible. . - Police and Stottlach Alike. * A French writer traveling in � �� Address the Principal, Mrs. 5 Russia. sends home a, clevor mot o f tf Wells, for calendar. a Rue"a official. The writer was I complaining of a remarkable and supsiclous; dela:r In his mail. A let- ter sent by him had taken fivedays I to reach. Paris. The official Raid Z. ;�: MOULTON LADIES' GOLLEGE "'Tho delay Is deplorable. It Is ;t with the police as With the stom- :t Torontoo Ont. ach-wUen one to aware of It Itis .. worklag badly." - - __­ - - - � ­ - x1altations abound.but tolsistupo zo;i totudezlts enrolled tltegenutuel'Ttte.D.4�l,,"bteuthoI lutor. out year -172 you "The D. & L." l6a stood the test o"f!I ALBERT I'AdIss, IL?kd 180 you'll Etcures.., italmitationsarelmitotent, "'I'll,, irtiou Twomal D. -h L. Is madt, by the Nvell-kuilwa Dr6vIs & tto.'&,bolarshtX,s, yat. Lawrence Co.. JAd. COLLEGE, u*$160ahtilt'll0virom at dt tirtmoutAt ex- BELLEVILLE, OIJT, ams., Not. It Didn't 5latter Anyway. lNew Plpto-orgnti. Pa. The following explanatorY 110tO ftc- .tie 51: 'in 11. .. 61111A,toano racont. added. Suporlorfacill tit, lallooklee bit, � oomIxItuled a Liberty, Mo., ,yOua,; Y, 33-d - KrX hy.il"utten antIM. : "MY stest cultum '0 colly1tg,& buildhills. 11 XKN%t%r lawals wotidEng gift to a frioad " dear girli-Tou wilt find, In the box I "" I , * "' 0 ""' al,"SymonAtum sud r"Idenc* bewted by & thingamajig. whZeb has bumething el'Ask Ant 110ted thl'OughOut by 060ttldi�e. orans be- I Will arm n 9 OPL 0, 19-02. tween a harpoon, anti a hayfork. It I Jr*r Illasizattill circular ,nddresm =y. be t*r opearing Pickles Or stack- PRINCIPAL Dysit, D. 0. (mg chopped calobage. AnywaTi, yott ol — __.______ will bo So haPPY th'Ll 701A W011"t .tt*th MAR. Cam,." i — DK -it OPEN$ SEPT. Milt, 1202 A tborn Ugb coogw_o�fft. stops tho Cough I (114111t stite. torftlat raue. and Work* Off ths Cold. L � IES WrIkefornswesklendigria L4Lt&MvaHrotnoQ%oWs,6T^b16W tiatiiI $0. K. Ji. MCMILL, In ON# 44Y. Naeurs, No pay. Pdat 23 Aisaw I'Miditfit, st, C'Ittlial., lEck,ofit, 11 on ILE GE u6suolk %ki# P4,ltiot. HOW A PERSON IS DROWNEM 11 �. - . I— I — .1 1 1111"� It Is. A trogilikey to supposo H* nities, _. 11-1 - Thrleo to theburfaeo. I y AD it Is a very tommon; lwlid tb!%t a I . I I . &�Owtivg nl,,in nlngt nceesq'Iraly risa� I WEDDING � I 10 th" r,trfilao thrce tUuej6 no tuore � ;,�­`� I and'luo lem, befora he tati postably 1AWGIS ; I dWW%lo 7,jrre 18 11MO grOlItAl f6t tlaW I I I . izz;;;� I I I mppodnon. although at ham bwa siti, I I ! . .� � �- I : lit laost UnEvcreally buhlevea in for gtm. my t.r. *LlIZIALeterig � tilt BI 14 that & � - WA h*ft %a Ity W91. I , Craton& Tab trat dtown- , tau I to Ing 90aon I lully FAnk Itue; first U'aft i ; Ve iniftut'lettlirt tw,-� , . 10 - lNeXtr to .rAo a.galt's or h6 rat'.LYN ULN ` ho Indetd doest in the map'tit'r of glyles -4ht WiAt dilft OV14 1 - 4, , . case% ris�nr lhreio tUftc-8 nb4L'V.1G III# " t!iV"f4WtM.-'k6VA I , 4, L I SiOX4 tbreyitr# � ; Litut It velto Psipulat. , � , - it all dopeuds upon the quantIty ot , Ir . , , � 4V 0 1 jSk.ja0%t1,i%+4M1tft*ba . nkq a I 0 raze of bqg lanta. T -7,L6 ; I dit'-de�11ft. &t4ca,land A. .1-1. h . I � 04;mlt� � � = M 0 I, .. --. .10 tho 1I are I W ve I 162;g ��,�ielr_.__ - -6 - , .., a keops hno hft abo, the var- I � -� d the wa-ter he Can ftwtit W8 : lip Without having to WOV0 hUtcl or - - 4 - He I � , 14 R r6ou � ,A B , OSE K ENT001 � a gilt A# 1gooft as a jo-rson altks 11,J . � L itit.11,10.tIM :i, I , t ,.. 04 , - *tU"go to *' gwp# 6VA ft"i I�A a quan"My -oor i I ftlh� . If "" V 1IM WAter. It artrr he bag "IWAUdwed the to i , watia, he ba P any q1r left Im hts lungs L r - , .r - - 56- STWI , . hio Will tMdoubatedlY f1t§,e OgAlin Odd , .1 �� 6140*1 . -, " _,,,4 , . will tIollftfide, tO Ank andi tlwt) altqr- 11 11 - I r, 1 � , nal-ely" ftftUl all fte air is expelled . I—. . , �. . - - I . , r ftvm ht# laftge, When hF4 will &own. 1. � Ito moe, tfts8a the frightene4 Vietita C4 iiji shimMent qWaUO1;IV8 etozig"11 ; ,. 1- , �­ . wa;tee Vllev he fif9t sinks to leavei',' 141840411JURVIIEW's'"N " - . t 1, X=gzfy GIG5AkC,,ka! *&&mt! � I �.... W. - linm In ft 1#ory exhatzgted 'eakdMon, z­%-4�-*4,*i*. g., 4--Aiva �,A to I aft i fr*Lk - btit A* Vic -±e Is stm tral. left ltl rbust "Aft.waftim"it'ZisIty,tokt-u�tu 44 1� 1*Ah*i&kV.!& MWAOOR &-it.: I .,. , _ lk,*t�!_ - I' t 'Ci�"& 1i to CR-111ft-5 $1 I otakrads, Z%!�C.�&Iu. kleh tjtfti�4 lla4 alnkrj . .S� 14294 ,he woon f LMd§ Mffl&�?lf on the F",-Iqil",�rit'v�Ar,twtalbk::**L..,O.vw,% - I - , U.9,�ut!t,-#If,*Itt.-$;Lrz�tiail*t.lvI 1� I I I , koweven 1*6 Fpapiply df air It his , Vj,tjr, *AjokftjsjjstW�,tq."aj,u*,jI � � ! langat pows, losar nntla ,QIn*1t'-Lq- '? . � I there to ro Ionxiell aafWent to sup, Sir* W,ttkl_v Mev alaa *otmea 1.* port 16M. I ­ ----'-'L+-- Hout Fide SAtary. ft`Prtv,-Qtu!5 0403tdlil Itg6g"Its. So=-t4i ftavel, of!-eris for 10"90 *Otk. rmp:a ptamo- I- __ , � Ta TO Ps' ,, , d vrob - -I �ttt flkab t�t tton aild Inereask- of qg"4427. V16LI imtllo t Aft Chase'st CqlljT,L'1ntT#se,-±'htL;jj Mento Z.6%r bEMatt 11tes'. B�Ftt prlatsi OR atd alifthftei ftte tot e*dh *StabUs`�tJ 5-jOu".. I V , S", and ererr f(*m o� fteaimw, LINSCOTT PUPBLISVING CO., I I W,eaftg1%r,dPrd,T11dt% , r'He% Tioroat�. � tho tMq-dt*ctt%re­g h6ve 9 . 'elte* ut�o,bisUibthedealrpTiesF,=datkyourne*h- INPERIAL MAPIX SYRUP. bots*h6fth0t,hibkofif. YoUcaWdsalt-And, out nmVej bNek If nrit CUN�d. I I The quaAlty 1§fandara from "carg fvli I I, Bra". -xid. I I Ma A', Ocexa- Y,ourx-ior,L%ybacT.Itiaotest,sil�,to!,4r 1� erg *rEZDMAXa01r.R1KT'n3 & db - . I ROSE & LAFLA-_dF,, Dr;0hase7s Ointment A, mts,Uontttial.. n ____ _—, — -- - --- — .- ­­­­­­­­ j . ...... �� 'A , I . Are - If gs cri., 40 F:;* M *041 9: ' I � I * . � . 0, - I 11 Y WiM relieve them. Opant IIS X)Ur P-dre, P'eatatt and effectual. 'OPENE no -ter made an ft* ( emy. Tired, weak, sore. watery-, over(Torked, jtehjiig6 r"I".. I Smart-11it, burning ,I�ysg woll soon 'be 'as! good as ever b'r islos 1 tiging opn-�,F_ _ ' S... j � %. No taks, Absolutely- as represented. Every home aboAlt O �t b-t-ve 'OPIONU. Romit 50 cents to our okddr6ai and rftetvt r1ol ? a bottlo Of OPENL)g. This 011,014P. Co., Wilodstitick,� but. Al V60 .� 11-_ ....... �. "" _.. - - -----------­---­----- ____ --- I .... I ­_ ."i I ! I" : L " IL 'ri -1. � !"! I � "' . UY 8 ­-, Ex B. �tD' '' - E. I . TUBS, PAILS, , . WASHBASINS, U.0 I , Are for -sale br OU firw . clWM do&lbrdt. � Al *rMlAkI&