HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-08-29, Page 7I I .1, ! � . . .# . � ­_______ I I I I I I I ---- I --- — ROU naid sto-nes. I knew what a pretty and ta';L- myself orr, spepdlag� the In- 0%C,r,-,02**0�-.0- I I - 4 1f=C,011"-XM00 1, I little nook there was at the top, just terVaj before MY guests' arrival In ==tMoorr �,=**==00=00W I I ,, I the Place where a lovelorn. mald schooling zn,y�elt for the approactling I � would dellght to make a nest. The ordeal. I � '' �_ . . - path, grow steeper than ever to- Tile firet to arrive on the fifteenth t�' WHERE UNCLE SAIM � � I o ty ward;s the top, and led suddenly to a were Lord Edgar Norm o ) . aaL a and Mr. a r *;f4M0V44,-6zW1 *V.k 4M grewsly 11011low, one wall of which was lilchard 1,7ut3sell the latter, anxIous q 9 - inaccessible ridges on Of Mink and fashion, 'R , I 6, . 11 a Perpendicul grey Cliff, broken by to alak() the nIO;t of Ilia annual taste a a having lain in jo GOT HIS WATER CU i� 441�k &A -;iv which sleader little birch trees con- � . 10 1. wait. fur 'Clio former at King's Lross, .., � I . trived to grow. Ou the opposite side Ind Insisted oil bearing hill) company ___""�+=­� . I . the mossy ground sloped gently, and during tile entire Jourikey. I met them . , leftetjl�4� 40 the wild rabbits scurried . about at BallaTer station at L,,15 in the af� �. A P,evival of t6e Old Torture Chambers of Spain. - -among the stumps of fallen pines. tornOull, and was sorry to bear from 1, I Aa I had OnlY 9004,e( a few srteps along Edgar, wilo never looked otherwise _-�-c-�zt=o==O=*=Cct�CO-Icc=*==Cc*.,-� czzl= . V01W Azm,� ff"Wtv I . the soft ground when I caught the thall thEl Picture of robust health, and (Belleville 'Ontario.) lips, galne-standing that eager ScUndolfaftht girlish voice;itcame wnO ULLS, moreover, getting fat, that The Civill4ed wotILI was recently crudealty, . f !, froin the mimiature. chasul at the he was far from! well. shocked by the discovery or the hor- Whereat the Aladide, inraLging, get � foot Of the Cliff, I wondered who "I tell his lordship that he should rld cruelty practised by the Ameri- my teeth asunder with *�, go-,yro,of the child was talking to, But as I take rowlag exxercise. Nothing I ke a oall soldiers, on Filipino.prlsomers in iron lug JH " I came ilearer, hearlmlg no voice but good pull everly day on the river t cadges, det&7n .t %to ,, heire, , : loreadIlng keep LL 111till III condition 11 urged Mr. formation concerning their 0 In- at every several tarx. ,, A': Inn000ly hers, I supposed she must be, 0 order to force them. to d1vulg aload. Fussell, who was fifty 00111- and manually, w�hereat u,PPXI­ 'Illy - ---- �Uclles round patriots in the lield, by the use of a I � 't, =__ "Oil, no, Roderick," a,t last I was what had once been his waiat, and hungerolunged bottle *axing A'rea, , _* ----�-.-.-r--".-"-.---__.__,,______,... ___ ­ t torture which Came to be called the grew Drum- Me Imbolete-red, for i t I- --- close enough to hear, 411 love you Who seemed to radiate health all(l "water cure." Tllo unfortunate vic' being a suf1focating payne, In i 6- .&j ssiona, clY, with the love one happiness. tiran were strapp,ed to the ground CUO knows but once, But It Is impossible They informed me that gard to my head hanging do.wuc- +*+*++*r1110*rAVA?**+ Pa YO Fablain. and water poured into their months ft . — " for me, to do. as you wish. , speak Scott had also travelled up by tile ward; and the water reingorging.it to ma of your fattier; you urge upon night till they were almost strangled, This selre In Illy throat with a Istrng- 4V _­ wall, buIt In another cO)21- repeated at Intervals iliflicted ter- laf,g­* EXIm E _* me that lie would forgive my lowly partmeat; so I went to meet tile' rible au!fering upon the victim&, ling force; it strangled and 8�ral- 11L f ,,+ birth, that he would welcome to his train-, which came Iluto Ballater at American Ingenuity -,vas given tile lowed up my brea,thfroln yo'%IlLn-g W 1 RAI ameestral halls the � 14ok wom-an of your 5-50, and fouad both- Fabian "credit" of Inventing LL 1IONY method and groaning, . + Lqx3x IT . _W L 43 ChOi,00, whoever she might be. But Maurice Browne dikzputiag lof torture. The American li,eoplo And now to prevent'.my renewlag *..P * do not forget that I, too, have pride. ILI,atlY thwat they had forgotten. to I would probably regard tile practice griere (for presently my lleart;Jay- that 1, too, have a duty to perform .get OWL. Fabian had indeed taken Infinitely more to the discredit of loth and forsaketh me) I will 'Only -.-- . to my rp�nl,%" Then Came a change advantage of the ,stopping of the, their nation if they kulow that their briefly avolich, that between ;Dach 4P 4p 4110 -At. 40, + 42-0, . of t1liefun ort of practical paren- train to stride up and down the Con- I ,army offIcialshad been guilty of Im- one of these .seven circular cha�rgas & .Jtp 1, . ++ 4*4%J'J� the6lai, hurried through quickly like fined area of tile railway carriage,, Rating a method of torture practised I was aye re-examined, each exam - 1% . a st,ge dl ... tion: "I don't mean my geatieulating vl()Ie:'ItIY with his in the days of tile Spaui&h Inquisi- ination continuing hairs, an hc(are; $010metInles I would see the two "Whio is the happy object of the fattier, of course, because he was so hat -box, rug, gunl alad various other tion, the barbarous clever that lie had to think of his ancou�jjid r nature of which each half houre a. holl of inferfiall I betweene each toribent, -her, the col- Young lady's preiereaeo?" I asked, art and wasn't like a fattier at all," thiely could only have travelled to- I reached tile acme of human cruelty. & long di.stance of llfa.-qaolling tilue. climbing up a bill togot trying to C� ed trifles. I guessed til -at ! has ever been looked upon as having palne, and IjB not moxe, sure-moted than the tbol�,gll speak ia -it tone of badisiage, Then her tone became senti- gether from Aberdeen, for there had I In il indeed I �hought Babiule, mental again: " my mo- � t the possession of Mr. E. ' But H. Thus I lay site houre upon the ssed, there much, too YouaW and too Pretty to tiler -mamma been no bloodshed. They !lad been I Farrow, local manager of the Bell Raeke, betweelil fours a elocke-,.A&f- , bi worthy to having a little diacussion. on real- I Telephone Compally:'-s busIness, Is a wouldbe a gTeat waving of handker- ,I bestow even th-e most make-believe have all tile IV I ternane and ten a clolckiimt at I ealtb* of kings ism In art, or which Maurice Browne ' ver3' old and tuilque volume, e which., I night, having had Inflated upcfi we , affection on. any one north o'Tweed, showered at her f.et. 11 Is beautiful, was .111 ardent disciple, They were besides many other strange and ill- I three scare seven, torments. Nteyer- chief and Wagging of tail from some e S I i high cairn. t4i, sho,M me triumphantly � or South, of it either, for that mat- and clever, a,n(I g,),Qd; Xfr. Maude - still hard a,t it in te.rnIs unrit for i teresting int I lents, gives the writer's i theless they cuatinued. me a. large how much more thew dared than 1; tpx. indeed evervIiatly, admires and loves crottIng On c0mliiQisedf.i some hundreds "'t's one Or tile -Young Dunc' UnRll at her. NO, lt6derlick, I will 11 PublicUtIoll WILe!a I mounted tile; experience wiLij this Ijentleal "-wat- I'lialfe, houre (after all my tortures) ot allow SteP uIld put my head in at the win- � er cure, I although it wa-u not known at the full binding; where my bod. of feet belorw. I was -dways rather Fir Lodge; the pretty -looking lad Illy mother to become a inere mother ' 'r uneasy for Vile Child, wandering to With tho curly fair hair." In-law." - dow. Excitable Fabian, w1th his by that nanu-. The book, which is 1 being all begore& with blood, and . Arloum, and very valuable I cut through In overy pakt, to the, I LUAe 41, little "Iloeh!" Of disZufft- The pathos of tile conclusion up- with. "P.Xotle filth." shook- my ]land in the) eyes of an antiquary. was if crushed amd braised bomes, I pitti- these lonely heights wid along such keen eYea still flashing Indignation' a family he unfrequented rolatte without any. A great freckle-fac-ed lout of a boy get in'? gra-vity; I oanwe close to the till lie broUgh'IL on companion but tile (log; but -1 knew him: I remembered, too, edge of the pit and looked down. ,partial paralysis printed at Loudon In 1632 by Niel,. fully remained, stil roarlug, how;Jilig, her matiler, witli tilp'G,1d 111consist- that tit(, Dummus had joined heartily A The little maid was not reading. but Of tII6%t mpmber, while he fired a ia,st olas Oakes. it gives an account or � foam1mg, bellowing and gnashing -my ency which breaks out in $)lot into Ilia less erratie oppone t the writer*a travels In foreign coun- I teeth with Insupportable cryes6 be - tile best i in a scandalized murinur, tar -off was sitting, by herself on a tree- *.No, kir," he protested vehemea�;_ t ries In the eariv ears of tilt eev- I fore, the; pl naes wore undone and ray ar no danger to the - A�fk"Undg Of which I X - Of us, could fe� had rpached my trunk aulong the stones, with the dog leep on thp edge of her t nth eentu�i, in the reigm of i body loosed. cars, at tit(!- enornifty of my bring- " rrdck, Ilv- 3our good faith-, nor tho�so Kill James L, iwder tile title of I True it Is, It passeth the 0apagitY ,girl from coarse peasant Or steep k Y, "I 11011Y nel her your at, entee I I Cliff, white Against %hp wilfis or tile 7 Ing pla.Y-arting folk �0 MY HighJU.1141 1119 In a -world of her own, and hold- ,;.rcll,�ll 9 welt-dreased she crat lier strIetly on ' ing collverse witit tile PeOPle there. the ,saine OI)jV -- 6__ , "Tho Totall Dia-ourae of the Rare ol man, elthpr sensibly to coacelave seraglio. With lery few wore words � master; but I avis . .etion tothelIc.tIon . Iler guaWL As for the ehild, her- ' I 444 Mri;. Ellnipr, miarls, pat oat than X crept a,wa,v a& quietly as I could 9 of I Adventures and paintull peregrina- .1 Or I pa;tIveiltly to express ther in- selt- I c0tdol kAII!r tell 1wr to I)j�� . ; vart.41 to sl,.ow. Htkjvol, er. aftc.r look- alld Irout back Itome in, an am spil. your fiellatil. as worke of art, as I tIOUR of 10119 ululi'Leele Years Trav- , tollerable anxiet-v of miad and af- carerul of her foot!ng (on I Ing .4ngr:l.v at the A-laudoiWadroas In I but rather rapt u should h3v(- to thi- performance of a I Uylev, from S.-ottanj to VIP Most I fliction of bod.7 G that dreadful time, �, urowii state; th "' Via,%' Writtkin, by Cripples for cripples. I Fam011s Klumlome-, Ill Europe. Asia I I sustained, VralgehiliLrrm,14 tho a,1.,,Q,tr.I19_,_&-11. th` drgrivlo Poll a little ,,vl4jJp time I saw my god e UL . ­ ,. . (less, though, she pv�ttleiit. thok 1110st dan,,gerous or I I-apiw 1% rempixxb4�ri,oj that %lie wa,9 devouring, slt,ee after slice of It WWAU IY%n Oariuslt.v. bir,altd, migiv, - und Affrlua," 1-te., W Willitim, I.W.11- i It Is Interesting to reflect upon our lillgher Ifills ; to tell. fier not to) antatIM VI;4 of my four oddl.%, .tssort-� breatt.,kit4l J�km witil pros.tic 1,Avenous- attract crowdii or inark,14-minded peo- gOw. Who dedloatez- it !,.I tilk- quaint I tile singular coincidence tbat-the i: ed frarn4gi wari dito illitlain a montho Ikelis al. tile Litellea dc)o,r. Iflls, cripplea -, but It would be - lariguagO Of the Wul-As to the tli-n forin or torturo Inflicted upon their rtep .1 108' by Spaniards in -the benighted w whitherw,lover her faiticyleal , 1% at Own I slawlEd have r.oinp- 9 Idin .-tl Istle to KIUF, Charle.s. LitlAgrow vialted Me.- I days of the seventeenth century has, vratidc ple. lopsil, her would ltmvp k%plo4g IMe waraing 4 alld thl, And 1 4xvincluded that at foll UOAO 00 S a 4118=118tillg Und dP- reigning "vertign. tile martyr�d foes �n, gr I I v6 lo'talr not tow 010"N't 80 10-11 Iva thp ,resting to eevup.y Day Oven with a fa -Q4% like a flower and a ,tail trzith, to agme In �Spalu, whoro- ht, wao thrown' been repeatetl by the Amerlcan6 In ", 1%inr, wors. 111TV tar ; Plilall4ti011, I'll I vl�y. 0 � mind than tho flirtat4oni� " volee, like, .1. birgre, " �, . larl'a tile fee- - h ,i nc a eftillp wel .v * ' ki le in , love OUO Wit irtmN Victorloom and vice van- � illto prIson by tilt- orlivers of the In- I this gelilightened twentieth century* Zben as lovo!e.v -, ra�i .%III I Ziez.%n. (4 4114,1VOIJ. "And after that.' I aill 14lit"w-i I t til'Ace" awl perfect peace, � I are not Ineomp. ama would, be as da -y ! (111161tion, ab a sp.% " t" M."'I'll'o "I tlllgl% I '41',klli Spi, jiff olf,j Of rahlo quishfilo U1010dr. *.ke any on won"114 to) t�r,lvw 4111i, t I xtible thloNs. of 116lug Jazars, Y O%I what was unt!) recently Spanish ou 3.% A. ! $OlI I 11%_J 1#0011,11 , for a little 1111tO 141ght. 'With milrit,; gittlined to whoul the�, deel4o, pill a *111ereti-lae, and upon rprmer subjects of R -'srouhl hear 71a.zta-h tirv,l stpp � %,"11�;�,z ;, a, .agalit a Inn" . CHIML11. 1Xl, low tilopJ41116. 3�o�ww S"pIc for lo.'YoKilig and a1x,h.(,nvm.v at tjwp Uolly .,jpa; . 14 ble Itatt omqlsloll w4�� 11vttiv. ;Inol 1 , * till. Llemobroi eau reartin .a. I " veratchilre m �%y okltttlir,wltjl��,,, 1141rP URW t1w.V, tf)-4s. are timitl 44 it. b#IL WAS Fitbitill .'�A-uLL wito, b " tlkillgef. ;M4 degraile tilt-tu still fur-, Clatholwka Churt,tl., lip -vvaki fol,epd t" y 1�1�, profess, leg 11 C,Svo plice '!to) A 111lto-tvillo � athel C,O We hilant avold any wreltt,h tow 1; t k I a r �,'Ne ther Illy .v4olr trp;ttawimt. Yom bave a =o borrible torvires, ,tnd tile � n snifflaeg Vn- breall. agolit than UID'y other SlIT-1141)"I. or philo6oplip" I .141WIt 0 ' $1 X la Ins 411b.piption or the QUE-ER, CASE OF HYSTERIA. - � . . x1ld tWiJusit"', w 1"IL'I atoq kallaminte , to�vr till, b.*o,;tk till,m ,pli,k% " , t.1r. bolt it is th IV r1cie to lot :Wlr �-4. lr�jfl,fil w,lafti't ; V IaWit 001ito I kolmv, aad, 411A 4114% HIV little eirvIi! or fv'6&.11�1,i. f,.%t.d [1,111104410t�� of t1w lsog." W%ttf1r ettl*,` t4o.P. Iluntlrt.4 ,l,,eard — the date or tlil.ir Vp�trj%l 1,"Lilit� _k,% arlo; it- ,torklint Icentl" W.lig %or t!'e",, 41,�14 filLp W.',l�[litj_ %hilb9P. I ftilh girtt tk hati aottor villne (To bo coatlaup,di Tho -n by vom;ujisj A s4ir.,s at extr. ary events PIP to tr4l,* 1;414rt1a=r40,T 'IrAli.t OW% UN,M luto for Me. �tt ;vny ,rate. ."IN rc4.*t!ntI,v t(.�ok pl.tee ,%t Itodez, - trot . Al ft$*;: l bOUR as i4f. laWl" Ellow-li to tilt- titow ___ . of t?jb� jIl,il, � , Urst day svl,�Ion lip %iollal-1 ll,,- Irrp W�As Illy %14'11114 li.r, hody tal ubvne. , vl,,!iol�A­4 ki doirm givitig 4i rr.*�%�It. ,, �wtt'o` 40 �, 4 - tillo 4n01-.6-fw%hkrrkP,11I4 1111,%t Frareo, nl,,M-; lutwol v&!*.tvd ,wrlde- 4, 3�,_ alt'll oolivr.-V da.v r4n, % Wopk after. I buMallolNe I C.' -P ro-M. and :tot ont' SHIABOWE'D Ak RAN'K "ITILER. . . and upoll'tho fill'il, of tlie, 11ah,ke. Irith, 1010 IV 1140.1 !loop ilto,14,V1 tr;,o, , spread Interest alliong all CJa,q3Q'0' "'a- 'D. , , 2 I limp a, nipt "15.1i,,4146. aull olivr.,,� COM0 or thful Im"I ew)r ,yq My Itend ojowuu .""'l ,� a rtireh all I - . ilt falaied tap. — ' - '"'OV -1' "vgtlllzk TLe etruntuRtLGees win's thoroughLV - 11 U-04,01 hale. my belly llpmoAit an -I 'wato " .%V��s Q,t I'al'All, , 'll ,* �,�'4004411 %krultv alto Enie? ..Par .ghing riat tol"ilifyin- Roo,litt W a "Slouth's a '01 .t� ,It to fi,un<� a ­ IIJ ati-Armod h.% tftv SWOPRO40 01 . itivc.stig'ated by a rZ,prPsentatIve of *I. wo ti,m r,pt-t+�po,; tlMloo- ro'V,W� 4") Ille %,r C- 15M Or .4L 4 My llevlw ulm.4vi toll.tra til'. to ) Abona., anel. Vo,pjlA�,�- 14 ntfil who,ro a ..!;V4ol4 wo wo da,v an 11"vostlgAtion of Qlv�rlr Dotage. I . almo. out lern- wo X. am19 Jour.i.d. Ttm scene of the PMIQ1903 ,gsu` *v# 31oz !.6­�,or �vwotltl, rolit"t'm iaF�6_* si;lfi . !44,011 Ill$' vtoiofohu�,. "� t�,�,p toll"..1tre.tt . Of 4,120 2401L * Au.v hogs and arm. Ila— all - P. 14�akl'J. ltroll�! I Oc�c, ; V'. . " I !.v- 1,66a aH Sort'? �4 elw.rj. A,-, 41"AW21 a's.."Irlb-4.. umv Taoll�fitslpd 0Lt1Irrcue#18 W.ts the orpham asylum - � . 44" 4#0, lolwan Mo. 9o.4-..,,..he0l1V0V W"At'La I'll, wal4 Joll't.;Umi,� -wlt,UA 9410we. 4,nVWz ojwWv�- , 1, & C"'. L'4o It nq .�� t,��111 v"".�, Vo!gnDaJJoa."l,4 'g.,�­._ a lain frstv. i . jvj",c 1,11q,prg all 1 o,,%y4,jj, to b,jt% N .108slw alit h y , %, ... s 01 1�rezet, livar L. -, I t e - - �"qa, t�!44�l * L" L% , � A, 'Vlo, I'L-A of the outwvar'l lilw Sol??, for now 11'"s vonearned a montillor of 01-19 asylum, _. auta ,�'J% . k go, V r�,A 1 4a. ", � , `Z` t t% 4kj.�� U,�QTT.Jo"J !� *,.�alqjj�gilq,4 JUTO�l L , _c, e'v't. .441to hvap Von, - -T1Q_s=1C: hN V,4�41 to,, � , I � 11 "Voe new,4 lot ulo tnorv-14 nPrAvaN xnz!ul I il �,J,g kul 4�mwvly iwii,i ulie. t by malifte ..;Nt,or ,,�alnt-V!euret. Wile VW004 lle,,*�,,Iq hil, *',t'T,'V.F"J, t.I.T Z . .ILJ ',l A � . � , t � tollowing is tit" rpsult of the in- , * C9 .t �'"�jtr ,,114 tl.ato %Lqtp �Jt tilf! Jg&!J L tt), Illrk­�Ve My Inafm tortuonts ItIlrau-Wo utc) C,­Iz da,z; 11rud9v f4!a"'k`4' r0ak'�-pl 1111" *'Jv,% el 111'4- Tv�o ams dj;,li tik" prj,,_�jdmut ol a Now Airli'at a 110'aa1v up lulek-�. is IV' at - 91; -iff-o" a ioringer, and nfti.a Italtv Uli"Ut"g, *.-_6 vami, zl,Lipjo�t.a 311"'fir, 1"i"'! bq'nC Ul)r na A' �),Jld Sal 1 4or �'z fitool, hy V�e V6,412 dt_V,,ltn1,pd vest,lirazatilt, lobtalined trom abso- "PA.: 4 %110illa telt . ­ %904u,ti z%doi,apAill on Wf� anr,lasa 90%,.alrd .w. One alor"ita L "I" IfIt".51 �V, w, . � -j z1horl, a4h ii�q to Imetit",%, a" T ,I `�;Ilrlll _nssro uu.D,Uver?wr , U " tp, 2 th"it bl. 'It Aill � ka % 4vro ria!�i w.omeV Idligy d0%'hnWaw,�J;,. E�� �s IwAada 1): V,jreo bltelY QrMitabito swzr,�Ds and, *: a!vd) all'up, UT ar,iiof�#.",J. ,I jq,,'�,�t .t No"� n E�­ to �-161 IM40 ff,V41% aclun;j 111n, z"mag �1 kWbq",xz a uos)L-, DAt4"j?o, C01 04%39�A %',,',,# "�, 1� , , , ­ - Qtlo;o Wa l", r. C�';,AAAAT i5l a tl") , VC1 V, .,W as,.41mzant tsiller, "Vilto PLIVIRes of 1�ttvtw­. tw, t1talost ;er,d w140. It" 9,riaruhtt'��* I 110 eftrt)P-t- , , L' U14v *,i 0*32tjltpg� z,adgo ; arie.�;vtkvl zz� "O tvwv w6gl_ wlVell 4a- 0 dillxf-r Uno h�l,l f -P, %0A fill V ftq�14,jL,I�w �,�� 'Asp L.10,1� , a, 7- Wh,0'l,q,0f '49 kivio-ii zmu lll. ttill att,ldc�� t" 68, A,%. . arp�l ,vq U�,. hilptilaw." uwlev C�vull. -NHVJJJ4f.'­� too tqto4��Vro�, -j,., #,',�=W'194 � uiomd !lF,T4 %5#.AzX. 01"Ahn LAW 1,�igo t�f,w,ij, Till l%ullo, I'll"48"A',ol, % _i,, illrtnk,n�,. .1all t. hia �-littwc,,J t1f,"IN �Pl totla 01VA-l" 4 IM bil �U,14 walrow. and"o tjV� Ti.mrs'o IL44 lv�pa zit, "'", . . � t(V,oL;. ala -4 ­ Aq�4 *, 1 r_U,vo 5-,,.,,,Aj,1� , 401 �-1 Wn %pre I.Aitt", fteial-I *A11A d0binhaWw I %V�tv thre" plal.k 7t91'w,-;n tor,vita,ol, --.,,ove :Feara 4�vlitq it I th,o ta ,l .", .4, Avinii " "kil", � 04�,,J ,,­J,,� ,400 �fqot "CLp,J4',, toj , tz - , , "'­ " I I , tjr,� aqvlaw tor IV,,% pal", t�,� . :,m.v tl,lu ,* wo, I L - 4"'o 4"j-4, 13 3�'�' � .,_,J -"Qt 'Japa rs * - pl! ,44.. 1� '43 tip, nor, -, QV 14 ua$ , 'i, ,!1d40Vv Mali. and to took dZIt � Mado 110 ." it ,�Igtevg, briglinrdq�- froin thep Can- , � il" I ro � an b" 0,"U,X tog kW, �1 i - J ,,,,I UIT"I"'I000 o'" �L'L V'�&t)'I# 1�­'041'�I_ fo,l. iT %a , , dow_P,L,ar4u.Nt v tj , "! r,mmu-v. who Is affrtetc-A .. ,i;l Q,�U­ [w.1st Q#T I ;illial�,Dd , , 43 1 ton , 1. . ft'�'� , 0, �U,v PA191i, 11tic'M Vlo 1EAi,i4_'.`1s�!- it�­Ut 0 rAftil- I 'o � g, '. I,! v;j 3, ��J- �m ,I � 4i?. wo�".Ip We ,," , I :1 !I 0 fit 111,cnal:h tic AVIV. '! ,uol of 'i j 141011190? WJ,� � . if L, - I - 3 I -0 atll"$p 1""'r ro'M. �-:D"'o- JI'L.4-ol "b" 00" g� P,"%� J :- ,:::'�"�lA�j'� ol`r',"4T).",l1�j$,4 �JJUL�U Jotp . 3 t1loa to ,;,i11f�,`p,!101,.,kP tA,oro�, %VW4 44, ", WVr,8 Ot !lrVi1,2gkc,8 WhtILA.0 " _ � U 1,'j �. la , t �,.T.,!i 041 i I— t­� t !"." M, "l?sVi ag 4#11! - U %, o -f- rll",! I � J"L,�JOT 0'41"l,p I I alalrl:04 was a Ejio. - I - man t,v a 1 , " . , j�ho r�eqtt!11";g t"'.0'm , —a-,if,ba-4 fill , - ! , 34 A� , Ilkl,,ve that she. is POO- �, .A. ,� ,�J� IV. won, an, .., t1,49g, ,it#411a! t t.­!:�.,1; .u� ,.,.­LJJ V.L.'il� �J 1,3,. L, q. 4ZI"t ,.�!_ _ _10 Ua Ai�;g�%..C; t.'eaa t n, t9m ­� lw�, foltol,w!�Qt4 mv -0�,u In%, U,vu,l 1',, 4. U� bL 4 a . - - ­ ��, I's- . I A b-11 , a D"Vain -ups Wir be ii, , ll, 1l*-V,.*At,1' Hu -s. La;M,,,0-. 9_vti-u.�,Jtio, �',sva 9 I -, . ol.41A SIP"'.011rat'd, �'n 'e8sgilAl 11P. J; tic,r watpr aniplor- '94 tld3t Eka�riq_, ��: ,u�, cdJ Ll,,j 4, �,�z�l,l .', j lf"V, T,jl,�PAA "I J r , , � �s '4004404- tl.ul,!" _T man. loiNim ,4&u �j? .i., :1 �.,j' 1��o-,,, _ __ I 'I opswd th-C., - 'nem'- % �, V a dp�,L _ .01 _J �- w6tA- .o !�:,�, to 10T , 0! - 341r#-�� ug, gei?,A 61'n- ��vq�, &4. N j'g,, TA V!!,; v f�, 9 - , %,4,�g coialugg 60 �i;"iv, kLOW-L.�3"to tvi 11-411 I CA— ,va W goas'A �011 al�jd.T Uri!" howa. bzat omw--4 %011) stnoatt vllardw fire", Lor. talle OZ1011n, IWN%4�rs of It lit) 'nevium. L L . Ll '02'arko '# iJ,&,-1nJ9r _ L't" .fl " .1 � "',l �, 631: � 61q,14" La u1nounad ,�aramlmq I , Sa,._ ,Ar!.',- .01 tq.',� EVIA'pa:&Stl�'q of 0, . tfl.lw �0:�#C,�;^ .V�_!�:Pll, L . �, . "i,,�lq ,7U , -0 1 4�!4i,'W,l 0. D'at, Vvi., C,�Uq tq­ ah-ga" -je th" �� �,��,�LJ,JiEjd Ja%, 1 .. U, " - al,i! nv- _ L . , " - J - - = ti I , � %., s,ttillnlrl Ma r4o, 4i, rU r dvJ4 mau'. � I 4 !1,,,-� we'"t kut.q el V-* t#;Nig,�� ,14, awl a _ 14kt�.'"t_l I - q - i 1; Pe!'ot-ji VLL "' �­i `q.k'l)1M 1,t�'Q- , 003.- `&, "hoib vanntry tua"e a Wa00- B, better ;.o*�Clo � � flV�Tj ,,,%�U,,,.C��o'��,I�. , juT � !a -,,,q qll.�,l,- 43x-� Ilia t*.A- umip --milti.lN, - 4, "I 0 1 01 . ,� S� j� - 1 z14 �­ffo"#,,,t5ia,Q� o, ,0 " �t Lqpa,ftfag 0 .,a ,,� %,j, _ ,I VLUa", 4�jUqjji tjlftoR .0 t I I �, U4� j,"', . - - ,- v. ;d'vio, �J " ,!,ttat IVIer finu� ol�, " r, , .� 41- �vllj ,7 11, ';l qw', ".Lt;,­'�' J��, 1.1 1� I L �. OT trp�?�V, 4a 11 t1Q . 'I - ,J, t�­,-. ��'Nuj crl,g :91,�'..avru V,Nfif.0j Al�, 1,,z,,ts,.,�0'9`�­T15 AAM44A'Atl DgYil. I ?"I MaV t`Za "ill"14fi" t1lll� 'w"Ll--ml he 171ab 112.Nt.11i. ,,0401.m�, z14- �,�Ie��% � k0or afruett'nil aa 4WIN vl",l 6"� " �=& Iiiam, 09 _�, ' �rj� � �:i�a�� 11]w e"1.4tT,-.A10 J*'A' ki-, t 1�eav! Va � old The -21,,eaa:�* ae_,ornn,4� 4 - s o L I f! L� � MCA g- S'_0 I VW4�,JUt t,00 t�',.'Ut- 11.0.ftnotor,% 4, %, IT �' � �;m,4;;e'. "' � -�L,"'A �., tLl'�"'A :,Vlrcady ," - kPi';1 t I S �;o V17- - _V0 tirl �, -,& I �, 51:_ 4`1*41-1 10, t, � "i I 4 v,v v k'A,t ."4 ta �, � .. . �Z 4"ti" il Lt F4, L " , e c.", - - , ", . -11 ; ft,olua.-Il­& ,"," .1 ll I ., *.g JLr.ftj' ' g Ja _j,., ,,�Pa- Vni, jj'�". " ��U'�__�', '1"� �, � "IJ ",,":_�i"'o 11 __ 0110 11lly, , - ., rat. 2011'.utt, US'4 tal - 11 I �,)bq!, ,1�1, ton� -'.n a- tr y'. 'Llv�� ,11 iO I - , , - ti!�, 1�t­a zusf. N mm My ., � o- e 49 Va. ,� �J. " +,�lp"J "I ttqllag��,,­' bVN1,P2l,vcg!! tk,p t1lo, so"UZVT y'. 9 Emu 't; Td -3 �t,,,,l W_ufd-t f Up tl� ­ t��&, Nfo"Lf�7ft e-, , tol te . _ a E'Jilr L ., vr-1 "w') 4, �� 6,,a.* t'at,U,�aE 11:l4rr, - - � ,,, L�,., Lt 1� 1�_":,.� _. -_.4;� Q3J* il�-,J,v; LOTAA,ttly, E�-L�11,f P"JIt"O Mn,OL, L'Vm*lkr�.- ;ALI�_,jqj rg�jrjo_ � t - vv� e2-7Tcq_ ��qo . ,L% _11b lax, i; _;a .k"', 2 I., �, � I . J t lat a vv�E' - 11 ol" ,,� ` , - jta.,U �.'tl%tqunt.t�q: . �, , 1, _t- !I"! & Kai ii�--d -, ELian 41 ILI)32l vaaul f--!Q;,&9r1fM1: I b.VL.drAJ§ ,1J1,1'N9,FM Tjbd� , �, 4 - I I E, IITAT-1� _-I- t:�e 'r,rL't.J1L1nC6 of ,ul �iltsmli P'."UrO _- q " *�( Ll' ', 1_11�, 15,,VV�. ,atL�-�� F'�'­!U, �J�'t'� �,,_,Jp�J, - -_ 11:af�­ 1-dV,.'1o. cam l, !i ti'Llurdk. I au'v"u !v",o4 VA, tra,li U4�iLl 'L 11F_,4 ­[,y d.",ir .els"t 9[!1"_tt 4r, ­, auvil 6'el,d6vto . L . _ . " N 0_1 I V.Fei . i�,, ka , . , a *ea'�d aur, , ,,,::,, `,:� "i k, � , c, D p""')��!_ I ey tW�ll-,, maii�L-�, watu smimp tm�Uft'J"� o: Ill t, ­Nt rwqt�(,�5 llh.�n �d �"q�I.Bvv.i-A-,, P Now trio _Vr,l,_!(a1­ C.,�.'OL a 0.0mu'l.N.; ov . tLP fintp�0r,=I!,mg at=0iiP"-.e'"e. Unt ' - 1111tJ . I - . � - 1�; ­,urcrlo,attNU and u.m11,3�, oso unt- , om-14, L� Pll,a.,. L -.-V-- - ­_ ­ nos�tP�-vz..'at-�Z,411 reaturvs are the J"' 'i'i, 0� I rVoNgrur-5.4. 11­1;,��U­ --U ro:vu I . foal 43av ur. U�_�E�,' tftoe ',fF-",,,p`.'l,Pt,.,4­ho a,t�e,�jto�,�,,Ulv�-ot���,.i,fi�,aqAurl4ul�lf,tI , 1 !� ka,r��I> �hs!a 4, - L -11 . , I � _�l - 11 - . . g;ob ' ' 'rQ_ 2 <;Ja n llj -� J ' " " � ,�­­4 il',_" ', ­'J"!�"*�o &47,t'L�K�N. 4 91_­'�� aUN.c�OZ24 ' " �, Z q , - , -4� Wil It 0%1*11711 11 ,Z�,T,�­� r�&,ii _..�ll, L1, �,:, 'I , q l � #-.'47V Ot'f'tl ',f�.O L,'�,t%-,� 0'! n,2�7 Q2-Mp - It'...* E-Ipr Va ki1z$,11g=V4 t,ftq !S�tdter- ". I "! . .", A��w',T,l M01a,;- V� U t � Ij ?'� , C": - u�,Z,t,L' moL.:�-:.,!, .-aci I Too- , �; r� C IT " �. a' ''* lo l t"t"�"L"t& 01 'ftp AftUt�3_1;tjg � t" Lot. AA, .. ,L� v; ,Llj�� wU ��u, a�y.;�.�, G'd� � , , _,.,o:11�1 VIT V,Dy t _ �'. tb 'ra r,J I �. I 61 OL , ,�!)2 -;1L1 &ui ll�in Ntr� fk�,.,g_�W,, , - ,­��_- Q IL �noj �;ix,tl, �!� � L'T, U Lt. v m v, 4T 1 . -4,"I _nu ­ rdtn4 . .- .4 4.'r�e 4 M ad- %�,q� � I e;A- utten, lv_��MZ".'.,',* eu,�C*s IT. �11!t " � , -it, g ,,I P,kc Ur_E�Jm ��'11 -J Um k4op Q" scl ii" 1;.t I � . L, -p- � . , . �" � I- - , IL " vo .. , , to ,,u, a'.6L _%-,,�".- ��- " _� 0a, ,,,, ta�,u - , jAV A tv�'a � � Eop-Ile 02­�"? , "' � , 1� ­ "I V,oa h­.u-:-.4Uy oa, .1 il'� yo�­ � v,u'dl ki � L -k- �,', LILL" t7 a mad L�k .� L. V V., - ey"l, I - - L-",Tl,J fk,4,1�.Tl=J-Li;��a ��L�Vt'� I 1:iji't tmal!�V, - ,:,&v,-1 tV'Dat raw, X'V�',I'L� �'i - ,Q,,,Mt1a,P`J6,`,A- I -, � ., ,. , ,c� , �,� , ­ I - . - '-Veceq it'l�21,� oirs r', �Q .­i�.J , -, If to Ve? 0�, . � " . ,� f b P -R "T mv tni) r­,eV,,%1y9.* tLe no fi­,16 Mtot,ftsitY 'Vilat t,00 p;il,1nrAta t" al-, "Ib, SLI 'IsItil ,6%v,l td,�;b,�t ,---.- '11 L*:, a � �! ,C� � WWI a 66,c,alk !�-_, ,,k' ­U,_ 'at& t_ro,iit P, . P v� tLIE-o at a r,L,ilat c"fl-tArAttiNfrom " 4""Ot'. V%1, 4t::fe bb,H, P.9:�:d,�;r-,!U tD14 41 . .T IN14Q " :tt'4 t- '� j;lIVOST�-ta' ZL'_`--. �,J­ "g:l Llu,,op r ,� 'n C-nmv,090 1'ry 't I I - T�Q ��,,,,��t ,q",_!!�l ,z,. � I" E,t 4, �' . qa;� I WV4-L­ �t' Nrql� _11;D;,d% Q%T, � 15� ,eil Alt, ,totikv,. 71,,�)�,�;,� �,!!.,o!�,, salkp 5;11�ea`.,�'. 4c -a , . t eL-q 07 lnwr,a�lcz t , - , - ,10X'Z3,11 tTo,W20 w" � " - � v.- 'ea tv-,� 1,974 14.,us v e � , " t-:vM1Cs:J gmitl0l" �'ZAI,'�,�Ll �11!,(r-_,.kYW42Q_ " � Eq �'ji,, . z " 1.,-'(" 9 z!l]-�Vvrl_,�!_, t',,� , yinUf-4 twid U tl,e tiao cm!"aw,bl. PnNng tbme'� rittmeks ' - . . � %'t"'i tx..,`,�,I,�':l q;i,-, ,-� I.,04 1i - �JV�L,.,, VAV,�."t,. �g!".,o� J!J!��", %�U_IU �Y,�,�.� ra,4 L ,�,, L,: ­�._-]". a" Q IE W-' %"�X_ t-0 S UJJZ � .-F, - " ij . �_ __ _ , .a . " . V,111 , - C'� "I 014. 1 f*za!:l!14 "'? 1,"D��Vi�,)Nfvytlrj , --."� , i Z " -a In_ -if, as* 't 'L'�elt to 1* z3M e2ove�,nx-�s "YT l, �- - iia ,,it �._f�q', ii, .1 U; 1 J "" -9- ­,- a tr_n�J.,�"Lj��J'��,p o . bll,�T -�.Ali, l, , � ,�itTl;,. ' � 6� 11 ;. 'i'D.19" ; 0. �I,M, f* Q n n1s_ u'.'e'lu V, -r.'% !t .0-,�C,�Q tii" vat�r,!A lbltlltves tie% 1. - . .__ . __ , .1� I ­, ,U�a a ,[ �, 1P ty W_44 �-jj , _ . 1�0� '-�,-Il; �,,i,l f-, I - � 1A1,L,np6 =�ll.&* ,: fo -CfltC,V VOT [j�4 !`)Tti,!jl��. � , ,4 T,, � T,.0 .D `- D 2 -� � i!TJ t � . � t �. � I ) t Ll - �. .t V I- P I g 0 _1 �i L, P, 'eQ9P 1TL2Ar,t%,.A,r1o,4. �,,o­a kdotv , 9 If ­ �1 , � ,,IS 'b�t4,_�: Ojf� �1,,,ran!�, aml Z�,, . _t , ole liz;rn,11, b�,, the &v10 Itl affl_4 4 , . on P-3 Eatal , ,� E'wn r ", ��aia. (,.o_�m�z "`:a- .'�-z-.! 1:4 Ell t a ulevi"Vitt ; , 1;1 ; �o wa -4 � 0 4-L�­Llr "Ir. 'The 4% f ,. � - - 1. E I ! . 1;1 1,11--l" r .) -ZIFIG'T a 1kivi-14. n � . � h- I.,!, - , ,�vo, p, - by tte Ma,�,)=Lit��4 - _ , - G _Lqu t, - 1, 0. %--��U�j - 1 E�;V,c.�,�l rjar, w.h.z. IL9 z1 gl,--�z'! tJ""u,,B­,,-. an ! I ,I i, q .V,'�, 11 - , �: - T,17. o , n1f. Lt a L_..r, t%ay.r, o'n"D ag rn,?C-44,� ,,� I . N .�e or Viest . Acil &r_v tt�o- l; ­r,9 _-..:,�. ,-, !L,,lC--­;J �­plz " t�v­ n7i;�.:t,ILIV�)S " "ll- '�Vy"..t"­,, f,VetqD�Iq"tTD`V1V �jj"'-'!14�Vo' gg'ia;+ , " It., the ent fs�q�" ;�At! V;p Vo�uvk. %,It;�J '.%1U',!,G­SUAgefi1 on IR gio sittaini at the#* �, . . _f� M� 1 1 ,i_,9.11"wfA 1,411la fcrv�q vd 2'.'a -z Eaam,v iv t �vlr� I . -.'­..rp­ V, * ! ­�,­, "'.., �a, .t .-l-, ' ­ sIT11"JaLo- . rL5 waJ4 ol "',lo�- Tlzt,,; Ali . T 2,T, __ . . 'i I �*Is =wy rinni S, ,6'4 ' �;,Y-re WO'Nle 1,60'es t!MW1_-Q tlilat i""Mmlatov upon tha tica� f, - III ort , t'x!_ �.�,;As�. U h"',ld b�za�-,J­ cl,l) �l ,',E�gj. !�v'.O.,,� �9".11.1w] thlk- ow-, �!�- 'L'. a-; ka - ,lf�4'111 bv 'ilal�ti, �_W"X � F,,*#,l`. ".4 ., ti�, ,Q 11-,I�nn, . - �J -0 V�74�; ; ,11�- ii%;m, 9:, b -h 4 1 ..I.- �'�5_slt jj%.� �'J,� -a % of til , J �.)J;Par,��J* .!,f i;- � !&q,�!:,zateir. "O" t' - "" 7;., �,# of q 'v- ua�?­-rair­; " f;� oe vaaeau, ,.�y .2-4t_ Dn',� thp 10�p% 16v- .J�'p ae 0 ar6XISM tW6t'4& tI I U'l . ,1 051� � � _. - IT .. - - I ff�'J P±0'11t�, rv�a,4­­ 1�s, t'..o. S�,�tf,��_%­ 19.., Llw�, r-�' ekaff­­-�-s luln-l! . r,u '%',,�,�, t�,, boar ti'own ,� b�� tk�tj"t gf,� oli u t LT b � � , ,, -P - .;. - . .. I �.!'�Iq . w- --*. Vs lily *&�Ia. .%zz j Afoul le%le:­�, t;n,� � b; f6=0 on tLa-t i�it`or, of thielmcty LL,3 V.-,�ft, � r�4'.".qD,d irovu r _Ll -at � - I ,-I I -MJ "lii! C.0,ft`L" b',i4 "f_�' �,'��; hjya - ov -,, � . - , 'kul,ro­ V,4i? ,S"ereraog as mo;;t Uiftttklllt�v. a6r,ntir,kv, I -o-1. I � - I S�Zn'&§`V a�a J� F� Slt' '4EU�."J &'1iA,&.j .1 ", L,L._ I I D! 4"eq'.Ve 6110 Vt4r' -3 101 My W - a- , "­ : � 'nLe I v, � , 11��,�11_ t�­or�;; U'v"I'Lm zi".-P 'T�rl'!­, lo"T M119 Ile � . _ I . . � - - . . ., - ti .- _v. i V� " % . " ' � ,, " og, ro,e.�*vp Ff-vs..� spver:g; to,vvnrPs . Pftln!�,v n b1i'll oT t%t- �Qln tiz tile IrA- . � . � D� . . -L", * '3"o 4r-' P�n " ' ' L : �'_" 'l"'! � 'L : _:, ., rl�!" I , - - v I V'nun ,,�­�zqt viv, ", . iij_ - I , , v a, . 192 'L _ ' . TLV,� �!� I � T114,1f-,1'1E1.,L,W..--,,l vT t�ap,n_4,�T;. co".5-11 --1 A ra_aAi,_V, ­�u ev,!,- �M- �� ,,,,�:,. a . Tau, .� I sw,v I vv,,. - QG ,� . - ­ '� ,,^ ,01�ure 11,0-L.2stint, m t�.rev Pki-hit -oil tep.,M. 7 - . 4 ., 1) . -1 - L.j ,.ti� 141� :1.116*11, 'StI014 _�,�. , ,� , n."irclaGon ol" w7 ,Tz)TJ* � ezua I., It -3 1'r tiv� . �. ' r-14. all.".. -4, *n *,,. g,l. �, *wn"aft et�titfw �Sntll*-,Hpur,et WF a 11arror , . -� 0 V � ,10 ,� I *;,5U.4L Z, -,,. t ll. 9 � . ,r."-�5%vv *4 g I � I �. 11 I" , , Ktt."� L . -L �..!Utz t"il, - _. " Tlolvlq ��U�,_.v,n.t ang' 85t 4,l S-. z -. ,,,, Z, M3 -, . . 9 . - ga7l� P"�_" tt" Lo l,' _!,�x_ ,1 , ", s a s al Vr 0ap. I ua-M,, ffl�v � �,, U, Z I g" 4 3r.,! , ,,I's -qmrt!apm� tltm wage "Ov lai _',�j -7 ' - *U'jl, 4L;�4eg, t,"�C" _V�, ji�'Dt,_� (�"t�.:j r " .�.,� g� ,TL, �!Tz,�,o,t Zl � . 1.0 .7 CV_ . .- . ,� V,U,��ii_L � �Il " QN,01Q; �' . . , J Q , F,n Qt � . . I - �, � - � - R "' " .L r"Q1'.01-1 L,=,S'!`_ � -, � �0 tiv,"M v-af*,,,. nT evm,y Ti1��,'l,,Lalts leb "), I V, "'; r v:"zj" nst V;,i q T� aqu 6�',;u iA* - ­ , - N , V (" - _d, , Sin ,, npill"J�.V ,0J'jL' OZ a figulre 0: t � TIM* _:_�,.- W%zg,.-.r��d4� ,��,n,_L") Moudi,� ffu,��14�-- �m I LL t '. � �,!L a, �,_. � U -. t � ­L�ij�,,� � �A�d!�T4 t,,- a c`­­z�­ _��,.� , z * i r,,_-, ,- ., ,. --: 1. ' , L � _ & ­ ,V 4�.q 4 . � " : , ,,,,,,, - . - - T� -1 -�e ,WLI�te tk�JIL",_" -P .��f ,b',,BDN3,;�,�;Z 0 at , .if -N. . lljrotrc�g !* k� vi,r.� eq. - 0, " -S, �"(�ftte ,� rtr,'�­ 17S4' lil Vytw�.t%: 1'40_�.'I'LLv-,ti ­�,,.� ,�IV:'� ,& r h -yt, -t�,,d -, f -cry gtvj�J ,`-.X,qw'v_y. !Vgitc � UI �� - - . .. _ , Ir_ _ - - . . , I 0?"'qt'. -,"T t-,7 v-­d,� ') gw�_�,­,,� ' . , , ,- - � "t tul"f,cty fagl-c- aroy '.V, ­ib -;i ,ztiii-:� ,­l'v_.­- - 11". 1�' t'DL- r)"p-a' '" �t"`_�V'4_r'i'_'U,` P�Z'4* 1, cln.�St, of a, jy.jok of Affevotilione.' br of 9. ripro `rT� U- I,r,-. Ralzt;! il TP.v a lg�'er,pf-�A ur%pv,o�' Z + T*rur-n ,!,;.,A. '1r,o.­R,,..*,v­ *�;Av;ng C:R-,t " nny sa,-r�-d Imige kilmedlately throws - - ­ � rc,- wgs. I Tirrr"Inar-liL - I z_,i;-__ " L_�q t ,, 11t � sil�v_c, 17:�T! V. -n-% ,,�,f `.a,vin 'Lit ""Cowers Mak- l! v`Mo-,l wk,�,:2 cr-rq. �, "t "l,- , "'' W "Till bl� "L�VW-- ""Ll �'A i. !V �14'LLA' � �Iftg. �1! , . , m4f.s V��f. -G**3�,nt nay i4mly imp , , - 1 A. vi --n lu t �*Op R)PS, � -- . . ,9, ap . th Ihna,it,;. foll, .,j�,_ A., '�� 6.3 -�- I 'L. , " . - , � ,-z t, . V-.-gt % tnto , u . inmrl, rabi I fie. T,%t. L ., 1 1AA,j.t ,,A,i_'1 .,- r- fL,7 �rjflll:- p"4f-�l aL-,3bnsz 471 �- r1s � inc Tj t�,-,01L,�gvlt j, jl,�ftpr qU,I�tE ' ".. _�ahl�a"; S'QVJ), ti�o 'T' t �,* ll . Yplh I D: I'll . ? d _F!' . 1 *;� ' - __ � - , L � :#.,- t, � , . _,.Jf_'_ tl_�r, "07.Z$ , L�r�� Meg, � iet_,� - � . VireU ,=SJ_ .1 W�r �06�1k�rz4l_l�,.14-4 �0!-, _,V�A� cw�l ., � 3 Q. *.Flal�;k llii��f-ku � - - . I;Z!p .i p,�at,:ij �-,,T rzl,� Z,Z'�,g L�,v, �. (1T,1J -'#',O�- 10L,�,_�1-3:4P,39 8'"'0,01 bo. ! -,,fc 'L, rce U.'a.! , q::,xA,Ct. � tng�: "'w, .,L t�, - 9 -that . . R - F_ iv�ar twilt-7� � " ,q -1ch- %��-ak� be�­wz!:p l, .,�4 ., ,,, �. '7�r,,,A' = Z. - ?,;.,�- � 11 �;`o wfnl�_ to ,,�If- �vP,P,f B�az. *i,%, ttEse ob,fe,Ai?, _-,ho. . � , L , ' * g�L': , " S"j- 11,��Lp V�,)k,�* .4 '.�J , - a ­:a 0 . � ,.e�,,� bU,.;_ Z_Q!�,C _ ,T��, ,L * . " �, "'�.t, ar�� 1, 'I[ ,_ ' , ,�io ,�, . L� _ I Far - `6 - - -v,- - z 1,'.i .. � � 1, ,�_, � . ,�O_L, - -- '. W �,., r 12 -. Tt!�at _,; LF4 .P, �raplluj ,-r;, V �,ly - %ndl;.q ­ �- �.. G._�io 4�on, ,4 _ ­ . �.e TA _ a . 1i � y i I , . ,: .�,,� F-lr*-. N .,rJ-_,1.t, t-"a:A:��4� ful", '(d Tr -;Is A"mm'. S!ac 4"Iw1ups tbeta , T .,�� n� hj�g�� il'. I any wq,,1:1.,�,z lqqlwc,ll-pl� ek.an .1lauq-e". ,� �L�'2�- -Yl 41-. ,��L kl�:_m -�o4- l�,--4Lzl!1"Z1 evi­a'111 Wltu_ "rer lmra��l4j' .. t. � � a �jl-. , ­rl�,a. ��_ 2..r, If- , , t; when A10 � - , ' - , � - .& . U ,_n ��A, t'0W Lit , im, � T". -1 c 67 7.. ,q I ,,, t V I , 1, , � - w�,Lt : &z my �:!i-adl 1 V,!'af,:" are L-rk-'luzht �nea? ber ,bvoft � 1�1'Q �Til �1�1 1, I ' �, s6F_1Z9 pja� - II �1 I t13=,-1 %V0):r.._", !� �4 Mv,iP, 11_`L"07e,:�, "a zjzv . '44L' r . t t Iq)%�lja, , kv JD'410�;a a��,� �_ el. 0"�4T.'....- -a ,o* - ' - , -�� -�rl, TuHZ7 1i'M . I - _ . t � D ,_� , , V "I'n - -_ .. � r Q��,"�_, "i �D"U 1. , " , � - I - at'll At ­JQ �, r.tr� �:t - ­ % L WsLyq; W7,,�Pu-, S,,__CT:.sqfi1�J. e7u.eLr; D-t'ZI � �'.!.�,TD 1, ,qi,�.:, jir , _.. � T A% , - - , "�, r1l -,7t-._ v, ,,,, . -*' , T � tia fLaz�,L. t. n - 6t,r,,. _ , V,, ,f ;, � if : 'd - ­ ll, g. la'_e F�ekaer,,­�-,, -A�Q - - �J - � tm- llzzla�,v CL�,�-,F- V%� "Eol�: T,�­I'� t � " nj,, ,,, J - - -1 � z I - . 1 - , ,� �,;,-r1;:,,D1+- t, ` (brp - e�ul�A,ri.�- ltushr-s at tj�s= 1* idq*. . , _L � A .. . % ,� ��, _ .".­ 7A'l-,w,r1 � - - ! ,j� ,,%-V%� La.30­j-, zj�l, zni,d-.4 .j4'- C-Q111411sp, �� "' S I 0� .�-,l , 0 ,; � , 1"'a ��9',U c'!"F,�J.", i1l � " 0,1 tt o;,�a z - U t?, � &�� ,�nat.� I- - . D t #_,­,� " ­ mv.. tn:a azv , i . " _v - . ", ­ I % M - =111 v. I .�,- ,� , ­ , ' , - ;-Lt 1- -.1 , ,, "- - vt �;.',w� 1 TlAng S.0"pi 614,0y. Zea'�rl�'V,, *hL- frAC-,%UontJ' ­ - '�;�. 11 , � �Q'._ . , ' - , u_v ,,� n " I - . � , ,j ,,, � L,' t .- ,��SLLI _" In a �., no . ­ ,,$_V VjZlj� a! .V,�., . ,� Z' , ." a;kL, � V�Iir ­:�'J" L211 '. .'4111 -��;-��",,�, , _qldq- ­ az ��, ."', 41 il ., _:� Aw &V v.tal.1;. , , _ - " Of _"::i , ------­___­�. " --L ... ........ _. I �-.. tV'- " %'i '9'__'=-71 ­� t_ 'io'JtL'1` tfl-ll !11��' '2UPA 11"_.e C,,l�nzfit 0z PC -1 � tk�' rn,�0,1�1�_�.:.­ ��._�' 4�: --, =11,_".�:,�_', -_j 't.- .r - - I " .�. Ci�ai,­ , Wa , "a I .. Ll ", L 7 il , - , � -, .,?�,, ­ -1 Y,t"2 ._. ". - " ,' L. 1 ii Mons wo � � C Itol =y '4�,�-1 __g."al�etr z n 9 ,I � q -t, air.4, _".��,11'43�1 I .r - I i�� _ �. 1,`�- ,'�� ." -.,%,),� 7. 1, . � � , , l�F bP*"'i-­ ,,Pr-ak to 11p; ;m I si!n- res:ti:JAr,Jj to , "_4, " "_, -, ,",�,A ' . � . ') ." �� � _' - - , � ",-It, -s: f,om -P - .�- 'am �� 1khAt. - �­_L. Is .,- o --a. �U�S_ D'o k---,�g.,, 4`1_ �3311, " v ,, '79 2.0"W" ;a.i.,.J �,,;L:,, - 4�1,fln, r"V ­.�','�S­, .�, I -�-`!, -.,4 IM"ll"S OU N TABLET.S. ; �- ',�-- llvo�­' a _ _ . ­� 11'" L -L.� _,� ,M,,�_, ��mn- D,P. - � zJ P , �'� bl'. tz"E�na A�J tbrzaa C"In z gmg - , is.�, - a, . " P .c _i; �k j�_*_­ _.1_1 ,�­�LZ_ � .. , 7��? :.-0:2. wf- <,"4.Z, Z,- Tf-:JJ.,. a,ro , v V.r I ,�� -, - '7- f 2 .,t "lvi'll- QL:2 *kAn-9:,_-a-,P ma.v b,,,. Althoaglk . �tl,_. �=�i,,F� � 'a , , � k�,-�Z,i _,_'�'__,,�� - ____ - I� � . , �19,10 & . L'a'ET. '� .V� 'e .'r J'�.4r;�.'­4­ Pt�#"I�-' 7"L' - 22,11 cy-'t '4'.e.r. 4i . �,�, -,.' " ��; I !�; a 1 a -. �_!-., I ; ru;,;-,_ _. . .1 a .,�­, . !"- z ., 53 - - , -, 41 W-' zz%" ',,.':�P� %'a,- .IA -1 .�Nu 'Z,,;,- U ,,., * - a I 1 ,ign, �, � , ._ 11 - . . . mz,.-Totv. �� Z�,�,.J !`� e-,. � ".ar.", ,��) 4"0:J.-,Tt l,� ,, I I I 'a ._-, t .- h�,rn. - 'r, I . �� I 'Civ ii ". � -1-­I,.-�_,=g4ro.:'1�1 o! navez� rivr2ave�� � 'I - - , - ! W , - -4 q 141:L� j�au lu" VA� lror txt�e H*b, , ,Qn�,`T ,izit .n,u s " r, �'! , , 'a -Ay .;c -­ f�.2e US a ,S=14�,C� 134�asam M_ - - �.l VAI; v'. _.,_ ,� �-_� - 'I, �-,, ". '�_I�?I,l ae" - ,111,1o!.,J-i tv.;­'q t who, has; 1: �. and _& - � "I ,z e . 11 . � 11. , - �"%'�J'L P`A'AFLA�.J�7r�lc .�n, -,�J j U�� "a" ­ ' � - '. "' . � , "a, 111;�_q$t 0,1zMrt6.t. . -1 . I 1, . ­;­ _ �,� ,_ �; rn , , %. ,` . ,4to�!T, �;a _ril - 1Z'L,L:,j !1.44" L_4j'l T--,-!:,--.1 �-,­�,_� ,,,_,�^ "Ig 4 Widiren L,,2. t 1 s_%�:&i �,O�� a� �! ,iov ." " �.� a 2 .z n , ­ . . . � . al� _� , - . , . han , 't D: - t­,r-,-,-­ 1, r. - � unl; ,.:I­tir��;p 3 SE� , An'.1 .et Iia L,vr owrojt. 'L,-,r,�� � . - �W',?, � 7074.q ijaar��:_,Lr I ��.; -� t V,'�g;�r z ." ` , -, , , ,J_' .", '."�� , , `!�nre dn:�s'�.­f,-,)t#� .T.ilns sp�lnks Gri�ilk. Ralllavj 111ii -Iaf� -111-.- ff�t,;.L w,;.,_,gr ,,�-4,1% 701., 1, .:v E'� -J!C_L"�� Is !,�.O.YI Tor zi ? Lo'. , � oj-�,7-2!�-�-- Ir<- 1,.,�- .,� vw:-.,_1.,.. 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E'f's � vV 0 Sp'�IzZ3S �'a_�"rg'"y 5" 'h4- 1Mn6-UA9& ­ _' V,";L5 t'- "'. j " ' - ' ­ ' 4 -7- sj, -ano� lo L..i�j,;� noy & i,bj;-jpaj. t 11 --,.at;, ' '. - �!, ,� 4 L I . - .4_ _ �­ .�j, 114' _�'� a, laL"an r , z - :. *� � , 1,,%V-zi.x­-',;�r I ,V P ":�] -z',n­.- - ..,Is 4 _3 -.cv �);- 1�.-,-J��.'�-­ ;l �: �3!e 1ta-1 v- �o-.,11;ri,,�. U ",a,tPVe."a-, 1 � =V'A". Z. - "M vvjjl,,Q�14 fas z,.,:,* 'Enr �.­, .M7. .f:c_ � �,.y. . - _. � ,.Dp ­UiLild - M,�, '. .,.. _as h. .�. ; , . � i:. ,� : p * � , 1'-I. 1q -y *V�;..Oz-e C1r:gC"z.DVP 4'1p- ,I T-apnee. ­Ivra.v -To, v.0( lt.;Zork gV- s:-:.1,,, �'� . " �� , 'a " 0, 1� I- . ; I '19V,J;�. I rl��.,,L . mi.i.s': lbo�.: ""'ll to, .( L - . ,�:­,:.�-%-'Lf. Lonos J!j,pzaT,u';" L I - _- . "" . 4 , �, ,, rang_ _- -,-.-L -1-.-s , 7 V:.,..0,.- � nv. : is n�'.dreiis��d. :U'._� 'L'ej1:C' E ._L,, ,-- . " . LT_ �7,� - :,., *, t'-1 I % ­,�" � j �.,�Ll t -�- . I a tMtlx. 'f�.,�­,�, �� plj %ty v.iif' ri:uivilg � 4 0 �, I - I I .1 - � � _­Q;w � .S 4 ,_� .. ': ,4 � � - . . , I t,-�-.Ie!� -V ,,,:� a, ts oza a oi:,- - r ­ ,',)6F-Zk-P,P - ��­Ip "_,��, 1 fl%e:� I i"F� -) 40 �-.r - . 11 L, - 1- — .3 ; ; � "� t.� !." s`c�,,rnaro , � V% %W 10111*11", i -v- for zai: Lay ,,Irk %-4-S. , - , , "'it2�' 'Ji'- ­_'�"L - oil � aw,p, � ' Y�I,y !��, _�.E �' _lh�'AIIET I T.,up- s I """"" 11 �rzl,Xtlg *11�_V,Pi a_.� . 1:_�"­r =,-,-:O, U . Ir 0�0�'E' L -L . - _' "N Wkrir& 11 ­f��,,�, * t n� �P� Vs Ov;,a Ta T �`U, , , ,,, S t1ra'."l I 4--'M wav tv�, n � CN�;� 1--.5ft .Iv, v..",_ a.4 zt�.�. 1�1,'�.'J;`.��-9%­ ­ ,,,_:­ I'VE.4 ,_a ,� ..?e,To',A ywn- ,,-,--__ ,f .. 1�� i tl,� � � �P.I+413!,lf.V - _,� - "tt �, V�-�.A Clank ;!�� C',,Pa,..,��.'.,.A:z,_�. 'Mrs. �.�'. .. te, M z1o'.? -" t , miti 11o"ool"it I - - ,f;, a ��A plompt- I 1Dk--,Lt,F-rr-.l . �_41r,�,-st li,� ivuii'�'. ",_-% d,,V _t ill a '.111tIlral W,av,� S:;Ou-t�.Iu�­D. wl'-% I Mer", of -dol u, �­C,a&,-::� IWE� ' . , r '' " o e 1v �e r re- Hai I'll s i n t h f. -%Jr B a -.r.*,,. k e '. I r � lt",a ,��tj,R,_L,. ­jo,D f'an 2' .4 � 1. (" 11�. �' �e is %l- . I .Aa J,-1 J�'! pp�j a Wkpr, "sli­v wr! F. I - " i � an d-u� , ils * , _4 G%f W. �,*r.�� I.IF . 0 � ' ' , � "r,. 'tlatG"z - ' . Drfi& ,n t1Z, 4L'0­'� a _,fj njt <ik.�A,tf. 6, �,,RFL,j'%� d " 'n" �,V:-,Lto-r to gloo . ifiarre cutting, rr'nft P%i�nLy "' � .� rjrg. �1 ,Ev�n?:l it�--,o no, -.a' , . Wj,;- i.-, " lcarttem. rif *yoo,z pl"4�.�.asl?. at4,11 117PI ., ..ippr�ptr,;d M,!Dtr;PU:q PV . erywh�,Fe��'-twn to ,.v,,i,vry T" - , � 0�; .ImO 111s,,; 3ab',olp - Ilt l.*,N1 ih� ."r heziiil, z��i�- id"'O.W cior ;t.- pzva�-, B-duy's ow4l Ta�y,et"4 a'L�Ovo 'flU , . il T_,1.,C* naor T,,.,.U­ ,,,&�,g .-"!E-zz­� 111,,-�1'4-;u��:-- Ara. .V_tmas 11' - it') ,drlltlo- A14,11 yo -z rpuv%-=N�r," � I Kidney Disease and Stomach Troubles - More Evidence of It -he Efficiency of I - . WESO­� NVVL- P"F "'If -z-1. Or; a larpir., ,h4.a�- a. �* I-O'W" " , b�t �'.,g` , . ­ . .1 r_1 10--m !�g. 011A.. sgi'vs. I -E "iafvp i;D�AAP : % In I .t . . ,,2 W;a� r,� y4wl eam'. herp� ytm tn_ *e4 on , 1,. rtpI-� ftalmlp..-�.-' at�,ltd indf�ed ` V. 3"� W V "Q 0. V:, D 'f,-J1't&_4tS loj.� 1 ,.I,, Dr. Ohase's Kidney -Liver Pills. �'mo . V bj��., MeOlqs 110m., 61"i rAQ411 �TP,4 oT ro2aoip. aft ray �. pr1v.n---y. " .1 . ,o . adis Z14-Lkto, nif. bail 1�)JrOL:,-'A the, zJ I 4eL`rdreq. Ariind e,yasiltea, t1a Ila . - * " on� mqv li:g vo, tof# nam-% orlen of : . n k- . . i v-Dlor ba-ek lo ��e 1%,3 PF­on�abl'� '11: vnv E,0��je wftpij� ftero , I . r wan Vice, . - � ,.-,,e!z & g,14y;j it!�*n- 1-i; One's soelpty", : mt !,TT �60L.U'X 'ell: , '�Ira � - , ,o,ajae' lie a Dr- ,, loong bel'ore 'tile pal-na enlirel . jart'll . e of Bl". ,clIji 'a a ,kne -- � ,. Oa _ I -11d, ,; , , ,vpv (I! ,j, a:a�j s� it and T back� lip. b t 9. (! Using b"Ight, A, he, eYes, so ti ,cup now SbArk S". NvWi I nff;pet ,�I 11mi, j 1,7M,. . -,p. ��% � . y joft� rA0t!%U.A, With ri�L-airatigin the if�xtrerao dz,e2l WAS V*11-y freffnT, and, I fill- i J,�Jjgjz, I- I �,J,..�gnk Tt,waT4 7r�ar a littla 11tver disorders are almost a'Vays � Chas,P's W17noy-Liver Pill's I am afl me. ,,1n(J I vira's quite s 4, ttures: wliilo ti.,p W4.vs forwd tt.�e 'Tiftboets ,eorarbrt�­g atffnflon 1101r. With 7"ZI(Al C-1 'again. W-01 agaill. We bave also used' Dr. dellea'e'y of ;Apr fk , allanninitv, 1. fb,�Dnd togo�Abpr. and for t1iN rtmSon ' � AMA troag 4"hd ft EPIPm-12,11 relgulator of t". stow- Pvg,.II fro," a sp,,-wrt, Pills. on � � ..tt e relipf from worry had 212 - I .r,I.1n w1to ,vollij Dr. Chase"s Xhiney-Vvfr I ' 4 19 mY btllh-r t;lat tll"� are VUll C -lases SCYrrip of Xiinseml and Thr.,. I J t1r:r1k Ilip Tablrt ,Ind not1ling betfor to jl,o., Of eourse. aevo�ant of t1leir d1rect and c�ontiniied - Most effvetive TuPtIleinp a person can Ventine for tj hildren when tiler 4oftened lbatii Tior i1ii,re-worn o�nrPs- a'CT9 ar-'J boweDe, S s - -10 0 , islon and the hagL Ivect T24o vaorf- til.111 t1lat qf icilon on the.�ip several argans, are ! use for kidney disewse and StOmIch I Ilad Coughs and colds. and I no*,*, gard outlint of br- 1!-""� bPe'l the inear, of proniot'ujr I ctqlltv, ,p,.x Mftnly a sour ,d ll,,ght.', rpSt fol_ , f4eq. 6he n.jw, with coquettlah bOtil 9,N]ITP1110,21 of �,izvh rank nq your i wo*11�-rftffly effecilve in cu'ring such 1, troublep." - Icnew it tof fall to relieve 'Vile troubigil S,Aright'lliess. tanpNi mi, ,;'fi,�,iu'der an, -I my'"If and childrell"" 9UPSts'" '�llo adtlpd. rather vennin I enn-int�Ie-Itloyle. . 3I - I . � , - her hi -.1d cty 2 u" for a ehauge eve,l th�lt , , , , � " - tie, Xvines Keeley. carrtaker 1� 'Phonias. ont.. stal,,S: "I h 0900" . I �� 7/u�, 1 40 j4e truf 7410-4,r I - ;*1 I I I IL �11 � 1�1 I I � Ji 11 i I I IL had no fialth in m.y bland! lildrera t"kfl. thesi, Tablets as I '1�1 11 I , of rs. Ross, 100 Munitoba strp.et, St I Ot Onco." , � shook sim;r me %bat she V . reAl-BY " 0�110y, avid ernshmi to ,t Irl _�d � Ziere Is no 4nicks-r or more 6e&- ,,4'hinents. 14il*i b"Pracceptablm*1 ' I ti(Don't t.xltc ttj mp," slie sald. brat Powder. thpy ,call Ile gliven witil �,fb_! IrToo'd IW�avf-nl;;! Tilf- vv,ow.Tn %vo�,Jd I lif- Primary ,14lchool and Presbyterian 1 very wipok back, WIJ &Z ItIta0s suf- A ttlin Wa,.v of curl -ng back painsr AD& -1th a smile %,;�Jg7ein eclontr.Wleted tile t - -ages I , - tates: "I - fer^d very mneh froaza severe P01119 kidneY dis,eAso 'than by tile aile of .. .tp � r-wiliarkst, Out., 9 )0'11 - sAretv to thA yoll t. weak lot dpretantl lice. I clznr0t, .N Prohibition ; "I'm, t,lvo old for <- P.3t Infant. Yoa - I I *"]�Ik�jt r"JbIT'J;- I" I �U_4f"'itAF'd. qUiptly . Tind that Dr. Cilwo,"s Xldn,17- �: across the small of my back. Bo�lje-v_ Dr. C,Ilagoos KidneY - LlYer PilliL ;-API1- vAillit -,,;,t the, Tatilpt, 0 � - _ t L �Tueillts, a womalt ;vith a AroWn-Up fi,mn any dz�alpr ITT lw�dloclinev_ or post-, ­R.JbI()TP I.;; ' ^ . - - " i Liv" Pills are the, beat inedialne I ' Ing tbete 1.0, ba eaaspd by derange- . .'RicOresi or ,thons&n,,1s 11 Ov 00V .1 if"liflo: litit oven , ,, s,to prr ed dallelter ill paLl lit 25. eent-,, 1, llo-,.. I)y wrjtjll�� x, It sllp wl'r" not. .1 d-I'MI-Wer of ra',n # vf1r inreel. I vras trouble,l for scale , ineats of the kidneys, I be v and many have ii#�nt us gtat,�,_ . 'Now� I was, qa.ip -,-,Xd to 1,10 baelc tllf� Dr. W1. 141in4' AIP37-6,nip.� COMPalIV, I would lip 1wrrPethr alit �Iine 'witk kfd.,xp.v disease. palas in P itse of Dr. Chase's Kidne,v-r,I1rC�11i`1,,1!,f'.' I tra"t,t9 sliftwilar to the above. Ontc 1AII - f, tl,�) takp ea. ".1 t .r* . 1p . I hAo6r 11r4*k-v',!1;1, Oat.- Or _Izel!pn"tad� I of herspIt, Mr. ,M.,-,Ar11 T�k. thp back antl stomu,ell dlsor&�rs- A . TkIs treatmont seemed to be ex� � & d0`90, -05 ctv. a bOX, at All dealet ,* the sowix:t ".%ga�it&d br, 1, , " a. . N. 1% Aftpr th'- . -ffered very s6verely frow , W ly vrhat I required, tor it was, a, -,Y#, If or r -Ain lailt worda. . .S sn'.'a. I emil'i 'Oniv 71w.V,- 11121.�s I 9:. . . anvon, B�1tes&CO., Toront0r.