HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-08-29, Page 6- ,_____ . _
51 'York for Sjuth .&ri ic-i u ral at ,,as
_,)I J�s, lio
,,, not Yet roceived it _l * I Sit tine,
MUMS " SW19TAOX. (lilontly , tile ,tljrk�e lilies interested
Public Aroused Over
Torture Methods.
. Iv1d A meeting at We of Ices of flie
Furness Lin,e to talk Oviitr the situa.
I tion. 31r. Thom, manager of tfle
latter company, si,ated that tho all -
Police 1101111OLMelit Iva$ to tileill a& a thun-
derclap. *1 Wo had absolutely no
warning of It, and ire have no news
beyond the inere cablegram nainounc-
Ing the foot." oil ,change tile an-
iwunc.emonr was Arvif received, and.
PRISONER FRIGHTFULLY ABUSED although inally leading bualkleas men
, are out of town, those on the "floor-
� Obioago, M., All,-. _25. -The PO)!Oe thought there was new a spleiLdid
aleftboda parsued In scouring confes- opollbig for 0anada, moro espec.l..tily
4ons from suspcoted criminals in Chi- in vio)%r ur the envouraging report
of Air. ,T. IT. Jardhiv, tile Canadian
0ago, have caused a. burst of indigna- tra,de coullubisioner in S)uth Africa.
tion In this elty that threatens to C�nadlatx exports were very large
Cause an Investigatkni. Tile attention during the war, and many firms, in -
49 the pabl!o wals cajletZ 'to the bar- VIIIA1119 boot ,ILLd 81:1�*)e Ilia nufacturers
I .1
barle practiou- of extort1nig evidence "lid cotton men, bai e recelved. repeat
orders, whWlt the-.., have k) (on unable
by the published repoTts of the to fill oiring to the luck ofucommuni-
41ilweating" of the saspeo,ts in a. re� cation. Both tlic, Ogilvie and .)to
ceint sensational murder came here. Lake of tho )Iroodg ,)filling Compa ice
From day to day reports of tile prefi- are preparing to send large Phip-,
sure being put on the suspected crini- merts of flour, the Cauadlan. article
Inals were naliftshed anit'll the press
Ca - baving g1ven linutprise satisfaction
lied up5n the higher authorities. to there, and o;)mnkawting a large mar -
Pat a stop To methods which were ket during the war. Over -150,000
a "disgrace to *tile dark ages, and
which bao no place among enlight- sacks of Canadian, flour were shipped
ened people." Cases were recited a -lid altugether 0anada sold somp-
where priwmers had been treated in thing over '$10,000,000 tit S.)uth Af-
rica. of e()jjree Inuch or this was
the most slianielul zitanner, beaten for war cOnsumption, but advl-v�s
and sEarved, k.,ftl- awake in the glare received by It lead�llg Produce broker
of the electric lights for day at a
time, in order to f6rco them to give here this ,treek sta to that the out -
The police clues. Opinions of proinla- 10-3k, esPNd;11IY �a 'Lite Transvaal, for
ent Judges are quoted, ia, which they breadstuffs 1s c-Neellent.
denounice the methods .as outla.wry
iind the recourse of savages. Several
judges dcolared that they would not
consider for a moment a confession BOER MOIRS IN RAO.,
secured In this maniter. Prominent i
men generally In Chicago exTressed
their horror at the revelation. I
Litard Cries for Mercy. Botha Said They are the Dep-
rrom the statements of the news-
paper men who frequent the police LItIL
headquarters of the city the ap- es of Ruined People, -
plication *of the "third degree" in
n essions is the
rule rather than the exception' NO ANTI - BRITISH SPEECHES.
Frightful stories are told of the
excruciating agony endured by the
police suspects, who are strung tip Th I e Hague, All,-. C5. -A public re.
by the thumbs. kicked and clubbed cel)t)On was accorded th.o Boer gen-
until their cries for mercy can be Prala on their at'riVal here to.day
beard bm,oad the confines of the from Motterd.am. The sitseo infront
cells It, 16iz�b they are held. Tile
central stataoin is painte,�j a viorita- Of 00 lln(PI wh-lre airtrtin--rite hot]
ble chamber of horrors, where tor- been sireured for flze Boer generals
'turo Is rq,mlarly administered to was pj packr)l Avitit People,
=1serable wretches who jBave, igo pliant,9 1;7�1'1-0= livP thp Doers 0,
Inflnence or standing Ili Eoclet.r. greeting Ulf) S lith ,Afil�%n eom '
- mAn-
Vtitisn 4han Murder. 41pra wjjpn tits -L. appcared, anti then
�!JXWWC iNstances are reltkie,d the crowd 6119;; the 'rrans%�aal '.\-I-
virltere v.�,n have 11assrd into the tiOn-Al Anthim, ulgeri,nil-ill the g..U-
-third olegree, cL,amber hero er6zet Prals barerl tilf.-Ir hradt; alpl ,kvavejj
likild f:rM, Onlv to be bronght wat thoir hatp in acknowipilgol,nt Or tile
later In a� p�nlplete stato of vol. t ' %thu0nFtle Iveleollin accordod thvni.
lakvfics� trezibling' With terror an�l I-S1111MITlently 4 ret�vptit)tj ,,Ias kuld in
bleoding (roll) catfs and bVilst'% A I tilt, drnw1n�.V01j1jz. former state, ",.-
wo0w him,e bee'a tirivu inEaklILA ,.,v retar.r (if theTrapp vital It--jtz;knij Ill.
lli6 atr6t!0tj8 tr&aineat. � Le.vile, tile I..'11r,ols :it) age.1t Or th,
The plice ortlelals tjt-), lt9t dvily I Iloem, flit rosl-ji,ijig tlap p,eIll eq#.hrL_
The tievero 3metiju,18 4.1fts1i tj,j,tk,jrjj tl"R 14) ,Lhe % Ititorb
MOW aetlM �41141 thn, grotmd illat I r1i 61, eoarpi* ror �1 sib
, not 44.11 0XV11.
at 18 1:ie��e4,i.ry an dpa�.jjjg %%-,tjt� t.,jr,j- ?Irk deelltrittl t1a.st lj.� .11td NQ vol-
tnewt ertmilj�ijs. V*.)j)rC.!!�Rj0jU8 obf,agn- loagupq 11nol lant " mr- horp to hold I
W IN V,��fg :51allner are regntharl.t re- fl, . �tlt Itoevs but th'k Q'Irth Oh? or Litt -Ir
PUthattlel b.v Vw erimls.)4.19 (k" ti4p PWrptloll ,ir,�%, siwnt,� rj,�,,,hjpg)s-j kIp for
tv-MITEs stall'l. asd Utf,V aAliplrt that the gronit #;,trr.�%I ID,,�I.% DIT, %!kfri-
jitj P.Lm*
'Cht%'y to"We Mum tit'de; t�itnrpa' r",
10 C-1VIIIA) forther abu�EE,j I We arp dt,�Iiatjo g.,, !-Md tlwo L*Oor
IV - 468URt=4'll%t-gCHer%Al. "tit 4tlkjj(�- "&* t1le
most rnhord p? - xiN,,VU'h1Vk1 body be -
U141 -P W41 hav,th trone tow lbat+' awl
�a ! . rMe.,ftfo 0dr libert.v .told mtiPjv,nt1-
SEWN M1 ILL I I" W11L L 'I) ii Ito, epi for WNPh ne) f_-�;Iukific;c ecouW 6""
1 - ,
t �cig r c a to"
-, lilb".--r.0" hn%,'W r"yo'rjtV'R tilt
intinher! f I the 111r,R#wr .JL%g*_,-jj,t�on
His Estate, Said to Total to rerrdll Irofti flIaLdlok; avitl-Drffl��R.j
t.ffitc4leq, W111,13 file Repr eoniffilmd-
.� $1 o -t000,1000. ors #AV ma�v It'loldble flullair th" lolc-
ct-#4 Of tlj#;!r no"4"j-4i'lli't" ';rcat P Main.
I 1:90.1roug Vie 09,1-..i. 1910% ro-V 14kitiorate
U R&I et-11ttsbiwolt 'Auptv.
-40W IT WAS 6, ISPOSED OF ' It k otpi-ted VO -4 lh;y lvdo 1*41A
I iv�-Prtkslolnrt hrt.5ttv "t MrV�!"19t to-
rletffnr�,��,t,m� ro'di?,t*.t��h�%fra,ttian,91 tottitronw, Ord wflu jmv1ao�%�, rt:u%0r,fl
11�0 raw �'�n'=U' .0ii=8 lkv,Wav, tont-116 U1010 Ang. '.1% ,t.
iiktxwsh�g v� kan ,�6�1"t�� loartu'&2�,�, c6t�� Vie gertmta arsio 4atzvr,ti'L',t,,j tt�@ 14-o-
Matcl ck.�l grota <�,B� f_"_N1!9 1,15 to "410 1,9�i - -,1.3"i).- PAI. -Ir Vnf1flPjAWV'l. Irr"R1111-111 h14 buftin brId
*'MI tr,ja L-11 1�r jlnuuat ".- to -da t. It hcawp. R1o,,--p,9nd51jjq to Ill@ %VcXtinre
C,"&A21:9 ILL,es-s rou !�,'.1,16 b"VIUCRIS . " 1111"Ir't, rns.-t.11"r-1 .A Mt, CIP,Mltbonn
'My tt,.e u'r=0 V"s tLv rrmt,61c.st, ahe bZIDE'dotmg. #;?-m Ne wot. in a vw��e
lvt.=,ang,�_V"*Aa� or"a re,4p�,tht��glt§' t�Tqsklrs WAtbo 4�rnnuoft. 9U11.1
-e aesp3tal j ,� AldD fvoo�o %;4v 4Mrg(.:,1FjK9f,4 trW,,,q ct_
XOMC4 1 , I -P � Ll,_�,LftcL"s Fg*0 I
; . II td lega,t0m, L -ave
'tc, 1%,&: . , , 1,;
�c nrE at M,v
MAC,alit��n at.,za IlLa Mttx N ate.0 lat D uawn of r
1� � . , $2QW C-._fc!� ; tu i5ra'tn VOE' contri6,1to-1 to mnu g4tuvr9h '6t i0th
P,_&n�,* ��Oovg_,� rattonst We Ffsalh AtNtats Were �
Tto 0V N-ravA 4t Z,c��e U-cize i!m t, - , "'
11� .
�- _118 tln. tr,00 rmlol
t"11; t9 "wit tct U14 %."urn"'t, au,qo ELM, as and 4WIng"'I'V-1 irive cut
a'�"gitin a t2�q- timclIL-st in Me Magi,- fr6l! t'je t�mt_�10�i;ivliig!5
,&�r' t,4�y. ft'r
.n %,c:eittebtly we
kxd rtop rt 2". tLt Ma D c'For"atier-b's-Ox * nef.,& Ex2p ar.j. ��Jjlpuvrt to I -ISO agagn-
,&W,, nag�:, 4�0�18 0.0, *10)0 faeh ate It ip rot tknt trty frirpwke Mat tro
1&1410 toll tag goa;-5L-".aw� dgavaghteMm- ,
lat., ata tvV,1,4P_1A a argin mfecs. three of havp Como- to rvueap-, awl we ate
i�s Zcxttnet ooaf:&;�Val ment fieotge tguonkful for the henots shoWn .11J69
V. 1-1,_ck� itf:drg,; 9 11cor, und Juichat'd III-* h0p Alt -on uts by no- nawh:l ,
Ecce, 4,;�re Nft $.MNY3 eac.��l. AU igbet 'I __
4=9�"Ozrti,g In the lbel,t,uit OM60 ate I R11rul-M %V1161. A219W."VIPH.
'-'ej't 1�il!o �.Z.C�12. R--qWes,g "T, t4ao aml
&kTo .ake made to "!A the family aek- I. Will I-jaud ov#; liftlat t6 tjolplkt�
X.;qIJ�15� Jlfaj�.r 11oftion to jVudotije. D*Wtt Wid 1'%V,3 fiFaftfst"
1p-.tdon. Ang. 25�-*Vle irotIlf-sl$f.ynd�
X� t1o_ tFall 0� h -18 W_nwnul estate is r-nt or the Isaigy kil's5o at "no llagao,
as E"nv, W. c. swnla2an, rblEp mc,I 4�t�2e appfoaching ngf,etibft bet*een
TOL C_-z'oi'�-A "O tile 1�'erx-4t"Vsi wife aud telegraVna lie N informe.4 that at
X-�3at) LaE,411 Vtattls 17. 310ufillav, atid general g3o'hg Afta ;0j�;1C.oj9#VgCa,ts.1Md
to"Le'T #r:;rvjV40r4% 08 trusUes, to U01.1 Tod-nn'te Iver-I'lent RrLgt-41. VIV W -tet
=,`,�L t�:C- l-'eatib 01 the li.Ast --urviter ,3� 'eate Mg posltgan a8
11 WDBU fortzin"11V '04a .
V�Tl.k�InQtr,r SeMd�,em, =17�esv they ". , mtdt-r .
*it. I-15, lrtr"Ittate tolo ttust. Afrilk ihilef. atil hatka over lht!
14q!4 aft'l tbe tts"Ha@ OT retails to %a%
, -
,T( -,,-t:, til-cstses nte t* lk"ay to Vie .Sen- I H0111ba a a Gt-I'l. 1)4� We., at -1 utsz�to
C�'N'st"g vt.2�!, Id=jt9 LO -2. Urf-llnie. vene- I rMt-01. tand 'Wolwaf-air#. Wrim *efqj�
LLI, '&I ,-,,,o ze, Itreams c�f 4,I�e tt,ast
, %r,��,�r., IT.g$; "4121 _ -rty M��-r tffe'.ogat,,zs Mt, WO'-
_ L . � . 'An'T aIr totmE . .
"=V) ",
� � _"].+ .69=0
_ . -
,W_,�-6� K-BCD1 btp ,eftiivcril Ire= cpttatn maram, st, accotaing to thle cot-tegpon't- I
r1_T017Kj1!_V1 vlaffat-2 at abot .Q;imu@��, �i eat's Infor=ation. W119 endeavor to i
Lit-, JV��Iore g.jVen to t4j- '. � dispo-asess Dr. Lgyds, the P,r4rop,tAta
9 %71fe ,It ,e
, . ,,d ,
tC,::2:z-"m1!e1,t0!d4;e% I 'h ,agent or the Ea&-;tL� of the pojv,er
- itdto-b, W. C., Aray.
V_rri n. ,Arhi pranciv wr. uwrimr. OT $*Mrig eheqaes. -
an;i"10 L`.�19 gt.jr4d40h_,ja1, Gladym 9�iffi- , 1T.nFre areals* tiarzorg. WIF9 tile
ut. i 06treSPOMOC-12t 'Of 1,1510 MEY Maig, Of
- i aa impkelgd5vg straggie for supremacy
- N - I A- � I . ,
.1. 'r b"Aweea Gen. Botha and Gan. IYe
T BE, W1 M 0,109 '11 i��i- .
Canadian Flour In Good
Demand There,
A Ifontreal ,dj-�epa,e,. �,ays tjj�-_ c, is
I . ., % 't
lgenrzal* satt.i7actIn'-.1 aj�gfmz tiL ment-
bars of tile Board 02, T, radz�� illat the
GOW--rnment hae arranL-
-,;:d. a ri-gular
rPTI-100 bntweeu cano-da and S�Iigth
AfrieQ. 1VIE11 V& ext,ro'Woll of tile
Cable to theCal.a.liair. llantevcturcrs�
.r Willi.
qln �
Assor lation, IrGoi NjuV,-)ck
little or no jahn-wation ha,3 flem-n
r0'(,1V,ed, but. motwith.standing this,
the freight d p,artment., of the C. 1".
Ft., tile G. T. Rk aml the L 0. It.
ar�e unanimous ilk stmtIng tizat th.�,
ne,�ry srervfoo will be a good thing for
� ilida, and that t1iny will do (!w�r.y-
tklng In th(Ir jx)wor to provido the
tte*mshil)� T)aop.o with the necessary
flIdglit., Up.)a ree-filt of tile nf.vnq Mr.
Andreir.A. Allan tt+,graphed to N,.,,;v
Proclaynation to Give pMect to ym�
=14trwat Ae4,
An Ottawa desitatch says : An
Order-lu-Counell has becn passed tor
the Issue of a prociamatiao putting
hs force "an, net to amprid tho Int -
Migration Act" pa:ms, a last sesslin.
In �-t,w or n. large nunibir of Immi-
grantv who are ,r,ow conling froih
thp railted 9--'at'-V NL,t candlan portg
it has beond engod e.xpeMent to pro-
MiAt tht- vindl ig "n f. anada absolutely
of any lon-ruigraut or other paesengpr
nho, 14 su.tering from any loathsome, ,
dangerous, or 1a:s-cLh:n.s eMo-ase or ,
malady, -Av,ther suth jinm1grant lo-
ts n -N t.,) -iiottf ti 4, 4 tlaul-t �r only in-
tends to pnsa .thr.-)ugh Canada to
co�tlle in sonk- other country, and
whom the Slial,-Apr of th. � Interfor r
or officer to NvItT.-mi he ontrustg the �
ranttt-r conAdior.tv ought not to be 1
- 13-'J�
aflowed to fanel in CaTiala. Inler N
Ister of the Intnrlor gives such- in- I
.Rtruetiono for the enforp.-nmefit ot the I
act &sr be sea4_rlt.
Exhibits Herself in Her Coro-
� nation Robe' s,
L011dOn. despatch: Tile B,eckenhall,
Journal printLif �lij advertlw4mf.�kikt til(I
other day stiAting that Lady '
the Wife'Of the former Under�&�cre-
tary or War, would jye,jr her corL)-
nallon. robus and vxhlblt herself with
her coronet t0rda,Y at Cqwrs Cope
House. Thol (;IIJ OIL Was tile r ising
0 a
f money for the Cotttig.e, Hospital,
and tIlL adinissiou fee was fixed tit
threep,L-nee. I
To -day, ne"()rding to . tile pro-
gramme, LOd'v Raglan exhibited her-
W11f; garbed In all t110 ST)Ienll- ' f
. � - - ___
her corunat1c)n robes, ttt hor countr..- . .
house in Beckenham, at the inoticst I
charge or admi.ision. riv,o hundred of
her I . adyslilp,& neighbors, and ninny CaUght ill an Elevator in a
ramlaeior country People and tradc�_
,mell tit Beckullihain and Bromley, took
tickets. A small, Detroit Shop,
I red-headed girl,
.r imposing -looking
policeman tool, tick('tS Or " thrij)-
pences- Zt "ho gate' She shout"I CRUSHED AND DROPPED DEAD.
constallity : .. This
. WaY to whero
]ter ladyship is. reez-1ving guests; no�v. Detroit, .)Ilcjl., desPatch: Harry
Please go right in." ' Th�jj I r,11 - e 14tevrart, aged 221, of WAidsor, whose
ushered thom into U, sinall drawing- �
. parents replods Ili Paris, ont., was
room. Grouped into the middIO of Instantly killed In Metzgel-'s automo-
the room were about thirty men and bile repository, Detroit, late yes -
women examilling Abb?y coronation terday afternoon.
Ill tit(' farth0st corner 1, He was about to take an automo-
ady Rnx- TAle to the repair 81101) oil an upper
Ian was seated by an escritotre. Site floor. 110 opeiied tile safety gates
was dressed In )ter irli!te satin Sta,e
robeq, with tit tile elevator shaft and ,started
her ("'JUlsOn Cloak, her the elevator, whi,L,ll Ivas In tile base -
coronet, and tile "OPO of Peads. ment. In Eorne way Stewart let the
The guests stood silent in open- gates S.11) and liras caught and beld
mouthed wonder at it resp-,c.trul dis- by them 'in sued) a Nvav that tile as-
tance- NOW -11141 then Rev Ladyship cending elevator flooj, caught him.
would rise and sweell. her train dragged him through tile gates amd
across the floor. g!yIng, '
ft Tlelv Of then dropped him into tile basement,
her Scarlet cloak, and causing u, Inur- dead, a
inur of admiration und laudatory
comments, The guelits then went To
tile lawn, where tea W,as Nerved at
3d, all tables at an e%tra charge of MRSHIP BLOWN TO PIECES
Her ladyship vonversed freely Irith
li'll- guests regartl:aX tile lifeessity -1. _
of liupport-ne: eharital)jr� justitIt- I
Cons. She sioeiifld to W, anxiolul that � XPlosior. 1hat Wrecked the
llc-r guests r-hould take In all the de-, E
Wilff Of hPl* e0stllmP. even showingl Chinese Cruiser Kai-C,hih.
tile corollft.t'.611 nirdal, whiell was,
prest,titcd to p"ers and jikrere.�Fes. �, %
The I;Qspttal will bvnerii , vonsi-ler- �`,
. r as a ppr,ult Of tile jilea. 'ONE MAN OUT OF 130 ESCAPED.
It is likely that tho pNa'mIV1e of ;
Lao.v 1141glah '011 P".111biting 1,.prself in I 11.Qj.1tIjjktojn, D. t'.. .�Z:V;. I'_ _,
her vorourit:011 robe.4 will b,N 1`01101% - _.?._'rhP
lid by Roveral lief-re6ses ill ald fit Naly Popartill(slit has revilived lfl-
eianritablo undpitakingiz. It ts rid formatioll coneerullig the t,%ploslon
T,011NI that Lord and L;tiiv Tin r ' U.111VIk colujIlot0y wreeLej t lie t1hill-
,, V.e. "
wilki exhibit t1arli, lolit's .4t a ba.-atir eh; inuit-or XnfI,1`jjjJt tqj jnnt� _,*_,lid
ill P01111011t- WPM, Doxt week. i last, 'while, the hbip was lying tit
Z�_ = her gr;jt�ojl -it \C411-Mliv. The vx.
I jdofi��,011 ve,mirrul at IVIA.3 It. in.
ICE r-OUND N, coi.-r-IN 'rine, TuF&M wal; blown to plpeet'. and
� WI tit t1le offwere; agtl jaint. ahtint
Dkit Uady or Altegril bend Icallaas 10110. upre latil, Avgth till- I.Xetbli,010
31all %%".is GOtte. Of A #i(1lnJal), IMW uas jawked ulo
liallariv. 0. T. 11,13g. U'S. -The myr, AWItIT AWMI1.410.
tgry gntIroilveling tjAv j,UVjWN(,jj quitil 1rj:0 1015ort wakLR ,(Wwr�lwd as I%
Of V, S, Xtorri% (if 1javlasLin, jA=�jzn.j,iv.%fR A-arlt. tparipg z,qL,jtj, rt% 41
* . .p1roblin-a
IaPd'ghtP11ed to=da.v when h1A �Vorave gnu fir#N) 'with P."111ticogs jtowd#�r
ncar Orlasdo� Ivag (ljj,,:qj(,d in tile pr,- 01014� 1�y. and arwrwarde, it is
nj�jj" oft ItIjoat ."JI)Ur fk� :1b(In69 an't round ,"tat"d. all hannenEe voluatil tit 61HOW,
U1, %0, PWIptZ, VV1Pr6#Nor'N1f*rr1Q. wNt, nroFo to a grp.,it J�ojgjjt, 1110 nor
brUrve4 0141i I tq�w-�, 1`411ird u9th hr"hell and burn -
40 11.1011 bt-r4to ruipirdtkrel, ,, t - ,
,, U _V,
joCk.d Vrtjil"gtt�d the .111ttlaorillog to 41, " rap-melits or tile 011p. aq well
V. t,
a r.N' - a and wrali-,4 of wetal
twin i le t*ly. Irt'leArgalligothaqu, a 8 I. I I -
10AVO been rut,tivej, fi-ion'llorrW livirp. .46 japa 1, swmhm, wIttIM
la Inall 44
and from lavarafle�j urders in m44,11. OV01. , glint Ttlove, tho quabor
P,014, or Whitth lie Wfiq a lucraber, had ter'n, tit" bour of to," R04'4411
Morriespiware,,t a wpL,h, ill%" 911 v!offl. WRO 8PP11 slfekutug tilt M the nor. The
fultat"tw far the , ratcr was euvered
pat)y Irlitol a 111-111 Who gave 1410'rame for traid.V jicrr,t� %%-ijrjl r,jjji,*jtpr@ qf
W9 COX. dEd Arhu rs..:jjrr-jpate4 Inialtalf wCottork. but u!err was ri.) 'Sign
an 4a 19'all, OV -1A. '011 Monday (*Ox (or Pap.
rtp-orted U'lat Morril tou'd been kAled Tle vatifie of ibu tr?jpD,Dajojj 1�t,u�tj
in a ranawat arrido"M "Illemall par- loot ,be nFef�rUA,.'t't � I dolinituly. lizat
�1.0g&l CL 5;�- In V,% ir"amAr.y, Oflrjt- it wag I'vilictf.1 1UP"I pAbor tb�
krry trnr oragand'o, alld 1*3t,*bt a varV,.P%,q har.4firr- of atumaingtION"r
r-qolfin. trMPA2 he bntkAA tv9k1l,,'tIie,ar,_ lite wagoi, Lqt ` .
rare id, ,i*�&_01 Dights M
P�;Qtatgv of 0, evrorcd Inan.. .. or Utatl tkft ta"Ita'-Int U as ar8qmnt,
The eaffin 11to-d-at eton%athed a eake oble for 1%
rot E'1'.�;k- we,-,1.1ANkg �1,4�!Ilt two Poundw - __ �
rl,�e 5 a als'a L'aVe r10 &M to liolt? wbert-
a1^1t@ &T 0thtt Man. STARVAT10' KILLS A MINER.
-,t r_-511 govitg ktiq lroalne a'.q 36%1) ___
!. 700 Pound troCabIn
rkq% wd@ 'arrfl4ca at f" � n M ody 4%ud $1,0
, a 4datr to,, "
11L�ny. Vine 19 la:!d PT'rivEggg un %Vcsti- Weeks Alfti, 1)oAttj.
. . .... _.. ,
�_ ____ Xdt L6kt URZ� Utah. Awn,. 23. -The
154,61%. Or J*Pqer kw,%tsom. known ;�Isl
SWALLOWS HIS FALSETUTH, tI1e�jjPjrft,40t roalospan41or ol Park Vity,
- was f6fthd to -da -v Ill 1109 twwD.N, cabib,
Aeieldofa to a eonuectjeut*Ttj,d. Irlear thd Afteboi mill, in the Platk
Arotollor. City mining distriet. Auderison evg-
dently had be!,n dea dfor Weeks. It
4�'Y'4n' ,Ong statva-
'W�ftat4�d� (' - jl�tg- '-'S'-""UL"I"`��t- 114 hi?110ted that he di -d rg I
Ork�'oil j.*rWjrjV t�vqrming. 1"rr-4eriek 31. tion, ftet thstanding that $1700
row, et v � 4t
"'Vation vg(5-ut at NONWk. 01pritIt'. IM4 Wiklu dead for lveek.;,' it
abd A 4"Elf.graplaT ws"Al known IS bellotod $!O,caj lurs to Ills ere,fit
Mrow-hoLtt Conxtetf wl'� , all ,
t , rmz mtrqvu it, A-affmin bb -BL-_ Pqr ,twPntr-isj_*i;
h�.j ffIlse tV'.4tth. :��eaks AeAftson atounil Illrk
The pjat4t. %Vh'tjCj2 jj(-j1 tW(k, tro,ht livtd " I
rjtv, .It 11fdP9 01.7,011niz man�-,;- valuable
tee�tL" vagged down lat MR MiDtHaell. 1,111;Ing Pts,Paff-U;,,P. jz.�, Was agways
alrd all frfotlM to looata It have 11pell c
,ytremeolir iniserly. nrig only k�to%vn
unglecvAsfal. Hre, .w.ag ternarfl-! to the rt-hifflres Me in gwe.,Iela.
hospItal In Iftattrori this efternson. _ - _.. . I
whcte he '04911 probablp Diaw, tro ur,t-,,e�,e-
- �
90 t-411 01*rat'1015. t�M �X'-ta��q WJUl I Oidett ,sbip 1111he ,k,V�.0fr1d.
, .
ri-.941 16P E=P!oZv-,1 'to tw'ttt, V.e ts�-a�zo:. tiotdon, Ang. L'.5--ulall Is &t,%&d
-111111-- to be the oldest ah'o in the World I
tas been gold at Tenv?:jJTe to be
KALISER 11009 ,140THER. I !briekkf-n up. Iftis is tile Italloan fStilp
I - I AnItgn. re-gZstleree. at th r c, r4ort of
A Statue of 14*1 i! 11,ftivre!15 V,1ftV*lTtd I Oevos. T ho An"t-'_'. whEch V*,mMW
� - 'ea
at 110tabuirk. , V.hr%','dP'her Colambne cbip� tjjL*
170-mb,;rg. Ang. 25y._?j s.ngnt; � santa MarlgL W." bulot In Genon. in
. :0 %n ! 15XS, ar
.d elfected lie? last Voyage
�'OnOr 'Of the �ate YMPM,zs rreiler.zk ,I -t- -the -end 4of .Aftr;clu, log,-,,, rpatD N-E.L_
wag' utivelled Jaete t0-d2v WIM cot -114" to Teneriffe- The Anita, was
��i;lerdble ,ccereitiokv 4n t*he preqr-nee 1�,at tremendously stout build, avcj lgad
�kf t'he EWI),�rqpr an3 F
s, th6_We'at'jjerod,eo4�tjC
an _sS storms anj tor-
::rOvq1ft Prin4�.e Frcderl,'k William oth- 1 inadoes ,Ill All Parts ,of the world,
P,r membeno of the rzoSaj tavd"q;', ,g,l ,but ine as tLI, the ago est *hip
& w so ,W
the elvil and military atthoritie,4, and aftoat .
I ... L"I'''�"��'."I'l.-'I"l�'ll���... 1"..",.,.,....'�'...�".."..,..,.,�,
__ 1-.--__1-- - --..-I..,.."...�.....��1-1.�..I.N.I,.,�",i ... .... W -W .�-.111.11iii.iiiiiiiii;6ii.iii.iiii�� I
deputat"0119 rvoin tilt, vegiments Of
wlitch, tbo late L111press was hon- JIE'WS WR CANADA.
oravy colonel, -_ .
After a V1 "L.th, b%, th,e Burgollias- Methods by whielk 11111111grallon fro;k,k
ter, Jn W11101V be eulogized tile late Russia I" Vald ror.
EmPIT68, tile troops presenleJ arms
and the otatuo wa,3 unveiled. Einpor- L'ondoll, Aug. 2ri.-tualry .U11,;sIn'll
or Williant, then placed it wreath on Jewish families are now alulgratin-r-
the pedestal and ma,de a speech,, do- to Canada. At Lite head of this
picting his mother as a steadfast 'novement. stands one of We rabbis
pilomoter of art, scientific research, pf I'lie Government of Volyn, A Jew-
, 'Sh family des ring to e;nlgrate to
and the advance of 1vomen. Ile re- I
ferred to lier resofute spirit, which Ulln&da $ends 91 to this rabbi. fle
enaKed her to triumph over tile hard- forwards this money to 6ne of Lite
eat trials all,-] bear patiently a long London ralbbis, who sends in return
period of keen kurfering. a deed of sale of 75 acres of land
�4 choll, then eang an anthem,and in CAnada at 2s per acre,
vileere were given for the 4uperor On receiving . Lhis deed the enii.-
William grairts make another paymeni; of
A nZibcr of other wrea,tVFj were Ll 10s, while the remaining F5 is
cleponted on the pedestal, Inclurling Pald by thern in instalitionts on ar-
one from Dowager Queen 4,irgherlto� rival in Canada, For tile trip to
of Ital'y' -ho was prvsell� at tile cere- Canada each family has to pay 98.
Mon.y. Tile Claigroti011 1110VOITIOnt is (11-
- __ rooted by the well-known "Issa"
. Association, which has already or-
ganizeci in Canada a Irewish coiony
PAR19, I AnIq Awrill FATP by the name of "Hirsch."
. LOOK-% B.�'b Volt vn,=.
"Willie, your mamm;j tvl�ntq to -,give you so,tas .cookies, bat
the P,g),n't flhd the key tar the, t
. pa.ntryI,
"Thatlg all right, pa,p&: '1,c.%n.$eb,ln wIthoat a 'keyr
11011- f that'g what I Wanted to �kad* J"L
I 1�
� .
.Dean Bradley, of . Westminster Ab-
bey, has resigned.
Dr. Soillem, of Paris, declares that
education broeds Insanity. �
United States capitalists wjlIbujl(j
1% $500,000 hotel In Winnipeg.
Lord Dundonald la the guest :oC
Lord and Lady Minto at Quebec,
T110 Dew Lord-Lientenant or Ire -
1A144. Rarl Dudley, Ila.s teen sworn,
The last session of the K. or P.
conventlon in &tit Francisco hilm been
Fowlds' grain elevator and 1 -0,000 -
bushels of grain were burned at
I E09 cholera revalls in Middlesex.
IV p , P
. 1. xan4 Chantler, near London,
1 lost sevcnteeo Ilogs. �
CON'rORTIONIS'I"S BARG AIN. It ,,has suddenly neen decided to
- I hold the Germa n manoeuvree In Pru6,-
Outlives Tvvo Doctors Who Paid 81a, instead of Poland.
HIM $100 Blikoll for Ills Body. I Tile U. S.'and the Porte are again
Boston, Uass., Aug. 25.- lValter likely to have difficulty orpr delays
Wentworth, a famous contortionist, Ili , promised settlements.
now 77 years old, -who lives in Med- Mr. George Mahrgajiy, of 8, out h -
killed by the explu-
- - sion of gas in a tank.
ford, is wrestlin - with a legal pro amPion, was
blem. PhysIcians have marvelled at There is much excitprueut in the
ths! wonderful little man In his dpfi- peninsula Of Yucatan, where petro-
ance of -vile jowfj of nature in d1910- leum has been discovered.
cattug joint& never intende The Parliament of Cape Coton . ir
dislocated, and two clublent gentle-
men of the pro will meet to -morrow, for the rlril
fesslon actually time since Oct. 13tb, 1900.
bought and paid for his remains af-
ter his death, each paying the P00WOrS, plaintiff in the N'. P.
Price or $100. Aterger suit, has returner] to -New
Mr. Wentworth first rMOiTOd $100 York and been placed in jail.
front a. Dr. Cowe, of Detroit, Mich., Several large herds of cattle
but Dr. Cowe dl'e.d shortly thereafter. are coming into Alberta and Assin-
Some time ago Dr. H. L. Wilder, then ibola. from- the United �tates.
in charge of the King's Colility Hos- The new 136-1101), of Keewatin, Rev.
ottal, 'New York, bec-ame lnt�rested Jos. Loltu,, D, D,, was consecrated
in Wcutworth. ."n')ther contract was I Ill Poly Trinity Chulvir, Witinlikeg,
I made Nrlth him, in which wits in -
eluded a clause stitting that tile Tile British Columbia Vrult-grow-
physician "does hereby agree to Us' A060elation is RendilIg five *
set up the skeletolt of t4lid bod,y Ili I of fruit to tile Witknipew horti._-Iil-
a glass case 'In tits privato offlie In . tural show.
such a manner that it may Ile ex- so .A. horse drlvpji by Mr. John Smith
'Ind other *D ran away near Jones' Falls, thremy-
Whited to my profesifonal .
friends.', 1 Ing Out the driver, who ir;or ;I.
Dr. Widler dipd reepni,iy. autl this. stantly killed.
give'l Wentworth bollp that the Von- I A cloudburgt uncovi,ret! about 75s,
tract LR Told ikePajlNP of tile WWI- i offine In .1 Alailh-011. N. J., slemetery,
ity or the physician to keep that 1! and many of tiwill i% er,i, iiwapt !�out
portion of It aillitlin - to tile setting p or the graves.
up of the skoleton.-thns thwartby,�
any clailu of Dr. Wild"OR heirs for -1 The' DrItish Lif,pix).it Asvoclal!on
,, :8 '
Wentworth'$ body. � covsidprin_� tile e8t.khlitiltment in,
__ ,,, a %ilreless servIce aloullil tile c,.),%�;t,
'mcluding till, lighthouses.
TOOK IT COOLLY. 11 . Wiffie, thf, foar-year-o�.d von dp�* ' �
. Jollar-toll. was rim ovep 91i tile cvj� t,
Awcused Day 1,11�1_rdorer at St. '101111 r titan Northpru YardP. NVInuip,-g. ,,tt
Cominitted for TOM. � � 1.0turday jilght aild hint4l,
St. johil" .N. It.. All1r. 2*3� I-Ir.1111" 1'. 1.4. 1.44flatow J. R. nartoll rcaft
Higgins. tow I'M evil-year-ol'I bo"..�� Ilk -Pit instritel.e.1 to vss4t Ilaivarw.ob
ellal-jr,eAl with tht. 211111,1111-P tit Wi,aiall, jr intlitire hito P%-Qnm,n IjIllok,al'ilh 4
11011t.l.tN. Ifiq (shnill. In. I' jvku 0oul �, ela4m- to tho vrown hatk)e.
Rark, Zm Augllt-t Ist. uan,74-2111tilt- W.,rri-isotia jilm-owrti are to ust, cyo
t0d foil trial twinit'.1tt. tit thl, lt�,iItll aai�jxnw radwa.%s, TPe lnereawoh I
SPINA'3111; tit 1190 ,�lljkn ine Vwm Ml ,; pflk6t is (Ioull)(1816mrAl 10.- hy ,�!ib
'411, 6"N
41tvill1wr _"ll+ Tav Vitlivil 11w.4 es -t, - q4tfir resistacee to deway.
talkIll-r-hed a sti"Iti: 4.1reutustantial"
7 At t1w rrqi.v,.qt oT t-,anip%tj 4jvo,.
eam, �n additioll to the 1.%ttlerve ori prs!sez- of the li aaarq,4�. a M ii so
tittio FreJ 0amNisevd. wito was all 1,1111164, thowl lnlpor!.ql�
, in loop dreadfut,
ta-buIlling aeronal"Yee i, fluen furl,10"CA of I
doc-d. Thotuh vit blonme ot'.4 s�%&j 1,t. ,, affatra p4,ading at tho% %atlean-
; It'lJov. (,.it thl. Pro
Unir clutraptor ,tv-4ig sqIblouttsq, t h ('01. St. 1'. Urb fkrn"f.
acepmed N. 1(*�Ircfaccd to "low an 441Vp
. at through it till witto ealtil , V �4) CUFco. "R,
lindifference, Futifill,-, e�qgpmpluvt341%, �j 1,011art'galtou04 io to"i", aild lvdl: m
wj big fornift 4-04mraylll told Took tv.aa,. jnhjWTxobCAI aml �46'10-111,arttnMwj
ful detalls of bw V-01flo. tit .% rtarauay 4144N.14,14 4% Gct--,�f'-V)#
At,kakll 4 he l4all 4an'llginiT t .
�tj). fal'lj`�41r, 4tgel t4'%
he tvully &114. -N440410 "'etipt thjit ivaig MR0, Wo luslv 'was farlk.p
I anik mit anflt,v." PrusIrO. and lie da,*j am"At .rl,.
I—— 11ta-vil.
R 8, JA,L,J�,.Sar�ratf��,
_ ". f,441 $1��r %�' .�
_ t,
A NEGRO WHITE V4 SPOTS. 1 1,a4lbea _
,ter, ,*T %�,03.41rue
,;!;,. ,,
,# ru
- -4 ton,
Due 6 1)I1%e#1,St-:Wi is Doest0t 1011 zlriei a tNp to Marlgggiqw.v� Ito wly'4
111111m, lie 51ar W, All Whit#. I ke tv.aa =0 VITPZ mat It" a!5,�%_,4
1 15wic. 11491re attra, to.,,rj 4ko.1-VlkjAWn.
�%, -. -ag. ?:' - , I
No Tk4rl A ;_ 9__WdUt�jjtj 114 'k fariko %VaO4 fvrdr,r��,A lo-ftj, bl%, #-,I -to
lyc'ekt. a ntcvo. was 1;tnt to uAle. Ittrrualitavlao Priv,01ar-ruw"R11 'of V:4_6-
vae or ,-Au,gast 24m. in a k"t. viti. 11 F-raiiNg ni"ji 9,,�A*Ts* Il"I on N'w V,P!�k
Elt_opa whf,g,o an adtiAV.:,0 tea A" 'IS -t'
I ,19 110's-14tou umb�flannee tr4m th" , ccvt. UR ILVAV-(�V* N h"t - Wanted. -
Uoarrtsq Sticr_t P-01tre statkmn. C', A *r4*L#7&#eb grom Ir R,tKnftv1 gL�, - t*
1had ht.en wft.g strat , �gelv, Ord "I'l I � ntat 1"'Pir. 11org'at 1Vm*,,% form's:.11F
! BIDS arg'aTaB at "[Llo avuns�lftafl L."PtVaS � Of TVtW;�tft 116-011 IrUn fOr 0V&,-&141_4
ii ,
put. un the ana-an" p,1jVbVj1X%10_ IVIL'oft I atia�lis� Mr� T. t'�. 19;wCom Rev.'1r,
ii"awtori) 11 _; I
I Mv VVC0111 WAil I!,k" MU.407 `1701D 1- .5Z ,� :-
ir-l�ationrl hom cht%? t fion's vatstcoTn',LICL
touuLd tllmt a" 20 4wr r lrd-�a Zr�t,v Mere , .
I ,jqDjn %4'J"e, %11V,qoA4% toas 1,--;4
�r �
Mvrap aralklon,F9 vot r0knin %Wbueh hadi j-,ik#,%jbDtjr,d Uffli tjop tDU,0U,,-"* In"*j3't
trlfticAl WNtm "quep briq advials:S.011 1� iDr MON B!"z-au q1dnadoan Ilughbtane AS-
,�.klmztkzn of wmte ha%r, at-V�4NLI'�a so6at9ofm lor bratery ic v.svBn,-; ft4,rd
his lehius and r -ace. drowuirg .,# tad miamcd Fair at fpjii-
'T�fc &-etlyra are Vjneaj jnaV-r:'stC-d 1-1910 in jul'y o."sq.
in hing. Thf,s- wa . Y he is ist.&C--mmo otit, 0.0 'c4ghly Iner rinploypa t,sy
, ; 1E#
f1lom a rate likd.; dIse&;o, a 1�1 the f-42tr6my qlo., 1�oronfo, trhlth ba*
ot tutercuvosB_q. it tho disea,30
doesn't kill hira LQhortiv th6y a #trilike, on Its Imuds. sitty-twoutle
n vay Low @,aid to be at wt�rk, atil ootab
F.,�-onglng ,I of mor"e- tvho ate .lb,�Fpr, ard 6,47�4
white ruan biAorc- BIC. j3geEf. %0 be away �Ilrfyr PrEwfttp, �Cft#amls
When he was admitteil Ils insane,
the pu%ce malle a stateih6ut a@, J; 11Le atatleh, fieveruttent bas ,.�4-
. "Pted the invit"1#149n of thp t7DP'�*A
evidened of ms aberfation that I
vhpvl he was hiarti*"I on July 21til 11 States Goveftment 40 tako pat" lill
in & t1gurch on kleerker istreet lie i� the Exposition at :�,t. Loula tnt
pulled sonis L-f,ys �tr,d a Few cents,� 1904, ,1,5 win. it I's cndetsio,1,6.
from his Fook-et afteto tbe, cerefflany 1) lin"ll lta C'x1ifffts to c 'e�i'tion nn"i
A� ,
and Gfreted them as a fee to �i,,� i, fine Att&
Inim ter. �'l patthet nVive has 11�-,-T,n rimf-1Vtj1 a!
Weka tottgnprly lived at N�0. -10'� the �S;0:mt,n%.,k�Aj1 Auliurctic e_,,�P�.31i-
titat 11irty-vixth sl I-eet aE,l �v__�& " tion. the ,�c-*stl is imprisatel ili
. �j the I" or -A p;reparat'Ons had betb
- I I 1____-____&_�_ bt - Cn 10 PtOCC-M !33 dOg *�V-1196S. 1�.'10
14 �9
9 XILLIED, 5 �AUSSIINCJ, 4 nU,RT.,j br-11102 OT U'Re "nombpro 01 Me P�Irly
- ,, *a,.q excel"WrA.
Mtoletion OrTwo :!414eol 01gefsters falf At a fbeefing or Me �'nrzdatto,�-*'
a Pulp 3111t. !i and 11lnl0wavra-n'v A-zew.lati:Du 5n
�131ontre-al i�-';�iatlollst ,Wf,re ada:,.-Pb�o�
Willuill9t0b. bet, Aug,I, 2.',,- N4,ino." 1)7edging Ift rnpfflb�ra ne. to us'e. �rl-
worTzmen are kuawn to havo been - hand2e, coal moved by non-nn�:o
killed, fire -Lre missing and t�3ree �o labot. The asqso4z"M5% it �a e,aln-al
others were badj�, Intared by the I kL-Dke.qegntq Over 20,603.
explosion ,of two su-4 d!ge ,
th-P D-�Iawara pulp n,d 14 01 t sters 'O 4 The Scotch machinial a at 1.,.`ie
he.Tessip, IZI,
& ' Moore Paper co., ogk the Christiania 4 ,Igstou LocotLotive
River, to-dliy; . reeelved notice of emmiston from
;, the union trora, New Y�i,rk.o They wt.v
Those who wer4 rot killed ontrIght v
w0re 1116.1191f'd and burned by egcap- I the headquarters of their Focle%ly
Ing steam that ;jowed oV4�r their!, is in En -land and the�r secretarr
'bodies from the broken digesters. � there knew the eareamstdnees T,; -
To add to the InorrOr of tjD-,* 41fla. fore they left.
, I
a8ttr, the wimckage took ffre but I Walter It. UeFarlanp, a Toron`z,
4fier 90me difficulty the fire d�' - � bcs'Ziess wann, left the city eouis-
,part �
ment Ina lagM tO subdunr tile Mules, thing like two, raonths, ag<x the et,
and wr rescue was con- �11 Act datte be!ng uncertain. jr-ria.vottalt
tinned. I woman In 'eltarge of the busluesik,
,j rnems very secretive on this polnt�
1,1111til 6'. a )Tf-teor. I and MIN residerwe at 1.5aS West Xla;r
I street isr vacant.
Son Antorlo, Tiev" .kug. 2��._R�amo,n I A. Johnston. Dowinion travelic.
Cruise; a Moxican thepher4% �,
4drftk ,on th6 head unfT 1-ille(j, -bWjas I linuligration a,gent, wa�.4 told by some
a 1
frogtient ,of a meteor while lierding � Imullgrantr that wlirn they vrerre -
bis teek near Ellis, ill Edwards � cro�,slng tit(, Atlantic one- of theIr
,emmty, oil Frifty. Cruise was fipa,ted � party, a wan namqd Rob:!rt Rewett.
on a large� flat touldor, watelling Ili& � jamped overboard and wa.,;never seen
1&cep, when the motear fell. It struck ', "gain, although a dffig�--rkt s(#lLrC.1.D
the bOulder and was shattered. A, I was made.
fragment hit tile lherdtr on the tem,- I I'lle Jnpanegei Governin-rit c.Tbled a
Wift- AM penetrated: hishead, causing I few driya ago, to Hcq . T. N P
r oss �, ja-
InsItant ,death. The largest Pipce 01 j panwe Constil-,General, that th,ey
the %fteteov Ibund welgile about four I Would ftccf�,pt 'Mr. Fislier*s offer, anel
polands� - . r vrozild ereoL it sepirate bulhling of
- , . 7,000 gq(tare feet, for Canada, at-tb#
The Taltze of building P,,�rmli;Fr issued ! Osaka 19,clAbitl6n, granting .,ill right*
4n NVInnipeg this year Was $0 500,�. 1 tLftd privileges given I& otTier exbIbit-
006. ! � i� � i , i -. I
I ,