The Herald, 1902-08-29, Page 4o
4 THE',ZUR1014 HtnALD
y, who bas had ill exten-! ing, J. R. Diekson, A. 1. Dickson, . . . . . . . . . . .
ee in connection -witli'Duncanson, Clarkliner, llodgius,�
"lvo experten
IS a
q use -A. in recent conx-,j Richarason.
wool and it, h
Pill FiE`9
L� � inunioation to the United States Part 11, jinilior leavinv-130st, Or this wd we'
Department of hgrieulture, says: Courtney, Dorrante, (Io-vonlock,
-Wc, all hnow that the adulte-m- Kelly, Lauo, Lowrie, MeLetai, I\Jci�
'n, ,
BY R. 'ELLER tion of wool is very extensively Michael (ever.),MeTag"'nart, Seel, You will needa good strolipair or Flihoos. Wo
TEMIS OF SUBSCRIPTIWN :-$I,00 per and 9uece--,qfnlly carried on, and �clater, Torrance, Trotter, Wor' TIM GREtW 13LOOD
111,R11.11FR AND have what vou want.
year paid strictly in advance. Wheuthe'while none of us approve of the (V r.)
Paper is not ordered to be discontinued: misrepresentation it,, to Nylitit the I'LAToit
V01*01M. %vill curt the moot agxrn-
it will be seat until such order is given I groods are,yet the filet reniain,-; that! vaWd'forul of Dy.4pepsu
and arrearages paid. $1.50 to be charged it is better for some people to have 1 'S enior loaTiiitz, Part I. -IV, . Q . It Nvill Vor-
midinrlize.,tkoll. I Men's Heav� Sh o e, a
T reot "That 1:ull '.erg
when not paid in advanee, an article Nvith 50,1"
or 3011, or eve -n! E,(1wLrL1, F, IV- ELI' "Ll, Miller, After RaLWQ." Nervou
ADVERTISI.NGRATES.-Trtir.sieut,il5!ii� ofjvool, than not toblotible, to'-\ewtol ifeaclache, Sour ,
advertisements, 5 eents per Brevier line Part 11-' Clark, (4regrory, and rIntuleuce. 'witysuffer Dandy, only.
afford an article -with, ally IV0,11." i "'a :when a cure is guarianteed?
for first insertion and 3 cents per line for In an editorial reference to the' Purt. IL Matrien tat ion. -Carrie,
each. subsequent insertion. Small .Ades. ! M . 200 DAYS' TREATMENT $1,00,
such as"Lost" "Estray" or "Stolen wi-l! Shepherd's Bulletin of Jnly 190�1. .., acKti,7, Martin.
, Jona 11AUG, Dashwood,
be charged 60 cents first insertion and ?5: the 'writer calls attention to the, Part IL junior leaving. -Alit, "I was unable to get
cents for each subsequent insertion. filet that notwithstanding the Bailie, BeKn, Bridge:;, Colh,)rne.! stiv relief from Asthmn A few 113argaius in Sum-mex Go o d is
Copy for change of advertisement must! actual and estimated falling Danlop, Jeckell, C. Johnson, Knox, nnil.gtomachTroubleuntil
be handed in not later than Tuesday night, the output of Australia , off in .11illian, 'KeDowell. O'Lonahilin. our xative Herb.�.
n, South Call and see them befol-v they go.
of each week to insure change in follow. African and South Ainerican wool, Spence, Stewurt, JVZJ1],_0.r, Willson, JOHN DUMART�
ing issue. anLountin- in the aacrregate, to 173, H, B. Woods.
Local notices in ordinary reading type 000 bales of wool, there was it tre- V11 IN (4 RA21. ZURICH, ONT.
�titu G. N 0 ('a J`L 1>3LAKE.
Seentsperline. Notlees for Church eu-. men(tous decline in prices in the, Ansley, A. E.Beoton. W.0 . Bea-
� London market, 'with no certainty - t % . Mus 0
tortainatents or other benevolent ins - on. Cuvlei 171enrs Hug-, THE 07BLISS Co.
tion at special rates. , that the end was in SiLglit. The wal,�h. Sole Proprietors,
Contracts for column, half -column and -writer addA:-, ^Undoubtoffly a uriv- MONTREAL, CAN.
quarter-columu rates for specified periods en amount of wool oe., farther to- I-'XITFR P. A.
trill be cheerfully given. Address all; day than ever before. by reason of PtIrt 11, junior
communications to the growizil- nse of substitutes, liar- Frayne, Herbert Grogoi-Ntllollors),!
==Xa1CJ'ticularlycotton. If saline persons Mabel Jennison, Anna Martin, Vora rn e%
havamountdiscloyeretl that the statistical MvPlier,;on, Lilian Robinson, Fred J. 0. KE
F.. ZELLER EDITOP, Zuiucix, P.O. proportion of wool is exceptionally Sweet Etlith Taylor.
qtron--, the fact can be lar,_rely off-' Part IL Junior Matriculation- Graduat-e- Op,t!(Ian
FRIDAY, A -U( --,r, ST 29, 1002. set by the inere assertion that the(Iolipian Moncur.
use of wool has been treineudously Part 1, Junior Matriculation.- IR
displaced in the la -;t few year: by Lily Hartleib, A. Goo. B.iwdon. H. H EN SALL. ..... .
Forecasts for September, cotton. Wo do not inklan that cant- L. Huston (phy;4cs',. V
ton has been used in Nvo;)l fabric,' Thr following pliWit• school pu-
From 4 the 1. - to the 4th falls the in suiall anionlitst: we itioan that pile obtobtainedPart I Junior Matri-
culmination of a regular Vulcuu woollen fabrics art, in innninerable dilation standing oil 1-)Ilbliv School
period, intensified by Mercury,, lustallees nr,ty collillosetl for tile Leaving llztpers: - 'XILAvin Stone. Fitted on Selontifiv Principles.
Earth and Mars. with new inoon, on Iftr'-'er part of votton, if our readent inan. Grarilet Welilwr. 11`1t, ill Eilig.
the 1st and Moon on the celestial will liarilOn tile 4pillvarant volitra- hofft:vr. Barbara Cliesney. Ada A FULL I.;TOOK OF
equator on the 3rd. Warm watilOr diction of wrin,". Cameron, Murdock Wbitldoii. 3ohn
generally will inost likely prevail I think I have lint sut'livient ill- Kitt -lien. E .1, Swan. Eliza 11,011ii
at the openintr of the month, 'viten forination beforo y% m to pr.%vtx that s -in. Jams, A. 13r.)wn. Joilin Cutilv,irt". Jewel ry, The industrial posilio]I ()r ill tilti
fallin-, bazonieter. growing hrunid- theadUlterationol wo-illon gpi,od-;. V. MoDonald.
A wor](1 to-dav 1" 1 S0111'.
or I ,ay tlul manufacturo oaf Lfflia- -MeLvan. Sidnoy Ganlinti,r.
r. d other ,ttivin indications
it. .,),I Watches and -himphl-il isver oillers ill Inally
spreaddning easrwarkl from, west %nq *,liurwiLs -t ils .444 a:, wit -lien Maiaii- Wrviu. Allio Werin. Aher We havv tl
southwe,.t. On and tonching the goot1s. is a laruze and grklwinz prz%° (4 -ay. JvffiArn. Anna Kil. C,10c' 5 lille." of illaillirm-tilivn
. I'lit ill lloe Sri efft-t-fix-vIr
:send Ll 4th no lone shoultl bo snr- tice all"I that it 11"ll"W' 4•vk'llyvlw p:tTrit-k. .14shic, R. War- K
prised by energetie storms o if rain, in the future, t-4 shvill, hu,",antilrY ren Slitraml. J.-a-fla Trow aven. Ratty as ill
and the vlothim-, of the nia-z,,th, t4inQ,in. Ili. ina spevhd attf4litit'n paid to
-wind and thunder. t
If very low 1t;%rameter and, Wtit the jx�tiiplt* with honollt tar aham. Lnw'.'a T'ielibs-no. Della 7W
Indict Taurricant, reach our south to tala, up the oluesti,on Hattie Harkt.r. Ella 0ol4l. -aa kinds of Reloairingr.- Lr --
coasts at this tizue the; Pither thoroughly and v� f-trart. e4i,,rpo, Elaar .1st -W Calit). qu Lo 1__v V 11-0
reaeli interior seetitow,. uml travk.1 legisIatine
Law. 11WIlt 144kk., I C. Stoneman,
thence to the Lak.v, aud $t. h sball I'Lwe thti. lenl-t Ma
reuve. eausin_- high tenilteraturt, ntisN on all hienw,i and tlll-.nrt tLit'in Bwnftwol,- Jv,,iv Mak. Iti a WIlvVI Calladiall I-vervav
w. It 's I'Aw NvIlvel
andbettvv sv*nwi of rain. wilul, HENSALL, ONT_ t1jit.,
and thunder ,over noels: tite v
i th- itill-
nollrzt. e,,*tt su, ear iitlwr List Wi-ilz tlat-
try. tar thky will move up the waterml, -4-Ull r,*.
Ailantic editits. musing dangt-r ill
r. W, lb4son. Uiluo. MOTT Nililt. 'I) roipll I'tti, 1-11t6bl't 'Old Wt"Al%
those regions and hi -AA
barmueter. notrthm-Ir viands aivl Life 144t°wl. -.111-11t
all north= t k-
ernaudit,entralliartsof tht-- eoun, RESULTS 'OF EXAMINATIONS. -AK.-na litt, zri`�n. •Willit. Mill Plioio - rapfl-,.er,
try. Time1v awl jwsitlw- indlil;i.
ext ll
N�, 11 V
. .1 z(", -Allw To'l
ti;ns as tag' vhwh tot nitattprs will Senior LminQrts One ani t Two. \.., 1: i� HENSALL. wo * HES"" Zurich
11*nrne. fix.
turn, will up1war to 'all whto par Junior Part wo. Part Two and 04rr:1,b -
attenticm w thkA saWi,,41, Ti:t:, Honor Magic. Vbtt4l N-4 It -Eki,.Ah Jvza*am� Xt ITHINO BJCT THE CANADA CYCLE MOTOR CO. Limited. TO: -'.ONTO Canada
Qb2`nQV3tiV4tLUtfr0%tS 4W'4l oreur * Nv� -Al"hilrt -
tLw 4th tv� the 'rlao f,41,otving FIXH�,,T NV,411.11C TVIVNED
ShIt!, haw la Cala hundou, fmt Z,�v thL� !t
The OLemenis wfll rellQlf ftjjtB N -L: no. 4"Anto'. �n OUT iXT 1*1B.A%4.XAHLB-
more or
X"o l'-ILittle Tnt%
enargy. prolTessinv. fr3nn mt,!.t tel Pith 111"A.
east, atodut tLv 71h tc.) koflh, Thal after cl %NUA.
(Villjor of the Xars joor�ezl futto. otu tl�" %1,0014A11 iAla.A "'d Noj. ,1' i,
the nestle. =A em alut ah,,nf fLn% T1 'n;l 1,
dato. it Innstbe froluelalk'Tel. ry uaIrt tllvjjnwr Ia"r a
af!,51 Ll Xn nl.In-
&A* rpa-A-Ves a Crisis vil. Malauaninno A n-1%"XAnXAPLM- STOnY. L T4al a
0 f ul a Cum e t L o u RA 4 o I f oe t r g,� -, t ' 14 - i t c n. 1�'8tk: u G
rt%'Le �,attslnp wanly":!9r1 1 tta?
A ZSpecialty****
trical stornas. t;,airfli tbf�1146'- _,'Itull r`Y' �-'-VJt Qn,� LA U VO11-46 t ";I", t 0.
Aur,11-al ha?lts.
all sftwk�� DR!- ULFe
tjleL'�� ""Q, L
i1 Wv
0pJ ItL%'
=Ufa U&I LD� " -` bt fin, d
O�L Olt;.
Geo. TRIO' Doc, on
zl'%t: im t..", �rfT,17L CLIvu- t
Tbe rean'tat sh,Jfft_s tkalziuoa ci-nmA
_L L L'T
r"* t t H E N S A L L.
bft%#� nri Mltato ul� ".*L�A-nnt- at"11 t=-
'11; J
4 Good
eYpU,;; %tcrn VcaJ
t W.- �o-� ttl "t
411k "i,
X- t �i t Ex c b ain, -, c,
S&ITLIR. WM be a��&zlt ne 1"tra. 7 - Vsh,
U V - 1,tll PL��L,� E- a!�' 7v� �O ":4" t a 0
11 -4th at"I
The -"as&, regntar %tonnw 1wr&A fOt Part v . 7 �,,inv I.
gqbto=��.tv-. !4; , i�ettral v.�,n the �Mln part al. fa wtv,l �s "y n-'� ipt, on
extflldt'mt onet tile :°:=A] to !L,'.tTn-
Afaothtt, P,
art al. jnn:
le at V, is fime� TLP lRurt. -Tarr,"tt.
F , W
N, 14� e rLL M. -I rl",
L vy
stc2lat -2,...">t'" .btte. e_,..?1&4z tj,:.- tpr e
Pa953a,? Of the Moan ower f"nz, 1E%1Jz"La T.., .7*
tot, '611 Vac _"tk. ot4thaldate and•
_rs. WK nz. und I;X,-7�unzA.
Ist. antumna"L, thinn2ersl•win. �n
Uai I !.zel --A elm, EaA UAI
Fh�sf an.1 6��,, )t-1-PA-Jv9a*ft
17. p]:`r-"i*%JT�y'azgrse.
h4te mtin Age, Wt. Adulterated
F, J Lax,�.nF-n_-,. L
lle:ftt Nmatlded.
4th. WL-' to. 7- r.n,
, l:.. �
lov-.. Hu--177� F -,�j t-,-7 -7 R� �, 11 r
a r ein nt�l un
A V 1HEMEN, "A. L I" V lit-,
,y Pr; Ate In -H.
Xonzv Invi, -_,d, t
der Ste ApAl *23fl. n� wtftle��z N Hmr� IPRITANT
the par-L�1- x"T'_-tom
IGV*,�eils Ass�w_-!aln r:Ia at its
ift lurI- 1�7assetd
ag&:Mst 11FLe nae 'Of SIEN&Idy."* COM-
fin-ming.headds.-Itis genere.,.y n"'i
Ou I t0hr"at,
e6z, 'e;1niat me WV.1 gfz;�,
tk TFtEPHONP, 696:0 ARE
yo" -4,
im-dustz-7 4s sufferim y
f ': _zszz!a=_s inj =, g
t'a= adulterant p-traeff'OEs in tLne st, g Res
lnanzffac!&'Ure and sale aA -wcblen
t!:e Z ELI L E R
If M,�� U
,-,,aods J. "LS Much as sae" m I - -
BT "t -m- ." 0 __.
contai'm and even =ore Sif
shal, esti Les, f,,3r at�r. a Ir
Iv. or other snlu �Ir. W. 14. V; a: :1
fik.�bc..., DEAF01
i=1 trespCCted cf C6 _". I. -It -4. V;-ve:-*.*�pt. :, . t
pertivmn Cotten WC-rt12 :.4'V Is slates 'Ha-'rEng t:LSe3 D-.- A.M L TA A
. r -t 'T""' 2UF11014, 6N 40. ALL CASES Or
haStIVS jo_ -
ra,6--S Very .5trg-els. vdth weol wext�a rne=t L -r I e= testn.
�:y t:, ftsgrpat
40-r, p&r, p3=d n- vASze The sa5a--�Mz %hi -Ii 31 en�- i
lr frr= the -sen- Lo %A
the pr�--Oe Of the sa
Inived fn "equal Sh-ares �X-ingr -_tisn of P'tes was s: e.' awfc,.7. Sold 'by I ews, dee ers, ARE NOW 0 U R A a
ca= say tT--Ot tt'_-ere is On th..'s x&,7,. -'J E
anelinc-tirga in Vie priee clg a711ut' to eqasl Dr. Chas_. 04zt=e=t as a care 0,'! �`,g 12 hy r= me," irnose f7z.,z
-1e�5AV.'PEPlPr!: IL -
The manner (,if -aizzl the,;e fs-. t!:is 4.zeatiz-�-i &!seasc 1, med aizrp3t G 'N' W'
I lit,
adn4tenjnt,�., ha�z be, -n so, nantyremalzes an -5 •never qct rr.zreossa HEAD K018 EASE WE Us
ManipulateA that the. qztality of sli;ht re-ief from any afthem. Batw%�
900&q Tat it expaised to tine' snn Lor
gh care. uuw gzve 3*00
t!:ar�u, ,
weather. is a1me%.-11 Ucal v. say lao ==h !a rc= ==datica As
that rif
go -ods made of pure r.0
09- cf this great nr.n. (Felt. 9-Vu.ase and tl Lett On t�;":1:U:. l -z, unn'.
the mantifaourers mekin-
TE's is tine ia:i2y praparalls:l vi-dcli is
nvt �r ro,1,1.� tit:�r
sitiVe;V gaaraMteea to CJ.
substitutes ha-ve. increased �e, any fz
ve r= ef 24.
.1,:% e-, -t -n tl.zat -.,a h - tad noises ran gelY'with in the last tbree years- yzes. Xsk ya-,2r na-g* abont it. Ott. vurnisher monthly i
vlltst wl;=e lef new, Choice
au_v -a.lz(xv Y .k or'lerc." v0-tr t.e"A-
A*:e-: use,:!
Wehivese*nsamplzes of wo-ililen a box, at i'61 dea!er4 or Lamarz-on. Bates Great Nurthrrn - C.
.4, ter 1:%.e W4.
900& 9W ssubstitnte or cottion.' A Co.. Toronto. r. Ar SuMV,% 64 PAges of Pfa n a 'Music, Lv. a'.
ao 21-1 Leg to ne-n-
other samples 5fol, tatta-il, '164,
North Brant-Parl.- Sept. Pleces for Piono-orce s; gu�qtii f,.,r ft�; Id.
3 sc:dp"
Cents. YeaxlySub- Unn,$2.00
slLodkv, and Wool and tll� r., Chase s -North, G �Y-Owim S�Jnd, K�!,- will serve us tixe IrAa=e and adexefs�,A� tredabno lfdoevvot infe'7',Oy'e "'Ith Y101W
same, as far ass mere appearanee Z±a-ni-nat.nn a...;
;ret rt n(antnitAl
eoneekned, showed- up very -well. Centre Bruce--Paisl `Py"f 1h6 MA94elte r -"Pet- V'0UQKVd9EY0UR8ELFAT HOME
Aftl Or 001AT.
Mr. Jainei MeN.-auErnton cf _yevv "tr"e, nrt W. P100t1k, PubIfther,