The Herald, 1902-08-29, Page 3� . 1''. I i.. I .. I __. P""Mm
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W wwwwwwwwwwwvf. %RVW%M%MQOOQ()C)GOC)000(Mooc0000000 L40 U." made her hips at least two R . I . ,
- ,D,lh Flivaller bvl this 'ilp _ t1vallon. 'More Is no better cure ''I . I I.- � . _+
. ,.
. ^^~-'__-_-�^.-�� 0"", I .V. lur lear than action, . '
I Of COWse, tile silken rduglet Is 31. We be not able -This bad not
TheLatest in Fashion News;- drawn on first or Mrbere this -is cils. been asserted before. Mie ten spies
-the kingdom PeOised 'With a Isheof, cliamise may be ,ITHE MARI(ETS'l
Beauty and How to Attain assumed. I are " Increasing In their opposition.
I ' 3'.. Evil reporte-eateth up -How ,, I �
k and Retain it-Kitcben ZOU0001Y AJ'round the Waist. itabellef grows, Atl first it was only
. * Philosophy -Gossip I I '-rhen tile Pl%tty I U We drawers are a Suggestion (TS�. 28, 29), tJien It be- roronzo Jvarmar:i' 1%,ts'.4eZ. I
bronfilt up eviloothly around the came an assertion (v. 81), then it
I 8 wals Aug. 25,-TiAcre )vere only' 300.
* and Humor and tied iio that there are no assumed the form of an "evil re., tuohels of graia r(ceived on the gtkeet
of the Fair Sex 8 hard knots to press I ai,irkeiu tlilj� morning, Prjovs were
I L 1~ -��%-_-,---� �J tie agalliSt the port." �
" R oil. � � I stoarly for wheat axidf.r for oat&-
whe't-Was stea<%1" two, loads , of
lleiv goose Bell nga,t 6� to LS 3.-:-'c pev,
busavel. . I 1 4 .
Oxto--'VVcro f rmor, ODe load of'vlewl
selling 4 Ue per b�91101- I
Ray-Wa s eteady ow, lonA of 010
. 90,11111L,n 4�t $1,8, 11,111.1 101 lt,'ddR Or 1101VI
kv,t� $10 to $L> per, tou.
Straw -Was steady, two loads 13011 -
Ing ax $11 peIr tom. a�
Beer -was easier, hindquarters sell -
Ing arc 7 to ,go' per lb.
Whewt, white, new, 70 to 75c; red,,
72 1-2 to Uo; glooae� 71 J -2c ; goose�
I)eW, 65 to 681-20; oatS, Old, jL6 to
46 1-2c ; oate, now, 84c * rye, 480 ;
3my, timothy, old, $L7 to $,8,' DOW,
$101o, $18; straw, $11; butter poun�(%
rolls, 16 to Ise ; crooks, 14 to 16c;
eggs, now la,Jd, 14 to 10c. l�
'Juronto Fru.1. .�-urkets-
Receipts on, tjle local market to-
day were, large and prices were
fairly well maintained. Apples, 15
to 2()c basket. Bananas, per bunch,
$1.60 to $2, Lemons, $2.25 to $&50
per box. Oranges, $41 to $4.W per
box. -Wifornia peaches, $1 *;1o.$IX0
per case. AVatermelons, 20 to MA
each. Black currants, per basket,
90a to $I. Muskmelons, per crate,
$1.75 to $29,g5. Canadian tontatoee,
25 to ,1145o per basket, Cucumbers,
per basket, I -P0 to .30er. Peas, per
ans, per bas�
ket, 10d. n1mbleberries, T -to 8*
per box. Canadian peaches, -00 to
30c per basket. Unlekleberries, per
ba,sket, $1 to $1,10, Uuskmelons,40
'to fiDe per basket. Pears ,W to 50a
per basket. Potatoes, new, Cana-
dian, -JW per bushel. Green corn,
9 to 10a per dozen. livickloberriee,
per case, $1.70 to $1,90,
Leadlto= Wh.-ast -*arkets.
]Following are the clo4ng quota-
tione at !wportaut wheat centre*
to -lay .. b
' Coat. Do*.
New Torl .. ...... . . ...... -- 745-91
('11ickago __., .... 1. ... = 694A
'Dolelp ......... ...... ...... 72-0.3-4. 7a .
Dulath. -No. a Nor, 7;�*1,2 —
Voronto Live, b.oe& WIACK I �.
Eximrt catee, choice, p#r,cwt. V 49 to 46.1
do meditan ...... ...... 1. . 500 to 0 il
do cowil-l." 360 to i W)
Butchorwo'cattlo. ii;�ica, , 540 to a -,o
Illiltethera,mtole'. rholce ... :*.,:: 460 to 3 Oil �
Istucherm,caultv. filiv_"...."... 373 W 160 �
. do vorunwo . . ....... _ , 30 10 i 1C,�� I
do bullis � ............... . 1-4 W to .s W '�
FeedV6. shkar-kitep .. ...". A, 7a to Is *24
do anedinin , , ,__. � .. 360 to t w
Stee Ktro, 409 to S do Itm. " � ...... 3' W to 3 ir.).
BuUmv, j.hJ,Vl-:, 1- -11. -1 A bo to `!`V 54
llhxh cowo. CA(% � ... � �U L . 0 to it W)
shec P,l twe*. rer 4 Wr �, _ � 310 to 3 t�o,
4;rrI., Iov-k-, J,�Ir �Ilftt_ . � 2 �4 t* 2414
Nletr. buteneri. W.6 ...... ,,_ 2 to') 16 ,3 J*J
lfalftt�. ta0h 11 3 Iks to 11 43
1141-p rhoav, rvr ov: , *� 67J 1.0 13 W
IWIM N.1,4, vir ewl , . .." -. vt to 0 W
llck* fil, Iftr k,wP ., i . , I -Z 11)
11 ,� 41 J` to 00
IlrItIall Gtro qtatm 4yLe,0C*C*
1.14t 0-1i, At%lil :�",—',al ILe aro quot-
0 Z1*-kh*- ue lrotu. 1-4 to rk, vor
1,- c"rrs,onA %4,�.,gltt . �vrrcerafoll
114-1, 4b it to) lue tov 9b.
41te,ew l,,aokvt,..
041P.31�IAOU$% ql1,;41., tw�:� *_"�,,-At tt;q
t.8#iig%-,fr, 0,Uf,L,9r Vol T�.o-*I!6e,ltvrn!11ewr-
� . I -
,, J
41C�'VMT.,tuvW-u Fl-1).mvivo bere to -
.010, "t
'l, ., U�l 10-. ibrivo ,410WA L403 �boxcg
I �tft " � 17 4:r#%mv--vvQ #&f red 1�139q,
, 'w.t t -
4 W�#:14 &Attolr. k fllvm c to t4 to 01-12*1�;
1,:!14 to 91. I's �U4 t4o, w, �
141% alilil , .4k:U&11, Q, ",--A t I 9JO mettleg
q4 tow %,4,_ -VL, -,--v Vnati rl"cloa here ut.
,!,��, !!tx,re �.44rc ollortra tv'."513 WL11to
o 0,,3 :7114� � ls�laa,o?, I � iX44w1i: wtm4tlod
443- mwi�.*tat!i I'M% 1104ke"" s4l�,Is,
WiAlkdou 'Ij!�n, *
.110 A\Q!1,�30.-- 47,1P 4 ,%JI &61�,_J 1.
.14" 6_4-_��,. �
Wiiolto�ew)t��, %-, T,,. 9i-,;?_ L3.-011 t�t,a �
1, C; . '. �
� � *� r,:', ar-43 tv�,�a Tt.,Uf C,X*c--& or �
.� P.V�V,;4l, f�J,10,,J ,Zt r� ��'Z, IV- �argt ata �
,*", , I-
.. ,� 1#9 !4 "0-5, toaft 44�m��,,K, �
�!�11-tjv% Au&�% '_`."-At t&6 f!7,rjrr-,. i
t7 �-_Ijj J,L.r,.-F.,&`. t�,,�Jllt.b t�,,,_k,1,n-,j, 1,!U,5S the_ I
,� , . -t*b
IT'l.— lllwzt6,�Tl It 14,i ,
" -, 'i .m �,_, :ic. 66S co"I'ail �
t, i?, 7 wt.i�'.' 47 � r_btrA v�,qn�*,j�t .Ala M �.,A, "
r';�Ut lt_` t,,�,)�:,�� 07.
t%p C��k- ior th4,� C,dl. 1
kou-"Ii bN.%-,-1U,,;t 4, t-�*,. 1,11�t* bloL,TJ 4
-'a j, t 6 f , i(W � at'! ,;�& 1
N1J,--. I : mnt, , jilttt f6f Jhft ii
_1110,- Fq�,�d Pot �4�*!�4.l, �,ltv
� _6 tk tvq�l_ 1
ro-tr D '6-vc-. . V -mu,.:,, Lt-dt-�O; at "914i�.
11 ' UU, ,Sone ol Anax-Anak literally
,OV1.1coate 'have lost their signkfIed long necked, The sous of
00 8 Charm 'the feminine bear since Anak were a rdee of giants In
om00000coococococc000OCOOGOOCCOOODOCCOCOG000000000000000000000 0000000000 Sbort I t I
(BY Augusta Prescott.) . The long coat with ,;Aveeping tails, ; grease and w -ill make it eas I y ,. to daluty liLtie raffled chemises have strength. . it seenle to be a fact
Skirts are to be a great deal the w149 lace collat, and outstanding -, waah. . become fashionable. 90 she does that In Primitive times there wore
longer than ever and You must not rovers, the flaring deep cuffs with Now take al bran bag that bolds a Rot need to bother berself wl tb men. of great ktature. As grasshop-
cut brf an Inch. Instead of cutting I the pulled sleeves below thelil, all tablespoon) of bran -and throw It 'them. I pere, etc. -"Tho fears of tile unbe,
these things look like the Pictures in I To. put on her etooklogs and; ILeving spies magnified their foes."
into the water.Cburn it until it is requires only a tow minutes,
Off YOul must add and you ca'n be- the Pdcturo book, Yet they are made I a milky -looking mass. Set this as,0181 and
gin by joutting a flounce on your conventional by the application of for it Is the shampoo water, bho is ready, for the stays. These, 1, All ,the congregation - There
. modern dressmaking methods to Take of pure, clear soap about a of cowse, are lett out as far as Poe- were a few noble exceptions, how-
. longest. skirt to wake It long enough. I them. Idble. for no woman thinks of pult- over, Wept thtLt night-Theso load
quarter of a cake shaved fine Make ting them On without adjusting wallinge, resounding by might from
Skirts will be so long that it will StIlts and 11 -saves. a lather of ft, a,nd Into this'lather them
be dlffleult to walk in them and I throw a little powdered Orris root. cach. time. - tent to. tent and from tribe to tribe,
,they will require practice prelimin- Bilks and'laees travel together This Is the ,washing mixture. In U 'twinkling the ribbon )lose sup- spread tile contagious despondency
ary to, a promenade. by a natural affinity; one shows off Rub this into the hair well and sat- POrters are snapped into ' place, a through tile whole camp. -
Dinner and evening gowns are par the other. If you want to bring out urate each hair with it. Let the 10119, loose negligee is donned, and 2. 3. Better ...... to returno - They
ticularlY to be mentioned in e- your lace to advantage, put sUk back p be very mollst, and after you then milady is, ready for the artistic murmured agabost Moses a.nd Aaron
of it, and if you want to display have got ft well wat, you'loan take touches that make or mar her ar, and wished to return to their fo,r-
Card, for they actually train In your best Piece of silk lay a little tile nige, and squeeze It upon the Pearance. mer life of ser,vitude. "In their
front, while in the back they ap- Lace over 'it. It is paradoxically secalp again and &gain, letting the This 1#3 where, time is needed and Is dread of the evile before them they
proa-elt a yard In length. Me court true that one is seen better through water ran down the hair Do this 'Punt with ,satisfactory results, but overlooked the greater evils behind
train is not "in," bat there Is a the other, and as they partly con- until there Is ire doubt bat the by no means should the coiffure pro- them."
close at�proach to it In the gowns i 4. 3TAY-0 a captaln-They repudl-
ir appearance. time show off tile good points to Do not rub the cake of soap upon 'complialiment. Carelessness and an -%Ud Moses horvab
that are making the' ceai each other they at the same head"Is well soaped. ,c)-ilm the minutes taken in the ac -
For the house these trains can be the greatest advantage. the hair, for It will be impossible unst,died effect, If becoming, is According to Nehemiah 9, 17 they ac -
managed, for It is possible with high, The laces that -will be worn this to remove the soap from the separ- pretty, while froweinese is to be ab- tually appointed a captain to lead
betle .And practice to get around in fall are Bruges, filet .and Irish lace. ate bairs. ,Once rubbed on, and the horred, them back to the taskmaster's lash
them. But for the street they are Me last is a cx�cheted lace which result will be a sticky bead of hair NeTer,less than ten minutes should 1113 EgYPt_
attended with a great deal or diT- Is used for ,%vhole waists and be deTotted to tho hair, for it is wom- TEACHING& - 'We should be very
transparent yokes. It is heavy and When the head has been soaped anlo greatest charm. careful about following the advice
ficulty, and the woman vrho walks for for weeks.
will have a season of worn-leat' very dllrttble, Imitation point D'Al- unti- it Is white with lather and rob- With each curl and wave arranged, of those who do not h&ve faft-b in
binding and balo'kaches ahead of her. encon and F lemish lace will be bed well, usethe bran. -water for idne- the next -consideration is the face. A (,red. It Is Possible for God's people
:If the skirt is held up properly It worn a great deal, and ValencLen- Ing. Rinse again and again, using Well -,gowned woman no more thinke to enter the Canaan of perfect soul
will not be so very baxdi on the wo- nes will ever be In vogue, although a Attle sprinkler with rubber pipe or neglecting To brush and shape her rest at once.
man wh ear for the Jashion- Tal. has gone out .1 little. As an edg- 'which can 'be attached to the fa,u- 0 yebrowg than Elie would of forget- PPACTICAL SURVEY. .
0 w " lit' ing, though, It 19 second to nothing, ting to care, for her teeth.
able lift is very high and the skirt cet. In the absence of this a small
and the little Valenciennes lace ruf- watering pot will do. After 'these features are attended no Incident of sending out tile
can be raised eight to ten Inches and fle occupies a place in drpss which
held! up In both hands. We. lift re- You will need someone to help you to, this 9,Tstem-Itic woulan is ready spies to view the promised la4d, al-
quh-es practice also, but once learn- no other lace has ever been able to for tile rinsing. Water should bt, W don tile skirt or Iv -r Trook. .Npvi;'r thougli the disastrous outcome was
ad It Is very -pretty. The drop skirt, usurp. heated and poured upon the bead. d*esi "Ila -Xttempt tile watot unill known to God, to oall, another strik-
which is prettily trimmed, falls be- after hor bat is properlY adjusted, ing illustration of ile kindly deal-
. �
Buttoulu-- lit the Back- first hot and then cold, and the as- and upon this IfLit(..r adjunev: site lav- 111198 of our merciful heavenly
low It and looks like a dress skirt. Popu)�,rity is all exe sistant should not stop until she ish,,,; Father
client thlDg has used up her gallon of water and Ell JUMP time, than it is generally witch, ]lie wa.yward ar4d ungrateful
Mine. Patti, whose recpnt gowns to cultivate in these days of more. I Pposrd to require. childr-en..
have been admired �n Parls, and walsts that button down the back, Tile Pffect must lie earefully studleul
London, wears a dinner dress with for a wdinan Whot does not keep The little gas stoves and aPPII- from .ill points and 110-L until paelt , Explielt 111,structle,vis were given
tile '00108 as 10 tile facts they were
deep flounces on the bottom and a mald must depend upon her ances rot' putting upoll the gas arel long pin 18 thrust In sceurel and, I to, learn, Damelv. '140,le the land, what
with each flounce bordered wIth friends, bat there Is tile consoling ,**cry useful in a, case like this, for comfortably can the rob!nX �Ivwoeess j,t je, .111%) Ftlio i)�Ople that f1welletb
thick double ruchings of mousuellne. thought that there arp always they beat tile water and keep it at col�tinue.
A., similar ruche Is at the ]load of the 14 9 t4ere;n. wiDether they be strong or
kind-hearted p(,opla in tile world, the gbt temPoilature, alit) In sham- t Thp walet follows. and.t. great deal "Mak. few or maily; and what the
1-lounce and Is put on In curves, and no woman v)eed go out with P00i"K the hair a great deaf de- oll .e,t(4ntr0vv if; giNpli to the tilletalle land is that t1re,"W1 194nd In. whother
Pretty Street Gown. her back unbuttoned, thoughmany pends upon this. I (4 roilthr land bplt. it, Iw good or "J.
do. Flmally In the Ideal sbampoo %he i It bR ourlous, buta thet, nPvf,rtIzr Tko mport was not vinanimous in
F or the street madame has a gown ws is tile On, Itair should be r1need with rain �. 11"R.R, that no woman bi4orp waring I
In sea blue, which Is a dark color, that calls for a touell o e Lter. It .%,on eannot g( -t thIs takp �h(r prptt.r reficetiou in the � ng noir- .13 rarth-ulark. Thero worgN in hiet,
u f �-'Ad, in W, 'o I Two Ilf,ports,, a malarlty rep
80methilIg like ultral arlite. It Is or In tinsel. 'wn'ter out of tile hot water faucet. i roll 1111911'ets thint ,Ort
livied Witil coral red taffeta and the iowe"lly . "ttle Parting *I-th 11 ,altd a, MiNspity rt,port.
foot in flounced with sea blue, piped it is Coming to a, pass Avilea wo let It coot a little alit) saften It 1` .41 hur rose n Ith her pow4er puff. ,r.l:(, =t-rity rial,orl. .is vnlg�lt
*with coral red. Madame's bo& , must have a little Cold On every- with a, teaspoonful of borax to a. �' lt'gae ninch it, sign of aplortwal ,ns juaturalily Ito 1.,4,Ir,qleZ,#4I, Iv.18 pe
I '.
re- if you cannot get it in "y quart or water. � un.vthinp 0HP. but tha rMing pa?.-..r,j1#l1 vul-Att-1 il", tho pekiq:v. wi,lh Illeir
Peatit these colors, blue and col =1 way ,,$on must tako a. little 'Use this with tilt, spray and get 4� Iiq stronir In thi, 41rall, of � "�:tl.q v1.Ip1c;1 vylw ov'o.��,?l Z ,da T�, flt 04ul had
lin the shape of pretty little ruffles, go,ld t 14 'Jil- tktwagm enj4)yR. , 0
l ao as possible untli ll I
bread and make FrPntihkilote the hair as cle. I 1,410 lit" lInfln) 1.1 tho rtletig I,.,t,qt
met In tie middle of box plel4tings ,. TA& Ivan �tronjvly 14"'torr? 1hy I ,
of wItIto moussellno. here and tbere. It '.vitu will tako 11 feels light and sort and roludy , � v 101. 4%illlh Moir �',.vartp� filll t,lf unbe.
to fly. The telideney to fly can Vpi arrv. "Voi,
nNt' hat I.,; a wide autumn hat In the 111110 30u, Oan g*% vt,,ry gowl , lin P,. w�to In8isti-tJ upon earryIng h;.f. tilt %viontler 4 llmpip welit
gold results by ehalill, I , 111T P)MIPP P411 With herti, I
g 41 thread Ch � , d r rubbing fni t1w hairbraula, ,' Bit
w1re coiered with NvIlite taff(,ta, and I 'Peke It. 1, trr PORP 918 Phe Made Illf r W44 VIMT i�a(,,1.13t, TiBib nows, thev ('011SLOI.
trimmed lwIth itutuill, Of, 90111 all over %-our r,:owll so ,Is just a little gI^*Prine. cut with rogi, - I _Ae*
i� JLJ$-J JP.0� Jr,
i flowers and to i"ko ,; .�J a Z J.t* olpi. VVJ4r *kI tho2r,
blue. Nvith a da,qh: or suma0l. a veri Intrioatp scroll. ivatler, wid brushing the hair qjilekt, 1� �'o Il'tt W'1l*!()t1v1e* �vs:�Ldatltna al Iwar,
It Is Fulld that tb(� fashionable I " I (10 this you can work lahead I W w1th It- DO not. Moisten tile �' ______ I ,**1`Q frarMll rn.4p,!".1110-r Ttloon
world abroad wag ponipplIptl to an- u�ltiolapparejtt kllsrt�gurd of a palt. brush. bat pour a latle of tile 11)1% Uvul, c'?,*1..,p _'.'� '1".�"'I*l " � %"
4on Its s(,ason Of J41'. and both e r S(JJr% .),I J, t%" ,L4jr ` 10"
_ _ ttb, tern, but thoro vituRt IjL,� nv�qb(yl In tUre, In tile P31M Of tile littud an ' '%h pl,omll Ito Tll.ol nall ,
ddes it Z, I Sli. iqdm 0 ( .,;. 1.0
Of the water woro"atfpetpfl 1�y t,,, your madums or the beloll will run tIV6 brush OVC%r ;r0Ur Ixilm. * nst �, 4, 0 � g4e.�.v 4.1 IP3� L,4414. ;yAQ:,,, ,�Q 4o
c look torp Irregular. touell the hair lightQV With this� P 6
event. Blaek and dark grey are the � L41tv ,4 b�mw imill-l'.P ,�*t l8i'm � I rw
colors of th,fo litto Nuoinwr and bl"-tr who makes a slipehilty - - - � JN-rp1PVA-,rTfkVA h g T-- ofol �-,� .PJ3A01,, vt tvwg *%%.l. .
lace Ila" takell a great Jvvvp(�t�lkii from 01, `1crO11"`1" (110th A01*11M With gol�l
vtpulur taste. alit, wto, IP-111111O.Ps a tlumbpr.,of up-
the� work sa.ys that
MfT-11 Outlines gowng re. her onls rule is thaL thp tbr&ads
In 1h(Jr 90 prentlers fon
Main the *,mme, blit trimmingo aw shal ,tnep apart.
Ind(T901119 t-h-Unges and twon the I be ail eqtlaj 411st.
6kirtSI lure 41fWAcd by them. though If thiti rule, Is obsprvej� tile scroll
*kirts are Uhtaity thelinst to ,. Will look mwlar fifid Sod tAa
. me !Or
"I'lao strall?,lit back ktvet to than"" =P_1ndvr tbillivr and ,-.*,tu. *�vlthtyjt
wilielt all ftre strising, ,,kltd to OtIt,till ff-11r 4 spelling .Nottr t�-jrp,vld ;zntl
2t trim -4. . Nour vown
, .0 a i7"WaN 4AXPlo %I 14 '4 j ,l�'U �ll Q, 4' 1 U .,
!, , �*J ��Jt'jl 1�ollt%ZJT�4 L f,'%4#�,�J):jL (f �t�$§b
AV44'81 2*4, 1 1) 026. � L'10i -,,.�,'%4i'), 1,14 141�104 ts) 0in, %1_14-r.
': J�'$$!J, P,� 01:'t k� J. %tJJ.J " L I
1. , - * " 0 "', .,�,m4 V , T)'rua' J�-vao%%1'41 4;JkN�4...-Ilk ,,;i,+P, %t.,J,A9
� . 1,111rol 44, I-, 5�t�,ss. ,alao B. �4.11 � 11L,J%11�0�1%, LQ,
. C4M,n14'11ZaJ'.V. - I", He
t� %so ut ;atos,v ,,h'% - 1. lm,,'-,.,i�,,,�� 21) ;,%-%vB4'v *c,:� 4 11itILD44"
li,`lkt�,IAV41 WON TLOW .
1, . arzoly rot. tolugn$, t%-Qv4 41 !�tvl'-Iq3 Ijiln', , ��*-T 41,0,vic.
11 I I e.Lj�,4'p Lf&41 , W�;.
. ._ fjf,"4% ell,
,,; I!, .1,0-i,flir] 4DI t'4MUt)fi, lqol,jgj�j Jalt p ,4 � J%* �'V'�J,PJ�4-ML� flL
, I ; .e,
ho 'i's, 41h%&$, J2:0�11,,S,
�,, 1.(� kalt tho nwrt-4orx 14.�Itl ard � 11 1, l,' . Tvolv 'As g,o ,V.
" %-U Worn uptnj use
front, riot ulhon the bark.
- - -
When .toa Eco, a rakiiantly lbvct;,t,
- -
vtv! vage. Ate"Ll,41r4nug..y. *410 % �,A evn;-
#fir,04.1 �001 t4,0 444%41561' lo6opla ti;oh
IT" .Vt 41tJ �04,0�gl l. ttp, 6, 4' <v.
'The hovc;re 12"10roki
I -n linp,
frOln The lopit right ou t to tZ0,,;1"t1l
Tito Itilthl Xjud *jr ,kvIrt*.
Iroman, twantirI2112y uvunvA and uitli
I E.Indod thvin 211 tlaq vulaie 4,11 .1o'1,1;;l
� ..9.1 tit -d
�4 1�
", ill-',' '.
44N*04, tcoll' of"14A ut,t .,v IV.P.
41� VA 'I
of OP tralu. 10 rallc
n: The Ve'lezoill,f)
WiftirtlIA-A, AlIft, 'Who Min batdie a
ftVtrl,V, 1011ir 41114 lice 0! laev rropk,
%,,J11 qlh;t5t. liE - ,
,I). "Im 10 ,90 rL,r,+ .*Jt_,!
I Wi -fly -TO t` V t4 4) � 0-.�x; T-4,9014*11 Oil, 1'.
I �"w rlan tvov �'��q-'ft JJ%_ L �
line of beaut
tv. ailki you must wipk
earctufly and!aq.v arr,at,.q,,,,l,
. - 4 4,1, tBJ[Jtq4 , at
I an,��, To, -V 11 '� V":",JL",f " 0 "..4,%U - .. .
Mk�" 100-16" S,koh Or tto 7 , Ll, � �'J. %L . _*L'.,4 lq. f(*J;J I Tqo.,1111,t
It It xon lvvod� wilve . 'Iew gfL*%%.Jg
Alour L
To brUsh idoWn the caltirebs %nd
_ v0Z1 to W, �;�t _
did it C%,#,r oi!pnr -Zo () �,
4sed two tg.anl m Gull �-11.Ar go) , .1 I . _ �_l
outv nvt !J, ",�*La in � �.� t �� lf,CL, Il�A., Jr, ;"q� 0 al-4VO .43I ltLiv
a doc-kled sw2nip1mv.
18tw+00 Up thf? raolu'.
TO Inake &L -91t brrwl that a rel-
how Dong It rrvlirtm to fran't., ,� no
� .
tt'J�6, J"3 "'��a
fol-waa,"'. 0_usl t,j tt-1�44 V!wa tu-to - , , .ti .,11?1, �,. � ftwu t'. g.
, `, - MW ii, lo I iilt�_�,_ , ,_0
ft"lin tna%,Lto up't'lol 91a. lal.,3 .,J�W��11�0 j� o-1, 44"'k
PrIneesA !Skirl Not Ht,roliting.
"01tr V.4ft Vat-
charrnitg joletv rp i 'Your C
i -; I � 54"s
0 uv'M,141'��l �-1 ,,, M.
�� I - 1 1;.'ll, A f;flm,� t
- ll�V L'U" , _
Em Vol brvn thr A P� Tho � i4 �oLtv it. ogao �,�J q'i i� " -,�m -,,tr. _�
'11ge vriap-ma
q s�kart, iN inucla uj4rl;,
. ,
tbo loorrobte con'IrWIDA yon
a GL
'Ivou�'d tw- ffar i lk C11,2440
tZ�%,e 'Ile
--i �
, I , - ._ @�'.2$;��U�J[t".� �4;4g,
de,:1144%4 VVect tval�lj '674 ltalpi,b�.t kcnra,i f, Z�:___=
b Ut Ig olurorlL 1y
% 12401; be,,,�Om�flg
ov r.%"A-PdV1.e mirei -
" ,
length of tit -op. and �', L,
� Troni"i ar�' �
, " m.
-.3i'l mrndv. a V;411110 lltln-a')�,N�J !fEu� ;�
WL0 0,.,
to . 11115 2iatt
119B. 9 rt, as yon klmw. fN
dil V=3
Who AnOtts �0,w to bv,14 to rr�
LQ *401 ff t-tou phujkll VOMIKIrr Me.
l, -
Elea, -14 - - #+ **;4,-#+**,+++#* +*++*+***+"
-vo �Mvll ta mid bgraq ftoew Dilo�j._
t . ,a
the One till fm,,trad of loeing in ciao
orthottox hav
t40- ribnat-
bTr of llilnut�,vf ff. -
nullu -ott, O�Jns=R- 7 ,M
I 11PI. acd, lbmu,�,,,U tkaqf,�- ftqqr� a T,V,-,;k Z
Jol.u(j" W) 19r -lit jit all
a gtm,3 *,-"IV of tra ar'd a
r,01000og t#r#13'_(1fr &3 %tAh
liaLd Fit4ollon filom ,�7.,�Zmal� ar"A CrJ.L1v�lr_-.'1 4 . P
but 29 vz Intil'iU14 Dipward U&I Imst-
pkatcr rAT turnst ;
the hunra 2t or," luMV4 geffievr(I't"d,
loto COI.V1.0fit u W2 1111rc-m- nm�! vvia,p if + +
ward anel bq r4oplord ahruptlly, jvzvt
thuat tit mv-, baSt Ulot-#
�kae. lbake her owll ga?.nB-TDts,JM
Av= wpiuh is
mv,etg-aory to smr2tel tt'r_) ssamnLp rtrkjl�ttV_
Ata trimst- rwr
Dtad'V't%4 ti�jr= t4_0tPj afi_q '5 k'&��'Pl&' B% -if P_ �� * . . +
PHILO's"'OP - _,� +
IMA!f�_tftl* 0�1-_! V, � , --'H N
M,,ran,aP,q �,L
Little hid"tv.
SO T�crft*04 1r,_'tkw-L-*VVr.
^1 W1.0
0a,catonleg I
bktve br*!qg3Dt Wmat
111�1011P 01pn g"To up ov:-,ti,
UAILP 6' Vlf�
It 19 aco %Vry U"T�lll I
to 9twok at tL
-'s, evor,vogLr�
I knons,
lgt.-��qlg an DMVI, -?-- 40
154sving of Vyf,�r
I" , , t0,;;9e'--*:.4P,U 41t'.A 40 JJU0n(,'-
�Z. I 9� i Fr��'bug-
*4+* 4
� ,
-Cder %"
V�c mmall in a prine,c-pp, b,lt ,�-. 11
A lromft"mmi-Eonse 0V-4r,._LtU!r(r,. Ut�j Igtizi,
Owt tkar' 4,4g %,,L -Il
'lag UVat of 0"the .0t. rec*,�t,1,4
"218, Qry L
Ir ft1_VX_11P U_I_S,10�111 orp�
. ,
0, Zv, " �
i R
n't T_?�_*'�"*'Lkr`t`�' t":,lj" "`�
- _)_ t.'�.�t �alj�'��", �0 ] ri)
1� iL '?
-vgg# rrant
&19 t1af, S �. t of,th,L,A &.4t �.vxqgg,*;l,
� 11
*'b1SMa%t-!.v- dqstrwing
- wIth a att'd
689 the 011rc4lit ata. al�*iagva dae ,,t;,v_-n
�, , - 't . �
I _�o V, t,
- , �
", I C
"qF,trM3 #� 14�4,0.'f., ,cwt; 4'r.
N * �
.; ,
"4,r 1, , J�W i? [.� t�. _ �
e�ULS*,,J *.,� * ,J., iit , 4", �rp I
- , _ _ _ .
, S "tj
h*r V�vr,rz- ALt.
70 ziparh tau;d to C&1,41t-�,Mallte�,*,, re.
for t1liq ndnoralKrn umpro-ioment.,
, ,,,,
ir,� %ian-,,�, w_6 li,.,�Vl 1�o,ktrd
a ., ., iq9 , �� �
, " -
C_*tk,je� �
'n ,Z%_ -"4.t, w'va:g ;) WoL'A
Is It Brown fat, 0reth
. F, nW3 :
A Et'i't, "I"Gin ar.'gT?J QL-01 rJVVVU,QV
" k, I
A-0 it Mat. V of fact. tujeq diftet". 4t
nj�ngta 6,f J�
rob rg Dn. ve tv
I �r �', Ng0r q to r-o,r�4.iw.,�,_� qm, ,
me, S to ,Llllt�r -, -,t
If be �wzd. INr-72t. A. '22. ADU onalil �,�,
, 1=211,9!� 16L.AD *:,'U!U�` E-C-L_;�., '!'�y
. a
- cx.'�,N,l
1P Urolryl to b i
,0 th" collor of f.,B1
uOUTDINI-11. -tWe,go -\,Ws,,
�,,s slo tto,j
artarge-4 awl t Dinned. 9�* davetatil; M av
I not0l tatre b, -try hptter :02, tR
'Lr_n, tfa
�:��I,te U�_"d
� :4
qJ'�*T%%r,- .',t4V Q�, �t .
�J�Z ii� ,Q,�j�"'q.l'.LILL, tQ MIF? Q T, 4
Win it b4% grrull ? Just, as �
. you 3_9 % e
1111-IM4.81111V 9 NVIET)OUNG G0WN.
it were. that �n a A': ;;;asl .'*itr'
�Z'�i 'tt
avinat,e# thel relchDag tilegli e tiinnZl W, -e
TQ,,1V �,r T,V"
,� #�f,jj . 'J , V
" 3 to La re
I at lft'464t' etJ 11
e ir'd DIWOU t�'102X PTG%b'UVC-4
ic,_�n ?l,:r� LS5,01 ,14 .
, ---. lthQLV,.N, Doll lbr� ,�.amv
., kl��,�y4p, _,
%%.L,-�, ratt,pj "D %! -fa
an owir
veltff4ilap� .. or tine otjl�?r ,, Ou �ee
Nufftse tivotut.
"cA bribie. arv] a
s'hed and elaborate st±er,�t 1laiimc-n4,i au
- ��L
,#. C,t 5" or"'31pr to watElov il
tbe People -,! h Logill
-, - . _ �!,
, 4. . ar)
Ll.-,Vn 9*�."- LU7-�,vl"-�, Tkil *,�,S?.!�,f-d ,a !:ll,' k.
slv(�l 901VU twidle of sumic elolortql
,Iilogt tv,biffen DeAire $01n# lJonlente
of the li'velat.
bde In yto
to tii_,"
e vrdeu*.,,,9 .�Itt)sir`s` 11
Z;tnd tNe spl,cv� 'Of every trDhe_.i;
�"!r,� trig ,;-m.
clawlifte ovr-r a dei%p rel tout, dation jq
*Owa ,you. * .
_t, womat"s W*I�ditng gown Bs eml-
patt aimited t7me
allowcd the wofrm� of r.sman 'ror
ns � rf.�ad_ li
_M.m se"CXAN�Jll tweive �
"' ` ' 4
Ing wen, "eve,T.-popp Dr-ce:, fla
<V 0am:lJe 99 a fall gewmg One,
dow worn, vneept oil anivivereat" 04b-
kl�-:0-pIng her warov glocial engqgC -
a pa onl,_
4 It 59 C7 _`l�m_l *7 *41�wz "'wo:, *� fiv: r av-01 oi-
del, to,vt the bpsl, Jqwt�'U,- Do-sufts '.,
JwgIA 0.1y a gl,eat dcal, for tile$ �*.-e,&
SAS'0118 after the da.V UP(Lyn ;�hjgh
t3'2171,9, 1'. has &Cfliuo �7�,%Oary for
e"illou". n] %r, �4
� - � ; 4a 1A1f+r0v-,�,'*3_ .�,� In
fo, I 1",,
X-2. -F.1�5.ze,11110rvuhpt.
ew&ftv Is very brillianti and almos,
th,to BUJAIAIS ate e%elebtattd. -%
her to n1afigage, line .Attb5CO to&C'J,,Ps
�a,t 4 ci,zlzp, tt,or,�- - 47 �a,11;1:2
il . -r *,, 4., t '. 3,
4-24-11U 4- 15 wel t;.No, D�_r- . " "',
4rautl'y In .susirt-, alid noveities ar;
vrlowc-, vegard tmsi fg-0171helit 4�s ps-
, ,
to hc-r- PIG.Wagte irt ag 4W faitutes ai§ J
_', C� ,
.) q s' X, .
,;4",-,"'. 4';'
, Z4. jf,�,�q��'. .L'�A ,,"j
ramos ei the ,-�I*,es. pf v�_s,zts t7_:�q : . . 3 vi� - C ,; V_
awz*- ,�70 P. lr'V:,1r, Ill;, ,-If
VNft11;(x1 1*1 th't's line.
I*ceially #aeted and take extraordi-
1�3sslible- J
4 1 - S,q�.'
11:o7f. U P
Moses gvve.q tlhean *rQe.nU -Tarle,vsuemAj. !! - .,
!fte witunin hat will igave, a, mnf.e
rgry w-r-ans to preserve it in all its
Where a &W .vente ago It was ,
25. Wturnvo ... _44"or ft-tv da, - ,
N's "
pm �'T, t, " "�'! ,t,k W;
.,_Iurp .
- , . . _il .n.03
" � '� , "' . "_ 0
t*lldeifay. It will lye consttuctcd lor
Ptitth:e Purity. Tile weddir,g gown
quite the ordhrnaty Vftg to spe�,; d
.1 I
P<&t% I va vve,te VnfV<if'rJ*
,, 611*0 14--ir-
1)Iefv! at- Z�
- .�U- V,440m�. �Du a- roafrf,slirg
$,J,,.C_ V� �,'! ., M -,IV. of .,I,-, ILP i�az-_',",-
inlaft or si'ok or vall have its crelivon
boX W a receet tad for the well -to-
twoo hours 'at make in dt",slng. orae
ney ,;r N_ tni!lf�s ar's tte rf4urr. V�p
, _ ll, . _�r�v . -
at Ifotst cow-fe.1 ,;,,-ith a ll,ecp of th,�
do Wide to adsid. and It bld# fMt
hozzr. ler even legs. is no -
it C.Onsl,o"Pyei I
Lwvats 0,'�391 t'f��Ft 10M *,�f4tatlts rau.6- #
LaF cv�rdiirl'r_.!*,�! .
Tti�, rq_v! improvos
defts m-atirrilp- TIL's straw bat bas
, ,. That every
-0 ,Ave- quite -a Vogue
a tast amo-an" ail w1gell to aceem-
. .
I go gcs�. ps�r-g at V , trte COO f
-,F, ,
11 "�,4,1V't',
T-,Fl�� p�--21*,n
� 0 . .. lf,;�-
lv�v ;* . e_a�IVF 1-�f-.",&.rklu,a:�� : R,V,J 1"al!
PartfillIv ,lienrop(areil lutdor �ts
*Fjg7,t l6T r:OU'ri-4 wo anec, ari U, M, dr.r
lorldo"gessed ef ary isp-ntament,
. -
w�,sl rs to kp,pp her w;�dffirg gown In
p,F-sh The samle rc--s'lilt .
0 I
,-Vo *o1n,D.10 11 tO liP� Cj�1114�Zred �C)t,- I
ze:s 114w.,T-ni unlres P_ en�v_ It im sx*! 1� - !, 4Z.
lihoz 0�, "1.1�,q_ wl. LI -1 swzd t3n
'n C! lf(�� 'L " ,
! I
140babit that ft"y %rent B V.
Its covirril ig o! E-01 wid. f��athcrs. al.d
the fcl*, 11:1 . 1, 10; S fal.t to tw1oln.
a, ttate vtf pres-rVatzon is al f0relgone
. �
i,oncl;,mmn. and flift elegatnit teetp-
!! �X--�'j - - .,
r ` a , i, w -m *1�r �n r,��all` a 1
� bU' pJbg;V Cr- Itl . ':Z� e v" - I -.
be I " _ j. - �
w().ft9gy *JfC,)rt9 Ide,voted 'ie . tson"Al , M "1lLjj0F.-.__ZSq,#,(tr� a 3D_ f ol,! ,;.62:#�P4,T_ 1�'I",17 1'91* tj,v,10P0q
I I �
.4 �
ht�.'JUtjf.r�ffng. LL' a , I . ,
'It t the Famo U=ei T6 k_-Ildfs�-Radr-4471 mozins 11,0-y. I. - �_
1*vJ t "; jQqj� __ V�'FJ'T�, T'll
" M.1`01. '�[� .� - -Sr ,"
In vae .
autumn 3OU V6111 h.nrq!1.V C'EP a
taelp_ ti; admirabl,y F"Vited to t1e
- I
, _#3 .. � _
� -Var.- ;-sVI " 0 ilf. S ��
lee rathp-," rooliga ar.d Vjmt�rT3 Of ; -_"h%vt'd "Vifin Vae !�-J�*, 7k:- -.LL- 1101'L 1. nr +
', n ' -SO'
hat IrA rful. for the wevalliliNg Ise -'If'
_Wt2:" ' -
PZ:r'XW for 'b 1� V7aS dr'Sn9n`o41-,1
,,',q j,�. W 0 Too a I r �'i ,
tO V1t2M(,PC-s8;M 7 T ' tapT-P, P6=f-g*t�,-n,ntf-f9 , -',-Z;,;:,Q-.-
the opara_ " WWJX-Zt buck g ,
t2u�� P-O.Wig u ,;*!I fl�jg�nXE. - -�
%ill Up. o Mnq,%J** i1al. eovcred vi�,.*,tz
Zt lie made, o* Ught vvead en,ameled
. .. ��J
ts , . U,c2�6 t"�(Droml�r -
.Lon 4v,d Age. T�'Ia bnmeb cf gtan-es vtw� � ,-,
w4vir-t or %Wutg� �-!'k Ole In Some Ina'ar"r
Vrplile ond har"V12. the Mde,19 init-
. V, 40 P.;J-zT,47. t""TDA,ng t�,,,e glm7 -
� �3C-t B�40W q'O�CkDV � vti6,y I �kgp. By eare-Ta�t 1011 in. (� _Ur4L" � , -
- 'I. ni-I oa * it gr"41S .',,,'�T-,7:-,
D''e, V'S'a ,r�""r (wn!d , � vlb "
&)lVettd With (Jr*S'9 g4oad!?.
T,9ie t-xeopl*�on to thia will Ive J�;le
lets ir Aitet let'
Lers on the outtldle�
A IM,ng of tu,ftef,l wMite, sathl I e-
- air
- .,Z!. %7�11,s
F . WtE%,10"li; noarl'y ft-enly P--'Incor be"We tr, '.
,&Me ,01 .if;�,, two=,', ,6t tbel tage re- I : sr�!, lr:�I_eU`:�& li.2 1�-.4, lr,ls_�l ol �,o 11r.i,-
--e 'I beet
white Olt Flat., WhEch will iw Wnee
*rc-Aled on opeluingo" V;v box, and
=W Pt06UcC-I.--,,teei;, �21CZ Is T,�<OT,P�,. -
PtS `,
tlJO bA698 Of their torealtto.1 e t15 �
and emerge from th,e;r tiry ilgaptg " 0-7. Frowelb V01113 ltr,Ik .11ral 10,-'�T- ---
iap In the saltor st,vl.-s, ,v4lnar*z-
ttowned ani 'worn wilh uprofling
loelm ot Wiver and white leather
bt-rarrig fasben it. A of
'le, Is a ,boelkwil de-srTIM-on of a q, P,a4,14�1
!,rn .1p. 4-.1- 1�pr, r -, r.", d- - -0 - Q
UP r11'1E8s!ngrO0W8 as ".:Ck ar,J,KpSn. , - 0 M�u , e JR.I. ,.'I- M
�Idjzg gown 18 often t_
tile wf aken by
tonnit,�f r!eh 5n p2starage, am; pie-! j*rj.%'elJ
( t;eoom" and k-ovbj , 'f:eV�'C"P �O qfj-, ,g L
` 4? .1. r4alp iro'lis ,'I)
Vvell _* to Ua4k- en -be. 'If mig T,.t t, be rlero I.-ts OT tt`e grIf A L -.01%-.Jtt�_ge_ 1,6 _F:
The fa;IcY foul Making hats;, tlkp
the moMate bprore vorkdIng it hotfies I
apon, Be though vtey hand 'r, reaf�y . � . , tl,.Lk,�"p <*T I ar , ard
given , - �
lt,aara to the arr.tor aar,e. T_v,y G1. <_ -,,im _' -.R-�;- r"o -,.r_ev_-; " �:_s �,Awo ,-Innga 0. C.00 P�, -L. ., ..:-
I .t tto V',kv
gowne, ,so they call be worn
evety montli in the year ig one tirat
atd vrak;ng a colleetion of the pyfo�
tographs, or wedd-ng gowns or any
gement of ar'd :fftitfulnesw *f Cho so -11 1. I :6P
hair and frock? - '. 0 _- kit. - Jxmr ON,rr fLow- a qnaart ,1
28. Nevfr"kelogs-vine report vras4
I& 11orrowcd from England, but. onv,
other distinctive ='Umes 16 one or
10,;�Zg wa -
litter all, dressing .s an grt, aul g . j I ter. rdl:�_-' lwason u5ti! T&P-
. Ivell P-,11-11fely .ZIT41 it Wa sl artTniIv nr- � 1,1 r, &,�jt. �&7t-,v,? ;=-'d a 11"Itle
L&Rng tric4l it, you will b(comp an
Augl6mnufac to this t -tent at least.
the, p��egent fade, Me idea being to
pmaerve the pletares as mementoes
they seem to have Marne � . g"n0fe.
J It along , vatged to bc-gln with cowtilf-TidaikIrSt, Wt --en t7gs,7 rWi;f; are. "Ihoro,91,ly sort- f
with their early Bessons in making i in order thmet. thoir " -�!,e
101r, h1til, will be, good, evety tkonth
10r future gerlIMAIDITS. And 8180 8911
�suhsequen' , Fllat�- c_,-LR1 Twin.-glp ; I
UZ,L " ' is reo-,03 to fwvve.
O.,rs might receive erp4lit.-J.. F% & r,..;. -_
in the ,year. The advantage of this
Illustrations of present day rash-
Rapid Uloblng and Dlsroblng. This wot%i irAroducj� s lhir- ge.,,1r_sS M",,_ 0 4.:�qn�,Ip '%Tf, '".Vp *,.411 11,��-..'�S(�p 14
",7cp_ _
fashlon can be seen without diseus-
Idon. &e 1W yJave a danil hAtiq tbat I
iot.g. �
. I
� . � . _
MalW Oct're'MeR ttre "e -Fag ,1r.,V,n7 0 ;, .-,L,�'3.t-,, . 1�1 C
,.- jokffZ� tipart: tho-re Iso'hu St no -f-4-r-, vo:" 1' � -- 4
I t.L hl�.=1-4�k-owo �,,
*a.n be paton winter or stimmer gives I
* ,^-"Nll^ll%�,,�ll;�����^^^^^^.,^
;, ioyreoio Jtlmov.�h. it fS are InflAe; &we- . i#
Ites6 and their rapid nietliazis afrob- . ietf-ws Pro %,.*-i:�A�, q,-r,!T,3-,�d hut !a - I
4 mont,8tpelp. Slrong-Largp a2ld '%-�Jv$r , V fvr.;�.y
one a, t5vide range, of choice.
. .+
� ,t*�,�' -.v t�v
� I I -4 r:-,vtp I
Ing and 12disrobing, having been ,car- - tt,.1dn*d to vv�,zr-eltE�e,g arf` '%`V,`VJJlF_d_ L J?.,�,lJJpt'.Jr,P(J froM t1W fAblel, Evpn 11
,the wlatt- reit bat, trininvet! with
*,�,athors I
11 I
. .1
ried bezvond the 6tage ,door, have,�c.t Well formrlw_ vtio 1'ra4ftles had n to ,;"D ,
a �tfqc- I��,,s i +"!Ired 5f ci,01:el
Gr with ribbon or with ' a
an excellent examp,e to tho-zle in- � means of war.l.are by w1ilch ,Mczy eoU-.U' ,s' tivig ,I 0.4,,rc,J p;zl.
L Zf-l� Afl
iloman serr, is one of these. T- e I
que is .
jittle. jr�ttp�l to anothot - ti"l'. I
clined, to dawdle. i be t-aken. Ckl:deen of .1-..a,k-I.o-n9- 111%0',�-�, ari� liv! I aunil ;Rb,o�-b-j4i ik'� '�hc,*�� j�i
The '0011,se-quent-e le wolaft h ave ' ncick�-d, f=ous duspentI.2rats '[,If
Tvide h.1, of vcIvot avid ostrieb plumes ,I
glants. kt .�r"l %f-gelt.aMec. *;EV Met ;Z
found it absolutely n I . 4
ecessary to i from Arbi., foulidcr ,of ile., city Of Hf-- , n-r,1..Z--- "R.'NorY is tt,�f.
w1wilp r,�.'4"11.. ..,
'tran. LTIN I ... .- . �
�* .& 1911rd. ,jLnd the bat that Is made 4 . OPLInd Euch a lot of time in Lheir ,e soles ivere terri.l.e.1 .at sl*hl T,hf- si,�-0,4-,,l da . st
gy S serv�ng: OT a r0a
-,era of ,
lot alternate laN straw and,
elilfroti-a rold Wt cath- IF auothcT of
I drt.ssing rooms, and tile minutes �11. ,of ,4, 1j,,vii , y 11
; V . ,*Ot kanb, the nip�at ,slkc-a "Ind enoke'l
The coolest summer shamploo Is 4 most hours, One might "'r- � In - PI -1. _;dv� �.;,. I
; say, may be 024.ftm Atun1,11t Ps f4e. T&SP V 1!1J(,,l ca"',
I2r&dNtte*1**,6ft Ilipado.
'611,0*'*-�.,,�Ix, 4QNL1V7f- fit U15natteall 9:&*
r'l;,w-n -M� %o""T LIP."_', %Vf--,P tot V*
�%CQst 1(�'Itizi svasov. '%,glue@ l6f
%Llug�'v gfw,;!i� 4�7-c- ',T"�rm. 7�v lbeonto
t�_* wo.,F�k 13�%,..l,4.�.,g ii�,:�S_
- �Vraegx ka*
T!"' -f -U Tvil' 1`0f tI,"S �i�!&M,�� bl�', tbo or,�
froil cejav-kirts 1at'r- hell,o-v, qqt�t, ,&*
0,,V,V aT.,*k*f; calpdr. "'n-1 0�ugust A Z,
U.�*`Jv�-. ll:[�r-a t-,q'e- r.,,,_��d. about ft4*
#-.'n,fl, o,q tti,'C' prf-i'v,hr g %%r--f'k. in tile
f._lTMu1r,y higgtb&.�*�, for rpagenabla
9 -1 -u -S ha*p 13,pf-n t,cts,r. Tkado at
flamillcon �,Zri,4 &"�,� v�, _f%df-tately goolt
l'ir-r V"aq rjirl�jj�r!r:_ TC,.f, �Orjf, Ui
� - of , *;
11"Va4e DAR,P. OR rl,V-7tr-d to Urad�
Kltr$4�1,'P. Is b,woL n,_�-z. �i,T,;sl a good fall'
%'L�-In�,-s tv rs�out .4-m-arIltituts lit
�q.�-i��VLI'� Tor. 11,,nZ,unw,'-"�7P .-_ive fait. 10
.14:.ZT`n� q �T::: ttv,F rk t,,stl�� 4QP biton tho
4�-'a,'l L"�� ,.,r.a-t v` ,);j--f1F._T. V1be,kI6jJg_
- �
,.,:� J.� $!,�:b%r' ,' ,
� .JL44:JrJ7� .E."
- - 1� ,C� 'Of fr,1:30,
'e.1,.,tE-�.P "uzj�s T,P',n S,L*r4_:,,, ,_��rirclz,E�vnest E*
, 0 -.11
1"t-I't- ;- n1* "-,-,:�s at WL-110pn%r, gig a
3-0..Z;�:_.c 4,N!r ,t��o bi-tte:� WL.&ILher. Thwt*
-V stome iL�P�Ovf-=-Zz .m trAae at
"';�,nacyjvf-r. N!eto;�'n arill Other P,4.4
" �
��T�e CQMSZ PD!rft. P�.�-wt-13tv atelln-
!�i-ovirg- X � r.l 2n, g c, n t r! r- ,E- o;a at I g re.
V&% . r_,g. 0 ttlavva %VEk1f*"A4r9A_,e traflL. eir-
"'r-P. - q rtm)r"M to U7-aV!0q1.retVer, are
* *
4eL-gy vC4,5Tf--.
Augusl FAIgurtgs. t* -
11.0.1c�.:n&CO. rf,m-rt Kablutlett't,
.0ramp7e;ap falturr-s �
�! �, ,,,
.. s._q far repoft."
� t'(�r -4utgcst. "_-,S4."!5"91 14*1nof.
WY)0.4-11- a yr-ar ago. Failures- this
V',Pc-k in the United .itate
AahTs, IVG Tast !�reolk. ftoij� the pt#_
'O'dil"g lw.elk ar'd IfIX the e0tredpon-
EZ11; week East Ycar. and J,n C�snaft
0, -19aliESt t".1 RAS,t wpek. 14 the Ill*-
3ing Wf*k. and .3r, Tiast '_V-L6ar ot
CL ,
. Tvf�q this week In- ty'le, i3nitm,
'--4t,ps 77 were � - !t'
1. �,e �,.,�,
- - ,+L. 65 sbqtj�.
6 Wcst a".7.3 19 Ill -Z�b:,4p V�'ieifleztatet,
. ,I -'Z
__ 5.) report 11W.32it4�6,6T $Uw 04,
Ore. I
t ,� 1; — Mil
thcee arl-tbe-year-round hats. Made with water that has stood Put o much better advanta. � Vle luld alvoad.v Istit-APT-4 111P Isroel-, n;c-n! I.q prcfprred to t'L,p first ,�, 7r�c` el'Sn PI�IrAlrr IF 641it- ftan who
1840's -tyles. over Zlight, and is just the tempera- f Take: a French woman, tot exam- I Iteg once. Ex. xvil. 8 16. lrx,e HIURP.8 � I . . 0,)L.- e Z11 .dWa-V87 nizilk(
� ng by everT, mpmbc.r or ibe r,n *v. - I a nam" for himself.
' pie. She dresses herself as com- were a, strong. warlik pmple. The � nr�ooldvn IE . aglp -vulp, ,
ur Ittire, of the room. I - '. NO. 11nueze, dNlr; luinbcr vegselg arst
In the street the plot I pletety and deftly as any one, and I Jebufdtt-s held, tlip regi,va aboutJeru- ; Fte, thle OnT.v ones Ithat earry je,g
run more toward ther 1840 stv ee, This is also an excellent method! though she, too. way have a staid i Fal,m. r le A,mt- were mounlain- V � _
.1 , . �eh ,rites ! tkooksy. .
which are -rather long and very , Of 'taking a tepid body bath. Draw L' the method of pro--edure Lq exactly I "re. . ,"Ara I the Only girl you ever 0 .-I.- "I I
, : , � � - - _ . .....
eanch tr'.mm,d. There is no ebance,of j the water tile night before, and in .; the isame. . I 30. C,I,b-rr,,, spir from thr- tribe ' loved?" she asked. &tjbtfU,;, -___ � I _11*_WQ"AWQ_
v 1:_�____
a return to the hOoPe but the fsklrts, Vie MorrAng it -will be Just right I As for the vnderg�armevvts, few we- J 011, Judah. He be,gins, tile minority i "Ani I the only yoa ,e.v,2r 28th _XgLAW.
qn�re certainly very profusely decor-ifOr the body. Dip out a gallon and men wear theirs In the same fashion. I coi�raged,�11 lie lnquir-,t�,. OPENS SEPT. ghd I
)rt with an unwavering trust In , e ,-r,- DEMILL , %*,
ated, and one tbinks of the boulf- , set it aside for the shavulpoo. I A stout Persell will endeavor to ',`GDoPdi. Xa.,ffinn, olso joins,4 With him. , They lonkf4�, !onto �q,ntl .-�01JjfqJIV into A !01cM,pg`h coo
. - xiv. g, , I 1 ;4,eim�.
ming shows a tendency to I three drops, 46t ammonia. Three drops , ., 3(). ,%tilled the people -A bit- i each otber's
f,lut at,. lea, for they are full, and f Take thiz water, and into It drop I get " much under her stays aspoi i .. pl�.�J ollt of this ,-;ont $4.11r. -6peel.d � riuys
the trim * -sible, and may in the end he rather 1 ter wallof desp,tir was going up, f'roml � gaze me a tacit LADIES '%Vr!t+1TorLf,
A.'s. bitiffitt,
rise upward towards the walst line. 1, to -1, gallon, of water will not be um-omfort-tble in bo3y On account of � the v&st throng of people. Let 'lie I under;�fiyldlng w'e'll"a";
it tg not alt0gother confined to'the hotlecd, yet it will no , tbat It wailld 'be Just 1*4 Pn-s"don", "qt ,00,0
t upon the'ri(Itro.,r and wi,irocic.,fi, though, bar ' go nft at onef,-Gren-aino, falth gravrio � as *vPII vo i1rop ti)' .nf�*O,Oxt. -
,ho I, owledger that ;a oresent God and an instantaneous eftgo- pest,,
1�oaacs., as lit -once wak hair to the extent Of cutting tile: tglid W happy In I n . C, subjeot.-Chl- �UOLLEGE -�fil-'r-t-on .�t�t "
. par*.