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The Herald, 1902-08-29, Page 1
t ti - ve 30 35 '.Itlr to 4ev+r Business 0 is yours if you advertise in V Q D "THE I ERA.LD" p The Official Orals of Zurich and. Hay Township. THE H R2 L D ad. To New Subscribers to End (�pp of The Year for 2$ Gents. 119 ��^�'©c-��C�•cl,?. [J• a. O. J1. ZIJRICIH, 0 T.,FRIDAY, AUG. 29, 1902. $1.PE11:YEA L'.. CHURCHES. ST, BONIFACE, Catholic, Order of service for the summer. Sundays: High Mass at 9.30 a. m.; Cate- chism and Instruction at 10.30 o'clock; 'Vespers and Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament at 7 p. m. Holy Days: High Mass at 0 o'clock; Vespers and Benediction at 730. p. m, Week Days: Ivtass every morning at 7.30 o'clock; First Fridays, Mass with Exposition at 8 o'eloek; The Holy Hour, or one hour n visit to our Lord in the Blessed Sacramet every Sat• nrdy evening from,7 to S. Baptism on Sundays at a? o'clock. The Communion Sundays before Mass at 8 o'clock. Itev, Father Valentine, Parish Priest EVANGELICAL, German and English Sunday services :- German, at 10.43 o'clock a. m. English, o'eloek p. u1., Sun. school at9.30 a.m. Tuesday evening; Junior Alliauee, at 7, Senior Alliance, at 8, h air practice at 0. Wednesday evening; German prayer meeting, at 7.30. Thursday evening; English prayer meeting at 7.30. friday evening; Teaehers' meeting at 8. lit v. «'..i. F..eger, Pastor. p:utfdfc ctn. Iuth. t. pctri ?firdle. i5ottesbieuft norm. halt) At 211)r atnt. al'ettas 7 U1. i antitayichule norm. to Ubr'• f.chrertnriontmIuu$ 2iltttuwh. :Ba'it's um halle8• I;:t.Cti 1.NI,t, $t. Joseph. • (*nay Public, Fire and Life I11 - star mets 1,,wht.:tloney to Loan, either by prorate fund, to lean euwf4:lnaee. Sovereign Bank =OF -OF CANADA.-_....._. Authorized Capital - $2,000,000.00 Subscribed Capital - $1,300,000.00 XETER BRANCH, H. J. D. CO O K 1,. pt.;.atC with l;atr434c .e i'r(3uytlott) »I.trtis- ter, 4utia it4ot', titutaty I'It['1i4e. Howell. Ontario. IDU DFOT HAYS l3llffii'a1k'l , 4�4natc'1tk Eta, Ntntal'it•&- 1'1a1)late 414•„ 4at.:laid Nt3 1111 Street. t,t3ki.4140141, 1l➢4taatio W. PROUIWOOT R. C. W.YS Savings Department. Everyone has been showing loyal- ty to the King and now is the time to show loyalty to yourself, by open. ing a Savings Bank account in the Sovereign Bank at Exeter or Clinton, where the highest rates of Interest ere paid on deposits of $1. and upwards. Special attention given to Farmers' and Cattle -hen's business. A general Banking business transacted q5 arx N��taG.k,talht Clerk filth Div. Court* Huron 4 ouol in? uehl"uer, alit taisu4aki .Ie4l1:1114,i,'11tJ„ t 1 "e7aa*I5's u6:a't 1 '4'94:'„ $ :1Gu.411ur 11aaa' t ta47 ]lids • a4443 Saida Erse lo*ri I raid t2tivittut.4 K ea. fit0114-5 &net Ztatnt Hat. M€311>Ea'Qg€alitt of 'the. k1°5xwm,„11110 F. W. GLADMAN, F. E. KAHN, Solicitor. Manager. TILE FOR SALE, The undersigned has for sale a quantity of First- class 23., and 3 incl. Drain Tile, which will be sold .at REDUCED • PRICES at lot 16, Con. 15 MI5, known as Heyrock's Brick & Tile Wards, I have aaIso for stale a num- ber of roadster and draught Horses, to :► nears old and a quantity ,skid 1•Iay. Cedar Rails. Posts and tiro -sell Pint' Lumber.......... ii' llurtitetlla rs apply to ni=cramurzassuumarsinanmustatormants04440V6m. LZ1 AIN 111r. Sam Faust took aL .business trip to London on Tuesday. Mr. R. S. Richardson shipped two cars of apples recently. Miss Minnie Donn is taking a week's holidays at Bayfield. Mr. and Mrs. McGuire of Exeter visited. at 0, Eilber's on Sunday. Several special prizes are offered at the Zurich fair. See prize list•>:. Mrs. 1Vn1. Finkbeineer returned I to her :tome at Milverton on Tues- day. Fred. Demuth, Jr., intends going to Detroit. where 110 has Secured a situation, t)r. George Sehoellig of Dt'tr4 t spent al few clays with his parents t last week. 11risses Bertha Quigley and Rosie Foster returned. to Detroit 411 17411.1- ; Imlay att- Imlay Iast. Mr. and Mrs, J. D. Merrier and :1Iiss Andrews visitc'il at (taeh'rwb tat Sunday. Messrs. F. E. kuru and. Anibvu-e? 'Snaith of Exeter werein town .41 `hilltSilay .l. 1'reett't has some tlatnnt'h t pk'' and .4 her shy-el...as that by St?111nu t"t'r :SUSS returned 1'14 Friday front l.a'r trip t•( Sel.ta11"• rill:• and Brampton. Sometimes 1heloft it''t att,Italateu 341 touer4 ilbt'\,.4 the '..',1':ave• .,t the l:." t who starved ta* death \Ir. Willie brown has, °toile set Stratford ubtere be has ''4 ,•➢tr.' li a situation in a '•lu+y• at•Prc'. WIaten Sa 1"14Y '. 1 i,•. aa•'i'Ji ..1,4' bat 411(9' octiIi31'a t.a est for 41.411.... take+t t�1t1' 1IN4a J' get., ,,ver tilt' 111,ahtis • .Suss :Lltlii➢aak'i' 1a'ttarin5'tl to 1.,a11Ii S N I » I Bond. lniklIl,lUaaa. 141 Mondayat tera « ; `t �« visit eat town tor bl lea v, k'l.> ZURICH ONTARIO Or at the Yards far Tile. 1M1' )R'l% NT Ntrig t'E ,, 7 -7 - Voters' List 1902. xexa,;mry n VICINITY Nest Monday is Labor Day, but • as everybody is veiy busy, the day is not likely to be observed as a gelu'ral holiday. Mr. ir'. Peter Munn of the Eastern part of Hay Township recently threshed 500 bushels of wheat grown on 15 :acres of land. ..c al snore excursions will be run over the (1. P. Ii,., to the "West US tall thousailtl 111E11'e 111C-11 111'(4' required to harvest the wheat crop. .:N il0.-rtx.17 P, CASE, t±I'' ke.'KN11.1. Mr. W. D. .Johnson, Tilsonburg, Ont.. suite's that his farther was entirely cured of a long standing and obstinate case of Enema by the t ,• of 11r. Chase's Ointment. His i': and foot were' a mass of .tor(: ti'ut ref used to Heal and. 11e suffered terribly from the itching and stinging. Though h4' used a great ninny 1't'1nedit's and was treat- e1l lac first-class tluy•telr>a 1111 perman- ent ri'li"I was obtained until Iu- tI 4•at 11r. ('hast.'s Ointment. %Brie)• W. C. T. U. 'l ?'.^- & t 5lt't'tiiittof the Znr34'11 4i ( 'I". 4 'ti a': x4.141 in tis' r115r(•1t BIG ,TARGA/NS -FOR THE- NT HE � TI -1 AUGUST, (iOO yards Muslius, all colors, regular 15c and 18e it yard, DOW for 8c. These goods must i)e sold, for room is needed for our Fall Stock. First come first choice. These goods are well worth more money. . Produce taken in exchange for goods, for which we pay highest prices. �. k41i :it•I!"S..A a>9t Jllta An1fn9't Ntit. i.>iiwdch •11,,4::(1 a';:t'l'4•i,.t,• '.''11•1'(' led lye :316-- I, .4514¢r,'v. �. the hlhifn°., I4 all ^• ‘1, ' I'3'a°.*kton. The 7l4'.-1 nit'. qb 1,k a,n• 1.4'11 I 4.n :1,*I1411a • t'4" ""' ''^ t11041lia•1' 1.1. in the 4.114. At: are . * rditatly ;J1v:14 1 f 4i :01'1 i. it t�i! Ii➢e'Ia19tt"a'r are • till ""1G_' a'.,I6:4.4-t.'dd n'k04Ien.i u4 11 i'. a 5111. dot the- f•;1t•t'ti4.11 „f 1)11::,,.x, 'Q °., i'i 1.,r tb t'. ttbre'tiika"° 4':s- ,Sa, :'64 4!,,..11.tlt•t" tI.nllu 4x1414°11!i :1114. b 9.'.LL 411.'l'Ifia•rb. 'rite 14blaar 4S . ' .=.4 61''.4.d 14:1:14°t' tole^ (ja«l 1411n I 1'• at%6ICa^ 1ia'x;.';ftt "h 5'41:111: Ik te" lt':' 1 .,' .4 't''.:tl9t9 ttl! tzfle'u `ti w, 1 Jt+l1Cdltl 4`arinnl'tlt5fittent S. &AUST, Ontario. 1t. 11le °', 61 ",, I e .at . 4G 4 „G 101. e.`' 4ix4'!i i"� f4r,k1tlleGta°.6 a loft teal `«a°'a11G1r(lat" iilaeriill-°Y 1"1' 16 t ua11 '..tl' 111aatt 45a4i'la ita4'lt ^�� 1I'+n ti.I'.at'4'itll fI'tt'•titl• tbi .4114 tat,.146 "'11' k'• "w 11:'416 1a'11a•9itti',1 DA' 'Pira L''k11.4 1t',o•..t 1a;e-5'1'1 1'01 164° a.•=019 SA:+ 1 1 -, '*e: 1.^,116 Z'4.14 h,.a. <,448 . T 9 tor 1, ` 9" .� $ 1:54:11 tt:alt 59.1 Ilat'�.1;, - ad"t u `.3 1i i6. ,,, ..�i9u1 &en.'d4'�y 11➢yt16'a d 504^t3Ii91' 4al 11 44'49 1110allitlt!, Vs tilt a'a'a.al e a gt a t7u'+" :tet', t 'ull;a 14ro a 41 4.14 '1"+75° 4.142nut,e849, ant Rev Attalvews ;Ant t iue'4 9 c 1 a 14. ,., ,.. 4.'.114. 1'v„ +a^.' 4`d 1'. 1,4 011 a --'l% 9 Ga YF°t."1' .. 4''11' 1t *iin$'t't tA� r '111 ;<.'taJ1l1 1»t. ,:. b"u:6ttb1'ele1.: k_tt "101 xc' 0»"14 t o r ,plt5lar An t)l1t"s 4ia,taldll$ Qu•(°k'Qlt1!9. 1ae'toadn'1t 411 t'il 94a.r 1a11y4?alla5g ? fau15 t' at `'46'111•^11 Slat via" 4,095114I t'* 14,4''5 t13t' 11„4.9 . i44vsa'e1 e et) �ntuk,c' lis lutae4c. 49.911 1t5AA 1 have 9.ak't 101 4.34 �4 t8k'•a1E4`t` 1t7a 114ta`^ i 4.4 .Sall 'V: kia'1u4'�f'''4a9 i+'D "It' •tPt�',aatlfi 47x1 1'aotnt,tita it- t.4.4114aa1111a w!diU4-14 4 111(.' tsar= 4 u ( t 111141,1141P 479 1140)1 • ulao 11::15•:,49 aaavi4'J la.aaP3&.. 1tn4'alti''u441Fpi +111 5411 4,13 a.r diad:.I nut• 14:.1:4 t147t : stn l8aa tli4'%601 t,,,a4,1'o ttst-tll. 11 atio 1:4/1414- IAA s�4'to 1b '( cop::. ,us. iiiF401t"i4 iII to s:1u•'1( MS.,11"d au4. t+� G'•n'sou 1x4;lt.,,b uit19•.11 . 4- ati liivpstt i1 441111$14, lust, 89111:11111011 to tt 11r711t Oka •i :Hol .111 t% of rata itis t.son4.4 ;frogs -:sit +' un 1114:v last 14''4ll 4 G4 .. 1liis•V t ton linrnx7ue ttrallut4, to iter t�1ut1411k I tau edam' uta Qt➢t ?C3 11 touut71t ii a1It5: ,,sf tolliN-a t6a1 uo 9aat t'tstuuis5 as of1h tc4 4aslatimi .1tc�t taxaaa4' atu,ll 119 lie nurvilt•al l.l4t4t ne"„ ndae9 tEal. s.at5il 111 tt • v..0.5145-44 ;;o s1.1c 11 tut9 one to t I"""a N,. 1115 alae'' frac 1s'4laita o f dale•„ CAI ti tl du•.atna'1Cc 419 9114uGt'•.Gu 4 1u 1144 1It1u 019 Ja tui ,1444411 .4„ Drug4.!, tuG kl 11 G' 1 -sag OU:tF�d- ih.s ti! wG i ntt•,es.. 111 `9, t, J srs• a'oiu4 all .ale+un to k v:Jt.JUO,9 tI k' z J ,t Ou t i1a:ill Ill U ,,k t:;._la a.vsJ1 u d tJl. '.111x' firl.ats.l tG a ae iss. to t 11,4 a'siVu d9Gu:J9e tkle a-F&ullisu 4 to 111:ave scl.ull a r4vas r a•(,1u4(•tr (a t.¢=Jti4QiGn' tit., Gads. • :4-:11. FLED. � Y S1P1-11r >w ..ry 1.11. a 11 t ,c.adG :511 ac 4 :Jet.,9fa r 1n,t4i at tluJ .Ga_ 11 '.1.,14M,1 1*.datu4A Ibk'^d 1ta . Jill nu.J GJ'.P- 11.e'0ta 4IisL ;PV,A i;'dllr1r a41- 1o9 i1„ Si"c;un j}.i2UtnJ.°1::01 Jsa•°oC;4ll iaAaw SELLERY, , II;EeJIi"si t'tc'ar9ta i",r t 41 IG,S lmh's,ot a . e c !'e t it 1<Ient'.'!i fair 4e:t:., 'tu4tlekata, arse,1J:43!t:en grad: at[ 4,f t5et'attu,try, '1'iar4,littn 11.s,ucau aly. lk'cicall>i s s5!1ffi'€l4'1eto44 ,r'lt'1'14a'tlt lion Rousse, Zurich, every 'Monday.. 1 • 101 TAN URY, B. A. 147 4:411.g,1`.,a5& `aAN1,;"tDa' 0Atit' Y'"w' 1� lt'.1•''t,'r t -01114:l l'11'li, NOTARY, 9 Conveyancer, Money to L'aala »gin 'ti itlaoge wail Fauna Propos*. at lowest rates of In- teses't. I4141::uIneniq ia,: original €ietE ala real and adv;:se(l upon. -1,1 RICH COtItT ATTE. DE O`"- -e over. €) Ne1I s Bath, Eseter.. 4K4,,t «:. «.COMI -,.-.. ' .,tip e;7 c? C'+4 cs v e:% VFitE Ei COMMEtiCit HOTEL dry y 3 ZURICH za t3 • Strictly up-to-4$te in rae'detin im- • pro a rents. Dining rooms is sup: g heel with only the very best. 7 '". Bar contains el ice rliquors anti ;n cigars. ars. is • Excellent Santpte Ro,4rk:s E7 :tor Corl,eneacia1 67en. G LOUIS FOSTER, E'Ft, PRC1Ff. `- W• `i:10 Vvv<".:3*Ott�vt:c:C•.-.tn C S M` SALE Oli" 11.i1AL }T'1'. Executors' Auction Rite trot Real ' "Estate. Mr. E. ilw4etaiLerTy has teen Instructed? by !the undersign- ed. the executors: of the late Henry gime", to sell lo,,; Public Auction. at 1111 Th.11 tsinnid'kta House 111 the Village of Zinricb. on :hnoiartdaly. Aug.:1.14th. 1ti42. at 1 411 C114,k ga. the following oopei'ty : Being 4-r4,unposeil of the South lla elf saf Lot ltfl nIlit'r 221, in the 111'.tb t°01rnJtossion, of the Township 01nf Hay. in tine County of Hadta'oln, 44.1,1tttlillille. fifty acres. more or less. There i:: a4 good frame house with hitalhen. 111 frame barn, goad 11.1441 :x14111 large orchard on the prep ubes. The soil is of good quality. and the saran is nicely situated. being less than 6a mile front the Village of Zurich. Terms of sale. -Ten per cent of the purchase money on the day of sea?a'. and the .lance in Thirty days. without interest. E. Eossenlbi'1•ry. Auctioneer : Susanna Sippel. John 'Kunz.. Executors. c`•3' s. "the Montimo ' 1bo ze Equipped with tt.il modern conveniences. First-class accommodation to commer- cial travellers. Bar and din- ing room always suppled with the best obtainable. C, 8.5 hocnacheri Prop, ZURICH --ilil.a1.k b ASHWbor, Special to TIRE HEtz=a.Is. Jacob Kellerman and wife re- turned from their trip to Dakota and report a very enjoyable thne. Jonathan 'Merner iv in 'Zurich this week getting the evalllora ter ready for work. Mr. Wm. Geiger of Iiensail has been-eng>agetl as principal of our school in place of T. Sneil, who is Ezra. Miller of Napierville is renettving acquaintances here and tit the 14th concession. Mrs. Taylor of Durand, Mich., is visiting with Mrs. Fenn and other friends in the Village. Harvesting is about over and a number have threshed. The grain yield will be above the average. Mr. sant .9G'w. l : ,». ilte liat'u9s., a6 4'+149°1141 as 14'44.41441:'x,' 911'4!•. '.9.4't•i''.n '.flit 1,1191 1b 1.. .911» 41, to l'n491I _t. at • old', til. ?4'911»1' 9441511 npl:nit9 wg;la99 111:'4' trot4'R° to.at'l 9411 iiu9' Caf'a•l. anal' ,-111':." 1h:1G'4 40•5611411� I'a ".;ai'•,l.. •iia' .l I11 '1V1'.4451".. t 1144 laws: 411111 i1a41 ao11 4'01 H94' 1»! id „i6 l' 11. nn-ctt„11 115411ag_ c'14 "1 Sec w:' jai 9 : v' "' 111011,4.' .4417-.t . 44tt91,401 . 1:4,x41'4. 1tit 11�t.a1lt 1i ut'biola n 11bs:ual°x944 9de'11tt,uut1 io4111 ki.t4 e ;1r1G1tuh411 I1UW. U1a'lt8'onol 'u8t8t9 '51111 Y1',19uu ti vo 1Vuit:1113a•1' . h.'411`•t l hex- 1'4`144154. :*114 t'x1k-r 94 "•,. 67401" -'t+a1111:1311-i1!.t11u4 in• evaporator ag orator 4411 tit1 111p:44' 71,x1!1 c:_a7,11 4 cad's' 449.4 ninny y16+,:441 nuflll i4tuji494-'• t'431n dso' lnl'a4.111r9=d11_ Mb's :cud+114' ?1'11d$5 11i1:.; 1','t9.1t11 frot'nul 11 eInD111 0Lnx y It'111:11:41,":' 1111011 Viix1111 hp t'1IS ::,11.02° t t her parents. 4,1 Nue €'Yep -rte n1 line f941' an 14'4 4;.444 4'11,`•. Deputy " :n'nt1l 4-luatn4111•5.14111)1 Ills,. 1545119'»to4t't4llah4'.. aro 4411411' 44 tutlasre- tbte t this week. . 114,9•4 9nn 4 c' n- 4ta41 'nn tut 40,,41; 41114,,1% 44tn W5 04i...,i 1F . X4'4-0'.r911i1d4 to, '.415415414'. „4;a1i _+,4 4'144'1114 11.410 ds t-e.0.341t- 1411 1199aea sUF.te-cru 11'3 -''floe 11u:'11.G' s'ssiy itn'7i11e i'u:.(''- •(4ut4"r 4i1'4111401' u"1diy ic'u ill"1744::1::4' 45:111 41 tutlk"all hecauri5. 'Plus 11 -fa -ter 'Mites r 1„11' n 0.111 tItt. t °1rtkt'fba vein' »f 1 -61,Tie-4J1i .c1 v. Cf. titb-. '.4'"e-u'D s 1 -444. '11.1.4, ruuntr a - ture•n4t Dna,1/111,1-11.1 den 1 .y 111714: .4+^3,:1y ;minae it:, first tissue. Gray -- "I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for over thirty years. It has kept my scalp free from dandruff and Inas prevented any hair from turn- ing graay."-Mrs. F. A. Soule, Billiings, Mont. There is this peculiar: thing about Ayers Fair Vigor -it is a hair food,: not a dye. Your hair does not suddenly turn black, look dead and lifeeless.', But gado ally the old colo' comes bac.;,-all the rich, dark color it used to have. The hair stops falling, too. iced a botalt. x71 dreegists. If yoar 'druggist cannot mannas you, j send use one donut and 'me will cspre!.s yawn )5ottle. Betare an.i•'i.ethensune of your riearest•'exppr4'45 a5Ce. Fills m:4, J. C. AYLF CO., Lowell. Vas.. 44tl 11411911 tins' 101'',5. • 11' .,4. e 44:., %F417iO i119«'144i k :t. top,ll' tio.tl:>. 11Ix ° 141145 I'S', , .)11.1 PASSED alas A l'11:1t l" 1 4 ll.a': Wall I'S 9t) To Al•.wir .Y8 t'LFAft t 3'4 AU. 08 ANI) 111X1111 �oftEtlIAltt�JLE'.i`i` 44)F t't}yt,'�L' 1 lGy ♦ - 941 : .10,411' Now\TI .U1E ,�I.It flVi> U 1't�11A1 1.I alas ,V1" 114Altt;;bi;ti7,4 THAT WILL 8,1_71t1'11181.: vor. x • ''su11�9 ii tr'ir 14°441at14? t. '4N 14L,101 +' -11:44 14144 1,,46'99 9CYaa1•a"anta�`4a'tal 41 11t44* C11al. h MO' 11„41, t.4114' «i -» Pa.' u.'.' ..1?..__t to ): 40aen4'e; ,.7wa tr k..14u..:;,n I•Ia :^,',ala list., yap•- ', P4'i5 e .. IL�7. i..S'^•' � _�'•-'.. - . 'u IIJ� aa'"e .. tt ..;i,i d't 111- u ar 'h4 i duff C+41ii ^"t L9 .G1, 7,111 eau !1911 P 1111111!!..' nl:: , 9 9 0 711»L8 C.a '. 11414.11110-E111.11 . • 41, ,, 11 _ . 1!V11 1-S11} i 1. r 1'C r w41t \'\,u 40,,,,vat'10 414,'bCt3_ 1.12 L' _.i:.: lI . 4C_. ._ :!kT' .!',- . ,s'. 74 do9- _ .;{ 11- 141.11Uld 1'1414.\itJi.t 1. - 741• J la i �: a .,.14114'. 4114)1 11N it.''ca. 1' i, i'4i t •.d.'9tly. p' "14.04, i.: 4-11`;' ,1,•- J.:sat" 8414 :. • N•jar^tuv, v 1 11• J lei" 47GC,:,i-. 4 4-:411' 1i t t - uuturu'!C'-Ell' 9,4 .@"1,»'9.1 ',dun 1.:^.7n8 -.a: _ ".:1N111:4 1111/1147e 44119 41x4'»: 111, ,l. -114; , to?1011 lea•911-',;11111 tu.11at'15 t 451' !':i3t k 416:11 a` .. s.eull4 -. ii'.'" t.,t;av 511@u,l.a , .4:_111' u1Cr-4 v 4'''54`''6 14119? 171'`1111t SMA. Tt.:1145 14141b. 4'111,49 .:ill`L f':4:.-rt.a^4 • iC itxll119,aa'iki. C 111144" 11 '7 d n'; a 11611''-..iln ti- rn;. 411nce t1•4.Id1.ht}l.'r .414011 .4'4441 1,9 Vitt' 451 .:D4't 14J'lt.Il B , 1a.1E'1 :»'111 sightseer. 111111 6111:4 4'114"".`Il' 1 4 . ,.,r" rats Cv:a, ?'.._3 ..- "u,, 1L.. 11174 4„1i'stN-ethA 64114,45 91 t,'v1W.:i�c 45411:4 1111 4 11111499'. w°'_1'_: 9r:'-4 +•e;'' 449.449.' 1114:4-11a 114449e,'� 111:.. .a.r i'r 19v7 -1d4'1° ,�,a„_,�.4 .. :-v t. _.:v nt 11tU 1uv.4 ua 111' • 17 e t d 1i ,17 v e J 141.0 1J.1•u 4uulut1•J1n'4'Le ase` a,t i$• 1:79A 1 t ;IV., 1.1%111120Y 4'4ynnsi'.1'4 sf v.11:419 . -_u _ . !._.1"1'4 4.9f a p ti 144-t r fl14i 9'. ra _4.. L t tr _: is 1 4•iftilb.an 11//4511 al tont". J&Ltt4415 mid 21 feet at the. 1,14. within 15 foot 4114el 5 114141 t i a< -- 111g 'It(`n tit 11tliv'a 4 4 1 my o-`'.:•»'‘711111: ittnut'S 154't1411141 Nu.i.kund 5-15-- 141:4:1:atts'v'r e4 -.ti'% uttde• rin7,01'.s te11 444r'4.o4. :11 '.4°:.' :=14x' :%l, r.44"e at 11'.e 9^f,'.1il4,'a4- raffles q61' mole 1101'":' Iba.3ar. :Mutt 1•0passh:I'*; ea1,'h u'.Si' `t'. :7t4,43 ..< times g!..iniy inn :aril.:+, " •a iltreez'.'•T:�. n'(°,tlt'dk4111� las:' gl'o'zJ'i 4' 'lk4'4,'9'gist' eV! mind and nerve. itliss 1 b u.a' it .45 !Ion. the lady in the vet. lie -As 1110 record for tile fatest 1147•.,' i4i' :aids. at -4 \Vc11 11.$ 5110'P1llr rt'( -41r.1, lllat\'i11.-: Maid° (ANT 33 11:'1:('14 i11 tilt' lieW. `.I'he others a1't' all rocker's #.f note. • including, the 4'115111141:',1 t,'3('k ria r of America. a. Five 11'44 nil."1• t'f, grand. giving t'ec'h .:d"vI'n.r;; :i thrillit„ a:lk'eta14'll1 ar l'et)n t'' -.t tlta.tit nt .91 South African War. The 1*t'er4'tary 1111- hfornts us that special and late trains at specially logy rates • have been .a , es ` th 1 1 .. . l;t e.sl for, .�t that i1t? a-�11ae need miss seeing the°•Exinhitiof 111 all ifs completeness. THE utter a Aiken N TA RI • =bongo,. FAL L p ➢' -; 4,,.<,G.4 +0111 .aJd '1. 1 ka lLJtx s Home -'s ul Box -clot. Ladies-. ' kltih Zit .lines McItons \. hv.r L v 141G.:4.4. V11c: w,U:"tl ask o,15J 15 look. tae sauce t U lo2cc..:.,11 �. 01 00D ANNELE N11444*.::, -11 7 F4:44'. et't'e', fr':.s 5 to le, 14.:6:.8 rilannzlette Blankets, 60 cents a pair 11'14111:1i _'4i 1: .1101.11 u4 (119'"Il" F" AtiII'.A1:..1 Greb Bieck Zurich C' Its► ' ���' ':: +y,,>c.vu SAD we 114 Y AND, PURNITTIEE Light and Heavy Harness: Trunks, Bags and Purses, for ladies and gents INT ._iW PIT Parlor Suites. Fancy Dining Chair .Side -Boards, Fancy Rattan Rockers. Baby Carriages, Ex prt'ss Wat4ons ItIi€1 Sewing "Alae11r11es. High Grade Organs and Pi nos. 7\7"=2",..41.-1,