HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-08-15, Page 5D'r-ia•a•�w3-'-�B-�QD-I�I•�v&-I•^-�•i••I•®�IhIw.� throat of tiNt• rv'tl;te ftocl, Sltt c1It1 ev• Jtse etivu±4a• the Lnut¢ril, �d!_.9 WESTERN r er'ythin for• he(,,e+ t tough, A southern senator was at one time FwAIR., 't �r nxIV a i vrar°l11t1w g Jf, yet, oddly enough, New • made no objection to the presence of half a dozen counsel for a small railroad. At a p9int on the line where it crossed a ness for his employers. He answered LONDON9 yoang .)-omen, each of whom thrilled with unconscious envy prominent highway they had an old � the questions 'put to him in a clear, di- of the bride. She even laughed out- right when one of them Into negro watchman, whose duties consist - ed In warning travelers of the ap- voice acid yet tense, September i2=2o, 1902* peeped the hall and said hushedly over her pr•oacli of trains. Que night a farm - Bard Bros., Acrobatic Wonders. Chrissie M Jones. Cornet Virtuo9o. "Nell!" Carola answered without shoulder, "Oil, my, Johnson has, got on er''s wagon was struck, causing it bad bre you'd be I never would have had The minister was speaking. His i face is equal to five eyes. The distance - a full dress suit and does look so hand. accident. The railroad compuny'was IlVill keep on handPraf. Hutchison. t11P• Hllulan 130I1ab, ire a IbrillingBalloon Ascen- some!" of course sued for damaged, and at the a supply of Flour sion Land Partichute Drop; The Marvelous Gycle Dtizzle, The Osuat(os, ""It's bad luck, laubirr la your wed. trial the old darlky was the chief reit pP Y in it QHnsration novelty. The .great Gay, the Handcuff Bing. The plling in here around 12, or 1 at the herself by the mass of his 'wholesome .or y, arse o zn, latest. The last one of 'em is crazy to bull:. He was very red, Iris vacuous skeered when dat lawyer gin to ax me see what'll happen." moon face bended his Uig hands bul^- 'bout de lantern. I was afeared he "How strango."' Carola commented, King over the tops of his new white was goin' to ax if it was lit or not, ,just din' frock. Don't you know that?" an. ness for his employers. He answered and Feed at right wifans, contine'rltal Eeventriques. Mtinning Du Crow, frimous� Mono - "Carola!" Aunt Sarah called, her other demanded. • Carola laughed the questions 'put to him in a clear, di- Prices. pedes. Rosa Nay non, with her troupe of Trained Tropiacal Birds. The voice acid yet tense, again, a laugh both mocking and mer- rect manner. Among there was the Bard Bros., Acrobatic Wonders. Chrissie M Jones. Cornet Virtuo9o. "Nell!" Carola answered without ry: query as to whether he sureBy swung bre you'd be I never would have had The minister was speaking. His i face is equal to five eyes. The distance Magnificent Pyrotechnics and many other features. Special train se h - looking up from her boob. r' All things earthly end, even an hour his lantern across the road when bo QUIZ CHOPPER HAS BEEN Vice over all lines. "It's 10 o'clock -high time you were of waiting upon sin ungrateful bride's saw the train coming, to which he re- ' SHUT DOWN THE Exhibits fllrther ahead than the tinies. Grounds insidiiously dressing,"" came back, the tone more caprice. )Vhen the clock marked five piled:NFOR SEAS-ON.Fbeautiful. Buildings irresistrably* inviting. acid than ever, minutes past 4, Carola stood exac�ly "'Deed I did, sah." "I thought I knew what ingratitude Ing through the was -after :ill I've done for you --but ready my tie~Ifc," hue :tddeal, #]trustin,; sa w tine face extends only from the chill to '"N'i'hy, I thought you had set the in the middle of the big square parlor, The railroad company won the suit, - wedding for 4 o'clock," Carola said leaf her feeling herself the target of all eyes. and the senator toot: occasion later to his on his excel- THIRSK Price Lists, Mas Programmes and information for the asking from NELLEt�, turning a and not raising eyes. Site looked taller, more slender, more eompliinent witness fJ0HN LT.-OOL. W.M. GARTSHORE, J. A. Aunt Sarah stamped her foot. "As if wraithlike than ever. Though her hand lent testimony. The old fellow was President. Secretary. you didn't know what folks are!" she lay on the bridegroom's, it was In surf- Profuse in thailLs, but before they protested. "You know they'll begin ferance only. She did not even steady parted bluntly said: ""I d bi J 1 I she' was plling in here around 12, or 1 at the herself by the mass of his 'wholesome .or y, arse o zn, latest. The last one of 'em is crazy to bull:. He was very red, Iris vacuous skeered when dat lawyer gin to ax me see what'll happen." moon face bended his Uig hands bul^- 'bout de lantern. I was afeared he "How strango."' Carola commented, King over the tops of his new white was goin' to ax if it was lit or not, ,just apparently to the book, Aunt Sarah ! gloves. Carola had not spoken to him. 'cause de oil in it done give out some darted through the door, caught the ' She had met him just outside the par- time before de axdent" ' book, flung it across the room and for door. Ile had It sense of sinking clutched Carola's shoulder. Angry or wanting to rum, away, it the truth The Perfect fiend. tears stood in her eyes, but still they I must be told, to cry as he had cried in A perfect head, viewed from the side, snapped viciously. "You'll be the death the times of boyish fights. Invariably falls within a perfect square, averog- of me yet!" she gasped out. "Lord, he lost the fights and somehow felt Int; nine inches for a man and 5111 Lord, if I only had known what trou- that he was likewise to lose this. Inches for a woman. The width of the bre you'd be I never would have had The minister was speaking. His i face is equal to five eyes. The distance you here, never in this world!" words fell meaningless upon poor ' between the eyes Is equal to one eye. "You mean really that you brought i Joirnson's ears. Carola was tensely The size of the eye is two-thirds that me stere so you could make trouble for alert She held her head high and of the mouth. The length of tiro nose 1 both of us," Carola said, standing up ': kept her eyes fast upon the door. ai s -is one-third the length of the lute. The :u1d edging away from her aunt's , the minister began to say, "`it any can ear is. at all ages, its long its two eyes, graasp. "You know you would final ; show cause why these two may not Although these are the ideal measure.' heaven dull if you hath not a griev- be lawfully joined together, let hlin rnents and are approximately adheled i to. so foud of Irrcl;tzlarlty is nature a ance", speak; now or forever hereafter hold "Stop! I won't bear such sacrilege"' his pence" she drew a hard breaththat rarely any face CorresIMUds to Aunt Sarah Cried. shaking Carola hard. "I object!" Jack Ilan risou cried, dart- p them. The two "les of any face are door. "The Indy is al- : never exactly allke. Strictly speaking, "I thought I knew what ingratitude Ing through the was -after :ill I've done for you --but ready my tie~Ifc," hue :tddeal, #]trustin,; sa w tine face extends only from the chill to tills caps the climax!" folded paper into the minister's hand, !' the root n1 the nose. Above that point ' is tine brain case. For a well developed u "Yoj have done --many thongs," Ca- ~"Lunt Sarah struck It down. Crying son• a brain Lire width of the hexad above a r w rola staid, setting her teeter hard. "First . tentptttoutsly: "lou Ile, t tit today you gave me a name I hate :and shall " Carola has not been outside her roolll the ears. Measured with callipers, hate till I die. you thought it soundetl strive I ordemd you off the place';" should be from 41 'to 0% inches. and filler than tine Ilunle of any oth("r baby ' 3aelt tanned to face her with Varola the height from the Opening of the ear Wa around. Itlght there you strutiz the In his arms, drip enough now and to tits' top of the crown should be, ex• p 1;eynote-of everything. You aro be trembling all over. *`l came bacl:- I'actly the stunv, In women both height tyraiaically vain you Nvant to show : once." Ire sold, ."while you were away and width bare one Inch leasat Illall iu �,,, �w� e�everybody horn much better von can at church. I brought a license anti tt� nti nl. woute n'ts heads npproit(.lihig the. �.+ Rdo everrything. T➢rat hat ^fishy ydon have hminister, Iteinetalher there is al ll�lrtw:tyOte bcloingllal; to cit➢tttrera.Tfii� t"tala',REt"i° Fa"i`TLEI+ :a,itl~; 16 --lied ora Johnson Blakely for rely nlug rod beside the end wlalddolir of (*a. m I Tfl HE F(IVN i) IN !f lulwrAH. husband. Poor tool! I sbiTuld be al- rola's prIson. I (:l➢mind it. held her At, 9iKaaa f'Axtldt fiwvtr itian. Ino:�st as sorry for hian as for int5talt if M hand -the ,f god mmrt on the ground did a A. prolulaae+ut rrarl estate man in Loa lie hall not a tualn'ts tstrongth and to the rest. 'I r ilght have Come next flay EI mil;elrls had all mperl€"lace a few evela- II man's. Ownee, — ruts away Ile deers 11 unci la''gtll➢y demanded .lay N%lfe, It a 1 k *11 Int w fear a 11 I•alelvs Brame Ile s. tilt Lww".4 nes"m Y ROAN' 'ado other Medical Firm in the world has the established reputation for earin� Men and Wotnon that Drs. K. dt X. enjoy. Their No%v Method Tirout- anent, discovered and perfected bytheseg Eminent Spt:eialists, has brought J41Lyr� • happiness and comfort to thousands of homes. with 30 years experience to t, treatment of these daseases they can guarantee to lure or feo Pad— Esnisl+ alone, Nervous lacbltity, Syphilis, `'cxrie:uu":1,;,, tltricti.rs. tGiaet,; Secret Drains, Nopotersay, `voaual and etiental Weeakneas, Kid- noy :and Bladder 13iaaenooss. Their guarantees are backed by.Sank lior�s. el UA& W1 'I' L i relied `B L 0 0 d Youmaghave a secret drain through the urine—that'sthe season you feel ttrsel, out in the morninw. You are not rested, your kidneys ache; you feel despondent ad have no ambition. Don't let your Life Blood be drained away. Drs. X. d i t guaranteeettosCuro or no Pay. L 0 I DtI ea N Sypl li' Is the sicourgeof mankind. It play pot be a crime to Satre It for tt rnayr beinthderited,butitisacrimato allow it to remain in tineasstem. L s tathet-- like von. liewars of Mercury and Potask treatmeut. Drs. IL enc K. poatdvaly aaira the worm cases or nopay, VA, R I C 0% C 3 q 16 F. & S P. LP IR I C Tn TUT R1 9 The Nevvr Aletkod Treerttuoint cures these diseases safely and surety. !rp pain -no Bufferin¢--nodetentionfrombusir,ess. Don'trisk operation, and ruin your sexuaal+.organa. The stricture tisane isabsorbedandcan nercrreturn, Dsa.X.dclr, guarautto Cares. . e eft � ," Don'tnexlectyourkidneys. Yonraching•back tolls the tale. Doa'ttetDoe;ora ecptrittarntonNon. Drs. X.,itX. can co.royou Ifyou aaranot btyocdIUWLaald. Tita�> guarautee to Cure or No Pay. CMJritBS C.U�l1 RAtir7'lC I�ltla'. Kda CVRT: 'NO li�^,li..`V. Coulrtt#lastklost Prom. ltroolto "teat Vroea,+'wsated fi write for Queattotis latimulc f4cUutAles Treatment- t:ver7thing Cont1desrlta.al. DIR". KENNEDY KERGAN 148 Sl•IEt.RYCa TNriR1fErEt��C1i inay, zagtx t neva ept till eus:�s riot really Avant, rile. Iloggy 11erll:arali was her NVIdi s to 'wait-und spoll your 3 luttle left as to whi-ther he should feel Paris 1"Atylca. suits hind ever Land aver so noueb htbl leer: trltalolall." + complimented or otherwhe. IiI# •u alta at " fliants t tuft' Linlm tint!, But. .� i HERALD" � �,"� "� j `'� Iltat }eau got pitta under your tbut als be. Jobaas on bad been liytetilug Ilke tt helue with taste little (ittta;phtt{t rr±lilla+ teatav, tlbotiti ttntl l�ti°eslai;. u � J� �, s :t �r 1: 1 f"e:e ht' k4t oir roustabouts. ilea's , fia(xn:t Sat a dream, Slowly lila face his wjre urld another Of tim children i, ,i"1, telt liner of Watewltaws, wton.:t* afraid aif you lllydta olirrth cod• tile' letightencd. '➢4itli a a�lldiyr� ja a s tvkre downtown. D arkriess was tout, I,"Its rlr�..>iaytite~llirri`, 31ttwIIirttl ---=- - � _ - - - ,judgulerut. If lade Is mix Ireest two and lois; whoop Sao gathered Jai* orad t.arola In I Ing oat, and the little girl taat,s a rviges It1»tl"tiralt'ntts and spee'k�s. =�,,r;, 111 1 ON W 11 rata :Dir oxl'- hili aarsai.#, haat; ge'tl th()jul lgvathloks s iuld II v • g " e " ^' •_ '" ly r,uttltina„ for h(I' ilaotliit >a raitlirrl. ±i 11tllatai."a ldaw)q nae !ilii! ai ulot`he°r. as Iii.+ released tuvaal crze*dl: "�13t°Iiw you I .If er' rSi!pii'i)ntlil ess grl''I�i' arir"ace In f+;lalt0 of N " 7 � I 'li� � ("LOC �kE�31 IR- k "* �0 SLld" a=+� �sa' �"upRda 9p>u.A� 'f' t>id+'" ?.$4a'r� 13aN sd9'C�iii�ft�t lla7 Jlad"%�I �rllti'Un as le A'IC # 1lt+'s good! idtt Mag. as lu orad rl+ra=ars ass ;; tilways were A good fi'lloat.{ Suppose � tilde !' ltlter'sA tiltt''a11p aft >tt+n'bsrarttalo�e> INd. +�* AH�1tt ��: � a iii"ntarr . lathy- rand %vill have $1ttaa004 rr•hM his Von belle tine to gut inafried danlyttiay. I At Ir"rtg'th thin little cairn* burst lutoa � e' . " ' cold uncle dlev." Aunt: Scarzh brdalderOft. 1431 give you I=oW cash if ,y'naa'ii taxi' j ., I! �smrdf �i�rinkr 8niad a°z„ar” fPiatxl t>;os•�ri�Ie.--=siavdtanoi(, her elr'i+t nhta:nl9lgla9i�, l0ilaetClC `:mail iS3 .� 5ai %Qin ae' Y l{a t:d$adS teff laJ`w fid", t��lnt j t I aalit eaw $'li'�ii �ti I nttctl nllt tatna. I! 's s H ESS y. yt,;, every'- Donate girl aroa nd amuod lea 111 td 10 that tole Eder rsttliiat.. f`it• ; and I mush have her!" p jaanaalo at tin( clnaa.cd Of lnu�, teinl.( "I'll i , as 1 ..Ilea you alta glias waayr 'wbeit ,our �"� l�,�fl"�' I. Ji } y'vou ,*'- wDq soul, raladilug ilea the blusviiing Pea- as alunttna ltd here hludi 11taa tl3w iyVw a A.W � ��";!- ft a ��qq �! '"Bate land to Lie ld✓e l"111'�1 nup fon" two gyp Elvav adlnal naannna; cal 1t natabioaly ntln]te ;� alar faatiat t. G The, 1,,11 chi n ,Aianeaulhs to i eeto Lie fromcaa•yuan� uaaded�tdon�, Sant flora°t� luainn.e� liter. ��rnst � - rr, of course nam"" replled Hite lltlle { � � ED snnaat"budy t"lmv. * Vurola ''••±19 5913in as a 154,1114901liger i3od bttYa.`,Il tut a ' Gee, °�tilSP ulnen $iteri+°@d uaa)nal�' ij "e'aYii& la I. as Aunt Sarah. IalCooTW9-;e bIIc'4, %V&6z u. new lu�enave from ti,e a�aanity tottsm. up tet-2,60.2abest the housel'a a YEARV ; TO TT RN THIL. taanlsrdl Io3 l nc.itlu. °'.t1e«taans:eonn fioa act's uUl : them.'Wag o wrtildang ttltb = ob4rcAlnun li is S ICti i _ftaot Even >fm1a�a Aunt Sortatt-.ansa! tide ; AW salsaswt Il.."° tsCal rduu anuo. " d,c„w col vll= FU Y NE fl.OSPIM rocas J9lnnnsaonu. too ctaaral a trufe� c�vls: v lg iLracle s n�annau twos I°igl l'• ,ora 'Cr eat �ad,ork *9 Adel'. yp q�1I ��i� lin Inas iCause: 'I iLate �'utn. I e�«�°�� to ; � ” It was :�tneBCes WI�au tP'9sl$cd filn!e slnilBn ;; _ 1 - - A�I��iY.�aKOYYM�w I ra%ee'they %..v duu q dray,• si;4 "Derr l,r,Lau­~ aatiallloe 4's t'ft.lttaeiae+ani.a' GT I°4va*w;gPvuvs lou I1ome end. fltAbug tfet' I Tann/ t9n'eRnl esti tomC± vna Gatl'cn„' If aEst to cv is I hob and MntssN e; d enee asked r rianlr ; The Only a�'!"iCe of sffti Pafre 0S a' S1 in .r4vil't'et`ales. ,. �, • avt<lst s'thnsaetoi'a t�rtrttr .t tla9uu ►"_eray'al iCa>iar - � � p (orad* gnauan auf n uoua➢acne-ss But OR Cncs Ilan"S,- A. Sank Even to rival dr a t+i"etun of lltru. " Ian s.nzli sn U - Cly thout the Rearm= kttetw � � a laag aeletiL4 guie tt'(neCdH noel taa�ae l'oe- ILe,� ` `ue' actol" ek1gla6rar�, tun;at �iy wlaud ;t cheat CODY lots +K�,naeiau bf(thop ("nue, °latsaaa V ttetrarr y �ry�t,,, �y��,y + i3 itna�.p9a �� DIA 6 U Y �r 7[ W sur, VN E T D klaoa" LOW bwophe-iso I Anda--r+athd sod an ImotatHeota coir an old Ilium dna V-1021 lu-a'.'te dolle It. Itut. tats't to tialeantalonnar. dl�ryiereaBdrnrss+aet fix ui llrdkun faun toad a Ira ninny or tuy au;>ath Edd, Own irdnle Shown Itistcad lietx ti9nmat 19ns ulvnn 1aCc+JdatY b.' 3"?;L i aan icalh i d CiMa Yt�glt S ala# j wra a we,w. r rw" ww,� „ � eetktr tka�ca:ttaCm (snit• G,,irn.rtx t'rea+y tau.e2[:tY e.� n � t own." �' sats, tun It of .tgcarlCr anal when 11095 wag..�' 16, ,W�� .• v." rib° i s ra�gcm t `h I 36 Tc" 3 u r F U'al' d�lrYrtlw�7•t$i'rjolire 1, 10spifala built uld er the "Yet you Want to turn 'oUr 1!i.'dck O n "Do y'oai lWant. an absolute laic€•ideas n seta �llselti•:a dni?w t, third tlri'e •r1"n eAa?e> iftYi!Ab [1,d2�L r►#ttetya�J auf't+;'�#a#vr tCttc:�t�. �5t�.. y � ... d e. -,g ,� � t�'a(aleY6a tklrbte fiai'btaalt 3lran� dE Cep. tta�Ti'en dot@�§ r@I'fiL t'�j� r'��,YA' sW dd�a/aadaiN oc��dd8��tt>'$Ltt3'J"� x'#�'�d'd.°+aB�'�$��'� i�l�a• 1 ftgued husboauel crud as r1eh came andCal" sluaall I Idealize It a blt?' askvdt not (syh q�t�atoria'aa(s. Tiilss lnaasaC was P t so sayth gook ed b throw r 1 e � o ourself away : oarjy Ow ?3:tnohlvell. .. ted -of e d upon arra e gredatr•:st w�•r✓rk r �{ �w h9'etuly-- o'i i *.acorns v, flee g ncv,P�q $6 equip and furnish lawyer who Inas never Lad a ease dura "i Vio ut Elft Absolnate IaLlenes5. ed- ofwatt, says the t;rtoty., Ill ire' alm# II �tl i i� 111 eb' r 5 d �, R:Bakelse'#±fe7y Ilrataixaty� +aeet:nr 3rxrxd<xr e;� is ss'ar"nJ9"nI---1r0 reedre <r$$ Patients d'Lbsoluidy 1Ctth1'!$it he Inuurug out lois slulnugut a yeah° o};da>•' plied! 31t M aosfieidl stimy, rind they Int- of the emsarat !I ( e ttr,ar w t Xtkl j tcrewtuasa tt �#�s!. ro r:� s la. as _ oafovat&r,ril, src.mryde.n �rai+dr e 4,eri tdi3Ya d', n use aalaale tx siL•vLtrll gal' his patron. Analat i�arraala sannlagreai, t"aro,o IaaCngtsed tl p'' • � 4i"herla the com ieisd! plettuire al splen- t.:*Sy iii Cts lr. filhret4*1,y, . . . Ybtk tl Mrs. hard laugh. la i fit " -- --. - knew � q.; _ .. viCwe gsr;t orf r.�vt1L that I�sla� age is Ht '�"1ye ��Va` As'tl'scal rilal tT:d� ��tsttH- n'` +pyo'x"r+h'tyi:,'e'rs..I.lr�rat,p.,ts.a� �::.:i�L"el' Sn'�'A� o.•trt rrr�` ��r�d ,�str�ie7Yi.� a�'tlfr"niffdcd� �`+b 11r7e 4d��u{l li�r�s. ir'tilsdina a.laieu, lair 1:tee�,Iiiroas: .,_ ..�- � - gi * TYnd,y d9d tame' plleng In 11t:Peird' tine wdaley emaloxrs5ed-t.tts shown to uta. vE=nt''4 litlld ate the e•rainnatie trka ireolptro �"�i��dt�e, ,�d>eidif�?el'tfS9iP--�a�ac° �1it'tf% f'1'�;f �„� ialldd ���tt�li3tl� elceTL Stiruck 1. Ctarows love nlfuul•s Slansfaeld he was not pleased. �. of rt brief contcdiy laublrslavd lit I.nl"(+, � . "it lablu9 like a l•nzeeil 'later, said 'rive New Artur'tal was In doubt rdirout ZURICH e u��'fdtt$dsri alit AN e"jeialicm — hare returned ;dome +f Mer I.I.- had been the dts9lp o;f tlld? e:�otunts<ysHei€ ly b . fire• aux inienluas dust, :�attal:uuly tlnei t Slat. lalansra6d, the uric of €Ire Newer oft, the o0vit tire, � �'8¢ral or grordf, atin� rorc-e1. i mault,'0 Bald! wimazulaH- place.Irolandalnl a*teOtstavela,4fmoua wall eel, ed'espectut9on of satrw anneani- of imly' r a a. in., until ti ln, tit., '1'lae nlaanl alta -.�ite Free CsmI nanjofire 101dital is situdierd iti Me sale ,. Plaut as Il Ianorl elnz aji; to �" hn t Lad bcE. n so 'well. `"Vona ktuow that Srou s�igd 3'ti� I "'� la(ta i�iil i i la'S tar# to 'fukv tbl. d11 *ill ]a�itLtE i� aNi� follows , stnminngd To aloe lana rol,d a 1amw1 I. was wanted a llktmess: " � , laYducvi r oaf b'" st dkil%it„f�a ll q #eow,11,fiel$ 16caliky, britnagiedag the same od, tiilndail unralneatvl e e that Johnnus nn lyl oke- T-bere %vas t4 ruun' for a lellualb9c, aa® i ,.14"V It taU6A1ft:' tepl9etl the I lverl- lit.FORl ftngsXjLL, ell(t. mail 0 ::,;aa.nl7 r �f_ � ,.... I- . me a - . • g e=ma (d 11t1'nal. "IM ut Co tv# lco Let foran . ma .: a ::7;t p„nu �...... �h � � t"tom ly had been cot oat 1417 Q 'da ,,N,,, Of $1 � > . a w ' : ". ; y .. nr .a C as tea i+na Mary ei tvltHn b,� h�antte-utjs. um I tl:t a1Cnn std ,dl s�.,- v orally ra se en=d wont too rested t :: t Use ,ttttlyt try tuaeana , *Jr yez ton toneh, ureal ,9aft It oil:lm ..Tco_7hlarl, uy s 131-. vn t I9u4 c to 8e , o13yi d 1 d1I Ie9d tt I' i i y `” _ 1798 loatk, 3CI:e most r.�i t stand7fly up- dusieovn"e sacd ;!aunkilvell. 01;aee wIDI •r oa.tlaan wt iael(I yrs, ti"Le mos s:r�nn tnxmnl ss In y 13 - N aast. a: 1s, H. I EepinYg 11 lin EQ from 5m tHnn'nGa Ir2g a•Wall„ crl'`�d• In gee t€nis V10fnre tie lat310 „'" � '�'i� ie huVe' tu: epd It WC1 menti find ihM <, l�"I:d' 3S Ik MALL, .ar. r. I � .�•tU alias � �• � � `�� a �'� '° j inaYs""est away. Stull tHnene v4tlle 1eCV sa.d tI'.e Yicto °Ieilnnps y awe t"»Iffd l nC t- °lolred;:r cvonnnmtnn sotone sHrst(rpna yeua + li ,. .a .r ., i :$'1n lnlal a ey a. 1 u fi u u. S. v" rafter spoils wile sltook the Peutz, S:Iy - ✓ .. rw � v w �e , , . Ht tli.:y' *t ,Jr ('aan:Ia'dd'd t"N. is,.ley;;nrl I1a..P�t,. I��.':d'> r a. ua a�'S"I.r?ik�t~,i'33, " SdLt �.i trallit Ing a girl. as your rdnlrint s:ly, dtnvest go - Mrd. ft fir<,"'s ai(I Me artust As he tolled. , sl.e was t:riad�d thence. then 11In cl.d:11ien ` I,. H. � $., 11 .41aro aYllS � ��•.., � l n too double 1u rriness woe -hal Ise rani T ty "Ise up the 1>"(Imre and Ivnelsnnf tI Ida go wetln I1nrd. a,Ind when alar cva.4j tudna;lld>dt if a. G•� �. H. & H., <" .:.yF# ant �+ before Ion- to Mck over aloe tzuces and! :r pi'arClug shot. *,You donn't want an wa an 11yrd('ytle. lloti evq never tv;anot: g ri,tXltvERS Yeblt I�n:(xYs'€'i# �T3idb:G, lnn'an::t / • � f sntnaall lalallne to her of elle did. _ :artist to draw your prreture: yom wilint how simple a thing clay r �sUilf tragi � •! �„ .„ a litliograpllner. Good «lay. :rets' leulfy. be Ituaste(i halfsn lloln previous to ^ y Everybody wondered! at the settln.g that time for' czosing the mails. m _ _. out of a wedding feast and! eallung Hca : yogic world. a 41 Y The, tor-roketf all +f:t,na,steoeaxt. D.S. .r�i1�.JST, Postinviste$. 'wedding guests. A simple! marrrragep � �nv"�nrarocm 5st�7oeti7L � with Olri'y legal witnesses, seers to " _ *'i fell yotl" gaud the doctor. '"It'll fifer.. fit the case's Conn ilw:rtlons better. 3: Xext time you drop in on yang liar'- I man who ern push hitniself along, dant - " " " _.. _..._.._ ._____._. � y,r r ��✓�-r. , .'a r,�w f tr w n• n T tea' _ - lery nudlea�tGodl. Irlat scuseiv I.r.a1 21e.0 .a have _. sui_�t or your inane cut ; sur(•oea'd best In ¢Iris svoriti'" a _}y' xaat ' peace. The wedding' was :liras. Wil- aSk Itim tviay fine has a bole with white � --.Not at toll:' relrlitO the proresco . cl teS. p er r � � � . . C ��. y_."%'7y..�•�,e,.""'a'.d yi �i�4By 1'(t�' 4 1''�' world that in thus her : tC1:tlnce=s erre tlnamt he will telll you it -It's the ttn:tnx *.vivo dw-1 shove otTxer >ilorvitn to her . y_s .rL�ri' 9 .�� a r° ed �.✓: . a. r line - at his oda , sant s triumph. She would loot forego ;:anal red strilxes on at g • out of the Ivav dint suecems bese, "y_ ryy µ y� �p \� battle �y y, y. �r - . .yy, b b �� We have nuade a r a�32gre-�naent�' 4idY {.:a hardest Taattle' ;Choc IP:sad prevailed. - nut is to Ia.t red% lde ltirolary there i'S'' it�L laarT'ser ,� ' ° 1 it _ �C• y �p .. sit XL t=c�1x 'c`�tVr'�tli11l1yTr $� 't6ri Edsi ..;.. even this wise few were somethin; sho"ar in tete vicinit f. I.Sh. Ttnnn why � Yo offer the followhig' love eltllabrng ' t+lt�ba3T F�rEE i�C1 i � aiitas CY4 amazed At one th-tng—she had Iraviteai: such a pole represents a barber shop, x�ltdarew,a� � Ge9na �d eyd+aaf. "rates �vitll Tn1>r HERALD : alae e� a1 a- J. m7g,-, I:sq., and tzar i'.trrr:liars He&t A. �fassev FWaxfb among tete rest Jack Hatrrusolu,. the ' :anal tell 'hind not to tali: politics (a% «*]lrtassie (letd'sts wtttnrll, but Iner int ; lawyer lover whom two motrtbs ear. ° the weatlter to you until Ino has :tau- eating It regularly for brral:a`tast nmv," '' Daily Globe , 4.15 lidir shdr had forbidden the places I swcrcd :incl you will have a °Iulet time ;said lAfkl»: I ,y �ti Entpi>vc 4.»'r"a -Think of the sorrow and suf erfn �' Clio New Fred Conlsurrig"> liewould' -lot come, of course. but 1:,of it. Of 'course you '*;now.. but it, case .•►c'hat's laic nbj"01' askhd t,➢11•ay_ I rccekly v[;,$obdy 1.o five Hospital will alleviatta and indeed 'ent➢i"ely remove. r .k everybody else was on yotr don't want to Mother telli-Ag bin- "Ile's trying to fmprore his golf ac r+• raiz �* Empire 2.7a l ' ry,' fly 3 o cloC e _ y _ .Bergner Jdarttrnsl t =f�i11 you not send ti dollar' -ori . 00, �3.©t). $5.00, �ill.tl0- hand, minister and bridegroom' includ- . fust clip this item and induce him to cent" -Judge. (tx'erlturn) y.v0 or Blore, for this most pressing of all charities? ed. Aunt Sarah was for setting for paste It in bis list, li'amil-y Herald fix Star I.r5 ward the wedding ceremony. 'There In olden times blood letting was be- . Millet. Yroetutiaate TIxaan latt►rtt'. 4 -The vietims of the White Plagues are fouled all over Canada. was not the least use in waiting an ! Tiered in and tine ancient barber wsls I can't say that Talkalot ± ' hour, with everything ready. at ; the M. vvha made a specialty of it. Is a friend! of mine 1' merely ]lave aOu ���, FURNIS A� , i brought on a very pretty quarrel with 1 so some. of them do today. The ' speaking acquaintance with 11111).���� S ��td£�3�10{�19i�i <ts a! Carola. -you'll tome to the judgment pale ]1.119 notbing to do with li air taut- Wang -host pd«epic only Ilam*tI -a. lis- ° The Gtmt ?L'xglish Rc'raatliy. +ti rti r r --- rs Sold And recommended by all TO - bar an, hour ahead of tlmbr,'" site said { tin; or sbavinr: it represents the blood teufngacquaintance. ! drtYggtsta4iri Cariads. OntY relt a�oiv 'iurBLrao s If.t i" rr els\ 1' rU to Aunt Sarall, -Taut you won"'t be name a fatting end of the pr.,fession. The red able medielne drseovered. Sgt c40es #athtanked to Cute h1! SII:. W. R. A1ERr-,D1Tl1, lit., Chief Justices, to burry St. Peter, and for once I mean ' stripes Indicate the dour of bloody the 'o6rm9o* 5esttnt r5'rlaltriess. sII eflecrstat abpse i 3eC-1 reds. Aatf, Saari. drkoCn." i`otpyatao. tis l witite' Stripes the linen bandages used Itara`! teadttt>;. orOxdese Mental -worry. ExceSsiveVSe'Cf'10- to net the saint✓ Ptot'pssor Moraundmord The books of � ubcO a. dui qr stimul8ets. maaledl�n vecefpt W. J. GA GlJ, t litelrtntaar 14x. Com., n orotttdr Storming did no good'. 'Carola( wits atter the operation, If yell succeed ofpt'llee,onb sakage tt,atr,ts. Draestrillpkasee, ; n ver ` in tortiering your barber on oris :lues- theChaideans were Nvritten tan bricks- wftila ticust- tmphlets free to an address. s "� �1L' 'xlt 'u`P i iiinita'ai Tr, recklessly gay. She had grow y : , " 7�Ltine vireaind el7om L CO. , easturer, • must haave made hard readin --l1ar- c r - ,.y \ATIQ+ White, but her hands did not treliable ; tton, ash: ti➢ttl not to talk 'so much' until Spotter (In it stilt, small volcer-1'laey ; p y, W fir' Onh . as sloe pelt. on her veil and set it knot !Tae acgttlres some infOrmatlorl yr of fh '4Votadl s Pllohtallotllne is sold In Taranto. yaxrrl lnlnoiroorl. ..._.... _. _ ...... _._..... _ . _ , ,........ , _ ...... ....-_ ... . lof 10000 lorttc" ^ifY6lt� Casey rid tho 1 tnpart➢n , Zurich by Dr.Brtchunu.n, Druggest, �t t