The Herald, 1902-08-08, Page 7ertre leae.tuotyke,.. et4te, I4fi4 ketly:/chle, f4o,i1-ezid timoto 47g 411411484444a41=9 ****************4 E9 S E. LL. 444444444•4444444344czt. "I worked hard for it." she said at teat in a very sott whisper, her red lies forming the woi as pert, fully, near to ma ear. "Good-bye, Mr. Maude," taw then said aloud and demurely, but with her eyeta dancing. And she gave ray hand a warm squeeze as she ehook it, and let me out into the nipping Suatch alr In. the gloom of the darkening afternoon, evith a new and old senee or a. flash of brightnese anti warnal into the warld. Then I walked quickly along, de- vising by wiutt mean& that cottage, which iny guilty soul told me was bare or a single stick, could be furnielied and lia.bitable by Friday. Anda cold chill crept through ).Y' succession of terraced from which one bones as re new and hitherto uti- (-taught glimpsee of the rushing Mulch thought -of queetion. thrust itself up between the birehee that lined the in my enind. Wiert would Pe'rieuson eay? Celatealelt. VL time building, te ate phaeton etyle I made a haray tour of the sec- of acotch country Iowa architecture, with rough ereanaeolored walla a Mei-hand shope In .A.bertieen, being we ecough to know that f tiled root, .1,t„sil irregular windows, ielle wore to find the cottage too spiel,: and a IUI LLperele It wee; only and span, M. Kilmer would in a areved from, .,tines by a growth, of ivy over tits lewer portion and be moment dlietovt'r my pious fraud. Mashie; got toteether tit tees way a a Creak of the designer, wereay one very oeld asiortnetait or !umlaute end waa mated a story above the I Wait rather at a lest; about hitch -and tito roof of thie portant en tetensile, wiseu a I ws seized rest, made. to elope Mirth :end senate in - with the tinppy Inspiration of buying btead or emit, nand weet, late that of tho ret tine building. at the Week a, now set of them fer my owu ser- eiaa and hanaam aver those at tim firs and layettes role to a gaeat pretieol. tin meni uty lintelten to Mat. itenghtthe house a-4.meg ti nestle •Ellneer. Net !intoning much about under their proteetion whenever the theme thInge. 1 had to buy In a whole- vvattur atotuts buret over the bleat; ts Sate !tuition mere, fay, to thilarounti. he ati- ' ratite -11"e of the seller than to my eraliam teas glad ti see use, Wei own. However, the butoness was got wekamed ale hnek wIlin eaal'ah4 lug more sparsely to the south, one caught wider and wider glimpees of bread, green meadows where two or three horses were turned out to find a meagre pasture. Here the drive was carried over a little Iran orna- mental Wedge, which crossed a atream that was but a thread in tht warm weather, and leaving the grata and the trees behind, one came upoi, a broad lawn which ran right up te the walls et the house, flanked to the north by more grass and more trees, which shut; out the view a the sta- bles and of the unused cottage; to the south the land made a eudden dip, and the hollow thus formed wee laid out a.s a garden, while the great bank that ;sheltered it formed a banks of the impala -me nate strean,. The house was a most utipreten- • e-----teataaaeate, feteeboned ellver, {4*(111 as tad eantile. Woke, goolets, a panelebewl and a reaesists laet cattury urn. A stuffed dean, u leach tankard, a pair of Ogee borne and a aura of Dante, sur - mantled by a fox's brutal, atteupeed tie top al the book shelves. A. high, plain, lour -fold Stireett, as dark as ,the regt of the time-worit furniture, lad the door, and cheep to the screen a clog -kennel, with the front taken out and replaced by a strung iron grate lag, format! the winter home or a tare Wawa monkey, wlacet I had bought at a sale with the fascinat• lag reputation of being clangerone, but leach bad belled its, obaracter by allowIng ine to bring it borne on ea' elloulders. 110 -to, so called for no better reason Veal that my collie, whose favorite resting pla.ee was now well tanned ore the goatskin heel -tie rug, wae na,mal Ta-ta, ban from our Mat introduction, treated me wall such marked tolerance, that 1, in my loneliness, bad begun to feel a sort of superstitious fetidness for the 'brute, aud fancied I raw more ,rea- son and affection in his blinking brown tate.e then in any of ethee.aeotch pebbles which served as organs of elision to my Gaelic neigh - ;bore. When I first bought him it was mild enongh for him to live In the yard; but when the weather grew Cold, be was brought Into the kitchen, he got on so iii with the power e there that I had to take eonmaesion upon him and them, and remove Tato to the study, where he justified his promotion by the re- serve and gravity of his manners, his eide [narked foible being o.furi- ous jealousy of Ta-ta, whose resting - place Was Just beyond the utmost tether of the monkey' chain. Rarely did an evening pass without some alarrnisit between the two. Perhaps aPa-t. seeing me smile over the book 1 was reading, and anxious to Share me enjoyment, even if she could not underetand the joke, would ineantionsly get up and wag her tail, Whereapon To -to would dash amens the hearth -rug and assiSt her, and much un . t a- • -toe itatiostmest 000 • 0 ToreeeketaetieeaCretaa@eileekeieaaaaafinflee cieratlafeWatellal N CALF FEEit,.. IN sossOcesooisesovegovtgiomweescemitares(6000@@@GOVP*Wocg o'Forx welter ef years e 'have had ing aboet three quarts of skim milk most of:MY &eve amp their calves In twice a ilea By tale tline the stone - the late a Du.ncan C. Anderson, of Rugby, On- ach will be strong enough to asstra-4 fd, 'or 'early winter," says taro, "and I havo oome to the con- ilate and digest other food. The te, noon elusion that there is a decideagain in hay, meal should then be pulped mo chopped oats ad vrell, saVed clover i so doing. The milking season is the nairlaa'108esPear it"nshtllo elew""ers:Lael lengeb.ened; cows coming in fresh be- deep, setting cans, it fore Christmas, by liberal feedieg in Should Always be Warmed winter, milk nearly as well in the up to new milk heat before being early ummer when the pastures are to produce bloating and scourre at their best, as WM'S that come itt fresh. in March. We milk ten months, is apt Wscohuenringt iiisreatai fed. If it is fed cold or too hot it s giving the cows two months' rest. le there Is no remedy. When emelt fohsvedeatio'elbees:om!esildriorint Taey are rested In the early fate' al not doing well, break an egg' into when the pastures are at -their poor- it milk; this acts as a tonic, and est. At teat time the grass is gener- adds strength to its ration. ally dry, parched„ and burned up. Ae rr0 eupplement, the loss of butter we raise on the bkini milk one calf to fat in milk, take for 12 calvaa over ettelt cow, it is very important that two month old, Rear cape of flax the caws should. have two months' seed, pat it -alto a c'ommon stove pot rest out of the twelve. When the and fill up with water, Do thee after dinner and allow It to simmer ail af- ternoon and evening, Next morn- ing boll smartly for about one half hour, stir in Some wheat flour, until the mixture is about the consietenca of thin porridge. A calf three months old Will take a cup full of this flea seed tea porridge in its skim milk. The flour is used to counteract -the loosening effects or the flax seed. Care need be used at first not to over -feed but to work up gradually to what I have xnentioned. With skim milk, flax seed tea, root% clicimed, oats, and clover hay, and With COM- fortable warm pens, kept glean and well betake. Calves east in this way be raised muell more profitably ire winter than in Summer. When * cows are milked. to witein a couple of weeks of calving they get no chance to recuperate. The calf gener- ally comes with A Weakened Vitality and does not make as rapid or tatis- factotry a growth in the first six montite'as when tile eow has had. a fair periott for rest and recuperation. After a long terin of experience 1 have come to the eonelusion, consid- ering the Increased pries of 'winter butter, the long making season, rest- ing when the grass is poor, that in winter dalreing, cows give at least 25 per cent. more milk in the season than if they came' in fresh in the spring moralise Again, an early win- ter or fall calf le quite as beavY itt the dog; larking. tine monkeyUWW chat- ' two and one -halt ,ears as a spring .. tering'. the master swearing - all .tteen or six montlig iu the age of the e;nif is at tla.ee ye...;:rs old. There is a separa.tor Is need It Is best tot shim thre,t mouth vs of tine rnenagerie calf, the reasan for this being that the froth ofr the skimmed milk an* tryisia to elem. oft eolarterer in thP it is weaned off tle. milk, in June, got,e not feed it to the young ealvea es- MPlee, kir eke r1 -t0 would fall from on to grass, is fel a little grain or peel:illy taaie under three montlut. the ties *t'his kennel to the meal all mummer, anti In the fall It IL has a tembncy to distatrb the nor - Cow, wan a ion 1 Inniitie. allil WOuld is a good, kerma:, mat action of the stounnea, and stet Ile safe tee 1 etill on ths• am ae and winters neseit better than a. lug lusty yearling, nip st.otirs Witeeever a. CAN tilalEtt Is - tr la a Tit; and, then the simple spring' calf, willeit le just wean"4,1 in Reduee the Quantity or Skim Milk. Ta-ta nude walk oyer to itavestie the fall and meet into winter. Be careenal le have the prill (rem ' gate the ease ani the monkey When a ealf ie droPPed it IS not which the cease -a are fed as ellen wan!! seiee lea tare an.1 twit them good practlee to allow the coy: te as possible, With. skins milk at [be rientel WiL4 eilat'rinte triumph. 1 Lentil*. an I liek her offspring, Whet) right temperature, fel out of pelts blot a alma whip as separate the the ripper:akin e..atmtairls Ne the,..e oveasion44 bat ' 1.4 etheees4 a ninstarhaneri la tie* eow tiOt tee hirp, quantitlee. and fed ewe take pistee there as clean as ';o;ir making pans. la 1 wily (13red en;;•,; 11; vi.ry eaeringle" I enable: tie' nestinia gets exeileti. cind regraiarly, there twat lie but tittle ere,I.ettgli ite eller t upon To -to' horn" nprvo.ts E.1,w., ri,maln so for tee troubte from calves vonartiy.'" .,olirter netters. wee ealistary in the haa • r . , r 0 •Itr,',414,10 444. r,,dinnn•hing ZI11011 t,) III:QUO? 6,011,,, aa, abtaaw, he part o a ea.- 4„ Vallee'. re- In warm weather calves 4001E11as Tlett sail Neva Wee, all the 'Nall- t -v,, uloo: ,t'lletient01.• ar; tio. boot Of -"- - . 1071 ita tinrinee tine clay time. anti , • Removing, 1 Igo *.t, ew Horn CM!' 6111r4tP•1 ont in the overtint; Thrte itre tett ef the Mae' eeteteenent Of I ties • paterttetteer sitnee hie wires the St 18 wootten aorta of the primitive strateatt-legettel tend, it penny rattle, and a of Maly parrot and when I impatiently leteleel the things tut at the door, lie seemat ellentityal, and atitl "he ited thought th •y Would tilleaso tin. wee bairn.' ferrolettme, On tine :earning after tg,ty,d'.,r w4061 too nip at without Zho moaner to lea; 'thee W101 atall tite enot 1135 anti !Ilea, Witgle elneepiel °ate eraaaill my return, tota; earn' to prevent me ..ellat wive littsesee preesat In it. Reba tire with a V. i!,•p or straw, `' e -e A reneture of Whole and to ne. 11.,,,,Peetattle Jaet n; he Itr ti:nrk eye; ia It lea r..k alie1 p o a tt it into rut oine. dry, wItran e'en, i,41),;a7et trItte about ti antli,tta aloe Inead, 11091 overeettes1 her Mare- fae Vaii- 10,9,z, pun hear, free trent frosta sir drefte. ,tan eive , - a clue air ant ordattra settee calf , suttee:a lava of menetrieerne through voles•Inew. the [tinge wereto • - • • • for lir woolli,no Gc:ve mei hard lane aa spat „n the r„1/0„,vetg. sus. and I , butopet of the annonstremout 441.1.1 1,441,031,0z,„1 at ono. too. unmated batik to Catheter by the 4.83 to make a.) WM. L ',Yeast els to ine f ,01 tit% intlB Cit t.0041:111t. ad- • train. wondering' how I ;should breete rnoni fitatialle• ea."*";;ImeT sheettett err'nela t dente tie, piste -of , 114.%vi,3 Ito pi,,r0,01"jo. wisiusig tr,treii 1,85 late. tato! !ten 1 ;Semi roatt,te tlett by tionit, tuck•the tor titmice. instead tpf .gimeng dowoit- i 10. 14 44h,i, 15.-111 4 V•111.11t.. th6h 4..#.6,140 or it No* wok rot' irine tweDvo iheira 4,Np maul ratognrp, wit!, be ettleieient. Inane- or tut° 4,410 -at 110re. 1 ttooti W41"3 I'. to...11.44v 31.14 :PK 1,11"f"' leer fail footnote, instal tree nesete are 111111%. ve fealii,L,,,4tteto.i and a trontme teaelt it lex !true. 0,4,1,1. I Horp ita lamt,ocat., alma! are-, 14 e 4 •ts tre-seer. Delta lite datie; furt4 tw v, .4 cern a ai thrisaaa eret. melee: lea 11 3 1..#1 al whiten I les 1 steeste 3339,0; trart seD when. anal, tatll tt,w, (411 iut 114 6013.1,43,r,. rat1,3 zip y.,ms a:4•1 111.e Lolls 1111543tem..; a via!, 0.0150 140 1 31 3,141 (Kit,* 43cl ma -40, 00,t )04 904qt4 0101.1,7 Tim cum Epiltit t,..111 teip ithilLteelate one might haVo • • • le • • • tine I:twit dean to pen . 141) 41 1'14 reollainm tt-r„,v. tenotptiom int milt: hea. Nyt, ter, infott Iv., a vet, allow' %Lein tv) Itit V,'90f,r4W. t0.1 III tree absenee tILnue alight breae • a ifs" Orr me boots. 1 a tow ,,,,. 9 ,r.r.l. oop 10:44, OU tfl' Lis' iti,i1a3$ au 1 rioi4 eerily eteteet! anted- weelle lege e. senart 0: EQ011 11114 tog% orel as tile alto or !nee! area ee eleenaene amen% a,„ead gise tl,W a,. ,1 . •• i i •ot I ti, u 48 ; vr,, i -t ntikiitird` '' irate, Ca! rit1 le 145,411, fa 1 ii.4,3t AA titIuil-i lo%,‘ n ii,',%,1 lo ille tt'ltrtio nor,t ' maw lieneo tnow c a -,01 ti.,,: -...1 1r0 0000 the entislair tesealiten. 11 1 Cottle! 8 AU refht•MI' orj,, pv,livroull 1 r,1,, 4 ,.. 40 4,00' 1 v.ta4 b 1,0ti r. ,a 4 0. ' eV, atnnet et' se ter ' as annesered, - - . • .. a vo,11 s4,1,..5,',,- l 1.-4,4. at earls meal Wetet tee seal eeelai a eitale eaDeoe. .4e 1t.1 tater? ocateas only final loin arnInte l lett thOugh ' -4 - Vie. 1.0.st.fe ,1!-, r•-.‘ 41 :41,-, VP Waq Witutz- i epeat I tea Plaa :Peale atx be Hoe tet ,,,,- sal ,t,.'•{100110 0" lae ell' feettetree tile ettne re 1,1 ef oicer igpc uni to own! 111 lai IviiiNki,fis11 MSl_ t 1tg; "t!)1. n .a. Itette 11 e se‘InaIno4r ,1,1l *111111 r,3,i6,lgzlto :. 101: t,alntrl,t•,!11t:,t.I,,,,1?::,1.11,,,, ,,,..,:4,1; tl;,a wo1i-1 11W.9A414Acid tAAteP,9!),:are1)y.114,13my b,,t31111144' 11 tNAirAi uWzollh4"1'in-f0..ti,!4:1;011tti,i,,1,i:tt134,04,51io: toit 4111430 he hal ee 2 mere than ethal*, dutxt, antenna -roam Zia tee td., lee %vat:Davie peeve ii i• 2. • • • . . etertgli ; go %lett tape. wee vain: t•11.. • AU 33 • 4c. 4 et male tea teat / teal ateala en teervenee adiatee asel up lama *l i' La remain far Irr;lat tt. natl. BOIS (9.°0111g; septa ,etse at Lae earns. tear pataateet$ pee teleatoeg, gee is it tstertin Iten)sembillte. onaao bele CholgIv441 lululgtrif In1a1W 43111eillia. 110 :DA: ae 0411 it/C1,4 vere reepeetable panatella.; virtnee nettle Wan meet- female Vaal was 1,1QlVisig' the eta aten to be reekontel with; ittiAl " ttitte (1 tattle holgg- Weald have g)800 illSg0V to OW11 to . 41188 .4-444 !!4..I ,,. SU !u•O.• tr8.4 4.tr0 --- . 8". ' 044.-Atitt't-1018.'e88- nteatt„ etet.4111 no 3t i' etelat the vv-4•D,e la i‘u Trate 61 t!170,ttlapoli, n00 :41,,,,,0 ,,n_o! ad. toe etlatitne.A., iT tgoe,."„. fatilv•V,,, ,tatt.;10 Po the teattlina., HAD Illi VItill. FOR NOTHINO. .us,vtat the etorta'sicnte, •,1 4-,.q.neDgigliatall - ft_ rig' taigN e.eeinsa, taa else is vitae deem e •'lln ggnet ,o' „u ' ‘jil 4 1•440111M0ANI thOttgla IPA itilit#.gq tal. 1;-'04q10 V.,/tIPTO II Vle ell erie a capes:a Iii110.4104144i0lin wall erne .1 . ih hot wonea ear wail II 11.0L -4-`d VC:81V'19!'" . ' e -, _ • . I neeneee t ft. le .t 4 alai. 41. le 3 t ;AD. tviZnIell to t otalitat St1104;114:1, person titan to Dana 1 1 emanet, at tine news; area etangeente- D 4""a'''" 11''''''' 11 " itattil Stopped titt etaaater., a few great heareatess• I etali VillUSX4411 ferenvele Dee elites - prInelpite to a refire innalleetnel able lid tialateteratee Latte It trat4 dillek het ;Ire the 11411 tliPt9" r'94-clhQ9V'hiIlokI! :0ffittt;t11.11'4,C14tiri'rtto':3"t1;tft,triCittl-til?1!littcl': tbasturtaa aerate, 1 Dcad. lime no mere easeeettenn ten reeta „-, , itIttablgla tiitP Inrgt:11,t,„ titian' Clue 0! 1!!. rhea ti.4, W44Vlitallt S fat -4" .13.9') it 113'40, .;,Os Utt 4.1% 11-..10/4? Z,8!!CUU'44-tl'a it."6"10.1;t11800 " • 9 AtlEour 31.iItt(9331. 11111 11100.00 aevelleeta -et • Indian urea. e tit tea! tOnt:431„, lane o 4-'30918 ' 44. 044 .71!!!...4 11,841€t0 t!"i A FEW SIMPLE REVILDIES, eanserti altotild be levant au 110114 to Clio ileneeltold. Takeeee see • leae reale eavetil 0:01 netell caTs.11 00*09 . v-4.4 ftele meta, ease:eta of eteeneeteedee, eli.;19J.S.r.ii tie foam t.1. • stu, tile late& tete:cit Leta Croat:ilea 3are o-- 119111 „ 014. uNtl2n.,2.!taari a" 14 dtttttlit tt$ 1:1_18.P.8 '3 ateeee lee d114.D. St vreeete reelatea or tar Woonee bnedtaeafter tile neve - alt .. , e e • .. lestaa.does 14.,...,14,.er.teat tiliee eine., rada ' . a , a seam pa vea, D.el tii'.,!tii3t.liaDITI Las tee, Cote of Sterne 'Walt ttl'io,L. biliEt. titan-.- a4"11'"a a3rdlialY`" 1,, ,q,',:ft”vetl.L,,-LID-tir,2e., fre,,,ita .4 mead's Deane. v,'T • ''''''"'''' - aved aline: tee tall waileli Ilea on • a'fl'a''a Perrafeeea; tld taea Peet ileelliele ,, et.0":ev, bet Dia- Duele-a,- -... lea IIII:e ee,:e-;:,• , ' vll'ull''' 3:191'"z4 " 11''''''':,"';'''u ' 31Y'; ' r'''''' 1. ", 'c'''''."'"'-'.11- 'II' "'''''`ild19 74;'''' a were „04 LIE gott. tape,. aasae e,at,... th,,t* leak. 3.31(3 It 003 31133! y‘11.12 tc.* Ilisoinv .; 4 (,,,„,,a ,31., D4025‘...-,,h40.aviiis-0.„,, ,litua„ 11,-'0,, ' g.....2 to t111.11440-41 tit V.-. t!'", ","-" A serateee, r• taage-ate- de- .1-• 4411 gr- a, t-- - eat betet atanst,aes svvgitypit julti Ist1,15e,ii ear teem. 4Thwli ft4.Danla.5 LII Oil let,!1.184,Y. [1. kit,g0A, nip, 4.,;t, ,. •[,,,,, 4 ,,a,s ,ka adt-Ded ate. ,CIVV.1 tto;--,16--;. 1 -.;‘,*•,-,till le - ne ', tielea es; aetiee Tale a aea .ie thaa tea 01:r tho We, iry," 0,034 ;id vass liti11/44.4.!!4" UtD 4.:v.41t-.440 „u1) „...earee aate,' ea, „eat., eral watt shin Ilelp-anateeee, wheals elle lo Pat. tale' Pieta.? etaiaatlt De:a leeeaneeat wee ettee-ta mat_ I 'Pr, tai.]".84 ti:t.4'...84 4'5" t" ‘41" .8 Id ettree" le We lined nixie tLV.;,...,;;;:;.;9 k!.?;.';11' eateeeellea..2 like whip,* in tine vvirtter Wane; tun 1 1103; t 'want 'tL1131' 3313404 tI rah d eieeeee: ' w2ut-AD itl- „rater (49 00 00 81438 rata tax reeht. 134513 0011' tits tea ran tike liveIt2"111%! "1 14 1413!. °L.ALL Wrtrir'' tti, 5.50034'11edde lett , ease ea- a ix. ttr.lp te:;0111.111v.";'Iii;e2,i? dtv rot nt eint',73tear,lit'l '",sAse,--3.3t.-Ioto;" a 1r-.1 aeo- dee t , 4.' 311!) swirlisra se.erel its Marie" •- i'lz"ee• 13 1 (1133', 003!!, 9"ggel."1`44 1"41'"11* , Tied -re vass eeratera re D t •• ;V: tci olit8,1403t, versa 4, ODA 5111S 13144 1.18.tweell tlie (Ira eqaaaellet- wane 1') 001.1."('''''S 49' p3 3,3 no ht., 4s,„ant t4e9140099113313kneebratsir, velvet:•e$.1 CaZ f3 .44nd toe aceeisaaore , 1' 0043. ee ,tentreas sese,neeee • ter la 4/ -tt 1„,.letoto4.0.ket.4014atamale 1341341 3.3.) herb yr in ;030r 0\101invete ataeP.0at1Aelet:133103 1-! 13 00 134„1: 33491 9» 3.54311 "13! '91119 two4.144143.3.",,'911110)1143131 trigtaaea angl I dare see3. 311' wal beSVIO:1 YlZ31444 4.,4US444 waeev tot35441 t4314. ;34to,00043 --'00910 tt rseny leer theel! II tiloell- eatta 549431444." 4.iaeaoieet atr.2Azk5n•,4df- aot s eeet of tite rael tratee .13.'- 13 $39$3913'9131005-'00.o!!1! to. ace vttceitn tefrthe ei eatbutenTele ark '.134.45 '3 Was bet thef0 na 1 .aeareee , le alta ter thet !eta. lat.-tette 4t4 -4..A., zto. p 'r, tre ev!cr., them. t wasaarea. as tarried cent:, ttf my sewn fears. WZES ,8111141- tUr..110.t al D84,4[.i'",-11 rv..3.2k114 tt%).-8 stelae, aaa: tiat ta„„a Ear.; t741,p,,p, trao., teee,„ tar teee,a4. roe tea V110 tigea its ett/lq the tittle StOrie 1°U'; If/ s'a'are• ee-olieratioii in ley weere ilea/ eatieee ove-t- 11°.;;) ;;- 4'88,4:2Sttt: c-11,'ILSt4.47 se. el, e. one eileern•a e erreal- Seat berate that stream range lute ef,alu ees; wan. ,ts ta tLat t. et „.ae, eatenoalle 343!1003)511.3931'343!1003)511.3931'atea ,rtel t. -" 00411)43 04!41i3' sae e:: r 4tb.3 tee,. st jt,„pet mei eatteee g v;;:tit, tg-1,, frortzutr;',4 • V49.70,1i2 irt.ortuzz' vette ' .Wr''4'".1: Cr• :*:'!"949:'; altrontt 04048-, 7344...irs was a (1113413.41t 11913!1191 04004. l-54.91 3!0.; 31111y tom4,. s wiju.„42 van, e:_apereeds. at *our *c, .19:10P V...11)11fir.2 v.0itt!!!. 7,4 1: • " 11 ear ee,,,neee- te-Dee. aurcee. 01:.4 beoze., that 0,1.4,41,4 ,avet. a4,2, tateatt n pla, not tt.trAy perareetory, lett teat el tatseeel averre: ia llea ,teaaa aver eta western apes , 00910043913 arable, tent elt4-114 ,.”."attt '39'. 34 tee ne, Tana ;2; .4z2u.,::..7j nal ‘•. "a" 514 ".1 !13'13a 3 to 1331!? w 4illee dei ea • el eaa, tee Walcin emanated MP t.4 dim oat- d ------ • - 11"e" - • “elre bRgtoeen teA, klOW. JustIs_r_ •i e. ar8,..1ee•t8ie,..t-eIa ve.ae't.'.-t s..ee tTe the brielge eves theforsaaseai 11alli'StVirlTelatale IS r 1 !.• 14tt%00 t ae.esnoa f 4.108- 0i91115 -00o1 ' . ..3'' V •,,. ,1.;:;l1L.,,ut.t, I.3'0$......k,...' :.,... 0 1„00 ,.t..e."..n-.e..'a3550013550013.134';. '113. .s.. '0littlalien-ela171 ,tf tetnrientakV,,,1 aloeee4 vel, Iel raa tv„„d,tho:01.2 248t4Ifp•.. 13.7sa vr0'a,,,24 aevenazi)41 0313 r3941Weak andS4 entaleers Iete 11'''OLl-'9 t4-" "4 8:' 3 :In:<''07 , L,,eee ee, aee 'let1 1:t.1 itc'1441I''.S re e,ea44i;'s11'.4?fl;;7:!'"'-''.il'2iVce"s7'.'i 4wr;:"' e ar.13 U_,) 4;„in,j,I .,07t,2n,77,,22,?/?ca' 140 • VC4 131.-41354100, leatma where reve a cluster of lugthe at44 f'43348-' 3. 1314345 11 0.43 l459taP1 133 313 10 1,, e east,bare astereeethrustup ,17''eoe- eLT.. a a ,,Zefu,racitir4,11;nej,4m,Arit,11:,!3';4`1,,II„_7'eut,:,,gre.1.4.4t:1112,ellege" tea we:state- un Izn e -' _3 eat 1! 91 eteeeis -e • e 1 ;eel tea,' 33 na-- tie Der ea 81 " " 4' 31 . p13115411 dlbcarYeareesecTa ilesdP geS4::.;42:a1iatl 4sen' a ia 3. k7;r-4f0l'i1:-:V)..,ti t• 1 021at3..,g1.4°••3171120"-"'" t tbe -a 4)o.f tidoeD ."a. - r ; ' fa_eioaw e13"' !arat 5091 30,3. et1er1.st8i1a1:t74y, 3.3410 13 1143 00'3 doLot013 44 '00 t -eve k a liltle 13443-01 thaea,1 on 3.130 111200 tea 11.1 33114 ate40 0:Ipt3811 1 913 00 411 - we"t_, ppesito sdeA reti.1.0. 3.34 eeizre Thl (10040(L ea It 14 tiei/x4 ntawe.'W 0. ia„ Th )betweenthe spike 01'S0VI111t.aitttt2l'S4i "2'44:'nal"ter °12rel5`101 g i)rkYAitkS:14.ith4Sti; 4 43 8'39:'8'39:'35e rtsa art; r slfti r - 11 1i4 mereoftievesige.illf.;ek,dby . n e e ° Wi8'-i. 11308-4,* ase .31331418004 ateproveria 804433 3.00313! v.e..Craiieelarr o 00000 ererta. arid the l'elinarticii Hale on .I.'°`"ae; ''''11°4214 .(8"' w“1""I'L leasellea reel leak te 13913-093 lege sat tera v •Ierinee wee erayelateg t.. - tare south. aintigett ter kar 000 id 19910411 between felt Iexteland fiell is to a a'abz‘ese 0w° T"bie''.8 aetiter. ;en 3 nee a ea.:: -es 2 ,tleteena - reggae mai e of tall fire beliael 'earl" aceetaefi all aril:Cr:Az teem_ fe vie Iteetnalea,-, whale text a ehleg gamine, the shell a,a!,gre-10- tete";:ateag ito tlear. tillee, pester e ere, -feeneeeze Tae 'te are eale a'rer-Pr • by a len-nil. 117.281i-tte:•.:9 1'44 ase - of an oid deset-ted dwelling. known t 31314r8» as leetoek Castle, served in assent -.r d Pele'tiee aaararttee tta,t thee' col"- ; teats:el 'de Nee. Italia sheep in se,tilat storms. t„a tff, Crialted to a /smatter thee (Vail be aeeet.,2a 2,2„,dtp tatiethet rasa warm thie point the teed turned sharply ' egiven etraith "teeh eafetY toot new 4 -with a tiire.4,44-v-ti wiate marble to the leet. the fringe of fir tree -00 ,.tetz," tara Y'ert';'"on, f&e.--ce mentaleiree, aZi ,s,..ri•gctt11; rivat fat, aa.- gtowieg thieker 'aped the skirts 031 stirvet. AtJutroaL ,e3ttlats. 3.3!j 5918- it Is e asei Babe's OwinTablets ana x area art eel etteeary reveal with I the forest.; it few paces further tithe11 tile best inedivine I armee/ mos father 14:441 cet his way toad elivide,i into two branciteswideit have Tonna titent ever given my children. MY through tile texesiens at Inkermatirr. atruok aff front each other in tho havfl foem of e V. the southernmotit one lelaY alwaYs b "en eleall and der.- Close to the firepatea are/ with its ara a shelter twr, the wet_ toin ;winos.* opiate ner harmful -Drug. 050 3.1140 tatr,t33 wzts lit„enlit,a0 ane auffered so muelt last sum- beck tr) 'Vier UM' AZ, -1.41.`1N -PS. St03.ri 11105 leading to Larkitall tbrough a, mile aate el fir -forest. Would the 'very AP_ 1 mer erith hie teeth that I did net own 40913)4009101 chair -big-, 4') 921134 wella think bet would live. Then he wee at- vvorn-caveree with dark red river- proach of their new abode ibrough ; lade tacked with asSeetee,Y, a feverise elfin occo„ like the rest of the furniture, .3.1u furnitur. dn,rk and winding road depress k cough. Ae; the dosefor's medieine A. readiree-table stool in the corner s the poor tittle woman Into lookinga ant artor 'i did not help hint, I eent for Babe a beside it, and on the right liana Was upon. the cottage 01904a prIsCie, Otvrt 'tablets, and they cit.! him a a bigger table. piled high wile booke the life anti movement they were . i Wanderful amount of goo], ani he is and Impala cigare, bins an -1 rubbish. awed to? Th re wile a writing:4.1We in one tor- i ' •., 1 hich I.'d thronelt now getting on splen ally. I gladly eel% at Whiert 1 never wrote; a sofa eoverel with more literary /umber; two cabinet.; cretin -eel with curios- ities collected ota my travels, toseed Ir, with little rettempt. et ar, I • e ree awe pirentatien to the boos'? was; give uty expereentse for tile benefit ot divided from 'the public thoroughteere i other neethere." If your tiruggist 11131 ta Raga g.tim ; but ran 410,,S wet keep illt4cIP Toblete they wilt eetiv down between berciere of grassa be sent byes:tall pest peal at 2.5 eents I b retin e direct to the Dr Mei. time, for about Dalt a. mile, un- eVilliamee Medittine Cm, Brockville rarig,Iment card:table Oil all, the larelies and Scotch firs grow- Ont., 05 Schenectady, N. r. • which stood a quantity ot old - Oilman grew. lore; ran 0,1 the tenet.1 090 - er. „tear- er,- „I.,. errieeeet oe (Jet, actl. .1113.tre vrimirri...t,.! 1011 1)t eeeetr, taken ese :eat ast ea„ cant ace frore 'arena to ‘n1.4,E. ftot'l 4.11: 6r.no to ttio 'el. Vir'ORLD'S' OLDEST BUIDE. Allnioet teeeteetaalso. Mee. teateestel Devices, le a Mettle. tke lege 4 tos.°_•, z.,-c-.atta c•,,:oalln ttiWatt:ea:ea N.. Zne teace Leteeal tine votte.e. teatteraeate rieel taeali ea Cue faet teat Sae aratiata. tate v4,13.,,t. rstiti.1.1',, t':2Is tvetria. 3.1' 00.191-0 tVaa iNist to leiatees .F;t'UezitOn, tt.'tittD velneall cal:. eta L.2:111,,Y att..11 al tee age ol b:irarh3 a tII fil:p wee te•eaal steel tetele b9' Altar; Can'Irten.a. 'ease ,.,'i 5450 teancten altogeteter a Levey one, aat tiee Erres. total 3,101. 001113 etc& ta wilaa tele. 9fl" " .:(111"'w Tata "r4t4Ea-ac•1 leaker appear -eel art tie- eteene area tnanittt€4,73913 tt iove kr1.ttty 5000. 13 teAV,Itet real a Mew daps age at'00*. laaisat eriatia. tee latteeee tat .E.4.'La-di',1. eittle beeWit t749 p39 110449005 bet toi.ainina taretateny tee ThD•Zoir. Thr- WAtt ng0I1t; - tete elesage- mem 144. -ea eeeneell liteeteet; waist oat. tet week, .n garraa. Wad teatern.e. taare neva day weeet acer- teeeera eane aria. Tee 511 ea Dem in 'Wean Le lea,rese fee Leaane-I ta pat on nut tly le Lae-. d.. tiseee eat • Dee- laelian taa. Lea a.e fatal. -2 Deese a az -t a:ea it taa senneta Teo lee ae, *an teeat elated.. teeerentea en tear 11.0.atit.. deeete--1 weelz etsein't elekae Oita I-000;43 ita.S "a•:, 1453r1-Yo'I 37 IZLOW Virar,Ig 3.1 Vt-r4S i„!'!.1,2% etae, •4:4-ar ? 13 teleart Denier tee noen tett Toe aas gala; to get. , party.-Tateda An Old and High"ly Respected Resident Cuted of Kidney Disease and Liver roublet Ey Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Mr, atehe WILIsea, a retirel carpenter, Ivan Itne Itval 31t Weetrel. Ont.. for nfr :veers. wrItetee-aSorate pleats ago 1 was 3.'. 'if with keiney triethie. '000 11 beeame 440 ruts down anl r139414iato.1 that My end** cppearance W44.84 seggestive of payeical Caen:ie. es tinte Went on the eonanaint grew worse ani 'enable complicated with liver troable. fiend bad pane mattes ate baele eat up the Spinal •cultinin. bad sp,!.:Is with taijr heart, pialin ander-the riaatt shoulder, bee:oust headaelie abeat hale the titer., Iniligestien, fever aa.1 5est3es333et0 at night, and depression of Selrite. 'At tartest I wee lacapecit.ttei for work. ana hal spent probably. one turreiral doliara ia differegt! medicines with tie perceivable reanitte. nectars' itivite. provel Dike•wiee of ne 1151)33. "Finally. oa the advice or a frieni 1 began taking Dr. Cita:I-tele Kil ney-Liver yarg. aril in a short time the baa symptoms begaa to, e,radraity ais-appear. anal 133; th.74 ltn' 1 bad szs,.11 five or sie blase If vats enjoy-. leg better 'health than 11333.1111 many yearl. .tf it Of which le elle te the's-trate e of ler. Cria.sek Niatievare ear Pals. 'Since lay recorere. I have savlial othere to profit by my exp..yrtlare, riznzn,, 'have none as an.I are veil* while otisers. ;lid' not 'tel have 533091 911948) to tale dreatful aisease. lam rt. !King alone:es to tee aticte of thief great medielne, ana 13.311 1'1111 Of PlitttasAarita itt imp -11,011g tiv• gooi "aetteq to -Lahore *he are affiletat as 1virteee* Dr. Chase's Kilnev-Liver Plea, •orset pill a. dase. 3.175 eenta a box. At ali dealere 013 11195081!133543, Bate* & Co., 'Parent°.