The Herald, 1902-08-08, Page 5I THE 427AURICH Andy watched them curiously and re BIrlis 10(nde a Sleveo In the Mountains of TermeSoeel 9 'i. warked to his 11voulan: Nemv Feea. WESTERN F7AIRff LO"NO"ON9 September 190:2. Frof. 111110111scii, the Htnwin Bolliji,ju, w1l)1-illing Rallorn Ascen- n and Purachule Drop, Tbo ldur-velous Qvc-le The Osiattos, a, sonsulion i3ovolty. The piuut (_4tty, ilie Banduca King, 'rho fans, Conti nental Ecccntritlucs. blowung Du Crow. foinolls Mono - des. Rosa Naynon, with her troupo, of Truined Tropical Birds. The rd Bros., M-robatic Wondors. Clirissie M Jo.bcs. Qomet Virtnoso. ignificent P-rotechnics and inany other 'Jealures. Sl,ecial train set�` e over all lines. Exitibits further ahead than the tinles, Grouna.- insidio-asly autiliul. Buildings irresi9tubly inviting ice ljist-,q, Afapq. Programme.; and information for zhe ashin& from LT, -('OL. Mr. Al. GAhT'81-1Of-1,E. J. A, NELLES, t.4ocretary. ..... . . . ...... .. . . . HERALD ,,just ,),atell ill(.m follows stop us. stranger came upon a man who was 'There's enou.0i oe loni to set every shoveling coal Upon a wooden sieve. bm)ce in two inluutes.11 Caadigan iiever told a Man more than Upon inquiry how on earth he got such A eurlous thing the old Mail replied: was ii%eessary to carry out a plan of "Stranger, I don't think you'll b'leeve action. Tbut was the reason lie usual- me if I tell you." ly came out with flying colors. By the the found brakes "Oh, yes, certainly," said the Man; "I will believe you." 'Will keep on hand tinic strikers the wore useless and began to roallve bow "Waal," said the mountaincerp "it war this wa - A 1­ut h nro aaQ I a Sup IV Of Flour sio in t tury had ween tooew tne train wa,, 4 ­ J. "All the men -svent out at East Cor. Kin"Ing fully thirty miles an hour and lived down oa the side of the Mountain and Feed at right Oli Inth this morning; not a train out," still gaining speed. A few of tb.c. Mort, whar Woodpeckers and other kind o, Pe was. the laconic telegram handed. to daring jumped off, but the results wit- birds Is power�ui tbicl,-. That larthing" Prioes, Ba the superint(�hdent when he reached nessed by those who remained on the -pointing to the sieve -"war my door Xt his office. "With him action was first, rapidly inovin.- train discouraged emu- toinyeablii. It lud mock any bird that OUR CHOPPER HAS BEEN v"lation A hasty meeting )N-ols called on files. I'd Jest sit thar some summer 64HUT DOWN FOR THE reflection afterward, and he shouted; tile top of the cars. evenin' and Jest move it, and every SEASON. . . be "Here, you boy, go hunt up Caddigani "Podeck," as u.pal, led the men, and bird came that war imitated. Get him berey Hustle!" turfilng to his �1�ar faithful partner, "Howsum over, one day !ntleftcaai In an Incredibly short time Caddigan Pete, he hurriedly said: cabin to go huntin' and wo pr Lz P1 showed up, hat on one side of his bead, "Pete, let's rua ah(tid and take the brin' dowu the mountain. Waal, some J -0 I -IN' T.11IRSK hands in his pockets, coolly whistling engine." wind come along, and made that 'ar the latest popular air, the picture of . 11 'Taln't safe, Red," he said. "Didn't door imitate a woodpecker. First one unconcern, a striking contrast to the you see them fellers watchin' us? come aud then a whole pile ol the bustling activity of his superior offi. There's about Rye on the engine." critters. They lit in on the door, and. Podeck saw the point and hedged. when I come it war jest like you see cer. IV, "Well, boys, I guess we're in for it. "Say, Caddigan, do you.know there'$ What'll we do now?" The man thanked him and moved on. a strike at East Corinth?" McCollum spoke up. "Let's sue for "I declar'," said the mountftjneer, "I "Yep; -heard so," was the brief re- peace; I'm 'willin'." - don't b'leeve be thouglit I war tellin' off in at -i's sponse. A rus!a was made for the caboose the truth." And be resumed shovel - "Well, what In blazes are you doing where Caddigan calmly watched them. Ing coal. Jubilee here anyway? Why alu!t you down It was a hard dose to swallow, but no there? Get down on first train. It comprwaise was now possible. Thoughtl"s, selfish. leaves In ten minutes. And see that "Claddigan, you've got us," was Red's Thoughtlessness of,others Is nothing Laundry. . yon get trains out. Do you bear?" brief Introduction. "We want to go more than downright seltisliness, whieli Underneath the apparent Indifference back." Is the curse of lininanity. The man of Caddigan lay quiet, calm and cool ' "Oh, you do, do you? Aren't you hav- 'who on leaving an elevated train We use no chemicals action, and long before he had made Ing a nice ride? Xs cheap too. You pauses at the head of the stairs to to destroy or injltre till plans to go to 143ast Corinth. It are not kicking on the fare, are you?" light his elgar Is selfish. Re lucom- ng, and we your Clothi would never do to say so, however, to was Caddigan's rejoiner. Modes all who are behind lihn. Tbe Ig ) Guarantee oar Work, tile superintendent, who had a falling Not a word was said until McCollum woluarl Who insists On pas�--,I' T ul Or for always wishing to be first to give In his squeaky voice -walled: ,0ch, i down the stairs ahead of the eager orders. TAILORING IN - be alsy on us an' let us ofl%" crowd, slowly, ludifferent to the haste "All right-, I'll go. Any further or- "Well, I guess not," said Caddl-an. of others. must lie in awful 1111119 -it CONN330TION ders'," itThis Is a through train; the first home. Ile who pauses to tle I& shoe regardless of the Interruption of traffle Yes, you are every son of a gun stop is fifty miles out; the fare back that won't go baek to work at once. is only 3 cents a mile, and that will is It brute lit his family. I see all these Of Do, you understand?" wonder H. HUFFMAN � give you a very cheap one hundred And Vaddigau did understand. He ' mile ride.10 what 1.11141 of lives Such pt -I -Sons lead In Understood the superintendent better They all began to plead for mercy tht-' family elwlt% 011P of the vouiniou than the latter understood himself and at once, and Caddigan relented when QVIdt"Im's of Is t�vvu In well enough to take his Instructions AICCOIIUM winningly excialmed: 1,Bc- those wbo stand In Vito 11041.10k. of thia with a grain of allowance. dad! We're fifteen miles out now and sidewalh- to .hat white multlithh"; are fortoed to dihilvet or make .in ofiset In "Don't compromEse the company in I want to get home to supper. I'm tiny wity. antl stind an Immediate re. hungr this mInutt4!,, order to liass them. The woro- I t -toe of y port of things, whe nion die greater Is my for . a you get there," "Well, seeing It's you, I'll lot you A&- Wrio were his final Instructions. � off," said Caddigan. "But. remember. wu]QS. CL, r Bust Corinth was 300 miles away, r you owe me fare: you forgot to pay It." i! ty and It NvaS I-kte In the evening 'when i .8. htop signal silowed up the trala. 1%0.11.1Ft1r A noulart Dinner. the superlutendent rQuelved thO f0II01V- and the men dejoletedly dropped al 1] 4 %1) 1.% Ong A 11"0111all dinner at the, hou'lo of a Ing telegrant: side tho trueh*, it rmthler and wiser ADI invu out, "IttA $aekll rode�!k Ss party. It was aak extrenittly hot dayt wealthy Iiii;tIl eigh-fly of three runninn t3trllze. Swvara riot a train ahall linky Were Over jlft(vj-,,a tr I rr U E t tourep,& All mhi V, t4 stinstflauts to the I les 0 1 a leavo hvre� Alil nympathize with yard 01014%4titfit IT%kre first ,�t.rvkoil up. und, egu�,-.3 I a ha#ltlm 11101. ThInLp ithoky. VADDIOAX. P 4 44 - 41-4 - to � - I - � wore, to Me 1h, -t VoMr000. NvLke-. 0141411,gaa was vkkl�y popular among land 1�iy 1�avwet% Lhem and hoone. The, : Among the %ariouo� db�hwi %iv 11my 01. f t to libe men. IN6 bad risen rrom them road wits eoal wuv" hallast und An- kitau,o Ilit. guilaea 11q.14. M hlo, I to bit !,,01, Wta U1. chh" 9�1'14 having bftu�,vlf twisted brd%tts and traeted the heat. Asold $ol was dollig higale aud link- glarntAl w'l Nvol!� Iiwtt �21 shovehA evial. and reaching 111, 2 little strikitig on hiq 01VII Uvo-olull. It wtoutto. The Ubouaos So 141 t3M '01w k, ii poslllon. Iraln masivr, by sheer force seemed that everythI116. In rangoo, would &�,rjvok-Lq lit g4l*ot t_.1492441140% *-�Jove4l- of ehowamer. eombluird with burd and m4L*lt. lVhat wau mild ultou tbat long, I.V Xhicau , will1aft- w-ur-U. but. titmonto =14. with twt P%on n fllp.V :�B-,,t �Ijt�.J% 14 The iArMo ran nlong witbout %1rade tree to rvst wider, would hardly 11 4 jt� JJ IC 4 Inel- Q9. Oat lumaqw. aral ay.atmo I U dent fur stovtowl dxys. r'.aell AtIonklot do for sensifive soul!; to 11011. Yet. 1114to 1,16'at a siumds. ptw;ao-tol��; nwn !�Akld 1,%q %IV to got i train out resulted. 5n, rallurts. UA&V thP VINUMSIdWAN, the WI-CM10139 for 44 diruard. the etellotrinq 44410.* tt'lu'd Thv� itten %voro wiatg hful crut headed gingol los!�I�jbly titiololivil bira vors cud C-9 e4wll lutwo toward gulUtg yjapl forgOt 10 010% U10 a full run. F. W* HESS dolle. It would Seem It" hurd Next in"r-aht'n tole sualor-4blendent JUZ4114T Itf RtAt tr-it$2154 011t 0110Lk Ili :Iwhll(A. Mild the rqUawhol; t0egg"Ifil 43U 11944 THU. MWELCER No 'Need a U14 00 IL199MV4,10. 917TIM01. CAMIUMOrd 1. Th e f.in" v lor Cot, tlgnd,� t�,Ilvg A and 114raNvaneal weve not engage -d Ill AU tttlllus� ont On (Ime to'lum. WA t A G n Tho EA11, Z910i Wtk eta 1:0, zt (!Abwq4A%% h) " 41 t,44794 Ano to buy �3 N�-(',LqUy Iho stritip. tout rall ralailquat, �-,!-vt fv<, 048N und rollam, wzm rv�vrdvd caeh time. "W91at NtA of tio),419 �,LVu Little Tones Cholve. I 1� Ql OW evvlalftg Ow kl,�jlws late Eab"40AU to il,�e L.4d aold by All Newdealers cubved m svokon of a lielegrain eertalu 'SODDID1 Tom woaq golug Cut I uIll g -1 u It-, in vat V912aamowlic. to Inn'-Ahcon Ity 11115 An&Npr 1PEPP 42mirtntly ftoign, 4'.,addigpu. Ust The up- u438 210%90&4 tur shour'd tphovo tivil Van 0my 9u,"s; t�efluly. but. wow%v ree"101ho'"* 1kat OuDIOUNty Is irmhv S-ard tlue tarBtre vront down, ond Dv -pr U3, Ige mall 1,0% ;:k�t IL;rj and dra-e,t ot aN tore gavv �om .1 a C-0.ij� t1v V'1.14%41. him but une rogdilun.. II&I-L To"n. as Be D Eel AII O&JUD9 t A to tr-we Mr-6vaph �kozg vwqg o ut trun"im. futie "Ido"A �-on Z -amt `Vwcu lorw,r. urhoM nX4 WWI OL OVA dre"lago lonjy_ ,U,W,�a b. y I. h e fliBug tvDtta a P&mv tvu4unk. lioo.l Itf? Vv W%8419,ni ttlfls 1"iOnq Uld Ivaullia Por Ilemal "J t 11�g�BLISL 'UtPI �� v! "dw, efteled Cm, L-ey to, ILua s9nzatv6n. Cana 11,�e qUt�t, t%le V�XIOU,-4 E, V��LP Vl,� 111,LC' r;0 ­a '�400 tem1pn"tht r� r* t9 ral's kWetidgom q0 at. 1140 IPECII to get IDTV-��qA an"I V!kaui& Wou"d vho�llr Its tv�.QVA'J!!6�4;9 60'.J'NWW DOU ��&S,­S CT �o, toutf JL�e Metet i,;t dr, triough not V11 a At VgB6*1A Tont rovArIT1113 tf-94uft N em ��OtWu At gn �_11 �4 Q Iol�granotl ovirew? JS%Vg&,u and fa d a kg talolUor. V;oongla I enretj S"15 0., gq.e-CS 1 do Ul I tit. ;0,& U. got a laugh on tite once." "nuft, �4 , . to rzavol, lite sttiti-ets. it is ffinn sov 04 the ci_ A , urtjkr�j 94.,Uly lnuftez to bave the "WIttat Was lbut'e' inquired M 's motb- Ise eautea tgvBuDzed. 'Slollsi"A"AD I. W. PtOPER, pabulthet, 9ft'. PhIg6dieuthool. es, ,w5res I'dowtv, Un. to t ,.%-Othlag; dounte by er. IM9. caddugan mselved to the "W09. Ue b-za bokcvj, nplptev. nitta ­slaul, rind lUe 411 U R hayour' rind "go it rigogae:' whera It Came guy ttim to Bye served tnot th(�y MmnsAvfs �aysv ILE- to Z ICH P. 0, TO 90 &DegidoUe Me" not Itt sym. 31vo, C. saM. 'And now. Tom. whleb vanNuNi. At Me odqst sl�;u of g�,t-mz-A dL'I4 IV, 4W-og - -Ili aVIV1 V w,th tile StrLC _JrS t .,iS not oil e do 't, C. tkey J��L� "Tou 1(41d her U111, t.�Yurvk." tter� yet ft was deeemphsbeA whb *�Isy ftil � a. tn.. tnm�D Rv. ILL.. lit Mae. Teking these men ustide, Lo (4 his mother as Me boy hf-�,;�uated a , - w, te -yard ftt little "YOU kJ'6"Vj', I h'aVe oftt%u QS_ The tvtl* to trattff it 1, told theng to go down Into M 01�(.00s"e" noon, 91 time when few strikers were Plained that it Is 960"1 VU-Inaf-ts to givie TL?e (AiMlo.1) VIC. tn-v%t? 119 u,n,, nroundl. and di-scounect all the bralie acho-we wLr-n one 1% asked." rezadiBy as al vw�uko. P�,ov�,U.d eLains on, a ttala of cars tinat had been "Voe's. raothel" I to"d ber. OU41 t1at YOU dw,]-t ��gjuq Z�p ,jr.�d cut UR, --q t;�,J 2 readir to go eanst, samee Me stgrIke be. W29 Me Baugh. I said. 'The 0-te I W11A is g44ol,' u2v. or eLu- c ­J­ gan. Ile t1en wtnt to Cue lower. AtoTt is gene -1 11 C-7 'Lie t_m't qAomb O.'e, W w"= Ms 'E�:, %Aqu quolillOw. out, or tLe b�:ast imawn evt-t- ta5l. t4nd 1e weu't eL,=-e dzqwn wRiZU-tit J11Y. .0 �A_ irtons of t1e M.'"daze West was M Nit*. il"Vipirliftle* It If yon tz�tej t�r C,�Se U�n3tz"" C-1 2 rge. utavrgiBug vvom he:r L'air rn tang 1p,4='s a twe�a ul"A j11b 11-L CaCift,= s4ild. "I wamt you ringaels. wblela. fattgn�- very razue"D eve-,? ol. Le wV29 s46Lv wU.-e�ne L-& U�s ill -o, sLten In p:rc):511e. sif,,- woll slay tL i,,e u�,TA he s,-:4-Pv*,s V) tqJ _JV0 CL e7eaT' tjVjZ'�c�, for gin ojliattmugid ber rn��e land vylaegg WGIOUII the Vmplez�sing Mea of bllmkl��. rjeatb ULIp� .S ge 'as 1.11%:ega amay. LEir�, e,.at�, F�ekm I Z -ABI ti6'Ibt e2r," L -e said- "Bat floet I Iffiat liayslaly 'C111 across tse FTaverul i !.:add Zen 4 t ad bel vvuq tbis 3vou t1i'Ank Yon 11. fter VvAlt till 1MVveser brbw m5d etcek. It Wgug,4 g-�)w on -yout t -ox Cars? Yool style of orr-nng5ug lier &tk- bulr ILat *f14d �%'6?022_` never get a, enr Ly on w1eelg:l made Ills. "Wownln- k4a mat 6id 96%Reata #.�.Af of Mo I f9shlOned. for that WOuN have iv - 9UL-ss I r2l"giat ns rvvll var-A tc 1�11 W ,,I,t woutt cost wat,11 to try," Caddl, g en Me kialf." gan rau�glflrggly vepNe4l, -and at the a touch Or sentiment. but stravgely aflug Btenrr Ongy The another failure!' 'Out"Of the fashfou, Her s1fleilit. prelty -Tess." safa Ms PK."A, .5. %Viise. r a, e s. was rather disgguls��i I th-lin Set "but the rouvd.rng- cut V,�:Jl Z�t- -.1 i0l, Clut-61 Caddigan then went to the engine figure house and had old 142 fired UP. She off by garments that fell loppIng easXer tluna squargag you--ze-IT wIM tlie vas in ebarge of Andy Devine. around tier. Itut thani- lieaven. s!le Loss alfterw-ard." "I want you to he right on tjme,� -was entirely and Utterly free from the o� 'We 11ave 111.1de rlgbt bad 1a,,,te or the self styled clever wo Offer the 47 The 11onle Malers. To -w 4 .117 .4u_ Ayidr.­ said C-16digau. "DzieE 4 1 sel � to Mrs. Kranrl- Vvs: I *M fond fyf lto-fq. I %vith Tvit., down Into t1he yard, coliPle on tO that men 'wLo' -1c`kn0wlek`i,-e tl-c'm ve'� tralig of ears and start tor Europe, be fallures; as women by aping a mas- P 1�"tvLv five 'e.,ges 1=3 fGtV dulgs V�_A just no at. culine style of dreqs I'd address- rule my house. Daily straig"fit across tile pond. Pay tention to any stop signals until you Temple Bar. Mrs. Sleenn-Ah! I've oftell hC-.1rd ot weekly k4lolm� I Xo at least ten nilles ouV* 11re1g*niUg Oats and dt-gs." T 1. Mai' &- unvfwt 12 . 7 _5 -I'll do it, sir, but suppose I lose MY 1rhe Gtatle- 1310041hound- i be the wjfes� I Berliner 3olUMM x t tiorman'� Bloodhoundsi, notwithstanding tb Our Lnr'u. Familly flerai(l 81tar I . 71� -Go, on, Xndy,11 Caddigan called . clvb was established lit America, bay, ba,ck. ­YoWll have yourcars all right not caught on, tit public favor. There "What Is tho national tir of tl,'.'S; Trngt me for thqV1 is probably- no, broed who,;(- true cliq I'tountryl"' asked the, tore!giipr. gine -went to the yard without .-This is a reptiblie and therefore, liag The on acteristics are less understood, A Wide- BTY&. 4 -per a o A no national heir," replied the native. trouble, and no effort was made to pre-, spread idea existing that this is f Tie &reje ErdglisA vent croupling on to the cars. When rocious animal, for which, however, I Sold tind reonihmendpd by all qinesnads. On77-H the tral it reached the tower. many stop there is no justification, as the modern 4 �druggist b 4 able; medicine djt�eoveftd. . gnal. e h A lChintose compositor noods .1 type 41, q Avere given: but, obedient to or- bloodhound is a noble and sensi 11 1 - ekx�,es guarardecd to eure eers, Andy paid no attention to them. creature peculiarly sensitive to kind t -Ise, at least sixty feet long and has to o a Sexqal Nvr4k-nes�, all tffect�q of abuse Instead, evory effort -%.qg Made to, get treatment. Tilere is no breed G,' do., walk about twenty-five Miles a day orexees%. mental Worry, Exciszqve zs,eof To- bacco, opinm Dr Stimula-ats. mwledor. rewipt , 'tilt sl*ed before passing the tower whose olfactory organs tire develOPel, I tilt and down it i Of Pvjee, One package $1. six, $.17. G),&!r1,;?tJ4aWo I Arkolaeum Pumphlets tr,,,�tonnyuddress- v1xere the strikors were tbictest. As to the same degree; thus big abilit Tlxo Wood Con:tpauy� WindsorOtt- th(-train, passed inftny strikerS, ftecuS- bunt man by the scent of his Zoottlo. I When we got wllqt we -W�qnt, we do touted to julnpin- upon moving train$, steps; Indeed, for tracking purposes he riot enjoy it as much, as we had antlel- Wood's Phos-nhodffie is, Sol easily climbed upon the cars, #4nda Preeminent. -Outing. pa.ted..- Zurich by DrXuehanan, Druggest, PRO VARICOCIELLS 6TRUCCOTURE Asit interferes with the natr4ion of the ztexual w rans it vroduces eul 1()hi of seftlen tbl*oujfb the urine, deLay of th,.- organe. V -.*.,r.; in t:le ile bacic. nervou4nesi. der- pondency, baqtifrinL-­, palpitatioll J2 tile IMAt', c0plol- pwort, and a coult natiou c_ these results in coniplete 1.4>s -s oW Mantlovil. 'i 1wu,a­dFi ofSonupr an ' middle - a .1� melt artt trotibitti with l3triluturr. li Yva reuswi to better, e,u are cte.1 w1til it, don't gegle.t it. It %vill rain ,ou. I)jn't letdoclo xvirl aent ..d qrc oil you by cutting. ntretching- or Waring it. Cl -,r Met . merit dlssolre4 tile str1aare tisille hence a auti c:lll ue-Or return W ure Vmrlcocola and SIricture witt;out op;�­.titbit or lot�,; of tl.:uo. '11w trLntmen ma , be takett at Itolue privately. Serd for vur 11ree 1 liustrnt��,.J llpiqc ),, v4mricolacte, steliaturo aad uluct. 'W'D to L, :zo r -&Y. Wv 4: 9W v ddmr g 0a ,!i% I.NL.ey:" cr. Z a r t source of IIZ%e You "tunr ,r weal,%t4s k-�.-r %'to t-tazil .4'the back, tend�nc)r to urillate eq,"'jisift in urikie. cwl-li�v_ A bme,. f4�et,adrowsy feeling In th�Ms-t-raillpr. l2r% i-ealect yatw t '-r _=r4uW4 tjc%-r:� at.� r.2 4 12,� A,:, too le .1t.Wiro'. 1'reatnwnt 6 1 �bti. 'z 1.P tol v. t�,av% �t aatutp A'Z%- ve% �,r .7.1 A not'. Aftcr Trmtwent. A t%` 1p 46ra eai." 0 TO 1-111X11*144 THL' r E E c C 0 V:544 �Z I, P T I VE" � 0 So* P I T Ahl' UM lo! K 0 K A . The 0"A' Pece C Ua�p if.,71 ift A'Merle-S. CANAIDIANI-A NNTERESTED. Ao 1ff#Z,_, AtgJ;mr;a qf lie "Mallomal '7,17 Jf,�, ,*hvffd be� the sunme ZL_ �,�-e*yiqei�'l 6,e sawe ad- fickL 4, 44 otA M _,v 43� J11 A 7- Z_ 4, PIRST FgEr= HOSITPUTAL POR 00-4115ULAPTEIVES SN AMIERTCA J'be, C�1� W. J. G� �;,:. an,z dF_- 1_�, Mext -1. :) Esfcad -Think of tae s3rvacv _-nd sz:-S�T`n�- C�,,*',' New rreo consurnp- tive KOSP.AaD T -Alli rcmcve. 11011 yon not sand $10.Cya- '01, inore, lfa­ C.:�is n*�*S: pre�sing ff -The vlettims of *;ma White are found all over Canada, IOU"' WILL FURNISH A B"E"'U''. CONT=R t 7APNIR 'L4 Y N 7' Tt i Slit NY. ZZ. W. .1. f;A,('Wl' ,, eivairinar, ok;.t.. Toronto. NATIONAL TNXU�;T C�). 1,11mit*d, Tr,�asarer. I Toronto.