The Herald, 1902-08-08, Page 4THE ZURICH t1E A Li ry ', 1o rQ very little, if any, relief in sight. a j In the coal trade the ear shortage is a rail factor, anti there i3 no ntist;].king its influence. It has been responsible for the lessening of the receipts at the Lake Erie TERMS 0k' S'[WT3SCRIPTTION c—$1.00 per ports allnost to an alarming; extent year paid strictly ie advance. When the paper is not ordered_ to be discontinued it will be sent until such order is given and arrearages paid. $1.50 to be eharged when not paid in advance. ADVERTISING- RATES.—Fran s i e nt advertisements, 5 cents per Brevier line for first insertion and 3 cents per line for each subsequent insertion. Sinal] Advs. such as"Lost" "Estaav" or "Stolen whl be charged 50 cents' first insertion and 25 cents for each subsequent insertion. Copy for change of advertisement must be handed in not later than Tuesday night of eaeh week to insure change in follow- ing issue. Local notices in ordinary reading type 5 cents per line. Notices for Church en- tertainments or other benevolent institu- tion at special rates. Contracts for column, halt -column and quarter- column rates for specified periods will be eheerfully • given. Address all communications to Id VUBLIS1IED Eiia1Y THViirSl?,4.Y LIMNING. NING. BY E. ZELLER E. ZELLER EDITOR, ZURICH, P.O during what ought to have been one of the best months of the sea - Son. The same conditions continue to prevail now and the shippers are still talking of a lessening of the coal supply. The coal outlook is becoming serious in Ontario, but more s0 in the Western States, as there is not time between now and the close cf navigation to forward the required supplies, even if the,, were avail- able, owing to shortage of cars. The Growing Popularity • of the Farmers' Institute. In view of the great success of the Farmers' Institute as a means cf education in Ontario, the Dc - minion Department of Agriculture has endeavored to co-operate with , farmers and were verywell reeeiv- Commercial Hotelthe various local departments in Couqhinq "I was given up to ,die with quiek consumption. I then began to use Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I improved at once, and am now in perfect health."—Chas. P. Hart- man, Gibbstown, N. Y. ' It's too risky, playing with your cough. The first thing you know it will be down deep in your lungs and the play will be over. Be- gin early with Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and stop the -cough. Three sizes: Do., enough for an ordinary cold; 50e., just right for bronchitis, hoarse- ness, hard colds, etc.; f1. most economical for chronic cases and to keep on hand. J. C. AYER CO., Lowen, Mass. is 0 sem GRI A'r lancD PTIRIVIER AND SrsWi M ewe. • UL ATOR will cure the tuost aggra- vated form, OF Dyspepsia. and Indigestion. R will cor- sect "'That Pull heeling After Eating." Nervous Headache, Sour Stomach andltlatulence. Why an[Ter when a cute is guaranteed? 200 PAYS' TREATMENT $1.00, JoIiv Battu, Dashwood says: 'I was unable to get 'any relief from Asthma anis Stomach Trouble until using Our Native Kerbs." JOHN DuMART1 AGENT. ZURICH, ONT. TIL AL ooze Q. Bliss Co, Sole Proprietors, MONTREAL, CAN. ..TH E.. establishing and improving similar ed. The average attendance at the FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 1902. systems in their respective pro- evening meetings was fully 100. vinces. Trained speakers have After the eoronaatiorl Sir Wilfred other sunt to assist in the work in other provinces, and the best avail - Laurier will proceed on his tenon- able men in these provinces have In these two, a marked interest was taken, and free discussion in- dulged in, until in meny instances it was 11 o'clock before the meeting ental tour, accompanied by Lady been pressed into service, not only I could be brought to a close. Prof. Laurier Mr. Fielding,Minister of in their own province,but in others Dean. as was expected, has clone , ' as well. By sending able and excellent work. It seems to me Finance, and Mr. Patterson, • Minis -that we w eI a very fortunaito in ter of Customs. The itinerary is: to another in this way we hope to securing lila services just at. this said to comprise a stay of a fort- get together a thoroughly capable !time, as the dairying business has night to three weeks at Paris, a corps of Institute workers, familiar l not been growing much of late, visit to Lille Exhibition, a trip !requirements in all parts of Can- - a revival of the industry where- 4 through Angountois, the country I ads, ever lie has gone. Mr. Drlihnnniond, of Sir Wilfrid's ancestors, a. short Prof. E. J. McMillan of Chariot- i too. Inas given excellent satisfae- stop at Bernieres and on the Nor- tetown, P. E. I., Supt. of Farmers', lion. The people were very favor - Institute etc.. has prepared a ably impressed with his work in mandy coast, and finally a visit to '.ketch of the work already acconn- s live stock. and in other line:. We Rome, passing through Switzerloncli 'dished in PI ince Edward. 'eland, should like to have both gentlemen en route. The party will have "awhich may be of interest and bene- .again. The impressions created big time." Of that you may be fit to those interested in agriculo by these meetings has beenvery tura] education in other prownnees.' favorable and I tun confident that sure. ee_ . ' According to Prof. McMillan t--- the Institutes here have been nnueh The Cleveland prophet perste to ; ,.The organization of Fatrmers' ' elose strengthened as B rt'ltenry result.lwill the Institutes in Prince Edward Island p in •tvaarnixtg the citizens of their in►- wasfirst undertaken in June 1901. & ness a eonsiderable growth in the pending doom Ile declares the' At that tinge the lion. Benjamin Institute system is already ar:SStir►'t1. City will be swamped in August c Rogers. Commissioner of Agrieuld Six new orguniztitions have been owing to its Wickedness, A eo]ored r tare. assisted by the writer and i completed tines fol.' this year, and two experienced Institute workere ; it is probable that more will be , preacher crnntrovert his theory on supplied by the Department of' :added before it t•1nse.. With an the groundthatChicago would no at Ottawa. helm meet -l lnrrc'aasin;; niemberehip turd as lively byre to go first in any scheme of ings of farmers: in the different see. ' interest manifested in the w«'aik by obliteration for the ceruse assigned, G tions of the province. for the l►nr-, its members, the tarnners Inst-. Yet many, are credulous regarding PM.* a factor the progress; of t� rla'ul- uf the In;ltitute system. As u 1 g this frill p►redietion, and ere p►lunz. result of tlae' e meetings ;the e)rgan, ture in hie province." ning to be away from the city this : ization of twenty Institutes was F. W. Hodson. inontla.,with all theirgoods and completed before tale end of the i Live a?tt►a k t'a:nnaiy ir►ne+r. chattels. year. u The Ferment Institute system of In the Arehives des yelences Ph ' Prince Edward Island is twofold in iaibine the sloes set NaturelIes M Brun sets t'tut it dna foaatmc'3 ofaims. It seeks to tth a f)ntaulo forth a theory of the musts of vol systrna with teat' facilities fur deaf- eauie explosions based on on the ex. ° inp in lie y stock uftorded by the perimonts of IL Cattier and him.' void Agricultural t;tleieties plan. ,% self. A few o Y his results, only, Each organization iss a Faarrers' Institute and Agricultural Society n "t`ialarl>t Ii?lataaacs can be referred to here. They have' a nbind. A Government grant s tarscorsss a. diroet bearing on the phenomena of $;r11 is paid annually toeat'h Cory a :c. menet OMUIP:at'**Wentied dts r+f'MIlleg irately displayed in Martinique, His Society, which has at least frI mein- wenn rsc ot:go ri it Cs:at,t It :<rw.o t. C.t>rCp 1 experiments at Str€►nnboh showed . leers enrolled. and tollerts► t l0 per anrariatnn t�Cr lttik lg r,tr,atulr t �.;iat a: tumult acta o sa tl,nc..tle. 4[otYe3;.unt:l a esttls Year in membership fees. A sum , Stoat •moi fw ss *weer wa erlf !S 4 f.1 t , pec ease that the ?BNB. t;ni�Ciltaf fronua the !, amounting t+o $11 tIllil was expend el acerata- £n Withoutt etmr. intik crater was at ci temperature not;; in this soar last veer.' Then tottall . tlit1f1 [I ttH, above 1,230 degrees C., and that the membership np to I7eecnnbcr mist. • dtfa kedirsn e,y)GGnanssrlwd1U14e lr.7cct_ ,•;.. exp►lesiein�s arise in the superficial ;1$b1 'ens h924, and the ainneiant ' t :01 of any Itreedt1 r.cter re t, et "tul►::rrilncel inn fea±S 'was 3it.�io. t ser. f,..ii.tF rytbil.sn. Sa.1trail r res `gin Were. These i M. (zatnatier /prove .Then receipts dor the Institutes from UNN e3c Ciil is lin aratleill1 I rik that all rocks of that earth's (lust; n£lt .etalrc'a^y annnteonititeal te>' r Larla� Istr ttyo a»w^ sr- r+� iea� .at.a When heated. above witless give off #1.e . TDnis nnnene cas cexprena ler,1'' in the gases, priitnrnlsaalDy hydrogen. Tine purchase ail : i pure bred stet' and its (ter'rwvin the expenses at`i hydrogen is the principal eatise of 1, l�ehtureras. Thirty three meetings.,''Teatitn ono "' 'hieh Shows the Great; the +s'rpialosivtns. Heated toal lit eilnnefIe for purposes of organization a Value of Dr. r'latke's i' andea£at 1,00 degress in the crater, at he ~r•ere held during the first year ; Little Red Pills. MAIM explc*ive the Moment it is ` At the beginning of the present I Br. Clarke's Little Rel Pili,: a•nr mixed with air. retic: containing year a regular series of Institute ed me of chronic 1heuniatisrt atter aPei cant. constituent civil] nernt of wetter', meetings was arras god and carried I had beengiven up by tine de Yo„i �l. out sticcess$ully. Several speakers I -=•-Archibald Wilson. in►ere~liant, is shown by calculation to gine eV,' were employed and various aagra swot fife. Marie. enough hydrogen to throw twice cultural topics were brought tips for ` There is ne re * eny for eiacetta;zaa� HENSALL, ®NT. This popular hotel has been thoroughly renovated and refitted, and will be found up -to -elate in every respect. Every attention paid to the traveling public. with the agricultural situation and and I feel sure that We may have f discussing the :advantages' tette **stem should soon become a EO YEARS* PERtENCC EY,1GY11, ODY SHO1ILi1 READ. its weight for a distance of three' elisettssioi, chief ninong which i tisr.or for bui,tling up the yvtrnane were, l /drying, ttoo-raising £3lind ;, equal to lir. Clurlie'., wrrnale rktl miles. Chicken -fattening. As all of these Little Red Pills. I would net b' are live itntlustrien at present, thee'',-oithout them for the�Cnlw eight nc -' In Monelniria the hardy Iitlssiata interest manifested ill the ;_nneetin s - a E,xiyIIa Fans, :f soldiers as well as the Chinese and was great. The attendatnec Gilt Tartar natives, es, who are by no through -drat was Viii], frilly 2.01a ' I can truthfully say that Ivy means ase al lira themselves, are with being brought incantaet' C"Mike's Little Red Pills have�al';a:c' with the lecturers. who were Uat i ine motel gond than any other, inie.i. dig fast of cholera, tied the pro- slow to take advantage of every eine I have ever taken.—lir s. i Di•i- Ylortion of fatal eases is very high. , opportunity to impart lessons of , van Iiii. Eetey, ' Vatervilie N. B. Itis not quite so bad as it has been ! pranctieaal value. Already the nal- Mere is no remedy that is wed ed ,Mate Exchange a fluence of tide public dismission of • to Dr. Clarke's Little% Reel Pills neer in the Philippines,among,tilt less nig, icultural questionsis shawai int nervous trop lkles, rheum:atisnnc. ear .__ vigorous Filipinos, but the climatel an increased interest in everything', kindecd niease ,.--W. B. neehe3 n is ware on the islands, and it is"which makes for the a(lvaaiicetnertt Son, managing Fairer Daailt men,. W.HODGINS PROPRIETOR. J. C. STONEMAN Graduate €}ptit'ian, HENSALL. REGIMES AN EYEGLASSES Fitted on $t'la''ntiftt.• Pri neil►les. % 147l3. Sroef ot• ewelryf Watches, acid dock Speen all hi l rttt'ntion paid to itis of Repairing. C. Stoneman 5 t11J.*/SALL ONT. TROTT Photographer, HENSALL. re t r k ' }� t e FOR CHERRIES • BI(:rHEST TRADE AND CASH PRICES PAID. We have also a large stock of d.� which we are selling at remarkably lots prices. Give us a call NOTHING Iy 4. nY .Y YY ui INVheT nielt NLI) r)tl[' AT D.11nnesn Yl§L1.; PRICES. Family Gr A Specialty.. Geo TROT ALL. APs SATISFACTION GUARANTEED R. G. ,1`i` • 10H be Western 'Reale ig , en terba►rotngli. Ont. $ tat ret that Russian methods of the calling. to demand for et itis tl£ods of Dnp; the pestilence are no more pure bred stock for breeding Put ,l Dr. Claarke`'. Little Rea Pills a sir poses.whneh has more than doubled ; ed nie of rheumatism after 1Ri ye ars effective than those employed by luting the past year•, may be cited of constant suffering. J.` B. the authorities in Luzon and the as one instance of a benefit already Armour, bookkeeper Toronto 1n.nnc- other infected districts in the derived from the Institutes. It ji tion. Philippines. The truth is painful- - may also be shown thatan advance Dr. Clarke'b Little Reel Pills etre I clear that no means of saving° mens has taken place nlong other a certain etre for rheumatism. P y ' lines. The people realize this and. asthma, paralysis, eata,. ria. eczema., more than half of the p ets-enY are anxious that more educational ; coughs, backache. indigestnreu. stricken by Asiatic cholera has meetings should be held. y stomach and Iiver troubles, female' been: dis.;overed and put into gen- During the month of July a complaints, even when the dives ees series of midsummer lectures were have been standing for many years. sial use anywhere. From the ; giveir before the Institutes by Prof.: price v0 cents per box. For ,ars. ede point of view of doctors who try to ;: H. H. Deanand Mr. 1). Drummond_ hy all local druggists and dealers effect euros instead of merely ward representing esent theDominion Depart m patent medicine. The C.an tdaa frig off fresh eases, cholera is just ment of Agriculture, besides sever- chemicatl Company, Peterilarougia. about as terrible a scourge now as al. I tel speakers. With one or Ont.,, will forfeit .10 for an_y case it was in the earltwo exceptions where the adeertis '' that these pills do not help. y part of the levet in failed, they were a grandsec- Dr.'Claaake's Sure Cure for Cater- y century. Medical science has cess, The farmets turned out well rli, and Dr. Clarke's Sure Cnre for many grave problems yet to solve. and manifested a deep' interest in Eczema, same ilet. 1.(10 will the' meetings. Twenty :seven be paid for any nee they will not The reports of Lake Erie marine Institutes were visited, and an cure. traffic show a very large increase afternoon and evening nicetnng in ore shipments from Lake Super-�y� held at' each. The average often- + Qn. A. W CHASES og p dance at the afternoon meetings' 'a da ct g; �,. CATARRH ' AMID. ior. Of the coal trade the contrary was between 50 and 60,while in it h C nt �' 3s sena dared to the diseased is the ease. The July shipments some instances there were over 100 4,' parts by the Improved Blower 'Were constantly 3ess than the ship- maple present. The illustrated actually requiredlectures -on dairy cattle which perat y to meet formed the chief feature of these their engagements, :and there is meetings were entirely new to our iS; Junbias t' Y�Citt !re)11cba51a, -• Ont. Farm, City. Village, Snburbrn. and Garden Property, Said, Bought and Exchanged. Money Loaned on First and Second Mortgages, Real Estate, Notes and Other Securities. Farinas, Houses and Business Prop- erty Rented and Rents Collected upon Reasonable Terms. Money Invested for Private Indi- viduals on First Mortgage on Real Estate. . ancgoa,emorewsaffr,.- ,.moo. sT LEPRlO1iB 696r LL t i Heals the ulcers, clears the air t passages.scops droppinAa in fbn I.. . aaam throat atlti'' pezinanantly owes fCaEl�ti �., Catarrh and Hay l=ever. Elowez or free. All dealers.j)r.A.W.Ciaase i Medicine Co,, T•fronto and Buffalo, ZURICH, •- ONTA cry = = BLAKE. The industrial position of Canada in the 1Vtol'ltl to -day iS fl SO111't't' or great national pritlt,'. We have tii1111)1�)11e'd over others in many lines or inaunfnt•iurt', h lit Ili 11oilt' ;:11 t' fl't't'tis't'iy as in l)iryt"h M. - 666 is a ~Whist:►I Canadian t'veryt`1'ay. .It's In. wheel of the people—made for the people—sells at the people's 1►riee. None so pond for eu ntt►rt sinal Yi'e'aar. "Write 1.1te about it -see it. W G. HESS Zurich CANADA C I:"c'L c . ltf0T01. CO, L ;i its 1. TORONTO Oanada .tit1$ :10 S ease ei Eta 11+antu cleat tt t iy k lt'SeeAtC thane h Il -'r Fa rc5 Igr ja!e. Ei4udagii't rt :eS Nt.tee a i3 1F' 11•L b Si i ea tr`4e Patti earl :tae t r,• Del 5 7 F Y S tett*. Li be ?..ad a y L g c r Ten t ren d o=iw tE. kEs:i'.a .g c: ea ku atyt rest.t'.;t lErtr y, Eletrear _s to'3 ae_ �-, C an a ,., N.. ,t ,A . Streak, Nest WA, YAG DEAF? 140 HEAD NOISES? ALL CASES OF DEAFNESS OR HARDHEARINC ARE NOW CURABLE by oar new invention. Only 'those born deaf are inel;rabie. free Gentlemen:— BA�ltirWl10,. <rtn fk1-'11MRr SJZL1'S r � ?1.tr.r.slrea�..:ITtz.. STarcla ,o. Igor. ' eieatnes.;;. thanes tee your treatutient, -will clow acre golf a full history of ray case. to 1.. used At your discretion. .boot :eve lgres :i -o 3 ri,. ear beg,att to sing, and this hent an getting worse, until I lost fur l:ea. aa_g iu th:. ear entireiv. 'underwent a treatment for catarrh. for three anoi.ta a rvitiiru am success. ccugll.;eaammm- num- her of physician-. atrmou3 , other the Ino r.. eminent t R. specialist of this city. who told nue that only an operation could help me, and even that omytenttyorarily, that the head noises won)" then cease, but the hearing i:t :Ate affected ear would he o. t re;rec•c Itheri saw your adverticemeatt accidentally in a New 1 .:.. raper. and ordered 4ourtreat- Mertt. After I had it only a few U iys tic,4 fling to your direction? It noises ceased. and: ao•da•G. after Are weeks. my hearing. in t'le tai e'1 eft ea. ].tat. been elltirtit .acre.]. I thank vett ilhsrtily and beg to remain Very truly yours. "r i \VT.:RITA:. ;so S. Broadway, Baltimore, M.1. Our treatment C Cil does neat interfere geith you, 'Usual OeCl'jrcation. Bxadvicet#ree.nd YOU N YOURSELF AT ROW iatatcn6tkiylai• INTERNATIONAL AURAL CLINIC, 596 LA SALLE AVE., CHICACl1y ILS;. -: