HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-08-08, Page 1, The Official Organ of Zurich and Flay Township. VOL. III., NO. 2. ZT1:RICH, ONT., FRIDAY, AUG. 8, 1902. CHURCNES. ST. HONIFACE, Catholic. Order of service for the sntnmer, Sundays: High Mass at 9.30 a. m. ; Cate- chisnl and instruction at 10.30 o'clock; Vespers and Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament at 7 p, m. Holy Days: High Mass at 9 o'clock;' Vespers and Benediction at 730, p. an, Week Days: Mass every morning at 7.30 o'clock; First Fridays, Mass with Exposition at 8 o'clock; The Holy Hour, or one hour s visit to our Lord in the Blessed Sacramet every Sat. urdy'evening.from„7 to 8. Baptism on Sundays at 2 o'elock. The Communion. Sundays before Mass at 8 o'clock. Rev. Father Valentine, Parish Priest EVANGELICAL, German and English Sunday services: - German, at 10.45 o'clock a. m. English, 7 o'clock p. an., Sun. school at 9.30 a,in. Tuesday evening; Junior Alliance, at 7, Senior Alliance, at 8, h oir practice at 9. Wednesday evening; German prayer meeting, at 7.30. Thursday evening; English prayer meeting at 7,30. Friday, evening; Teachers' meeting at 8. Rev. W. J. Yaeger, Pastor. peutjci a ev. IutI.. 5t. )etri 1{ird2e. sBottesbienft vorin. bulb i1 llilr uttb abenbs 7 1,1ttr. Samjtagjd?u1e Dorm. til?r. ebrervcrjaninllung 211ittwoc4 abenbs utn hulb8. tE Sdnilfe, 1)aftor. L. V. BACHAND, St. Joseph. +-�• Notary Public, Fire and LifeIu- surance Agent, Money to Loan, either by private funds or loan companies. He J. D. COOKE, (Late with Garrow & Proudfoot) Barris- ter, Solicitor, Notary Public. Ueusall, Ontario. pROUDFOOT & HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries: Public etc, ete. Cor. Square and North Street,, Guderieb, Ontario W. PROUDFOOT R. C. HAYS E ZELLER, • Clerk loth Div.Court, Huron Couunissioner for taking Affidavits, Conveyancer etc. Valuator for the Hu- ron and Ere Loan and &wings Co. Office--- 'Zeller Block, Zurich Ont. E.I3 ?SSE 1 BERRYI _Hur- on Auctioneer County, respectfully solicits the pat. renege of those who intend having sales. Satiiafa+ tion guaranteed. DR. r. Aw SELLEgY, Dentist, graiderde of the Royal College or Dental Surgeons, Tomtits, also honor graidutate of Depatrtment of Dentistry, `1"oteluto roiversity. !'a;iuiess e'tiraetiun of teeth. Plate work a speciality. itt Domicile* House, Zurich, every' Monday, 1ea.6 VG S l ANSU1 Y i I. A. e sowmor to COLLINS & S7` l.41m 11Y BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY, Cotnve enter, Moiiey to .boat; oti Village stand Parts Property at lowest rates of Ser terest. Doenanents poi wither' tferitnan reiel and aelvieed upon, ZURICH COURT ATTENDED Office over O'Neil's Bank, teeter. 8 s to tett ry tis 0 te DMMERc11L HOTEL o t'ltl'atele 8 * Strncttly etp-to-datee in modern Dn. 3 provements. Dining rooms is sup- ta It plied with only the very best.' % Ear contains 'choice liquors and a ewers. is t* EJtcellent'Sample Rooms 8 for Commercial Men. 8 8 LOUIS FOSTER, PROP, a "tip omtnion" '�YY,rFiiYt' Equipped. With all modern conveniences.First–class accommodation to commer- cial travellers. Bar and din- ing room always suppled with the best obtainable. . L Sheemacher, Prop, ZURICH Sovereign Bank OF CANADA. ” Authorized Capital - $2,000,000.00 Subscribed Capital - $1,300,000.00 EXETER BRANCH, (OZDposite Central Hotel.) Savings .Department. Highest rates of Interest al- lowed on Deposits of x+1.00 and upwards. Special attention to farmers' business. A General Banking business transacted. F. W. GLADMAN, F. E. KARN, Solicitor. Manager. TILE FOR SALE. The undersigned has for sale a quantity of First- class 2% and 3 inch Drain Tile, which will be sold at REDUCED PRICES at Lot 16, Con. 15 Hay known as Heyrock's Brick & Tile Yards, I have also for sale a num- ber of roadster and draught Horses, 2 to 5 years old and a quantity good Hay, Cedar Rails, Posts and dressed Pine Lumbar For particulars apply to 5. RANNIE ZURICH ONTARIO Or at the Yards for Tile. LARGEST AND FASTEST IN TB WORLD. Launching of the Kaiser Wilhelm IT., of the North German Lloyed Line—Vessel Over 700 Feet Long. Berlin, Aug. 6.—Emperor Wil- liam will attend the launching of the Norris German Lloyd. steamer Kaiser \Nikitin Ii., at the Vulcan ship -yard,: at Stettin, on Aug. 12. Tin daughter of Dr. H. Wiega nd, the director-ceneral of the line. will christen the ship, which will he the largest and is designed to he the fastest in the world. Her length is to be 707 feet, her beam r1 1-2 feet. her depth :32 feet and her draught 29 feet. She is to 1* of .,.thio horse power, 19,100 towns displacement. and will aecoriaauO- elatee 1,060 cabin llasseUg s. DROWNItl'G NEAR DA'YFIELD, Young Men Lose Their Lives While lathing. $1. PER YEAR. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Donnie Were in town over Sunday. Miss Roxie Eilber is visiting at Crediton and vicinity. Mr. J..Dumart purchased a driver at Clinton on Saturday last. Mr. Daniel Koehler took a trip to Dashwood on Sunday evening. Miss Helma Koehler returned on Saturday from a visit with friends at Elmira. Miss Tillie Well returned from her trip to Toronto on Saturday evening. Messrs. J. Dumart and C. 'L. Shoeniaeber were at Clinton on Saturday. Miss Maggie Huether is visiting her sister, Mrs. John Mittelholtz, et present. Mrs. Gerber, of Windsor, is visit- ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Zettel. Miss Mina Doan left on Monday afternoon for Toronto, where she will spend a week. Mrs. R. Hamacher and Mrs. J. Schnell and families spent Tuesday at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Kerr and daughter Minnie spent Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Klopp. Mr. G. Wagner, V. S., of Tavis- tock, visited a few days at Mr. W. Klopp's the past week. Mr. Geo. Zimmerman and two sisters, of Tavistock, visited Mrs. Gertrude Hess this week. Miss Addie Witwer, returned on Saturday evening frons, her visit to Now Hamburg and vicinity, Miss Annie Heideman left for De- troit on Friday last after a. short visit with her parents in town. Misses Maggie Allan. and May Davidson, of Blake, spent a few days with Mrs. 1?. W. Hess recently. Misses Angie Hess and Melvina Aldinger. of South Bend, are in town, the guests of Mrs. Fred Hess. sr. Mr. and Mrs;. P. Hess, sr., and Mr. nntl. Mrs. Ferdinand Hess visited friends near Dashwood last Sunday. Mr. Prod Benedict. who has ben n in the employ of C. Iiaartloib ; co. for some time, left lust -week for fetriot. Mr. George E. Beelnanan, i;itarria- (ZUUIGH AND VIGINITY : elmsa MisrS Tillie Howald is in Hensall et present assisting at the Comnner- Mial betel. Mr. F. W. Hess disposed of . his moving picture machine to Mr. Newman, of Blenheim Township. Dr. Campbell's aunt, Mrs. Camp- bell, of near Port Stanley, is visit- ing the Doctor this week. Mr. John Dumvrt has the agency for the sale of Rose Jelly, some- thing that every lady should have for the toilet. Is our Jubilee Band really dead? It seems too bad that the boys can- not revive this organization 'A good band brings life to a town. The prize lists for the:claay Agri- cultural Society are out. Members And others wanting one can get them from the secretary, Mr. D. S. Faust. The Young Peole's Allilance had a picnic at Grand Bend, on Tues- day, but owing to the wet weather, the outing could not be enjoyed to the full extent. Possession was taken of Brenner's hall where all kinds of games were, indulged in. Mr. George E. Buchanan is hone spending his holidays with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. Buchanan. Mr Buchanan is a rising barrister of Sudbury, where he is a member of the firm of Clairy, Buchanan and Meldrum. He•reports business as brisk in that part of New Ontario and intends returning to his adopt- ed town about the middle of the month, Harry Tracey the noted outlaw of the West committed suicide on. Wednesday morning this week, in a wheat field which was surround, ad by a posse of argued men. 1I had been a fugitive from justice for weeks and killed a number of mien while fleeing from place to place and it wits only after being so badly wounded that further escape was impossible, that he put lens threat into (inanition that he 'would never be captured alive. We venture to say that there will be new mourners at his funeral. HENSA1.L Special to THE HERALD. Mow. and Mrs. dos, Ellis returned i Saturday from an extensive trip to I the North-r"f"est. ter, of Sudbury, is home for a few eaks' holidays. Mr. Buchanan is' pleased with kilo tarot,►ress and prospects of Xellt Ontario. The HERALD recently purchased a large job press, some job typo; and other printing material. and is now in aa, position to do all kinds of printing. no matter how larges or how small the job. Enthss1 GIES l EAT :4—Cdnar'lie Frits reports that be is still they Corn King. On F'r*ti aay lust leis; emrn alncrctsnan'oa1 Iti fee"34 inaehes Barfield, (bit., Aug. --,Two atnd was we wvitnp; ata f �m li ' young men of Gaxlerich Towuskip --Burnett, ages. 23, and Currie, a reed 21—were drowned on Snaky while bathing in the hayfield River, aabonnt two miles from the town A frietnd of the young men, a boy of 15, who was present, attempted a , Fritz was forced out of the race at rescue, but failed. this iinterestieg ... -. period. gist t tat ie was forced to cut it down. His apple trees were shaded to such an extent that the apples bog"ann to dt;- ea:. The roof of his barn is also! beginning to show the absennte of direct stniashane. It is to bad that ,Lir.M Death I f .Mr, Nicholas ) eiehert. i D. M. Stewart, general nnaan- �` ager of the Sovereign Bank. sand "lord was irea eived as we a /iv- F= E kuru, inaiwtsrer of the goalnf; to Dress that Nickolas 14xeter branch, reeean.tly took to - drive through this 'pat of the ' .. . .. � tiff .. .. �. .. tJeic2aert ion' i<naanv yearns at resident of Zurich, had died at Cavalier, 7.. country and Mr. Stewart was very t)nkotat,where he' hack ocean residian� j game a nrup)ressed a-ith thw prosper - ft )a tohe past fo . years'. The eatase nits look of this sectionn. The tta>att= of death is not known but his ager stated that besinness with the brother John received a letter . this batik \vas exeeptionally brisk and week sating that he was all. Mr. 1 that i3ner♦e was ei er hprospteet for "a Deichert had been proprietor of the brag nt future foie the nartw einter- Coinnnercial hotel here for years prise. The Exeter branch of this and was widely known throttehont bank as nowv *Pel for busintass this section and his many friends Will learn of his death with deep regret. Severe Pains Ile had sprung so twiny gags at. her expense that she thought it l time to get even. ".Tack." she ex- claimed, as he 'eanw; home to din- eer, "1 heard something this morn-, Mg that opened any eyes." ':What: was it?" he demanded, excitedly. " Why, the alarm clock, goose." !L' BCRDES TO SELF t D' OTHER. .'Take care of your health ; you have no right to neglect it and thus become a burden to yourself male perhaps to others," -When the liver gets sluggish, the kidney in- active. and the bowels constipated.. Dr. Chases Kidney -Liver Fi`ls will promptly set your filtering an d excretory "system in perfect order, and insure good digestion and good health. There is no medicine s i generally used. and none so sue- cessful. One pill a dose, ear cents a box. HILIP' SIPPI E Licensed Anctioneer for the County ,of Huron. I mould request those having sales, to cull on Tire. Torras moderate; satisfaction oaten - teed, Your patronage solicited, In -Left. Kidne Mr. Ellis Caiallant, Paquetville,. Gaottces- ter 'Co.,, 1'v.B., writes: "I feel it my duty to write you, as I have received much benefit from the Ilse of Dr. Chase's leidirey-Liver Pilfs. 1 was taken Three years ago with a pain just below the ribs of the !eft side, and right over the kidney,. At first it did trot cause me touch suffering. but a year ago the pain, at tinges, oras Very severe.: After hearing repeatedly of the vane Of I)r. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills, I de- cided to snake a trial, and after using two " boxes the pain had completely diisappeared and I am well, thanks to this remedy. 1 Favealso used Dr. Chase's Ointment, aha found it Worth its Weight in gold. sou may publish this letter if you like,as it may induce some other r xanffoa-cit toI? rofit by my experience." Yon cannot possibly make at'mistake le Using Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills foe derangements of the kidneys, liver and f bowels. It has proven itself w. rthyy of the most hearty endorsement of thous- d ands of people, One pill a dose, 25 cents abox, ataalt dealers, or Ednanansoa, Bates & Co., Toronto. Dr Chase's LIKIdalkyfitiver, PIJ Both the Commercial and ,Cen- tcsnnital hotels will change handsl 5518)0 tittle this month, Mr. Mott selling out to a Mr. Blaaerhali, of • Clinton, and Mr. itodgins to Mr. tiiulcahey, of Tuekerslnith. Last Monthly evening a lied' �€ o,txa- tietat was remade to Mr. D. Me llwan, one of the Hart River hero..e, of a geld watch and chain. The presen- tation was tangle by Mr. Alex. `1Fat�i*- fla. fent behalf of the donors. Rev.. W. G. Doherty aeted as elirxiroamai;n. Speeehes were waaiki by Revs. Medd, Maalloth *nil Owens, and sane enjoyable evening was spent. Reeve Miller kindly denoted the nese of the Opera House for the teem - Sion. Mrs. Dr. Forgansonn .and the ehild- ren Visited in London last Tuesday. Mrs. E. Rennie and children are camping et the Bend for a couple of weeks. 8/0 BARGA/N$ —FOR THE— MONTH OF AUGUST, 600 yards Muslins, all colors, regular 15c and 18c a yard, now for 8c. These goods must be sold, for room is needed for our Fall Stock. First come first choice. These goods are well worth more money. Produce taken in exchange for goods, for which we pay highest prices. D. S. FAUST, Zurich, Ontario. C. H. McDonald, is in London praying cricket with the rortst, team against Ayttnier and Londoi . u Mr and mfrs.` Moir and. tdrs. J. C. Case are away front town on a holi. day trip. nnercialit. The Rew•. Gentlenaaaii << is a forcible and eloquent speaker. At the t!'eepnest of & large petition, signed by the citizens, the Mayor has proctanmeytl Tuesday. AIip;Clnst,# 1''th as civic holiday for the tow nl. ' 1 e c Mr. Medd preached a very & MI seI` lion in' the Methodist chanri;h last Southey night en Conn- oe Bargains SELDOM SURPASSED A STRICT RULE ''SirITLI us IS T() ALWAYS CLEAR OUT ALL ODDS AND ENDS REGARDLESS OF COST OR VALUE. JUST NOW WE ARE SHOWING SOME LINES AT BARGAINS TItAT WILL SURPRISE YOU. OHAS. FR T Z t' THE SOEMAil! 0 N TAF Butter and Eggs taken in exchange.. ZURIOH E 'TILE CLEAR OtIT TSE EAtr. t 'CE OPS OUR MUSLIN'S AND StrMMEa Gooris AT A Big Reduction in Price The Presbyterians will picnic to Grand Bend on civic holiday August 12th. The Methodist Sunday school will hold their annual picnic at the, hand on August 14th. Geo. Reynolds of Babcock"s drug store is holidaying for a week. Mr. Ralph Drysdale of T. Weis-- ntnilter'S is holidaying for a couple of weeks. Miss Annie Dyer, Forest is visit- ing Miss Sutherland for a week. Mr. Miller. 8r., father of Reeve Millet, is visiting his son. Wiliasann Moot' has sold his brick' dwelling onRichmond street to - A1riJohnston,- 'O r f Michigan. who w willeelstake. possession in about three Miss Arnold, of Buffalo, is visit- ing here at present. ,James Troyer and wife returned froth a pleasant visit ft+, fi"ienals near Brussel., 011e flay tacit aro paring bie. wages for hands this season. The ilex crop is very heavy. CHERRJES _and all kinds of Produce T"ken in Exchange Preeter, Greb Meek Zurich Ont. IC SADDLERY AND FURNITURE HO SE EIN" FOODS Light and. Heavy Harness; Trunks, Ea'gs and Purses, for ladies and gents V'Vi1 Parlor Suites, Fancy Dining Chairs,Side-Boards, Fancy Rattan Rockers, Baby Carriages, Ex- press Wagons and Sewing Machines. High Grade Organs and Pianos. wa.ea' .i ,