HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-08-01, Page 8THE ZURICH HERALD The People's Store HE POPULAR TRADING PLACE WIIY? We handle good goods Cur prices are low We carry a large stock Highest price for produce Obliging salesmen J. D. MERNER ZURICH HILLSGREEN Special to the HxrtAL». Mr. Wm. Jarrott went to London las Thursday' and. run up a traction engin for Mr, Ed. Jones of Exeter, O'Holligan's band which. has for some time given free ooneerts on Thursday evenings,' has dissolved and henceforth will be no mere, Mr. Rob t. Stelck and his mother, Mrs. Chas, Stolek left Thursday last for Burk's calls, where they will visit for some time. Quarterly service will be held' in the Methodist Church next Sabbath morning. Miss Maggie McAllister returned home Saturday. GOSHEN LINE Special to Tit; HERALD. Harvesting is -the order of the day at present. Mr. Mike Kennedy paid a visit to Goderich on Sunday last. Charles Shoemaker has finished the foundation of Mr, James Stephenson's barn last week. Miss Elmira Stogdill is on the sick list. The Misses Sarah and Annie Dowson visited their grandfather's on Sunday last. Mr. Delgaty- and family visited on Goshen on Friday. Charles Smith visited at Calvin Dowson's on Sunday. No service was held in St. John's church on Sunday on account of TA RIO Mr. Jennings being away. ONV.l.� BLAKE The Le,ding BilacI ' thith. and Uorse=.hoer. I make iL Specialty of ShoeingFlatfoot- ed and Interfering Horses.. GBNEBA BLACK t . . tar Dashwood Special to Tim HERALD. The weather around here is get, ting more than luke waren as it is Furniture Store pretty near boiling. Rev, J. S. Henderson, wife and OA SHWOOD Special to Tine HERALD, ]Ytr. G. Kellerman lost a valuable horse last week through a sun. stroke while nutting grain.. Mr. J..l, Merner sold his driver to Mr. Fenn. Mr. Hy. Guenther has engaged another bus -driver, Anonymous. We aro pleased to hear that Miss Alum Eidt and Mr. John Brown who each. underwent an operation about ten days ago at the London Hospital are progressing favorably, Our implement agents are busy putting up binders. This is a good season to test them. The foot -ball match. played here on Monday night between the (franc. -Bend Srs. and Dashwood. Srs. resulted in a draw. Neither side scoring a goal. Miss Kastner of Sebringville is visiting at Mr, J. K. Goetz for a few days. Flax pulling is in full blast again, Mr. J. Hall was at Hyde -Park the past week on business. Mr. and Mrs. Hintz and fancily of Romeo, Mich., are visiting at Mrs. Hintz's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rohde. Mr. John Holtz is at present spending his holidays at Blake. Mr. Tait of Neustadt called on friends here a few days last week. Mr. Ed. Axt has purchased a driver. HENSALL Special to Tmi HLR LLD J. E. McDonald returned from Clinton last week after a month's illness, and went again Monday to London and other places recruiting his health. Lo not fail t oeat' and examine my �topl:, whtela consists of Parlor Snits, lion-a•ouaa Suits, Ilod-steuds, t'oct:hea, lounges. Extension Tables, ("enter Tattles, Side Hoards. Sinks, f daelcers, Fancy Roekers, Chairs of all descriptions, Curtain Poles and Trimmings, 'l'iudow Shaddvs. Room ;Moulding. Pillow -slant Holders, Rot Mons, Paper Masks, Easels and Mirrors, FA@TS FOt� TWINE EJ.:13 A • • Every season farmers are getting more cautious about buying poor twine, and no wonder, when they remember what trouble they had last year. The best way is' to use, standard brands like PLY.CIOUTH or McCORI1ICK. W sell these Two Iands.. CHASa Main Street GREB,M �u� lctit , �Dntarro. ZURICH LEADING SIDE S OI2L Cutting wheat is the order ref the Master Roy left Monday for a day and we are alad to hear the months' holidays, spending the 1 e farmers say they have such good ; time in Drayton. (*lenallall and prospects of a good crop, (. ourtright at Hotel Bedard. A great many of our young Sten Miss Murray has been engaged ;as attended the raising at Mr. John , tenrher in the Public School here, Campbell's, Bronson line north. to replace Miss La,Touzzel, resi,medl. Miss Dora tanuitlscrs of Seaforth J be trustees were fortunate in spent Sunday and Monday at John z,d t ur9n„ Miss hturray'a services, e,, Manson and Jus. Dinsmore. as she i + an excellent teuclaer. 1 Rev. F. H. 8anerti of i3.rureilt►lel' D. 1). McEwen, one of the Hart River , s of South Africa, returned to jdelivered a very able address an town last Tuesday, the Presbyterian church on Sunt - 'IIj;\,t 1�Y E have a. large tock of Matt- guy hist. Ailras ('raig Connell and other 1fY rents and Siurint,gg % whacli we Miss Pearl iii holson spent bun citizens p ti ting our wan n ntlkti r sidewalks and now offer at as, HARt hI and Monday iu plut,ararH e o the town. BIG SHOE REDUCTION are, anxious to do business with you, and will do everything in our power to slake our dealings satis- factory. We have a Big Assortment of S'CT�.\41\Z=R S O:ES that we will and ..inert scall --to snake room for our '.all Goods—and will give yon Groat Bargains until the 1st of September John ores FURNITURE STO Is le P' t,tye to o when :VOA re`�''0' ire itlay'1 of tett° following Articles: s: ipitt+btturdita, ItlalrItt Saltie, lex'tention Titles, Ceuehes. Pant Rockers, Parlor Farr. nuaaihin:,git, Picture Framing 411, SPRO A,LTT !i N. day Zurich. Mr. Harry Edi hofter spent Sun. •, they i4 1 it t� needless 'to say tht.;i td)ok away day in and around Blake. a good ilnlnnssiott of the place. The heavy rain storms we 'have 1 Reeve Miller and Councillors had lately have Ynade the fields !' $nrallactxnbe and Scott, assisted by very soft for cutting with the 1 Mr.Arnold. sr., entertained theta. ._ rl binder. 1 :tor. and 1Sr;:. Jas. Carlyle and �' : �� I2' (i' Nit�lt.tl got a large quantity 'frit�ntls spent a alas at the I3�n l JUST ARRIVED a dandy lot of the Latest styles of Bung r Carriages, Qo•Carts, Express Wagons, Carts and Rocking Reuel last ioiu,re Framing A 'Specialty't d la. t cnf standee twine on Saturday 1 . week" ' which lie csfer s at at remise table I %r... Dr, Kidd atnd Minis Hamill - e u •ast PRICES RIGHT. low prim, according to duality. it' fun, of Brooklyn y -who have t1 icy' stmt to give Il. O. n «axil.. been visiting their J ter. Mrs. "all and and see taxa before ir'arrehas• ' Miss Aliee Cnpliaag returned to! atk'aat'k, frac the least month, left ing elsewhere. Stratford on Monday last, ! Thursday morning for Port Hee. DA •1C The Woollen 114111 Store ---- C1111 gi t.Y+e you tried vAtute Under Clothing„ 13flatake tw, Itu s_ *IT, Maannc r Twee4s `ki..101111SONi Zurich, Ont. 1160 C.8 The 19°1 Hess are no She thin heore v U BUY.,... 41 finished The berry season is almost hast_ --, ..� ... _. S saac again and. some. of our busy tattle TME OLD 0X S'T1 AD, people lace not sorry. ...._. ONTARl Some of our residents have Nt. rt- The Hoturostead whieh is aunt It ed pureflax mulling and report it vt,ry From filth and wickedness. 141,e3 '1V{.rOW ' 31 tali 00 rits r '.li.NO'H 'HMV= AVM III( i�f�la'dsl,kt • ur.aiy 0464 - � h1 "O Is/ 4 ASS; ls3s ra sroyl .tf uattmpsi^.liaif ya-t�.4'. s+2:FT 1 4 `cssixeraraaa l:r! awry ss4 .ass rttn,, >s;, aiat.l sttev4 also r,n.- :slew' Int) "511ttat s;rta3ita3aig taxa," %NSW atiiali . 6141T AIM Vt. -Yits si U Ira VII. 1ii911110 "YIS �aiusttl `tNflllrrdtl". mrtJ ill 41§10.1110H.1, fleisc LS al!ir and saw liruu� t la inda of woodwork and saw - do tdr order. Estimates ,giwren for all kinds of buildings. A I stock of L. C. Red Cedar Shingles. Alt kinds of Iumber al - Ways Ts *t nand. Chopping dont every " vesday and Fri'day'.' Id k fates, Water for irltd-mlipps F ater Troughs. Ix "Con., Lot �r.75. soh. tirti h P. MIRK CIS Revised every Thursday afternoon. Wheat .. 7x to 80 Oats .. -.. 43 4:r Barley ........ h5 150' Peas 05 70 Flour .. , ..... -1 90 2 00 Butter .. l.s 16' 11 gs.... 13 14 Chic kens 1b 4 Ducks 6 6 Geese . , 6 Potatoes.- «... "rr 40. HRNSALL MARKET. Wheat 70 to 80 'Oats ..,. 40 43 Barley..... ..,.. 50 58 Pears '7'r 80 Flour .... a 00 2 10 Hogs (live) per cwt G 2.f' 6 75 co.k'. cltt0n loot Componn�; T iitanee�elnity tce$d riioaathl b 7 a b,oOOL'sdiea.Sete, eildcEuiiI.Laditaask y_oIuttrdit st'tor Gd.E'r'Genet g ait r im- ; 0 . to prove to you that DG Talk' 1�b 6 the*, sd aII Mtzttrrei, pillet and eS Clrea 4rintinentia"id r ett 3>rtt 1114uai.rli•dsn�tudi s. ,•:?t,?Ta. 3,tei�pet and abdrohite cure torr eadi box; i . 1. o degrted i'afoicger,8 per icor. l o. and emery form of itching, p p 11 -cent Iiakedinga dpreti�iYlingplilt, tdeo �siledenireeei teC rTec Winds-o tp�ola <7otFi .. t 1-No..l recd Windsor Ona. he �nirnlYfACty[iCL�'C`nS tN$VE�reti+tratnteed it. $lil!'fikYet >YA'R trbId and recoraiiatieYaded'�q ail titironcaT,, in thethin of it. YOU ea, onnc�zish ppdrlWO Dtiig{iitirr iia Cabadit ']Drag *hat they think Dish, � bt# d;ar +Hao ib siYd . Tour money back if not eared Belie sr boos . at deniers oSr Est orr,BYr &•.Co.,'eraraito, No. 1 and No. 2 are solei in Zurich "r Chase's at Dr. Buebanaat's'drtag *tore, hard work en account toff the flax whwh wanlll night and daily, yapre, being .grit. altrtvn �u lr�d c•ir tffidno`ntlel°tl 1 VaF s. ' , IMIVIITAr.Y�uL NOTICES. 'gorier, is heieh gavice th .ill lft-eav Either bus lwit_ac+etaatd ti ktIN sa l�ctin410 to the Croost of ..'11101 al f*j tint n o, under the Controverted !I,";Icrteouui u'1ee. for the pintoes's r: f dlisyrtelif'yiat„ ttinudl tcsa- tiering M' unDa "Young hies. tan etueopati e of being eieetert, or sitting in The Lexus- lativc . ,ssetiibly of this Proviso. Dated at ;Zurich this Yeti diad rtl' Only fr1. .O11N L FORTE. U. Olicer, 11-511 llauvou. i 't'11f; . y"3f tt O}' the eioetioea ref S° tare lit �shilives 1sstoutly of the Prov- ince of Ontario, for the Electoral District ' et South fturon, holden The :�'ya.il ,and 1119th darer of M a,.v, A. fn., Ewer. The following are the election etoica C es of Mr. Petery, tither. one of the candidates at the said election: Persvnil eipeaiaesofCat-ululate. 1'irteluditrg relit of hails. litt.ty� hire. meals and ..corse f-: eal. set- r•iees of speakers. postage. tete- manes and etctrrers r larges $;1 r.. t''arieling and adir,;ettising _wa epi Total e'47:qa (sienccl'd C. I1. SANDERS, Agent. JOii LAPORTE. Returning O her 31a�ited art Enrich, Itis r`kad day of July.. 10112 Ther flaat+tn w9hleh fruit anti t- ops do yn 11& Sane cr forty years have pas -ed Has been changed from forest into field t`nto which our cares are east. I We young folks care not stags I thereon, I We think the work is hartt. Butt ore few years will sooaa be gone. When we front it angst .cart. !The pioneers are leaving us I They o without alarm But still their marks are left with' They are upon. the farm. Many ar boy .has left that lot And. has somewhere else east His ftiture to sonar: other! spot. Slat there was sorry at last. Daily with the niorniing sun -we ris And often warm it seetus, While laboring without disguise i Sneath i f s pining beams. �j In the evening when the scan ge low, And sinks down in the West, We then to our roost do go And wiith it go to rest. Rails St. Z.,t1•LricJ:. Eggs taken in t xt'ha nae for Goods. Al HEA t UA, TEF? 'O R y Nets, Dusters/ runs, harness, llttt"131.i+; Valises, � slNl�: Whips, Curry -combs, Brushes Binder twine, chine oil, Paris green, harvest tools, Churns, Washing machines `.Phi tilts (1'allahi ai't�, r�ailai and rri0, Harvest Hitt.„ Eave=troughing and Steel Roofing. CO., For some time past a somber of 1 young tneia have created disturban- t h ees ha frron:t of lily store and rest- denco, usually at a . late hour, when all pencable residents have retired for the .night, anal although 1 have repeatedly warrrneet thein, they are i, getting worse instead of better. 1 ; knovr all the boys personally and / 1, dog not wish to have recourse to i law, I willcertainly have to bring them before a magistrate, have thaw fined or sent to jayd or both, . if the distiiDb onc�es ate rePeated i nto p after this o deck. $ Quartstpeovnrt, Hillsgreen. rr What ate Piles Piles, er hemorrhoids, as they aresotadi times, called, are small tumors. which form in and about the orifice of the rectum. They ate caused by an enlarged and inflamed conditionof the veins, which are very numerous in this part of the body. Asa s'ule every Brain cif piles foams at times acutely inflamed, and extremely painful. The itching and burning usually increases -at night, and the misery which many peopleetedure is beyonddescription. Thereis nio guesswork about Dr'. Chases Ointment. as a cure for piles. it has been stied fir the crucible of time, and gradually won its way into favor with the medical profession, as well as with the public in general. ft has a wonderful soothing' and baling of oc't, and wherever appliectto burning, itching, inflamed skiri. it affords almost instant relief, cooling the fires of disease and healing the raw ulcer- ous skin. Ask your friends and neighbors about Dr. Chases' Ointment. It is recognized by a surprisingly large number of people as the only actual cure for piles. It will not fail you. Sixty cents a box at all dealers, or by mail post-paid on receipt of price, by Edmanson, Rates & Co., Toronto. Dr. 'Chase's Ointment Hardware and Ham ws S Emporium, z Pi ; , ONT. 4,� 30 DAYS For the next thirty days we will sell all Summer Goods at reduced prices =mom -iiiimmus WE OFFER Y01.7 SORE EXTRA GOOD VALUES' Th cent Unsling, we sell at 10e. 20 to 23 eent Muslins, we sell at.. -...--17 lacµ f. you WANT TO s; OUR REMNANT` TAgi; ' TO SECURE BARGAINS ee our Goods and be convinced 711). uricii