HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-08-01, Page 66 0 * *"QW"Z RCUS 61ANT I FHE STILT ACT. said tile Old circus malir ale great giant oil stilLe. q or Or fact, his stilt walking V jh(� gretteat Jillilgh? lie did; s 11 that lie did It only one V account of ttle rlAc to the Involved In It, f coume, the stilt business Was a outdoor act ; arid, as far as that L es, there wasn't always room for even there ; that Is, where "We rited to gIve it. Tho giant's Stilt e lkll,g was commonly done la our t 11 TUB parade before the begluning I -y to ran Or t1le, shuiv, the giant mal-ohing at hb-9 lcla�lms the, llc.�td of tile procession. Whethor ding; that I,,, do thlt or not :lepended on person llow, tho trees were along the line r Impedi- of niarch. *1 1 never'll forget tile scare we had otica In a to%vn in -western oltio, Ivileil iw giant was walking ill the parade�, over a runaway along the ILEDO fine of inarch, a pair of hosses, hooked to at farm wagoXi. This farmer had gr>t hiS tO.L111, as I)Ienty more had any Other for that matter, hauled iap at the sitio of the street to see the parade Good. go by, arid the horses were all right, arid they'd lial stayed all right, ir it lister tells of hadn't Just so happened that the His Kidney Steam calliope man started up a r Years and tuno on the calliope just as lie come ut. only rec- abreast of them. olle. , That made all the horses around B., Xuly 14- jhore cavort more or less, but It .Tea, ostmas- seemed to throw those two old aade P a very plough nagsplumb off their balance; f his expert- and berore vou pould think they be bured of were Off on the dead jump along tile ha,s bothered street toward the head of the line, with the old farmer sawing on 'em re very bad as hard as ho, could, but without came on lie any sort of effect; and away they went, two wild horses, with a farm ors and used wagon swinging and bobbing around othIng seemed behind them and occupying pretty t. much, tile (witole road, bearing ts on the out- ati-hight down oil the great giant of all kinds and de- walking ahead there on Ills stilts. Internally seem to ,Did tile giant get lost In this ex ­ result. He was no citement.? Not for a minate. Sust one look bLLt,k when he heard the h reading an adver- t�latter and what do you supposehe a Jed to the use of dil� 'I wily, lie didn't even try to get Ils. Hi. says - were SIO highly I oat of the way. He Just spread his 7 Trcul:1 � that feet, or rather, his stilts apart, testimonials, I so that the root of Ono was; ta the according; to glitter on one siae or tire strect,and tilt% root oir the other la the guttor t1lings that I on tile other, and let tile ruilaway arid hail but team go under him between them! 's Kidney Pill$ "But slivk unit easy as tile great I hplp nip. However, glant hall VOMA Olit or tills danger .m I mg before I found tile. Old ninn vras all wrought, upover what nilght have happened m all aad more than rron, it; and lie &t1d right thentluxt rthem. ired more, benefit tram one inore, al.raw and we'd Cat out 0m an -y utlWr medlelue tile stilt act for good. FannY6 but %re Irot that straw tile very next day. !.e!l. for they seem to ! ,Ill tilie town It ua-; clearsaillng rtqajq�qe tqjr;� or in.. 1 rot, thi- giant al,am tho routP exeept 0. al 0"o.. I did 'tilt, , at itst on: VD.Int. WhOM tWO Will Amlltpst trace or th,.1treeli with low-lianging bratiches tire strilet linvissable forhim. le tliwt bothered in' Illude ty ti LAA With oil its one impMlwent pwr thqt r b.-I'llvc. tv�� thought w0i 1pt 1111u. pfo It, he PININ are Vie toalol istri) around that. "lle. eame along Alolva that street 'to for Kidne.,* Trouble." Bi I o�l'! 14 Very we 11 k. towering up of] Ilia stilts the nown to sm,lzg M,�nt, mg I:su,il. OT all b -hulleri. er�vbr,)dN J.1' t1kV, �vlghli whood. and I tl:1 llj� cjnla to ttits place where lie eF�, obq tow ii'm have not boon 4 are of 111"4 strVA14 3111esa. q hall to turn oat. it FlIghtVil at Ills tin- 1 "Tlipre %=4 here at this Point A, t0t. broaAl istretelt of briel.-pawd silie- and I& publ6hed � walk, this bolng Ill froist of tile town atemna-r 1 .18 d0nP rallell tj Inallo limit. &8 1141 isteppild up on that 4 ale Xidul Xyd'.4 even in �Ml. wiliu. brick bblewalk 'one el his atiltg thiq than thpy glofiLkl oil t1lo brVits--aul the f1rat o been. you. know, by gravy. there waa tt1h'1T%Glt With Ills �*illts sliding CoUrt,,Sleq14Is morvlr the prelhifln-, oil that Smooth pavementan-1 ry r-Wwjn%4 Wof,4� the, rpiguDmr bat- lit, %vew'Ing anund up themt in the to 110:64118- air tilaking a dc6perate eflort to re- cover himmelf. ,it au etane In % mlautii% but tW%re he ww) now, fallIng apparently, and Only knew what bar= hied do 00 h,wgiclf whon be went dowfi� Die. the d 11 great giant 419 t goilawd, at idot ilk M way to hurt h4bble1r. ­Thtsr town hall was a kind of Ab el M.asmonea, fCorouini sy )rt of o, tul!d. lrg� with a bagastraile aling tile Thing, S frott or tho roof jtist bark Of the 00,ve-4; Afid flosw vViaoll tho 801:8 had E AM and he towid that 116 douldn't It- rprovs.l. iv:msolf. thf. gictnt tht,eW the stilts away from him itad Jbildo a jump for tile top rall of that bill - 'Usti -ad" along h'!� Vg_ Of tile toor. fr&A tryRitille -.110 tlitebaedtto, hanie-, b,.q that for *beft pat'% PftVgLilll- All rftests us*d 'd a milute imild th-n dri;V to the grol*141, all a bo�f would drols from a Ll BBY's fence: and In fact that drop from no Iwfiux a1mg ti'm mot bf this Or tile gutnt as the N wral flavor b" illst dbo"t lbov"s' droppihg from a fence WOuld bFil'tir h -lit ­Wv-11, l0r. h�P taft teat with bi-, hAft,18 0 S. Gbytebment thspecitd. 0 on tile railing all 09:11t. And hiffis*11 w1riging down t1w front of the build. !h�, h4mAm tot tot ftm3t*Z:%het - rhe glbv time tnm and Was jigslt abmtt to lietlt 910 w!lqn tllLi a ginX gate %v&r jitider *f�ft V�l *Att SDV�Pthit# Ro0a atit *&tt sieAtIT tusla's, his tvelgilt-It ;Vas 014 amd vottc-n Ny Atid mv. I -Aft A nAp0*4,11109 iunCb B flttft ift t1i_ f,;rst tiling Vou 'know the pr,"t dromml %titb that L191t. UORY, OMAN. 0 balnsti,&Ap eamlnZ a-toppl5ng dowt * ovg-r fflg lipa-A aft�-.- ,But tile g. It G�,Oa thit'gi to MV, lud M.Mod tWit rotto­l 014 woaAon rafting elear ling, hith M1 A!Mbt blil golnfr to sfflasl . ...... �vnv the pav;�mpnl I Six Or e16*11t feel beh mil him. th - IIA4 through a vv:nlow of ill- town hal a- n+,J tileL Oft"Pt.' 11' kj!l�(J a horst. T 0"NAL no 0 i "'""s go, E 'hnt we wein- ;Xr-rAPNI they' fiMdD" IS� rial Ltber of OWT h5sinz and vrlt�jii�tb 6LI,,t ubart t an't the pntlr.� he towi R hall rot more than $15 or $100 A- th,,--v outs1le. we fpIt th'it we 6OU14 afford to f8:4 pr-tky TVPII sttlsfi*�.Cl .V 'Id. no mor 'le i tno old mxn ga fooll"Le with tile gl&ut -on Stilts; I MIMaftox UnIvOtSICY Ifta i might be a great not and all thal trom its lweptlort held a ar�j drew- th4 paople -� bat wetonl3if v&-og"Iml�d plaft among' Ift- intfortl to tAke wly ri* at "All Vni't, the gtiftt glant, an.1 " that epde .8 Or leaviling. il Ing. iltit'duori up tile gteat glwirtlor Stilt *031. its geowth, It bumberx Ut male bt - Oad6t. bttft tethatkAblo, tA has Also 1lia,*d"Jim ssrotlti gftdtatilh in Ono ot 'the London *eekly Iftet $nose and ca.- has Just uneattlied, a qiftei�t ALtm tall Recent additionaha*6 order. it deals *ith the mb.61fine gu provided tot certain voluilteetf! dorr. inside to, IfA ectulPmclit. and advises that, whets pos�dbl, tilev and womev I'muldar shoald be tinoloyed. to dtal rito rot, A calendar them. When a muld is not Ata! I it able, however,"" it goeg oil "any It Ntill do Indtoad."' Powder ia,a boot to any, home. It diii fettif add cl"ilk at tire nafn* tim,% 1HE LARUEST WATCH. ,ollt Like PQCI�;t a (lost of Thousands. CZ There has Just been fLnished at a! lie Amertamir Waltham watch. fac- ary a mammoth watab� the 1.irgest or a i the wol-ld, TO build this gigantic Su �meploce cost severai thousand dot. 6rs and Several weeks" time. Spec. lb Ll machinery and tools Were re. aLred or its coustructlon, The ,atch Ls a model 4 the riew Model w �xteen-slze max1muS, three-quarter late watch, emdarged ton tlmes, per. t,b wt Lu every detail arid as highly aished as the finest watch. The diameter of the pl.l.,Lr plate Is w a-Venteen inches, and �he moLvement � two and one-h-alf Inobes thick. The alance Nvireel is six and one-half :rCires in diameter, and the brequet 'in pAng which controls Its , t,()u is bo ight feet long, ,08 of a centimetre yo h,1,ck and .25 of a centlinetre wide. 011 Vbon running the balance makes a ibration In 7 of a second. The allet stories are Of sapphire and xquLsitely polished, The actuating, .r mal.nspring, is twenty-three feet >ng, .17 of a cant-11matre thick and .9 centtmetres wide. The mammoth model to as com- w 4etely jeweled as a watch of the inest grade. The plate jewels, which ,re as large as tile smallest move- P. Lient made, are aboat the size of a L,cket five -cent pi ' 'ce, aria fine rubies, LbOut ten lines in diameter, but rushed with sapphires. The polish of T ,lie wheels, plil,lons arid other steel vork to perfect, and tile damaskeen- irg on the plates Is most beautiful. A �he pendant and winding crown are lf fine bronze, brilliantly polished. i,very portion is made on the exact eale of the watch it represents. No Ul has been made for this move. nont, as It to d4signed to show not :lie action of the tmin, but the t. , m-win-Ang ani stem -setting involi- LnLsin as well. The movement stands on a bronze )odestal and from Its base to the C Ap of the winding crown Is twenty. t ax inches.-Bostou Transcript, blalting a score. h a (Yonkem Stategman.) The Man In Knickerboickers - Do you like short engagements ? The Girl in 'the Shirt Waist -Oh, d my, yes; you get so many more B DT them in a sea -son, It they're sliort� The'Vittless throb of neuralgla dies away when ItheD.&L."MetholPialatertsoproad 's Dver the agonized nerves. IttheplaslairwlU ilotadhere, warm It alittle. There Ispowalt. ingforrellel. Itcomeecl A bittle Vart Iterseir. "Yoll don't even knotw, horr 'to make a lemon tart," remarked the cooking school girl, WILII fine scorn. "It Isn't nm-essary to make a lemon tart," replied Lhe other. "All v the lemoas I've ever aeoa wore pretty tart Record. A noo.r TO HOXISV0110r-one bottlt. ot I Eagitkilispavin Ualment equilAk-twly removed t a, curb froin my horA0. I tIlk'A411re In recommendlusc tbt� wnwo,I.T, as It nt-tA with terious promptuem tn tho rentovat from =6 of ham, 1§01t or ealtougbd tum sa.bloo& aliavin, afillute, aurbs, avreally. a t4 and R�ralus. OEORTE ItOns Farmer Soll by all drugglat4. Two Weeks Isurklifier VACAtIon., Daist br-mmbed tit oft It. LL 11b. t oz. Averago namilmr ot hours, 'gleep Per nwh;t ... ... .-0 4 1Vuwb6%r ot fillies d9mced.- 40, 00st of (YAO suc-11talt trout #8 Natuber of Kuat* Meats 0 VI v bl.tos . . ... ... ... ... ...... OA 06o;r- b1tes ftore At btA it tim" Crack= td9tod Non& Rotol bill 11�m ...... ... .. ...... 1 -cm T67tal numba of tgArt- walgta e=talfked ... ­ .. 93' At, & d1otw . ... ... .. sedl:r to vft�-y 010,J,46 to SqkXe0_ZC0d ... .-. '3 OW -Wills loat -- ­ -�- ­- Zt Otto ttigagemvit ring ttb- Number 01 W46ek* ref,%UPer- &tiug .... . ... 16 Tom U&wfl, In Aucaft 8ffixrt &Vt 'i Statis 06 edtkgh afid Work4 0-6 thi5 Cold. Inotleda.y. Ittmo lb the phosIDDIhim. Th,b Idrglestt I)rodtletlatt 6t littip for Ono year under noi-Aftat Whditions to the ftillovitleS was i10,000 t6n.4. Thete is a i�oAilbllity of the latapa boing made to P.IOAEM6� saftipwnt r.)r Iliny conlst=ptlon dt tile Wholo vrotz,]-, itetip needf; %to Cultivation. 03T.0 mast b3 itaker. that It Is rn4, In the jroP�f 8,edsan. Tiie b1tive4l cannot w� exePtIved tho Watl I ovet Ill the ptc-P,Xtatlan of, lielft-0 tot t.",le market. 0 WA 0 RE $100. The PaPatwill ba itasp,1--a t1lat sLiailee bas, Wvn ably ta earv- Tim ail j+�,4 catath to tile modled fta?'ernity. cataffh, bsmg a can. utatfaeftt. Hall's(Yatarrh Care fo takpatz- te-jivally" attIng dirntly upon the blood 4tol mnoong suffact'sol the� sy4te'm, thereby dea. trojiftx the yonfidatiorl of thl� dfqasa, and giving the patient ttetngth by, buirding up tile toustit'dtlon and I It4 work. The propr!-�tot% hattgo lnuelx faitS t in its turail" vovret4 that they offo�r OrA Hundred Dollars tor any 0ake that tt WIN to cure, Send for llat of 018tirboalals., �iddmsrzs 13'. .1. CRENMY & SoldbydruxglstA. -Mc Hall's ramilk Plill.q aft tile btst, the, 4,11*4 Lay Viguee. L'&y Rgutoo Uponi, which to dig. play- clothing In shop windows ll,4X6 His Rextols� broathing Dis' she was youirvg vid,. romanue, 1-14) Infectious diseases areease- ISSUE NO. 3.1,, 1904, -p - breathed as a (oreLgo nobleman and lie wore 111bo the system from those affected uniform, arid orer ht a long blue With disea e or from bad smells; yet biro. W-1-nalo-w-'s "Soothing S should 8 the =4 pe, t1hat hloolood Dir froik with the how many women breathe daily be used for Children ing. d of two. blig gold angles. offensive Oteam from Common R so the child. softens theyllms, cares win aps codo and te the, be -it reme4v or Diarrhoea. Tl1ey had, walked out to"the,very made from rancid fats, and keep their al of toile pler, and the -full moon, hands for hour$ In such Solutions, .1d murmuring wavos wore full of And the clothing from such soap suds Alma Ladies' Colleare, ggestilull", is,worn 'next the tender skin. No ST. THOMAS, ONT. she learrod ower and Ilooked clown Wonder disease and eczema are Preparatory and Collegiate studies; unlyer- -to the rippling clarkiless bolowA prevalent 1 Users of Sunlight Soap "It I t1hT.ew myself In there 11 she afty, intLele course; iiae art; elocution; domes. id, In a roice tola't was al�;ost , -Octagon Bar -know the difference tie science; C , OlUmercial. Superior buildings? be staff, healthiest location, Pleasant woper, 1,whait should you do Vl tween that and the pure, health- IhIlor."nill, He leaned over and looked dowir- ful smell from the vegetable oils I ... ...... on lie Straightened bwk, and suilled and Pure edible fats In Sunlight RUIT FARM FOR SALE-ONX OF TEN Soap. F finest in the N ars Peninsulal, VA reatly. 208 Winona, 10 miles from "Ag. milton on two raw "I should r-r-r-regrot It," he 11,06- 180scrosinall 36 of which is in freft ,ared, guavelYi-Life. =11.7i peaches. WIbesoldinone P6=414* In the World's Wounerland. divided into lots of 16 to 0) acres to Bulb PUT - Afore remarkable d6noverles in chasers. Thisio 41decided, bargain AlIffiroas Deep down In country well . and city water that wonderland of the world, Jonathan Carpenter, P. 0. box W. Winons, sin tire tile seeds of dysentery and cholera LgYPt, Says the Westminster Ga- Ontario orbus. Do not let them multip.1f, In your zette. The explorers sent thither dy,boTake Perry DavIsO Paink Iler when ar welo begia: to trouble you. It always by the Californian Acaderay of W - res. ence, have Tound at Girgell, on the WANTED --Agents Nile, rdws upon rows of graves dat- every' towm In, CANADA Afrald of Dampuegs. Ing back from the nineteenth dy- In to sell our I rtasty In apparently unbrokea re - (N. Y. Ban.) cord to the earliest prehistorle "Why does he call that summer g1rl times. The bodies are mostly In PERFEOTION lannel V Because she Is so warm?" wonderful preservation. "'No. Because she shrinks from the ater." Millard's Liniment Clures Garget OHAROOALIRON Minard's Liniment Cares D.Istem- in Cows. Proper thing for hot weather. Big money to active persons.# or. HOT WEATHER DRINK. Write for paxtiCulars to Ito runishillent. B. F. Aver7 &_ JOHN M. BOND & 00. Sons, of Louisville, (Philadelphia Press.) Xy., deroribe &s follows tRicir ex- HARDWARE trough poverty certainly [stilt a perierice in furnialhing prepared drink- GUELP111 ONT. crime, Ing water to their workmen during __ JWe find In this Strenuous Strife, hot weather, especially those 'em- IrIPERIAL MAPLE SYRUP. IL those who are guilty are doomed ployed In Vill forging, foundry and every time other departments w-liere there Is In- The quality standard from Oceau to To very hard labor for Wo. tense heat. Moy take stone jars or Ocean. Your money back it not satislactorf. kegs, holding about 10 gal. of water ROSE & LAYLAMR, MInard's Liniment cures Diph.- filled with wa&er arid a small quan- Agents, Montreal. heria. tity off lee, pael; the jar In! a, barrel with sawdust between, the Imner and H.B.Tlarshall&Co Johnnie Know. outer vessels. Tbas the water Is kept 191 Klng St. Nast, Hankilton, Cat. (Buffitio News.) 000l, with a. minimum of too. Each morning they place about 1-2 WANT REWABLF, AGENT$ A teacher was addressing a small pint of Oatmeal, rolled oats, or any to sell teaagoffees, baking powders, spices. lass of little boys and she asked hem bow manT could tell where the other form of crushed oats in the extracts. e to consumers. Ton, can make mc ey k vaca ani No fa fro wanted. Excellent territory ome of the swallow. Waff. water. ThIs crushed oats thus used now. Little John sald: "I can. The I makes the water a remarkable thl... ome of the swallow Is In the stom- I queacher. During tire sev6ral 3 ears i that they have thus provided drink- Work Ing water t1hey cannot recall a case TO 0 of heat prostration, or Illness due to No UBE A COLD IN ONE DAY excessive drinking of water by men - lake Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. AU Ir shojis, where the =010yed In the rVglsts refund the money it it falls to cure. t ia great. Tho7 also flud thatl More Groyals signature loan each box. 25c. this water reduces the appetite for at cleafting Iff,to,xicatIng drinksl and in general ware and your other PORTRAIT OF A QUEEN. the effects are Eo, excellent that their o bright metals, Rice - men are telling It to workmen in tric POLISHING FlIsItE taken awair thO other shops and cities, The Jar should drudgery, and makes allrer clean. Ing a pl�wo. lexandr�,, of Great Britain, De� ure. No soiled hando,nothlur, to use but the I be emptied and y C emase tully prepared theinicEll self. blialling scribed by an American Girl. every morallf1g, as Uto oatm I tiours' IN11011tIV Price 25c at drugglstg .4123 u0t10R Here Is a. portrait of tile Queen over night, and of course, the drink- denders. By mail trom ,y a's Amer!can girl. It strikes me Ing oup also on ut to W scalded and XONXIM11 AXF0- 00-, St- CAtIM0001, Oftt, e delightful ill Its uatrate, and Its wmredforol),Yousreas"seaohtlay-i Write for trial samPlelf. rankneas to charming. I am aure 11"hey bDtlpvo the ivuter abould bo i'asea A.Ioxamlra. herself would laugh drawn from a spigot, V.S. of courSIN PU US M 0 Is THE ORLI wrtily oiror It: "U14 don't go, to froul a mailtary view t4lo use of a ABSOLVE lie theatre to witness a play. bat dipper lit tho top of a jar is not CURE for o see the aucNence. I thought we as It should b% but tho oatmelat cousump- vre going; to be diiiappolated and Cloger tho a 1got, or strainer, lead- tion and all. K)t see her at all, but Juat before 'the 1� tributwl . got, It Iraq coil throxt and lung troubles. One,domgives urtwlii, irent up Rho and tile King iWt 0- n1v V0, Ilia comfort of' tho men. reli,. ,ame In with wmile other pc*ple. 8116 but %m to Continue f. One bottlo- often cures. A FM &IW� permitted tlff, a rathor tall and very sweat look. at o k when tho hea.1; Might other- SAI&LESOTTLEto everyireadcrofthis paper. wl"r, pUL-y1o, is jor s.11c: by all druggi.Os at lit, but oh, M) awfully thin. She w1w 'have preventol, and kiml; great - U ly t, _sS cents for AMIA Jtk6 10'rely bIU0 (',yes VrIth A $little 1 '10 tenfintions Of tile $,.00 per large battle rola hem, like a baby's. but I was disap. nip n to qepk Intox1eating cooling tize, or It may be ordered direct r xPinted a b1t. for I thought s1w [lad drinkm Fior a, tow davi; tho oatni4qat VIE PUtbto Co., TORONTO. ONT. .oldoa hair. 11ki be quite aandW. her flavor lany not bf) ;��Ilglwd by nit Wr Is of a maltogmity tint, but It of t1le, Ineii, but very soon, they Itad vair charmingly coiffured, and it 1kilmalilt4 and are &I19'atted W the ihow&I dIt tier dtamonda beautitult rellof affoWed,-tron Age. WANTED Sha looked vet7 young, and girliat but I thlok she hae the "Addest face wilattr(t.3 1,18IMpt.1t t ur4_�J coljs, ete. ALAUNTS TO "iELti I've evor aee,i. Site 1.1stened very at- tantively, and when Ato smiled yon relit fig thlimoch sva W&ntm to have BOILED TO DEATH. 'MADE TO a W�ol roustur, e",, . I don't wonder one bit that p,_vpte in England tort 1; One Of the Model Ito.% for thil-7 wMply can't help Iwo � Uenry VU1.4sk Tiffils. MEASURS In Englaril. during 0e rlF.Inn o! il n.t-nty vilt, vle pzlibite wird hveatoo- !I Creak,.- exeltel, tJarWn,1,h Several ease -1 i TAILOR I&VIIADE Volsollima, acd MT1 atnent enaetcA,� Jaw makMg bmiling, tO &ALa U30 4- ponalt.-. !rjols Jaw vras oa, the 4ta- 0 1.0 T rul I N G k b&*h�.O & horm with a snppoaed- tat* bjo&4 atwat sitte0lu Yft1lit at 6001) t0111116SIONA. dara6la riUb�Dft6 for t3l). cared WAI ina�le retr�AeUve. @* dd to ml: th $1 VW.rth Of MX&RWA 10 a cawr_& Vkdt Clgr*119 W30M tea, IN him 1� CROWN, TAILORING UNI NT wid "d W91 In t6tkr (k *11LO'Er Rol4e. .. It for" $9:;. Profit 6a Linhaetlit, 11 Wlkerw ts� ebke. tow Vdwov qf rloxll- "Ok. uto WIS62ted dottateen OOMPANY two 09 W�intii 114-1, Coke wag note, Xtepe. bAoW W Tho LnMetil,!w tanutws tirgoAt Tauot, Wng Attended wan't twn-miltar empltv. T01.1ONT0. At rldtliva, Q'Im, Not. lvt� Ito.. " iabka wus tnt Int" a ftuuldfot� �4f Old water wid gradually cwmiked to &AI&I .j �fetr ye,-Irg lintpe. ti Uar&t. UP411. I'a y(Aitug *VtOALZ a'amed NUL IkLvy wta�4 vzmllg�v�-d In, & 81mild W ISM S '*b York Central tkifid flu&dik atVior ob couvErvoll orl IWASOM11"g. T30e prib- 0 Thlb Rdtle0ad. lie, W10te 1�,A sativiled ag to itet galft. � A1116*8 'Tho gi�ol* Id t*lfl stunding the coniltar- Fly Pads how #16141 and tho ftfiet1wr ;et'dellefied of lau;el`�1�81iollv Itkavel 01 Nowd Ell L:10_48� thlo rOdA Aliftlid bo gutflel6ut to It- ddyCVog vt** 0Z 31af-94ret MvY*s t Oft umt tudat pl�oplq, li�tt now that thtl ttidl And V,11D10tapat 8roon sotea-3) wIll kill all theta. drollsom "44 mto 1# th4 g1tw* 'to Ve* Ybek and UrIvtotigh the totgdonl a4vt N., tdAt A9 by Ottldr tin" no tnlwsai ftcwmr. Iwalum to Vleaq h rc­ -the flies ill ishould be I tii&lfted ou The fd4tute boOK-9, lrow--_ -a rodhi Nil a ght lgferyb6d W111 tell yod it. evefr as 1**vg as Itenry rel*aal. Ver - Is ttk@'b;Mt. It -fig bereallse the monatell IdmKplif t&W hbdtA- hm & dr.;lad of betn't P02-sonod. Im- mealateiv aftet irfs death patllla- WHY HE WAS ANXIOUS. me*t it�jpalol law. AL WAS Afraid 'tie Woold be V&rillied, P&A, "Is D& Carsons Ton Ile fte ".1w &t Vile geold qtreet 'Statio.1 14 whclfo &6tfidth iftnif CblistipAltlott Wtler.4 t;a,qr0aa stories ate t6M. The� Well Made leom trzp fnrmtl:� V d an =B go -to theve after Uteir titalyl arrive% 11 aWn' pr�esprlptdwalrj bis 1-ra,-Uee tot =any T a;wett order.4, arid Otte Yarns, years wivi =Ost 92-4slaeloty twsmlt4, I PA "'ANCE COM my 11119 foluarwing W;%s told at a twent A, pattly Vegetable, Tonic And,81603 INSUR sloxtee:� 4A Iong tibiO 0g;, When ttlaing tt-1-q- patifier. Pfiot '16 ctilts per 0,610d. elted ml)te 61-Avly t1jazi ti -Ley da now, 11"an-jr you,,an nbt.Mrl tli% lto-;. Joss n,-.,V9EV ...... P3ft3MffbV%T and '-way* trains wlete eomnli"­ . two tg.on of yolly Veri-al drrggist, but 41you JtL, r,,pj�-r, tot, toil tbawed rewatkabU high offlelaig goit on, 'Intending to obt-An It Ill your RegzIpoi.- ovc-r 190V, In the 10111owing ite=s. booj� toro will"pen') one or mor-. bot. lido out ab,xit thlrt� miles. Tney 11e.1 on rpeelpt of ptlee t5ft per 'bat. Newbuslne,�4s flao M lot t*,rmy to each other and t1e) tattiage. prapaid. pravilura Income factepike-A by 3q,110 tile train, wallell stoppfO at every raisNplvla Total Income irvre"ed by ...... 42,576 W06clpile, worried them a gO(A Aea'l- 1 6 1% , 43 95� C)f1ft,50, MgD1 I COMPRINY An, filehmaft recently landed =Vt toko,.ATo adde at hard a tow vn"lis out And Coutillental LVe, Policies .1" untleLilled for the annoyance bY 09' PetSfSten,Ce sfulplielty And libarallity. Ageafa wanted - 1c, �! . , "n It i 'king the name OF every stati6n 0 RON 9' 5:Ai:AtN1Sr.1 GEO. B. WOODS, CHAS. IEL FIG- LtZk that ther train -stopped at- AMtr 1 *,i ge I ViWarlier. fk,�O*Wllm a .1i ages frs,.'Y politmoly answetied his qlles�- V a dozen stationsrot so. ofte;� lot theta became Wng*l land 9-tid tO�� You may be justified Ift callingr A 9 V.&Mays"01W11 fellow, a l6bSter when he IS roatlti-u Ilte" Its, iftimi, if You'll k1rdlY ually getting, Into hol. water. tell me, where younte, going, I'll see., . ..... that *,ju dd�ilt get catriod bY the 006'a 'AaE UJUUtf1-U t, UAU� 'enOrMOUSly improved, so that the .96GA ones are place. .,the ynM1pant j,ejeh6d d-owfl Into now fartfom 06116yttlbg tbat wood., onnf?iM Otapp&rallcs that *as Ono 40 a packot ana pulldet 'at) A f3 c6ibm6alk bbAtac`t6fi1dtt6 of them. y wit'h, about twehtt 'doupotis b#tA&od, the la§ton6of *h1eh mad tat oc-cagonAlly addio clothing ft thdfldb�. 90,1,64 In for- toallstd, puts Z%lielft1bg Tele� S In his witiddW as IL display- figure gra�_'_ . . ............. ... upon which to hang, suits Of Cloth a 101, ft Jbiji - and It !a( carious to leo Orb" t6 2k V ho*,#vcb� a 114are *ill flit attention. The game nzaii to the &&M# chiltbes, P11 Atid AbOolutf ft)ma I 'It6bow 2 land 6#sfy of fVM r ss�otj among athet men tu the street 'familiar Me or elaawhere, &th6tk9 sur- 1761IM1#98, ifitght AttrAdt no sp:dlal But ba,#6 glisran U-Millithe - ___ dant viar Ved "k aftobti6h, whAtWot- In the ub- faitaiAr vatroominga of a ft 6" back If 'M lia , 30oWBAJft&'0C0..T6rftt* 1,10M =11- , 'Wiada he Attiladti, the . . A ��, Vt. .............. . .........