HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-08-01, Page 31 II -717 191- � ,�" i­�; 7,-­1,7­rP,7-.�,­�-- . ,, .:� � , - , , - �, , : 11 1'��"77",­' MF-�-:1'7` � I-,.-,— 1i � ­­ 11.­­­��; - " � ; I � 11 . 1. I , . . ­­l't �.: ... �.­�:;:.,­� �, I �',';� �� ­mM'J"� . ... .. i, �' '!" " ­.­­ -11. _� '.14S . ... I I .. I � I ,. - � ,�: , li, 1 1 �. , I �� , 1:1 . . . . I � , � : .. . : t tt 1. I .: I ; ; , , . � : 1. : . 1 , , . I I 1. . I � I . . . I . . . I . . . . � � . . . � . . I . � . . I . - I I : I . . I I . I . I I . . I � �.. . . . . . � I - I . . I � I I . . I . I � I , � I � ­___ .,;, � ;, I I .1 I � . I � I . � . , . I � . I . � � . . I ; . I 1. . � I . I . 1. ­ . . � I I � . . . I � I I I I � .. I I � I 1. . : , I .1 . I � . I I . . I . - . i . . . , , I . . , I , . . I . I I . - . . 1� � I I I �r . . . I I .: . I � . q �' . . I I I I � . . . I I I I . . I I I . . . . s , � I . . I I I . � I I . � I ,�. '4 �"A",;,�,"��,�,�;!�,�;',F,XK4 — ,',7��-�,.77­"�'7 �J_'. , �, - -.1 .11 C ". � 1, 1.;.,.;,i,:x i.,�_�,V.'.'��?Fqo0r, PIZ" ". � . , , ,.:.i��,! , ,F17 I I . ��� . . . � I I I I " :� I I , . . I .1 .'' I , �7 � I .1 . I I I . . . I . . , . I 11 , � . I , , I . . , I 10 I I . I .. I . . I . t - � . . I . . �, . . � I I I I . . I I I .1 I I ­ - r - :_r � �_ .-i'.: 1 ou, don't I sty would � ,. I . I . I I . � � � I the roads are, pw)sitble, Y . have, deoWed at oveethat -^v-,-------e,---.--------,--w-,"-,4----Oww---.Iv--vwv,w---owvvw,-�4w--Ytvv---ew-%^"Ao . I meet any olue on tibew, e.&Qept, Vor- I inuht ba IT, joya, wit,11 .either the I 1, I . ,,� . : hiaV4, a couple of peasants, W11080 Mother or tile claughter, but I I Was t � � . . . . . . I laniguage would ,40 to: you " 4u- not, Thja'prowt,�e of a now Interest NOXIOUS WEEDS AND . � lip I , Intelligible ak3 that of wad a,almals ba Ilre, lool'a gilliluse of pleasant $,Oci- 1 . I I I 4q1 � ov � 01 .. �� �� AA4j 144&4v . going dowa i4to the Yillago toget ety lip In my hillis and the fancy we I � I . ft I I food." I I 0,11 occaRbo,nally have for being kind � I" � � - - "But you lQuil live there." L ,to aomethl;ng, were all as str . Ong as HEIR EXTERNINAHONO . ,a 14, 4alfa� 4,r,.f_`,r llcircirnoota.rli�ea jtave, made me my P11tY for the Mother, my addara. I I . t solitary everywitere.1' . . I . U011 for tile daughter and my re. . . , � I . . She looked lip, at me; hep face flush- SPeCt for both. I I By the Department of Agriculture, Ottawa. ,Wftt& k 'W AM4&A4WL"O ". ad, her lips trenu-bled with unutterit" I was cipbat1mg oext morning bow . . . tole pity, and � tile tears spr449 to ROO-a it would - be discreet to call, L 06V4V410AAP4WV%0W_.V__9R�1�1 . � I - . r ^0AXO�.-�A-AW-A-0AN41�e­_ I I her eyes, I w4an a not,(- wme brought to.me, Soth tile chemist and the botanist %)o got rid or it, drop, meadowvOu Custom Illad long since made. me which liad 'been left by a Young I A; * at the Experimental Farnot o6t Ot- or the rotation until ' the infeste . callous to IRStILICtIVO aversion, but lady." I tore it opea llj�e a tawa. are agreed that the Freneir- fields have been dealt witt. Ado � , I 6A�;V4m - I , this most tulexpected burst of in� frantic lover, It was from *Mrs. method of eradicating wild muetard, the Name Plan With perma,nent p . . . telligent sympathY made my heart Ellimer, an acidly characteristic'. let- by spraying Infested growing crops tureo wben at dll* practipablo. Oro . . leap up. I said loathing, okord .be- ter alterria,tely frosty and gushing, with solutions or copper sulphate, to a crop of rye, tollowed bY rape, Pas- ga,11 to -play W�tllj the iable-cloth. but not without the dignity, of the the most effectual yet tried. Their ture Meadow land until . the middle . Mrs. ElJmer, Ili tile Ilelief 't-hat'the hard-workLug, she saict a great conclusion, arrived at after many ex- of Joine, then plough deepis ana , pause was an awkward one, ras.hed deal ceremoniously a,bout my kind- periments, Is that fifteen pounds of sow � with rape In drills. It, M067, bo __ __ . into the bre ' eclo, and disturbed My 13088, a great deal ajbout her friends copper sulphate dissolved ja fifty well to follow- with a crop. Of eorff, � sweet feeling rather Ancouthl.y. in London, her position and tba, 44 _ t or gallons of water to the acre, when roots, Or, another remedy is to fol- " I am snre,� Mr. Maade, no One MY husbund, a well-known ar'tist, low rye wlltlh a crop or millet; or ta 11 It *s Illinks the worse of you for the Whom You doubtless are acquainted the mustard plants are,young, Is the ill' *******W_#-**+* accident, 'Whatever it was that dis- with br name." . most effective, the sarest, as re- work the ground on the bare fallolo . But silo wound up gard& the grain crops, and the most system until winter wheat.ma,Y.ba 17 figured you. Fov my paR, I always 13Y saYliig that since tier health re- economical to use. The average sawn Ili September. I . I prefer plain men to handsome� Ones. clulred that she should have change burdock, In grain or They are more intelligent and dou't cost or this application is about one To destroy I . or air, and Sirica I lia(A been, so ve e. hay fields, the reaping or . owill think so much �! tikemselves." ki uld scarcely refuse In Manitoba, where the greater will prevent the seeds maturing a Babiole Wave her mother an alarm- to do md any service which . she b% . . -'* LOVE'S EXILEGI - * 'F.d,- pleading took, which happily tioll ly L P rforl , Site portion of the plants called Wild the usual season. If the fields - 4+ absorbed my attention, and iteutral- could conselen a a U mustard are really bird-rape,which, gone over later with the spud or 0 1 � Ived t4e, effect of this speeoli. I could Would be- happy to act as care -taker is more generally known as charlookc, some such Implement, amol theplants . 4 have borne worse things than poor ".' MY 11OU-Se. and to keep it in or- the best means of destroying this be cut belonr the corn, they must. 4o 4P 4, **+ * 40 nh- -I- -A- -&- -I- K2 Ali -s. Ellmer's rather tactless and In- der d6ringThe winter for future ten- weed is by using (whan the weecl is die. ( I . ;+++*&f.1!#J16r VP%V%VG0rI6V`6VWV** hipid conversation for the sake of ants, Provided I would be kind Young) forty gallons per acre of two When blue weeds pat In an a ' watc-hing her daughter's mobile little enough to understand that she and per cent. solution of sulphate of cap- pearance. remoWe them wlj�tjtlo t I waited for them at the stage door the flash or horror that paised face, and I ,%in afraid they must her daughter would do all the work sp , to b per; but If the charlock be lfv flow- brud It ground As ,,,,,u less the a long time aZter tile perroxtriance 'Quickly over her features andwas hare Nrislied me away long before I of the house, and further that they er aky much as sixty gallons or a four n. MU waa over, suvr Vita rest ar the little gone, how Much the sight shocked could make up my mind to go, 'night be Permitted to reside In a Par cent. solution will be necessary. - cut Off a� anV stage of Its gTowt her, Babolle came to the outer door with strictly private mariner. The asparagus beetle, which has below the I corn the weed must d! company come out in twos and "I was afraid you would forget me, and I seized the opportunity to "Strictly Private. I I laughed been troublesome In the Niagara dis- Wild flax, sometimes known i.� , sh Id . raise flax, ma,y be got rid of . b threes, one or two depressed and sit- to come, perhaps," she said, in -the ask her what tio-ey were going to (10. bieartLly 'to myself at this expres- t riet a u spraying alternating hoed crops in succes emit, but, most orf them loudly cursing prim little way I remembered, as "_Urs. Minter doesn't look strong eioa- The clear lady could hardly wish with either kerosene emulsion or their ma.ila.ger, the 600-tch nation 10 she led, the way into a small room, ellough to act agaln -at present," I for Marc, privacy than site Would whale-oll soap. sion with spring grain crops, or ry l eople Of Aberdeen it, whielo. no one less used to the Bug get with four or five feet of snow followed,by. a hoed crop, the ry in particular. Than the manager , gested. Qu1W Tlle red turnip beetle, which Tis- not being allowed to ripen. - When shifts of travel than I was could Tile girl's face clouded. Piled up before her door. I Was Its Manitoba ,Northwest himself came out, with his wife, a Imye detected tile Ingenious arti- "No. And eveia if she weria, YOU 111.1lit hearted at troy success and had wild flax Is found only in patches buxom lady who had played Helen fices by Willett a washliand-stand see--­�- - Site stopped. to tone down my manner to Ita usual Territories now and again, can be In meadows the infested parts may, MOLewregor With a good deal of spirit, �be,uame a sideboard, and a ward- "Of course. Her plaue would be grave mild melancholy p1tc-.Ii before I got rid or by spraying or dusting the be oat and used Tor soiling purposeeL but who -seemed, from the stoical s Tlie popular filled up 111, kowelred aigain at their door. plants with arsenical poisons In the When Lucerne can be substituted forbearance with which she Soa,otell. plan of sleeping in a cup- "Yes," -very sorrowfully. Than Mrs. Elimer opeaed t4e door her. same wa.a as for the Colorado beetle. for Meadow, the first c0ting would received the outpourings or her hus- board disposed of the bad. silo looked up again, her face grown self, thus disappointin.w me, a little; 8110111d British Columbia be again take place bp -fore tile flax is ripe band's wrath Lit his ill -luck, to be a , Mra MImer looked better. Whe- suddenly bright and hopeful, as with Babiole's simplL. conflapaces, Which visited by the mealy plum aphis, Pigeon weed generally gets 11R., disappointingly mild and meek per- -tiler influenced by tier dau,ghter's a. flagh of auushLne. "But You, acedif t I liked to think were tile result not spray with whale -oil soap and qUas- wheat and rye seeds and timAllyo sort In private life. " Bat what will keelt perception tilat I was a friend be afraid for us, Mamma, is so clever. 0111Y of natural frankness, but of In- sia. Mammoth clover and alsike. It as they do, Bob? I believe the mother's ii, time of need or pleasantly ex- anti, I am young and stroug - -we sliall stIneltive trust In me, were pleasant- ReverItIng to weed% no seeds should be treated about the same as WIld dying," IlLeard tier protest gently. cited at tile novelty of recelviaga be all right. We should bo� altright er to listen to than her mother's be allowled to mature. And by far tile I flax. " Can't lielp that. We must look out Visitor, there wIw more spon- now It only--!, . More artificial conversation. We most Important to the farmer Is to Itag weed and wild mustard should for ourselves. And Mary will make tmnp Were b(Ytll very dignified, both care- see t1bat he purchase his seeds (or be treated alike. ,lt,y than I hail expected "If only?" � a better juvenile at half Miss Bailey's tit her voluble welcome. more bright- "Willy, you see. .van mustn't think ao'mlously grateful to Paoli other, lite Crops -where li,e can. depend upon Wild oat is an annual nala%nep. sarew," said her husband, gruffly. ness in tho Inevitable,renowal of her it's mamma's fautt that we are left and wh-en we entered the sitting. getting reliable goods. It Is false ec- and will fairly well succumb try the -t of all came Lars. Ellmer, thinner r -Russ prellull- OUOMY to buy "ohea*" see S. e wild mustard. Lab excuses for tile ,two city of their In a Corner like title; .you don't 1`00111 and begarl to & d amd sliabbler than ever, leaning art surroundLags. To me, after My know how Rim ema save and manage ltavteo In a somewhat pompous and I'lle 0inadlaoi rhisile Spap dragon or toa,d flax ta, alsO 'the arm of an overgrown girl a lon- exila from everything fair or on --oh! so little. But whe,aever she IOUg-Winded manner. il,ablole oat, generally comes Into bloom In July called butter and egge. and whila little shorter than herself, whose 60Lle in, the Way of womanhood, has, by care anil makin- things do, quiet as a mouse, In a earner, as If and August, maturing Its seeds par- ,young plants may be rootaA out by childishly meagre skirts were In odd ;, jt�lt all afraid to difturb by a breath the bar. ticularly In the latter month. .,Until liand tile summee railcar Is the wasot contrast wltit 'tile protecting, old- the bare little room was luxarlOus saved ill) a. Ilt.tlo Mona mortious settlement Or 11 Plan 00 the fields are cleared of this pest effective remedy. , enough with that pretty youngerea- goes. you know." which she had. set tier heart. drop, out of thie rotation all crops Ouly Thorough Summer Fallowing " fa,illioned mantior In which title out)- ture In lt;4 for Bablole, though silo Tlw sudden reserve which show- At last all Was arranci,e It was ported tier mother, and wlithpered to had lost witch of tier chIldish beauty, e<1 Itself In )ter Ingenious mannerto-I Q11at, allow the thistle seeds to ripen will destroy wild lettuce. The olify. her not to cry, they would be all 8 r Monday; More. 1,31mor and tier daugh- before these are ruit. it $13 desirable Way to. get rid of solar dock. ye and was rapidly approaching tile wards the last words wa ,,a very tor Were to hold them3elves In readl. to plough undeor pa-ituro lan.1 tit Junp Ilow. right. "gawky" stage or a. tall, girl's de- I i ,,, dock. curl,!d dock, narrow 43ck. or, suggestive that tile strun explana- new to, enter Into possps- or iand frout,whIch a crop of ha,v has curli�d runtex (all the 8ame noxIous I made myself known rather awk. velopment, had a sof tueas In hor bIuQ tion or thig Phenomenon, flashed up- � E.10it by the follotring Friday vrardly, for when I raised my hat eyes when, she looked at her mother, on no.yrolind. Wait remoyod early In July, anil to wpeAl) Is top pull out roat and everX- I or Saturday, whi-ii I should return wk>rk the land thas ploughoI upon, %it . Ing. &nil said, " Mrs. Elltxtqr, I think," which now seemed to me more "Then P.ompbody else puts In. a to thcky only %vulked oil a, little faster. Aberdeen to escort thpui to Lark- ttio StIrface. so tliat all thl.Rtlt,�" will Tho wil(i pargalp only, flowers tit Who case was too serious with thom, charming than tile keeti glance of elioloo 1.0, I suggested. A halt Lodgm I rose to take my leave, under Wn'll .fall, or Lite time second .yeax. so that If the flolver unusual Intellect. Site had, 'too, Tile girl latighed it little, Iker full not ,wItIl thp e,tuy rc�pllag or equality IVISM however, for mo to allow myself to tile natureal refinement or all gen- and senaffivf% red tips c)ppnlnx ,.vldplv I tong wintor w1leat. 0p,orate a be cut beropre the seed1forms thv- Ix, paslIv rebuffed, I tollo-wed 'them Of tile day lopfore, halt witil deep hit- t1irm, ,year rotation of vvb�at. rye, I ean bs� Pt once Z)t 61 of. w t, ve r 4V � It With a long antl lamp speech of In- tit,.- natureq, ajj�l hall had enough over lvor,r-%vhltp�, twen t(+tIi,_ano,1 slo`0 mility. anti repemtp(l assurances Of barley, or oats, ith Ao . follv)w. C kl+ r or clotbur will hwicumb t.roiluction. stage training to be more graceful tiodt1pil 4preelation of m.v qulvk gratituile. to witlelt Mrs. Flimer re.- tX1 by It. Itoed crop. In removing tiji�p. I to elean culture,with some hoed eram " Don't you rempmbpr-five Years thart girI9 of lipr age generally are. pereeption. j)lIP(I With milit anti digntliptl protest. tIp4 from VLNrmalteut jul*-.tures on w1flo ser'llag to k,lov4�.- or ul"lki Itgo-4n the Strand, whon you were Altogether. silo luter0ated inegreat- t)i'S.oftlebody v1se wants buch. a lot But. In thopofisagp. Dablolo danced stiff clays tivoo or thm- cuttingg a I graiRs. Vvi"o;, freqnwit ral W -wing, Will acthig at tit#-, Yaude%IlIe-AIr. Fablan ly W thatt I cast about lit my 111111d. things .thn.l. sompbuJv Pla6*8 'Wito I lightly along -to the, door like a kit- , year with the Seythp or Mower for i keep. it itunjer Nubj.lctho�a- R., all ntoaafl &Ott 2" I for vome way or effft-tuall.v helping anti daughtur can tit) ,Without,*, sit,) � 'tea, and holding lip hor finger as a It. few vears will flttffle�%. but III oppit I prevput it from s(4-1sling. and t,,.,o av,- Zablojl�.- storl)ped mrid wh6pered I them, without destroying all clulace wild, with a rolloiVal littip juak- or sign to III(, to keep slIvikep. i3lip clap- subsoil; tho sputl will Uwe to Ix, rp. i tiiouolili!�h V"fo It nome lyth law,,q-ary to nomething -. Atr,-i. S'llinor t.topp-od too of my ineeting thom I-oml again. resignation. Ano, encouraged by my lipki tier linnols noliselt'881F -Uld 11011di'll' sorted 'to. The first entting should 1, go through cora an -I stubl,l,k rioIdoii mul hold out hov lia.tiol with '� * wa� I gal+)lol brought Ili tho tea here�elf. sympatiletic slienep, 010 went tot,; to me several times lit dPIZcI0Us0' be just be,fore the thistles blossom. � fil A%16`1114 alld S Ptc-lubK- saiLto and a suildval eltange to a ra- I whilo Urg. Ellmor carefully explain- "Alld he has 80 Much ta.1013t, Sir. i confiding freemasoors. T'Ito sowthistle, ng,ty Ile nradkate,,(%� Th- s,oLLwort or Vu �-i_an 11A!�tle� Is ed that Mrs. Firth. tb(% lan4dady, had Mande. it he would only g') oil joaljg�, 4 * th,,�,r effuh-tvp ma,niter. . (To be Coatfiried.) In the same ni%vnpr. This wf?ed, tijoc,;4 =Lor;, like th�� c-omu%W4 tuolibi6-wwIll **I lo,og , sarlt odd notion,3 or laying Ing ati poor mamain. goc,s on u.-til,g, .1 1A).us In Jl.l-.,. mal url-t= Ila 8p,,4is In !� tta��,ia �tsl'y ot�ler 1#2 ant I% ve� ,X,,g4,bj.! yonr parolm.n. I ,xin ,,Ruri%. I tII0 table, anot suelt terribly he could rutikc, a,.,. nit riell-If he jjko,�d. 11 i"I.V. Augu4t a,nd &bjR,WmAwr. It West. a0d No 1115vom,t Q 13��;" tfj tt Itit r�ur,­,mtbpr p.,-rfo-tly ,Njr. Soutt Intro. , I r �,11 0*njj,k Qn. 'jrtt�r& Jlartt t� . 'at, , WaliW :� it 0 "n 6r-,,n_d you to tit.% %* % very old frIend 1101sy utrivinprit. that. for the sakp And lahtcad of that -'- ufll grow Lu any kind oil j,AoIj. , , *( 11,1q. Toll will expu.;-, slip. won,t or lipr mothiorIft herw1o. 11ablole had " Dablolo!!" orlW tier inwillpr1a vol, -el V� + � 0)1161 graS4. or (jo-aek anamot. grow I RAP �rllilo,RLAI VarM atIOUvorh 09 1,,614 "tl 7 one titman't pxpelvt ti to see uhalprtakell this little (IOMPI'Lic rather turtly. 1, + ILDREN I � lit all I.ItIN of crop�j tritIn ovirl.v rv,vr,omIaIRq'dpd a Ilm!,Slan ttjj�,,J+_� to 1xi, _ Pit front towil ill WAP lju� oluty herse1r. Bitt. from a glillipRe .1, ye + HOW MANY CH vritog uxul Iwo antilmn. fliatuiInk I Ibl�ke;'.1 If..0 opjkt�tl �ke:!1Wjj.3j+�)j­- . V n"Ituniallita.­ "rilell i�hv �ftdded. + � � , ,�$% J*� that '11 L '16 got MI kif it 1110 PUP49 1wav bo a-)Iuc, rawgiar witlK %1*111".-Ilew4i partg. HaUo4, % iny d tar, .Vtoll I (oaught later of Mrs. rit,114 handq, I Ito 41411irkly, with, a frightew-4 * + I W4 190C48 in August. 'I aq site liel-I the kitchen door to spy glance baek Ili Rho duttic, tow,vards the '+ + V It remember lfr.—_ I � � + IN A RMILVA ? + plonniii lightly &Ttpr J'arVC1,qj+ thpui 14,�itntd bo,� ta, I - -a 6. learroul Ivith tho Ortftltar.v loarrom 11 .�Zg � t io U, i; I t wl,j,�ro�ov Up - 4, � , V WW4�j A trAtt:6 , i gv� "MaIdd1l," W -Ad I "'It 14 Very gtjotl ot at uIr mVit front btlilh,11 It, I think door ,.of their ruoin: " It's high , tlg JJI� - r.��tj% tialfstlo =1 to rmwm1r,sr -nits at 411. aftor there nuty have boon strongi-r rea, i hott to ,,way even oso M!tcll as th,s. bat *.*++*+ - aud dw� no sprutc wotlij clultivator 1� NLnke. por*;&�'t nttt Dlto�, , 'to a INIg tim�. But I couldn't re* ooklw for'keoping tier In the back- it !-j hard to kno%v how s,,,,� tries, 9 is 110 j� to altake, Uko rfwts of tod" gram free ii go to COV4. and tp two % Para v nz wm sliAt VIP temptation of .411paking to ground when It" arlstotlr&ILILI and I anti yet not to blioult or it to day- Wisest OT Itnall'-di phil'osoplipr, . fro; il:o sooll. Wlv�ji dr.v b,ara -ilualm, 00 rld OT at, But be �.irofql 'ii�A OR whoo haa 8-lia that too mito 19a,.q Dived ji 1, I I .yoa; one sees. as 'you 8a.y. so fp%r preftmably cleinLy visitor was ikojje� I doll -t mean to blilln., Illy .,0jX1k1ft thil" p"Ift-q Vwl(lo For LtEnrflce! sped 0MV3 b," na PlIft, MITA r,44aa " � fatilt'r. Sir. ML. ,I . ail4lpt but YURI kor"M 41 We Wh* Ilas nut 1101h) these I and twiela grasa; %ill d,9s,AP,X_Qr. possible, wjj ey'Mi9p ov"vAall ,lifito b4in � up lift -P whom one likiss to abMI4 Ike ldez . gq eall fellow rrmt�lrpx '.811qq Babloie. Dablole did not talk mileh. but what Men are--?' %blugs -. 1, The Ox-EyeD 001SY 112 r@oXIrd to MIT seed atA, �, =logo& or pouot,e ,growtod out of knowledge.' I when, III the emirsp of the evening. It Nvemed to oveur to her that Us ef ! blosavlanq from Zpano to AP,PtL�d'�C' any of th" al"EaNer ana O!Z�.Ito.,r X041 , olle tho rather of a ehlt4l,o i _O le. r4j)r% JXI)td4,U�%, _ _:p. It ,p Ivan hu,vp il ,;.,,�,q tj, I.At6 . *ti. A*t gi�pn mue,h tit I 1`0 to dvwrihhn�: Lark-Inall and lite thig was tin Indibereet remark, h3l, 1 y Q�lo Z"It"ri,cold, pablan. jat4!jy, Mnq� Fit- e6untry dround It, In deference to Ilaid -yej, yes;* wath entire ,ru"our- sailta 110ume. an"I ixrow,q vvor��tvfgpro whvre ii is vafed trolt. WOO t�akf,�n) eare or. wal tier V poor Nfr& Ellinor'd thirsty W1311 to reneo,; for laidee,li %vito sh ... im DaDow 111alattl a trce� i! n0t wanik Tld-; we,,o A tq propnetmted I'D tv.-o %-ea-r.4 r,rd ku'. I-md,jr tj,,�t 'Varx� 11*44*)� tnd",I� I wpat on tour at the khow Inare of the rolliekIn,- Iuxttry WitaL 11jen wc�rp better than I? After ! WrItten a to;k. 9 "n'.111twoy by MON-ong of ttur�u, set.t. "3n,j rtwnslbT: ttqZSa(4, U'lir ,of tc�,Aii!,-- 311 , ftd ot thr, apwoon whon, t first load or my bachelor horno, the girl'Eweirtos 1 thio,t bhe seemed as auxtons tio get Tile first o! theso- qlnUeq pre.,w�rjrw-,A ,� t.,f E,�,O=OZD 0'a ­C'1'..r"a.V" S_�,�'].4�L 0trjt%r J'�V),ItU� 39 *,VC_,!� J-!�� thp plpasuro of jaeottng ft � , � , you. and neente,11 to. grow 11arg,pr w110 'I - � rld of m_% as Clollljy aillowLA" b,tt I 't " havp b#pn tw,je�ug t6ver olnee.'* tense Interest; aon,j. nittor a titliek 6 ambitious men kas ae, had Fw,:OIue,thldg to sa.y. , d a eurions J� , ",_ ­­ r ­­_ ­_ -,_____­_­, - --- - *--,--------,.------__,_— Z .a n9n,t %,oil ght. & � t�n� tir,4_1 of the Ili- 91aftep at Illy thep, whieh find, I I gabbled It oujt fast and nerwag. inquirer to ask whelh--r a , Omit 6hovaal %vey. Stv� Nul C'g , '. An "Volhappy AM* Oil Lov#. 't,eigqant tj�veillng? I snpiofiSo root saw, an unslopftk�,tblvo horror for tier. a ItWsky Whi6lojvr, lest MAIR. b0aLt,itcht*j 1L,9 tt's jugTol&ae;A� *-T wozard Vkv, a umuQurfun." s,21111 tho ", rt '", it=�, to M,- troat a '00 e-mllm, g�"Idono StRIV * at iII,, tj%6',I J,er C'Ye. fir '. Ilki Im, , �I, week 'I 1111 t o a sar shont,ol Catch my pro- The ,qanday 11ir.l44 has ismullt� I '"'I�" Of "I buteAv.r arounvii 1124, rohmer Lty -alil aver ag-aam. jV4 More ttIL �, a he ma-s'l,harjo v J�" lb-lelk at�d 1- , enek Place, �" rprullint-11 -is V1,110t a,4 A 4tat.1109 posill, njul 8DW bhould al.ty it Du thia , liv WULOM raotl ruft V had iW im dpquaftI. ; might ba h_-)jv,�7 .Tyrr-t, liov-0 dmg r'ot Isomptiffleg only two or 'three widle I entarigoPon tile W)OR1411,11- bird. Otoialoas on the halkell. from ro'.1-4-pers T61,taip awn e, ofifforem, astir -s. say ' die. Ixwe is tUe Me tsve.Nasttng. It I 1, Ill -lits. It Is extrowely fatl9ding. 1*1 !ties or my I.Ionke.V1, my lirmls, III). 11.00k here, Sltsg RaWiole. It $;od largely Vafla*t Ito i4gc'. nationaw*Lwqy� mclAy-leighl, t1firty-sh, all 1 J.INY414� ,!-ZA!Pr9 rqjlj�ldieg a!pd 8�,riLpPC-S, - an'j, ;_ � � tho, vlow from Illy smly .1 facl I ano going to iako a rest for dog. an I like the WIN, and yolt dou7t inind and f3acUl. dvgr,�e. T.key may Ve in,La- ;1LIIst4�r-r0F,1 thp givi-qV0,1 fit Q41 New 11 at aujiv &% 1"a-ld bestead and have to & short time, for I find tbi! nightlY Wihdolv Of the Videk just visiblo Uri' dold, an -.1 ,vonr mother woiatg a latt I as fd1tows: Vo,"&, Yi�Aft Club. Thfi btst. w1ro wno figInt ' for i, 13r.—b t at 11s a VC � - I S , p -1 . j�i .. : work too mitell for nil in My present namtv between th*- bmes- brant-hea of ro, - G. rw on %vow a .jr�? a, 'A rj .1 _st and a cimuge, filiten. I was r _M vg, a t;nit I�j uhm-arKA, gal I joi$t' . IVP tt4anght WjUj '� OaFa. amd il W-11st be CJAINSLel t-tid ; atate, of health,,, r5he Sale.: with a the bireh-treeg. just r ing t,o ad%'Pf'tj,t0 J'ar ,�offle Ile got m-'rri"I howo'll I Dike .1 luoUsfI., �-Zjjy O� Ilk, 90 . Sayi-ig th,tt curjj�,lr, n are ­IuOS1,.1Lg*1S to . .7 10�'Jng twung. We tiato td�ave attempt to cheek tile tremor "I should like to live right among One to act as carc-taker In a i4ttle fortune.�' Tau Teuton:c pt-opoes. juir- rao : Ill" NONt. 4`1 1=11 01 (APPEPUee- Mws and pmalLfll-�z; 64: the slayets. . - I In hor tok"t" which was un-511eakAblY tho h111% lilt, that," Mr, vali 80MY9 lodge Vvro got-seotreoy thor,- than I ve"wrly alve outell, jmvk Upon tive sill'I M" load a 10,18-xtul to give avva�', . of tapp il .. jVj-aL,t elwart 654's in F.,_aj=� , j eut p1tvaus to Me who knew the true i wjj,vu her INIZItiler 11.1,1 . � ­ "NINIVIA0,11 ller a Cottage, bill a I.ttl,v place lJon't st0q,L- as tho lmrblngor of gool for- an I the thovl was thm.ghtfoli aWbUl". 1! wo 1-ap mritMerets 'm Iove 1! ;4 � me� reor,;ou of tln­1rPst:' I mj)N-sslona Of AdoltatloiL want to go 1,.o raek &rid rula. It you tune, being so opposlu'l, to the'PI'lic- Vhrn valtl: -I'vo yiss,,O tBewig4 Tl.otia ;! wBierat J�a I . fav_� ., . I 4 . spa,zes alftf] sffen'so-A - 'Would jsoill You would flud .Ind slip voul,l exist there in the ueas of tito ellor naMyns in the ,a, v. L in 11 if e going to stay In Aber- .p go ': Vaot;- ms" be L . Violate bAr., you will allow in? tot`Ntl � jolipi'v. It very _4 t. �5o,Of' WOV,IeSy. nral. uoutd tit,e to '� m It an or6ea, L , . In wh tek 3rou would be winter -It ia a plaive where pest ,Rvltrjvcs��, rtoift the t'nw�s Of "Aparta on U211,0A it"Iud bri �n i'L an ovo.- ag�jird. I � &�q,wfji i. .#*�' .'L,�,-d I 9,'Y Unme. tan& *,`hog 4" 1 - I - , ;Voan live near Milliliter, forty � Showed up, It"'4 11 -ertainiv . r ,eF orn tiving no'y toylwo,R alrep nr�oro upon MuAl iftost ,A . Indy be hild tot, tiv. Askitl1g, anti it thitout'll the hatrots of the iiatm �! vu(Im' tctgirltlier, WaftUtog ji,jdg=,-.Amtj,, miles away in tin- eolIffittY ,so Y0u be Ili a Week iv two; and even when - ' To: , panilson. I wotl?d rj7k . to �, (), " MZ" ' really isn't ton urivomfortnWe fittle ,he ciliti, as N Ing hiAller to the nm lahtwggh My g ' ..j. Mj,- t,],�,'. 1"Nmg, what INraza we P�,,-��A_l t �' gues, I.,%, thankfully I snatch I - '11-111-11.111 to -v, ,1111 I vtm't tte,f .you wiloft a ter- I ;lust be a boy indeed. Imve It oz;o, arrar"-,-� that I eou5l ZWO ,, 111,011d� JR.v Ivag In our pm.v4_,4r, anA, &*,L a chance ot S_-eiag a little so- p . we A�%v it, betwt-o,n tgs. I'vo, wef* ­­­ ----- - ­­- . 'r , ej� upon alaags,Ms� talln as luis rialr,ntor atl the , 1 S16 t.atftv r,ves nov.rong .a �, C1341.11 I - __ Vim ,you woutd, lo'., tjoing me It srou , ttbawigh I018 ,VOUZrA 01-02 P30V Lke Ij�,IR411C-.Q',� joVers. ar�,-r�,; was t- (* "' S. Would P,�r-,uaxl,s yone moti,-?r 'a five � thevil progeny a s ­jewelsi,­ as 414 the 4WIly -_ � At the Word `600MY" MtS- '8111110r NOT WEATHU, AILMENT ' ", =1�01CWA. stst-rin�-, Ilion V.IN'tr Of tilif',- imaddest; gLaildest brblag. in it until--untU I t3nd a tenant. yon 4 lolmo.tIff 1"'Onlan nlattall. IVItIo all tiap we, sia : 11ftl6led almost liv.stetieftli'v. — I ri,-�,g- wwu�h Caught Me-.1*-N'eW 'Totk , ri"VC1rea ,�I am �.frakd ydo`� will find solitude 1, know. In simuv�ti Imts wIrgdartis to prevent, it ts f 1 _Qrf� , JELt, 4�'jt,j ��L�n,­ -jolpa- 1. reing , � p� _ jW,Ljt L"Clq. ,�'l 'ala a I _1 -t . 10th H-rtall. . , 1W � vv�nt �0 ra" 'to 0-atrarl cut &-ic"(D �E,jat 'hould ketp at hatid (q,j T,(.Ilt foe tll�- poac.�-, Lilly as it 19, I EL fact that IOU- . , ( at,erij, 310(hLor's S, i Can gp vitinlaev 01 -h-ty", slip said, I 't.1', 31.6"', . ;A- , livelier than our Ea,� , to Cbeck Affinouts that lt oftly I van tind smaooft,-s to I IL10`39ds In thc etvalatriv-swilleli m- - v -x0 HEI-Tt ,WL- Kc -al bi-Aill-nd us -am' to* �. ns ro.- tiviT Not Surom"kool at tilp tottly. the """ ol unar ft -no mavo h,5avgy w1.111 a pitiral atULMIA to ba 0theti'viso May Provo PL'tial. q ke�,p 'It front going: tl� pieces? in tile � eal all nahy hold ftotoriol ill , * V-prightly. i I g ll d- md the r4x,- ,E� 5i'mait. We, Co_'�.'tej ,a *h,n ill-, V-ratEl r r, ­ Well, will yon lf�i. me tty V, 1_1 h .t III � �__aj�jq � "weantinie. 11'fs not ba4ly turnish- tcootda In tile sllpmlesslon Of 10-0 *1 T02 d6n% t'.. " = -. 11t:1 Bm&y Is � " . 11 . I ar5s to � It2a tlefu o�! 'a , ,�470-1 wit, 'r M, . Pit" I IIIII-ried oil mondaehm,dy. "and I UVqte bitth- b � irwitt-I'd nsn'�i�o ,�', .a an mtfi. I Rcaigy, Mr. jj.tn,je, when we are of the little lite ar�. apt to gliq, . Z�V�,'til " Xqn-,-s.� at�d S=ot,"­E-re!1r it cir ry we live In such a ver,y g `* i tlwrs�'s an oli womjn to di tile 9l leads Via wor*d. In tlo:9 countTY rOs- L 411-�s: 5tv"; Qvw,� 01 kn_�qwel il ltl2c;e P, . tou 1�-,avls. U li� � lolsed . .; - -# im,Djr,j�_ ,�; we n ,-M - awa. .IOn.4mv6tk---P i trl vurpr qt W. -r." -14 III tile count , , y befor., ,volt know it. You can't % It bn��at'.i,eJ nt qmtet Way. & eour.�� Ws different I � In - Zor ', . wilien one & to lown aml has one's . W11tch the 1. . tL"swer to t�je queg[on, How , .� f.jjt�_ -tj, Kir- ,; r .- Et. I . It ,stn.�,eA mpan zj,1;. NV,,LN two* .f Ittlex One too carefully Unt here Bab"56le, who, had b�en itate .,in L'� ,g "�t I, I er 10jr ,j ma"I =d womnT,j, jj,v�.tf.,I 1,0 a fg�_Af cown iservants- aill "these Scott.h. at tfibq Period. Dyseotery, dl:ltr- f1rinking in nly words with parted U'Liny ChLildren shoa,d eonst vtozs�p&v � - 'I,- I idt,,11 funlily ? a 1jeta"pi welter IV.'is ratl,-%, isl'age_-�-q os st S�ap-e�,_--,[�,- gavi; ,- P'. ' I , I r, r lif) lor)tliian of waitin- at " 110041, 0101 -TA thfAittutio and 11110 Bpi ,and staelight ev,pg jj!,p A t5jild ,� people 1mve � I . pvrplexed by the differl-,9 vlew-S 0'1 ere -all rn�_,tv, trust -w:10 -�V�t teble or setvInt,, thing,s devently." I ders of tile stoma -,-h are alarmingly at its first pantonlime. dattled� lb��- Q, M!Iv S11-il t -A-0 *V,2r TDt:E"_` - . . I tile difrert,rat wpn anfi wonleol tO � 4'r'lv' Pr t",v 9't.1 ":' 9'":� _Ft0:U a 1,�fter J,i 141 knowk I knoww" I bt0k Til' ­ronfe.��S;c"n`q 01 a %VqTe,­':,1M ak ' - frequent dnrin�.t tit - hot. molst wea� ,.Vildeted. delightel. dteW jjprse�f J -P sTs. n 4. a In eager , - ' IL )LM fit. Proj�fj!jnjlr--1 llica civery tow bmaugn� beanty Ls anili a Iv. "I'm used to all that , MYSPIt. Why- tiler Of the su'lluy 'r .-noaths. At the straight awl bi,came spidilmnly prim. I W it , jilly Century. * I - ,­ThfcPy­ sald a. wom-1-2 in i��01_-- a E. L"'. flive In .o. tumbli-lourn old housPWIth first sl;�-] of ally of tnese, Or avy or I "In t1vat -case. Ur. Mande," sald I ,� . .. .......... ­­­ __..._.-1-.-4- . --.1 ..... . . _­ _!_rt' . ___.!__t,'.___ .. 1-1 . L..-,.. I".. a. w_nkey and a s, Idia.- for my house- the afful �nts that aff;lct little ones, s1w, with dent Mat resente"I I 12t`�-Itt&tt L � � - ­ - " ­ ­ - '_­ ­­ ­­ ­ ­_­ ­­ ­__ 'I I ,Own Tab'ets. These tll,� Fusj;jcIon ", "If LIZ." all - -_­­ - ­­­-!___ 1 _ _ ___. give Ba!)y 8 "re Ilrid�l , - * - Irym, hV you may judg-� tilat I have . 'Of ellat-ft 1. - . L . L, -got used to the dl,seomfortS Of tire � Tablets will sppt,d!lv relleve and i ­ I I ... , '­ ", L .... ­ ' ' - A�l 'she doesn't wan No othe peom I �V lu I su I zrorth: . j promptly Cure ali 11�t wea titer ail- � woman can take cate of tile howz / ,^I ery Aluk I I l saw Bab.-cole; stpattlilly shake her merits. Keep them in the house, - I L tv r � A I n1d i el a� t- , , N Tr....,. ble no-ith'--r1a arm, and � move b er lips in ' tit, Lv- laT omp -_ u qe ma -v sa re a prt clous ' ie take care of her.7 I _1-11-11- ....1.1, "-�.-",".-.�",�"."�'-r�"��..�.,--...""...,.11.�.�.11� .... . _ .... . . ... . 11, ... I -1-1-- i "But I tull you slj,�'s dpad'!" I batst. i �a falalt "yo -0, yes," Reluctantly, and little Vfp. 'Mrs. H;wbert Burnham, i .. With more excuseg tot having let smith -s FAI.-, iftt., cays- "When my out alagriLy, annoyeJ at my blundpr_% I Ile Stuludy These SYMPtOMS and See if You Are in Need of the 03 reat the age,Ut_jU,%d.Va,Uee take lodgings, PI -Jest ebild was Elx wepka otl Ing. "There was tin old woman tor . tot- them which they would not have m infantuou look aftost the place, b -it ,-tile was I -V known what a i and Avas at death's doov. IIV V101 -tor Aevent ' v4oat, and slip died tile week I Nerve Restorative, looked at had tilt re In, Airs. i &dvi§� me to Use Baby's own Tab� before last. at old age -nothing in- lovr Ire-fthborlicod thoy we , _ ­ . 11 r, . 1. - O- . tilmaj. at last C,onseytted that lilets, And 1.11 tWentv-four hours baby tectlone. Now. tool, here, you teill , - '­ .- ,r jik M I ... � - E., 1; b�, , %,r I witil them %nis better; the vomiting ary I purg- your mother, about it, find see it ,,r, : I ", '' NEI ' ' oboald call tud ULIM tea DR 01"HAS N MVE F0 0. Z*Xt day. I ing -ceasNl and be rogained istrengt1i .van ,cannot . persuade bet, to I I waint back t* rny b&tel aftd P11- i MPIMY- I have uSted the 'Tablets lor Oblige 1116. I ant Sure th 6 and weary�. no We, no enat'gy, tjrW all f he tIMLe, throy.jng, rggad S rOaw for the tight. The'6ther �tllmevtts -of children since, Wild chang%6 Vvoulcl K1,y her good; for IV& PZ,esllest, lange.did, Wea:k - I I n a* n ' P-11PIZ.3iting tjeatt�r a �e� poort V0,0MATI1v sranki�ft face haurited a1*a,ys with the happiest Vesults. I very beiilthy there. WI Imairt 1m,thrun'. sleepless ' on � a" 0 q ,moru Ug a g,ior, hot " us�las ' � in tag, Ina-bi'atv t,awork or - , "'da g I as and ' n " b"" s " 'I � n ub e0l, d�axl a I Over' cold ban g�e P "I n I _I twitch t rig � 14-12 t I "t ar, ou's, inns � �9 - Ira t t I �P,nden 'b P , - b P da� �u .r . 8 - r' �l, !_ of ma' I r OW ' ir, a on'. IM even in my sleep.; rand I gkew,can -s!iaeetely f'a Ty, you ktow jjjifjk,pKl%,,tjj�;tjoro oil exer'� to Tlaggi 9 appatite. islo* - commend them t16 the Qu'Peil ll'veb� *tthlto 'eight miles dIgpstja;,n, foOd beavY7 ing han ilietvouo vvheir halt-pal§t 'four -came, . ffiother-9 as a mefticive that should of my bouse, and you may be sure ,a- t n1sanij limbs. litz. , 08 0 10 _ s ea 0 co , let . t�� a a -Ili v d1clin - U V e 1)"'Ittl . a- te#t I should 116a,t, on. &trLvIljgriLttbe always be kept in the bouEre, Hat 'Maipsity wofuldn't be allarived to 'Steady gait, llmbqpurr� , ily r Ile! Ut,h-5St`arI0aI,trY' or lauig%ii _' .1", I ' at Anythitg, -settled no �11"l ra r , or , " ro I llay, b, bake and dirty 1,coking stone bouffe Little ones tbriv% alre good natured live- anywhere where the .,tlr wasen't I ��n 'tre --yo to ._, . MI,q. clin- .49 Canada , �"' It'..'tite'. a. nm t -, 0 been, a great s-,,Ltrarar - a P , it , ,Whirit I bad alreacbl taken care tO.and grow plump and rosy in bomps good. Now, Will you promisfe to try t * I _ ro, d , ,1,.,l,. I 1, d to a V R,, .10 I my whol. rier", rjord out that site was dead. How- where Baby's Own. Talilefs are used. She ValdF "*Ceg," And I knew- friom front w-rVo,L1VhPa*l1W1IB-_8n4 er, = � ervoms system sperarA; vre:%k - over, my fears had run awa,y with Children taki-,n ibem as readil,v- as tba low, eArneot whisper in which anCIreXIlanited. I hive found Dr. Chn.. .� -Prvp Fo,1A very Itelpful. ,%eemed to go'right � I t , � _ , t6 th� Of tra, , , seat knocking 91 the door of icandy, and crit,ib_4d to, a powder they she brf-,-Abli,od �xit the word, that the ,g)le, rrfrjjaVing tllL- headarilp. '.ttirproving Wgcsstloa aud toning up they tkystenj gpnerally '. . t . Me. On my 11 _�K ;r>ymOn.q,. 4o� St. Clair strqst, Bellevillp, ont., states - ,'Some wal-k'? ;ago )tile, top flat at tile little house. can. be ;given to tile youngt'st Infa,vt weeAt it with all )iot woul. I Ip'tt I ' j I beg'sn a C� Of trewelt. and sniff- wttll tl�e 'foest of results. .15old at bat and almost ran back ta, My hotel, Want *ii1i DrXh"a'ig Nprve Food, and found It a ver.y imtbif=tary Tnedizine. I Wa4 ro,rntprl.v troubjed -1 I Rablole oPP-fled it, prettv" Itirg stores or -you cam. get them ,&s excited AN & selm witilitervow),oxilhust," And 2% Wi3ak. flutterimix hestrt. '%Illn�,'vc-rw.'VbeArtbOthe'kedfnPlwoaldliave,-,p JI)g, In ap Sitn'pla dregs Of' some sort - 4 oil 'boy, longing u.'i &gz, ship -as of this treatment Ala Ot . .ropsg MY Tierves 'lla" 1, of brown stuff, with lato aud a I pbqt pald at 25 cents a *hcox by tot the be1t n1ovatug to cam s' R6 we'ak-nem a ,, w1ijiMi were vpry 4.1stress ,% 'B�v mea bec-oug - - D -P. Wjljjftw�' f)jjjj 'a �t I CoUld 11r1trottg ana lietatIT I 0 ,necklace round hat ta,lts Olift wAtIng direat to tilip, go� k,to Bro&d ettebt v aud the twtic�n or my heart -seems -to be regular. I-Oan recommend Dr.. Clutsea :Ron* a ra� � . fed tteo i6tt Medicine, itiltbat. glie had dot seen my r"e i medirl-ne lbo., Brookville, oilt, 6t) Md leAta th yhy hd­* frank. rood a* AA excet . Auyono Vrho harA wjtri-,� oebts a box, at all dealevs, -or Mmaneon, Bat,* & Co., T,ci-rolito. ,t - - I i� befOre by ftylight ; a-bd 1� ,6a,w, �by ' Scho.necrtady, N. Y. , ised yby atixf- Dr. dhadeg MrVe'fOrd, W . I .. - V 11 I I i . � . � . � I . I I � I � . I . . r . . � .. �". � ..... .. � ........... ... � . ....... L . ........... � ...... . ­ r � .­.­­_.­___ .... .. . .... -111-11 _. ­­­­­ .... .. ........... . ­­­­ .. .. ....... _­,_­_­­­_­ . ... . ... ....... ­­­­ . ..... . ­­... ....-I-11-11 ..... � .... � ... _­ ...... I'll ........ _ ...... ....-�-11.1�'.......�1.1.1"iiL."-�—,., 4 . ..... - ......... ___ .... __ ., '.