The Herald, 1902-07-25, Page 7k 0 -iter 141-4,44 itge, 44414/ iintLe," A:Mr-777 .4,11% 7V I1/ c%tslolooielolinto****ett*. **s I_ IT'S [XII_ * 444444:44444-444444ak I petalled Wm aside with one vig- orous thrust and went up the court, followed by the outraged gebtleman, who made no attempt to molest me, except by a torrent Of abusive eloquence, from; which gathered that lie was the husband of one of the ,twtreeses at the 'theatre, and that she did not ap- preciate the virtues of her lord and ;meter ae he coneklered she ought, but that, neverthelees, he per - tasted, In affording her the protec- tion of his manly arm, and would clo au, In spite of all the d -d mash- ers in London. At this polut the stage door -keeper came cut of lila little box, and in- formed the angry gentleman that if he went on disgraeing the place by his scandalous eonduct his wined serviees would be dispensed with; "awl it there'll no money for overtaken them before they could af- ford to replace the garments of July. The little one was about eight years old, a slender creature with a flower- like face, round which, from under a home-made red velvet cap, her light brown hair fell In a naturally curly tangle. Something in her blue eyes reminded me of the child -like charm of ilelen's. Scott stopped them to say good -night, effusively addressing the child are Ids little sweetheart, and telling her that if the boy who gave lier an apple last Sunday gave her another the next day, he should find out where he lived and murder that buy. "Beware, Babiole, of arousing the jealousy of a desperate man." he ended, folding his teams and tossing baek Ws head. The child took his outburst quite seriously her to earn, there's be no beer for "If he offers me another apple I yoe to drink, Mr. Ellaner," contin- must take it.," she answered in a utal the little old man, with inure sweet, demure litres ; It would be rude to refuse. But you needn't point, them pull:einem be angry. leer I me like you, too.' The threat hal itistant effect. Mr, Elliner indention into, indignant "Like me, toe," thundered Scott, walk end dawn the equare ;or a clianee of one mare lOole at Ilea elow. well I IttieW how she would °mile down tile steps, in a tiadd, hesitat- ing way, hoefoirtezleil by the lights she had just left, puteina, •each. little dainty foot a moment above the next step, Mt into the Carriage like eoft white bird, and drop her pretty head back •with a . eigh, "Ole I'm so tired., mamma t" her white throat curved gently above the swansdown of her cloak, tite golden fringe of ouris falling IiineelY almost to her eye- brows. I tutiet wait -I must see her again 1 What I On the arm of an- other .nia,n The blood rushed into my head as these incoherent thoughte rose rapidly, in my mind ; all the pas- sions of my life, of my youth, dam- med up as they had suddenly been by my aeoldent and its fatal, oonee- gnomes, seemed to merge up, break through the barriers of resignation and resolve, and make a madman of me. I was not master of myself, I could, not count upon what I should do if I saw her ; seeing my way no more than if I had been blind or intoxicated, I turned away, and finding myself preseeatly in silent Bond street, I got into a hansom and went back to my hotel. I fancied that night that sooner or later I shoula end by suicide; but In the morning I had to pack, to buy things for my journey, and to set out on my travels. The worst wrench. was over; hefore I had left England a w-eela I was almost a philosopher. For five years I lived 'we.aderer's life, and found it fairly to my liking. I hunted the boar In Germany, t wolf in France, went salmon field in Norway; shut two tigere in Ind' got as far as California in search. adventuree, of which I had plent passed a fortniglit with Red Indians, whom on the whole I prefer in pic- tures; and began to acquire a dis- taste for civilization, mitigated by enjoyment of meetings once a year with Edgar and lea bian Salta I retained the lease of a shooting -box and a feu- ranee of deer foreet by the Dee - side, between Baliater and pictur- esque little' Loele efulek. Larkball, a.s the house was ea/Lel, became, therefore our yearly rendezvoire. On our seaund ;fleeting, the party wae inereatael by a new uneueer. Par. Nerilliant Fusnell, gentiemari who was "-something in, thee eity." I never multi tante make oat what that wine -thing was, bat st must have orgeet.en found himeelf so 00mforte Into that, At, the 'eritl of tim fort - x iglit'e Mit of my frleads, he again ataxic, objection to packing, up, which 1 -serail in lite mood to listen to ledul- .en ! alt. seems 8+ pity like to leave the laee tilt the shooting season's over, don't it, eir 7'' lie betearded, one morn- ing. "'es, Fergason, perhaps it doee." "The continent wouldh't run a,vray If It was left to look after Itself a few weeks longer, would it, sir ?" he went on, "'No, Ferguson, perhaps it wouldn't," said I. "Shall I leave tile packing till to- morrow, sir 2" he then asked. ;well, yes, I think you may." From which It is clear that Fer- guson had already been sbsewd enough to assume a proper authority over Ins nominal remoter. I had become a little weary of Wan- dering, and although I by no means intended to give up the nomadic life which I had led for five years, I thought that a couple of months' rest would be a very pleasant change; I could be on the move before the cold ,wetether set in. But September passed, and October and November ca,me, and it grew very bleak; and still I stayed on, finding a new pleasure in the changed as- pect- of the gaunt hills, In seeing the snow patched grow larger and larg- er on Locimagar, in outstaying the last of the late visitors, and in find- ing a sleet where solitude needed no seeking. The railway rune from Aberdeen to rimaimmotwomwomimarmalwommiawftwavitommommoonamotm I 1111011111 1)1110 ifiti OCI{ 10 Dig 8101eS PAIMMN0AWANiA10/1NNWiliWPMMMINVMWMIIWWIMINYMPVIMWWW0MVWANWVW(9111/1WKA Breeders of pure bred stook, deeir- the required affidavits and certifie Outs of Sending animals to the United States, frectueatly Weite me for formation in regard to tbe regula- tions governing' tile importa,tion of Canadian stook into that country, For the benefit of such breeders the following eunimary of tlicee regula- tions is given : a. Ali animals Imported into the metes!, raast be detained le quarantine foe.' one week at the expense of the owner or importer, ander the super - 'vision of the inspector in eharge. Ant. mals found. to be free from disease at Ode end, of thie time will be released. Transportation. 9. All cars aSegl in the transportation of animals stiuSt be first thoroughly cleaned and then United States from -Canada must'be desenfeeted by whitewaebing with A accompanied by an affida,vit =adobe' mixture of lime and carbolic acid 'ba- the owniteete Ipporter, declaring fore the animals are placed therein. clearly tbe plueloee for which said Shippeirs must see that this is clone au'rualis are Imporeed, whether before the animals are loaded, as un- bar breeding puipo.ses, for milk pro- less these regulations are complied duction, for work, for grazing, feed- with the cars will not be eetinitted Ing or slaughter, or whether they tot the United Statee. form part of settlers' effects, or Treasury Regulation, whether timer are horses entered for temporary stay, as provided by the The regulations of the Trea,sury regsiations. said affidavit must be Department of the United States die persented to the Collector of Cue- root as follows.: toms at the port of entry, who will Registration. 10. -No animal for decide ,whether the animals are en- breeding purposes shall be admitted titled to entry under these regale- free or duty unless the importer fur - tions, and who will notify the in- nishes a certificate of the record and speotor of the Bureau of Animal In- Pedigree in the form hereafter given, duetry in all cases where the regu- showing the animal to be pure bred lotions require an iiispectien to be and that it has been admitted to made. f till regietry in the American book Horses, 2. Horses for breeding, of record established for that breed, Balloter. One morning arriving at racing. Show and sale purposes, for a,ndlthat its sire and dam. and grand.. the little station for my papers, I graztng or for work must be in- sires and grand -dams were all re- ed was sprected at the port of entry. corded in a book' of record establis1e4 c .2atele, 3. Cattle for breedLng par., ed for the same breed. An affidavit sa poses, mtik production, grazing or b the y e owner, agent or importer that '51 •teeding must be Inspectea, and must it such animal is the identical animat , be accompanled by a certificate d lb el ' the id 'f' I eser e in e sa, certi mate o by a Canadian official veteri- °' igned train or boat s rt 'without me. I 6 ' • record and pedigree tweet be pre- nar:an, stating that no contagious sent a buy to Larkleall with a n ei- seated. sage to Ferguson. who, with a lad (116eas ' e affecting cattle, excepting • Unless the certificate of record and . under tutu. conetltuted ray entire househuld, took my ticket and start- ed. It was pat. five when I reached Aberdeen ; after a sharp walk to tlie brig o' Balgownie and back, 1 idr&l a private room act lietel, and dined by myself. Making inquiries about the theatre, 11 learnt that the entertain» months old for breeding purposes, , . and for miech caws must ale° show- the collector to produce the requt, 'Bent that week was very poor. and ' that they have been submitted to situ certificate within sir monthe further. that It had been so badly I tiat tuberculin test and foetid free from the date of entry; wherespari patronized that it Was doubtful whe- ' from tuberculosis, giving the date final liquidation of the entry will be titer the unfartunate plite'ers would I (A" testleig, vrith the chart of rear. - get their meagre saiariee. I was !Von ani a descaption of the cattle thsePeenedrtlificuanttellorthtelie Per:pdlirleattii°onn °el glancing at the. yellaw hill whieh ad -1 th axe nei ; I 1. Ake lianingileillnimf; be r'fillirPd -/lo f 'f' ' f verties.1 "Rob Ild,y" all a SatUrday. the six months. Upen the Dralue- r 4... . . 4 night attraetion, when I read the to be inspected at 'Una port of entry n o the cern mate an One ornt. mumbland went Alum] thecutirt w 1111 g lg. 4 - g'' ON% rinii0 rteeedvitgly pleasant are,. : again- veil and earth I The.> is how the girl - narnee of Miae Bailee and Mies Babl- 0 -I berativr. profesaon, sante Mr. Fels- ea, ee „ . i an. any ntunntl sftowillg. RYnII"ma entry the amount up 'it A I" 11 / within eix months from the date ot. dares to trifle with the firecest pas- eel, ...e pee e. s 4..i. JO ; read forgotten auye.lf hi inter- '10 conetnettl v ,deseribing `-'"' "a ''''S' of tuberculoais time be suliesteil to , • . est zet, the rieit ef Mr. Mauer. tu - himself tar ono of the tinlueky ones, r got up at onee and weLfeed iluieke the tubereuelht tee.. up ni histruct'on i' "r""ed" ` - elan that ieier nurged in a human -"'", ""' - ' • breast."' ere oe ant a . ye existed in the district in which the pedigree Is produced the animal shalt, animals have been kept for six. be considered dutiable. In case male; months prreinting the date of 1m. certificate is not at hand at the time of the arrival of the animals. portatIon. The owner must present an affidavit that said certificate ap. duties shall be estimated, thereon arid plies to the animate in question. 4. certilteate tor cattle over six deposited, and the animals delivered to the importer, who ma.y withiee ten days file a written stipelatien with/ ly down ta Vie little theatrf..., fermi the <dater or Bureau of Ana ; learnt to be Used. wienn had taken a rated dislike. ..if11 ,..,1„1„.t Imo Artts olive) te In sierits high. not eo an I was Mantling in the NIL 1! , sa,) roil/eating Mgt ItirtP.41 Wait ClIAVTIell mat Inilianery. Form of Recoril and Pedigree to do I ; ftb K111614 •400 144 WA! 4)111.. tia der aipasured • el' 44'.11. the eIVIT 410, w !twit e9atki retaleiair.r very of per- Siwer. 03, Alt Fel,P. p Emparte Ineo used for buDirted animate: when intier door ay. "Papithe flame. and ite fright. Pf)wpre7 '14 011,5bYniarit igree o and mamma.' onlv be ilea reeilt of long anti aq- formenee that night, eneept the pain. the Statee for brealing. gra?, ; prir f 1•11.1 Mg . • "411•01,..•••••44 wae thrust awn. awl the v,s,t im„ little madam?* 1-1.1notis praetire 1 lead mat Min at 1°."11511111 „L4'. w`k5 sh"I'llinr; 1 ventured; anti anoveniel twiat neF iny hearl44. figtar.qt l'ae,% to hi, voitecalc•d, 11,n4o, ilarryi 1 mai tie eee It Li * gat lay u .-1 w .211 lqwe 7001 30:,,,61tio. W114 taVa.4 1 yeti IV- • • t hrtr P 3' ,b+. b)" tit° When. *Dr Lite Nombre nahl la ilia aetteirailing ineaqtim. af through tIlie pirt lame Vornan„ ; animate hava been kept for 84%4 tiertaadi hotel, where had beea etraate ler the. matentfleent meolenee of has aerertion that Ito fie- tiiiired tla4ruagi. emit:neat thrl. g" aegis Nutlet tt yowl to year six . r tho eight of the effore with wideli a " be amoral) intal IV 1 a Perlin- ful imea.selen pieeitie...1 Liven tn•e Ing Or e :t41.1,1t&:41::Cioet,re*rateat1;! with 44.1te Stnc'd by riga ntaisilniatn 114iarriel'soLn". • t ••1 f,i; Pr tr; 1,0;,•„.1 liprs„if I InT0414 III the ilietriet in witheit the / %%horn 1 with infield* rt,ermir,eti tigiOine disen.sw affortirg sheep late g 0: tritlielmj; 03t 411 wee., 411ww04 6.4 N'64 t ratan ,aatalonatt :a t lees we.. a Nk 000000 • NO or. , /.•••1•44 DQUIlat01.141* IN•lepc.P.,oule a!' '''"Ifh "eel' 1. 41. '811 r""tt -"It V'' WWI Bi 1 Inuit raffle '1' goaanc,r r--11,14,0-idt 1 phone:D. 4 ;Mu, tlIP,,41 tor -out. TM. 'meg 1.1144310.414h9atililt: 4151.,:tlitl'ira,:11': ir'L;alia‘,41.1!f'..;:'1.11;;;.riltVtltitt;'73411titgl.)41"*TP1101;12-';4.01At`11111"4; (411;itt"tdi?Ilartlin64 1 lierela,r e.'.rtify lit.= the a.treete he ove h .. 4 , J fit' A 11' ".'14-;11' 89 • bh44`11+ ILI-Viro trial trnie.1 leer Tee eneeee.. whiolo attendee me, laritiel I '-' w" ' "" 8.'41 "" e‘1114.14'1-1. 1 nose. nate t,n, n n..1,1,1".• tru'I'd 0'21'1 4.. i ""r"401°111,' !wilt% 411111i:op 1 • • ,0 4,8 . 11 f. er . • 4•I I, E .. z utu.tt prot40111 an fall Iftelt that Fahi a coriel'e4.81,1-.'itgatr‘i'lPi,;111:Car I.•••t"ii7e"reXrqltil , aim `: el t • , § .i, . -elate. 1,P ill. ;.I.. A /I., t ro t. , 1110L'il 111.n4P ""'• .1 ...8'''81.11 1'4 "" l'a"'"aY lf'' 1. '1 her 'flee *in tie': 1.#114.4',,e 1,-,74. 444:4 , 14 ,. ill aF„,t,,,,Im ,,,,ow,,LI„not,,t ,..: : pear 0";BrpuazA, :1,,A,'„01t-kab -111 lac„,, Pert !Melte reffeeei to tee taa"1.211„as In a.,11171...i:4:1.147 1,0:t.,...11.,3;41,,., re, 12:,..tvr,...1 ,iro. ttio lea•ralev." tin .4r402 t1.1:"..r"4 Mari: rOoth j n..it a . T18,,t1 10 121,2 staffee4 eron,liPt an 111 /BP,* ' 1- mos.' rh't-e'e 0.-1' ea '8' hilt80 eek ` ` ' -' ele..1 lee 112)- 2 0-4188-111115 tle,, ill tinairt liveslen 4 • P-14 ou''' 41.1 a loho ii' Ltitol ow '. ' e tit: 4,, I, 1 ,, A. ,.,•.1 t 1.8 n - I.! t '1 swin". 7. An gv8111"1 IrEll'ir'Ic'l rot' ---"•: --""'""•:,"1:1e14 hr4 tilli,' 13043 a fil,noll.itN; '.4 24 "u• roa."1""ratrad M .60.2 awat, 120r Ivy !vb. , 4.9 , . ) 11+ v 494i :4+ +,.1 1 Fit., ,Ii_lt +, . n. ."- - ' ' ' --" , WA iltagpii!ir' e•20 11:2, iga. tea. aisle e, 11 tna :1,, a en eel.. ,1„,8 „„,,,,I,„, ,,,an aeoreesieei, eale,...aeneaa -,i :Iwo ..421 :, ervireatIll' leerrases. grating or feeble:a: Z'4 14)181 k!olltr01401 by thee Assatia- 4 ..."1,0 ,,. 4, C-2•?.".. -all 1 ,%,' A' 8)12 at lenI.' tua 8 ad vats . and uhtylin ao.,,,,,4 1: ", 1, on,* 00-t. ,1 1, 1! . c 1 -' . - •-•• -- ,4 ,,t v , 8. a e e.' .41. r,r. 0)1.'8 ty,, q a . tilt -J111 1ao t,ee tniplati ny an affielaa then for tiit .....a. iii'. 11 or .......... ed t; a oa ai II., .411 1 Oa" Vow t ' 1 %A."' ":.," 1,Whivol.4 .41 mt.. 4,44.9 tutTn.nfor rs taa,ir.l. MI.: ft 104,...,4N., evaleawatta '. " 14 1'. 0 .rtafteraio altat181100 Unit hated at ...,....,.... 4,alea.,3y tu, 4., t2„p „1, 0 4rs kulre::::A 4. e. rah 1.... te a. 'ieer ' . .. U045,-.., 'rig-kr:62 !nu. 4 lit.,81 4,4441 1184.n% zee , 4. JO, iu I . ;., • 1 4 1 114,, ,. 1.0 .!.. Q. 4 ' .. ' '' ', 0,011,2,, ot '.2 ," "OA* • , " P,'°11 ('‘ ' ,q •• ' - - - "" ' "Aztl noon, %Ill', .., - 1 4.4"" ilie' 1 lit'',.‘,'""' 11 cv'uola 1 L7V-,,ff r'1'.11 If woe .e., ,,,00 hear. ' nr4110,011 I'M awl aeneatainet,1 to a ,!,."... . an 4 „ . t. -4, Jr- IL. f4t1.1" , 6, 1,,Ali.;+;G.,; do h13.8 2)•,00,8 818-, 1.toll a t4,,o lia4. zo) !wt., ' ,onacteam• ihett I ,a4,40 0,4 1V1t1!%'1' 11,1, V4t11_4.9 1 %,,l'' '''' ' 'it'''' ' " ' 1,""' •01'411i'M li", Wiii.'0 ,A114rt 1,40".;.;• es, 222P.,,rforeo,C00),44 Li $.1 ;;.0 0 191,0 r. ,„, ";47;01 30r Art," d‘faw uto hilt ." o--,a)18,adoe. aadd.1 :eta do. .01,30ewur..1 ata,),o1, 40-'3 a" 3 1.143':'4.''''1 Ir , ei.,, ,seta oaaar. !hoe?, liaalea zee.. ri oaigetn los tea ,a ur tr peretet. , !! 11,3111 ,,t„ I t • 1+1,;0.:k• ; ;Avg 1"1"1" I rro t'oci, fiqo ,ttsp tratott, r elated Santee 3V1:11 c31 • ••••,5 8, 'At+11+1 t1-41 1,-+ TA10 4V4 44A.0.104 0 fit- 1 0p,8r• 1,1 • 7 1 EA ..,11 ps-,-, 14 ain ad'.,11,4 -ut l' 11 +-+.1,4 ortior 1,4 OVI'11•0 IN*,,,,, Vf*Vi, fan h elle he* el . ea. ....oat a , tee elaillo ' '4 '1 fora:011 TrA,,r..:4JO'..1 Ull 0 9141 81 111iT - I.To b 0 Ce33t,21,-11•11.,u ..01, „:;":1,..: Atto z.„ 413 • 0,01.q8r8iv0.144 la 16 ‚8'81i8'81 i ete• lee a a .-4 f te natem I. 1 i 4,4041,44,14, 044+ ip,„01,,,p 4444 it .44, +4,, 1 trgar:449. , w !Fder62, )0 . 214.1 4 11..1 t1;•; tk* 9•IIV al .1 igi I, broolloil4 pafpo,-,-, ala aulatiais tdatvild • , + 22 .. .-. - i 1.. , , , 1 I ta i 1 4NI feR I A 4, ,aeer.1.I 81,t rost,04"174. 2.1 -08 .0 J , li Idio,-t t , fA.:D.',.1 ,0,01,1i1k4s daalf20 8'810tt 1r10 , 8 1tatudalff-,81awd'11.218. 1 Iea281 ^1101181dd 1" e1I9dor ElVo1810p 1 0G8 80,1 60+C. 14- L, 1,nudd.•5843041 111a8. 842 0 '9. 018PI141 ':,, J'Iut.,t;9n a-4! + D eaela * fr 0 reltt pnpa4c.-: eru.itv1 V V11•44l.-5'£8 !,1'. ir F,ortik, liti4,„14 c.„Inr, '83,Q0.' , ,,,,, p„,„ ngui 301 i .15 a eel a ,,""; Cad 4-2 "..". au 2 e " dua ' E 7 41: . ; ,-1.90..j.00 i iiieri ,....,), ae semi q .. fatv09v-1,2 •,•11..t1 •^ pl, - tt 8“116,n iwk3,1 9058' „ t.10,2038' 10,T, V10/ `0 0 4880;ly " 84 ev.te *44 ;;;;;1 At Mg. g Wat%cytat. Com a4 le ea, ae vience ere, appeal:eat 12"4:.4 rave. tdeat in* 4ae"11, etust haw 1.3.33t.4 ',41 tri • tl'or8 0 R.-01 tht, dru1N 11110 2140 to F -Pg.• • ev 4..1941. 0.'9 801' a:g4 NE,. a • :Ita1i-resto,1 81 -2 an 423.1 4o.a4,•d* ieet o401.-12,sel 1•,;•, ,1 over at) ,2.1+504 88041 1k01+19. 488 41 . 8l8 8attgat 44i 8888 Vq. ,‘,3.A Agd, fi'.;!Ag /r8;11‘ btatIP." sii 5 5150„uitu - Vir .851.4 888814 591 41,.4.2 hand.,24,11 8188'.8 1159y -4 843 591883 t 0 8.0"U1n3 tam, t 2:4,0,1 to" 01:2 48 etr•-* wutIdu r-2.2.4111. -tr ff.= oil4 lg." 1 Ltra 04 ht ma If lru.40210-a tfuu- litt. ffa2,01.0; 8, 1. Ito 1" 81394.38 , 4311;,; g v. t181M7 44"11I14 Uall"QU .a‘ ,147 414 .4144-11 cg.7,, 4084 81 4 re33oq:,-1- 1'44 DI; ztoptIll tJa 4 rit;P:Ig, g,v.g,,,ssJvp S44 IDA LIN,: 4 " 8,9 8801 459"- way tat a slim, tutetty uoman, to 112,24.44.• 18841108 318001.. tirszag au Vt.!) bewst1150 Ulla ray wiesode!" 41o.nrt Volt at the 1rt;23.12"u* Ilial the tapsy. few ltures 2.348 was her tat113040. Itoth 81871501' ;Int etiaDld CVPIPO,I 812.51210y, 4185s,e211. IOU 4,4844004. "V7181420 1.118 010.8 49o:4 N.tvetaher. Laid war.i0:2"rungt. 4rike uld other a 8 3I- , J n 3 r.a l s zta gm" Hs 11-s r1 11 T4:49 tEJatetOttn aafaivv;art2 BA BVS OWN IAMITS C S'rrono,.' dueniada1228 C31711 taotift, 0 1A, . , 1 10 818'.' 41,8 91i41,1 lase eel waraVele 8803 ' 81418.881(38 - . pi 8130tkjah110.1' NTQ.180 MIOW '4'110011ert ; 1022" 108800 19 10' adas e'1.". 1'-I 0r•4 44818848 01 "at Mtn's2Pou01 8". 94841 ea lel 84,14081 41030 F304418 198811114',,0, 02,0i- 81 v1504tviatu 8001 003088" %112 8 44, sati 501"•,• 884880188488014'l_ 18413:854418'.j4ka aeleanone 11++417af240051 1030rad 0,. ',I•.8;53r a -9r0 0,s"t" , •3- "..- 4 1'h1 0 - • - autapp bPCV to) 41;15tirNAV.0 16:14'41 tro,sic' F401 '14888884',': 018046,4' 08888381 ruva, w3180 no pat810u1:018' 0585P ral 15'188188014the Slat a eaallaii811597 ttrAnr;:. 111)8: 4848 01201g •' 3,181'.14'48' '.41: 1140 04350o0 Iitd„ 0988"3 2."ntreap112a off '.0.55943e42 mat alta tlte•inTWSL 084 8.84;J'8.84;J'89'.0 a,01„ F'4401AT 8:0111 elevae 975975"41'3 13 km 8342310u iv23- 5u1e..i.IVG.,.Vti:811810 T„on2188818884/ VI04hlF001 1/443P4S,' 0.210 .. W[00:1-1 1 s0..-0•V P d•At120.013-un 42 w250.0 314," to 8110181101118'Lar. 8835 rde in VP 440'41141'° c737 r rize. when 10a"811184588911' 0:88488' 81500 the ;054 001' t:1'1;1 „0. hp had a eaanee O. holiday. 1 wiaidatg at tr,3,1 lt Okahatm T72altsoad1138aarr--• 81,8133 3,3 4L 2" .•- L"st(8a600.4.840eIt,,a4g4 4:'4u 8848 3§:v296ed011pdt: haun13 4441; tho iit;15cu4. t4-5:,,41 544 0,I0 tl.59'-':u e Pt1E11P,0 at11 11rtql1,% a0ewIaere Aav.vaul33da 2.g2-V,; l: 3 4 1 , .1" : '+ x.l.: J l 3; 2 e ". " 0-.'- 01 1088:84 ;le 451451 154010 ioltuself 1teetelfatK ;4,15,')4'-,p4-, ii,,,,88031 ertut2 0 4104.1 seenie/N-11825i818914*'18401h'88,),,C. Le -4801 '4.58,184 1deUak 0 5948810 041184' 113978841 . w1910.0 0001 anI eke 80858808 44'314 884488588. 111:984 I' 1 ail Eenlve thee' 0 0110. 102102; 44)3010 '8:v' „ liosr. 011i. y ,3214 Iv; ‚841,44, 14'8''' ati- 2e • , . • I*"81114,' 884-1 *"" effu't khow. 28:d8e1(889,188' tor ao-s4 not,g,uto.1 32 11 evie" r 1103112 loge10.3-r Vie setcP It 4401914W5s u -u81 in8(4o,0-b.'.0.Pr "1Q" tlrl sl t e l e " wrong fls eareely :11b1".9 819 58384444 54:3888. eeep ittle 0804814. Welt tiloilog he speak. lits wor vers a prop2:e;.,10888440 1:o-,+7 8343921 not etr03 a 1527 Atol 1Vorether Mouths. t0 hf0ect:gi,r.-•rg .rr3, . 2r-:e.p,t :: .3- 8125 th 114011r5yS 11811- 2001, na1-0 4)18e0.82z411 I84*811.881 tn7 • ILds last 30dts41-rs 330114 441 111 pludt„ g '1 01 843".orr d0i8113 W -11 t „t n1 rthat t:1..oi41.3" 131 1,0 881,, t, 2,r1T" 30,03.- dre .1t81,I2ts 8119 011 4•42 311. 31888 .3,t, 18181141 Ldaoatta-4, 9481414g anay ,o953'940 418181011.48888181 • 5.4414 0: b 54 -z„ L":8 18'844 , i11L or2-r in 11wy:dely'4140.-. tr1118i8"-4 57808889' ff4140 1- 145.344t 1: 5 11 Stansezl feeee; sEeatva:la 2s6.3 1(' 4-' lieneaPq•VVV ff o 0e:p ern v.e, ;.1s Ec1.1 0bt ▪ 08380488.. 8! 381 aNaan1,,Vi1; th, 53,021,4dt4thee- 1 . t,,. ; 1 4114 111.78197 1.13e Ansiran o8';344 11 d c, oiin'0sn.!'t-s1., 0"tirt'a'nt-0"-n .2 "'."CY Ll '" 1 1 lo W"°2. 4:,.+P'1:2,2ttatLou ardati1v. trr 2IC ,,0'811'+ .'801an waethe- t ;t1;.?: agott post 1:30- 04.,260--, v:IdId , 888 9797,8 n,'w81r 184 ans. 12...3'W.331,1,_ nal t.ed 043 0. a 'fart 02e,ntel. 9r2 o g t "aaD le ' s w4 1v2:10 a,1,l t rrn-o7 s):v .- • zher-2C4 ' , p!"•. • 22344. sgy 20way4 "471'11" 1-el5dg g-s-I:"2,r51"4 t44i84418881'414 44i84418881'414• er"1 4 • r : l e s :.a t g o t .. • .: "4 oi 1140010 418,814' from troiats. fBasro. Kiiratt.+seas: (3orie A L N 12ure10.de 9 4.0.tr2. 1,•4. .+ ,L1.P-0a4 0 /1,00 - 4 ; 1 att1.a1 , r A rr.i.0 ,3Sa6I S L kt+1,1'!2'417.4 685 Ac':gg4in.j 41438 41 88 U!f, 0.00ieLKa0 144 U:04 C: 108:. 413L14 TA 404400143,0 eaurtd1 Is st'o3 3• ,d...4-3"e.011".11• ;.3L.,z+I3.-u+3o ..+ C2 . ,.. CH,9+a .Pr .1;g4::; 4ha rtae b1.dd 4; ". ittrd0te"e52...•.1.s:.ys,1t„e .0N3"ASz.-e,w a.21E5. 12.',0r 0 ro„ttei4 113, k let21u0200,.3;,raored.,54 a 11a4 tt.:: Fscq881 44,1018a9..:.na- „6 . -deut,y, 141:814, 84908811 1.14 6„•134 143%13.e.' 1813, aser . 1-881 :J 8. -'.414:8': PYrNe4„ 13E '1 • 80t ,1 : 110 48:101480 03'063'0 50 48' 404:81804400 4940,0.934188 p,'11441,1t, 88,184'r F13,8we24. 444' 81143 tc 618, lp;ter 1312e ohl 88 ena41'o:5118881188811180118881188811180-8154804'43:0 414 16,2 V441344, e51111 58814088p883 -083'14a of Daieator. o34' 844118)111.48:841 2 V:ati-ttva:F. wEfria ‚818114 4' e04etrar1328 859 ,t-ttteredti20» 38e1 tie pro- 2:enhets (and 11' '1.4018". .8184l Y, ,4 '219'8858aDta 4181 0'1':o:0'.01'. Tao e 01 t11V2Itti.”:417441881141 55381888818010l 41118018114884088iltett19 eau payatentor in annual5213113,03458418E8,1145 tg9 :'08'8:cS! I90'I8'81 80810101 04880 or 751111-148180t22ts lading to tai• o; Uateff 84488 v2037.11 Z8! 977)88811,3 18:845 15,s"281ardatg; 115)1, 1i11'1l 1114 n) ta 889td11401 '"„:1-9, (5s3 e;043strue- hot '911 Lord. U 18' as; cot he ver0 12y 43,513:711132:331to 44j81" raet 0044- aid Iv:trent, tat 122heernatie w22113 ninety y":34a7vverc312,5is Iasobowls to an ,10I.'4.n.21:a1.09,t-V1sa1t338'2sa.,Sdta."e.b0or1.:e. =t' ..14,1e0, 0 t'.,...- ie,"reeW al0tt .1anE1S,dtrtJIa' rt 5480.'34'-5480.'34'-93114cZ 71k18020 1 0410 881.4 G14°'. v2:081VMnapVri441 .884 418009'41011800040 tat 110115 8422.t6,30 817 83'418118:. 810111 Cue 80405880405881-4? wave an 75;88 .80 304• t'5 1418,14 EluOwY 012881:9 302502 ut."23ypig we' 3444 d.(9.4, V.441a 11111,245 452, 02 22get20•1 %%strt- iter0o74 1,88,4; 000 d,rms.111A6034, 488844:1.34. 00),e t"t14- (441 113)02okle KI (25A 80 141)-3: 1." .4- t4: a33aoh• att. The r4'r4'4'1' at1 t4 81584811',-'co88 34 i,40248trotAn 18ta. 14 gat OKI tree 8118197-8D,6.54C: 531 114 eIP0 al V42.109.18i011'0 th? cane • Ca12?,. a')1 orEtt vi. '882831 40:atp,1148884004 418.814 1tWI1 1181 97.8488,124114A 814411rcIt41481)1 l,al115, 0•2 458311 ut:.0tte 11, ER GOOD TOM sozar088101' 44881,1toodutali e:1291 0t'88.11 3' Itya Eaetp;n 81 4owc: 110-8384 s8811!881184'Vial a5, wo-)" 0 •3't97'-11prr418-n qetJth%4 43%880 her 1.51e et the eeewte L;,,e5 11 ea 315•0131da95 why II want ta , 0 3town for 10,-s'atrv-41,, 41'8811410d41'8811410d n t l t e t - . V i los v r o1...,.w,• _ -•3 2 0 .. : • , ..:v0 ,a c - 0 2 - - L r . iiga f ta v e a e ta "4 59n88' ceeele tgsay- .„. ::81314741114, 40,yusm 884,4,1854, 8-40 ro,t uf aeae 110* .1884, 40111)01.3 • 978010' the asttmls!oq 114"3 jastrota water„ e88*t0t . 400181 EI1'1053101100144)?" .8411.0,0 85 ew 141 ran exeaim0,0 her Ilaugat.2s. ‚.414348'3 11y, t14es2" 1'3888:81948) da 90-19781e163,23. Ot 1ft 88 patr Cooked 8888.0dthe too 1:14 4'.98121148(4?. I10 E towspoper„ ut914b58844$848:411911! 11012:1121^Ist•"4" 97080 thej .'*97-188)4118844101484081:el sdz8 111'931177 to beot.212for 03,.0:the?214814' 11 138vy 7:"tA t • w h e r .1 1 0 S t1 1 1 A W a ln b 1 8 o y u t. r7y C ttM 4 , 1 C • s w a n s e . : v e r d . "-..d rda g h e m O s .. - . . 1 .-t . n e e.4 I .:e.1o47 a.r5 2. sa-se-t# wia s1s1 " 1l e nsi:6::0- po ty e g ite tit tet „ 41140 frg. e 5912, ant why tEnt I'Vn 5:L111 - i 4.1412, etteras 0818'4)41888't,84100 42 7:2"u 84451'11 as -LLYQtr9701144-,') 323 hot 1.184'88484111001.r. 3'2,514 to be ttISaF '3th0,442at 41 ae 001, after all. '.841013 on 110/aant Ca e 814-14 88153. 858881 111181814808414148188 14 anishdr13sha1 a 41Naad d tit"L' 9' -7UP'aalve nt ,e0a10day1435 o'.818810-"-" ,iri•F , ;" .4 4 2 $s_a;":3..o2 o, 3m t .li s ie3 .c:Fds! a.- _ . e,1: - ... .a;f' n ,P ea z1 e':F :,11 ' , 1a1 ,...:.,.3.3:.r•r,-q ; .fti57.n`...:-;•i1•73:.d-2,e . e 4 r t t a.sanai h-t r 2 a t e t i g ease,. lthe 818'':',418188-4 celeen 118:8111-8511:888 4'88844413 "38844 c;LAlt •A JDcrn town 0 1.888,10:1lake ea hard- 0488111 Wz rota] 1-4 -114 814::::4 88840414.up to,,,;4144 :2080141:31111, 0u".:38119"3019Le-33Fte,".eau:,88;3.'t 1121 g505dftr an 1188188 on.] 81ea 90t500 iethal%: to one's eatafyrt fn na1:iqi`ia.. ICJ 15!ONO' n:n4wo e4271 1Ka81 "-088'1;"-088'1;4;1"4*..”". • 4n 1 Z1 149 1: 0-88.80f :1441-1 r: tza, ap8:,11-91,w7570 daHrk anti 1304 ,811405',811405'81541:181 8880 440' 11144. '55'o'," 0s. alirit'dtv!.:-2ty 1dNu' Yo:314 1 A l l o t ,e" Z 3 : p ,- 2 ,.e .1 1 .1" • tr(4o e y 1 ".1 'h . Id 2:77 er7 1 3 r a t • 1011) an, 1? Oa• may E5 853-0:8)1t , goedy t8:•y wed:t .2 -y Cia2az:11- 81,3ettan eado gTot 1..:'11 ` 's e G .toalitifeent reensi LJ A f78 E frPfrnrrOe :0108:5814" 13 a 11e3u.4o1nb -t.e 0h," se3t3i1eo3 l l . -1 v o m iit i,,t1 " " "i" • 2"1. ` eo s0S4 a .meet it.p.-r1 aai- er fir loete"H 1150. Hieran neFsren-n. ) 3,8801. 111'1 44'5 z"0" -"I nnaren 70781114 11 810411 eei”E• MOt rlat )"81" 8t110girl 'ARabouttiaNee 1"01 W!!t3WIm"rntimewtrn n 89 11 "113 .81' ng.; 08 01 Ag, - ,.-, t.u, st , p1 t12ri"A 1:1210n. eo p . ,t"f3a, .- i ot81nelee leirt 1 fIttit '81T48808848il tiit 148 24011351 and5c1tti,;0oeataaataheal nr0810!" "840 ''"11 "I hozld'8'o'8*' liatagla one pelitatugh Inl an man. w_on. on n-u,ias raar- tolau.3004 about yort414114. 9740.14085;: iraveloya„reatiteap3!5y'41:w,iiI41n goad -and a., was verF thin. Iii-atte- 11'Y r11-'"" "I",PN''''', 11 t1""'230 1".14'01.110Y 0L'elltr11- 0, air,. 41414 11401t pear eaantina to se, 3 leg helped her uratii we began giv- A le:Plena-ens sYr.-th'ss.".111'1,,l'" 8850 0074)980*' .1 i them at every tittle," he said, iii -tent- i Ana on ate.urang et unsay 4010.-r• rua,141. peredly, neuen teal to peek ttp. 1'1t her e3abese Own Tablets. but a+0.fik4941, astemav- twohIadts eaarrseeinanuast apelogetle t.onee. , "I 'esupepaosne you eona, Trona Aa nil 018484b8' giving her these the vomigbttt eelgently. (vial,"Eh.1 Iteekle, yourself, then. sinee 301fre 1 rd diarenterceed and 79.,eebgne41' me! Iereaayscart1' and ere realtt to go hack to Itetainorowohoose at once. trze I retreated like one of heaageti. "Wll. 8044*, And 84088080'5 the learnt of ugt1 the Talets for Other i ',eke atal 'that 14 got lato lerose-enot Stinete, passed ' being itorn Vivre. provided 4005 g have round them all et I . . througti a throng of earriagee. and -heal 11 6" • eLDO t h e laest U8A410 UO xn3diarie / jtare ever used for a 14aW Vil» bright liglits in a hanse where they were giving a birthday Aildf' "ttre80erl'aLl3is are, readily takee by dance to rebieli 1 leul been seee07alle- 1111 ehildren, and can be given to the invited months 'before. Hellen would ,Eltrialiest, wealcest infant bee crushing be there, t knew : 1 felt a leataus :them te a powder. S Id at drug satisfatetion in remembering that stores; or you ran get them post paid old Saxnatindfirim wag nwey. L e5 cents a bee by writing aireat nursing his gout at Tatelaaa. • Z e Dr Willieme"tredicine Co. What of Oat ? There were plenty or eaaeneetaely, of other rurfn to step Into My sbaeg. himself an at argunt >ad. O ii..:t first 1 thoitglit T would stay, and But, once estabilehal at learlitall, 4 teekville fait., IL , , away train it as early as you ran. I and never ga back to it till you ,can 84 help!" "Wily neva:lame that's spoken like ; a, true patriot." "Indeed, sir, 14 hope 1 am seise enough net to hold a place tbe bet- i ter for he,ving prildnefq such a poor creature as myself," seed John, who could always gave a good account of : ITCHING PILES And Now Claims That the Best Thing in the World for P51as is DoT tbases Ointment.. Tat .h '84-.:s are wrong. 'nee, teseally ciente that a.noperationur11838 all Itg risk, pain. an!! expense. Ita the:mile-cure for piles. Wa eanprove by tho 'statements .01 811041541 Is of gaol, honest men ens vcoinu - that Dr.ellases aitatatzot rot only proniptly re.have.s the sufferang tram piles, ;Tat also pasitivoly cured this ilreatlitti ailment. It frequently come atter th0 kralfe has faile.1. .11?. J. V. Meier. WILY is ;,.,.napToyeli ft..9 reory,r lay the Kennedy attl Deavit4 Itilrag Linisay. statee: -1 'believe that Dr. Carteeee Oentment ls thee best thing in the wort; tor piles. 1 80.1137 tlils 4)'eat110.?. tt • b81.8 positively an i thoroughly e0188331 ana of itrhIng, bleeaing p011080. and this after all other remedies ' cotelel proeure bad failed. I Can teroramoni tIns °I:atm:mt to anyone, Faltering from piles, knowing vault will eertainly care., Mr. F. 31fa88a. machinist. with the. Canadian Deeernative, Work% 3114 who Lives at 21. Duiferin street, - Kingston. Ont.. states: "Dr. Chase's Ointment is. 11 Leleve. tap mest effective treatment for plies teat Wj locebekobtainra I have usea it and it cured me or bleedi,og piles of a most Aggravated roma. 011y sufforerta ' trona PIPs 'mtn tireleratand what I Went thrOng11. rnteery caused by tbern was something awful. and .a belheve 1 eould .eadare the 5514/2. torture again. At nagias especially I suffered. droadfully and coon not get rest or sleep. I found a positive cure in Dr. Clete 's (antinent. and glatily recommend it to others." There fa to disputing the merits- Of Dr. Chas's Intl its effeCtIveness as a clar- tor itohlt.m. 'bIeadtng and protruding plias. Ire nearly every contura411y 1181'.2 to be found 5e051 4111,4 Ir., 103801 oured ot . this Wretched diereose bs Dr. Chafe:ere .0e80t05e81t, tt Is for sal-, by neatly all dealers at 0,1 rt 'box ot 'WM bo gent post paid on receipt .of prioe 0edro1.11,80e88, 13.1,t0.13 & C(Y., Toronto.