HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-07-25, Page 44
to Qle feeder is t -he cojnparatj�
ve 0 mg- -kjNNN0*ftV0WA=
econewy r)f, Willfor and, $uminer
feed"U, f
IS PUBLISUED 9p Ings. According to varn
ious experiments conducted here
THUZ31)4Y 37ZNj.sTG. recently, pork Inay be produced at Llarir Falls
about $1.00 per hundred pounds, 7
live Weight, less cost in stinimpIr "I tried Ayer's Hair Vigor to
TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTIO.N:- $1. 00 per than in wiliter. This seems to be THR Glzi�Alr ]3
year paid strictly in advance. ),Vhen the due to less c stop my bair from falling. One- 1,00
r is not ordered , to be discontinued well Its to joovst of green feed, as half a bottle cured me,'� PtTIUVIFIR ANI)
v temperature, which SYsIrr"m 1�vc_
J. C. Baxter, Braidwood, Ill. VxwxoR
it WPIll. be sent until such order is given must be overcome by fooa or by will cure oic njo.9L iggra-
and arrearages paid. $1.00tobecharged artificial. heat. forill
when not paid in advance. Of Dyspepsia
ADVERUS TXG RAT1438,-Tran a 1 e n t ORISDALLP, Agriculturist, Ayer's Hair Vigor is audIncligeguon, TtNrillcor.
re(It ... 4,11at Irull I.,eeling
After r.tting.)� igel,,011S
advextisements, 5 cents per 13revier lin Central Experimental Farm, Ot. certainly the most eco- rrea(laclIt" sour 'Stoluacll
6 tawa, Ont. I
for first, insertion and 3 cents per line for onlical Preparation of its andr1atalence. wi,psuffer
each subsequent insertion, Slaall Advs. n wben a cure is guaralit
suoh as"LoW "Estrav" or "Stolen wjjl WESTERIV FAIR. 200 DAYS' TREATMENT $eed?
be charged 50 cents first insertion and 25 kind on the market. A
canto for ...,k 1, T, -rk JOHN ITALm, pasliwood
.We fare. in the'
We bave also a large stock of
which ive are selling at renlark.ably lo -w pricos. Give us a call
Q.Ej.e InserEloll.
Copy'for change of advertisement miist
W�lv Uays ol: arvelous
ftc1lielremelifs men have almost
little m it goes a long way.
It doesn't
I tood. 1-1e, Inav e give. ft, quickly?
vell n1like thent th�l (ho Illost unique, instruetive and itnother - herself I
ellY-R: "rwasunabletogei
any reliLf froul Astii
and Itoluncli Trouble
.We fare. in the'
We bave also a large stock of
which ive are selling at renlark.ably lo -w pricos. Give us a call
Q.Ej.e InserEloll.
Copy'for change of advertisement miist
W�lv Uays ol: arvelous
ftc1lielremelifs men have almost
little m it goes a long way.
It doesn't
I tood. 1-1e, Inav e give. ft, quickly?
vell n1like thent th�l (ho Illost unique, instruetive and itnother - herself I
ellY-R: "rwasunabletogei
any reliLf froul Astii
and Itoluncli Trouble
be handed in not latiar than Tuesday night
of each week to insure ahange in follow-
ceased to be surprised, no matter
take much of
it to stop falling the
XMIR CO. 11--fteel. TonONZTO Gar&,,je6.1,
grain. toats. pt�iase anti ltarlLvy,� doetll," weltes Mr. NV. J. (Inge: -11 R.U.
during the I,,-+- ---u 4� -1 - ;;h')!, W -V "t *gvlp� t,
using our xative Herb.s,,,
lug issue.
Local notices in ordinary readl�g type
what strange novelty inay appeur,
anTyet.wc haip just learned of a
hair, inake the hair grow,
1 A'W'iP . V E
5 cents per fine. Notices for Church en-
tertainments or other benevolent in,
sensational feat of human skill and
and restore color to gray
I S V�t
tion * 1* 1
daring that com ala - "I
- - - ------
F.- a Mes. a V V -P %1V__ hair. $1.00 it botile. All druggists, THE ALONZO 0, BLISS Go.
Contracts for column, half -column and der and admiration wherever it is
quarter- column rates for specified periods seen. It is called the Cyc!e DaLzle, If your diugf y Sole Proprietors,
will be cheerfully given. list cannot suf ut 0 EAL, CAN.
lar and we w. I expre
I us no d;D r3 piy you,
communications to Address all and *%,vas originated by the world- s_..� . bottle, Be sure and give bhe
f ,
11 11111,Mte- empface. dro s
famous king -of hazardous exploits.
The act, is perforined on the smal- ..TH E..
E. ZELLER EDiToR, ZuRiCH, p.0, lest racing track ever constructed 0oniniercial Hoitel
- - and one btrilt tit an angle of 774 LOST THREE CHILDREN BY 1 6
FRIDAY, - JULY 25, 1902. degrces. In this strange structure CONSUMPTION. HENSALL, ON7'.
two men and two women oil
A Mother's Lett -or and Contribution for
bicycles perform feats so marvelons thaVree Consumptive nospital,
- Economical Pork Production. that they defy description. One That " one touch of nature makes the This popular hotel has been
can scarcely imagWe the terrific whole world kin " is being shown by the thoroughly renovated and refitted,
In the -past some objections have �sjlcpd thItt mu.A. be uttained by
been raised by the packers re the ese (Ittringri(l(-rioii.,;tiehati-aelc many sympathetic and practicallyhelp- andwillbe founti up.to.
'tise of forageplants and roots for,to I (late in
I.-Sfi.ork production, but the light of of Set at naught coniletely the la�v'� fal letters that are being received in. re- eyery� respect.
gravitation. We tire glad to l spolW to the appeal to furnish quickly
ibeent experiments wovild. seem. t � 1-111 Western the new Free Consumptive Hospital, tll
0 ; ow that the people. of Every attention paid, to the
show their fears or objections Ontario are soon t.) have the pletts- first Free Consumptive Hospital in A
groundless; in fact, the good ill- !traveling public.
ure of seeing this unimraijeled SCM -'erica. A, few days since, Sir William R. 1
Auence of a considerable proportion I'sation. The Director.; of tbeW"t-"
of green feed or rm)ts in the ration t' ' Meredith, who has kindly consented lil
ern Fair Association litive fortun-
Of it pig can scarcely be overas_'� ately Wen suvep$sful in securing to receive subscriptiouskx th a hospital, W R 110 D G I N IS
a, letter from a, mother
the thousaut S�
t � found in his mail
timated. It has lon- been known tbe attraction fol
that skun milk has a most, benefi- %vilo -will visit London from Se�. in Hamilton, which reads:-' I The on PIZOPIURTOII.
cial influence upon the tbrift of t closed three dollars is a contribution t1Q_
porkers, and qualitr Ile teniber l2th to 2110th. the date of -the
of the pork. ',,rpat exhibition. the Free colisumptiTe Hospital, Ilei
evenwhen the ain6jint fed, formi,, 4' Bat Rg ""ONEMA4 Y
gramille. fol. the Wpstcrn" of loo -o I have lost hy t'llat dread disease."
only a. small part Of the ration thii is not all the pro-'� one dollar for each of the three child J C S
Green food and roots seem in It, � P
� twes far beyond anvt1litig ever': All over tile Dominion families are,
]urge measure to be capable of , Graduate 0ptivian,
attempted in the same line. It- hus being broken up by this terrible White
Supplementing the now. -in view)'%
cif the trewen'd'ou expan-golt in t1le! 111WAYS been tbe 1pader in these �,, plague. 'xeea wewoader that those IvLQ HENSALL.
Canadian bacon 6 , delllt�tll'Pnts- bilt this year
in quite ` "Will' haV0 lost loved ones should contribute of
1111SIr � Surpass it..;elf in the beaut'r, variety
bypro� alul thrilling mit-niffleeni-e of it.,j
inadequttie Supply of dairTl �Itheir ineans-much or little -to loring�
ducts, for use inj)ig feeding. Tit(? prograinnic.."' A '0allve at the, list hopa and health to �others whoare suffer. SPEGROLES AND EYEGLASSES;
farmer whose vonditions pormit � q
, U t".%,: +.I %I., ill- in this w anT -1.
'I'lle illdilstrial positioll or Camada, ill tile
world to -day is a gourev or irreat natioiiai pride.
We triumpholl, over oillers ill Mally
lillto.s of 111,11111f."t-hir(o. but i'll nont, so
6 10C"" I V
141y FLY V ''W9
wllvol Calladiall I.N-vryway. 11's tile wheol
ortliv, peopho-niall.t. rol. the pt-opil-sellsat the
people's privv.
�njnv st� ooti ror t.oia.i.t sawl xour.
Writenhout it - 8l't. it.
I , M 10 Allaft.'U'le. -0 1 V � Q.50 AAAP*Y I
211R.Ygoevenfurther than, to neither t- becomo hopeless it help Gas not como
I forage plants its It supplemental. nor expensto, tt� their '
Fittod on Sk-itbiltil! Prin i14 vs
I tood. 1-1e, Inav e give. ft, quickly?
vell n1like thent th�l (ho Illost unique, instruetive and itnother - herself I
A_; I a
. ", fee(I if he il sip
(11110f iteni. of his aillo Let not
antusing, entortainint-itt., ever oTer- you" left haufl knOW what the right, bond
CitrefIll tO Inse a godd proportion of ol to) tll�j jh*441blk� olf this
XMIR CO. 11--fteel. TonONZTO Gar&,,je6.1,
grain. toats. pt�iase anti ltarlLvy,� doetll," weltes Mr. NV. J. (Inge: -11 R.U.
during the I,,-+- ---u 4� -1 - ;;h')!, W -V "t *gvlp� t,
J ewel r
W ba-� thrillv4I thon.;autis ill tjlphq�jt.L r orreellosintallorl,
ing period. �..; I
Asthe-jeasonis rather far all.' willbeat tho Exhibition in the Cobsumlptive!3. I would lit"p, and if 11: Watches t1nd
Iti-I'smi qbf Prof. 1111tellison, tile "I'll abto� would gzvo you $lot) or"
vauCedfor an exhan'stive, I I
HuTill"IBMIlb. makeoeue of wa to give eaell, but I
8i0110f f0rage trops ,uitablo for, 21i:Z11t, ju ,is itnulen
8:6r. Though very 1,m)r, however, I.,,
this purpose, I sitall (!01111ne Lt. CfacKoS
se 13111101011!1
intrak-bute drop by i, callubt renl,4 sour st,imial appva�, and �:7,
TA-111lurks to Such as are still. sLnjsf;jj.
Sjvek1 altexafi.sin paid to
thp q ull the canh you rc%onim" 4
0over:-Probably no ert)p is uN kinds of RepMrint,;.
bettt-radaptedtoyoung Idg-s than Im �r�
r1ovor. unda bit 4j'f irlover stubbit,, R ws,a XnVlu oil untl hpr wonderful thI3 trtjqtt:c%3 aye Qja%_j()
usIbIt Ysho"Dd-
usod for tljjs tropieal bit -1-4
purpose will gjv�. jkojjjj wilt 1111fthl(v4 ndmiration, 11J. C. Stoneman,
j__1*far tis "Ur i'voln 1,wers of ornithol"givil:," *U =41,vAkst Im ti,,p4t, to t1c daily i
6XIkkriluentsgo.the. pork. pro� I to HENSALL4 OINT.
duced is of good qt1alitV.
RAPE* '-tjf till 4tud sh6zl'. t1lan fcr ft'lf-InitImme. Cb!jlrabauuoit� tna.7 'I
tliet crolss Ilse,, intelh lercaing, c.
here so far for pasturilig joigs, rape: gvneu� The b0 Sztt to 'Sir %V'm IL N h
s tj
"s, � Ave" S. Grvant�y*, W.J.,
ittfite easfly btands do are the resfttt of Sattle-1, 4 tatal Geo* T R,, 0 T I
fif-�,t. Tfio��Iom., patdent i
1Xint'iPal Paints in its favor tr�lluftlg 42,�,04 Tontrito;
r tjo
jj, it a rc`lak9rkabk WaV or to TL -o 'Xmuli�fua_i 1rrzL4,t Co.
il;� its fintek growth. f*-O� its Z �dc' thp
ralage, as it grows welk on almiu_4t j
04 Treas =ra .,6* 1! Photokv t--ap11.1w*,
y kind 0 4
an, f land. r3) its long 8et-
son, us it ANUY be _�D%Vft as late as Ito y hall
tt-�11 jfre�sent theft- ha#h- HENSALL.
expe temerm
IS4eptewhioe tMa -*It CIO fairly vwff, Mass tpar net. vvldAh FLIs
i�41 its evident jjajatat�51
flt�. mild Nkl �T2 t NO
Pigseat it gnc if�r� as thU =LOA vatxtuvffle 11611 --es in ull 7a", -
of CL 'r BUT THE
lt The&ats wide
gma. the f1mliftyof the cach *wAtla
bac-6.n. uridneing. as it deeN# apmOlst, Itnis's F
filvariably a firn, eaMiss.,j
RUIP8 Inay Ile CXJW-ete�t to tj*_ fill fi,,ed e. ama Art our AT
-s fro , i &�, � Afift �!
week Atu date of,: Oct. Na
Anuo-iu* ttue (ghieft,' nqerAafte
wfll bL, thow of fhe7 ptnvzl: C.
about T!4',u _
24iftehesapatt. since -when t
u.-- an
so grown i (4eVcre..Qjt `U_txx�tl ft . rzc,�Aat,
t gives the greatest re-! ttrtj,4t,�. in t1le 0ljbj(>
tum iper acte, aftd is btist adtlID1.94 416,1A Mo. ty. Family
the f0tt Bard Bros Cgt!IE'e,
for Imstaritf fantous for the EVIVIaElt.L
g. It Should be sown�
faifty thickly in the rowt Irstonb4hnieffts ther have brou,.hf
M s
Chree Dis. ol fO slvell-boz=4 solto til C1 r ot, iipms i
per aere. An i bjjek,�t;ara aud forivard sonlers:"atIts, A
acre tna-,t be, ex-Imeted to ftrry from .1
t� $is T't t
'10 to 40 iyigp� thro"gh a se el ers r_1.74k,7111 t�r-*r �ke #� , 'Pecial 64 *kW
2 �, aft t "t AS
1yending ofi the sej�oft an 1180-t- de- awl, th�ll 6C -T -e wifi live, on Itand if L__y
d the hf.'- Mo 'ajft
(!Oft- f0tir inindtable Olifittl4. with i: i �jeyt4. Now York
difloft of the crop 'whell the P'gs th6ir:, St.
ate tutned in. and novel- Geo. T R 0 T T
ties- T-fiev are llnrivaUed come-
VF,TcHfs -Vetches also are vain-, A 1XbtAr2_X=P1 V1031y.
� diau's. Anl�er-;4 allf! dancers. in -in
Obleas foragge for swine, atid may..,.t.,
beltwelet ejcept�ongj condition, the Cata_ 'I
of an
dialn public.
Isown la, in the Season. Especial- 1, Care ffw, iRS
lv` i-14 th te t The grvat GjaY onji, 1,.Is -,vife Kftul-
"strueof tho Hairy vetell, th art., D5",,�5ft
Whif-h species kas ,,he peculla*. lnFs"'er"Jus won�ler ,.4,
;:It a
qttahty G vri =4 n2agicialms aprearing on
an,7 lestern "Real
having f grouring np apain aftc_j. Plafforin. Gay can roneVe of flae age for t%-:, rehe hZjZ;,jan Cbe
ran�r pair of handenn 1,erknp
en V51t off cv ea -ten down. 1 s
0-1-rs -Probablv no " fastened higll
�rl�een milon bim, almost %stantaneowsly, p
will elv- a better * return 'Dirl' in a manner entirely inexp3ic.,tbife. ,ea s Z tatc. ZSXCba119C.
tKiil�� in Ir - PflL The fn froln', Z
Tl�eS_ "'av be -;Own late. but his greatest turn is f which tb,-.t�e jfflh-z ure, nnuele waiN the
or early in tL-e:spasa; . hp- "Von- tesult of mann- vea
j at the rqte of derftl 6unk nvi�sterr� a trilek I)f i , , - rs sf I-I&V uua 1
btishels V) tLe acre and ffie,� elaperinaent. It "s-witIt thoe
P1.1,s turnedon aTt,�out a month after magic �_so bevfll&,r1n,; that it st d
in a icluss bV itself. tillat t he pro.
Chr prieton4lylate rhe.i�e pfilk, on Hip
CrOPIsthatit lasts only a, shor, �Iorri.
thcYgerwinate. Thefi-julltof this' I issie son Jones. cana-�,
'market.and arf-W flha
time, as it does not seem to be able'da*s greatest lady C-ornet Virtuoso.; Y
. that they will pmve .1 blessing ft)
toreecover when once eaten dowv_ will appear every afternoon and'. 'sufferini hul-iftnity,that the
evening in numbers demanding the
-Anotherr Crop of
ARTJCHoXFj;' y make,
-tion is 111"'mull of tee"llical skill. -The, h S one Famn, City. N`rillage� stilonrbrn.
breat value for pork produc the follolviniz, offer. T6 anv
a of rheunlatmln ?-,no
splay has and GZarden 1"roller4ty, qold, BOU�_
110W long sftndjng�', or any
- lines c.,t1culated to prodnee blood disease.
the artiehol-e, It should be sown along s s been planned matter
11 Fireworks di a'!
11tein the fall or very early in the�the as enurnerated bpjow '11nd Exchanged.
sl>ling- ThEeP19-Swdy be'allo-wed greafe-Stlux'nry of colar ever aild tvill grive, Dr. C*1aeke*s
seen in Wes;tern Ontario. and is, a f.1 I won(l(r-, Motey Lonned on First and Sc-call(j:
to, feed on it in 'October and the feature of the sh0l;* none canafford ittle Reii Pills -a fair and
e4r1v' spring. They -will do. the to nliss ini Mortgages, Real Ebtate, Xotes and,
moste - This is ft, are being- arranged for and each: fCct cure. We U1111 refund the money Other Securities.
harvestin- themselves . Other Special attractionq, Partial trial and do not fin,(I a per-
vc;41fient crop for brood SOWS stands 1;�Iel_emineut in its class, bnt � 0 s
ill SPAng and autumn. those paidforth"ill's. It n - � Falf MS, Honses and Busin
juicy accordedbrief mention observed -we: es -i Prop-.
Almost all v will,
.," r rt, p
arieffes of in addition, Im, ented and Rentq
v 8,�, q i n I . Collected
forage crops, are s1litable, for porl- initiate illteuding visitors into on satisfactory evM;nce bein
Sonle, at least, of the secrets of the; sUP- UP011 Realsonable. Terms.
boVe be I Lh
aPreduct!Ou 4 e sorts mentioned PAWS promised Success plied us to this effect
Ing pr We have ingle F
o'bably the best for Yet, to knOw of t s �� Money InVOSte(l for Private Indi-
Canada. Evcr.y department oi ihe case where these I Wonderful pills Vidlials on F irst Alortgagge on Real
tion, is being strengthened and i' �i
The question as, to the in- have not been almost entirely- sjI0_ Mstate.
ity,of allow' adv1sab'1- Proved allcl in each case a distinct evssful in affecting
a Cure. -CAN-A.-,
"'-v Pigs to graze, Or�advanceover previous years has,
Lshutting iu a'sulttll pen and feeding been scored. DA 'CHEMI WALL Id 0 _Pe terb orouggh,
thern the green crops, does n Altogether the West-
Ot jern Pairof i9oz, is. confidontly ex-
. , . I - LE
seem to have been positively set- pected to excel its illustrionq pre ; 0%. TE P 110 N E 696..
i 7* OR, A- X CHASES -11.1
fled yet, for while greater dailY decesqors inthe wealth, CATARRH 099
gains May be sxpe'o i of exhibits, ' i
cted wheft thee=ellence of special program- � . . V, 1, ,
fs vmt &rect to the
auimA16 are 1-fPt inelose quarters, njes and consumin& in
there the item Of extra 0 teresit to Parts by t1le ln� prove.3 Blower. E R
� visitors from. all part 17d;_ E L L E
I abor 150-:110lu"ItIt"iln' & L sof the pro- I Hca?s 1ho uldert, cic!art the air
%1 carrying th0ivince and ndeed to add to thel
forage. an' I i I
accumulated glory heaped up throat apa
by Catarrh aricyllayFew-r. Blower AG t NT�---�
Another item Of Some importance -xhibitiOn during past, yet "Mal A Ag 6aal t r% or I ) r. JL NV. C ba se -
this 9 dna Co., Torarao and EL&TO,
. . .......... .... . .....
Dot .10. r, *"nd
WA'NT11fV -A �*te of taa Eaf!sj
ELI N,-,
r_ Ta;Ln9r mall. ta kt fift a*&,
eft V IOU'
for�� the
ou of tBe
=art -
XzlWrg Cav t GQ70T! U 9 ff d ffled t_1#;Xtt,t*1i9§T4=1S
at Wirfitio- S,:,rej I
ri,nd..f �c. P=Vrlswroa
9,a the urine. Tber mifta =as+ for bas -cess, ra-ar-
Or social Lappiness. V,0 rnsLt-rxt r. �je.r�je, iatsg M $y- evil 11atits. ill yottla,
t1-13rCiZ-yG--- 4MUS1aUAPANTEi-D. reiawcup'r, NO PAY.
A* -NO Namea rated Withdat WtItteft Consent.
W.A. Ma"r, of Liru�, (y., sayV:_1,jvms ova 0j
VICUMS dfearlv vice atis years of
zsla_ The ol=ins an I'Aysystend, Wete vreaketilug
=7 by-ain as Well 4Ls� MY skxvaland 3rervo-as �kvs-
r tem. For teix yokj� I tXjkd
stares ef,6octorp,
=e,ftriecured. �was giving up ill despair,'in
:fact. contemplatin� suicide W111 -ft IL
friend ad-
ViSed Me as a IaWt resort to jRve the Nevr
Alethrod 'r3relmtrn ent of thii. X_ & 9. a fair
trial- �WRIT'Out',coofideuce, I c,>nsc'1ted and In
11tree o�nt�.s X at a cared man. I -was cured
Sevea years ago-aw tuarried and lia
Be2mily reCe==end Dm X. & X. to my
ncioreTre =ea." Af!!E T-at-ent
Xcrvoug3)6b1T1tyjSetftina1 ess,
Gleet, Stricture, Plfllis�, Unnatural Disch!Vjeqv SeIfAbusco Xidney auwdeBalka"dder
Diseases, and ali%seftses of Mel% and Women.
tnedidlue sent C. 0. D. No Iftafflos *ft boxes or taveloor. ZverYthiAgcoftfidenti"
Ke . 'an 14e SHtlay �STREET.