HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-07-25, Page 31 .771, 11. 4. .. , .1 I I
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I . � � . I ' .- ou important wlietber.,tlm girl uo- S. IT41'r;ud 06idc,.rh� 113'�iolls oftLe�)
_____ - - __ ---. - '113 I; -Iv�llal , , ,
elellErl-le�&.�el--Irdmr�T-��ae--le4�.�,�l, � 1. .111 .1 Xrb. TimoLbj X,l, WOO,IT � la wero 40 ()p,,li, berort.,, God, and A
I 111'&cb, f MOX of pea,r)-colored 01,0til , dorsl,Ands the marilB nature or not PeQJ . T7 E M
W is quite Plato, but very r4YI- 13�t, anYway, She Oa,'n le4r1l !',';il1 HO 'tells, �Josa') IvIrl t it""), box* il(Yf ol I LA
. ' , , I
0 -0 �a U , O, StYf 116t'h;� d-Unill 'n4j,"PaIll-1. H i.11d I 11 , �, F EJT
FLOWER FROCKS FOR SUMMER IBIl. it le trimmed IvIth narrow cil-cu- no tlm(� at �'all, beo§use all li are to COTI'' . . I
. '
� I -h ove0allp'.ng are alike. They .mostly all trul" - I I I +, ,
tall bauds of the c!ot , . i
+0- I each other, and put on 10�-e little brai6, and can smoke and ldve J,(),_,Let,m,& alone-Iftses had, riot . I
. , flounces, These trim the 'wkirt and with equa.l. case, There are men, 71st ,�byeljaed all -s, ruolitli4':but 006 fore- r" rolk to P urolov'ra? ,114rkot. il �
I , Ww tflIeLfiKO)y Tlu)011'aa With whie,
I Filmy Things That Da=le the Eyes also the bodice. Wltb this dreso Mrs. who say fiercely, as if they -were . , I . i his I o +1�0
; porturlity would besiege HI -9 � July �1.1.4'qiero wao�un y tie ,,ft.q
Woodruff wears a 'toque of whiti) millY desperate, 'Will you, or 111) My w,rath. � TI)e of o , ats rece'ved oil t,bb,Btroat Xatirt , ot,
ol the Beholders. tulle. I . I . won't you marry me ?' That sort t1h rone,-1340114 . , 100 per
, norning , .
I I I � of well are nut )much d, because WT(4th Of GO'd la Hug,righteaus 111(lig- i I I ll.,' i � Tb ey sold 1), t t
- . RRW 'A 100 tion tigatn'st sin. bilisbel, Two loaas of I Old hay' 4100
_A2&V I .
�P,R;R5�.40" EZSa�gWAW I Wes Stbel Barrymore h a's )a din -L you can't flirt with, tf.. and keep 11141 I I
g ng 11-13, Moves begaught Tbe DOb- offered a I
,ri lower -fro�!kii are among the latest and all gIrls beamitiffal; taiat tbia nor dress of cloth of the same shade them dan 11 - They make you Hay - nd sol(l,at $14� f�:
t leness of'%Oues s`hO*e forth in com- ' Dressed lioge-Are. offaring vQTA
boaln is stilutiae.ted aind better work as Mrs. Woodruff _19 . plete. self-forlgetfulnees in, Ills love Of little. They sell now, at $0,50 �eo
ossimmer novelties, and for dances s, It is made with either 'yes' orr 'no' r lit away. Tou �
, .
;and dinnera at smart watering in ilritellectual linest is aceamplis-bed; a long,tralling skirt wlilob bag a can't fool tllqm. 'ye in which a God, al)KI of' tiiie� p:�-ople, -while he $0 7,5, an adya.lice of 50p Per Mt.
places this garden. creation will take tfh4t exerelas to the best ouire for ver7 deep band of Irish laoe set. in Them are many wa tibeir forgiveness. Ill'adquarters of beef are fIrtrier,
,the lead � dleeAse and medicine Is imperatively it about three Inches above the ))sin- girl can tell that a, man if) g-oInC Pleaded for ' a rep�uted- This Is S0111FIg LIP to $1.1, arid Ve'll also ! Iso'
1 4 T 0 11or' �
rhe bodice to trimmed With the l4cel, to propose before lie (loes, First, 1 - 'h alter the Maw= of
Obe ;Zay' choose for suehl gown meessarly wi-t1bolvt It. g through W�ftch WsD maklelsthO sleevets.-RITIlw- there is the tone in hip Voice, Then opoUon merely higher, selling at 7o -to 9v, per lb, , ,�i
whatever flower oBe happens to To sort the blood coursin, men wate, bavin-9 formed a purpose, .
- tibe vebrils and Prevent Itbiat slug- ,delphia Telegraph. I his eyes, alwayu follow you about I 3 -ted Wheat, white, V� to 855c.; do, redf,
lancy,thougli it goes witbout say e globoeas wilivIt arises from Inactivity, . the room in the most a,drairing, permit tatmemselves to be dive 7:� to 80o; (10. goose, 68 to 72c; dA-*
tug t at tile loveliest of tbesear from it by strong a,nd forclible rea- �9. to 61204
Ornamented with, pretty. garden ta�ke a pusitioln, as if aboat to box :�� # adoring way. He looks a.t you with do. spring, 67 to 80c. Rye, I
ItIs a f r Len iin each ,_ a vague, Tar -away gaze, ,�s If lie :TlS,jClavi%0, Moses' Prayer Influenc- 160�,. do, feedf
blooms. d, a dumbbell WVah, Barley, nialt, M6 to 601
1 Wa I '4c
Sweet Pena' ienti themselves ad- tend. Stand firm-ly and str W out really saw E6 vision, so let him to 5 *. Oats, 50 to 50Y --C. Pe,'),"
this fad, and the fact boldly with the arms, ome after the I KNEW SOMETHING 11 :L5, T -he t&bIes-They were vvl- r) "
inirably to I alone. At this stage he wouldn't dently not very large or heavy, a,h 741e4c. I -Jay, timothy, old, $14 to.
.%'hat they grow Ili such a, variety other, butt without anly uninlecemeary even da�re to call you 'darling..' -But Moses af>pears to ,ha,ve easily carried 1,115-_10; do- new, $0 tO $10 i do -9
lie has other ways of showing 11OW t1hem bo-th. � clov(�r, $9 to $9, Straw, $8 to $9.
fisf tints makas them all the move vialeTrice,l ABOUT WOMEN. �� I
Nulted to flower creations. Thepale This exercise will bring the blood . he likes you. sometimes lie drops 16. Work of God -Such a law could � 131ill,ter, Pound 1-0118, $1.5 to $17,,
lavenders, deep blues, yellows and to; the face, which isvery necessary v , I -v little hints about his Ideal or a. roeeed from none but God. Eggs, new laid, 15 to 17c. . . .
whites are all charming, Nvban such IT one wWies to keop a blooming r.11 e time having come when wisdom Woman. He says be- never met her P I wbeat Nairkots�,
tints are becoming to the wearer, complexioxi-and athletic exercises, A lt so -until now. Again, he makes h1lu- :L7, 18. Noise of waTJw*WV, at Lending L
yet nothing Is so altogether fresh! so -me one ,wisely remarks, have a were selected for jury service., SiOns to Ills Income, and sa�s lie first tRlKmglllt that tile people iliust[ Following are tile cloollis; quotait
and dainty as the ptile pink shade very immediate effect upon the happened that twelve of there were see It means so little to you. be waxrliig witl1l: Wme Of th,0 neigh- , tioup at inipprtant wheat centreg,
blos- complexion, tile best in fact. p for many hovirs in the jury =21? Illen propose by showing -.von boring tribes. 1 to�da,y :
of this old-fasbioned garden See looked u saying , 'Will :L9, Moses, &tiger waxed Illot -, I ,,Cash. Dec. I
+,o it, maid and matron, that y on their batik books, and I
vorn. . room, arid finally, says the Brooklyn
The gown represented In the cat possess a pair of dumbbells, which that be enough ?I Moses Dow feels the kindUng of a I ph -,,ago... ... ... ... ...... - k 7:! 1-9
Is as qualut aud pretty as its de- are considered equal, if not super- Eagl% they sent out word that they "The only way to propose Is the wTo&h &Idn to tlmt which rn,rwed Je- ; Ncnr York ... -� . ... ... � 777-S
- I 1*1
Olga, aDd herein has the origin- tor, to amT otther article of gym- would have to be provided with a sub- old way -the way Adam must have bova:b- Iiiery indignation against sin i Toledo .... ...... ... ... .- 76 1-1 7a 1-2
stantial luncheon before they could to Lve, before there was Is a pagain,),n as purre and wortIry ' ' .
ator Flio-wri her appreciation bf the nastic practice. proposed . 01 I lit.luth, No. 1 North -
flower harmons. somersaults on & long collritinue, their deliberatlonn� any money, or reason, or anything God or rua�n a,s love for truth and , I
Turning . ern ... ... . � . ... ... ... 75 7-8 70:344
When unpretentious sweet p�as are mattress is fashion's newest oure "'Unfortunately," said the Judge, in the worlo but -love, Go to her ri 11teorusisess. Duinth, No.1 hard ...... 78 3-8b _' I 0
vosed theXe should be neltbev elab- tor adipose. 1t often, takes "th"TO i13 no fund upon which -we can and saZ,, IYunIve gat to marry me, 9 I
s und the preH because I love you and I can't live 20. Ticoar the ealf, eto,-The act Torouto Dairy Xarxets-
orate material nor intricate pat- togic, and patience to persuade a circulastanow.17 was a symbolical owe; t1le idol was I D'.'Pts continuo
terns for a background. In -this atout, dignified lady to turn a Ont 11 - without you. And that stv)e or brought to notbing, and the People �ButterThe reo
somersault. I "If 'Your Honor will permit, 13119- proposal is alwass in fashlin." '"a -re made to 8wall(OW Vileir own. sin. ! beavv. Oonkddorable xluarititles Orq
Instance . steld the attorney for the proseou .
p,til), pink Atons."line do Sole, At 46 sucil a gymnastic perform- ge . ___ _-Speaker's Com. ho'ig� offered tit c,,untry points; bag
y ance seems an awful and awkward tion, "we will be pleased to provick- run of tile Day. 21. That thou Ila$ brought-Thic � prices are, 'too high i0ir export, arxl
showing a small polka dot, malres a enterprise, but once one learns havr the luncheon at our own expense In I a i Nve lock for a furtlwr deuline beforsot
wriect gown fabric on -which the Order to expedite matters some- The bachelor who airs )its views was a tievere rebuke. McBee o.lrrrge
dellcato potals seeal to have been to turn a lRomersault, even at 50, wliat.js before, married ,women is always ac- talla sin dilrectly up -in, "run, tweause 1.vajy vulura,� (I businesp can be done.
. Ae rolls, 16 to
blown hither and thither by a care- the exhilaration or it grows on T�ie Judge looked doubtful. cused of knowing more than he has he had p��rmltted it. , to
one anU Its effects on the wal9t 212-24. Aaron ,mid -HIS reply Is � 17c ; k;t lectled dairy tilW, 15 1-2 , �'M',
1, � 001 -
Ims wind. i measure are simply astonishing It "if Your Honor will give the M1=0 any business to know. very ,%veak, arid is real v a canTes- ljuv . i,tore loacked, uAdform I
A I)Ialn skirt of the dotted mous- I ilpg& to uFoll announced the at- - Gil ilia awlil shortoomi t
torn sion rgs. 4 1,1 1-,-,, -to Ifirr ; lo*%y gradev, 12 0, -
does far more for a fat, cluinsy Prlvey for the defense, "we will In- ' I
rebue is dropped over a foundation , "Why do -,von Itate birni so Tl . m(,ry prilits, 19 to a
of pink chiffon and taffeta, and wornan than can be imagined with- terpose no objection." .. ->5. Naked.-Tllts tailarls tUat they i 14v , crea A �
from hem almost to waist is a series ; out a trial. diTilat sclems to be fair," said the When we were .voting men we were broken lease froin P-11 restraLint, i jwlids, IS to 19c.
This is an exercise to reduce fat, loved the. same girl." unruly. Ifeen'tkiiam S?e R� V- � Egge-Recelpts are fe.13-ig off, buti
ol overlapping flounces of the dot- 1 thoughtful pause. A.Oh I ti cogli,�umptiv,e de -
ted f abric. These are plainly and there are others. Set a mark Judge, after l that the women. . Did lie win tier from you by 26-28. Slay every ruari-The Le- I witil. a decreabe The
on the wall and kick at it ten or "Gentlemen, in order any unfair meahs?" Tites; came at Mkwes' call alk -d tlhe� � laull.1 during the hot weather.
find Sewn . may not sufft-r anti. that the ends Of W
hemmed at Ut, uottorn es with each foot.i Then . son "No; be w*�nt away and left her idle, work of rotrilti,tion beIrz-v. The � usark,ot remaine EtPk; 7 for strictly;
with pftle pink sweet Peas, Mile- I twelve tim Juatice, Shalt riot be, subverted, buleoi but rue." I t!h:r(We tbWJ6tvoJd $Ia1L_,, iv,pre probab- i! vew laid , st-cond graidos oeasier. We
I I stand Fidewlse and repoat the 1110� n a Innelloon." 110 c
jlmc�s the c,istile flower being n,e,, - slile, placethebands may mch spild 1 a o 160 ;
aT,d again only one larger peta tlonb from tile Immediately two councils Of war 1.�, tlile leaders In ti -4o tranKgreselon. '� ilutite * titrictly xiew I W, 15 t
On the hips and jump up and down -0. (*ow;( rate .yourFtIvea,-L;ter- Iret.b. cundbql st,t,,�sik, 1.1 to 14.1-20,
failing carclt.,�wly am I were bel(L *, Dololt , ,k it's very rude to - ,t,,ur Ill -1 I -cuitas an4i clovks, 10 tt� 1,20.
you ib'r .q11,y fill .N ants to tho Lord. 1 cc
folds. ten times. "Ravenollslv bungrY," said the at- tall: during an urtist's musleal per- I a. , , L*ht+eiu_1N1ArUet s-l�owil-g mom. 110-
I get two chairs four feet apart, ills, proFectition. repeat- Their haiiie. wvri, to be fille-d-Ith ;
The ,�Wrt trains b1conjingly, ant] st a broomstick through the tornpy for rw. in tnes. ?, Rat'l W11111. Wi-b"rog,ton. 11111f. dativ�; and ('bl"'g4atiouls of thf,ir ili%ity uiloder lit-tter tywrt demand.
; thrur is or the'raessage that . . �,
the whole, effect is I61-11611, grace- , Ing the wor, i 1, Yus," wiswsirt.4 il ss cayelint, I ? "go"nVi ,%Vl, 1tu(,ol,j,. 1.'J,geet, jo 1-4c; eccurldes,
hy ! rounds, and run and itimp over had come from the Jury room. "Wo,11. ..(,spf-vially Avir so oi,u mnsidrs that rw-reti enillUg.' Jwery war
Jul and lovely. To ayoW a bune ! this bar a dozen times, and repeat i I V,4---W.rhfW r(we lib Wt, 4 9 3-d to lec.
Uppearaw-e about the 11 PH, tilt, skirt we mapt not t4tint them: we, 111"St 1, %lill, MW4 se. (1psiglied to give r"l;er i bittl wirs k1t,
is it ft quitc, plate frolil walst to 1. the jump standing. Then dance as sech tbat they haVe 11, goot), bearty f,.,,, tilt. stnp�Alty of cenverizatir, ppicorkal an -I Film b, vr-r!401,alions 1� taelwrut Cheese 31tiorkets.
, -
, a child might dance, flinging up In . ar. ri-" i� ;�h �,p � lio ah t� h nar ww- Ut � t k .'b ` p(il.,v,.,Ir. jul�, 19_-TAi,t4, ,V .4 .T1t-1!% .
perbap.4 twlive in:hus bvlow, a few � ricbcon-K)mething tbat wJt eatl[Rf�v -Ww-hingtou St. , I,lvl�t. -%x,,;1II. )�_Jl. Lu4f, ' -
the arms in the air. throwing tile �, cou-iii gro
atruy pmals b.-ing the ooly tvriia- (.111.01 13 I , w4 rt; 1�;,i.14.144 ; :�,*.CA) wbits", t;U_WA,-_
._ ! 1;mbe about ax,d spruigiiig lightly th i :hiv. 1-6, lN -
Iut�ntatlorj oil tbi,s part (or the gown. � upward. . 11.k substantial Inneheon," rmld 'tIle I 0. I (.1o"alal ndvi.t. rol to pause and 1. .1 U G n the merrow-After Nlr ts;* Me irtutli 7_,ic W;4%kois 7-1,,, ff(,x19w-1-U
- quaint it, tllf' '011ditly di,- ,* altorney For the 4111PIINIP. UISO fluOt- rf-rjeft, , udmw.14$1�d tle lusvw�r to, hall . -. Alcu'li-gisler -'475, ",N txAg� "t
EctunIli ' M,V(- a bAr billig EK]MOW)l(TO RO . il!ilw�t ... uted jw-14.0, Vt. t1w 14*44- :; o'.
to!1itti. ctwri.age. w1l.ell 1.� gather(il , liatt you can rit" yourst-Ir up IT )tsp; from thc- message. "tAmrely 601110 I 111f. woma*. w!,to w;.tv bon't vin if6tthiv 1. vil , ofti-x,hbre. yt. lalvo, Fifa;fd- !1 1.4 V-1 tk�, 11 146
bigh at-ross thu bu-st. tilt- folds. bo- : avo had unough exibc,ri- .0 -.s 1IN's, lois, 'I'lli V. 9 -Tbouvil owy I..iii &..,j,.Zpj,j.I %2t ntal " q:vroiwall. Jul.N IIX--T,..-Wy -,*.
� th(, *4kku half is, (1411)�Zlvll tiusub. By this among tip It ' . -.Zi. 1.1 it tto .L,-UJhPi,1Fv tjilo-y wcrt, 1440%is cl. ILMA,K
'Ing thtimn in i-oftly' lit 010 NYIIISt, , Itinto thill IXK nve vVith wonjf*ll to know what tirtt ,' dbv"re'.. 1� t It w .1 thow %V4 wi--,r(, lwa.racd, ;ill
ly will be hk zt. vir wns im mirrt-;r Ili tbs- rorw
whs,rf- thpv art, ri'--tiveatol lil-nealh . ,orout; f, A ,Zi(,nt. tor tit letqij V.1toll %j,p j��n '. to.of 4 #,Nri: lit Wj to%vt Ists,"i, were vviato ,
, -ti saiRb, tit pink lborty Sri t- , Irlow. V . lummR." pil 1but Phort%v . 11 Sybil 14 - att lwgr., .I . it . tool IX10-, trioNtre I. 41v t', s. All *(%
a el,lio-lit t ,. Thtuo exprelFes will h(-tp to earry Thtio It 110PIOPR TAvrhZt-8 Mo. -1.1 f:t-1,1-*nl-tt i.*.1 r.1 � V.0 . tit 4111at�T th.r.g. .kli tmr ;,I t� "t ri!
I J. - �11' 'At' - `
Ill. A eovv of thel swt-t,�,, licas oll - flrlsh� whiell Is apt to F(Atio 11wro,after varitets largi traye ltvi,Vf, 0 ZA;. %V,fo,Q la -I hwdil�,msl, - Ili- tLt,n ". th:A Ito W-vllt tv IT; t4Jl',- ""10 (01�1 t '- '
, uwa.v Ills, lart. 4*. .
I tbi. .p,lmu flkiwprt�- art, irr-le Smith , V4,bw_g*�%;�J,1-, Ju��y 11.1,-To-Alay lik
lintw %lit, i-qu.,re tht,lh,t-19( Unfl"AxAut thit. '614 givi� graeg. f1i'd -ried Into tltt, Jary, rilen) afid %be I = H %,vo,ns I Wilat a llrnlzli,�Z- I Gil ;-NAVU. 0, FY,tt,l4e4i.4w--11.- toxes Illuttvri
. WPR� . vai , ul,�4 lit
mr,wt- o t 1;iippl%nt,14l4 %ks, tb(,� inowinvitte, mak- q.t�ntvnts o%IVm,.oi4l to %lexr: With thf, . crt,�iiii,r,o�Ntfol(,Vt,,;"I.Tltt
:" 11. Too-ki; ;: aN. , Plot .1 i.1illat t kop4w L��,tfr �i &�Ih.
fully &cattLr�d civir th., 140*1 P'ti �� �'-! l!(41%vP0'-1-L'.-,j.l:.4l�a wol"t upen ,, :Iii r.-Vtoir is Ill, 14 �, 1.1 16 lro%cx
air Illo 1111111r, T44UIL41 ;%Till full, thu 114CIL, f�(�DsJ1VJjJlJ4,nJR s%r tbis Ig"Is' PlAitth e"Iffif tvllrp w"Iijlol.�r�-1 oi 1�4-ori., 0; , illf t %o -u. , a, ' ,, N ,, I , .� '.,-. !. tw,-.' toles 1"taivi.
.It $4D,,
'41, RVIARY oth:r,o tdr.-%- 4 I,Sb,� w,a-n t T;114t n W- .1.. .,,. pr,.tt g,.,N- 1;,, jj;-�L - c_ N - tg4, -Prwt.�
, �41 . it ho!art.y intral 4 N. IV � ,. ,a* Lo,,p. jp.alr%uqorc� 41%.' 4A _"01-64;
Novelty Its ".1t.eve 00-Ign. .Al. .41gitinif,Iq fl.s.1 a,11t) loljz�,c�uoar. ro-%At4l. ,, ,
'111to Hlw-ves 4*1 0.11S fmek arti vury 1.44-lpty .kt Folut, rt.sort& is lilnutQIng Ill ll�ro wury lonvat v10 %f Of tUl*X, (n. a -. Is: I A- 94 110.2014v t i,lth,�, �410. � .,
cqirUousi. Ctilukl1tr t1p Is4iti. ()vt,r tipt, itw0f with Wan 111.1g partb+. Attl tbte . Nellie unyl eot!vp. ;41441, . �. aro t of ul. F.� N .. t I th N M � V1 ,'-*:.* 1144 lo,#�., #.-'Ill A,..gul h,ol p , !4141t,,ir. .'Xi 4ZI '_'�k-, �alwl 1,471 1A 1b:14e L
,W,oulds-rs. tilt- dottitl lno1JwZtht1v W gs how thf.v rwknli,941 uhp: ltrivo. a Irldt ; e, 1 A.%i,r. .M441* tO-�le � 1; �P.i:tl *116 10,&C -4q
,p,,q,-,.v,,r,,v,,r,1l,1i,g V 1111,1141 11'� ay SC,,_001 val;Jaa. po�lwl�l- If 1" tit llt t1w Lt.. .., P. -
arraiggod .r. CIO, futd,� 44ge alid .*tt (*to(. ono4 of .. Ia411 cr w-rattla. , Y-114119 V 1, NOW, r e: IL I�A*l .M.141 E.4%�,i6m,�4 tlour,#.,� Z;IN Oacese- li;t
't that worliol loavo g"wZY11 'I 1 $kq, 1�..�.-��1;0!. � k ,
go , cw i. 14, a " ermlat b L , ,� .1
4zhild it I,. *1 4 at A kj-��c *.
% if; .a) irteliw4ll Iward I tt4 � ,� k,.141e� %V i.,JLMs. .
trin=4 %vitli 114vw(-r p,A%119� tri Vt'. or 441 11oll, la vll, Evart or .'i. famuhilm 111an On the . LJ Vt r, �1,4 : 11 , � 14�,,rlq .1,: _� T,
11 910au olq+L 1AA 114cu ',Nlct�- .I0 V..U'. ` AR . .I,4*e. , 71 .g� *.4 .*,-,-�, , and 1trzc u6
Irlom ZL poilit aj,ozLt t.lm-o hellos be- wjl�j zA, squarij Ittow siv A. .4�1*Mblfu= (,11A1,r 14.lrd. tiort, 4 -.am 4 i, h 11,1-1 ' I 1pf � �!!L�411 tht. Vncv 0 e,wh tg�- �!41� .it b .ro* I ul,&I'd* 103 to!Ler. �
wo olwu drujil-ry wh*.C`4 fatlr, In two Is -r, iijj�ItD L�,-jgs 1.f*w..,r44 V.�, 1�elt% A I It oT ombol. lt�www froR, iout�-tfriiso. 4,(,� S �` to �r_
low. to,4. tcop tit v.�A- arin 48 twt Ust ..(4 Itho ($*If(.- mit" thu r1a.%4rR pitelth ct'inp1hurntR or VW df4*10-1, tonl.v 46 1.NTnR-N"10%AL+ Lk' -680-N N41- IV- "L"' t,4 IT'�,.JIL�uml�q'
. I JJ*J_X " , 19621 ml_! lw`�,11 1,�c, 1,�Wroa , Drallo,tt 44.4tow 9.trUrrv.
devil locohrm olit. en tj,lp outside .wad ex,cr4- vw kcp't. alit' tr tPtl HC'91� fall I __4 f1liaA 111,oL% werf. ue.11,1,1 1:4) 4,�,"fl,rlt.P
moll eliklmoh.tv - , '4117i � 1�c # �.t J �. "In I 11�, =1�,**, C� ,111-� "watly
,t1iss, iothls-r on thf- iNK41t, f'r the arno 6TO tht- 1!olp It eflavit" a Luvq,irl . r I X., -m oarqh�- U014R,t�:
-d VI Nirc ,11�,t_wrw tlus,re,t7-,i4�-;*4w(1 -rj:1kbGh'5?Cf.,11u1. L%�"_',�',;"'. '! I ,,� t 4 , ,,� . , - -rate*$
'pilit; t.lttmk, pIrtZon IV rawk, wit - tula fluv ��A(Ifa, tl,qu, A , � 4� VA,4,T�!;gJ I � ` 'go vigr. �T 14i - d b � T-4, -,'-,�,w wo gtif .*"! I J i=�: t - n i. -V rv,*r�gr
llerhsilw," vall-0 V,v, fv-rvU*lc�J0 tit I Il'o.-, 1g, ,� . J,_,1 24v go., Jli� *IatteP. 24414 ;'
. 1tv. it is 'lit, I0 1,144, �
- -
out a Ill:11' g. gtj�tj gg .jJr% ft4l4v aro Amglgr Islip. AU ul,li-� till, Alr�u*.l P. avc "weliq lix-tIt r lilell 44-4 U I. Vt, _41R&3t. 5, ttar,�. � %ftt r ph P,�,�! r M1 to'N � AU T , i, , 1"o, w;I -A;� v0l,1111 k,:�vo -,, Z t I U I 'e,�,!Z, i
vv 4 11;%IJ `.1L, ."��Jt�,t4 19.r(1%JPI1 .1 - ,q_ %;tc 'T t�,�!%El a4al
1*rdt-rsA otki S 9CAttVrfi,9 Uf f10%%- W loro%ibio L Wid 1: - Inah't toirury 1��olwlm,14. tft*1"v,adfd1mflAg� tis, all't ,"h�iZITtAo 44 � . . hUN �J I otont
py, IN.* � 1JJt,,)Z lf'01.1 1-1, �t C4 I 1144'wi �, it 1!�- o "I ,b�.f.e
.%IN, It 11; qJ$LQ�W011U.' 1,1104014 It' m10 tLt, 0;�luart� t N'T'dall: it 9XIII? 110h, �Vv� hilAtil:* rlmwsl lit V0, A Pal 11's, !L'olid taiii-141 wIJ!,Tifi%,., I . " P , . %to, -ft Alarkot.
Ott vVIxi p3t�-I-ss�,,a a prettfly rtscrd- twftljy� Ilig, limilim lbt*!,il,lb� worc I Via I L,� 1. I.!, lt];qjt, w4fllu .f�1'1 ��J,"_`, , ,
%� .It,i t1L,t:-Js�l,*,!. I - L �A, I i! IEM ',:It 4L.al"_V. vl�t_ V� ttti wt. Ili 00 wt 10, 63
ctllwrs�. "i. -TI) 44-11W.3T. 11 . t�, lgU.1*f L�'Wl x.L O.at-at 834NAwr ljf,�; 61,-V, It LN,dtl,�Ij �Ln l"'.11"llo, _,, I ,I, C01
44 nrw. and the viftiolwe olit, g40f; -o-�4,11, �, iiatj%. (�,l - ID, ,W at- %V, � L .1 1 4 L5 W
_*�,t,lt4n;�q jj� %V,, t�&,% %eltt, i4a, I � - tto,�,6u� . . I
,( , , I�o liv, v v rt jo.-,i At c�u t 9 A .1!,$,& �T, . I 11., C., �3 a (
0: AS: fruseit."W'.g F4�Alln`v If'sti's7f. NAI Isto"'Ahl thl I y Count LVI. poritv v.,101. � ta"In ,� wm% 3�.l _n U!, J iLQ 4 �L* � I . 3 'L.,J t ij� L
rgght wbV4��." kpft "IJ (-B�"t.ltoLME- C",aq , lk I - " " �11 La to a 11D
- , a. M *� � :t�ft, 113,nhtsa��, ,za411,1" ii�r, '�il,l _
. .
Ituilk,fLI by t2"'t, Iyale 1111�;. won�:Qoiotcl ?,,,,It It'r orvrry L'ar 11K.A. A tLrowl, �' "o, mmf � tA , �14 # E�f, � �� Lt, .41�40:1.�Tla'��.14 �i,�'-�r�t -
I ��Atl,�A 111list. VW;r("Vt W&V 11 T itp ec- tM,M. fer %Lf gct 111�_q,,Ilt-?, c1li"'p, 4J"4�,�O_ .... . 4 .�,) to Ill �4
19 olj�' k tne Atict't 0'armirg r4t.- *,u1q,�!i, fL.r &dj�g te. t�gs� 114(4or tm g1cate. ; 144 -'Bi *-�60 I_VJIr:.v-,t, P I '.-301 q �-, r bbii� 61, ong"C', Pi"'. � , _., n .15 to I 0
tlurvN ol V�#� gowal. !�t-4- rKsIttg ary fpai-truk,U �L turive. - n. i�;l tt _-I, ,."," rb, n Xt,ov .A-,il-,w.1tp?9 V_,'Um�.,t�ql 6�194,�,,�P�- q G13 ca,ft�__111. . a 65 ,,T�:! 6 VJ
- � � , I " - , `_111 , do C,_,','0 . . . --1 I .. "
Vfa a vlo.",ih-r lormpalro woutil Jars, ofolIrct Ulf 11 !Vt,11�11, 1L:1111t1vt'1 ��'I'c.N 11.4. -dt,rdu tol %%; ��J'. q�'r jl�V,#J,6 &�q��_. " ,1�.f, ,�,fi,d""",�J r ,ie ZO to 3 ,�J
- . "ta pf,�A,4 I ' C�i
Tfus 414"d to the evts:'Irlillil�# - ' J 1)t,fLtlp�,L`��,!_Jkft;"_ I—_ 4 CC � z'l ..
cttviLpt FAI, 1�alqv :r5Mg w,ki 13041,4,418� I 1 I I - sha,�, .,u ni.mit, ....... *+,#++ IADTC., w_6� e��':lll,l tM- v.-vV.1v ila- �� Hli 01. � &, !to. lt"04a L�40 "Yll t !'at �L q�c��"rjnll . - , � - - " - - , - � '7, V, U) 4.
-att, rmmm t1if -;aj; n5i I ++++++++ .... ++ �_ , L
. ltt�,a ttq,)t dj�,'f4lli','11�% 11'j- ffjJ 4,
R �.- . , ,.,4 " MA,t;,;,.� Lat "'I"lly &14111' jk'.10."��- T fs�n q Z, ,:,:?W4r. . r- 0,r I t . . I fri c,3 4 n �. I �, ,
- (pas .9 ,lv: 1AM-1111,11t 4.! tto�v esti!ure'll lwk�;?.,r� Thu B �9 1 :4 4 4 V*ALtv to 1"t-r� tif, t.tt+" *t � 1�1,01'.' 4ft-j % ,-� d,�, ..
loul tintrong Chi D'Aftio , + MA � kt',, , t, N", 91,D uto_ 2 ", t�) ail
. r " 19 "I v oti ", ,_ V I � � - V�?
I ,:t � Ltorisalj 0 r. t,J9iirv1.-.t Z L' ','-21��, jr-, tik# -, rltJ', UL ,
rj,,paj L4%�rtv e-ti,*o t,%0TtVho`rC1 1111� , P M.13 .1 = , r. _lL s:�Oj J Af to ou'� i
Q nism-, I I Mv:�IE4 CA11,44p,,��'_Illf; wi,&T� ku 1% .� t�',��., I V�r.�,Jq1,-V;,Al� �-,T "u, - , C! - . 1
P3 , 1� i i 10, C,! 11,;T. tinp, _1 , l�,Ah,,��t�t,t�.,T-ir"t,-,4"�A � * ,.'. si ih') to 4%
016 fafbb:�trvwd (Irk-attolu �tlind, p"Ittt, r1o, tan" ca'IM"'at, + I .. 0. "to t'nq
.JE_�jo t.LLJL�` .::' 1-2"�;ti!,r�V�L� t�.tr' If,J(t�g*,'!R- �L.
for ge-im9f,t. ptrare at'd prFAt50E&4, Q um R tt, V� Tht, + + M"')JUA rettt, edte� t;,4t,Lt� �1, - . A - , ,�, VC,_'. eLtl_�te. g�ll ctilt I . . 1`5 W V) *
�. I o t '--N`0 to 04i
- LIDT-toti's r llu.xg g.A! tlao- . ,
`T� '�, P -ash %Meh onigh,t "r4Z.,io. J�P,�-�shqq!. I . Utl:"-Jvt uv�,:;E� vint TnV;&o_- *,Etlat n P,C1l1.l,t, e W., r- r. 1, t - � Ecj�'?, Ugl! ;V. t lit .. - . .._ I
,�_.#, U01,11 2"orks &Ift 1-kva,rd tS U.T. �i'Ni!r � 1 . - . 'in , in._,,�� I j�,.�,l!l-_'-. , 5-t"nu ,1,,,:�, 11 L�V�,tratptrcwl __ _ . . � '. cc' to 0 QU
rat (-*#*Lg*anv t1i'd's glywQ& wioula, te, DE 11 ++ ra, THE QUEST, 110N I L4, -*-T-s�� ,ril�', ��,-, " a t ' I
. ZaWout 1� fora -t "'ol.'ll, an l "i Ifet litrc ,ttculs Eu_�Itf ilc�5-_>I.alg V-1131 CA ItL,A C AN -2- ni;�
- it + Z I w�d sioqht� . !1v t.� 1-3 il
,01 vlldo P.=%- ubert.�, n'nktlln"�, .,111114 , r,� L %. - .r�,!'Q -
��,;lo. ,Q , t �'r 10 t_ �fl * k&--i;V,V &,u ul,lr_�Z �,A' vc�t,�Z,-,.114. 'tkl�l- 4'.! tnfuv�� t It lt uv.i; �, t". I . 91'adaltor"Ifill on It"Obdo'. i
, ,,f,�t,g VL,ig)b� 0 1 py, A .
wIft AN mahz sL,x1;;iag: a f1!uttt%?h,g + My % Ciut� GWI 'L -,...,F ",11trEd- ' lhb6e *&-4 h5A =&' OG�] %1v,j-& :
, + + E.,�,j,,; L,�_.c,,T 1�i*.� IL;rtna us t a Ttcv�lp W 11,10'AfF,n1l Etc, pagt tvr,4�'%'
tZ 1% Uet pzals ard a de- . . QL.tke"N't'n 11q. tWtutpu No tLe t,,Ml�
N's ol P�tk stvt b 9 4i'MZAA^�^A '' , *+++* ....... *44+*444++++.f+ 11 eu ul-!"Cer .,--q , t1livil Dv4r�n !�Atll.nv g,L,*t4& Ic.,Ir tLsr5,. lLfibw�
1=110 J#orCuer 4ol t�uem CrUawett4 I . 11 .. 'W , ,;�i:.,. 041L,l, , Q: !�t'a : n1r.�CT21".% st,u%D'v. -a ez.�Ap,c, t q t;,-,oc, - Uo:(T4 ��s 0, rLvv�
both *;�des talmost Ite tuts viatLt. � A g�r; %Vho�r.*.t wr ZIM4cr u. QQ-'i'�,11ta li-�100� &-e � t1i
Avtertk the Hash IvIrLiala be tied in, a WHILAT GOTH o �s . * ,�I�a��v�..-'11,s lslct!�#,? k,3 1"go"r-P UtX) -
% om g, Uate- wM9 Nr,V't1,r,t. oCnstL"11A2,7 .1 sj`�,80, &�Z-1_1 t_lp �%,�4d-<,-�gv 0 I[Pt, %��Z4,,_'IEFnt lq�l'AtL? bn tzll�tM5,rl k�tiv,01*8
I I 6" im vcllt�e�k!a� ZZ,IF k, )�'Lc�r4�; 1'�',�Vlt-�_' " gC41.!`x-o; ir-11 t'a, 2_XV;L a st 9. 1�1,1'11,9- ffia5- nwQ ra, To�,A[L OLT ttt tilv,* vvc,atLtx,,
Wwplo Ittmot. - ' o4vart"! "VA tr(-VU(-VA1Y7 pcv,r,�,, 's, ME- mtwq�� Glitc-txr, Make Us Lpt",%s��I?_'.,'Z�, �: _. 1; tllsE- Vf-t,-l!R0V8
1t;sW0 the swit(It Pc -a gown tLe tl-o-�?L*Z tal, tre d �4r-jo d 1" av ty V! V,lt Vth�_-Lr-tj toz J.&Jtj�_ ..
rt I tP ebJ,'!�Trr. N* b,�%e .V
11 400 IS WEAR NO,, %litt-ed fW�t tt,v� xvayool P" 04 s5tg Q fo�u,.hlqc., L.Aio, , -L, r , Ti. OtLy Q vq�* i1l4,"Nq, TxL4.1. �� stj ,iA Tozc.muo arlis �1��* 1lia-8
ate lovely 0 -nit's or rescs. brRoDurat C, tbe 6.,ftmLt 1sl,tLt.%L,,jg;g tc, mtrakir tiL��w m-a_r�s, �I Lum ,�IF � , � V, 'asA.V
r � . I as V9141nefftric-1 no at � ,li rt.oQt J-P�,u tt,vf
. . . . . . . I . i lo_msw�:,4 to s. 11 U'P'�110' 11_4�i'l t.�1, -4valb,,.t iiJf9V,,0tC,3 1�0 t Ali 0
�,, silkv poppy 1p--- *,.% ~-- � 11 !kl,il,tb��,3:U, "'ELP 9160:i� ;
I * I . ltvp�-v Wof ll�en whci P,terj_,�sf, R;'.t Lte@ jag�c, a a.. '� tj,c W, 114&*U,Ciz�sl,� 4i 1.,t f-vcd go em Vi.- cmif a VE.-'rjou tv,sntIf-r. &ctaoleroo ate he &I
t,qlg 4B�d to2ttt-reup froekq wholso Pale. I ger 0411toto. clvfwAlpo. .11m] kstf TTF Mch ce 601�, 0� WI-tt, tkvy Died U�Dttq,2,�.G .'__% E_',Q'j trolr+;�Uf.-�-'S- , r'j'p
JeRow tint is; lregh and dtoointv Utz- M,%,V� 3(,hlo r4. tr(SIF11 10f.C- a 16CW �.. I
b7 tbe Klio5s to lnriulch Ite tk�x'ngg� (_NJ*0�1. thC_ g4gl,t. W�4P r.,OV ViRk-C. - e2,eev,�.r-,21l W�cx:i otv!T�Z to fbol
aid"I being iont of V[e ordiliftfly. gown oT Irl -ID kace. Like &.I' 1'�rs,s;FiEs .. . r-li thf.fril ovr-7 10!'31, tI_-odre�] Z;ft�ztr, �VDe-tjijj �dijF.sl
". t , , S � *-J,'I' JLg�_.t Toot wea.-
. are .�=.ql, p"Opliose 1I.Ppant'.r, Igbtl.�, lLct; lv�elacqo Cvt sf,wv VOSA�A'. KD- W tt .0 11ph Lal�y,j t,mJ ilint�,�rcr�-tt-h,:,d �� -t,, 1, gtulf tMA Late bi-em tandeol
, -e tuor this; ra!,ilfed IsolaterLaq It IuaF next as it Ith .4 J ftt�.%J fjbj,� " - .#I
Clome of t','eise flotv 'r --teations Jt)Vlit*- V"ZTJ tC 'Urf'11-lEett, _-tS as "tj�CL fVrZt,&J 4�1 tL'C" Very,
fbade Of yft�n thittan. shitted about Ir.1tead e;*111 matflmolor. SLCL "41? - wk;.6eii ;J�o"J,A] go t ., � a.Ta"5�1016aj,) tj"k� WpL,Ff�f,c,� th in T1,0M .'=.4 tpm-y rac 1�14i;ek_c "=e
01._ I 1,
�0 a p -, OtVG I t - 8rj. mvince pfc-'em,f Xlg��f,O`,4 gg'ias'p 4Qm; i*-Iql?� tbqMr" tefai cyl,dctp :,br tLe 1"'allu, ThP evi-
. oantf . �_ t lu�fi � - I ,.
Oro mps U). produl d �-.O;ce to r&� trlwmtlng� He on,13 IT en a jj%0'4V l_W4I�p_'._'r 'i" 't" rl��-fl--_�t'-�g tr' lot -is, 11cin Z13 111at tIil�ar 0 S;t . I -
.d jv�tig ng fol, ttun W,51t.r_ rotno� it, V --- e � &�Rtor is-b".."I tz-y� a rnnde t lia v-, gt�r 9',� CT. - - re4 o:ftsl an fci�e etov@[ 'we
&fve,,, lij ,O,t6 slArrings - tandF ef 1). - �, 0.,.,-
_11110tv .,t. I jt;aging
lovdige 0 tM, pet -vo Vor ar. z,nS,%7,Vf,. dot.t. t"10? Tke.!i '151,v, jo.�o.t tT.� t%vau, to ,vp�-r) ' i&,.�p�li_g bus�o�,Fus Cin Mal)-fi' Rfto-C I
. 'Ve . ��.A p
�Vf K,
lowilig the f,alne Unc.; to give the ap- _ _t ,_qj ll;fr tW,fy� C, "if;j tejt It - lktA tLvt tvclf� c r 3y tc.- V� krEak vll�lmrlyn*.g th-iA tl�, -t� -4� Wd`1�111 'U
. nd. 140 EnN , ,,, fl'e '&'q 14 ;@Wi�- tbi-IM 0� 14; ; 1t-�:?!EES ct� (�I�f cilv��g the patti
peatalwe of P -,2T!9 instebA of flowl I with it idli-Lo. brete]l wf�Ary la lfilfgc- i r:6 1,�'"I..y di In It ltmn vrLnt t�_,C-_y tLet it,it"�Vcvj an 4p,*fort .�r�v) s�,-fd_ , P ft _ -1
N194 .� ;r a C_ 11 IntrIv
�g, a ,��, activit'. katu
,_�m- tk�zm;t Hie 511slcM-�lt-lot-f- CI woq:ek. b�a Z, , Q L to
A more boriffent arttit'gewelot wj�jtj� Med Wait I #tft P. C. edn&ts. ptr.aRglil, fice on thezk vart. Tize 'rpw.j.;�hn,* , , . . '�*,_IUIJ �4'R hl 1i�iWi!eg,'Igf- V1�41 TJoakU Oli-Ct -
pleture IMA tlim said, I V at *3 . �� I r-nVors m r -r --i .3k. so ,%;r,,r,L . .
le ,-a. am-o'Gis � %J�,(A,f� Wo��J 46 fd� .
tl�)Ont the battow, 01 tl si`-�rt tea -1, Wil'ite rtamefv. !brwrltd, jonat,d-,., "T'G t(_-1,CmtJ.-. wv,,E) view LLP telm thl-A A�a'L.6 , tg;;,M JV;i:b s;,&h !aF.4_- 11 jr,� H,a=��7,0,Tj jfipvc; 1.,,ts been 4,
be Used x%ith saeIi- a jr!ock and the ___ take 'Im WA15 sracla t-e,M"___ Ptatt! to '6�vstludf. the jq,r��p,�p qrt,w t9,,--tr,i_ _ � . -.1
.. ftud*� t�,i�:-v wo-Al 000*,Lf r ., %,P. -v r it MZ4Nemc.nt In V�' & e ,* I
- r , ,� JrIg gl-at .. . �1 I
ltowvts may be aea;lttered here in Me L_ '� '4'e_ 'lei
, . Mrs. otme WrrFon. at a "CrIftacr- tkat tLev wtrj .Niaar fe#plo['��,C , Sop ;ZFE. rptcoesc-, ILS gtt'ut tM? 0- � eag-BA Ir"I f::1P_VD;rJg � -tta,e0l CA-cles tLLP ts-f i k. P-Lik ft1pattc-d
Lpj�. -(,,�;�J � L, ILC I
,.�g tIiJE.V v .- w:D11LdWW -;;. lta'6; 0!1 ty_"Ir ;:Ti-:_�'A.'t uf-�WiFrk�r, .�'r, T,�j�c�qst,�-Et,z ,narff,ent
gtea-er prolueav;rt. * I.ry vvzl If Qt�y lzatnot �1; yfu,ur! Ycl"7 _ I
11"etv ate onn,mv kle&lghs Ote 11310t -ant d1rffnc-t .,it Sh&rr,�'PL W('rf lU fsk�tt , I - f, vtders lot
1�'a llowe-. Frock. L:it or wL,ate tacit, and a t-f1vto tgADC-e. Vlllf'- tbElt demay.,6, I T L,r; 0 e,�,, go d 0, tta a t - a - %T S.C-A h�il d r f, 4 i " 5 � 0 C t r_ f - I I t LQ IfT tradc tire lallr� 411
follow ;n tolaktr. � 11 !lQnv ,
=r_T �p-,4jope '* mf tesr. I T F Eg.VT t'!�n D tt-7,�! Q-i,&,Z� up 'Ior� Ill, =!:_tA to -.��- t9l.;�;;:.4 C,444s"('_f-T(,6L ckzzl ft ts 'hel� 11r-
�� ,$r,r, Coo 'j,tZ_ L . lroragbt 4 tw m- U L1. I .
in winAt Is QImPli- 11(rr tuTr'e tf,lluel Llld a kt�iw made , .,�!_ :L , r , -e L
11� n2ng to bear W*I�p S�,*"ak tnf.lk Up .t 1L. .rl, mrr V,T r.og.s� Gr- ec(n on V's Mf, .Uvmu,t�.. - , *,%
. In finc-. Xot-�dtg SaU sutp.q�is tt" ent-ire-I.Tor V,�-'e;ut lurCIAM". .� oTa, r.,IiAe otbe-s vlanc 'z"tv, .,('_V,tE, loron�,, ticz"I a ec,'e C1 uar.-sl to; "i 'i..�nt th(r,TF ,L*.,B stuIll Z,re qvitte a
1 .0p It Eqrj.v. vs,itti, jrvar�C,. n, sQt, I -,,w r,T tLir-t-4. ttu,4� *7'1p,=n:A fcor - 'e, ,90-lu-70
elt v yo at"111ul-DE as - "� -,4ptezret. at flit- eaThr, o, P, , orag .. . _1 : z L., k.L gx-ve.-ir,talf-trA cl tti, T,�lle, Mir- . f-��-- &A -m .
2bueh ruffled ono for - Mrs. ,�rarm 9 L , , tLpy tor-te lintfry - X-mmig nt'G, GeV A m�s 7�u-jgs C�T Z?,�,-.,s m 1. %-6 aw;6�v *.�n uawluj IL's, � s S" Ne upfk:�l �, ,.�,� �csv es tt,lao seaa�)Vl,
general prettitesff. � r"taarant. was. g(Artc-led it Wl,'c Kut_ ' , gy lot - V -t -
and '10 3ncou lun .-I lt,-L�;nesv pit ��r, thnt tbf !'Viiac�'.11ts vvotv. 11t,ear A-..rze , - �n wo* u'_f-li" vr�qq Ulo� , 'W!� lb Lr-�-,js Vfr,C-:!: �Zate C'm Crpr enl2vns
t, i,
- ty , wafln. ner Srgtrt VVAIS =alde, C'. J)art�e �t ='ar"-, 't'l't�,T, dZffrtLr_,-P wt,,�t Gtta ,cusrt� 7to tlLs rpmLNul %V4Q1s t-t� .4gx�d' .1 e. 1,V -1 - �
� - , . C�ir46 bumL)it,,r T. tL .
.1 I I � 1 4_�� , ,u� Itipt �aee. wh,"ch wvs borCer�r,,,] WiNj tz,ee z tzar,jlt V,r-'�r4t!te 4.4D flit'; -r -EO .te ;ars;C, "Ift"'Zi- t��-Mltici�%'J' ;Eln�� q_',�:t��A Ixf �,_ i, 11,�, -, i; q _11r. - - C,TZ1E1P Cite TiUtllr�
_ ylt,, jctj�J ;;
I 11 I *411 - c8l�CXA�Im. lt��-IVE- FZOCL(Cil Id. ,M*:�l '.tr�t4-.;Ll,�qt,"�,, ,P!0Vt7trjg
�.#'.__ �_ ... �__ � - . E , �anp. Ttey s1t%-,;�.'d LQV�;! P-,�Jt, :,11V v,.'.'s o Le I e-
1, , a pa.ss-ementerip OT vLadsrd t0ne Q06 n1wo q9 IC#.,kQ JU'rJTJ. W,rr, L.,�J�(f sg_'2� Mf -1.Q5.- .X- � .
.11 . . - sterf. 07 flLf , R�l ltj,C%Qt.�E-,r, I'ti, C.a�n��.,eej�Z,p C,T TC,tr,_t;e* 'quo
. . 1. Wals I a ea;k rar.43 clanZi� f--,Prcs!��tz, undet pzsm tuds wz4tc.�1,41 for h"7�19 letzlm,� � js In
HENLTH EXERCISE ' I I Pink PeLr-e- "A"' waist a:ct) Lz- &1-4y(.1J to corv.vr. &�vq.l ,,L'&.V frau to 't�-It"tq'k llr,2. r'-,:g:r�f-sp. 00-,11Ar.y Ze
I trimmed wat."I pmr3 gatnoture ls,;,�h ,to-.rgdlttc.r,s tbut ft�Sr !0'4-, Ott If it , 'n =C"ttn ca�;T 4R. i , - - - W
.. L 6. 'r J t,ft 11 JI -1 - r pVUM'b",-_s,g wad e,-,�12 �5t.'�njp 'a's r-,, t�,-"C-i�,14 ,,,, rn5r, T., rinns Sta,�� a
0- large wMatie 't.tf�v Lad tte.,� s4l'u'k ri4rhll Mc -m , ,, WHS W, , .
'R � _ V - and lace. Shle worc a v. _k1al1v 1E11-1_':tW3e **k,V.C4 tj -i-in,vp t�-P., I �Ii
RL.86 I I L � eyc�'*. I be!if-ve t�,alt ctif-�. ce Go- r .R.- � ft -, t,;�g_�-L;T,g 4c,l tb"ay eowr.�a it lzibr-$r �t LeLeXI'L ttv, t- ii,- Ig 'r . �
a oe��, vt
- _ Ili!
.. TH - J tul.1c, bat, trimmed with b.ue ft.utt� 't a the VGA, Apis, tLf- ,ri.;0' d6tv C2 -r, tf, 9 to f(Y10
I -serts that C-ap�d gtr_kGE- &-X4.WLS1*, 1,;V�vr'i;, - �(41 vt Us, wv_ls, . t -"Me impatic-w- tLICZ k,sl� tLe V�e- , jmy,ry ,*�,%. 6�,Lm=pr geez
� - ,V I . - 'Zaatitt� 0
I ; les., �, V,0"Up; I ft,�V. � 'E�!,rlvi;!.. u A, rzem r�, QoLtl�
1. , __L_�F��104A i A� ,on The R -ft ss,Xe� u.,4s,r IL,l lk-�m t-,! " 1'T e 0 1 I �t('P ncricep 01 th's �' tLe li,vesf�nt Lo" VV4�makter. it 119 ex
so utterly cout Of 0 M,TV 0. H. P. Soellment Be wlear1r,g , yottarg Old. 1�*rhe", bF tt-,-7 g4'd6-PC,F- wke.e 1U,=_b1N- eongfzj I - I
Small WOMM A."el 9 . . As to 1,ROZIed Xnefs- � teb6ed tc irnkie !h�l. T." IC -7 WfZ'C- JY,=.S,ho;*; Tw- t�ktg , V�etekl t�'_pt tLe pDrVng ditmat,
j.5st r.pw tLrat no, � an immenge Gait,sberoagh of trignt -,Iy owte dnr�ng qib�y Aarcr vely In - rovE belore tho elog
it 10., . My X-sy-E-r!'"C'e, ttf-w W. me scitalh,oh-al re ,Jr�f� '� r=�,,� set .�=J, paelf- Obtia
,fas%lon In Anset%Ca �p.-fsip,rt&_ � M-X�e lo, take a mtrtiov 05 i��v <
one takes; their R1m1Mt10Bs Into con- 1 red tulle trimmed W.-th red orchid 'has A mar, cestentife, to 6,Ls kt*ep C, -K I . " thIE:X Stc=Leois" lAttle d. ti-E,X C,: thC- Se-163DE. At -1
lmn de -signing fushlone or ', feathers. With tt she freqLaently tl"Orj 10, ft V ,JiDvinit! wiwer ;&7.d er,c-rry. ,.nt ^ -
I , --
AWeratton W, In proposing to ix.jq� TL.s � ne Lad tbat, m;g tG -.J�esAD -' 'ravg;tf- wEil w1ra'Shipping the =0,tvnl ;:,s_�_;ts tj.ero is a aottEtl More it.0
_Lt be as vv;4ect * wholesil
C_ . , otf6e. ,ivity reported In tbii�
wears, a wbite gown of erepe d 0_ White d=,Ck t.roagers� arls] �;�- kt-Elit a's t L (' P 37 ,x3 firc- 31�ne , ima,g,pw tht1t In a. sh time I
$rocks, Wrth their mientall and poll- 1, In- Tar C! 1[ kiud a. oirt t VV
11a,ve shot chine, Which bas a .voke of 3&e.e. didwt vrs the basty PrAth it, vr.t�ch We b'r.'e" at"! tc- WL�'XL Ged migb.t atiach � be, grciu,.e. to, pewdi&r before thcIr -, r; a, d e. r .
tical aspivetions womeu � I has been COD
it Is calculated i gerts of laeo a S:eeveF, �Z� - - -e
. * g. Ei,-, Mot _13- , PJVe84 StreWet',. upon lthe water, ar.d yra Wlnn�pei; thOr
tp p.,Iysloaffly and ,ppear on the "were wlzI'%,r., :Ler wou'L'd 'i'v's's, prese:A. er,.Erg,v a -_a I , - trad
I 'ed to 1, t.k 07 It : .
-8 : and band& of tbew on the iskirt. - � , I : tnt ,t1-.!UN3 aetWiioy tia WhO71EF,ale
t vvithtir the, past twelltY year 1hulve snarkeC harn ht.eb Stir- I'ter fliere. �� (* -0.,4rke. I '. thr. lit eomplaL " .k; .
th, ,v have added two-thirds of s� � -_ . -1 � � it", te,f S. Lebyll 59 r,Ot 'VeT.7 pl.tntlT
the, Wh&r 1e got up *-16rft W --.s n ti'eat Z.. �ie_�st Ite thc, 1xrff-**Aa-.&T, e0le,9 811cK .Was the easu. 6ul�h ca, tZe kis.. .
imen to their statute. The Frinceas Tmabemkoy� WhC 11:z,t�k LtPot r,r , . , .fd t�-_,�t -.,�here wi
0 ,, e,r _
'r _h ;,no -e. n�bt --ppear tc, Lave eitasigL-E�'. .n W. --r- � xk�T�y ,ef sen, -=l ir;e.u,ge:rcC-s. ard It �.q , ��lp,ar
:cssons. Lp.&r - it
von will remernher. Amelle ,,The jer 's sh:p that Fj&�:Id ,--I�P�,�rmzie the wor- -v oT hands to talze a
,- war, as . _gtb 01 t�=e -it tnkEs ,.�.k,tnc- rv=ther n the , b�- a wa re
� , .
In view of the prevailing styles It I npeu Of . ,�xt mantb. With tb
Is -well that this is the cast, unbc.-ndItim arategriltv rmq,pr zl�! tLe ero-ps I
.. It Is Rlvc,s, is frequ'�'rbtly sten wear�t'c�: 'n' loan to proliose. lafier te t.1s UrSt C,ti,v , mcst UigI..".
in i�. . � . ;r t�j,e a �:&y c" Q; (�z�totsil;mcns% T"if, �Pwelr2v tl.c-" pe -t- 'r-o.,%tjn-Z2,-�!r,%C�-P of flnc- rovvft m 'we
� , .rencis Lrxin- It's naL_ C Early-'Ilt *was te lto� � .r �
Ttow absolutely neeessra,ry to be tall j simple frock ol tzim crepe de ehine, et tEe �rl. dc he jfe"t�,%Vv anoi .,�� y, ard lb -y 'V�Cv ani%�- P�e woril, 17,,F,e�"Ma*-- a Snare to t�if1r. t'1,.C_T. tt is � in ", t
, gra
In order to carry apif one7s '010thes'! tucked and -w�.h ,insz�rts of C:eam - -a' ,eXv.,K-t<�d tbc' 001
� - lioth ,c�n tht, ture OF the reat. the vi'm ,*, t :-b far'.y Next
, , `� -to - Wag,in It-"' - 0'tr--.�r.,'_-- Thc_ ' Ti1c. eI�-.I_,-ren ol Israe] titre so,m'r."Zi,11010 tI:.g W0 ltig .
,creditably, and, Zlppmelatly.g tiriv, Lice, which ;app,E�ar wca-ther, tl�p rarr0IM& ngs. tte 0-,� wht�t V�ILC? I-. �; ., lr�r t-�& Se&�;011
i-olle- 'list '�'e mot"n. thr. stttlle c r h, s M il,rj 'rnt offeriu.-gs ILTCTP W"E'Cl.r e,m- i rclfrrf-d to _'-s fl`M-P'.�fV ICT . W_,r�,�,�s arr- fair I
jact. t1he riging g �atjorj is pret- i skirt and W. -9-, wMrs witl� It It.". ar'd a, -b� � 4 ;1
� � - �
ty generally overtopping its nlamu, wlitte tul".0 tvqae, tTimm,�d With �, r� - t or ttf -aY Itc- glrl gameO on 10- al"ar. b. -A tor� pr'�I,�� =,v WC-ar. It IS tru� -,Loy ,&', Ncep.r � I
I .. '. � I
vclvc-t r.bbon -ttlae t,' -
a bow of black ,fv 'd 0,P11%,rings, vt7vre citily pnrt'�,T . . it ��q 4ulsu true that tbl,E-� - . �4 : k
rcas In t.,lre matter of incites. I trcnts h*m. _%Mf-timts th pr.(C,- orn- ' �,(-wIE-"�ry � � . �
estion that the girls aLd P�Llk W�t-r.j 'zit r�,nv 0 rvrnmig gave� Aaron thf� �, --what tt v!rte ma
T.h*re is no ola I stretched across the back, Poge ia�l 'of a r,ndflen. . _ � sr=fa, oin,L, .lLr, rf�nj_,1L,-�er wi,lmr; by , vr-ry , r 'et imot t _W! 4
'pligaing these results by I rosee. I at all tl.pfiDrehar-el- If th-el PrIc-sks and t;al WCT83'Apv�r�. watc-rial wIth wbien to make Vir- $1unappr.
�4 ati-com - . . treatment � .1 . - - 'or tbil PIITPOSC� c�t c"gollis
lare Z Az.d I
Increasing PeAys! exercise a9d Out- I r, 0 t r,.-. 1 t.., ' gok�,,ez ,cal! aml Isr-d the WaY to gr0sq � pr:4 indediy re
Cal the raoon is :ru!I ar,C_. 4,ilp man Is DrInk-What titc,v drank is -. .
door sports. They' takO as much pride I MrFr. James E ,. 19 -1 -ti -11 1129 a WOZ- w�i.e. idol_-4;try. Dettf-r for thfin if they Lad � It--=, 1.1s, wife at", E -M
ge war, sh(-,." Lclex- ble, we most rl�.jural",�; sapl*Fe . -
_ 4"
h-1-0ii, flexibility of limb I derfully, Chic ,owr, -,f wlate (�bif_ not. the averaig o, Y tl.;ei� the . mi,,-kea .
In their de, over bla-4t, whieb gives ceted to prollcef., W"thir Sifteen wj�veti w,,is eo r.��mr�n at lr�vl,"; Y;PTr-r liad the ,'Pw 'Ir . yer. � " No trie is perlect, *W1111.1m."
-'I Fort M3 1.10 .ocl1,ni,-. Tile 11 ' migirt-
,tic, training as their bro dn� me., the girl, V fc.asts.-Whedc.'ri. Irp pl,n_% .r pn-wrr o." importui;4tP Prn 1
land gy1anar �, � rs after hf, has . l-Thls prob-;
t1-1le etE are - to it tile siiade of b k - ej$�Iol,t,ereste,Zlnp�rS 4o! 'MosF's. C."od ,rl. -
.r% and in marry respe � risli lac.,e he sees her three '�Me,q a 1ORS'. for ably meang �'sir,gjrlg. &nxmg tzn-1 The 1 �
It is'; bodice has a TOkP Of I , mt and � tdsew-t�., to -=Ike of b."M v great ,na- ,
ealsy rivals Of the stronger sex. three horars at a t ;�C. TIE, C.11r Uqll- Merry muking ,Of an Indece � , "
, -'-'-,-!I' ends in fan- tal;s In front, al- ' 4 tior."I Had he be -en vf,Ek�mg bis Own � HP�11Y d44*' -9- '"': Zz'o"l be' mine
al " 0 U,q - . I VOU rest, . �t MY 10nely life
no, uncommon thing to see a mald C41 'lY tccMe Weli af-flul Altet, with 21c�ent. khd. V. 25. 's . il.
don,ying fl,prgalf b-orlbons and ice most rmchitig . thi7 waist. These are A' - 7 Corrupted thvmS-elves- mc-,Zrea � sauish Interii ts he w<ra,.('1 to doubt V� "6 CC W
16 A Of J"t awl ;ar-p hCr nature ntiia al" her Ut'lle ebar offem 14nt i IVY t�other 61e4i wL(X I WL15 t 4
r Won,ow.
I i
'"", '" I
las,-_W",'.'o� �.�, I
,�,� .
, ��
I �1
i 11
i �
lm_,�___ 1�
I a
LXA.11�. �_�
Wr6ered witit -I bu, X'- ' :'Ptell th!sl
er� 4. Mgf- t,--nks 0! .mmunXT1 With- i et Oncic- hv,v*', ---cel 4;or26 ;;�,t the
L.4a;; 10 1lar,aen, her muse.168 of tAk- f acterlstiest In that tim(,� providt-d must break off ble iro � ex- 1 Vvq-1-,4 old. a Y14LI I-
1. Y�er cor pt "to be God. to VT—, alld do his dutr ".. Ift , vvhe�r, it was to be
nstitlItIonlal in gossgiure,r trmmed with a I' t f5� . F, in. I ' Sile_�Oj4 aeo-_ge, dc-ar. .you lia*
Ing the wea- let trlm the '81_,irt, wh7ch has a sash the gIrlb, Is simple, as is W., among tilp p�o�-Ir, Tbr,y '�, penso olf 1q(itCr2L- C`4t thu PC;CP"- z Ti�en ,Von dont
l and goloshies r,egardless of lof blaek chiSfon IlWslging dOwn the the tase. . . ` gistratt it of � 'der tlml� 011-Irriefully n s they hiad used I M.-ide, t2e so happv ,
tther. . alaregel m,c-k. With tbit4 she wears a large All Xlen Ar6 Alike. ' i n n n ,lirfor. Noble splirltI % remember Ihf� �4:�ffrfl your mOtb0
om- I h1m, he 1,T',1rPVC tb *ake ?." . - . .
nle twientleth centliftlY " e, thin. I bat of black ehiffo,n trimmed w1th 1 idolatry, but they liad become ab used to I -
k rciose makes th J?ew wumen are sZomplex. It Isn't it e Iti 1;4eIr ��Ifxxet- , -1 � Tile weg)kneas Of Aaron's dcTeMwe-
Vowo that ex,o L _ .00
.girl Plumps a1w the fs.t girl aleadery featherr6 . . . - - , �
L � , -.1. -1.111I....."I'4"' --1 ... 1-111-1,-1 I .1.1 " ... . I I I . _4:-J. � . .... . ..... .. _' """ 11" .. .. ... ��� �Z� ". I . ... r .1 I- � .. I I..'' -1 I �. I _. ...."