The Herald, 1902-07-25, Page 2A.RAILWAY MIN,
There is
,6 -
no ea,caping the terms of consump
Extraordi nary Unpleasant Symp-
I By 0.11 L4 uglislx Authority.
toms of Kidney Trouble
tiou; kill them with health. 5ealth
in this Case.,
in the elfulpinleAt or a dalry far
Is your only means of killing thel-it,
mokbtig Stilton elleese it Is essential
by all Kinds of Poins and
(urges Professo6r James Loog), to ob-
$Cott's untulsion. of cod -aver oil
Aches It a ries Everyclitna,boxt Polls
to viad 61"llet Tilt A Frio ud Advises
tatm milk vessels, aud those ot t
Will give YOU that heg:tth, if an3r-
H tilt to Vso Dodd's KId nay Pills-
�ran- are liaiw geuer&IbIY used, al-
levalds. She has no mind to walk to
'tile* HaVo 44 wall Man of
"till and lie Is (Aratol'ut.
thlough they do not retallU the beat
Wng Will.
Ottawa, Ont., July
OT the mul� so well as wooden- yes-
sebs, Of & size wallell, Is in secordacce
*C110 PON VRICV; 01AMPLIC AM4 101V 9-�.
Frpnk Chartrana, a rallway man,
with, the number of cows from Which
whose home is 1W LIttle, Chandlere
tfae n0k is o-btained. These vessels
at the bOttOw- thau
LlUtOWIC ceremonY.involves countless
otreet, has acktiolvIedged that Dodd's
arle narrower
eut the top. The milk Intexided fOT
A Visoreet Lover.
XlduQy Pills have done more for, him
lVanulaeture hfa;v�ng been strained
(Detroit Free Press.)
�hau Anything else In the,wmI4 has
and pur2led as fax as poasib4leo ink
, Hei-I love :pou, darllng. I stwest It
ever'done. He says, "I suffered w4h.
thits -,yay,. is pouwed into tile vessels,
by those 101fty elmis In yonder pork,
limakaolle'and was alwayff drowsy
aind Wll,-U the tomperstuire, which Is
She"Don't swear by those, Regin,
and had a veTT beavy fealln.X in oxy
regarded as the essential tempera-
ture for rerimetkig Is re"hod, the
He --Why not
"I bad frequeat severe headaches
renvat is a4ded. It is lxsu&l to dilate
She -Because thxne trees are slip -
and more times very sharp pains In
the reninot wit], pwre water, and
par 7 elm's'
'the top of my heacl, which gave me
xisu0i, annoyance in my work.
when it Is being pouired into
mtlk to stir briskly thiat tile ulixtu-M
Aflaard's Liniment tR the beat.
"My fingers would oramp and I
Would have am uneaq;ness in my logs
may be complete. Under most SYS -
tome tile teraperatuxe of the mi'llk
Wanted to Get it.
and Occasional pains ill thq loins.
"I was dizzy in spr4la and short'of
varies between, 80 alild 90 F.., TAhe
curd being sufficiently coagulated
"Mamima", Said Tommy, " does
bretaltilL It I ate a heai-tj * meal I
to commence work i'lli abolit fifty
sugar ever onto Anybady any -
Itking ?
would havou pain in my left side. Ify
minutes. Temperature, however, is a
'which the maker -having'
NV�hy do you ask, my boy ?11
appetite would someLimes be very
'good and Sometimes I couldn't eat
jearjljpd botli practice atild principles
"I thought I'd like ta catch it,"
-will determine for himself when lie
said Tommy.
"I had a constant Soreness aad ten-
derness over Llie spIne and tired feel-
goes to wark with his Own MIhk-
lt,is needless to say t1hat the dairy
311riard's Liniment cures La Grippe.
ing in the region of my kidneys.
miust be well ventilated, sufficlentlY
,)e give
"I suffertNd quit& a little with a
cooll to prevent too high a temper-
Hengut Tigort3.
dragging, heavy feeling across the
ture lal t1he Widdle Of the summer,
tjlas.much as the higher the temper-
Mile man-eatter is usually an old
101na. I I
"Dodd's Kidney Pills were recom-
ature the morerap`4 does the whey
je&ve title card, wtith the re-
tiger, whose strength is fairing and
whose teeth have partly lost their
mmided to me by a Pr'end of mine who
2mvi been cured, anl i began to use
or sertim
BUL*L Lhat the curd may be too, dry.
slairpness. Such a beast finds It eas-
ttheln. k I
In days 90,11e by siavlawCmt primitive
ter to Lurk in the vicinity of Settle.
"Almogt from the start I began to
troug�lls Or sindca OT drain-
mento and to p'-ok up an occasional.
or child than to
feat -the wonderful Improvement,
wilich continued as the treatment
arli - for a4i term�% tare
used - werre employed foT vne
man, woman run
down wild cattle.
proceedwl. till the unplea?"t symp-
removal or the whey. Now, under
the best equipment, whiLe earthen-
The iwgeat, fiercest, and most
brightly colorca tigers are found in had one by one entirely
ware alliks or truxlgli$ are employ-
the Province of Bengal' near the
"Dodd's KI-Iney Pill; Ittive workptl
ed; these are abojut 24 inches wide,
leti-th, in proportion to
mouths a,' the Gauges River, and not
I far' from Calcutta. A. full-grown Ben -
a wondc-rful ctir- In my eaRe, and
cannot kTnz_k toio bighly or this great
A and of a
tile quantity of milk aged. They
I gal tiger sometimes measures ten
and good rviue-ly."
may have a hole Ili the bottom for
a belug'
; fee t from naoei to Up of ta N. Such &
molister makes no more account of
What U-4d's X11ney Pills lmve donn
for Mr. Chartrand they have dono
ramoving the whey, springing upon a man than a eat
used, anti if it is deemed necessary, do(,s of selzirip, a mouse. He surpasses
oa to tile
for thOMMV�1'3 f)t OthWsl awl thpy'll
a pipe may be screwed I the lion in strength anti ferocity, and
do, th(k minle for yom If you give them
bjjtOm to carry the liquid else-
where. Across t1liq tank pieces of has no rival among beasts of prey ex -
There %nv r, my xnen In
arf, m . allw.
well-platieJ bard woLxI are placed C izzly bpar and the recently
1OPCIOV40:111aut bear of Alaska, St.
Canada to-4iny wit,.,) ront Dold's Kid-
tq, hold the sidf_�a of the draining'
ney Pills jjj*;j,;jvnst1,Iv.. Thpy are the
Cj)th 111to. wjjlt�h thl. kurd ls, plac,�d;
r4ljlWa:r jumn'S SllrOSL etlld bPA fripnkl.
Tile consitant vibratton on traini
tile cloth ll.iviug beea spread acrOvs
it,,7 hupports, tho curd, when fit, is
Printed words alone niar not Tnii;tnce.
but atik anybody who bag used "the D.& L."
and eng�n �q iii very imnl on tile 1:14-
WjljovEj, tillee by SlIC2, 1-�Iti> It, and
Menthol Plaster for actatlea, lumba 0, RID
he 6V it.
vf�ys, an't Dooillti TCMn-,y Pills niika
tjjes(� orgaaff w4�11 an I ibla to resist
%110 wjtpy at once comnic,aces, to
10�Lve tile cur4l. Aq I*j ft>jIntj neces-
In the shle ovill-urfay, what things
The answer W it be a Rate guide.
19%ry tile four e4witers of the cloth
% s-,lbsequPlitly t.104 100selY tO-
Whitt it* NVIvi Arratil of.
gether to ke-*P tile fftlil tender card
Lit a. collipact ula"s. and to Rlightly
e0.ntjjIuv,-j draltia-ge by
'.NoNy Telephone That Writes tho Diem-
wiro-l'al lfrZ I Vt�ll w�qj
ttk � t , 51rq Stva
goill,le prowcare wIllell it; thild
sages Sent Over the Wlroi.
lelltlY t8gue
o-14)�jjglt I o 4�) wt on
it luay b,, that
r�l I CIL
Among the tVi tS r
cor's progroqiiwk
the- corneri4 art% tighti-ki0d, and for-
In Denmark Is one to Petel; Olut
fttrki I I Wil;
th%-r prctisurp giwn. The obiect is
eur-I safflehititlY firm to',
4 of eor�nbagg!n, who has
to obLain
Immile with -)at real pre�isurp, f)r!,
perfectpd a mi-thOti Or ust tile
Ivittiylt go zhk� proei�ss wbieh telegra. 141OU0 In buell a way SS to
teture or rtx*rd a number of m0siag(IS Oil CL
nwl t4fio-r hard elltsib%�. -;t�_-A SUIp 41W t-4- 101041U001
IS Caused by the
11 Draini:119 CIA1011Y inesHage wj�tj,�jjt laitmferknwi%
fraetirpt? Ian -fi, first by tillo VP881`13 %V,tjj th.s ituprovil
v - thol 941 flqla tit,- o.h.-v;.
t,jupj-�, A III roat i%ial, -tv4 *11 Rnent the slz�* of the dMill Or tW
rv�va, p1mr., to Other. 1; of the wird Or rnbbutl 11180J�
01ex, by tljr�s��,o wtj%eh aro mav
nr�.Uzs talwle ill tilt, Nlb or k's tmvn
so that a 10114 sp, ojt�r
thp onv twativmIttv.
i of op odies or wAll. 's w1v 1p) l3tored
tvj� It pauat'st hv t�)s) plainly ro- 4011,I)III'LtAily tjll�Li-t Ov small
rv�,IrW,4 tzglt ilb"A draill-
tv"wre �4 tv-1111i Lq t1to Im
Wtarat it. Wilton. there- �11 ,It ul ttrie-il on-.4ns-er, Vill-
,, J)aaL
V >
Illtj oOt
al -,on. titul :.t!q tPl0% tkllftl-�
tore. 1011rd 14 nisa-11% 100ow tj4jtm
tuawar, -it a .4imil-Artern. rjlublgaatl�,u got ti�o tel..
ttnpIW% a C
diffi- �,
it uteL.4irmug wt��,t -Phone an -I tile grapho-
11 tur# rravij, tvis
0 tol, 1011"slie By th us" or
Uw. ealrol rr� thts deweo a V I �pll -)n,. or t44. grap"'I
smw�hoioj tho wola&r draw's eonvdraat�on can W� nwrlet On a
Good Things to Lrat
tho 011g, aad allow. 4 Iftf. lv.�,toy to Nl��ea wir'. or tait. and rprodtle�.,d
"!"dor Wksov (-ntulftlorig ho 11, at al�y ttlno and as oftell a.9 deakred
p�,;:f�rq t"op �,�jr4 too vq-I&A-a sulli Ill withqW, t000 rvvovel detewttfrating�
13 .1 YfS.
Ll a
nag In twl� whoy.
ALUS ct,,,4ta 'b"At Kmk � to V14 Apparattiq a atee� ware. -or
Tko W%n�:(m_q of tft,-� C%44 -se Ili Its pr5- at(P.-F't ban'l. r4s moved hV afly Irlot-
11 NI at, u ral F I av- o r
mtov sta4a uvwn the proolwe ab�,- metss w1th con -d 10ra-Vo f.-PIOCA-V
bpm�lt-tt upan i! b,,twevN the p4l(,�S 0: a 91nall 0"0.
Food Products
*4 R.'at n6nrt"r tt;o mnc�n 1i tl10=a9L14et. On sp�aitng Into 11 t#4so.
togy WItto wluov Is reln,!PW& il tho-
nor �Dhw1 m etc-
trw!t kmvl as Zrm eltoug'�: to, valft. no Intlatoty entr,A',q 84t up
it Iq ehho? out up brokm ltito litter rellipt Uj*m We
harqll, , LU tho transti
wj:� t_122 -:'J", :T�
4, w-etm ac
bj,,tvek% jj,.%,j pla,,ed on a klry vessell to agntot an -I a con Una -
or to ripmi bV tolitact wittat tbo;; tit th,� And
W 'It r�4t' aatr L*
11 -
V1 proper iyas vibratton
1, alt. Bororo� tho Boj",q) VW tiou 'i t1ou. VIC-4 , ol fflagnetcm a the
I � rfe - -i t
ollqst volt,��,q of th,;� A, et I -
Is 15 U� ;);r 81-2, ill_; Thf-3,- vatlkltons aVc- P-rmationtly
LMAV. MUNP-1t.0- Wafty,
IVV,� f4, ,J, r-.ri;� an.i sut- rtreorded 40,5 tho 1411pel %vire as it
th"n lynt 10-T4,;w. ig biroken
l"'Isape,4 by. aul when tho? ffiessftge
o tho
I is vomplete tho stflel W�T ret.1inS
pev- -15 -.Akc-n
that thP a alpfWAO rlv�yrd 43� what k , t.
b- l"iftAM out gro-th pi -set-_ in tho shapo of a e-inUnuous
EDU' 11. L
"'of Vig- Mae M,ml-1 or funtliq cmmoll spr;espof tratsvel-s- Mace
viftr-ylqc� thl'ong;tout Ili V3 �r prPlar-
oiltlsfx 19- In tot V�'iDssmj. t;t will be Ity Ill thAr si,!`Phe�Uh OC11 <5011-
rl roik'�f that a.,4 th,- eur'l b; bv--oken ntvtc�� a lt� I .1;Loni, r.VeVAvsr to the
R � 0 W! T�H
ITA4.0 ;Aor*�.4 tile vong4&Ai�i eftt+ai� an-] aga �,mrtwg
witph Itq t
MM PMN�F#3 Of thl' so'edg graph Ag*,. this nlas:w�ti7t.-j %vire
11"of tm. blzai- M;-yulit are rr,�Vi gi�jjer�itss A.vt:,'.� evirrPnt,; In the
;.t,.I- �*6t-nj)iq)ljpre upfin U�e eutd, an4 colisr 1%*5V�?rh.n;iT)+?3 magnot
a,; it &.4 -A fongon� 10 Ali- tolkno r"Lich as; I polo
Vl- fuldc cau driouttr Owl, . t pstssc-s hitwev,�n Its &, and
. As.
OV j.g ulpsa 010vtme e- rr� Oddh
and as, too. thrm le the Pxaet connt�,urptrt of thov #4%*
S1gW%V-,h for th�ilr ,far- -, 'a
- 1, ., tu
ateJ 11V U16, OrL"�; '11 votC4�� ta:
ttaf-.5 telpil--,xt� to r�' mast trasrt,
ux gw%%h. lwl air. all Iq it t
In an ab-lel. PF�r,
prm-f will fV:3 th-Ir
t"v-1% 1194,74 to 0bjopp.
as "**,q 4115:)
1 'Okp Verly nme"'I
trngT� a e�"4 ,1*, ft-, 5r.
Tih&� Iteight 'ut 1he TAllest Nxen. e", SAII upv? Tai.r girl
!nLs,ns .Ml
'St, tmmk OT warrYhI4
ittlat �Yne� Saw, up -)n coas' , Of "Why tryt. 11,tMing queriet
:1 -P.n t V I'-.;;
Brak�4 a rae:� -�A gugaT-Vc savng;us. Osowge.
031 'ar., was twelve f-ei in Beenuisp we (-w-� I :1Pvr-r be hap
Ynan,, nien anI w.ynje-n
11. T�r-vet ., or Vrance, In bis tcfg t;,E. jjj,�j. 4syo,
,91ttlul .1 vt, rill v f nv a eat,wlar
dow�;� iml #�#! Amerlea. PIWISWA at know I al;rays want nly Own vvaZ
pa;L-; 1— 1575, tlztt lv� saw In everythin".11
V.o of a 'will
and M-as-anl skpb�ton &, tilat re
be all r! ht ' -
�4,rfth Amrva-u vvas I i f"Pt pliel the c-r.,xfZZr ..-t1terr w4
n m, 'v� Ch-mfm are
I t;;. T� are marrieJ y,ya Wn kpep rigUt oi
&11.j t -j clm-m that 1-i Iefm 'a-st C:yn- I wanting It, as far a,,4 I = concern
t:jry thp.�e w-�-r;- znlv-�f Fm their coun. , N
trzv W:., 13 rlotl ;n lu't-ght. i
the casp 01 a
M1Ut:"nP4 Go Tako� a SwUn.
j,:�,;_ wDij), Was 1-:) tfj,�.t 2 Inches in
p1piv- tr-ps qr an Ambilin 0mratary of War 'Ro..)t, wiltle o:
9 fi�et 9 Inchpa. tile
, h h'is way tc, the eonlam=Pmant a,
I V111"St Man m rtlle� days ot Viaudius. Hainilton cotoeg�. stopped at aho
J-ftv IV -141 --town. botl at Hate, Lan. tel 1i a Ifttle Nnv ho'et wber
eaa�i�rc�, 1- th�- Vm,--� vA JMVIPS T., was he Is well known. Re, on Sam
0 i�;t. 3 lri�,lum'tn firigh' .. his hand women wIm lie knew as a boy, an,
,wa-.; 17 Inches long ani R 1-2 in(lhea th,�y asited him tf 11"t was tomforl
bvvul, Ilys Dr. Plat* n MR MstdrY able at 'tile hotel. "Oh. yes," lipsav
,->f Stattordellfre.", The, Trish gbtnt --lyat I would like a. bath,' and the
11 vritli OBALM. ,t;o
MUj*j)jjy,, &,)ntimporary havenVt one.1w way. alr,' eat
8 ft. 10 In. A skelorton 1TI the one Of the Women, "yon' re pattin
FhT ads.
Museum or Tr!n1ty Colu,.ge, Dublin. oll, atyra since you got IV, the cab
ja 8 fe4t: 6 Ir,(-heg in hPI-Tit, and that ceda,
I - net. Wo! 910 Out to r run an
of Charles Byrn'-, in the museum. Of I take a sw-fin, aFf you did whev,
surgeons, London, Is C11raniale.
tll�-, cajlteg4� or bqyo`--0h1cag0
8 feet 4 lrehe.4. Tile tmll[E�st living
Sam Death to Flies,
man 1.,4 C.haag-tu-'.F.*,Ing. tll,- Chinese, Defined.
Ms� hi'lght: Is tp;:%t 3 Ifichpa. t
Clesift, S&U,
gLant. 7
0. 0.,
(N. Y. san)
Fredd[10--Wben dry you call a W4
Plants ror the, desttuation at SOW- man & sraog-widaw, dad ?
age by crc�matlon are now opitatpd Cf.;wulgger-When the grjxM, Isn
IV g? cititIq of the Tinited States, - over her hu*and,
When washing greasy dishes cr pots and W o r
pans, Lever's Dry Soap (a powder) will
'emove the greage with the greatest ease. 2a
Aunt Jemina-What Is a miracla, ore
Ldelbert ? Clemulng sliver-
Adelbert-Paw said It would be a -.-re.xukl your other
miravle if you got married. -Chicago rimIlt uietaIL4, Eltv.
Daily News. rid PoLISHINO F133RE takes away tile
rudgeryaud makos silver cleaning a pleaft-
re. Ni) solled handi, nothing to use but tile
,rhe hitiasa stonisch IS subject to many mxutfrpll� �garet�t dwinlesil
distreskilng affections, like cramps, cholera a _ e :1 and notion
morbut, and dysentry, which, it ueglected.are le"lj�rq By I n
IONAlaon DIrG. Go., St. Catharlace,Ont-
dangeroui. 7he best and clulckestremedyls
Perry Davis' Painkiller. Look out fur Hub. Writo for trial samplea.
st1tated. 25C. and 50C.
Merely Looking.
Landlady (rrlgIdly)-Y011 See,= to be
e=imining tbat egg very critically,
-Mr. slopity. is there anything
wroug about itV, E MAIL
5jr. SlOpqy_N,1Ot at all, Mrs.
11aghus ! I was only looking forthe
wishbone, tha.Va all I -'Puck. WitS our perfect aystern of
Stops -the orderst aO
an(% Works Off the Cold. M.Ittec how distlat from
Laxativellramo QuirilnoTablets: cure %eOld tis, you CaU purthase a
in one dtly. No cure. No inkr. Pries �1,5 C('
nt4' wat,:h just is, saitsfactory
Altogetht,r Too tlonest as if living in the city.
send tot, catatozur-lwa
"By jovo! I IkIt my jx)-*etbouk un-
k1VT my pillow." our VAlueu 603
,*Well, your survalit, girl Is Sart,17 our monogr2m wit
all holit'st Ut f)3xWULVjV- attractivc.
"Tituttis Jjist tile trouble. ShP Will
givo tile p "'ek-AbcwIt to mV IvIre."
Flj(.jjSjj Sj*jLVj*.s LINJIMUNT rmn"viln
rill 11=3, sott or callow.041 Jtinips and Minn. AMBROSE KENT&SONS
tmjjt,.s firom horsea. Blowl I-SpaAll. Curb%
Splints. ItIng Dont.. swmny. StI&P.4prains. '14
8()ro awl Swollon Th"M'tt. COughs, vte- Smve
of ont? boittlo. Warratilel the
Most %V011-lerfill Memlodiruw pwr Lutown.
Sold by all drug
lotty Poor Slorgau.
Owing to the Wit
hig interq%t Olvet".4 oil July Ist only
alliouRuRI t.j. J. Vaqvmt GIBSON 2'doogt
ljorgan niuy not bo, abls� to takP IiLs
falWly to the lseashLwe% thli?i Sam-
Tak,3 Laicitpoe oramo quoti9fto T&Steto. All
drdf9ist!] rofabI the blon-�T il it flag% to cute.
Grovdld algaittwo 1,46t ewb bar. 25& "t f:�:r
ftet StuarL Not a 4"ielitiVede-
em� r M10Vt V1. "ift
O�P,I,Atwt I'll B �t, I
a,tnrord and 1*9 rostupira have beon
1[mmortatilted In vgrq1 bv a6*4MIW:)n V!
W)et In a poo"a 6-1 llaoi'� %n length_
are ejjrwpr too manv or tno. !,f�
few. *MA well %vas only 43 V
an4 lUr- qvtombmtmit Wa.-4 foe .1 jxvi4)J';'
a -Ad -to have bepul 100 hon-,�,4. Me.
Stuart, tho sftvvet singer. s:boal-1 glvo�. I MR, P
jhjf4 jDJA ,t�r,
was cot0deral'on." TION
country timn all ol her,INNM-4 Put Prevented and Cured.
.Audi ntitsl the 14�qt 10W VOWA VVW-4 auloposall to
tora�dtt butt marvel -jug fred rVM&Aj6A for 4
QU'l pfAR' drttd- reft4flig 04-A pgsww� Now
celbe-d lopill tPmoffir'.q. and Ily c-OnRIL.11M.T till -
111 f
Ittearallyl-_ .96eutoo ivl-S t0bi? Uivg, cAtarth,
a con,.41ftuflovnal vlZs,,av;,- antl MAWO;N� te-
quit'.1.4 ewast"tutional t1reatment. 11all'sca-
tarrh Cura, nsanuraetutej hv F. J. ('14eney &
Co., Too,4o. 011V), !4 "He 001Y e0nqtatmti()fl'l1
n tile at 4?t. It I V�k � 1. 1
o 14) n4p.,; � - toaq a r 1. t4 F R E E-
t . Moo a U, us s n*acf�q t �bdgh, ?
te . 'Ut�py I P 0 , u m1diflars ill' yau t �1. � r
lot Tj.-M it _tli94 *vy Cu Send rot dc"L a- DO y6ur fung2ii 'it 60
Ta n, stinloagnig. IS your thWat iort sLiad ihg�Lssi*tll
HaTs'VaMl Zv MIN -AV' t!LP ID -Mt- Isydat *ppetite had
AreyburlungS ddlicaUlt
stj>�-y j,.1 Uip pappr Are you losing flesh 0
about a 1,voMan W.11,; M-yrrip 1 -1 mnan
One day and 0;vo�litd for divorce
the next." fhaf y6j
I .'Froul pt%rvergity, I gap th6 3*eds dr the most
ch!caga. I belleve." tha h" avo-r deva_q-
I *fiAt LtLUSY.� *=jo!rM
Now York Central and Hudson River Youif YL412M4!&k, h1writiarfora
(tailroad. PAM. TRIAL *rREATMENT
Tile above M%V38 IS I
4 wori and tile suparior excellence of a&I the Four Freti Pr&pa
'ti.1 CoMplet't dirftsong for US, --
at 0r.CC_. W.
the read should b, -A sufficient to at. I rcmsumpv
W h , TiLa3voctmsysteftlisa it'veolreflo,
maple at t a j
and for a LuftK
tract most pL , but now t tion, that rnost irs�iious * by Lot* of'
rate is tile same to New York and I Trauwle* and Dssard"2L' 'W BrOMM69 1334
p6ittar 6maft &a by otber Una:l ma, 001� cAtAxth,
further recommendatIOU should be IfeartTrou'blen. v
�o ehe T. A- Slocum Chem
Sought. Everybody Will tell YOU it *tbd, %_9 King, Stftet West� Toroow4
I Is the bast. ffivittg "t office Ala dxPredt aaaress, and thd fim
Per*ObS ift CAOZA11 -ft6119 *6t Ofl�-r is
Watra net% Broth. Awk.�� pabtirs vild pUmie sekid got 9a=Vk* tit
if Mier thing of' Slaughtering PPOPle
In mores ever.jr Fourtu of July IS to
go on, it talght bZ ag well to change Always ThAlst Oft
thoL name to "Olt! Gory." INS
your dealer suoa
-wAy, but '01ying you With P.DDY S
Weil, what js C -y, any
Gory with a little Iftore '611 In it t
i a bsoluto cut& for oMh
P an every fbtft of itChink,
F% A I Loot)- a na d TUB
timoilisIs in the daily ptt:lruid ask youllneieft-
bqrM *hi&t they think of 1r- Y01% Cali 11gelt end
& lout money bulk it nbi� btfed- 600 9 They &re manufactured from tke, DEST of UXTEIRIALS by the
i0ho-SOPS bjntment
Common soaps destroy the
ISSUE NOo 30, 19026
,6 -
clothes and render the
4. 1
hands liable to eczema.
Kra. W100low,
for Z0411"d'rge . 1b
slco�ixiyt�s thc, (�th!06 , uqttens the foumpi cures wind
is We be -it remedy r D arrhaea.
colic and
Queen Alexandra I I usista that -the .
All m a � Lad ies' College,
xace and jlovaut of her coroxiation
obes diall not be sacrificed -to his-
Preparatory and Collegiate studleB; univer.
orle precedent or to the College Of
0,ty music course; fine art; elocution; domes-
levalds. She has no mind to walk to
tie setence; commercial. Superior buildlugsp
healbilleet location,
mr throne in Weatminarter X�6boy
strong staff, Pleas&nc
tiome life.
ooklng like a, picture out of -tile Wei-!
tie Agea. Her robee will. have a mo -d-
xn, Style so far as Ispossible.
The selection of robes. for such a
Ask for the oedaron Bar all
- finest In the N%Fara Peninsula, ab
�in n% 8 G =tlton on two Mtl-
10 mile fto�
LlUtOWIC ceremonY.involves countless
av 0 I 35 of Which Is in &W%
8 1 mores n ai I
8 ly each a I b Id one parcel ot
onalderations of detail, which do not
Who blasses True to Hiln.
15 W ( e8 to sn"
nic e ts to a 'I
ld di to
�v t e
This Is a decided barr a AddP11%
oter Into the chooslr(g of dress for
�ta.te ceremoialmle in -general,
(Torotito Globe.)
3onathaa Carpentev, P. 0, be no, Winona
Tht- (vitieen bas her trials, and her
General Buller has brought down
on his head another storm of 'Is
)oudoir at Marlborough House has
ia4 On occasions the appearance of a
Ptilper censure. A suggestive feaiuvrle
,chool of design and a modiste's es-
ablishmenit, combined. Shall It be
of lite case is that' lie Is Still the
military hero with -tile London de-
Berrip.,gand otherfrults on commission, or
1)uy F.O.13. of shtpluoub, also But-
tilk oir sliall It be velvet 9 is It to be
will point
ter, Eggs, Dried Apples, Poultry and all other
,mbroidered with gold or Studded
farm produce. COrrespoft(lence solicited.
vith gems 9 Mall the heraldic deviceel
here they be
& Go,
Cor. York and William 8 ta., Market Blde',
ye, put or sball put
Messrs. 0. C. Richards
Ottawa, at
:here? are the queutions which the
Dear Sirs, --While in, tile coantry
,)ueen and her ladies are even yet
laot summor I was badly bitten by
mosquitoes -so. badly that Ithought
Tile Queen will not walk under a
I would be disfIgured foir a, couple
nie quality standard from Ocean to
Ocean. Your money back 11notsablefaebory.
-anopy, that anclexit custom being
),mltted from the coming ceremony,
of wWAs. I was z�dvlsed to trW ya r
Liniment to allay the irritation, and
Agents, Montreal.
3at the precedent of having her train
did so. rnll,o effect was more than I
-arried by her three daughters may
r9liowed, and would certainly
expected -a few applica lolls 0101m -
the Irritationk pre-
,)e give
letely cu, ng
Jistinctlon to the procession and pre-
vent rivalry among the peeresses.
venting bills bites from becoining Sore,
ARD'S NI NT Is atsc a good
191 King St. want, flamiltou, Ont.
The Queen will wear everyttilng.
article to Ueep Off the masquito0s.
to sell'teas, coffeeo, bakIng powders, apt "I
atew on her coronation day, down to
the must Insignificant Item In her ap-
Yours truly,
W. A.. OKE.
extracts, etc., to eousuiners. You can mall".1
moupy No fakini wanted. Excellent territory
.ircl.-Lomdoa Dally Mail.
Harbor Grace, Nf1d., Jaa- 8, 1898.
v� DOW.
When washing greasy dishes cr pots and W o r
pans, Lever's Dry Soap (a powder) will
'emove the greage with the greatest ease. 2a
Aunt Jemina-What Is a miracla, ore
Ldelbert ? Clemulng sliver-
Adelbert-Paw said It would be a -.-re.xukl your other
miravle if you got married. -Chicago rimIlt uietaIL4, Eltv.
Daily News. rid PoLISHINO F133RE takes away tile
rudgeryaud makos silver cleaning a pleaft-
re. Ni) solled handi, nothing to use but tile
,rhe hitiasa stonisch IS subject to many mxutfrpll� �garet�t dwinlesil
distreskilng affections, like cramps, cholera a _ e :1 and notion
morbut, and dysentry, which, it ueglected.are le"lj�rq By I n
IONAlaon DIrG. Go., St. Catharlace,Ont-
dangeroui. 7he best and clulckestremedyls
Perry Davis' Painkiller. Look out fur Hub. Writo for trial samplea.
st1tated. 25C. and 50C.
Merely Looking.
Landlady (rrlgIdly)-Y011 See,= to be
e=imining tbat egg very critically,
-Mr. slopity. is there anything
wroug about itV, E MAIL
5jr. SlOpqy_N,1Ot at all, Mrs.
11aghus ! I was only looking forthe
wishbone, tha.Va all I -'Puck. WitS our perfect aystern of
Stops -the orderst aO
an(% Works Off the Cold. M.Ittec how distlat from
Laxativellramo QuirilnoTablets: cure %eOld tis, you CaU purthase a
in one dtly. No cure. No inkr. Pries �1,5 C('
nt4' wat,:h just is, saitsfactory
Altogetht,r Too tlonest as if living in the city.
send tot, catatozur-lwa
"By jovo! I IkIt my jx)-*etbouk un-
k1VT my pillow." our VAlueu 603
,*Well, your survalit, girl Is Sart,17 our monogr2m wit
all holit'st Ut f)3xWULVjV- attractivc.
"Tituttis Jjist tile trouble. ShP Will
givo tile p "'ek-AbcwIt to mV IvIre."
Flj(.jjSjj Sj*jLVj*.s LINJIMUNT rmn"viln
rill 11=3, sott or callow.041 Jtinips and Minn. AMBROSE KENT&SONS
tmjjt,.s firom horsea. Blowl I-SpaAll. Curb%
Splints. ItIng Dont.. swmny. StI&P.4prains. '14
8()ro awl Swollon Th"M'tt. COughs, vte- Smve
of ont? boittlo. Warratilel the
Most %V011-lerfill Memlodiruw pwr Lutown.
Sold by all drug
lotty Poor Slorgau.
Owing to the Wit
hig interq%t Olvet".4 oil July Ist only
alliouRuRI t.j. J. Vaqvmt GIBSON 2'doogt
ljorgan niuy not bo, abls� to takP IiLs
falWly to the lseashLwe% thli?i Sam-
Tak,3 Laicitpoe oramo quoti9fto T&Steto. All
drdf9ist!] rofabI the blon-�T il it flag% to cute.
Grovdld algaittwo 1,46t ewb bar. 25& "t f:�:r
ftet StuarL Not a 4"ielitiVede-
em� r M10Vt V1. "ift
O�P,I,Atwt I'll B �t, I
a,tnrord and 1*9 rostupira have beon
1[mmortatilted In vgrq1 bv a6*4MIW:)n V!
W)et In a poo"a 6-1 llaoi'� %n length_
are ejjrwpr too manv or tno. !,f�
few. *MA well %vas only 43 V
an4 lUr- qvtombmtmit Wa.-4 foe .1 jxvi4)J';'
a -Ad -to have bepul 100 hon-,�,4. Me.
Stuart, tho sftvvet singer. s:boal-1 glvo�. I MR, P
jhjf4 jDJA ,t�r,
was cot0deral'on." TION
country timn all ol her,INNM-4 Put Prevented and Cured.
.Audi ntitsl the 14�qt 10W VOWA VVW-4 auloposall to
tora�dtt butt marvel -jug fred rVM&Aj6A for 4
QU'l pfAR' drttd- reft4flig 04-A pgsww� Now
celbe-d lopill tPmoffir'.q. and Ily c-OnRIL.11M.T till -
111 f
Ittearallyl-_ .96eutoo ivl-S t0bi? Uivg, cAtarth,
a con,.41ftuflovnal vlZs,,av;,- antl MAWO;N� te-
quit'.1.4 ewast"tutional t1reatment. 11all'sca-
tarrh Cura, nsanuraetutej hv F. J. ('14eney &
Co., Too,4o. 011V), !4 "He 001Y e0nqtatmti()fl'l1
n tile at 4?t. It I V�k � 1. 1
o 14) n4p.,; � - toaq a r 1. t4 F R E E-
t . Moo a U, us s n*acf�q t �bdgh, ?
te . 'Ut�py I P 0 , u m1diflars ill' yau t �1. � r
lot Tj.-M it _tli94 *vy Cu Send rot dc"L a- DO y6ur fung2ii 'it 60
Ta n, stinloagnig. IS your thWat iort sLiad ihg�Lssi*tll
HaTs'VaMl Zv MIN -AV' t!LP ID -Mt- Isydat *ppetite had
AreyburlungS ddlicaUlt
stj>�-y j,.1 Uip pappr Are you losing flesh 0
about a 1,voMan W.11,; M-yrrip 1 -1 mnan
One day and 0;vo�litd for divorce
the next." fhaf y6j
I .'Froul pt%rvergity, I gap th6 3*eds dr the most
ch!caga. I belleve." tha h" avo-r deva_q-
I *fiAt LtLUSY.� *=jo!rM
Now York Central and Hudson River Youif YL412M4!&k, h1writiarfora
(tailroad. PAM. TRIAL *rREATMENT
Tile above M%V38 IS I
4 wori and tile suparior excellence of a&I the Four Freti Pr&pa
'ti.1 CoMplet't dirftsong for US, --
at 0r.CC_. W.
the read should b, -A sufficient to at. I rcmsumpv
W h , TiLa3voctmsysteftlisa it'veolreflo,
maple at t a j
and for a LuftK
tract most pL , but now t tion, that rnost irs�iious * by Lot* of'
rate is tile same to New York and I Trauwle* and Dssard"2L' 'W BrOMM69 1334
p6ittar 6maft &a by otber Una:l ma, 001� cAtAxth,
further recommendatIOU should be IfeartTrou'blen. v
�o ehe T. A- Slocum Chem
Sought. Everybody Will tell YOU it *tbd, %_9 King, Stftet West� Toroow4
I Is the bast. ffivittg "t office Ala dxPredt aaaress, and thd fim
Per*ObS ift CAOZA11 -ft6119 *6t Ofl�-r is
Watra net% Broth. Awk.�� pabtirs vild pUmie sekid got 9a=Vk* tit
if Mier thing of' Slaughtering PPOPle
In mores ever.jr Fourtu of July IS to
go on, it talght bZ ag well to change Always ThAlst Oft
thoL name to "Olt! Gory." INS
your dealer suoa
-wAy, but '01ying you With P.DDY S
Weil, what js C -y, any
Gory with a little Iftore '611 In it t
i a bsoluto cut& for oMh
P an every fbtft of itChink,
F% A I Loot)- a na d TUB
timoilisIs in the daily ptt:lruid ask youllneieft-
bqrM *hi&t they think of 1r- Y01% Cali 11gelt end
& lout money bulk it nbi� btfed- 600 9 They &re manufactured from tke, DEST of UXTEIRIALS by the
i0ho-SOPS bjntment