HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-07-25, Page 1The Official Organ of Zurich and Hay Township.
VOL. II., NO.52.
fr;;T. BONIFACE, Catholic.
tJ girder of service for the summer.
Sundays: High Mass at 9.30 a. m.; Cate-
chism and instruction at 10.30 o'clock;
Vespers and Benediction of the Most
Blessed Sacrament at r p. m.
13o1y Days: High Mass at 9 o'clock;
Vespers and Benediction at 730. p. m,
Week Days: Mass every morning at 7.30
• o'clock; First Fridays, Mass with
Exposition at 8 o'clock; The HolyHour, or one hours visit to our Lord
in the Blessed Saeramet every Sat.
nrdy evening from,5 to 8.
Baptism on Sundays at 2 o'clock.
The Communion Sundays before Mass at
• 8 o'clock, .
Bev. Father Valentine, Parish Priest
EVANGELICAL, German and English
Sixnday services :-
German, at 10.45 o'clock aa. m. English,
7 o'clock p. nx., Sun. school at 9, 30 a.m,
Tuesday evening; Junior Alliance, at 7,
Senior Alliance, at 8, .lt oir practice at 0.
Wednesday evening; German pre}'et
meeting, at 7.30. 'Thursday evening; •
English prayer meeting at 7.30. Friday
evening; Teachers' 'neetiug at 8.
Rev. W. J. V eeger, Pastor.
geutfcf er. tut4. Vit. cfri fircf;4.
eottesbienft Dorm, flat(I) ii it[lr
lute? abenbs 4 Ztk?r. txnxf too,f d?ute
Dorm to t.I1?r. ;e ttrennrianalntung
2iiittWM? abenbs tort ball ,S.
w a�ltni'c, ?a;tor.
i V. B CHAND, tit. Joseph.
�-+• Nutau'y l'ublit., fire anti l.ifeiu-
surnueo Agent, Morey to Louu, either by
private feuds or lean euiupauies.
14J. 0.00OKE,
(Late with Barrow. 1'raualfuot) Barris-
ter, Solicitor, Notary L'ublie.
Masall, Ontario.',
p art ie.le're. `uticitot », Not-toier 1'ublit
etc, etc. t't►r. ;Square ;anti North Stn et,
t attkt.'rtelt, t /atm it:
al -
err Clerk i0th Div, Court, !lurett
e.iui taat!=i'm ;e r fee t-:ittitilt AG�3tiSl4 iti+.
t'tiiew uaaa&'t' E ate. S an:taint' %,t' alta] iiia=
ran and Elie Lvaan uattl a4'.a4004,,d4 to.
{tpvie'e=• l@ ape's' tail o ae,it tint.
t.130SSE 1'}l►UtY,
l it -e t4E.Ii Aaat+tat,nDeett" to Breit-
t)ar outt”) telTeetlilUi5 solicits tt''ie 11144 -
vintage oft !Lore •E Wirer bout -tad having Oar€'W.
Satisnalrticri cum7avtee.t!I.
Diti. F. A. SELLERY •
Illeutist., gGoat:aila+ pvJ the }et"i�.JO R iJ7uC,DC
titf Dental Sat itis, ''i<c'rtii idol. GL i) rank t
4;eod rate E"J liae:p attu qt� cif 111;eiaiusiite•.
Talentt» trntivers;tTj'. P cit7Lc.a estliaeliou
Ertl teeth. l'ilate wwor u a gp,,. � Airy.
M i omsttion ttetasae., Aerie:tr., every
Monday. ay. 1-.%
TA St Y, IL A.
re,E'a,llNs6CAN!: EIV
Co veyeneer. Moa''aey to L'ezto co
mud p-aani Prope rel t)t 's.sex :sC: rates es et p::
teiest. lineaments in original tiermut_
read and advised ripen.
(Mee ever O'Neir's Balk. Exeter,.
4°"4'*44ay:"0a:+ .....S%*•:'l44 ti`'s`Ww..+'tC+'Gi
w Lii i d.: THE Tc L
f 0 z'Dr acH e w 't"
Strictly up-to-date 5n rsodern
provementi. Dining rooms is sup- , s
es piled with only the very hest
Dar contains choice r:qtiiorea@3
;;s cigars.
ExeeDDerbt Sample Rooms
* % for Com uerc,a➢ Men.
+Aac">Vir00` o ;d?wc z'+s:swerw�eo�l"�i
' -be Vontinion"
Equipped with all modem
conveniences. First-class
accommodation to commer-
cial travellers. Ear and din-
ing room always suppled
with the best obtainable.
L hOermacher, Prop.
The undersigned has for
sale a quantity of First-
class 2> and 3 inch Drain
Tile, which will be sola at
at Lot 16, Con. 15 Hay
known as
Heyrock's Brick & Tile Yards,
I have also for sale a num-
ber of roadster and draught
Horses, 2 to 5 years old
and a quantity good Hey,
Cedar Rails, Posts and.
dressed Pine Lumber
For particular; app1;7 to a�
.1LIP siPPt
Licensed -kite ioneer for the
County of Huron. I would rerluest;
inose having sates to eaIl ou ane,
Tenho moderate; satisfaction guaratt-
teed. Your patronage :solicited. •
TIVE.-Is acknowledged by 0.111
fa xnc.r to 1s s
c tlxe e
i b tit thx,t
. de
t.o seep Gies from stock. Sold by 1John I)tnnnart. Zurich, Ont.
The Panama. Hat is the newest
ont. D. S. Faust has then Call see e thern
Mr. Harry Edighoffer of Blake is
working for C. Fritz.
Mrs. Thomas Johnson and daugh-
ter Susie returned home Monday.
Mr. William Johnston is assist-
ing at the Hensall grist -mill this
Sam Faust is doing considerable
amateur photography. Its amateur
to be sure,
Mr. H. Magel
Ridgtown power
Foster, Goshen li
is putting up a
mill for Alonzo
Some members
congregation had
Bond on Wednes
GIRL WANTIta-To work in green -
Misses Pearl Nieholson of Blake
houso and garden. German pre -
and. Miss Stobie of Settforth wore ferrad. Apply personally to Wm.
in town Friday evening.
Etarburn, Hensall.
of the Lutheran
a picnic at Grand
day. -
Many a June bride has by this
!time had her honeymoon elitiilln- We received a poem from. one of
skated by a husband who Snores. our friend.' entitled "The Old.
The weather this summer is a llnines te►ad," zvhicla lvi11 be lab- •for 0e; Flue blue plain, 12 1-` e
li'he tl in next issue. ,
sandwich. consisting of thin layer~ Plain pink. .- --`?t!; All (O'ol's and stripes at veij'
o£ warmth .1tt in between thick Wot•k is going on a pace at St. , ,I
slabs of frigidity. Joseph dock, although the Govern -
meet has. not ret given out the
pnllini; commenced on Tues- c.E)a.trac•t for tite work. L� t' invite V(.41,1 to come and St'e UK:se t' cods
day. The crop i, vers heavy and
is eolnsiclex:'tbly lougeal itccount 111irrt's Edna Land Lose ttinrerxns,
who have Jaen visiting
of the c xe essit t ruins. g friends F. T
Our Junior feat 1"tall teem 1)lttyed here fora few weeks, returned toSA Li S
Hensall on Tuesday and brought , rI ehty morning, eir Low,. nt pigeon, Melt., rest- „
Miss Ada Miller of Rodney is
visiting at Mr. H. Well's.
Several of the Grand Bend picnic
party did not return home until
Thursday morning,
Another large boat -load of tim-
ber for the St. Joseph dock, arrived
trona Sarnia, last night.
Miss Netta Well of Rodney is
home for the summer. Miss Ida
Well also returner from her
MI. Peter Lamont put a cement
floor into his stables on the Ilse
farm and is otherwise doing some
Our July Sale in Linens, White -goods,
Muslins, Towels Lawns etc,
:i01'" --/S IMMENSE
Sort our Stock and make up your List
`white %hitt Waists 150, 1,65 and 2.00
tabic ILinens Whceanaat 30, 35, 40 and 00c a yd
table iIlaphiits Large sizes 15c, 1.65 Doz.
it 44
10c9 or 1.10 a Doz.
U 1. Red with satin stripe, regular 25,
Natal the usual "goose -egg. nen-
buys ; et,retl one, Rio:tl. Mr.. Christian Hey of the Baby.. Denis 1)a'r.ttisn and laugh- .I'm but'. w:�lao 1t.' 1)cen ill with exon- Ixp`a)t llty> talilf.11
ter of Fehetvajug. Mich., are stnatptit,n for milt zttonat}ts passeci
spending :t few Clays with Mrs. H.
aasvay tan Sattnrtlaty at]tel watw lxnric'ei ;
'. Itoatn, lana other friends. on \it)ndny nt'ternuon in they ',nth. P
ttie are 1,ltst.t't to; state tt, t}ie►se, crater voilaet ? . the Rev. \1r.Iiarold'
thaat t10 not luny that the •'1t'ixi :°" , t►f };outgun 1,t�rforataine; the burial
I Q+1 n.]ttt►]ty, nu thtt ui► aenty of that
patrttoluta!� on our streets this week 1 atla4te,r. lye\°. H. Selme}Ize. Mi•s
is not a rt siilent of this town. girt' leave-. as husband and as faanai}y;:
The reirelstor Orchestra eonduet- ttf rttaat}} "hill"
tt► ]atr11➢rt1 }aPr P
e a by lir. I� . .Resae•nberrt is open , 1o.t.a ti a t It ntl sympathy "' to "
for t l,1r.i4 or eatp,�fi;rtna+]rt'+. inshatia1 and motttarios children I
Write to llr.li+t4�e]nlie'n'ly rot to S E ,
+tinsel in their altii+'t➢ktn
Mr. Charles }rats. the Znrielr Th fttrDadn ho won't" mew(tea`tn Kinin. baa"+ Nltall'N i►f "ill an attoteb;' ]nr r la'baw't° at true I; ntyt':le'il°rze
}aa 4!,:aa'tie,"" t'et`t T1 int In }!)n+t. If,, or thea'11r`r'e°eat in al'1it'!t: wane, tai' t}aa
;atadt�1k nal . llMfr, rap13r•sge':.t,}et 1olaa pr'<►Eita.ts un, Ott, laas'ftat'rat, Tl➢t°re° is
nu*,apt➢re ria* raarti report. ]ale t“/ t",t't tlriw 2]ift)r!riltta
sell' e`e'ls °w" brit; ht as 1
hoe., i.4:7: to our ottit°tt. that wetglas ��r'Y!a3ii�4' °�(30U The Farmer's sun
l*t+.>•, Da]i'ai atauDat'+Qr&a'� t'i ,r d►t *+?� itt= ;;pus IA '>t UUttaa''1il't ret#I„1't:3
E•nte . :1t rntrvt lot+ar twC]41 tpb the @9=1t' taw is "t, r' tar 't"a4]D.a lta. 'We w➢1}
rt tx t� tt'a1 '!
nom tiauttWettli r•esniJ tidier, m.n.l C ntta �i°1 , 1��°t'4'iily Su and 'Furl
tr.A91 now to the lvt of
dent' 1:t',tw'b' ht o,t Weal1re';liaa?w" a�63idCaar3' . u �"yl. ft",r .� 4'(' ft ''- '±�1
t9rraBDt wail have to ;Ieto1=t*s5uttc; t'ifeet this a eerari''ila ati•dt obi pill Will 1St"'i
Qrl''+➢D 41a9' t'ollitdf"r"v int this st °taipnl➢. tle'1 .thtt':i.
as lett"Dels.ar'' blit' %%'lawn last° newt eta 4 tt> aD;&8Q a?ir9 ri"yu'rs.
ndyed e• 1u 6 !1ILI.* lh1,r'11ir'trltla. aorta"+ ..Ht, CS•1t@N 111;i1!•` 1Cbt 414111 flr!a�' 11D�t., to '
11 t•Xeltall'-.{a.' i . u• '(;A:0 nls.
tIt*110 tiara to„t'"D1 tth' t`l9dt➢➢arrrs of
@ tw , ...iaiin tdtnal aril e� r1,a6, eitl• Dt.inllw Di1r. ci' Cw'lrvb is t.� 1Dd"ll., Sfax ry, a
Gbt<'d"��,'l in 1nl'1l<+t.w to➢unit e,�nIll rietal!;e'
an is 4t-. 4uflr' ,Je.•ry V1til Ut IlIll4.
luDt➢"q • 1i;ltrlt 1u"Y1,J• tea s at 'tike'
d114,0 :da it cif i.iduru y @lr�r yrs°° 9.`Dt1i
L'De' 4 t1 Ce r' Gln t.aat u e uE"Gyignfla $ 1ll1 tl i' T�tl'LI1hll 1 l arra ' liaiNtn da =bAaia- ; J .' .
lunrtElIPLI Y!1}n Hite y61:1V. 1' Jfr1- u1t -'1 ttl' t�2 u' T1t ri "°A 1N'�tud1l
I LIau't5 1;LJ:tt''IIU t1LJDU-r1 l§IID •ft QDIl , w'w iCJtlivt)4. tate" 1SS911- t4""1101,]"_+. `.lama Hee
n" 01 tf f 4I ED::4., 11 d itut 't111'1':'ryflilS:ItiA1..a ply@ +1 t1r CGCDtt''14 ttbi ta'-flD I' ,rut@ $au
o:,r U utE:ut'Ilriatus att� 11Do)rnue adfliit!i ot9r"er.ira
tt utn- 1'19 t➢bay an�IlDD�EnDut, '.tr>St° r?Oe� ori'
G'uu �Il t,..I ;.2.,41t•uL,attr° '1tn' 99ilive r .S1;femat ptp Dili,' t nizse'. t4tigl•n''• 11.tvet 1"uLi;V
rU QIISb° o ns .".",i',st 'I Wilt lig c6'iuffie°1D It LU;n;i)'-' .• t''''"•tUtUtlltttn i' e1ti1I $D6r1tlt. 41 E.,
hi. luV . Dssulit rivavhl,,,r;: unreal u -it:174 a9�!!l D 1!Il :�R° °'J C•,rigid:.
116,;;rotri!iuD "`h tl°Pu 911'). .l'n- cte�-n"-1 EXCURSIONISTS S 1t1va1TtD PROM-
r't rir 4l',.flUJ t7 atr.,:c•nutg thha9 L+ta.D-Din aYiD
A ; TEUti,'i` !WILE 'WITH 1t'S IS 41 Ai,W.`'�Y:i "LES:lit
OUT �a1[.1. 191113 , . NIO !IND It1I19a RIOT. $ nF tie/ST
trlt a�� LZT, olt`N e N7;4\4 oV ALM hitt4 INI4 * ti111t
LINES AT 1tAnti��t Titre a U.L .;t 1yl'➢tkk1 Yttt".
R T, Z
:ps@'di!D'a4.i1aiY t•wrDUa'D'''r. uvaat t1h ' tianra- Srlav r`tt 'Lotterrt.'db:+DD 19h . -.1. iiellik ..
an_e was siii i�t. �'➢'l t> Ile ;lit➢anflag; DeD:hka ''111 Tit) tun the' WcNt.
r.rlp@rvvca>l a
private te'Ieatfl,tt�m.@° tine? ---
cenn r t t-tDir 11r. iii t.P:ti°D s house with 1 llit!rv;r ]( E O.:3Llo ;
stove. s 8°C't D'aDll 19icttares ww-et't' gt r9tiadV 1;'E' nutere tiva;; to i inu*i @bf
F naelelkod alt"a tial° "t:"at1d :at Ilrts store. Your szehs' :la'4i' Fiis tt'i 17a7t' E°S a:@°n`nE?D➢Et :
D E e sh Irt broke on v1.:' jotyrarit°y by cal a Netti'wiebin
over the city tvf ILlIka'o)D aar9,)cnt :y-:1`ai Ps l p.4an itr at Ilea will E..P14 11111
u''.;-ta SG tb'•t',!pd,t 1Ii7e1 Y']ti:tlar�.". .11,0 ijonolon. }}annntlt@YDi. Tti'ennte, kis 1 _1
tlaua:DEe@ D
Cd 'l@F{tnaCiDr.!ea'°1litn rL➢°wva9evr ELi; ee
Nyo t1r tiFtEita•tttvaa a+el tj, •tq°'t•)a.`` Eia;;
no\i.theb First
Jaetlirlditsualenle• fonder w"iee'Cvsstrut-It. aimd at tyreeIiand.
`1tD9V)a•1D"Da`"IIei4 t.:�-r
Anold time itDDE ]aywas lelat ' S;nag
terribly vivid. ant UDil: t'il30itt,lox idi
111zrigpfl'f'w. ;one knew or it the time. halt
Mr .@•nrFoster's. g ab.ylora tine. on.Iiko rs
L.xlidextiwc .. I"l i� tenant' ww'aaa
We h '-..it r . The ay vw is sloe. t p1 s ; ,
aYD1t DUD; n; .t pleasantly nen snrDdln,
Va Baal 5rro•:, "+':1�. F9thrl gUISUIQ-. Aril 51b1r'14. (.Davt.use.s. ➢i1@- yrid �TnTJtD3�'
:aDD50,n Cu: tem v.;.as made inn the
sEi`nl`•'atreSUas for w.cIlltn@•9n we all bud
ev rQa.ar •ro,"' P4!.° tCD tike° y DI1.'1120- tame nt e;nfl baard. When
+'.�: ,uu u +-. d'd1'va..tn ctt thr'�. (-7' 1--"ne,r- y 't ^r 4 :
pull out x bridge jnasL ,a6Deeatd� @t aDs
rind 1h;n11 w ,tic i'. @1 arstttug tvoa in- ^ waas D'c'p;aYrtett;< on tire ,,Annti is ad�lIl
alal.;u •t ha for '..@'rev' 11611i1i All burnt :` b that we must t wwaxdk across
rt'y5.br-t h.,aving do nt as it'E:.28€:xtf
and fret another train. How dean`,
time. this delay., we do not know now.
.1. lieliernnahn.
Strong Nerves
When the land gets thin ad watery,
as it usually does at this time of year, the
nerves are first to suffer ; they are starved
and exhausted Ilea:ache, dizzy spells,
indigestion, 'weak action of the heart,
Isar -mid, depressing feelings, ueairnes
a+.Ed ff. nfdio;:ai 4eranoements of the icot;lfly
organs are the result.
Yes earl feel Dr. Chase's Nerve Food
dein you goa:1 day by day, as it strikes at
the root of trouble and creates new, ricin
blood. Yon can prove that it it:tids up
new tissues and adds flesh if you weigi
yourself each week while nsingit.
Mr. J. McFaul, carpenter, 335 Manning
Avenue, Toronto, states •-" I have used
Dr. Chase's Nerve Food for acuteindiges-
tion, nervousness and inability to. sleep,
and now, after a thorough test, I am
pleased to say that my nervous system
has been built up, and I rest and steep
well. I can speak very highly of this
preparation, knowing it to possess curative
havefailed find
other rcree4ie§." 5.5 Beats a box, at all
dealers, or Eiimansou, Pato aa+' �9•.
rE Chase's
Nerve Foot'
The regular meeting of the W. C.
P. 1'. was held Monday,evening ant
the borne of Mrs. P. Bender.
The devotmnad exercises were
IP91i by :tits. t` Frit-. After the.
reading of the lesson, several of
• the 'members leaf in prayer. The
Akins~ was taken up by the Vice
President. It was deeided to holed
the next regin;,aa: meeting at glue'
1t,rinze of Mrs. E. Zeller. Aug. ig. 4th.
Til" etdurartioraal half hour was eon-
: /haled by Mrs. Mesmer. Miss
Lydia Rahnnie read a very touching
incident. The Two Victims. The
life of Mr. Hadiys. Superintendent
of the Water Sreet Mission. New
York, was read by Ethel Williams,
We were then favored with a duett
'by Miss Beatrice Steiniraeh and p
Miss Lythe Raannie. For the
itl of the members that wereabsent
at the Iaast meeting, Mrs. White -
side's letter was again read.
. 'fixe meeting was then' dismissedj
with the singing of Temperance ;
Ethel Williams,
Press Supt.' ,. .S� .tet„
B utter
and Eggs 'take
1,N TAR/0
in exchange.
OF musuNS
UFE ._.
Awa �g y ILL CL �,aaAl OUT �(TtI
Bi � 9U Price
ul0 Price
,and all kinds of " °°oduce
Taken in Exchaff
Greb Block
Zurich Oat
Light and Heavy Harness; Trunks,
Bags and Purses, for ladies and gents
Parlor Suites, Fahey Dining 'Cha rs,S E, e -Boards
Fancy Rattan Rockers, Baby Carriages, Ex-
pressWagons and Sewing Machines.
High Grade Organs and Pianos.